Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University

Page created by Steven Miranda
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
The Newspaper of SRMIST

For private circulation only                                                                  Volume 14 Number 5

                                                                 Research Day @ SRMIST...

                    The Chief Guest sharing a moment with the Pro Chancellor (Academics).
          The Vice Chancellor (Left) and the Pro Vice Chancellor (Medical, right) are also in the picture.    Pg - 3

                                                                                   Lifting the Trophy

                                    The Winning SRM Women’s Volleyball Team.                                 Pg - 3
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
2    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5

                                                                        Anyone up for cyborgs
                                                                        on the streets?
                                                                        ISHIKA GHOSH                            computer directly with a brain.       to the implant module wirelessly
                                                                                                                This can achieve a symbiosis          via an external module. Robots
                                                                          If there was a way for humanity       with artificial intelligence,         are being used successfully to
                                                                        to achieve a stage where there          something he believes will be         do surgeries on animals.
                                                                        were no diseases, viruses, human        essential to the survival of the
                                                                                                                                                         From Iron Man to The Batman
                                                                        weaknesses, or any form of              species.
                                                                                                                                                      saga, there have been plenty of
                                                                        intellectual incompetence, why
                                                                                                                   Designed to potentially cure       heroes who did not receive their
                                                                        wouldn’t one want to stretch
                    WeiQi or Go, an ancient game                                                                neurological diseases like            powers naturally and therefore
                                                                        their hand and grasp it?
                                                                                                                Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s,          portray the great leap human
                                                                           Tr a n s h u m a n i s m i s t h e   he demonstrated a small chip          beings may take into improving
Venerable festivities: Games                                            philosophy that vouches for             with tiny wires that that could       their own condition. Superhero
                                                                        the use of bio transformative           be implanted into the human           movies make one more fearful
in an archaic society                                                   technologies to transform human
                                                                        to posthuman- ‘a person or entity
                                                                                                                brain to improve interaction with
                                                                                                                machines. Recently, Neuralink
                                                                                                                                                      of transhumanism, rather than
                                                                                                                                                      eliciting positive feelings about
                                                                        that exists in a state beyond being     successfully tested a wireless        the movement. Considering
NATALIA RISHMA                       often imbued with mythic and
                                                                        human.’ Elon musk is enabling           chip implant in the brain of a test   safety and how it affects the
                                     ritual religious significance.
                                                                        humans to achieve this through          monkey who could play video           brain, once the technology will
  Games in the past commonly         Games like Gyan Chauper and
                                                                        Neuralink. It is a brain-computer       games with just his mind. The N1      be ready for use. The power
had one purpose, entertainment.      The Mansion of Happiness were      interface company that makes            sensor chip can be controlled by      that humans might possess is
While active participation           developed to inculcate spiritual   brain implants connecting a             a smartphone app and connects         beyond imagination.
was encouraged and physical          and ethical meaning in the lives
limits put to test, the mind         of the young, while Shatranj and
had to undergo the rigorous          WeiQi (Go) were recognized by
procedure too. Ranging from          the military and pollical elite
Mancala to Chess and Senet,          as a way to develop strategic
each had cultural and geographic     thinking and mental skill.
diversity with a set of rules and
punishments. They became an             Human history and games
integral part of culture, brought    are inextricably intertwined.
people together and served the       Irrefutable evidence resounds
purpose of passing it on to future   down through the ages that fun
generations.                         and games are not frivolous
                                     pursuits per se- instead, they                                  Neuralink architecture and Structure of the N1 chip
  Being a common pastime to          come naturally as perquisite
both the elite and the royalty,      parts of being human. Through
some games became common             the understanding of games,
features of court culture and

                                                                        The Gendering of clothing
                                     we can conceptualize how
were given as gifts. The royalty     we began to make intelligent
enjoyed games which were less        choices. Simplicity is what is
harsh but regularly spectated.       at the core of all games, and
Opportunistic to ease political      this is what our entire purpose    SHREYA KHERA                            were considered ‘shameless’ and       skirts for men were and still are
tensions, it was used as a tool to   of being alive boils down to.                                              ‘not honourable’. For men, any        considered too ‘feminine’ and a
make peace & form allies with                                             The debate surrounding ‘pants         clothing considered ‘feminine’        symbol of weakness. It’s high
                                     They arguably teach us lessons,
countries and nations                                                   are masculine’ and ‘skirts are          was evidently degrading and
                                     good and bad, with hind and                                                                                      time to realise that clothes can
 Games such as Senet and the         foresight of how an outcome        feminine’ is more contemporary          un-manly. Interestingly, de-          be gender-fluid or a medium of
Mesoamerican ball game were          will affect us.                    than we are led to believe.             gendering of clothes is, to some
                                                                                                                                                      self-expression. Considering
                                                                        Historically, skirts were the           extent, a function of capitalism.
                                                                                                                                                      men in skirts or gowns to not
                                                                        matter-of-fact item for most of         When women started working in
                                                                        humanity’s ancient civilizations,       factories, the owners demanded        be “masculine” proves the
                                                                        on both sides of the gender divide.     they wear something more              general lack of knowledge on
    Reporting for Spectrum                                              Clothes in the past have been           efficient and apt for work, unlike    fundamental history, where
                                                                        both gender-fluid and elaborate.        the gowns and skirts, and pants       skirts were considered a symbol
    • Contributing reports should be confined to a                      Tunics were considered more             came into the picture. However,       of bravery.
                                                                        efficient for battles, allowing
      maximum of 250 words and must be written
                                                                        swift movement in the field.
      by students only.                                                 Pants were worn only during
    • Accompanying pictures must have captions.                         times of horse-riding, during
                                                                        winters, or manual work.
      Pictures without caption will not be published
                                                                          The gendering of clothes
    • Request for coverage in Spectrum by its                           is a function of capitalism.
      editorial team must be made well in advance                       Companies looking for quick
      with an accompanying note and the invitation                      ways to make profits advertised
                                                                        different items of clothing as
                                                                        being divided along the lines of
    • Coverage of a certain event or receipt of                         gender. The continued systematic
      an article does not guarantee publication.                        oppression of any self-expression
                                                                        of women led to the rejection of
    						                                              -Editor         any clothing that brought attention
                                                                        to their features. Such items                              non-gender normative clothes
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5 3

