STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op

Page created by Tiffany Boyd
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
                                                                                                                                       VOLUME 48 • ISSUE 7 • JULY 2021

Wellness Wednesday Returns; Peaches;
Ice Cream Floats; Grilling Seafood; and More!                                                                     STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4
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STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
                                                                                                                             WILLY STREET CO-OP
                                                                                                                             MISSION STATEMENT
                                                                                                                             The Williamson Street Grocery
                                                                                                                             Co-op is an economically and
                             PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY WILLY STREET CO-OP                                                         environmentally sustainable,
                             East: 1221 Williamson Street, Madison, WI 53703, 608-251-6776                                   cooperatively owned grocery
                                                                                                                             business that serves the needs
                             West: 6825 University Ave, Middleton, WI 53562, 608-284-7800
                                                                                                                             of its Owners and employ-
                             North: 2817 N. Sherman Ave, Madison, WI 53704, 608-471-4422                                     ees. We are a cornerstone
                             Central Office: 1457 E. Washington Ave, Madison, WI 53703, 608-251-0884                         of a vibrant community in
                             EDITOR & LAYOUT: Liz Wermcrantz                                                                 south-central Wisconsin that
                             ADVERTISING: Liz Wermcrantz                                                                     provides fairly priced goods
                             COVER DESIGN: Hallie Zillman                                                                    and services while supporting
                                                                                                                             local and organic suppliers.
                             SALE FLYER DESIGN: Hallie Zillman
                             GRAPHICS: Hallie Zillman
                             SALE FLYER LAYOUT: Liz Wermcrantz
                             PRINTING: Wingra Printing Group
                                 The Willy Street Co-op Reader is the monthly communications link among the
                                                                                                                             WILLY STREET CO-OP
                             Co-op Board, staff and Owners. It provides information about the Co-op’s services and           BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                             business as well as about cooking, nutrition, health, sustainable agriculture and more.         Jeannine Bindl, President
                             Views and opinions expressed in the Reader do not necessarily represent those of the
                                                                                                                             Ann Hoyt, Vice President
                             Co-op’s Directors, staff or Ownership. Willy Street Co-op has not evaluated the claims
                             made by advertisers. Acceptance of advertising does not indicate endorsement of the
                                                                                                                             Brian Anderson
                             product or service offered. Articles are presented for information purposes only. Before        Stephanie Ricketts
                             taking action, you should always consult a professional for advice. Articles may be             Michael Chronister
                             reprinted with permission from the editor.                                                      Gigi Godwin
                             SUBMISSIONS                                                                                     Sarah Larson
                                 All advertising submissions must be reserved and arranged with the editor by the            Caryn Murphy
                             10th of the month previous to publication. All advertisement copy must be submitted by          Ashwini Rao
                             the 15th of the month. Submissions should be emailed to           BOARD CONTACT INFO:
                             or mailed to Willy Street Co-op’s Central Office according to submission requirements.
                             CUSTOMER SERVICE: EAST: 608-251-6776 WEST: 608-284-7800 NORTH:                        
                             608-471-4422                                                                                    (includes the GM, Executive
                             BUSINESS OFFICE: 608-251-0884                                                                   Assistant and Board Admin-
                             FAX: 608-251-3121
                             GENERAL EMAIL:                                                            BOARD MEETING
                             GENERAL MANAGER:                                                      SCHEDULE
                             EDITOR:                                                           July 21 (and Special Owner
                             PREORDERS: EAST:; WEST: ws.preorders@		                             Meeting)
                             ; NORTH:                                Board meetings are typically held at
                             WEBSITE:                                                                   our business office at 6:30pm (1457
                                                                                                                             E. Washington Ave. in Madison), but
                             BOARD EMAIL:
                                                                                                                             may be held virtually. Please see www.
                             STORE HOURS: Willy East: 7:30am-9:00pm; Willy West: 7:30am-9:00pm;                     and select the
                             Willy North: 7:30am-9:00pm every day (starting July 5)                                          “Board” category for details.
                             All Juice & Coffee Bars: 7:30am-7:00pm;
                             Deli: 7:30am-9:00pm
                             Meat & Seafood: 7:30am- 9:00pm

                             IN THIS ISSUE

                            		Customer Comments                            8-9      Community Room                      16       Ice Cream Floats
                              5        Wellness Wednesday;                                                              16       Grilling Seafood
                                       Our New Fiscal Year; and 10                  Local Produce
                                                                                                                        17       COVID-19: Progressing
                                       More!                                        Availability
                                                                                                                                 Towards Recovery
                              5        Annual Meeting; Board               10       New Products
                                                                                                                        18-19 Camp Life & Cooking
                                       Election; and More!
                                                                           11-13 SPECIALS PAGES
                                                                                                                        20-21 Recipes
                              6-7      Board Candidate
                                                                           14       Outdoor Adventures
                                       Information and Ballot                                                           21-23 Staff Picks
                                                                           15       Peaches! Tips & Tricks

    Affordable rates, wide reach, discounts for non-profits and Owners.
    Find info here:

