STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2022 - Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Page created by Salvador Soto
STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2022 - Carnegie Museum of Natural History
 carnegie museum of natural history
STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2022 - Carnegie Museum of Natural History
It gives us great pleasure to present to you   becoming more outwardly focused in an              Greetings                                   2
the 2020–2022 Strategic Plan for Carnegie      increasingly competitive landscape.
Museum of Natural History (CMNH).                                                                 Vision & Mission                            5
Advancing our vision to be the world’s most    In 2020–2022, we aim to leverage this
relevant natural history museum, we have       strong foundation, transitioning to become
achieved many important outcomes over          more nimble, empowered and productive,             Core Values                                 6
the last three years, encompassed by our       setting a positive example for our industry
2016–2019 plan.                                nationwide. The current plan includes work         Scientific Principles                       7
                                               on infrastructure, building strong teams
• We broke our all-time visitation record,     and, above all, continuing to embed best
    two years in a row.                                                                           Introduction                                8
                                               practice into our culture. Throughout this
• We produced our first in-house               process, we will continue learning more
    temporary exhibition, We Are Nature:       about our visitors, while we keep them             Tell Big Stories                            10
    Living in the Anthropocene, enjoyed        front of mind.
    by an estimated 300,000 visitors.                                                             Demonstrate Business Acumen                 14
                                               So many people contributed to the
• We hired the world’s first Curator           production of this plan. We are grateful to
    of the Anthropocene.                       the CMNH Taskforce who led the process             Treat Stakeholders as Individuals           16
                                               and drafting of this document and to all
• We secured the largest science grant         those who participated in the charrettes.
    in the history of Carnegie Museums         We are also deeply indebted to the many
    of Pittsburgh, a National Science          donors who make this work possible.
    Foundation grant of almost $1.3M.

• Our daily Facebook posts are now             Finally, we wish to acknowledge and thank
    circulated to over 600,000 people.         Lee Foster, outgoing Chair of CMNH. His
                                               inspired leadership and commitment to
• Scientific publications are on track         the Carnegie Museums has set us in good
    this year for an 8-fold increase in        stead for the future. We are looking forward
    scientific impact.                         to the next three years as we steward this

                                               important institution further on its trajectory.
These accomplishments demonstrate
the power of developing a cohesive vision
and supporting process, and attaining it       Mike Popper               Eric Dorfman, PhD
through the collaboration of our internal      CHAIR ADVISORY BOARD      DANIEL G. AND CAROLE
and external stakeholder communities,                                    L. K AMIN DIRECTOR

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2022 - Carnegie Museum of Natural History
                      The world’s most relevant
                      natural history museum.

                      To seek inspiration in our
                      collections and advocate
                      for a sustainable future.

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2022 - Carnegie Museum of Natural History
THE INHERENT WORTH OF NATURE                     VISITOR FOCUS                               HUMAN-INDUCED CLIMATE CHANGE                 COLLECTIONS
Humans are part of the natural world and         Our activities are embedded in an           Multiple lines of evidence confirm that      Our collections form one of the world’s
cannot exist in its absence. A relationship      understanding of the needs of our           the clearly measurable rise in greenhouse    great archives of biodiversity, as well as the
to the natural world is beneficial to society,   communities; we start with the people       gases over the past few hundred years,       history of life and human relationships to
boosting mental acuity and creativity,           and work back to the museum.                which adversely affect the quality of life   nature. We are responsible for stewardship
promoting health and wellness and the                                                        for the whole biosphere, does not stem       of a collection that is critical to the discovery,
building of more sustainable communities.                                                    from natural mechanisms. Rather, post-       communication and inspiration that are
                                                 MAXIMIZING EFFICIENCIES                     industrial human activity has increased      central to the museum’s mission and values.
                                                 We use continuous quality improvement       the proportion of greenhouse gases in
A PLACE FOR LEARNING AND INSPIRATION             methods to improve efficiency in how        the atmosphere, resulting in a change to
Museums are a place for learning, both           we work, while maintaining our high         the Earth’s climate patterns. We support     EVOLUTION
formally and informally, at every stage of       professional and scientific standards.      activities that use human ingenuity to       Evolution is the best explanation for how
life and ability. We work to facilitate this                                                 mitigate and adapt to these changes.         the diversity of life around us came to exist.
throughout the institution’s exhibitions                                                                                                  It remains the only compelling scientifically
and activities, inside the museum to serve       AN INCLUSIVE WORKFORCE                                                                   rigorous account of how life has developed —
as an incubator for scientists, and outside                                                  THE IMPORTANCE OF SCIENTIFIC                 and continues to develop — on our planet.
                                                 A more diverse and inclusive work
the museum to create a more scientifically       environment fosters productivity and        LITERACY
informed community.                              enhances our ability to attract, hire and   Science, technology and innovation are
                                                 retain the best talent while ensuring       important to our economic well-being
                                                 CMNH responds to workforce changes          and quality of life and are foundations
ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCACY                           and dynamic market conditions. In all       of an innovative culture.
We are honest and responsible for our            of our actions, we aim to foster a
actions and how they affect the environment,     workforce that reflects our community.

