Office Market Overview - Big 7 | 2nd quarter 2018 July 2018 - JLL
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Office space supply sinks further across the board A historic debacle at the FIFA World Cup, a sprawling trade The generally positive situation on the employment market dispute, huge disagreements within the governing coalition strengthens private consumption, which is increasingly and the EU: these events dominated the headlines at the becoming the mainstay of the German economy. This will end of the second quarter of 2018 – a year that at the start not change even after the loss in revenue expected in the was still brimming with economic strength and promised restaurant business following Germany’s elimination from positive growth rates. All this has changed. Not only have the World Cup. companies in the recent ifo index and ZEW index, which has fallen to its lowest level since November 2012, down- Take-up volume has clearly stabilised again – flexible graded their assessment of the current situation, but eco- office space providers expand further nomic research institutes have also adjusted downwards, At the end of the first quarter, we asked whether we faced a in some cases significantly, their economic expectations turnaround or a forced hiatus in the lettings volume. Three for Germany in the current year. According to Consensus months later, it’s clear that the answer is a ‘forced hiatus’. Economics, GDP should increase by 2.1% (down from 2.4% Take-up in the seven office strongholds has clearly stabilised in the previous quarter), while the institute is now expec- again, reaching almost the same level as the previous year ting growth of below 2% for 2019. The decline in export with 1.83 million sqm. The fundamental employment market activity has the most significant impact on the reduced data remains intact, and despite the political turmoil and eco- growth forecasts. Since an end to the trade dispute with the nomic uncertainty companies are still desperately seeking USA is currently not in sight, the uncertainty of companies skilled workers. This search is not always successful. Some ex- and the market turmoil will continue throughout the rest of pansion plans therefore remain on hold and a potential move the year. Nevertheless, the labour market continues to send is deferred as a result. Even if a move is targeted and planned, positive market signals. The unemployment rate fell further it cannot always be realised in view of the continuing shortage to 5.2% in May. Nothing has changed in principle in the gap of suitable office space. Both factors explain why we continue between the demand for labour and supply of skilled staff. to characterise the current situation as a ‘forced hiatus’. Completions and Vacancy Rate Big 7 vv Vacancy -704,000 sqm compared to last ar Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 2
case that larger spaces are rented than before. Another relevant aspect of the current rental market is the con- tinuing demand for space by flexible office space providers to support their ambitious expansion plans especially in the seven strongholds. We also observe here that owners Munich was again responsible for the largest take-up volume of office space are increasingly receptive to the expansion in the first half of 2018 with around 468,000 sqm of rented wishes of these operators. Thus, these new flexible work- space and a 12% increase compared to the previous year, place models compete with the ‘normal’ spaces to be followed by Berlin with 391,000 sqm. The shortage of space rented and users, faced with the current scarcity of space, is particularly noticeable in the German capital, causing are faced with the question of which concept opens up take-up to decline by more than 8% in a year-on-year com- which opportunities and advantages for them. In the Big 7 parison. However, Hamburg and Cologne suffered the locations, there were around 430 established and almost sharpest decrease of almost 23% and approx. 26% res- 60 planned flexible office space locations operated by a pectively. The net absorption figure, which increased sig- total of 240 providers at the end of June. Once all locations nificantly in the period from April to end-June compared have been opened, close to 77,000 workplaces on 764,000 to the previous quarter and amounts to a volume of sqm of office space will then be available. In the current 232,000 sqm for the first half of the year, shows that nothing year, the previous year’s volume is likely to be significantly has changed in terms of the fundamental desire of many exceeded with a total area of 120,000 sqm. This also in- companies to expand. When they do move, it’s often the creases the share of the overall volume. After around Prime Rental Index and Take-up v Prime Rent Q2 2018 compared to last ar +4.4 % Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 3
