Page created by Jason Bishop

                                                              71 MPH Winds recorded
                                                              in Cheshire! Watch out!


Things to do in Chester!   Chester Student’s opinion on Brexit!   Plastic-Free Chester?
11 February 2019

Created and edited entirely by year 8 students of Kings School, Bishops
Heber and Blacon High School. In collaboration with the Chester Schools
Together programme.
11 February 2019

Activities This Month                               Things to do: Febru-
                                                    ary 10

                                                    National Cream
                                                    Cheese day       Febru-
                                                    ary 11

                                                    National Make a
                                                    Friend Day

                                                    February 12

                                                    National Plum Pudding
                     Things To Do & Days
Sports activities:                                  February 14
                     Out In Cheshire:               Valentines Day
On page 4               Freedome.                  February 15

                        Go Ape Delamere.           National Gumdrop Day

                        Jodrell Bank Discovery     February 16
This newspaper           Centre.                    National Almond Day
was made by             Fuzzy Eds Salt Cellar.     February 17

Blacon high             Brookside miniature rail   Random Acts of Kind-
                         way                        ness Day
school, The kings
                        blue planet aquarium       February 18
school Chester
                        Tatton park                National Crab Stuffed
and bishops blue        Dewa roman Experians       Flounder Day

coat.                   North gate                 February 21

                                                    National Sticky Bun
                        Beeston castle
                        Crocky trail
                                                    February 26
                        Chester Zoo
                                                    Tell a Fairy Tale Day

                                                    m[cuit Day
11 February 2019

  Cheshire Football                                                    Football

Feed                                                                   Hat trick - This is
                                                                       when a single football
                                                                       player has scored the
                                                                       most goals.

                                                                       High status - When
                                                                       something is ranked
                                                                       highly in a social or
                                                                       professional ranking

                                                                       Transfer - When a
                                                                       football player moves

Junior takeover day 16th                                               from one team to an-

February for Chester city         From local to national               other
football club, come and help      Chester city are 8th in their       Tragic Plane Crash
support them!                     league and have accumulated 11
                                                                      Tributes to Emiliano Sala
                                  wins 9 draws and 8 loses.
                                                                      are pouring in after the
                                  In the premier league , despite     mysterious plane crash,
                                  their terrible start to the sea-    which happened on 21st
                                  son , Manchester United are         January 2019.
                                  playing well and have not lost a
                                                                      The plane took off from
                                  single game with their new man-
                                                                      Nantes with no problems.
Premier League                    ager, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.
                                                                      However the plane lost
Transfers…                        Liverpool, on the other hand, are   contact with the air
                                  maintaining a high status on the    traffic controllers (ATC)
Marouan Felaini is transfer-
                                  leader board, with Mohammed         North or Guernsey after
ring from Manchester Unit-
                                  Salah scoring the most goals (16). asking to descend lower.
ed to Shandong Luneg, the
price is undisclosed. Also,                                            The wreckage was found
Michy Batshuayi is transfer-                                           two weeks afer the inci-
ring from Chelsea to Crystal                                           dent in the English
Palace on a loan. Finally, Laz-                                        Channel, and the police
ar Markovic is transferring                                            confirmed Sala had
from Liverpool to Fulham                                               died.
A Special Feature
                    THE PLASTIC PLANET
                                                                                                “At the racecourse, our recycling and environ-
                                                                                                mental management has not been an area of
                                                                                                particular focus in previous years; however it is
                                                                                                something that I am committed to improving
                                                                                                having done so in previous roles in other organi
                                                                                                sations, and our focus and commitment will be
                                                                                                improved in the coming years in all areas , not
                                                                                                just with regards to plastic usage. All areas will
                                                                                                receive focus, such as cardboard, glass, and food
                                                                                                waste, and the opportunities to recycle and
                                                                                                manage these areas of waste more effectively.

