Student art earns recognition - Webutuck Central School District

Page created by Cindy Hogan
Student art earns recognition - Webutuck Central School District

                                             Central School District
                                                                                                                                 January 2021

Student art earns recognition
Six Webutuck students turned their           The decision to participate in the contest
creativity loose and entered the Hudson      this year stemmed from an increased
Valley Art Awards, part of the Scholastic    awareness and the nature of the year.
Art & Writing Awards, this year. Three of    “I thought, because of the situation
them won awards in the contest.              we were in, that it would have a lot
Ashe Johnson, 7th; Thomas Beeman, 8th;       of positive meaning for the kids who
Olivia Wickwire, 8th; Haley Winters, 10th;   were still at home. It would give them
Autumn Beeman, 11th; and Christina           something to look forward to and work
Lawrence, 12th, submitted entries.           toward.”

Visual arts teacher Craig Wickwire helped    This year, the contest received 2,000
guide the students as they prepared their    entries from the 16 districts in the
entries for the Drawing/Illustration and     region, though some of the entries
Digital Art categories. There are 17 art     included multiple entries as individual
and 11 writing categories overall.           submissions, said Kimberly Austin of
                                             Sullivan County BOCES which oversees
“I want to congratulate them for their       the region’s event.
diligence and their willingness to show
their work by submitting it,” Wickwire       Thomas Beeman said his older sister,             Thomas Beeman's "WaterColorCityLandscape"
                                                                                              earned a Silver Key Award in this year's Hudson
said.                                                                      See ART Pg. 2      Valley Art Awards."

Morning announcements move to video
From time to time, we all                                                                                   2      - Bus driver returns
experience that sluggishness
in the morning and our                                                                                      3      - Closeness helps EBIS
students are no different.                                                                                         students, staff through
WES Principal Jennifer
Hengen wanted to do                                                                                         4      - District stays remote
something to get everyone                                                                                          through Jan. 25
energized for the day ahead,                                                                                       - WES hosts virtual
so she began creating                                                                                              assemblies
morning announcement
videos which she shares via       A screenshot from a recent SeeSaw video announcement from WES
SeeSaw Mondays, Tuesdays,         Principal Jennifer Hengen.
Thursdays and Fridays.                                               In each video, Hengen
                                 additional information.
“I try to make it engaging and                                       announces the day of the
                                 Technology Director Lauren
fun,” Hengen said, adding                                            week, what letter day it is, a
                                 Marquis provided a way for
that it is also a resource for                                       brief weather report, recites
                                 Hengen to insert sounds
parents as she puts links into                                       the pledge, does a joke of the
                                 into the video to help draw
each video for parents to find                                           See ANNOUNCEMENTS Pg. 3
                                 students’ attention.                                                                                                    WCSD Newsletter      1
Student art earns recognition - Webutuck Central School District
ART from Pg. 1
Autumn, gave him the idea to enter the                                                                junior year. “I spent a lot of time drawing it
contest as she entered it, too.                                                                       and I am really proud of how it came out.”
                                                           Headin g overline
“WaterColorCityLandscape,” Thomas' piece,                                                             She drew “Stop” a few months later.
was recognized with a Silver Key award.                                                               “I was feeling low. Quarantine and online
"I created a watercolor painting of New                                                               school was very difficult to adjust to. I
York City. My inspiration was a video that                                                            decided to draw how I felt and “Stop” is
showed how to make buildings using                                                                    what I was left with.”
watercolor," he said.                                                                                 Lawrence said she plans to pursue a career
Christina Lawrence's pieces, "Stop" and                                                               in art, possibly as an art teacher.
"Attention" received honorable mention as                                                             Autumn Beeman said her watercolor
did Ashe Johnson’s, “Beauty is Pain.”                                                                 portrait of a girl with flowers blooming
Awards are given for Gold Key, Silver Key,                                                            out of her mask was prompted by how
Honorable Mention, American Visions                                                                   important masks had become.
Nominee, and American Voices Nominee.                                                                 “Being in a pandemic, it has become crucial
Typically, awards are presented to students                                                           to wear a mask in public in order to protect
at celebration ceremonies and exhibitions                                                             the health of yourself and others. It has
in each region.                                                                                       been difficult for everyone and some more
“This is phenomenal, it gave me chills                                                                than others, so it’s important to recognize
hearing that,” Wickwire said when told of        Clockwise, from above Christina Lawrence's "Stop"    your impact and the strength you have
the awards. “This wasn’t an assignment.
                                                 and "Attention" received Honorable Mention in        being part of the solution,” she said.
                                                 the Hudson Valley Art Awards contest; entries from
They volunteered for this, so to see three       Haley Winters and Autumn Beekman.                    “This is a huge confidence builder for these
students recognized for their work and                                                                students to move forward and have their
                                                 own submissions, Wickwire said.
dedication to it is outstanding.”                                                                     ideas and feelings affirmed," Wickwire said,
                                                 Lawrence said “Attention” was a media                adding, that the district will “Participate
The students selected which pieces of art
                                                 arts class project toward the end of her             bigger and bolder next year.”
to submit and were responsible for their

