Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Cootamundra High School 8190 - Amazon AWS
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Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 Cootamundra High School 8190 Page 1 of 8 Cootamundra High School (8190) -2021-2024 Printed on: 31 March, 2021
School vision and context School vision statement School context At Cootamundra High School we believe that every student should be challenged to learn Cootamundra High School (CHS) is a rural comprehensive high school that services and continually improve in a respectful, inclusive and high expectation environment. Cootamundra and the surrounding rural community. CHS has a student population of 310, Together, with all stakeholders: Parents, students, staff, community, we will collaboratively which includes three multi categorical classes that are fully immersed in mainstream empower our students to become adaptable, connected, resilient and self-directed learners curriculum and experiences. We offer an Off-campus Outreach Centre enabling students who make a successful transition from school to future pathways. with exceptional circumstances to continue their educational journey with dignity and respect. Our inclusive Enrichment Studio, Aboriginal Hub and Sensory gym along with Our core values are Respect, Responsibility and Excellence. Our mantra is Teachers access to both internal (School Psychologist) and external agencies and community Teach, Students Learn and Be Kind all of which are demonstrated by Every Student, Every partners (Headspace, CAMHS, Mission Australia, NDIS specialists, Rotary, Education Staff member, Every Leader, in Every Classroom, Every day through their Behaviour, Foundation, William Rubensohn), enable our students to connect, succeed and thrive at Attitudes and Actions. school. The school has 13% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and proudly stands on 4 hectares of Gudhamangdhuray Wiradjuri land. Gudhamangdhuray means marshlander or keep of the marsh. The task of the Gudhamangdhuray Wiradjuri people was to keep their marsh lands and valley in good condition to protect their totems the long neck turtle and pied currawong. We recognise the strength and resilience of the girls of the 'Stolen Generations' who attended our school having resided at The Cootamundra Domestic Training Home for Aboriginal Girls, known as "Bimbadeen". Students are offered a wide range of courses across all years and this includes Vocational Education and Training courses at the local Cootamundra TAFE. CHS students continually experience success in the HSC and have access to a wide and varied extra-curricular program including the Duke of Edinburgh scheme and award winning Cattle Show team. CHS has changing demographics that are clearly influenced by the state of the rural economy. The school has a Family Occupation Employment Index of 128, indicating the socioeconomic structure of the school. CHS is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school with the core values of Respect, Responsibility and Excellence. CHS has recently undergone extensive renovations and upgrades to all teaching and learning spaces which included the installation of state of the art interactive panels in every teaching space. With the acquisition of sufficient ICT resources, staff and students are becoming proficient at using Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom and Edrolo platforms. Our outdoor spaces and sporting facilities have also been upgraded most notably our new Basketball courts and cola. CHS staff is comprised of a balance of experienced long-term teachers with younger and new scheme teachers now an integral part of the framework of our school. Whole school professional learning has a strong focus on evidence and research informed pedagogy including the Berry Street Education Model, Dr Chris Sara's Strong Smarter philosophy, Bridges Out of Poverty along with James Anderson's Growth Mindset continuum. A small but very active P&C are our best advocates. Page 2 of 8 Cootamundra High School (8190) -2021-2024 Printed on: 31 March, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction Student growth and attainment is the collective Data informed teaching and learning (WWB Data to All teaching and learning programs are responsive to the responsibility of all stakeholders in our school community. inform practice, Assessment) needs of all learners, showing evidence of revisions In order to maximise student learning outcomes in reading based on feedback on teaching practices, student and numeracy and to build strong foundations for An integrated approach to quality explicit teaching, assessment and continuous tracking of student progress academic success, we will further develop and refine data curriculum planning and delivery, assessment and data and achievement. driven collaborative teaching practices that are responsive analysis promotes learning excellence and to the learning needs of individual students. responsiveness in meeting the needs of all students. Teachers collaborate to share curriculum knowledge, data, feedback & other information about student progress • Embed and use professional learning models to build & achievement which meet the learning needs of all Improvement measures teacher capacity and collective pedagogical practice students. in using data effectively. Target year: 2024 Assessment data is collected in reading and numeracy on • Dedicate regular time to using data effectively, a regular and planned basis and used responsively as an Target year: 2023 collect meaningful