Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper

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Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
                                                                                                                                      on the
     Friday 22 January, 2021                                                                                                          Page 8
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Ann Adams with Cheslin Renecke at the flats in Goud Street.

Service delivery issues
for Eldos flats continue
Janice Beckett-Msiza                            the sewage pipe issue to Joburg Water
                                                and they came to help. “I was here with
Burst pipes, blocked drains, sewage spills      them but they cannot open up here be-
and damp walls. These are just some of          cause these flats belong to the provincial
the issues residents at the flats in Eldorado   government. Provincial needs to come out
Park are dealing with. On a tour around         to the community and not just to the flats
the flats in Goud Street and around Hill-       in Goud Street but to the Hillbrow flats
brow Flats, it is evident that residents are    as well. They need to come to all their
living in conditions that are unhygienic        properties and ensure that service delivery
and not safe.                                   issues have been dealt with. Most of the
 Ann Adams, the chairperson of the Dem-         residents at the flats have reported issues
ocratic Alliance (DA) Women’s Network           of geyser problems, we have pipes that
and DA youth leader for Ward 17, and            burst in the walls and sewage problems,”
deputy chairperson of the Hlanganani            shared Renecke.
Constituency, Cheslin Renecke met at the         The youth leader for Ward 17 mentioned
flats in Goud Street to see some of the         that he has been in contact with one of
issues residents are facing.                    the provincial housing inspectors, Ashwin
 At one block of flats in particular, there     Bisetty and most of the time his response
was sewage running into the yard. Pads          is that there are no contactors.
and nappies seem to be coming up too in            When contacted for comment, Biset-
the sewage pipes, causing the area to look      ty said: “we don’t have contractors at
like a dumpsite.                                present, we have logged the fault and as
 “This issue has been here for months,          soon as we appoint new contractors, we
there’s also water leaking from the top         will attend to these complaints. I don’t
flat so the walls are wet going all the         have a time frame as to when we will get
way down because the leak is coming             new contractors, but processes are already
from somewhere on the top. It’s such an         underway.”
unhealthy environment not just for the             Adams and Renecke would like res-
children but for the community at large.        idents to contact them if there are any
The people want to report but they don’t        service delivery issues in Ward 17 so that
know who the correct entities to report to      they can try and assist where possible. You
are,” said Adams.                               can contact Ann Adams on 060 7490 414         Raw sewage pouring out into the yard.
 Renecke added that they have reported          and Cheslin Renecke on 065 950 8374
Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
2         News                                                                                                                                Soweto Urban News | Friday, 22 January, 2021

Constable Roxanne Gibb                         Hotline 08600 10111
Victory for Eldorado Park SAPS for a fifty-year
conviction as they bid farewell to two legends
Just before the festive season began, the       without the expertise and leadership skills
Detective Branch commander Colonel Jo-          of Colonel Jojisa and Luitenant Colonel
jisa and Luitenant Colonel Mashaba bided        Mashaba, and they therefore dedicate the
farewell to Eldorado Park SAPS.                 fifty year conviction to both commanders,”
Not only did the station lose two legends       said Constable Roxanne Gibb.
but Investigating Officer Sergeant Ma-             Eldorado Park SAPS wishes both Colo-
luleke managed to give everyone a gift to       nel Jojisa and Luitenant Colonel Mashaba
remember.                                       all the best for their future endeavours. The
   Sergeant Maluleke secured a hefty            Detective branch bid their farewell wishes
fifty year direct imprisonment sentence         by assuring both commanders that they
for charges of robbery with aggravating         will continue lifting the flag against crime,
circumstances, carjacking and armed             up high, and will serve the community of
robbery for a 32-yearold male Emmanuel          the Greater Eldorado Park with pride, thus
Mpolokeng.                                      hoping to following in their footsteps.
 “The Serious and Violent Crimes unit, the       “It is a bittersweet occasion for Eldorado     Fraudulent card used.

                                                                                                Police bust Four
entire detective branch, management and         Park SAPS, as the members will dearly
all the members of Eldorado Park SAPS           miss the expertise and guidance of Colonel
all thanked and praised Colonel Jojisa          Jojisa and Luitenant Colonel Mashaba.
and Luitenant Colonel Mashaba for their            Eldorado Park SAPS wishes them all the
guidance and assistance which led to the        best as they are deserving of nothing less

                                                                                                men for fraud
successful conviction.                          for all their dedication and contributions
“The members also indicated that all the        towards the fight against crime,” conclud-
success would never have been possible          ed Constable Gibb.

Eldorado Park SAPS asks parents to exercise                                                     Nhlanhla Khomola                                 from his boss. He was told to only buy
stricter parental control over their children                                                   Four men were arrested last week for
                                                                                                                                                 diesel from Total or Caltex garages in
                                                                                                                                                 Gauteng and that the card had a daily limit
                                                                                                using fraudulent cards at Caltex Garage in       of R19 000-00. The suspects further men-
Since schools are still closed, there has       gathering which is currently prohibited.        Dube.                                            tioned that they used the same fleet card
been a big presence of teenagers sitting or     “The emphasis on the seriousness and              The Orlando SAPS received the infor-           at Total Garage Dube and the diesel they
playing in parks and socialising on street      implications, including the consequences        mation from their registered informant           bought was dropped at the diesel depot in
corners.                                        of failing to adhere has previously been        while the suspects were busy filling up          Tembisa.
   Despite the lockdown level 3 regula-         communicated to the community at large          diesel with the fraudulent card.                   “A member of Orlando SAPS went to
tions, many children seem to ignore the            Regardless, parents are failing to confine     On arrival SAPS members found the two          Total Garage Dube and the information
call for all to stay at home during these       their minor children to their places of         men still being interviewed by the garage        was confirmed to be true. With the sup-
times.                                          residence.                                      employees. The suspects were found to            plied information, we proceeded to Temb-
   In the Eldorado Park community group            This therefore serves as a warning to        be driving a white Toyota Hilux bakkie           isa together with the suspects to check the
chats, there have been concerned residents      parents to start knowing the whereabouts        together with a diesel tank trailer. They        depot”, said Captain Nomvula Mbense,
posting about the recklessness of parents       of their children, because if they are found    were using a BP fleet card which the petrol      Orlando SAPS Spokesperson.
who leave their children to go socialise in     gathering in a park thus endangering the        attendant noticed was fraudulent after the         “On arrival two African men were
public spaces.                                  lives of others, the parents of the said        suspects had filled their tank with a diesel     found and interviewed on the presence of
   The regulations of social distancing and     children will face the repercussions of not     worth R19 000,00.                                the suspects.
wearing of masks are not adhered to and         exercising parental control,” explained           Both suspects were arrested on the spot          The suspect pointed out the guys as the
teens are also sharing hookah pipes during      Constable Gibb.                                 and taken to Orlando SAPA for detention          ones who received the diesel when deliv-
their socials.                                     Eldorado Park SAPS members have              and further investigation.                       ered, both men were arrested and brought
   Eldorado Park SAPS communications            been dispatched to conduct regular sur-           During the interview, the first suspect        back to Orlando SAPS where cases were
officer, Constable Roxanne Gibb released        veillance on all parks within the Greater       who was the driver of the bakkie men-            opened against them and were detained”.
a statement last week, calling on all           Eldorado Park area and anyone found to          tioned that he had only been working for         She added. All four suspects are due to
parents within the greater Eldorado Park        neglect their duties of parenting will be in    three days and was only taking orders            appear in court next week.
to exercise stricter parental control over      contravention of the law.
their children, especially during alert level      “All parents need to take heed, and
three.                                          assist in creating a safer and crime free
 “It was announced that all parks are           community for all. Your co-operation in
closed during this period, however, the         this regard is highly appreciated,” con-
Eldorado Park SAPS has been receiving           cluded Gibb.
numerous complaints about children play-           Eldorado Park SAPS can be contacted
ing soccer in the parks.                        on 011 946 0300 or alternatively the SAPS
   Thus, allowing it to be considered as a      Crime Stop Hotline on 08600 10111.

