Kaiapoi High School - Annual Variance 2018 for the 2017 School Year

Page created by Franklin Hines
Kaiapoi High School - Annual Variance 2018 for the 2017 School Year
Kaiapoi High School

    Annual Variance 2018
   for the 2017 School Year
Kaiapoi High School - Annual Variance 2018 for the 2017 School Year
Annual Target One            Management of the Kaiapoi High rebuild

Goal                         We are the school of choice for our community
                             We will measure this goal by:
                             e. Success implementation of Education Renewal

Outcomes:                                                              Outcome
1. Completion of Tawera for the start of Term One 2018                 Achieved
2. Completion of Karetu for the start of Term Two 2018               Achieved Early
3. FF&E expenditure finalised                                          Achieved
4. Decanting of A and S blocks for deconstruction                      Achieved
5. Community meeting                                                   Achieved
6. Integration of cultural narrative including names                Work in progress


   1. Attend PCB meetings with OCTA and SOUTHBASE
   2. Work with the EO, MOE, OCTA, students and staff to priortise expenditure of
   3. Advertise community meeting to wider community
   4. Management of issues during deconstruction and construction

1. Completion of Tawera for the start of Term One 2018                 Achieved
2. Completion of Karetu for the start of Term Two 2018               Achieved Early

At the start of the year the Executive Officer and the Principal attended the
fortnightly site meetings for the project. It was decided that these meetings were
not appropriate for our attendance as they were more about variances in contract
and negotiations in payment, rather than progress from a school perspective. After
discussions with the Project Manager, it was decided that Kaiapoi should attend the
monthly Project Meeting Group (PMB) meetings along with the project managers,
architect and Ministry personnel. These meetings were focused on informing the
school with respect to updates and any decisions that needed to be made, and were
highly effective. Minutes from the site meetings were still circulated. There was an
excellent relationship between the school, Southbase, OCTA and the Ministry of
Kaiapoi High School - Annual Variance 2018 for the 2017 School Year
Education. During the year our Ministry property person was replaced. Both have
been excellent and extremely supportive.

In August OCTA informed the School that were to lose P-Block (4 more classrooms)
at the end of the term three. This created even more pressure on the school over
the first three weeks of Term Four, until our seniors were on leave for examinations.
Our staff and students simply took this in their stride, readjusted and carried on. We
we very fortunate to have such an understanding staff.

The expected finish date for the buildings was the 25th November for Block N and
the 18th January for Block M. Block N was delivered only two weeks late on the 8th
December and Block M was delivered on time. This was an outstanding effort by all
those involved.

Very little progress was made with the Young Parents Centre refurbishment. After a
long period of consultation, a design was created and agreed upon by all parties.
Once this design was completed the project was put out to tender and came back at
almost 200% of the budget. A second tender is being delivered at the start of the
school year in 2018, using smaller companies that may be able to deliver the project
in a more cost effective way.

At the end of Term Three, Southbase removed the covered walkway from the
Administration block to the Library. There were significant issues around this,
including power and heating, and came with quite a high cost. This should open up
the spaces and allow easier growth in the future. When Southbase removed the
covered walkways they also demolished the school canteen, which was unfit for
repair. The canteen was moved to the students’ common room at the start of 2018.

We expressed our disappointment to OCTA over the placement of the backflow for
the water at the main gate. It is ugly and was never supposed to be placed there.
This was a Council decision and one that we are still unhappy about.

In September we had some success in shifting a number of FF&E items from School
to the Ministry of Education including the Lundia storage system ($40,000),
whiteboards ($37,000) and blinds and curtains ($20,000).

In December the School was passed the keys to Block N, now named Tawera. This
was an exciting time for the school. Furniture was delivered shortly after and the
staff and students finally got to see what the building was going to look like. We are
now in the phase of defecting, which is quite large simply due to the size of the
buildings. We are expecting Block M (now named Karetu) to be ready on the 18th
Janurary, with furniture arriving the following week. Both a community day and an
official school opening will happen early in the new year before the start of school.

Due to the buildings coming in under budget, we reintroduced the landscaping and
wayfinding plan.
Kaiapoi High School - Annual Variance 2018 for the 2017 School Year
3. FF&E expenditure finalsed                                              Achieved

There were concerns around the amount of Furniture, Fittings and Equipment (FF&E)
budget allocated to the school. FF&E is only 40% for a rebuild and 100% for a new
build. Our building programme was approximately 70% rebuild. Whilst the intent
from the Ministry is for you to use your existing FF&E, in reality most of our old
furnitiure did not suit a more modern learning environment. Our budget did not
allow us to furnish the buildings with the most appropriate furnishing, and our staff
did not have the capacity to make critical decisions around the need and placement
of furniture. Due to this, the school funded the engagement of a interior designer
through Jasmaz. This expenditure was highly effective and a full FF&E plan was
created. The budget was well beyond the MOE allocation and due to this the Board
had to use uncommitted funds to enable the furniture and fittings the school
needed. In some areas old furniture was repurposed, such as the Art rooms. The
school also decided to upgrade the entire wireless system and all of the projectors.

Jazmaz worked hard with our staff to make sure that the internal fitout supported
learning for the school. She presented to the staff the layout of the building on the
7th September. The buildings were fitted out at 80% occupancy.