data and analysing the data to integral part of classroom instruction. monitor student learning and progress. Results for Aboriginal students are equivalent to the • Make informed point in time teaching decisions Assessments are developed and used regularly across progress and achievement of other students in the school. based on data analysis. the whole school to promote consistent and comparable judgment of student learning, monitor student learning Temora Network Priority -Aboriginal Student HSC • Make student assessment part of everyday practice progress and identify skill gaps for improvement and Attainment enabling students to reflect on progress and inform areas for extension. their personal learning goals. Increase the proportion of Temora Network Aboriginal • Design and deliver high quality formal assessment Data and feedback inform teaching practice and direct students attaining Year 12 HSC to 53.9% by 2023, while tasks including structured group assessments. learners and learning. maintaining their cultural identity. Target year: 2024 Effective Classroom Practice (WWB-Explicit Staff monitor and analyse formative assessment data to Teaching, Classroom Management, Effective differentiate learning at the point of instructional need Year 7-10 students demonstrate growth and achieve their Feedback) resulting in continuous academic improvement for every co-developed literacy and numeracy learning goals based student. on the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning All teachers are committed to identifying, understanding Progressions. and implementing the most effective explicit teaching Students understand and achieve their personal literacy methods, with the highest priority given to evidence-based and numeracy goals. Target year: 2024 teaching practice that optimises learning progress for all students, across the full range of abilities. Progress and achievement of equity groups within the Improvement as measured by the School Excellence school is equivalent to the progress and achievement of Framework (SEF): • Prepare for explicit teaching. all students in the school. • Explain, model and guide learning and develop high Learning: Curriculum and Assessment are validated as Visible Learning Intentions and Co-constructed Success quality student-teacher relationships. Excelling. Criteria and feedback are embedded practices in all • Provide structure, predictability and opportunities for learning spaces across the school. Teaching: Effective Classroom Practice and Data Skills active student participation in the classroom. and Use are validated as Excelling. Professional Families are actively engaged in their child's learning, • Actively supervise student to keep them on task, working in close partnership with the school to support Standards Theme - Literacy and Numeracy focus is also monitor student progress, check understanding and validated at Excelling. learning with access to student goals and progress provide students with specific feedback about what through a variety of sources. they need to do to achieve growth as a learner and to demonstrate mastery. Page 3 of 8 Cootamundra High School (8190) -2021-2024 Printed on: 31 March, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Improvement measures Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Leading: Educational Leadership is validated as • Students to self-asses, reflect and monitor their work. The school will use the following data sources to regularly Excelling. Students act on feedback they receive. analyse the effectiveness of the initiatives in achieving the purpose and improvement measures of the Strategic Target year: 2022 • All learning environments are well manged within a Direction. This analysis will guide and inform the school's consistent, whole school approach. A clear future direction: Achievement of 2022 system negotiated targets escalation path for persistent misbehaviour and associated consequences are known by all. • NAPLAN, Yr 7 Best Start, Yr 8-9 Check In 23.5% of students will be in the Top 2 Bands for Assessment, PAT and HSC data Numeracy (baseline 13.8%) • SCOUT - value add data 19.9% of students will be in the Top 2 Bands for Reading • Teaching Sprint and Learning Walk data analysis (baseline 9.4%) • Student work samples 18.7% of students Results will be the in Top 2 Bands for • Literacy and Numeracy PLAN 2 data the HSC (baseline 6.3%) • Student progress mapped against the progressions 47.5% of Aboriginal student Results will be in the Top 3 • Student PLP's and IEP's - goal achievements Bands for the HSC (baseline 35.4%) • Student, staff, parent focus groups and survey Target year: 2023 responses • Observations Achievement of 2023 system negotiated targets • Faculty programs, lesson plans and assessment 68.7% of students will achieve expected growth in tasks Numeracy (baseline 55.8%) The evaluation plan will involve: 69.6% of students will achieve expected growth in Reading (baseline 59.0%) • Regular review of these data sources to provide clarity around whether we are on track for achieving the intended improvement measures. • Regular whole school professional discussions around the School Excellence Framework elements and themes • Executive team and whole staff reflective sessions. • Term by term review and triangulation of data sources including qualitative and quantitative, internal and external data to corroborate conclusions. and inform future actions. Page 4 of 8 Cootamundra High School (8190) -2021-2024 Printed on: 31 March, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Wellbeing - Connect, Succeed, Thrive