ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

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ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

                          WEEKLY BULLETIN
By 2030 eThekwini will be Africa’s most caring and liveable City                                                         1 April 2019 [Issue 161]


  EThekwini Mayor Zandile Gumede informed displaced Malawian nationals that the City will reintegrate them into their community after they
  were forcefully removed from the Burnwood Informal Settlment following recent clashes.

       OLLOWING a successful            group of locals who forcefully      “We have managed to return          “Now that all the issues
       meeting between the              removed other Malawians in the     the situation to normality,         have been resolved, we are
       community of Burnwood            name of getting rid of “criminal   a large group of Malawian           optimistic that the community
       Informal Settlement,             elements”.                         nationals have opted to return to   of Burnwood and our people
eThekwini Mayor Zandile                  As a sign of extending an olive   Burnwood Informal Settlement.       from Malawi will live together
Gumede and the Malawi High              branch, the Malawian nationals     However, we have about 105          peacefully.
Commission, the Municipality is         wrote a letter apologising for     Malawians who have requested         We want to thank the
pleased to announce that calm           those that have committed the      to be repatriated.                  leadership of the Municipality
has been restored in the area.          act of crime. This gesture was      We are doing everything            and South African government
 The majority of Malawians that         overwhelmingly welcomed by         possible to assist them             for ensuring that the issues were
were forcefully displaced last          the locals who indicated that      together with the International     resolved in a speedily manner,”
week have now returned to their         they were ready to welcome the     Organisation for Immigration        said Bamusi.
homes.                                  Malawian nationals back into       and the Malawi High                  The Municipality would also
 Reports indicate that an               the community.                     Commission,” said Mayor             like to extend gratitude to local
altercation ensued last week             Mayor Gumede said the             Gumede.                             community policing forums,
after a Malawian national was           reintegration and repatriation      The Acting Malawian High           non-government organisations
found in possession of stolen           processes were at an advanced      Commissioner to South Africa,       and the Islamic society who
goods that belonged to a South          stage and the Municipality was     Gloria Bamusi said the Malawi       assisted by providing shelter
African.                                confident that by Wednesday all    High Commission supports all        and City officials who worked
 This unfortunate situation             the processes would have been      the processes that are currently    tirelessly to restore calm.
was then exacerbated by a               concluded.                         taking place.

                                                     “KEEPING YOU IN THE KNOW”
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

THE City’s Draft 2019/2020            THE TARIFF INCREASES ARE AS FOLLOWS:                                      review the Eskom increase,
Budget of R50.8 billion was                                                                                     the City will also review the
                                       SERVICE                                          2019/2020
tabled at a Full Council meeting                                                                                tariff. With regards to the water
on 28 March at the Durban              Assessment Rates                                 6.9 %                   tariff increase of 15 percent for
City Hall. The budget will be                                                                                   domestic consumers and 15.5
taken to the community for their       Water:                                                                   percent for business, which are
input and suggestions and will         Residential                                      15.0 %                  based on the Umgeni Water
thereafter be adopted at the           Business                                         15.5 %                  Board increase of 9.6 percent
end of May. Details of venues          Electricity                                      14.4 %                  and takes into account the
and dates of consultations will                                                                                 additional capital expenditure
be advertised soon.                    Sanitation                                       9.9 %                   on water in terms of the rollout
 The draft budget was                  Refuse                                           9.9 %                   of the Western Aqueduct, huge
developed using various                                                                                         urbanisation increase trends,
principles and benchmarks.            of water and electricity, the        of services, increases to R42.9      provision of ablution facilities as
These include realistic and           impact of capital spending           billion in 2019/20.                  well as free basic water.
achievable collection rates,          on operating expenditure and          The rates increase of 6.9            The sewer tariff has been
sustainability, affordability,        employee related costs.”             percent is about the lowest in       contained to 9.9 percent
cost-reflective tariffs, the City’s    The capital expenditure             the country, especially when         despite similar challenges to
Integrated Development Plan           of R7.9 billion in 2019/20           compared to Johannesburg             water in terms of increased
and to achieve the objectives of      is allocated to meeting              (11.7 percent), and Cape Town        service delivery demands,
the Municipality.                     infrastructure and household         (averaging about 9 percent           capital expenditure, ablution
 EThekwini Deputy Mayor               services needs and backlogs          based on their rate randages         blocks and additional servicing
Fawzia Peer explained the             over the medium term. R3.7           following a further revaluation)     of pit latrines.
increase in tariffs: “Tariff          billion of this is directed to new   while the electricity tariff          The 9.9 percent refuse tariff
increases are a result of             housing developments and             increase of 14.4 percent is          increase is due to additional
repairs and maintenance               interim servicing of informal        an indicative increase due to        areas being serviced, additional
of infrastructure, cost of            settlements.                         the 15.69 percent increase           cleaning of the beachfront,
addressing service delivery            The operating budget, which         expected from Eskom.                 central business district and
backlogs, bulk purchases              funds the continued provision        However, should NERSA further        townships.