Our Assistant Principal (Teaching and Learning) had the responsibility of
implementing our information technologies plan. She worked beyond expectations
and was exceptional at learning how this implementation worked, especially
considering that TorqueIP was completely useless at explaining what was required. It
is sad that by the time we have come to the end of the project, all the expertise that
she has gained will simply be put away, not to be used again. We have offered her
services to the MOE if required as it doesn’t make sense for another AP in another
school to go through the entire process blind again and again. This offer has yet to
be taken up. Disappointing really.

4. Decanting of A and S blocks for deconstruction                         Achieved

After the demolition of S-Block, the School was faced with an increasing roll and a
decreasing capacity for classrooms. Classes were sharing spaces in the library and
alternative classrooms were created in areas, such as the boardroom and Te Kohiko,
our cultural learning centre. At the end of Term 3 the school lost an additional four
classrooms. This placed the school under immense pressure with three weeks before
the senior students left for examinations. The staff of Kaiapoi High School managed
this exceptionally well. In October we transferred out of our last main teaching block
to make it ready for deconstruction. The following decanting plan was created and
Kaiapoi High School - Annual Variance 2018 for the 2017 School Year
5. Community meeting                                                Achieved

Community meetings were held during the year. These were incorporated into our
school visits to our contributing schools. They were well received. The general
consensus was that our community were not in favour of a complete open plan
model and were happy with the direction the School had chosen. At the start of
2018 there is a community day planned for anyone to attend.

   6. Integration of cultural narrative including names            Work in progress

The School engaged with Ngai Tuahuriri to develop the cultural narrative for the
School. This was completed with our contributing schools. There was then a follow
up meeting with Corban Ti Aika to delve into the narrative and see how the School
could implement the narrative into our buildings. It was decided by our whanau that
we would name the buildings based on local mountains, rather than waka. The
decision was based on the fact that as the School grows there would be a need to
introduce more names. We also have the capacity to rename our old buildings and
new gymnasium. Each of the buildings has a colour scheme based on the mounga
and awa.

Following this we worked with Morgan Mathews, an ex head student who now
works with Ngai Tahu. She created our manifestations for the windows and doors.
The doors have been numbered only in Te Reo.
Kaiapoi High School - Annual Variance 2018 for the 2017 School Year


Kaiapoi High School - Annual Variance 2018 for the 2017 School Year
7. The new gymnasium                                              Work in progress

During the year we were waiting for confirmation from Central Government as to
the decision on a full sized gym. Our marketing manager made real progress with the
Waimakariri Council to support the school with the gym project. They did not wish to
be involved with a Ministry stock standard gym and wanted to provide funding to
‘up-spec’ the gym so that it could have better community use.

We received confirmation that a full sized gymnasium would be built during the
year. As the gymnasium would be a standard size and not include ventilation, high
grade flooring, run-off space and seating the need for the Council to be involved and
provide additional funding was critical in providing a space that could be used for the

In July the council approved the support of the School gymnasium for $1million. In
August the design phase began and a MOU was created with the Waimakariri
Council. The School will have to cover all expenses of running the gym and receive all

A concept plan has been created by OCTA and we are now waiting for final plans and
Council consent. Once this has been achieved early in 2018, we will be in a place to
tender for the project at the end of March 2018. The School is hoping that the
project can be completed by the end of the year.
Annual Target Two             Pathways

Goal                          There are opportunities for everyone
                              We will measure this goal by:
                              a. Increased engagement
                              c. Mutiple pathways are provided

Outcomes:                                                                Outcome
1. Map of pathways and allocated funding available to all               Not Achieved
2. IEPs created for Academy students in 2017 by the end of                Achieved
    term one and other programmes progressively completed by
3. IEPs will clearly state who has responsibility for tracking the        Achieved

    1. Review current options provided by alternative providers to enhance student
    2. Investigate funding options/opportunities to facilitate these programmes
    3. Evaluate appropriateness and success of these programmes for individual

The Academy class was reviewed and students were provided with mentors who are
tracking their progress. In 2018 the students will need to take four subjects as well as
their course. They will need to opt into a maths/numeracy course, an english/literacy
course and one option. This will ensure we can get the numeracy and literacy credits
they need to complete NCEA Level 1, as well as their course credits.

This pathway was designed to help students for whom school is not a long term
option. They will be guided into a full time course/work/apprenticeship at the end of
each year.

Further review of results indicated success for many students. Feedback indicated
that the course is best suited to Level 2 and above because students who opt in at
Level 1 have limited school pathways open to them for Level 2. The maturity of
students to self-direct is also minimal. At the end of 2017 students were encouraged
not to particate in the Academy class at Year 11, but rather to focus on gaining the
needed literacy and numeracy credits which are the foundation for further study.
This did cause some friction with parents, but the reasons were clearly explained in
the course evening the school provides. We expect to have fewer numbers in 2018
as many of the students completed the course in 2017 at Year 11. These numbers
are expected to pick up again in 2019.

