Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary
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2 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary 3 Acknowledgements Message from the Mayor I am pleased to present the Reconciliation Reconciliation Group and Reconciliation The City of Melville acknowledges the Bibbulmun people as the Traditional Owners of the land Action Plan (RAP) for 2017-2021 for the City of Australia. on which the City stands today and pays its respects to the Whadjuk people, and Elders both Melville. past and present. Following a number of key achievements This is the City’s second RAP, and is the next associated with the implementation of the The City of Melville would like to thank the Elders, members of the community, and staff stage in our RAP journey. The particular RAP 2013-2016 RAP, which you can read more from across the organisation who have provided valuable input to the second type we developed is called a Stretch RAP, a about on page 5, we can now focus on development of this plan through participation in the Reconciliation Action Stretch RAP aims at challenging organisations our next step. Plan (RAP) Continuous Improvement Team (CIT). and embedding tried and tested strategies through clear and measurable targets. Our Stretch RAP will involve greater The City of Melville would like to acknowledge the artwork by engagement with the community and Brenda Hill, Else Woods, Laurel Nannup, Tania Spencer, The 2017-2021 RAP is aligned with a range working relationships, and broadening our Jason Hirst, Kath Wheatley and Kaya Morrison. of community driven, corporate and strategic networks to advance the great opportunities plans including the Strategic Community already in place. Having this plan allows Melville The City of Melville appreciates the support of Plan, Corporate Plan and Natural Areas Asset to delve deeper into the reconciliation process to Reconciliation Australia in developing its second RAP. Management Plan. It continues to build on the ensure stronger outcomes and positive impacts The goal of Reconciliation Australia is building City’s commitment to promoting and facilitating on our community. The RAP is our commitment relationships, respect and trust between equal opportunity, inclusion and access to all to continuously work towards improving the wider Australian community and members of our community. relationships, opportunities and respect, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander efforts to reconcile our community. Peoples. The Plan has been developed in consultation with a number of stakeholders including the RAP Continuous Improvement Team including staff and local community members, the Djidi Corina Abraham and Hayden Howard from the Mooditj Djidi Aboriginal Women’s Group, the Walyalup Mayor Russell Aubrey Koolangars Leadership Program with local young people.
4 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary 5 Message from The CEO, to the City of Melville’s core values and vision Our Key Achievements Reconciliation Australia for reconciliation. This is exemplified by its commitment to build on the achievements of The City developed its first RAP in 2013. Key Achievements of the Reconciliation Action Plan Reconciliation Australia congratulates the City of its 2013-16 RAP by expanding its oral history 2013-2016 include: Melville on its deep commitment to reconciliation collection, and continuing to collect, archive and as it implements its second Reconciliation share Bibbulmun and Whadjuk oral histories in a • Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country Policy introduced to guide staff Action Plan (RAP). culturally sensitive manner. on protocols and embed respectful processes in City of Melville events and activities. Acknowledgement signage installed at Civic Centre. The implementation of a Stretch RAP signifies The City of Melville is dedicated to driving • Recorded oral histories of four local Aboriginal community members. that the City of Melville is a leading advocate reconciliation through employment and training • Filming of oral history of local Elder Laurel Nannup with support from the Film and Television for reconciliation, and is demonstrating a opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Institute WA Inc. (FTI) - Indigenous Community Stories (ICS) grant. deep dedication to making progress across Islander peoples, as demonstrated by its the key pillars of the RAP program - respect, actionable goal to increase Aboriginal and Torres • Opportunities for staff and the community to participate in Aboriginal cultural activities, such relationships, and opportunities. Strait Islander employment to 1.6% over the as Noongar language workshops, cultural tours at Piney Lakes, Wireless Hill and Willagee and next four years, and advertise all employment shared stories, to mark significant days in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander calendar, The City of Melville understands the importance vacancies in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander such as National Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week events. of building and maintaining respectful media. • Incorporation of Noongar history and culture in the design of projects such as Carawatha Park, relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Wireless Hill interpretive signage and bus shelters. Islander peoples in order to produce mutually On behalf of Reconciliation Australia, I commend • Delivery of cross cultural awareness training to staff and Elected Members. beneficial outcomes. It champions this by taking the City of Melville on its Stretch RAP, and look a local approach to establishing partnerships forward to following its ongoing reconciliation • Developed a reconciliation banner for display at events and programs. with organisations and communities within journey. • Increased participation by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists in the City of Melville’s its sphere of influence, such as the Djidi Djidi annual Art Awards. Women’s Aboriginal Corporation. • Continuous Improvement Team established and maintained to monitor progress of the Justin Mohamed 2013-2016 RAP. Respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories and cultures is key Chief Executive Officer • Developed ‘Engaging with Traditional Owners’, a guide for staff working on land use projects. Reconciliation Australia
