Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie

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Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie

MC Report

Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train
MC tunnelling expertise in great demand                                                                          Pages 8-10

MC Inside                      MC News                      MC News                               MC Personnel
CROM celebrates                Cooling towers in            Repair instead of demolition –        Long-service
10-year anniversary   Page 3   Opole make music    Page 4   Jaguaré Bridge in São Paulo Page 11   awards          Page 15
Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie
MC Editorial

Dear Reader,
                                         It was just a year ago when we last          That said, the other features in our current issue are equally interesting
                                         featured a tunnel project as the             in their own right and I commend them to you: From the refurbishment
                                         focus of our magazine. Then it was           and aesthetic upgrading of industrial buildings and the record-setting
                                         the repair of the Wallring Tunnel            repair of a subsiding bridge in Brazil to our unique concrete cosmetics
                                         in Hamburg. This time around we              and concrete technology know-how, each the subject of an article
                                         are dedicating our headline MC               that has a story to tell. As usual, we close our year-end edition with our
                                         report to one of the projects of             long-service awards in recognition of those whose loyalty and dedication
                                         the century – Stuttgart 21. With             have contributed so much to the successful development of MC over
                                         Tunnelling among our Fields of               the past decades. For this, I – on behalf of my colleagues on the Manage-
                                         Expertise we have been able to               ment Board – would like once again to express my deepest gratitude to
                                         provide a wealth of know-how                 you, our people.
                                         with regard to the associated
subprojects and construction phases, thus contributing to the success of              Finally, I would like to wish all our readers the very best of seasonal goodwill
this enormous undertaking. Various MC technologies and product systems                and a prosperous, successful and above all a healthy and happy New Year!
have been used, including special products for soil conditioning, superplas-
ticisers for lining segment production, injection systems for waterproofing           Kind regards,
the tunnels and, last but not least, a completely new, cement-free annular
gap backfill grout – an innovation successfully developed in harness with
the special-purpose consortium ARGE ATCOST 21. You can read more
about this megaproject starting on page 8 of this edition of MC aktiv.                Dr.-Ing. Claus-M. Müller

Contents                                                                                                                             Cover
                                                                   14   Modern car park building
	      MC Inside                                                       at Zollverein colliery
                                                                                                                                    View of the Filder Tunnel before the third
                                                                                                                                    shield TBM drive. Turning the tunnel bor-
3       CROM celebrates 10-year anniversary                             The new car park was built using concrete release           ing machine for the last pass represented a
                                                                        agents, curing agents and concrete cosmetics                major challenge. A large turning cavern was
        MC summer festival in Bottrop                                   from MC.                                                    built especially to allow the TBM to be turned
                                                                                                                                    around underground. An unleached gips-
        MC News                                                         MC Report
                                                                                                                                    keuper was encountered in the rock strata
                                                                                                                                    surrounding the lower Filder Tunnel. Since
4       Cooling towers in Opole make music                                                                                          this essentially consists of a swellable anhy-
        The new cooling towers of the coal-fired power             8    Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train –
                                                                                                                                    drite, a solution was required that would reli-
        plant Opole II (Poland) offer a visible reminder from           MC tunnelling expertise in great demand
                                                                                                                                    ably eliminate the risk of swelling and ground
        afar of the country's folklore.                                 The Stuttgart-Ulm project, known as Stuttgart 21
                                                                                                                                    uplift. MC-Bauchemie and PORR Bau GmbH
                                                                        (S21 for short), is one of the largest infrastructure
                                                                                                                                    developed a cementless annular gap backfill
                                                                        undertakings in the recent history of the Federal
5       Industrial structure aesthetically upgraded                                                                                 grout which, after extensive testing, was used
                                                                        Republic of Germany. In future, it will add Swabia’s
        The façade of the district heating plant of a city                                                                          for the Filder Tunnel boring operation, the
                                                                        main metropolitan region to the high-speed
        in Holland has now been not just repaired but also                                                                          first application of its kind anywhere in the
                                                                        “Magistrale for Europe” rail link, serving as an
        visually enhanced with the MC-Color system.                                                                                 world.
                                                                        important hub within the North-South and East-
                                                                        West Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T)
                                                                                                                                    Photo: DB/Arnim Kilgus
6       High-quality concrete surfaces                                  criss-crossing Central Europe. The breakthroughs
        for Hamburg’s HafenCity                                         of the Filder Tunnel in September and the Alb-
        Wherever upgrading exposed concrete surfaces
        becomes part of the HafenCity megaproject remit,
                                                                        vorland Tunnel in October 2019 marked the
                                                                        successful conclusion of an important phase in                Credits
        MC's concrete cosmetics are invariably the first choice.        this major project, not just for Deutsche Bahn,             Publisher:
                                                                        but also for MC and its tunnel specialists.                 MC-Bauchemie Müller GmbH & Co. KG
7       MC know-how integrated                                                                                                      Am Kruppwald 1–8
        in Bulgaria’s highest skyscraper                                MC Innovation                                               46238 Bottrop, Germany
        Both the planning engineers and the constructors           13   MC-Injekt 2133 stops water fast
        involved in this high-rise project have put their                                                                           Tel. +49 (0) 20 41/1 01-0
                                                                        Among other things, this fast-foaming single-compo-
        reliance in MC’s expertise and concrete admixtures.                                                                         Fax +49 (0) 20 41/1 01-688
                                                                        nent injection resin is ideal for stopping strong flowing
                                                                        water in both buildings and construction pits.
11      Repair instead of demolition –                                                                                    
        Jaguaré Bridge in São Paulo                                     Geopolymer concrete –
        After a possibly record-setting repair time, São 		             concrete without cement
                                                                                                                                    Managing editor / Conception:
        Paulo’s Jaguaré Bridge was reopened to road traffic             Geopolymer concrete is based on a binder system
                                                                                                                                    Saki Moysidis, MC-Bauchemie
        in April 2019.                                                  consisting of blast furnace slag, fly ash, plus special
                                                                        activators and concrete admixtures from MC.
12      Replica drift built at Zollern colliery                         MC Personnel                                                Saki Moysidis, MC-Bauchemie
        The deceptively realistic surface of the drift tunnel                                                                       Thomas Haver, Leitpunkt Kommunikation
        was stabilised and modelled with products of the           15   Long-service awards
        MC-RockMortar (formerly Oxal RM) family.                                                                                    Design:
                                                                                                                                    iventos – Agentur für Marketing, Bochum,
2 | MC aktiv 3_2019
Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie
MC Personalia

