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2019 Graduations

   1                      VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA
EDITOR’S                                    NOTE                                                                   TM

The perception that technical and vocational jobs are
substandard has led to many young people reluctant or                  PUBLISHED BY SOUTH WEST GAUTENG
unsuitable for academic study due to frustration, feelings
of failure, hopelessness and depression. This has also led
                                                                                 TVET COLLEGE
to a decline in Technical and vocational education and
training (TVET) enrolments.
                                                                                          Editorial Team

Parents and teachers wrongly perceive vocational edu-                               Editor: Sabelo Tshabalala
cation as meant for students who are academically chal-
lenged with limited career prospects.                                 Rotating Assistant Editor: Patience Makhaphela
In order to deliver 21st century professions, technical and                       Sub Editor: Mashilo Mojela
vocational education and training (TVET) colleges need to
undergo rapid transformation and grooming of a genera-                        Layout and Design: Thato Shakong
tion of professional familiar with trade skills and the soft
skills required when the fourth industrial revolution ar-
rives. The college should produce critical thinkers, prob-            Contributors: Martin Somo | Ms. Mnqanqeni L.T |
lem solvers and design thinkers.                                      Mopai MD | Mr. Nhlanhla Siboto | Mr Vusi Kula
South Africa needs a strong technical skills base to grow
the economy, and to combine this with entrepreneurial

                                                                                      this issue
development as existing businesses cannot absorb skills
without reaching breaking point. According to Melanie
Mulholland, “A successful vocational and professional ed-
ucation and training system can facilitate growth, entre-
preneurship and prosperity for citizens and SA”.
                                                               Registration ..................................................... 01
The public TVET college system is ideally placed to re-
spond to the call from industry and the state for more         Teaching and Learning
skilled personnel. Thus colleges, which had faced chal-
lenges in the past, are now able to train skilled pupils and
                                                               Education is Liberation .................................... 02
work with industry partners. TVET’s now have an oppor-         Math and Science ............................................ 03
tunity to develop sites of good practice which others can
eventually follow.
                                                               National Debate Competition .......................... 04
                                                               SRC Speaks Out on Sexual Harrassment ......05-06
However, the society’s confidence in the TVET sector
must change. Evidence of that change will be the colleges      SWGC SRC Takes Full Responsibility........... .07-08
becoming institutions of choice for students after matric
and partners of choice in training for industry employers.     Partnership and Entrepreneurship
The provision of fee free education and training has been      New Business Development Unit ............... 09-10
extended to all current and future poor and working-class
students at all public TVET colleges and these students        Across oceans college to college partnership ..... 11
will be funded through                                         Hydropononic Tunnels hand over ...................... 12
grants, not loans.
                                                               Exchange programme ...................................... 13
All stakeholders in soci-
ety need to come together                                      Students Farewell to China .............................. 14
to rebrand and reposition
TVET colleges into world-                                      Governors
class and state-of-the-art                                     Meet the Newly Elected Council office ......... 15-17
facilities that can produce
the much-needed skills that
the country needs, hence it                                    Events
is important to change the                                     Personnel Opening & Welcome Ceremony...... 18
mind-sets of the youth, par-
ents and teachers who see                                      Career Expo/Wellness ...................................... 19
vocational training as blue-collar education, and more         Graduation Ceremony ................................ 20-21
must be done to increase the aacademic opportunities
for students who choose this path.
                                                               Sport, Arts and Culture ............................. 22 - 25
   Are you a writer or want to contribute
          towards the newsletter?
 drop us an email at
               VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA
> Registration
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by Sabelo Tshabalala > > > > >

Kick-starting a Career is our specialty, making
our College a First Choice among registering
“Education of Distinction” is what defines South West Gauteng TVET
College hence it takes pride in each pupil’s academic progress. It offers
education and training mostly in the FET Band (NQF Level 2-4) as well
as other programmes in the Higher Education band i.e. N4-N6 levels
(Report 190/1), with its Head Office located at Molapo, Soweto and
campuses spreading throughout Soweto to Roodepoort and Randburg
as well as a Land is Wealth Farm in Sterkfontein.

Our college aims to innovatively mobilize all the institution’s resources
to ensure excellence and embracing entrepreneurship among pupils,
thus it is significant for the prospective students to apply early so that   the 07th January 2019” which saw hundreds of the first year as
they can secure a space at the best institution nationwide. Assessments      well as returning students queuing with enthusiasm to register
are done early for the sole purpose of prospective students to obtain        for their programmes of choice in the respective campuses of
early CAP Test dates and get captured on our system before the com-          the college.
mencement of classes.

SWGC offers three different schools of study, namely the School of
Business Studies, Engineering Studies as well as Utility Studies both for
NC(V) and Report 190/1 (Nated) programmes, which are mainly; Office
Administration, Financial, Economics, and Accounting, Civil Engineer-
ing and Building Construction, Transport & Logistics, Safety in Society,
Clothing Production, Primary Agriculture, Information & Communica-
tions Technology, Marketing Management, Human Resource Manage-
ment, Tourism, Public Management, Hospitality & Catering Services
and Popular Music, to mention but a few, not forgetting Distance Learn-
ing offered at our Technisa campus in Randburg.

With that being said, “The 2019 registration process commenced on

        We welcome you and may this year be a year where you discover yourself and your future path.
                                     SWGC, PERIOD! ENOUGH SAID!

        1                                                                      VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA
Teaching   and Learning:
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                              “EDUCATION IS LIBERATION”
                                         Ms. Mnqanqeni L.T – Financial Management Lecturer, Roodepoort Campus

E   ducation is liberation: This sounds like a political
    statement that is altered by politicians or any individ-
ual affiliated to a political party, but it is not. Education
                                                                tives. The provision made for transport allowance makes
                                                                it possible for the students to be in class on daily basis.