                                                                                                                        Dr. Paromita Chakraborty receiving an award from
     Chief guest Dr. S. M. Yusuf released the CD of abstracts along with other officials of SRMIST                  SRMIST’s Pro Chancellor (Academics) Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan.

SRMIST Research Day 2021
STAFF WRITER                          said “SRMIST has been doing           “Higher education plays a             research university. This day is to   Prof K Ramasamy welcomed
                                      great jobs in contributing to         very important role in shaping        see what we are doing and how to      the gathering.
   “Interdisciplinary research        the nation through research.”         the nation. It is time we move        improve it further.” He elaborated
is needed for nation-building”                                                                                                                            Also present on the occasion
                                      He urged students to use high         from a teaching institution to a      the research contributions and
                                                                                                                                                        was Deputy Registrar & Director
  * IOPB Director urges students      tech instruments, available at        research institution. Research        track of SRMIST. The chief guest
                                                                                                                                                        of SRM Institute of Hotel
of SRM to never compromise            the Institute, and create high        should be imbibed and observed        released the CD of abstracts
                                                                            by all students not just by           and gave away the awards              Management Dr. Antony Ashok
on the quality of science             quality research.
                                                                            those perusing Ph.D.” Dr.             for - Top 2 % scientists in the       Kumar, Dean (Research) Dr.
  “India needs many more                 “The purpose of the research is                                                                                B. Neppolian, Dean (School
                                                                            C Muthamizhchelvan, Vice              global list published by the
CV Raman,” said Dr. S. M.             to discover answers to questions                                                                                  of Management) Dr. V M
                                                                            Chancellor i/c readout SRMIST’s       Stanford University, US; Research
Yusuf, Outstanding Scientist,         through the application of                                                                                        Ponniah, Dean (Agriculture)
                                                                            Founder Chancellor Dr. T. R.          publications in nature indexed
Director Institute of Physics -       scientific procedures,” he said                                                                                   Dr. M Chinnadurai, Pro VC
                                                                            Paarivendhar’s message, which         journals and high impact journals
Bhubaneswar, Associate Director       and added, “Never compromise                                                                                      (Medical) Lt. Col. Dr. A. Ravi
                                                                            said, “I want this university to      (Nature Electronics and The
Physics Group Bhabha Atomic           on the quality of science. Have                                                                                   Kumar, Registrar in-charge Dr.
                                                                            become a full-fledged research        Lancet Infectious Diseases);
Research Centre.                      a deep knowledge in the subject,                                                                                  S. Ponnusamy, Dean (Medical)
                                                                            institution. This is my dream and     Best researchers in terms of high
                                      have an innovative mind and                                                                                       Dr. A. Sundaram, Dean (CET)
  Speaking at the annual Research                                           it should come true through all       Scopus indexed publications and
                                      give 100% devotion to work”                                                                                       Dr. TV Gopal, Dean (Law) Dr.
Day held at SRM Institute                                                   our faculty members.” In his          h-index with SRMIST affiliation
of Science and Technology              Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan, Pro          speech, Dr. C Muthamizhchelvan        and International Consultancy         C A Gurudath, Dean (Science &
(SRMIST), Kattankulathur, he          Chancellor (Academics) said,          said, “Our goal is to become a        project. Director (Research) i/c,     Humanities) Dr. Jyothikumar.

