Page created by Carolyn Roberts

                                  MAY – AUGUST
We Are SUPERIOR Parks & Rec!
                                                                                  Welcome                                             In this second edition of, We Are SUPERIOR Parks & Rec!, we would like to introduce you to a few other members of the
                                                                                                                                      Parks and Recreation Team! These staff members are all just as excited as Superior residents for the new community
                                                                                                                                      center to open. If you have questions regarding anything Parks & Recreation, you will find their offices inside the

                                                                                     to the                                           community center. Once the facility is open, stop by and say hello!
                                                                                                                                                              Leslie Clark, CPRP – Parks,                                     Karen A. Snortland, CPRP –

                                                                                                                                                              Recreation and Open Space                                       Recreation Supervisor
                                                                                                                                                              Director – 1 year with the Town                                 3 years with the Town
                                                                                                                                                              1. What is the focus of your job?                             1. What is the focus of your job?

                                                                                                                                                              Oversee planning and operations                               In September of last year,
                                                                                                                                                              of the Parks, Recreation and Open                             I transitioned into the Recreation
                                                                                                                                                              Space Department                                              Supervisor position and my focus

                                                                                Recreation                                            2. What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
                                                                                                                                         The opportunity to serve the community, make positive
                                                                                                                                                                                                        is the seasonal aquatics facilities and programs as
                                                                                                                                                                                                        well as the new community center facility, programs
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and staff.

                                                                                                                                         contributions to the quality of life for residents of
                                                                                                                                         Superior, and work with amazing, dedicated, talented         2. What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
                                                                                                                                         and committed staff and volunteers.                             I absolutely love providing opportunities for residents
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to maximize their leisure time through different
                                                                                                                                      3. What are your hobbies outside of work?
                                              Photo: Liz Danekind                                                                                                                                        experiences. With the new community center
                                                                                                                                         I enjoy hiking, cycling, skiing and home
                                                                                                                                                                                                         coming on line I am excited to see its utilization
                                                                                                                                         improvement projects.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and engage with residents in this new setting.

In this guide you will find information about
                                                                    Table of Contents                                                                         Bryan Meyer, Recreation Manager
                                                                                                                                                              10 years with the Town                  3. What are your hobbies outside of work?
                                                                    WE ARE SUPERIOR PARKS & REC . . . . .  1                                                                                             Spending time enjoying the outdoors with my family.
upcoming programs, events and volunteer                                                                                                                      1. What is the focus of your job?           Camping, hiking, paddle boarding and biking, to name
                                                                    NEW FACILITY BRINGS SUPERIOR                                                             The focus of my job is the                  a few. I am also actively involved in attending my two
opportunities in the Town of Superior. There are                                                                                                             leadership and coordination
                                                                    COMMUNITY TOGETHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                                                                                     kids’ sporting events and school activities (Grace – 18,
possibilities for everyone! Explore the options                                                                                                              of Town recreation programs,                gymnastics and Gavin – 13, football)
and register at to start making                     VOLUNTEERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4                               services and facility operations,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lydia Yecke,
the most of your summer. If you have questions                      CULTURAL ARTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5          while also providing oversight to recreation processes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Recreation Coordinator
                                                                                                                                        and procedures.
or need assistance, please feel free to reach out                   ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6                                                                                                           13 years with the Town
                                                                                                                                      2. What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
via email at, in                                                                                                                                                                                   1. What is the focus of your job?
                                                                    YOUTH SPORTS AND CAMPS. . . . . . . . . . . . 7                      What I enjoy most is working in a community that
person at the community center, 1500 Coalton                                                                                             places such a high importance on getting outside and                                   To oversee park and shelter
                                                                    JUNIOR TENNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9                                                                                             reservations run outdoor
Road or via phone at 303.499.3675. We would                                                                                              being active. We strive in the PROS Department to
                                                                    ADULT TENNIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11                                                                                                recreation programs, manage
love to hear from you.                                                                                                                   provide exceptional parks, facilities and services that
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ball field reservations, and issue permits.
                                                                                                                                         meet the needs of the community. It’s most satisfying
Have a great summer!                                                ADULT/JUNIOR PICKLEBALL . . . . . . . . . . . 12
                                                                                                                                         when we are able to accomplish that and see the              2. What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
The Town of Superior Parks, Recreation                              AQUATICS PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13                 benefit to residents.                                           Watching kids enjoy our all-inclusive summer camps
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and clinics and interacting with the community at
and Open Space Department                                           GROUP SWIM LESSON OVERVIEW . . . .  14                            3. What are your hobbies outside of work?
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Town events.
                                                                                                                                         Running is definitely my favorite hobby, more
                                                                    GROUP SWIM LESSON DESCRIPTION .  16                                  specifically just going for a trail run anywhere along the   3. What are your hobbies outside of work?
           Encouraging                                                                                                                   Front Range. Hard to beat the solid workout it provides         Hiking, biking, listening to music and spending time
                                                                    GROUP SWIM LESSON SCHEDULE. . . . .  18
           VIBRANT & MEANINGFUL                                                                                                          plus the beautiful scenery! I also enjoy mountain biking,       with family.
                                   Community                        ATHLETIC FIELDS,                                                     camping and exploring Southwest Utah with my family.
                                                                    PARKS & SHELTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Summer 2021 Recreation Guide       1
New Facility Brings Superior                                                                                           “It is so exciting to have a
                                                                                                                                                                              “Meeting spaces! I’m excited to
    Community Together                                                                                                      beautiful gathering space for
                                                                                                                            the community! Residents are
                                                                                                                                                                              have spaces to hold different
    The new community center at 1500 Coalton Road is            The Town is excited to finish this
                                                                                                                                                                              types of meetings. Currently,
                                                                                                                            looking forward to having the
    almost complete! Residents will be able to take advantage   project and open the facility in mid-2021.                                                                    we have very few places where
    of this new space for gatherings and meetings of all        As the opening date draws near, the Town will release       library, programming space,                       small groups or committees can
    types or for a solo work-session along with your favorite   dates and times of operation and specific guidance
    beverage or snack.                                          according to COVID-19 levels. The Town will work closely    art exhibits, stage and lecture                   meet that are not located within
                                                                with Boulder County Public Health to ensure the safest      options. Add in the café, and
                                                                environment for our residents.
                                                                                                                                                                              an eatery. I appreciate that I will
      The community center has been built with the idea                                                                     Coalton will be well used.                        be able to hold meetings where
                                                                Along with a great facility, the community center will
      of bringing Superior residents of all ages together.
      You will be able to enjoy:                                house staff from the Parks, Recreation and Open Space      Thank you for taking the                           purchasing snacks is an option
                                                                Department who will meet needs and help bring new
      y Small and large meeting rooms that can be               programs to the Town.                                       path to acquire this new                          but not a have-to.” – Kate
        arranged for your needs
                                                                To keep up with the progress of the community center,       space for us.” – Debbie
      y An open area already equipped with stadium              visit and search for “1500 Coalton
        seating for small performances, educational             Road Updates.”
        conferences or professional seminars
      y Flexible seating for comfort and lounging
        or for work and productivity
      y A special library area for readers
      y Ample natural light from skylights
        and glass garage doors                                                                                             “I’m looking forward to 1500 Coalton Road
      y A dedicated youth room called “The Spot”                                                                            as a real-life demonstration of the Town’s
      y A modern industrial design that incorporates                                                                        commitment to continually investing
        the arts and engages the senses
                                                                                                                            in spaces and opportunities for the
      y Wi-Fi and technology to meet the demands
        of personal and professional needs                                                                                  community to build upon our small-town
      y An in-house café that will serve                                                                                    feel. 1500 Coalton Road shows that it’s
        delicious bites and drinks
                                                                                                                            our priority as a community to get together
                                                                                                                            with our neighbors, build connections, and
                                                                                                                            enjoy life together here in Superior.” – Hollis