News in brief
Updated sector                                   Sector Three:
managers and sector                              (Joe Slovo Park, Nancefield Industria,
                                                 Bushkoppies, Fun Valley and Eikenhoff)-
vans contact details                             van contact number: 071 675 6529. Sector
                                                 Manager: Constable Z Mbele. contact
The community is advised to contact the
                                                 number: 071 675 6538
sector manager and sector vans for any
complaints within their sector that requires     Sector Four:
SAPS intervention.
                                                 (Freedom Park)- van contact number: 071
Sector One:                                      675 6534.
(Extension: 7,8,9, Kersiedorp and Old            Sector Manager: Sergeant T Dikgale;
Eldorado Park)- van contact number: 071          contact number: 082 563 2649
675 6530. Sector Manager: Constable L            The community is advised that the
Meyers; contact number: 071 675 6533             Sector vans can be contacted 24/7 for
                                                 any complaints that’s requires police
Sector Two:                                      intervention within the Greater Eldorado
(Extension:1,2,3,4,5 and 6)- van contact
                                                 The Client Service Centre Relief
number: 071 675 6535. Sector Manager:
                                                 Commander can be contacted on 082 444
Constable K Beckett; contact number: 079
                                                 3001 and 011 946 0300.
525 1508
                                                                                                Tank trailer that was filled up.
Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
Soweto Urban News | Friday, 22 January, 2021                                                                                                                                 News           3

  Pair arrested for assaulting officers
   Mandlakayise Hlatshwayo                         When the officers attempted to stop the        arrested and charged at the Protea Magis-       pital in a serious, but stable condition
                                                   party and tell the people to disperse back     trate’s Court for assaulting police officers    where he is getting medical attention.
   Two men were arrested for assaulting            to their homes, as they were breaking          whilst one fled the scene, leaving his car        Minnaar said, “JMPD really condemns
   police officers and being part of an ille-      regulations, the people proved to be           behind.                                         the assault of any police official and we
   gal gathering last week. This comes after       stiff-necked. When the officers tried to         Minnaar said, “The suspect’s vehicle          cannot allow that to happen.
   JMPD officers responded to a call about         confiscate the alcohol the people were         was impounded without intentions to               The attack on police officers who are
   people who were contravening lockdown           illegally consuming, the people’s anger        release it. The suspects arrested were          legally executing their duties is an attack
   level three regulations in Protea Glen          kindled and they began to assault four         charged for assault with intention to           to the rule of law in the city.
   Extension 7.                                    police officers.                               cause grievous bodily harm and the con-           The message is that people must never
     Wayne Minnaar, the spokesperson for              Out of the four officers that were          travention of the Disaster Management           hold after tears parties and never drink
   the JMPD said, “We found more than              assaulted; one is in a serious condition       Act Adjusted level 3 regulation by being        alcohol in public spaces during Level
   200 people having a ball at an after tears      in hospital with a fractured nose and an       part of an illegal gathering.”                  Three Lockdown.”
   gathering for a funeral.”                       injured left hand. Two suspects were             The injured officer was taken to hos-

                                                                                                                        SA set for more fuel
                                                                                                                        increase warns AA
                                                                                                                         Siya Ndlela                             The Association was com-
                                                                                                                                                              menting on the unaudited mid-
                                                                                                                         It is debatable that perhaps, the    month fuel price data released
                                                                                                                         one silver lining - if any, of the   by the Central Energy Fund.
                                                                                                                         covid pandemic hitting South         According to the data: petrol
                                                                                                                         African shores was the plum-         looks bound to increase by a
                                                                                                                         meting of fuel prices. As the        heart-sinking 80 cents a litre,
                                                                                                                         value of oil dropped drastically     while diesel is set for a climb
                                                                                                                         around the world, with less          up to around 61 cents a litre,
                                                                                                                         demand, so did the petrol and        and illuminating paraffin to go
                                                                                                                         diesel prices.                       up by 63 cents.
                                                                                                                            In April 2020, South Africa           The AA said that if the situ-
                                                                                                                         experienced a record decrease        ation remained unchanged, the
                                                                                                                         in fuel prices with a litre of       South African economy would
                                                                                                                         petrol going for as a little as      be headed down a dark and
                                                                                                                         R13.76 cents.                        expensive road.
                                                                                                                                                                 “The problem is international
                                                                                                                            The cheap fuel fantasy            oil prices, which have been
                                                                                                                         was short-lived however, On          consistently climbing with each
                                                                                                                         Monday, 4 January 2021,              passing day,” AA pointed out.
                                                                                                                         Minister of Mineral Resources           “A general increase in pos-
                                                                                                                         and Energy, Gwede Mantashe,          itive sentiment as COVID-19
                                                                                                                         announced fuel price increases       vaccines are rolled out has
                                                                                                                         that came into effect as from 6      combined with upticks in global
                                                                                                                         January 2021. The increase saw       economic activity, pushing up
    Alive                                                                                                                petrol, going up by 43 cents,        demand for oil - and taking
                                                                                                                         with diesel and illuminating         prices with it.”
    Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) early this                                                                               paraffin each going up by 55            With some having pointed at
    week issued a statement dismissing                                                                                   cents. According to the AA,          the Rand as the major culprit,
    rumours of the death of its former                                                                                   South African motorists are          the AA has, however, rebuffed
    president Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi.                                                                               likely to dig even deeper into       the suggestion.
    The party’s spokesperson Mkhuleko                                                                                    their pockets in 2021.                  “Despite some wild swings
    Hlengwa said there was no cause for                                                                                     “With the Rand relatively         in the daily exchange rate, and
    alarm as Buthelezi is, “in good health                                                                               strong by recent standards, the      the average rate creeping up
    and continuing with his responsibilities                                                                             only hope for a reprieve relies      from around R14.60 to just over
    as a Member of Parliament.” Picture by                                                                               on a pullback by oil. Unfortu-       R15.00, only four cents of the
    Mzwandile Khathi                                                                                                     nately, the trend lines suggest      substantial predicted increases
                                                                                                                         that the situation may deterio-      come from Rand weakness,”
                                                                                                                         rate further before month-end,”      the AA said.
                                                                                                                         the AA said on Friday.