cannot be measured, it is the knowledge acquired by             Education is a benchmark in building a stable and ef-
one with the intention of changing one’s life. Education        fective environment, the students of Early Childhood
is divided between two components theory and practi-            Development; a program that is meant to mentor our
cal. Acquiring sufficient knowledge requires discipline,        students in becoming ECD practitioners. It is coordinat-
that means taking accountability and acknowledging all          ed by Mrs A Meiring who had an opportunity of going to
the opportunities provided. Our college integrates the-         Netherlands in March 2019 and two lecturers under her
ory and practical to form a whole. The whole is a stu-          division Mrs W Muthaki and Mrs P Kubeka, for going
dent that is deemed to be competent on their studies by         over and beyond the call of duty. We can safely highlight
meeting the following:                                          the consistency in this program. The announcement
                                                                made by our president of schools resuming in grade RR
    •   Completing the qualification within the set time        will open doors for our 2019 Nated N6 and NC(V) Level
                                                                4 students.
    •   Utilizing all resources at their disposal
                                                                Numbers communicate silently and accounting impacts
    •   Plan and manage their education                         more than we realize, the ability to draw a budget, read
                                                                your bank statement to see the efficiency of your bank.
    •   Overcoming challenges faced by the student              Establishing a new venture and having the necessary
                                                                skill of interpreting a business plan not to mention re-
The above criteria are not developed by any institution,        ducing unemployment amongst youth was a mission
they are self-inflicted and guides every student that is        for Management NC(V) but Financial management and
determined to succeed, even though it seems impos-              Business management Nated students seem to have
sible when content is also taken into consideration, as         more graduates. The 24th May 2019 proved this theory
former president Nelson Mandela once said, “It is not           when 10 students climbed the stage for Management
impossible until its done”. The days of segregation left        NC(V)
a gap in many lives and despite the minority that could
access education through limited channels, the highest          The health sector is in need for hard working nurses
standard by then was standard 7; referred to as grade           and is expanding due to the population capacity. Prima-
9 currently. Yes we are facing economic changes and             ry health students are now granted the opportunity to
many households don’t have buying power, but the gov-           enroll with various universities to further their studies.
ernment is working to bridge the gap amongst all social         With a former nurse Mrs A Dlamini as their senior, these
classes. No person shall be discriminated and everyone          students have prior knowledge and are working twice as
has the right to education, not to mention the financial        hard to be competitive. The congestion is not stopping
back up by NSFAS, an organization that turns dreams             them from shining.
to reality for disadvantaged students. It’s understanding       In the famous words of Malcolm X, “Education is the
of liberation in education is identified through its objec-     passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those
                                                                who prepare for it today” and indeed that is true. Life can
                                                                only transform through understanding that Education is

            VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA                                                         2
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                TVET   >>>>>>>> >>>>

by Mr Mashilo Mojela >>>                                   National Debate Competition
“Wathinta’ abafazi, wathinta imbokodo”
was one of the phrases used by one debat-
er during the 2018 Annual TVET Students’
National Debate Competition held at the
Bon Hotel; in Bloemfontein (Free State) on
the 30th to 31st August 2018 to celebrate the
TVET month.
The 2018 National Students’ Debate
Competition was the 3rd edition of the
annual celebration since its inaugural
launch in 2016. The 2018’s competition
formed part of the centenary celebra-
tion for the former president, Nelson
Mandela and Albertina Sisulu under the
theme “Women and Equality”.

South West Gauteng TVET College was represented by            elimination round to proceed to Day 2 for the semi-final
two students, Kgotso Lesotho and Fikile Khubeka along-        and final round.
side their mentors, Zinzi Mtshali and Mashilo Mojela. The
latter is currently one of the DHET’s organising committee    After an intense and thrilling competition the last four
members responsible for co-ordinating the Annual TVET         teams which proceeded to Day 2 and debated in the
Students’ National Debate Competition. In the competi-        semi-final were team KZN, team Gauteng, team Free State
tion, SWGC was teamed up with Central Johannesburg            and team North West. At the end it was team KZN and
College, Ekurhuleni West College, Ekurhuleni East College     team Free State which advanced to the final round with
and Sedibeng TVET Colleges as proposition teams under         Free State ultimately crowned the over-all winner. Kgotso
the motion “Sexual Harassment against women still exists      Lesotho from SWGC (Molapo Campus) did exceptionally
in institutions of learning and workplaces”. The opposition   well to secure team Gauteng the third position in the tour-
team was composed of Tshwane North College, Tshwane           nament thus sustaining the momentum set by his prede-
South College, Western TVET College, Northern Cape Ru-        cessor, Nyakallo Mokoena, the 2017 Best Female Debater.
ral College and The Northern Cape Urban TVET College.         “Amidst all the challenges experienced in putting together
The rules of engagement for the debate competition were       a debate team in the college, we are always able to pro-
relatively the same with the previous editions except few     duce a formidable; cream’ de la cream team of students
amendments which included amongst others; teams to            who always make an indelible mark and raise the flag of
keep their groupings and motions as chosen by the De-         the college high in the tournament”, said the mentor, Zinzi
partment, out of 10 members in the group only 5 to be         Mtshali.
accepted with only 3 allowed to speak for 3 minutes each.
The top four teams selected by the judges in Day 1 of the

            VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA                                                       4
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       		                                     South West Gauteng TVET College

                                             SPEAKS OUT ON SEXUAL HARRASSMENT
by Mr Martin Somo >>>

                                                       R   eceive warm greetings from the Student
                                                           Representative Council executive. We hope the below
                                                        finds all our students in good faith and stability.
                                                        The executive committee of the College Student Council
                                                        has in the past months, post-election to office, been
                                                        disturbed by the barbaric and inhumane conduct of
                                                        certain individuals who are disguised as lecturers, who
                                                        continue to exploit the future of the country. We have
                                                        observed female students being at the wolf mouth of
                                                        grown and married male photocopies whose main goal
                                                        is to feed their sexual desires.
                                                        The victimization of our fellow students by these sexual
                                                        predators continues to scare and alienate our fellow
                                                        students from the very education that is said to be the
                                                        key to the future. We are not going to turn a blind eye,
                                                        neither will we show lenience to persons implicated in
such misconduct.
As the Student Representative Council
Executive; we urge these predators
who are currently doing this unethical
and inhumane deed to refrain from
seeing students as toys to feed their
unrealistic sexual desires, but to rather
focus on their wives or husbands and
only do what they are qualified for and
employed to do and nothing else.
The representative council further
wishes to encourage students who have
been approached and forced to give
sexual favors, ‘all in the name of getting
higher marks in return’ or in whatsoever

                                                          arrangement these vultures have proposed, to please
                                                          come forward and report their victimization.
                                                          All reported cases will be treated with absolute care
                                                          and secrecy and the identities of the victims will be
                                                          kept private.
                                                          The College Student Representative Council Executive
                                                          further supports the College Principal Mr Dan L Nkosi
                                                          and his capable team, in fighting the unbecoming
                                                          behavior or any form of sexual misconduct from
                                                          staff members to students. We are 100% against any
                                                          form of sexual harassment and will be embarking
                                                          on a campaign together with the principal to curb
                                                          the further commission of sexual and any form of

       5                                                  VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA
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 The Vultures must fasten their shoe lases and start running before
 we find them, as we will never have nor show mercy upon them.
 We further note and acknowledge lecturers who wake up each
 day to better the lives of our students and we will always remain
 indebted to them for their service, for understanding that they are
 our second parents, after we exit the gates of our homes, they
 assume the responsibility of being our parents.

