Startup nation Israel Ringier

Page created by Frank Robbins
Startup nation Israel Ringier
The series phenomenon Game of Thrones: When journalists become fans.

In-house journal July 2019


            nation Israel
              World-record holder in founding companies: Why this
                        country is a better Silicon Valley
Startup nation Israel Ringier
4 Record-breaking country
    Each year 1,500 startups are founded in
    Israel. A visit to Impact Labs, the
    country’s largest makerspace.

10 «No multicultural obligation.»
    Robin Lingg, Head of Marketplaces at
    Ringier, has worked on almost every
    continent. He not only knows how to
    explore new markets, he can also tell you
    where people have what for breakfast
    and where they pray before meetings.

13 News of Thrones
    The HBO series «Game of Thrones» has
    broken all records. Not least because
    journalists became fans.

16 GoT: Graphics and fan poster
    Who appeared in the cult series when
    and for how long, who is how tall and
    who talks how much. Plus: the big fan

    he ghostwriters of
18 T

    The Berlin startup created by Kai
    Diekmann, Philipp Jessen and Michael
    Mronz takes off. Their business model
    has a name: Donald Trump.

24 What does 62W+52L actually do?
    Three examples of how Ringier’s

    corporate strategy and management
    principles are put into practice.

26 My Week - Michel Jeanneret
    The editor-in-chief of L’illustré flies
    through his week.

28 Only the best intentions
    Publisher Michael Ringier: What happens
    when you give free rein to technology?

29 «There’s an outrage boiling in
    Interview with cartoonist Kevin
    Kallaugher about the cancellation of
    cartoons in the New York Times.

30 Manager in mountain boots
    Anniversary: Natascha Knecht /
    Recommended reading by Marc Walder

Cover photo: Sebastian Kopp / EyeEm

Publishing information
Publisher: Ringier AG, Corporate Communica-
tions. Executive Director: René Beutner, CCO,
Dufourstrasse 23, 8008 Zurich. Contact: domo@ Editor-in-chief: Alejandro Velert.
Contributors: Ulli Glantz and Markus Senn (visual
realization), Vinzenz Greiner, René Haenig, Marc
Kowalsky, Adrian Meyer (texts) and Priska
Wallimann (graphics). Translators: Gian Pozzy
(French), Claudia Bodmer (English), Ioana Chivoiu,
(Romanian) Proofreaders: Peter Hofer, Regula

Osman, Kurt Schuiki (German), Patrick Morier-
Genoud (French), Claudia Bodmer (English), Lucia
Gruescu (Romanian). Layout/Production: Zuni
Halpern (Switzerland) Image Editing: Ringier
Redaktions Services Zurich. Print: Ringier Print
Ostrava and SNP Leefung Printers. No portion may
be reprinted without the editor’s permission.
Circulation: 10,000 copies. DOMO is published
in German, French, English and Romanian.             Photos: Maurice Haas, Markus Tedeskino, Paul Seewer, Corinna Kern                 DOMO – July 2019   | 3
Startup nation Israel Ringier

More venture capital is invested in Israel
than in Switzerland, Germany and Austria
combined. There is hardly any other
country in the world that is as successful
in terms of startups. What Switzerland
can learn from Israel.
Text Marc Kowalsky Photos: Corinna Kern

                                                 mentality. In
                                                 Jaffa’s makerspace
                                                 «Impact Lab»,
                                                 hundreds of
                                                 implement their
                                                 ideas, such as
                                                 developing bones
                                                 from a 3D printer.

4 |    DOMO – July 2019                      DOMO – July 2019   | 5
Startup nation Israel Ringier
FOCUS ON ISRAEL                                                                                                                                                                                   FOCUS ON ISRAEL
T    he iron stairs wind steeply down
     from HaPelech street in Jaffa, a
southern suburb of Tel Aviv. In Eu-
                                                                                       Picture at left:
                                                                                       Investor Daniel
                                                                                       Gutenberg has
                                                                                                            Ringier Digital
rope, Jaffa is known for its oranges.                                                  been investing his   Ventures
In Tel Aviv, Jaffa is known for its                                                    money in Israeli
                                                                                                            With Ringier Digital Ventures AG,
startups. Or rather, for the infrastruc-                                               companies for 20
                                                                                                            Ringier is also investing in start-ups.
ture it offers them. At the bottom of                                                  years: «The
                                                                                                            The focus of the venture capital firm,
the stairs, two levels below ground                                                    startups here are
                                                                                                            founded in January 2015, is investing
and far from daylight, an 11,000 sq ft.                                                much more
                                                                                                            in innovative digital start-ups that can
hall opens up. There are rows of 3D                                                    ambitious than in
                                                                                                            benefit from the extensive media
printers and sintering machines,                                                       Switzerland.»
                                                                                                            reach and expertise of successful
there is a counter for power drills and
                                                                                                            companies within the Ringier
ear protectors, a vending machine for                                                  Large picture at
                                                                                                            network. The focus of Ringier Digital
common electronic components is                                                        right: Engineer
                                                                                                            Ventures is investing into innovative
available, even a sewing machine. A                                                    Sonny Lustov is
                                                                                                            digital start-ups, which offer a clear
chart lists rates: using the laser cutter                                              working on the
                                                                                                            unique selling proposition in the
costs four shekels an hour (about 1.10                                                 Harz 3D printer at
                                                                                                            consumer internet space combined
dollars), the CNC lathe costs eleven                                                   Impact Labs.
                                                                                                            with business model innovations.
shekels, and so does the 3D scanner.
«The idea is to find everything in one                                                 Picture below:
place,» says Sefi Attias, who runs this     tious,» says Daniel Gutenberg. «They       Systems engineer
outfit.                                     usually go directly for the global         Roman Dvorkin
    Welcome to Impact Labs, Israel’s        market without bothering with the          simulates a drone
largest makerspace: high-end, high-         local market – unlike Swiss startups.»     delivery in the
tech. Hundreds of startups imple-           Zurich-born Gutenberg ought to             Flytrex control
mented their first ideas here before        know: He has been an active investor       room. This startup
they could afford their own work-           in both countries for over 20 years        is working on an
shops and laboratories. Dozens of           and was involved in Netscape, Face-        on-demand drone
them began their triumphs here. At          book and Mobileye in their early           delivery service.
a large wooden table, a group of stu-       stages. The latter was Israel’s most
dents are working on a prosthetic           successful company foundation ever:
arm, while next to them, young en-          developing cameras and software for
trepreneurs are tinkering with a            self-driving cars was founder Ziv
drone. They, too, want to make a            Aviram’s vision – in 1999, mind you,
breakthrough, and they, too, want to        when there was no automotive sup-
become rich and famous someday –            ply industry in Israel to speak of and
with their own company.                     autonomous cars seemed like a pipe
    No other country in the world is        dream. Today, this company from the
more successful when it comes to            north of Jerusalem supplies every
startups: there is one new company          major car manufacturer with sensor
for every 1,300 inhabitants (in Swit-       technology, except for Tesla and
zerland there is one for every 5,000).      Daimler, and has – a positive side ef-
In total, there are 6,500 startups;         fect – helped establish an automotive
only the USA numbers more. And              supply industry with 800 companies                                                                                                                                    called «Silicon Wadi». Last year, 6.5
every year, 1,500 new startups join         in Israel. In 2014, Mobileye was listed                                                                                                                               billion dollars in venture capital was
them in Israel. Tel Aviv is considered      at the US technology exchange Nas-                                                                                                                                    invested in 623 companies – more
to be the sixth best startup ecosys-        daq with a valuation of over four                                                                                                                                     money than in Switzerland, Germany
tem in the world and – right behind         billion dollars; two years ago, the                                                                                                                                   and Austria combined! It all began
London – the second best in Europe.         company was acquired by Intel for 15                                                                                                                                  with a government initiative: Be-
Israel currently boasts twelve uni-         billion dollars. Gutenberg got in-                                                                                                                                    tween 1992 and 1997, it provided $120
corns, i.e. young companies valued          volved when the company was                                                                                                                                           million in venture capital and provid-
at more than a billion dollars. Swit-       founded and was able to reap the re-                                                                                                                                  ed attractive conditions to ensure
zerland has five. The two countries         wards 17 years later. «It was one of the                                                                                                                              that private investors contributed
are comparable in terms of size and         best deals of my life,» he says.                                                                                                                                      many times more. The program was
population. But in Switzerland, there           Now, Gutenberg is banking on                                                                                                                                      a great success and was copied world-
are few startups and many large             Flytrex, a Tel Aviv startup augured                                                                                                                                   wide. This year, 27 years later, Swit-
companies that would like to be like        to become nothing less than the Uber                                                                                                                                  zerland is launching the Swiss Entre-
startups. In Israel, there are many         for drone flights. An online retailer                                                                                                                                 preneurs Fund, its first government
startups and few large companies. In        or a pizza service with goods for de-                                                                      this technology. «I expect Flytrex to    Young entrepre-   support initiative – albeit at much
Switzerland, university graduates           livery orders a flight via app, puts the                                                                   become a unicorn,» says Gutenberg.       neur Tal Yemin    less attractive conditions for private
dream of a career with a major bank,        payload into the drone and presses a                                                                       «The largest drone logistics company     cleans excess     investors. Israel’s tax laws are also
big pharma or a management consul-          button, according to their vision. The                                                                     after Amazon.»                           material from a   startup friendly: stock options as a
tancy. In Israel, even children dream       drone then makes its own way to the                                                                           Gutenberg is one of hundreds of       3D-printed        major wage component are not taxed
of becoming entrepreneurs.                  recipient – several times faster and                                                                       foreign investors in Israel. The ven-    component at      as income but are only subject to a –
    «It is more lucrative to invest in      more efficiently than a bicycle couri-                                                                     ture capital scene there is now the      Impact Labs.      significantly lower – capital gains tax
Israel than in Switzerland because          er could. A North Carolina shopping                                                                        second largest in the world after Sil-                     if they are exercised.
their startups are far more ambi-           center is already experimenting with                                                                       icon Valley, which is why it is also                           Of course, in Israel, too, most