 Familiar face returns to transport district children
 Editor's note: This is part of a                                           said Ford who has lived in the    When she is not transporting
 series on WCSD's new hires for the                                         district since 1993 and had three children, Ford enjoys spending
 2020-21 school year.                                                       sons who attended school here. time with her dog, Spike, and
 Christine Ford                                                             Transportation Director Jerry     cat, Patches at her Wassaic

 Bus driver                                                                 Heiser said the decision to bring home and talking to her oldest
                                                                            Ford back was easy. “She was a sons by phone or doing things
 One of the district’s new faces                                            good employee. She was always in person when they visit (her
 for the 2020-21 school year                                                on time, never missed time and youngest son lives with her).
 isn’t new at all. Christine Ford                                           she did a lot in the community." She enjoys cooking meals with
 worked for the district as a                                               Ford is glad to be back.         her boyfriend and watching
 bus driver for 15 years before                                             “Webutuck is a small school      movies.
 leaving for two years to work for                                          district where I feel welcomed       If she never became a bus
 another school district.                                                   being back,” she said. “I missed     driver, Ford said she would have
 “I started missing my home,          really wanted to come back to         seeing the beautiful views. I        gone into something to help
 community and friends. I             Webutuck, to my old bus run           appreciate, every day, being         people, such as working for a
 hated traveling to work and          with my bus kids and families,”       back.”                               hospice organization.                                                                                                    WCSD Newsletter   2
Student art earns recognition - Webutuck Central School District
Family feel helps EBIS
                  Headin g overline

overcome challenges
Change brings challenges, and      students’ birthdays.
the COVID-19 pandemic has          “With remote instruction, I
certainly brought what seems       make sure I send a card to
like endless change. But, as a     them for their birthday,” she
family, we’ve seen it through to   said, adding that she makes
a better 2021 and some of that     weekly calls to her group of        Teachers, including Christine Gillette, participated in virtual Spirit Week this year.
success surely comes from the      students to see if they are  by a fire not too long ago, the                     good with communications.
close-knit nature of the Eugene    doing OK, if they have the   faculty and staff immediately
Brooks Intermediate School                                                                                          “He sends a weekly email to
                                                                worked to help provide
                                   supplies they need and, if not,                                                  keep us informed about what
community - staff and students     she’ll send them.            assistance. When I experienced
alike.                                                                                                              is happening, any changes and
                                 ELA teacher Jenna Garofalo     a medical issue with my                             he keeps the communication
“This year is unlike anything    said that remote instruction,  wife, the group at EBIS came                        channels open so we don’t
we've ever imagined. Though “gave me the ability to almost through with such kindness                               feel like we’re on an island by
we are missing out on so much have kids in my home and          and generosity,” Pascale                            ourselves,” Singleton said.
— in person interactions, in     create a home away from        said. “While I believe our
                                                                                                                    Departments also hold
person learning, hands-on        home for them. I showed them small size contributes to this                        their own virtual chats and
activities, Holiday Breakfast,   my guinea pig, I was working   closeness, it is the kind-hearted
field trips, socializing at      from my boyfriend's house so I individuals who come to EBIS
school — we also have some       introduced them to his dog. … each day that truly create this           “Team and department chats
silver linings,” science teacher it’s more personal.”           atmosphere.”                             keep each other positive
Christine Gillette said.                                        He also pointed to the                   throughout the remote
Staff have made it a point                                             Positivity Project and the        experience. This has been a
                                                  "With remote
to let students know they                         instruction, I       district’s efforts to bring a     constant source of support
are here for them, whether                        make sure I          health clinic to the school       and laughter for us,” Gillette
students attend class in                          send a card to       as examples of the care the       said, pointing to her team’s
                                                  them for their
person or remotely.                               birthday."           district has for its students and participation in Spirit Week as
                                                  – Raquel Singleton   families.                         an example.
“Reaching out via Google                          Teaching Assistant
classroom private comments,                                          Gillette and Singleton praised Of course, being close-knit
or Zoom private Chats, etc.        Principal Matt Pascale said the administrators for their roles in has its drawbacks when you
they need to know this is          staff works well together and, establishing this feeling.          can’t be together. So, the thing
tough for everyone- not just       that while students always                                         Singleton looks forward to
                                                                     “The best thing the              most, as do the rest of the staff,
them,” she said.                   come first, “this group works     administrators can do now is
Teaching assistant Raquel          and operates like a family unit.” to be supportive of staff during is, “seeing the hallways filled
                                                                                                      with students and their smiling
Singleton agrees that staying      When a member of the family this challenging time and we           faces and just being around
in touch is key. One of the        is in need, everyone jumps in     certainly have that,” Gillette   them and celebrating a sense
in-person events that had to       to help.                          said.                            of normalcy.”
be stopped was recognizing         “We had a family displaced        Singleton said Pascale is very