and Learn Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction To enable our students to connect, succeed, thrive and Planning for learning is informed by sound holistic learn, there will be a planned approach to developing Wellbeing and Engagement (WWB Wellbeing and information about each student's wellbeing involving whole school wellbeing process that support high levels of High Expectations) consultation with parents/carers. wellbeing and engagement. The school engages in strong collaborations between all stakeholders including, the The school culture is strongly focused on learning, the The implementation of whole school practices that Gudamundury Community of Schools, that inform and building of educational aspiration and ongoing facilitate measurable improvements in wellbeing and support continuity of learning for all students at significant performance improvement throughout the whole school engagement that support all students learning at high transition points. community. High levels of student wellbeing, cognitive, stake transition points including Stage 3-4 (Middle social, physical, emotional and spiritual, foster this. School), Stage 5-6 (Snr High School) and post school. Improvement measures • Establish clear and consistent expectations for High functioning Learning and Support processes guide learning and behaviour with all stakeholders and and assist all stakeholders in actively supporting students Target year: 2022 guide and support students towards meeting these learning and wellbeing needs. expectations. Achievement of 2022 system negotiated targets: • Develop strategies to proactively teach healthy All stakeholders work together to support consistent and coping strategies, resilience and self-regulation. systematic processes that ensure absences do not impact 67.1% of students will be Attending at or above 90% on learning outcomes. (baseline 57%). • Build a positive learning environment characterised by supportive high expectation relationships and Teachers demonstrate increased expertise in Tell Them From Me Wellbeing data will increase to 67.9% regular contact with each student. implementing explicit teaching strategies that support (baseline 57.5%). students with complex trauma and/or behaviour • Target support for different phases of student difficulties. Target year: 2024 development and for students who may be at risk. • Use collaborative strategies and share with all Visible student and staff movement along the Growth Targeted students achieve their Personal Learning and stakeholders across our community of schools, Mindset continuum. Support Plan (PLSP) goals in wellbeing, attendance and including other agencies as required, to support the behaviour. wellbeing of students. Widespread positive and respectful relationships are evident throughout the school through explicit teaching Aboriginal students achieve their robust, co developed Expertise and Collaboration (WWB High Expectations, and reflection of school values and expectations, Personalised Learning Pathway goals every year. Explicit Teaching and Collaboration) promoting student wellbeing and ensuring optimum learning conditions. All students have a mentor/advocate who helps them to Whole school and inter-school relationships provide identify annual learning and personal goals that are systems that facilitate professional dialogue, collaboration, monitored and achieved. classroom observation, the modelling of effective practice and the provision of specific and timely feedback between Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Target year: 2024 teachers. This drives ongoing, school wide improvement The school leadership, Learning and Support and in teaching practice and student results. The Learning and Support Team (LST) systems, Wellbeing teams will, through consultation with all processes and practices, that address the learning needs stakeholders, determine whether student's wellbeing, of students, is known, valued and utilised in a timely and attendance and behaviour programs are enabling • Consistently challenge all students to learn new effective manner by all staff. students to maximise their learning potential and assisting things. them to become engaged, independent, responsible and Improved learning outcomes for students identified • Seek professional learning opportunities to share self-regulatory. through the LST is consistently observed in learning and gain expertise in evidence based teaching spaces across the school and is measurable. practice. The following data will be analysed in the determination: Page 5 of 8 Cootamundra High School (8190) -2021-2024 Printed on: 31 March, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Wellbeing - Connect, Succeed, Thrive and Learn Improvement measures Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Target year: 2024 • Participate in regular, structured lesson observations • Attendance data that focus on how different teaching approaches • Wellbeing data Stronger and improved collaborations between the impact on student learning. Gudhamangdhuray Community of Schools (GCoS) • Behaviour data informs and supports continuity of learning for all students • Dedicate time throughout the school year for working as they transition to high school. with colleagues, including our GCoS colleagues, to • Suspension data plan, develop and refine teaching and learning programs. • TTFM survey data Teaching staff across the GCoS consistently demonstrate and share their expertise. • Work in partnership with colleagues to achieve • Positive Behaviour for Learning data shared collaboration