 Students should report these offenders because when
 offenders receive no punishment they tend to relax and
 think they are super heroes or untouchable. Consequences
 of not reporting such injustices result in more students being
 victims and victimized. Students should without fear or favour speak out about this, so that the vultures can be dealt
 with. The college code of conduct is clear when it addresses these issues, no one should feel more powerful to a point
 where they forget why they are in this college.


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                                                                                       Chiawelo community in the good spirit of youth
                                                                                       month and also uplifting the community and
                                                                                       building a united front.
                                                                                       On the 18th July 2018, Mandela Day, we collect-
                                                                                       ed old clothes and non-perishable food items
                                                                                       which were donated to The Salvation Army in
                                                                                       Pimville, Soweto. This is; however; an ongoing
                                                                                       initiative as it is important for us as students to
                                                                                       help the less fortunate.
                                                                                       We have student representatives who have
                                                                                       taken it upon themselves to ensure that stu-
                                                                                       dent grievances are addressed and dealt with
                                                                                       to the best of their abilities. Issues like pending
                                                                                       certificates, financial constraints and even
                                                                                       personal issues are addressed and dealt with in
                                                                                       order to ensure the student’s full co-operation
                                                                                       and undivided attention to their studies.
                                                                                       The plans and events that the SRC have and
                                                                                       want to implement are mainly aimed at mak-
                                                                                       ing the students’ academic life as smooth as
                                                                                       possible so that they can attain the best results
•   There is a clinic that has been built in “LAND IS WEALTH” college    The SRC have been hard at work in trying to improve the
    farm in Maropeng, that is fully functional. The progressive man-     lives of all students on campus and also pushing to improve
    agement that we working with understands that the project of         the results of the college. It should be highly noted that the
    having clinics in all campuses is of paramount interest and such     core business of SWGC is education hence we are a college of
    will be rolled out subject through availability of funds.            distinctions. Academic excellence should remain the order of
                                                                         the day and it can’t be compromised for anything. It would
•   There is an ongoing HIV/ AIDS and family planning awareness          be best that we position the college to be on the map by
    campaign that runs through the SWGC campuses throughout the          continuing to promote skills development and use all the
    year                                                                 facilities in place to benefit every registered student at SWGC.
•   We have a debate team where certain issues are addressed and         “If I can’t do great things, I can do small things in a great
    there are debates with other colleges                                way”
•   We have proper resource centres in all campuses and we encour-       SWGC PERIOD! ENOUGH SAID!
    age our students to use the facilities to their benefit/advantage.
•   We have different sporting codes that students partake and com-
    pete in and we encourage students to participate.
We have social activities that take place annually and we have suc-
cessfully held the fresher’s ball which is aimed at welcoming new stu-
dents and giving them an opportunity to interact with long – stand-
ing students. Through the event we were able to collect 12 sacks of
sanitary towels which we then made available to students across all
campuses and they should visit SSS offices on campus if they need
sanitary towels.
Mr & Miss Campus is another social programme that is aimed at
exposing talents that students possess that aren’t academic across all
 On the 16th June 2018, there was an event at Cyril Ramaphosa Park
in Chiawelo where there were sports activities that were conduct-
ed; namely a tournament whereby medals were awarded and the
winning team received a trophy. Food was given to the children of the

             VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA                                                                     8
Partnership and Entrepreneurship
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                                          New Business Development Unit
TVET – A new Era!!! We are ready….
                                                                                 Active Economic Participation
                                                              by: Mr.Nhlanhla Siboto New Business Development Acting Manager

                                                                             The New Business Development Unit at South West Gauteng
                                                                             TVET College is mandated to solicit, create, manage, advance
                                                                             and develop partnerships that bring considerable benefit to the
                                                                             entire college system and its publics. The nature of these part-
                                                                             nerships seek to enhance among other the following:

                                                                             1. Learner placements for Work Integrated Learning and Work
                                                                                Based Exposure

                                                                             2. Lecturer placements for Work Based Exposure and general

                                                                             3. Occupational Directed Learning Programs i.e. skills/ap-
                                                                                prenticeship/learnership training

                                                                             4. Learner Enterprise Development initiatives to support and
                                                                                encourage SMME

                                                                             5. Guest lecturing as well as other learner work readiness pro-
                                                                                grams etc

Notable Statistics:

In the year 2018, the college enjoyed considerable successes related to the above. It is imperative that certain worthy relations with both
internal and external partners are mentioned. The partners played various pivotal roles in changing student lives and assisting the college
to contribute to their development:

 No.              ORGANISATION                     # BENEFICIARIES                               TYPE OF INTERVENTION

 1     BankSeta                             60                               The college has been accredited for a Generic Management in
                                                                             Banking Learnership at Level 5.
 2     FoodBev SETA                         50                               50 learners funded for an 18 months WIL program for Diploma

       FOODBEV-CLOVER                       2                                Two Lecturers were placed for a period of a month, where they
                                                                             were exposed Practical Experience working for CLOVER. The Pro-
                                                                             gramme improved the Lecturers delivery of theoretical content.
 3     ABSA/PriceWater Coopers              100                              100 learners hosted during the college recess for a 10-day WBE
                                                                             program where learners were working at different sites of ABSA
                                                                             and PWC.
 4     Service Seta                         20                               18-month placement for Diploma purposes to commence in 1st
                                                                             September 2018

                                                                             Cleaning Services Short Skills Programme
                                                                             Cleaning Services Learnership
 5     National Skills Fund                 Public Administration L4         All Learnership to commence on the 1st of September 2018
                                            (23) | Contact Centre Support
                                            L2 (22) | Professional Cookery
                                            L4 (15) | Business Administra-
                                            tion Services L4 (23)
                                            210                              Learners placed for N6 Internships and Level 4 Internships.

