Secondary school COURSE CALENDAR 2020-2021 - I.E. WELDON SECONDARY SCHOOL - IE. Weldon Secondary ...

Page created by Glen Schwartz

                                   t io n
     G e n e r a l In f o r m a
                      How to Read a Course Code … 1
                      Pathways … 2
                      Diploma / Certificate Requirements … 3
                      Course Selection Tips … 5
                      Resources for ‘Backwards Planning’ … 7
                      Personal Planning Page … 9

                Areas of Study
                      Arts … 10
                      Business Studies …15
                      Canadian and World Studies … 15
                      Computer Studies … 25
                      Native Studies … 16
                      English … 17
                      Guidance and Career Education … 22
                      Core French … 18
                      Health and Physical Education … 19
                      International Languages … 18
                      Mathematics … 20
                      Science … 22
                      Social Sciences and the Humanities … 23
                      Technological Education … 24

  S p e c ia l iz e d P r o g r
                      Cooperative Education … 26
                      Dual Credits … 26
                      French Immersion … 32
                      International Baccalaureate Program (IB) and Power Pack … 30
                      Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) … 27
                      Practical Academics and Life Skills Program (PALS) … 29
                      Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) … 27
                      Workplace Pathway Package … 28
1. Take the time to look through the many interesting courses
   and specialized programs offered at the school.
2. Explore the various pathways available to you as you plan to
   reach your educational goals.
3. Use the OSSD requirements chart on page 3 and the personal
   planning page on page 9 to map out your education pathway
   and academic plans.
4. Contact the Guidance Office if you have any questions.
how toread
 HOW TO READ A COURSE CODE                            Course Descriptions
 Courses use a 6-character code for identification.   Go to to find detailed course
 The first 5 characters of the code are set out by    descriptions. Read about the courses you are
 the Ministry of Education. The 6th character is      considering and bookmark your favourites for
 particular to a specific school.                     quick access.

  ENG 1DR                                              ENG 1DR
These 3 letters identify the subject.                 This letter identifies the type of course.
The first letter tells you the department area.       Grades 9 & 10
A = Arts                                              D = Academic
B = Business                                          P = Applied
C = Canadian & World Studies                          L = Locally Developed
E = English                                           O = Open
F = French                                            Grades 11 & 12
G = Guidance & Career Education                       U = University Preparation
H = Humanities & Social Sciences                      C = College Preparation
I = Interdisciplinary Studies                         M = University/College Preparation
L = International Languages                           E = Workplace Pathway
M = Mathematics                                       O = Open
N = Native Studies
P = Physical & Health Education
S = Sciences                                           ENG 1DR
T = Technology
                                                      This school indicator distinguishes specific
                                                      course characteristics.
[1]                                                   R = Regular Program
                                                      B = Power Pack & International Baccalaureate
This number indicates the grade level.
1 = grade 9       2 = grade 10                        I = French Immersion
3 = grade 11     4 = grade 12                         M = Male
                                                      F = Female
                                                      U = Dual Credit                                 [1]
A pathways approach to learning allows                              Each pathway has value and leads to
students to:                                                        exciting and fulfilling careers. Pathway choices
•     view each educational experience as part 		                   are about:
      of a larger picture;                                          •    finding the best fit for each individual
•     focus on the courses and experiential                              student; and
      learning that best prepares them for the                      •    building on knowledge, strengths, skills,
      future while also enjoying the present;                            and interests.
•     shift from one pathway to another over the
                                                                    A variety of Specialized Programs are available at Weldon to
      secondary school years as each grade allows
                                                                    support main pathway options. Read the Course Calendar and
      opportunities for self-discovery leading to
                                                                    Weldon Website carefully as you make your choices.
      increasingly informed choices.

Though a great deal of flexibility and overlap exists between
the pathways, students and parents are reminded to always
check prerequisites carefully when selecting courses.

    PATHWAY                     COLLEGE                         UNIVERSITY                    WORKPLACE
    GRADES 9 + 10               Courses are coded as APPLIED    Courses are coded as          Courses are coded as LOCALLY
                                (P).                            ACADEMIC (D). Students        DEVELOPED (L). Students should
                                Students may take               may take appropriate          consult the chart on page 25 for
                                appropriate courses as their    courses as their optional     optional courses.
                                optional selections many of     selections many of
                                which are coded as OPEN (O).    which are coded as OPEN
    GRADES 11 + 12              Courses are coded as COLLEGE    Courses are coded as          Courses are coded as
                                PREPARATION (C). Students       UNIVERSITY PREPARATION        WORKPLACE PREPARATION (E).
                                may also take appropriate       (U). Students may also        Students should consult the chart on
                                courses coded as OPEN (O).      take appropriate courses      page 25 for optional courses.
                                Other suitable courses are      coded as OPEN (O). Other
                                coded as UNIVERSITY/            suitable courses are coded
                                COLLEGE (M) and are a mix of    as UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE (M)
                                both those pathways.            and are a mix of both those
    TYPICAL DESTINATION         College or Apprenticeship       University                    Apprenticeship or Workplace


 CREDITS   SUBJECT                                                YEAR 1           YEAR 2           YEAR 3            YEAR 4
    4      English (1 credit per grade)
    3      Math (1 at senior level)
    2      Science
    1      Canadian History
    1      Canadian Geography
    1      Arts
    1      Health and Phys. Ed.
    1      French
    0.5    Career Studies
    0.5    Civics
    1      Group 1
           Additional English or Language or Social Sciences and the Humanities or Canadian and World Studies or Guidance and
           Career Education or Cooperative Education*
    1      Group 2
           Health and Physical Education or the Arts or Business Studies or French as a Second Language or Cooperative Education*
    1      Group 3
           Science (grade 11 or 12) or Technological Education (Grades 9-12) or Computer Studies or French as a Second Language or
           Cooperative Education*
    *      Note
           A maximum of 2 Cooperative Education credits and a maximum of two French as a Second Language credits can be
           counted as compulsory credits for these 3 groups.
    12     Optional Credits
           Along with the compulsory credits, students earn 12 credits in optional courses.
           Pay close attention to post-secondary requirements and recommendations when selecting optional courses.
           40 Hours of Community Service
           The community involvement requirement encourages students to develop awareness and understanding of civic
           responsibility and of the role they can play in supporting and strengthening their communities.
           Provincial Literacy Requirement
           Students complete the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test in Grade 10. Students have two attempts but those who
           are unsuccessful can enrol in OLC4OR.


The Ontario Secondary School Certificate will be granted on
request to students who leave school before earning the Ontario
Secondary School Diploma, provided that they have earned a
minimum of 14 credits distributed as follows:
•     2 credits in English
•     1 credit in Canadian Geography or Canadian History
•     1 credit in Math
•     1 credit in Science
•     1 credit in Health and Physical Education
•     1 credit in the Arts or Technological Education
•     Plus 7 Optional Credits

Certificate of Accomplishment

Students with developmental delays will be eligible for a
Certificate of Accomplishment on completion of their Secondary
School program. Please contact the Head of Special Education
for further details.

 selectiontips                                          IMPORTANT NOTE:
                                                        See the chart on page 3 for the OSSD requirements
                                                        needed to graduate.


