Study: Many in military poisoned by carbon monoxide over decade - Stripes Lite

Page created by Rick Buchanan
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

                                                                                                                US, S. Korea
Study: Many in military poisoned                                                                                mull curtailed
by carbon monoxide over decade                                                                                  training due
                                                                                                                to coronavirus
        Stars and Stripes           ‘ This finding … highlights the                                               BY CAITLIN M. K ENNEY
                                                                                                                        Stars and Stripes
  Around 6,400 troops and their     importance of appropriate preventive                                           WASHINGTON — U.S. and
family members were poisoned
by carbon monoxide in the past
                                    measures for military personnel who                                         South Korean forces are look-
                                                                                                                ing to curtail upcoming training
decade, a military health study
has found.
  Some 24 service members
                                    repair or maintain vehicles.
                                                                               Cmdr. Shawn S. Clausen
                                                                                                                exercises out of growing fears
                                                                                                                about the spread of the corona-
                                                            editor of Defense Health Agency’s medical journal   virus, the defense leaders for
died from breathing the col-                                                                                    both countries said Monday.
orless, tasteless, odorless and                                                                                    Army Gen. Robert Abrams,
deadly gas.                                                                                                     commander of U.S. Forces
  Most of the cases were               Tanks, howitzer and armed            In 2017, four soldiers were         Korea, and Gen. Park Han-ki,
deemed accidental, but around       helicopter crews, as well as         treated for carbon monoxide ex-        chairman of the South Korean
11% of active-duty service          troops firing missiles or small      posure when the M1A2 Abrams            joint chiefs of staff, “are looking
members intentionally harmed        arms inside indoor firing rang-      tank they were in malfunctioned        at scaling back the command
themselves and one case was         es, can be exposed to the gas.       during an exercise in Latvia.          post training due to concerns
ruled an assault, said the study    CO becomes dangerous when               Last August, two service            about the coronavirus,” De-
published last month in the De-     it’s allowed to build up in a        members and three family               fense Secretary Mark Esper
fense Health Agency’s medical       closed space.                        members were treated at Fort           said during a Pentagon news
journal.                               “Military personnel can also      Bragg, N.C., for carbon monox-         conference with South Ko-
  No details were provided for      potentially be exposed to CO         ide exposure. It was later deter-      rean Defense Minister Jeong
the assault case or the deaths.     … by working with machinery,         mined that the residents of more       Kyeong-doo.
  Troops working in repair and      motor vehicles and gasoline-         than 80 homes at the base were            On Sunday, 13 Republic of
engineering jobs accounted for      powered tools,” Clausen said.        at risk because of blocked vents       Korea soldiers were diagnosed
more poisonings than those in       Carbon monoxide poisoning            in the laundry rooms.                  with coronavirus, Jeong said.
other career fields.                was confirmed in nearly 1,270           All the services require CO            “We do regard this situation
  “This finding warrants fur-       active-duty troops, 361 reserv-      detectors in base housing, but         as a serious one,” he said.
ther analysis to examine the        ists and just over 4,700 fam-        off-base housing requirements             Travel for South Korean ser-
overall incidence rates of CO       ily members between 2009 and         vary by state.                         vice members has been limited,
intoxication across occupations     2019, the study found.                  The symptoms of mild-to-            affecting normal military train-
and highlights the importance          Cases were diagnosed at           moderate CO poisoning include          ing and vacation leave, Jeong
of appropriate preventive mea-      more than 190 military instal-                                              said.
                                                                         headache, dizziness, weakness,
sures for military personnel who    lations and locations worldwide.                                               The semi-annual joint com-
                                                                         upset stomach, vomiting, chest
repair or maintain vehicles,”       Fort Carson in Colorado had the                                             mand post exercises between
                                                                         pain and confusion. High expo-
journal editor Cmdr. Shawn S.       highest number of confirmed                                                 the U.S. and South Korea, with
                                                                         sure can produce seizures and
Clausen said in an email.           cases — 60 — during the 10-                                                 the next happening in spring,
                                    year period, followed by Naval       coma, and ultimately lead to
  While motor vehicle exhaust                                                                                   have already been limited dur-
                                    Medical Center in San Diego          death.
was the second-most common                                                                                      ing the past year as part of an
source of carbon monoxide           with 52 cases. Less than 5% of          Carbon monoxide decreases
                                                                                                                attempt by President Donald
poisoning in confirmed cases        confirmed cases affected ser-        not only the amount of available       Trump’s administration to per-
among active-duty troops, those     vice members assigned outside        oxygen in the air but also in red      suade North Korea to give up its
working in motor transport ac-      the U.S., the study said.            blood cells, killing by asphyxi-       nuclear weapons.
counted for just 3.2% of cases,        Carbon monoxide exposure          ation. Two out of three people            North Korea leader Kim
the lowest proportion, the study    often affected groups, the study     who suffer severe cases of CO          Jong Un has said the joint exer-
said.                               said. For example, 21 soldiers       poisoning may have long-term           cises could negatively affect the
  Military personnel “face          were sickened when a corroded        complications, including severe        negotiations.
unique and deadly sources of        vent hose caused CO to build up      intellectual impairment, blind-           If there is any change to the
significant CO exposure not         in a kitchen tent used by soldiers   ness and deafness.                     training, Jeong said they will
found in the private sector,” ac-   during an exercise near Eielson         The vast majority of service        consider ways to make cer-
cording to the Army textbook        Air Force Base, Ala., in Septem-     members included in the study          tain the combined U.S.-South
“Occupational Health and the        ber 2014. Four of the soldiers       returned to duty with no limita-       Korean defense posture stays
Service Member.”                    were hospitalized.                   tions, it said.                        robust.
Page 2             •ST R I P E S L I T E•                        Tuesday, February 25, 2020