Tips for first-time
dog owners
GAUTHAM P PILLAI                      hard as they often cry at night
                                      however calming them down
  There are reasons why dogs          helps to build trust. Food and
are called man’s best friend. No      nutrition should always be the
words will ever be enough to          topmost priority, especially for
describe the care and affection       the young ones. A slight stomach
dogs have for their masters.          upset can make a mess. For
Besides, who does not like to see     the initial 2-3 months, a puppy                SRM women’s Volleyball winning the State level Volleyball tournament, Tamil Nadu
small puppies jumping around?         starter soaked in hot water is

                                                                            Beyond the centre line
However, there is a difference        advisable, later one can slowly
between getting a dog and petting     shift to homely food like rice
a dog. Though it is a fun-filled      and scrambled egg or roti and
experience at the same time, the      scrambled egg without salt.           NAVEEN PARTH                          exceptionally and proved to be        of 16 points (25-09). With two
course can be grueling as it is
                                      Another tip would be to find a        AISHIKI HALDER                        the title contenders from the         wins, they booked their berth in
a huge responsibility thus there
                                      trustable vet and avoid listening                                           beginning of the tournament.          the semifinals, played against
are certain points that must be
                                      to unreliable sources such as            Sports is an integral part of      They had an easy success in the       St. Mary’s, A.N. Mangalam. St
kept in mind for all first-time dog
                                      pet shop owners who try to            SRM’s curriculum, receiving           first game against Champions          Mary’s valiant efforts, however,
owners. The first few nights are
                                      market unnecessary products. It       equal importance as academics.        academy, Madurai by winning           were not enough to stop SRM
                                      is a common myth that puppies         And this ardent dedication towards    the two sets with a margin of         from reaching the finals. The final
                                      should not be allowed to play in      sports yielded fruitful when SRM’s    6 points in the first set (25-19)     showdown was between SRM and
                                      the mud, but contrary to this it is   Women’s volleyball team won the       and 17 points in the second (25-      PKR college, Gobi where the girls
                                      important for their development.      state Volleyball championship,        08). Their second game against        secured the champions spot to lift
                                      De-worming and vaccination            after their win against PKR college   Tambaram Sports Academy could         the state level Volleyball trophy,
                                      should also be done timely.           during the finals held between the    have proven to be costly if not for   with Ms Gowri Lakshmi securing
  Dogs are not our whole life,        Lastly, click a lot of pictures       12th and 14th of January 2021 at      their comeback in the second set      the player of the tournament for
 but they make our lives whole.       as it will be worth the efforts.      Dindugul. The team performed          where they won with a margin          her heroic performance.
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
4    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5

Research Day Celebration 2021                                                                                    International Workshop on
                                                                                                                 Numerical and Analytical
at SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh                                                                             Techniques in Engineering
                                                                                                                 Problems (WNATEP - 2020)
                                                                                                                 STAFF WRITER                           and Dr. Bibekananda Bira, and
  “Startups and Government
                                                                                                                                                        the gathering was welcomed by
bodies must be complementing
                                                                                                                    On Nov 12-13 2020, an               Dr. A. Govindarajan, Professor
one another to steer space
                                                                                                                 international workshop focussing       and HoD Mathematics, who
industry towards excellence”- Sri
                                                                                                                 on numerical and analytical            briefed on the importance of
S Somanath, Director, VSSC
                                                                                                                 techniques in engineering              such events and appreciated
   Research Day 2021 ceremony                                                                                    problems was conducted by              the interest that the research
at SRM University-AP, Andhra                                                                                     the Department of Mathematics,         scholars showed as the number
Pradesh encompasses various                                                                                      College of Engineering and             of registered participants had
endeavors aimed at appreciating                                                                                  Technology, SRMIST. The                touched 500, from India and
and encouraging scholars to                                                                                      workshop brought in 12                 abroad. Following this, Dr. A.
carry out extensive research                                                                                     experts from premier Indian            Anuradha introduced the Dept.
works to enrich the society.                                                                                     institutes including IITs, IIScs,      of Mathematics at SRM IST,
Applauding the initiative, Dr                                                                                    ISI, NITs, and 3 experts from          highlighting the courses that
P Sathyanarayanan, President,                                                                                    international academia to share        the department offered, and