250,000 sqm was let to flexible office space operators in office space can only be described as sufficient in Düsseldorf 2017, take-up in the first six months of 2018 already amounts and in Frankfurt, with vacancy rates of over 7%. In all other to almost 116,000 sqm. This corresponds to a 6% share of strongholds the vacancy rates are between 4.6% in Ham- the total take-up volume in the Big 7. The operators are burg and 2.3% in Stuttgart. A turnaround would be realistic particularly active in Frankfurt and Munich at present. only with an increase in newly built space. However, this is These two strongholds alone account for almost 70,000 sqm not the case, because the full order books at construction of the take-up volume. The biggest deals in this segment companies leave little room for new orders. This means were registered by Design Offices with 14,000 sqm in Munich that a pick-up in investments is further delayed, combined and a further 8,600 sqm in Hamburg, as well as by WeWork with maximum uncertainty as to when construction work in Munich with 11,600 sqm. can start on planned projects. By the end of the year, we For the second half of the year, we expect to see a continu- expect to see a further drop in the vacancy rate to 4.2%. For ation of the booming market for office space with sustained users that want to move or expand, the choice of existing strong demand and a high potential willingness of compa- spaces continues to be limited. They have the option of nies to relocate, as well as an increasingly precarious sup- renting a space in a project development or a making a ply side. We have slightly increased our take-up forecast for temporary move into a co-working or business centre space. the full year to just under 3.9 million sqm, but it is unlikely that the previous year’s volume will be achieved. New construction volume of 1 million sqm in 2018 only 5% above the five-year average Vacancies continue to fall rapidly In the first half of 2018, almost 329,000 sqm of office space The vacancy rate for the Big 7 fell by a further 20 basis was completed across all seven strongholds. That‘s almost points to 4.3% within the last three months. If this pace is 20% less than a year ago. New building space only increased maintained, all vacancies in the Big 7 would disappear in in two cities: in Dusseldorf by almost 18% and in Munich by around five years’ time. That’s certainly unrealistic. But almost 57%. The example of the Bavarian property strong- considering how long it takes to build new projects from hold clearly indicates that the strong relative increase is design to realisation, it is clear that we are still dealing with deceptive and the imbalance between supply and demand a significant lack of good space. The short-term supply of continues to exist. Only 63,500 sqm of new space ultimately came onto the market, but the vacancy volume fell by 11% in the same period. In the second half of 2018, a further 674,000 sqm of new building space is likely to be added in the Big 7. Compared to previous expectations, this would slightly reduce the annual volume to just over 1 million sqm. All in all, far too little, especially since around 38% of the space that will be completed in 2018 will be in Munich alone. Even more significant for the overall assessment is the fact that only 141,000 sqm (21%) is still available. As Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 4