More closures at bases in Europe possible
        BY JOHN VANDIVER                                      Wolters said that there was a                           access and troop movement re-                               at Rota, Spain. Past EUCOM
             Stars and Stripes                             “50-50” possibility that the clo-                          strictions. As cases increase in                            commanders also have sought
                                                           sures in Vicenza would be ex-                              Europe, EUCOM officials have                                similar ship increases, but re-
   STUTTGART,          Germany                             tended, in response to questions                           said that command medical                                   cent infrastructure work at the
— Some Army facilities in                                  by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.,                                teams are closely monitoring                                Navy’s Rota base now makes it
Italy could be shuttered beyond                            who cited Stars and Stripes re-                            for potential threats.                                      possible, Wolters said.
March 1 due to concerns re-                                porting at the base.                                          Wolters was in Washington                                  China’s inroads into Euro-
lated to the coronavirus, which                               The military is also prepared                           to testify on EUCOM’s piece                                 pean infrastructure are also a
the military expects will also                             to execute a coronavirus pre-                              of the Pentagon’s 2021 budget                               concern, Wolters said. The Pen-
have implications for troops in                            vention plan in Germany, which                             request and the command’s                                   tagon has warned allies to steer
Germany, U.S. European Com-                                is home to tens of thousands of                            role in countering Russia and                               clear of China’s 5G technology,
mand’s top officer, Air Force                              U.S. service members and their                             China.                                                      which it says poses an intelli-
Gen. Tod Wolters, told lawmak-                             families.                                                     Wolters said he would like                               gence threat. Wolters also said
ers Tuesday.                                                  “We’re anticipating an in-                              more support in countering                                  that he is worried about China’s
   In Vicenza, Italy, the Army                             crease in the number of cases                              Russia at sea, where he said                                investment in ports all over Eu-
has closed on-base schools,                                in Germany,” Wolters told the                              that Moscow’s submarine ac-                                 rope, where it controls 10% of
child care centers, gyms and                               Senate Armed Services Com-                                 tivity increased by 50% in 2019.                            shipping rights in and out of the
churches after a spike in coro-                            mittee during testimony.                                   EUCOM is generally effec-                                   Continent.
navirus cases in the broader                                  The military overseas has                               tive at tracking Russian sub-                                 “Those are daunting figures
region. Military personnel                                 been grappling with the rapid                              marines, but “not 100% of the                               that should lead one to believe
have also been told not to travel                          spread of coronavirus, particu-                            time,” he said.                                             that we need to continue to be
to areas where clusters of con-                            larly in South Korea, where a                                 Wolters called for two more                              vigilant with respect to seaport
firmed cases have emerged.                                 surge of cases has forced base                             Navy destroyers to be based                                 equities,” Wolters said.

Italy sees 27%                                                                                                        DODEA’s Bahrain School
                                                                                                                      closes over virus concerns
more virus cases                                                                                                             BY JOSHUA K ARSTEN
                                                                                                                                    Stars and Stripes
                                                                                                                                                                                  among individuals who have
                                                                                                                                                                                  visited Iran, before the coun-
                                                                                                                                                                                  try announced it was facing
             Associated Press                              days.”                                                        MANAMA, Bahrain — Mili-                                  a COVID-19 pandemic,” the
                                                              Italy has closed schools, mu-                           tary students at the Bahrain
  ROME — Italy reported a                                                                                                                                                         statement said.
                                                           seums and theaters in the two                              School have been told to stay
27% increase in the number                                 regions where clusters have                                                                                               Bahrain officials said that
of coronavirus cases Tuesday                                                                                          home for the rest of the week                               17 travelers have tested posi-
                                                           formed and troops are enforc-                              following the country’s first
and an infected doctor forced                              ing quarantines around 10                                                                                              tive for the virus at Bahrain
a hotel to be quarantined in                                                                                          confirmed coronavirus case                                  International Airport, with the
                                                           towns in Lombardy and the                                  and several others reported at
Spain’s Canary Islands, evi-                               epicenter of the Veneto cluster,                                                                                       travelers coming from Saudi
dence that the epicenter of the                                                                                       the island kingdom’s airport.                               Arabia, Iran and the United
                                                           Vo’Euganeo. But Italy hasn’t                                  School officials said the move,
outbreak in Europe is spread-                              yet identified the source of the                                                                                       Arab Emirates.
ing with travelers to and from                                                                                        announced Tuesday evening
                                                           outbreak and reported a 27%                                                                                               The travelers were immedi-
the afflicted north.                                                                                                  via text message and email,
                                                           increase in positive cases from                                                                                        ately quarantined and taken to
                                                                                                                      was a precautionary measure.
  Premier Giuseppe Conte de-                               222 to 283 overnight, including                                                                                        health centers for treatment.
                                                                                                                         “We are working closely with
fended the measures that Italy                             in regions outside the north.                                                                                          Those accompanying infected
                                                                                                                      our military and host nation
has taken to contain the out-                              Seven people have died, all of                                                                                         travelers were also quaran-
                                                                                                                      partners to closely monitor the
break and predicted a stabiliz-                            them elderly, suffering from                               situation,” the statement said.                             tined, the official Bahrain News
ing of numbers soon. He did                                other ailments, or both.                                   “All decisions will be made with                            Agency reported Tuesday.
acknowledge, however, that the                                The island of Sicily reported                           the health of our staff, students                              Base school officials said
rise in cases — the most outside                           its first positive case from a                             and community in mind.”                                     that more guidance will be re-
Asia — was “worrisome.                                     woman vacationing from Ber-                                   Bahrain is home to the Navy’s                            leased as it becomes available.
  “Obviously I can’t say I’m not                           gamo, in Lombardy. Two cases                               5th Fleet headquarters and the                              Naval Forces Central Com-
worried because I don’t want                               were also reported in Tuscany,                             largest group of deployed ser-                              mand said Monday that service
anyone to think we’re under-                               well south of the epicenter.                               vice members and their fami-                                members are already subject
estimating this emergency,”                                   Croatia, meanwhile, con-                                lies in the Middle East.                                    to 14-day “in-house” quaran-
he said before a meeting with                              firmed its first case in a man                                Bahrain’s Health Ministry                                tines and testing when com-
a visiting World Health Orga-                              who had been to Milan. And                                 said that all public schools will                           ing to Bahrain from mainland
nization mission. “But we trust                            Austria confirmed two cases                                be closed for the next two weeks                            China, Hong Kong, Singapore,
that with the measures we’ve                               in a couple who traveled from                              as “precautionary measures                                  Thailand, Malaysia and South
implemented, there will be a                               Bergamo to their home in Inns-                             taken to contain the spread of                              Korea. Personal leave to those
containing effect in the coming                            bruck last Friday.                                         the coronavirus (COVID-19)                                  countries is also restricted.