6 |   DOMO – July 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                            DOMO – July 2019   | 7
Startup nation Israel Ringier
FOCUS ON ISRAEL                                                                                                                                                        FOCUS ON ISRAEL
 The world’s top startup centers:                                                                                                                                   Picture at left: The
                                                                                                                                                                    entrance to
   1. Silicon Valley                                                                                                                                                Impact Labs, the
   2. New York City                                                                                                                                                 largest maker-
                                                                                                                                                                    space in Israel. On
   3. London and Beijing                                                                                                                                            two floors and
   5. Boston                                                                                                                                                        11,000 sq. ft.,
                                                                                                                                                                    young entrepre-
   6. Tel Aviv and Los Angeles                                                                                                                                      neurs will find
 22. Lausanne-Berne-Geneva                                                                                                                                          everything they
                                                                                                                                                                    need for their
 Source: Ranking Startup Genome
                                                                                                                                                                    work, from milling
                                                                                                                                                                    machines to 3D
    startups fail. Strictly speaking, 96                                                                                                                            scanners.
percent of them, a similar rate to
Switzerland’s. But unlike in Switzer-                                                                                                                               Picture below:
land, this is not considered in nega-                                                                                                                               British Prince
tive terms, on the contrary. «I’d                                                                                                                                   William (r.)
rather hire someone who has already                                                                                                                                 alongside Israeli
failed with two companies than                                                                                                                                      Prime Minister
someone who hasn’t tried yet,» says                                                                                                                                 Benjamin
Ziv Aviram, the man behind Mobil-                                                                                                                                   Netanyahu (m.)         ram. A position in an elite troop such
eye. This «can do» spirit reflects the                                                                                                                              and his wife Sara      as the legendary Tapiots or the recon-
Israeli mentality: although its culture                                                                                                                             Netanyahu, while       naissance unit 8200 is therefore re-
has 5,000 years of tradition, the na-                                                                                                                               Israel’s most          garded as a ticket to a managerial
tion itself is only 70 years old and                                                                                                                                successful             career and often counts more than a
considers itself a startup project. The                                                                                                                             company founder        degree from a renowned university.
population is made up of 70 nation-                                                                                                                                 Ziv Aviram                 Which is not to say that their edu-
alities. In the 1990s, hundreds of                                                                                                                                  presents a pair of     cation system should be underesti-
thousands of people immigrated                                                                                                                                      talking glasses for    mated. It consists of eight universi-
from the countries of the former So-                                                                                                                                the blind.             ties, around 30 colleges, 320 research
viet Union. And while Switzerland                                                                                                                                                          and development centers and 19
has been barring access for foreign                                                                                                                                 Picture at right: At   technology incubators. No other
talent since its referendum against                                                                                                                                 the Technion, the      country has a higher density of sci-
mass immigration, any foreign entre-                                                                                                                                Israel Institute of    entists or invests a larger share of its
preneurs can try their luck in Israel                                                                                                                               Technology in          gross national product in research
for two years. If they succeed, their                                                                                                                               Haifa, an average      per capita. And above all, no other
work and residence permits are ex-                                                                                                                                  of one in four         country translates it into products so
tended. Anyone who starts from                                                                                                                                      graduates found a      consistently. Thanks in part to gov-
scratch in their new home country                                                                                                                                   startup.               ernment aid from the Israel Innova-
has nothing to lose and can accord-                                                                                                                                                        tion Authority (IIA), which finances
ingly take risks as a company found-                                                                                                                                                       startup projects to the tune of 1.6
er. The mentality is shaped by the                                                                                                                                                         billion dollars a year, eight times
Hebrew «chutzpah» – a certain fear-                                                                                                                                                        more than the Swiss counterpart
lessness to try something new, a lack                                                                                                                                                      Innosuisse can provide. If the startup
of respect for authorities or of casu-                                                                                                                                                     is successful – and only then – it will
ally asking a favor of total strangers.                                                                                                                                                    pay back the interest-free loan in
But then, there aren’t that many total                                                                                                                                                     small installments, at three percent
strangers. Much as in Switzerland,                                                                                                                                                         of its annual turnover. The conse-
everyone here somehow knows al-            there is a computer in almost every          Generally speaking, the army                                                                       quences become apparent, for exam-
most everyone else. Israelis are much      child’s room. It also ensures that the    holds the country together to a de-                                                                   ple, at the Technion in Haifa, in the
more direct than Westerners, let           army is constantly developing new         gree that might have been true of                                                                     far north of the country, Israel’s
alone Asians. Professional relations       technologies for self-defense, such       Switzerland until just after World                                                                    counterpart to the ETH, the Swiss
are very informal; a Swiss would           as drones, cybersecurity and satellite    War II. In Israel, 25 years of reserve                                                                Federal Institute of Technology. Of
frequently regard such behavior as         technology. Because the army releas-      duty provide a lifelong network of                                                                    the 14,000 graduates last year, an
impertinent. As a foreigner you may        es the technology for civilian use,       contacts. But first and foremost, a                                                                   average of one in four (co-)founds a
have trouble with this mentality. But      many soldiers who have accom-             22-year-old Israeli officer leads 50 to                                                               startup. At ETH Zurich with its 5,000
it is helpful if you want to succeed       plished their mandatory period of         100 soldiers and is responsible for a                                                                 graduates, a mere 27 new companies
                                                                                                                               Photos: Corinna Kern, Getty Images

