SUMMER - Pacific Science Center

Page created by Ronnie Stanley
SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
S U M M E R 2023
SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
    Summers are the perfect time to enjoy the
    sunshine, play with friends, and most importantly,
    explore! From cooking up fried eggs, engineering
    duct tape boats, or creating yummy candy
    concoctions, there’s plenty to discover at Camps
    for Curious Minds.

    Our summer camp offerings have expanded to
    continue developing every child’s passion for
    exploration and curiosity, including a new location
    at Salish Sea Elementary and added scholarships.
    We’re ready to reach more campers and leave
    everyone with a memorable summer.

    So take a look at what we have in store and get
    ready to explore more!

    Camps for Curious Minds is presented by

SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
CAMP LOCATIONS                                                                    CONTENTS
                                                          PACIFIC SCIENCE         GRADES Pre-K–K
                                                          CENTER                  4
                                                          200 2nd Ave N
                                                          Seattle, WA 98109       GRADES K–1
                                                          MERCER SLOUGH
                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL           GRADES 2–3
          99             522                              EDUCATION               7–8
                                                    405   1625 118th Ave SE       GRADES 4–5
                                                          Bellevue, WA 98005      9–10

                                                          ST. THOMAS              GRADES 6–8
                                                          SCHOOL                  11
                                                          8300 NE 12th St
                                                          Medina, WA 98039        CALENDAR

                                          C               KIRKLAND
      A                                                   SEVENTH-DAY             REGISTRATION INFO
                                                  405     ADVENTIST               16-17
                                                          SCHOOL                  MOBILITY GUIDE
                                              B           5320 108th Ave NE
                                         90                                       18
                                                          Kirkland, WA 98033

                                                          EXPLORER WEST           ACTIVITY PAGE
                               F                          School 10015 28th
                                                          Ave SW Seattle, WA
  E            509

                                                          SALISH SEA
                                                          3900 Holly Park Dr S,
                                                          Seattle, WA 98118
SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
    ANIMAL DISCOVERIES                FANTASTIC FORESTS                MUD, MUCK, & GOO                 TO THE MOON
    Why do coyotes have wet           Leaves, tree trunks, and         What makes the ground so         Become an astronomer
    noses? How do deer hear so        berries, oh my! Learn about      squishy and slugs so slimy?      and blast off into a week of
    well? Uncover the amazing         the many plants of Mercer        Make your own slippery           space-themed crafts and
    ways animals use their            Slough and the animals that      slime, investigate mysterious    stories. Make and take home
    senses to explore their world     live with them. Use nature to    animal tracks, meet crawly       your own moon sand, model
    through reading stories,          make art, find hidden forest     creatures, and stomp
                                                                                                        planet, and constellation
    playing games, and creating       friends, and learn about the     through mud puddles in the
    colorful art.                     habitats different creatures     wetland!                         art while learning about the
                                      call home.                                                        universe.
    Mercer Slough AM: Weeks 1, 5, 9                                    Mercer Slough AM: Weeks 2,
                                      Mercer Slough AM: Weeks 3,7      6, 10                            PacSci AM: Weeks 4, 10
    Mercer Slough PM: Weeks 3, 7
                                      Mercer Slough PM: Weeks 1,5, 9   Mercer Slough PM: Weeks 4, 8     PacSci PM: Week 8
                                                                                                        Salish AM: Week 2
    Everyone perceives our            HYDRO HEROES                     READY, SEED, GROW!
    colorful world differently;       Take a dip into the wet          Grow your knowledge about        WILD EXPLORERS
    how do you see the colors         world of water! Explore the      the wonderful world of           Discover and map new
    around you? Experiment with       water cycle, aquatic life,       plants! Play games, listen to    territory at Mercer Slough.
    the entire spectrum of visible    hydropower, and more with        stories, and make your own       Investigate underwater
    light, learn how others see       us. Your camper will play        plant-themed art to take         insects, unearth soil
    the world, and use surprising     games, make art, and do          home.                            invertebrates, and search for
    items to create colorful art.     some exciting experiments
                                                                       PacSci PM: Week 10               wild animal tracks!
                                      as they become Hydro
    PacSci AM: Week 8                 Heroes.                          PacSci PM: Week 4                Mercer Slough AM: Weeks 4, 8
    PacSci PM: Week 2
                                      PacSci AM: Week 6                Salish PM: Week 2                Mercer Slough PM: Weeks 2,
    Salish PM: Week 4                                                                                   6, 10
                                      PacSci PM: Weeks 3, 9

                                                                       SNACK SCIENCE
                                      LITTLE LAB                       Is the perfect snack crunchy,    WORLD OF WONDER
    CURIOUS CREATURES                                                  salty, gooey, or colorful? Use   Explore our amazing planet
                                      Put on your lab coat, grab
    Discover what animals need                                         your senses to explore the       with this introduction
                                      your magnifying glass,
    to live in the wild and how                                        colors, smells, and tastes       to Earth science! Build
                                      and get ready to explore.
    they have adapted to survive                                       of food. Experiment with         a volcano, create a tiny
                                      Discover simple chemical
    in different environments.                                         kitchen chemistry and make       river, and make a globe to
                                      reactions, construct a
    Learn about butterflies,                                           your own tasty treat!            decorate and take home at
                                      towering skyscraper, and
    snakes, and crabs to inspire                                                                        the end of the week.
                                      investigate what makes a         PacSci AM: Week 5
    your own art piece!
                                      bubble pop. Join us for an                                        PacSci AM: Week 2
    PacSci AM: Weeks 3, 9             introduction to chemistry,       PacSci PM: Week 1
                                      engineering, and physics in                                       PacSci PM: Week 7
    PacSci PM: Week 6                                                  Salish PM: Week 3
                                      Pacific Science Center’s own                                      Salish AM: Week 4
                                      little science lab.
                                      PacSci AM: Week 1
                                      PacSci PM: Week 5
                                      Salish AM: Week 3

SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
3-2-1 BLAST OFF!                    BIOME BONANZA                    COOKIE CAPER                       LITTLE OLYMPICS
Galaxies, black holes, and          Discover the many                PacSci’s top secret cookie         Join our Olympic games as
shooting stars await a junior       ecosystems in our state and      recipe has been stolen and         we get active and jump into
astronomer just like you!           learn how creatures like birds   we need your help! Build           the science behind sports
Get hands-on astronautical          and bugs have adapted to         your investigative skills as       and how our bodies move.
experience by mapping out           them. Become an expert as        you take a closer look into        Use teamwork to create an
the solar system, launching         we dissect owl pellets, build    the chemical reactions             obstacle course, complete
rockets, and making your            take-home terrariums, and        behind cookie ingredients          a relay race, and play a new
own model planet to take            design our own animals!          and make your own perfect          sport every day!
home.                                                                chocolate chip cookie to
                                    PacSci: Week 2                   solve the mystery.                 PacSci: Week 7
PacSci: Weeks 3, 9
                                    St. Thomas: Week 8                                                  St. Thomas: Week 5
                                                                     PacSci: Weeks 5, 6, 8, 10
St. Thomas: Week 5
                                    Explorer West: Week 6                                               Explorer West: Week 9
                                                                     St. Thomas: Weeks 4
Explorer West: Week 7
                                    Salish: Week 4                                                      Kirkland: Week 3
                                                                     Explorer West: Week 7
                                                                     Kirkland: Week 1
                                    BIRDS, BUGS, & BUNNIES                                              MAKE SENSE OF IT
Discover the beauty of
                                    Birds, bugs, and bunnies, oh                                        How does your sense of
biology from the smallest                                            HEATING UP
                                    my! Become science besties                                          smell help you taste food?
cells all the way to the
                                    with our feathery, fuzzy, and    Fire, friction, and food are       Can your sense of touch
biggest ecosystems.
                                    furry friends!                   just some of the ways heat         protect you from danger?
Explore the parts of a plant,
                                                                     can affect us. Investigate the     Find out all the ways we
adaptations of animals,             Mercer Slough: Weeks 2, 5, 8     chemistry behind all things        use our senses! Put your
mystery of microbes, and
                                                                     hot by playing games, making       eyes, ears, and nose to
more in this lively week of
                                                                     art, and learning how to           the test through science
camp. Your camper will be
                                    BUILDING BLOCKS                  experiment with fire safely.       experiments, games, and
introduced to a range of
                                    Build your engineering and                                          sense-ational art.
biology through art projects,                                        PacSci: Week 9
games, and experiments like         art skills to design new
                                                                                                        PacSci: Weeks 6, 10
dissecting a plant.                 structures using paints,         St. Thomas: Week 7
                                    textures, and unique building                                       St. Thomas: Weeks 4, 8
                                                                     Explorer West: Week 5
PacSci: Weeks 4,6                   models. Join us as we
                                                                                                        Kirkland: Week 2
                                    explore the greatest wonders
St. Thomas: Week 3
                                    of the world while we learn
                                    the basics of architecture       LEGENDS OF POLLIWOG
                                    and experiment building with     POND                               NATURAL CREATIONS
                                    blocks, bricks, and K’Nex.       The Pirate of Polliwog Pond        Take your artistic flair
                                                                     left behind a map and we           outside! Extract colorful
                                    PacSci: Weeks 3, 5               need your help deciphering         dyes, make your own paper,
                                    St. Thomas: Week 7               it! Work with a team to solve      delve into detailed drawings,
                                                                     puzzles and riddles that will      and craft cool creations
                                                                     guide you to the treasures of      using trees, flowers, and
                                                                     the wetlands.                      recycled materials.
                                                                     Mercer Slough: Weeks 1, 4, 7, 10   Mercer Slough: Weeks 3, 6, 9

  Flip to page 17 for the answer!
SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
    SMARTEST ARTIST                   SUPERHEROES                     WILD OCEAN
    Discover the science behind       Use your super science skills   ADVENTURES
    the art in nature, in the         to design a super vehicle,      Discover the wonders of
    city, and pictures on your        test your super senses, and     marine biology and learn
    fridge. Create unique pieces      mix up super solutions in the   all about the ocean and
    of art to take home by            lab. Combine your favorite      the animals that live there.
    experimenting with paints,        powers to create your           Create ocean art with shells
    dyes, and textures.               superhero identity, complete    and shark teeth, then build
                                      with a costume and gadgets.     your own submarine to take
    PacSci: Weeks 1, 7                                                home.
                                      PacSci: Week 8
    Explorer West: Week 9
                                                                      PacSci: Week 4
                                      St. Thomas: Week 4
    Kirkland: Week 3
                                                                      St. Thomas: Week 6
                                      Explorer West: Week 6
    St. Thomas: Week 5
                                                                      Explorer West: Week 8
                                      Salish: Week 2

    Buckle your seatbelt, adjust      TEDDY’S GRAND
    your mirrors, and roar into       ADVENTURE
    motion! Experiment with           Take your new teddy bear
    alternative energy sources        on an adventure to explore                                     MY SON REALLY
    like rubber bands, balloons,      science careers! Create a
    and electricity. Design, build,   journal for you and Teddy as                                   ENJOYED THE
    and test your own car, boat,      you explore medicine, flight,
    and rocket!                       engineering, and more.                                         CAMP. HE WAS
    PacSci: Weeks 2, 8                PacSci: Weeks 4, 5, 7, 9
                                                                                                     VERY ENGAGED.
    St. Thomas: Week 6                St. Thomas: Week 6
                                      Explorer West: Week 8
                                                                                                     I CAN’T WAIT
    STORY EXPLORERS                   Kirkland: Week 2                                               UNTIL OUR
    Become a literary
    explorer and venture
                                      Salish: Week 3
    into tales of science and
    discovery! Experiment with                                                                       CHILDREN GET
    concoctions, journey with
    animals in a forest, and
    create weather phenomena
                                                                                                     OLD ENOUGH
    with your own hands as you
    write your own story.
                                                                                                     TO DO THESE
    PacSci: Weeks 3, 10                                                                              CAMPS.
    St. Thomas: Week 7                                                                               – 1st Grade
    Explorer West: Week 5
    Kirkland: Week 1

SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
ARTSY FORESTRY                    CANDYOLOGY                       EVERGREEN EXPLORERS             GROSSOLOGY
Channel your inner artist         This is a camp you can really    The beauty of nature is all     Investigate the slimy,
as you hike trails with your      sink your teeth into! Come       around us! Harvest new          squishy, icky, and sticky
journal in hand. Sketch and       discover the sugary science      knowledge as we explore the     side of science with us!
describe the plants and           behind some amazing sweet        ecosystems of Washington        Your camper will explore
animals you find and fill your    treats. Each day, you will       State and those who call        the stinky science behind
notebook with observations        learn a recipe for a new type    them home. Become one           digestion, dirt, and decay
of the natural world. Get         of candy! This exploration of    with the earth as we plant      during this extra gross week
inspired by textures, colors,     engineering and chemistry        a mini garden, make useful      of camp.
and shapes of Mercer Slough       will convince you that candy     creations out of recycled
to express the artistic side of   is more than just a tasty        materials, and filter water     PacSci: Weeks 3, 7
the nature around you.            treat.                           with the power of nature!       Explorer West: Week 9
                                                                   Just like an evergreen tree,
Mercer Slough: Weeks 2, 5, 8      PacSci: Weeks 2, 8               the memories made here are      Kirkland: Week 1
                                  St. Thomas: Week 4               sure to last a lifetime!