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6     Cathsseta                              10                                   Level 4 Internships

                                             20                                   N6 18-Months Work Integrated Learning
7     WRSETA                                 12                                   Lecturers completed Assessor training.
8     China Partnership                      30                                   Learners will be hosted in China for 12 months.
9     NARYSEC Learnership - Furniture        15                                   12 month Learnership
      Making: Wood NQF Level 2
10    Insurance SETA                         200                                  Short Skills Programme in:

                                                                                  Customer Care

                                                                                  Short Term Insurance

                                                                                  Professional Proficiency

                                                                                  The learners that completed the short skills were linked to Insur-
                                                                                  ance Companies for placement 70% were successfully placed.
                                             40                                   18 months Work Integrated Learning
11    Construction SETA                      15                                   18 Months Work Integrated Learning

                                             15                                   Learnership: Community House Building
                                             15                                   Learnership: Building and Civil Construction
12    Transport SETA                         100                                  Accreditation for Professional Driving Level 4 Learnership

                                             15                                   Successfully completed a Work Integrated Learning for 18 months
13    HWSETA                                 3                                    Lecturer Development Programme for Technical Skills hosted at
                                                                                  Artisans Institute.
14    SMME Development                       150                                  Budding Entrepreneurs exposed to life changing workshops and
                                                                                  assisted to start businesses.

                                                                                  Some success stories:

                                                                                  MANDLA – Funded by MH after he attended 3 Months Job Creator
                                                                                  Programme (From Poultry to Mobile Games) R30 000.00

                                                                                  DORCUS – Tabitha style (Clothing- Designer) Made it through to
                                                                                  the finalist of SAFashionWeek and will showcase their collection at

                                                                                  OWEN- Fresh Organic Vegetable – SA Young Award winner Khula
                                                                                  App – The App help the company to access the market easy, track
                                                                                  record and connect small scale famers

                                                                                  TERRYON- Beauty Product (Perfume) The business started small.
                                                                                  In 2018 FM funded the business now the business is growing.
NB: the above is a summary of 2018 highlights - full statistics are available at the WBE Offices.
International Reach:
South West Gauteng TVET college is part of an International Skills        neer unites the principles of mechanics, electronics, and computing
Project which is coordinated by the British Council. The project part-    to generate a simpler, more economical and reliable system. Bosch
ners New College Yorkshire in Scotland with SWGC and our sister           is the host company of the learners.
college Central Johannesburg TVET College. The project aims to
have a cross pollination of good practices and networks from the          2019:
colleges so as to impact the community through a legacy of skills
                                                                   The 4th Industrial Revolution is beckoning and the preparedness of
training. There is vast cross skills advantage to the project which has
                                                                   colleges for work ready graduates is increasing. Technological ad-
improved the implementation of projects and opened the college to
                                                                   vancements are at the core of all industry development and the move
                                                                   away from all manual platforms to digital is imminent. The focus of
The college is also participating in a project by Southern African all New Business Development Units efforts in the new year will be
German Chamber of Commerce and Industry which aims to host 5 gearing the learners to thrive in the new era. “May the force be with
Learners for a Mechatronics Apprenticeship. A mechatronics engi- you”

              VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA                                                                                  10
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       Across Oceans College to College Partnership

                                                                                                       colleges in South Africa.

                                                                                                       Dr. Rob Schuur indicated that after that conference
                                                                                                       in Johannesburg he met up with Mr. Dan L. Nkosi and
                                                                                                       requested to meet with him at the college in which
                                                                                                       he worked. During this time he said “Mr. Dan L. Nkosi
                                                                                                       took me to the SWGC Head Office where we spent
                                                                                                       about two hours discussing the Educational System
                                                                                                       and the challenges that are faced by TVET colleges.
                                                                                                             We decided to have some coffee and think
                                                                                                             about the things we can do together and what
                                                                                                             we as Noorderpoort College can do to assist
                                                                                                             SWGC.” He further mentioned the Hydroponic
                                                                                                             Tunnels at George Tabor Campus and that was
                                                                                                             the start of was to be a great fruitful partner-
                                                                                                             ship between the colleges.

                                                                                                             “We as the SRC would like to thank our stake-

O   n Friday, 26 April South West Gauteng TVET
    College (SWGC), held a College to College
Partnership Across Oceans celebration with its
                                                       college to do any of these mentioned things.