 If you are going into Grade 9
 •   For most pathways, you will need English, Math, Science,
     French, Geography, Phys. Ed., plus two optional courses.
 •   Carefully consider your grade 8 teacher(s) recommendations
     on pathway selection for each compulsory subject. Discuss
     these with your parents/guardians when completing your
     course planning sheet.
 •   Select the pathway that will best fit your educational needs
     and abilities. Set yourself up to be successful and challenged to
     reach your potential.
 •   Think about your optional courses and select courses which
     appeal to your personal interests. Grade 9 optional courses are
     the starting point for similar courses at other grades.

 If you are going into Grade 10
 •   For most pathways, you will need English, Math, Science,
     History, Careers/Civics & Citizenship, plus three optional
 •   Think about your learning in grade 9. Take a good look at your
     marks, attendance and work habits. Select the pathway for
     grade 10 based on your past performance and future goals.
 •   You have more choice this year—put careful thought into
     your optional courses. You may want to continue in an area of
     interest from grade 9 or try something new.
 •   The compulsory half credit course in Career Studies (GLC2O) in
     grade 10 will provide you with opportunities to plan for your

If you are going into Grade 11:
•     For most pathways, you will need English and Math. The
      remaining courses are based on your individual needs and
•     Assess your marks, work habits, attendance, and overall
      learning in grades 9 and 10. As you move into your senior years
      of high school, you want to be on the pathway that best fits
      your needs and goals.
•     Start thinking about post-secondary plans if you haven’t
      already done so. Research apprenticeship, college, and
      university entry requirements to ensure you take appropriate
      courses to prepare for grade 12. Many grade 12 courses have
      prerequisites (courses which must be taken before being
      eligible). Use of the resources listed on the next page.
•     You have the most choices this year! Once you’ve planned for
      your post-secondary requirements, choose courses that are of
      personal interest and/or related to your career plans.

If you are going into Grade 12:
•     For most pathways, English is the only remaining requirement.
      Other courses depend on your individual needs for meeting
      graduation requirements and for gaining entry to your post-
      secondary program of interest.
•     This year takes serious planning! You need to research your
      post-secondary plans and select the courses which will prepare
      you for those post-secondary destinations. Do NOT assume
      you can easily make changes next year. Select the proper
      courses now to avoid trying to change into a course later only
      to find out it is already full. Use of the resources listed on the
      next page.
•     All students entering grade 12 should make sure that Ontario
      Secondary School Diploma requirements are being met in
      order to graduate.

As Sean Covey says in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens,
you should “begin with the end in mind” when making plans. This
enables you to make informed choices as you determine course
selections each year.

All Students
Students on all pathways may consider an apprenticeship and may
find the following websites helpful:

Cooperative Education can be a key part of your secondary school
plan. Speak to a Co-op Teacher about potential placements related
to your area of interest. Additional information regarding the
Cooperative Education Program, the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship
Program (OYAP), and Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) in
Construction, Transportation and the Arts are included in the
Specialized Programs section of this Calendar and on the Weldon
website at

Students on the college pathway should explore www.ontario Under ‘Programs’ search by keyword and hit the
‘visit’ button which links to the individual college website.
Check admission requirements carefully in order to ensure that
appropriate course selections are made during your grade 11 and
12 years. Pay particular attention to any Math, English and Science
requirements that are mentioned by the colleges. Many students
find that a Cooperative Education experience in secondary school
helps them in making informed choices for college plans.

Students on the university pathway are reminded that six 4U/4M
courses (including ENG4U) are required for university programs.
More specific information regarding prerequisite courses and other
entry requirements for particular programs at Ontario universities
is available through Choose
your grade 11 and 12 courses carefully based on the admission
requirements for programs of interest. Watch for other courses
that, though not required, are ‘recommended’ or that are related to
your post-secondary goals. Because the grade 12 year can be full
meeting the 4U/M requirements, students on this pathway who
wish to take Cooperative Education at secondary school should
consider it in grade 11.

Students on the workplace pathway may explore both college
and apprenticeship opportunities for which they have the required
courses—check English and Math prerequisites carefully. Students
moving directly to the workplace will gain valuable experience
through the grade 12 Cooperative Education placement.
Workplace course curriculum is designed to prepare students
for the workplace and active citizenship. See your Guidance
Counsellor and/or the Head of Special Education for additional
resources suited to your individual needs.

•   Keep in mind the information and resources outlined on the previous pages.
•   Look through the Areas of Study and Specialized Programs sections of the Calendar.
•   Highlight courses of interests and make notes below as you formulate your personal plan.
•   Prepare a list of the course codes for the courses you plan to select so you can easily find them
    during the online course selection process.

arts                                                            Important Note:
                                                                For information on the Specialist High Skills Major in
                                                                the Arts, please see the Specialized Program section at


DRAMA                                                           MUSIC
ADA 1OR — Drama, Grade 9 (Open)                                 Guitar
This course offers students the chance to explore dramatic      AMG 1OR — Guitar, Grade 9 (Open)
techniques and forms in an introductory manner. Students        This course empowers students to learn the many ways to
will experiment with lights, sound, and performance             play the guitar from chording, soloing, reading and writing
techniques as they eventually master and produce a small-       music, recording and covering many great songs. Whether
scale production. This course will help students become more    you are a beginner who loves music or someone who knows a
confident and comfortable when working with other people,       few chords and wants to become a more confident player, this
presenting, or being themselves.                                course will make you an awesome player and performer. We
ADA 2OR — Drama, Grade 10 (Open) 		                             do a field trip to visit with a pro guitarist in Toronto and have
Recommended background: ADA 1OR                                 many guest professionals drop by to share their videos and
Grade 10 Drama continues to hone your performance and           talk about the entertainment business. The course is taught
technical skills within the theatre. In this course, students   by a professional musician, songwriter and performer.
will examine a variety of sources from various cultures and     AMG 2OR — Guitar, Grade 10 (Open)
genres. This course offers a more in-depth look at dramatic     Guitar 2.0 takes you through the world of recording your
techniques and conventions. By the end of the semester,         first professional demo which involves writing, producing,
students will develop a collaborative performance.              performing, editing, pro tools, microphones, logic, tracking,
ADA 3MR — Drama, Grade 11 (U/C) 			                             singing, ableton live and tons and tons of music. Composers
Prerequisite: ADA 1OR or ADA 2OR                                from TV and film drop by and we travel to Metalworks in
Students will prepare for the rigors of the theatre showing     Toronto to hone your background to becoming a better
commitment to the subject and passion for performance.          guitarist, musician, writer and recording artist.
Students will examine and analyze a variety of drama            AMG 3OR — Guitar, Grade 11 (Open)
works and explore the many areas for creativity within the      Prerequisite: AMG 1OR or AMG 2OR
profession. Students will also engage in community-based,       This is the course that launches your music career. You are
collaborative drama beyond the walls of their classroom.        placed into a band and you perform songs from all of the
ADA 4MR — Drama, Grade 12 (U/C) 				                            most incredible decades. People who have taken this course
Prerequisite: ADA 3MR                                           are James Barker, Simon Ward (The Strumbellas), Braden
In the final drama course at Weldon, students will examine      Barrie (Say We Can Fly), the Kents, Adam Crossman and many
both the practical and the academic sides of the art, both      other profession musicians that have travelled from Lindsay
individually and collaboratively. Students will delve into      to Toronto to Nashville to New York, Europe and beyond. This
the historical foundations of drama as well as creating and     where you learn the trade of being a professional musician
producing major performances for large audiences, that          and apply the skills to writing, performing, building a draw,
extend well beyond their classmates. They will explore all of   honing your social media presence and starting your career.
the aspects of creating, researching, developing, mounting,     We cover loads of music and you will make many important
producing, and performing a dramatic production.                connections in the music business.