BEAKER BUDDIES                    Explorer West: Week 6            PacSci: Weeks 3
                                                                                                   ITSY BITSY CODERS
Grab your beakers and your                                         St. Thomas: Week 7              Do you ever wonder what
buddies as we practice                                                                             adventures a bat mixed
                                  CLEVER CONTRAPTIONS              Explorer West: Week 5
teamwork to discover the                                                                           with a llama would get into?
science behind curious            If you can make something                                        Combine your creativity with
concoctions! Let’s react          from nothing, and everything                                     basic programming to bring
together in this chemically       from anything, then come         GET SET TO BE A VET             your own animal creation to
fun week as you choose real-      test your skills. Put on your    From your favorite pet to       life using Bitsy programming
world scenarios to solve with     thinking cap to engineer         local wildlife and all the      language.
our science knowledge.            solutions to amazing             animals in between, come
                                  challenges! Learn the            learn a little about what it    PacSci: Weeks 4, 8
PacSci: Weeks 10                  engineering process as you       takes for veterinarians to      St. Thomas: Week 6
St. Thomas: Week 6                build looming spaghetti          care for all these amazing
                                  towers, craft stick catapults,   animals! Unleash your inner
Explorer West: Week 8             and even a Rube Goldberg         veterinarian and discover
                                  machine.                         the features of your favorite
                                                                   animals as you examine
                                  PacSci: Weeks 3, 5, 9            X-rays, study skeletons,
                                  St. Thomas: Week 7               explore digestive tracts,
                                                                   and investigate the inner
                                  Kirkland: Week 1                 workings of an eye.
                                                                   PacSci: Weeks 1, 7, 9
                                                                   St. Thomas: Week 5

                                                                                                        Flip to page 17 for the answer!

SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
                                                                      ROCKASAURUS                        UNDER THE SEA
                                                                      From Apatosaurus to                Wade into marine biology
                                                                      Zephyrosaurus, learn               as we explore marine
                                                                      fascinating facts about your       ecosystems, animal
                                                                      favorite dinos. Uncover            adaptations, and reflect
                                                                      fossils in our classroom dig       on how these habitats are
                                                                      site, discover why the Earth       changing. Create ocean
                                                                      shakes, rattles and rolls, then    art, play watery games, and
                                                                      build your own volcano and         perform aquatic experiments
                                                                      watch it blow! Investigate         during this fun-soaked week.
                                                                      rocks that melt, rocks that
                                                                      burn, rocks that glow and          PacSci: Week 6
                                                                      rocks that grow – then grow        St. Thomas: Week 8
    LAB WIZARDS                       OUT OF THIS WORLD               your own glittering crystals.
                                                                      Dinos, dirt and digging –          Kirkland: Week 2
    Unlock the secrets of             What does it take to become     every day’s an adventure!
    the wizarding world and           an astronaut and venture                                           Salish: Week 4
    discover the science behind       into space? Learn about         PacSci: Weeks 2, 7
    real-life magic. Conjure up       what lies beyond the Earth as
    potions, create a chocolate       you make moon sand, learn       Explorer West: Week 5
    creatures, and ready your         about deep space travel, and                                       WETLAND WONDERS
    magical science knowledge         launch rockets!                                                    Seek out the hidden
    for this curious week of                                          SLOUGH SLEUTHS                     creatures and marshy
    camp.                             PacSci: Weeks 6, 10
                                                                      Grab your detective cap            mysteries of Mercer Slough.
                                      St. Thomas: Week 4              and magnifying glass as            Find out why Earth is the
    PacSci: Weeks 4, 10
                                                                      we explore who lives in the        water planet as you journey
                                      Explorer West: Week 8           wetland, unearth crawly
    St. Thomas: Week 8                                                                                   through wetlands, streams,
                                      Kirkland: Week 2                critters from underground,         and ponds. Observe
    Explorer West: Week 6                                             and discover how animals           transforming invertebrates
    Salish: Week 2                                                    adapt in their habitats.           and sink your hands into clay
                                      PLAYGROUND PHYSICS                                                 soil.
                                                                      Mercer Slough: Weeks 1, 4, 7, 10
                                      Test the mechanisms that                                           Mercer Slough: Weeks 3, 6, 9
    METEOROLOGISTS IN                 power your body to play
    TRAINING                          kickball or frisbee while we    SPY SCIENCE
    Calling all future weather        examine the simple machines
                                                                      Join us for a week of              WHAT’S UP, DOC?
    forecasters! Come explore         that make swings, slides, and
    the science behind the            seesaws so much fun. Work       espionage in our Spy               The hip bone’s connected
    weather and learn how             as a team to get active for     Academy to find the double         to the... what bone? Learn
    to predict if you will            a week of fun, games, and       agent in our ranks. Create         all about the human body as
    need sunscreen or snow                                            a secret alias, build spy          you make your own life-sized
    boots tomorrow. Design                                            gadgets, and decipher top          anatomy chart, practice
    meteorological instruments,       St. Thomas: Week 5              secret codes as you solve          a dissection, and create a
    create mini weather                                               the mystery of the double          model of a cell.
                                      Explorer West: Week 7           agent amongst you.
    phenomenons, and practice
                                                                                                         PacSci: Weeks 5, 9
    giving a newsworthy weather       Kirkland: Week 3
                                                                      PacSci: Week 5
    forecast in this weather-filled                                                                      Salish: Week 3
    camp.                                                             Explorer West: Week 9
                                                                                                         Explorer West: Week 7
    PacSci: Week 4, 6, 8                                              Kirkland: Week 3

SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
CHEMLAB, INC.                      ECO-EXPLORATION                   MESSY SCIENCE
Become a researcher in             Calling all junior ecologists!    Prepare yourself for the
a world-class chemistry            Get ready to become one           messiest, stickiest, and
laboratory, ChemLab                with nature during this camp      slimiest science that you have
Inc.! Join your new team           without a roof. Explore           ever seen! Create fake body
to conduct experiments             the diverse ecosystems of         fluids, paint with bubbles,
to analyze reaction rates,         Puget Sound through plant         and test how far you can toss
concoct your own creations,        identification, water quality     water balloons without them
and experiment to solve            testing, animal tracking, and     breaking. If it’s wet, sticky, or
chemical design questions.         what it’s like to work with the   slimy, we’ll find an experiment
                                   elements!                         to get you elbow deep in the
PacSci: Weeks 6, 9                                                   science of mess.
                                   Mercer Slough: Weeks 2, 4, 6,
St. Thomas: Week 4
                                   8, 10                             PacSci: Weeks 4, 8
                                                                     St. Thomas: Week 6
COOKING UP SCIENCE                                                   Kirkland: Week 2
                                   GAME ZONE
Let’s get cooking! We’ll serve
                                   Calling all Pokémon,
up the science on where
                                   Magic: The Gathering, and
food comes from, which                                               MISSION TO MARS
                                   board game fans! Put your
options are healthier, and
                                   imagination to the test as you    Do you have what it
what makes things taste
                                   create your own game from         takes to survive the cold
good. Use the skills you learn
                                   scratch! Gather ideas from        and unforgiving martian
over the week to plan and
                                   your favorite games, create       environment? Discover what it
make a masterpiece meal.
                                   your own game pieces, and         takes to travel to and colonize
PacSci: Weeks 5, 9                 test your creations in this fun   the red planet by building a
                                   filled week!                      base, space survival gear, and
St. Thomas: Week 7                                                   mission plan for when disaster
                                   PacSci: Week 7                    strikes.
Salish: Week 2
                                   St. Thomas: Week 4
                                                                     PacSci: Week 2
                                   Explorer West: Week 9
DUCT TAPE CHALLENGE                                                  Salish: Week 4
                                   Salish: Week 2
Test the strength and                                                Explorer West: Week 7
durability of duct tape to see
if it really can fix everything.
Let your creativity guide          INVENTOR’S STUDIO                 OUTDOOR SURVIVAL
you as you construct your          Spend a week packed with          SCHOOL
own duct tape creations            brainstorming, experimentation
                                   and action. Study unique          Do you have what it takes
like boats, catapults, or                                            to survive in the wild? Find
messenger bags.                    products from past and present
                                   inventors, the science used       out in this all outdoor camp.
St. Thomas: Week 7                 in their work, and the process    Learn how to navigate with
                                   behind innovation. Design,        a compass, practice first
Explorer West: Week 5              build, and test parachutes,       aid, filter water, study the
Salish: Week 3                     marble runs, and more!            cosmos, and put your skills
                                                                     to the test for an end of the
                                   PacSci: Week 5                    week survival challenge.
                                   St. Thomas: Week 8                Mercer Slough: Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
                                   Kirkland: Week 3
SUMMER - Pacific Science Center
 You don’t need to sit under      Calling all future CEOs!
 an apple tree to get inspired    Create your very own startup
 by physics. Go beyond            product to compete against
 Newton and discover how          rival businesses. Form a
 fun science can be when          business plan on a budget
 we build bridges, drop eggs,     while balancing supply and
 make slime, and engineer         demand.
 unique designs limited only
 by your imagination.             PacSci: Weeks 4, 6
                                  St. Thomas: Week 8
 PacSci: Weeks 1, 10
                                  Kirkland: Week 1
 St. Thomas: Week 5
                                                                  Flip to page 17 for the answer!

 Dive into the wettest week of    Are you interested in
 the summer! Come explore         becoming a doctor? Get a
 the science of water as we       head start on a career in      THE
 launch water balloons, create    medicine as you make a cast,
 water-powered vehicles, and
 experiment with the water
                                  perform dissections, and
                                  learn the inner workings of
 around us. Your camper will
 use physics and chemistry
                                  your body’s systems.           WERE SOME
 to learn what makes water so
                                  PacSci: Weeks 2, 7
                                  St. Thomas: Week 5
                                                                 OF THE BEST
 PacSci: Weeks 3, 8, 10                                          THAT WE HAVE
 Explorer West: Week 6
                                                                 RUN ACROSS IN
                                                                 TERMS OF THEIR
 Bring your art to life! Learn
 how to animate your own
 original story using Scratch’s
 block-based coding. Create
 your own characters and
 illustrations to go along. At                                   FRIENDLINESS
 the end of the week, you’ll
 have a project that you                                         TOWARD THE
 can show off to family and
 friends!                                                        KIDS.
 PacSci: Week 3                                                  – 2nd Grade
 St. Thomas: Week 6
 Explorer West: Week 8

Discover the world of           Put on your hard hat and           What does it take to Go          Create your own fantastical
robotics! Explore with us       hiking shoes to explore            Green? Explore the science       board game! Play different
as we build robots that can     engineering in the natural         behind sustainability as we      kinds of board games to get
avoid obstacles, follow lines   world. Create designs              work together to identify        inspiration for your own.
and process remote control      to solve engineering               old, current, and new ways       Learn about the basics of
commands. Collaborate           challenges and identify            to design a green life.          board game design, impact
with peers while discovering    sustainable solutions to help      Experiment with nature,          of character creation, and
electrical engineering,         humans, animals, and the           waste, and more.                 the importance of the
coding, and 3D modeling         environment.                                                        perfect set of rules to create
through the creative lens of                                       Mercer Slough: Weeks 2, 5, 8     your own board game.
building robots.                Mercer Slough: Weeks 1, 4, 7, 10
                                                                                                    Kirkland: Week 3
PacSci: Weeks 3, 10                                                GREENER FUTURE                   St. Thomas: Week 8
St. Thomas: Week 7              EXHIBIT DESIGN                     Go green for the greater
                                                                                                    Explorer West: Week 5
                                It’s your chance to create         good! Explore the world
                                your very own exhibit! Learn       of sustainability and
DISSECTION LAB                  about the different types          environmental science with
                                of exhibits, universal design      us in this eco-citing week.      UNDERWATER MACHINES
Take a look inside the
                                principles, and how to put         Delve into actions you can       Build a submersible
science of anatomy and learn
                                exhibits together to create a      take to reduce environmental     machine that can perform
professional techniques to
                                cohesive experience. From          impacts, different types of      tasks underwater. Master
dissect something new every
                                concept to construction,           renewable energies, and even     the environment through
day. Work your way up from a
                                campers will bring their own       design your own sustainable      experiments in buoyancy,
simple owl pellet to complex
                                exhibit idea to life.              solutions to solve issues in     density, and pressure before
organs like eyes and brains.
                                                                   your community as we work        taking home your new
                                PacSci: Weeks 6, 9                 towards a Greener Future.        apparatus and fine motor
PacSci: Week 5
Explorer West: Week 7                                              PacSci: Week 7
                                FOOD LAB                                                            PacSci: Week 2
Kirkland: Week 2                                                   Kirkland: Week 1
                                Don an apron, roll up your                                          St. Thomas: Week 5
                                                                   Explorer West: Week 9
                                sleeves, and play with your
                                food—for science! Explore                                           Explorer West: Week 8
                                how biology, chemistry, and
Join us as we test the          physics are used to enhance        H-2-WHOA ADVENTURES
common question, can duct       the properties and flavors of      Explore the waterways of
tape really fix everything?     food.                              one of the largest wetlands in
Explore engineering concepts
                                                                   the Seattle area. Collect and
like bouyancy, tensile          PacSci: Weeks 4, 8                 study macro-invertebrates
strength, waterproofing, and
                                St. Thomas: Week 6                 and aquatic plants from
more through duct tape. Build
                                                                   Mercer Slough and learn
duct tape bridges, towers,
                                                                   how they can be used as
and even a boat that can
                                                                   indicators of water health.
hold a person as we explore
                                                                   Develop skills that scientists
how far we can stretch the
                                                                   use to monitor water quality
strength of duct tape!
                                                                   with field research tools like
PacSci: Weeks 1                                                    chemical tests, turbidity
                                                                   tubes, and pond dips.
St. Thomas: Weeks 4
                                                                   Mercer Slough: Weeks 3, 6, 9
Explorer West: Week 6
                                            Week 4 • July 10–14                             Week 7 • July 31–August 4
 Pacific Science
                                            Grades Camp Name                        Price   Grades Camp Name                      Price
 Center                                     PreK–K   To the Moon AM                 $260    PreK–K   Ready, Seed, Grow AM         $260
                                                     Ready, Seed, Grow! PM          $260             World of Wonder PM           $260