                                                       The very first facilities that enabled the students of
                                                                                                             holders for partnering with us in our Academic
                                                                                                             years as well as congratulating our top students
                                                                                                             who have placed the college name on the map.
Netherlands counterpart Noorderpoort at Tech-          the college to be able to use the internet and send
                                                                                                             We are currently rated number 1 in the prov-
nisa Campus to celebrate a partnership that has        emails was when we actually got a set of sponsorship
                                                                                                             ince and Number 15 Nationwide. We are very
been there for over 15 years and still going strong.   that was given to this college by the college in the
                                                                                                             much honoured to have students like you in
                                                       Netherlands, Noorderpoort College. He mentioned
Master of Ceremony Mr. M. Kheswa, Senior lec-                                                                SWGC, please continue to raise our flag as high
                                                       that it did not end there, as the computer centres
turer of the Music Department at Dobsonville                                                                 as it is. Go to the Netherlands and raise the bar
                                                       at that time were unequipped and because of the
Campus said, “Today marks a very special day                                                                 of academics for our college and keep on mak-
                                                       support of Noorderpoort they were equipped, they
as we celebrate a lucrative relationship with our                                                            ing us proud.” Said Nondumiso Mazibuko, The
                                                       went as far as helping at George Tabor Campus by
counterparts from the Netherlands. They have                                                                 Deputy SRC President of the college.
                                                       building hydroponic tunnels to teach members of
become our overseas family which we treasure           the community how to grow their own vegetation There were inputs from three representatives
and are proud of. I know that once I win the lot-      for profit. “I can take the whole day giving different in particular whose lives were touched and
tery, I will buy airplane tickets for my family to     aspects of this partnership.” He said.                 changed by this lifetime opportunity of going
go to the Netherlands to visit our Nooderpoort
                                                                                                              to the Netherlands Mr. Ernest Hasha, Ms. Pa-
family.”                                               Mr. M Kheswa (Senior Lecturer-Music) traveled
                                                                                                              tience Mkhari and Mr. Mosa Nape.
                                                       down memory lane with the audience, to the time
The SWGC Principal, Mr. Dan L. Nkosi acknowl-          when he and the SWGC band from Dobsonville One of them mentioned how different the time
edged all the present members. This included the       Campus got the opportunity to perform at one of zone is compared to South Africa, whereby in
former Top Ten pupils from previous years who          the occasions that was held at the Noorderpoort SA the sunsets at 17h00 and rises at 06h00 in
were selected based on their excelling academic        College. He mentioned how grateful they felt to be the morning but in the Netherlands the sunsets
performance to go to the Netherlands for a week.       there as well as to learn more about Dutch culture. around 20h00 in the evening and rises early in
He further extended his word of welcome to the         Welcoming on stage Mr. Rob Schuur, was the col- the morning as well as how they all enjoyed
guests of honour from Noorderpoort College             lege band with a soothing melody called “The street riding bicycles and going to the North Sea is-
namely: Dr. Rob Schuur, The CEO and Chairman of        lights of Soweto”.                                     land. During their stay in the Netherlands, they
the Board and his wife, Ms. Schuur and Mr. Herry
                                                                                                             discovered the idea of their education system,
Cooper, The Head of Department and Marketing “Ladies and gentlemen this is a complete surprise
                                                                                                             how they catalyse the whole teaching and
in Noorderpoort and his wife, Ms. Cooper.           for us because Mr. Dan L. Nkosi told us that we will
                                                                                                             learning process in a sense that students get
                                                    be attending an informal meeting at Technisa Cam-
Mr. Dan L. Nkosi shared with the audience a brief pus and when we arrived here, we realised that             to understand the content much easier be-
history of the partnership between these two we will be having an informal lunch.” Said Dr. Rob              cause what is on paper is put to practice. They
colleges and how it began. He stated that when Schuur.                                                       expressed their gratitude to the colleges for
the partnership started, the college had just been                                                           giving them this opportunity of going to the
merged with other colleges from around Gauteng According to Dr. Rob Schuur, it was about 18 years            Netherlands.
to make one mega college, which is now known ago when the then Minister of Education started
                                                                                                             In closing The Deputy Principal for Corporate
as South West Gauteng TVET College. Mr. Dan a programme called “Your relationship education
                                                                                                             Affairs and planning Mr. A. Schlemmer indicat-
L. Nkosi went on to dramatize the state of the which mainly involved TVET college principals from
                                                                                                             ed to the Nooderpoort college representatives
partnership, saying that during the time, not one different countries. As one of the hosts in the Neth-
                                                                                                             that they have touched the lives, hearts, and
of the students of the college had ever used an erlands, he was responsible for accommodating
                                                                                                             minds of the SWGC family and for that, he said:
email, not one of the students had ever navigat- over 16 principals for a duration of six weeks. It is
                                                                                                             “We can never thank you enough”.
ed the internet and there were no facilities in the there where he started to learn more about TVET

        11                                                                               VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA
>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>
        Hydroponic Tunnels Handover to the Community
> > > > > > > > > >PROGRAMME
			EXCHANGE          > >>>>
> > > > >TO
            FAREWELL       > >CHINA
                                >>>> >>>>
“A journey of a thousand miles be-
gins with a single step”.
This is as Zaza Delani, Thamsanqa Mokga-
di, Refiloe Mmola, Enolda Morifi, Musina-
haya Mabilu, Thabelo Makatu, Emily Ndou,
Siwakhile Vilakazi, Busisiwe Mazibuko as
well as Tumelo Mothupi, former South
West Gauteng TVET College Electrical En-
gineering students from Roodepoort West
Campus embarked on a journey of their
It all began when the students sub-
mitted their CV’s to South West
Gauteng TVET College New Business
Development Unit, a Unit which
has solely been created to connect
the college with Business and In-
dustry and also to ensure that the
college students are exposed to
Workplace-Based Learning. Their
CV’s were then sent to the Chinese
Culture and International Exchange
Centre amongst many other CV’s
that were received by the Unit. Out
of twenty students selected, only ten stu-
dents (above) were selected to take part

in the Mechatronics Internship program of the International Edu-       Mvinjelwa issued the learners with their Letters of Enrolment.
cation Department at Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical & Electri-
cal Engineering. They traveled all the way to Hanguzhou, Zhejiang      Since then three (3) more groups of students from Roodepoort
Province in China on the 25th June 2018 for a twelve-month dura-       West Campus have been selected to participate in the exchange
tion.                                                                  internship programme, with the first group of twenty (20) stu-
                                                                       dents having left on the 3rd June 2019 to learn and work on
SWGC Roodepoort West Campus held a farewell celebration for the        ICloud Computing Adoption at the Nanjing Institute of Industry
learners, which was opened with a prayer by the Campus Manager         Technology. The second group of nineteen (19) students left on
Ms. Mvinjelwa and also welcomed all the distinguished guest and        the 15th June 2019 to embark on a twelve-month internship pro-
proud parents. She told the learners that they are the custodians of   gramme at the Changuzhou Vocational Institution of Mechatron-
SWGC and that they need to go showcase how disciplined we are          ic Technology, whilst the last group of three (3) students will be
to the world out there. “Hard work, willingness to learn and most      leaving on the 21st June 2019.
of all the grace of God got you this far,” said Ms. Mvinjelwa.
                                                                       It is a great honour and privilege for South West Gauteng TVET
Guest Speakers Mr. Synders alluded to what was said by Ms. Mvin-       College to have fifty-three (53) students participating and having
jelwa, to say that discipline is key if you want to make it anywhere   participated in this internship programme since its inception.
in life. He also touched on ignorance and humility, advising the
students not to be arrogant but rather humble and never for any
reason feel as if they know too much. Mr. Synders encouraged the
learners to work towards building their own legacies by going to
China and acquiring the necessary skills so that they can come back
and build robots and hire people to work with them instead of go-
ing to China only to come back and work for another person.
Amongst other speakers, there was Mr. Percy Wright from the Kofifi
Media Group Consortium who shared a few words of wisdom with
the learners and the parents that were present. Encouraging them
never to give up, never to think that they are bigger than the job
they will be required to do no matter how lame it may be, as that
builds character and will shape their future, this was before Ms.

              VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA                                                                   14
> >Governors
    > > > >> >> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
                         Meet the newly elected Council                                                                  office...
                                                Zenzele Lloyd Dlamini – Council Chairperson of South West Gauteng TVET Col-
                                                lege Board
                                                Mr Dlamini is a Senior Corporate Banker: Absa Africa Group | Public Sector: Corporate
                                                & Investment Banking (Clients: Municipalities, State Owned Companies & Higher Ed-
                                                ucation Sector)

                                                He Joined Financial Sector In 1999, Working for the following Financial Institutions:
                                                Nedbank Ltd - 1999, Fnb-2001 & Absa Bank Ltd – 2011 To Date. He Possesses 18 Years
                                                Of Banking Experience In Sales, Financial Markets, Relationship Building, Financial And
                                                Risk Management.

                                                He Holds a B.admin & Honours In Labour Relations - Univ Of Dbn-Westville, Masters In
                                                Management (Economics & Public Finance) – Univ Of Witwatersrand (Wits Business
                                                School), Leadership Development Programme (Wits Bs), Higher Diploma In Banking
                                                (Milpark Business School), Certificate In Housing Policy (Univ Of Johannesburg), Cer-
                                                tificate In Municipal Finance & Supply Chain Management (Wits Bs), Diploma In Finan-
                                                cial Markets & Instruments (Novaone Hedging School), Llb (Unisa) 2Nd Year – Current

                                     Thando Lamula: Council                                                          Mpolai Liau: Council Member
                                                                                                                     A Business Manager: Africa Regions
                                     Thando Lamula-Shirindaan, an                                                    Audit at Standard Bank Group, a role
                                     International Tax Specialist and                                                that provides strategic and opera-
                                                                                                                     tional support required to enable the
                                     a recent Ministerial appointee,
                                                                                                                     Africa Regions Audit team to perform
                                     Council Member of the South West                                                its core functions effectively. She was
                                     Gauteng TVET College and Deputy                                                 previously a Senior Internal Audit
                                     Chairperson of the Exco. Academi-
                                                                            Manager, at Standard Bank, managing the Digital Banking and Vehicle and As-
cally holds a Masters Degree in Taxation Laws, a Postgraduate Diploma       set Financing portfolios. She is courageous yet fair in dealing difficult conver-
in Taxation, a Postgraduate in Compliance and Corporate Governance          sations with a solution focused mind-set. This has shifted the narrative from
and a B.Com (Law) Degree.                                                   audit being viewed as a watchman to a trusted independent business partner.

Due to her passion for education, she is a founder of an Educational        In 2018, She was recognised as one of the 35 finalists in the annual South Af-
Foundation Trust (the Sui-Generis Foundation) for the benefit of the        rica Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) ‘Top 35 Under 35’ recognition
underprivileged. Amongst other things, the purpose of this foundation       process. This initiative acknowledges young chartered accountants under the
is to provide educational enrichment, academic support, and provision       age of 35 who are making a meaningful contribution in their work environ-
                                                                            ment as well as the communities in which they operate. She has won the 2016
of scholarships, bursaries, awards, research, training, career guidance
                                                                            Standard Bank Group Internal Audit Mark of Excellence (MOE) award for excel-
and outreach programmes for the poor and needy. For the purpose of          lent stakeholder engagement & people development. This award is bestowed
marketing this foundation globally, she entered the Mrs Africa beauty       on the top 5 internal auditors within the Standard Bank Group across a staff
pageant. “I am pleased to announce that I am a finalist in the compe-       complement of 260 members. Mpolai has also served as a board member and
tition. In essence, I am competing at a continental and global level. I     the Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Committee for the SA Board for People
believe that this pageant will empower me to learn and bring back the       Practice as well as a Council Member and Audit and Risk Committee member
experience to grow the Foundation and contribute in vast platforms in       for Ekurhuleni West TVET College.
South Africa”.
                                                                            She has a passion for education & developing young people. Actively coaches
                                                                            & mentors emerging talent. She has positive energy, aspires to reach great-
I would like to encourage students to study and empower themselves
                                                                            ness in everything she does and believes in always striving to do the right thing
through learning. I believe that “a learning nation is a winning nation”.   even when no one is watching.

 15                                                                                 VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA
>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>
                                                                                                                                 < < < < < < Governors

                                          Fundi Mazibuko: Council                                                              Tankiso Moloi: Council Member
                                                                                                                             Former Director of Enterprise Risk
                                          A wife, mother of three and serial en-                                             Management (ERM) responsible
                                          trepreneur. She co-founded Fullserve                                               for the ERM programme, Business
                                          Holdings (Pty) Limited, a Facilities                                               Continuity Management (BCM), In-
                                          Maintenance company providing main-                                                ternal Audit Findings Management,
                                          tenance services to the property indus-                                            a Chief Accountant, and Chief Finan-
                                          try. She serves as its Head of Business                                            cial Analyst . He has obtained a PhD
                                                                                                                             in Finance, Master of Commerce
Development and Marketing. Fullserve is a medium sized family owned busi-              (Accounting), Master of Science (Financial Management), Master of Arts
ness which was started by Fundi and Sipho Mazibuko.                                    (International Relations), Honors Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and
She has previously worked for companies such as Excellerate Property Services          Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting). He is an ACMA, CGMA (CIMA, AICPA)
where she was a Director and Board member, Motseng Property Services where             and a Chartered Risk Analyst (CRA) (IAFM).
she was a Portfolio Manager as well as Joburg Property Company as a Executive
Support of the COO to name a few. She was a board member and a Trustee at              He is also a member of Oxford Academic Union
Excellerate Property Services.                                                         Currently, he is a full professor in the School of Accounting at the University
                                                                                       of Johannesburg. He has published more than 60 papers and book chapters
In addition to her experience she has just achieved her Master in Business Ad-         on corporate governance, enterprise risk management and assurance. He
ministration degree (Henley Business School), she has a Management Advanced            is the editor for the African Journal of Corporate Governance Research and
Programme (Wits) graduate and she also holds a Certificate in Shopping Centre          the Chair of International Conference in Accounting and Business.
Management (CSCM) and an Advanced Certificate in Shopping Centre Leader-
ship (ACSCL) from the University of Pretoria.                                          Tankiso has won the Institute of Risk Management South Africa Award in
She has served as Gauteng chairperson of Woman’s Property Network, SAPOA               the education category twice, in 2017 and in 2018. He was a finalist in the
Conference Committee and currently a board member of Property Charter. She             category, risk influencer of the year in 2018. He has ran and completed four
is an alumni of Cherrie Blair Foundation for Woman mentee (2016), and a mem-           comrade’ marathons, receiving three bronze medallions (2015, 2016 &
ber of the Dell Woman Entrepreneurs.                                                   2017) and two bill rowan medallion (2018 & 2019).