CROM celebrates 10-year anniversary

The tenth annual edition of the            from the Faculty of Construction         of courses at a time when the topic      CROM courses is that all content is
study course series “CROM – Cer-           Engineering and Management – and         of manhole rehabilitation was still      first taught theoretically by experts
tified Rehabilitation of Manholes”         MC-Bauchemie offers sound expert         somewhat neglected in terms of           from both academia and the field, and
will once again be available as of         knowledge on manhole and shaft           training and certification.              then applied, extended and consoli-
February next year. Since 2010, more       rehabilitation in theory and practice.                                            dated in a series of practical modules.
than 700 employees from planning           “We are delighted at the response to     “Together with TU Kaiserslautern,        “Every course participant thus also
and engineering offices, tendering         date and are also more than a little     we have developed a unique con-          has the opportunity to practice all
sewerage network operators and             proud that our training course concept   cept that offers an unprecedented        the essential steps and skills of the
specialist rehabilitation firms in         is still so well received – so much      mix of in-depth knowledge transfer       rehab process,” says Sven Messmann.
Germany have taken part in the             so, that CROM is now perceived as a      and hands-on practice,” says Sven
CROM courses.                              kind of seal of approval for manhole     Messmann, Global Product Manager
                                           rehabilitation in the marketplace,"      ombran/Underground Sewer Systems
The collaborative seminar series jointly   says Professor Körkemeyer.               at MC-Bauchemie. The aim of the series
provided by TU Kaiserslautern (Kai-                                                 of courses is to improve the quality
serslautern University of Science and      TU Kaiserslautern and MC-Bauche-         and safety of manhole rehabilitation
Technology) – under the direction          mie were pioneers in this field and      measures from planning to imple-
of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Körkemeyer       developed and marketed this series       mentation. The special feature of the

MC summer festival
in Bottrop
Attended by around 600 employees and their families, the MC summer festival
took place on the Am Kruppwald site in Bottrop on 7 September, 2019. The
weather could not have been kinder – although rain had been forecast, the
skies not only remained dry, the sun also made a lengthy appearance, sending
the temperature to a comfortable 20 °C so that attendees young and old
could remain “al fresco” as they enjoyed the many culinary delicacies on offer.

Use the video link below to get
a taste of the summer festival
for yourselves. Here are the code
and address:
                                                                                                                                               aktiv 3_2019
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Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie
MC News

For the design of the cooling towers, the client PGE chose an artistic concept from among competing ideas submitted by local schools, with rainbow and sun motifs and musical notes
from the Polish folk song “Little Caroline has gone to Gogolina”.

Cooling towers in
Opole make music
After a construction period of                The operator PGE had the interior             a surface area of around 40,000 m2            sively dirt-repellent. The prefabri-
five years, two new energy-                   and exterior surfaces of the two              inside the cooling towers. The pig-           cated components of the columns
generating units of the Polish                cooling towers – each measuring a             mented, UV-resistant top-section              and cross-members of the supporting
coal-fired power station Opole II             good 182 m high – coated with MC              sealant MC-DUR VS PUR was then                structure for the water distribution
were commissioned in Septem-                  surface protection systems and vis-           applied over the upper third.                 system within the cooling towers had
ber 2019, ensuring a secure                   ually enhanced with artistically styled                                                     been factory-coated with MC-DUR
electricity supply to 4 million               musical notes from a Polish folk song         Striking visuals, top protection              2496 CTP. This special, fast-curing resin
private households in the years               from the region.                              For the design of the 45,000 m2 exter-        sealant based on KineticBoost-Tech-
to come. MC not only contrib-                                                               nal surfaces, the client PGE chose an         nology® had been successfully used
uted its know-how from its Ther-              Cooling tower inner                           artistic concept from among compet-           for the first time four years earlier for
mal Power Plants FoE (Field of                shells protected                              ing ideas submitted by local schools,         the repair of an older cooling tower
Expertise), it also had significant           The general contractor, Polimex, and the      with rainbow and sun motifs and               in Opole and has since been applied
input in the elaboration of the               coating subcontractor Beroa/Domin-            musical notes from the Opole region           as a coating for many such cooling
external design.                              ion had already gained good experi-           folk song “Poszła Karolinka do Gog-           towers worldwide.
                                              ence with MC’s systems, in particu-           olina” (“Little Caroline has gone to
                                              lar during a similar project involving        Gogolina”). The hyperboloid cooling           The operators are delighted with both
                                              Europe’s largest thermal power site           towers made application of the exte-          the technical quality and the visual
                                              of Bełchatów in Poland’s Łódź region.         rior design more difficult and posed          design of the two giant cooling tow-
                                                                                            a real challenge for all those involved       ers in Opole and are pleased to have
                                              The transparent epoxy resin sealant           – one that was, however, overcome             been instrumental focusing attention
                                              MC-DUR 1277 WV, which also acts as            with total success.                           not only on Poland’s energy indus-
                                              a primer for other coatings (meaning                                                        try but also the country’s folklore.
                                              that fewer coats are required) was            The decision was made to use a pig-
                                              used as the concrete curing agent.            mented surface protection system      
                                              MC-DUR 1277 WV delays evapora-                from MC for this – now available with
                                              tion of the water during the curing of        a technically improved formula under
                                              fresh concrete and so increases the           the product name MC-Color Flair. It
                                              mechanical and chemical resistance            is characterised by very high resist-
                                              of its surface. Then the highly acid-re-      ance to fading, UV radiation and
                                              sistant epoxy resin sealant MC DUR VS         weathering, yet is open to water
                                              NR 3 was applied in two coats over            vapour diffusion and is also exten-

4 | MC aktiv 3_2019
Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie
MC Personalia
                                                                                                                                                               MC News

Sporting a sympathetic design and top-quality protection, the district heating complex in Assendelft serves as a fine example of how industrial buildings can be visually improved and
harmonised with their surroundings.

