Talbot County Public Schools ARP ESSER Application and Certification Plan August 2021

Talbot County Public Schools ARP ESSER Application and Certification Plan August 2021
Talbot County Public Schools
                   ARP ESSER Application and Certification Plan
                                  August 2021

Part 1- Safe Return to In-person Instruction and Continuity of Services

1. A. Since the closures of Maryland Public Schools announced on March 12, 2020, Talbot
County Public Schools (TCPS) has been committed to developing plans that prioritize the health
and safety of students, families, and staff. Our Recovery Plan (September 2020), developed by a
broad range of stakeholders, outlined the various models for school operations to position TCPS
to be able to engage students safely in learning regardless of the instructional delivery model
dictated by local health metrics. All TCPS decisions were informed by CDC guidance, the
governor’s Maryland Strong Roadmap to Recovery and the Maryland State Department of
Education (MSDE) Maryland Recovery Plan for Education as well as guidance fro the Talbot
County Health Department. TCPS’s Safe Return to In-person Instruction and Continuity of
Services Plan (Reopening Plan, August 2021), continues the same level of diligence in planning
for the safe return of students for full, in-person instruction for Fall 2021. Our Reopening plans
are centered on recent CDC guidance and our on-going consultation and collaboration with the
Talbot County Health Department (TCHD) to implement prevention and mitigation strategies to
allow for the safest learning environment possible for all students and staff. Pages 32-51 outline
our prevention and mitigation plans for the start of the 2021-2022 school year. TCPS is
fortunate that our school nurses are also TCHD employees so that we have access to the most up-
to-date information to inform our policy and procedures. The full Safe Return to In-Person
Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan may be found at: https://tcps.k12.md.us/wp-

1. B. No ESSER III funds are being requested to implement prevention and mitigation strategies.
These needs have been met through previous grant funding resources.

1. C. A broad stakeholder committee was convened to provide valuable consultation for the
development of the 2020 Recovery Plan. The first meeting of this group was held on June 22,
2020. Comprised of school system leadership, teachers, support staff as well as parents, students
and community organizations, the committee engaged in robust conversation from multiple
perspectives to develop the original plan that resulted in TCPS being one of the only school
system in the state that did not have to close a school due to Covid outbreak. This committee
was reconvened to update our strategies to accommodate full reopening of schools for fall 2021.
This committee will meet at a minimum every six months to reassess our status, and more
frequently as warranted by possible changes in local health metrics. In addition to this
workgroup, input will be sought from other established district groups including staff through the
Superintendent’s Roundtable, the Citizens’ Advisory Group, and the Parent Advisory. District
and school-based leadership will also engage in continuous monitoring of the plan to ensure day-
to-day aspects of implementation. The larger community has been kept updated through the
Superintendent’s weekly video messages, updates at monthly Board of Education meetings, and
updates to the district website.

2. A. A total of $2,444,862 of the total ESSER III grant allocation is being requested to address
the impact of lost instructional time on student achievement in grade level standards. This
represents 29.70% of the overall allocation.

2. B. TCPS has outlined a comprehensive assessment plan at the start of the 2021-2022 school
year to measure the impact of interrupted learning precipitated by school closures related to the
pandemic. A full accounting of this plan, including on-going measures to revisit individual
student data, can be found on pages 9-13 of the Reopening Plan. Below is a summary of the
measures to be implemented with a time line.

Readiness Screeners to Assess Impact of Interrupted Learning

 Grade         Content      Assessment/Readiness Screener                                         Timeline

 K-8           Math         Eureka Math Equip: a research-based tool that is designed to          Start of each
                            provide students with pre-module assessments to assist in             module beginning
                            determining if a gap exists and where misunderstandings remain.       September
                            Assessment data provides teachers the opportunity to utilize
                            supporting lessons with individuals, small groups or the whole
                            class. The pacing guide allows all students to remain on track with
                            grade level material while catching up on unfinished learning from
                            the previous grade level.

 8-12          Algebra,     Utilize Course and Unit Readiness Assessments from Savvas             Start of course in
               Algebra      Envision AGA to determine student readiness for new learning.         September and
               II,          Throughout MCCRS aligned units, students will complete                each unit
               Geometr      formative assessments to measure progress toward mastery of Unit      throughout the year
               y            Standards. At the midway point and end of the Unit, students will
                            complete condensed Summative assessments to provide the most
                            up-to-date data to show learning that is occurring.

 9-12          Math         Course Pre-Assessments will be administered with alignment to         September 1-10
                            standards prerequisites to determine student readiness. Regular
                            Formative assessment will occur to monitor progress toward
                            mastery and to indicate preparedness for Summative Assessments
                            occurring at the conclusion of instruction for Units of Study.

 K-1           ELA          DIBELS: Universal reading screener to determine student reading       October, January,
                            needs. Assist in identifying students who need instructional          May
                            supports and those who need more targeted interventions
 K-5           ELA          MAP Reading Fluency: measures oral reading fluency with an            January, May
                            online adaptive benchmark and progress monitoring assessment.
                            In addition, it measures foundational skills and literal
                            comprehension. This will be administered to all students K-1 and
                            students in grades 2-5 not on level as determined by MAP Growth
K-5         ELA        MAP Growth: measures what students know and their readiness          October, January,
                        for grade level standards. It offers a personalized assessment to    May
                        measure whether students are performing on, below, or above
                        grade level. This will be administered to all students

 6-10        ELA        StudySync Readiness Screener: assesses students’ preparedness        September 1-10
                        with relation to standards-aligned skills and content from the
                        previous grade level. Teachers can use this assessment to
                        determine student strengths as well as reteaching and remediation

 11-12       ELA        Springboard screener assesses students’ preparedness with relation   September 1-10
                        to standards-aligned skills and content from the previous grade
                        level. Teachers can use this assessment to determine student
                        strengths as well as reteaching and remediation needs

 3-8, HS     ELA,       Early Fall MCAP: Students will take assessment for the               Sept 13- Oct 22
             Math, HS   grade/course completed in 2020-2021
             Alg, ALg
             2, Geom,
 K           ELA/Mat    KRA: Measures specific skills and determines what each student       Set 6- Oct 10
             h          knows and is able to do across four domains: social foundations,
                        language & Literacy, mathematics, and physical well-being &
                        motor development

Individual course pacing guides have been developed to inform assessments and intervals. In
addition, individual content areas have developed assessment guidance documents.
(Appendix C example)

TCPS recognizes the need to establish baseline data and to set projected student outcomes.
Although we have extensively analyzed 2020-2021 data, we have reservations that this data
accurately reflects individual and demographic progress relative to standards. We believe that
beginning of school year 2021-2022 data that will be completed in-person will be more reflective
of student needs. TCPS will utilize 2020-2021 data in developing an initial plan, but will rely
more heavily on beginning of year screeners and fall MCAP for establishing baseline data so as
not to misidentifyi student learning needs. Baseline data and projected student outcomes will be
added to our grant implementation plan in early fall. These targets will be generated with input
from school-based staff and district leadership. School-based teams will use data to identify
students with priority needs for interventions. Grade level team meetings, school-based data
monitoring meetings, and district elementary and secondary focus group meetings will include
scheduled time for on-going monitoring.