[ 10 ]
AEA 4OR — Exploring and Creating in the Arts		AMI 1O2 — Instrumental Music — Advanced Band
Grade 12 (Open) 						                                           Grade 9 (Open)
Prerequisite: None 				                                          Prerequisite: Grade 7 and 8 Instrumental Music
Live Production at its best, specializing in the technical side  Want to continue your musical adventure? This course takes
of music and performance arts. You will create professional-     students who have a head start in instrumental music and
level digital-radio, -television, -recording and -live sound for takes their playing to the next level. Expand your musical
a variety of productions in and outside of the school. This is a knowledge in performance. Perform a wide variety of styles
must for students wanting to pursue a career in the exciting     from traditional band tunes, to movie themes, to pop music.
entertainment field or continue your studies post-secondarily. AMI 2O1 — Instrumental Music — Novice Music
AMG 4MR — Guitar. Grade 12 (University/College) 		               Grade 10 (Open)
Prerequisite: AMG 3OR                                            Prerequisite: None
This course is your final year at Weldon. Webpages,              Did you miss out on music in grade 9? This course is for you!
songwriting, college and university preparation, finishing       We start with the basics and quickly develop into playing full
your Grade 8 Conservatory live, theory part 2, recording,        pieces. Work together with your peers to create awesome
video, Youtube. We cover it all. Rub shoulders with the          musical fusion! Learn how to read music and take your playing
greatest acts in the business today and learn from them.         to the next level. We also listen to all types of music (pop,
Specialize in music production, engineering a great track,       rock, funk, jazz, classical, etc) and debate what makes music
video, image and create the ultimate portfolio to tour to your   AMAZING!
audience wherever they may be. Be a leader. Hone your craft AMI 2O2 — Instrumental Music — Advanced Band
and your business.                                               Grade 10 (Open)
Instrumental                                                     Prerequisite: AMI 1O1 or AMI 1O2
                                                                 This is a continuation of AMI 1O2. If you loved grade 9 band
AMI 1O1 — Instrumental Music — Beginner Band
                                                                 this is the course for you. You will continue to improve your
Grade 9 (Open)
                                                                 performance skills and build on your music knowledge. You
Prerequisite: None
                                                                 will learn to work in large group and solo situations. We will
Always wanted to learn to play an instrument? We start with
                                                                 continue to participate in concerts and other amazing music
the basics and quickly develop into playing full pieces. Work
together with your peers to create awesome musical fusion.
Learn how to read music. We also listen to all types of music
(pop, rock, funk, jazz, classical, etc) and analyse what makes
music AMAZING! Each year this class also participates in many
live events.

                       For complete course descriptions visit
                                                                                                                         [ 11 ]
AMI 3MR — Instrumental Music                                      AMI 4MR — Instrumental/Vocal Music
Grade 11 (University / College)                                   Grade 12 (University / College)
Prerequisite: AMI 2O2 (recommended) or AMI 1O2                    Prerequisite: AMI 3MR or AMR 3MR
Continue your music adventure in this course. You will explore    Finish your final year at Weldon on a high note. Become the
large ensemble, small ensemble, and solo work. Students will      budding performer you were always meant to be. In this
begin to explore the history of music (both the classics and      course you will work as part of a large group, and also as
rock/pop music) and how it has changed throughout time.           a soloist. We will continue to explore the history of music
AMR 3MR — Instrumental/Vocal/Contemporary Music                   and how it has changed over time. This is a great course for
Grade 11 (University / College)                                   students looking into music as a career option.
Prerequisite: AMG 2OR, AMI 2O2, or AMV 2OR                        AMI 4MB — Instrumental Music
You will work together with your peers to form a                  Grade 12 IB Music (IB Music Part 2)
contemporary music ensemble. The focus will be on                 Prerequisite: AMI 3MB
everything from Stevie Wonder to Ed Sheeren. You will             Continue your IB music journey with this course. You will
continue to improve your music skills and learn to work with      complete your Musical LInks Investigation, Performance
other musicians. We will cover live music setup (soundboards,     Recital, and your preparations for your Music Paper (written
microphones, amplification. Our focus is on improving             exam). Students must successfully complete AMI3MB prior to
performance skills. Be a part of the unique and AMAZING           taking this course.
music experience.
AMI 3MB — Instrumental/Vocal/Guitar Music
                                                                  AMV 1OR — Vocal Music — Beginner Vocals
Grade 11 IB Music (IB Music Part 1)
                                                                  Grade 9 (Open)
Prerequisite: AMG 2OR, AMI 2O2, or AMV 2OR
                                                                  Prerequisite: None
Do you love music? If you are in Power Pack and looking to fill
                                                                  Do you love to sing? Want to improve your voice? Learn how
your Section 6 requirement for the IB Diploma Program TAKE
                                                                  to harness your vocal talent. Explore singing in groups and
THIS COURSE!!!! IB Music is a two year intensive course which
                                                                  in solo situations. Learn to read music notation. Sing a wide
aims to show how music can help you relate to the world
                                                                  variety of music. Build your confidence and have fun! Each
around us. Make connections between cultures through the
                                                                  year this class also participates in live events, from concerts,
study of music and music history. Students will also continue
                                                                  to workshops, to school tours and more.
to develop their personal performance skills in a solo setting.
This course prepares students for the three part IB music         AMV 2OR — Vocal Music — Advanced Vocals
examination at the end of their grade twelve year.                Grade 10 (Open)
                                                                  Prerequisite: AMI 1O1 or AMI 1O2
Note: To receive an IB grade students must successfully
                                                                  Did you love grade 9 vocals? Then this is the course for you.
complete IB Music Part 1 (AMI 3MB) and 2 (AMI 4MB).
                                                                  You will continue to explore your performance skills and build
                                                                  on your music knowledge. You will learn to work in both large
                                                                  group and solo situations. Interested in IB Music? This course
                                                                  is the prerequisite for that program!