6 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary 7 • Aboriginal Engagement Strategy: Directions from Aboriginal Communities 2015-2018 completed, guiding City staff on working with communities to identify and build on strengths and passions in our community. Achievements under key themes are included below: kk Youth and children – Noongar language classes, traditional dance workshops, afterschool sports, school holiday activities and after school library homework program. kk Community – sewing group, NAIDOC Week family event, new parents networking and workshop series kk Sense of place –Djeran Day at Piney Lakes kk Culture – Aboriginal art projects, adult language classes, cultural tours • Engaged with Elders and family members on the feasibility of installing a memorial for the Stolen Generations people within the City of Melville. • New signage at Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre entry recognising it as a significant Aboriginal women’s site. • As an outcome of engaging more Aboriginal people in business, the City of Melville has contracted 20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses during the reporting period. • Acknowledgement of Aboriginal contribution to the defence of Australia in the City of Melville War Memorial. • The City’s commitment to developing our second Reconciliation Action Plan builds on and extends these earlier steps. Elder Sealin Garlett performs Welcome to Country at the Anzac Commemoration and Dedication Service at Wireless Hill. Willagee Boys’ Dance Group
8 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary 9 Our Stretch RAP Use of Terms This Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has been developed as The use of terms in this document has been guided by the advice of the Aboriginal members of the a tool for the City of Melville to take the next step in its commitment to City of Melville’s RAP Continuous Improvement Team (CIT). ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’ reconciliation. This Plan builds on our work on the Reconciliation Action is used in preference to ‘Indigenous’ to refer to the First Australians. The term ‘Bibbulmun people’ Plan 2013-2016, adding targets and benchmarking so that we, as a is used in preference to ‘Noongars’ to refer City, can have tangible indicators of our progress on key actions such as to Aboriginal people from the southwest Figure 1 employment and training. portion of Western Australia including Perth. Koara Bibbulmun is considered to be a more inclusive Amangu Widi Ngurlu The key themes as set by Reconciliation Australia are: term because the term ‘Noongars’ (alternative • Relationships spellings include Nyungars, Nyoongars, • Respect Nyoongahs, Nyungahs, Nyugahs, and Yungas) specifically refers to ‘men’ and there is a Kalamaia • Opportunities separate term, Yorgas, for ‘women’. Juat The City of Melville has created goals and actions against these themes. Actions under the theme of ‘Relationships’ are based on acknowledging key dates in the Aboriginal and It has been acknowledged that traditionally the Balardong Torres Strait Islander calendar, developing our relationships with Aboriginal communities and region of Perth in which the Bibbulmun people Whadjuk organisations, and promoting our RAP, and our commitment to it, to the broader community. resided was part of the Whadjuk (or Wadjuk) PERTH Kalaako territory (see Figure 1). Tindale (1974) explains Njakinjaki Actions under the theme of ‘Respect’ are focused on building our knowledge of past and current the Whadjuk’s territory as extending: “[From Pinjarup cultural practices, cultural protocols, as well as history, including the hurt that has been caused the] Swan River and northern and eastern Wiilman through past Government policies. We have made a commitment to staff training and community tributaries inland to beyond Mount Helena; at educational programs to improve our understanding and awareness. Kalamunda, Armadale, Victoria Planes, south Wudjari Wardandi Kaneang of Toodyay, and western vicinity of York; at Koreng The theme of ‘Opportunities’ is largely focused on setting targets for the employment of Aboriginal Perth; south along the coast to near Pinjarra”. Pibelmen and Torres Strait Islander peoples at the City of Melville, as well as increasing our engagement of Minang Aboriginal organisations and businesses.
10 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary 11 Our Plan Action How we will work towards this goal How we will know we are succeeding Goal: Respectful relationships RAP Continuous Improvement • Ensure representation includes at least • At least three Aboriginal people and one senior Objective: Create opportunities for staff and Aboriginal and Team (CIT) actively monitors three Aboriginal representatives and one manager are on the RAP CIT. Torres Strait Islander community members to develop RAP implementation. senior manager. • Four meetings are held per year. relationships through shared activities • Hold at least four meetings per year. and increased learning. Celebrate National • Organise National Reconciliation Week • Opportunities are provided for all staff to Reconciliation Week to events and support external events. participate in City of Melville Reconciliation Week strengthen and maintain events. relationships between Aboriginal • Collated list of Reconciliation Week events in the and Torres Strait Islander staff City of Melville is promoted. and other staff Maintain mutually beneficial • Ensure correct protocols are followed • South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council relationships with Aboriginal and when engaging with our Aboriginal and (SWALSC) is consulted with annually to ensure Torres Strait Islander peoples, Torres Strait Islander stakeholders. correct protocols are followed. communities and organisations • Build capacity in Aboriginal and Torres • Partnerships are established to build capacity in to support positive outcomes Strait Islander organisations and/or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. communities. Raise internal and external • Promote our RAP through ongoing active • Staff surveys show an increase in awareness of awareness of our RAP to engagement with all stakeholders. reconciliation. promote reconciliation across • Senior leaders will be actively engaged in • The City’s Facebook page has monthly posts on our business, sector and the delivery of RAP outcomes. Reconciliation activities and Aboriginal content. community. Community members and staff on a cultural tour of Piney Lakes during National Reconciliation Week 2017.