Specific school-based plans for implementing grant interventions will be completed upon final
approval of grant requests. Where required, procurement of materials will be facilitated by
district curriculum supervisors through our established procedures for purchase order
submissions. Implementation guidance will be shared with building administrations and
personnel they identify on their team by the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and
Curriculum Supervisors. Since all of leadership was engaged in identifying interventions, there
is a foundational shared understanding of priorities. The designated curriculum supervisor will
be responsible for working with school teams to ensure that there are no gaps in service or
shortcomings in materials to implement interventions identified in the grant.

Intervention requests to address the academic impact of lost instructional time are included in
Appendix A.

3. The remaining funds are requests that are associated with technology needs to support
effective instruction, metal health services to support student engagement in learning, and human
resource supports to plan for staff support in the event of Covid related health issues. The
requests are outlined Appendix B.

Part II- LEA Maintenance of Equity for High Poverty Schools

Documents to be provided for FY 22 and FY23

Part III- Budget Documents

1. Budget Narrative
Talbot County Public Schools
ESSER 3 Grant
20% Reserve Intervention Requests
Appendix A

Goal: All students will meet rigorous expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Objective 1:     At least 80% of students will achieve a score of 3, 4 or 5 on Spring MCAP in grade 3 and beyond in English Language Arts

• At least 80% of students in all subgroups and in the aggregate will demonstrate minimal risk or better by DIBELS Spring data.
• At least 75% of students in all subgroups and in the aggregate will demonstrate a passing score on the end of unit assessments in ELA.
• At least 75% of students will score within 1 standard deviation of the mean RIT score on the MAP assessment during each administration window.
• At least 80% of students will show 10 points of growth from their starting RIT score on the MAP assessments during each administration window.

Provide staffing, professional development, and resources to support improved student learning in ELA standards.
Literacy Intervention                Rational for Need               Timeline    Tier Rating                     Data Collection and              Cost
Heggerty Bridge the Gap              Foundational reading skills     September   Evidence Level Tier 2 -         A placement assessment is        $3,600
(Materials of Instruction)           are essential for ensuring      2021        Strong evidence that general    provided to identify where
Bridge the Gap is a series of        that all students are reading               phonological processing         to begin targeted instruction.
systemic phonemic awareness          by grade 3. End of year                     instruction benefits students   Assessments are also
intervention lessons for students    Dibels data for grades K                    who may be struggling to        included throughout the
in 2nd grade and above. The          and 1 demonstrtates that                    read.                           curriculum to progress
lessons can be used in small         almost 50% of students are                                                  monitor specific skills and
groups or with individual students   “at risk.” This number                      https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/    inform instruction. This
who struggle to decode words         increases for historically                  EvidenceSnapshot/374            data will be reviewed by
automatically. TCPS has already      underserved student groups                                                  individual classroom
implemented Heggerty in grade        when data is disaggregated.                                                 teachers and grade level
PreK-1.                                                                                                          teams during weekly
meetings and school-based
                                                                                                                teams quarterly. Student
                                                                                                                progress will be analyzed in
                                                                                                                conjunction with classroom
                                                                                                                assessments. The
                                                                                                                Supervisor of Early
                                                                                                                Childhood will monitor data
                                                                                                                at the district level to
                                                                                                                identify patterns and
                                                                                                                opportunities for continued
Heggerty Online Training              This will support greater     September   Evidence Level Tier 2 -         Data will be collected on the   $4,000
Teachers will participate in the      fidelity in implementation    2021        Strong evidence that general    number of teachers who
online training to more effectively   and better understanding of               phonological processing         complete the training.
implement the Heggerty                how to monitor student                    instruction benefits students   Additional measures to
curriculum materials.                 progress.                                 who may be struggling to        assess implementation of
                                                                                read (WWC).                     the training will come
                                                                                                                through formal and informal
                                                                                https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/    observation of instruction
                                                                                EvidenceSnapshot/374            and data monitoring at the
                                                                                Teacher effectiveness is the    school level.
                                                                                most significant and
                                                                                sustainable factor in
                                                                                addressing the needs of
                                                                                students impacted by the
                                                                                disruption to learning, so
                                                                                investments in professional
                                                                                learning will enable teachers
                                                                                to help students get back on
                                                                                track. For maximum
                                                                                effectiveness, professional
                                                                                learning should be paired
                                                                                with evidence-based literacy
                                                                                interventions that meet the
                                                                                comprehensive needs of

LETRS Training Materials              Data from 2020-2021           Fall 2021   Evidence level 3                DIBELS, MAP, and unit           $14,175
                                      school year indicates the                                                 assessment data will be
                                      need to intentionally focus                                               analyzed by classroom
on foundational reading                    https://www.voyagersopris.c      teacher and grade level
LETRS gives teachers the skills       skills. This is reflected in               om/docs/default-                 teams. The Elementary
they need to master how to teach      approximately 25% of                       source/professional-             ELA/Early Childhood
the five essential components of      students scoring below                     development/letrs/essa_flyer     Supervisor will monitor data
literacy, plus writing, spelling,     average on MAP end of                      _letrs_web.pdf?sfvrsn=7d79f      and provide quarterly
and oral language. Teachers also      year data.                                 b7_                              updates to the Assistant
learn: how to implement                                                                                           Superintendent for
instructional routines and                                                       Folsom, J. S., Smith, K. G.,     Instruction.
activities, approaches to                                                        Burk, K., & Oakley, N.
differentiate instruction to meet                                                (2017). Educator outcomes
the literacy needs of all students,                                              associated with
Bridge to Practice activities that                                               implementation of
ensure they can transfer what they                                               Mississippi’s K–3 early
learn in LETRS to the classroom                                                  literacy professional
                                                                                 development initiative (REL
                                                                                 2017–270). Washington, DC:
                                                                                 U.S. Department of
                                                                                 Education, Institute of
                                                                                 Education Sciences, National
                                                                                 Center for Education
                                                                                 Evaluation and Regional
                                                                                 Assistance, Regional
                                                                                 Educational Laboratory
                                                                                 Southeast. Retrieved from