Week 1 • June 20–23 (Four-Day Week)          K–1     Teddy’s Grand Adventure        $514     K–1     Little Olympics              $514
                                                     Wild Ocean Adventures          $514             Teddy’s Grand Adventure      $514
Grades Camp Name                    Price
                                                     Beginner’s Biology             $514             Smartest Artist              $514
PreK–K     Little Lab AM            $228
                                             2–3     Lab Wizards                    $514     2–3     Get Set to be a Vet          $514
           Snack Science PM         $228
                                                     Meteorologist in Training      $514             Grossology GF                $514
     K–1   Smartest Artist SF       $431
                                                     Itsy Bitsy Coders              $589             Rockasaurus                  $514
     2–3   Get Set to be a Vet      $431
                                             4–5     Young Entrepreneurs SF         $514     4–5     Game Zone SF                 $514
     4–5   Ready, Set, Physics      $431
                                                     Messy Science                  $514             Young Physicians             $514
     6–8   Duct Tape Engineering    $491
                                             6–8     Food Lab                       $556     6–8     Greener Future               $514

Week 2 • June 26–30
                                            Week 5 • July 17–21                             Week 8 • August 7–11
Grades Camp Name                    Price
                                            Grades Camp Name                        Price   Grades Camp Name                      Price
PreK–K     World of Wonder AM       $260
                                            PreK–K   Snack Science AM               $260    PreK–K   Colorful Creations AM        $260
           Colorful Creations PM    $260
                                                     Little Lab PM                  $260             To the Moon PM               $260
     K–1   Biome Bonanza SF         $514
                                             K–1     Cookie Caper                   $514     K–1     Cookie Caper                 $514
           Start Your Engines       $514
                                                     Teddy’s Grand Adventure        $514             Start Your Engines           $514
     2–3   Candyology               $514
                                                     Building Blocks SF             $514             Superheroes                  $514
           Rockasaurus              $514
                                             2–3     Spy Science                    $514     2–3     Candyology                   $514
     4–5   Young Physicians         $514
                                                     What’s Up Doc?                 $514             Meteorologists in Training   $514
           Mission to Mars GF       $514
                                                     Clever Contraptions            $514             Itsy Bitsy Coders            $589
     6–8   Underwater Machines      $589
                                             4–5     Inventors Studio GF            $589     4–5     Splash Science               $514
                                                     Cooking Up Science             $556             Messy Science                $514
Week 3 • July 3,5–7 (Four-Day Week)          6–8     Dissection Lab                 $556     6–8     Food Lab                     $556
Grades Camp Name                    Price
PreK–K     Curious Creatures AM     $228
                                            Week 6 • July 24–28                             Week 9 • August 14–18
           Hydro Heroes PM          $228
                                            Grades Camp Name                        Price   Grades Camp Name                      Price
     K–1   3–2–1 Blast Off!         $431
                                            PreK–K   Hydro Heroes AM                $260    PreK–K   Curious Creatures AM         $260
           Story Explorers          $431
                                                     Curious Creatures PM           $260             Hydro Heroes PM NEW!         $260
           Building Blocks          $431
                                             K–1     Beginner’s Biology             $514     K–1     3-2-1 Blast Off              $514
     2–3   Clever Contraptions SF   $431
                                                     Cookie Caper                   $514             Teddy’s Grand Adventure      $514
           Grossology               $431
                                                     Make Sense of It               $514             Heating Up                   $514
           EverGREEN Explorers      $431
                                             2–3     Meteorologist in Training SF   $514     2–3     Clever Contraptions          $514
     4–5   Scratch That GF          $491
                                                     Out of this World              $514             Get Set to be a Vet          $514
           Splash Science           $431
                                                     Under the Sea                  $514             What’s Up, Doc?              $514
     6–8   Discovering Robotics     $491
                                             4–5     Young Entrepreneurs            $514     4–5     ChemLab SF                   $556
                                                     ChemLab Inc. GF                $514             Cooking Up Science           $556
                                             6–8     Exhibit Design                 $514     6–8     Exhibit Design SF            $514