SRM AP stated “Research Day                                                                                      their knowledge pertaining             the goals and achievements of
is when SRM University-AP                                                                                        to real-world applications in          their students and alumni till
commemorate the faculty and                                                                                      these fields, aimed to enrich the      date. This was followed by
students for their outstanding                                                                                   participants already working in        individual talks by the invited
research contributions. This                                                                                     this field as well as the beginners.   professors and experts aiming
university, though just a three-                                                                                 The workshop was conducted             to stimulate and encourage
year-old one, has grown leaps                                                                                    online via Zoom platform. Each         researchers in these fields. Each
and bounds in research and is                                                                                    day comprised of two sessions          speaker was introduced by a
now clearly the front runner                                                                                     separated by a lunch break.            senior faculty member chairing
among all the universities in                                                                                    Each talk was followed by an           that session. The sessions on
the region.”                                                                                                     interactive discussion with the        the second day were followed
  Prof V S Rao, Vice-Chancellor,                                                                                 participants. On average, more
                                                                                                                                                        by the valedictory function in
SRM AP welcomed the Chief                                                                                        than 200 participants were
                                                                                                                                                        which Dr. Harekrushna Behera
Guest Sri S Somanath, Director,                                                                                  always present for every talk.
                                                                                                                                                        gave a vote of appreciation to
Vikram Sarabhai Space Center                                                                                       The workshop was hosted              the experts, participants and
(VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram,                                                                                      by Dr. Harekrushna Behera              organizers.
and other revered audience.
Prof V S Rao highlighted,                                                                                                          Glimpses of the Workshop
“Research day brings an excellent
opportunity for the scientific
community to showcase their
accomplishments and impactful
research works.”
   Advancing the celebration,
                                      informs, “The high cost and low      suggests, “Government of
Prof D Narayana Rao, Pro
                                      volume production remains the        India should be opening the
Vice-Chancellor, SRM AP took
                                      challenge associated with Space      space sector and assist the
the virtual podium to comment
                                      Engineering.” He also stated         new participants by sharing
“Science and Technology is the
                                      that there are increasing demand     technological expertise. Startups
driving force for the economic
                                      and scope for satellite startups     and government bodies must
development of India. We need
                                      and the export potential is on       be complementing one another
to encourage young scholars by
                                      the higher side for satellites       to steer this industry towards
providing a vibrant and conducive
                                      in India.                            excellence.”
research environment. Expanding
the frontiers of knowledge by           Dr S Somanath proceeded               Progressing with the
triggering interest among students    to illuminate the audience on        celebration, eminent scientific
must be the priority of the           the changing horizons of the         works and contributions of
institutions. Also, focus should      space industry, contributed          various faculty, research scholars,
be on translational research with     by the emerging technologies         and undergraduate students
societal applications through         such as integrating satellites,      were rewarded. As part of the
collaborative research to make        drones, and terrestrial imagery.     research day programme, the
our nation a global leader.”          In addition, he addressed the        students and faculty were urged
                                      disruptive technologies that         to submit abstracts of their
  During his motivating speech
                                      led to reusable rockets, space       research. Among 176 submissions
on “The Indian Space Enterprise
                                      technology-driven drones, etc.,      from students and 40 from the
Achievements & New Directions”,
                                      enhancing the market substantially   faculty community of SRM AP,
Dr S Somanath interpreted
                                      for the satellite production and     20 were awarded with gold
the complexities of Space
                                      reducing the market for the          medals while 6 were presented
Engineering by describing details
                                      launching vehicles.                  with silver medals. Further, a
pertaining to space infrastructure,
and technology elements in              Consequently, Dr S Somanath        special issue of abstracts was
rocket production involving the       accentuated that the government      unveiled during the Research
development of space vehicles         bodies such as ISRO, IN-SPAC,        Day celebration that comprised
capable of operating for years        and NSIL should remodel its          of all the submitted abstracts
unattended in the space. He further   direction of operation. He           for public consumption.
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5 5