Wonders Materials of                  Student 2020-2021data on       Fall 2021   Evidence Level 3                 Data from student end of       $14,853
Instruction                           unit assessments suggests                  McGraw-Hill Education’s          unit assessments will be
Consumables to support core           that there is a need to                    Wonders program is               analyzed by classroom
curriculum.                           provide additional practice                supported by Tier III            teachers to better inform
                                      opportunities and                          promising evidence under         instructional decisions for
                                      curriculum embedded                        ESSA guidelines based on         differentiation and to
                                      interventions. These                       analysis of the results of       provide guidance to tutors
                                      resources will support both                scientific studies in multiple   who will provide during
                                      differentiation in the                     implementation settings.         school learning
                                      classroom and tutoring                     https://s3.amazonaws.com/ec      opportunities. Data will
                                      opportunities aligned with                 ommerce-                         also be reviewed by grade-
                                      standards                                  prod.mheducation.com/unitas      level teams and school-
                                                                                 /school/explore/sites/reading-   based teams to monitor
                                                                                                                  student progress.

MAP                                   A required component of       FY 2022   Evidence Level 3               MAP will be administered       $20,000
MAP Growth measures what              the MSDE Safe Return to       FY 2023   Identify and use assessments   three times per year in        annually for
students know and what they are       School and Continuity of      FY 2024   that gather the appropriate    October, January, and May.     a total of
ready to learn next. By               Services requirement is to              information for determining    This data will be used to      $60,000 for
dynamically adjusting to each         implement multiple                      and/or adapting instruction.   monitor student progress on    three years
student’s performance, MAP            measure to assess student                                              grade level standards
Growth creates a personalized         learning and possible                   https://www.nwea.org/conten    throughout the year. Data
assessment that accurately            unfinished learning                     t/uploads/2017/03/TF_ESSA-     will support team planning
measures performance – whether        associated with school                  Guidance-Document-             as well as district level
a student performs on, above or       closures. The adaptive                  _March2017.pdf                 supports to improve
below grade level. Timely, easy-      computer diagnostic                                                    instruction. Data will also
to-use reports help educators         capacity of MAP allows                  https://portal.ct.gov/-        be reviewed by school
differentiate instruction to meet     for limited interruption to             /media/SDE/ESSA-               administration for
the academic needs of each            learning time and quick                 Evidence-                      conversation regarding
student.                              results that teachers can               Guides/ESSA_EvidenceBase       intentional planning of
                                      use to plan for the                     dGuide_Reading.pdf?la=en       small groups. Elementary
MAP Reading Fluency is a              differentiated needs of                                                ELA Supervisor will
computer adaptive, automatically      students to support                                                    provide updates on trends to
scored pre-K–5 universal              acceleration of learning.                                              district Leadership.
screening and progress
monitoring assessment that
eliminates the need for one-on-
one, teacher-student
administration. The innovative
assessment of oral reading
fluency, comprehension, and
foundational reading skills is
delivered online, enabling
educators to assess an entire class
in a short time. Teachers receive
immediate objective results,
actionable data, and instructional
guidance to support
individualized reading
development for every student.
Literacy Coach                      The focus on unfinished        FY 2023     Evidence Level 3                  Literacy coaches will focus    $160,000
Literacy coaches enable             learning and the               and FY      Literacy coaches have proven      on supporting teachers in      FY 23
professional learning that is       corresponding action steps     2024        effective in providing            implementing instruction in
responsive to teacher needs, and    that are being planned and                 purposeful, ongoing               writing. Data will be          $165,600
supportive of collaboration,        supported through multiple                 professional learning that        collected on student writing   FY 24
reflection, and decision-making     grant funding sources                      increases teacher capacity in     samples as milestones and
that supports student               requires on-going                          effective, informed practices     MCAP performance.              Total
achievement. This model allows      professional learning for                  (Stephens, D. et al. (2011).                                     $325,600
for teachers to be exposed to new   staff. New interventions,                  The impact of literacy
ideas and evidence-based            greater focus on flexible                  coaches on teachers’ beliefs
strategies for improving literacy   small grouping all warrant                 and practices. Journal of
and to apply those practices on     immediate feedback to                      Literary Research, 43(3),
their classrooms in real time.      help teachers improve                      215-249
                                    practice. Student data
                                    from 2020-2021 suggest                     Positive effects of literacy
                                    that students, especially at               coaches extend to improved
                                    the elementary level, need                 student outcomes and
                                    to accelerate their progress               increased achievement
                                    in literacy. Coaches will                  Matsumura, L et al. (2013).
                                    support teachers in                        Literacy coaching to improve
                                    planning and implementing                  student achievement: A
                                    best practices.                            multi-mediation model.
                                                                               Learning & instruction, 25,

                                                                               Characteristics of effective
                                                                               professional learning include
                                                                               coaching “over an extended
                                                                               period of time. This supports
                                                                               the role of deliberate practice
                                                                               in moving towards expertise
                                                                               in teaching”

SpringBoard Professional            Data from 2020-2021            Fall 2021   Evidence Level 1                  Impact on student learning     $ 4,100
Learning: Differentiated            school year indicates that                 SpringBoard English               will be informally assessed    Contract
Instruction                         more than 20% of high                      Language Arts 2021 edition        by increased teacher           services
Participants examine how to use        school students failed their   received all green                practice of differentiation as
SpringBoard resources to support       assigned English course.       ratings from EdReports for        support in lesson plan and       $1,616
differentiating instruction in order   Data also suggests that        grades 6–12. SpringBoard          classroom observation.           teacher
to meet the demands of MCCRS           there were decreased levels    consistently met                  Improved student                 stipend
for all learners.                      of engagement across all       expectations, the highest         achievement on benchmark
They analyze the principles of         student demographic            category, across all              and unit assessments will be     Total $5,716
differentiated instruction and         groups in engaging with        three gateways.                   analyzed by classroom
practice making strategic              more complex text and                                            teachers, data coaches, and
adjustments to process, content,       extended writings. A focus     https://www.edreports.org/co      supervisor for secondary
and product on order to support        on differentiation will        mpare/results/ela-hs              ELA to inform classroom
and extend learning.                   assist teachers in meeting                                       practices and on-going
                                       students where they are in     SpringBoard saw greater           professional learning for
                                       their level of mastery of      increases in AP and               teachers.
                                       standards and provide          PSAT/NMSQT participation,         TCPS will also track student
                                       scaffolds to accelerate        growing 4%–8% more, with          performance on SAT and
                                       learning.                      no loss in performance. In        AP enrollment and success.
                                       While TCPS is focused on       addition, black and Hispanic
                                       unfinished learning for        students in these
                                       students, we also recognize    SpringBoard schools saw
                                       the need to accelerate         greater increases in AP
                                       learning for all students.     participation and
                                       Fidelity of implementation     performance, growing up to 7
                                       of SpringBoard and an          percentage points more than
                                       understanding of how to        similar students in
                                       use its resources to           comparable non-SpringBoard
                                       differentiate will also        schools.1 à SpringBoard
                                       benefit higher achieving       schools showed statistically
                                       students.                      significant gains in access to
                                                                      AP, their AP Literature and
                                                                      Language participation rate
                                                                      increasing 4.5 percentage
                                                                      points more than that of
                                                                      comparable non-SpringBoard
                                                                      schools, with no loss of
                                                                      performance. 2 à Hispanic
                                                                      Students in SpringBoard
                                                                      schools showed statistically
                                                                      significant increases in access
                                                                      to AP, their AP Literature
                                                                      and Language participation
rate increasing 4.7 percentage
                                                                                    points more than that of
                                                                                    comparable non-SpringBoard
                                                                                    schools, with no loss of