                                                                                                Most of our waste is collected by the cleaning
                                                                                                contractor and removed as general waste — on
                                                                                                a race day cleaning the site is done very quickly
                                                                                                but due to the multiple types and volume of
                                                                                                rubbish that is thrown around the course, the
                                                                                                sorting of it is a challenge so most does end up
                                                                                                as general waste.

                                                                                        My plan is to look at either a recyclable cup for
                                                                                        drinks, or a poly-carbonate cup that we can use
                                                                                        multiple times by washing although that does
THE FACTS AND FIGURES                    THE PLASTIC PROBLEM                            throw up a number of logistical challenges in
                                                                                        how we wash around 40,000 cups a day. These
8 million tonnes of plastic enters the   Plastic makes up 90% of all marine waste,      poly carb cups are five times more expensive
world’s oceans each year.                we tend to use them once and then throw        than our current single use plastic glasses so wi
                                         them away: but it finds its way into all the   have a financial impact on our business which
 By 2050, it is estimated that there
                                         most beautiful and iconic marine creatures we need to manage either through ensuring tha
 will be more plastic in the ocean       and landscapes. It has been revealed that      we do get multiple use from them and they are
than fish.                               plastic pollution effects 100% of turtles, 59% not treated as general waste, or by getting
                                         of whales, 36% of seals and 40% of seabirds, somebody to take advertising space on them to
 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch co-                                                    in effect pay for them, or to tie in with a local
                                         of which a million are killed by plastics per
 vers an area of 1,500,000 square kil-                                                  charity (ideal choice) to encourage customers to
                                         year. Even worse, plastic does not
                                                                                        place them in collection bins rather than throw-
ometres: that’s more than 60 times       decompose, so essentially every piece of       ing them on the ground, for which we would
the size of the UK’s land mass.          plastic ever made is still in our environment, make a donation to that charity. This is a project
                                         sitting there for thousands of years waiting that we are just embarking on so we probably
3,868,818 tonnes of electrical waste     to choke a marine creature and litter our      have more questions than answers at the mo-
is produced within the EU each year.     planet.                                        ment but hopefully will give you an idea of the
                                                                                        challenges that we face, and some of our
The UK goes through 3,408,580,000                                                       thoughts as to how we are going to tackle these
                                          WASTE AT THE RACECOURSE
plastic milk bottles annually.                                                          challenges.
                                          Chester Racecourse is one of the largest
                                                                                                Other areas of waste I am looking at are an
Every minute, a truck load of plastic     companies in Chester: it has 250,000 visitors
                                                                                                external company who will provide recycling
enters the ocean.                         annually, therefore having a lot of influence,
                                                                                                facilities on site at the racecourse. These will
                                          and the smallest of changes could make the
                                                                                                include things such as glass crushers for all our
There is more micro-plastics in the       biggest of differences. But with all of those visi-
                                                                                                glass bottles, cardboard balers to deal with card
                                          tors, there is inevitably going to be a lot of
ocean than stars in the Milky Way.                                                              board, and a food waste system that will reduce
                                          waste. The racecourse sells 900,000 drinks to
                                                                                                5 bins of food waste to 1 bin of odourless
 322 million tons of plastic were pro-    customers each year, 70% of which are sold in
                                                                                                powder to be removed.
                                          plastic. However, products such as straws and
 duced in 2015—the same weight as         cutlery are made of non-plastic materials.       I have a meeting with the Plastic Free Pioneers
900 Empire State Buildings .                                                               from Chester friends of the Earth next week and
                                          Angus Wilson, Head of Catering at Chester
                                                                                           hopefully we will start seeing some
 If all the plastic in the world was      racecourse, will tell us more information on how
                                                                                           improvements at Chester Racecourse in the
                                          the racecourse manage their waste and what
 made into cling-film, it could cover     the plans are for the future.
                                                                                           coming months, to start moving forward to
                                                                                           where we should be for an organisation of our
the entire planet.
11 February 2019