 JMPD nabs five for DMA
 contravening and bribery
Siya Ndlela                                       was secured by the JMPD in assistance with
                                                  the Jeppe SAPS. JMPD By-Laws Unit to-
   Undercover officers of the Johannesburg        gether with Johannesburg Central and Jeppe
Metro Police Department (JMPD) appre-             SAPS were called to assist with securing the
hended two suspects on Friday night. Whilst       scene and loading of alcohol.
on patrol, the officers were alarmed by two          Five suspects were arrested and detained
vehicles. With the assistance of the Westrand     at Jeppe SAPS. Four suspects were arrest-
Flying Squad and SAPS, the vehicles were          ed for the contravention of the Disaster
searched and alcohol was discovered in both       Management Act by selling, dispensing, and
vehicles.                                         transporting liquor, while one suspect was
   Upon questioned, the suspects provided         arrested for bribery.
information and were taken with police to            Alcohol worth approximately R1 000 000
the location where they purchased the alco-       was seized and booked in Jeppe SAPS. In
hol, a liquor outlet in Jappenstown. On arriv-    South Africa, alcohol ban has remained after
al, officers staked out the place and observed    the country entered into level 3. Presi-
a line of vehicles, suspected to have also        dent Ramaphosa faces stern opposition in
intended to purchase alcohol.                     the form of the SAB. The South African
   When the officers approached the estab-        Breweries has challenged the legality of the
lishment, all vehicles fled the scene. Officers   alcohol ban, the government though, insists
then met with the manager to question him.        that the sale of alcohol would cause a strain
According to the officers, the manager called     on the country’s already stretched health
his son, who arrived sometime later and           system.
proceeded to offer a R40 000 bribe. Both the
manager and his son were apprehended on
the spot.
   Alcohol was confiscated and the scene               The alcohol conficated from the premise.
Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
4           Community                                                                                                                                  Soweto Urban News | Friday, 22 January, 2021

   Dignified send-off for Eldorado Park father
                                                                                                        Janice Beckett-Msiza                             ers,” said Klein who supported the family
                                                                                                                                                         throughout the tough weeks.
                                                                                                        During these tough times, finding good             Klein concluded the interview by sharing
                                                                                                        samaritans in the community can be hard,         that community members needs to stand
                                                                                                        however, there are those who are always          with each other during such times.
                                                                                                        willing to go an extra mile.                        He also added that he would like to see
                                                                                                          Kevin Klein, Yolanda Watkins and Rob-          more support from the local businesses
                                                                                                        erta Disppenaar managed to assist a family       when such unfortunate cases happen in the
                                                                                                        in Eldorado Park, Extension 6 with funeral       community. After three weeks of strug-
                                                                                                        arrangements for their father.                                            gling to bury
                                                                                                          According to Klein, there was no one                                       their father,
                                                                                                        working in the deceased’s household. He                                        the family
                                                                                                        was living with one of his stepdaughters                                        finally put
                                                                                                        and she had been struggling for three                                            him to rest
                                                                                                        weeks trying to get her father buried.                                            with a
                                                                                                          The group of three managed to get the                                           beautiful
                                                                                                        City of Johannesburg, Social Development                                          send off.
                                                                                                        to assist as well. “The family didn’t even
                                                                                                        have food and our councillor elect, pro-
                                                                                                        vided a food parcel for the family and we
                                                                                                        went to our local shops to collect groceries
                                                                                                        for the funeral. Today, we experienced
                                                                                                        being turned away from businesses but
                                                                                                        then we were welcomed at others. The
                                                                                                        most unlikely businesses donated,”
                                                                                                        said Klein.
                                                                                                          The residents even assisted in
                                                                                                        getting the death certificate for
                                                                                                        the family. “We would like
                                                                                                        to thank Spar, Badac and
                                                                                                        Gershwin, the local grocery
                                                                                                        supplier who has a vegeta-
                                                                                                        ble stall in Extension 5. We
                                                                                                        would also like to thank
                                                                                                        the butcher called Jesus Is
                                                                                                        Love for assisting us with
                                                                                                        the meat that we needed to
                                                                                                        cook for the funeral. Thank
                                                                                                        you to councillor elect
                                                                                                        Yolanda Watkins, for going
                                                                                                        the extra mile and thank        Kevin Klein who was supporting the family from the beginning
      Family and locals assist in closing the grave at the cemetery.                                    you to Zimelni Undertak-        of their fathers death.

                                                                                                         WhatsApp postpones data
                                                                                                         share policy after backlash
                                                                                                         Siya Ndlela                                      new member to an old one, Mandla Khu-
                                                                                                                                                          zwayo said he already had Telegram for
                                                                                                          With WhatsApp users flocking to al-             years, so the switch was not a difficult one.
                                                                                                          ternative social media messaging apps,          “I’ve been using Telegram for a couple of
                                                                                                          WhatsApp has backtracked on its decision        years. I was introduced to it by a colleague.
                                                                                                          to enforce new privacy policies from the        I have been using it to send larger files, but
                                                                                                          8th of February.                                not so much for texting. I see a lot more
                                                                                                            Instead, WhatsApp has now given users         people now have joined in,” said Khuz-
                                                                                                          until the 15th of May to familiarise them-      wayo.
                                                                                                          selves with the new policy before making           As fears around privacy mount, social
                                                                                                          a decision.                                     media users have accused the messaging
DJ1D has rested.                                                                                            Both Telegram and Signal had received         app giant of trying to steal personal infor-
                                                                                                          massive spikes in registered users over         mation.

Rest in peace Wandile Nzimande
                                                                                                          the past few weeks as social media users           WhatsApp has though, through a blog
                                                                                                          searched for an alternative day-to-day          post, denied these claims.
                                                                                                          social media messaging app.                        WhatsApp said there had been confusion
Mandlakayise Hlatshwayo                              Thursday and do a run to collect on Monday.”           Ipeleng Magoro (21) said although she         as to what the new privacy terms would
                                                        That is basically a short version of how Lox-     was not sure what the new policy meant,         mean. “We’ve heard from so many people
Everyone who owns any Loxion Kulca                   ion Kulca started before blowing up to become        she had already made a swift switch to          how much confusion there is around our
item would be sad to know that, Mzwandile            a household name in Mzansi.                          Telegram. “I actually accidentally agreed to    recent update. This update does not expand
Nzimande, the co-founder of the label passed            More than two decades later, Loxion Kulca         those terms without reading, to be honest,”     our ability to share data with Facebook,”
away on January 13.                                  supplies its products to many major reputable        she said.                                       the blog post read.
   Also widely known as DJ 1D, the news              retailers throughout South Africa and neigh-           “Then when people started sharing                “No one will have their account sus-
of his death was tweeted by @SA_HipHop-              bouring countries. Some products even reach          articles about how our chats would be           pended or deleted on February 8. We’re
Awards thus, “The South African Hip-hop              countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Ghana,              analysed and how much personal                       also going to do a lot more to clear up
fraternity mourns the death of an icon and           Nigeria, Congo, England, France, Germany,            information the app would be sharing                     the misinformation around how
pioneer Wandile DJ1D Nzimande. We’d like to          India, USA, and Switzerland.                         with Facebook, I deactivated my                              privacy and security works on
send our condolences to his friends and family          Nzimande always offered support, smiles           WhatsApp account and moved                                        WhatsApp. We’ll then go
during this difficult time. May his soul rest in     and a hearty warming laugh to encourage those        to Telegram. I’m getting used                                         to people gradually to
eternal peace #RIPDJ1D.”                             around him. His love for his family, work and        to telegram now.”                                                        review the policy
   Described as a street culture icon, legend        community is evident. Everything he put his            From a                                                                  at their own pace
and a pioneer who paved a way for many               mind to, he achieved with greatness and grace,                                                                                 before new busi-
Sowetans who had big dreams, Wandi was               inspiring the ones behind.                                                                                                    ness options are
born in April 1976 in Soweto to Gugulethu               He leaves behind his beloved wife Hlapog-                                                                                available on May 15,”
Radebe and Vusumuzi Nzimande.                        adi and his three strong and brave girls Senzi,                                                                           WhatsApp added.
   His love of street culture and fashion is what    Zandi and Zwelethu as well as with his two                                                                               While Telegram seems
inspired him to start Loxion Lulca with his          brothers Bheki and Ayanda.                                                                                          to be leading the way for an
friends as a side hustle.                               There’s is no doubt about the impact                                                                          alternative app, rival Signal is
   Nzimande once stated, “When we started in         Mzwandile Nzimande has had on SA and                                                                          close at the heels with an en-
1999, the hip-hop culture was big. We wanted         almost the entire world at the age of 44 with                                                              dorsement from South African born
to incorporate a bit of that into our look. I love   his famous Loxion Kulca and as a media                                                                     billionaire, Elon Musk, who simply
hats and so we got aunts and grannies to knit        personality.                                                                                               tweeted “use Signal” to his 42.5 mil-
hats for us that turned into our iconic beanies.        The cause of his death hasn’t been made                                                                lion Twitter followers in addition to
We sold hundreds of thousands of beanies.            known as of yet and he was laid to rest this                                                         being openly critical of WhatsApp’s sister
Getting them made was a big challenge, so we         past Monday with his funeral service live                                                            app, Facebook.
would commission ladies in the street to cro-        streamed on social media due to COVID-19
chet them. We’d leave the wool with them on a        restrictions.
Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
Soweto Urban News | Friday, 22 January, 2021                                                                                                                             Community             5

Young men gather in Soweto for a Thezi Session.