Where we were trying to open the doors for these students earlier, we were infact
closing them as they had limited options in Year 12. Many of these students had
gained enough credits for Levels 1 and 2, but these credits were limited to the
academy courses and did not provide the breadth of learning that was needed to
enter into Level 2.
Annual Target Three           Māori and Pasifika

Goal                          We are committed to excellent student achievement
                              We will measure this goal by:
                              c. Māori and Pacific achievement

Outcomes:                                                               Outcome
1. Whanau hui every term                                                Achieved
2. Students identified as ‘at risk’ and an individual plan created      Achieved
    for each student
3. Creation of draft MRP including what it means to be                  Achieved
    Māori or Pasifika at KHS by end of term 1 2017


   1.   Identify Māori and Pasifika students in the school
   2.   Identify what it means to achieve as Māori
   3.   Analyse Tātaiako and how it applies to KHS
   4.   Create a Māori Responsiveness Plan
   5.   Create strong connections with our Whanau
   6.   Provide positive role models for our community
   7.   Work with contributing schools to create a transition plan for Māori and
        Pasifika students entering KHS

Whanau huis still remain popular and are well attended. Our Māori focus teacher
analysed our school data and delivered a survey as to what it means to be Māori for
our students, staff and whanau. These results were the basis of a professional
development focus for our staff. This was then followed by the deconstruction of
Tataiako as it applies to Kaiapoi High School. Both these documents were used to
create the School’s Māori Response Plan. In June a professional development day
was held where our students spoke to our staff about their experiences of learning
at Kaiapoi High School, and what enabled them and what hindered them in their
learning. Tataiako played a prominent part in school professional development in
2017 and will continue in 2018.

Students at risk were identified, and as they were predominately make the school
engaged in the “Bros for change” programme early in Term 1. This had a very
positive effect on the young men who took part. The opening of the Cultural
Learning Centre (Te Kohiko) gave not only our Māori students a home, but also those
of many different cultures. Feedback from our students is that there is a perception
that this whare is Maori only, and this will have to be addressed in 2018. The most
appropriate way to do this would be by allocating a head student portfolio to it.
The School now has a Pasifika staff member attached to our Pasifika students. We
are expecting to see our students become more involved in Pasifika activities, and in
2017 we had two students recognised for their leadership potential at the Pasifika
awards. One was a head student and one was voted into the role by her peers at the
end of 2017 for the 2018 school year. We had a large group of students attending
the National Manu Korero competition in New Plymouth, where we had a student

Currently our Māori students are performing academically better that our non-Māori
students, with the sole exception of Level One, and better than the National Average
across all levels based on roll, rather than the easily manipulated participation base.

Whilst our Pasifika students are increasing quite dramatically, they still have a small
population that makes analyzing the statistics difficult as a body of students.
Annual Target Four         Improved academic success

Goal                       We are committed to excellent student achievement
                           We will measure this goal by:
                           a. NCEA results improve and are above benchmarks
                                i. Pass rates
                                ii. Merit and Excellence Endorsements
                                iii. Level two literacy and numeracy
                           c. Māori and Pacific achievement

Outcomes:                                                         Outcome
1. Level 1 to be at 85% plus                                   Achieved – 90.8
2. Level 2 to be at 85% plus                                   Achieved – 86.2
3. Level 3 to be at 75% plus                                   Achieved – 78.8
4. U/E to rise from 39%                                        Achieved – 45
5. A pathway that provides students an opportunity to attend      Achieved
    university, if that is their intention.


   1. Junior Curriculum to be reviewed and updated and to comprise of NCEA
      credits in all faculty areas in Year 10.
   2. HOF reports to the BOT to be analysed for the undertaking of actions and
      influence on outcomes.
   3. Connect with Māori response committee and use Tātaiako to improve
      outcomes for Māori and therefore outcomes for all.
   4. Structures to be set up for:
      Tutor teachers to track senior students’ results
      Timely entering of results on Kamar.
   5. Review of Academy programme with actions implemented this year based on
   6. Working with Deputy Principal in support of achievement of Māori and
      Pasifika students.
Whilst our Pasifika students are increasing quite dramatically, they stiil have a small
population that makes analyzing the statistics difficult as a body of students.

In March the Academy programme was reviewed and changes were made to ensure
Literacy and Numeracy components were covered, as this was identified as the main
barrier for our students in 2016. New procedures and structures were put in place to
track student achievement and to ensure the entering of NCEA results were within a
two week window following assessment, as this was critical if we were to
successfully track our student perfornance.

In May the Head of Faculty reports on Achievement in 2016 were presented to the
Board of Trustees. The two Assistant Principals analysed the template of the report,
with a view to improve its structure so that outcomes are more robust, targeted and
achievable for each faculty.

A teacher only day was held in June dedicated to:
    • Māori Responsiveness Report feedback and introduction of Tātaiako.
   •   NCEA tracking and Classroom Specific Planning for senior students. This
       allowed much more reliable information to be available to all teachers, and
       especially tutor teachers, to be better informed of likely student success and
       be able to support their students in making changes if necessary.