things stand at present, the postponement of projects 2001. In a one-year comparison, this represents an increase has the effect that the number of completions should rise of 4.4%. By the end of the year, we expect to see a further significantly next year. Currently, more than 1.9 million sqm increase in the index to 201.7 points, corresponding to a is in the pipeline for 2019. That would be the largest volume rise of 3.7% over the year. In addition to the top locations, in the past 10 years. Whether these spaces will actually be there is also corresponding demand in other sub-markets realised next year remains to be seen, and depends not within the strongholds that leads to higher rental prices. least on the resources and capacities of the construction In some instances, the higher rents in city centres and companies. CBDs are forcing office users to turn to peripheral locations, particularly as space availability is also greater there. For Rental price growth is broadening to more areas the office markets, a broader distribution of demand is The imbalance between supply and demand provides the undoubtedly beneficial, even if such a move is not an ideal breeding ground for further rental price growth in option for all user groups. almost all office strongholds. The growth is strongest in the two cities with the fewest vacancies: the prime rent in Berlin increased by almost 13% in a 12-month comparison, ahead of Stuttgart with an increase of almost 7%. The JLL prime rental price index for the Big 7 reached 197.9 points at the end of June 2018, its highest level since the third quarter of Office Space Take-up incl. Owner Occupier (sqm) 2017 H1 2017 H1 2018 Trend prognosis 8 Berlin 1 944,800 426,700 391,300 è Düsseldorf 2 390,600 229,300 216,600 Frankfurt/M 3 711,300 237,900 259,200 è Hamburg 4 640,000 323,400 250,000 è Cologne 5 306,900 166,300 123,800 â Munich Region 6 995,000 418,000 468,000 è Stuttgart 7 254,700 110,900 118,300 è Total 4,243,300 1,912,500 1,827,200 Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 5
Vacancy incl. Space for subletting Q4 2017 Q2 2017 Q2 2018 Trend prognosis 8 sqm Rate (%) sqm Rate (%) sqm Rate (%) Berlin 1 701,300 3.5 822,500 4.1 638,200 3.2 è Düsseldorf 2 720,200 7.9 715,900 7.9 705,200 7.7 è Frankfurt/M 3 886,600 7.6 1,001,700 8.5 848,000 7.3 è Hamburg 4 712,800 4.8 757,300 5.1 689,900 4.6 è Cologne 5 315,000 4.1 347,000 4.5 281,200 3.7 è Munich Region 6 731,300 3.6 813,400 4.0 649,800 3.2 è Stuttgart 7 236,300 2.7 262,100 3.1 203,300 2.3 è Prime Office Rents (€/sqm/month) Q4 2017 Q2 2017 Q2 2018 Trend prognosis 8 Berlin 1 30.00 28.00 31.50 Düsseldorf 2 27.00 26.50 27.00 Frankfurt/M 3 38.00 37.00 38.50 Hamburg 4 26.50 26.00 26.50 Cologne 5 22.00 22.00 22.00 Munich Region 6 37.00 36.00 37.50 Stuttgart 7 22.50 22.00 23.50 Completions (in sqm) 2017 H1 2017 H1 2018 Trend prognosis 8 Berlin 1 109,000 92,600 70,500 Düsseldorf 2 112,000 46,700 54,900 è Frankfurt/M 3 89,800 42,700 38,400 Hamburg 4 181,600 119,300 80,000 è Cologne 5 68,700 31,500 21,400 Munich Region 6 195,200 40,500 63,500 Stuttgart 7 103,400 32,900 0 è Office Space Stock (in Mill. sqm) 2017 Q2 2017 Q2 2018 Berlin 1 20.23 20.27 20.22 Düsseldorf 2 9.13 9.10 9.15 Frankfurt/M 3 11.70 11.74 11.59 Hamburg 4 14.90 14.86 14.95 Cologne 5 7.69 7.67 7.68 Munich Region 6 20.24 20.12 20.23 Stuttgart 7 8.65 8.58 8.65 1 City Area; 2 City Area incl. Ratingen, Neuss, Erkrath and Hilden; 3 City Area incl. Eschborn and Kaiserlei; 4 City Area; 5 City Area; 6 City Area incl. surrounding areas; 7 City Area incl. Leinfelden-Echterdingen; 8 2018 compared to prior year. Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 6
Berlin Development of Main Indicators No new take-up records due to lack of available space The Berlin office letting market is suffering badly from the lack of available space. This has resulted in 391,300 sqm or 8% less space being taken-up compared to the same period the previous year. Nonetheless, there is still strong demand. The last few years have been characterised by the expansion of Berlin-based companies, but these are now joined by large international companies and organisations also looking for space in the German capital. Demand is faced with extremely short supply. The vacancy rate across the whole of Berlin is currently under construction. This emphasises the fact that now just 3.2%, and is practically non-existent in a number Berlin’s office submarkets are now expected to expand of submarkets around the S-Bahn urban railway ring. As a spatially over the medium-term. result, there has been a further rise in prime and