2      Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
 Write Us!                                sponse that I wrote that was published
                                          in the Reader.
                                                                                     ber one or two tripled-yolked ones.
                                                                                     (I'm guessing this occurrence would
                                                                                                                                 believe they come in 10-packs.
                                                                                                                                     I hear you on using less plas-
 We welcome your comments and
 give each one attention and seri-             I should have been more clear         be almost non-existent in mass-             tic and seeing it everywhere. It is a
 ous consideration. Send them to          in my answer. When I referred to           produced eggs from factory-style            constant struggle, and I hope we can
 customer.comments@willystreet.           packaged items being more popular,         henhouses.) Just think of this as a         find a better way to package things
 coop or fill out a Customer Com-         I was referring to the items that we       bonus dose of Vitamins A, D, E, and         moving forward. Our shared planet is
 ment form in the Owner Re-               continued to offer in the Produce          K; choline; and iron!                       depending on us to do better. I appre-
 sources area. Each month a small         department as both bulk and packaged            By the way, this has nothing to        ciate you taking the time to reach out
 selection is printed in the Reader.      through the pandemic—things like           do with fertilization; most of the          and voice your concerns! It is a tough
 Many more can be found in the            bags of lemons, bagged apples, pack-       eggs sold in grocery stores are, in         topic, but a very important one for
 commons or in the binder near            aged green beans and peas, and other       fact, unfertilized.                         us to openly discuss. -Dean Kallas,
 Customer Service. Thank you!             fruits and veggies that have been               A: Thank you for sharing your          Grocery Category Manager
                                          available both in packaging and bulk.      egg knowledge and experience with
                                          For these types of items, we have seen     us! It is really nice of you to explain     CERTIFIED FIREWOOD
                                          a marked increase in our sales of the      it a bit more. I have seen double egg           Q: Is the fire wood that you sell
PLASTICS                                  packaged version, and a decrease in        yolks frequently as a consumer, but         DATCP certified? I'm going camp-
     Q: I was disappointed to see         the bulk versions. We've even had          it is helpful to have some confirma-        ing and need firewood that has been
the response to a customer concern        customers request packaged versions        tion from someone who has raised            purchased from a DATCP certified
about plastic use in the co-op in the     of items that have historically only       chickens in the past. Your point about      vendor.
May 2021 Reader. I especially took        been available in bulk.                    their fertilization or lack thereof is an   Thank you.
issue with the statement "To com-              Here's an update on the items you     interesting one; I think most people            A: Why yes! Our firewood is
plicate things we've noticed a real       specifically asked for:                    assume they are fertilized, when that       DATCP certified. Please let us know
shift in what customers are pur-               Regarding bringing your own con-      is not really the case.                     if you have any other questions, and
chasing at our stores: pre-pandem-        tainers for bulk, I'm happy to report           I appreciate you taking the time       happy camping to you! -Kirsten
ic, the move toward less plastic was      that we have just made the decision to     to share your insights with us! I do        Moore, Cooperative Services Director
really gaining momentum, but in           allow this practice again—we do ask        not always feel like I have all of the
the last year plastic packaged items      that containers be clean and food safe,    information to answer all of the ques-      COMMONS AND HOT BAR
have become much more popular             but you are welcome to bring them.         tions I receive, so I am thankful you       REOPENING
amongst people who shop in our                 We have been wrapping bakery          decided to drop us a note. -Dean Kal-           Q: When do you plan to open
stores. It's a balancing act for us..."   items since well before the pandemic.      las, Grocery Category Manager               the common area and hot bar
I take issue with this statement as it    This was a tough call to make when                                                     again?
is hard not to see a higher demand        we started doing it, but ultimately,       GLASS JAR BABY FOOD                             A: Great questions. Not knowing
in plastic packaged items when            we found that by wrapping the baked            Q: I’m wondering if you will            which locations you are interested in
there are no other options. Plastic is    goods, we were able to reduce our          carry baby food in glass jars again.        specifically, I can give you an over-
not "popular", there literally have       food waste by a considerable amount.       I admit I love the plastic “squirts”        view of where we are at for all three
been no other options as those were       This is a recurring conundrum that         in a pinch, but I’ve been trying so         stores.
removed early in the pandemic. I          comes up regarding packaging—              hard to use less plastic. Several of            The outdoor Commons are open
understood the need to shut down          packaging certain items reduces food       my close friends are cancer survi-          at all stores. The indoor Commons
the bulk aisle and other plastic free     waste by a considerable amount, and        vors (we are in our thirties). I know       during the public health emergency
options at the beginning of the pan-      weighing those two factors from a          we can only do so much, but I want          period took on some other roles:
demic and per PHMDC mandates              sustainability perspective can be very     to protect my loved ones as best            currently they have been serving as
before we knew that fomite trans-         difficult—sometimes there are simply       I can from potential carcinogens.           either break space or storage space, in
mission of covid-19 is very minimal.      no good answers!                           And of course, less plastic is better       particular for some registers that we
Now that we know better, we do                 At this time, we do not have a plan   for the whole natural world, not            removed to better allow for physi-
better. In almost every Reader edi-       to bring back bulk herbs and tea. We       just humans. But the more aware             cal distancing between customers
tion over the past year there have        do offer large bags of teas and herbs      I am, the more I see plastic every-         waiting in line. We are making plans
been customers asking, pleading,          however. I will pass this comment on       where. I wish I had the time to, say,       to reinstall those registers and deep
with the co-op to reduce plastic, let     to our General Merchandise team so         make my own yogurt, or the money            clean the indoor commons areas to
us bring our own bags, open the           they know that there is interest.          to regularly buy yogurt in glass, but       bring them back into use, but we do
bulk, among other environmen-                  The county is now allowing the        as anyone with a baby (or really,           not have the final timeline worked out
tal concerns. Our community is a          use of tongs and scoops for bulk items     any person) understands, there just         as of yet. It is possible some locations
very environmentally conscious            in produce, so we are currently in the     aren’t enough hours in the day to           may open up indoor commons sooner
one and I think as owners we need         process of deciding when and how to        make everything we eat/wear/use             than others.
to be heard. This statement also          begin offering bulk salad mixes and        from scratch.                                   Hot bars are currently open at
directly contradicts the response to      mushrooms again. Because bulk salad            Thanks for any information              East and North with prepackaged
a plastic concern in the April 2021       mix and mushrooms are historically         about baby food and plastic-free            food, and we are aiming to bring back
customer comments that states "if         the biggest contributor to waste in our    food products in general! And               self-serve foods to those locations by
we don't push for reduced plastics        Produce departments (they go bad           thanks to all y’all for cultivating a       July 1. Our hot bar at West needs to
in our stores, it will never happen,      much more quickly than packaged            really important institution. -Plas-        be replaced and so we are anticipating
and I am committed to pushing". I         versions), we had decided to wait un-      ticphobe                                    that we will be back in action there in
have been a happy owner for many          til we heard from customers that they          A: Thank you for your comments          August or September. There was a re-
years now, but I would really like to     would like them to return. We have so      and questions on baby food in glass         ally long lead time for the equipment
see more action in this area. With        far received very few requests, so I'm     jars!! I am not sure if you heard           when we placed the order, and to-date
covid-19 vaccines and low case            glad you wrote! Thanks again, and          about the Congressional Report on           we have not been able to get a good
numbers, it is time to reopen bulk        have a great day! Best, Megan Min-         Baby Foods that was released earlier        read on when it will arrive for install.
mushrooms/greens, stop individu-          nick, Purchasing Director                  this year, but it was the main reason           Our Communications depart-
ally wrapping baked goods in cling                                                   we have been changing up our baby           ment keeps the website up to date
wrap, fully open the bulk aisles,         DOUBLE -YOLK                               food selection. I am a big fan of food      with changes, if you are interested in
bring back bulk tea, etc. We truly        CREEP OUT                                  packaged in glass jars, but the levels      keeping tabs on the return of these
do want these options available.              Q: Just had to reply to the read-      of heavy metals found in some of the        services, and we are also doing our
Please also answer directly if we         er who felt creeped out by double-         baby food products we were carrying         level best to include updates about all
can now bring our own containers          yolked eggs. We had chickens when          was pretty disturbing.                      of our services in the monthly Reader.
to purchase things from the bulk          I was growing up, and they were                If you would like, we can special           If you have any other questions,
aisle.                                    totally organic and free-range. It         order you a case of baby food pack-         please do not hesitate to reach out!
     A: Thanks for the comment. I'm       was not unusual for the hens to lay        aged in glass jars. They are still avail-   Enjoy your weekend. -Kirsten Moore,
sorry you weren't happy with the re-      double-yolked eggs; I even remem-          able to us through our distributor. I       Cooperative Services Director

                                                                                                    Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021                            3
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
                                                            on sal
                                                                            JULY 6, 7-8 pm                              JULY 27, 7-8:30 pm
                                                                            Tony C. Latin Jazz Band                     Kinfolk

                                                                            JULY 13, 7-8 pm                             AUGUST 3, 7-8 pm
                                                                            The Blue Olives                             The Lower 5th

                                                                            JULY 16, 7-8 pm   FREE!                     AUGUST 10, 7-8 pm FREE!
                                                                            Rhapsodie Quartet                           Fresco Opera
                                                                            (Ticket required)                           (Not ticketed)

                                                                            JULY 20, 7-8 pm                             AUGUST 17, 7-8 pm
                                                                            The German Art Students                     Panchromatic Steel

              HOME GARDEN TOUR
               Featuring Madison’s Near West Side Gardens                  TICKETS @             1 hour shows --> $10 | 1.5 hour shows --> $15
          July 9 & 10    | 9 a.m.-3 p.m. |                      Kids 5 & under - free, no ticket needed

Presenting Sponsors                                                        Ticket proceeds support Madison’s local musicians and Olbrich Botanical Gardens.

    STORES CLOSING EARLY                                                ADVERTISE IN THE READER
                                                                        Affordable rates, wide reach, discounts for non-
    AT 4:30PM ON JULY 4                                                 profits and Owners. Find info here: willystreet.

4     Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT                                                              BOARD REPORT

Wellness Wednesday; Our New Fiscal                                                    Annual Meeting; Board Election;
Year; & More!                                                                         and More!