quickly – or to fail quickly and then      military service (three years for men,    dozen vehicles and weaponry worth                                                                     were created as spin-offs last year.
try something else.                        two years for women) start their own      millions. And unlike Switzerland,                                                                         This year, too, some 1,500 new
    Add the fact that Israel is sur-       businesses, setting up companies          they do all this under warlike condi-                                                                 startups will be founded in Israel,
rounded by enemies. This ensures           with this knowledge. Checkpoint,          tions in sometimes life-threatening                                                                   and again, a handful of upcoming
that new technologies are very             which is now the world’s largest pro-     situations without the possibility of                                                                 unicorns will be among them. There
quickly adopted by the population,         vider of firewalls, was created in this   checking back with their superiors.                                                                   is a good chance that one of them is
to get in touch with the rest of the       way, as was Waze, which has since         «The leadership experience you gain                                                                   just starting out down in that large
world. The concentration of smart-         been taken over by Google as a pro-       in the army is invaluable for busi-                                                                   hall, two floors below the streets of
phones is the highest in the world;        vider of navigation systems.              ness,» says Mobileye founder Avi-                                                                     Jaffa. 

8 |   DOMO – July 2019                                                                                                                                                                                     DOMO – July 2019   | 9
Startup nation Israel Ringier

  «No multicultural
     Robin Lingg is in charge of marketplaces at Ringier. Previously, this expert
    on Latin America headed the Asia and Africa business. A conversation about
    Ethiopian flea markets, steaks for breakfast and wearing sneakers with suits.
                                                    Interview: Vinzenz Greiner Photo: Maurice Haas

Good morning, Mr Lingg! What did           once said in an interview that you           Robin Lingg (39)       it brave or naïve to take on a leader-
you have for breakfast today? Ba-          were as blunt as possible. Not exactly       has been a             ship position in these culturally very
varian Weisswurst, Mexican huevos          a typically Swiss trait.                     member of the          different areas?
rancheros or Nigerian akara?               Here we are talking about stereo-            Ringier AG             Ultimately, leadership has to do
Robin Lingg: I don’t actually have         types again. Of course, some of              Group Executive        with people. And people want to be
breakfast – except for coffee.             them are true – for example, I am            Board since 2014       understood and respected and feel
Has your anti-breakfast attitude ever      extremely punctual. But I think a            and heads the          that you’re honestly interested in
presented a challenge for you in the       culture goes beyond cookie-cutter            International          them. There is no difference
business world?                            notions like these.                          Marketplaces           between Mexicans, Vietnamese or
It is a bit trying when you’re having      Your wife was born in Germany, you           division.              Nigerians in this regard. But of
a sumptuous working breakfast              have three children together. How do         Previously, he was     course, there are subtleties that
with clients in Mexico. You can            you live culture in the family?              CEO of                 need to be taken into account in
easily end up eating about 7800            We do not feel a «multicultural              Ringier Africa and     order to connect.
calories (laughs). But I can also eat      obligation», but we try to set an            Asia, and Head of      Do you have an example of such a
a steak in the morning if it’s             example in terms of being open. We           Business               subtlety?
appropriate.                               have an international circle of              Development.           In Ghana, at the beginning of major
You studied in Passau, Bavaria, lived      friends speaking different languag-          Lingg studied          meetings or other business events,
in Mexico and spent a long time work-      es, and language facilitates access          languages,             the highest-ranking person present
ing in Africa. Is that enough to qualify   to cultures and people. My three             economics and          says a prayer. That’s pretty exciting.
as a «multicultural executive», as you     children are growing up bilingual            cultural science at    How do you prepare yourself when
call yourself on LinkedIn?                 with Spanish. Our eldest was born            the University of      you want to open up a new country
(laughs) «Multicultural» is an             in Mexico, so he is Mexican, and his         Passau                 for Ringier?
elastic term. To me, it means that         first words were in Spanish. He              in Germany. Robin      When you enter a new country on
you have an interest in and respect        should keep that, and we have                Lingg is married to    business, you need to have an idea
for other ways of life and you can         followed through with it.                    Myriam Lingg;          of how their economy and politics
get excited about them. I’ve been          The way to culture also leads through        they have three        are developing and where the risks
lucky enough to see a lot of the           the stomach. Rumor has it that you           children and live in   lie. That means going there and
world. I like to observe and learn,        are the Jamie Oliver of Dufourstrasse.       Zurich.                talking to people. Before we
and I quickly feel at home in              Jamie Oliver is broke, so that’s                                    invested in any of the countries I
different cultures.                        hardly a nice comparison (laughs).                                  opened up, I took three or four trips
That makes almost all of us multicul-      But yes: Cooking is my hobby. At                                    there, in the case of Myanmar even
tural. Is there even such a thing as       home, we cook Mexican, Indian,                                      ten. You have to talk to potential
monoculture anymore?                       Asian dishes. In addition to                                        business partners but also to
At the end of the day, I am Swiss          language, eating provides another                                   ordinary people, to get a feel for
and European. Because we grow up           access to culture – and it’s free of                                how their culture works and how
in a given culture, we come with a         tension at that. It’s hard to judge                                 people think.
particular kind of baggage. But that       food disrespectfully.                                               What if you simply can’t get a feel for
doesn’t mean I wouldn’t accept             You primarily studied the Latin Amer-                               the place?
things that I like elsewhere and           ican region, where you lived until                                  That happened in Cambodia. After
broaden my horizons.                       2012. Two years later, you became                                   two or three trips, I had to admit:
What is in your Swiss baggage? You         Ringier’s CEO for Africa and Asia. Was                              This country and our company