we share important, scientific information
with the general public in a way that they can
understand, and we practice stewardship of
the natural world.

We inherit the Earth from previous generations
and have an obligation to pass it on in
reasonable condition to future generations.

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2022 - Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Carnegie Museum of Natural History is           2) Treating those stakeholders as
a leader in thinking about our rapidly          individuals, recognizing that each person
changing world. Species decline, habitat        who engages with us has her or his own
                                                                                                                              USINESS ACUMEN
loss, anthropogenic climate change and          way of interacting with us, as well as unique                                B
many other issues are pressing problems         needs, drivers and expectations, and 3)
that science and public awareness can           Demonstrate business acumen, recognizing
address better in concert than separately.      that in order to engage properly with our
Our institution provides a forum to blend       mission-driven activities, we must have
robust scholarship with community               sufficient resources.
engagement and, in doing so, strengthen
organic ties between society and nature.        This model prompts us to ask high-level
To do this, we need a roadmap to ensure         questions about the fundamental aspects
our vision and mission are empowered            of our most important issues. How will
operationalize our goals. This strategic        societies respond to pervasive climate                                          RELEVANCE
plan is that roadmap.                           change? How will we welcome people who

                                                                                                S TAK EHO

                                                                                                                                                                           RIE S
                                                need reduced sensory input? Or people
In the 2020–2022 Strategic Plan, we aim to:     who speak in another language? How can

                                                we achieve these things while maintaining
• Transition CMNH from a consolidation

                                                ongoing business sustainability?                            RS                                                         B

    phase in our business life cycle to one
    of growth.

• Create a planning document that
    represents a useable tool for doing this.

We have developed a process that will                                                                        CMNH Relevance Model. Three strategic perspectives
ensure a seamless connection between                                                                         (business, stakeholders and stories) inform objectives,
                                                                                                             which have been contributed to by community members
philosophy and end results. The model                                                                        as well as museum leadership and their teams.
(opposite page) is based on the vision of
relevance. This is a philosophical construct
designed as a foundation for further
thinking. Three elements form the basis
of the framework on relevance. These are:
1) Telling big stories, those that resonate
with our guests and other customers,

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                       The museum is a portal to an amazing world.

                       By offering immersive experiences to those
                       who engage with us, we can make learning and
                       discovery accessible. The important stories are,
                       for us, narratives that reach outside the here and
                       now and make unexpected connections between
                       disparate ideas. This is especially true around the
                       interrelationship between humanity and the rest
                       of nature, through showcasing large-scale stories
                       that impact the lives of individuals.

                       In 2020–2022, we will look for opportunities to
                       align our scientific output with the strategic
                       goal of telling big stories. We will also continue

                       to showcase our researchers, who create new
                       scientific knowledge. We will explore new audiences
                       through multidisciplinary partnerships for guiding
                       student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. We

                       find partners who are strong in the creative arts,
                       humanities, community-building, and other areas
                       are key to expanding our audiences. Through this,
                       we will encourage experiential learning, creative
                       problem-solving, and collaboration.