In June our NCEA tracking process was introduced to staff on the teacher only
day. Our database manager facilitated the presentation. Staff updated the credits
that students had gained and, for the first time, made an estimate as to the number
of credits students should gain during the year. This information was used in week 9
by the deans to support them in putting strategies in place to better support our
students. Deans were able to link in with tutor teachers to monitor progress of
students and the ‘Student Profile - Credit Estimations’ document in Kamar was used
by both deans and tutor teachers to monitor progress. Staff were required to make
comment on students who they perceived would struggle to gain 14 credits in their
subject. The comment was about how the teacher would better support the student
in improving their current estimations. Based on initial responses more planning was
needed to enable staff to complete this task effectively.

The first round of NCEA tracking was focused on the deans having data to support
tutors, students and community discussions and decisions. These discussions were
centred on strategies to support particular students that were at risk of not meeting
the criteria for the qualification they were aiming for. The outcome of this saw a
number of students better connect with their teachers and take ownership of their
learning and achievement. Some students gained additional support from our
Careers Advisor when it was agreed that more suitable pathways were available
outside of school, while other students gained support in considering a two year
pathway in gaining a particular NCEA level qualification.

A second round of NCEA tracking was undertaken. This time there was involvement
from our Literacy and Numeracy Coordinators, our Māori and Pasifika
Responsiveness Coordinator, the Deans, the Careers Advisor, and our newly
appointed Mentoring Coordinator. VAK mentioned it as being one of the best
meetings she had been a part of. People were working together on every student
that was identified as needing additional support. Strategies were developed for
every student and every student was picked up by someone to enact the strategies,
in consultation with the student and community. Deans kept a record of all of these
students and have made this available to all tutors with information (and sometimes
actions they need to undertake). This NCEA tracking data is also being used to
support (or not) students in decisions of the actual standards they were going to be
entered in for external exams.

The strategies to support students that were highlighted in the second round of
NCEA tracking continued throughout the year. Specific students are still being
targeted for specific literacy and numeracy NCEA credits. Contact with caregivers
has been more focused on academic success; how the school can help and what
behaviours and attitudes of the student needs developing.

With the ERO visit, there was an acknowledgment that we now have the capability
to better track students in gaining Merit and Excellence endorsements and that this
was to be a focus for us next year. ERO supported this. ERO was impressed with our
NCEA tracking mechanism and would like to see a similar tracking opportunity in our
junior school, especially around numeracy and literacy.

Moving forward into 2018, having a commitment to excellent student achievement,
the overall ‘strategicness’ of the goal needs to stay. Our focus has been to lift NCEA
achievement and pass rates have improved. What could be added to this goal is the
ERO recommendation of strengthening of assessment practices at years 9 and 10.
The recommendation needs unpacking and it would seem appropriate that some
aspects of the strategic nature of ERO’s recommendation would fall within the goal
of improving academic success. Therefore it would flow through that new actions
are needed to support the new strategic intent.

With the ability to better track students during the year, a smaller and more
targeted group of students were contacted and offered time during exam leave to
work with staff on gaining extra credits that could get them ‘over the line’ in gaining
a level qualification. It was pleasing to see that some students could take the
initiative themselves and ask their teachers if this opportunity was available for
them. This has come about due to the work tutor teachers have done during the
year in tracking their students and holding conversations with them about their
progress and concerns.
Annual Target Five           Classroom Specific Planning

Goal                         We are committed to excellent student achievement
                             We will measure this goal by:
                             a. Years 9 and 10 improved culture and academic

Outcomes:                                                               Outcome
1. Each Year 9 Student will enter Kaiapoi High School with a            Achieved
    precise Academic Data Set
2. Each Year 9 Student will increase their Achievement in                  WIP
    Numeracy and Literacy.
3. Each Year 10 Student will increase their Achievement in                 WIP
    Numeracy and Literacy.
4. Careers week/ NCEA intro will promote decisions leading to           Achieved
    successful pathways, based on a student’s desired career.
5. Each Faculty will provide NCEA opportunities in Year 10 for          Achieved
    the Broad Band Classes.
6. Attendance rates will improve in the Senior School.                  Achieved


   1. Junior School create a precise set of Mathematics, Reading and Writing
      Profiles for all incoming Year 9 students.
   2. Track progress of all students in the Junior School.
   3. Active promotion of academic success in the Junior and Senior School.
   4. A pathway to academic success in future learning is displayed.
      Evaluate attendance and look patterns linking into achievement in the Senior

At the start of 2017 all Year 9 students arrived with Mathematics, Reading and
Writing profiles that were used to create our classroom specific plans. An academic
assembly was held in March to celebrate those students who achieved an
Endorsement in NCEA. This was well attended by families.

All senior students were given a careers interview and pathways to achieve their
desired outcome were created.

Weekly reports now include an attendance rate and a suggestion that this must be
at least 87.5%. Attendance is one of the key performance indicators for the Board of
Trustees report. Attendance improved on 2016 rates.

A growing number of faculties are offering NCEA credits in Year 10. The school needs
to follow up with this and decide whether this is an appropriate course of action, as
the students that gain these credits are more often than not the students who do
not require additional credits when they reach Year 11.
Annual Target Six             Pedagogy in a modern learning environment

Goal                          We are committed to excellent student achievement
                              We will measure this goal by:
                              a. Years 9 and 10 improved culture and academic
                              There are opportunities for everyone
                              We will measure this goal by:
                              a. Increased engagement

Outcomes:                                                                 Outcome
1. Academic Data Set Classroom Specific Planning                          Achieved
    documentation in place.
2. Faculty unit planning documentation linked to students’                   WIP
    needs within a class so that CSP continues to take place.
3. Professional development plan in place and aligns with                  Achieved
    current goals
4. Effective teacher profile created to be our guide on Teaching              WIP
    and Learning at KHS.