Newsela is an Instructional            TCPS is making a               Fall 2021     Evidence Level III               Assessments are integrated      $27,345
Content Platform that brings           concerted effort to focus on   with          research shows that              directly into Newsela           annually for
together engaging, accessible          an integrated approach to      continued     differentiation through          articles to help students       a total of
content with integrated                literacy to support student    subscriptio   adjusted reading levels          engage with the content and     $82,035
assessments and insights to            mastery of standards. This     n in FY 23    supports students with           to give teachers actionable
supercharge reading engagement         includes implementing          and FY 24     disabilities in improved         insights on students’
and learning in every subject.         more time in social studies                  outcomes, which Newsela          learning needs to better plan
Content on Newsela covers topics       and science at the                           provides. Additionally,          instruction. Student data
students care about, that connect      elementary level beginning                   research shows that there is a   will be considered as a
to core curriculum, and are            in the 2021-2022 school                      correlation between student      component of multiple
aligned to standards. Each article     year to engage students in                   achievement and ensuring         measures to get a more
on Newsela is published at 5           critical thinking associated                 that learning is relevant,       complete understanding of
reading levels so that every article   with informational text                      specifically with regard to      student needs and growth.
is accessible to every student in a    analysis. A review of                        media literacy.                  The Social Studies and
class, regardless of reading           2020-2021 ELA data                                                            Science Curriculum
ability. Thousands of articles are     suggests that students still                 Busey, C. L., & Russell, W.      Supervisors will collaborate
leveled specifically for grades 2-     struggle with informational                  B., III. (2016). “We Want to     with ELA supervisors to
6, ensuring that you'll find content   text standards.                              Learn”: Middle School            address data from Newsela
that is accessible for younger                                                      Latino/a Students Discuss        in grade level and content
readers too. Additionally, many                                                     Social Studies Curriculum        team meetings.
articles available in both English                                                  and Pedagogy. RMLE
and Spanish. Access will be for                                                     Online: Research in Middle
students in K-12                                                                    Level Education, 39(4).

                                                                                    Mahoney, J., & Hall, C.
                                                                                    (2017). Using Technology to
                                                                                    Differentiate and
                                                                                    Accommodate Students with
                                                                                    Disabilities. E-Learning and
Digital Media, 14(5), 291–
**Collaborative Planning             Covid did provide an          2021-2022   Evidence Level III intended   Data will be collected          $72,706
Time for collaboration was           opportunity for               2022-2023   to build collective teacher   through the observation         FY 22
identified by teachers as a          collaboration as all staff    2023-2024   efficacy, which has been      process that shows
strategy that worked well            had Wednesday                             proven to have a positive     improved alignment to           $73,796
throughout the 2020-2021 school      Collaboration has been                    outcome on student            standards and differentiated    FY 23
year. This intervention will allow   understood to mean                        achievement                   instruction in comparison to
collaboration for more purposeful    “divide and conquer”                                                    2020-2021 data. Evidence        $74,903
planning among teachers to meet      rather than intentional                   Çoğaltay N., Karadağ E.       will also be collected on       FY 24
student needs as well as allowing    planning for student needs.               (2017) The Effect of          small group instruction
instructional assistants to have     This has resulted in                      Collective Teacher Efficacy   incorporated in planning        Total
access to school-based               students underperforming                  on Student Achievement.       and supported by role of        $221,405
professional learning that is        on assessments and the                    In: Karadag E. (eds) The      instructional assistants.Unit
aligned with teaching and            lack of alignment to                      Factors Effecting Student     assessment data will also be
learning. Instructional assistants   standards in the planning                 Achievement. Springer,        analyzed to measure impact
are integral to instructional        process.                                  Cham. https://doi.org/10.10   of alignment and effective
delivery and thus need to be                                                   07/978-3-319-56083-0_13       strategies in promoting
included in professional learning                                                                            student master of grade
opportunities that happen outside                                              Donohoo, J. (2018).           level standards. Teachers
of their contracted work day.                                                  Collective Teacher Efficacy   will engage in class data
                                                                               Research: Productive          analysis and grade level
                                                                               Patterns of Behaviour and     teams will do a further data
                                                                               Other Positive                dig.
                                                                               Consequences. Journal of
                                                                               Educational Change, 19(3),

