Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel

Page created by Mark Williams
Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel
        Introducing our new
  passenger ferry and cargo vessels

        Steamship Steamship
           I S L E S O F S C I L LY         I S L E S O F S C I L LY

                                 G RO U P                         G RO U P
Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel
Transforming                            PASSENGER
                                                             •	72m ferry capable of
                                                                carrying 600 passengers
                                                                                          •	Anti-roll fins will improve
                                                                                             the stability and comfort

transport to Scilly
                                        (Scillonian IV)      •	Contemporary, comfortable    of the journey
                                                                seating arrangement       •	Increased cargo capacity
                                                                over three decks             with the ability to carry
                                                             •	Onboard coffee shop          chilled and frozen goods
The Isles of Scilly Steamship                                 and retail area               •	Improved access to
Company is proud to introduce                                • Top speed of 18 knots           passengers with limited
designs for our state-of-the-art new     72m
                                                             •	Journey time reduced

                                                                by 20%                      • Lift to all deck areas
fleet of vessels – passenger ferry
                                                                                            •	Hybrid propulsion systems
Scillonian IV, plus our new cargo
vessel and inter-island launch.
                                                                                               to reduce emissions

The striking proposals for our           20%
                                         Journey time
passenger ferry and cargo vessel,        reduction

designed by BMT, combine cutting-
edge design with green propulsion
                                         Knots                                                               Designed by BMT
technology. The new vessels will
meet the future demands of the island
                                        CARGO VESSEL         • 45m cargo vessel               •	Crane capable of
community, businesses and visitors,                                                              lifting 8 tonnes
                                                             •	Increased deck
enhancing the excellent passenger
                                                                cargo capacity                • Modern crew cabins
and freight services we offer today.                         •	More space for chilled        •	Comfortable lounge for
                                                                and frozen goods                 up to 12 passengers


                                         Tonne crane                                                         Designed by BMT

                                        INTER-ISLAND         • Top speed of 12 knots          •	50% increase in
                                        LAUNCH               •	Increased speed and              cargo capacity
                                        (Lyonesse Lady II)      a reduced loaded draft       •	55% reduction

                                                                will improve access to tidal    in fuel burn
                                                                restricted quays and improve
                                                                the delivery opportunities

                                        More cargo
                                                                to the off-islands

                                                                                                    Designed by Incat Crowther
Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel
Last updated May 2021. The information in this leaflet is subject to change without notice.
The company is currently working
with the Council of the Isles of Scilly
and government on financing options.

The next step will be entering
discussions with shipyards on potential
build programmes. The Isles of Scilly
Steamship Company has partnered
with international shipbroker Blair
Reid, which specialises in the sale
and procurement of new ferries.

Blair Reid is currently in contact
with 32 yards across the UK, Europe
and the Far East to acquire Expressions
of Interest and identify build costs.
Our ambition is to begin building

                   Steamship Steamship
                        I S L E S O F S C I L LY
in March 2022 and to complete                           I S L E S O F S C I L LY

the project in two years.
                                             G RO U P                         G RO U P