                  W                                                                                    G
                                 el-                                                                                reetings       is heard, is by casting your vote for
                                            OUTDOOR SEATING IS                                                      Owners,        the Board of Directors. So I am very
                                            BACK                                                                    and a happy    pleased to report that this year’s election
                                                And, finally, by now our outdoor                                    summer         is on! Three seats are open, each for
                                            seating has reopened and we are in                          to you all! After such     three-year terms, and three Owners are
                dear Owners. I am
                                            the process of adding back customer                         an uncertain and often     running along with one Board incum-
                finishing writing
                                            use of the Commons at each store,                           anxious summer last        bent. In this edition of the Reader, you
                this report on the
                                            as well as Community Room use at                            year, I hope that in       will find the candidates’ statements,
                summer solstice and                                                   by Gigi
                                            Willy East and West. If you get a                          these warm-weather          their answers to three questions that
by Anya         there is music in
                                            chance, check out the patio furniture     Godwin,
                the air with people                                                                    months, everyone can        were provided by the Board Develop-
Firszt,                                     at Willy East. It’s made of POLY-         Board
                heading out to Make                                                                    start to experience a       ment Committee, and the candidates’
General                                     WOOD, a sustainable “lumber”              Member
                Music Madison front                                                                    “New Normal,” be it         photos. You will also find a ballot to
Manager                                     composed almost entirely of recycled                       dining inside a restau-     clip and submit at dropboxes at each of
                yard, school yard,
                                            plastic.                                  rant, going to a farmers market, attend-     the Co-op’s three locations, or you can
and back porch events throughout the
community. Ah. Summer.                                                                ing a play or movie, seeing live music,      mail the ballot to: Central Office, 1457
                                            ANNUAL MEETING AND                        or just kicking back and catching up         East Washington Avenue, Madison,
                                            BOARD ELECTIONS                           with friends and family in the backyard      WI, 53703. The polls will be open July
WELLNESS WEDNESDAY                              Our 2021 Annual Meeting is
RETURNS                                                                               or at a park.                                1-July 21, 2021. Online and vote-by-
                                            scheduled for July 8 beginning at                                                      phone ballots will be due at 11:59pm
    We are kicking the month off with
                                            5:30pm. So, mark your calendar and        ANNUAL MEETING                               July 19, and all paper ballots must be
the return of Wellness Wednesday on
                                            plan to attend to hear highlights from        That said, due to the many, many         received by 6:00pm July 21, 2021,
July 7. This is your chance to stock
                                            last fiscal year, meet the candidates     months it takes to coordinate and            when the Board holds its special meet-
up and save 10% on your wellness
                                            running for the Board of Directors,       plan myriad logistics for La Fete de         ing to receive a tally of the votes. A
and bodycare product purchases on
                                            and enter to win a cool prize! This       Marquette, that beloved neighborhood         very big thank you to all who are
this day. See the ad on the back cover
                                            event is virtual and registration is      festival is again cancelled this year.       running!
for what is all included in this Owner-
                                            required, check www.willystreet.          And that also means that the Co-op’s
only discount.
                                            coop/2021-annual-meeting.                 Annual Meeting will once again be held       THANK YOU, STEPHANIE
                                                Our Board elections are also          virtually. This year’s Annual Meeting            Speaking of thank yous, I want to
OUR NEW FISCAL YEAR                         hosted this month. I encourage you all
    July also marks the beginning of                                                  takes place on Thursday, July 8, from        give a shout out to another Board Direc-
                                            to participate in the 2021 Board Elec-    5:30pm-6:45pm. Attendees may listen          tor who has come to the end of her term:
our new fiscal year and the first order
                                            tion Vote! The Board candidate state-     via phone or watch via Zoom. For all         Stephanie Ricketts. With her infectious
of business is to close the last one.
                                            ments are included in this issue of the   the information on how to register,          enthusiasm, insightfulness, inclusive-
We will share preliminary year-end
                                            Reader, and posted in the store on and    along with the meeting’s agenda, ways        ness, and knowledge of “all things
numbers at the 2021 Annual Meeting
                                            online. Again, the Board candidates       to win prizes, and a PDF of last year’s      cooperative,” Stephanie, thank you for
(via Zoom at 5:30pm on July 8), and
                                            will be introduced at the 2021 Annual     meeting minutes, please visit: www.          going above and beyond as a Director.
audited financials will be reported
                                            Meeting and results of the vote will            See you July 8 at the online Annual
following the annual audit and Board
                                            be announced at the July 21 Special           As a Co-op Owner, one of the main        Meeting and please don’t forget to vote
approval in early fall.
                                            Owner Meeting.                            ways to make sure that your voice            in this year’s Board election!
    At the beginning of last fiscal
                                                I look forward to seeing you in
year we were in the throes of the
                                            person now that things have eased up
pandemic with facemask-wearing,
                                            and capacity limits have ended.
social distancing, and capacity limits.

                                                                                                                                  Save the date!
So much has changed in our world in
                                            SPECIAL STORE HOURS:
the last twelve months, and we now
                                            INDEPENDENCE DAY,
find ourselves at a turning point with
                                            JULY 4
light at the end of the tunnel and I, for
                                                In case you might head into the
one, have high hopes for a kinder and
                                            store to shop on the 4th, please take
gentler fiscal year to come. Please
                                            note that our stores are open until
read the article “COVID-19 Progress-
ing Toward Recovery” by Kirsten
                                            4:30pm on Sunday, July 4.
                                                On Monday, July 5th we are open                                           VIRTUAL ANNUAL
Moore, Cooperative Services Direc-
tor, included in this issue on page 17.
                                            regular hours; 7:30am-9:00pm.
                                                Until next month...
    This fiscal year we are focus-
ing on sales and margin recovery to
support an improved fiscal outlook

                                                                                             THURSDAY, July 8th
and return to profitability. We will
continue to do our part in match-
ing expenses to revenue, as well as
adjusting to the new grocery land-
scape resulting from the pandemic.
                                                PAUL O’FLANAGAN
                                                                                             on Zoom
We are in the process of rebuilding
the prepared foods program, which
changed significantly over the last                Coop member,
15 months, with enhanced EatStreet             PROGRESSIVE & LOCAL
                                                                                             See for details.
offerings, and reopening our Juice &            LAW FIRM OFFERING:
Coffee Bars and our olive bars. We                                                           All registered attendees will be entered to win prizes!
plan to also rearrange some grocery              WILLS, TRUSTS, TAX,
and/or packaged goods departments              ESTATE PLANS, PROBATE,                        Attend to hear the year in review and the financial
(e.g.: bulk and refrigerated grocery)          GUARDIANSHIP & FAMILY
to provide the products people now                                                           health of your Co-op, answers to questions from
                                                ASSISTANCE TO FOLKS
want vs. what we have traditionally             AT REASONABLE COST.                          attendees, speeches from Board candidates,
carried.                                         FREE HOUSE CALLS.                           and more.
                                              CALL: 608-630- 5068

                                                                                                     Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021                               5
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
Your Board Candidates
                                                                                   In the candidate application, we required candidates to attend a
                                                                                Board Candidate Information Session and recommended candidates
                                                                                attend a Board meeting, but it was not required.