                                                                               Research demonstrates the
                                                                               importance of creating
                                                                               opportunities for general
                                                                               educators and ELfocused
                                                                               educators to work
                                                                               collaboratively to improve
                                                                               teaching practices and
                                                                               promote equity for EL
**Communities of Practice             Covid did provide an           2021-2022   Evidence Level III intended      Qualitative data will include   $50,490
District-wide professional            opportunity for                2022-2023   to build collective teacher      participant pre and post        2021-2022
learning opportunities will be        collaboration as all staff     2023-2024   efficacy, which has been         surveys for understanding of
provided through the                  had Wednesday                              proven to have a positive        practice and application in     $61,497
implementation of Communities         Collaboration has been                     outcome on student               instruction. Student            2022-2023
of Practice. A Community of           understood to mean                         achievement                      assessment data will be
Practice is a sustained               “divide and conquer”                                                        analyzed to determine           $62,419
professional learning opportunity     rather than intentional                    Çoğaltay N., Karadağ E.          whether or not impact           2023-2024
about a specific topic. Topics for    planning for student needs.                (2017) The Effect of             transferred to student
these groups include Student          This has resulted in                       Collective Teacher Efficacy      learning.                       Total
Agency in Learning (SAIL),            students underperforming                   on Student Achievement.                                          $174,406
instructional strategies to support   on assessments and the                     In: Karadag E. (eds) The
student achievement in reading        lack of alignment to                       Factors Effecting Student
and writing, social emotional         standards in the planning                  Achievement. Springer,
learning, book studies such as        process. The review of data                Cham. https://doi.org/10.10
Grading for Equity, as well as        from 2020-2021 school                      07/978-3-319-56083-0_13
others.                               year and the subsequent
                                      development of the TCPS
                                                                                 Donohoo, J. (2018).
                                      Reopening Plan has
                                                                                 Collective Teacher Efficacy
                                      identified priorities for
                                                                                 Research: Productive
                                      instructional improvement                  Patterns of Behaviour and
                                      that will be the focus of                  Other Positive
                                      communities of practice.                   Consequences. Journal of
                                                                                 Educational Change, 19(3),
**Data Coaching                       While TCPS has been data       2021-2022   Evidence Level 3                 Lesson plan review in grade     $20,196
Given the increased importance        rich for many years, it is     2022-2023   Research has shown that          level teams and in district     2021-2022
of data in assessing unfinished       imperative that the data is    2023-2024   using data in instructional      content teams will be
learning and appropriate              accurately analyzed and in                 decisions can lead to            monitored to determine          $20,499
acceleration strategies, TCPS has     a timely manner to                         improved student                 improvement in                  2022-2023
identified the need for developing    promote improved                           performance (Wayman,             incorporating data informed
Data Coaches to provide guided        instruction and thus greater               2005; Wayman, Cho, &             instructional decisions         $20,806
access and support to teachers in     student learning. Data                     Johnston, 2007; Wohlstetter,     (more differentiation, small    2023-2024
making data informed decisions        Coaches will help ensure                   Datnow, & Park, 2008             groups, varied strategies).     Total
as they are planning. Identified                                                                                  Student unit, benchmark and     $61,501
grade level and/or content lead         on-going data review to                   But when it comes to               MCAP data will be
teachers will be provided with          support learning.                         improving instruction and          analyzed by content teams
additional professional learning                                                  learning, it’s not the quantity    to assess impact.
on using our data management                                                      of the data that counts, but
platforms to analyze data. These                                                  how the information is used
individuals will work                                                             (Hamilton et al., 2009)
collaboratively with curriculum
supervisors to analyze                                                            https://sedl.org/pubs/sedl-
course/grade specific data and                                                    letter/v22n02/using-data.html
will serve as the lead in school-
based team level data discussion                                                  https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/
to inform instruction in real time                                                Docs/PracticeGuide/dddm_p
to meet student needs.                                                            g_092909.pdf

**Instructional Assistants              Teaching foundational         2021-2022   “In terms of substantive           DIBELS, MAP, and unit          $144,000
TCPS recognizes that school             skills in literacy and math   2022-2023   findings, the most important       assessment data will be        2021-0222
closures due to the pandemic had        is essential for student      2023-2-24   finding is the remarkably          analyzed by classroom
a significant impact on all             academic success.                         strong and consistent              teacher and grade level        $197,760
students, but this is especially true   Research consistently                     evidence on the role of            teams. The Elementary          2022-2023
for our youngest students. A            suggests that early                       teaching assistants . . .          ELA/Early Childhood
heavy emphasis of our reopening         intervention is the best                  Positive effects of teaching       Supervisor will monitor data   $203,693
planning has been on how to             measure for promoting                     assistants emerge for most of      and provide quarterly          2023-2024
support our youngest learners in        academic growth. 2020-                    the outcome measures and           updates to the Assistant
developing foundational skills in       2021 Dibels data for                      across most of the                 Superintendent for             Total
reading and math. TCPS will \           incoming first graders in                 specifications that we             Instruction.                   $545,453
hire additional instructional           2021-2022 indicates that                  present. Moreover, the
assistants for first grade              almost 50 % of students                   evidence is consistent with
classrooms. TCPS locally funds          were “at risk” and another                the hypothesis that teaching
instructional assistants in all of      21% demonstrated “some                    assistants are more
our PreK and Kindergarten               risk.” Disaggregated math                 productive in terms of
classrooms. This has proven             data suggests extensive                   academic achievement for
effective in providing focused          unfinished learning with                  minority students than for
small group instruction as well as      42% of black, 57% of                      white students.”
allowing the certified teacher to       Hispanic, and 62% of                      https://files.eric.ed.gov/fullte
provide intensive intervention in       FARMS students not                        xt/ED573191.pdf
the regular classroom context.          meeting grade level
Given the interrupted teaching          standards as measured by                  “We conclude that teacher
and truncated instructional time        end of module                             assistants are a cost-effective
for in-person learning, TCPS will       assessments.                              means of raising student
provide shared instructional
assistants in first grade                                                 achievement, especially in
classrooms to provide the                                                 reading.”
additional support for helping                                            https://doi.org/10.3102/01623
students master foundational                                              73721990361