2                                                                                                                                                                          Summer 2021 Recreation Guide   3

    Giving Back to                                              Superior ARTery
    Your Community                                              The Town of Superior Cultural Arts and Public Spaces

    is the BEST!
                                                                (CAPS) Advisory Committee is committed to making
                                                                Superior’s places creative year-round! From iconic,
                                                                gateway sculpture to pop-up prairie dogs, and from small
                                                                projects by local artists to bus shelters transformed into
    Volunteerism is a great way to flex your service muscles.
                                                                art, there is art of all shapes and sizes to discover.
    Nothing feels better than giving back to your community
    and making a difference. In Superior, there are many        Summer 2021 will bring to the community an exciting
    ways you can participate. From parks and trails clean-up    new project dubbed the Superior ARTery, a creative
    activities, to formal projects like Snow Busters and the    journey activating existing pathways, highlighting points
    Ride Autrey Project, to events and advisory groups, there   of interest, enhancing accessibility and making new
    is no shortage of opportunities. We are always looking      connections. Watch social media and Town newsletters
    for awesome people to join the fun. For more information,   to find out how to experience the new art path.
    please visit

    Advisory Groups Provide Ongoing                                                                                             33

    Volunteer Engagement

                                                                2021 Events
    The Town Board appoints volunteers to serve in several
    advisory groups that research key information and
    provide recommendations to the Trustees for final
    decision-making. These groups are instrumental in
    shaping the community of Superior. Find out more and        FOURTH OF JULY IN SUPERIOR
    submit an application at the Advisory Group webpage.        You can count on Superior’s Fourth of July celebration
                                                                to be unique this year! Rest assured, the activities will
                                                                be fun-filled and offer opportunities to celebrate our
                                                                traditions. Keep an eye on the Town’s event webpage
                                                                and social media to see what’s coming!

                                                                SAVE THE DATE:
                                                                NATIONAL TRAILS DAY, AUGUST 15
                                                                Mark your calendar and join the Open Space Advisory
                                                                Committee for the Town of Superior National Trails Day
                                                                celebration. Come out on the Superior trail system to
                                                                discover, learn and have fun with a morning of very cool
                                                                activities. Don’t forget to bring your love of trails! As the
                                                                date gets closer, more details will be released.

4                                                                                                                  Summer 2021 Recreation Guide   5
enrichment                                                                                                                                                                                                                               youth sports &
programs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     camps

      Kindness Rocks                                                 A WALK THROUGH HISTORIC ORIGINAL SUPERIOR
                                                                     Join the Superior Historical Commission for the annual
                                                                                                                                     MARCELO BALBOA SOCCER CAMP
                                                                                                                                     Ages 7-15 | Williams Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                 GRASS ROOTS ULTIMATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                 DISC CAMP

         at Wildflower Park!
                                                                     Historic Walk through Original Superior.                        Make new friends, learn new skills and have a ball at the   Ages 11-14 | Scanlan Park
                                                                                                                                     Marcelo Balboa Soccer Camp! Former US National Team         Have fun while learning to play
                                                                     Experience Superior as it was 100 years ago, and enjoy a
                                                                                                                                     player and National Soccer Hall of Fame inductee Marcelo    Ultimate Disc with your friends.
                                                                     different perspective on the Town and its unique past. We
         Spread kindness Superior, become a rocker! This                                                                             brings knowledge and experience to this camp from his       Ultimate is an exciting, non-contact team sport with non-
                                                                     will stop at important historical sites including Grasso Park
         past winter, Superior Together Challenge teams,                                                                             years as a player and coach. Camps are offered in a fun     stop movement similar to soccer but is played on a field
                                                                     and the railroad depot location. The highlight of the walk
         with a little help from Town staff, planted a                                                                               and challenging environment where participants can          with two end zones similar to football. The games are
                                                                     is the Industrial Mine and Mine Camp site. Stand on the
         Kindness Rocks Garden in Wildflower                                                                                         develop as individuals and soccer players.                  played with two teams of 7, each team defends an end
                                                                           site of the original mine shaft where miners used to
         Park at 3151 S. Indiana St. in                                                                                              * Sibling
                                                                                                                                                                                                zone and to score, you have to catch the disc in the end
                                                                               descend 285 feet below to mine coal!                            discount available at checkout.
         Superior. Rocks are painted with                                                                                                                                                        zone. Cleats or running shoes are required.
         inspirational messages or                                              This is a FREE program for all ages.                 One Week Camp:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Participants will receive a free disc at the end of camp.
         sayings and you can take one                                                                                                M-F        6/14-6/18           9 AM-NOON            $160
                                                                                  Sa                  5/8              2-3:30 PM
         when you need one, share                                                                                                    M-F        7/12-7/16           9 AM-NOON            $160    M-Th          6/21-6/24         9 AM-NOON               $90
         one with a friend who needs                                              WALK WITH A DOC                                    M-F        8/2-8/6             9 AM-NOON            $160    Tu-F          7/6-7/9           9 AM-NOON               $90
         some inspiration or leave                                                 Yes! Walk with a Doc is still going strong                                                                    M-Th          7/26-7/29         9 AM-NOON               $90
                                                                                                                                     Two Week Camp:
         one for another. Would you                                                during the pandemic. Getting outside and          M-F     6/14-6/18 • 7/12-7/16         9 AM-NOON $288
         like to be a rocker? We need                                            paying attention to your health matters so                                                                      IMPACT SPORTS H.S. M.A.P.S CAMP
         lots and lots of painted rocks                                                                                              Three Week Camp:                                            Ages 14-18 | Williams Field
                                                                                much, especially these days. Every Saturday
         to keep the garden growing…                                                                                                 M-F 6/14-6/18 • 7/12-7/16 • 8/2-8/6 9 AM-NOON $384          Mechanics, Agility, Plyometrics and Speed (M.A.P.S.) This
                                                                             morning at 7:00 AM, a video is posted where
         let’s create more kindness in our                                                                                                                                                       camp is designed to help kids improve their speed, agility
                                                                        WWAD Leaders from around the world will be sharing
         community one rock at a time.                                                                                                                                                           and mechanics. Beginners will build basic functional fitness
                                                                     important health topics! Mark your calendars and tune in
                                                                     at that time, or whenever you are available.                                                                                and advanced athletes will get better prepared for their
         To learn more visit and search                                                                                                                                     upcoming sports season. All athletic skill levels welcome.
         “Kindness Rocks”.                                           For more information visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                 M, W, F 6/7-7/30 9-11:30 AM RES $399 | NR $450
                                                                     Sa            5/1-8/28           7-11 AM              Virtual                                                               (Resident discount will apply at checkout)
    Discover our (mostly) native birds living in a variety of
    habitats in the Town of Superior. Practice bird identification
    and learn fun facts with wildlife ecologist Ashley DeLaup
    at Autrey Park.
    Sa             5/15              9-11 AM