                                                                           Should you trust what you see?
                                                                           SHASHANK KUMAR

                                                                              “2020, a year when most of
                                                                           you, thanks to toilet roll shortages,
                                                                           have finally understood how
                                                                           it feels to have a predicament
                                                                           on the throne”, a quote said by
                                                                           the Queen Elizabeth of Britain
                                                                           just before she started dancing
                                                                           to a popular Tik-Tok song on
                                                                           live TV, except that it was not
                                                                           the real queen. Last year, actor
   Game of Thrones: one of the most balanced pieces of work in the         Debra Stephenson was hired
                         history of fiction                                by the Channel 4 to create a
                                                                           deep fake video of the Queen

Plot, Character and                                                        addressing the citizens. The day
                                                                           it aired, the British regulators

Writing Styles Standing
                                                                           received hundreds of confusing
                                                                           calls and complaints.

the test of time
                                                                             The video was created primarily
                                                                           for two reasons. To entertain
                                                                           the viewers of the channel and
                                                                           secondly, and most importantly,
PRIYANKA SRINIVAS                    with. Hence, their dependency         to educate the masses of the
                                     on a protagonist, antagonist,         dangers and the repercussions of
   A writer approaches fiction       anti-hero or similar is inevitable,   misusing Artificial Intelligence.
with mainly two different writing    as these pieces work to connect
styles: plot-driven and character-   the reader with the plot. Hence,         Deep fakes are hardly a new
driven. While it is widely agreed    characters are inherently more        concept. Usually, a performer
that a balance between both styles   important, right? While that          is made to sound and look
generates the best works of art,     seems true at a glance, people        like someone popular, for
most authors have an inherent        tend to remember an overlying         example, Jordan Peele as
leaning to a particular style.                                             Barrack Obama. The website
                                     plot more than the character,
It shows itself in their works.                                            ‘’ uses
                                     while recollecting a book in
   These two styles of writing                                             machine learning to constantly
                                     hindsight. To demonstrate, people                                              A picture of the deep fake Queen (First picture), parts of the VFX
produce two distinct types of                                              churn out pictures of people who           removed (second picture) and the actor Debra Stephenson on
                                     are able to summarize 1984,
readers. People like character-                                            do not even exist! “Whether                               a green screen set (third picture).
                                     a plot-driven narrative better
driven stories because these works                                         what we see and hear is always
                                     than Picture of Dorian Gray, a                                                twice before believing what we       which can be anywhere close to
of art solely focus on producing                                           what it seems” was the closing
                                     character-driven masterpiece.                                                 see on the internet. If a news       reality. But the current technology
complex and realistically flawed                                           message of the video.
                                     People recognize the complexity                                               channel’s satirical video with       has evolved enough to plant a
human characters. There is a         of the character Dorian Gray, but       Despite its satirical nature, the     disclaimers can cause so much        seed of doubt, and there is one
certain amount of projection,                                              real message of the gravitas of         chaos, what can a well-made          thing more powerful than all
                                     remember none of the contents
where the readers see the                                                  the video should escape none.           deep fake do? Yes, we are years      the armies in the world, an idea
                                     on the book. This is because
fictional characters’ in their                                             The video implores us to think          away from creating a deep fake       whose time has come.
                                     well-written characters are meant
real environments, maybe even
in themselves. On the other          to be complex and difficult to
hand, plot-driven stories have
a grip on their target audience
                                     remember, much like the people
                                     in our contemporary world. In         Involving university youth in
                                     addition, a well-paced story has
                                                                           harvesting rainwater
because of highly interesting
and unusual series of events         the correct twists and turns to
explained in an intriguing manner.   brand the narrative in the mind of
Both plot-driven and character-      the reader permanently. Hence,        MAYANK JHA                              Initiative. The axiom “Catch         at 11:00 AM on the 2nd of
driven stories need a good set of    plots emerge stronger than                                                    them young” expresses the            February 2021. The host of the
characters to follow and work        characters, in the test of time.      PRIYANK KAPOOR
                                                                                                                   desire to train, cater, support      event was Mr. Souvik Goswami
                                                                                                                   and guide children early in life     and the keynote speaker was
                                                                              The highly anticipated
                                                                                                                   to develop love for education        Mr. G Ashok Kumar. They
                                                                           “Involving University Youth
  These two styles of writing                                              in harvesting rainwater (Ministry
                                                                                                                   in order to become lifelong          were accompanied with other
                                                                                                                   learners.                            renowned speakers such as Prof.
                                                                           of Jal Shakti, Govt. of India)”
  produce two distinct types                                               event was conducted virtually             This is a paramount concern        Ujjawal Choudhary, Dr. Sayalee,
                                                                           on ZOOM. It was organized by            to school librarians to meet the     Mr. Suneel Kumar Arora, Mr.
  of readers. People like                                                  the APAC News Network as a              intrinsic fact in nation building.   JP Singh and many others.
                                                                           part of “Catch Them Young”              The two hour event started           Involving University Youth in
  character-driven stories                                                                                                                              harvesting rainwater was an open
                                                                                                                                                        event and it was broadcasted
  because these works of art                                                                                                                            live on Facebook with over 300
                                                                                                                                                        active attendees. A significantly
  solely focus on producing                                                                                                                             important event organised by the
                                                                                                                                                        APAC News Network succeeded
  complex and realistically                                                                                                                             in enlightening the masses with
                                                                                                                                                        all the guests sharing their
  awed human characters                                                                                                                                 remarkable knowledge in the
                                                                                                                                                        field of Rainwater Harvesting.
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
6    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5

Brain Candy: The New Guilty Pleasure?

  The entertainment industry
experienced a massive turnover
as the new-normal introduced
OTT platforms with unlimited
content as a replacement for
theatre and cable television
experience. With this turnover,
a bizarre trend existing in the
shadows gained momentum and
has become quite popular now.
  Every viewer has at least once
subject themselves to a show
with the very purpose of mocking            What getting ready to consume brain candy looks like.
or deriding it. This pattern of
hate-watching has introduced
a new term — brain candy.
Google defines brain candy as
a popular entertainment that is
not intellectually stimulating.
In simpler terms, such shows
are like junk food for the brain,
and at present, we are eagerly
consuming it.
   Brain candy is often subject
to poor scripts, terrible acting
or absurd concepts that make
it unrealistic. They are usually
the perpetrator of regressive
stereotypes and mindsets
presented to belay the issues’
seriousness. It is set up for gags
                                                                                                                              Trinity College Library (Dublin, Ireland)
while feigning earnestness,
                                     from an emotional distance as it     source of escapism, fun and
further encouraging the viewers’

                                                                                                                  Five Best Libraries
                                     reaffirms their superiority over     conversation fodder for many.
                                     possessing great taste. Most         Cashing on this rising demand,
   Some viewers consider ‘hate-      viewers enter such shows with        creators have started churning

                                                                                                                  in the World
watching’ a guilty pleasure,         zero expectations in terms of        out low budget shows that invite
claiming that although such shows    quality. They are just looking       viewers to ‘hate-watch’ it and
leave a terrible aftertaste, it is   for mindless content that is         unbeknownst to the viewer;
like witnessing a train wreck in     enjoyable, even if it is not the     they gradually find themselves
motion — they just cannot look       most accurate or inventive.          getting addicted to a show that’s
away. Others view such shows         Brain candy has become a             so bad; it’s almost good.               JELSIA ALEX                             of the Republic of Venice. It is
                                                                                                                                                          named after St. Mark, the patron
                                                                                                                     Reading is the best escape           saint of the city, and holds the