**EL Teacher                     TCPS continues to see an     2021-2022   Evidence Level I                 Student intervention data       $77,946
Provide EL teacher for Title I   increased EL student         2022-2023   Provide focused, intensive       will be tracked and data        2021-2022
elementary school to support     population at our largest,   2023-2024   small-group interventions for    from class assessments will
increased EL population.         Title I elementary school.               English learners determined      be analyzed to determine        $80,674
                                 All elementary data for                  to be at risk for reading        student growth in               2022-2023
                                 2020-2021 school year                    problems. The interventions      prerequisite skills and grade
                                 indicates that EL students               should include phonological      level standards. A              $83,498
                                 performed significantly                  awareness, phonics, reading      particular focus will be on     2023-2024
                                 lower than their non-El                  fluency, vocabulary, and         content vocabular. School
                                 peers. This was most                     comprehension and be             based team will monitor         Total
                                 pronounced at the early                  delivered through explicit,      data and make adjustments       $242,118
                                 grades where 76% of                      direct instruction.              to students identified for
                                 kindergarten EL students                 Source: Effective Literacy       services. EL Supervisor
                                 were “at risk” as compared               and English Language             will review and analyze data
                                 to 9% of non-El students.                Instruction for English          quarterly and share with the
                                 Math data also shows a                   Learners in the Elementary       Assistant Superintendent for
                                 similar pattern almost 50%               Grades (NCEE 2007-4001)          Instruction.
                                 of EL students not meeting               Provide high-quality
                                 end of module standards.                 vocabulary instruction
                                                                          throughout the day and teach
                                                                          vocabulary learning
                                                                          strategies and essential
                                                                          content words in detail; teach
                                                                          a set of academic vocabulary
                                                                          intensively over multiple
                                                                          Carlo, M., August, D.,
                                                                          McLaughlin, B., Snow, C.,
                                                                          Dressler, C., Lippman, D.,
                                                                          Lively, T., White, Cl.,
                                                                          (2004). Closing the gap:
                                                                          Addressing the vocabulary
                                                                          needs of English-language
                                                                          learners in bilingual and
mainstream classrooms.
                                                        Reading Research Quarterly,
                                                        V39, n2, PP. 188- 215. PreK-
                                                        3 4-5 6-8 Tier 1, Strong
                                                        Source: Teaching Academic
                                                        Content and Literacy to
                                                        English Learners in
                                                        Elementary and Middle
                                                        School (NCEE 2014-4012)
**El Tutors   TCPS continues to see an      2021-2022   Evidence Level 1                 Student intervention data       $ 31,910
              increased EL student          2022-2023   “A recent meta-analysis          will be tracked and data        2021-2022
              population at our largest,    2023-2024   reviewed studies of tutoring     from class assessments will
              Title I elementary school.                interventions that have been     be analyzed to determine        $45,584
              All elementary data for                   evaluated by randomized          student growth in               2022-2023
              2020-2021 school year                     controlled trials in the past    prerequisite skills and grade
              indicates that EL students                few decades and found that,      level standards. A              $46,267
              performed significantly                   on average, tutoring             particular focus will be on     2023-2024
              lower than their non-El                   increased achievement by         content vocabulary. The
              peers. This was most                      roughly an additional three to   tutor will work directly with   Total
              pronounced at the early                   15 months of learning across     the certified classroom         $123,761
              grades where 76% of                       grade levels. Another review     teacher and certified EL
              kindergarten EL students                  of almost 200 rigorous           teacher and will receive
              were “at risk” as compared                studies found that high-         intervention training from
              to 9% of non-El students.                 dosage tutoring—defined as       the certified EL teacher to
              Math data also shows a                    more than three days per         ensure fidelity of
              similar pattern almost 50%                week or at a rate of at least    implementation. School
              of EL students not meeting                50 hours over 36 weeks—is        based team will monitor
              end of module standards.                  one of the few school-based      data and make adjustments
              This data is representative               interventions with               to students identified for
              of disparity in unfinished                demonstrated large positive      services. EL Supervisor
              learning experienced by El                effects on both math and         will review and analyze data
              students across grade                     reading achievement. While       quarterly and share with the
              levels.                                   effective tutoring programs      Assistant Superintendent for
                                                        can be expensive, their large    Instruction.
                                                        average effects make them
                                                        highly cost effective relative
                                                        to many other educational

**TES Tutor                           TES MAP Growth data           2021-2022   Evidence Level 1                 Student intervention data        $ 20,046
TES is our most rural, smallest       indicates that 30-50% of      2022-2023   “A recent meta-analysis          will be tracked and data         2021-2022
elementary school. As such, it        students showed               2023-2024   reviewed studies of tutoring     from class assessments will
has limited staffing in comparison    regression. End of module                 interventions that have been     be analyzed to determine         $20,747
to other elementary schools in the    math assessments show                     evaluated by randomized          student growth in                2022-2023
district. In the past two years, it   50% of 3rd grade, 76 % of                 controlled trials in the past    prerequisite skills and grade
has experienced an almost             4th grade and 70% of 5th                  few decades and found that,      level standards. The tutor       $21,058
complete staff turnover. This         graders were either                       on average, tutoring             will work directly with the      2023-2024
intervention would support a tutor    approaching or did not                    increased achievement by         certified classroom teacher
to provide support to students        meet grade level standrads.               roughly an additional three to   and will receive intervention    Total
during the school day using                                                     15 months of learning across     training from district           $61,851
district approved interventions.                                                grade levels. Another review     supervisors to ensure
The tutor would work under the                                                  of almost 200 rigorous           fidelity of implementation.
direct supervision of classroom                                                 studies found that high-         School based team will
teachers.                                                                       dosage tutoring—defined as       monitor data and make
                                                                                more than three days per         adjustments to students
                                                                                week or at a rate of at least    identified for services. Title
                                                                                50 hours over 36 weeks—is        I Supervisor will review and
                                                                                one of the few school-based      analyze data quarterly and
                                                                                interventions with               share with the Assistant
                                                                                demonstrated large positive      Superintendent for
                                                                                effects on both math and         Instruction.
                                                                                reading achievement. While
                                                                                effective tutoring programs
                                                                                can be expensive, their large
                                                                                average effects make them
                                                                                highly cost effective relative
                                                                                to many other educational

**Special Ed Coaches            Students with special needs   2021-2022    Coaching can “create              Several data sources will be     $13,464
                                have been adversely           2022-2023    meaningful change in              analyzed. The first is           2021-2022
                                impact by the interrupted     2023-2024    teachers’ instruction . . .       compliance with writing
                                schooling. Data across all                 recent meta analysis of 60        IEPs as measured through         $13,666
                                measures and grade levels                  instructional coaching            record reviews. This will        2022-2023
                                in 2020-2021 suggest that                  evaluations found large,          ensure more targeted
                                special education students                 positive effects of coaching      supports as appropriate to       $13,871
                                underperformed in meeting                  on instructional practice         individual student needs         2023-2024
                                grade level standards in                   (0.49 standard deviation)         which should limit
                                comparison to their non-                   https://www.brookings.edu/bl      overaccommodation that           Total
                                disabled peers.                            og/brown-center-                  limits student mastery. Data     $41,001
                                                                           chalkboard/2019/01/25/instru      will also be tracked on
                                                                           ctional-coaching-holds-           fidelity with implementing
                                                                           promise-as-a-method-to-           interventions using a fidelity
                                                                           improve-teachers-impact/          observation tool that
                                                                                                             coaches can use when doing
                                                                                                             informal observations.
                                                                           Characteristics of effective      Student intervention data
                                                                           professional learning include     will be tracked to measure
                                                                           coaching “over an extended        student progress as will
                                                                           period of time. This supports     progress in grade level
                                                                           the role of deliberate practice   coursework. Data analysis
                                                                           in moving towards expertise       will be the responsibility of
                                                                           in teaching”                      the case manager and be
                                                                           https://aasa.org/uploadedFile     reviewed at school level
                                                                           s/AASA_Blog(1)/Reinvestin         meetings with admin and
                                                                           g_Rebounding%20white%20           core content teachers to
                                                                           paper_VLN21296_FN.pdf             support improved
                                                                                                             instruction. The Special
                                                                                                             Education Director will
                                                                                                             provide quarter data reviews
                                                                                                             to the Assistant
                                                                                                             Superintendent for