                                        Maisela Morewane: Council                                                            S L Tshoko: Council Member
                                                                                                                             An English Lecturer at SWGC
                                        A 40-year-old leader, growing up in the                                              (Roodepoort campus), Nehawu
                                        streets of Soweto made him realize that
                                        one needs to work hard in whatever they                                              branch executive chairperson and
                                        do to climb up the ladder of success. Po-                                            a Co-founder and CEO of Mthun-
                                        litical activism became an inherent char-                                   an NGO based in Dobson-
                                        acteristic when one remembers the state                                              ville Soweto. Mr Siyabulela Lee
                                        of emergency in the 1980’s. “That is the
period I did my primary education in White City Jabavu, Lekang Primary”. This time    Tshoko, holds a BA degree in administration from Vista University,
made me realize that I belong within academia”. Chosen as one of the few students     International Hotel Diploma from the American Hotel and Motel As-
to incept what was and still is known as Raucall (Rand Afrikaans University College
for the Advancement of learning and leadership). Studied Bachelor of Business Ad-
                                                                                      sociation and a Post Graduate Certificate in Leadership Development
ministration at the University of Natal, now known as UKZN. His passion as a human-   from Unisa.
itarian drove him to apply for a position in the United States and be involved with
special needs individual.                                                             He is very passionate about education and strongly shares in the late
This commitment lasted for a year. Facing the reality of coming back to continue      former President, Mr Nelson Mandela’s convictions of Education be-
with lifelong learning. Completed a Diploma in Marketing with Central Johan-          ing the most powerful tool that can be used by any nation to liberate
nesburg College later on upgraded his qualification with Tshwane University of
Technology to receive a Bachelor of Technology in International Communica-
tions. His recognition of a career path encouraged him to complete a Post Gradu-
ate Certificate in Education. He is now a SSS Senior Administrative Clerk at South
                                                                                      Mr Tshoko strongly believe that his reservoir of experience in the
West College TVET College at Roodepoort West Campus as well as the College            teaching sector and in capacity as a leader will assist to shape and
Basketball coach, which gave him the opportunity to be a Basketball coach for         transform this sector. He also believes that we need to conscientise
the Gauteng Province for the last three years. “I commit to serve and represent       students about the values of education and how that can assist them
with honour, courage and virtue. While robust debates are necessary for change,       in reclaiming their space in society.
respect and integrity will guide my tenure as a council member”.

              VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA                                                                                                   16
>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

                                        Hulisani Mani: Council Member                                                        Ruben Mosiane: Council Member
                                        Mr H Mani holds Bachelor of Commerce                                                 Tshitise Reuben Mosiane is currently
                                        degree in accounting, an N6 in Public                                                the Deputy Chief Education Special-
                                        Management, has also completed his                                                   ist (Campus Manager) positioned at
                                        SAICA articles. He has experience in                                                 South West Gauteng TVET College’s
                                        Internal Audit Financial Management,                                                 George Tabor campus in Dube Village,
                                        Financial Reporting, Auditing, Taxation,                                             Soweto. Mr Mosiane began his career
                                        Annual Performance Report, Mentorship                                                as an Entrepreneurship and Business
                                        and Procurement Advisory.                                                            Management lecturer in 1998 at Jo-
Mr Mani obtained vast experience through his role as the Founding President of        hannesburg Technical College which is now known as Central Johannesburg
the Economic Liberators, which mainly focuses on Economic Transformation and          College. He has over 20 years of experience in the education and training
SMME Mentorship as well as his participation in the Joburg Region Economic            fraternity.
Transformation Committee which he believes has given him a strong understand-
ing of the economic challenges and opportunities within Gauteng.                      Mr Mosiane’s education experience involves spending 8 years as a classroom
He is currently the National Chairperson of SAFETSA working closely with the Di-      lecturer, two years as a senior lecturer, two years as head of division, 3 years
rector General as well as the Minister of DHET, he attributes this working relation   as a deputy campus manager, 2 years as acting campus manager and 3 years
that has given him a detailed understanding of weakness and areas of improve-         as a campus manager. He was awarded the” BEST LECTURER FOR THE YEAR
ment on the internal controls within the TVET sector.                                 2009” and “MANAGER OF THE YEAR IN 2014” accolade at SWGC.

Served in the council of SWGC from 1st May 2016 to 31st May 2018, which gave          His education expertise provided him the chance to work together with varied
him a broader understanding of the systems and processes of the institution, was      groups of people to meet the common goal of increasing student achieve-
also a member of the Audit and Risk committee and Additional revenue commit-          ment and welfare. His educational philosophy is based on his unbending be-
tee of SWGC.                                                                          lief that all students can learn, given a positive learning environment, strong
                                                                                      and knowledgeable leadership, a committed and focused educational team, a
Leadership Experience: Chairperson Of SASA Karate Club 2001-2004 , ANCYL Sec-         hopeful community, and a supportive family.
retary Lwandani Branch 2002-2004, Secretary of Bvusuludzo Drama Club 2002-
2003, Deputy Chair of School of Management 2006-2007, Univen Chairperson of           Mr Mosiane also holds positions as the secretary of the Academic Board at
School of Management 2006-2008, Member of Universityof Venda Senate 2006-             SWGC, secretary of the College Council at SWGC, chairperson of Mohlakano
2008, Member of Student Parliament 2006-2008 ,Chair of School of Management           Primary School Governing Body, chairperson of Prominence Social Club and
2006-2007, Board Member of School of Management 2007-2008 , Academic &                secretary of Family Care Society.
Transformation Officer Univen 2008, ANCYL Branch Secretary 2011-2012, ANCYL
Branch Chairperson 2012 -2014, ANC JHB                                                In his spare time, Mr Mosiane enjoys reading, listening to house music,
                                                                                      watching documentaries and reality shows as well as playing fun games with
REC RET Committee Member 2015 -2016, President of Economic Liberators since           his family.
2015, SWGC SRC President 2016- 2018, National Chairperson of SAFETSA 2016 -
2018, SWGC Council Member 2016 - 2018, SWGC Financial AID Committee, 2016
- 2018, SWGC Academic Board Members 2016 - 2018, Chairperson of Tshiawelo
Business Council 2016 – 2018 and 2019 SWGC SRC President.