Brainstorm: Unravelling                                                                                           from reality and Libraries are
                                                                                                                  a paradise for people who love
                                                                                                                                                          greatest number of collections
                                                                                                                                                          of classical texts in the world
                                                                                                                  reading. Here are a few best            closely followed by George
the Mysteries of the Brain                                                                                        libraries that a reader must visit
                                                                                                                  at least once.
                                                                                                                                                          Peabody Library (Baltimore,
                                                                                                                                                          USA). This is also known as
                                                                                                                                                          Baltimore’s Cathedral of Books
RAMAY RAJ SINGH                      of participants from all over        and how it also controls the               The First on the list is Trinity
                                                                                                                                                          and is considered one of the
                                     the globe were present.              signals that get into the body.         College Library (Dublin, Ireland),
                                                                                                                                                          most beautiful libraries in the
  Brainstorme is a yearlong                                               Further, he spoke about Brain           University of Dublin. It was
                                        The event began with a                                                                                            world. It was found in 1878 and
series of curated lectures on                                             Electrical Oscillation Signature        established in 1592 by Queen
                                     presidential address and                                                                                             designed by Baltimore architect
current topics in cognitive                                               Profiling (BEOSP) which is an           Elizabeth I and is the largest
                                     inauguration by Dr. LT. Col.                                                                                         Edmund G. Lind in collaboration
and clinical neuropsychology                                              EEG technique using which a             library in Ireland. The library
                                     A. Ravikumar who spoke                                                                                               with the first Peabody provost,
organized by the Department of                                            suspect’s participation in a crime is   costs 10 euros to enter for visitors.
                                     about neuropsychology and its                                                                                        Nathaniel H. Morison.
Clinical Psychology, SRMIST. A                                            detected by eliciting electro           It was built between 1712 and
                                     significance. The first speaker of
session was conducted on 29th                                             physiological impulses. It is a         1732 and has at least one copy             Lastly, The New Stuttgart City
                                     the day was Dr. Allan Baddley,
January 2021 where a number                                               non-invasive, scientific technique      of every book ever published            Library (Stuttgart, Germany) is
                                     renowned for the three-component
                                                                          with a degree of sensitivity and        in the UK and Ireland. Then             a building that combines age
                                     model of working memory,
                                                                          a neuropsychological method             comes The National Library of           and avant-garde. It is organized
    ... how the                      who spoke about working
                                                                          of interrogation which is also          China (Beijing, China). It the          by the department of the city’s
                                     memory and neuropsychology
    brain controls                   and emphasized on the concept
                                                                          referred to as brain fingerprinting.    largest library in Asia. It has a       cultural office and comprises the
                                                                                                                  collection of over 37 million           central library, 17 city district
    the human body                   of the phonological loop. The          The event ended with a bunch
                                                                                                                  books and holds the largest             libraries, and two bookmobiles.
                                     next session was conducted by        of questions by the curious
    and how it also                  Dr. C. R. Mukundan who spoke         participants, all of which the
                                                                                                                  collections of Chinese literature       It received the national award
                                                                                                                  and historical documents.               as Library of the Year, in 2013.
    controls the                     about the brain representing         speakers answered in a lot of
                                     the physical world and the           detail. It was the enthusiastic            Third, comes The National               After all, it was well said by
    signals that get                 mind representing the virtual        participation shown by the              Library of St Mark (Venice,             Walter Savage Landor, “Nothing
    into the body                    world. He explained how the          audience that made the event            Italy) which is a public library        is pleasanter than exploring a
                                     brain controls the human body        such a grand success.                   founded in 1468 as the library          library.”
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5 7

Faculty Cover
ANANT DEV KAPOOR                      application to address Covid-19
                                      pandemic with Technological
TARUN NEGI                            innovations and holistic approach
                                      in August 2020. Dr Kayalvizhi
   Failure is not an alternative to   was shortlisted for her proposal
success, it’s indeed an integral      “A Technological Empowered
part of success. With constant        Healthcare Delivery in the Era
hard work and courage, the            of Covid-19” and was granted
fortune to success is earned.         INR 45 lakhs as grant for the
Reaching the next milestone           project. Dr. Kayalvizhi Jayavel
in life requires hours of hard        (Co PI for this project) will
work. Dr. Kayalvizhi Jayavel,         serve as an International Expert
Assistant Professor from the          of support Institution and as
Department of Information             an Expert Advisor. As part of
Technology achieved yet another       her responsibilities, she will
milestone in her life and obtained    help in designing prototypes
an International Collaborative        and will contribute in project                                                     Multiverse imagined
Project with University of Rwanda     development by taking seminars