'Women are not killing each other'
Siya Ndlela                                     recalled.                                           led by men.                                       of Soweto, inviting young men around a
                                                   “That phone call is how the idea started.           “The women have spoken, they have              bonfire to come to speak, share opinions,
Thezi Sessions is an initiative which could     At that point, we had no idea how big it            been speaking, and crying for a long time.        learn new habits and unlearn old ones. “The
be distilled from a single conversation         would be. Mthobisi pointed out that young           Now where are the men?                            response has been overwhelming.
Tshepo Lekwape had with his late friend,        women were dying and there was nothing                We are the ones who have to speak now             People ask us why we have not gotten a
Mthobisi Ndlovu.                                significant us young men were doing about           because the truth is, women are not kill-         bigger venue. So we really appreciate the
  It was during hard lockdown, in May 2020      it, from that conversation, Thezi Sessions          ing each other, men are committing these          effort, not just from men alone, women have
when Tshepo received a call. A concerned        was born. In fact, he hosted us for our first       crimes. Even as men we are scared to go           asked if they could be part of this conver-
Mthobisi suggested that something ought to      session.”                                           outside at night because we are afraid of         sation but we wanted a space where men
be done about the scourge of Gender-Based           The sessions would be a group of men            other men, because we know what men are           could speak and solutions could be offered
violence ravaging through Soweto.               involved in various community-building              capable of, it must be said clearly that the      by other men, who may have been in a
 “We were already a group – Soweto              initiatives - of which included the conver-         problem lies squarely with men,” Lekwape          similar situation or have a better under-
  Young Men United. We were not entirely        sation around Gender-Based Violence and             said.                                             standing. We also recommend therapy
sure what we were going to do, but we knew      Femicide (GBVF). This conversation in                 The group, which has up to 15 founding          or counselling if necessary,” concluded
that we had to do something,” Lekwape           particular, according to Lekwape, should be         members travelled around various townships        Lekwape.

                                 Msomi advocates Olebogeng wants
                                 against GBV     to empower GBV
                                   Nhlanhla Khomola                                                Nhlanhla Khomola
                              Nomkhosi Msomi, a 45-year -old, Soweto born motivation-
                              al speaker is an abuse survivor who has been through a lot           Olebogeng Moemisi, founder and a chairper-
                               of hardships in her life.                                           son of Sister’s Keeper Movement , a Soweto
                                    ‘’ It took me 30 years before I could narrate my story         born entrepreneur, and a woman of many
                                         to the next person, looking at how GBV was                talents advocates against Gender Based
                                            taking a toll rise, I decided to come out of the       Violence (GBV).
                                              closet and speak out, with an aim of helping            Moemisi is a mother of two teenage boys
                                                people who are in abusive relationships            and a professional chef who has recently
                                                 know that there is always a way out no            opened up about her rape ordeal which took
                                                  matter how difficult it may look or seem, I      place at a tender age of five.
                                                   started speaking out at church, then funer-        The ordeal inspired her to start a move-
                                                    als, schools and events”, Said Msomi.          ment of activism against GBV. Her experi-
                                                        “My purpose is to warn women not to        ence has seen her in platforms where she has
                                                    stay in abusive relationships, if you can      been a motivational speaker to young boys
                                                    see the signs, run for your life before it     and girls at schools, churches and events.
                                                     is too late. All this abuse starts verbally      The movement is also in response to the         Olebogeng stands against GBV
                                                      then escalates to physical which some of     scourge of GBV that plagues the country.           Nhlanhla Khomola
                                                      our sister’s don’t survive and unfor-        The murders of Tshegofatso Pule, Sanelisiwe
                                                       tunately end up in coffins. The abuse       Mfaba and many others, paint a gruesome                 issues such as physical and sexual
                                                        I suffered led to anger which had me       picture of what women are faced with in this            abuse. 0800-055-555
                                                        arrested three times,”she added.           country.                                            •   Child Welfare South Africa focuses on
                                                           Msomi’s experience made her strong          “This is a biggest crisis that SA as a              child protection, childcare and family
                                                         and bold to the extent that she decided   whole is facing. We recently learnt about               development. Neglect and child abuse
                                                         to be a motivational speaker to em-       the killing of Ntombifuthi (allegedly by                can also be reported. Call 074-080-
                                                         power people who have been abused.        her boyfriend in Mzimhlophe) and the little             8315 or email info@childwelfaresa.
                                                         She focuses more on HIV/AIDS talks,       girl from Meadowlands who was raped and       
                                                         GBV and children with special needs.      murdered along with her friend in Vlakfon-          •   Families South Africa (FAMSA)
                                                            Msomi is pleading with the com-        tein when she was visiting her father. As a             provides counselling and education to
                                                         munity to help her with at least a        movement we are dealing with many cases                 help improve marriages and families,
                                                         tablet or a laptop which she can use to   , if it’s not rape, it’s femicide or women              it helps in cases of domestic violence
                                                          diarise her meetings and write down      getting threats from their partners, this on its        and trauma, divorce and meditation
                                                          her speeches and so forth. If you are    own is draining’’, said Moemisi.                        011-975-7106/7
                                                          willing to donate, contact Msomi on                                                          •   The trauma centre provides trauma
                                                                                                    Who to call if you need help:                          counselling and violence prevention
                                                         078 412 9036.
                                                                                                                                                           services for people affected by
                                                                                                    •   People Opposed to Woman Abuse                      violence- 021-465-7373
                                                                                                        (POWA)- provides counselling 011-              •   Thuthuzela Care Centres ( TCCs)
                                                   Msomi takes us through her journey                   642 -435.                                          are one stop facilities that have been
                                                   on conquering rape ordeals which                 •   Childline South Africa which helps                 introduced as a critical part of South
                                                   strengthened her to stand for fellow                 abused children and their families with            Africa’s anti-rape strategy- 0800-428-
                                                   women.                                               free counselling service, deals with               428
Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
6        Community                                                                                                                             Soweto Urban News | Friday, 22 January, 2021

  What’s on your mind?

      We asked people what
                                                 I don’t trust this vaccine, it       This whole thing about              I would not mind the vaccine        The vaccine is great
       their thoughts about                      seems like it would kill us          vaccines and viruses is very        if its tried and tested, but if     because it is going to reduce
         the vaccine are.                        faster than the virus. I would       confusing. I prefer not to be       professionals are unsure,           curfew and cases. I am
                                                 prefer to self quarantine.           vaccinated.                         then I don’t even wanna try         looking forward to it.
                                                 Hence we keep ourselves                                                  it.
                                                 healthy through exercise.