ANTHROPOCENE                     ECOLOGY                        EVOLUTION
The Anthropocene, or             Ecology, the study of the      Understanding evolution is
Age of Humanity, is a            relationships between          critical for an understanding
proposed epoch dating            living organisms, including    of the Earth and its
from the commencement of         humans, and their physical     inhabitants. It is the only
significant human impact         environment, helps us          scientific explanation for
on the Earth’s geology           to understand the vital        the diversity of life, the
and ecosystems. Over the         connections between plants     mechanism responsible
next three years, we will        and animals and the world      for the striking similarities
continue to demonstrate          around them. Ecology also      among vastly different
leadership around the            provides information about     forms of life, the changes
Anthropocene and build           the benefits of ecosystems     that occur within
global awareness. We             and how we can use Earth’s     populations, and the
will achieve this internally     resources in ways that leave   development of new life
through sharing our vision       the environment healthy for    forms. In 2020-2022, we will
and goals among museum           future generations. A focus    continue our preeminent
personnel. Externally,           between 2020 and 2022 will     work on evolutionary
we will build relevance          be to continue our world-      relationships among
and awareness through            class research in this area.   species, leveraging our
partnerships beyond the          We aim to connect people       outstanding collection. We
walls of the museum. We          further to the natural world   will also continue our work
will continue to explore         though an exploration of       of explicitly showcasing
identifying collections of the   biophilia, the hypothesis      evolution in our new and
Anthropocene and explain         that suggests that humans      existing visitor experiences.
the predictive potential         possess an innate tendency
of systematic scientific         to seek connections with
collections. We will also        nature and other forms
advocate for activities that     of life.
support a more sustainable
relationship between
humans and nature.

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The duty to treat people as individuals is an
                                                                                                   STRATEGIC GOAL 2
                       obligation for us as a public-facing institution.
                       Ethically, it forms an important thread in the moral
                       case for inclusion and relevance. We are intentional
                       about exploring communities to gain an authentic
                       understanding of their needs and drivers. From a
                       business perspective, providing opportunities to
                       engage personally creates a relationship that keeps
                       our global community engaged.

                       USE STAKEHOLDERS’               CHANNELS                          ACCESS
                       LANGUAGES                       We will broaden                   We will broaden the
                       We aim to communicate           communication channels            diversity of our staff,

                       impactfully. We work to         to align our brand message        board, and leadership.
                       know our audiences, what        to our audiences. We will         We will implement
                       they care about, and how        increase both onsite and          initiatives that remove
                       they will engage most           offsite engagement and            barriers to participation
                       openly. We will continue        find ways to integrate our        and physical access. We

                       to define stakeholder           brand voice further into the      will provide pathways for
                       communities and their           culture of Pittsburgh and         professional development
                       needs. This knowledge           further afield.                   and expand programs and
                       will enable us to use                                             partnerships that improve
                       languages (both verbal                                            our inclusivity.

                       and non-verbal) that are
                       both sensitive and effective.

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                       As we move into the future, we will need to work
                                                                                                   STRATEGIC GOAL 3
                       to anticipate and manage the many change agents
                       in our working environment. To manage these

                       challenges and lead effectively, we must become
                       more adept at recognizing change and be more
                       aware of the issues that come with creating it. We
                       will succeed by building on traditional business

                       models for a future that combines robust systems
                       with a strong ethical compass.

                       CONTRIBUTED REVENUE           EARNED REVENUE                      MAXIMIZING
                       We aim to generate            Earned income is an                 EFFICIENCIES
                       ongoing funding for           increasing focus for                We are interested in
                       our important activities.     CMNH, encompassing                  creating more value using
                       A basic set of methods        branded merchandise,                fewer resources. The most
                       forms the backbone of our     special events, and                 effective way for us to do
                       donor-centric perspective.    targeted educational                this is through eliminating
                       Nationally, individuals       programs, as well as                waste from our operations.
                       are the largest source of     consultancy, augmenting             In 2020-2022, we will do
                       charitable donations for      more traditional revenue            this by focusing on two
                       nonprofit organizations.      streams. In the next three          guiding tenets: continuous
                       In 2020-2022, we will         years we will continue to           quality improvement and
                       focus on increasing the       develop formal systems              respect for people. We will
                       proportion of contributions   to explore and grow                 maximize efficiencies by
                       from individuals. We will     revenue generating                  adopting lean practices
                       also formalize systems that   opportunities. We aim to            throughout our activities
                       explore new populations of    increase the proportion             and introduce systems to
                       donors, push compelling       of our revenue that is              improve interdepartmental
                       stories that connect to       earned, with expanded               and cross-component
                       our institution, and foster   brand recognition,                  knowledge communications.
                       a proactive culture of        greater diversity of CMNH
                       grant seeking.                merchandise, as well
                                                     as improved access to
                                                     products and services.

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4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
one of the four carnegie museums of pittsburgh

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