    Many invertebrate species (aka our beautiful bugs) rely          DISCOVER “COYOTE RIDGE OPEN SPACE”
    on local aquatic habitats for parts of their life cycle.         Coyote Ridge Open Space is the Town’s newest Open
    Looking at who lives in the water is a great way for             Space (formerly known as the Century Link Property).
    budding scientists to determine local water quality.             This a great place to explore new habitats, look for wildlife
    Examine some local water sources for lots of life with           and identify native vegetation with wildlife ecologist
    wildlife ecologist Ashley DeLaup at Autrey Park.                 Ashley DeLaup.
                                                                     Sa            8/21               9-11 AM
    Sa             6/19              9-11 AM
6                                                                                                                                                                                                         Summer 2021 Recreation Guide        7
youth sports &                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     junior
    camps                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tennis
                                                                                                                                  USTA JUNIOR TEAM TENNIS LEAGUE                                  begins right here. Let’s get children in
    IMPACT SPORTS YOUTH M.A.P.S CAMP                               SQUARE STATE SKATE’S SUMMER SKATE LESSON                       Ages 10-18 | North Pool Tennis Courts                           the community introduced to and developing a love for the
    Ages: 8-13 | Williams Field                                    Ages 5-15 | Autrey Skate Park                                  USTA Leagues are a wonderful opportunity to get a taste         sport for a lifetime using big, soft, red balls on a 36′ court.
    Mechanics, Agility, Plyometrics and Speed (M.A.P.S.) This      Learn how to safely progress while having fun on your          of local competition in a friendly team-format environment.     Kids will start to develop racquet-eye coordination and
    camp is designed to help kids improve their speed, agility     skateboard! We welcome skaters of all ages and skill levels    This program is comprised by USTA Junior Team Tennis            basic rally skills using lots of games and fun!
    and mechanics. Beginners will build basic functional fitness   to join us as we work on everything from learning how to       league for more experienced players and the CARA                M, Th          6/7-7/22          8:15-9 AM              $144
    and advanced athletes will get better prepared for their       stand and roll on your skateboard to challenging yourself      League which provides more of an introduction to match          T, F           6/1-7/23          8:15-9 AM              $144
    upcoming sports season. All athletic skill levels welcome.     with tricks. Build up to advanced park riding as we explore    play. There are age and ability requirements as well as a
                                                                   all of the different features of Autrey Skate Park. We will    minimum number of players per team, but our goal is to          SUPER CHAMPS
    Tu, Th 6/8-7/29 9-11:30 AM Res $299 | NR $350
                                                                   skate together, play some skate-related games, learn about     provide this opportunity to each player that would like to      Ages 6-8 | North Pool Tennis Courts
    (Resident discount will apply at checkout)
                                                                   skateboarding history and enjoy the unique and active          play! Deadline for participation is April 5, and the program    Super Champs takes the next step in developing the
    SQUARE STATE SKATE’S PRIVATE LESSONS                           skateboarding community.                                       offers one weekly practice and one match per week               foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment playing tennis. Still
    Ages 5-15 | Autrey Skate Park
                                                                   M-F           6/14-6/18          8:30-10 AM             $125   depending on sign ups from early June through July.             on a red ball court, this class introduces more advanced
    Be safe and learn at your own pace while having fun on
                                                                   M-F           7/26-7/30          8:30-10 AM             $125   M, F         6/4-7/30        $202                               rally skills and all strokes production while learning basic
    a skateboard. Our private and semi-private lessons allow
                                                                                                                                  Monday Match Play times TBD, Friday Practices,                  game development and keeping score.
    for the one-on-one attention that your child (and their
    sibling) might need to allow them to progress at a faster      SQUARE STATE SKATE’S SUMMER                                    Ages 13+: 1:30-3 PM, Ages 10-12: 3-4:30 PM                      M, Th          6/7-7/22          8-9 AM                  $192
    pace. We welcome skaters of all                                FULL DAY SKATE CAMPS                                                                                                           T, F           6/1-7/23          8-9 AM                  $192
                                                                   Ages 5-15 | Autrey Skate Park                                  CARA TENNIS LEAGUE
    ages and skill levels as we cater
                                                                   Learn how to be safe and have fun on your skateboard           Ages 8-18 | North Pool Tennis Courts                            FUTURE STARS
    to individual needs and focus on
                                                                   while riding some of the best parks in the Front Range.        CARA Tennis is a recreational program for all levels            Ages 8-10 | North Pool Tennis Courts
    personal skills. We explore all
                                                                   We’ll skate at Autrey Park in the morning before jumping       developed to offer a fun, exciting environment to explore       Future Stars provides the next steps in the youth
    aspects of skateboarding, from
                                                                   on our Skate Bus each day to visit a nearby park. Explore      the game of tennis from age 8 to 18. CARA Tennis is             progression, moving young players to the 60′ court using
    basic stance and board control to
                                                                   all the different areas of street and skatepark riding, from   represented by the Northern and Metro Divisions. Each           the orange ball. We build on skills learned on the 36′ court
    confidence and park riding up to
                                                                   safety and etiquette to advanced park riding. Come learn       division competes in regular season events between June         and introduce all areas of the game to these players with
    exploring advanced tricks.
                                                                   to be safe, make new friends, and be a part of our active      and July culminating in a district event for all participants   lots of match play, helping kids get ready for CARA and
    * Sibling discount available at checkout
                                                                   skateboard community.                                          and a state event for qualifying teams in late July.            Junior Team Tennis, while laying the foundation for kids
    Lessons available in 1 hour time slots                         M-F           7/19-7/23          8:30 AM-3:30 PM       $399    Focus is placed on learning tennis through a fun, team          who want to take their game to even higher levels.
    M-F      6/14-7/30              8 AM-6 PM             $50                                                                     environment developing rally skills, all shots development      M, Th          6/7-7/22          9-10:15 AM             $240
                                                                                                                                  and tennis movement.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tu, F          6/1-7/23          9-10:15 AM             $240
                                                                                                                                  T, Th         6/8-7/22          9-10 AM                $180
                                                                                                                                                                                                  PRIVATE TENNIS LESSONS
                                                                                                                                  Participation features two weekly practices Tuesday             All Ages | North Pool Tennis Courts
                                                                                                                                  and Thursday afternoons at the North Pool Courts with           Working with Coach Coco individually or in small private
                                                                                                                                  parent-coached matches on Fridays at home and away.             groups is such a benefit to your game development. Please
                                                                                                                                  We do request parent volunteers!                                take this great opportunity to work with one of the best in
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the area on skills of your choice!
                                                                                                                                  Exact practice/match times TBD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Please contact or call
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the RMTC Pro Shop at 303-449-5033 to schedule
                                                                                                                                  HOT SHOTS                                                       private lessons with Coach Coco!
                                                                                                                                  Ages 4-6 | North Pool Tennis Courts
                                                                                                                                  Continuing from the spring, Superior Tennis by RMTC