[ 12 ]
For complete course descriptions
DANCE                                                             VISUAL ARTS
ATC 2OR — Dance                                                   AVI 1OR — Visual Arts, Grade 9 (Open)
Prerequisite: None                                                Explore the stages of the creative process with painting,
This course emphasizes the development of students’               drawing, printmaking and sculpture. Students will analyze
technique and creative skills relating to the elements of dance   and interpret art within personal, contemporary and historical
and the tools of composition in a variety of performance          contexts.
situations. Students will identify responsible personal and       AVI 2OR — Visual Arts, Grade 10 (Open)
interpersonal practices related to dance processes and            Recommended background: AVI 1OR
production, and will apply technologies and techniques            Explore the stages of the creative process and a variety of
throughout the process of creation to develop artistic scope in   artistic styles with painting, drawing, printmaking and
the dance arts.                                                   sculpture. Students will analyze and interpret art within
                                                                  personal, contemporary and historical contexts while
MEDIA ARTS                                                        exploring a variety of purposes for making art.
                                                                  AVI 3MR — Visual Arts, Grade 11 (University/College)
ASM 2OR — Media Arts, Grade 10 (Open)
                                                                  Prerequisite: AVI 1OR or AVI 2OR
 This course enables students to create media art works by
                                                                  Make connections between your studies of the Renaissance,
exploring new media, emerging technologies such as digital
                                                                  Contemporary Sculpture and 19th Century Art and your own
animation, and a variety of traditional art forms such as film,
                                                                  technical and expressive work in painting, drawing, sculpture,
photography, video, and visual arts.
                                                                  and printmaking.
ASM 3MR — Media Arts, Grade 11 (University/College)
                                                                  AWD 3OR — Visual Arts — Visual Design,
Prerequisite: Any Grade 9 or 10 course in visual arts or media
                                                                  Grade 11 (Open)
arts—media arts strongly recommended.
                                                                  Prerequisite: AVI 1OR or AVI 2OR or any Media Arts credit
This course focuses on the development of media arts skills
                                                                  An introduction to fields of design (ex. industrial, graphic,
through the production of art works involving traditional and
                                                                  interior and packaging). Learn about the history of design and
emerging technologies, tools, and techniques such as new
                                                                  prepare work for real and simulated client-designer scenarios
media, computer animation, and web environments.
                                                                  using traditional materials and new technology.
ASM 4MR — Media Arts, Grade 12 (University/College)
                                                                  AWS 3MR — Yearbook, Grade 11 (University/College)
Prerequisite: ASM 3MR
                                                                  Prerequisite: None
This course emphasizes the refinement of media arts skills
                                                                  Be an invested member of the Weldon community; develop
through the creation of a thematic body of work by applying
                                                                  graphic design, photography, layout design, journalism,
traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques
                                                                  marketing, event planning and leadership skills. Organization,
such as mutimedia, computer animation, installation art, and
                                                                  time management and creative thinking skills will combine to
performance art.
                                                                  result in a yearbook you will work together to create.
                                                                                     See page 14 for more Visual Arts courses >

                                                                                                                          [ 13 ]
arts                                                             Important Note:
                                                                 For information on the Specialist High Skills Major in
                                                                 the Arts, please see the Specialized Program section at

AWQ 3MR — Visual Arts — Photography		                            AWT 4MR — Visual Arts — Portfolio
Grade 11 (University/College) 				                               Grade 12 (University/College)
Prerequisite: AVI 1OR or AVI 2OR or any Media Arts Credit        Prerequisite: 4M Visual Arts, 4M Media Arts, 4M Photography,
Students will have the opportunity to work with Digital          or 4M Design
Photography in the following Units: Technical, Personal,         All students who have successfully completed 4M Visual Arts
Commercial, Fine Art, Documentary, Retail, and Impact            or 4M Media Arts are invited to take this course. Focus on self-
Photography.                                                     directed inquiry to build a portfolio of creative work. Students
AVI 4MR — Visual Arts, Grade 12 (University/College)             will work in multiple series that explore themes, materials
Prerequisite: AVI 3MR 				                                       and imagery of their choice and present a final showcase
Students explore through the creative process and critical       publicly.
analysis process the artists and techniques of Modernism,
Photorealism and Contemporary art. In studio work, students
experience increasing independence in selection of materials,
themes and imagery.
AVI 4ER—Visual Arts, Grade 12 (Workplace)
An introduction to a variety of art media including drawing,
painting, sculpture, print making and new media (ex.
animation). A hands-on focus for workplace pathway
AWD 4MR — Visual Arts — Visual Design
Grade 12 (Open)
Prerequisite: AVI 3MR or AWD 3OR
This course is based around the premise of building a design
business and its “brand’ and then accepting authentic design
commissions to build a design portfolio featuring concepts
and work from a variety of design disciplines such as graphic,
interior, textile, industrial and fashion design.
AWQ 4MR — Visual Arts — Photography
Grade 12 (University/College)
Prerequisite: AWQ 3MR or AWS 3MR or ASM 3MR
Students explore the history of photography from the camera
obscura and daguerreotypes to instagram and snapchat.
Students will respond to themes and techniques from                   For complete course descriptions
throughout photography’s history by building their own                      visit
photography portfolio and through critical analysis exercises.

[ 14 ]
BUSINESS STUDIES                                                 CANADIAN AND WORLD STUDIES (CAWS)