10 |   DOMO – July 2019
Startup nation Israel Ringier
INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MEDIA
aren’t compatible yet, it’s not a                                                                         Bank of Africa recently bought a car
good fit. Let’s wait another five or                                                                      from us via a platform. Communi-
ten years.                                                                                                cation was 100 percent via
Compatibility also has to do with eco-                                                                    WhatsApp.
nomic culture. How do you adjust to                                                                       There are already marketplaces for
that? You can’t clinch a deal in Kenya                                                                    everything – real estate, jobs, elec-
the same way you do in Nigeria.                                                                           tronics ... What’s the next big thing in
When I first got off the plane in                                                                         «marketplacing»?
Lagos, I wanted to go home within                                                                         In the future, we will be focusing
ten seconds. It was too much for me                                                                       more on improving the handling of
back then, too hectic, too loud –                                                                         platforms for buyers and sellers by
simply overwhelming. Eventually, I                                                                        providing new services.
learned that Nigerians are not just                                                                       Such as financing products for buying
hectic and come across as aggres-                                                                         used cars?
sive, they’re also business-driven                                                                        Absolutely. Insurance products are
and more blunt than Ghanaians,                                                                            also part of it. With jobs, it’s
who are calmer. Meanwhile, Nigeria                                                                        matchmaking or digitalizing the
has become one of my favorite                                                                             assessment process.
countries to visit. We have a                                                                             What role will technologies such
fantastic team there.                                                                                     as AR and VR play? Will I be able to
From Myanmar to Senegal to Switzer-                                                                       walk digitally through advertised
land, there are almost 100 companies                                                                      apartments?
in the Ringier universe. Is there still                                                                   Sure. But other technologies are
something like a Ringier culture?                                                                         also becoming more important.
Yes, there’s a Ringier DNA. Here’s                                                                        Machine learning, for example, in
what it’s about: How you deal with                                                                        image recognition. Data analysis
people and risk, with speed and                                                                           and aggregation are becoming
mistakes. Above all, we believe in                                                                        indispensable, which is why we
allowing a lot of locality – especially                                                                   have invested in IAZI and are
when it comes to personnel policy.                                                                        cooperating with Archilyse. We
Of course, there are things you can                                                                       want to make environmental data
apply worldwide in terms of                                                                               available on real estate platforms
technology. We are convinced,                                                                             and match it with the lifestyle of
however, that you can’t measure                                                                           our customers. The client buying an
differing local needs by the same                                                                         apartment should be able to see

                                                                                                                                                                           News on Thrones
yardstick. There are other compa-           conducts a large part of its business   «Yes, there’s a       how much sun the apartment gets,
nies in our field that take a much          in Switzerland. Because locality is     Ringier DNA,» says    how well it is connected to public
more centralistic approach.                 important, it naturally entails that    Robin Lingg. In the   transport or where the nearest
Let’s talk about error culture. Every-      many people in the company are          mid-term he will      school is. People will expect these
body says we need one like they have        Swiss. At the end of the day, we sim-   become the head       kinds of things in the future. And if
in the USA. At Switzerland’s biggest        ply want the best people. Period.       of the next           we don’t meet these expectations,
bank, everyone is on a first-name           At Ringier, you are in charge of        generation of         we won’t have a good product.
basis, including the top management.        marketplaces – for example, Qefira in   shareholders.         To what extent does Blockchain come
Just like in Silicon Valley, European       Ethiopia. Should you first check out                          into it?
CEOs have suddenly taken to wearing
sneakers with their suits. Are we all
                                            a flea market in Addis Ababa before
                                            investing in a company like Qefira?
                                                                                                          There are no business-relevant
                                                                                                          blockchain products as yet. They
                                                                                                                                                                              «Game of Thrones» is the most successful TV series ever. Not just because
going American?
Not everything that comes out of
                                            Absolutely! It’s essential to
                                            understand how traditional trade
                                                                                                          are conceivable, for example, with
                                                                                                          relation to notarizing processes in
                                                                                                                                                                            of its millions of fans but because media companies also went crazy about this
Silicon Valley is worth copying, but        works in any given country. And                               the real estate sector, but that will                                  HBO production. To the point where one came close to believing that
it’s not all wrong either. There is a       then you have to implement this in                            probably take some time. Our
cultural change underway in the             the digital world. Certain techno-                            investment in BOTLabs is therefore                                                  Westeros was a continent on our globe. Vinzenz Greiner
world of work: Today, age, gender           logical issues that are present may                           an investment in a research and
and hierarchical thinking are               apply across countries. But a                                 development center. We can talk to
fortunately much less important             Vietnamese expects a completely                               experts who work with the
than performance. You now get
30-year-old CEOs, and sneakers is
what they wear, not leather shoes.
                                            different user journey on a platform
                                            than a Swiss.
                                            In other words: Marketplaces don’t
                                                                                                          technology instead of merely
                                                                                                          reading theoretical papers.
                                                                                                          Will Ringier invest more in technolo-
                                                                                                                                                                           T   he 25-page report reads like an
                                                                                                                                                                               ABC of war crimes. Enslavement,
                                                                                                                                                                           hostage-taking, forced displacement,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Washington Post had been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     investigating the same conflicts for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     even longer. According to their re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Queen Elizabeth II
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             marveling at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Iron Throne on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  illustrations and graphics on the Web.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  State of the art stuff: A full year before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the first version appeared online, the
This has nothing to do with                 work the same way everywhere?                                 gies or in new markets in the future?                            rape, killing of defenseless civilians,   search, the body count reached 6887     set of Game of       editor in charge had begun research-
Americanization, it’s an expression         I’ll give you the example of used                             I’m sure you have your eye on Latin                              torture ... These harsh accusations are   – including farmers and soldiers but    Thrones in           ing, designing and programming her
of a change in thought patterns.            cars. In some African countries,                              America!                                                         solidly backed up with facts: volun-      also animals such as horses and pi-     Northern Ireland.    presentation.
Including you, there are three Swiss        they are sold on the street corner on                         We have invested in Ukraine and                                  teers of the Australian Red Cross         geons. And these are only those         In the background:       So, readers can no longer talk their
and two German members on the               Saturdays. There, the personal                                are looking at Singapore and the                                 collected data for several weeks this     deaths that have been witnessed. The    GoT actors Lena      way out of it by saying they didn’t
                                                                                                                                                     Photo: Getty Images

Group Executive Board. Given Ringi-         relationship between customer and                             USA. But it’s always about very                                  past spring and analyzed them to-         number of unreported casualties is      Headey, Conleth      know just how bloody this war was.
er’s cultural diversity, wouldn’t it also   salesman is much more important                               specific companies and their                                     gether with human rights specialists.     many times higher.                      Hill and Kit         No, it doesn’t take place in Yemen,
be good thing to have such a diversity      than in a very structured, formal                             technologies, not about countries.                               The brutal upshot: International hu-          The newspaper made this suffer-     Harington (from      Sudan, or Ukraine but on Westeros
in corporate management?                    market like Switzerland. In Kenya,                            At the end of the day, what matters                              manitarian law had been violated a        ing accessible to its readers through   left).               and Essos, the two big continents in
We are still a Swiss company that           the long-time CEO of the Central                              is staying focused.                                             total of 103 times.                       multimedia stories crammed with                              the HBO series «Game of Thrones».