8                                                                                                                                                                                                          Summer 2021 Recreation Guide           9
junior                                                                                                                                                                                                                          adult
     tennis                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tennis
      JUNIOR ACES                                                 SUMMER TENNIS CAMP                                             MEET ‘N GREET                                               TENNIS EXPRESS
      Ages 10-12 | North Pool Tennis Courts                       North Pool Tennis Courts                                       All Ages | North Pool Tennis Courts                         Ages 18+ | North Pool Tennis Courts
      Junior Aces completes the youth progression moving          Superior Tennis Camps by RMTC are a fantastic                  Meet Coach Coco! Come on out for the first event of         This class is designed with the complete or very new
      these kids to the green and yellow balls on the full        opportunity for players to rapidly increase their tennis       Superior Tennis by RMTC with Coach Coco, Kendall, Duke,     beginner in mind. If you aren’t playing tennis yet, this
      78′ court. Grouped by age and experience, this class        skills! We’ll highlight all stroke and shot production, good   and Donna of RMTC in attendance.                            is the class for you to learn our incredible sport for
      encompasses a variety of levels from more introductory      practice routines and matchplay. We’ll also develop good                                                                   a lifetime.
                                                                                                                                 Sa            5/8              10:00 AM-NOON         FREE
      to the beginnings of a performance pathway in tennis        movement while focusing on athletic development. Don’t                                                                     M             6/7-6/28           5:30-7:00 PM                $24
      and continues to lay the foundation with an emphasis on     miss these!                                                    CARDIO TENNIS                                               M             7/5-8/2            5:30-7:00 PM                $24
      serving, returning, and rallying and pointing these tools                                                                  Ages 15+ | North Pool Tennis Courts
                                                                  Ages 10-14:
      toward match play in JTT and tournaments.                   M-F         7/26-7/30            8-10 AM                $120   As the name implies, get ready to sweat! Coach Coco         2.5-3.0 MEN’S CLASS
      M, Th         6/7-7/22         10:15-11:30 AM        $240   M-F         8/2-8/6              8-10 AM                $120   will be merciless, but with loads of fun, putting players   Ages 18+ | North Pool Tennis Courts
      Tu, F         6/1-7/23         10:15-11:30 AM        $240                                                                  through the grinder! An hour and a half of a great tennis   Coach Coco will be focusing on doubles tactics and
                                                                  HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS CAMP                                        workout set to a salsa music beat.                          movement in this class designed to take players to
      TEEN TRAINING                                               Ages 14-19 | North Pool Tennis Courts                                                                                      higher levels.
                                                                                                                                 Th            6/3-7/1          5:30-7:00 PM           $24
      Ages 13-18 | North Pool Tennis Courts                       Don’t wait until the end of the summer to get ready for        Th            7/8-8/5          5:30-7:00 PM           $24   Tu            6/1-6/29           5:30-7 PM                   $24
      Also grouped by age and experience, Teen Training           high school tennis! The first camp sets the stage for a                                                                    Tu            7/6-8/3            5:30-7 PM                   $24
      encompasses a broad spectrum of levels from just finding    great summer of tennis with a strong finish in our summer      WORKING WOMEN’S CLASS
      the sport to USTA players. This class completes the         end camp. High school play demands consistency, good           Ages 18+ | North Pool Tennis Courts                         2.5-3.0 LADIES’ CLASS
      youth development pathway honing all foundational skills    decision making in tactics and solid athletic development.     Doubles and singles practice for working women              Ages 18+ | North Pool Tennis Courts
      learned in 12 and under tennis, while providing a more      Focus on these skills during our High School Camps!            competing in USTA leagues and tournaments, or just          Coach Coco will be focusing on doubles tactics and
      sophisticated and realistic approach to competing in USTA                                                                  wanting to keep their skills sharp.                         movement to continue to help players develop toward
                                                                  M-F           7/26-7/30          10 AM-NOON             $120
      tournaments and high school tennis.                                                                                                                                                    USTA league play.
                                                                  M-F           8/2-8/6            10 AM-NOON             $120   F             6/4-7/2          5:30-7:00 PM           $24
      M, Th         6/7-7/22         11:30 AM-12:45 PM $240                                                                      F             7/9-8/6          5:30-7:00 PM           $24   W             6/2-6/30           8:30-10 AM                  $24
      Tu, F         6/1-7/23         11:30 AM-12:45 PM $240                                                                                                                                  W             7/7-8/4            8:30-10 AM                  $24