   1. At the start of this year, Class Specific Planning (CSP) was put in place, to have
      a consistent structure across the School, to support teachers in better
      knowing, differentiating and connecting with learners. During this year, this
      will be further developed to connect CSP data to units of learning.
   2. Provide professional learning opportunities for staff to:
              - use technology tools to cater for the differentiation of learners,
              - collaborate and share pedagogy and resources,
              - develop consistent expectations across the school
   3. Develop the ‘Effective Teacher Profile’ through gaining student voice and
      aligning this with staff voice and research to develop a school-wide pedagogy
      for teaching and learning.
   4. Support and connect Leaders of Learning (LOLs) priorities to increasing
      student engagement and achievement.

In March our CSP has data was made available to all staff for junior and senior
subjects. Training was provided by our database manager on how to produce Mark
Book Summaries that supported HOFs to provide data for staff of senior subjects,
especially data that is beyond that of their own faculty. Feedback from staff was very
positive especially, with data available for new year 9 students.

At the start of each term there was time for staff to reflect on junior students that
they initially highlighted as needing a differentiated programme. Reflective
responses were based on:
        - Are term results as expected – explain?
        - Next steps for this student (Group)
CSP for senior students was ‘housed’ within Kamar and was combined with NCEA
tracking of students. On the teacher only day in June staff were introduced to the
‘NCEA Credit Estimates’ document that is a central place for teachers to estimate the
number of credits students are expected to gain in subjects, comment on issues with
students not being able to gain at least 14 credits, and strategies to further support
students. This supported a teacher’s CSP while, most importantly, better supporting
students during the year to improve their outcomes. CSP for our senior students
continued to be a focus throughout the year. Staff completed their NCEA tracking of
their students and deans analysed this data so that strategies can be put in place to
better support our students. This led our staff into further becoming more solution-
orientated, and further away from blaming the student for poor outcomes. It was
pleasing to see that we rigorously analysed the data in June so that outcomes could
be improved for our current students in the current year.

As part of our Appraisal process, staff were required to do their own inquiry. In
2018, for most staff, the inquiry involved collaboration with other staff and a focus
on staff together determining who they wanted their students to be the focus of the
inquiry. This was another way that our school supported staff in:
        becoming more collaborative,
        connecting with our students,
        using data to support decision making.

Six staff, including the three leaders of learning (LOLs) attending the Delving Deeper
Conference in April. This was well received and created a number of discussion
points with respect to not only our own pedagogy, but also the pedagogy that was
happening in Primary schools and the flow on impact it was having on teaching and
learning in our own school. There seems to be a lack of connection as to what self-
managing learners look like. Participants from the Delving Deeper Conference fed
back to staff on one of our Thursday PD sessions. From this, there was overall
confirmation that we are ‘doing the right thing’ by moving our pedagogy forward,
that all schools are different, however there was learning to be gained through
sharing experiences. Our three LOLs and Assistant Principal visited Rolleston
College, while the six staff at Delving Deeper each attended workshops facilitated by
Rolleston College. We all took away pieces of learning that can be applied to our

The LOLs developed a plan of action, based on three areas they wanted to focus on
during the year. Each LOL will lead one of the areas.
       Experiential learning.

In March the LOLs ran two professional development sessions with a focus on
collaboration, and have connected with the inquiry the staff were working on. There
has been reflection on last year’s collaboration learning and a visit to Rolleston
College supported our LOLs in continuing to move forward in better engaging our
students in the 21st Century. Our LOLs attended a PD session based around their
Incubator project of 2017, which was facilitated by Grow Waitahia. The LOLs mentor
was Linda Tame and she has met twice with the LOLs and AP. She has indicated that
our LOLs are taking on a different ‘school’ approach in moving pedagogy forward,
yet they seem to be more structured and further ahead than some more traditional
SLT led projects of other schools. Collaboration led by a LOL has developed two
teams of core teachers. They developed a theme-based connected curriculum for
Year 9. Our volunteer collaboration group fed back to staff about what they have
been doing in both: organising themes to use next year as a collaborative activity in
our junior school, and different forms of collaboration they have undertaken with
classes this year. It is very helpful for our staff to see their professional peers
working outside their comfort zone and showing us all as to what collaboration could
look like and how they have made it work.

Another LOL presented to staff three different timetable plans. Each plan achieved
our goal of bringing in 100 minute periods. Our LOL and Principal presented updates
of the timetable to the staff at the end of week 9 term 2. This presentation
addressed questions raised about the three options. Three options quickly went
down to two and finally to one, based on staff consultation. Our community was
consulted on the one new timetable and feedback was sought about the movement
to 100 minute periods and whether a later start time was preferable.

The decision was made on the timetable to:
       1. Start school at 9am and finish at 3pm.
       2. Staff will have time from 8.30-9am to collaborate/assess/tutorials
       3. Some classes will have double periods to trial 100 minute long periods
       4. Review implementation of long periods at the end of Term 2 2018.