12 |   DOMO – July 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DOMO – July 2019    | 13
Startup nation Israel Ringier
MEDIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MEDIA
    In fact, according to the Australian                                                                                                                                       goes beyond ordinary series: «At the
Red Cross, Ramsay Bolton, a sadistic                                                                                                                                           end of the third season, we realized
patricide with a yen for women and                                                                                                                                             that the series had changed from a
bloodhounds, and Daenerys Tar-                                                                                                                                                 mere hit to a cultural phenomenon.»
garyen, mistress of three dragons,                                                                                                                                             Caroline Fux, columnist and sex pod-
aspiring ruler over all kingdoms and                                                                                                                                           caster at BLICK, describes the series
self-proclaimed savior with a Stalinist                                                                                                                                        in a similar way: «‹Game of Thrones›
streak, are by far the most horrific war                                                                                                                                       is a social phenomenon,» says this
criminals. The Washington Post con-                                                                                                                                            psychologist. That’s why she recorded
cludes that most lives were wiped out                                                                                                                                          a sex podcast called «Sex on Thrones»
by Daenerys’s dragon Drogon. In his                                                                                                                                            about this series, in which «sex in all
last attack, he burned an entire city to                                                                                                                                       its variations is really a fundamental
a crisp.                                                                                                                                                                       part of the story.»
    This penultimate episode of the                                                                                                                                                The more intensely viewers and
eighth and last season was seen by                                                                                                                                             journalists engaged with the series,
about 18.4 million people on its first                                                                                                                                         the more it diffused through the
night. The last GoT episode, in which–                                                                                                                                         screens into our pop culture. West-
spoiler alert! – the Iron Throne, which                                                                                                                                        eros became part of our world.
most kings want to ascend, melts in                                                                                                                                                At American universities, depart-
dragonfire, was watched by more                                                                                                                                                ments of history and philology began
Australians than the semi-final of the                                                                                                                                         to offer courses on «Game of Thrones».
2011 Rugby World Cup that pitted                                                                                                                                               Nespresso and Soda Stream borrowed
France against Australia’s derby op-                                                                                                                                           events from the series for TV commer-
ponent New Zealand. A national re-                                                                                                                                             cials. In Dubrovnik, Croatia, the loca-
cord! The production costs also                                                                                                                                                tion for many scenes set in the GoT
reached a record high: HBO, the TV          no arts section, whether in the Neue       Global mass               The reason for all this is of an                              port city of King’s Landing, special
company behind the series, spent up         Zürcher Zeitung, the German weekly         phenomenon.           economic nature. A New York Times                                 city tours were conceived for fans of
to 15 million US dollars per episode.       Spiegel or in the time-honored Times,      People all over the   spokeswoman told DOMO at the end                                  the series.
    On average, each episode of GoT’s       that did not discuss GoT in detail.        world gathered to     of May that reports on «Game of                                       At the 2016 White House Corre-          how viewers watching the series in         Not a soccer final         What Washington Post arts editor
final season attracted a gross audi-           How did this mania come about?          watch Game of         Thrones» were among the most wide-                                spondents’ Dinner, then-US President        bars reacted to the latest twists in the   but a series finale:   David Malitz describes to DOMO
ence of around 44.2 million viewers         To find out, it’s worth taking a look at   Thrones together.     ly read articles on the NYT website in                            Barack Obama, after welcoming two           saga.                                      In Moscow,             seems to bear that out. For the final
worldwide. That’s as if countries like      Washington and New York.                   It is hard to say     the last six weeks. «Most readers were                            Republican senators, said the doors             Editors writing about fan theories,    thousands              season, more «passionate editors»
Argentina or the Ukraine were collec-          In the Big Apple, TV editor Jeremy      just how many         not subscribers, so the show helped                               should now be barred immediately.           producing huge features, drawing           watched the last       were added to the team covering GoT.
tively sitting in front of their televi-    Egner has been reporting on «Game          people really         us reach a new audience.»                                         «It’s like the Red Wedding.» This is the    parallels with international politics      episode of Game            The GoT coverage was so extensive
sions. This makes «Game of Thrones»         of Thrones» since the series launched      watched GoT.              Reports by their Washington com-                              name for that evening in the series         – isn’t all that going too far?            of Thrones in the      because the series combined the fol-
the most commercially successful            in 2011. His employer, the New York        What we do know:      petitor expanded in a similar fashion.                            when a wedding party is locked up               «Yes, it is,» says Amanda Lotz, who    RZD Arena, the         lowing elements, Malitz explains:
series of all time. From the Emmys to       Times, has made the journalistic           illegal streams and   On the release of the first season in                             and slaughtered and the royal house         published an analysis of how «Game         home pitch of the      «Massive ratings, intense interest plus
the Golden Globes and the American          newsletter «great again», so a GoT         downloads             2011, the Washington Post TV critic                               of Stark is butchered to the brink of       of Thrones» became TV’s first global       Lokomotiv              a rich range of storylines, characters
Cinema Editors Award, the series has        newsletter, as curated by editor Jen-      exceeded the one      Hank Stuever wrote that «Game of                                  extinction. The ominous mantra of           blockbuster. Sure: «Many editors are       Moscow soccer          and theories.» And these are exactly
also been showered with countless           nifer Vineyard, is indispensable. And      billion mark (!) in   Thrones» could be admired «for its                                this royal house, «Winter is coming»,       chasing clicks and readership,» this       team.                  the factors that basically decide how
awards.                                     it was successful. By 2017, the GoT        the seventh           sincerity and clarity of purpose». All                            has become a catchphrase with a life        Professor of Media Studies at the Uni-                            many resources are allocated to re-
    No question: «Game of Thrones» is       newsletter has more than 61,000            season.               in all, however, he thinks the series is                          of its own and made its way into Twit-      versity of Michigan explains. «My                                 porting.
one for the history books. Probably         subscribers. While an industry aver-                             basically for nerds. Season two: Intro-                           ter timelines. US President Trump, for      concern about the coverage is the                                     Did the storylines Malitz is talking
because the series captured the atten-      age of 15 out of 100 newsletters are                             ductory analysis at the beginning of                              example, sent a warning to Iran in          degree to which this very coverage                                about get the editors hooked? That
tion of those who also write history:       opened, the New York Times’ GoT                                  the season. Third season: Hank                                    November 2018 by tweeting in «Game          has made GoT a bigger phenomenon,                                 wouldn’t be surprising. «Game of
journalists.                                newsletter sometimes reaches an                                  Stuever calls «Game of Thrones» «a                                of Thrones» script: «Sanctions are          at the expense of very good pieces of                             Thrones» is crammed with stories
    At first, the series was only noticed   opening rate of over 100 percent – in                            masterpiece in the making».                                       coming.» In 2016, the Economist             TV culture that may not be so well-                               that many journalists are hungry for:
by TV critics and arts editors. And         other words, subscribers open it sev-                                The viewers share his verdict: In                             wrote about the succession in the           known.»                                                           political intrigues, ideally paired with
they wrote about it just like any other     eral times.                                                      the Internet Movie Database (IMDb),                               Gulf: «The real game of thrones» was            Lotz gives the example of the fina-                           sex scandals, tangled family relation-
TV series. But things didn’t stay that         NYT coverage intensifies with each                            the episodes of this season score an                              going on in Saudi Arabia.                   le of the series «The Big Bang Theory»,                           ships and complex allegiances. And
way.                                        season. Soon, «in-depth analyses» are                            average of 9.1 out of 10 possible                                     GoT suddenly stood for Machiavel-       whose audience was not much small-                                that’s exactly the stuff that the books
    USA Today analyzed the «econom-         added to the reviews of the series, as                           points. From the fourth season on-                                lian power politics, for intrigues and      er than that of GoT. «An equally                                  on which the TV series is based are
ics of mercy» in the series. The Verge      are service articles on the «key epi-                            wards, the paper always provided                                  the continuation of diplomacy by            meaningful moment, which received                                 made of.
asked how moral it was to send drag-        sodes» of the various seasons. Then                              summaries at the start of each new                                other means, as our world knows it,         less attention,» says Lotz.                                           The saga «A Song of Ice and Fire»
ons into battle and tried making            the actors of the series are inter-                              season «to give readers more of what                              too. Or as Verge editor Jonathan Eas-           So, did journalists make «Game of                             was written by the author George R.
analogies with the deployment of            viewed, for example on the «cryptic                              they want,» David Malitz, deputy                                  ton puts it: «A significant amount of       Thrones» bigger than it is? According                             R. Martin, voted one of the 100 most
tanks in the First World War. The           humanity of Melisandre» – a priestess                            Features editor overseeing arts cov-                              the series’ success comes from its          to Lotz, the series was «a cult hit, ca-                          influential personalities by Time
French daily Le Figaro looked at the        who does not mind resorting to dark                              erage at the Post, told DOMO. Just in                             relevance to real-world events.»            tering especially to the taste of arts                            magazine in 2011 and now a multimil-
50 most impressive costumes in the          magic to fulfill the supposed plan of                            time for the fifth season, the Wash-                                  In fact, journalists also reported on   journalists and critics.»                                         lionaire. He knows only too well what
series and speculated about the ways        her fire god. Travel journalists visit                           ington Post came up with its big mul-                             GoT-related events in our world. Echo           Scoffers like to say that sports                              stories journalists get excited about.
in which Jon Snow – a tragically hand-      locations of «Game of Thrones» for the                           timedia story keeping track of all the                            Moskvy wrote, for example, that the         journalists are often just fans who                               He himself had studied journalism.
some lad with a pet wolf, who stabs         Times. Vineyard, Egner and three                                 deaths, whose updating required                                   Saint Petersburg authorities had con-       made it across the barrier. Does the                              And he later taught journalism at
                                                                                                                                                        Photo: afp, Keystone