                                                                                                                                                                                             3.5-4.0 LADIES’ CLASS
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ages 18+ | North Pool Tennis Courts
      Esteban “Coach Coco” de Arcos                                 of competition stimulated from those
                                                                                                                                 • He is a USPTA Elite Pro and a PTR Adult & Junior
                                                                                                                                   certified Professional.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Doubles and singles practice for players competing in
                                                                                                                                                                                             USTA leagues and tournaments, or just wanting to keep
      Coach Coco is one of the highest energy coaches we’ve                                                                                                                                  their skills sharp.
                                                                  • He is a licensed private pilot and a                         • He is recently certified with the International
      ever had at Rocky Mountain Tennis Center. We are so
                                                                    professional musician, performing as                           Tennis Performance Association (iTPA) – TPT.              W             6/2-6/30           10-11:30 AM                 $24
      excited that he will continue leading Superior Tennis by
                                                                    a band member on rhythm guitar!                                                                                          W             7/7-8/4            10-11:30 AM                 $24
      RMTC in a new and revitalized direction this year! Don’t                                                                   • He is a USTA/USPTA Wheelchair certified coach
      miss this great opportunity to learn to play from a true    • He is known for his energy and                                 and is also USTA Net Generation certified/
                                                                                                                                                                                             3.5-4.0 MEN’S PRACTICE
      tennis dynamo! Here are some very cool things about him       enthusiasm among his students!                                 verified coach.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ages 18+ | North Pool Tennis Courts
      that you may not know.                                      • He started to play tennis when he was seven years            • He has 15 years’ worth of coaching experience             This is a great class for the guys looking to hit a ton of
      • He is the RMTC Junior Programs Director and he is an        old in Buenos Aires, Argentina.                                working with all levels of juniors and adults.            balls and get a great workout! Don’t miss it!
        Adult & Junior Programs Lead Coach.                       • He earned his Bachelor of Arts – Sports Journalism,                                                                      W             6/2-6/30           5:30-7 PM                   $24
      • He attended the Davis Cup tie Argentina v. Australia in     at the Universidad Círculo de Periodistas Deportivos,                                                                    W             7/7-8/4            5:30-7 PM                   $24
        Sydney, Australia and teaches students the great joys       Buenos Aires, Argentina.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                   Summer 2021 Recreation Guide            11
adult/junior                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            aquatics
pickleball                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       program
                                            Pickleball Courts at Autrey Park, 1830 Honey Creek Lane & Rock Creek Pkwy.                        Town of Superior Pools                                        Whether reservations are required or
     PICKLEBALL CLINIC – MONDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS                       OPEN HOUSE                                                                                                                             not, the Town will once again be utilizing the
                                                                                                                                             NORTH POOL                      SOUTH POOL
     Ages 18+ | Pickleball Courts at Autrey Park                     Ages 9+ | Pickleball Courts at Autrey Park                                                                                             digital pool membership card for resident access at both
                                                                                                                                             1650 S. Indiana St.           3300 Huron Peak Ave.
     Monthly clinics focused on a specific element of the game.      Come out and meet Impact Pickleball                                                                                                    North and South Pool. Residents who signed up
                                                                                                                                              303-554-5658                   303-499-3786
     The first hour is dedicated to drills and the second to         program instructors and learn about summer                                                                                             for a card(s) last summer will not need to sign up again.
     activities putting the skills learned into practice. Attend     programs. Open play for adults and juniors.                            OPEN SWIM HOURS:               OPEN SWIM HOURS:                 All household card(s) will automatically be renewed for
     throughout the summer and become proficient in the fastest                                                                             M-F 11:30 AM-8 PM              M-F 10:30 AM-8 PM                the summer of 2021. If you are a new resident or did
                                                                     Sa             5/15                9-10 AM                 FREE        Sa & Su 11 AM-8 PM            Sa & Su 10:30 AM-8 PM
     growing sport in the country while meeting new friends and                                                                                                                                             not get digital pool cards last summer, please visit
     having fun. Resident discount will apply at checkout.           PRIVATE PICKLEBALL LESSONS                                          Please visit for updated pool hours and   to find the steps to obtain your digital
                                                                     Ages 18+ | Pickleball Courts at Autrey Park                         schedule.                                                          pool membership card for seasonal access at
     M           5/24       6-8 PM          Res $128 | NR $160
                                                                     Working with an Impact Pickleball instructor in a small,                                                                               both North and South Pool.
     M           6/21       6-8 PM                                                                                                       The Town of Superior has two outdoor pools, North Pool
     M           7/19       6-8 PM                                   semi-private lesson is an excellent way to improve or               and South Pool. The North Pool facility features a heated          Pool Party Rental Information
     M           8/23       6-8 PM                                   add to your skill set. Lessons can focus on mechanics,              leisure pool and heated children’s wading pool. The South          As a result of the ever-changing health guidelines due to
                                                                     footwork, court position, tactics/strategy, or singles and          Pool facility features a heated leisure pool with a slide,         COVID-19, pool rentals may not be available during the
     W           5/19       6-8 PM          Res $128 | NR $160       doubles play.                                                       climbing wall, mushroom fountain and a heated children’s           summer of 2021. For the most up-to-date information on
     W           6/16       6-8 PM                                   Saturday private lessons are scheduled based on court               wading pool. Both facilities offer a designated lane for lap       pool party rentals, please visit
     W           7/21       6-8 PM                                   availability. For more information or to schedule a lesson,         swimming. The North Pool lap lane is 25 meters long and
     W           8/18       6-8 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Guest Punch Card and Policies
                                                                     please contact Ian McPherson at ian@myimpactsports.                 the South Pool lap lane is 25 yards long.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            In the past residents have been able to purchase a guest
                                                                     com or call 720.673.7828.                                           North and South Pool will open to the public on Friday,
           MAY           JUNE           JULY          AUGUST                                                                                                                                                punch card in order to bring non-resident guests with
                                                                                                                                         May 28, 2021.                                                      them to the pool. With the ever-changing health guidelines
                                      Approach        Serves,        YOUTH/TEEN PICKLEBALL LESSONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                            due to COVID-19, guest punch cards may not be available
          Kitchen       Kitchen      Shots & No-     Returns &       Ages 9-15 | Pickleball Courts at Autrey Park                        Pool Entry/Reservations for Summer 2021
          Play - 1      Play - 2     Man’s Land       Building
                                                                     A combination of badminton and tennis played with a wiffle                                                                             this summer. For the most up-to-date information on
                                        Shots         a Point                                                                            As a result of the ever-changing health guidelines due
                                                                     ball on a short tennis court. It’s fun, social and easy to learn,                                                                      guest punch cards and policies, please visit
                                                                                                                                         to COVID-19, pool entry and the possible need to make
     PICKLEBALL CLINIC - SATURDAYS                                   making it one of the nation’s fastest growing sports. Come          reservations to access the pools will be determined by
     Ages 18+ | Pickleball Courts at Autrey Park                     learn the basics of the sport while meeting new friends.            the heath guidelines in place at the time the pool opens.                                                  ROCK CREEK

     Saturday clinics covering all elements of the game (e.g.,       Equipment provided. Resident discount will apply at
     dinks, volleys, third shot drops, serves, returns, etc.) Take   checkout.
                                                                                                                                         Flyers Masters Swim Program
     your game up a notch with these 3-hour intensive sessions
     while meeting new friends and having fun with the fastest
                                                                     Ages 9-15:
                                                                     Tu     5/4-5/25         5:30-6:30 PM         Res $28 | NR $35
                                                                                                                                         Run by a team of qualified coaches from the Rock Creek Flyers Swim Team, this
                                                                                                                                         program is for adult swimmers of all swimming abilities. A structured workout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Swim Team
     growing sport in the United States. Resident discount will
     apply at checkout.                                                                                                                  will be provided for participants who are seeking to stay in shape, improve their          2021 HOME DUAL SWIM
                                                                     Ages 9-11:
                                                                                                                                         stroke technique, build endurance, train for competition and have a group of                  MEETS at North Pool
     Sa          5/8        9 AM-NOON          Res $60 | NR $75      Tu     6/8-6/29         5:30-6:15 PM         Res $28 | NR $35
                                                                                                                                         other adults to swim with. Practices will be held from 5:30-6:30 AM Tuesday,
                                                                     Tu     7/6-7/27         5:30-6:15 PM         Res $28 | NR $35
     Sa          6/12       9 AM-NOON          Res $60 | NR $75
                                                                                                                                         Thursday, Friday at the North Pool and from NOON-1 PM on Wednesdays at                     Sa     6/5 8 AM–2 PM
     Sa          7/10       9 AM-NOON          Res $60 | NR $75
     Sa          8/14       9 AM-NOON          Res $60 | NR $75      Ages 12-15:
                                                                                                                                         the North Pool. Registrations accepted at Town Hall, 124 E. Coal Creek Drive               Sa     6/12 8 AM–2 PM
                                                                                                                                         or online at                                                              Sa     7/17 8 AM–2 PM
                                                                     Tu     6/8-6/29         6:30-7:30 PM         Res $28 | NR $35
     Sa          5/8        1-4 PM             Res $60 | NR $75      Tu     7/6-7/27         6:30-7:30 PM         Res $28 | NR $35          Class Offering    Fee R/NR        Days               Times           Dates
     Sa          6/12       1-4 PM             Res $60 | NR $75                                                                             10-Punch Pass     $75/$85     T/Th/F • M/W 5:30-6:30 AM  12-1 PM 5/18-9/3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SPECIALTY MEET
     Sa          7/10       1-4 PM             Res $60 | NR $75                                                                             20-Punch Pass    $150/$160 T/Th/F • M/W 5:30-6:30 AM  12-1 PM 5/18-9/3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         June 29  6 AM–8 PM
     Sa          8/14       1-4 PM             Res $60 | NR $75
                                                                                                                                         Whole Summer Pass $275/$285 T/Th/F • M/W 5:30-6:30 AM  12-1 PM 5/18-9/3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pool will open to the public after
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                   completion of each swim meet.       13
group swim lesson                                                                                                                               group swim lesson
overview                                                                                                                                              overview