GRADE 9                                                          GEOGRAPHY
BTT 1OR — Introduction to Information Technology in              CGC 1DR — Issues in Canadian Geography
Business (Open) 				                                             Grade 9 (Academic)
Information Technology will increase your ability to use your    CGC 1PR — Issues in Canadian Geography
computer more effectively for school, home, and your future.     Grade 9 (Applied)
                                                                 CGG 3OR — Travel and Tourism: A Geographic
GRADE 10                                                         Perspective, Grade 11 (Open)
BBI 2OR — Introduction to Business (Open)		                      Prerequisite: CGC 1DR or CGC 1PR
Basic business concepts are covered in a computer lab setting.   Students will look at cultural, economic, and political factors
This course has a strong international business focus.           that influence travel and tourism.
                                                                 CGR 4MR —The Environment and Resource
                                                                 Management, Grade 12 (University/College)
                                                                 Prerequisite: Any university, university/college, or college
BAF 3MR — Introduction to Financial Accounting                   preparation course in CAWS, English, or Social Sciences and
(University/College)		                                           Humanities.
Prerequisite: None					                                          Students will examine ecological processes and strategies for
Taught in a computer lab this course teaches fundamental         sustainability.
accounting procedures and has a strong emphasis on decision
making that can be done with accounting information.
                                                                 LAW AND POLITICS
BMI 3CR — Introduction to Marketing (College)
Prerequisite: None					                                          CHV 2OR — Civics and Citizenship (Open) (.5 credit)
Effective marketing is the lifeblood of any business; a          CLU 3MR — Understanding Canadian Law
computer component is part of this course.                       (University/College)
                                                                 Prerequisite: CHC 2DR OR CHC 2PR
                                                                 Course looks at the roots of law, the criminal justice system,
                                                                 and civil law.
BDV 4CR — Entrepreneurial Studies: Venture
                                                                 CLN 4CR—Legal Studies, Grade 12 (College)
Planning (College)
                                                                 Prerequisite: CHV 2O
Prerequisite: None
                                                                 Students will explore the importance of law, current legal
Creative thinking skills will be used to plan and operate a
                                                                 issues and their impact on our daily lives.
business venture.
                                                                 CLN 4UR — Canadian and International Law
BOH 4MR — Business Leadership: Management
Fundamentals (University/College)
                                                                 Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation
Prerequisite: None
                                                                 course in CAWS, English, or Social Sciences and Humanities.
Leadership skills are important to many careers including
                                                                 Students will analyze legal issues through philosophy,
business. Effective communication skills, ethics, and social
                                                                 criminology, and independent research.
responsibility are also emphasized.
                                                                                                                           [ 15 ]
 CHC 2DR — Canadian History since World War I 		                  IDC 4U1 (+ ENG 4U1)—Women’s History (University)
 Grade 10 (Academic)                                              paired with ENG 4U1 (English with an emphasis on women’s
 CHC 2PR — Canadian History since World War I 		                  literature)
 Grade 10 (Applied)                                               Prerequisite: Any U or M preparation course in CAWS, or Social
 CHC 2LR — History, Grade 10 (Locally Developed)                  Sciences and Humanities, AND ENG 3U. These two courses
                                                                  will work together to study the role of women throughout
 CHW 3MR — World History to the Sixteenth Century                 history using primary documents, works of literature, political
 Grade 11 (University/College)				                                debate, and essays. Students MUST sign up for both courses.
 Prerequisite: CHC 2DR OR CHC 2PR
 Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Medieval Europe
 will be the focus of the course. Skills practiced will prepare   NATIVE STUDIES
 students for 4C and 4M courses.                                  NDW 4MR—Contemporary Indigenous Issues
 CHY 4CR — World History from the Sixteenth Century               Grade 12 (University/College)
 Grade 12 (College)					                                          Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 First Nations, Metis and Inuit
 Prerequisite: Any university, university/college, or college     Studies course or any university, college, or university/college
 preparation course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or    preparation course in Canadian and World Studies or Social
 Social Sciences and Humanities.                                  Sciences and Humanities.
 This course investigates a variety of trends and events          Through research and investigation, students will learn about
 in world history since the 16th century including major          the aspirations and challenges of Indigenous people in Canada
 revolutionary movements (French Revolution, Russian              and the world.
 Revolution), the ideologies that inspired them, and the
 legacies of some of the most notable figures in history.
 CHY 4UR — World History from the Sixteenth Century
 Grade 12 (University)
 Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation
 course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social
 Sciences and Humanities.
 This course investigates a variety of trends and events
 in world history since the 16th century including major
 revolutionary movements (French Revolution, Russian
 Revolution), the ideologies that inspired them, and the
 legacies of some of the most notable figures in history.

 [ 16 ]

 GRADE 9                                         GRADE 12
 ENG 1DR — English (Academic)                    ENG 4CR — English (College)
 ENG 1PR — English (Applied)                     Prerequisite: ENG 3CR or ENG 3UR
 ENG 1LR — English (Locally Developed)           ENG 4UR — English (University)
                                                 Prerequisite: ENG 3UR
                                                 EWC 4C/4U: Writer’s Craft
 GRADE 10                                        Note: EWC 4C/4U is offered every other year, and will be
 ENG 2DR — English (Academic) 				               offered again in the 2021-2022 school year.
 Prerequisite: ENG 1DR or ENG 1PR                ENG 4U1 (+ IDC 4U1)—English with an emphasis
 ENG 2PR — English (Applied) 			                 on women’s literature paired with Women’s History
 Prerequisite: ENG 1DR or ENG 1PR                (University)
 ENG 2LR — English (Locally Developed) 		        Prerequisite: ENG 3U and any 3U or 3M preparation course in
 Prerequisite: A Grade 9 English credit          CAWS, or any Social Sciences and Humanities
                                                 These two courses will work together to study the role of
                                                 women throughout history using primary documents, works
 GRADE 11                                        of literature, political debate, and essays. Students must
 ENG 3CR — English (College) 			                 sign up for both courses, which will be offered in the same
 Prerequisite: ENG 2PR or ENG 2DR                semester. This credit is the equivalent of ENG 4UR and is NOT
                                                 an elective. It takes the place of Grade 12 University English.
 ENG 3UR — English (University)
 Prerequisite: ENG 2DR                           ENG 4ER — English (Workplace)
                                                 Prerequisite: ENG 3ER
 ENG 3ER — English (Workplace)
 Prerequisite: ENG 2LR or ENG 2PR                OLC 4OR — Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course
                                                 Eligibility requirement: Students who have been eligible
                                                 to write the OSSLT at least twice and who have been
                                                 unsuccessful at least once are eligible to take the course.

                     For complete course descriptions visit

                                                                                                           [ 17 ]
french +
 core french                                    INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES

 GRADE 9                                        Japanese
 FSF 1DR — Core French (Academic)               Learn about Japan by studying the language and culture.
 FSF 1PR — Core French (Applied)                Become a globally minded citizen!
                                                LKJ BDR — International Languages, Level 1,
                                                Japanese (Academic)
 GRADE 10                                       Master basic language for daily life while being introduced to
 FSF 2DR — Core French (Academic) 			           an exotic, mystical culture.
 Prerequisite: FSF 1DR or FSF 1PR               LKJ CUR — International Languages, Level 2,
 FSF 2PR — Core French (Applied) 			             Japanese (Academic)
 Prerequisite: FSF 1DR or FSF 1PR               Prerequisite: LKJ BDR
                                                Conquer casual language for social situations and delve
                                                deeper into a culture older than the Samurai.
 FSF 3OR — Core French (Open)
 Prerequisite: FSF 2DR or FSF 2PR               Spanish
 FSF 3UR — Core French (University) 			         LWS BDR — International Languages, Level 1,
 Prerequisite: FSF 2DR                          Spanish (Academic)
                                                Learn the basics of Spanish language and culture. You will
                                                also learn about Spain and go for a Mexican lunch.
 GRADE 12                                       LWS CUR — International Languages, Level 2,
 FSF 4OR — Core French (Open) 			               Spanish (University)
 Prerequisite: FSF 3OR or FSF 3UR               Prerequisite: LWS BDR
 FSF 4UR — Core French (University) 			         Building on your knowledge from Level 1, you will further
 Prerequisite: FSF 3UR                          explore the language and culture. You will also learn to Salsa
                                                dance and make Colombian food.
                                                LWS DUR— International Languages, Level 3,
                                                Spanish (University)
                                                Prerequisite: LWS CUR
                                                ¡Vamos a explorar más! Aprenda cómo hacer yoga en español
                                                y hacer comida latina. También leemos un libro en español.