                                                            Lucky Manganye                             Trust Nkuna                     Thabiso Theron                        Lesedi Nthite

                                                                                                  Opening of schools postpone
                                                                                                  Siya Ndlela                                      Command Council and Cabinet, has taken
                                                                                                                                                   the decision to delay the reopening of
                                                                                                  The Department of Basic Education has            both public and private schools with two
                                                                                                  announced that the date of the reopening of      weeks,“ said Mhaule.
                                                                                                  both public and private schools will be the        Questions had previously been raised
                                                                                                  15th of February 2021. The announcement          around the issue of private schools, some
                                                                                                  was made by the Deputy Minister of Basic         of whom had already opened. The depart-
                                                                                                  Education, Reginah Mhaule at a press             ment said those schools would have to
                                                                                                  briefing on Friday morning.                      close and re-open at a later date.
                                                                                                    According to Mhaule, the decision for            “This [delay in the opening of school]
                                                                                                  the late opening of schools was unanimous        includes private schools that have reo-
                                                                                                  from all stakeholders, which included, the       pened already.
                                                                                                  Council of Education Ministers (CEM),              They will need to postpone their reopen-
                                                                                                  the Heads of Education Departments Com-          ing to a later date,” she added.
                                                                                                  mittee (HEDCOM), the national school               According to the Department’s revised
                                                                                                  governing body associations, teacher un-         calendar, School Management Teams
                                                                                                  ions, learner formations, principal associ-      (SMT) will be the first to open on Mon-
                                                                                                  ations, and the national associations repre-     day, 25 January 2021. Teachers to follow
                                                                                                  senting independent schools. The decision        on Monday, 1 February 2021, and lastly,
                                                                                                  was made in light of the recent spike in         learners to begin attending on Monday, 15
                                                                                                  Covid-19 cases as South Africa experienc-        February 2021.
                                                                                                  es the second wave of the outbreak.                “The SMTs will go first to prepare for
                                                                                                    “Given the pressure experienced by             the return of teachers, and the teachers
                                                                                                  the health system in the past few weeks,         will prepare for the return of learners.
Local taxi drivers are working together with commuters to make sure that COVID -19                occasioned by increased COVID - 19 in-           Schools will use the time to finalise out-
protocols are observed.                                                                           fections which has led to the second wave,       standing matters, regarding admissions,

Taxis play their part
                                                                                                  the Council of Education Ministers in            especially the unplaced learners in certain
                                                                                                  conjunction with the National Coronavirus        cases, “said the Deputy Minister.

in curbing the virus
Mandlakayise Hlatshwayo                         ride.
                                                    Mlungisi Vange from Protea Glen said,
Taxi drivers with taxis commuting around        “We appreciate the effort of the JMPD
Soweto and Protea Glen have pledged to play     because without taxis, some of us would be
their part in curbing COVID-19 while on the     jobless.” Mandla Nkosi from Chiawelo ex-
road.                                           pressed gratitude towards responsible drivers,
The JMPD Community Outreach Unit                who comply with stipulated regulations.
Members engaged with the local taxi drivers        He said, “We are very appreciative of
and passengers plus pedestrians from Soweto     responsible drivers who put commuters’ lives
about the importance of road safety.            first. Some people do not have vehicles, so
  The campaign took place at Bara Taxi Rank     taxis are our lifeline. Imagine contracting the
where even people from different parts of the   virus on your way to work.”
country depart and arrive.                         Minnaar said, “We are always motivating
  The spokesperson for the JMPD, Wayne          responsibility on and off the road. Having
Minnaar said, “We emphasised the impor-         taxis play their part in curbing the virus
tance of wearing a mask during this pandemic    interacting with both commuters and drivers.”
and the implications of not wearing one while   People must always wear their masks as a
out in public.”                                 way of protecting themselves and the other
  The taxi marshals ensured the officers that   people around them and always keep their
everyone gets sanitized and that no person      hands sanitized while maintaining safe social     Emshukantambo Secondary School learners will have to wait until the 15th of February to
without a face mask was allowed to take a       distancing.                                       return to school.

 Celebrate International Day of Education
 Janice Beckett-Msiza                     Educational, Scientific and Cultural         How will school attendance be
                                          Organization (UNESCO), the theme          for the rest of the year? Is it safe
 Education is a basic need and            for 2021 is ‘Recover and Revital-         for children to even return to school
 everyone has the right to an edu-        ize Education for the COVID-19            with the second wave of Covid-19
 cation. January 24 is International      Generation’.                              so evidently present?
 Day of Education, a day made offi-         As we are leading up to cele-              There are many questions and
 cial by the United Nations General       brate the day, the Basic Education        concerns that parents have during
 Assembly.                                Department has also announced that        these times. The United Nations,
   The day is celebrated because          schools will no longer open on Jan-       however, is encouraging the world
 of the role which education brings       uary 27, but rather on February 15.       to step up collaboration and inter-
 such as peace and development in           As many parents such as Clin-           national solidarity to place edu-
 our society. The Covid-19 pandem-        ton Sing and Marcelle Smith are           cation and lifelong learning at the
 ic changed the education system          relieved with the announced as            centre of the recovery and the trans-
 drastically last year as many learn-     their son gets to remain at home,         formation towards more inclusive,
 ers had to be home schooled or they      safe from contact with others and         safe and sustainable societies. 2021
 had to attend school one week on         hopefully away from the virus, the        is the time to recover and revitalise
 and one week off.                        concern is now on how will their          education for the Covid-19 gener-         Children had to become familiar with learning from online
 According to the United Nations          children deal with the work load?         ation.                                    platforms. Photo by Katerina Holmes.
Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
Soweto Urban News | Friday, 22 January, 2021                                                                                                                             Community              7

  Health, beauty & fashion

                              Nyathi's dream to revive local pageantry
                               Siya Ndlela                                               contests.
                                                                                            “Look, when you were a teenager and you were
                              The dream to see grassroots pageant contests               part of a pageant you could not do certain things,
                              make their way back to the townships of Soweto             you could not party, date, they was a way to carry
                              is slowly becoming a reality. Soweto born Mbali            yourself. These principles are what kept us away
                               Nyathi is on a mission to revive local pageantry.         from so many negative aspects of growing up in
                                    Nyathi herself is no stranger to the crown,          the townships. We were never into drugs because
                                      the 42-year -old is a former winner of the         it was not allowed for example. I look at high
                                       contest, having clinched the crown back           school girls today and they do not have structure
                                           in 1992.                                      like that,” she said.
                                                      “It was one of those special          And so the idea for Lathi – Tha Modeling’s
                                                      things. It was a lot more          first CWJ was born. After weeks of practice and
                                                        than about the crowns            preparation, 29 girls between the ages of 9 and 17
                                                          and everything it was          took to the stage to contest for the crown of Sen-
                                                            attitude, it was a way       ior Miss CWJ and Junior Miss CWJ. By sunset, it
                                                              to carry yourself and      was 16-year-old Gugulethu Nhlapo and 12-Year-
                                                                it was an education      Old Noluthando Miya who would walk away with
                                                                   in a way,” she        the prestigious honours in their respective age
                                                                     recalled.           group. Nyathi though, insisted all the girls were
                                                                          This is the    winners in her eyes.
                                                                         education          “It was never a contest,” she said.
                                                                           Nyathi           “It was showing them a glimpse into the pag-
                                                                             wished      eant world, I hope they all enjoyed the experi-
                                                                             to pass     ence.”
                                                                             on to the      Senior Queen winner, Gugulethu Nhlapo said
                                                                             younger     she was ecstatic to be part of the event and had no
                                                                            genera-      expectation of winning.
                                                                           tion. She        “I didn’t think I’d be crowned queen at all, I’m
                                                                          expressed      very happy and this is such a special day,” she
                                                                         her frustra-    said after her crowning. A teary Noluthando Miya      Winners, Natalie Masuku and Thandeka Nyandeni.
                                                                       tion at seeing    said she was looking forward to continuing the
                                                                      these kinds        pageant journey.                                      said.
                                                                    of contests die         “I’m beyond happy, I don’t know what to say.         According to Nyathi, plans to host the event at
                                                                   out and believed      I’m grateful for the chance and the patience that     various parts of Soweto are already in motion and
                                                                 teenage girls could     was given to us over the past few weeks, and I        she invites any sponsors who would like to be part
                                                               benefit from such         want to continue with a few more contests,” she       of the initiative.