                                                                             Multiverse and travel
for “Special Collaborative            and reviewing papers for possible
Research Grant to Address             publication. The project being an
COVID-19 Pandemic”, which             International collaborative project,
is for an Covid-19 mitigation
project in Africa.
                                      SRM has been provided with an
                                      opportunity to be a supporting         between parallel universes
  The National Council for            institute for this project. The
Science and Technology                total duration of the project is
(NCST) Rwanda rolled out an           1 year with real deployment            GAYATRI RAMYA                         expanding forever. And it’s            to travel there, the possibility
                                      in selected places at Rwanda                                                 possible that at one point it          of coming back will be close
                                      in collaboration SRM Institute                                               will repeat itself. The strings        to zero. But going with the
                                      of Technology, India.                                                        string theory says that a string       theory of infinite expansion
                                                                                The concept of the multiverse,     can vibrate differently in only        in which all universes expand
                                        Dr. Kayalvizhi Jayavel has           which is the possibility of there
                                                                                                                   a certain amount of ways, so           at the same rate, there is a fair
                                      got her papers published in            being multiple universes is
                                                                                                                   the pattern is bound to repeat.        chance that there are copies of
                                      reputed journals with worldwide        adorned by a lot of science-
                                                                                                                   Some ideologies also arise             this universe among different
                                      collaborations with countries like     fiction movies. But is meeting a
                                                                                                                   from the big bang theory. It is        configurations of all the string
                                      Japan, Oman, Rwanda etc. She           carbon copy of one in a duplicate
                                                                                                                   believed that there might have         particles which are 10^10^122
                                      has been working worklets from         universe possible in real life? The
                                                                                                                   been multiple big bangs, some          to be exact, according to parallel
                                      Samsung, Bangalore. She has also       answer is still being researched
                                                                                                                   before the current universe and        universe theory.
                                      served as a visiting Professor,        by a lot of scientists and a lot
                                      research supervisor at African                                               some after. Bubble theory even            This universe is 3.8 billion
                                                                             of them have come up with
                                      Centre of Excellence of Internet                                             points out the possibility of          years old and is still young.
                                                                             different theories about the
                                      of Things (ACEIoT), University                                               some universes expanding at a          With the current research and
                                      of Rwanda (2019-2020) and                                                    different rate which would lead        technology, the possibility of
                                      also a visiting Researcher to            The shape of space-time is          to different laws of physics and       travelling is very low. But the
                                      NEC (Japan) for a collaborative        not completely known which            mathematics. This dampens the          answer to the main question of
                                      research project in the domain         leads to many people believing        possibility of multiverse travel as    whether there carbon copies?
     Dr.Kayalvizhi Jayavel            of WSN (2011).                         that the universe will keep           even if one somehow manages            Yes, it might be possible.

Hikikomori and the Throes of Isolation                                                                             Involving University Youth
EASHA NAIR                            million people in the country who
                                      are identified as hikikomori. In
                                                                             periods of time. This condition
                                                                             is often accompanied by mental
                                                                                                                   in Harvesting Rainwater
   Having spent over six months       the modern Japanese landscape,         disorders such as social anxiety,     MAYANK JHA                             on the 2nd of February 2021.
alone with no one human contact       it has become exceedingly              depression, autism spectrum                                                  The host of the event was Mr.
is what is considered the baseline    convenient for people who keep                                               PRIYANK KAPOOR
                                                                             disorder, etc. While many may                                                Souvik Goswami and the keynote
to define the social outcasts of      their social interaction to the        start off as becoming hikikomori                                             speaker was Mr. G Ashok Kumar.
                                                                                                                      The highly anticipated “Involving
Japan, the hikikomori. The word       minimum to get by without any          as a way to cope with or avoid        University Youth in harvesting         They were accompanied with
is used to define both the act of     inconveniences. The internet acts      uncomfortable situations, over        rainwater (Ministry of Jal Shakti,     other renowned speakers such
seclusion as well as those who        as their window to the world           time it may develop into various      Govt. of India)” event was conducted   as Prof. Ujjawal Choudhary, Dr.
fit the former definition. It was     and helps them lead antisocial
                                                                             psychological disorders. During       virtually on ZOOM. It was organized    Sayalee, Mr. Suneel Kumar Arora,
first coined in 1998, and it is now   existences. This withdrawal
                                                                             the COVID-19 pandemic,                by the APAC News Network as            Mr. JP Singh and many others.
estimated that there are over a       from the social aspects of life
                                                                             separating oneself from social        a part of “Catch Them Young”           Involving University Youth in
                                      has been further normalized by
                                                                             interactions has become the norm      Initiative. The axiom “Catch           harvesting rainwater was an open
                                      the increasing number of such
                                      cases, with both their loved ones      and such cases would often go         them young” expresses the desire       event and it was broadcasted
                                      and the society trivializing the       under the radar. With changing        to train, cater, support and guide     live on Facebook with over 300
                                      problems of those who suffer           times and the restricting shackles    children early in life to develop      active attendees. A significantly
                                      from this plight. Usually, the         of the internet age, the issue        love for education in order to         important event organised by the
                                      onset of hikikomori is preceded        of social recluse finds itself        become lifelong learners. This         APAC News Network succeeded
                                      by failures in life, amplified by      penetrating the lives of millions,    is a paramount concern to school       in enlightening the masses with all
                                      the rigid society of the country,      leaving them with trauma that         librarians to meet the intrinsic       the guests sharing their remarkable
                                      causing the person to feel ashamed     plagues them long after their         fact in nation building. The two       knowledge in the field of Rainwater
  Hikikomori, a social recluse.       and retreat into a shell for long      isolation is over.                    hour event started at 11:00 AM         Harvesting.
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
8   2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5