average It is expected that the total full-year take-up will be in the rents to their current levels of €31.50/sqm/month and order of 850,000 sqm and that rents will continue to rise. The €18.57/sqm/month respectively. The city fringe locations vacancy rate will fall to under 3%. The current high level of are also becoming increasingly attractive, such as the new-build activity provides some hope for an increase in Südkreuz district, where Vattenfall has just leased 27,000 available supply from 2020 and a continued high level of sqm for its new German headquarters in a development take-up, assuming the economy remains stable. Berlin: Office Space Market Areas with Rental Bands (€/sqm/month) Wedding Wedding Gesundbrunnen Klar aho eh Tiergarten A114 Area Main Station-Europacity Prenzlauer € 21.00 - 30.00 A10 Berg Kon rad sh A111 Moabit Tegeler See Malcho w(H oh en sch Charlottenburg Reinickendorf Northern Suburb € 8.00 - 14.00 Charlottenburg 1A Pankow Mitte € 17.50 - 31.00 Schöneberg A105 Hansaviertel Mitte 1A € 19.00 - 31.50 Berlin-Tegel Falken see Wilmersdorf Tiergarten Prenzlauer Lichtenberg Area Potsdamer-Leipziger Platz Berg-Friedrichshain € 21.00 - 30.00 € 16.00 - 25.00 Kreuzberg Ber lin Mitte Schöneberg Spandau Marzahn-Hellersdorf Western Suburb Charlottenburg-Tiergarten Mitte € 9.50 - 14.00 € 12.50 - 21.00 € 16.00 - 25.00 Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Mediaspree Eastern Suburb Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf € 9.00 - 13.50 € 19.00 - 28.00 Altglienicke Havel Wilmersdorf-Schöneberg Kreuzberg-Tempelhof Großziethen € 12.00 - 20.00 Bohnsdorf € 13.00 - 23.00 Schönefeld Berlin-Schönefeld Gato w Berlin-Schönefeld Kienberg Waßmannsdorf A103 Waltersdorf Tempelhof-Schöneberg Area Airport Berlin- A100 Brandenburg € 8.50 - 18.50 Southern Suburb A115 € 8.00 - 15.50 Treptow-Köpenick Glasow Kiekebusch Rotberg Karlshof Neukölln Klad ow Tollkrug Blankenfelde Steglitz-Zehlendorf A113 Großer A113 Groß Kienitz Adlershof Müggelsee E55 A10 Dahlewitz € 10.00 - 15.50 A13 Brusendorf Klein Kienitz Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 Berlin
Düeldorf Development of Main Indicators Above-average second quarter and significant potential for the second half year The weak first quarter in the Düsseldorf office letting market was followed by an above-average second quarter. Total take-up in the first half of the year was around 217,000 sqm, of which 193,000 sqm was in the Düsseldorf city area. This is a 6% decrease compared to the same period the pre- vious year, but there are a number of large-scale deals in the >10,000 sqm size category underway for the second half of the year, which is likely to drive the total full-year take-up Just under 55,000 sqm office space was completed over to around 500,000 sqm. The largest deal of the year to date the first half of the year, significantly above the 5-year is the letting of 35,500 sqm to the accountancy firm Deloitte average, with the majority of it already let. The prime rent in a project in the North submarket. This large-scale letting is achieved in the CBD and remained stable at €27.00/ means that the business services sector is the most active sqm/month over the first six months. It is likely that this in the market, accounting for around 45% of total take-up will rise by €0.50/sqm/month over the coming months. volume. The vacancy rate (including space available for The weighted average rent has risen from €14.64 to subletting) has fallen from 8.0% to 7.7% over the last three €16.14/sqm/month over the past year due to the large- months, and the vacancy rate in the city area is just 6.7%. scale lettings in development projects. Düsseldorf: Office Space Market Areas with Rental Bands (€/sqm/month) Lank-L atu m Lang stkierst Kalkum Pempelfort Fischeln Kalkum Kaiserswerth Altstadt Ilverich Ratin gen Oberkassel Airport Stru em p A44 € 11.00 - 16.50 Ratingen Lichtenbroich Carlstadt Stadtmitte CBD Düsseldorf Nied erschwar zbach Lohausen € 8.00 - 15.50 Düsseldorf € 17.50-27.00 Rhein City € 9.00 - 26.00 Unterrath Hafen Government District € 11.50 - 19.50 Stockum North Rath Unterbilk Metzkau sen Rhein € 8.00 - 16.50 Friedrichstadt City-South Oberbilk Derendorf Lu den berg Mörsenbroich € 8.00 - 11.00 Bilk Seestern Lörick Ludenberg Hubbelrath Golzheim Kennedydamm Meerb