his lover Daenerys (who is also his         other colleagues finally build a land-                           another month’s work per season.                                  fiscated an Iron Throne that fans had       same apply to GoT? Have fans been                                 Clarke College in Dubuque on the
aunt) to death – and his ilk changed        ing page: the «ultimate ‹Game of                                     Isn’t this rather too much effort                             set up as a photo subject near the          writing puff pieces on their favorite                             Mississippi.
the TV industry. On LinkedIn, the           Thrones› Guide», including recom-                                with respect to events in the fictional                           palace square. There were also reports      series? After all, the NYT editors de-                                «Game of Thrones» and journalism
focus was on what HR departments            mendations on which episodes should                              world of a series?                                                about the Dubrovnik city tours and          scribe their ultimate guide as an                                 – they have always been closely
might learn from the series. There was      be watched before the last season.                                   For Malitz, «Game of Thrones»                                 numerous reaction videos showing            «obsessive compendium».                                           related. 

14 |   DOMO – July 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DOMO – July 2019   | 15
Startup nation Israel Ringier
Who appears when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The screen time of the different Houses in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the individual seasons.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Total                               Da e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 tell        appearance                                          ys T
                                                                                                                                                                                             e ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ma r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ar g
                                                                                                                                                                                        ar t                                                                            Ho                  ar y
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8                                       2                       ar
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       29 :0 8
          If you want to see every episode of Game of                                                                                                                                                                    The
          Thrones in one go, you’ll need to spend 70 hours                                                                                                                                                              Throne

          and 30 minutes in front of your screen. That’s the


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ce r s e i L a
          total running time of the 73 episodes in the HBO

                                                                                                            H o u se

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                H o u se
          cult series. A temporal analysis of the struggle for

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         n n i s te
                                                                                                            ll y
                                                                                                      re Tu
          power and the Iron Throne.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           nn i s




                                       Protagonists and their screen time


                                       Many characters leave their mark in this series. Here is a                                                 r
                                                                                                                                                      Ba                   06

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ho                      ar
                                       selection of protagonists, their height and the total screen                                                             e               0:                                                                                                                                               aG
                                                                                                                                              n              us                      9 :0                                                                                                                us                 re
                                       time they are given over 73 episodes.                                                                      eo                                        0                                                                                                       eG              y jo
                                                                                                                                                               ra    Ho                                                                                                                     rey                         y
                                                                                                                                                            Ba                                                                                                                      joy
                                                                                                                                                                    er t      b                                                                          0 0: 3
                                                                                                                                                                           Ro                                                                     8:01

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        House Arryn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Robin Arr yn

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Man’s world
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                If you count the words spoken in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the dialog, the women don’t have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (as) much say.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Men’s words 71 %                                    Women’s words 29 %

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       214 320                                                                   87 770

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Infographic & Illustration: Priska Wallimann
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sources: Dataset from Jeffrey Lancaster
                                              White             Brienne                     Jon                 Cersei                   Daenerys                                Tyrion                                                                                                              on Github, HBO, Pictures: HBO
Drogon              Dongo                     Walker            of Tarth                  Snow                 Lannister                 Targaryen                              Lannister                                    Ghost
7,62 m              3,65 m                    2,13 m             1,9 m                    1,72 m                1,65 m                     1,57 m                                1,35 m                                      1,55 m
1:48:37             0:04:10                  0:25:57           4:00:56                   11:12:45              7:05:22                   8:48:14                                11:25:04                                    0:48:29
Startup nation Israel Ringier
Photo: Marc Hom / Trunk Archive
BERLIN                                                                                               BERLIN
Faith food, not fast
food: At Storyma-
chine, employees
take a pew (bought
on eBay) to have
lunch. Each
prepares his or her
own meal, but
once a week they
order in a menu of
their choice for a
team lunch and the
bosses fork out the

                           The ghostwriters of
                                It is shrouded in mystery and the stuff of legends: Storymachine!
                           This start-up created by former «Bild» editor-in-chief Kai Diekmann, Philipp
                             Jessen and Michael Mronz in 2018 has grown very quickly and already
                                numbers 55 employees. «Totally crazy!» as even the amazed new
                                        entrepreneur Diekmann puts it. Text: René Haenig Photos: Markus Tedeskino