Cycling away from the gutter                                                                                                                                             Playing to score in life.

Mandlakayise Hlatshwayo
Owning and caring for their bicycles like
their elders mind their cars has kept some
boys from Protea on route to a better life
and disciplined.
   Kabelo Mashigo is only a Grade 10
Learner, but he has already built himself
about four bicycles. The bicycles he’s capa-
ble of building himself are not just weak and
frail rides that may crumble at any street,
they’re proving to endure any distance.
   Together with his crew, on one of his
own bicycle, Mashigo has rode to as far as
the Mall of Africa in Midrand. The young
crew in fly two-wheelers may have just
passed your neighbourhood and street, they
call themselves
   The Titanic Crew, cruising kilometres
away from home
   Their self-made bicycles always safely
return them home.
   At Grade 9, Reagile Kole is very street
smart, he most probably learnt most of the
things he knows about the streets while
riding on his bike.
   The young man said, “My fly Bicycle
makes me happy.” Mashigo and Kole are
from the same crew; and their methods

                                                                                                      Self preservation through soccer
seem to work for them.
   Mashigo manages to
study while he is active
with his bike on the
streets, while, Kole only                                                                            Mandlakayise Hlatshwayo                         Playing soccer has a way of freeing one’s
gets active on his bike                                                                                                                              mind and as we play here, some of us be-
on weekends so he can                                                                                Playing soccer for the youth of Protea Glen     come good friends.”
focus on his school                                                                                  is more than just a hobby, it’s a way the          Loyal soccer fans haven’t been able to
work.                                                                                                young boys get to preserve themselves from      attend stadiums to revel over their favourite
   The bikes may                                                                                     the gutter.                                     teams, however, when their teams play, they
seem like a means of                                                                                    With the country currently on Level Three    get thrilled watching them at home just as
transport for the young                                                                              for Lockdown, in an attempt to curb the         much as they do at the stadiums.
minds, but, in all hon-                                                                              number of new infections. Many young               Kabelo Letselebe started playing football
esty; their bikes keep                                                                               people, especially, those that have just        at a very tender age of 8. He is still pas-
them away from the                                                                                   finished Grade 12 find themselves with too      sionate about playing his favourite sport
gutter.                                                                                              much time in their hands and some fall into     and mentioned that, “Not only does playing
   When the bicy-                                                                                    depression.                                     soccer help me improve my stamina, but it
cle was invented, it                                                                                    So to avoid depression and over think-       has also helped me lose weight and maintain
prompted the building                                                                                ing, the youth from Protea keep themselves      a good and healthy weight. I’m confident.”
of roads long before                                                                                 occupied with their favourite sport. Thulani       Letselebe concluded that even though he
cars were thought                                                                                    Mnini expressed their love for soccer and       is not anticipating to play professional soc-
of, thus also creating                                                                               how it doesn’t have to be too formal for        cer, playing the game helps him open up his
road signs and maps. Bicycles reduced the          Reagile Kole (left) Kabelo Mashigo (top)          them, so long as they meet and play their       mind so that he is aware of his true potential
dependence on horses for transport and help        focused on the road.                              favourite sport.                                and of all the opportunities that come his
commuters get around quicker.                                                                           Mnini said, “We love football and fitness.   way
Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
8          Community                                                                                                                            Soweto Urban News | Friday, 22 January, 2021

              INTRODUCING SA                A brand new year and a clean, fresh start!
                                                   Food i e and c hef wi t h a ‘d ash’ of c l ass
                                                   The colours of fresh ingredients, the aroma of something delicious cooking away on the
                                                   stove, food memories and conversations with people who are as passionate about food
                                                   is what truly inspires Dashania Murugas, or better known as Dash! Her business, Food By
                                                   Dash, offers recipe development, food styling and catering for intimate events. Her skills
                                                   have grown beyond the kitchen as she writes recipes for people at home to follow, for food
                                                   brands looking for new ways to promote their products and for restaurants to establish
                                                   consistency and empower their kitchen staff with skills development and training. True girl
                                                   power! Dash also loves … and is simply fantastic at … food styling! She does food styling
                                                   for TV commercials, adverts in print and online.
                                                   To check out more of her phenomenal works, follow @foodbydash on Instagram and
                                                   Facebook or visit
A seamless coffee affair
                                                                                                                                                   Da sh’s sum m er y sa la d
Coffee, coffee, coffee! Yes, we just cannot live                                                                                                  A yummy prawn and avocado salad with a
without coffee … well, most of us at least.                                                                                                       ginger dressing we can’t wait to try!
And for Joburg coffee lovers, we introduce
                                                                                                                                                  Serves 2–4, ready in 30 minutes
Seam Coffee. This really cool, award-winning
                                                                                                                                                  For the salad :       For the dressing:
business offers consumers a new and                                                                                                                1 head baby gem            60 ml olive oil
unique approach to coffee and trust us, it’s                                                                                                       lettuce, rinse and         1 tsp fresh ginger,
revolutionary!                                                                                                                                     separate the leaves        finely grated
Instead of looking at coffee as a lifeless                                                                                                         1 avocado, cut in          1/2 tsp fresh garlic,
commodity, Seam sees coffee as the                                                                                                                 quarters                   finely grated
livelihoods that the crop underpins. The team                                                                                                      300g peeled &              1 lime, cut in half
from Seam visits farms, learns about struggles                                                                                                     blanched prawns            and squeezed for
on these farms and, most importantly, shakes                                                                                                       2 sweetcorn cobs,          juice
                                                                                                                                                   grilled, cut off the cob   1 tsp good quality
hands on a price that exceeds the cost of
                                                                                                                                                   80g sugar snaps            honey
production. Their belief is that if coffee can                                                                                                     2 fresh red chillies,      Salt & pepper
create a community where it’s consumed, it                                                                                                         finely chopped
should then also build communities where                                                                                                           (optional)
it is grown. Not only is Seam Coffee looking                                                                                                       Handful fresh
after the farmers, they use eco-friendly                                                                                                           coriander, chopped
cartons for their coffee too. Their gable top                                                                                                      Method
cartons are a world first for speciality coffee                                                                                                    Combine the olive oil, ginger, garlic, lime
and have so many awesome benefits that are                                                                                                         juice, honey with a whisk in a small mixing
all environmentally friendly. They even have                                                                                                       bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Arrange
reusable coffee storage jars, available at cost                                                                                                    the lettuce leaves, avocado, prawns,
price, to ensure that your coffee stays fresh                                                                                                      sweetcorn & sugar snaps on a large plate.
and aromatic! You can visit SEAM coffee @                                                                                                          Sprinkle the chopped coriander on top &
thirdspace at Valley View Centre, Fourways.                                                                                                        serve with the ginger salad dressing & fresh
For more information, visit                                                                                                        red chilli if you’d like the heat.

