Page created by Howard Shelton
History has a habit of shape-shifting the reputations    We’re the only regional city with permanent theatre,
                                                       of great cities. Local economies grow and shrink,        ballet, contemporary dance and opera companies.
                                                       communities thrive and struggle, civic pride ebbs        Our parks and trees are among the best in Europe.
                                                       and flows. Leeds has often seen itself as a city of      We’re the largest city in Yorkshire, the beating
                                                       moderation, confident in its own qualities whilst        heart of the biggest county in the country, boasting
                                                       keen not to boast, content to sit alongside its more     the most concentrated collection of sculpture
                                                       ostentatious Northern neighbours and to focus on         in the world and the greatest number of dance
                                                       the long game as the marathon of national and global     organisations outside London.
                                                       politics plays out around it.
                                                                                                                Our communities care about equality and the
                                                       But good things come to those who wait. Keeping          environment and burst with the sort of exciting
                                                       an eye on the horizon has led our fantastic city and     creative diversity that has earned its louder voice.
                                                       its environs to a place where - despite the stalking     Our global sporting prowess embraces, football,
                                                       horrors of Covid-19 – we are poised to rise like a       cricket, cycling, athletics, boxing. We’re preparing to
                                                       giant as our amazing year of culture takes shape.        welcome the British Library North and working to
                                                                                                                deliver a National Centre for Poetry that will make us
                                                       The humbling resilience of our brilliantly diverse       a great international hub for the written word. Our
                                                       communities and the great engine-room of our             scintillating theatre, opera and music scenes feed the
                                                       collective talent, along with our proud civic character, soul and our visual arts hold a mirror up to us all, with
                                                       deep cultural heritage and cheerful determination,       a formidable independent food and drink sector that
Light Night Leeds 2020. Credits: Leeds City Council;
Photography by: Lizzie Coombes
                                                       has helped us stand out in the crowd already. The        will feed the world when it comes to call.
                                                       job of LEEDS 2023 now is to further amplify the
                                                       outstanding achievements of our people and places,       All this we are ready to share. The pandemic has
                                                       doing justice to all the children, families, teachers,   challenged everything we believe in and care about.
                                                       artists, performers, makers, designers, thinkers and But we’re Leeds. We will bounce back, and culture
                                                       visionaries, who together are making Leeds a cultural will play a bigger part than ever in our social, health
                                                       titan on the world stage.                                and economic recovery. Many aspects of our lives will

                                                                                                                change in the coming years, but culture and creativity
                                                       This is our time, for a whole host of reasons.           will help us express what we want and work out how
                                                       We’re the nation’s crossroads, the place where,          we get it. It will give us permission to test new ways
                                                       to quote poet laureate and LEEDS 2023 patron             of living, thinking, being. It’s time for us to take our
                                                       Simon Armitage: ‘the M1 does its emergency stop’.        global place in history.
                                                       We’re the midway point between Hull and Liverpool,
                                                       the half-way house between London and Glasgow.                Ruth Pitt,
                                                       The whole nation can reach us, everyone is welcome            Chair of LEEDS 2023

                                                       and we won’t disappoint.

Speaks                                                                                                              Kully Thiarai,
                                                                                                                    Creative Director and CEO,
                                                                                                                    LEEDS 2023

To be truly radical is to                              LEEDS 2023 has already been a transformational               Culture is what makes us who we are. It shifts
                                                       force for the city. The ambition to bid to be European       and changes with time, but it always offers meaning
make hope possible rather                              Capital of Culture, despite being thwarted by the            and insight. Our need to leave a mark on the world,
than despair inevitable.                               UK’s departure from the European Union, led the city         to be seen, valued and acknowledged in some way,
                                                       with a collective voice, to say: “Let’s do it anyway!”       is vital for our health and wellbeing.
                                                       This stepping forward is no small thing. A stepping      We tell stories and imagine different lives, celebrate
Now more than ever those words of writer
                                                       forward that was both bold and brave, that captured      who we are and long to share our lived experience.
Raymond Williams feel like a challenge that needs
                                                       some of the spirit of the city. A spirit that isn’t always
                                                                                                                We create rituals and myths to help us mark
to be fully embraced. For those of us working in the
                                                       fully recognised or exploited. An act of faith in the    important moments in our lives and make sense of
arts and cultural sector, the need to inspire and be
                                                       collective force of a community to make a difference     our place in the world. From the mass roar of
inspired; and build hope, empathy and connection
                                                       in the present, for the future.                          approval in a stadium, to the gentle lullaby of a song,
across and amongst our communities, feels more
vital and necessary than ever before.                                                                           we create ephemeral moments of shared expression
                                                       Leeds is a city that has embraced and welcomed a         and creativity. Our imagination enables us all to be
                                                       multitude of voices and possibilities over the years. It storytellers, leaving our mark in different ways to say:
LEEDS 2023 creates a unique moment for the
                                                       has flexed and adapted with the winds of change but, “We were here!”
city and region to collectively dream, radically
                                                       more often than not, has done so with quiet restraint.
imagine new and different futures and celebrate
                                                       In a city where 170 different languages are spoken       Creativity is in all of us, sometimes we just need to be
all that we value.
                                                       and where the world’s cultures can be found, it is time guided to rewild our imagination and re-connect with
                                                       for those voices to be seen and to be heard in all their that bit of ourselves that wants to joyfully and
                                                       uniqueness. Voices that can be quiet and intimate,       curiously play, dream and imagine.
                                                       or, bold and raucous.
3                           Strategic Plan
‘Posters for the People’:
Credit: In Good Company; Photography by: James Abbott