Stars and Stripes digest is produced by the news desk at our central office in Washington, D.C. The internet address is: You may contact us by calling (202) 886-0003 or by sending an email to Visit Stars and Stripes online at
Page 3       •ST R I P E S L I T E•       Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Marine gets award for noncombat valor
 BY M ATTHEW M. BURKE                recognized for his heroism by        in her 20s — had been swept          up on the orange, circular life-
        Stars and Stripes            the Japanese mayor of Chatan         out and was approximately a          preserver he carried. Then he
                                     in January 2019.                     quarter mile from land.              treaded water for approximate-
  CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa                  “I think I’m just as brave as        The man said he was too ex-       ly 30 minutes while he waited
— An Okinawa Marine who              anybody else in the military,”       hausted to swim out to her.          for emergency services.
saved a drowning pregnant            Easter said in the statement. “I        Easter instructed one by-            Chatan fire officials arrived
woman caught in a rip current        was just the right person at the     stander to call Japan’s equiva-      on personal watercraft and
in 2018 was awarded the ser-         right time. I’m certain there        lent of 911 and another to find      plucked Easter and the woman
vice’s highest award for valor       are any number of people here,       a flotation device, he and Japa-     from the sea, he said.
in a noncombat situation.            who are also the right people,       nese officials said.
  Maj. William Easter received                                                                                    Easter’s actions, Clardy said,
                                     and would have done the same            “I could see her in the dis-
the Navy and Marine Corps                                                                                      likely saved multiple lives that
                                     thing.”                              tance, a little head bobbing
Medal from III Marine Expe-                                                                                    day. If he hadn’t gone in, oth-
                                        On the afternoon of Dec. 8,       there in the water,” he told
ditionary Force commander Lt.        2018, Easter was preparing for       Stripes last year. “I looked at      ers might have attempted to
Gen. H. Stacy Clardy III in a        a run on the Okinawa seawall         it and I said, ‘Wow, that is not a   save the woman, which could
ceremony Feb. 14 at unit head-       near American Village when           short swim. You’re not going to      have compounded the potential
quarters aboard Camp Court-          he heard cries for help coming       do that very easily.’ ”              tragedy.
ney, a Marine Corps statement        from the shore, he told Stars           Easter then swam the ap-             “He was risking his own
said.                                and Stripes last year. An ex-        proximately 300 yards out to         life,” Clardy said in the state-
  Easter, the III MEF theater        hausted man had made it back         the woman.                           ment. “This was no small act
security cooperation officer         to shore after snorkeling but his       She was exhausted by the          and I am proud to present him
from Beaufort, S.C., was also        pregnant wife — an American          time he arrived, so he got her       with this award.”

US forces hit ISIS during partial truce with Taliban
     BY J.P. L AWRENCE               ISIS terrorists wherever they        the Afghan Defense Ministry.            If violence in the country
        Stars and Stripes            hide to protect Afghanistan            The U.S., the Taliban and          drops significantly, as it has
                                     while honoring U.S.-Afghan-          the Afghan government are            during the initial days of the
   KABUL, Afghanistan — The          Taliban agreement to reduce          midway through a seven-day           truce, U.S. and Taliban officials
U.S. military launched two air-      the violence,” Leggett said on       partial truce, termed by the         are expected to sign a broader
strikes against Islamic State        Twitter.                             parties as an agreement for a        deal Saturday.
fighters in Afghanistan on             An ISIS shadow deputy gov-         reduction in violence.
Tuesday, midway through a                                                                                         That is expected to lead to
                                     ernor and a military leader are        Taliban spokesman Zabihul-
weeklong partial truce with the                                                                                talks among the insurgents, the
                                     among the dead, said Abdul           lah Mujahid said last week that
Taliban.                             Ghani Musamim, spokesman             the group would refrain from         Afghan government and other
   The airstrikes killed four ISIS   for the governor of Kunar, lo-       attacking provincial capitals,       Afghan stakeholders to address
fighters in Kunar province, said     cated in eastern Afghanistan.        as well as Afghan and U.S. mili-     issues such as how to integrate
Col. Sonny Leggett, spokesman          The strikes did not involve        tary bases, but insinuated that      the Taliban into the govern-
for U.S. Forces-Afghanistan.         Afghan forces, said Fawad            attacking checkpoints was not        ment and military after more
   “We continue to eliminate         Aman, deputy spokesman for           off-limits.                          than 18 years of war.

Syrian troops continue campaign as airstrike kills 3
              Associated Press                   Russia, has created a humanitarian catas-         not confirmed a March 5 visit by the Rus-
                                                 trophe with nearly one million people dis-        sian president to Turkey.
   ANKARA, Turkey — An airstrike on a
rebel-held northwestern Syrian city struck       placed from their homes since Dec. 1.                Tensions have been running high be-
a school Tuesday, killing three people, Syr-       Most of them are now crowding areas             tween Turkey and Russia, which support
ian opposition activists said, as government     close to the border with Turkey, living in        opposing sides of the war in Syria. The
forces moved forward in their offensive to-      camps, shelters, abandoned homes and in           Syrian government offensive has shattered
ward a town considered a symbol of the up-       open fields. It is the largest single displace-   a fragile cease-fire agreement that Turkey
rising against President Bashar Assad.           ment of Syria’s war, now in its ninth year.       and Russia reached in 2018 and Turkey has
   The violence came as Turkey’s presi-            Turkish President Recep Tayyip Er-              threatened military action unless Syrian
dent announced that a Russian delegation         dogan said no consensus was reached for           forces retreat to positions they held before
would arrive the following day to resume         a four-way meeting next month between             the advance by the end of February.
talks aimed at easing tensions in the north-     the leaders of France, Germany, Russia               “Russia supports Syria at the highest
west Idlib region.                               and Turkey meant to address the crisis.           level,” Erdogan told reporters before de-
   The area is the country’s last rebel-con-     He added, however, that Russia’s Vladimir         parting for a visit to Azerbaijan. “Even
trolled stronghold and the Syrian govern-        Putin may still come to Turkey next week          if they deny it, we have evidence. We are
ment’s military campaign there, backed by        for a bilateral meeting. Moscow has so far        forced to be in this fight.”
Page 4      •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Tuesday, February 25, 2020