                    For complete course descriptions visit
 [ 18 ]
 health + physical education

 GRADE 9                                                         GRADE 12
 PPL 1OF /1OM — Healthy Active Living Education,                 PAD 4OR — Outdoor Activities, Co-ed (Open)
 Female / Male (Open)                                            Prerequisite: None
 These courses encourage participation in team and individual    Course fee: $250 covers certifications like First Aid/CPR and field
 activities that promote fun, fitness, and healthy living.       trip costs including one overnight trip. Students must pay the
                                                                 course fee and participate in all field trips.
                                                                 PAF 4OF — Personal and Fitness Activities — Livefit,
 GRADE 10                                                        Female (Open) Prerequisite: None
 PPL 2OF — Healthy Active Living Education, Female               A continuation of different types of fitness classes for cardio
 (Open)                                                          and muscle endurance training and development of fitness
 PPL 2OM — Healthy Active Living Education, Male                 leadership with an emphasis on specialty classes.
 (Open)                                                          PAI 4OF / 4OM— Individual and Small Group Activities
 These courses build on knowledge of individual and team         — Bodyworks, Female / Male (Open) Prerequisite: None
 sport strategy and skill, include interesting methods of        These courses are a continuation of weight training and
 improving personal physical fitness, and examine nutrition      program development based on individual needs including
 and conflict-resolution while promoting leadership skills.      sport specific training and injury rehabilitation.
                                                                 PAI 4OU — Individual and Small Group Activities,
                                                                 Co-ed (Open) Dual Credit Prerequisite: None
 GRADE 11                                                        Students, through practical experience, will address the
 PAF 3OF — Personal and Fitness Activities — Livefit,            various components of fitness, and will engage in an effective
 Female (Open) Prerequisite: None                                fitness program and develop strategies to be successful at
 An introduction to different types of fitness classes such as   various employment fitness standards. Teaching of this course
 aerobics, pilates, yoga and HIIT. Improve cardio, muscular      is shared between a Weldon teacher and a Fleming College
 endurance and strength, while developing fitness leadership.    teacher. Upon successful completion of the course, students
 PAI 3OF / 3OM — Individual and Small Group Activities           will receive a high school credit and a Fleming College credit.
 — Bodyworks, Female / Male (Open) Prerequisite: None            Note: course will run pending Ministry approval
 These courses are an introduction to weight training            PPL 4OR — Healthy Active Living, Co-ed (Open)
 programs and workouts (e.g. circuits, plyometrics, trx) to      Prerequisite: None
 improve personal fitness.                                       Sports/activity based course emphasizing active participation.
 PPL 3OR — Healthy Active Living, Co-ed (Open)                   PSK 4UR — Exercise Science (University)
 Prerequisite: None                                              Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 university or university/college
 Students will actively participate in individual and team       preparation course in Science or any Grade 11 or 12 open
 sports.                                                         course in Health and Physical Education.
                                                                 Beneficial to those pursuing careers in health-related fields.

                                                                                                                             [ 19 ]
 mathematics                                                     IMPORTANT NOTE:
                                                                 See notes below regarding mathematics course MCF3MR
                                                                 and MCR3UR, and corresponding math prerequisites.
                                                                 The pathways chart is on page 21.

                                                                 MCR 3UR — Functions (University)
GRADE 9                                                          Prerequisite: MPM 2DR
MAT 1LR — Mathematics (Locally Developed)                        Note: University Pathway students who require MHF 4UR
MFM 1PR — Foundations of Mathematics (Applied)                   for post-secondary programs must take MCR 3UR as it is the
MPM 1DR — Principles of Mathematics (Academic)                   prerequisite for MHF 4UR & MCV 4UR.
Note: Students must successfully complete grade 9 academic
math before moving on to the grade 10 academic course.           GRADE 12
                                                              MEL 4ER — Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life
GRADE 10                                                      (Workplace)
                                                              Prerequisite: MEL 3ER
MAT 2LR — Mathematics (Locally Developed)
                                                              This course is designed for students who are not pursuing
Prerequisite: any grade 9 Math
                                                              post-secondary education with math requirements.
MFM 2PR — Foundations of Mathematics (Applied)
                                                              MAP 4CR — Foundations for College Mathematics
Prerequisite: MFM 1PR or MPM 1DR
                                                              (College) Prerequisite: MBF 3CR, MCF 3MR, or MCR 3UR
MPM 2DR — Principles of Mathematics (Academic)
                                                              MAP 4CU ­— Foundations for College Mathematics/
Prerequisite: MPM 1DR
                                                              Trade Calculations (College) Dual Credit
                                                              Prerequisite: MBF 3CR, MCF 3MR, or MCR 3UR
GRADE 11                                                      This course will enable students to apply specific trade-
                                                              related mathematical concepts and acquire foundation skills
MEL 3ER — Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life
                                                              important in the fields of construction, welding, plumbing,
                                                              heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning. Teaching of this
Prerequisite: MAT 2LR, MFM1PR, or MPM 1DR
                                                              course is shared between a Weldon teacher and a Fleming
This course is designed for students who are not pursuing
                                                              College teacher. Upon successful completion of this course,
post-secondary education with math requirements.
                                                              students will receive a high school credit and a Fleming
MBF 3CR — Foundations for College Mathematics                 College credit.
(College) Prerequisite: MFM 2PR or MPM 2DR                    Note: course will run pending Ministry approval.
MCF 3MR — Functions and Applications 		                       MCT 4CR — Mathematics for College Technology
(University/College) Prerequisite: MFM 2PR or MPM 2DR         (College) Prerequisite: MCF 3MR or MCR 3UR
Note: College Pathway students interested in pursuing
                                                              MDM 4UR — Mathematics of Data Management
technical education programs at college should consider
                                                              (University) Prerequisite: MCF 3MR or MCR 3UR
MCF 3MR. It is the prerequisite for MCT 4CR.
                                                              MHF 4UR — Advanced Functions (University)
Note: University Pathway students who do not require MHF
                                                              Prerequisite: MCR 3UR or MCT 4CR
4UR for post-secondary programs but wish to continue in
grade 12 math should consider MCF 3MR. It is the prerequisite MCV 4UR — Calculus and Vectors (University)
for MDM 4UR.                                                  Prerequisite/Co-requisite: MHF 4UR (i.e. MHF 4UR must be
                                                              taken before or at the same time as MCV 4UR)

