ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

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ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

                         WEEKLY BULLETIN
By 2030 eThekwini will be Africa’s most caring and liveable City                                                  16 April 2018 [Issue 118]


  EThekwini residents are encouraged to have their say on the Municipality’s Draft Integrated Development Plan (IDP) for the 2018/19
  financial year. The draft IDP is out for public comment until 4 May 2018.

ETHEKWINI Municipality’s             City’s Long Term Development       creating a platform for growth,    monitor the implementation of
Draft Integrated Development         Plan and is also informed by       empowerment and skills             the various programmes and
Plan (IDP) for the next financial    global, national and provincial    development; a vibrant and         projects contained within each
year from 1 July 2018 to 30          policies such as the Sustainable   creative city, the foundation      plan.
June 2019, is available for          Development Goals, the             for sustainability and social       The SDBIP provides both
comment and the public is            National Development Plan          cohesion; fostering good           financial as well as non-
urged to provide their input         and the Provincial Growth and      governance and responsive          financial performance indicators
on this important City strategy      Development Strategy.              local government and creating      which are used to monitor and
document.                             The IDP consists of eight plans   a financially accountable and      evaluate quarterly and yearly
 The IDP is the key strategic        that will help the City achieve    sustainable City.                  service delivery targets. This
document which guides and            its vision of becoming Africa’s     Each plan has a set of            document also forms part of
informs all planning, budgeting,     most caring and liveable City.     deliverables which informs the     the IDP.
management and decision-              These plans are all               City’s budget and by which the      The Draft IDP is available
making related to delivering         inter-related and include          City’s performance is monitored.   on the Municipality’s website
services and development in          developing and sustaining          The formulation of the City’s and will
the Municipal area. The plan is      our spatial, natural and built     budget takes the above plans       also be placed in Municipal
a requirement of the Municipal       environment; developing a          into account so as to ensure       libraries and Sizakala Centres.
Systems Act of 2000 and is           prosperous, diverse economy        that the City’s strategic          Comments can be sent to
reviewed annually.                   and employment creation;           objectives are achieved.           Puven Akkiah,email Puvendra.
 The strategic approach of           creating a quality living           A Service Delivery Budget
the Integrated Development           environment; fostering a           Implementation Plan (SDBIP)         The closing date for comments
Plan (IDP) is underpinned by         socially equitable environment;    is thereafter compiled to          is 4 May 2018.

                                                 “KEEPING YOU IN THE KNOW”
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

                                                                                                         achieve inclusive economic
                                                                                                         growth as well as sustainable
                                                                                                         employment for the historically
                                                                                                         marginalised,” she added.
                                                                                                          Deputy City Manager for
                                                                                                         the Economic Development
                                                                                                         and Planning Cluster Phillip
                                                                                                         Sithole said: “While the
                                                                                                         DBF programme is a tool to
                                                                                                         expose and equip emerging
                                                                                                         businesses, it also serves as
                                                                                                         a banner that showcases all
                                                                                                         the opportunities and services
                                                                                                         available in the Municipality for
                                                                                                         businesses to access,” he said.
                                                                                                          “This year’s key focus will
                                                                                                         be on youth development
                                                                                                         and township economies
                                                                                                         revitalisation. The Fair is a
                                                                                                         strategic platform to achieve
                                                                                                         economic development
                                                                                                         goals as it attracts esteemed
                                                                                                         businesses, private sector
                                                                                                         partners and investors who
                                                                                                         can identify opportunities
 EThekwini Municipality’s Durban Business Fair provides a platform for small businesses to               and partner with us in
 showcase and market their products to a broader audience of potential buyers and investors.             driving radical economic
                                                                                                         transformation,” added Sithole.
                                                                                                          The South and North Regional
FOR the past two decades,           seminars to be headlined by         remarkable entrepreneurs that    Fairs will be hosted in July and
eThekwini Municipality has          influential businesspeople. It      have contributed in reducing     August respectively with the
intensified its support to local    will also provide a wide range      the high unemployment rate.      dates communicated closer to
businesses by providing an          of opportunities from various        “The fruition of the            the events.
invaluable platform for them        sectors including textile and       programme has also attracted      Registration fees for
to showcase and market their        clothing, technology, film,         global business empowerment      SMMEs is R200 with the
products, network and create        property and many more.             events which were hosted         forms obtainable from the
linkages through the Durban          Regional business fairs are        alongside the Fair in previous   Business Support, Tourism
Business Fair (DBF).                a lead-up to the main DBF           years. These include the 19th    and Markets Unit situated at
 To further stimulate the           which is set to take place at       International Conference of      199 Anton Lembede Street
growth and sustainability of        Durban’s Inkosi Albert Luthuli      Small and Medium Enterprises     (formerly Smith Street) 7th
Small, Medium and Micro-            International Convention Centre     and the Essence Festival,” she   Floor, Embassy Building.
sized Enterprises (SMMEs),          from 18 to 23 September.            added.                           Forms are also accessible at
the Municipality will activate       EThekwini Mayor Zandile             Mayor Gumede said these         the Municipal website: www.
the DBF 20 year celebration         Gumede said this year’s focus       programmes yielded lucrative
programme by hosting the            will be to celebrate the positive   benefits for the City such        Interested businesses have
first regional fair for the Inner   impact the Fair has had on          as boosting its profile and      until 16 May 2018 to register
and Outer West regions at the       emerging businesses. “The           economic status globally while   for the Inner and Outer West
Hammarsdale Junction from           Fair has become a key tool          creating employment and          Regional Business Fairs. For
25 to 27 May.                       for the City to accelerate the      business linkages.               further details, contact Fezile
 The City invites all SMMEs         development of SMMEs.”               “As government we are           Nzuza on 031 311 4500 or
to register for the three-day        Mayor Gumede said the Fair         convinced that through           031 322 9971 or email: fezile.
exhibition platform which           has grown from strength to          small business development
will include a number of            strength and has produced           we will be able to unlock
empowerment practises and           a significant number of             economic opportunities and

ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality


 Locally produced drama ‘Imbewu: The Seed’, premieres tonight, 16 April at 9.30pm on and tells the story of two families from
 different cultural backgrounds – one being African and the other being an Indian family.

A GRIPPING new television          sectors such as catering,          in eThekwini after ‘uZalo’, a      situated in the heart of Durban
daily drama ‘Imbewu: The           equipment hire and security        highly successful telenovela       with the series exteriors being
Seed’, commissioned by        has also been opened up as         on SABC 1, created a number        shot on location in Chatsworth,
and is being shot entirely in      a result of the drama being        of opportunities for the local     Mbumbulu and uMlazi.
Durban, has been hailed as it      filmed locally.                    film industry when it first hit     This is being done with the
further cements eThekwini as a      ‘Imbewu: The Seed’ is             our screens four years ago.        aim of showcasing Durban’s
premiere film destination.         produced by Grapevine              She added that ‘Imbewu’ will       culture and lifestyle as well as
 The production premieres          Productions and is a joint         create further opportunities       its people and places.
tonight, 16 April at 9.30pm        venture between Anant Singh’s      for employment and film             Durban born and bred Leleti
on but has already brought    Videovision Entertainment,         development in the City.           Khumalo said: “We wanted
significant economic benefits      Duma Ndlovu’s Word Of Mouth         Head of local productions at      to tell authentic stories about
to the City’s film industry as     Pictures and Leleti Khumalo’s Ziyanda Mngomezulu said       people in Durban and its rich
120 jobs consisting of 80 crew     Luyks Productions.                 she is confident viewers will      and colourful diversity.”
and 40 cast members have            ‘Imbewu’ tells the story of two   love the show.                      A thrilled Lungelo Ngcobo,
been created. Furthermore, of      families from different cultural    “One of’s commitments in     28, from Inanda who was
the 120 people employed, 110       backgrounds – one being            2018 is to invest in provinces     appointed as a Script
which translates to 91 percent     African and the other being an     beyond Gauteng. KwaZulu-           Supervisor for Imbewu said the
of the staff compliment are        Indian family.                     Natal is the country’s fastest-    production has restored hope in
from Durban and surrounding         Toni Monty who heads the          growing province with a strong     the local film industry.
areas.                             Durban Film Office within          focus on the entertainment          “When I started in the
 ‘Imbewu’ will air five days a     the Municipality’s Economic        industry. We are honoured to be    industry in 2009 there were
week from Monday to Friday.        Development and Investment         partnering with film, television   zero opportunities in the local
The show has also opened up        Promotion Unit said: “This         and theatre greats in Anant        film industry. But through
a number of empowerment            latest production in Durban        Singh, Duma Ndlovu and Leleti      the Durban Film Office’s
opportunities for local trainees   will certainly help support our    Khumalo and look forward to        interventions along with other
including graduates and final      vision of positioning Durban as    presenting viewers with a fresh    stakeholders, there has been
year students from the AFDA        a film and television production   reflection of Durban and the       great improvement. We now
Film School and the Durban         hub.”                              entire province.”                  have no reason to relocate
University of Technology.           Monty said this is another big     Mngomezulu mentioned              to other cities for greener
 Further prospects in other        production to be established       that the drama’s studios are       pastures,” added Ngcobo.