In India, Trump talks domestic squabbles
        Associated Press            Bernie Sanders.                     Court to review cases.              a long-sought trade deal with
                                       “Nobody ever told me that,”         “I just don’t know how they      India was unlikely during the
   NEW DELHI — Returning            he said at a news conference,       can not recuse themselves for       two-day trip.
to domestic squabbles, Presi-       later adding, “I want no help       anything Trump or Trump-re-            “Our teams have made tre-
dent Donald Trump lashed out        from any country and I haven’t      lated,” he said.                    mendous progress on a com-
at Supreme Court justices and       been given help from any coun-         He added: “What Justice          prehensive trade agreement
his Democratic rivals Tuesday       try,” despite Russia’s well-doc-    Sotomayor said yesterday was        and I’m optimistic we can
during the second and last day      umented meddling in the 2016        highly inappropriate. She’s try-    reach a deal that will be of
of a whirlwind trip to India.       election to help him win.           ing to shame people with per-       great importance to both coun-
Addressing reporters and busi-         Trump had joked at the be-       haps a different view into voting   tries,” Trump told reporters on
ness leaders, Trump warned of       ginning of the news conference      her way.” He said Ginsburg had      the second and final day of his
economic calamity if he loses       that he would be “very, very        gone “wild” against him during      whirlwind, 36-hour, first offi-
his reelection race in November     conservative” in his answers to     the 2016 campaign.                  cial visit to India. He said at the
and repeated his call for two       avoid distracting from his “fan-       Trump spent much of Tues-        news conference that, if a deal
liberal-leaning Supreme Court       tastic two days” in India.          day meeting with Indian Prime       happens, it will likely be “to-
justices to recuse themselves          But then he quickly launched     Minister Narendra Modi and          wards the end of the year.”
from cases involving him or his     into attacks, including criticiz-   emerged saying he was opti-            The day began with an elabo-
administration.                     ing Supreme Court Justices          mistic about the prospects of       rate welcome ceremony in front
   The Republican president         Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia       inking a trade deal with India      of the grand Rashtrapati Bha-
also said he had not been           Sotomayor, the latter for a blis-   despite moves by both sides         van Presidential Palace in New
briefed on intelligence suggest-    tering dissent that was critical    that created doubt about the        Delhi, continuing the pomp and
ing Russia is meddling in the       of the Trump administration’s       ability to reach an agreement.      pageantry the Indian govern-
2020 election, either to bolster    rush to claim emergencies           Trump had made clear before         ment had lavished on Trump a
him or Democratic candidate         when asking the Supreme             the trip that hammering out         day earlier.

Sanders’ old, new praise US crackdown underway on
for communists roils race immigrants who use services
      The Washington Post              Asked about his favorable                Associated Press            gathered Monday to discuss and
                                    reviews of Fidel Castro’s Cuba                                          criticize the policy.
   The mayor of tiny Burling-                                              PHOENIX — Pastor Anto-
                                    in a “60 Minutes” interview                                                Participants at a New York
ton, Vt., was back from Nicara-                                         nio Velasquez says that before
                                    that aired on CBS on Sunday,                                            City roundtable said that in
gua and eager to share the good                                         the Trump administration an-
                                    Sanders said that the commu-                                            anticipation of the change,
news.                                                                   nounced a crackdown on immi-
                                    nist leader deserved criticism                                          neighborhoods with higher im-
   The country’s Soviet-backed                                          grants using government social
                                    for “the authoritarian nature”                                          migrant populations had seen
government — forged via                                                 services, people lined up before
                                    of his government — as well                                             enrollment declines in the Spe-
armed rebellion — was cutting                                           sunrise outside a state office in
                                    as praise where it was due, in-                                         cial Supplemental Nutrition
infant mortality, reducing illit-   cluding for “a massive literacy     a largely Latino Phoenix neigh-
                                                                        borhood to sign up for food         Program for Women, Infants
eracy and redistributing land to    program.”
                                                                        stamps and Medicaid.                and Children, known as WIC.
peasant farmers. Its Sandinista        The comments offered in-
leaders, branded terrorists by                                             No more.                         They also urged immigrants
                                    stant fodder for opponents who                                          to get legal advice on how they
the United States government,       had already been sharing the           “You had to arrive at 3 in the
impressed him with “their in-                                           morning, and it might take you      may be affected.
                                    old clips, and highlighted the                                             Bethany Li, of Greater Boston
telligence and their sincerity.”    risk to a candidate with a track    until the end of the day,” he
   Three years later, Bernie                                            said, pointing behind the office    Legal Services, said Chinese
                                    record of sympathy for commu-                                           families are passing on WIC
Sanders was fresh off the plane     nist and socialist governments.     in the Maryvale neighborhood
from Moscow, reveling in the                                            to show how long the lines got.     benefits not covered by the new
                                       Rivals seized on the brand-
beauty of the land and the con-                                            But no one lined up one recent   rules.
                                    new video to portray the sena-
tentedness of the people.                                               weekday morning, and there             The guidelines that aim to
                                    tor from Vermont as naive — a
   And a year after that, he        possible preview of attack lines    were just a handful of people       determine whether immigrants
returned from Cuba having           in Tuesday night’s debate, and      inside.                             seeking legal residency may
tapped into a revolutionary         of the barrage Sanders is likely       With new rules taking effect     become a government burden
spirit “far deeper and more         to endure in the general elec-      Monday that disqualify more         are part of the Trump admin-
profound than I understood it       tion if he makes it that far.       people from green cards if they     istration’s broader effort to re-
to be.”                                “Fidel Castro left a dark leg-   use government benefits, droves     duce immigration, particularly
   With Sanders now surging         acy of forced labor camps, re-      of immigrants, including citi-      among poorer people.
to the top of the Democratic        ligious repression, widespread      zens and legal residents, have         The rules that critics say
presidential field, those three-    poverty, firing squads and the      dropped social services they or     amount to a “wealth test” were
decade-old impressions intro-       murder of thousands of his          their children may be entitled to   set to take effect in October
duced a volatile new element        own people,” former New York        out of fear they will be kicked     but were delayed by legal chal-
in the race Monday as rivals        Mayor Mike Bloomberg tweet-         out of the U.S., said Velazquez     lenges alleging a violation of
reacted to Sanders’ decision to     ed. “But sure, Bernie, let’s talk   and other advocates.                due process under the U.S.
defend his remarks.                 about his literacy program.”           Advocates around the U.S.        Constitution.
Page 5      •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Vandals target historic               area parking garage.                critically injured.                 partment of Wildlife and Fish-
                                        Officers responding found           A cold front that moved           eries’ enforcement division,
town’s 9/11 memorial                  the destroyed vehicle up against    through western Washington          said. A necropsy determined
                                      a McDonald’s restaurant across      over the weekend brought wind       that it had been shot and killed
         week after Plymouth
Rock was defaced with graffiti,
                                      the street from the public park-
                                      ing structure in Santa Monica,
                                                                          gusts up to 40 mph, knocking
                                                                          out power for nearly 20,000
                                                                                                              a day or two earlier.
                                                                                                                Einck said there’s also still a
                                      police said.                        customers in the Puget Sound.       $6,000 reward out for tips lead-
it appears as if vandals have           Firefighters extricated him                                           ing to the arrest and conviction
targeted the historic Massa-          from the wreckage and took          Experts say bald eagle              of whoever shot a whooping
chusetts town’s 9/11 memorial.        him to a local trauma center,
   A statue of a police officer was   where he was listed in critical     eggs may never hatch                crane between Crowley and
                                                                                                              Rayne in Acadia Parish in No-
knocked over sometime over            condition, the Santa Monica                                             vember 2018.
the weekend, and two nearby
lamp posts were knocked over.
                                      Fire Department said.
                                        Police in the coastal city        CA      MONROVIA — Two
                                                                                  California bald eagle
                                                                          eggs have passed their normal       Church to pay off
The statue’s head was knocked         were investigating what caused
                                                                          incubation time and may never
off. A nearby figure of a fire-       the crash.
                                                                          hatch, experts said.
                                                                                                              students’ lunch debts
fighter was untouched.
   On Feb. 16, Plymouth Rock,                                               The eggs in a nest at Big Bear
                                      Man smashes window,
the symbolic spot of the Pil-
grims landing 400 years ago,          grabs woman on couch
                                                                          Lake have been seen daily on
                                                                          streaming video from a cam-
                                                                                                              OH      CLAYTON — A
                                                                                                                      church       program
                                                                                                              in Ohio will pay off students’
was covered in paint. Vandals                                             era positioned at the nest, The
                                                                                                              outstanding lunch debt in
also targeted the Pilgrim Maid-
en statue and several other sig-      RI      LINCOLN — An 18-
                                              year-old man was ar-
                                      rested after authorities said he
                                                                          San Gabriel Valley Tribune
                                                                            The eggs most likely contain
                                                                                                              nine school districts after
                                                                                                              raising more than $40,000 in
nificant spots.                                                                                               donations.
   It was not clear of the two van-   smashed the window of a Rhode       dead offspring, although they
                                      Island home and grabbed a           are still being attended by their     The Salem Church of God’s
dalism cases are connected.
                                      woman who was sitting on a          parents, Jackie and Shadow,         Next Steps Pastor Bob Hawker
                                      couch.                              the U.S. Forest Service said.       asked congregants to donate
4 hospitalized after                     Police said that Jared Yan-        “It’s hard to say this, but the   to the $14,000 combined stu-
wave slams boat                       kee grabbed the woman, but          odds of our Big Bear bald eagle     dent lunch debt of Northmont
                                      she was able to break free from     nest’s eggs hatching this year      and Brookville school districts.