Wash those hands!
Looking for a soap bar that contains no
animal products? Look no further! Securex
Active Hygiene Soap substitutes animal
products with pure vegetable oils and Aloe
Vera, ingredients that your skin simply loves.
This gentle alternative offers the best of both
worlds with 99.9% germ protection and
soothing aloe vera. So go on and pick up a
bar during your next shop.                         K ick-star t a healthier eating convenience                                        Get that Insta-glow for your skin
                                                   It’s a new year … which means new habits to help you on your way to a              Ladies … we have the perfect new skincare
                                                   happier healthier you.                                                             product for that gorgeous Instagram-worthy glow!
                                                   UCOOK offers you the chance to enjoy super healthy meals without the               Introducing … Smooch Skincare.
                                                   pressure of slogging away for hours (time we’d much rather be using to             They’re all about self-love, authenticity and
                                                   work out right?) in the kitchen.                                                   self-expression and that’s what their products
                                                   Starting this month, UCOOK is challenging you to a UCOOK 21-Day                    help you express.
                                                   Challenge to encourage healthier habits. All UCOOK menus will boast                This millennial-targeted range boasts skincare
                                                   dishes that will fit naturally into most new year eating plans. Discover           solutions such as their intensive hydrating serum
                                                   menus that are packed with protein power, dishes that celebrate good               (H2)OH MY!, brightening serum Honeymoon Glow
                                                   carbs and how they’re great for us, and recipes designed to shine a                and the ultimate anti-ageing serum Forever Young.
                                                   spotlight on gut health. Working with an in-house nutritionist, they’re also       Smooch Skincare offers a range that is natural,
                                                   excited to launch nutritional information for each and every recipe that           cruelty-free and formulated with the most precise
Di shes done easy
                                                   can be accessed on-site before you order.                                          ingredient combinations
Take the effort out of washing dishes with
                                                   If you’re ordering the UCOOK Meal Kits, or just interested in healthier            You can shop Smooch Skincare at:
MAQ Dishwashing Liquid, South Africa’s best
                                                   living alternatives, following UCOOK on Facebook and Instagram for more   as well as on
performing dishwashing liquid.* Its concentrated
                                                   content on forming better relationships with food as well as daily healthy and
high-foam formula contains limonene, a
powerful degreasing agent, for dishes that         habit content. Take the UCOOK 21-Day Challenge whenever you’re ready               Follow @smooch.skincare on Facebook and
sparkle. *When compared to the best-selling        and get back in the swing of things this new year (without the pressure).          Instagram for more skincare tips and product
dishwashing liquid in SA.                          For more info and yummy meal options, visit                       information.
Service delivery issues for Eldos flats continue - Sowetourban Epaper
Soweto Urban News | Friday, 22 January, 2021                                                                                                                                 Community              9


                                           The reawakening of Ashler’s
                                           blossoming career
                                           Siya Ndlela                                                Even though she was born into a musical
                                                                                                    family, with essentially all her close family
                                             Ashler is ready to take on 2021 with a bang.           members being involved in music one way or
                                             The 31-year-old singer/songwriter has been             another, you may be surprised to know that her
                                             hard at work in the studio and recently re-            family was not at all keen on then 16-year-old
                                           leased an album titled Full Bloom, a work she            Ashler pursuing music.
                                                 said, was for the people.                            “I think it was 2004 or 5, but I was still in
                                                       “I designed the album with people
                                                       in mind. I wanted something that
                                                        people could relate to and mostly I             "I wanted it to be an
                                                        wanted it to be an appreciation of
                                                        us and our culture, the black South            appreciation of us and
                                                         African culture. It’s a bit of love,           our culture, the black
                                                             a bit of Amapiano and a bit of
                                                             Kasi,” Ashler explained.                  South African culture."
                                                               Despite spending seven years
                                                            in the United States, Mathulare                                                Ashler
                                                           Ashler Mathikge, simply known
                                                          as Ashler is Sowetan through-             high school. Obviously, they wanted me deep
                                                         and-through. She was born and              in the books so I’d lie and sneak out to go
                                                        raised in Soweto, during a time             record music, even though we had very poor
                                                         she said, heavily influenced her           resources, it was literally just a little studio on
                                                          decision to pursue music.                 top of some vetkoek tuckshop, but the passion
                                                             “Yoh we grew up around the             from everyone involved was definitely there,”
                                                          time of TS Records, bo Mzekeze-           she humorously recalled.
                                                               ke, bo Brown Dash. We loved             Still, though, Ashler did not completely
                                                                     it because it was a pres-      neglect her books, her mother’s insistence
                                                                         entation of Kasi, we       on education is what motivated her to study
                                                  Twitter :                truly believed in the    further, and get her Mixed Farming tertiary
                                             @Ashler2point0                  Kasi culture. We       qualification. A musical epiphany would find
                                                Instagram:                    felt represented      her in between that time - through a student
                                              Ashler2point0                    and we wanted        exchange program to the United States.
                                                 YouTube:                      to be a part of         “When I got to the States it was basically the
                                             Ashler Mathikge                   that, and that’s     same thing, but on a much bigger scale. People
                                                Facebook:                     what really lit the   like Soulja Boy were blowing up, MySpace
                                              Ashlermusica                   spark for me,” she     was big, they were promoting themselves
Soweto born artist, Ashler.
                                                                            said.                   through the internet and that

                                                 Sending messages through music and bars
    Find it
                                                Tshepo Sithole aka Eylien Spark from Sowe-
    online                                      to, Emndeni is on his way to great heights                                                                Mametja crowned 1st prince and overall
                                                with his music while using haters’ to encour-                                                             winner
                                                age him to put in more work.

                                                                                                                                                          Mametja takes
                                                   The 18-year-old artist finished his Grade
                                                12 last year at Curtis Nkondo High School in
                                                Mndeni. He is looking forward to living the
                                                South African dream with his peers who he
                                                started rapping and performing with.
                                                   He learnt that sometimes in life, for one
                                                                                                                                                          crown as
                                                to grow, one has to lose old friends for new
                                                partners. He started rapping back in 2016
                                                while in grade 8, so minor fall offs with
                                                                                                                                                          prince of glam
                                                peers were not enough to suppress the young                                                               Nhlanhla Khomola
                                                artists’ zeal to be part of the rap game.
                                                   He went on to produce and drop an EP                                                                   A 15-year-old Kagiso Mametja was
                                                called ‘You have one new message’. Being                                                                  crowned the 1st prince and overall winner
New community                                   influenced a lot by the likes of Biggy Smalls
                                                who talks about his
                                                                                                                                                          of glamour beauty pageant in December
                                                                                                                                                          2020, at YWCA in Dube.
initiatives for residents                       life in music, Eylien                                                                                        Mametja was born and raised in Naledi
                                                                                                                                                          and comes from a family of two. “I was
in Ward 17                                      Spark who makes
                                                genuine music that
                                                                                        People can
                                                                                   get Eylien Spark’ EP                                                   raised by a single mother who is a retail
                                                speaks about his                  ON Slikour on Life, on                                                  worker and I am a learner at Immaculata
The Democratic Alliance (DA) Ward               personal life and               Audio Mac while they can                                                  Secondary School in Diepkloof , current-
candidate for Ward 17; Ann Adams and            Philosophies about            always text or call 071 592 92                                              ly doing grade 11. I was introduced to
the DA Youth Leader for Ward 17, Cheslin        conquering obsta-                33 for physical copies.                                                  glamour by friends and I took the oppor-
Renecke share community initiatives that        cles.                            People can also follow                                                   tunity to help me boost my confidence. It
they support in their ward.                        From perform-               Eylien_Spark on Instagram                                                  was not an easy journey since it was my
                                                ing in Moletsane             and Eylien Spark on Facebook                                                 first time having to embark on the road of                        while he was still               for at least one positive                                                competing with my mates for a title. Little
                                                part of The Black               message from the young                                                    did I know that God had already set the
                                                Angelz Crew, to                       creative mind.                                                      throne apart for me,” he said.
                                                opening a Kasi Rap                                                                                           “My journey at glamour has been very
                                                Show called Party                                                                                         exciting and motivating. I have learnt how
                                                Yama Projects, the                                                                                        to work with people and how to offer a
              We like, likes :)                 18-year-old is ahead of his peers and deter-          Eylien Spark touches lives.                         helping hand where there is a need. The
                                                mined.                                                                                                    journey has taught me that modelling
 This week, we welcome Gilbert                                                                      the people around him he considered loyal             is not about beauty, nor having a great
 Simaanzi and Bongiwe Khozato our                  Talking about his life in rap and his            friends. He said, “I have learned to always
                                                latest project, Sithole said, “I want people                                                              physical appearance that amuses people
 Soweto Urban News Facebook page.                                                                   go for what I want no matter the weather or           but being passionate about what you do
 Thank You!!                                    to consider atleast one message from the            conditions.”
                                                project like, the fact that poverty doesn’t last                                                          and being vision oriented. I believe that
                                                                                                       Having fans in school who used his music           everything in life is a reflection of choices
                                                forever. My latest project is in depth and has      for motivation made the young star in the
 Find us on facebook/sowetourban                tracks that emphasises facts. It motivates and making realise his potential. He also plays                we make. If you are not happy about
                                                teaches that even if one loses, they still win                                                            something, do it in a different way, that’s
                                                                                                    golf which helps relieve his frustrations as a        the motto that keeps me going,” he added.
                                                experience and courage.”                            young hustler.
            On the go? Follow us                   Eylien Spark just had to use his gift               He said, “I’ve been really talented, I used
                                                                                                                                                             The first prince is currently doing chari-
                                                to keep his head up after he himself was                                                                  ty work as a way of rendering his services
           Get your news on the go, follow                                                          to skate as well. Golf helps activate my brain        and giving back to the community.
           us @sowetourban                      discouraged for his ambitions in music by           to more creativity and calm me.”
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Friday 22 January, 2021                                                                                                                          3 Enjoy!