Industrial structure
aesthetically upgraded
Located in the middle of a                     The contractor VTG Beton from                  the preventive concrete protec-                sion. Since the refurb there is noth-
residential area in Assendelft                 Velsen Noord started on the repair             tion coating for outdoor surfaces              ing left to remind onlookers of the
in North Holland, the façade                   and refurb work in October 2018.               exposed to the elements. Offer-                former grey concrete block. To the
of the district heating plant of               The company, which specialises in              ing outstanding surface protec-                delight of the client, the commu-
local energy utility HVC Group                 concrete rehabilitation, had already           tion, the pigmented coating was                nity and, of course, local residents,
has now been not just repaired                 successfully implemented various               applied in various shades of green             a colourful, oversized work of art
but also aesthetically upgraded.               projects with MC products – hence              to provide an appealing back-                  has been created that provides for
Thanks to MC-Color Proof vision                this further collaboration in Assen-           ground for the artistic animal and             a significant upgrading of the living
and MC-Color Flair pure, the                   delft.                                         plant motifs subsequently painted              environment.
once barren façade has been                                                                   onto the façade. The ready-to-use,
transformed into a minor work                  Façade repaired                                self-crosslinking copolymer disper-
of art.                                        with Nafufill KM 220                           sion is colour-stable as it is likewise
                                               After expert substrate preparation,            UV and weather resistant. Similarly,
In Assendelft, a town between Alk-             the first step was to reprofile and            it is open to water vapour diffusion
maar and Haarlem in the middle of              level the entire outer façade of               and carbonation-retarding as well
the Saendelft Ost residential area,            the building using Nafufill KM 220             as being resistant to temperature,
there is a small natural gas-fired             fibre-reinforced fine cement mor-              frost and de-icing salts.
power station belonging to energy              tar in a wet spraying process. This
utility HVC Group. While the adjoin-           created the perfect surface for the            Durable protection
ing administration building had                further sealing and coating work               In the final phase, the surfaces were
already been visually integrated               required. Nafufill KM 220 is resistant         provided with high-quality surface
into the surrounding area with                 to temperature, frost and de-icing             protection in the form of MC-Color
an appealing façade design, this               salts, offers high resistance to car-          Proof vision. The two-component,
district heating plant itself was a            bonation and impresses with its                transparent       high-performance
dreary concrete block that had                 excellent application properties,              coating keeps the colour design
also been defaced by unsightly                 with possible layer thicknesses                fresher for longer and offers per-
urban graffiti. In consultation with           ranging from 2 to 30 mm.                       manent protection against graffiti,
the municipal administration, the                                                             dirt and grime. Roller-applied, it too
                                                                                                                                             Take a look at the
operator decided to repair the                 Colourful coating                              is UV-stable, weather-resistant and
                                                                                                                                             making-of video
building exterior and in so doing              In the next step, the façade was               carbonation-retarding while also     
to dramatically improve it visually.           treated with MC-Color Flair pure,              being open to water vapour diffu-

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Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie
MC News

Photo left: In the foreground the Strandkai (Beach Quay) construction site, in the background the completed Marco Polo Tower and the Hamburg Cruise Center.
Photo right: Futura Campus building (left) and the construction sites of the so-called Creative Blocks (right).

High-quality concrete surfaces
for Hamburg’s HafenCity
HafenCity in the proudly Hanse-                The city of Hamburg is setting new           the property developers responsi-             fillers, will invariably provide the
atic City of Hamburg is currently              standards with the development of            ble for the individual projects are,          solution required. All products are
seen as the largest inner-city                 this new municipal space along the           they unanimously decided to rely              polymer-modified and ready for use
urban development project in                   river Elbe: Over an area of 157 ha, a        on MC’s know-how in concrete cos-             immediately after mixing with water.
Europe. With around 140 differ-                lively city-within-a-city with a maritime    metics. In addition to reliable on-site       The Emcefix-Spachtel G coarse filler, for
ent construction sites under-                  flair all of its own is being created,       service and high product quality, the         example, is suitable for concrete repairs
way, the volumes involved are                  combining work, home life, culture,          extensive range of system products            such as patching imperfections both
gigantic. In total, the building               leisure, tourism and retail. By the end      for a wide variety of applications has        large and small, and the reprofiling
work will provide for more than                of 2019, 68 individual construction          also been a key factor in this blan-          of deep flaws and spalled areas up
2.4 million m2 of gross floor                  “subprojects” will have been com-            ket approval. In Hamburg’s Hafen-             to 50 mm deep. Emcefix-Spachtel F
space. And wherever upgrad-                    pleted and a further 71 are already          City, the challenges range from repair        lang fine filler is available in seven
ing exposed concrete surfaces                  underway or in the planning stage.           work such as closing anchor holes,            different colours and is mainly used
becomes part of the project                                                                 pores, cavities and joints in intricate       for surface skimming and the preci-
remit, MC’s concrete cosmetics                 MC involved on numerous sites                ceilings and complex walls, to the            sion filling of standard and fair-faced
products are invariably the                    The concrete cosmetics of MC have            visual upgrading of fair-faced con-           concretes in layer thicknesses of up to
go-to first choice.                            been and are being used in numer-            crete surfaces and further concrete           6 mm. And the superfine filler in the
                                               ous of these construction projects,          cosmetic work in demanding areas              family, Emcefix-Spachtel F extra fein,
Here on the left you can see the construc-     for example in SKAI HafenCity, the           such as columns, balconies or under-          is available in three colours and is
tion site of the Southern Überseequartier
                                               “Southern Überseequartier”, Hafen-           ground car parks. Different fillers and       mainly used for the full-surface filling
with the finished Elbphilharmonie concert
hall, and on the right the Intelligent Quar-   City University and the so-called            colour shades were required for, in           and skimming of standard concrete
ter and the HafenCity University.              “Intelligent Quarter”. As different as       particular, colour matching and the           and fair-faced concrete with layer
                                                                                            removal of defects on exposed con-            thicknesses of up to 3 mm.
                                                                                            crete surfaces.
                                                                                                                                          Thus, MC’s concrete-cosmetic prod-
                                                                                            Superfine concrete                            ucts contribute to the high quality
                                                                                            cosmetics with Emcefix                        standards being regularly delivered
                                                                                            The products of the Emcefix family            by the contractors involved in the
                                                                                            are therefore particularly in demand          HafenCity project.
                                                                                            and constantly in use on the various
                                                                                            construction sites of HafenCity. As
                                                                                            the demands on concrete surfaces
                                                                                            increase, so too do the demands on
                                                                                            concrete cosmetics. If the surface
                                                                                            is to be truly flawless, the Emcefix
                                                                                            system of MC, consisting of a bond
                                                                                            coat and coarse, fine and superfine

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Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie

                                                                                                                                                                                     © AAA Architects, Sofia
MC's high-performance superplasticisers are integral to the concrete used to build the foundation, core,
columns and ceilings of the Sky Fort Business Center.