LEEDS 2023 creates an opportunity for us all              LEEDS 2023 will be a catalyst for transformation;          LEEDS 2023 will deliver a rich and diverse
to come together and collectively do this. A chance       one that brings people together to participate,            programme with mass impact and global reach,
to embrace the diverse aspects of culture from            celebrate and see the world afresh. Through twelve         alongside work that is intimate and local, harnessing
sport and everyday crafts, through to the rich            signature events and a multitude of experiences in         the creativity of our citizens through community
heritage of the arts: music, dance, theatre, sculpture,   partnership with artists and organisations, we will        embedded programmes.
opera, painting and the modern collisions of creative     shine a light on the hidden stories and the unsung
expression utilising technology and digital platforms.    heroes of our city and region.                             We will all come together in our different ways to
                                                                                                                     encourage our city and our people to dream and
Taking part in culture can take many forms.               We will mark Smeaton’s legacy of engineering and           conceive a better future where we can all thrive.
From a mass moment like clapping together on              innovation; celebrate the power of language through a
our doorsteps for our NHS workers, to playing             year-long programme of poetry and spoken word as
a game online with participants from across the           part of the launch of the National Poetry Centre in the
globe, or being together in stadiums. As spectators       city; encourage creative participation through
we convene, connect and converse together in all          projects like The Leeds People’s Theatre and The
sorts of ways.                                            Performance Ensemble; and bring together the world
                                                          of sports and arts through surprising and unique
                                                          collaborations. We will celebrate the world in our city,
                                                          and our city in the world.

4                                       Strategic Plan
Credit: South Asian
Arts-uk; Photography by:
Nick Singleton
                                            There’s extraordinary stuff
                                            in this city, some things we don’t
                                            even realise are here, so for one
                                            whole year we’re throwing open
                                            the doors and we’re making
                                            ourselves known.
                                            We’re letting culture loose.
                                            We’re a city that’s as much
                                            about food as it is about dance,
                                            as much about art as it is about
                                            sport. We’re a place where
                                            people turn old into new,
                                            disused into reused, broken
                                            into ground-breaking.
                                            We’ve spent long enough being
                                            quiet about it, so now’s the time
                                            to shout about culture, perform
                                            it, make it and imagine it every
                                            day on every street, in every
                                            part of the city.
                                            When this place speaks,
                                            it has a proper story to tell.

This City
5                          Strategic Plan
— OUR —


6   Strategic Plan
Our Vision — is a thriving               Diversity and Inclusivity

Leeds where creativity fuels             We know culture is everywhere in our city and it
                                         has the power to change lives. We also know that
opportunities for everyone.              culture and creativity mean different things to
                                         different people and that not everyone feels they
                                         can access the creative opportunities they might
                                         want to. We want to help change that. LEEDS 2023
Our Mission — is to deliver a            will be happening across the whole of Leeds,
                                         in every ward, and we invite everyone to be a part of it!
transformational year of creative
                                         We’re committed to working alongside communities
experiences connecting and               and removing barriers so we can all celebrate our
benefiting people now and into           city’s extraordinary creativity, in all its forms.
the future.
                                         A Green Year of Culture
                                         Climate change means we all have to do what
                                         we can to make our working practices more
Our Values —                             sustainable. LEEDS 2023 will be no exception
                                         and we’re striving to be a carbon neutral year
We’re compassionate: we’ve a big         of culture. We also have a unique opportunity
                                         to raise awareness and innovate solutions to
heart and we look out for each other;    climate change.
we believe we’re stronger together                                                                   ‘How I Hacked My Way Into Space’,
                                                                                                     Credit: Live Little Stories for Leeds.