     17                                                                                      VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA
> > > > > >EVENTS
                                      >>>>> >>>>
           Opening and Welcome Ceremony
Cascading Plans for the year end awarding staff members as well           academic performance. He indicated that SWGC came in second
as Campuses that have done remarkably well, was the order of the          place for Report 190/1 and seventh place for National Certificate
day during the Personnel Opening and Welcoming Ceremony held              (Vocational) NCV in Gauteng Province for Best performed institu-
at South West Gauteng TVET College, Molapo Campus, on Friday              tions in 2018. The Principal also went on to say that “All societies
the 8th March 2019.                                                       have a God-given duty to impact survival tools and skills from one
                                                                          generation to the next and for this generation in this country we
                                                                          are the ones chosen to sort this duty. We are not playing in the
As this is an Annual Function that takes place in the first quarter of    Gauteng League! We are playing in the National Super League and
the year, it is always themed and the one chosen for this year was        competing with the world.”
“We are so close (In reality) yet too far (In our minds) to glory”. It
was put well by the master of ceremony, Alucia Mabunda, a senior
lecturer from Technisa Campus, when she quoted from Philippians           The Deputy Principal for Academic Affairs and Operations, Mr Joey
chapter 2 verse 2 which read “Complete me by being of the same            Monyamane took over and handed out awards for the Top Ten per-
mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”        forming students, the Platinum Club 100 for Lecturers who have
                                                                          received 90% and above in respect to the subjects they teach, Top
                                                                          achieving Campuses as well as the Best customer service award
The Principal of the college Mr. Dan L. Nkosi alluded to the verse        respectively, before the college band closed off by amusing the au-
by saying,” We amongst other things want to use this occasion to          dience with soothing jazzy music.
refresh, share and consolidate our long held dream of wanting the
college to lead other colleges in the country in performance. The
college must end 2019 being in the top 5 of the 50 colleges in the
country. A good part of what I’m going to be doing this morning is
to show you how easy it is and how close it is. That it’s so close that
if all of us stretch our hands we can touch or reach that achieve-
ment.”. Hence the theme “So close (in reality) yet so far in (our
minds) to glory.”

Those were the words of the Principal as he shared the operational
plan for 2019, as well as giving out the stats for the provincial 2018

              VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA                                                                        18
        > > > > >EXPO/WELLNESS
                 >>>>> >>>>
            					BUILD A BETTER YOU!
On Friday, 12 April, South West Gauteng TVET College (SWGC) in conjunction with
Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) and supported by the Gauteng
Liquor Board held a Career/ Wellness EXPO at the college’s George Tabor Campus,
where high school students, community members as well as our very own SWGC stu-
dents came in numbers to equip themselves with the knowledge of what is in store for
them out there in the world of work.
The whole objective of this Campaign was to afford TVET students, Grade 12 learners
from the surrounding schools and members of the local community the opportunity to
learn more about the different career opportunities available in the
organizations that took part in the exhibition, which were Home Af-
fairs,, JMPD Dragger Unit, Department of Labour, Depart-
ment of Social Development, GCRA, Johannesburg Water, to name
but a few. Not only was it about students learning more about these
organisations but by giving an opportunity to organisations within
the City of Johannesburg to expose themselves to TVET College stu-
dents and learners from local schools and work together to tackle the
scourge of youth unemployment.
This initiative was also aimed at educating students and the commu-
nity about the dangers of substance abuse and how it can affect their

wellbeing as well as that of their families, hence the involvement      nity to learn about different careers in our departments within the
of the Gauteng Liquor Board, SAB as well as SANCA Soweto. The           City of Johannesburg. Another reason for our involvement in the
Department of Health was conducting health screenings and pro-          career expo is due to the growing concern of drug related incidents
moting healthy living along with Virgin Active.                         that occur in our communities. We encourage healthy lifestyle
                                                                        and students should not be stereotyped when it comes to career
JMPD Officer Phindile Maseko, from the Community Outreach Unit
                                                                        choices”, said Officer Maseko.
in Soweto indicated that they are working with schools, commu-
nity members teaching them about safety. “We conduct scholar            The JMPD Drill Squad clinched the proceeding of the day by
patrol training and monitoring at primary level. We teach students      flaunting their routine as they drilled into the college yard with
about career guidance and do presentations about road safety at         sirens.
both primary and high school. We also give students an opportu-

       19                                                                     VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA
>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>
                                                 2019 Graduation Ceremony
May 24 and June 07 2019 were special
       th              th

and joyous days for students as the South
West Gauteng TVET College held their
Graduation Ceremonies at the renowned
Walter Sisulu Square Hall in Kliptown,
Soweto, which saw over 450 students
who have successfully met their academic
and extra-curricular requirements, being
conferred from both National Certificate
(Vocational) NC(V) and Report 190/1 pro-
grammes in Engineering and Utility Studies
as well as over 588 Business Studies gradu-
ates in both programmes gathered to cele-
brate their hard-earned achievement with
friends and family respectively.
Both occasions commenced with the new-
ly allotted Council Chairperson of the Col-
lege, Mr. Zenzele Dlamini constituting the
congregation before handing over to Pas-
tor Nkululeko Hlubi who officiated with a
scripture reading from Luke 11: 9-11 which
reads, “Keep Asking, Seeking and Knocking
So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to
you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it
will be opened to you. For everyone who
asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and
to him who knocks it will be opened. If a
son asks for bread from any father among
you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish,   students who are serious about their education.” As his fel-
will he give him a serpent instead of a fish?” Pastor
Nkululeko Hlubi also read from Matthew 25:14-30 ti-        low school mates, the graduates repeated after him.
tled: The Parable of the Talents coupled with a prayer.
Mr. Dan L. Nkosi, the College Principal told the audi-
ence that the weekend of the 24th May marks a very
important time in the lives of Africans, as, on the 26th
May, the nation would be celebrating Africa Day also
known as African Freedom Day. He further said “This
event is a moment in time for these students who
want to strike out of the college or who are about to
strike out of the college in the South African Economy
and world. Change a clan, change a village and indeed
your education put to good use can change the entire

“Amandla …… Awethu Amandla Awethu”
words from the Student Representative Council
President, Hulisani Mani as he greeted the crowd
at large. He went on to say that “TVET’s must rise.
Proud TVET students must rise. Forward to the

            VOLUME 02 | 2019 NEWSLETTER | WWW.SWGC.CO.ZA                                                     20
You can also read