                                                                                                                     Attended Board Meeting? Yes

                                                                                                                        “Being on the board these
                                                                                                                     past three years I have learned

VOTING OPEN JULY 1-21                                                                                                a great deal about our co-op
                                                                                                                     and how it is governed. I feel
                                                                                                                     with another term I can build
    Paper ballots are due by Wednesday, July 21 at 6:00pm. Online and
phone voting ends Monday, July 19 at 11:59pm. Ballots will be counted                                                on this knowledge and contin-
at the Special Membership Meeting at the Central Business Office (1457                                               ue to work towards the fulfill-
      This yearAve.,
E. Washington      youMadison)
                        can votebeginning
                                   by mail,atin  the store,
                                               6:30pm,        byDrop
                                                        July 21.  email,
                                                                       your                                          ing the co-ops mission and
ballot off at the kiosk near the Customer Service desk at any of our stores,
       or by phone. Not sure if we have your current email                                                           vision.”
vote online via the unique ballot link emailed to you (if we have your cur-
rent emailaddress
            address), on
                      votefile? Please
                            by phone    update
                                     with         it or
                                          the unique    confirm
                                                      personal    by
                                                               identification   Why do you believe Owners should choose you to represent them?
number June
         (PIN)20mailed  or emailed
                    so that        to you,
                              we can  emailor you
                                              mail your  absentee
                                                   a unique       ballot to:
                                                               ballot.              The last three years have been challenging and a time of change for the Co-
2021 Owner Vote, 1457 E. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53703. Can-               op. I feel the current board has done a great job handling these challenges and
didate statements appear on pages 6 and 7 of this issue. Please vote for up     changes. I will continue to serve the members of the Co-op to the best of my
to THREE     candidates. Only Owners’ votes are valid. One vote per Owner
         PHONE                                                                  ability and work to prepare the Co-op for a successful future.
account. If both Owners on a Household Account vote, only the Primary
Owner’s vote will be counted. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.      How will you use your skills and experience to further the mission and
(If you would like your ballot to remain anonymous, use the following           vision of the Co-op?
procedure: 1. Place completed ballot in envelope and seal. 2. Write your            Serving on the board the last three years has been a great experience. I have
name and Owner number and sign across the seal. 3. Mail or deposit in the       learned so much about cooperative governance in this short time. I feel another
ballot box.)                                                                    term on the board will allow me to use this gained knowledge to further the
                                                                                mission of the Co-op and provide a continuity to the board.

    BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                          The Co-op is founded on the seven International Cooperative Prin-
                                                                                ciples. Please choose one of the principles and describe how you think
 Please vote for up to THREE candidates. Ballots with more than                 the Board can encourage and foster that in our cooperative.
 THREE votes will not be counted.                                                   Cooperative Principle number 7 is Concern for Community. I believe the
                                                                                Co-op does a good job being a member of the community but there is more that
        MICHAEL CHRONISTER                                                      can be done. Giving back to the community in the form of grants, donations
                                                                                and sponsorships is great but we need to work towards a goal of everyone feel-
        TATIANA DENNIS                                                          ing welcome at the Co-op. The board has started working on Diversity, Equity
        MAX KOCH                                                                and Inclusion education and this will help us truly have concern for all commu-
                                                                                nity members.

    Owner name (please print):                                                                                       DENNIS
                                                                                                                     Attended Board Meeting? Yes

                                                                                                                         “I am running for Willy St.
    Owner Signature:
                                                                                                                     Co-op Board because I have
                                                                                                                     a passion for making posi-
     This year you can vote by mail, in the store, by email,                                                         tive, permanent shifts in the
     or byNumber:              Today’s
           phone. Not sure if we have Date:
                                       your current email                                                            community that raised me.
        address on file? Please update it or confirm by                                                              Because I know the wellbeing
                                                                                                                     of our community lies in the
       June 20 so that we can email you a unique ballot.
                                                                                                                     hands of those who feed it;
                                                                                                                     and the upkeep of the Co-op
                                                                                                                     lies in the hands of its owners,
                                                                                                                     its board, and its community.”
                                                                                Why do you believe Owners should choose you to represent them?
                                                                                    Willy St. Co-op is more than just a place to get groceries for me. It has
                                                                                shaped who I was as a young child, who I've become as an adult, and it has
                                                                                influenced how I see the world. I spent years as a child running around the Co-
                                                                                op aisles, picking out my favorite foods with my mother, anxiously awaiting
                                                                                to get to check out so I could be the one to proudly tell the cashier, “54032!”,
                                                                                the owner number my mom and I shared for over a decade. The Co-op showed
    STORES CLOSING EARLY                                                        me that I was powerful, even as a small child. It showed me the importance of
                                                                                shared leadership and responsibility. As a young black owner, I took pride in

    AT 4:30PM ON JULY 4                                                         that, and I still do today.
                                                                                    I take pride in knowing that the Co-op has the power to influence it’s com-
                                                                                munity to be more inclusive and diverse; and I take pride in knowing I am go-
                                                                                ing to help guide us there. By running for board, I am dedicating the next years
                                                                                of my life to move the Co-op forward, to a more sustainable, and healthier

6      Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
How will you use your skills and experience to further the mission and
vision of the Co-op?                                                                                                       CAROL
    My work at Urban Triage has a direct influence on how I see the board, the                                             WEIDEL
stores, the owners, and the city that birthed it all. It allows me to have a different
                                                                                                                           Attended Board Meeting? No
lense on what creates a healthy community for everyone. At my job, our com-
munities' wellbeing is at the forefront of our mission. I plan to bring that vision
over to meld with the mission of Willy St. Co-op, to ensure we have a very well                                               “I am a long-time owner of the
fed and happy community.                                                                                                   co-op. Today I am a retired public
The Co-op is founded on the seven International Cooperative Prin-                                                          employee with time available
ciples. Please choose one of the principles and describe how you think                                                     to serve on the board. Our co-
the Board can encourage and foster that in our cooperative.
    International Cooperative Principle number 7: Concern for Community
                                                                                                                           op is a successful local business
    We can start by asking ourselves tough questions:                                                                      and I would be honored to serve
• How do we advertise Willy St. Co-op Ownerships in vulnerable communities                                                 on the board and be part of the
   while supporting their personal circumstance?                                                                           democracy.”
• How can the Co-op expand its reach when located in or near low income
• How does Willy St. Co-op plan to engage a more diverse staff and board?
                                                                                         Why do you believe Owners should choose you to represent them?
• How can we, as a board, not only ask ourselves tough questions, but address
                                                                                             The owners should choose me because I support the co-op - - with my
   them head on? How can we become that change we are desperate to see?
                                                                                         purchases and my vote. I believe in the success and growth of the co-op. When
   Embody the work that needs to be done? Represent the diverse community
                                                                                         offered the opportunity to buy bonds for expansion, I bought them (with great
   that lifts us up and serve them to the best of our ability? This is the work that
                                                                                         success!). Previously I served on the Board of Group Health Cooperative. As a
   needs to be done, which is why I am running for board.
                                                                                         result, I understand the importance of good management team, and essential role
                                                                                         the board plays in governance. I understand the time commitment
                                     MAX                                                 How will you use your skills and experience to further the mission and
                                     KOCH                                                vision of the Co-op?
                                     Attended Board Meeting? Yes                             My professional experience in state government was primarily as a research
                                                                                         analyst. Show me the numbers! As an avid reader of the “comments” in the
                                                                                         Reader, I know our owners are guided by diverse principles that we harmonize
                                        “The Willy Street Co-op is one                   to continue our success. During my working life I was an active union member
                                     of the iconic institutions that                     and elected officer. Democratic member control in both a union and co-op prin-
                                     make Madison such an incred-                        ciple. As a union leader, non-profit board member and neighborhood association
                                     ible place to live. I believe that                  board member, representing members is my strength.
                                     I can contribute to this organi-                    The Co-op is founded on the seven International Cooperative Prin-
                                     zation with my experience in                        ciples. Please choose one of the principles and describe how you think
                                                                                         the Board can encourage and foster that in our cooperative.
                                     nonprofit management, my time                          The principle of Owner Economic Participation is a principle I want to devel-
                                     volunteering domestically and                       op. We vote on the budget at the annual meeting, and I look forward to learning
                                     abroad, and my work with social                     more. We make choices in our consumer purchases, and the co-op has many
                                     enterprises in New Zealand.”                        choices to offer. Improved outreach to members can only include more voices.