MC know-how integrated in
Bulgaria’s highest skyscraper
The Sky Fort Business Center is an             the building core, columns and ceil-           after a short mixing time, delivering      forces in the concrete, as well as a
office high-rise currently under               ings. Due to seismic and structural            good, sustained liquefaction as well       reduction of the effort involved in
construction in Sofia. Measuring               challenges, tests were required to             as high early strength. MC-Power-          placing, spreading and compacting
202 m, it is destined to be the                determine the creep deformation of             Flow 2695 can be used to produce           the mix. Still on the up, this ambi-
highest building in Bulgaria. Due              the concretes. Ultimately it was the           concretes exhibiting low tack com-         tious structure has yet to reach its
for completion in 2021, it will                MC formulations which won through              bined with very good workability and       final height. The opening of what
boast 49 storeys and a floor space             against all the competition. MC was            pumpability as well as high-quality        will then be the highest building in
of around 80,000 m2. Both the                  the only supplier able to develop the          surfaces. Centrament Retard 370 set-       Bulgaria is scheduled for June 2021.
planning engineers and the con-                right recipes, the properties of which         ting retardant was used to counter
structors involved in the project              were confirmed by an independent               the hot temperatures of the Bulgar-
have put their reliance in MC’s                materials testing institute. “Having           ian summer, enabling solidification
expertise.                                     achieved the necessary test results,           of the concrete to be delayed so as
                                               we were duly selected as a supplier            to extend its workability and ensure
The Sky Fort is located in the heart of        for this project,” says lead engineer          sustained pumpability. The superplas-
the Bulgarian capital and will provide         Nikolay Monev, the man taking care             ticiser Muraplast FK 19 and MC-Top
modern offices with a panoramic res-           of the technical aspects of the work           B, the surface-hardening dry mortar
taurant offering an incredible view            on behalf of MC Bulgaria.                      for industrial floors, were used to lay
of the city and the surrounding area.                                                         the floor of the underground car park,
The building also has three under-             High-specification concrete                    covering a total area of 30,000 m2. This
ground floors providing parking for            Despite the large volume of the foun-          resulted in good homogeneity and           Lead engineer Nikolay Monev, MC Bulgaria,
around 850 vehicles. The skyscraper            dation totalling 20,000 m3 with a depth        a decrease in the internal frictional      keeps a firm eye on the concreting work.
was designed by AAA Architects for             of more than 3.5 m, the temperature
the investor Fort Noks (both of Sofia).        in the core had to be kept to below
The company Structo was commis-                60 °C. MC therefore developed a
sioned with the planning work and              concrete formulation that combines
is collaborating closely with the con-         a special cement with the concrete
struction company Bulcarp.                     admixtures MC-PowerFlow 2695 and
                                               Centrament Retard 370 to ensure a
Creep deformation test                         low hydration temperature. With this
successfully passed                            peaking at 51 °C, the specified value
Back in the planning phase in 2015/6,          was never in danger. MC-PowerFlow
the parties involved consulted vari-           2695 is the primary admixture incor-
ous companies to find the right part-          porated in the concrete used for the
ner for the required concretes, with           skyscraper. The high-performance
strength class C 35/45 needed for the          superplasticiser based on the latest
foundation and C 50/60 required for            MC polymer technology takes effect

                                                                                                                                                          MC aktiv 3_2019 | 7
Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie
MC Report

                                                                                                                                                 © DB/Arnim Kilgus

Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train –
MC tunnelling expertise in great demand

The Stuttgart-Ulm project, also      When Deutsche Bahn AG celebrated           sections on the edge of Stuttgart's         stieg (Swabia’s Jura uplands) were also
known as Stuttgart 21 (S21           the symbolic breakthroughs of the          city centre are to be put to good           on the list. Various MC technologies
for short), is one of the largest    Filder Tunnel on 9 September and of        use in the project, extending the           and product systems were used in
infrastructure undertakings in       the Albvorland Tunnel on 29 October        downtown area by around 40 percent.         all the tunnel construction projects,
the recent history of the Federal    2019 – with many of those involved         The client and developer overseeing         including special products for soil
Republic of Germany. In future, it   in the five-year construction period       this project is Deutsche Bahn. The          conditioning, superplasticisers for
will add the metropolitan region     as well as political representatives       Federal Republic of Germany, the State      lining segment production, injec-
in Swabia to the high-speed          from the state administration, the         of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart’s           tion systems for waterproofing the
“Magistrale for Europe” rail link,   federal government and the EU in           integrated public transport authority       tunnels and, last but not least, a
while also serving as an impor-      attendance – the team of tunnel            VRS, the state capital Stuttgart, the       completely new, cement-free annular
tant hub within the North-South      specialists from MC also had every         airport company Flughafen Stuttgart         gap backfill grout – an innovation
and East-West Trans-European         reason to cheer. After all, MC was able    GmbH and the European Union are             successfully developed in harness
Transport Networks (TEN-T)           to contribute a wealth of know-how         also participating in the financing of      with the special-purpose consortium
criss-crossing Central Europe.       of its Tunnelling Field of Expertise and   the project. Seen in its entirety, S21      ARGE ATCOST 21.
The breakthroughs of the Filder      thus make a notable contribution           is made up of the following subpro-
Tunnel in September and of the       to the success of this mammoth             jects: The lowering of Stuttgart main       Due to the geological conditions, the
Albvorland Tunnel at the end of      undertaking.                               station, construction of the Stuttgart      machine-excavated Filder Tunnel is
October 2019 marked the suc-                                                    railway ring track and construction         divided into an upper and a lower
cessful conclusion of an impor-      A German megaproject                       of a new Stuttgart-Ulm line, which          section with two tunnel tubes each
tant phase in this major project,    With a spend of around 8 billion           includes several tunnels. MC was            with a diameter of 10.87 m passing
not just for Deutsche Bahn, but      euros, the transformational Stuttgart      significantly involved in the latter        through an overburden of 20 to 220 m.
also for MC and its tunnel spe-      21 transport and urban development         two measures in particular.                 With a total length of 9,468 m, it is the
cialists.                            project will greatly benefit the local                                                 longest tunnel of the S21 project and,
                                     region through the creation in the         MC’s expertise in mechanical tun-           after completion, will be the longest
                                     near future of a major hub in the          nel excavation in high demand               double-tube railway tunnel and the
                                     national – and international – railway     The heading operation with lining           third longest tunnel in Germany.
                                     network. More than 100 km of new,          segment installation was conducted
                                     fast railway track, three new stations     using a full-thickness-cutting shield TBM   A similar tunnel construction
                                     and an intelligent traffic management      featuring multi-mode earth pressure         approach was also adopted in the
                                     concept will set new standards in          balance (EPB) for face support. The         case of the Albvorland Tunnel. Here
                                     domestic German and European rail          Filder Tunnel was only one of several       again, two tunnel tubes with a dia-
                                     transport going forward. And there         major tunnel projects involving MC          meter of 10.87 m and an overbur-
                                     will also be major benefits on the         that were mechanically excavated –          den of between 8 and 63 m were
                                     urban planning side: About one square      the Albvorland Tunnel and the Bossler       excavated over a length of around
                                     kilometre of current or former track       Tunnel passing through the Albauf-          8,000 m. In the third major tunnel

