An Uncertain Future The Unstable Supply of Urban and Rural Water for Mumbai, India

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An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                            Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

                                     An Uncertain Future

   The Unstable Supply of Urban and Rural Water for Mumbai, India

                   Report By: Andrew Scott, Zarreen Ali and Sunny Bhardwaj


Water is essential to the survival of the human race. In developed countries we may formulate
the idea that water is inexhaustible. For example, you can go up to your nearest sink and fill
yourself up a large cup of clean, fresh, water within seconds. This scenario is not true in many
parts of the world. It is especially not true for Mumbai, India. Our project focuses on the
unstable urban and rural supply of water for the Mumbai, India region. The water infrastructure
in Mumbai is more than 100 years old and lacks adequate construction. Due to its age, it is
crippled with bacterial infestations. The current population of Mumbai is 13 million with an
expected 25% increase for 2021. The population will be 16 million in 2021 and water demand
shortages are sure to develop. In many areas of Mumbai, especially rural/underprivileged
areas, water shortages are currently the norm. These demand shortages are projected to
intensify to new levels in 2021. The rural populations suffer the greatest because they do not
have the financial support to obtain water. The water that is currently supplied in Mumbai is
distributed unequally. The more wealthy residents have a constant supply, with the lower
income brackets getting water only a few hours a day. These water supply and management
problems are what we will address in our project. Our project goals are to: determine how the
water is currently distributed in the Mumbai area, to evaluate the current problems and how
they are expected to intensify in the future and to propose new infrastructure or policies that
can be implemented to address these problems. We will propose projects that meet both the
urban demand, as well as the rural demand in Mumbai, India. Obtaining adequate funding will
be our biggest limitation, but we will try to develop low cost solutions. We believe that water
supply should be available for all, not just a select few. This is the motivation behind our
project and will be communicated throughout the report.

ESM 121                                                           Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                                 Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj


  Mumbai, India is the country’s most populated and developed city. It is the center of all
major businesses and home of the successful Bollywood movie industry. This makes Mumbai
one of India’s wealthiest cities. Yet, the issue of water supply and quality is one of the city’s
biggest problems. Despite all the success in Mumbai, half of its population still resides in
poverty, within slums. This is where inequalities have developed in regards to the wealthy
having greater privileges than the poor. Approximately thirteen million people live in Mumbai
today. Of that, about six million reside in slums or homes without built‐in piping in order to
provide running water (Ingall et. al, 2012). This leads to issues of lack of supply, unmonitored
water use, improper waste water disposal, and pollution. But, this is only the second half of the
equation. How is the water infrastructure set up before it reaches the people? The major
managers of Mumbai’s water system are the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation and the
World Bank. Water is collected and distributed by a system that is at least 100 years old and
treated by the largest water treatment plant in Asia (Mehta, 2012). The outdated system is
coupled with outdated knowledge of how to properly operate and maintain it, which then
causes the issue of revenue loss. This is where Mumbai becomes stuck in a loop because they
need money in order to update their infrastructure but they don’t have it because it is all being
lost on trying to maintain the current one. In ten years, the population is estimated to increase
by 25%, raising the census to sixteen million (3). With water literally leaking out of the system,
it puts an even greater stress on being able to provide enough water to meet demand.


  The details of the current water infrastructure of Mumbai must be determined in order to
form a hypothesis for its future. First, the current population of Mumbai has to be found in
order to calculate the future population, approximately in year 2021. Then, determine where
the water of Mumbai is being supplied and how that water is distributed. What are the
problems associated with this current supply and distribution method? How will a larger
population exacerbate these problems? After ruling out the most important issues, ideas can

ESM 121                                                               Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                                 Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

start to be formulated about new policies or projects that can be implemented to help mitigate
the effects of the growing population on the water infrastructure.


   If there is no change to the current water infrastructure and water policies for Mumbai,
there will be a shortage of supply and increased degradation of the water quality in the near
future, due to a significant increase in the population.