                                                                                                                                                                 Thaakir Dawood during
                                                                                                                                                                 his community radio show.

 Pimville Westham players (pictured) will
 have to wait a bit longer to get back on
 the pitch as SAFA announces another
 suspension of amateur football.

 as amateur
 football is
                                              Dawood aspires to better
 Siya Ndlela
 The South Afircan Football Association
 (SAFA) has again brought all amateur
                                              the SA sporting industry
                                              Janice Beckett-Msiza                              former SARU president, Brian van Rooyen,
 football to a halt amidst a rapid spike in                                                     current SARU president Mark Alexander
 Covid-19 cases.                                For years, Thaakir Dawood, the public re-       and Golden Lions president Neville Jardine
    “The South African Football Asso-         lations manager of Raiders Rugby Club has         with the latter both coming from Raiders be-
 ciation has suspended, with immediate        been sharing so many sports stories with us.      fore stepping up into national and provincial
 effect, all non-professional football in      This week we delve into his life and get to      roles respectively.”
 the wake of rising case of COVID-19 in-      know him a little better. Dawood admits that         Besides being the PR manager for Raiders
 fections,” a statement from SAFA said.       he can’t remember how old he was when he          Rugby Club, Dawood is also a radio host
    The suspensions extend to training        fell in love with sports but he does remem-       at a community station called ‘Salaamedia’
 sessions, courses, workshops, and all        ber that his first toys were soccer, cricket      where he hosts a sports show paying hom-
 matches, SAFA said the step was taken        and rugby balls.                                  age to our legends and our current sports
 with the view to protect players, staff,        “I did however take a liking to cricket at a   stars in South Africa.
 media, and all personnel involved. Still     young age with the goal of being a profes-           “I also do voluntary work for Futballing
 though, the explanation offered little       sional athlete. The sport didn’t matter I just    Girls non-profit organisation (NPO) where I
 comfort to frustrated football lovers.       wanted to be involved in professional sport,”     handle all their media relations,” he added.
    “I get that it’s for safety reasons,      added Dawood.                                        Dawood has been running with a cam-
 but we had just gotten back to play-           The PR manager completed his three-year         paign called ‘Getting Thaakir Dawood to
 ing football, and now we have to stop        national diploma in Sports Management at          Australasia.’ We asked him about it and why
 again, “said a visibly annoyed Mashudu       the University of Johannesburg and that is        he started it: “This campaign is for me to
 Zwanga.                                      where he saw how broad the South African          raise funds in order to go to Australia and
    Ï think they should have cancelled the                                                      New Zealand to understand how our coun-
 games and the tournaments, but I don’t                                                         terparts coordinate and manage their rugby
 understand why training sessions had to                                                        media outlets. As a result, I would then be
 be suspended as well, “he added.               “Grassroot sport in our                         able to bring back new and insightful prac-
    SAFA said the decision would be            community is doing well,                         tices that may be implemented in the South
 revised in at the end of the month.                                                            African sector.
    “The matter will be reviewed by 31         very well for that matter"                          “In hopes that we too can
 January 2021 when the Association                                                              take our vision and love of
 will make further risk assessments and                                Thaakir Dawood           the game to new levels.
                                                                                                The reason for me                      You can
 advice,” the statement read.                                                                                                  follow Thaakir Dawood
    One thing that will please PSL and                                                          starting this is because
                                              sports industry is.                               I feel there is so much         on Facebook: Thaakir
 Glad Africa Championship followers                                                                                                    Dawood
 is that professional football is set to         Dawood tried his hand at rugby repre-          more to learn about
                                              senting Raiders for a few seasons, however,       media and more spe-            Twitter and Instagram:
 continue.                                                                                                                            _Thaakz_
    “Professional football will contin-       laughs now as he admits that he was not so        cificaly in rugby media.
 ue under the measures already being          good at it. He did not stop there, but went on    One day I will fulfil a
 implemented by our Special Member,           to doing the administrative part of the sport     purposeful role in a South
 the National Soccer League. This must        where he finds his strength in.                   African professional club set
 however be done in compliance with              “My job description included important         up where I manage media and
                                              tasks like ensuring the smooth running of         administration, the same like I do for our      Thaakir Dawood.
 the applicable protocols of the Govern-
 ment’s Risk-Adjusted Strategy of the         the club, working behind the scenes with the      community organisations such as Raiders.”       cation is not enough if you want to be great
 Disaster Management Act with respect         objective of the athletes bettering them-            This year, Dawood would like to work on      in the industry. You will need to engage in
 to the curfew and closure of venues and      selves. Sport is very much a team effort          taking his community radio show commer-         constant learning and gaining experience in
 as is further explained in the Directives    from the player on the pitch to the adminis-      cial and he would also like to take his plat-   the field so that you can confidently apply
 issued by the Minister of Sport, Arts and    tration,” shared Dawood.                          form to national TV or an online platform       everything you learn in real life scenari-
 Culture,” said SAFA.                            When it comes to describing grassroots         so that it can be accessed by the masses to     os.”qualification is not enough if you want
    The Association came under harsh          level sports in our communities, Dawood           educate the youth that there are role models    to be great in the industry, you will need
 criticism for the decision as the sus-       shared: “Grassroots sport in our community        from within their community.                    to engage in constant learning and gaining
 pension effectively ruled as many as 8       is doing well, very well for that matter. We         Dawood concluded the interview by shar-      experience in the field so that you can confi-
 teams out of the 2021 Nedbank Cup.           have produced a number of professional            ing what the most valuable lesson has been      dently apply everything you learn in real life
                                              athletes and administrators. The likes of         so far in his career: “A university qualifi-    scenarios.”
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