Week 10 • August 21–25                      Week 3 • July 3,5–7 (Four-Day Week)               Week 7 • July 31–August 4
Grades Camp Name                    Price   Grades Camp Name                          Price   Grades Camp Name                      Price
PreK–K   To the Moon AM             $260    PreK–K   Fantastic Forests AM             $228    PreK–K   Fantastic Forests AM         $260
         Ready, Seed, Grow PM       $260             Animal Discoveries PM            $228             Animal Discoveries PM        $260
 K–1     Cookie Caper               $514     K–1     Natural Creations SF             $431     K–1     Legends of Polliwog Pond     $514
         Story Explorers SF         $514     2–3     Wetland Wonders                  $431     2–3     Slough Sleuths               $514
         Make Sense of It           $514     4–5     Outdoor Survival School          $431     4–5     Outdoor Survival School      $514
 2–3     Lab Wizards                $514     6–8     H-2-Whoa Adventures              $431     6–8     Enviro-Engineering           $514
         Out of this World          $514
         Beaker Buddies             $556
                                            Week 4 • July 10–14                               Week 8 • August 7–11
 4–5     Ready, Set, Physics        $514
                                            Grades Camp Name                          Price   Grades Camp Name                      Price
         Splash Science             $514
                                            PreK–K   Wild Explorers AM                $260    PreK–K   Wild Explorers AM            $260
 6–8     Discovering Robotics GF    $589
                                                     Mud, Muck, & Goo PM              $260             Mud, Muck, & Goo PM          $260
                                             K–1     Legends of Polliwog Pond         $514     K–1     Birds, Bugs, & Bunnies SF    $514
                                             2–3     Slough Sleuths                   $514     2–3     Artsy Forestry               $514
Mercer Slough                                4–5     Eco-Exploration                  $514     4–5     Eco-Exploration              $514
                                             6–8     Enviro-Engineering GF            $514     6–8     Green by Design              $514

Week 1 • June 20–23 (Four-Day Week)
Grades Camp Name                    Price   Week 5 • July 17–21                               Week 9 • August 14–18
PreK–K   Animal Discoveries AM      $228    Grades Camp Name                          Price   Grades Camp Name                      Price
         Fantastic Forests PM       $228    PreK–K   Animal Discoveries AM            $260    PreK–K   Animal Discoveries AM        $260
 K–1     Legends of Polliwog Pond   $431             Fantastic Forests PM             $260             Fantastic Forests PM         $260
 2–3     Slough Sleuths             $431     K–1     Birds, Bugs, & Bunnies           $514     K–1     Natural Creations            $514
 4–5     Outdoor Survival School    $431     2–3     Artsy Forestry                   $514     2–3     Wetland Wonders              $514
 6–8     Enviro-Engineering SF      $491     4–5     Outdoor Survival School          $514     4–5     Outdoor Survival School GF   $514
                                             6–8     Green by Design                  $514     6–8     H-2-Whoa Adventures          $514

Week 2 • June 26–30
Grades Camp Name                    Price   Week 6 • July 24–28                               Week 10 • August 21–25
PreK–K   Mud, Muck, & Goo AM        $260    Grades Camp Name                          Price   Grades Camp Name                      Price
         Wild Explorers PM          $260    PreK–K   Mud, Muck, & Goo AM              $260    PreK–K   Mud, Muck, & Goo AM          $260
 K–1     Birds, Bugs, & Bunnies     $514             Wild Explorers PM                $260             Wild Explorers PM            $260
 2–3     Artsy Forestry SF          $514     K–1     Natural Creations                $514     K–1     Legends of Polliwog Pond     $514
 4–5     Eco-Exploration            $556     2–3     Wetland Wonders GF               $514     2–3     Slough Sleuths SF            $514
 6–8     Green by Design            $514     4–5     Eco-Exploration                  $514     4–5     Eco-Exploration              $556
                                             6–8     H-2-Whoa Adventures              $514     6–8     Enviro-Engineering           $514

                                             AM Morning Camp (9 a.m.–12 p.m.)
                                             PM Afternoon Camp (1 p.m.–4.p.m.)
                                             All other camp sessions run from 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
                                             GF Girls Focused         SF Sensory Friendly

Week 7 • July 31–August 4               Week 6 • July 24–28
 St. Thomas School
                                              Grades Camp Name                Price   Grades Camp Name                  Price
                                               K–1   Story Explorers          $579     K–1   Superheroes                $514
Week 4 • July 10–14                                  Heating Up               $579           Biome Bonanza              $514
Grades Camp Name                      Price          Building Blocks          $579     2–3   Candyology                 $514
     K–1   Cookie Caper               $579     2–3   Clever Contraptions SF   $579           Lab Wizards                $514
           Make Sense of It           $579           EverGREEN Explorers      $579     4–5   Splash Science             $514
           Superheroes                $579     4–5   Duct Tape Challenge      $621     6–8   Duct Tape Engineering SF   $514
 2–3       Candyology                 $579           Cooking Up Science       $621
                                               6–8   Discovering Robotics     $654
           Out of this World GF       $579                                            Week 7 • July 31–August 4
 4–5       Game Zone                  $579
                                                                                      Grades Camp Name                  Price
           ChemLab Inc.               $579    Week 8 • August 7–11                     K–1   3-2-1 Blast Off            $514
 6–8       Duct Tape Engineering SF   $579
                                              Grades Camp Name                Price          Cookie Caper               $514
                                               K–1   Biome Bonanza            $579     2–3   What’s Up, Doc?            $514
Week 5 • July 17–21                                  Make Sense of It         $579           Playground Physics GF      $514
Grades Camp Name                      Price          Beginners Biology        $579     4–5   Mission to Mars SF         $514
     K–1   3-2-1 Blast Off            $579     2–3   Lab Wizards              $579     6–8   Dissection Lab             $556
           Little Olympics            $579           Under the Sea            $579
                                               4–5   Inventors Studio         $654
           Smartest Artist SF         $579                                            Week 8 • August 7–11
 2–3       Get Set to be a Vet        $579           Young Entrepreneurs SF   $579
                                                                                      Grades Camp Name                  Price
           Playground Physics         $579     6–8   Imagineopolis GF         $579
                                                                                       K–1   Teddy’s Grand Adventure    $514
 4–5       Young Physicians           $579
                                                                                             Wild Ocean Adventures      $514
           Ready, Set, Physics        $579
 6–8       Underwater Machines        $654    Explorer West Middle                     2–3   Out of this World          $514
                                                                                             Beaker Buddies             $556
                                              School                                   4–5   Scratch That               $589
Week 6 • July 24–28                                                                    6–8   Underwater Machines GF     $589
Grades Camp Name                      Price   Week 5 • July 17–21
     K–1   Start Your Engines         $579    Grades Camp Name                Price   Week 9 • August 14–18
           Teddy’s Grand Adventure    $579     K–1   Story Explorers SF       $514    Grades Camp Name                  Price
           Wild Ocean Adventures      $579           Heating Up               $514     K–1   Little Olympics            $514
 2–3       Itsy Bitsy Coders          $654     2–3   EverGREEN Explorers      $556           Smartest Artist            $514
           Beaker Buddies             $621           Rockasaurus              $514     2–3   Grossology                 $514
 4–5       Scratch That GF            $654     4–5   Duct Tape Challenge      $556           Spy Science SF             $514
           Messy Science              $579     6–8   Imagineopolis            $514     4–5   Game Zone                  $514
 6–8       Food Lab                   $621
                                                                                       6–8   Greener Future             $514