   Today, India is facing one of the largest population expansions that this world has ever seen,
except maybe China. The city of Mumbai is one of the most populous cities in all of the country.
The population of Mumbai today is estimated to be in the range of thirteen million people with
a possible growth to about sixteen million by 2021 (Sule, 2009)! These numbers are staggering
considering the fact this is only one city alone. As like most cities in India the challenge for the
quantity and quality of water needed is at the forefront of all issues. There are two major
problems when it comes to this water supply, one being that the infrastructure is crumbling and
cannot withstand the demand for water, and second is the quality and amount that each
individual has access to. These two things compounded with poor water policies makes for a
real mess in Mumbai. Water policies are essential for proper distribution and management.
Mumbai has some good policies in place and others that are harmful to the city. The
Maharashtra State Water Policy is an example of a policy that is not doing any good for the city
as a whole. Under this policy, they have placed agriculture water use priority below the urban
water use priority. Water used for irrigation is being reallocated to the city center instead,
wreaking havoc for the livelihood of farmers, and adversely everyone else, because food is
something that is also in need by a lot of people in Mumbai. While this policy does put top
priority on drinking water, it is not recognize, define, or ensure quality drinking water for all of
the citizens. As in most cases, the wealthier individuals have access to the water they need,
while they let the poor fend for themselves. This policy is also silent on the instrumental
measures to ensure drinking water for all. Consequently, because of this policy, Municipal
Corporations are getting the water based upon their population but distributing them

ESM 121                                                               Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                                Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

discriminately and exclude the marginalized from getting the proper amounts of water
necessary (IELRC, 2003). Another policy that operates in Mumbai is the Maharashtra Water
Resource Regulatory Authority (MWRRA). While this policy does have some positive aspects,
there are some downfalls in this as well. This policy allows the setting of tariffs on different bulk
water users including industry and small scale water users and farmers as well. This could lead
to unfair pricing for water uses if they don’t create an equal pricing breakdown. This policy has
also introduced and implemented a tariff structure in which farmers in particular that have
more than one child will have to pay higher prices for their water (IELRC, 2003). Regardless of
how you feel about the subject, this tariff is a form of population control, and it is unfair that
the burden lies with the farmers while all of the urban dwellers are not forced to pay. How is
that going to help with population control? There are a lot more problems besides the ones
talked about above. Low tariff rates, the policy of subsidy, low recovery rates, metering errors
and billing mistakes burden the system (Sule, 2009). Some people go as far as saying that the
wealthy are acting criminally with regards to distribution for the slums. There are proposed
policy measures that will benefit and help ease the situation, but they rely heavily on citizen
action, selflessness of corporations and the wealthy. As of now, that has yet to be seen, but
there are many physical issues with the water system that are more pressing and need to be


   There are many issues and problems with the water systems/infrastructure in Mumbai,
India today. Most systems are in decay or in some places, non‐existent. The current
infrastructure in the city today is over one hundred years old and the maintenance is subpar by
any standards. Their system works like this: monsoon precipitation is collected in six different
service lakes where it sits until it goes to a treatment plant. The water is then sent to the
Bhandup Water Treatment Plant, where they treat an average of four hundred sixty million
gallons of water per day. The Bhandup Water Treatment Plant is the largest of its kind in all of
Asia (PTI Agency, 2007). After going through treatment and sanitation, it is then sent to one of
seventeen service reservoirs, where it is stored until needed, and then finally distributed

ESM 121                                                              Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                              Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

through six hundred fifty km transmission mains, three thousand km of distribution mains and
three thousand two hundred km of service pipes where it is then finally able to be consumed by
the citizens within the city limits (Sule, 2009). While these systems may be effective in other
countries around the world, in Mumbai, this will not continue to work. The systems and
infrastructure cannot keep up with the increasing population and an obvious increase in the
demand for water. It is believed by both the World Bank and the Brihanmumbai Municipal
Corporation that the city has access to enough water to supply the city for twenty four hours,
but there’s one big problem (Varghese, 2007). The infrastructure is in such bad shape, that
unbelievable amounts of water are allowed to leak out and escape from piping and tunnels.
When you add this to the fact that the city is only supplied with six hours of water per day,
mass amounts of water is being lost and not enough brought in to keep up with the demand. It
is estimated that the city of Shanghai, China loses on average in a twenty four hour time period,
the same amount as the city of Mumbai loses in their small six hour window. This shows a great
lack of money being put into maintaining and updating these systems. Even if the city did have
enough time and money to update the whole system, a major problem is that city officials and
workers are not even sure where pipes are located. This makes it extremely hard to fix leaks
because no city piping maps have been completed, so finding the pipes and sources of leaks will
prove to be very financially and labor intensive. Another problem with the leaky infrastructure
in the city is that where these leaks occur, is where bacteria and other harmful contaminants
grow and eventually get into the water supply. This creates excess contamination of the water
supply in many parts of the city. The cases of water borne illnesses are staggering and most of
which are caused by the pipe leak containments. With a city so populous and large it is hard to
manage and maintain the systems in all of the parts. Efforts will be made by the current
governing body to break the city down into smaller sectors and start improvements by this
method (Varghese, 2007). A great deal of effort and money will need to be implemented by
the agencies in Mumbai that control this water supply in order to raise the bar when it comes
to the infrastructure of water systems in the city. With the population currently exploding these
agencies will have to work fast and diligently in order to combat the crisis that they have before