18 |    DOMO – July 2019                                                                            DOMO – July 2019   | 19
BERLIN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             BERLIN
B    erlin-Kreuzberg, Tempelhofer
     Ufer 17. A reddish-brown brick
building from 1898. Once upon a
time, rubber goods were produced
here. Nowadays, behind a thick black
steel door on the second floor, expe-
rienced journalists, young social
media experts and seasoned data
analysts are the ones that are deliv-
ering the goods. A yellow squeaky
duck and a grass-green Frog Prince
floating in an artificial puddle of
acrylic resin on the floor in the lobby
are the only rubber items to be found
in the stylish Storymachine offices.
    Philipp Jessen, 41, the former
head of, the online version
of the German weekly Stern, is one of
three Storymachine founders and
CEOs. He sits in his office in front of
a wide curved monitor. Behind him
on the wall is a huge picture of Kai
Diekmann, 55, sitting cross-legged
on the floor of his old, gutted office at
the tabloid Bild on the 16th floor of
the Springer skyscraper. «Almost
dadaist,» says Jessen, who wanted
Diekmann’s picture for the agency.
«Kai tells everyone that this way he
can keep tabs on everything – even
when he’s not in the house.»
    A few days earlier, Jessen had met
with Angela Merkel. As part of the
party leadership’s closed meeting to
analyze the European elections,
he gave a lecture on digital commu-                                                                                                                                                                         Three of the four      anz, Vodafone and Deutsche Bahn
nication in the presence of the                                                                                                                                                                             brains behind          call on the services of the Berlin start-
Chancellor and party leader Anne-                                                                                                                                                                           Storymachine:          up. This is only public knowledge
gret Kramp-Karrenbauer. «Die Welt»                                                                                                                                                                          CEO Philipp            because the companies chose to
subsequently wrote that the Chan-                                                                                                                                                                           Jessen (at left),      communicate Storymachine’s in-
cellor had been duly impressed by his                                                                                                                                                                       CIO Nora               volvement. «We would never reveal
presentation. And the media service                                                                                                                                                                         Beckershaus and        a client’s name,» says Nora Beckers­ reported that the CDU party                                                                                                                                                                        Kai Diekmann.          haus, 32, unequivocally. Having
had hired Jessen and his team «to                                                                                                                                                                           Diekmann’s wife        helped build Storymachine as Chief
explain that Internet stuff». Even «off                                                                                                                                                                     Katja Kessler          Innovation Officer right off the bat,
the record», Jessen refuses to talk                                                                                                                                                                         found the sofa at a    she recently gave a lecture in Zurich,
about the CDU. Discretion is a top                                                                                                                                                                          flea market and        where a client subsequently gave
priority at Storymachine. Never                                                                                                                                                                             other items on         herself away by using the all too fa-
mind that it costs them opportunities                                                                                                                                                                       eBay and at Ikea.      miliar phrase, «As Nora already said
for self-promotion.                                                                                                                                                                                         «For years, she’s      ...».
    There is a simple reason for this                                                                                                                                                                       been fixing up old         Beckershaus’office is next to Jes-
secrecy, especially when it comes to                                                                                                                                                                        houses, so she         sen’s. They are separated by a glass
their clients. «We consider ourselves                                                                                                                                                                       furnished our          pane. These two are the only ones
ghostwriters,» Diekmann says, put-                                                     «Basically, our business model is    build and reach a perfectly defined     was born in Africa, had studied         offices.»              with personal space at Storyma-
ting it in a nutshell. Nobody expects       «Basically, our business                Donald Trump,» says Diekmann.           as well as substantial, high-quality    abroad, come home and was now           Small picture at       chine. And when they’re not in, their
Merkel herself to have written her                                                  Since taking office, the US President   audience. To do this, the agency’s      running the African branch, at the      right: In the lobby,   offices are open to any of the 55 em-
own recent speech at Harvard that           model is Trump. He no longer            has shown the world that he doesn’t     representatives meet with potential     top of the organization, as a single    staff and visitors     ployees. Beckershaus’ office feels
earned her standing ovations. In                                                    need traditional media to communi-      customers to develop new ideas to-      parent. What a story! In the past, a    are welcomed by a      more like a living room: comfortable
cases like these, writers inevitably        needs traditional media.»               cate with his audience. «Trump          gether. Jessen: «We want to tell gen-   journalist would have shadowed the      rubber duck and a      armchairs in front of a fake fireplace
take a back seat to their clients.                                                  doesn’t care what the New York          uine and lasting stories.»              woman for weeks and then published      Frog Prince in a       with lavish floral arrangements. On
«That’s how we hold it with our cus-        Kai Diekmann, Storymachine co-founder   Times or CNN on either side of him         In order to illustrate how Story-    a three-page report in the weekly Der   puddle of acrylic      the floor is a baby mobile adorned
tomers. We make them appear au-                                                     say. He has more followers on Twitter   machine works, Diekmann cites the       Spiegel,» says Diekmann. Storyma-       resin.                 with a crocheted Storymachine
thentic instead of imposing some-                                                   than the biggest media in the country   example of a large company operat-      chine told the story on behalf of the                          «Like» button, a rocket and a rainbow
thing on them.» Or as Jessen puts it:                                               have on that channel.»                  ing in Africa, among other places:      client on that company’s Instagram                             – a gift from her female colleagues for
«We want to put the brands and                                                         Storymachine, the founders say,      «First, we asked the client what sto-   account – over a period of three                               the impending birth of her first
people we communicate for front and                                                 helps brands, companies or individ-     ries they had to tell. At some point,   months.                                                        daughter in September. Instead of
center. So, it’s not about us.»                                                     uals become their own publishers to     we heard that their local female COO        Large corporations such as Alli-                           sitting at a bulky desk, the 32-year-

20 |    DOMO – July 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DOMO – July 2019    | 21
BERLIN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BERLIN

old works at a small Ikea table. She
only uses the screen on it to create
                                           things, maybe jump in at the deep
                                           end once in a while? And even more
                                                                                                                                                    dining table, the trio secured the
                                                                                                                                                    name rights on the Internet. In Jan-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   We only employ people who                                    he rode in the back of the fat, chauf-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                feured Mercedes limousine that took
Excel spreadsheets. «Otherwise I           importantly: Will this person, even                                                                      uary 2018, Storymachine was born in            are capable of teamwork.»                                    him from his home in Potsdam to his
work exclusively on my mobile              if he or she fails, get back up and                                                                      a Berlin shared work space. After                                                                           Berlin office for many years. Upon his
phone.»                                    tackle the task again?                                                                                   only four months, the exploding                Philipp Jessen, CEO Storymachine                             departure from Springer, the new
    Before Beckershaus joined Story-          On the wall of the open-plan of-                                                                      start-up moved into the Tempelhofer                                                                         entrepreneur suddenly found him-
machine’s founding trio in January         fice, a faux white-grey marble stone                                                                     Ufer rooms.                                                                                                 self at the wheel of his big car, and
2018, she established the German           tablet lists Storymachine’s «10 Com-                                                                         A sheltered corporate child turned                                                                      within a matter of days knocked off
branch of the US lifestyle portal Re-      mandments». From item 1 – «We be-                                                                        independent entrepreneur, Diek-                                                                             its side mirror in the underground
finery29 as managing director,             lieve in the power of stories» – to item                                                                 mann, who does not have his own                                                                             parking lot twice. «That’s when I
worked in the innovation depart-           10 – «We always help each other, we                                                                      office at Storymachine and is in           about today, think about tomorrow!»         Top left:            bought a Mini.» Now, all he has to do
ment at Axel Springer, ghostwrote          don’t belittle anyone to make our-                                                                       charge of strategic orientation, is in     Now, Diekmann is mostly unafraid            Diekmann talking     is kick the habit of phoning while
texts for Diekmann’s wife Katja            selves look big» – it’s really the final                                                                 the kitchen, caught up in a discussion     even to look at the payroll for their 55    to customers. «We    driving and ease off on the accelerator.
Kessler’s blog, worked for the youth       P.S. that stands out: STRICTLY NO                                                                        with about a dozen employees who           employees. «But I’m still kind of in        are not your             It’s enough that Storymachine has
magazine Bravo when Philipp Jessen         ASS-HOLES. «We want people who                                                                           have taken a seat for lunch on a for-      awe, especially of our rapid growth.»       typical start-up     put the pedal to the metal. 
was editor-in-chief there, and was         meet each other on equal terms, re-                                                                      mer church pew bought at auction on        He is happy to have Mronz on board          that has to go
personal assistant to Patricia Riekel,     gardless of age, ability and experi-                                                                     Ebay. «I don’t think this plastic table-   as a partner «who is the only one of        knocking on
the former boss of the weekly Bunte.       ence,» Beckershaus puts it somewhat                                                                      ware belongs in the trash...» In the       us to have a college degree and who         doors. In most
She dropped out of law school to           less drastically. The fact that employ-                                                                  kitchen, everyone can prepare his or       even has a head for figures.» Mronz         cases, it’s the
pursue a career in the media. «What        ees are lolling on sofas or antique                                                                      her own menu, and once a week, food        has founded several successful com-         customers who
I really am is a storyteller.» And she     bedsteads with their laptops or                                                                          that’s chosen by the employees and         panies.                                     approach us.»
can tell stories on paper as well as on    smartphones is part of the plan and                                                                      paid for by the bosses is ordered in for       As far as Storymachine’s growth
all social media channels, data-opti-      not a sign that people are just here to                                                                  a team lunch.                              is concerned, the founders have be-         Top right: Seeing
mized or in any other scaled manner.       chill.                                                                                                       Diekmann has visibly lost weight.      gun to put the brakes on. In addition       the forest for the
    At the moment, however, her               The Berlin start-up originated in                                                                     The former boss of the tabloid Bild        to the German customers beating a           trees – In
main job is something else: finding        a Cologne pizzeria on 30 August 2017.      Kai Diekmann          Jessen and Mronz, whom everyone         feels comfortable in his new role as       path to their door, companies and           Storymachine’s
and hiring capable people. «Not an         The restaurant was where Michael           does not have his     calls Micky, were putting their heads   an employer, but he is also aware of       individuals from Austria and Swit-          open-plan office,
easy thing,» she admits. In addition       Mronz, 52, life partner of former          own office. At        together to come up with a name for     his responsibility. «When I first heard    zerland have also come knocking.            one hundred
to technical skills, she is particularly   German Foreign Minister and Vice           least his image can   their future company. It was Jessen     what we were paying in rent here, I            Another limit that is fast ap-          birch-tree trunks
interested in soft skills when hiring      Chancellor Guido Westerwelle, who          keep tabs on          who suddenly called out «Storyma-       was so scared I almost fainted,» he        proaching is Diekmann’s account of          create a woodsy
new staff: Is this person flexible? Will   died of cancer in 2016, used to temp       things from Philip    chine», to improve on «Content-Ma-      says. Micky Mronz, who is in charge        points for traffic violations as filed by   atmosphere. The
he or she get involved? Will they go       during his business administration         Jessen’s CEO’s        chine», which had sounded too anti-     of finances at Storymachine, reas-         the Flensburg Driver and Vehicle            couch is there for
the extra mile, fearlessly try out new     studies. That evening, Diekmann,           office.               septic to them. Still sitting at the    sured him by saying: «Don’t think          Register. In his days as boss of Bild,      brainstorming.