         — Four people were
taken to a hospital after a rogue
                                      his grasp. Yankee then paced
                                      around the yard and yelled.
                                         When officers arrived, police
                                                                          are diminishing each day,”
                                                                          Zach Behrens, public affairs
                                                                                                              The congregation raised over
                                                                                                              $40,000 in four days.
                                                                          officer for the San Bernardino
wave hit their whale-watching         said that Yankee was shirtless      National Forest, wrote in a so-     Dog stolen from pet
boat during a Virginia Aquar-         and wearing flannel pants. Po-      cial media post.
ium tour.                             lice said that he refused to com-                                       store taken to firehouse
   The incident happened after        ply with officers’ commands         Reward offered for leads
the vessel left the Virginia
Beach Fishing Center, Virginia
                                      and was eventually restrained
                                      and arrested.                       to whooping crane killers           FL     PEMBROKE PINES
                                                                                                                     — An English bulldog
                                                                                                              puppy that was stolen from a
Aquarium and Marine Science
Center spokesman Matt Kle-
peisz told news outlets. The boat
                                      Tree falls due to high
                                      winds, crushes man
                                                                          LA      NEW ORLEANS —
                                                                                  Louisiana and other
                                                                          donors are offering $11,000 in
                                                                                                              Florida pet store was found a
                                                                                                              day later after it was dropped
was passing through the Rudee                                                                                 off at a fire station.
Inlet with about 124 people on                                            rewards for information about          The puppy, named Oscar, ap-
board when the wave struck it.
   The boat returned to the           WA          RENTON — A man
                                                  was critically in-
                                      jured in Renton, Wash., after a
                                                                          whoever shot and killed two
                                                                          endangered whooping cranes
                                                                          about a year apart.
                                                                                                              peared to be in good health and
                                                                                                              was returned to its caretakers
fishing center, and paramedics                                                                                at a Petland store in Pembroke
took four people for treatment,       tree fell on a six-unit apartment     There’s a $5,000 reward for       Pines.
he said.                              building during a morning of        information about whoever              WPLG-TV reported that au-
                                      high winds and heavy rain.          killed one in Jefferson Davis
                                                                                                              thorities are still looking for the
                                        The man was sleeping on           Parish in November, and an-
Man drives Jeep off                   a couch in the living room of       other $6,000 for tips leading to
                                                                                                              two men who stole the choco-
                                                                                                              late English bulldog.
roof of parking garage                one of the units when the 200-      arrest and conviction in a No-
                                                                                                                 The men posed as customers
                                      foot tree came crashing down,       vember 2018 killing.
                                                                                                              and were caught by surveil-
         man was hospitalized
after driving his Jeep off the
                                      KING-TV reported.
                                        It took about 45 minutes to
                                      rescue the man, who had the
                                                                            A 1 ½-year-old crane’s body
                                                                          was found Nov. 15 in a rice and
                                                                          crawfish field in Elton, Adam
                                                                                                              lance cameras walking out of
                                                                                                              the store with the puppy.
sixth floor of a Los Angeles-         tree across his pelvis and was      Einck, spokesman for the De-        From wire reports
Page 6     •ST R I P E S L I T E•       Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Can Ovechkin overtake Gretzky’s mark?
              Associated Press                   on pace for 57 this year.                        scored 32 goals in 2010-11 and 38 in 2011-
                                                    “I think he’ll score 50 until he’s 50 years   12 before Washington bowed out in the sec-
  Alex Ovechkin is making the seemingly          old, it seems like,” Colorado Avalanche          ond round of the playoffs.
impossible appear to be not so far-fetched       forward Nathan MacKinnon said. “I never            An elite NHL goal-scorer’s prime usu-
after all.                                       thought (catching Gretzky) would happen.
  Wayne Gretzky’s 894 career goals has,                                                           ally ends in his mid-20s, and doubt crept in
                                                 I hope he can get close.”                        that the same would happen to Ovechkin.
for decades, loomed as one of hockey’s most         Ovechkin is under contract through next
untouchable records. The “Great One” set                                                            Not so fast.
                                                 season and would likely need to play four          “I think everyone halfway through his
the bar so high it appeared out of reach for     more seasons to take a legitimate shot at
even the NHL’s best scorers.                                                                      career would’ve said, no, he’s going to tail
                                                 the milestone. Longtime running mate             off at some point,” Calgary Flames cap-
  Ovechkin, on Saturday, became the sec-         Nicklas Backstrom just signed on for five
ond-fastest and second-youngest player                                                            tain Mark Giordano said. “But he hasn’t
                                                 more years.                                      stopped, so he has a chance.”
to reach 700 goals behind only Gretzky.             Asked what Ovechkin needs to do to ap-
Because he’s only 34 and shows no signs                                                             Two-time NHL leading scorer Connor
                                                 proach Gretzky’s record, Esposito said:          McDavid grew up watching Ovechkin play
of slowing down, belief is growing that          “Stay with the Washington Capitals. Stay
Ovechkin can challenge Gretzky’s mark.                                                            plenty against his idol, Pittsburgh’s Sidney
                                                 with a good team.”
  “Alex is going to score another probably                                                        Crosby, and has been impressed with the
                                                    Gretzky recently told he’s
150 goals, maybe more, before he retires,”       rooting for Ovechkin to break his record,        consistency of the goals piling up.
Hall of Famer and fellow 700 goal-scorer         with staying healthy and playing on a              “He just seems ageless and just keeps on
Phil Esposito said. “He’s got a chance to        good team the two necessary ingredients.         scoring goals,” McDavid said. “I don’t see
catch Wayne. There’s no doubt about that.”       Ovechkin has been one of the most durable        any reason he can’t keep doing that.”
  Gretzky scored his 894 goals in 1,487          players in hockey during his career.               The desire is still there. Veteran coach
games over a 20-year career with the                “The guy’s missed 17 games in 15 years        Todd McLellan enjoys watching Ovech-
Edmonton Oilers, Los Angeles Kings, St.          due to injury — that’s freaking incredible,”     kin’s excitement for scoring goals — ex-
Louis Blues and New York Rangers. A              former player and executive-turned NHL           cept against his own team — and because
vast majority of his goals came during the       Network analyst Brian Lawton said. “They         of that is hoping he cracks 894.
sport’s highest-scoring era.                     have a quality team that has staying power.        “It’s great for our game to see him,”
  Ovechkin is in the midst of his fifth 40-      He’s going to get three or four more years       McLellan said. “As long as that excitement
goal season since turning 30. Last season,       of being on an elite team.”                      stays there, he’s still going to have the skill
he became the oldest to win the goal-scor-          Ovechkin wasn’t always scoring at this        and the shot. He’s going to have a great
ing title since Esposito in 1974-75, and he’s    pace. At the low point of his career, he         team around him. I think he can do it.”