ESM 121                                                             Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                                 Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

Water Agencies

   The water governing agencies in Mumbai have an obvious serious situation on their hands.
It is very hard to maintain water systems in a city with such a big population, and an
infrastructure that is in serious need of repair. Most of this responsibility lies with the
Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation. The goal of the BMC is to ensure sanitation and health in
connection with sewage and the water supply for the city. The BMC is in charge of seventy five
percent of the water supply, maintenance, and sanitation throughout the city. The real
discrepancy or problem with this agency is that it distributes more water to the urban
downtown areas than it does to citizens in the rural areas, also considered the slums. By some
estimates, the BMC provides the greater Mumbai area with around ninety lpcd, while it only
provides the “slums” with about twenty five lpcd, which is well below an acceptable standard
for human rights and health (Sule, 2009). Another agency involved with water systems
throughout India, is the World Bank. While the World Bank does not exclusively work for the
city of Mumbai, they are an instrumental tool in providing assistance to the city to better
maintain and manage their water supply. They help city officials oversee different aspects and
projects of their water system. The last system of management seen in Mumbai is by the
private sector. While it is not a majority of the system, the private sector has seen some
backing from the people. Some believe it would be more beneficial for the water to privately
run, but as of now, these policies have had major opposition and that is why we still see the
BMC in majority control. As Kisan Mehta, a renowned environmentalist, says “People are yet to
come out of the mindset that water is naturally available and hence, a free commodity” (Sule,
2009). This is a troubling mindset in this situation because without knowing where the problem
lies, nothing can, or will be changed.


   Due to the increasing number of water infrastructure challenges expected in the near future
for Mumbai, a solution must be devised. Designing a resolution that meets rural and urban
water demand was the goal of our project. For our solution, we proposed to work with Matt
MacDonald and his engineering team. Matt McDonald engineered the Mumbai IV Water

ESM 121                                                               Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                               Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

Supply Project, which increased water supply to the Mumbai area by 15%. Water from the
middle Vaitarna Dam was released to lower Lake Modak Sagar and drawn for treatment and
city use. Our Proposal is to: Create another dam in the Vaitarna River and divert more water
towards Modak Sagar. The benefits of this system are that: it has already been implemented, it
is more cost‐effective and it has shown to be successful. Our other proposal is to: increase the
use of rain water harvesting. The Mumbai area is known to experience heavy monsoon
flooding during the year. Our recommendation is to make rain‐harvesting devices mandatory
for government buildings and to lower the cost of devices for consumers. This way, water can
be collected on top of rooftops in tanks and then treated for public use. It is a low cost
solution. Desalination is another option that the Mumbai area can consider. There is an
abundance of sea water present that can be put to beneficial use. One more solution is to work
with the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation and create more small scale water recycling
plants. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has constructed water treatment plants in
the past and they have been shown to be very successful. It is estimated that 80% of the water
that is distributed to Mumbai is discharged as wastewater (Sule, 2009). The potential to recycle
this water and reuse it for public use is tremendous. This type of infrastructure can help meet
the rising demand without having to place a large dent in the state or federal budget. The
Vaitarna Dam project may not be beneficial for rural residents because most of them do not
have the pipelines to obtain the water. But, it will help increase supply to the city and solve the
urban problems. The rainwater harvesting and small scale recycling water plants will help solve
the problem for the rural residents. We also propose a policy to the federal government, which
places a price ceiling on water costs for the rural/underprivileged residents. By placing an
adequate price ceiling, we can ensure equality for water resources. Most of the cost for our
projects will be directed towards The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. The Indian
Central Government should cover some of the costs and provide a helping hand. We have also
devised a plan for the rural problem of sanitation. The approval and construction of these
projects may take many years. So in the short term, we want to address the problem of
sanitation. The rural/underprivileged residents are forced to obtain their water from the
cheapest possible sources. These sources may include: lakes, rivers and even sewage systems.