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     What does 62W+52L
                                                                                                                                                      engaged with 62W+52L. For every          and how they are to be implemented      point of the whole thing for themsel-
                                                                                                                                                      single piece of the 62W puzzle they      and applied.                            ves, the team and the company.» So
                                                                                                                                                      deduced what it entailed for the CSC.        Improved communication and          far, this seems to have worked well.
                                                                                                                                                      With the following results: Concrete     commitment, a clear idea of «Where      Lavanchy adds: «Everyone needs to

        actually do?
                                                                                                                                                      focus fields and action steps have       are we heading?» or more responsi-      be willing to keep on investing in this
                                                                                                                                                      been defined for each strategy field.    bility for employees: Everyone at the   process and the people.»
                                                                                                                                                      In addition, a roadmap specifies         CSC benefited in some way or other
                                                                                                                                                      which project must be implemented        from the discussion of corporate
                                                                                                                                                      by when. «We can develop much            strategy. And that should continue,
                                                                                                                                                      further, in systemic, processual and              says Lavanchy. «A process
                                                                                                                                                      professional terms. The strategy gi-                   like this only works if

            Three examples of how the Ringier Group’s corporate strategy and                                                                          ves us the direction and the basis for
                                                                                                                                                      our work,» adds Lavanchy. The dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the employees see
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the benefit
              management principles are put into practice in different areas.                                                                         cussion of 52L was no less intense.
                                                                                                                                                      Here, too, they defined point by point
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and the

                                        Text and Interview: Alejandro Velert                                                                          what the leadership principles mean

Human Resources                                Ringier Axel Spring-                     only the kick-off for a whole range of

Ringier AG – «Feed-                            er Switzerland –                         activities. Since then, a kind of Ru-
                                                                                        bik’s Cube has been used to familiar-
back»                                          «Change Team»                            ize employees with 52L, another ini-
                                                                                        tiative was the launch of a big
Hannah Zaunmüller, as Head of HR,              «Of course you can set a lot of things   summer party. The RASCH Road-
how do you rate the feedback culture           in motion if you get involved,» says     show was a great success: Each mem-
at Ringier?                                    Corinne Strebel, advisor and editor      ber of the Change Team organized an
It’s good. At Ringier we promote a             at Beobachter magazine. She is one       event to familiarize their colleagues
feedback culture as a matter of                of five members of the «Change           with the five management principles
principle. I’m sure some areas are             Team» for German-speaking Switzer-       and to introduce the various depart-
better at this than others. The trick          land at RASCH; the team for the          ments in a relaxed atmosphere.
is to give constructive feedback.              country’s French-speaking part is        «Some colleagues had reservations.
Why do you support an open feed-               made up of four people. The two          They thought this was just token-
back culture?                                  Change Teams emerged from a work-        ism,» says Marketing Manager Anne
Feedback plays an important role               shop that dealt with the partly disap-   Kugel, also a member of the Change
within the framework of our 52L                pointing results of a RASCH employ-      Team. «But we took up the challenge
management principles. And quite               ee survey. The effort that the Change    and tried to make a real impact.»
rightly so. An open feedback                   Team has put in since then has been
culture is essential to the further
development of all employees and
                                               considerable. «Over the past eight
                                               months, we have met every week and
                                                                                        Customer Service
to improving the company’s                     worked intensely,» says Annina           Center Zofingen and
performance. Feedback strength-
ens mutual understanding and
                                               Krähenbühl, HR manager at RASCH
                                               in Zurich. Their work was based on
builds trust.                                  the corporate strategy 62W+52L. One      To the employees of the Customer
If someone criticizes their boss, do           of the project’s major upsides, ac-      Service Center (CSC), the 62W+52L
they have to be afraid of a backlash?          cording to Rostislav Zotin, Business     corporate strategy was initially a
Not if they give constructive                  Engineer at RASCH in Zurich, is: «It’s   distant, abstract message hailing
feedback. The boss also depends on             a bottom-up approach and the sup-        from remote Zurich, says Florence
feedback in order to develop                   port from the company’s manage-          Lavanchy. She is Head CSC in Zofin-
further — especially in today’s                ment has been great.»                    gen and Lausanne. «Soon, however,
complex environment.                               One particular shortcoming iden-     the employees realized that this
Giving feedback can build trust — or           tified by the Change Team: identifi-     would change and improve their day-
destroy it. How do you give feedback           cation with the company. «Most of        to-day work and that it would help
properly?                                      the 400 employees feel they are de-      them advance as employees and as a
If you approach the other party                voted to their product, but not to the   team.»
respectfully, honestly and with a              big picture,» says Otto Hostettler, a        The CSC handles about 500,000
solution-oriented attitude, you’re             journalist with the Beobachter. The      customer contacts per year. Few are
almost there. If something bothers             first step, however, was to introduce    closer to the readers of Blick, Beob-
you, react spontaneously or soon               the Change Team to the employees.        achter or Glückspost. « If someone
after rather than waiting four                 And so, last December, the Change        wants to cancel their magazine
weeks. You should also focus on the            Team put a glass of honey and a          subscription, for example, it is our
                                                                                                                                 Photo: Paul Seewer

optimal employment of your                     Christmas card on each employee’s        job to prevent this. And we do suc-
workmates’ strengths.                          desk. On the card, the RASCH vision,     ceed in stopping one in three cancel-
                                               which had been developed in a work-      lations over the entire range of tit-
                                               shop attended by 27 employees, was       les.»
                                               presented for the first time. This was       Lavanchy and her team are deeply

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