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    | MCaktiv
Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie

project, passing through the Albauf-     backfill grout. The use of water in       the solidification reaction. The grout    to scientifically investigate the
stieg Jura uplands at Aichelberg, two    the more sensitive contact zones          also contains complex phosphates          feasibility of the proposed solution.
tunnel tubes – each with a diameter      was expressly prohibited. In the          which influence the solution equi-        The Institute for Building Research
of 10.87 m and up to 280 m of over-      case of the shield shell and the          librium of the anhydrite in such a        at RWTH Aachen University (ibac)
burden – were excavated to create        cutting tools, this was not a prob-       way that swelling is inhibited. This      was commissioned with the mine-
the Bossler Tunnel serving the new       lem, but Deutsche Bahn demanded           phenomenon can be described by            ralogical petrographic investiga-
track section from Wendlingen to         a specific solution for the grout that    the law of mass action and has been       tions to determine whether pos-
Ulm. With a length of 8,806 metres, it   would reliably obviate the risk of        proven in trials and suitability tests.   sible reactions with the anhydrite
too will constitute one of the longest   swelling and ground lift.                 MC and PORR Bau GmbH have since           could occur in the annular gap.
railway tunnels in Germany.                                                        patented this globally unique techno-
                                                                                                                             Continued on page 10
                                         The globally unique                       logy. This annular gap backfill system
Geological challenges                    solution developed for S21                solution has been given the name
An unleached gipskeuper, consis-         The consortium ATCOST 21 responsible      MC-Montan Grout AA 03; it exhibits
ting essentially of swellable anhy-      for constructing the tunnel therefore     optimum bedding properties with
drite, is located in the rock strata     turned to MC, an approach that led        high sulphate resistance to provide
surrounding the lower Filder Tun-        to the joint development of a bes-        the tunnel tube with true durability.
nel. Rock containing anhydrite           poke geopolymer. Geopolymers are
can be found in several regions          inorganic binders that do not contain     Proven in practice
of the world, and one such is the        cement and whose structure can            In view of the high requirements
steep slope of the Filder plateau        be traced back to the reaction of         and the omnipresent media atten-
                                                                                                                             Photo above: View of the newly lined shell of
to the south of Stuttgart. If rock       aluminosilicates in alkaline media,       tion surrounding S21, renowned
                                                                                                                             the Albvorland Tunnel. Photo below: Internal
containing anhydrite comes into          resulting in the formation of inorganic   testing institutes were consulted         view of the tunnel boring machine in the
contact with water, the volume           polymers. The special feature of the      together with ATCOST 21 in order          Filder Tunnel.

increases by more than 60 %. This        solution developed involves com-
results in enormous swelling pres-       bining the advantages of a single-
sures which could lift the tunnel        component (1C) grout with those of
and the surrounding terrain and          a two-component (2C) grout through
subsequently lead to damage to           the flexible use of an activator. The
buildings and structures located         basis takes the form of a modified
above it. For the lower Filder Tun-      2C backfill grout containing a non-
nel, the TBM was operated with an        reactive starting aggregate predo-
open shield, the main contact with       minantly present in a grain structure.
the delicate gipskeuper strata thus      Blast furnace slag and fly ash serve
                                                                                      ©DB / Kilgus_Arnim

being with the shield shell, the         as the binding agents to which an
cutting tools and the annular gap        activator has to be added to initiate

                                                                                                                                                         3_2019| | 9
Stuttgart 21 sets the future in train - MC tunnelling expertise in great demand - MC-Bauchemie
MC Report
                                                                                        superplasticiser in lining
                                                                                        segment manufacture
                                                                                        MC products were also used for the concrete castings installed in the Bossler
                                                                                        Tunnel. SEMPER BETON GmbH & Co. KG produced the concrete for the lin-
                                                                                        ing segment factory of the consortium ARGE PTS Bosslertunnel, for which
                                                                                        purpose it used a high-performance superplasticiser of the MC-PowerFlow
                                                                                        series. It is based on the latest polycarboxylate ether technology from MC
                                                                                        and ensures both high early strengths and high-quality concrete surfaces
                                                                                        coupled with above-average water savings and economical dosing.

 Continued from page 9

 The engineering office Brameshu-           grout proved so successful in the           Tunnel soil conditioning was again a       in EPB tunnelling as well as in rock
 ber & Uebachs Ingenieure GmbH              S21 megaproject that it has been            major challenge as the TBM had to          formations with a high clay content
 subsequently prepared the envi-            in great demand worldwide ever              safely cross under the A8 motorway         and a high likelihood of clogging.
 ronmental analysis report. Together        since.                                      with an overburden of only 8 m of clay     Economical in use, MC-Montan
 with the Faculty of Building Materials                                                 and clay-marl stone. And in the case       Drive FL 04 prevents deposition
 Technology at the Ruhr University          Optimised bedding properties                of the Bossler Tunnel passing through      and agglomeration and increases
 Bochum, the material-specific tech-        In addition, the experience gained          the Jura slope of the Albaufstieg in       the lubrication effect by dispersing
 nological aspects of the grout were        from the development of the modi-           the third section of the Stuttgart-Ulm     the clay minerals. By repelling spoil
 investigated in order to ensure its        fied 2C annular gap grout was also          project, the rock encountered during       and preventing accumulation at the
 application suitability measured           used to adapt a classic 1C annular          heading operations was of very low         cutter head, the agent also reduces
 against state-of-the-art criteria.         gap mortar at the Albvorland Tunnel         strength in places and featured fault      TBM power consumption and cutting
 The special sensitivity of the issue       between Wendlingen and Kirchheim            zones with water ingress. A closed         tool wear. Thus the soil condition-
 is demonstrated by the fact that           unter Teck. Because the rate of TBM         shield machine was deployed on all         ing solutions from MC were able to
 the tests took more than two years         advance had increased there, a faster       three tunnel sections, with the exca-      increase heading efficiency in all three
 in total and were only successfully        means of grouting of the tunnel tube        vated soil being used to support the       of the tunnel projects mentioned as
 completed after large-scale trials under   had become necessary, something             working face as the TBM advanced. As       well as satisfy strict cost-efficiency
 practical conditions on the actual         that was beyond the conventional 1C         mentioned above, the tunnel boring         requirements.
 construction site. Subsequently, the       mortar being used. For this purpose,        method is based on EPB technology,
 system solution was duly approved          MC-Bauchemie developed the con-             which is applied especially in difficult   Summary
 for use for S21 projects by Deutsche       sistency modifier MC-Montan Grout           geological formations and in inner-        For the Stuttgart 21 megaproject, MC
 Bahn and the consultant engineers.         05. As an additional component, it          city areas. The MC-Montan Drive            was able to contribute both its expertise
                                            is added to the mortar via a mixing         product series from MC was used            and its bespoke product systems for
 The tunnel-builders very quickly           section during the injection phase,         as the soil conditioning agent for all     tunnel construction from its Tunnelling
 recognised the enormous advanta-           but prior to pilaster strip entry, ensur-   the mechanically excavated tunnels         Field of Expertise, all very much to the
 ges accruing from this modified 2C         ing optimum bedding properties. As          of the new Stuttgart-Ulm line. And         satisfaction of its clients. In cooper-
 mortar compound once they began            with S21, it also eliminates the risk of    the MC-Montan Device CT (Cell Tube)        ation with planning engineers and
 to apply it in the grouting operations     subsidence where heading performance        foam generator was employed for the        construction companies, the tunnel
 for which it was designed. Despite the     is accelerated. The modified grout was      efficient production of a high-quality     experts at MC also developed inno-
 grain structure of the starter aggre-      applied continuously in parallel to the     and durable foam, enabling operations      vative solutions optimally adapted to
 gate, activator addition was made          soil conditioning work over a length        to continue with minimal interruption,     the various requirement profiles and
 possible before pilaster strip entry       of 8 km at the Albvorland Tunnel.           minimal maintenance and minimal            challenges encountered on site, thus
 through the provision of an addi-                                                      specific consumption values.               further facilitating the smooth progress
 tional mixing section, thus ensuring       Efficient heading with soil                                                            of the tunnel projects.
 effective backfilling of the annu-         conditioners from MC                        Ideal lubrication
 lar gap as specified. The use of a         Along the route of the upper Filder         The most widely used soil conditioning
 non-reactive starter aggregate has         Tunnel, the tunnel boring machine           agent was MC-Montan Drive FL 04
 the advantage that the application         mainly encountered Stuben sandstone,        (Foam Liquid), an environmentally
 open time is exceptionally long,           which has a high proportion of sticky       compatible and readily biodegradable
 thus ensuring maximum operational          clay and high-strength sandstone, with      foam concentrate with a defined pro-
 flexibility in such an environment.        the concomitant danger of rapid tool        portion of clay additive. The product
 The new cementless annular gap             wear. In the case of the Albvorland         is ideally suited for soil conditioning