usch € 9.50 - 13.50 € 13.50 - 22.00 Mettm ann A52 Niederkassel A57 Grafenberg Linksrheinisch Düsseltal Heerdt € 7.00 - 18.50 Pempelfort Grafenberg-East A3 € 9.00 - 13.50 Oberkassel Kaar st Altstadt Flingern Nord Gerresheim Stadtmitte Carlstadt Hafen Flingern Süd Harbour € 14.00 - 23.00 Unterbilk Friedrichstadt Gr uiten Lierenfeld Hamm City-East Düsseldo rf Bilk Vennhausen Oberbilk € 9.50 - 12.50 Neuss Erkr ath € 7.00 - 9.50 Unterb ach Eller Unterfeld h au s Unterbach South Flehe € 8.00 - 11.50 A46 Volmerswerth Wersten Haan Elbsee Hassels Himmelgeist Hild en Gr efr ath Reisholz A59 Himmelg eist Holthausen Neu ss Itter Holzh eim Benrath Kalstert Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 Düeldorf
Frankfurt Development of Main Indicators Strong first half year on the office market Despite the weaker second quarter, the total take-up volume was 259,200 sqm over the first six months, an increase of 9% compared to the same period the previous year. The most active sector was again flexible office space providers. There was a particularly high number of deals: the 350 new leases concluded in the period from January to the end of June was the highest for at least 10 years. The total full-year take-up in 2018 is expected to be in the order of 575,000 sqm, in line with our forecast from the early part of the year. 260,000 sqm); over one third of this is already prelet. Al- Once again, a high volume of office space was removed though there is an urgent need for available space, little from the market, which resulted in a further fall in the short- came onto the market in the second quarter of 2018. The term availability of space. Worthy of particular note is the less than 10,000 sqm of space expected to be completed by significant decrease in space in the Banking District, where the end of the year and still available is a significant short- the vacancy rate has fallen to just 2.5%. Developers have fall. The prime rent rose slightly to €38.50/sqm/month, and had the good sense to push ahead with speculative new- rents also increased in a number of major submarkets. build projects in this submarket where the majority of Rising building costs and the available capacity amongst space currently under construction is located (approx. construction companies remain the hot topics. Frankfurt: Office Space Market Areas with Rental Bands (€/sqm/month) Ob er ho echstad t/Ts. Ob eru rsel Bonames Kalbach Harheim Kön igstein Kro nb erg Frankfurter Berkersheim Bad Vilb el Stein bach Merton-Viertel Berg Niederursel € 8.50-12.00 Wachen buch en Eschersheim Bergen- Alten hain Heddernheim Preungesheim Enkheim Schwalbach Eschborn € 7.50-16.50 Eckenheim Maintal Praunheim Seckbach Bad So den Dornbusch Esch b or n Fr an kfu rt Ginnheim Bisch ofsheim am Main Seckb ach Hausen North Bornheim Bockenheim € 10.00-12.50 Kelkh eim A648 Rödelheim Westend- Doern igh eim € 9.00-12.00 Rödelheim Nord Nordend- Ost Riederwald Nordend- Sossenheim East A66 West Westend-Süd € 8.00-18.00 Innenstadt Mü hlh eim Ostend Fechenheim Unterliederbach West Bahnhofsviertel Altstadt € 9.50 - 19.50 Gallusviertel Kaiserlei Nied Sachsenhausen- Nord € 8.00-13.00 Zeilsheim Höchst Gutleutviertel Zeilsheim Griesheim Ob err adOberrad Offenb ach am Main Nordend-West A661 Westend-Nord Laemm er spiel Sachsenhausen € 11.50-17.00 City Kriftel Bockenheim € 12.00-29.00 Niederrad City-West Schwanheim Niederrad Westend Nordend-Ost Sindlingen € 12.00-18.00 € 9.00-16.00 € 15.00-32.00 Sachsenhausen- A648 Süd Innenstadt A5 Hattersheim Westend- Banking District Ob ertshau sen Süd € 19.00-38.50 Altstadt Flughafen A3 Gallusviertel Kelsterb ach Central Station Bahnhofsviertel Okr iftel Gr aven br uch Area € 10.00-22.00 Airport Heu senstam m Sachsenhausen- € 15.00-25.00 Neu -Isen bu rg Nord Rem br uecken Gutleutviertel Sachsenhausen- Edd ersh eim Main Süd Niederrad Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 Frankfurt