Nasa mission to save us from
Yellowstone volcano                                                       1- Yellow stone intro
                                                                          2- Location and facts
                                                                          3- Nasa plan
                                                                          4– Ups
                                                                          5– Downs
                                                                          Sources with images are
                                                                          all over the page

                                                                        Nasa had the plan to
                                                                        save us of course that’s
                                                                        a great idea! Saving hu-
                                                                        manity? They could also
                                                                        get clean energy which
                                    covering up the sun and a very
The Yellow stone caldera is a                                           could be used for all
                                    serious winter would start.
super volcano and an immense                                            sorts of things if con-
one , it is a very popular tour-                                        verted. The plan would
                                   The Yellow stone volcano had had
ist site , well near the volca-                                         involve precise digging
                                   several eruptions from before
no. Many people see this                                                and you would need ex-
                                   and they all seemed to be in some
beautiful site as a threat                                              perienced. But it would
                                   sort of pattern , it was last
though because it really is. It                                         certainly be better to
                                   erupted 640,000 years ago and in
could erupt in any moment                                               be save than worry
                                   our time period it is way overdue.
and cost a lot for the repair.                                          about the consequences
                                   It could happen almost any time.
                                   People do keep tract of the heat     of an eruption.
Located in the Western unit-
                                   and how it is reacting but some
ed states where it is also lo-                                          It would cost a whop-
                                   people say it is extremely unlike-
cated in the north west cor-                                            ping $3.6 bn though and
                                   ly that an eruption could happen
ner of Wyoming. If it erupted                                           if any foundation or
                                   in our lifetime. Nasa has the plan
it could easily kill all crops                                          some type of pipe is
                                   to cool it down. Just dig some
and stretch all the way to                                              misplaced , it could cer-
                                   type of foundation and cool down
New York. It would make the                                             tainly trigger an erup-
                                   the lava that is rising.
atmosphere toxic and also                                               tion. It could erupt the
the food would go so low that                                           volcano faster than in-
in an average of 2 months we                                            tended and it could
would run out. The sunlight                                             cause a global crisis.
would not reach us as much
because of the gas in the air
11 February 2019
                                                                      Caption (left)

Film review                                                           These are all the main
                                                                      characters from the film,
                                                                      and the main villain:
                                                                      Thanos the mad titan. An
                                                                      ogre like brute whose
                                                                      shadow has been lurking
                                                                      over the movies for years
                                                                      now, but if you're not
                                                                      caught up here's a helpful
                                                                      reminder. A character not
                                                                      many people are sure on is
                                  Gamora’s sister Nebula is al-       vision. He is a being creat-
                                  so a new found member of            ed by Iron man and the
Infinity War was the film         the group.                          Hulk and he has an infini-
comic book fans have been
                                  Story                               ty stone in his head!
waiting for, for 10 years! And
they were not disappointed!       The objective of Thanos is to       For

It managed to give each           catch all the infinity stones,      This film is great for those
character a healthy amount        gems created at the beginning of who have been following the
of screen time in a large ros-    the universe, it is said if you cap- marvel films for a while as
ter. Its even got a place in      ture all of them you will have the there was a lot of hype for
the Oscars!                       power of a god. The mad titan      this release. In fact people
                                  intends to wipe out half of the     have even started making
More information
                                  universe. He wants a perfect        theories for the sequel! Even
It is the 3rd instalment in
                                  world, one with no poverty or un- looking at trailers!
the avengers series, but they
                                  happiness so if less people are
aren't the only people in it as
                                  there, then there is more for       Against
Spiderman; and the Guardians
                                  everyone, but the heroes are        You can probably expect
of the Galaxy are in on the
                                  having none of this! But the realwhy this may be a bad point
mix as well due to their com-
                                  question is can you beat someone but if you have just heard
plicated relationship with him
                                  who is almost a god?             that there is a new super-
as Gamora (a member of the
                                                                      hero film and there are
crew) Thanos’s step daughter!
                                                                      characters from movies you
Drax another member, had is
                                                                      haven’t seen you may be
daughter and wife killed by
                                                                      confused and not enjoy it.
him. He’s in for a fighsty at-
A Special Feature
                                                                          11 February 2019

                    Brexit means Brexit?
                                                                   We asked people about their
                                                                   opinion on Brexit:

                                                                   Question: “how do you feel
                                                                   about the Brexit negotia-
                                                                   tions at the moment and
                                                                   what do you think can be
                                                                   done better ?”