 [ 20 ]
mathematics chart for grades 9–12
                                                                                                Grade 12 U
                                                                                            Calculus + Vectors
                                                                                                MCV 4UR
•   For full course descriptions visit the Weldon site at
•   For College admissions requirements, visit
•   For University admissions requirements, visit
•   Workplace courses L.D.C.C. refer to Locally Developed Compulsory Credit Courses            Grade 12 U
•   Please refer to the previous page to check prerequisites.                              Advanced Functions
                                                                                               MHF 4UR

                                                                         Grade 11 U            Grade 12 U
                                                                         Functions          Data Management
                                                                         MCR 3UR               MDM 4UR

       Grade 9                         Grade 10                          Grade 11 M              Grade 12 C
      Principles                       Principles                        Functions +         Mathematics for
      Academic                         Academic                          Applications       College Technology
      MPM 1DR                          MPM 2DR                            MCF 3MR                MCT 4CR

       Grade 9                           Grade 10                        Grade 11 C             Grade 12 C
     Foundations                       Foundations                    Foundations for        Foundations for
       Applied                           Applied                    College Mathematics    College Mathematics
      MFM 1PR                           MFM 2PR                           MBF 3CR                MAP 4CR

      Grade 9                          Grade 10                          Grade 11               Grade 12
      L.D.C.C.                          L.D.C.C.                     Mathematics for        Mathematics for
    Mathematics                       Mathematics                   Work + Everyday Life   Work + Everyday Life
     MAT 1LR                           MAT 2LR                           MEL 3ER                MEL 4ER

                      For complete course descriptions visit

                                                                                                           [ 21 ]

GRADE 9                                           GRADE 12
SNC 1DR — Science (Academic)                      SBI 4UR — Biology (University)
SNC 1PR — Science (Applied)                       Prerequisite: SBI 3UR
                                                  Recommended background: SCH 3UR
SNC 1LR — Science (Locally Developed)
                                                  There is a small dissection component in this course.
                                                  SCH 4CR — Chemistry (College)
GRADE 10                                          Prerequisite: SNC 2DR or SNC 2PR
SNC 2DR — Science (Academic) 			                  SCH 4UR — Chemistry (University)
Prerequisite: SNC 1DR or SNC 1PR                  Prerequisite: SCH 3UR
SNC 2PR — Science (Applied) 			                   SNC 4MR — Health Science (University/College)
Prerequisite: SNC 1DR or SNC 1PR                  Prerequisite: SNC 2D or any Grade 11 university, university/
SNC 2LR — Science (Locally Developed) 		          college, or college preparation course in science.
Prerequisite: any Grade 9 Science                 SPH 4CR — Physics (College)
                                                  Prerequisite: SNC 2DR or SNC 2PR
GRADE 11                                          SPH 4UR — Physics (University)
                                                  Prerequisite: SPH 3UR
SBI 3CR — Biology (College)
Prerequisite: SNC 2DR or SNC 2PR
There is a dissection component in this course.   GUIDANCE AND CAREER EDUCATION
SBI 3UR — Biology (University)
Prerequisite: SNC 2DR
There is a dissection component in this course.   GLC 2OR — Career Studies, Grade 10 (Open – half credit)
SCH 3UR — Chemistry (University) 			              GPP 3OR — Leadership and Peer Support, Teacher
Prerequisite: SNC 2DR                             Assistant in a Classroom, Grade 11 (Open)
                                                  Prerequisite: GLC 2OR
SPH 3UR — Physics (University)
Prerequisite: SNC 2DR

 [ 22 ]

 GRADE 9                                                        GRADE 12
 HFN 1OR — Food and Nutrition (Open)                        HFL 4ER — Food and Healthy Living (Workplace)
                                                            Prerequisite: None
                                                            HFA 4CR — Nutrition and Health (College)
                                                            Prerequisite: Any university, university/college, or college
 HIF 2OR — Exploring Family Studies (Open)                  preparation course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English,
                                                            or Canadian and World Studies.
 GRADE 11                                                   HFA 4UR — Nutrition and Health (University)
                                                            Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation
 HFC 3ER — Food and Culture (Workplace)                     course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English, or Canadian
 Prerequisite: None                                         and World Studies.
 HNC 3CR — Understanding Fashion (College) 		               HHS 4CR — Families in Canada (College)
 Prerequisite: None                                         Prerequisite: Any university, university/college, or college
 HPC 3OR — Raising Healthy Children (Open) 		               preparation course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English,
 Prerequisite: None                                         or Canadian and World Studies.
 HPW 3CR — Working with Infants and Young Children HHS 4UR — Families in Canada (University)
 (College) 						                                           Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation
 Prerequisite: None                                         course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English, or Canadian
 HSP 3CR — Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and World Studies.
 and Sociology (College) 					                              HSB 4UR — Challenge and Change in Society
 Prerequisite: None				                                     (University)
 Taught by Canadian and World Studies Department            Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation
 This course introduces students to the theories and issues course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English, or
 related to these disciplines.                              Canadian and World Studies.
 HSP 3UR — Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, Taught by Canadian and World Studies Department
 and Sociology (University) 				                            Students will explore topics such as technological change,
 Prerequisite: ENG2D or CHC2D                               deviance, and global inequities, and their impact on societies.
 Taught by Canadian and World Studies Department
 This course encourages students to think critically about
 theories and issues related to these disciplines.

                                                                                                                     [ 23 ]
    Education                                                        Important Note:
                                                                     For information in the Specialist High Skills Major
                                                                     in Construction or Transportation, please see the
                                                                     Specialized Program section and refer to the Weldon
                                                                     website at


Technological education focuses on developing students’              TTJ 2OR — Transportation Technology (Open)
ability to work creatively and competently with technologies         Interested in vehicles? This course is an overview of how
around them every day. Students build knowledge and skills           different vehicles function. The class takes place in a live shop
that will enhance their ability to succeed in their postsecond-      setting, and students are exposed to a variety of concepts,
ary studies, apprenticeship, or the workplace.                       tools and equipment used in the motive power sector.