Why do you believe Owners should choose you to represent them?
    I have some unique volunteer and work experiences that I believe could help
me to bring a fresh perspective to the Board. I spent some time in 2020-2021
working for a social enterprise cafe in Auckland, New Zealand, which empha-
sized community building and sustainability. The lessons that I learned there in-
form how I think about these areas. I also strive to be data-driven in my decision
making and I have a preference for encouraging innovation in measured doses.
    As an owner myself since 2014, I want a Board of Directors that plans for
the long term and that strives to keep the Willy Street Co-op a place of welcome
that is supportive of the ecosystem of owners, employees, suppliers and the
surrounding community on which the co-op has an impact. I would consider it a
privilege to work hard to preserve the co-op's unique identity and to keep push-
ing it forward.
How will you use your skills and experience to further the mission and
vision of the Co-op?
    I have been a volunteer board member of a youth-serving organization since
2014 and I believe that the ideas and issues that I have worked through as a
member of that board has provided me with a framework to use when challeng-
es arise for the Willy Street Co-op Board of Directors.
    Separately, during my time as the Managing Director for a small nonprofit,
I sought to build partnerships that benefitted both our nonprofit and community
organizations that were looking for opportunities to serve. I know that the Willy
Street Co-op already has some strong partnerships, but I would like to continue
to work to find ways for us to strengthen our community by working hand-
in-hand with some of the incredible organizations around Dane County and
Wisconsin with similar goals.
The Co-op is founded on the seven International Cooperative Prin-
ciples. Please choose one of the principles and describe how you think
                                                                                                   This year you can vote by mail,
the Board can encourage and foster that in our cooperative.
    When it comes to Voluntary Open Ownership, I believe that all members
                                                                                                in the store, by email, or by phone.
of the community should feel right at home at the Willy Street Co-op. How-
ever, saying this is very different than actually accomplishing it. By providing
ample opportunities for users of the stores to easily report feedback, whether                      PHONE

anonymously or otherwise, if they are subjected to discrimination or disrespect
on Willy Street Co-op property, we can ensure that we are truly promoting an
inclusive community for all. The Willy Street Co-op should be a gathering place
for people from all walks of life.
    Here is my website that I would like to provide as well: https://www.linke-

                                                                                                       Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021                         7
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
Community Room Class Calendar
VisitPlease see class descriptions for fees. Owners enrolled                           in the Access Discount Program receive a
                                                      to register.
          10% discount. Payment is required at registration; please register by stopping at the Customer
Refund Policy: Unless otherwise specified in the description of the event, registration for events that Willy Street Co-op cancels will be refunded
          Service desk
in full. Individuals       or to
                     who wish  bycancel
                                        theirWilly   West
                                              registration    at email
                                                           must  (608)
                                                                        284-7800 or Willy East      withat
                                                                                                         72 (608)  251-6776.
                                                                                                            hours notice          For
                                                                                                                         to receive     more
                                                                                                                                    a full refund or
                   information      about    individual
                                                      to the activities  and classes, see
transfer their registration to another class. No refunds or transfers will be granted for cancellations within 72 hours of an event. In order to cover
costs incurred, there  are absolutely no exceptions          Refund Policy.

    Refund Policy:
              COOKING Unless WITHotherwise
                                       CHEF PAUL:  specified in the description
                                                                              COOKING     ofTOGETHER:
                                                                                              the event, registration
                                                                                                               FLAVORS OFfor         events that
     Willy Street       IN  A  WOK
                    Co-op cancels will be refunded in full. Individuals       Location: Google Meet
                                                                                              who wish to cancel their registration
              Location: Google Meet                                           Thursday, July 15, 5:00pm–6:30pm
    must contact    Customer
              Thursday,             Service with 72 hours notice Instructor:
                        July 1, 5:00pm–7:00pm                                 to receive      a full refund or transfer their registra-
                                                                                         Lily Kilfoy
    tion to another class . No refunds or transfers will be granted for cancellations within 72 hours of an
              Your  Co-op’s Own   Instructor: Paul Tseng                      Ages: 5 and  older
              Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners                         Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners
       event. InAorder     to  cover     costs    incurred,    there     are
                    wok is a versatile cooking pot! Join Chef Paul to learn  absolutely       noKilfoy
                                                                                 Join Chef Lily   exceptions       to the
                                                                                                       in this hands-on     Refund
                                                                                                                        cooking class forPolicy.
                                                                                                                                          families! Learn
what to look for in a wok, and how to season, maintain, and use it. Paul will        about different foods and where they come from, how to follow recipes, and
give tips on batter-making and temperature control while demonstrating how           how to use cool kitchen tools. In this class, Lily will cook a fantastic feast
to make wok-fried fish with a napa slaw. He’ll also demonstrate how to make          influenced by the incredible eats of Indonesia. Tantalizing Tempeh or Tofu
wok-steamed sweet & sour pork, a classic dim-sum dish, and a wok shrimp boil         Satay, glorious Gado Gado, nourishing Nasi Goreng, a blissful banana dessert,
with coconut rice, an easy and quick one pot meal. The ingredients and supply        and more may be explored. The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to
list for the recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class.     cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Vegetarian friendly.
Ingredients/recipes may be modified based on seasonal availability.
                                                                                     COOKING TOGETHER: FLAVORS OF SENEGAL
COOKING WITH CHEF PAUL: VERSATILE CAST IRON                                          Location: Google Meet
Location: Google Meet                                                                Thursday, August 5, 5:00pm–6:30pm
Thursday, July 15, 5:00pm–7:00pm                                                     Instructor: Lily Kilfoy
Your Co-op’s Own Instructor: Paul Tseng                                              Ages: 5 and older
Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners                                              Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners
    Join Chef Paul to learn how to season, clean, and maintain your cast iron            Join Chef Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for families! Learn
skillet—one cooking pan you shouldn’t be without! Then he’ll show you how            about different foods and where they come from, how to follow recipes, and
it can be used as a small oven by making a baked chicken breast. He will also        how to use cool kitchen tools. In this class, Lily will set-out a sensational sup-
demonstrate a simple browning technique with pork chops and herbs, and               per spurred by the seasonings of Senegal. Flavorful Fataya, stupendous sweet
finally a fruit pie will round out the class—no pie pan needed, just a cast iron     potatoes, common couscous, yummy Yasa, a drink made with healthy hibiscus
skillet! The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to cook along with will be   flowers and more may be explored. The ingredients and supply list for the
sent one week prior to the class. Ingredients/recipes may be modified based on       recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Vegetarian
seasonal availability.                                                               friendly.