                                                                   Answer: “Personally I feel
                                                                   like the negotiations have
                                                                   been a failure in represent-
                                                                   ing the UK’s interests be-

This is the first page of a news special! Talking                  cause Theresa May never
                                                                   supported us leaving the EU
about Brexit to educate these who may not realise                  in the first place and there-
how much it can effect people                                      fore has not attempted to
                                                                   create a brexit deal that the
Recently you may have seen in the news or on tv multiple peo-      majority of UK voters want-

ple arguing over a subject, Known as brexit. This is a very con-   ed.”

troversial topic as people tend to have strong opinions on the     Question: “How would you

subject and in this article we have interviewed two people on      feel about David Cameron
                                                                   bailing out of the situation
differing sides on brexit. On the for side of the argument
                                                                   that he started in the first
we have whats known as a ‘hard-core brexiteer’ with the in-        place?”
ternet username known as bigton_1973 and on the against
                                                                   Answer; “I think he ius very
side we have a ‘remainer’ who chooses to be anonymous.             foolish as he’s the only one
                                                                   whop allowed for a Brexit
                                                                   referendum in the first place
For some people Brexit            Brexit can be bad be-
                                                                   but wasn't willing to deal
is good due to article 13         cause millions could lose        with the consequences

which is a way of copy-           their jobs and maybe lose
right that can be lethal          there house.                     Answer: legendary idea from
                                                                   the country the best thing
to internet culture and           Many people who have im-         about it is that all the for-
meme.                             migrated to the uk may           eigners are outlands we will
                                                                   have more jobs and houses
                                  face deportation                 available best idea the coun-
                                                                   tries' had
11 February 2019

Brexit, so what's the deal? [conclusion]

                                                           In this article we will

                                                           Conclude the brexit

                                                           Argument and how to
                                                           explain brexit to the

                                                           Younger generation.

                                                           Will talk about how

                                                           Brexit effects jobs

                                                           House prices and how
At the minute Brexit      Brexit to kids seems like a
                                                           it will effect the econ-
is looking like a         shouting match from a big        omy
                          room. But Brexit in its sim-
mess. what can we                                          Also we will talk about
                          plest form means “Brexit         brexit between the
do better?
                          means Britain retaking con-      community and how

Can we fix Brexit? The    trol of the laws of this         most people feel about

                          country and its right to in-     the apocalyptic mess
short answer is no but
                                                           that is brexit.
the way we can go about   dependence”. Jobs can be

it can be beneficial to   lost at Brexit and house

the uk. We leave the Eu   prices can come down. For

is on the 29,3,2019. The- example, the only place in
resa May is under fire    the uk where airbus make

from parliament and her   there planes will heavily im-   by how much is un-

deal dose not go down     pacted by Brexit and might      certain. Brexit is

well. A new deal is not an no go well. Airbus provides    overall a mess and

option for us at the mo- thousands of job to Chester      there is a lot that

ment and we have all      and the surrounding area.       needs changing for it

been thinking what have   But house price will go down    to work.

we been doing for 2 year. after Brexit however
11 February 2019

    How will Brexit affect the UK?
                                                                    In this article

                                                                    We have talked about
                                                                    how brexit will:

                                                                          affect transport,

                                                                          prices,
In a historic referendum on         Here are some quotes from
                                                                          Shipping trades
June 23rd 2016, Britain voted       Theresa May on Brexit:                 and
to leave the European Union.
                                    “I have always said that              everyday normal
After which, the pound fell to
                                    these negotiations would be            jobs.
its lowest since 1985. The UK
                                    tough - and they were al-
is considered one of the best                                       There are many
                                    ways bound to be toughest
countries to start a business,
                                    in the final straight.”         different people who
but that could change due to
                                    “While both sides want a        voted leave on the
the unknown effects Brexit
                                    deal, we have to face up to     Brexit . A Few of them
could bring.
                                    the fact that - despite the     are:
There are Brexit campaigners
                                    progress we have made -         ¬ Matthew Jim Elliot
who have optimistic predictions
                                    there are two big issues
                                                                    ¬ Dominic Cummings
for Britain and its businesses.
                                    where we remain a long way
But there are still many scep-                                      ¬ Boris Johnson
tics who predict that this has
                                    “In plain English, this would
been a big mistake for Britain,
                                    mean we’d still have to         There are many
and that it will be seriously im-
                                    abide by all the EU rules,
pacted by multiple factors.                                         different people who
                                    uncontrolled immigration
The European Union exists as a                                      voted stay . A Few of
                                    from the EU would continue
single marketplace, with no tar-                                    them are:
                                    and we couldn’t do the
iffs imposed on trade between                                       ¬ Adam Afriyie
                                    trade deals we want with
member states. As a result, as
                                    other countries.”               ¬ Lucy Allan
a member of the EU, more than
50% of our recent exports                                           ¬ Heidi Allen
                                    We are still currently decid-
have gone to other EU coun-
                                    ing on the deal for leaving
tries, trade which will now be
                                    the EU
more difficult.
11 February 2019

Books                                                                  Recommended Reads:

                                                                       Wave Me Goodbye

                                                                       by Jacqueline Wilson

                                                                       The Hate U Give

                                                                       By Angie Thomas

                                                                       Of Mice and Men

                                                                       by John Steinbeck

                                                                       Pride and Prejudice
Series/Book of the week: The Heroes Of Olympus
                                                                       by Jane Austen
When a prophecy is spouted, the goddess Hera takes
it upon herself to choose the 7 demigods to save the                   Little Women
world.                                                                 by Louisa May Alcott

These books are based                                                  Matilda

around Greek mythology and                                             by Roald Dahl
is by author Rick Riordan
                                                       Book review     Emma

                                                       This book is    by Jane Austen
                                                       amazing. I
                                                       loved every     Word of the week:
                                                       bit of it.      Orrery;
                                                       It’s very
                                                                       A clockwork model of
                                                                       the solar system, or
                                                       and thrilling
                                                                       of just the sun,
                                                                       earth, and moon.

                                                                       Quote of the week:

New books/series:                                                      “Do what you feel in
                                                                       your heart to be
The Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha
                                                                       right – for you’ll be
Lee. Based around mythology
                                                                       criticized anyway.”
                                                                       - Eleanor Roosevelt
11 February 2019

     The future of supercars

  1.                                 2
                                                                      Torque-power of the


                                                                      Lb-ft.: pound-feet

                                                                      Road tax– paying for
                                                                      harming the environment

                                                                      Road legal– allowed on the

                                         4                            road

The future of cars Will be
                                 Supercars are the fastest type       Fastest car–
much enhanced technology
                                 of car. They can reach speeds of
and bigger and better en-                                             Hennessey venom f5
                                 around 300 mph (which is by the
gines (part of the V series)                                          Most used car in the
                                 Hennessey venom F5) but there
and soon more electric cars                                           UK– ford fiesta
                                 are some cars which are really
will be introduced and so will                                        Most underrated
                                 underrated. Some of these cars
self driving cars
                                 include :the arrinera hussarya,      car– Apollo arrow
At the moment, the Hennes-       the Apollo arrow etc. the fastest    Most expensive car–
sey venom F5 is the fastest      road legal car is also a Hennessey   Lamborghini veneno
car in the world reaching a      but is a venom GT. The most ex-      roadster
whopping 301mph and having       pensive car is the Lamborghini
the torque of 1300 lb-ft.                                             Car with highest
                                 veneno roadster which costs 3.3
(which is a lot) but will soon                                        torque– 2012 Bugatti
                                 million pounds
be exceeded. If you own an                                            Veyron

electric car as well as saving                                        Oldest car– 1884 de
the environment, you don’t                                            Dion
have to pay road tax! The
                                                                      Most energy effi-
most popular car selling web-
                                 Smaller image                        cient car- Suzuki Ce-
site is CarMax which has sold
100,000 hybrid (electric
cars ) and that figure will be
rising rapidly over the years
11 February 2019