1010| MC
      | MCaktiv

                                                           © AdobeStock/ALF_Ribeiro

Jaguaré Bridge, a section of which sank by around two metres in November 2018, was opened to road traffic again in April 2019 after a possibly record-breaking repair time of just five
months, thanks in part to MC's expertise.

Repair instead of demolition –
Jaguaré Bridge in São Paulo
On 15 November 2018, a section                 in Brazil. All the cracks requiring repair      dinated, high-quality product sys-             integration and interplay between
of Jaguaré Bridge along the                    were sealed with the special resin              tems in the other areas of the bridge          planning, execution and quality of
Marginal Pinheiros expressway                  MC-Injekt 1264 compact – both to                requiring refurbishment. For example,          the systems used. And it has become
in São Paulo sank about two                    prevent aggressive, damaging sub-               the structurally enhancing special             a model for further projects: As a pre-
metres. The structure therefore                stances from penetrating the con-               concrete replacement Nafufill KM               caution after this incident, the author-
had to be closed and secured by                crete structure again in the future,            250 and the special mortar Zentri-             ities responsible put in place a com-
hydraulic supports.                            and to restore the static structure of          fix CR were used for the reprofiling of        prehensive inspection programme
                                               the concrete.                                   the concrete. Offering outstanding             for all bridges – and have already
Given that the bridge is part of a main                                                        application properties and workabil-           had another bridge repaired using
artery serving the metropolis of São           Increased safety                                ity, both produced results well above          the same methods and approaches
Paulo, the city administration decided         In order to cope with future traffic            the standards specified.                       employing MC’s proven systems.
– after a thorough investigation –             loads, it was decided to install addi-
against demolition and replacement.            tional means of structural reinforce-           A shining example of engineer-         
Instead, the bridge was to be thor-            ment. Since this was not possible               ing excellence
oughly refurbished and structurally            with conventional measures such                 After a possibly record-setting repair
reinforced. Right from the start, the          as the provision of further beams               time of only five months, Jaguaré
authority responsible was advised              or supports, the highly effective               Bridge was reopened to road traffic in
by MC as a company widely reputed              MC-CarbonFiber system (formerly                 April 2019, providing a shining exam-
for its know-how and innovations in            MC-DUR CFK) was used. This con-                 ple of engineering excellence and
bridge construction.                           sists of carbon fibre-reinforced straps         also of how project success invariably
                                               applied to the surface or glued in              depends on ensuring the seamless
Major challenges                               slots as means of secondary bridge
The main challenges lay in lifting,            reinforcement. In the case of Jaguaré
stabilising and reinforcing the sagging        Bridge, surface-glued MC-Carbon-
bridge section in the shortest possible        Fiber Lamella (formerly MC-DUR CFK
time. There were numerous cracks to            Lamelle) reinforcing straps were pro-
rectify, structural repairs were required      vided on both the upper face and the
at both the upper and lower faces,             undersides of the bridge in accord-
and the roadway also needed to be              ance with specifications drafted by
extensively refurbished. High-quality          the structural engineers involved.
MC solutions and technologies were
applied in all phases of the work insti-       Mutually complementary
tuted to tackle these problems. The            systems
multifunctional concrete admixture             Safety and durability are of para-
Muraplast FK 300 was used to restore           mount importance in such under-
the pier foundations and the concrete          takings. Hence, all parties involved
carriageways commonly encountered              decided to use MC’s excellently coor-

                                                                                                                                                              MC aktiv 3_2015
                                                                                                                                                                       3_2019 | 11
MC News

 Deceptively realistic: The Zollern colliery's coal drift, reproduced with MC-RockMortar sculpting and repair mortars from MC.

 Replica drift built at Zollern colliery
 On the premises of the Zollern                 Mining is integral to the heritage              added another highlight within just a    MC-RockMortar was also the product
 Colliery Museum in Dortmund,                   of the Ruhr region. The fact that               few days: a deceptively realistic coal   of first choice for the Zollern colliery
 a “walk-in, hands-on mine” was                 coal is no longer being extracted               drift recreated with MC-RockMortar.      project. Offering excellent applica-
 opened to visitors in 2018. At                 from the area has changed nothing               Projections and light give the impres-   tion properties and resistance, these
 the beginning of 2019, this exhi-              in that respect, with the era being             sion of a long, deep tunnel – even       special single-component mortars
 bition, steeped in history, was                kept alive by museums such as that              though the actual training mine          can be applied both by hand and
 expanded by the construction of                of the Zollern colliery. The anthra-            is located above ground. The idea        by wet spraying. The mortars are
 a replica coal drift to make the vis-          cite coal mine in the northwest of              is to give visitors an impression of     ideal for the delicate sculpting and
 itor experience even more realis-              Dortmund, which was closed down                 what it was like to work in such dark,   modelling of lifelike rock, stone or
 tic. The surface of the drift tunnel           in 1967, consisted of two pits that             narrow drifts. Original sounds from      wooden surfaces. They are therefore
 was stabilised and modelled with               joined together underground. In a               the mining industry and a vibratory      often used for the artificial depic-
 products of the MC-RockMortar                  project that was completed in the               plate imitating the vibrations of coal   tion of natural worlds, e.g. in zoos
 (formerly Oxal RM) family, the                 summer of 2019, the former training             mining further enhance the museum        or amusement parks.
 sculpting and repair mortars                   mine of Westerholt colliery in Herten           experience.
 of MC.                                         was rebuilt here in order to provide                                                     Deceptively realistic
                                                a particularly authentic insight into           Versatile high performer                 At the Zollern colliery, too, the high-
                                                the everyday life of the miners.                The project, supervised by Andreas       est demands were placed not only
                                                                                                Hoppenrath of the LWL Industriemu-       on the creativity of the sculptors and
                                                A hands-on mining experience                    seum organisation, was carried out       craftsmen but also on the material.
                                                courtesy of MC-RockMortar                       by BETON.ROCKS from Halle/Saale.         Initially, creating the black, shiny coal
                                                In addition to the usual information            The BETON.ROCKS team led by Giorgi       surface of the simulated drift was the
                                                boards, there are also many “hands-on           Gugunava consists of sculptors,          biggest challenge. Thanks to MC-Rock-
 View of the drift tunnel prior to com-         stations” in the training mine. In the          designers, classically trained crafts-   Mortar, the end result was decep-
 mencement of the sculpting work.               middle of January 2019, the museum              men and machine technicians. It has      tively realistic to the delight of the
                                                                                                created numerous artificial worlds in    museum operators and visitors alike.
                                                                                                the past, ranging from simple rocky
                                                                                                landscapes to detailed reproductions
                                                                                                of old cultural sites and witnesses
                                                                                                of days gone by.