Location: Google Meet                                                                Location: Google Meet
Thursday, July 29, 5:00pm–7:00pm                                                     Thursday, August 19, 5:00pm–6:30pm
Your Co-op’s Own Instructor: Paul Tseng                                              Instructor: Lily Kilfoy
Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners                                              Ages: 5 and older
    We may have missed traveling in the past year, so why not bring a little taste   Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners
of Thai to your own kitchen! Join Chef Paul to learn the basic Thai ingredients          Join Chef Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for families! Learn
and time-saving tips. Chef Paul will demonstrate Chicken Satay with Peanut           about different foods and where they come from, how to follow recipes, and
Sauce, Shrimp Cakes with Garlic Lime Sauce, Silken Tofu Salad, and Cucum-            how to use cool kitchen tools. In this class, Lily will develop a delicious dinner
ber-Basil Lemonade with Lemongrass. The ingredients and supply list for the          inspired by the cuisine of Cuba. Tasty Tostones, magnificent Mojo, amaz-
recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Ingredients/     ing Arroz Congri, classic camarones, creamy Flan Cubano and more may be
recipes may be modified based on seasonal availability.                              explored. The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to cook along with will
                                                                                     be sent one week prior to the class. Vegetarian friendly.
Location: Google Meet                                                                                 KIDS IN THE KITCHEN:
Thursday, August 12, 5:00pm–7:00pm                                                                    WACKY WATERMELON
Your Co-op’s Own Instructor: Paul Tseng                                                                 Location: Google Meet
Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners                                                                 Tuesday, July 6, 5:00pm–6:00pm
    Have you been thinking of eating more plant-based meals? Join Chef Paul to                          Instructor: Lily Kilfoy
learn helpful tips to get started—from setting up your pantry to cooking tech-       Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision
niques to replacing animal proteins with plant-based ones to adding more fiber       Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners
into your daily meals. On the menu are Cashew Coconut Rice with Greens, Soy              Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for kids.
Miso-Glazed Tofu with Pear Chutney, Nutty Dips with Crudité, Lemony Pasta            In this class, participants will use watermelon in wacky ways to make a variety
Salad with Olives, and in-season fruit jam. The ingredients and supply list for      of venturesome vittles. Don’t be wary—we assure that this fantastic fare will
the recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Ingredi-     be well-balanced with wonderful watermelon suited to create soup, salad, salsa,
ents/recipes may be modified based on seasonal availability.                         and more. Vegetarian-friendly.

                    COOKING TOGETHER:                                                KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: STUPENDOUS SUMMER SQUASH
                    FLAVORS OF PAKISTAN                                              Location: Google Meet
                    Location: Google Meet                                            Tuesday, July 20, 5:00pm–6:00pm
                    Thursday, July 8, 5:00pm–6:30pm                                  Instructor: Lily Kilfoy
                    Instructor: Lily Kilfoy                                          Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision
                    Ages: 5 and older                                                Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners
                    Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners                              Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this cooking class for kids. The season
    Join Chef Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for families! Learn         of sunshine is in full swing, and green gardens are already growing gigantic
about different foods and where they come from, how to follow recipes, and           summer squash! Participants in this class will make a marvelous meal using
how to use cool kitchen tools. In this class, Lily will serve up a spiced spread     stupendous summer squash in every delicious dish. Zoodles from the zucchini,
inspired by the phenomenal fare of Pakistan. A savory snack known as Chaat,          pizza prepared with pattypan, cookies containing crooknecks, and more will be
bountiful Biryani, mouth-watering Masala, sides of Saag, a kingly Kheer and          explored. Vegetarian-friendly.
more may be explored. The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to cook
along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Vegetarian friendly.

 8       Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: BENTO BOX BRILLIANCE                                                                     LEARNING WITH CHEF PAUL:
Location: Google Meet                                                                                         KNIFE SKILLS AND SAFETY
Tuesday, August 3, 5:00pm–6:00pm                                                                           Location: Google Meet
Instructor: Lily Kilfoy                                                                                    Thursday, August 26, 5:00pm–7:00pm
Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision                                                                Your Co-op’s Own Instructor: Paul Tseng
Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners                                                                    Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners
    Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for kids.                                  Join Chef Paul as he guides participants through hands-
The name bento box belongs to a brilliant container of cool compartments. It          on knife skills, including the major cuts, slices and dices. Chef Paul will discuss
was cleverly created centuries ago and is still a commonly celebrated compo-          kitchen knife essentials, including how to sharpen and maintain a knife. Par-
nent of Japanese cuisine. In this class, we will produce diverse dishes perfect for   ticipants should bring their favorite kitchen knife from home to practice with.
packing in a Bento Box. Vegetarian-friendly.                                          Vegan. The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to cook along with will be
                                                                                      sent one week prior to the class. Ingredients/recipes may be modified based on
KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: PERFECT PANINI                                                   seasonal availability.
Location: Google Meet
Tuesday, August 17, 5:00pm–6:00pm                                                     HOW THE THYROID GLAND WORKS
Instructor: Lily Kilfoy                                                               Location: Zoom
Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision                                           Wednesday, August 18, 12:00pm–1:00pm
Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners                                               Instructor: Katy Wallace
    Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this cooking class for kids. A panini is      Fee: Free; registration is required
a pressed and grilled sandwich, cooked until the bread is toasty and fillings are         Are you fatigued, constipated, and have brain fog and wonder if it’s your
hot. Lily loves her own recipe with pesto, sun-dried tomato, and mozzarella or        thyroid hormone levels? Come learn about how thyroid hormones, essential
another with Colby cheese, avocado, and sweet roasted peppers. What creative          to every cell in the body, are produced, and how auto-immunity, stress, and
combination will you come up with? In this class participants will prepare their      inflammation interfere. Katy Wallace, Traditional Naturopath of Human Nature,
own perfect panini. Vegetarian-friendly.                                              will present the roles of minerals and diet in supporting the thyroid gland.
                                                                                          This class is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, profes-
KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: SNEAKY SNACKS                                                    sional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services. Classes provided by Willy
Location: Google Meet                                                                 Street Co-op are for informational and educational purposes only and are not
Tuesday, August 31, 5:00pm–6:00pm                                                     meant to replace medical consultation with your physician.
Instructor: Lily Kilfoy
Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision
Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners
    Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for kids. In
this class, participants will make sneaky snacks using secret ingredients. Sea-
weed slipped in the smoothie, garbanzo beans going in granola bars, perhaps
quinoa camouflaging in quesadillas? Everyone will be delightfully deceived by
these delicious sneaky snacks. Vegetarian-friendly.

    Location: Zoom
    Wednesday, July 14, 10:00am–3:00pm
    Tuesday, July 20, 10:00am–3:00pm
    Wednesday, August 11, 10:00am–3:00pm
    Tuesday, August 24, 10:00am–3:00pm
        An individual nutrition consultation is your opportunity to learn how
    the correct food choices for your body can enhance your well-being.
    A one-on-one session with Katy Wallace of Human Nature includes a
    consultation regarding your health goals, as well as lifestyle and food
    choice suggestions geared toward addressing health goals and developing
                                                                                                 Find Energy Savings Here.
    sustainable change.
        Appointments are confirmed upon payment. Payment is due at the
    time of scheduling; otherwise, the appointment will be released to other
    interested parties. Payment is non-refundable and non-transferable unless
    notice of cancellation or rescheduling is provided seven (7) or more days
    prior. To register for the next available opening, email info@humanna- or call 608-301-9961.

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                                                                                                  Make your first stop.