Trade winds blow Hurricanes’ way with three deals
        Associated Press            think, overall, it’s a strong mes-      And the two biggest deals that    ups Anton Forsberg and Alex
                                    sage that we’re here to win.”        didn’t happen involved Chris         Nedeljkovic in net for the near
   Hurricanes president Don
                                      The Hurricanes weren’t the         Kreider, who elected to re-sign      future at least.
Waddell resisted the urge to
                                    only Metropolitan team mak-          with the New York Rangers,              Carolina’s key addition was
sign Zamboni driver David           ing moves when just seven            and Wild forward Zach Parise,        Trocheck, a seventh-year cen-
Ayres — or acquire anyone           points separate the third-place      who stayed put in Minnesota.         ter, who has 10 goals and 36
else, for that matter — to ad-      Philadelphia Flyers and sev-            Kreider came off the market       points in 55 games this season.
dress Carolina’s injury-deplet-     enth-place Rangers.                  after signing a seven-year con-      Carolina gave up forwards Erik
ed goaltending ranks before           The New York Islanders ac-         tract extension. With the Rang-      Haula and Lucas Wallmark,
the NHL trade deadline struck       quired Jean-Gabriel Pageau           ers having won 10 of 13 to climb     plus a pair of prospects.
Monday.                             from the Ottawa Senators, and        into contention, general man-           The rebuilding Senators were
   Waddell, however, did man-       then signed the playmaking
age to upgrade the rest of his                                           ager Jeff Gorton weighed the         sellers for a second consecu-
                                    forward to a six-year contract       team’s long- and short-term op-      tive year. Aside from trading
roster to better position his       extension.
team in the tightly contested                                            tions as negotiations with Kre-      Pageau, the Senators dealt for-
                                      Patrick Marleau is back in         ider came down to the wire.          wards Vladislav Namestnikov
Metropolitan Division over the      the Eastern Conference after
final six weeks of the season.                                              In Carolina, Waddell has          to Colorado and Tyler Ennis to
                                    the Pittsburgh Penguins ac-          to be hoping the same when
   The Hurricanes acquired                                                                                    Edmonton.
                                    quired the 40-year-old in a
center Vincent Trocheck in a                                             it comes to his goaltending.            Ottawa now has 13 picks, in-
                                    trade with San Jose.
multiplayer deal with Florida.                                           James Reimer (lower body)            cluding nine in the first three
                                      The Penguins then brought
And they bulked up their de-        back forward Conor Sheary, a         and Petr Mrazek (concussion)         rounds, in this year’s draft.
fense by adding Sami Vatanen        member of Pittsburgh’s past          are considered week to week             Elsewhere:
from New Jersey and sending         two Stanley Cup winners, in a        after both were hurt against             Tampa Bay gave up a first-
a first-round draft pick to land    trade with Buffalo.                  Toronto last weekend. The in-        round pick to acquire right
Brady Skjei from the New York         Overall, the 32 trades com-        juries forced Carolina to turn       wing Barclay Goodrow from
Rangers.                            pleted were the most on the          to the 42-year-old Ayres, the        San Jose.
   “We believe in the guys that     NHL’s final day of trading. And      emergency backup, who helped             The Vegas Golden Knights
we had here, but we thought we      the 55 players dealt matched         secure a 6-3 victory.                shored up their leaky goaltend-
needed to strengthen us at cer-     the record set on March 3,              That leaves Carolina having       ing by acquiring Robin Lehner
tain positions,” Waddell said. “I   2010.                                to lean on minor-league call-        in a trade with Chicago.
Page 7     •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Tuesday, February 25, 2020