                                                                                                   ISSUE 118 ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN   3
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

THE GO! Durban Cycle
Academy gave a stellar
performance at the fourth
annual Marriott Freedom Race
with the first nine finishers of
the 20 kilometres race, which
took place on 8 April, being
Academy riders.
 There were 24 cyclists from
the Academy at the starting
line of the race, resulting in
an incredible achievement
of podium finishes in five
categories, including a clean
sweep of the top spots in the
20 kilometres race.
 In the men’s race, Mzwakhe
Langa won with the swift time
of 00:50:56, a minute faster
than his second and third
placed peers. In the ladies          GO! Durban Cycle Academy cyclists from left to right, Siyabonga Njiva, Linda Maphanga, Mcendisi
category Asanda Mthembu              Mkize, Lungani Mbabo, Sbonga Mafuleka and Thamsanqa Makhanya.
was the shining star of the day,
finishing eighth overall and        races, with a win in both men’s    line was palpable as riders        our riders at the start line is
being placed the first female       races by Kusaselihle Ngidi         cheered for each another and       testament to the amazing
winner with a time of 1:14:03..     and Inanda Coach Mboneni           rushed to congratulate their       work of the coaches and site
 KwaMashu Coach Thobani             Ngcobo.                            team mates with high fives and     administrators in developing
Bhengu had four riders at the        Ngcobo was beaming with           hugs.                              the skills of the riders, both
20 kilometres start line. “I        pride for his riders. “I am very    Head of eThekwini Transport       on and off the bike. They are
am so happy to see my riders        excited to see the youngsters      Authority Thami Manyathi said      truly our ambassadors of active
from KwaMashu compete in            competing in races and doing       the GO!Durban Academy had          mobility in the community
their first race today,” he said.   so well. This is the best          made the City proud through        and we are encouraged in our
The Academy also dominated          opportunity for them to develop    a sterling performance at the      continued efforts to spread the
the front of the pack of the 40     more skills,” he said.             Marriot Freedom Race.              joy of cycling throughout the
kilometres and 60 kilometres         The camaraderie at the finish      “The growth in numbers of         City,” he said.

ETHEKWINI Municipality’s            to the capturing of correct        monitored on a weekly basis.”      in its review of the annual
Revenue Management System           readings are in the meantime       According to the external audit    financial statements that there
(RMS) is stable and correct         being dealt with as steps are      report by the Auditor-General of   has been “improvements in the
bills are being generated, aside    also taken to increase the         South Africa and the Internal      accuracy and reliability of the
from some teething challenges       frequency of electricity metre     Audit report no major or           RMS with regard to customer
previously experienced when         readings from quarterly to         material findings have been        invoicing, efficiency of revenue
the system was initially rolled-    monthly.                           made relating to the RMS.          collection and customer debt
out. However, in most cases         EThekwini’s Deputy City            Kumar said both reports            management.”
queries raised by consumers         Manager for Finance Dr Krish       confirmed the functionality of     Consumers are urged to check
have been attributed to meter       Kumar said issues are being        the system. In addition, the       for leaks and to verify their
readings and not system errors.     dealt with as they arise.          Municipal Public Accounts          bills with the Municipality to
Delays and issues with regard       “The status of issues is being     Committee has also noted           address root cause issues.

                                                 Editorial Team
If you would like to submit feedback or          EDITOR: Tozi Mthethwa, Head of Communications • CONTENT EDITOR: Gugu Sisilana
contribute to eThekwini Weekly Bulletin          SUB-EDITOR: Charmel Payet • WRITERS: Sohana Singh, Nonduduzo Ngcongo and
 Email:              Jessie Singh
                                                 DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Zama Zwane
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality
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