               Quality Pilates in Your Neighborhood                                          • Get easy, low-cost ways to save energy.
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                                                                                             Join us in creating a more sustainable future.
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                                                                                       GS3343 03/31/2020                                   Your community energy company

                                                                                                           Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021                       9
STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PM JULY 4 - Willy Street Co-op
                                                     JULY      AUG           SEPT
     Arugula                                         x          x            x
     Baby Bok Choi                                   x          x            x
     Beans, Green                                    x          x            x
     Beets, Bunched                                  x          x            x
     Blueberries                                     x          x
     Bok Choi                                        x          x            x
     Broccoli                                        x          x            x      CORE HOME
     Brussels Sprouts                                                        x      STORAGE CONTAINERS
     Burdock Root                                    x          x            x          Glass storage containers with a concaved
     Cabbage                                         x          x            x      bamboo lid perfect for stacking to help con-
     Cantalope                                                  x            x      serve space. Several different colors and sizes
     Carrots, Bulk                                   x          x            x
                                                                                    to choose from.
     Cauliflower                                                x            x
     Celeriac, Bulk                                                          x      Available at East
     Chard, Swiss                                    x          x            x      Core Home Storage Containers
     Collard Greens                                  x          x            x      GT's California Citrus Organic Kombucha
     Corn, Sweet                                                x            x      GT's Lemon Berry Organic Kombucha
     Cucumbers                                       x          x            x      Bachan's The Original Japanese Barbeque Sauce
     Dandelion Greens                                x          x            x      Kettle Brand Habañero Lime Krinkle Cut Potato Chips
     Eggplant, Globe                                            x            x      Badger Anti-Bug Balm Travel Stick .60 oz.
     Fennel                                          x          x            x      Alba Botanica After Sun Gel 98% Aloe 8 fl oz.
     Garlic                                                     x            x      Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Vegan DHA 30 ct.
     Herbs                                           x          x            x      Bee's Wrap Vegan Plant-Based Assorted Wraps
     Jerusalem Artichokes                                                    x      Available at West
     Kale                                            x          x            x      Core Home Storage Containers
     Leeks                                                      x            x      GT's California Citrus Organic Kombucha
     Lettuce                                         x          x            x      GT's Lemon Berry Organic Kombucha
     Mustard Greens                                  x          x            x
                                                                                    Great River Organic Milling Multi-Grain Hot Cereal
     Onions, Sweet                                   x          x            x
                                                                                    Bob's Red Mill Dark Rye Flour
     Parsnips                                                                x
                                                                                    KIND Caramel Almond & Sea Salt Thins
     Peppers                                                    x            x
                                                                                    KIND Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt Thins
     Peppers, Poblano                                           x            x
                                                                                    Kettle Brand Habañero Lime Krinkle Cut Potato Chips
     Peppers, Spicy                                             x            x
                                                                                    Kettle Brand Truffle & Sea Salt Krinkle Cut Potato Chips
     Potatoes, Fingerlings                                      x            x
                                                                                    Poppi Prebiotic Sodas
     Potatoes, Purple                                           x            x
                                                                                    Ithaca Buffalo Ranch Hummus
     Radish, Beauty Heart                                                    x
                                                                                    Violife Epic Smoked Cheddar Flavor Vegan Cheese Block
     Radish, Daikon                                                          x
                                                                                    Annie's Organic Cookie Brownie Bar Mix
     Radish, Red                                     x          x            x
                                                                                    Badger Anti-Bug Balm Travel Stick .60 oz.
                                                                                    Alba Botanica After Sun Gel 98% Aloe 8 fl oz.
     Rutabaga                                                                x
     Salad Mix                                       x          x
                                                                                    Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Vegan DHA 30 ct.
     Scallions                                       x          x            x
                                                                                    Bee’s Wrap Vegan Plant-Based Assorted Wraps
     Shallots                                                                x      Available at North
     Spinach                                         x          x            x      Core Home Storage Containers
     Squash, Summer                                             x            x      GT's California Citrus Organic Kombucha
     Tah-tsai                                                                       GT's Lemon Berry Organic Kombucha
     Tomatillos                                                              x      Bob's Red Mill Dark Rye Flour
     Tomatoes, Heirloom                                         x            x      Bachan's The Original Japanese Barbeque Sauce
     Turnips                                                                 x      Kettle Brand Habañero Lime Krinkle Cut Potato Chips
     Watermelon                                                 x            x      Kettle Brand Truffle & Sea Salt Krinkle Cut Potato Chips
     Squash, Zucchini                                x          x            x      Annie's Organic Cookie Brownie Bar Mix
                                                                                    Badger Anti-Bug Balm Travel Stick .60 oz.
     Chart reflects planned availability; unseasonable                              Alba Botanica After Sun Gel 98% Aloe 8 fl oz.
     weather and supply changes could affect availability.                          Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Vegan DHA 30 ct.
     Grown or raised in the state of Wisconsin, or within 150 miles of the          Bee’s Wrap Vegan Plant-Based Assorted Wraps
     Capitol building in Madison. Completely and truly local.

Affordable rates, wide reach, discounts for non-
profits and Owners. Find info here: willystreet.

10     Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021
deals                                                                              JULY
                                                                        Want to get an email reminder about Co-op Deals sales?
Health & Wellness                                                        Sign up at
                                                                                        deals. You can unsubscribe at any time.

co-op deals: June 30-July 20
                                          Tom’s of Maine                          Seventh Generation
                                          Kids Toothpaste                         Hand Soap
                                          All Kinds on Sale!                      All Kinds on Sale!
          W.S. Badger                     5.1 oz • Save $1                        12 fl oz • Save $1.79

          Clear Zinc
                                          $   4.49         /tx
                                                                                  $   3.00            /tx

          All Kinds on Sale!
          2.9 oz • Save $4                Dr. Tung’s                              Jason

          $   10              .99/tx      Stainless Steel
                                          Tongue Cleaner
                                                                                  Dandruff Shampoo
                                                                                  8 fl oz • Save $5
                                          1 pc • Save $1
                                                                                  $ 8.49              /tx

          		                              $ 5.99           /tx

                                          Shikai                                  Lakewood
              Ultima                      Shampoo & Conditioner                   Organic Whole Leaf
              Electrolyte                 All Kinds on Sale! 		                   Aloe Juice
              Powder                      12 fl oz • Save $2.80                   32 fl oz • Save $1.50

              All Kinds on Sale!
              3.6 oz • Save $8
                                          $ 5     .99/tx
                                                                                  $ 6.99
              $  14              .99/tx
                                          Garden of Life
                                          Vanilla Protein &
                                                                                  Nordic Naturals
                                                                                  Arctic-D Lemon
                                          Greens Powder		                         Cod Liver Oil
                                          19.2 oz • Save $2                       8 fl oz • Save $7

                                          $   31       .99/tx                     $   21.99                 /tx

co-op deals: July 21-August 3
         South of France                  Mineral Fusion
         Liquid Hand Soap		               Nail Polish                                                         Alba Botanica
         All Kinds on Sale! 		            All Kinds on Sale!
         8 fl oz • Save $1.30             .33 oz • Save $3.99                                                 SPF 45 Clear
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All Specials Subject to Availability. Sales Quantities Limited.
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                                    Want to get an email reminder about Co-op Deals sales? Sign up at www.willystreet.
                                                      coop/promotions/co-op-deals. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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u td o o
Oadventuresr                                                                                                                   SPICE
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                Price s guar ante ed thro ugh

                                                                               Tierra Farm
                  Kind                                                         Flavored Bulk
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                  Bars                                                         Curry or Cajun • Rndm Wt      1
                  1.4 oz                                                       $14.49/lb                    strawberry cheesecake
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                                                                                                            + Whipped Cream Cheese

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 10 tab                                        Bottle                                    Wine               + Chocolate

                                               18 oz
                                                                                         375 ml
                                               $18.95/ea                                 $5.99/ea            3
                                                                                                            lemon meringue pie
                                                                                                            + Graham Cracker
                                                                                                            + Lemon Curd
                Wisconsin Meadows
                                                                          Nature's Bakery                   + Marshmallow
                Beef Jerky
                4 oz
                                                                          Trail Mix                         4
                                                                          Rndm wt
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                                                                          $8.29/lb                          + Cinnamon Graham Cracker
                                                                                                            + Caramel Sauce
                                                                                                            + Marshmallow
             W.S. Badger
             Clear Zinc                                                                                      5
             2.9 oz
                                                                                       Willy Street Co-op   nutella banana
                                                                                                            + Graham Cracker
                                                                                       Rndm wt              + Banana Slices

                                                                                                            + Marshmallow
                                                                                                            + Nutella Spread