ETHEKWINI Mayor Zandile               is the largest Makro in the
Gumede has heaped praise              province.
on the new Makro store                 The environmentally friendly
in Cornubia, saying it has            store is about 20 000m2 in size
contributed to the creation of        and covers over six hectares of
employment both during and            land.
after construction.                    His Majesty King Goodwill
 The store provided over 400          Zwelithini said he is grateful
permanent job opportunities           to be part of this historic
while over 600 people were            occurrence. “I encourage
employed during construction.         Makro to consider undertaking
 Speaking during the official         import substitution and
opening of the store on 27            promote localisation as this will      Makro Chief Executive Officer Doug Jones, His Majesty King
March, Mayor Gumede                   enhance the local economy,”            Goodwill Zwelithini and eThekwini Mayor Zandile Gumede officially
said the store has boosted            said King Zwelithini.                  opened the Makro store in Cornubia, north of the City.
the local economy and also             Mayor Gumede said the City is
assisted small and emerging           looking forward to working with
businesses.                           the store to improve the lives of    bulk buying service. I am            Mayor Gumede.
 Mayor Gumede was                     Cornubia residents.                  proud of this store opening as        Chief Executive Officer for
addressing residents who came          “This store will play a major       it will contribute to job creation   Makro stores Doug Jones
out in their numbers to witness       role in promoting small              and attract investment to the        expressed words of gratitude to
the opening of the store, which       businesses as it supports the        northern part of the City,” said     all attendees.

ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

AN APPEAL to refrain                                                                                        economic transformation and
from activities that                                                                                        inclusion of black businesses,
undermine radical economic                                                                                  we have introduced
transformation in the province                                                                              incubation programmes
was made at the KwaZulu-                                                                                    which will focus on skills
Natal Radical Economic                                                                                      development.”
Transformation Summit held                                                                                   She said this will capacitate
at the Olive Convention Centre                                                                              black businesses to access
between 28 and 29 March.                                                                                    opportunities in sectors that
 The aim of the summit                                                                                      are mainly dominated by the
was to create a platform                                                                                    minority.
for stakeholders to discuss                                                                                  As part of the two-
economic transformation                                                                                     day summit, there were
challenges in the province                                                                                  panel discussions where
and make recommendations                                                                                    stakeholders posed questions
on measures that could                   EThekwini Mayor Zandile Gumede delivering a welcome address        and made recommendations,
help advance transformation              at the KwaZulu-Natal Radical Economic Transformation Summit        during which the Director for
initiatives.                             held at the Olive Convention Centre.                               Compliance in the Broad-
 MEC for Economic                                                                                           Based Black Empowerment
Development, Tourism and                                                                                    Commission Busisiwe
Environmental Affairs Sihle         the youth at the summit,            significant. If KZN succeeds        Ngwenya offered advice on
Zikalala said factors such as       highlighting the importance         at economic transformation,         matters around procurement,
BEE fronting, work stoppages        of their participation in           it means all of South Africa        penalties for non-compliance
at construction sites and non-      economic transformation.            succeeds and if we fail, that       and the handling of
commitment to transformation         In line with radical economic      means the whole country             grievances.
initiatives by different            transformation policies, MEC        fails,” said MEC Pillay.             Executive Director for
stakeholders are some of the        for Human Settlements and            Delivering the welcome             the Association of Social
issues that hinder radical          Public Works Ravi Pillay said       address, eThekwini Mayor            Engagement Facilitators of
economic transformation. This       the target provincial spend         Zandile Gumede said as              Southern Africa, Sithembiso
impedes the fight against the       was set at a 60 percent black       part of the City’s radical          Madlala encouraged
triple challenge of poverty,        beneficiary profile.                economic transformation,            collaboration between
unemployment and inequality,         “Being the second biggest          several initiatives have been       government, the community
he said.                            province in the country, the        established.                        and business sectors to
 MEC Zikalala acknowledged          scale that KwaZulu-Natal             “To accelerate our                 bridge the gap between the
the presence of women and           contributes to the economy is       interventions in achieving          rich and poor.