12 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary 13 Action How we will work towards this goal How we will know we are succeeding • Deliver cultural education programs to the • Five cultural education programs for the wider Goal: Respect for Aboriginal and wider community and to various school groups community and ten for schools are held per year. Torres Strait Islander culture through Piney Lakes Environmental Education • Fifteen cultural workshops are delivered for Objective: Increased understanding of Aboriginal Centre. young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Torres Strait Islander protocols, history and culture. • Address four key themes (Children and Youth, people per year. Community, Sense of Place and Culture) of the • One intergenerational event for Aboriginal and Aboriginal Engagement Strategy: Directions Torres Strait Islander peoples is provided per Action How we will work towards this goal How we will know we are succeeding from Aboriginal Communities 2015 to 2018 year. Increase knowledge and • Provide cultural learning opportunities for staff • Cultural Learning Strategy is developed. through community programs. • Stolen generation memorial is installed with understanding of Aboriginal to enable continuous cultural learning in all • Online learning is available for all new staff. • Install memorial for Stolen Generations people continuing engagement and guidance from and Torres Strait Islander areas of our business. • Twenty staff participate in face to face cultural within the City of Melville elders. cultures, histories and learning workshops per year. Demonstrate respect to • Review and maintain Welcome to Country • Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement to achievements • Five staff undertake cultural immersion learning Aboriginal and Torres and Acknowledgement of Country Policy and Country are reviewed every second year. activities. Strait Islander peoples and Procedure. • Traditional owners are included in citizenship • Add Aboriginal content to libraries for all age • Five new library items are added per year. communities by embedding • Invite Traditional Owner to provide a Welcome ceremonies doing Welcome to Country. groups. • One new oral history is recorded per year. cultural protocols as part of the to Country at all Citizenship Ceremonies and • Acknowledgement to Country is delivered at all • Expand oral history collection by continuing to • One new artwork is purchased per year. way our organisation functions significant events. public events and significant internal meetings. collect Bibbulmun/Whadjuk oral histories. • Deliver an Acknowledgement to Country at • Acquire contemporary artworks by Aboriginal all public events, and significant internal and Torres Strait Islander artists. meetings. • Use Aboriginal location names for relevant • Three new signage projects are completed per Celebrate NAIDOC Week • Acknowledge NAIDOC Week and its • Collated list of NAIDOC Week events in the City sites, localities, parks and roads. year. and provide opportunities for importance by sharing the theme, holding of Melville is promoted. • Engage with State Departments to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait events, promoting to the broader City of • Opportunities are provided for all staff to dual naming of roads and locations. Islander staff to engage with Melville community, and support community participate in City of Melville NAIDOC Week culture and community during initiatives. events. NAIDOC Week.
14 Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2017-2021 Summary 15 Goal: Increased opportunities for Aboriginal Action How we will work towards this goal How we will know we are succeeding and Torres Strait Islander peoples Strengthen community • Strengthen linkages in relation to Aboriginal • Networks are expanded to ensure above linkages education, employment and training to targets are met. Objective: Develop and deliver educational, employment and economic development maintain positive working partnerships for • Engagement with local Aboriginal and Torres initiatives and projects for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Council initiatives and programs. Strait Islander communities results in the businesses to enhance life opportunities within an inclusive community. • Continue to advocate for culturally presence of appropriate external services in appropriate health and social services in the the City of Melville. City of Melville. • City of Melville Community Development Action How we will work towards this goal How we will know we are succeeding • Maintain City of Melville Community Officer – Aboriginal Engagement position is Increase Aboriginal and Torres • Develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Development Officer - Aboriginal maintained. Strait Islander employment at Islander Employment and Retention Strategy Employment and Retention Strategy is Engagement position. the City of Melville to 1.6%. including mentor programs, traineeships, complete. employment networks and professional • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander development. employment is at least 1.6%. • Advertise job vacancies in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander media. Review • Utilise section 50d and section 51 of the The Stretch RAP is a four year plan for Equal Opportunity Act to increase diversity. the period of 2017-2021 and will be Increase Aboriginal and Torres • Develop at least two new commercial • At least two new commercial relationships reviewed internally every 12 months Strait Islander supplier diversity relationships with Aboriginal and/or Torres with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and by Reconciliation Australia after Strait Islander businesses per year. businesses are developed per year. two years. • Engage with at least four Aboriginal and • Four Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Torres Strait Islander businesses per year. businesses are engage with per year. For more information, including the full version of the Stretch RAP, visit Community Development Officers (Aboriginal Engagement) Leanne Woods and Shahna Rind with Aboriginal Filmmaker Karla Hart at NAIDOC week event 2017.
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