Hamburg Development of Main Indicators Letting market at around the 5-year average Total take-up was in the order of 250,000 sqm in the Ham- burg office letting market in the first half of 2018. However, the level of occupier demand is actually higher than this performance might suggest. We still expect the total full- year take-up in 2018 will be up to 550,000 sqm. The take- up statistics by submarket are headed up by the City Centre (58,000 sqm) and City South (Core Area) (46,000 sqm). The most active sector is business services providers (45,000 sqm), ahead of transport/distribution (30,000 sqm). is hardly any relief expected from development projects. Flexible office space providers were more active in the Just under 170,000 sqm office space is due to be com- second quarter than earlier in the year. The volume taken- pleted throughout 2018, of which almost one quarter up by this group was driven by the 8,600 sqm letting to remains currently unlet. It is expected that the level of Design Offices in the Olympus new-build in the City South completions will fall significantly over the coming years (Core Area) submarket, pushing their total take-up volume and then pick up again from 2021. The prime rent re- to 15,000 sqm over the first half year. There was a further mained stable compared to the previous quarter at marginal fall in the supply of office space and the vacancy €26.50/sqm/month, whilst the average rent rose to an rate of 4.6% is the lowest level since 2002. Currently, there all-time high of €15.90/sqm/month. Hamburg: Office Space Market Areas with Rental Bands (€/sqm/month) Hummelsbüttel Sasel Volksdorf Wellingsbüttel A23 Schnelsen Puetjen Hamburg Fuhlsbüttel Niendorf Airport / Ohlsdorf Groß Borstel Hamburg North-East Halstenb ek € 7.00-11.50 € 8.00-11.50 Bramfeld Farmsen-Berne Eidelstedt Groß Borstel Alsterdorf Steilshoop Rahlstedt Schen efeld City Nord € 8.50-14.50 Barmbek / Lurup Winterhude / Bramfeld Lokstedt Uhlenhorst Winterhude € 10.00-14.00 Eppendorf € 9.00-14.00 Iserbrook Stellingen Barmbek-Nord Hamburg-West Eimsbüttel € 8.00-11.50 € 9.00-13.50 Tonndorf Hoheluft-Ost Ham bu rg Dulsberg Wandsbek Hoheluft- West Barmbek-Süd Wandsbek A7 Harvestehude Osdorf Bahrenfeld € 8.00-13.50 Eppendorf / Jenfeld Eimsbüttel Harvestehude / Uhlenhorst Rotherbaum Bar sbü ttel € 12.50-20.00 Eilbek Marienthal Rotherbaum Altona-Nord Groß Flottbek East of Alster / Altona-Ottensen-Bahrenfeld Außenalster Hohenfelde Sternschanze St. Georg A24 € 11.00-16.50 St. Pauli € 12.00-20.50 € 10.00-20.50 St. Georg Nienstedten St. Pauli Borgfelde City Centre Hamm Othmarschen Neustadt Horn Ottensen Altona- € 14.50-26.50 City Süd (Outer Zone) Billbrook / Altstadt Hamburg- € 8.00-12.50 Billwerder / A1 Elbe Altstadt City Süd Hammerbrook (Core Area) Harbour fringe Billstedt Billstedt Norderelbe € 8.50-15.00 € 12.50-22.50 € 6.00-12.00 HafenCity Vorhafen Köhlfleet HafenCity Finkenwerder Steinwerder Waltershof € 16.00-22.50 Rothenburgsort Harburg - south of the river Elbe Bergedorf € 8.00-14.00 Kleiner Billbrook Grasbrook € 8.00-12.00 Veddel Billwerder Bucht Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 Hamburg
Colog Development of Main Indicators Scarcity of available space reflected in the take-up statistics Total take-up was in the order of around 124,000 sqm in the first half year, a decrease of 26% compared to the same pe- riod the previous year. There are three main reasons for this development: firstly, small to medium-sized businesses are currently behaving very cautiously and tending to be hesitant in making long-term decisions relating to the take-up of new office space, given the current economic and political situa- tion. Secondly, there is very little attractive space available in 5,600 sqm. The vacancy rate has fallen to 3.7% over the year central locations. And thirdly, asking rents are often above the to date, and this is expected to decrease further. The situa- rather more conservative expectations of many occupiers. A tion has not been relieved by office new-build completions number of large-scale deals are expected in the second half as just 21,400 sqm was completed during the first half year, of the year, including lettings to the public sector, pushing none of which remains available. The prime rent remained the anticipated full-year take-up to around 300,000 sqm. The stable at €22.00/sqm/month and is achieved in the West Bank two largest lettings took place in new-build projects: DSD of the Rhein submarket. This is expected to increase to €22.50 (Duales System Deutschland) leased around 6,000 sqm and by the end of the year. The weighted average rent has already the flexible office provider Design Offices leased approx. increased from €12.65 to €13.87 over the past 12 months. Cologne: Office Space Market Areas with Rental Bands (€/sqm/month) Auweiler Heimersdorf Har dt Lindweiler Pulh eim Pesch E31 Flittard Esch/Auweiler Longerich Dünnwald A57 Ossendorf/ Stammheim Ber gisch Nippes Weidenpesch Höhenhaus Glad bach Bocklemünd/Mengenich Ossendorf € 6.50-11.50 Niehl Other Locations € 6.00-11.50 Wid der sd or f Bilderstöckchen Mauenheim Dellbrück Widdersdorf Mülheim Brauweiler Nippes Holweide Vogelsang Bickendorf Riehl Neuehrenfeld Köln Buchheim Ben sber g Lövenich Ehrenfeld/ Neustadt-Nord Kalk/ Ehrenfeld Buchforst Braunsfeld Mülheim Müngersdorf € 6.50-15.50 Rhinebank-West € 13.00-22.00 € 7.00-14.50 Merheim Braunsfeld Höhenberg A4 Brück Weiden Altstadt-Nord Kalk Deutz Peripherie West City Centre € 7.00-10.50 € 9.50-22.00 Deutz/ Neubrück Buschb ell Altstadt-Süd Vingst Lindenthal Messe Humboldt- Gremberg € 9.50-19.00 Ostheim Marsd or f Lindenthal/ A559 Rath/Heumar Junkersdorf Sülz Neustadt-Süd € 8.00-13.50 Rath Sülz Poll Fo rsbach Raderberg Fr ech en Bayenthal Gremberghoven A1 Klettenberg Zollstock Porz/ Westhoven Bayenthal/ Gremberghoven Marienburg Marienburg € 8.50-11.50 Ensen Eil € 9.00-15.00Raderthal A59 A3 Gleu el Rösrath Finkenberg Hür th Rodenkirchen Ber ren rath Porz Rondorf Rodenkirchen Weiß Urbach Grengel Kon rad er ho ehe € 7.00-10.50 A555 Hahnwald Zündorf Sürth Elsdorf Meschenich Immendorf Immendorf Godorf Wahnheide Köln/Bonn Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 Colog
Munich Development of Main Indicators High demand is driving new-build activity Total take-up was around 470,000 sqm in the Munich office market over the first half of 2018, the highest level for 10 years. Due to the continued high level of demand for space, we have revised our full-year take-up forecast up to 875,000 sqm. The most active submarket was the City Centre (88,000 sqm) ahead of the East submarket (76,000 sqm), whilst the sector statistics were dominated by industrial companies (89,000 sqm) ahead of business services providers (78,000 sqm). Vacancy has been falling over the full-year 2018, of which just under one fifth remains since 2011 and is now down to 3.2%. Seven submarkets unlet. The prime rent has risen to €37.50/sqm/month with have a vacancy rate of under 2%. As a result, there has been potential for a further rise by year-end. The average rent in an upswing in new-build activity with 285,000 sqm more the market area is €18.00/sqm/month and €19.40/sqm/ office space under construction than in the same quarter month in the city area alone. Asking rents continue to rise, the previous year. However, compared to the period of sig- even in the case of large-scale lettings. There were six lettings nificantly higher new-build volumes from 2001 – 2002, the in the >2,500 sqm size category completed at rental prices proportion of new-build space being prelet is now much in excess of €25.00/sqm/month in the second quarter alone, higher. Just over 300,000 sqm is expected to be completed of which three were at rents above €30.00/sqm/month. Munich: Office Space Market Areas with Rental Bands (€/sqm/month) Rothsch waig e Kar lsfeld Ism an in g Speichersee Ob erschleiß heim Neu -Esting E45 Periphery-North € 8.50-14.00 Olch ing North Bezirk Nord A9 € 12.00-18.50 Gr öb enzell A99 A8 Olympiapark € 12.50-18.50 Kirchh eim b. M ün ch en Eichen au Poin g Puch heim North-Schwabing Gr ub Bezirk West € 14.50-23.00 West Heim stetten € 13.00-20.00 Arabellapark Bezirk Mitte City Centre € 15.00-21.00 € 19.50-37.50 A94 Parsdo rf Bogenhausen Riem Periphery-East Mü nch en € 18.50-28.00 Moosfeld/ € 8.50-13.00 Westend Riem Ottend ich l € 14.00-22.00 € 9.50-16.00 Ger merin g East Gr äfelfing A96 Bezirk Ost € 13.00-23.00 Periphery-West Haar € 8.50-13.50 Martin sr ied Planeg g Vaterstetten South Neuperlach Bezirk Süd € 11.00-18.50 € 10.00-15.00 A95 Stockdo rf A995 Neu b ib erg Periphery-South Gau tin g € 8.00-12.00 Ottob ru n n Unterb ru nn Unterh ach in g Gr ün wald Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 Munich