The School chose not to pursue the experiential learning pathway due to workload.

Our Strategic Plan and annual targets were presented to staff early Term 2 by our
Principal. His presentation detailed the connectedness and interlinkages of each of
our targets, the responsibilities of key staff in implementing actions to achieve the
targets, and how our actions are better supporting our students academically and
pastorally. The School’s PLD plan was confirmed in June. Although this took some
time, it was worthwhile holding off in confirming a term by term process so that
leaders of annual goals could formulate their plan and interconnections could be

School-wide literacy support was picked up exactly where it left off in 2016. Jo
Collins was instrumental in facilitating both school-wide and faculty specific PD
opportunities. She was successful in gaining literacy support for our school from the
MOE Central PLD fund and the School has developed a relationship with the
University of Canterbury, with further specialist support becoming available.

Our Specialist Classroom Teacher (SCT) surveyed staff to explore some of the issues
facing staff with our junior students with respect to their attitude towards learning
and their behaviour in class. The purpose of this was to develop a profile of how to
address issues before they go beyond the capability of the classroom teacher. This
supported our students and our staff in developing more consistency throughout our
school of student expectations and systems. The outcomes of the survey was
presented to staff and centred on core class behaviour, learning and
relationships. Staff were very thankful of this as it was another way of staff sharing
some of the concerns they are working with within their own classes and it was a
powerful way of sharing those concerns, especially for the core class teachers to see
that their individual concerns were, at times, very similar to other teachers about
the same core class. The SCT worked closely with our PB4L team in developing
strategies for staff to be introduced at the start of 2018. These strategies will
support improving culture and academic success, along with improved consistency
across the School.
Annual Target Seven            Relationships

Goal                           Positive relationships are both modeled and encouraged
                               We will measure this goal by:
                               a. Focus on reducing unpleasant interactions, ie.
                               bullying and harassment.

Outcomes:                                                                  Outcome
1. Analysis of NZCER Survey to provide 3-5 indicators for school           Achieved
    to focus on.
2. All teaching staff will feel confident in facilitating a class hui.    Postponed
3. Replace Gold Card reward system with cards that reinforce               Achieved
    expected behaviours and reflect our school values.
4. Introduce school badges that reflect consistent                            WIP
    demonstration of the school values.


   1. NZCER survey “Wellbeing @School” – to be used and analysed
   2. Restorative – All teaching staff to have some training in facilitating a class hui.
   3. PB4L – Implementation of strategies to reinforce positive behaviour.

All new staff to Kaiapoi High School had a 2.5 hour session after school with Greg
Jansen on Restorative Practice (RP). This session focused on the underlying
philosophy of RP and requires staff to self-reflect on where they are themselves in
terms of the importance of relationships and making connections. This session was
followed up by professional development where we role played and practised
restorative chats.

Two of the new deans, the Specialist Classroom Teacher and Director of Karanga Mai
all completed the the three day Restorative Training with Marg Thorsborne.

The new positive behaviour reinforcement system was implemented. The staff had
professional development and Manu cards now replace the old Gold card system.
Each card has the four school values on, and the person giving the card is required
to tick the value that is being rewarded. This created a positive buzz around the new
system and we have noticed that seniors are taking a greater interest in Manu cards.

The NZCER Survey was completed by staff and the key finds were:
           Decision making and initiatives:
            • Discuss and explain decisions
            • Stick to the plan…plan-implement-review
            • If you add something...try and take something out.
            • Try and create time to plan (outside of teaching hours)
           Professional development:
            • Professional development on diversification of learners and
               teaching strategies
            • Increase the feedback on teacher performance
The PB4L SET was undertaken. This gave us information on how well we are
progressing with PB4L. The raw data was presented to the staff at PD in March. The
PB4L team analysed the data. The overall score of the Set data shows an incremental
increase in evidence that strategies put in place to improve systems have been

       2014 48.9%
       2015 59.5%
       2016 68.1%
       2017 91.6%

An NZCER “Me and My School” Survey was completed by Years 9 and 10 students.
The findings were shared with the School and COL. As a pastoral team we considered
the results of this survey and the deans further unpacked the results with a group of
Years 9 and 10 students. Under the headings of:

   •    I Feel Safe at School
   •    I Am Comfortable Talking to Teachers at this School About My Problems
   •    Engagement in Class
   •    Most of The Time School Puts Me in a Good Mood
   •    Relevance Of What Is Taught At School
   •    The students were asked two questions for each heading. What needs to
        change? What are some barriers?
   •    Then a solution brainstorm was offered.