                                                          February 21–24 & April 10–14
                                                          For more info visit
                         ARE BACK!
Kirkland Seventh-                                 Salish Sea Elementary
Day Adventist School
                                                  Week 2 • June 26–30
Week 1 • June 20–23 (Four-Day Week)               Grades Camp Name                   Price

Grades Camp Name                         Price
                                                  PreK–K   To the Moon AM            $260
                                                           Ready, Seed, Grow! PM     $260
 K–1   Cookie Caper                      $431
                                                   K–1     Superheroes               $514
       Story Explorers                   $431
                                                   2–3     Lab Wizards               $514
 2–3   Clever Contraptions               $431
                                                   4–5     Cooking Up Science        $556
       Grossology GF                     $431
 4–5   Young Entrepreneurs SF            $431
 6–8   Greener Future                    $431     Week 3 • July 3,5–7 (Four-Day Week)
                                                  Grades Camp Name                   Price
Week 2 • June 26–30                               PreK–K   Little Lab AM             $228

Grades Camp Name                         Price             Snack Science PM          $228
                                                   K–1     Teddy’s Grand Adventure   $431
 K–1   Make Sense of It                  $514
                                                   2–3     What’s Up, Doc?           $431
       Teddy’s Grand Adventure           $514

                                                   4–5     Duct Tape Challenge       $465
 2–3   Out of this World                 $514
       Under the Sea SF                  $514
 4–5   Messy Science                     $514     Week 4 • July 10–14
 6–8   Dissection Lab GF                 $556     Grades Camp Name
                                                  PreK–K   World of Wonder AM
Week 3 • July 3,5–7 (Four-Day Week)
Grades Camp Name                         Price
                                                           Colorful Creations PM
                                                           Biome Bonanza SF
                                                           Under the Sea
 K–1   Little Olympics                   $431
                                                   4–5     Mission to Mars GF        $514
       Smartest Artist SF                $431                                                Pacific Science Center
 2–3   Spy Science                       $431
                                                                                             members receive early access
       Playground Physics                $431
 4–5   Inventor’s Studio                 $491                                                and savings on summer
 6–8   Imagineopolis                     $431                                                camps, but did you know they
                                                                                             also enjoy tons of other great

                                                                                                                               IMAX® is a registered trademark of the IMAX Corporation
                                                                                             benefits? Members receive
                                                                                             free admission to PacSci
                                                                                             for named members plus
                                                                                             discounts on IMAX® movies,
                                                                                             laser shows, guest tickets and
                                                                                             more. Join today!
 AM Morning Camp (9 a.m.–12 p.m.)
 PM Afternoon Camp (1 p.m.–4.p.m.)                                                           For more information on
 All other camp sessions run from 9 a.m.–4 p.m.                                              membership, visit our website
 GF Girls Focused        SF Sensory Friendly                                                 at

• Registration will be conducted       • Registration for each in-person      • Requests for withdrawal            • Daily lunches are included in
 directly through CampDoc.              camp session closes at 11:59           from camp must be made at            registration fees at St. Thomas
 A link to PacSci’s CampDoc             p.m. the Wednesday before the          least two weeks prior to the         and offered for purchase at all
 registration portal and more           session’s start date.                  camp start date to receive           other locations. All lunches will
 information on using the                                                      a full refund, minus the $50         be individually packaged and
                                       WAITLIST PROCESS
 platform will be provided at                                                  non-refundable deposit. Any          adhere to safety guidelines. If you do           • If a camp is full at the time of      registration canceled with less      Visit
 not have a CampDoc account             registration, you can add your         than two weeks notice will  for more
 for Pacific Science Center             camper to the waitlist. If an          forfeit the full cost of the camp    information and pricing.
 Camps, you will need to create         opening occurs, we will notify         session.
 a free profile for your camper                                                                                    SCHOLARSHIPS
                                        you by email. Openings only           • For cancellations, please email
 before registering for camp            occur if someone transfers
                                                                      with your          • PacSci offers full scholarships
                                        camps or cancels their                 name, camper name, and               for prospective campers who
• Member registration opens             registration.                          registration information.            qualify in any of the following
 on Feb. 6, 2023. Member               • Once notified via email, the                                               ways:
 registration links will be sent
                                                                              • PacSci and our partners will
                                        first person on the waitlist will      make every effort to run camp         • Camper qualified for free or
 via email and posted in online         have 24 hours to confirm their                                                   reduced lunch program for
                                                                               sessions as scheduled, but
 accounts at 10 a.m. (PST) on           registration acceptance for the                                                  the 2022-2023 school year.
                                                                               in the event of extenuating
 this day.                              camp before the next email is          circumstances requiring               • Camper is in the foster care
• General registration opens on         sent to the next person on the         cancellation—such as a                    system currently, or was
  Feb. 13, 2023. The CampDoc            waitlist.                              positive COVID-19 diagnosis or            during the 2022-2023 school
  link will be posted at 10 a.m.       • Due to the physical limitations       extreme weather conditions—               year.
  (PST) on this day at                  of our classroom spaces and            one or more days of camp may          • Parent/guardian enrolled in                     our required adult-to-camper           be canceled without refund.               the food assistance program
• When registering, choose the          ratios, we cannot add spaces                                                     (SNAP) or other public
                                                                              EXTENDED DAY CARE
 grade level your camper will be        to full camps.                                                                   assistance programs.
 entering in Fall 2023.
                                                                              • PacSci is offering PM Extended       •    Family Access or Youth
                                                                               Care with Camps 2023!                     Access Membership: A low-
• All camps require a $50 non-
                                       • To transfer your camper to            This add-on is an optional                income membership in the
 refundable deposit upon
                                        a new camp, first register for         purchase during registration              parent/guardian or camper’s
 registration. Full payment can
                                        the new camp online. Once              on CampDoc for $70 for each               name.
 be made when you register.
                                        registered, call (206) 443-2925        camp session. Extended Care
 The full balance is due by May
                                                                               promptly ends at 6 p.m. each
                                                                                                                   • Scholarships are distributed
 15, 2023. If it is not paid by this    or email to                                                using a lottery system.
                                        cancel your original camp. There       day. No one-day purchases
 date, the remaining balance will                                                                                   Completing an application
                                        will be no fee for transferring        are available. Any unplanned
 be automatically charged on                                                                                        does not guarantee that you
                                        camps and your original camp           extended care or late pick-up
 May 15, 2023.                                                                                                      will receive a scholarship.
                                        will be refunded in full (including    will result in a $10 late fee for
• Registrations made after May          the non-refundable deposit)            every 10 minutes.
 15 require full payment at the         after a new camp is booked.
 time of registration.
• You will be notified on March
 31, 2023 of one of three
                                      We are committed to safely
                                      delivering summer camp
                                                                          • Increasing opportunities for
                                                                           hand washing and increasing
 possible outcomes: scholarship
 recipient, waitlist, or not
                                      experiences for all campers          availability of hand sanitizer   PAGE 5
                                      and staff in compliance
 selected for a scholarship. If                                           • Increasing cleaning and         Mars has the largest
                                      with the Washington State
 you are waitlisted, you will be                                           disinfecting of materials and    volcano named,
                                      Department of Health guidance.
 contacted if a recipient does                                             the facility                     Olympus Mons. This
 not accept their scholarship,        We will continue to closely         • Eliminating the need for        volcano is three times
 or if additional scholarships are    monitor the health of campers        camper transportation in         the height of Mount
 funded.                              and staff on-site and move           vehicles during the camp day
                                      symptomatic individuals out
IMPORTANT DATES                       of camp groups until they can       SICK CAMPER POLICY