Equal Exchange
Organic                                                                        Dandies
& Fair Trade                                                                   Vanilla
Chocolate Bars                                                                 Marshmallows
2.8-3.5 oz                                                                     10 oz

$3.49/ea                                                                       $4.49/ea
                                                             Annie's Homegrown
                                                              Graham Crackers
                                                              Honey Or Cinnamon • 14.4 oz

RIPENING & STORAGE                        The reason is that there aren’t a lot
 PRODUCE NEWS                                                                              You’ve got your tennis ball tex-      of certified organic peaches grown in
                                                                                       tured peach home, and you want to         that state, and those that are typically
Peaches! Tips & Tricks                                                                 ripen it to perfection. What’s the best
                                                                                       way to go about it?
                                                                                                                                 are shipped to East Coast markets, so
                                                                                                                                 we don’t have access to them.
                                                                                           If you are looking to ripen a peach

                                 ot many    tree will generally taste the same no      as quickly as possible, you can put it        The first part of the summer (late
                                 things     matter their size.                         in a paper bag on the counter or on       May through sometime in July) is
                                 in this        Peaches that are a bit wrinkly are     top of the fridge. The bag traps the      dominated by California-grown or-
                                 world      usually ripe, but dehydrated. Without      ethylene gas emitted by the peach and     ganic peaches. The climate in Cali-
                    are as delectable       as much water in the fruit, the sugars     hastens the ripening process. You’ll      fornia is perfect for peach-growing,
                    as a good peach,        and other flavors are condensed, mak-      want to check the peach very often        and that state produces some of the
                    with its drip-down-     ing for a very sweet but not quite so      however—twice a day at minimum—           most delectable peaches on Earth.
                    your-chin juice and     juicy eating experience. These are         to avoid over-ripening.                   However, it is also a long way from
by Megan            perfectly balanced      some of my favorites, especially if            A slower, but safer method of rip-    Wisconsin, and there are a lot of op-
Minnick,            sweetness. There’s      you like really sweet, flavorful fruit!    ening is to simply leave the fruit out    portunities for California peaches to
Purchasing          also nothing quite                                                 at room temperature. You’ll still want    be damaged en route. We’ve found
Director            as disappointing as     Texture                                    to check it once a day and more often     that California peaches are the tricki-
                    a mealy, dry peach.          Texture is the last thing to look     in hot weather.                           est to manage, but when we get good
                    But how do you tell     for. I hesitate to even bring it up,           A ripe peach will be extremely        ones, they are GOOD!
                    which is which?         since the bane of any produce man-         aromatic and soft to the touch. Once
                                            ager’s existence is the over-eager                                                   Pacific Northwest (Washington
                    It’s harder than you                                               you’ve reached peak ripeness, either      and Oregon)
                    might think.            customers squeezing (and bruising)         eat it right away or it can be stored         After the California organic peach
     Our Produce management team            the peaches. All it takes to assess the    in the fridge for a few days. Just like   season, the harvests move north into
has over 80 years of peach handling         texture of a fruit is to gently close      aroma, refrigeration can dull the fla-    the Pacific Northwest. Peaches from
experience between us, and we’re still      your hand around the peach. It should      vors of a peach so savor your peaches     Washington and Oregon are typically
learning.                                   be the consistency of a tennis ball. If    at room temperature for the best eat-     sweeter and firmer than California
     Below you’ll find some tips and        it feels like a baseball, it was likely    ing experience.                           peaches with a bit less of an acidic
tricks that we’ve learned over the          picked too green to ripen correctly.
                                                                                                                                 balance to their sugars. They are less
years for selecting and ripening that                                                  YELLOW VS. WHITE                          prone to mealiness.
                                            WHAT MAKES A BAD                           PEACHES
perfect peach.
                                            PEACH BAD?                                     Through most of the summer, we
     If you walk away with one thing                                                                                                 Because Colorado is a little closer
                                                The most common reason that            carry both yellow and white peaches.
from this article it should be this: the                                                                                         than California, farmers there typi-
                                            peaches turn mealy, flavorless, and        Yellow peaches have more acid with
only really tried and true way to know                                                                                           cally allow their fruit to ripen further
                                            dry is chill damage. If peaches are        a balanced, classic peach flavor.
if a peach is good is to taste it. We                                                                                            on the trees before harvest. This
                                            subjected to cold (near 32ºF) tem-         White peaches are sweeter, with a
do our best to make sure every peach                                                                                             means that organic Colorado peaches
                                            peratures for too long, they will not      more delicate flavor. Yellow peaches
that hits our shelves is delicious, but                                                                                          have a much more dependably good
                                            ripen correctly no matter how good         are by far the more popular of the
they are such a finicky fruit that it                                                                                            texture—juicy and soft and are less
                                            the peach was to start with or what        two, but a good white peach is a deli-
would be disingenuous to say that we                                                                                             likely to be mealy. Colorado peaches
                                            ripening techniques are used. Chill        cious thing.
are always successful. If you’d like to                                                                                          have a really nice peach flavor, but
                                            damage almost never happens at the
try before you buy, just ask a Produce                                                                                           they tend to have a little less sweet-
                                            orchard itself but in transit, and it is   KNOW YOUR ORIGIN
staff member and we’d be glad to cut                                                                                             ness than West Coast peaches.
                                            impossible to detect without cutting            Each growing region produces
one for you to try!
                                            into the fruit.                            its own unique peach characteristics,     Door County, Wisconsin
HOW TO SELECT A GOOD                            As a produce manager, avoiding         based on the specific climate and soil         Typically available from mid-
PEACH                                       peaches with chill damage can be a         in that area. Here’s a quick rundown      August through September, these
    I’ve said it before (and I’ll say it    real challenge. We go to great lengths     of the most common growing regions        peaches are from Barnard Farms in
again), tasting a peach is the only fail-   to make sure that we are purchasing        where we source our peaches.              Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, and are
safe way to know if it’s good or not.       peaches from highly skilled growers                        You might notice          not certified organic. Door County
That said, here are a few other cues to     and distribution partners we trust, but                         Georgia and other    peaches are smaller than those from
look for when selecting a good peach.       if one truck en route from Cali-                                   Southern states   the West Coast or Colorado. They are
                                            fornia has their refrigeration                                       are not on      a little firmer when ripe, and tend to
Aroma                                       turned just a few degrees too                                         this list.     have a little less sugar, more acid, and
     Aroma is the first thing to check      low, it can ruin the whole                                                                       really nice peach flavor.
for. A good peach should smell like         load, and it likely won’t be
a peach—the stronger the fragrance,         detected until the fruit starts
the better. One big caveat here is that     to ripen in our stores or at
if the peach in question is in refrigera-   customers’ houses.
tion, the chill will dull the aroma, so         We do our best to sample
this trick is best used on room tem-        as many peaches as we can
perature fruit.                             to ensure that we
Appearance                                  stock only the
     The appearance of the fruit can        highest quality
be less of a give away than you might       fruit—and
think. Many modern peach varieties          most of the
have been bred for looks, not eating        time we are
quality—so an aesthetically pleasing        success-
peach might not always be as pleas-         ful—how-
ing to your taste buds as it is to your     ever if you
eyes. The amount of red “blush” on          ever do get
the peach is not as important as the        a poor quality
background color, which should be           peach from one
cream colored (not green).                  of our stores, don’t
Size                                        hesitate to return it
    Size has nothing to do with peach       for a full refund.
quality. Typically, peaches are graded      It’s actually quite
at the orchard—the larger fruit are         helpful for us to
sold at premium prices since many           get returns on
shoppers prefer bigger, showier             fruit like this so
peaches, while the smaller fruit are        we can change our
sold for less. Peaches from the same        sourcing.

                                                                                                     Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021                            15
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