                          Isles of Scilly
                   Steamship Steamship
                                                          Isles of Scilly
                                            Group                             Group
Isles of Scilly Travel, Steamship House,
Quay Street, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4BZ
Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel
What else will it have on board?                       Will the cargo vessel carry passengers?
             QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                                              As well as high-quality, comfortable
                                                                                              seating on three decks, there will be
                                                                                                                                                     There will be modern, comfortable
                                                                                                                                                     seating for up to 12 passengers.
                                                                                              an executive lounge, a coffee shop
How much will it cost?                          Is it more environmentally friendly?          and retail area.                                       Will the cargo vessel timetable
We are now working with shipyards to            Yes – green technology is at the heart                                                               remain the same?
identify costs to build these vessels,          of the new design. The vessels will be                                                               Yes. The new vessel will depart Penzance
which will allow us to finalise our financial   designed to meet IMO tier III emission                                                               on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
modelling.                                      standards. They will use a hybrid                                                                    and depart St Mary’s on Tuesdays,
                                                battery/engine propulsion system                                                                     Thursdays and Saturdays with the ability
Who will pay for it?                            which means they will be able to operate                                                             for the new passenger vessel to take
The company is currently working with           within port limits on a combination of                                                               additional freight if required.
the Council of the Isles of Scilly and          battery/shore power. This means the
Government on financing options.                vessels will be quieter within Penzance                                                              What about carrying freight
                                                and St Mary’s harbours.                                                                              between the islands?
                                                                                              When will it be built?                                 The new inter-island launch, to replace
                                                To enhance their future green                 Our target is to have the new vessels                  the Lyonesse Lady, will be capable
                                                operational parameters, the vessels           built and in service by 2024.                          of speeds of 12 knots allowing for
                                                have been designed so they can be                                                                    a significantly quicker journey between
                                                outfitted with additional battery capacity    How much freight can the new cargo                     St Mary’s and the off-islands. It will also
How many passengers can                         in the future, keeping the vessels at         vessel carry?                                          have a 50% increase in cargo capacity
Scillonian IV carry?                            the forefront of green technology.            The new cargo vessel will have                         and will see a 55% reduction in fuel burn.
It can carry up to 600 passengers,                                                            increased hold capacity and larger chilled             A reduction in draft by 40cm will see
115 more than Scillonian III.                   We have chosen a hybrid propulsion            and frozen cargo units. The dedicated                  improved access to tidal restricted quays.
                                                system because it offers the best             new cargo vessel will be able to carry
Will it be a quicker crossing?                  solution to reduce the carbon footprint       increased deck freight due to reducing                 What happens now?
Yes. With speeds of up to 18 knots,             of the vessels, and also allows a greater     the hatch size and relocating the funnel               The next step will be entering
we are targeting a reduction in journey         degree of machinery redundancy which          housing, creating a spacious and                       discussions with shipyards on potential
time allowing for more dynamic                  means they will provide a safe, reliable      versatile deck.                                        build programmes. The company has
timetabling and more time on the                service to the islands.                                                                              partnered with international shipbroker
islands for day trippers.                                                                     Will the crane of the cargo vessel                     Blair Reid, which specialises in the sale
                                                Will Scillonian IV have additional            be able to lift heavier goods?                         and procurement of new ferries.
Will it travel all year round?                  cargo capacity?                               Yes, the crane has a maximum lifting
The passenger ferry will be operated            Yes. It will have a significantly increased   capacity of eight tonnes, two tonnes                    Blair Reid is currently in contact with
                                                                                              more than the Gry Maritha,      enabling      it        32 yards across the
                                                                                                                                                                        I S L EUK, Europe
                                                                                                                                                                                    S C I L LYand

                                                                                                                 Steamship Steamship
to meet the demands of the visitor              cargo capacity. Cargo holds have been                                I S L E S O F S C I L LY                                  S OF
market, which currently runs from               designed to maximise the future needs         to carry larger goods such as Heavy                     the Far East to acquire Expressions of
March to October. The service could             of the community, businesses and              Goods Vehicles.                                G RO U P Interest and identify a cost to build. G RO U P
be extended into winter if there                visitor market.
is sufficient demand.
                                                What about disabled access?
What about motion?                              Access for passengers with reduced                                       Isles of Scilly
                                                                                                                 Steamship Steamship
                                                                                                                                                                           Isles of Scilly
Scillonian IV will have anti-roll fins,         mobility will be much improved,
which work like stabilisers, and will           with a lift to all deck areas.      
                                                                                                                                            Group                                            Group
improve the comfort of the crossing.                                                          Isles of Scilly Travel, Steamship House,
                                                                                              Quay Street, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4BZ
Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel Steamship Steamship - Isles of Scilly Travel
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