We’re bold: we’re not afraid of using                                                                Photography by: Simon K. Allen

our spirit, imagination and creativity
to make a difference
We’re confident: we’re Leeds! We’ve
got this!
We’re inventive: there’s no rule book;
we’ll seek out fresh ideas and new
ways of doing things

7                   Strategic Plan
What we’re doing
AIM 1:                                       AIM 2:                                   AIM 3:
To unlock opportunities for                  To boost engagement in                   To lead and showcase cultural
everyone to live their best life by          culture from people who face             transformation. We will:
participating in creative activity.          barriers because of their
We will:                                     experience or circumstances.             • Amplify
                                                                                                 and bring international
                                             We will:                                   visibility to the work of existing
• Enhance
         the cultural education                                                       artists and our exceptional
  of every child in the city                 • Boost
                                                   the visibility, representation     artistic and cultural communities
• Increase opportunities for                 and participation of our diverse  • Produce
                                                                                            and curate
  young people to access new                   communities                         internationally renowned original
                                                                                                                             Credit: The Performance Ensemble;
                                                                                                                             Photography by: Sara Teresa Photography
  skills and work                            • Celebrate and showcase everyday   work in Leeds and the region
• Improve the health and well-being          creativity                        • Bring creative work (both
  of our citizens                            • Improve
                                                      the physical and               temporary and permanent) and
• Boost digital skills and increase          social connections between              partnerships of a national and
  the tools for communities to learn           communities                             international significance to
  and develop their creative talent          • Increase
                                                      opportunities for citizens     Leeds and the region
• Increase public engagement with            to experience the creativity of        • Nurture
                                                                                               and grow the emerging
  green spaces, parks and nature               our neighbouring cities and towns        creative talent in Leeds
• Increase opportunities for               • Increase
                                                       public engagement            • Change
                                                                                             people’s perceptions of
  everyone to play and be                      with the city’s cultural heritage        Leeds as a cultural destination
  entertained                                  and the heritage of the region
                                             • Increase audiences to cultural
                                                activity, including from those
                                                facing barriers

8                                Strategic Plan
AIM 4:                                  AIM 5:
                                  To play an active role in the city      To create a diverse, inclusive and
                                  and region’s recovery, building         values driven organisation that
                                  confidence and lasting economic,        can effectively deliver
                                  social, health and educational          LEEDS 2023 and its legacy.
                                  benefits. We will:                      We will:
                                  • Improve
                                           the understanding            • Raise
                                                                                 and manage effectively
                                    and influence of culture’s role         the funds required to deliver
                                    in transforming places and              a 12-month programme of creative
                                    improving people’s lives                activity that includes a creative
                                  • Improve
                                            the city’s cultural           education programme and skills/
                                    profile so Leeds attracts more          capacity building programme
                                    businesses and more people to         • Design
                                                                                  an operating
                                    live, study, work and play              model that is effective and
                                  • Increase
                                             employment in the            efficient and embeds digital
                                    cultural industries and support         across the operations, artistic
                                    the retention of our creative           programme and communications
                                    talent within the city and region     • Develop
                                                                                   effective marketing
                                  • Increase
                                           tourism and visitor            and communications that support
                                    spend to the region                     our fundraising and stakeholder
                                                                            engagement, as well as build
                                  • Increase
                                            knowledge and                 profile and audiences
                                    understanding of the climate
                                    crisis and work sustainably to        • Develop
                                                                                   a robust research
                                    support Leeds’s ambition to be          and evaluation framework
                                    carbon neutral by 2030                  that measures impact and reach.
                                                                          • Recruit
                                                                                  and develop staff with
                                                                            the right skills, expertise and
                     Proposed location of Smeaton Park on Fearns Island
                                                                            values to deliver LEEDS 2023

9   Strategic Plan
Our research and evaluation           Our ambitions are that:                                  • There
                                                                                                     is a positive change in perceptions
                                                                                                 of Leeds as a city
framework will be developed over      •	There is a sustainable growth in cultural
the course of 2021 and will set out      participation amongst the citizens of Leeds,          • There
                                                                                                      is increased national and international
                                         regardless of their background or circumstances         profile of Leeds and its cultural profile
our long-term impacts.
                                        There is an even stronger and more visible             • There
                                                                                                     is growth in the visitor economy in Leeds
                                        cultural sector that is representative of and            and West Yorkshire
                                        connected with its diverse communities
                                                                                               • Leeds
                                                                                                      ranks higher on the list of cultural
                                        There is a growth in citizen satisfaction and            destinations to visit amongst domestic and
                                        quality of life linked to creative opportunities         international travellers
                                      •	There are more opportunities for children
                                         and young people to learn and develop their
                                         creative skills
                                                                                               Sculpture activities at Yorkshire Sculpture International
                                      •	There is job growth in the cultural and creative      street party in Wakefield during the opening weekend.
                                                                                               Photography: Nick Singleton
                                         sectors and more artists and cultural professionals
                                         choose to live and work in the city
                                        There will be physical legacies with the
                                        National Poetry Centre, SMEATON 300
                                        and East Leeds Pavilion
                                        There continues to be long-term investment

                                        in culture in Leeds and the region

How will we
know if we’ve
been successful?
10                  Strategic Plan
Want to get involved and support us?
Then please contact our fundraising
team at

For more information go to
or email
© Leeds Culture Trust Limited is a charitable company limited
by guarantee registered in England & Wales (10674601)

Registered Office:
Marshall’s Mill, Marshall Street, Leeds, LS11 9YJ
Registered charity number: 1184883
VAT number: 362847473
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