NBA roundup

Embiid’s 49 points lead 76ers by Hawks
              Associated Press                    make it 137-134. Troy Brown Jr.’s 3-pointer        The Magic charged back from a 19-point
                                                  rimmed out at the buzzer.                       deficit in the second half to move within
   PHILADELPHIA — Joel Embiid scored                 Beal scored a career-high 55 points one
a career-high 49 points and grabbed 14 re-                                                        1 ½ games of the Nets for seventh place in
                                                  night after he had 53 in a loss at Chicago.     the Eastern Conference.
bounds, Tobias Harris had 25 points and              Giannis Antetokounmpo had 22 points
the Philadelphia 76ers beat the Atlanta           and 14 rebounds for Milwaukee.                     Spencer Dinwiddie had 24 points and
Hawks 129-112 on Monday night.                       Rockets 123, Knicks 112: James               eight assists for Brooklyn, which had won
   Missing All-Star Ben Simmons for the           Harden scored 37 points, and host Houston       five straight at home by double digits.
second time in three games because of             earned its fourth straight victory.                Cavaliers 125, Heat 119 (OT): Rookie
a back injury, the Sixers mixed up their             Harden had 31 by halftime, helping the
starting lineup and got 15 points from Fur-                                                       Kevin Porter Jr. scored a season-high 30
                                                  Rockets to a 72-57 lead at the break. He        points, including the go-ahead basket in
kan Korkmaz in a reserve role.                    cooled down eventually, but his first-half
   Embiid carried them.                                                                           overtime, and host Cleveland rallied from
                                                  work put his team in control against strug-
   “I said before the All-Star break I was        gling New York, which lost its fourth in a      a 22-point deficit to defeat Miami.
going to have a different mindset, be ag-         row.                                               Porter’s dunk after a pass from Kevin
gressive,“ Embiid said. “I said I was going          Harden, Russell Westbrook and P.J.           Love gave the Cavs a 119-118 lead with 1:20
to get back to having fun. Having fun comes       Tucker arrived at the arena about 70 min-       to play. Fellow rookie Darius Garland’s
in different forms. I don’t have to always be     utes before tip-off after attending Kobe        runner in the lane put Cleveland ahead
smiling and laughing. I can have fun just         and Gianna Bryant’s memorial service in
dominating the game.“                                                                             121-118 with 40 seconds remaining.
                                                  Los Angeles. Westbrook was expected to
   Trae Young led the Hawks with 28 points        play, but was scratched with a sore thumb.         Jae Crowder missed a three-pointer
despite missing nine of 11 from three-point          New York got 21 points from RJ Barrett,      from the corner before Love scored after
range. De’Andre Hunter added 22 and John          and Julius Randle added 17 points with 12       an offensive rebound and Porter hit two
Collins had 21 for Atlanta.                       rebounds.                                       free throws to seal it.
   Simmons only played five minutes in a             Suns 131, Jazz 111: Ricky Rubio had             Mavericks 139, Timberwolves 123:
loss at Milwaukee on Saturday before exit-        22 points, 11 assists and seven steals, lead-   Tim Hardaway Jr. scored 23 points and
ing. He had tests on Sunday and needs fur-        ing Phoenix to the win at Utah.
ther evaluation.                                                                                  Luka Doncic had 20, lifting Dallas to the
                                                     In his first game back in Salt Lake City
   Bucks 137, Wizards 134 (OT): Khris             after playing for the Jazz for two seasons,     home win.
Middleton scored Milwaukee’s final nine           Rubio led an offense that shot 56% and             The Mavericks rested most of their start-
points, helping the Bucks outlast Bradley         seemed a step ahead of the Jazz all night.      ers in the fourth quarter against Minnesota
Beal and host Washington in overtime.                Devin Booker had 24 points and 10 as-        after scoring 81 points before halftime.
   Middleton, who finished with 40 points,        sists for the Suns.                                Clippers 124, Grizzlies 97: Kawhi
hit a 3-pointer with 30.2 seconds left to give       Donovan Mitchell scored 38 points for        Leonard scored 25 points, Montrezl Har-
the Bucks a 135-132 lead.                         Utah.
   After Beal — who had his second straight          Magic 115, Nets 113: Aaron Gor-              rell added 22 and host Los Angeles snapped
50-point game — made two free throws,             don had 27 points, 10 rebounds and a big        a three-game losing streak.
Middleton was fouled with 7.8 seconds left        blocked shot in the final seconds, helping         Leonard had 14 points in the first quarter
and made both attempts from the line to           Orlando rally for the win at Brooklyn.          as the Clippers roared out to a 40-14 lead.

Bemstrom’s OT goal lifts Blue Jackets over Senators
        Associated Press            win since Feb. 7 might have           team’s AHL affiliate in Cleve-       Conference’s second wild-card
                                    been a costly one.                    land ahead of Tuesday’s game         slot.
  COLUMBUS, Ohio — The                 Goaltender Elvis Merzlikins        at Minnesota.
Columbus Blue Jackets ditched                                                                                     Foligno — still sporting two
                                    departed in the second period            “We have looked at this as a      black eyes from taking a puck
their eight-game losing streak      following a jarring collision         great opportunity,“ Blue Jack-
— and lost two more players to                                                                                 in the face Thursday — got Co-
                                    with former Jackets forward           ets coach John Tortorella said.
injuries.                           Anthony Duclair. Center Riley         “We lose a couple more guys to-      lumbus on the board 4:10 into
  Emil Bemstrom scored 4:35         Nash also left in the second.         night. It’s just a great opportu-    the first when he swept the
into overtime, and the banged-         The team has been ravaged          nity to define team and define       puck in from the slot.
up Blue Jackets beat the Ottawa     by injuries this year. Merz-          not giving in.”                         Brown tied it at 10:48 when
Senators 4-3 on Monday night.       likins was replaced by Joonas            Colin White also scored, and      he banged a shot off the near
  Bemstrom knocked home a           Korpisalo, who was just activat-      Marcus Hogberg had 41 saves          post, and got another just 9 sec-
rebound for his seventh of the      ed after sitting out with a knee      in Ottawa’s third straight loss.     onds into a power play to put the
season. Nick Foligno scored         injury since Dec. 29.                    The Blue Jackets’ slide had
twice for Columbus, and Stefan                                                                                 Senators up 2-1 in the second.
                                       There was no word on the           reached eight, but they man-
Matteau tied it with his second     status of Merzlikins and Nash,        aged to get a point in five of the      Foligno got his ninth of the
of the season midway through        but Columbus added goalie             losses to stay in contention. The    season with 7:28 left in the sec-
the third period.                   Matiss Kivlenieks to the roster       win enabled them to jump over        ond, a tap-in after a nice play
  But the Blue Jackets’ first       on emergency recall from the          idle Carolina into the Eastern       by Boone Jenner.
Page 8       •ST R I P E S L I T E•      Tuesday, February 25, 2020