             Up and coming movies 2019
                                                   Top 8 movie to
                                                   look out for in         Below: IT: Chapter Two

                                                   2019:                   is the sequel to the
                                                                           movie IT.
                                                         Avengers:
                                                   Endgame                 The film stars Bill
                                                                           Skarsgård, who reprises
                                                   Release date: April
                                                   25th 2019               his role
                                                                           as Pennywise. James
                                                         Captain Marvel
                                                                           McAvoy, Jessica Chas-
                                        Release date: March 8
Above:                                                                     tain, Jay Ryan, Bill
                                                                           Hader, Isaiah Musta-
Posters for movies                            Aladdin                     fa, James Ransone,
Avengers: Endgame                       Release date: May 24th 2019        and Andy Bean portray
                                                                           the adult versions of The
and The Lion King.                            Frozen 2
                                                                           Losers Club, while Jaeden
                                        Release date: November 22nd
                                                                           Lieberher, Sophia Lil-
Top 3 picks and why:
                                                                           lis, Jeremy Ray Tay-
1.   Avengers: Endgame-
                                              Men in Black: Interna-
                                                                           lor, Finn Wolf-
     Avengers movies are some of               tional
                                                                           hard, Chosen Ja-
     the highest grossing superhe-      Release Date: June 14    th
                                                                           cobs, Jack Dylan Grazer,
     ro movies, and there is no
     doubt that this will be one of                                        and Wyatt Oleffreturn
     them.                                    It: Chapter Two             from the first film as the
2.   The Lion King- the original        Release date: September 6th        younger Losers, respec-
     was one of the most popular        2019                               tively.
     childhood films when it came
                                              Fast and Furious Pre-
     out and it still is this is des-
                                               sents: Hobbs and Shaw
     tined to rake it in at the box-
     office.                            Release date: August 2nd

3.   Frozen 2– It has catchy            2019
     songs, excellent animations,             The Lion King
     and is fun for the whole fami-
                                        Release date: July 19th
11 February 2019

                                                                    Golden globe:

                                                                    Unlike the Oscars,
                                                                    the Golden Globes re-
                                                                    wards TV as well as

                                                                    The Favourite:

                                                                    The Favourite is a
                                                                    2018 period comedy-
                                                                    drama film directed
                                                                    by Yorgos Lanthi-
British stars Olivia Colman,
                                                                    mos and written by
Christian Bale, Richard         Christian Bale provided one of
                                                                    Deborah Davis
Madden and Ben Whishaw
                                the night's most political mo-      and Tony McNamara.
were among the winners at
this year's prestigious
Golden Globe Awards.            when he thanked "Satan" for

                                inspiration for his role in Vice.
Colman was named best
                                                                     A brilliant night for
                                Bale played Dick Cheney, who
actress in a musical comedy                                          Brits at the Golden
                                was vice-president from 2001 to      Globes
for her role as Queen Anne in
                                2009 and is blamed by the film
The Favourite and she gave an
                                for many of the world's ills.
endearingly excited ac-
ceptance                                                            British stars Olivia
speech that ended with her                                          Colman, Christian
                                                                    Bale, Richard Madden
holding up her trophy and
                                                                    and Ben Whishaw
sending a message to her fam-                                       were among the win-
ily: "Ed and the kids - look!                                       ners at this year's
Yay!"                                                               prestigious Golden
                                                                    Globe Awards.
You can also read