**Mindfulness Coach             The past 18 months have       2021-2022    Evidence Level                    Initially data will be           $10,000
Mindfulness Training            had a significant emotional   (training)   “Mindfulness is a promising       monitored in terms of            (training FY
This position would work with   toll on students and staff                 approach to teaching              coaching sessions and            22)
school leadership to make       alike. Research suggests      2022-2023    educators and students self-      professional learning
mindfulness a part of their     the need to create a                       awareness and self-regulation     provided. Participant pre
approach to leadership and          welcoming school                2023-2024    skills associated with success     and post surveys will          $94,814 FY
instructional support. This         environment where               (coaching)   in school . . .”                   provide some measure of        23
position would also work with       students feel safe and have                  https://files.eric.ed.gov/fullte   perceived impact on
school system coaches and           positive relationships with                  xt/ED606075.pdf                    practice. Data regarding       $98,133 FY
mentors to integrate mindfulness    peers and staff. A great                                                        student referrals and course   24
practices into coaching work with   deal has been addressed in                   “Most school-based                 failures will be tracked and
teachers (new teachers, sped,       previous grants in                           interventions are designed for     compared to baseline to        Total
literacy, math). A focus will be    implementing                                 students. There are fewer          attempt to determine           $202,947
on integrating mindfulness into     SEL/mindfulness for                          efforts to address stress and      quantitative impact on
staff routines.                     students and training staff                  burnout among teachers and         student achievement.
                                    to identify student social                   boost teacher well-being.          Mindfulness coach will
                                    emotional needs. Less                        Programs that have been            provide quarterly reports to
                                    attention has been for the                   geared toward teachers are         the Assistant Superintendent
                                    care of the adults who may                   varied in scope and have           for Instruction.
                                    have been traumatized                        been met with varying
                                    themselves. Given the                        degrees of success
                                    increased demands on                         (Richardson & Rothstein,
                                    teachers precipitated by the                 2008). However, there
                                    uncertainties of teaching                    remains yet to be a program
                                    during a global pandemic,                    that is systematically
                                    a focus on staff well-being                  implemented as part of
                                    is essential to support their                professional training for
                                    capacity to work with                        teachers. Clearly more needs
                                    students.                                    to be done to address and
                                                                                 support teachers in meeting
                                                                                 the continuously shifting
                                                                                 demands of the classroom.

                                                                                 “Randomised control trials
                                                                                 (RCTs) with adults and
                                                                                 young people have shown
                                                                                 moderate impacts on mental
                                                                                 and physical health, social
                                                                                 and emotional competences,
                                                                                 and performance of various
                                                                                 kinds, and on many
                                                                                 indicators of quality of life
                                                                                 and wellbeing. MRI (brain
scan) studies suggest that
                                                                                 mindfulness meditation
                                                                                 reliably and profoundly alters
                                                                                 the structure and function of
                                                                                 the brain to improve the
                                                                                 quality of both thought and


Goal: All students will meet rigorous expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Objective 1:     At least 80% of students will achieve a score of 3, 4 or 5 on Spring MCAP in grade 3 and beyond Mathematics.

• At least 80% of students in all subgroups and in the aggregate will demonstrate a passing score on the mid module assessments in Math.
• At least 80% of students in all subgroups and in the aggregate will demonstrate a passing score on the end of module assessments in Math.
• At least 80% of students in all subgroups and in the aggregate will demonstrate a passing score of end of unit assessments in Math

Provide staffing, professional development, and resources to support improved student learning in ELA standards.
Math Intervention                   Rationale for Need             Timeline      Tier Rating                    Data Collection and             Cost
Ellevation Math for grades 6-12.    Data from 2020-2021            Fall 2021     Evidence Level 1               Student have access to three    $14,613
Develops the academic language      school year indicates that     with grant    provide explicit vocabulary    assessment functions within     annually
of EL students in math.             EL students                    funding       instruction, make available    each primer. Teachers will
Frontloads key vocabulary           underperformed grade           request to    intensive and individualized   be able to review detailed      Total
concepts within the context of      level peers in math. For       continue in   interventions for struggling   reports to tack progress        $43,839
solving math problems and           example, fifth grade end of    FY 23 and     readers that can be provided   within the Ellevation
provides practice in all four       module math assessments        FY 24         by trained specialists         program. Additionall,
language domains: listening,        reveal that only 23% or EL                                                  student progress will be
reading, writing and speaking,      students met or approached                   https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/   monitored on grade-level
                                    grade level standards with                   Docs/PracticeGuide/adlit_p     course assessments aligned
                                    42% not meeting and                          g_082608.pdf                   with MCCRS to ensure
                                    another 34% having                                                          transfer of knowledge and
                                    incomplete data sets.                                                       skills. The EL Supervisor and
                                                                                                                Math Supervisor will oversee
                                                                                                                data monitoring and
                                                                                                                collaborate with school level
                                                                                                                personnel (including the data
                                                                                                                coaches) to monitor and
                                                                                                                adjust student learning plans
                                                                                                                to support success. Quarter
                                                                                                                progress reports will be
                                                                                                                provided to the Assistant
                                                                                                                Superintendent for
Ellevation Math Professional        Based on data reflecting       Fall 2021     Evidence level - 1             Quarterly student data          $3,754
Learning (practice): professional   overall unfinished learning    for intial    "Findings indicated that the   reviews; informal teacher
development for classroom or        for EL students specific to    training      research-based, needs-         feedback on capacity to use
content areas teachers of Els to    math. Teacher                  with          oriented professional          program
support program implementation.     professional learning in the   follow-up     development provided
                                    use of the intervention will   in Spring     teachers with useful
                                    support better fidelity of     22 to         strategies and resources.
                                    implementation and thus        calibrate     ESL student performance
                                    support greater student        teacher       data also demonstrated the
                                    mastery.                       understandi   effectiveness and impact of
                                                                   ng of         the professional
                                                                   program       development. Implications
                                                                   component     were drawn to further
                                                                   and to        enhance the collaboration
assist with   between university and
                                                                   student       school districts, and
                                                                   progress      between ESL teachers and
                                                                   monitoring.   regular classroom teachers,
                                                                                 for the achievement of all
                                                                                 ESL students."