     The purpose of the Town of Superior Group Swim Lesson               Don’t wait if you have questions or concerns regarding your
     Program is to develop swimming competency, confidence               child’s lessons. The easiest solutions happen when issues are
     and endurance in a safe and fun environment.                        addressed immediately. Talk with your child’s instructor or
                                                                         the Swim Lesson Coordinator:
     How Do I Enroll My Child?
     The summer Group Swim Lesson Class Schedule can                     Have your children practice. The more practice outside of
     be found online at If necessary, please            the lesson times, the faster the skills become second nature.
     reference the “Which group swim lesson class is right for           Registration Helpful Hints
     your child?” chart to assist in choosing the most appropriate       Be sure to verify at registration that your phone number and
     class during registration. Please note that participants will       email address are accurate. Correct contact information is
     be screened on the first day of class and possibly moved to         critical for proper notification due to cancelations, changes
     a more appropriate level if required.                               or waitlist enrollment opportunities.
     The online registration option at provides          Registration closes at 5 PM the Monday before the session
     the easiest way to register and the most accurate                   start date and 5 PM on Saturday, two weeks before the
     information on when classes are full, added or canceled.            Saturday session start date.
     Registration is on a first-come, first-filled basis. Don’t          If the desired class is full, add your child’s name to the
     wait. Classes fill quickly and attending regularly without          waitlist. There may be cancelations before the start of
     interruption is crucial for success.                                the session due to low enrollment or a new class may be
     How Can I Help My Child Succeed                                     created and offered for existing waitlists.
     in Swim Lessons?                                                    Class sizes are a minimum of three children and a maximum
     The first day of class, students’ skill levels will be tested       of five. Classes with only two children registered may
     to make sure they are in the appropriate class. If it is            be subjected to cancelation and with parent/guardian
     determined after the session begins that your child needs           permission, child will be transferred to a different class time
     to be placed into a different skill level for the session, please   in the same session. Parent/guardian can also request a
     discuss with the on-site Swim Lesson Coordinator. If there          class refund or household credit.
     is room in another class, we will make the transfer and the
     class roster will be updated. If we are unable to place your
                                                                         What If…
                                                                         My child is sick? Please be considerate of other participants.
     child into a different class for the session, you will need to
                                                                         Do not bring your child to lessons if they do not feel well.
     go online and register for a future session or request a class
                                                                         There are no credits or make-up lessons for missed classes.
     refund or household credit.
                                                                         Inclement weather? For any changes in schedules due to
     Each child progresses differently. Many swimmers need
                                                                         weather, call 303-381-2024. The phone greeting will be
     to enroll in the same level class for a minimum of two to
                                                                         updated if changes occur. Make-up lessons will be held on
     three sessions. If your child is enrolled in a current ongoing
                                                                         Fridays if weather permits.
     session, and you want to register for a future session, it
     is highly recommended that you speak to your child’s                Other Options?
     instructor before registering. Your child’s instructor will know    Private Swim Lessons are available for all ages. To learn
     best what level to recommend. Doing this will also help             more, visit
     prevent confusion or uncertainty down the road when it’s
     determined your child is not in the appropriate class.