                                                                                                The team has often worked with MC’s
                                                                                                microsilica-modified MC-RockMortar
                                                                                                sculpting and repair mortars, which
                                                                                                include the fine-grained MC-Rock-
                                                                                                Mortar L (formerly Oxal RM-L) for
                                                                                                particularly intricate designs and the
                                                                                                coarser-grained, higher compressive
                                                                                                strength MC-RockMortar H (formerly
                                                                                                Oxal RM-H) and MC-RockMortar
                                                                                                HS (formerly Oxal RM-H HS) mortars.

12 | MC aktiv 3_2019
MC Innovation

The photo illustrates how MC-Injekt 2133 is applied and how it stops water ingress into structures and components.

MC-Injekt 2133 stops water fast
MC-Bauchemie has launched the                 It was more than 30 years ago that             Immediately stops                         MC-Injekt 2300 top / 2300 rapid
single-component, fast-foaming                MC-Bauchemie introduced onto the               pressurised water                         reacts reliably in the protection of
injection resin MC-Injekt 2133                market its two-component injection             MC-Injekt 2133 is immediately ready       the foam structure to provide a per-
for waterproofing applications.               resin MC-Injekt 2033, a product spe-           for use, serving as a single-compo-       manent seal.
Among other things, it is suitable            cifically created to fill cavities and         nent plug in water-bearing cracks.
for stopping water flows in both              stop water ingress into buildings.             The injection resin reacts quickly to
buildings and construction pits.                                                             water contact, foams and increases
                                              With the new single-component                  its volume by a factor of 60 within
                                              injection resin MC-Injekt 2133,                seconds, quickly stopping the flow of
                                              MC-Bauchemie has now developed                 even pressurised water. Its pot life is
                                              a reliable product that requires no            unlimited, thus ensuring maximum
                                              mixing or extensive preparation,               time and consumption efficiency.
                                              enabling it to be used both eas-               In order to achieve a durable seal,
                                              ily and instantly. MC-Injekt 2133              post-injection with MC-Injekt 2300
                                              is also phthalate-free, i.e. contains          top / 2300 rapid is recommended           Take a look at
                                                                                                                                       our product video:
                                              none of these potentially harmful              after application of MC-Injekt 2133.
                                              plasticisers.                                  With this 2-step injection method,

Geopolymer concrete – concrete without cement
The use of alkaline-activated binder          phases formed are mainly of the cal-           mer concretes in various applica-         system made from granulated blast
systems is becoming increasingly              cium silicate hydrate kind, whereas            tions. For example, in the construc-      furnace slag, fly ash and activators
important in concrete technology.             in geopolymer systems the forma-               tion of Toowoomba Wellamp Airport         and concrete admixtures from MC
Aside from ecological aspects such            tion mechanism tends primarily to              (see photo), Earth Friendly Concrete      especially adapted to the application.
as the reduction of CO2 emissions             produce inorganic, three-dimension-            (EFC) from the company Wagners
in binder production, the improve-            ally cross-linked aluminium silicate           was used to the greatest possible
ment achieved in respect of certain           networks.                                      extent. It was produced with a binder
concrete properties is also gaining in
significance. Alkaline-activated binder       Geopolymer concretes are particularly
                                                                                                                                                                                © Wagners, Toowoomba

systems with comparatively low cal-           suitable for (steel-reinforced) concrete
cium contents are often referred to           components likely to be exposed
as “geopolymers”. The reactions of            to high levels of acid or sulphate
geopolymer binder systems required            attack, such as sewerage pipes or
to achieve sufficient strength dif-           components in sulphate-containing
fer significantly from those of nor-          (ground) water. In Australia, exten-
mal Portland cement (PC) binder               sive experience has already been
systems. In PC-based systems, the             gained with the use of geopoly-