GRADE 9                                                              GRADE 11
TIJ 1OR — Exploring Technologies (Open) 			                          TCJ 3ER — Construction Technology (Workplace)
This course is designed to provide a hands on experience in          Recommended Background: TCJ 2OR
several technology sectors. It is a rotation of different teachers   This course focuses on knowledge and skills related to
and shop areas which could include Construction, design,             residential construction. Students will gain hands-on
Manufacturing, and Transportation. No previous experience            experience using a variety of construction materials, tools,
required.                                                            and equipment.
                                                                     TCJ 3CR — Construction Engineering Technology
GRADE 10                                                             (College)
                                                                     Prerequisite: None
TCJ 2OR — Construction Technology (Open)
                                                                     Recommended Background: TCJ 2OR
Interested in working with construction materials like wood?
                                                                     This course focuses on knowledge and skills related to
This course offers several projects that relate to construction
                                                                     residential construction. Students will gain hands-on
like carpentry, plumbing, and electrical.
                                                                     experience using a variety of construction materials, tools,
TDJ 2OR — Technological Design (Open)                                and equipment.
This course provides students with opportunities to apply an
                                                                     TDJ 3MR — Technological Design (University/College)
engineering design process to meet a variety of technological
                                                                     Recommended Background: TDJ 2OR
challenges. Using 3D computer aided design, 3D printers,
                                                                     In this course, students will use the engineering design
and computer controlled machines, students will engineer
                                                                     process. 3D computer aided design, 3D printers, and computer
solutions to problems and turn ideas into reality. Robots,
                                                                     controlled machines (CNC) will be used to develop your
3D printing, Architecture, and Product Design are all topics
covered in this class.
                                                                     TER 3MR — Computer Engineering Technology:
TMJ 2OR — Manufacturing Technology (Open)
                                                                     Robotics and Control Systems (University/College)
As an introduction to the manufacturing industry, this
                                                                     Prerequisite: None
course is an opportunity to design and fabricate products
                                                                     Students will develop knowledge and skills in electronics,
using a variety of processes. Student projects may include
                                                                     robotics, programming, and networks, and will build systems
a manufacturing project involving various machining and
                                                                     that use computer programs and interfaces to control and/or
welding techniques.
                                                                     respond to external devices. This course provides an emphasis
                                                                     on Robotics and Control Systems. (TER 4MR may be offered
                                                                     the following year)

[ 24 ]
 TMJ 3CR — Manufacturing Technology (College)                    TDJ 4MR — Technological Design (University/College)
 Prerequisite: None                                              Prerequisite: TDJ 3MR
 Recommended Background: TMJ 2OR                                 Students will apply a systematic engineering design process
 This course enables students to develop knowledge and skills    to research, design, build, and assess solutions that meet
 through hands-on projects. Students will acquire design,        specific human needs using 3D computer aided design, 3D
 fabrication, and problem solving skills while using tools and   printers, and computer controlled machines. Students who
 equipment such as lathes, mills, welders, and computer-aided    have determined a clear career/education pathway will be
 machining (CNC).                                                encouraged to work on projects in their chosen field of design.
 TTJ 3CR — Transportation Technology (College)                   Post secondary pathways at both the college and university
 Prerequisite: None                                              level will be examined.
 Recommended Background : TTJ 2OR                                TMJ 4CR — Manufacturing Technology (College)
 This course is an in depth look at vehicle systems and how      Prerequisite: TMJ 3CR
 they work together. The class takes place in a live shop        This course enables further development of knowledge and
 setting, and students do repairs to a variety of vehicles. A    skills related to machining, welding, computer numerical
 great class if you plan on owning a vehicle or are looking at   control (CNC), and more. Students are able to design and build
 careers in the motive power sector.                             various projects of their choosing.
 IDC 3OR — Discovering Technology (Open)                         TTJ 4CR — Transportation Technology (College)
 This course is designed specifically for female students to     Prerequisite: TTJ 3CR
 experience hands on learning in technology shops. It is a       This course is an extension of TTJ 3CR building on those
 rotation of different teachers and shop areas. These areas      concepts, and is focused on problem solving, diagnosing
 could include Construction, design, Manufacturing, and          and repairing parts and systems in vehicles. We use modern
 Transportation. No previous experience necessary.               diagnostic equipment. A great class if you are considering a
                                                                 career path involving vehicles, from repair to design.
 TCJ 4ER — Construction Technology (Workplace)                   COMPUTER STUDIES
 Prerequisite: TCJ 3ER                                           ICS 3CR — Introductory Coding, Grade 11 (College)
 TCJ 4CR — Construction Engineering Technology                   Prerequisite: None
 (College)                                                       Learn to code in Java by creating 3D games with the Alice
 Prerequisite: TCJ 3CR                                           environment.
 This course continues development of knowledge and              ICS 4CR — Advanced Coding, Grade 12 (College)
 skills related to residential construction and explores light   Prerequisite: ICS 3CR
 commercial construction. Students will gain hands-on            Develop multiplatform games and apps in C# with the
 experience, and learn more about building design and project    professional engine Unity.

                                                                                                                          [ 25 ]
COOPERATIVE EDUCATION                                         DUAL CREDITS

Co-op program students:                                       Dual credit students:
•   gain work experience while earning secondary school       •    earn a college credit while also earning a secondary
    credits.                                                       school credit for your diploma requirements at Weldon.
• can enrol in 2-credit Co-op or 4-credit Co-op.              • get a great experience and a chance to move forward
Co-op students should note:                                        with college plans while still in secondary school!
• in-school training takes place at Weldon before the         For further information, visit and
    practical Co-op work starts and, additional in-school     see a Guidance Counsellor or a Cooperative Education teacher.
    sessions are held periodically throughout the semester.
• Co-op students have a Personalized Placement Learning       ONTARIO YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP
    Plan and are monitored by a Co-op teacher.
• students must keep regular logs to track their Co-op        PROGRAM (OYAP)
    hours and experiences.
• excellent attendance is crucial for success in this         OYAP Co-op students:
• a Co-op shuttle bus provides transportation to key drop     •   begin to learn a skilled trade while completing their high
    points in Lindsay.                                            school diploma.
                                                              •   may be signed to apprenticeship agreements with the
                                                                  employer at the time of their placement.
GRADE 11                                                      •   graduate with a diploma, a whole new skill set,
GWL 3OD — Designing Your Future (Co-op)                           experience in the real working world, and a head start on
Grade 11, 2 Credits                                               a skilled profession.
GWL 3OQ — Designing Your Future (Co-op)
Grade 11, 4 credits                                           What makes OYAP different from regular Co-op?
                                                              •   OYAP is industry/employer driven, developing skilled
GRADE 12                                                          workers.
GLN 4OD — Navigating the Workplace (Co-op)                    •   OYAP must meet policies and guidelines of both the
Grade 12, 2 credits                                               Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Advanced
                                                                  Education and Skills Development (MAESD).
GLN 4OQ — Navigating the Workplace (Co-op)
                                                              •   The Personalized Placement Learning Plan (PPLP) must
Grade 12, 4 credits
                                                                  include reference to the specific MAESD apprenticeship
                                                                  training standard.
                                                              •   Apprenticeship Agreement may be signed upon
                                                                  agreement of the employer.
                                                              •   Earn Co-op credits for the secondary school diploma and
                                                                  the apprenticeship hours/skills for the MAESD.
                                                              •   Students can perform more aspects of a compulsory
                                                                  trade under supervision of a licensed journeyperson.
[ 26 ]
  [ 26 ]
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