14                                                                                                                       Summer 2021 Recreation Guide   15
group swim lesson                                                                                                                                                                                                                          group swim lesson
description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 description
                                                                                                                                      Level 5/6  Freestyle & Backstroke                                  Level 7/8  Butterfly,
     The Town of Superior’s Group Swim Lesson program, in partnership with the Rock Creek Flyers Swim Team, utilizes nationally       30 min. class                                                       Breaststroke & Turns 30 min. class
     certified Learn to Swim curriculum through the SwimAmerica program. Our lessons are designed to teach all of the swim skills     This class is for swimmers who can swim on top of the               This level is for swimmers who have successfully
     your child needs to be safe in and around the water for a lifetime.                                                              water, but who stop when they need to take a breath.                mastered freestyle and backstroke. In this class,
     Parent/Tot 30 min. class                                         Level 3  Kicking 30 min. class                                 Swimmers will be taught back crawl stroke and will                  swimmers will learn how to dolphin kick and the timing
     This class is designed to teach infants or toddlers and their    This level is for swimmers that know how to comfortably         master front crawl stroke with bilateral side breathing.            of the butterfly stroke. The butterfly stroke should have
     caregivers basic water adjustment skills. This does not          hold their breath and float on their stomach and back           Swimmers will also learn how to tread water, dive from              two visible kicks with one arm pull. Breathing should
     teach children to be accomplished swimmers or survive in         independently. Swimmers will be taught kicking skills           the sitting, kneeling, and standing positions, and work             occur every other stroke. Swimmers will also learn the
     the water. One parent per child. Swim diapers are required.      with front and back glides. Swimmers advance when they          on their endurance in freestyle. Swimmers will advance              breaststroke kick (up-out-around) and correct timing
                                                                      can kick 15 feet on their front and 15 feet on their back in    by swimming crawl stroke with a minimum of four side                (pull-breathe-kick-glide) for breaststroke. After mastering
     Level I  Bubbles 30 min. class                                  streamline position. Skills to be learned:                      breaths and swim backstroke with correct body position,             all four strokes, swimmers will learn how to perform a flip
     This level is for nervous or beginner students. It includes                                                                      strong kicks, and quick arm rotation. Skills to be learned          in the water, how to touch with both hands on breaststroke
                                                                      Front kick, glide and recover Rollover kicking front to
     introduction to the basic skills necessary for swimming.                                                                         (Freestyle & Backstroke):                                           and butterfly, and how to correctly perform a freestyle
                                                                      Back kick, glide and recover back/back to front                                                                                     flip turn. In this level, swimmers will also learn how to turn
     We work on gradual water adaptation, movement in the                                            Working with the kickboard       Crawl stroke with breathing   Tread water
     water, breath holding and release, submersions of the face,      Dolphin kick, glide                                             to side                                                             for the Individual Medley. Skills to be learned (Butterfly &
                                                                      and recover                                                                                    Jump in and tread water
     opening eyes underwater, blowing bubbles, bobbing with                                                                           Horizontal head first sculling Sitting dive                         Breaststroke):
     bubbles and air exchange. Swimmers will gain confidence                                                                                                                                              Breaststroke kick               Butterfly Swim
                                                                      Level 4  Crawl Stroke 30 min. class                            Extended freestyle             Kneeling dive
     and master submerging their face in the water.                                                                                   swimming goal is one length                                         Breaststroke swim               Turns
                                                                      This level is appropriate for swimmers who have mastered
                                                                                                                                      of the pool uninterrupted      Standing dive
     Swimmers advance when they can do 10 relaxed bobs                breath control, body position, and kicking on their front                                                                           Butterfly arms
     with air exchange. Skills to be learned:                         and back on top of the water. Swimmers will be taught to
                                                                      roll over front to back and back to front, breathing position                                                                       Swimmers that have successfully completed Level 5/6
     Gradual adaptation to water Opening eyes underwater              for freestyle (side-glide), and the crawl arm stroke with                                                                           may be eligible for stroke school or Flyers pre-team. If
                                 with goggles on
     Movement in the water                                            catch up. Swimmers will master short front crawl swim                                                                               swimmer is interested, please contact the Flyers for an
                                 Blowing bubbles through                                                                                                                                                  evaluation at
     Breath holding and release the nose                              and advance by performing side-glide kick for 20 feet and
     Submersion of face                                               crawl stroke for 20 feet. Skills to be learned:
                                 Wall bobs with bubbles and
                                                                      Sculling                       Backwards bobs
                                                                                                                                           Youth/Adult Private and
                                 air exchange                                                                                                                                                                      CLASS OFFERING                 RESIDENT FEE
                                                                      Side – glide – kick            Somersaults
     Level 2  Floats & Glides 30 min. class                                                                                               Semi-Private Swim Lessons
                                                                      Crawl stroke arms                                                                                                                              1 Private Class                   $30
     This level is for swimmers who are comfortable holding
     their breath under the water and doing 10 relaxed bobs                                                                                Take a swim lesson with one of our experienced swim
     with air exchange. Swimmers will be taught to front float                                                                             instructors! A 30-minute swim session will have you on your              4 Private Classes                 $116
     and recover, front glide and recover, back float and recover,                                                                         way toward advancing in technique and skill ability. Private
     and back glide and recover. Additionally, students will learn                                                                         lessons are one-on-one with an instructor whereas semi-                  8 Private Classes                 $224
     how to safely enter the water. Swimmers advance when                                                                                  private lessons are two swimmers at the same skill level
     they can front and back glide for five seconds and recover.                                                                           matched up with an instructor.                                         1 Semi-Private Class                 $45
     Skills to be learned:                                                                                                                 Register for private and semi-private swim lessons at
     Front float and recover        Black glide and recover                                                                       Youth ages 3-17 and adults ages 18+.                4 Semi-Private Classes                $176
     Front glide and recover        Streamline bobs
     Back float and recover
                                                                                                                                                                                                                8 Semi-Private Classes                $334

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Summer 2021 Recreation Guide          17
group swim lesson                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          group swim lesson
     schedule                                                                                                                         Photo: Liz Danekind
                                                                                                                                                            SOUTH POOL M-Th  Resident Fee $45  Non-Resident Fee $55
      NORTH POOL M-Th  Resident Fee $45  Non-Resident Fee $55                                                                                             Session 1  6/1-6/11  Register by 5/18                        Session 2  6/21-7/2  Register by 6/14
      Session 1  6/1-6/11  Register by 5/18                               Session 2  6/21-7/2  Register by 6/14                                         Parent-Tot                      9:20–9:50 AM                   Parent-Tot                      9:20–9:50 AM

                                                                                                                                                            Level 1                                                        Level 1
      Parent-Tot                          10:40–11:10 AM                    Parent-Tot                         10:40–11:10 AM                                                8:45–9:15 AM   9:20–9:50 AM                                    8:45–9:15A M   9:20–9:50 AM
                                                                                                                                                            Bubbles                                                        Bubbles
      Level 1              10:05–10:35                                      Level 1                                                                         Level 2                                                        Level 2
                                          10:40–11:10 AM                                      10:05–10:35 AM 10:40–11:10 AM                                                  8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM                    8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
      Bubbles                  AM                                           Bubbles                                                                         Floats & Goats                                                 Floats & Goats
      Level 2              10:05–10:35                                      Level 2                                                                         Level 3                                                        Level 3
                                                           11:15–11:45 AM                     10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                               8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM                    8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
      Floats & Glides          AM                                           Floats & Glides                                                                 Kicking                                                        Kicking
      Level 3              10:05–10:35                                      Level 3                                                                         Level 4                                                        Level 4
                                                           11:15–11:45 AM                     10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                               8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM                    8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
      Kicking                  AM                                           Kicking                                                                         Crawl Stroke                                                   Crawl Stroke
      Level 4              10:05–10:35                                      Level 4                                                                         Level 5/6                                                      Level 5/6
                                                           11:15–11:45 AM                     10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                                              9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM                                   9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM
      Crawl Stroke             AM                                           Crawl Stroke                                                                    Free/Back                                                      Free/Back
      Level 5/6                                                             Level 5/6                                                                       Level 7/8                                                      Level 7/8
                                          10:40–11:10 AM 11:15–11:45 AM                                                                                                                     9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM                                   9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM
                                                                                                               10:40–11:10 AM 11:15–11:45 AM                Bre/But/Turn                                                   Bre/But/Turn
      Free/Back                                                             Free/Back
      Level 7/8                           10:40–11:10 AM 11:15–11:45 AM
                                                                            Level 7/8
                                                                                                               10:40–11:10 AM 11:15–11:45 AM                Session 3  7/12-7/22  Register by 7/5                        Session 4  8/2-8/12  Register by 7/26
      Bre/But/Turn                                                          Bre/But/Turn
                                                                                                                                                            Parent-Tot                      9:20–9:50 AM                   Parent-Tot                      9:20–9:50 AM