goals. • Program/Activity evaluations The GCoS embeds innovative transition practices and has processes in place to evaluate, refine and scale success. • Student, staff and parent feedback and surveys Target year: 2024 Improvement as measured by the School Excellence Framework (SEF): Learning: Learning Culture and Wellbeing are validated as Excelling. Teaching: Learning and Development is validated as Excelling. Leading: Educational Leadership and School Planning, Implementation and Reporting are validated as Excelling. Page 6 of 8 Cootamundra High School (8190) -2021-2024 Printed on: 31 March, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Leadership for Whole School Improvement Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction The Principal and school leadership team model • The leadership team maintains a focus on distributed instructional leadership and support a culture of high Building Staff Leadership Capacity (WWB -Explicit instructional leadership to sustain a culture of expectations and community engagement, resulting in Teaching and Collaboration) effective, evidence-based teaching and ongoing sustained and measurable whole school improvement. improvement so that every student makes The building of leadership capacity within both students Lead teachers are recognised and respected as measurable learning progress and gaps in student and staff is highly visible. exemplary teachers. They demonstrate consistent and achievement decrease. innovative teaching practice over time. Inside and outside the school they initiate ,drive and lead activities that focus • The leadership team establishes a professional Improvement measures on improving educational opportunities for all students.. learning community which is focused on continuous They engender the relationship between highly effective improvement of teaching and learning. Target year: 2024 teaching and learning in ways that inspire colleagues to • The school demonstrates a high performance improve their own professional practice. culture, with a clear focus on student progress and Leadership is evidenced at every level of the school environment. There will be an uplift in the number of achievement and high quality service delivery. All • Leading teaching and learning students are taught by high performing teachers, and students, staff, parents and carers contributing to the leadership of the school and to the achievement of its • Developing self and others the leadership team supports the recognition of this goals and priorities. through the teacher accreditation process. • Leading improvement, innovation and change • The school is recognised as excellent and Target year: 2024 • Leading the management of the school responsive by its community because it uses best • Engaging and working with community practice to embed a culture of high expectations, and Professional learning in the school emphasises effectively caters for the range of equity issues in the developing effective instructional leadership, management school. Building Student Voice, Participation and Leadership skills and leadership attributes to facilitate whole school Capacity • Staff and students go beyond "Fixed v's Growth" to a improvement and builds a strong pipeline of leaders. deeper understanding of mindsets in the 8 core focus Student voice, participation and leadership is students areas: World View, Challenges, Encountering Uplift in us seeking opportunities for professional growth actively participating in decision making at school on Difficulty & Obstacles, Effort, Feedback & Criticism, through engagement in state, national and global things which shape their educational experiences. Success of Others, Making Mistakes and Offered educational developments. Student voice, participation and leadership is more than Help and Support. just students 'having a say' and 'being heard'. To be Target year: 2024 • Visible and measurable increase in student voice, successful schools must value the perspectives and opinions of students and act on them in a way that student participation and Leadership capacity across The school creates challenging roles, responsibilities and the many facets of the school and beyond the school genuinely shapes learning and decision making at school. opportunities for staff and students that leverage and grow gates. their talents. Including student voice, participation and leadership in • Uplift in the number of parents/carers actively decision making can: engaging in school events such as P&C, Teacher/Parent sessions, Tell Them From Me and • Allow students and teachers to design solutions school based surveys, school forums. together • Uplift in the number of students actively engaging in • Increase engagement in learning whole school and House Group activities. • Build connections and belonging • Junior AECG established. • Create a positive environment and culture • Uplift in the number of students participating in and • Develop personal and social capabilities completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Page 7 of 8 Cootamundra High School (8190) -2021-2024 Printed on: 31 March, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Leadership for Whole School Improvement Evaluation plan for this strategic direction • Tell Them From Me survey data -student, staff, parent/carers • Internal school survey data • Community attendance and participation in school events • Student participation in House Group initiatives Page 8 of 8 Cootamundra High School (8190) -2021-2024 Printed on: 31 March, 2021
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