We now have the student voice around this and will be a catalyst for our next steps
in exploring how we can increase and enhance student engagement at Kaiapoi High

The Assistant Principal Pastoral attended the PB4L Secondary School cluster
meetings, and North Canterbury Cluster PB4L meetings. These meetings were
valuable for sharing success stories and supporting one another as interventions are
introduced at various schools. The Wellbeing North Canterbury Team met with the
Kaiapoi High School Pastoral team to explain the services that they provide.Meetings
of the Health Clinic professionals were held near the end of each term. There was
also a weekly meeting with the Youth Aid Officer and the School Attendance Officer.
ROCKON meetings were held monthly. The Assistant Principal Pastoral also attends
Northern Steps/ R13 meetings, Youth Justice Meetings and Vulnerable Childrens’
Team meetings monthly. A number of meetings were held with the Health Clinic
staff and School Counsellors to draw up a wish list for the planned Wellbeing Centre,
we now eagerly await the next steps. The Assistant Principal Pastoral, Head of Health
and the School Guidance Counsellor attended the inaugural workshop/ hui with a
focus on wellbeing for students and staff. This hui was attended by most secondary
schools in Canterbury, West Coast and Nelson and is aiming at a collaborative
response to increasing wellbeing across the sector. There will be a focus on
developing connectedness and strengthening relationships at the start of 2018.
The PB4L team worked on teaching what our school values looked like in practice.
The PB4L SET data revealed that students are well aware of what our school values
are, but said that we don’t teach them. All staff believed we are talking about what
the values are with our students, but we are now focussed on being specific when
we talk about the values and ensuring what each value looks like. Each faculty was
asked to include the teaching of school values within the curriculum, so as to embed
even further the concepts of respect, integrity, community and excellence. The PB4L
team looked at our matrix and updating what our school values look like, and
therefore what our expected behaviours are various areas around the school, for
example the canteen, auditorium and gym etc. The School has worked on
embedding the school values, clearly defining them and ensuring that they are
visible across the school. The SET measured 100% response to this in 2017,
compared to 75% in 2016, and 50% in 2015. As school populations change, teaching
the school values needs to be ongoing, and constantly referred to.

The planned professional development in restorative circles, to build capacity in
facilitating a class hui was postponed due to low numbers. Kaiapoi High School will
ultimately benefit from this as a planned session early in the new year, on site, will
allow us to have greater numbers participate.

This target needs to remain in 2018. As relationships underpin everything we do at
Kaiapoi High School, we need to keep this at the forefront. The relational approach is
fundamental to our school values being upheld. Both Restorative Practice and PB4L
build capability in positive and respectful relationships across the school community.
We are on a continuum in the process of establishing capacity within our school
community, and there is still work to be done.
Annual Target Eight           Karanga Mai Young Parents’ Centre

Goal                          There are opportunities for everyone
                              We will measure this goal by:
                              e. Karanga Mai

Outcomes:                                                             Outcome
1. For NCEA results at all levels to improve (including merit and      Varied
excellence results) and be above those of Decile 1 schools
2. Students feel supported during transition into Karanga Mai         Achieved
Ensure cultural responsiveness for all student transition
Transitions out of Karanga Mai are supported by clear plan
including whanau teacher, ELC and external agencies/providers
3. Student services encourage long term educational                   Achieved
achievement and positive life outcomes
Focus on Enhanced Environment practices & strategies
Te Reo, Tikanga and Kawa are actively promoted and supported
within the college
Māori students are actively supported and encouraged in their
cultural practices.
Māori students are proud to be Māori and experience success in
the Karanga Mai learning environment
4. IEPs built around individual needs, goals and strengths for each      WIP
Increased learning resilience, growth mindset and independence
in learners
Citizenship programme development to maximise community
Learning spaces are multi-functional and adaptive
Building links within our local education community

Outcome One:

Level 1 Maths and English teachers worked together to identify students’ literacy
and numeracy needs and targeted individual standards accordingly. Documents for
tracking achievement and completion timelines increased focus and guided next
steps for students. Reward systems were put in place to acknowledge achievement
in literacy and numeracy.

In June achievement progress meetings were held with all staff involved.
Whilst literacy and numeracy was undertaken, completion was still not at the
desired level. In order to accelerate achievement in English the Level 2 teacher
worked with some of the more capable Level 1 students. The less capable students
focussed on completing the Literacy Unit Standards as soon as possible.
Monthly celebration morning teas were instituted and by the end of term 2 we
celebrated two students having achieved University Entrance and Level 3, and four
achieving Level 2. Three students have also successfully achieved Level 1 Lit/Num.
Mid-year data analysis showed fewer credits have been achieved so far this year,
with a significant reduction at Level 1 (nearly ⅓), however more than 50% of results
overall were achieved at Merit/Excellence level. There has been a shift away from a
“credit-grabbing” mentality focussed on easy unit standard credits, towards setting
up academic pathways for students and raising expectations.

We investigated ways to broaden our curriculum opportunities for students and
would very much like to boost these via collaborating with the high school to meet
our students’ needs more effectively. There are a range of ideas to canvas with
relevant staff at the high school, with a view to improving access to a wider range of
learning opportunities in 2018.

Achievement stats are well down on 2016, however over 33% of achievement is at
Merit and Excellence. It appears that results are very linked to teacher expectation
and delivery of specific standards.

There was a significant increase in the number of students completing Levels 2 and 3
for 2017.

A huge push on Lit/Num finally paid off and our Level 1 students have had a very
successful Term 4 in comparison to Levels 2 and 3. The foundation for this success
has now been established and we are confident that 2018 will see Lit/Num
achievement occur earlier and at higher rates than in recent years.

We worked closely with the High School Careers Department to involve our students
in Gateway and Red Shirts in 2018, which is a great development. We will also have a
new staff member teaching in both the YPC and KHS, which is demonstration of our
commitment to building our collaborative relationship and we look forward to
seeing how this evolves and develops over time.