      Session 3  7/12-7/22  Register by 7/5                               Session 4  8/2-8/12  Register by 7/26                                         Level 1
                                                                                                                                                                             8:45–9:15 AM   9:20–9:50 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Level 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            8:45–9:15 AM   9:20–9:50 AM
                                                                                                                                                            Bubbles                                                        Bubbles
      Parent-Tot                          10:40–11:10 AM                    Parent-Tot                         10:40–11:10 AM                               Level 2                                                        Level 2
                                                                                                                                                                             8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM                    8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
                                                                                                                                                            Floats & Goats                                                 Floats & Goats
      Level 1                                                               Level 1                                                                         Level 3                                                        Level 3
                         10:05–10:35 AM 10:40–11:10 AM                                        10:05–10:35 AM 10:40–11:10 AM                                                  8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM                    8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
      Bubbles                                                               Bubbles                                                                         Kicking                                                        Kicking
      Level 2                                                               Level 2                                                                         Level 4                                                        Level 4
                         10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                     10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                               8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM                    8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
      Floats & Glides                                                       Floats & Glides                                                                 Crawl Stroke                                                   Crawl Stroke
      Level 3                                                               Level 3                                                                         Level 5/6                                                      Level 5/6
                         10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                     10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                                              9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM                                   9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM
      Kicking                                                               Kicking                                                                         Free/Back                                                      Free/Back
      Level 4                                                               Level 4                                                                         Level 7/8                                                      Level 7/8
                         10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                     10:05–10:35 AM                    11:15–11:45 AM                                              9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM                                   9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM
      Crawl Stroke                                                          Crawl Stroke                                                                    Bre/But/Turn                                                   Bre/But/Turn
      Level 5/6                                                             Level 5/6
                                          10:40–11:10 AM 11:15–11:45 AM
                                                                                                               10:40–11:10 AM 11:15–11:45 AM
                                                                                                                                                            SOUTH POOL SATURDAYS  Resident Fee $45  Non-Resident Fee $55
      Level 7/8
                                          10:40–11:10 AM 11:15–11:45 AM
                                                                            Level 7/8
                                                                                                               10:40–11:10 AM 11:15–11:45 AM
                                                                                                                                                            Session 1  6/5-7/3  Register by 5/22                          Session 2  7/10-8/7  Register by 6/26
      Bre/But/Turn                                                          Bre/But/Turn
                                                                                                                                                            Parent-Tot                      9:20–9:50 AM                   Parent-Tot                      9:20–9:50 AM

      *Note: As a result of the ever-changing health guidelines                                                                                            Level 1                                                        Level 1
                                                                                                                                                                             8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM                    8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
                                                                                                                                                            Bubbles                                                        Bubbles
        due to COVID-19, additional safety measures may
                                                                                                                                                            Level 2                                                        Level 2
        be implemented during group swim lessons.                                                                                                           Floats & Goats
                                                                                                                                                                             8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Floats & Goats
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            8:45–9:15 AM                  9:55–10:25 AM
        For the most up-to-date information on                                                                                                              Level 3                                                        Level 3
                                                                                                                                                                                            9:20–9:50 AM                                                   9:20–9:50 AM
        aquatic programming, please visit                                                                                                                   Kicking                                                        Kicking                                                                                                                                    Level 4                                                        Level 4
                                                                                                                                                                                            9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM                                   9:20–9:50 AM   9:55–10:25 AM
                                                                                                                                                            Crawl Stroke                                                   Crawl Stroke

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Summer 2021 Recreation Guide         19
                                                                                                                                    Photo: Liz Danekind
athletic fields,
     parks &
      shelters                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Athletic Field Reservation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pickleball Courts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Basketball Court
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Town of Superior has many athletic fields suitable

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sand Volleyball
                                                                                                                                                                                               Disc Golf Park
                                                                                                  Barbeque Grill

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Playing Fields
                                                                                                                   Picnic Tables

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tennis Court
                                                         Available for
                                                                         Trail Access
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for seasonal, occasional and tournament play. All Town



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Skate Park

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bike Park

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Turf Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dog Park

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ball Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Superior athletic fields are open to the public for use



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       on a first come, first served basis. To obtain exclusive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       use of a field, a Sports Complex Permit Application must
      BIG SAGAMORE • 322 Cherokee Ave.                                       ✔                                        ✔                                                              ✔                                                                                                                                                                                 be completed and paid for prior to use. Applications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       can be found online at and at Superior
      CABIN PARK • 2837 Flint Ct.                                            ✔                                        ✔                                                              ✔
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Town Hall.
      CASTLE PARK • 3924 S. Torreys Peak                                     ✔                                        ✔                                                              ✔                                                                                                                                                                                 • Williams Turf and the west multi-purpose field are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         available to rent year-round.
      CHILDREN’S PARK • 400 S. 2nd Ave.                                                                               ✔                                       ✔          ✔           ✔
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Baseball fields are available to rent from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         April-November and are closed for field preservation
      CIRCLE PARK • Rock Creek Pkwy.                                         ✔                                        ✔
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         from December-March. Please email your completed
      COMMUNITY PARK • 1350 Coalton Rd.                      ✔               ✔           ✔           ✔                ✔              ✔             ✔          ✔          ✔           ✔                                                                  ✔                                                  ✔               ✔            ✔                                application to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Park/Shelter Reservations
      FIRE STATION PARK • 3181 Torreys Peak Dr.                              ✔                                        ✔                                                              ✔                                                                                                                                                                                 Come and safely enjoy the outdoors at one of Superior’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       beautiful parks.
      GRASSO PARK • 124 E. William St.                                       ✔                                        ✔
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Park/Shelter reservations are available to reserve
      ASTI PARK & HISTORICAL MUSEUM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      online beginning April 1 for May-October reservation
      110 Maple St. • Museum open 10 AM-2 PM                 ✔               ✔                       ✔                ✔                                       ✔                                                                                                                                                                                                          dates. Park facilities may be used on a first come, first
      1st Sat. of each month
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         served basis from November-April.
      LITTLE SAGAMORE • 350 Cherokee Ave.                                    ✔                                        ✔                                                              ✔                                                                                                                                                                                 Park/Shelter reservations may be made online at
      NORTH POOL PARK • 1650 S. Indiana                                      ✔                                        ✔                                       ✔                      ✔                                                                                                      ✔
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Note: All participants will be required to follow current
      PIRATE PARK • 1412 Hyacinth Wy.                                        ✔                                        ✔                                                              ✔                                                                                                                                                                                 Boulder County public health guidance as of the date of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       their rental.
      PURPLE PARK • 1310 S. Pitkin Ave.                      ✔               ✔           ✔           ✔                ✔              ✔             ✔          ✔          ✔           ✔                                                                                     ✔

      RIVERBEND • 1055 E. Riverbend St.                                      ✔                                        ✔

      SOUTH POOL PARK • 3300 Huron Peak Ave.                 ✔               ✔           ✔                            ✔                                                  ✔           ✔                                                   ✔

      FOUNDERS PARK • 601 W. Coal Creek Dr.                                                                           ✔                                       ✔                      ✔                                                                  ✔                                                  ✔               ✔

      AUTREY PARK • Rock Creek Pkwy. & Honey Creek Ln.       ✔               ✔           ✔                            ✔                            ✔          ✔                                   ✔               ✔          ✔           ✔                                                                                                             ✔

      WILDFLOWER PARK • 3151 S. Indiana St.                  ✔               ✔                       ✔                ✔              ✔             ✔          ✔          ✔           ✔                                                                  ✔                  ✔                               ✔

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Summer 2021 Recreation Guide         21
How Do I

 How do I register for
    Town of Superior programs?
               Register Online
               Visit and click on the “Activity Registration” button, login and sign up for the
               program(s) of your choice!

               For questions or assistance with program registration, please call 303-499-3675 or email

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