ESM 121                                                             Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                               Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

So we propose that a cheap “Tea Bag Water Filter” system be implemented. This type of water
purification system has been implemented in Africa at a small scale and has shown to be
successful. Traditional tea bags are filled with carbon granules and the outside contains
biocides, which kill bacteria. This tea bag is placed into a water bottle or jug and can absorb
and filter out all of the harmful contaminants (Saenz, 2010). It is extremely cheap to implement
this system and has the potential to save millions of lives. It is scientifically shown to remove
99% of the harmful contaminants. Overall, the tea bag only costs about ½ cent to filter 1 liter of
water. Our goal will be to have the local government supply the tea bags to the rural residents
free of charge. This would help save many lives and decrease health related costs in the long


   With the population of Mumbai expected to grow by 25% in 2021, water supply and
management will surely become a central issue. The current water system is around 100 years
old and lacks adequate construction. The system is faulty and leads to demand shortages in the
Mumbai area. The challenges are faced by the urban and rural residents. The water supply in
Mumbai also poses a problem of inequality. Even when the system does provide enough
water, it is not distributed in a rational manner. The more wealthy residents are able to gain
access to the water supply, while the rural/underprivileged residents are left fighting for their
lives. The current water infrastructure is infested with bacteria due to its age and the rural
residents are left to face its consequences. Some solutions have been developed in the area by
Matt McDonald and his engineering team. Through new infrastructure, they have increased
supply to the area by 15%. Our project focused on finding solutions to meet the future
demand. We proposed to: create another dam in the Vaitarna River, implement rain‐
harvesting devices and to construct more small scale water recycling/treatment plants. Our
goal is to create change in the Mumbai area and allow water supply to be distributed
consistently (to meet demand) and fairly (to supply rural residents). Greater action will have to
be taken by the Mumbai water agencies and local governments. Water supply is a necessity

ESM 121                                                             Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                                Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

and it affects the welfare of the local residents. Small children and older adults are suffering. It
is up to Mumbai to create the change that it needs.


The limitation for our project is going to be involved with funding. We have devised a plan to
fund the projects but it is up to the local government and federal government to collaborate.
Mumbai is not currently investing a lot of money in water infrastructure. Instead, they are
renovating the old systems because it is the cheaper option. Thus, getting them to invest more
money into a plan that is developed for the future will be a challenge.


       1.      Gigil Varghese. (Dec. 2007). “The Mumbai Project: 24‐hour Water Supply? It’s No
               Pipedream”. Hindustan Times.‐
               pipedream/Article1‐261739.aspx. (Dec. 1, 2012).

       2.      Ingall, Simon., Dalton, Joe., O’Regan, Jack., Vichier‐Guerre, Marion., Chaigneau,
               Cyril., Bishop, Alys. (2012). “Water Supply for Low Income Urban Settlements in
               Developing Countries.” Cranfield University Water Management –Global Water
               Policy and Management Project.
     ‐us.html. (Dec. 4th,

       3.      International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC). 2003. “Maharashtra
               Water Policy, 2003”. IELRC. (Nov 28, 2012).

       4.      Mehta, Neel. (2012). “Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation Mumbai Water
               Supply Project.” Mumbai Water Supply Management.
               (Dec. 1, 2012)

       5.      Observer Research Foundation. (2010). “Water Crisis in Mumbai.” ORF
               Water‐Crisis‐in‐Mumbai. (Dec. 1, 2012)

ESM 121                                                              Water Science and Management
An Uncertain Future: Mumbai, India                                          Scott, Ali, Bhardwaj

       6.      PTI Agency. (June 2007). “Mumbai’s Largest Water Treatment Plant to Have New
               Actuators.” PTI Agency.‐s‐
               largest‐water‐treatment‐plant‐to‐have‐new‐actuators_1104217. (Nov 28, 2012).

       7.      Saenz, Aaron. (2010). “South African Nanotech ‘Tea Bag’ To Filter Water for
               Pennies.” Singularity Hub.‐africa‐
               develops‐nanotech‐tea‐bag‐to‐filter‐water‐for‐pennies‐video/. (Dec. 4, 2012)

       8.      Sule, Surekha. (2009). “Mumbai’s Water Supply”. Bombay Community Public
               (Dec.4, 2012)

       9.      Sule, Surekha. (2009). “Mumbai’s Water Supply”. Bombay Community Public
               (Dec.4, 2012)

ESM 121                                                         Water Science and Management
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