Dedicated timetable opportunities for project based/cross-curricular learning are
planned for 2018 and teachers are beginning conversations about how they would
like to work together to utilise that time in the most meaningful way for students.

Outcome 2:

A Transition Working Group was established including YPC Director, YPC
Careers/Transition teacher, Social Worker, and ELC Tumuaki. A Leavers’ Survey was
offered to all students upon leaving (5 of 8 leavers have completed this since its
creation mid-Term 2) and results will help inform future transition and other
As identified in notes on Target 8.1 above, transition planning was created for
students that were not making sufficient progress and needed a different
learning/employment context for 2018. We worked with their Youth
Coaches/whānau where appropriate to assist a smooth and clear pathway for them.
In May the mapping of the “Circle of Awhi” that exists around students began - the
hope is that this will identify gaps, strengths and inconsistencies in practice. This is
connected to our Teacher-Led Innovation Fund Research. Our mapping of the
“Circles of Awhi’ around students continues as part of the TLIF research. Analysis of
this data took place and concentrated on who is involved and how/what intentional
actions have taken place to support change/what outcomes interventions have had.
Unfortunately, the TLIF research became untenable given issues within the wider
learning community. This had implications for some of the initiatives undertaken
with resourcing that was provided as part of the project, however we continued the
focus of strengthening transition processes.

Progress report conversations took place and transition plans were made to support
students who moved on, and/or had been identified as not making progress. In the
past, keeping their place at Karanga Mai was not dependent on academic progress
and many of our students seemed unprepared to leave or transition on to
employment or further study. We are hoping to raise expectations and results
overall, and to build effective and supported transition out, through keeping a focus
on learning goals, progress, and future plans for students at the forefront of our
conversations with students.

Transition processes for students that left were well-supported and all students that
moved on had clear destinations/purposes. This was a huge improvement on past
transition processes. All students transitioning out were offered the opportunity to
feedback to KM about their experience at school and leaving.

Outcome 3:

In May wellbeing survey results were utilised to help direct programmes and
initiatives for students. These included Tamariki Talks; Mums ‘n’ Bubs swimming;
Smokefree Cessation Support; “Loves me Not” in conjunction with the NZ Police and
regular Māori Student Hui and Class Huis. There were multiple activities for Matariki
Week - including a trip to the museum to see the exhibition on Kai Tahu Wahine,
rakau competition, shared lunch and kids disco in the ELC, and waiata time.

Students were involved in organisation and co-construction of initiatives and were
part of a working group looking at changing the culture around smoking at Karanga

Four Hauora workshops gathered some helpful student voice and now our student
Rūnanga is using that to help develop a Vision for Well-Being at Karanga Mai, some
long-term goals and a short-term action plan. However, despite all the time put into
the Hauora Workshops, students were not very engaged in following through on
creation of an action plan, and long and short term goals. We are looking at a more
structured approach to assist in the co-construction process with students so their
needs are part of our aspirational plan. Well-Being Action Plan brainstorm sessions
took place and the student Runanga will assist in prioritising 2018 actions and
creating SMART goals around them. A longer term plan will come next. The are
designated timetable slots for Well-Being/Parenting support and the action plan will
feed into those.
A non-violent, kaupapa parenting course was offered to students via Plunket and
was well-received by students.

In response to student voice, we timetabled a range of recreational, social and
physical opportunities for students including gym sessions; Mums ‘n’ Bubs
Swimming; Spring Picnic and internal whānau competitions.

Renovation plans were completed but the process was stretched out into 2018. We
shall wait and see where to from here.

Outcome 4:

IEPs were all set up and used regularly for reflection/goal-setting and tracking by
both teachers and students.

Habit that Help Learning workshops were held and a reward system is now in place.

Unfortunately, early enrolments within the high school were not successful with only
one student successfully engaged in a mainstream class.

Relationship with Highway Trust (local Christian group) developed and they
supported us with production of cards; morning tea; citizenship opportunities and

Our partnership with Tuhaitara Coastal Park began, including assisting with planting.

Citizenship day saw students engaging in volunteer weeding at Tuhaitara, and
Highway Trust hosting a Pop-up Op Shop and morning tea for students.

Whānau time was increased to two times a week, and was focussed on IEP
reflections and goal-setting, and group relationship building.

Visits to Hawkes Bay TPUs were once again thwarted - this time by fog. This trip is
now on the back-burner. However, I had the opportunity to visit the Nelson TPU,
which was extremely interesting and helpful to see how another TPU manages and
organises things to maximise positive outcomes for students.

The director attended the first of several PD workshops for Kaiapoi High School Head
of Faculties with Greg Jansen. This was a great opportunity to build collaborative

Contact with the Kātote CoL has been sporadic, but we are participating in
collaborative planning and design days.

Staff brainstormed a number of ways to broaden curriculum delivery and the YPC
will endeavour to keep working with the school to ensure our students have
increased access to new learning opportunities.
Students indicated study intentions for 2018, and the timetable was arranged in
response to this. There will be a focus collaborative, project-based learning three
afternoons a week, which may create opportunities to link in with the school and
other local community organisations/schools.
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