Zearn                                End of module data from       2022-2023     Evidence level Tier I with      The program has the             $12,500 per
The Zearn Math curricular            the 2020-2021 school year     2023-2024     strong evidence                 capability of providing         year
materials includes Independent       demonstrates that 20-30 %                   Research supports the           immediate feedback that
Digital Lessons that are used as a   of students in grades 2-6                   implementation of the Zearn     student learning in real time   Total
supplemental tool to assist          did not meet grade level                    Digital program as the          which teachers will use to      $25,000
students in meeting specific         standards in math as                        disaggregated data shows        inform instructional
standards as assigned by their       measured by end of                          growth over time on student     decisions. Student data and
teachers. Zearn Math aligns with     module assessments and                      standardized test scores.       growth from Equip
the UDL principles by providing      42% in 7th grade did not                    Zearn Math meets the            diagnostic to end of module
students with different ways of      meet. Research also                         criteria in the USDOE           will be analyzed by
acquiring knowledge, showing         suggests that the greatest                  ESSA guidance as an             classroom teachers supported
understanding, and engaging in       impact in unfinished                        evidence-based intervention     by math coaches. Data will
learning. Within the Zearn digital   learning is in the area of                  that qualifies for Title I      be further reviewed at grade
lessons, students learn by           mathematics. This                           funding and is eligible for     level teams and the
demonstrating their math thinking    necessitates having                         School Improvement Grants       Supervisor of elementary
utilizing virtual manipulatives as   resources that augment                      under Section 1003, as well     math will provide quarterly
they work through concrete math      core instruction to support                 as other federal and state      progress reports to the
problems. Zearn implements           elementary students.                        grant                           Assistant Superintendent for
personalized remediation paths.                                                  programs. EdReports.org         Instruction.
These remediation paths provide                                                  cites that Zearn Math meets
built-in support on concepts from                                                expectations.
previous grades, so that students                                                https://about.zearn.org/resea
can strengthen foundational                                                      rch/lousiana-educational-
understanding while staying on-                                                  assessment-program-results
track to complete grade-level
content with their peers.                                                        https://about.zearn.org/resea


Moby Max                           End of module data from       2022-2023   Evidence level Tier 1 with   The program has the             $3,495.00 X
MobyMax identifies learning        the 2020-2021 school year     2023-2024   strong evidence              capability of providing         2 years (22-
gaps and its adaptive curriculum   demonstrates that 20-30 %                 MobyMax conducted a          immediate feedback that         23, 23-24)=
creates an individualized          of students in grades 2-6                 large-scale experimental     student learning in real time   $6,990.00
education plan for each student,   did not meet grade level                  study with approximately     which teachers will use to
allowing gifted students to        standards in math as                      4,000 students in 230        inform instructional
progress as quickly as they like   measured by end of                        classrooms within the        decisions. Student data and
while simultaneously ensuring      module assessments and                    United States. Findings of   growth from Equip
that remedial students get the     42% in 7th grade did not                  the study qualified the      diagnostic to end of module
extra instruction they need.       meet. Research also                       MobyMax digital learning     will be analyzed by
                                   suggests that the greatest                platform as an ESSA Tier 1   classroom teachers supported
                                   impact in unfinished                      program with Strong          by data coaches. Data will be
                                   learning is in the area of                Evidence for identifying     further reviewed at grade
                                   mathematics. This                         student learning gaps and    level teams and the
                                   supports having an                        evidence of improvement      Supervisor of math will
                                   additional resource to                    over time. The study         provide quarter progress
                                   augment core instruction to               performed determined that    reports to the Assistant
                                   support student learning                  the experimental group       Superintendent for
                                   needs.                                    using MobyMax had an         Instruction.
                                                                             effect size of 0.698 for
                                                                             math, 100 minutes/weeks
                                                                             over 40 weeks.


Eureka Math Equip                  End of module data from       2022-2023   Evidence Level 1             Student data and growth from    $32,500
As part of our comprehensive       the 2020-2021 school year     2023-2024   According to                 Equip diagnostic to end of      2022-203
tutoring plan, we are looking to   demonstrates that 20-30 %                 EdReports.org,               module will be analyzed by
implement the adaptive             of students in grades 2-6                 Eureka grades K-8,           classroom teachers supported    $35,750
diagnostic assessment, Eureka      did not meet grade level                  published by Great Minds,    by data coaches. Data will be   2023-2024
Math Equip, which is a research-   standards in math as                      met the criteria for         further reviewed at grade
based tool that is designed to     measured by end of                        alignment at all grade       level teams and the             Total
provide students with pre-module   module assessments and                    levels. The materials        Supervisor of math will         $68,250
assessments to assist in              42% in 7th grade did not                  reviewed are aligned to the    provide quarter progress
determining if a gap exists and       meet. Research also                       CCSSM. The materials are       reports to the Assistant
where misunderstandings remain        suggests that the greatest                focused within assessments     Superintendent for
due to the recent school closures.    impact in unfinished                      and spend the majority of      Instruction.
Assessment data provides              learning is in the area of                time on the major work of
teachers the opportunity to utilize   mathematics. This                         the grade. The materials are
supporting lessons with               necessitates reliable                     also coherent, following the
individuals, small groups or the      diagnostic measure to                     progression of the standards
whole class. The pacing guide         assist teachers in planning               and connecting the
allows all students to remain on      accelerated learning                      mathematics within the
track with grade level material       experiences to address                    grade level. The materials
while catching up on missed           missed skills in real time                include all three aspects of
skills from school closures.          and in the context of grade               rigor and there is a
                                      level learning.                           definitive balance between
                                                                                conceptual understanding,
                                                                                fluency and application.

Eureka Math Learn Workbook            End of module data from       2022-2023   Evidence Level 1               Student data and growth from    $53,482
Sets                                  the 2020-2021 school year     2023-2024   The Eureka Math                Equip diagnostic to end of      2022-2023
Eureka Math is a common core          demonstrates that 20-30 %                 curriculum offers many         module will be analyzed by
based math program that is            of students in grades 2-6                 research studies on their      classroom teachers supported    $59,124
aligned to the Maryland State         did not meet grade level                  data study page at the link    by data coaches. Data will be   2023-2024
Standards. It is a reciprocal         standards in math as                      below. Student, school and     further reviewed at grade
program PK-8, that encourages         measured by end of                        district gains through the     level teams and the             For total of
students to use mental strategies     module assessments and                    use of the math series,        Supervisor of math will         $112,606
to solve real-world application       42% in 7th grade did not                  teacher use of the Eureka      provide quarter progress
strategies to solve problems. The     meet. Research also                       Math Digital Suite and         reports to the Assistant
workbook sets are a companion to      suggests that the greatest                intervention programs          Superintendent for
support additional practice.          impact in unfinished                      offered through the use of     Instruction.
                                      learning is in the area of                programs such as Eureka
                                      mathematics. Workbooks                    Equip as a pre-assessment
                                      will allow for teachers to                diagnostic all assist in
                                      incorporate practice and to               creating a sound curriculum.
                                      differentiate to address                  All Eureka Math
                                      unfinished learning.                      components are Tier I with
                                                                                strong evidence.
You can also read