                                                                                                                                                        MC aktiv 3_2019 | 13
MC News

                                                                                                                                                                               ©Dreßler Bau, Eibe Sönnecken
 Modern car park building
 at Zollverein colliery

 Between August 2017 and                      The building is a car “park” in two         GmbH from Aachen opted for pre-             coating and for all other in-situ con-
 December 2018, new parking                   senses of the word – first there is its     fabricated concrete elements with           crete measures in the floor, wall and
 spaces for around 360 vehicles               pure functionality as a repository for      multiple bends, which were assem-           ceiling areas. As a protection against
 were provided on the site of the             temporarily vacated vehicles, and then      bled to form a peripheral roof edge.        evaporation, it ensures a good barrier
 Zollverein coking plant, part of             there is its innovatively greened roof                                                  effect, facilitates optimum hydration
 the Zollverein colliery, a world             slab, which serves as a small park with     Reliable demoulding                         progress in the near-surface concrete
 cultural heritage site in Essen              paths and seats, allowing people a          The contract for the construction work      layer and minimises the formation
 in Germany’s Ruhr region. The                place to stroll and relax. A rising rein-   was awarded to Dressler Bau GmbH,           of early shrinkage cracks. In order
 ambitious new structure in the               forced concrete structure consisting        Essen, with which MC has an excellent       to meet the planners’ demands for
 form of an open parking deck                 of columns and wall sections sup-           long-standing relationship. The proven      exceptionally high surface quality,
 covered with a landscaped roof               ports the approximately 190 x 47 m          concrete release agent Ortolan Basic        some areas were also repaired and
 was built using concrete release             reinforced concrete slab. The parking       761 from MC was used in the manu-           colour-matched with the concrete
 agents, curing agents and con-               level itself was also designed with         facture of the precast elements for the     cosmetics of MC’s Emcefix product
 crete cosmetics from MC.                     high aesthetics in mind. The sin-           wall and ceiling areas as well as for the   system.
                                              gle-storey deck was slightly lowered        columns. Solvent-free, low in odour
                                              and blended with embankments to             and quickly biodegradable, it offers        And with very good results: The huge,
                                              give the impression that the almost         excellent environmental credentials.        almost floating landscape roof was
 Another real eye-catcher is the new          9,000 m2 roof slab was floating above       It is easy to use, weather-resistant        opened in spring 2019 after 15 months
 single-storey car park on the Zollverein
                                              ground level. In order to reinforce this    and ensures clean demoulding, with          of construction and is another real
 colliery world heritage site, another con-
 struction project in which MC products       impression, the architectural and plan-     a correspondingly high quality of           eye-catcher on the former coking
 were used.                                   ning team of Kadawittfeldarchitektur        concrete surface resulting. For the         site, a location that already has more
                                                                                          roof edge, the planning team chose a        than its fair share of amazing visual
                                                                                          black-dyed concrete with a fine grain       attractions.
                                                                                          containing mica in order to achieve
                                                                                          an appearance reminiscent of the
                                                                                          anthracite coal mined at Zollverein
                                                                                          from 1847 to 1986.

                                                                                          Effective colour-matched
                                                                                          In addition to Ortolan, the architectural
                                                                                          team also opted for Emcoril Protect M
                                                                                          Lite from MC for curing the cleanable

1414| MC aktiv 3_2019
                                                                                                                                    MC Personalia

Long-service awards
Following an old and established custom, the first Thursday in the month           yalty and commitment to the company evidenced by their long service.
of December always sees the MC Group’s latest long-service awardees                Each was also given a gift in keeping with the time they have been an
honoured by MC’s Management Board at a ceremony, followed by a tra-                MC employee. Both honoured and gratified, the awardees were visibly
ditional banquet at the Gasthof Berger restaurant in Bottrop. Taking place         pleased to receive both the kind words and the gifts. After the ceremony,
this year on 5 December 2019, the ceremony was attended by MC em-                  the rest of the evening was given over to a delicious three-course dinner
ployees from various countries who were celebrating their 10th, 25th and           enjoyed in an informal atmosphere. In addition to the award ceremony
40th anniversaries. MC’s three Management Board members shook hands                in Bottrop, other MC locations around the world also held long-service
with each attendee, expressing their appreciation and thanks for the lo-           anniversary celebrations.

10-year anniversary             Sven Steppa (D)              Katarina Genyiova (SK)               Wolfgang Hienert (D)          Sylwia Apanowicz (IN & UAE)
Johann Schuh (AT)               Christoph Werab (D)          Loret Erum (UAE)                     Ulrike Hippler (D)            Daroslaw Demski (PL)
Nikoley Monev (BG)              Marcel Boon (NL)             Dang Thi Bon (VN)                    Thorsten Ingenhaag (D)        Tadeusz Wasąg (PL)
Daniel Medina (CH)              Manuela Kwint (NL)                                                Lars Jankowski (D)            Cosmina Dobre (RO)
Isabel Meili (CH)               Krzysztof Tobolski (PL)      25-year anniversary                  Jens Kleinau (D)              Daniel Sandu (RO)
Stefan Scheck (CH)              Pawel Wszeborowski (PL)      Peter Kiermayr (AT)                  Mathias Lehnigk (D)
Daniel Stirnimann (CH)          Ivan Vlaskovic (SRB)         Frank Albitz (D)                     Hartmut Leye (D)              40-year anniversary
Stephan Abel (D)                Aibek Amanbaev (RU)          René Barth (D)                       Reinhard Martin (D)           Waldemar Franke (D)
Martin Buschlinger (D)          Nikolay Boyko (RU)           Werner Clauß (D)                     Holger Riebeling (D)          Barbara Petersen (D)
Stephan Fälchle (D)             Alexandr Gorykov (RU)        Roman Czaja (D)                      Daniela Wnendt (D)            Silvana Schäkermann (D)
Sven Heinrich (D)               Vitaliy Khachatryan (RU)     Josef Frauenkron (D)                 Koltai Csaba (HU)             Wolfgang Vogel (D)
Mieczyslaw Pacanowski (D)       Ivan Mahlaev (RU)            Jerome Gamon (D)                     Béla Rapp (HU)                Günter Warkowski (D)
Katharina Ruland (D)            Dmitriy Popov (RU)           Stefan Gebhardt (D)                  Balogh Tibor (HU)
Andreas Sewald (D)              Igor Savin (RU)              Bernd Hahmann (D)                    Tibor Tóth (HU)

Congrats to the
awardees of
MC Russia
On 19 November 2019, Evgeniy
Sokolov, Managing Director of MC
Russia, congratulated seven employees
on reaching their 10th anniversary
at the company. From left to right:
Vitaliy Khachatryan, Alexandr Gorykov,
Ivan Mahlaev, Nikolay Boyko, Evgeniy
Sokolov, Aibek Amanbaev, Igor Savin
und Dmitriy Popov.
                                                                                                                                       MC aktiv 3_2015
                                                                                                                                                3_2019 | 15
OS 10
                     WITH HIGH-SPEED
                     K	Workable at 2 °C – 35 °C
                     K	Moisture-tolerant during application
                     K	Rapid curing
                     K	UV-stable
                     K	High mechanical strength
                     K	Excellent crack-bridging properties

Floor-coating system for car parks

In contrast to conventional flexible car park coatings, MC’s                      Top seal:
                                                                                  MC-Floor TopSpeed
                                                                                                      Binding layer:
                                                                                                      MC-Floor TopSpeed +
                                                                                                                              Waterproofing layer:
                                                                                                                              MC-Floor TopSpeed flex plus,
                                                                                                      dry-shake quartz sand   two coats
solution consists entirely of TopSpeed components based
                                                                                                                              Scratch coat
on KineticBoost-Technology®. The result is a certified OS 10                                                                  MC-Floor TopSpeed SC

system which, thanks to its modified reaction kinetics, can                                                                   Primer
                                                                                                                              MC-Floor TopSpeed SC
even be applied in humid conditions and at temperatures
from 2 °C to 35 °C. It is faster, more resilient and more du-
rable than anything you might expect from conventional
flexible floor coatings for car parks.
                                                                           OS 10, highly crack bridging
                                                                           MC-Floor TopSpeed flex plus
View all the advanced advantages at a glance:

MC-Bauchemie · Infrastructure, Industry & Buildings ·
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