• Feb. 1, 2023: Application
                                      leave the site.                     In order to attend an in-person   PAGE 7
                                                                          summer camp, all parents or       Aluminum is the most
 available                            Camp sick policies and              guardians of campers must         recycled trash in the
• March 27, 2023: Application         procedures may change based         review and sign our Sick Camper
                                      on updated local, state, and                                          world. Around 70% of all
 due by 11:59 p.m.                                                        Policy. The policy includes an
                                      federal guidance and health         acknowledgment that campers       the aluminum ever used
• March 31, 2023: Recipients          recommendations. Any changes        who have exhibited or reported    to make cans is still in
 notified                             will be posted online and           symptoms within the past 24       use today.
• April 7, 2023: Camper               registrants will be notified.       hours prior to camp will not be
 acceptance deadline                                                      allowed to attend camp.
                                      All in-person summer camps will                                       PAGE 10
TO APPLY                              follow the practices and policies                                     The letters, “J” and
                                                                          The policy must be reviewed,
                                      outlined below:                                                       “Q” are not found on
                                                                          signed, and submitted
• The application will be available   • Enforcing our Sick Camper         electronically in the camper      today’s periodic tables.
                                       Policy                             health profile through CampDoc    However, they may be on Feb. 1,
                                                                          during registration.
 2023.                                • Requiring proof of COVID-19                                         present in older versions
                                       vaccination for staff                                                of the periodic table.
• If you are the parent or                                                HIGH RISK GROUPS
 guardian of multiple children,       • Continuing communication with     Those at high risk for health
 please note that one complete         camp families when a health        problems from COVID-19 should
 application must be submitted         concern arises during camp,        consult with their health care
 for each prospective camper.          including possible or known        provider when considering
                                       COVID-19 exposure                  whether to participate in Camps
• If you have any questions                                               for Curious Minds.
 about scholarships, please
 with “2023 Summer Camp
 Scholarships” as the subject

 LIGHT                          MODERATE                      MODERATE                     ACTIVE
 May include light walking,     May include 1-2 mile          CONTINUED                    CONTINUED
 visiting exhibits (PacSci      hikes in a day, sitting and   GRADES 4–5                   GRADES K–1
 only), table-top crafts, and   standing for large crafts,    Cooking Up Science           Little Olympics
 optional active games.         cooking, and less than        Duct Tape Challenge          Birds, Bugs & Bunnies
                                30 minutes of running         Inventor’s Studio            Legends of Polliwog Pond
                                activities per day.           Mission to Mars              Natural Creations
 Colorful Creations
                                                              Ready, Set, Physics!
 Snack Science                  GRADES P re K-K                                            GRADES 2–3
                                                              Young Entrepreneurs
 To the Moon                    Building Blocks                                            Artsy Forestry
                                                              Young Physicians
 World of Wonder                Curious Creatures                                          Lab Wizards
 Little Lab                     Ready, Seed, Grow!            GRADES 6–8                   Playground Physics
 Hydro Heroes                                                 Discovering Robotics         Slough Sleuths
                                GRADES K–1
 GRADES K–1                                                   Dissection Lab               Wetland Wonderland
                                3-2-1 Blast Off!
                                                              Duct Tape Engineering
 Heating Up                     Beginner’s Biology                                         GRADES 4–5
                                                              Exhibit Design
 Make Sense of It               Biome Bonanza                                              Splash Science
                                                              Food Lab
 Smartest Artist                Cookie Caper
                                                              Greener Future               GRADES 6–8
 Story Explorers                Start Your Engines
                                                              Underwater Machines          Enviro-Engineering
 Teddy’s Grand Adventure        Superheroes
 Wild Ocean Adventures                                                                     Green by Design
                                GRADES 2–3
 GRADES 2–3                     Candyology
 Beaker Buddies                 Clever Contraptions           May include 1-3 mile hikes   VIGOROUS
 Itsy Bitsy Coders              EverGREEN Explorers           in a day, long periods of    May include 3-6 mile
 Meteorologist in Training      Get Set to be a Vet           standing, 30-45 minutes      hikes in a day, 1+ hours of
 Out of This World              Grossology                    of running activities per    sports/acrobatics, more
 What’s Up, Doc?                Rockasaurus                   day, and canoeing.           than 45 minutes of running
 GRADES 4–5                     Spy Science
                                                              GRADES P re -K-K
                                                                                           activities per day, and
                                Under the Sea
 Chem Lab                                                                                  canoeing.
                                                              Animal Discoveries
 Game Zone
                                                              Fantastic Forests            GRADES 4–5
 Messy Science
                                                              Mud, Muck & Goo              Eco Exploration
 Scratch That
                                                              Wild Explorers               Outdoor Survival School
                                                                                           GRADES 6–8
                                                                                           H-2-Whoa Adventures

Congratulations, you did it! You have just landed on a new mysterious planet. Before you start your new plans for
this planet, you decide to take a snapshot to document your first day here.

What’s your planet’s name? What does your flag look like? Which of your favorite items did you bring on your
journey here? Illustrate them and share with your family!

Share your creation with us on Instagram, @pacsci using the hashtag #Exploremore23

200 Second Avenue N                                                U.S. POSTAGE

Seattle, Washington                                                PAID
98109-4895                                                          SEATTLE, WA
                                                                 PERMIT NO. 1424

                      General registration opens
                      February 13, 2023!

                      Plan your summer at
                      Camps for Curious Minds is presented by
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