Stugart Development of Main Indicators Take-up performance driven by large-scale owner-occupier projects In the second quarter, total take-up was around 29,000 sqm in the Stuttgart office market, the lowest second quarter take-up of the last 10 years. Total take-up in the first half year was around 118,000 sqm, thanks to two large-scale owner-occupier deals in the first quarter with an aggregate volume of around 61,000 sqm of office space. However the increasing scarcity of supply resulted in far fewer deals compared to the same period the previous year (-14%) onto the market in 2018, just 11% is still available. As a and compared to the 5-year average (-33%). Full-year take- result of the lack of completions in the first half of 2018, up in 2018 is expected to be below-average at around the vacancy rate fell by 0.1% compared to the previous 220,000 sqm. The large-scale project by Bosch in the quarter, to 2.3%. A further fall to 2.2% is expected by Feuerbach submarket contributed around 51,500 sqm, year-end 2018. The scarcity of supply has also resulted which equates to a share of 44%. The second most active in a further increase in prime rent which has risen by submarket was the City Centre, where almost half of all €0.50/sqm/month compared to the previous quarter to letting transactions took place in the first six months. Of €23.50/sqm/month. The prime rent is expected to reach the approx. 84,300 sqm in the pipeline and due to come €24.00/sqm/month by the end of the year. Stuttgart: Office Space Market Areas with Rental Bands (€/sqm/month) Hirschland en Neu wirtshau s Mühlhausen Kor b Neuwirtshaus Hofen ZuffenhausenRot Freiberg Neugereut Kor ntal-M ün chin gen Zuffenhausen € 8.00-11.00 Steinhaldenfeld Waibling en Klein hep pach Ditzin gen Münster Hoefing en Bein stein Hausen Burgholzhof Feuerbach Sommerrain Geb ersheim Weilimdorf Stuttg art Fellbach Weilimdorf € 10.50-16.00 Bad Cannstatt Feuerbach € 10.00-16.50 Weinstad t Rem shald en € 10.00-13.00 Giebel Ker nen Wolfbusch Stuttgart-North im Remstal Bergheim Bad Cannstatt Ger ling en € 12.00-17.50 Stuttgart- Leon b er g Nord Stetten Europaviertel Luginsland im Remstal Schn ait Kernerviertel Rotenberg Universität Stuttgart-Ost Untertürkheim Botnang Hauptbahnhof Oberer Schlossgarten Stru em pfelbach Neue Vorstadt Diemershalde Stuttgart- Stuttgart-West City-Centre Stuttgart-East Uhlbach Rathaus West € 11.00-16.50 Heusteigviertel € 13.50-23.50 € 10.00-15.00 Wangen Dobel Unter-Obertürkheim/ Warm bro nn Wangen-Hedelfingen Stuttgart-South Frauenkopf Stuttgart-Süd € 9.00-15.50 € 10.00-16.50 Rohracker Hedelfingen Obertürkheim Lederberg A81 Büsnau Degerloch Sillenbuch Heumaden Sonnenberg Mag stadt Kaltental Degerloch Vaihingen € 9.50-16.50Schönberg Esslin gen Hoffeld am Neckar Hoffeld Vaihingen-Möhringen Riedenberg A831 € 9.50-17.50 Ostfild ern Möhringen Asemwald Birkach Rohr Kem nat Dürrlewang Ploch ing en Steckfeld Fasanenhof Hohenheim Sind elfin g en Plieningen Fasanenhof € 9.00-10.50 € 11.00-15.50 Plieningen Leinfelden -E chterd ing en Leinfelden-Echterdingen A8 Den kend or f Böb ling en € 9.50-18.50 Neu h au sen Wern au au f d en Wend ling en (Neckar ) Filder n am Neckar Office Market Overview | 2nd quarter 2018 Stugart
Contacts Contact Berlin Stephan Leimbach Helge Scheunemann Stephan Leimbach Head of Office Leasing Germany Head of Research Germany Head of Office Leasing Germany Frankfurt Hamburg Frankfurt +49 (0) 69 2003 1245 +49 (0) 40 350011 225 +49 (0) 69 2003 1245 Contact Düsseldorf Contact Frankfurt Contact Hamburg Martin Becker Markus Kullmann Tobias Scharf Team Leader Office Leasing Team Leader Office Leasing Team Leader Office Leasing Düsseldorf Frankfurt Hamburg +49 (0) 211 13006 600 +49 (0) 69 2003 1062 +49 (0) 40 350011 242 Contact Cologne Contact Munich Contact Stuttgart Andreas Reul Petra Bolthausen Sebastian Treier Team Leader Office Leasing Team Leader Office Leasing Team Leader Office Leasing Cologne Munich Stuttgart +49 (0) 221 2775 45 +49 (0) 89 290088 169 +49 (0) 711 900370 36 Information regarding JLL and our services All research reports on current market figures and special topics Commercial real estate properties for sale or to let througout Germany Copyright © JONES LANG LASALLE SE, 2018. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Jones Lang LaSalle. It is based on material that we believe to be reliable. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, we cannot offer any warranty that it contains no factual errors. We would like to be told of any such errors in order to correct them.
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