ANNOUNCEMENTS from Pg. 1        About 98 percent of the                 trait, contact information for              of Allegiance, so, Hengen did
                                parents/students participate            herself, the school nurse and               just that.
day and discusses the monthly in SeeSaw and parents have                more. Since the videos are                  “I’ve had good parent
character trait, which for      indicated one of the things             archived, parents can go back               feedback,” she said.
January is perseverance.        that would help them is                 to previous videos and find
                                having access to additional             the links they need when they               Once school resumes in-
“I used myself as an example
                                resources to support students           need them.                                  person using the hybrid
this month. I talked about
                                                                                                                    model, Hengen wants to have
how I can’t stand to see myself during remote learning.                 She asked students for                      some students come to the
on the screen, but I do the     In the video, Hengen provides           suggestions on the videos                   office and help with the video
announcement each day           links to additional information         and one student suggested                   so hers isn’t the only face they
anyway because it is the right to help teach the character              getting a flag for the Pledge               see on the screen.
thing to do,” she said.                                                                                                            WCSD Newsletter       3
Student art earns recognition - Webutuck Central School District
Weekly assembly maintains connections                Headin g overline

Every Wednesday, WES Principal Jennifer Hengen holds an all
school assembly via Zoom to connect with students, do a little
teaching and have some fun.
Hengen may start with a short introductory activity, such as
different ways people can say, “Hi,” virtually then moves on
to the character trait of the month, the Pledge of Allegiance
(recited by a student volunteer), birthdays and a reading lesson.
Leading up to the STEAM Fair, she’s also hoping to feature
students who share project ideas or STEAM projects to inspire
other students to create one of their own and enter.
The assembly is a social emotional learning component.
“Students feel somewhat disconnected with one week in school,
then the next one not. This is something we can keep in place       A slide from Webutuck Elementary School's weekly All School Assembly.
whether we are remote or in-person,” Hengen said.
Staff has been flexible with their Wednesdays because they          effect of Irene's mother being ill or Irene falling into a hole.
recognize the importance of it, she said.                           Hengen said participation has been good, with about 120
Hengen said she was reading the stories herself while sharing       students and staff members making an appearance.
the pages on screen, but for Jan. 6 found a video on YouTube of The Wednesday assembly takes the place of the SeeSaw
someone reading the book, “Brave Irene,” so she shared that link. announcement, though a brief announcement is sent out that
Then, she presented a cause and effect slide, giving students the includes the link to the assembly.
cause and asking them for the effect. For example, what is the

Jan. 25, Board of Education
                                     Students stay remote until Jan. 25

                                                                                                                                                 produced by Dutchess BOCES Communications Division | Eileen Scholes, Director; Irwin M. Goldberg, Public Information Officer
meeting, 7 p.m.                      All Webutuck schools
                                     were closed to
Feb. 1, Board of Education           students and staff
meeting, 7 p.m.                      Tuesday, Jan. 19 as
                                     maintenance workers
Feb. 22, Board of Education          performed a deep
meeting, 7 p.m.                      clean in all buildings.
                                     The decision to close
March 1, Board of Education          school buildings
meeting, 7 p.m.                      and order students
                                     to remain remote
March 15, Board of Education         until at least Jan. 25
meeting, 7 p.m.                      stemmed from a large
                                     and growing amount
March 29-April 2, Spring             of positive COVID-19
Recess                               cases among WCSD
                                     students and staff.
April 5, Board of Education
                                     As of Jan. 15, the      As part of the deep clean, classrooms and restrooms were sprayed.
meeting, 7 p.m.
                                     district had 20 lab
                                     reported positive cases based on residential addresses and 11 students/teachers/staff
April19-23, 26, NYS ELA exams
                                     testing positive.
(subject to change)
                                     We will continue to monitor cases in the district as well as the Dutchess County rate. If the
April 27, Board of Education         situation changes, we will alert you through robocalls, text messages and via our website.
meeting/BOCES vote, 7 p.m            Please stay safe and continue to observe proper safety precautions with regards to wearing
                                     masks, washing hands and staying at safe social distances.                                                                                                  WCSD Newsletter   4
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