THE City’s Executive                held at City Hall on 26 March.      influence municipal IDP’s, this      The implementation Chapter
Committee tabled a report            Changes that were made             includes New Urban Agenda,          and Annexures have been
outlining changes made              consist of the complete             Sustainable Development             updated to reflect the current
to the 2019/20 Integrated           updating of the Situation           Goals and AU Agenda                 organisational situation within
Development Plan (IDP)              Analysis with information           amongst others.                     the municipality. Updated
that will guide development         provided by relevant Line            The IDP office also amended        organograms as well as staff
in eThekwini Municipality           Departments. Demographic            programmes programs write-          vacancy figures have been
and ensure the provision of         profiles and statistics relating    ups as per engagements              included.
services in a co-ordinated          to population projections have      with the line departments.           The Committee also accepted
manner.                             been updated to reflect the         One of the notable changes          the recommendation to
 The IDP is a strategic plan        latest Statistic SA figures as      to Chapter 3 of the IDP was         submit the approved IDP and
that guides and informs             per Community Survey 2016.          in Plan 2 which includes            supporting documentation
all planning processes,              Chapter 2 updates include          the addition of two new             to the MEC for Cooperative
activities, decision making,        figures and diagrams that have      programmes namely Inkosi            Governance and Traditional
budgeting and management            also been updated to reflect        Albert Luthuli International        Affairs for preliminary
in the Municipality. The report     the most current strategic          Convention Centre and uShaka        assessment.
was tabled at an Executive          think at Global, National,          Marine World as dedicated
Committee meeting that was          Regional and Local level that       programmes in the IDP.

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ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality

      BUSINESS empowerment,                                                                                        whomever operates the
      licencing and keeping the                                                                                    business in their absence.
      City clean were among the                                                                                     Bongiwe Dlamini from the
      most emphasised issues                                                                                       Cleansing and Solid Waste
      discussed at an informal                                                                                     Unit educated traders about
      traders’ compliance                                                                                          the damage caused by the
      workshop held at the iTrump                                                                                  incorrect disposal of waste.
      Hall on 27 March.                                                                                             Dlamini said often the waste
       The Business Support,                                                                                       ends up in the sea, distorting
      Tourism and Market Unit                                                                                      the entire ecosystem.
      invited various City units to                                                                                   She said the waste may
      educate traders on complying                                                                                 also block sewage and
      with Municipal bylaws while            Informal traders from across the City came out in their numbers       storm pipes which could
                                             to attend a compliance programme held at the iTrump Hall
      conducting their business.                                                                                   lead to major damage to
      City officials said growth and                                                                               infrastructure as the pipes
      sustainability in the informal                                                                               overflow during heavy rains
      traders sector will assist          Nosisi Mbobo, from the              asked attendees.                     as the water is obstructed.
      the Municipality to curb           Business Support Unit, said           Mbali Msweli from the                Metro Police Superintendent
      poverty and unemployment           the City is facing a major           Business Licencing Unit              Motsamai Dingaan reassured
      which is a major part of the       problem of uncleanliness             said cleanliness was very            traders that they have the
      City’s long-term growth and        which will drive investors           important when dealing with          protection of the police while
      development strategy.              away.                                food. “If you don’t comply           at the same time urging them
       Traders were encouraged            “Having an unclean City             with the health or fire bylaws,      to comply with the law.
      to dream big and seek help         doesn’t just affect investors,       your licence may be taken             “If you operate legally you
      from the Business Support          but also affects your                away,” said Msweli.                  won’t have any problems.
      Unit in order to grow into         businesses. How are you               She emphasised that all             Work with the police to report
      prominent business owners          going to attract buyers if you       traders should apply for             those who are operating
      during the workshop.               trade in a filthy place?” she        licences which must include          illegally,” Dingaan said.

      Informal traders rally to clean their work environment
       A campaign was held at the        departments including Fire
      Traders Market-Ezinhlokweni        and Emergency Services,
      at the KwaMashu Station            Environmental Health and
      on 27 March and saw local          Community Participation.
      entrepreneurs rallying to           The campaign emphasised
      clean up the surrounding           the importance of
      environment.                       cleanliness, maintenance
       The initiative is the             and taking responsibility of
      brainchild of the City’s           your working environment.
      Business Support, Tourism           The Health Department
      and Markets Unit and the           educated traders on proper
      Cleansing and Solid Waste          food preparation while the
      Unit together with the             Fire and Emergency Unit                Ward 104 Councillor Muziwenhlanhla Shezi assisted City
                                                                                officials and traders during the KwaMashu Traders Market
      Passenger Rail Agency of           conducted fire compliance
                                                                                clean-up campaign.
      South Africa and other City        inspections.

                                                 EDITORIAL TEAM
                                                 ACTING EDITOR: Mandla Nsele, Acting Head of Communications
   If you would like to submit feedback or
                                                 CONTENT EDITOR: Nondumiso Mathomane • SUB-EDITOR: Nondumiso Mathomane
   contribute to eThekwini Weekly Bulletin
                                                 WRITERS: Nonhlanhla Mkhabela, Priah Dass, Siphesihle Soni, Simphiwe Dlamini, Mbalenhle
                                                 Sithebe and Carly Abdul-Rasheed • PHOTOGRAPHERS: Pumla Khwela, Mpumelelo Makhaye and
                                                 Busiswa Chiliza • DESIGN & LAYOUT: Zimana Bashe
ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality ETHEKWINI WEEKLY BULLETIN - eThekwini Municipality
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