College basketball roundup

No letdown as No. 1 Kansas tops Okla. St.
               Associated Press                   have to finish out the rest of this confer-       14-4) and No. 7 Duke by a half-game.
                                                  ence season.”                                       Patrick Williams’ thunderous dunk put
   LAWRENCE, Kan. — When shots
                                                     Dotson and fellow backcourt mate Mar-          an exclamation point to a 15-0 run that
aren’t falling early, Kansas can always rely      cus Garrett were a combined 5-for-20 from         put the Seminoles ahead for good. Florida
on defense and Doke.                              the field, but Azubuike and the rest of the       State outscored Louisville 50-27 in the sec-
   Udoka Azubuike had 19 points and 16            team picked them up. Kansas has won five          ond half and the Seminoles extended their
rebounds, the Jayhawks shut down Okla-            straight against the Cowboys and 22 of the        home winning streak to 22 games.
homa State long enough for their offense          last 24 games played against them in Allen          Devin Vassell and M.J. Walker each
to come alive in the second half, and coach       Fieldhouse as it burnished its credentials        scored 12 points for FSU, which set a school
Bill Self’s team rolled to an 83-58 victory       for the No. 1 overall NCAA Tournament             record for ACC regular-season wins with
over the Cowboys on Monday night to cel-          seeding.                                          three remaining in the 20-game schedule.
ebrate its return to the No. 1 ranking.              “Damn, they’re good,” Oklahoma State             Texas 67, No. 20 West Virginia 57: An-
   Devon Dotson added 11 points and Chris-        coach Mike Boynton said. “They have a re-         drew Jones scored 22 points to lead the in-
tian Braun and David McCormack had 10             ally good team.”                                  jury-depleted Longhorns to a win at home
apiece for Kansas (25-3, 14-1), whose vic-           Cameron McGriff led the Cowboys with           over the Mountaineers.
tory over No. 2 Baylor over the weekend al-       16 points, though most came with the game           Courtney Ramey added 21 points for
lowed the Jayhawks to retake the top spot         well out of reach. Isaac Likekele and Lindy       Texas (17-11, 7-8 Big 12), which has won
in the AP poll. And the win over Oklahoma         Waters added 11 apiece as Oklahoma State          three in a row. West Virginia (19-9, 7-8) has
State (14-14, 4-11) gave Kansas a half-game       was held to 39% shooting from the field.          lost six straight on the road in conference
lead over Bears in the race for the Big 12           No. 6 Florida State 82, No. 11 Louis-          play.
title.                                            ville 67: Trent Forrest scored 14 of his 16         The Mountaineers beat the Longhorns
   “It was kind of rough at first, you know,      points after halftime, and the Seminoles          by 38 points back on Jan. 20, the worst loss
starting to get going,” Jayhawks guard            rallied from a double-digit deficit to beat       of coach Shaka Smart’s five years with the
Ochai Agbaji said, “but the coaches, they         the visiting Cardinals.                           Longhorns. But West Virginia came limp-
did a good job of getting us pumped up for           FSU (24-4, 14-3 Atlantic Coast Confer-         ing into the rematch and Texas did not
the game. We just had to come into this           ence) moved past Louisville into first place      resemble the timid team that got pushed
game with a lot more focus, because you           in the ACC. They lead the Cardinals (23-6,        around in Morgantown.

Oregon’s Ionescu honors Kobe, then sets NCAA record
        Associated Press              ESPN on Monday.                       cial in more ways that just what        She now has 2,467 points,
   STANFORD, Calif. — Sabri-             “That one was for him. To do       you’re seeing on the court.”         1,041 assists and 1,003 re-
na Ionescu’s strength inspired        it on 2-24-20 was huge,” she told       Ionescu also had a triple-         bounds, helping the Ducks
her Oregon coaches and team-          the network. “We talked about         double Friday night at Califor-      secure Monday at least 15 con-
mates all day, from the way she       it in the preseason. I can’t put it   nia while playing near her East      ference wins for a third con-
courageously spoke at the me-         into words. He’s looking down         Bay hometown of Walnut Creek,        secutive season. Ionescu shot
morial service for Kobe Bryant        and proud of me and happy for         then delivered her eighth career     9-for-19, missing her three
in Los Angeles earlier in the         this moment with my team.”            road triple-double for the Ducks     three-point attempts. She had
day, then flew back to the Bay           Ionescu hit the milestone on       on an emotional day just hours       plenty of help from Satou Sa-
Area and took the court still         a defensive rebound with 1:47         after attending the service for      bally, who scored 27 points on
feeling the effects of the flu, all   remaining in the third quarter        Bryant and daughter, Gianna,         10-for-17 shooting with four
before leading the Ducks with         and finished with 21 points, 12       in Southern California.              three-pointers.
yet another brilliant perfor-         assists and 12 rebounds in her          “I don’t know many people             “When she came back, we
mance on both ends.                   first triple-double against a top-    that could have done what she        were there for her. It wasn’t the
   And doing something never          10 opponent and eighth overall        did today,” Graves said. “... I      easiest day, but she always has
done before in college basket-        this season to help Oregon (26-       knew this was the way it was         our backs so it was our turn to
ball, by a man or a woman.            2, 15-1 Pac-12) clinch at least a     going to end tonight for her. I’m    have her back,” Sabally said.
   Ionescu became the first           share of its third straight Pac-      glad that it ended in a victory      “We just lifted her up.”
player in NCAA history to             12 regular-season title.              but I knew that she was going to        Golden State Warriors star
reach 2,000 points, 1,000 as-            “Incredible. I thought she         get that. It’s so fitting that she   Stephen Curry sat on the base-
sists and 1,000 rebounds and          was so poised and so heartfelt        did it tonight.”                     line supporting Ionescu and
notched her record 26th career        today,” said coach Kelly Graves,        Hall of Fame Cardinal coach        women’s basketball for the sec-
triple-double, too, leading the       whose wife, Mary, accompa-            Tara VanDerveer wasn’t sur-          ond straight game she played
No. 3 Ducks past fourth-ranked        nied Ionescu. “At her age and         prised by Ionescu’s toughness        in Northern California after he
Stanford 74-66 on Monday              relative limited experience and       despite her difficult day.           was in Berkeley with his two
night.                                things like that, I just thought        “She’s a player. I didn’t ex-      daughters Friday night. He
   Ionescu wasn’t made avail-         she nailed it. It was amazing,        pect anything different than         watched Oregon run its win-
able to the media for a second        and she wrote that, and that          what we saw,” VanDerveer             ning streak to 14 in a row. and
straight game, speaking to            was from her. She’s pretty spe-       said.                                nine straight on the road.
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