    Activities at SRM University Delhi - NCR, SONEPAT
Webinar on                                  readings. Reading the Preamble of the
                                            Constitution of India by the Faculty        SRM – Siemens Centre
                                            members and students was central to
“Interaction of                             this event. Students initiated discussion
                                                                                        of Excellence (SSCoE)
                                            on the various modes through which
Radiation with                              constitution is discussed in the context
                                            of governance and citizenship.
                                                                                          SRM University, Delhi – NCR, Sonepat, Haryana signed a Memorandum of
                                                                                        Agreement with Siemens Industry Software (India) Private Limited for establishment
Matter”                                                                                 of “SRM – Siemens Centre of Excellence (SSCoE)” on September 15th, 2020.

  A webinar on “Interaction of Radiation
                                            Dr. Vineet                                  The SSCoE will have a total of 5 labs viz. Product Digitalization – Design Lab,
                                                                                        Process Digitalization – Production Planning Lab, Bio Tech Specialized Lab,
with Matter” was organized by the
Department of Chemistry on 13th
                                            receives IE(I)                              Simulation and Analysis Lab and CNC Controller Lab.

                                                                                          Official inaugural launch of the SSCoE was conducted on September 23rd,
February, 2021. The chief speaker for
                                                                                        2020 online while maintaining the Covid-19 social distance norms. Honorable
the occasion was Dr. Madhab Chandra
                                                                                        Chancellor, SRM University, Shri Ravi Pachamoothoo, Mr. Akhilesh Sahi,
Rath, Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre and Associate Professor,    Engineers                                   Director (Sales) - Academic: Siemens Industrial Software Pvt. Ltd and Mr.
                                                                                        Ajay Deshkar, CEO of 3D Engineering Automation were present amongst the
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai.
                                            Certification                               prominent dignitaries.

                                            Dr. Vineet Bajaj, Professor and Head,
                                            Department of Civil Engineering, SRM
                                            University,     Delhi – NCR, Sonepat        “Freedom of Occupation, Trade and Business
                                            Haryana recently got elevated as a
                                            certified “Professional Engineer” by
                                                                                        vis-à-vis Lockdown in the country” – Debate
                                            The Institution of Engineers (India) i.e.   Competition
                                            IE(I). As per the current record, there
                                            are approximately 150 Professional            Faculty of Law, SRM University conducted a Debate Competition for the
                                            Engineers in Civil Engineers in India       students on 29th September 2020. The topic given to student was “Freedom of
                                            and Dr. Vineet Bajaj is amongst one         Occupation, Trade and Business vis-à-vis Lockdown in the country”. Students who
                                            of them.                                    participated in the competition shared their unique arguments and perspectives
                                                                                        related to the theme.

Quiz and
poster making
  SRM University Delhi-NCR is going
to organize a quiz and poster making
competition on 25th February, 2021 for
the 12th Standard students.

                                                                                        Webinar – “Emerging
                                            Webinar on                                  Trends and Technologies”
                                            Human Rights Day                              SRM University Delhi-NCR in association wioth IBM organized a webinar on
                                                                                        20th Fenruary, 2021 where the key speakers, studenys and researchers discussed
                                                                                        the emerging trends, and possibilities in the technological sector.
                                              On 10th December, 2020, the Faculty
                                            of Law organized a webinar to celebrate
Constitution                                Human Rights Day. Eminent legal
                                            experts like Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ravindra
Day – 26th                                  Maithani, Sitting Judge, Uttarakhand
                                            High Court, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Rajive

November, 2020                              Bhalla, Former Judge, Punjab and
                                            Haryana, Professor (Dr.) Nishtha Jaswal,
                                            Vice Chancellor, Himachal Pradesh,
  Department of Law, SRM University         National Law University, Shimla, Prof
Delhi-NCR organized a virtual programme     (Dr.) Anand Pawar, Vice Chancellor,
on the celebration of Constitution Day      Rajiv Gandhi National University of
on 26th November 2020. Professor (Dr.)      Law, Punjab and Prof (Dr.) Paramjit S.
Ashok Kantroo, Dean, Department of Law      Jaswal, Vice Chancellor, SRM University,
spoke on the legacy of the constitutional   Delhi-NCR were the speakers for the
debates through his rigorous historical     occasion.
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5 9

                                                                                               The inauguration of the 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and
                                                                                             Nanotechnology (ICONN 2021) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology
                                                                                             (SRMIST), Kattankulathur was held virtually between feb 1 and 3, 2021.
                                                                                               The Biennial International Conference was organised by the Department
                                                                                             of Physics and Nanotechnology, SRMIST in association with Shizuoka
                                                                                             University-Japan, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)-Taiwan, GNS
                                                                                             Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS) Science-New Zealand, University
                                                                                             of Rome Tor Vergata-Italy, RMIT University-Australia, Tata Institute of
                                                                                             Fundamental Research (TIFR)-India, Asian Consortium on Computational
                                                                                             Materials Science (ACCMS), Indian Physics Association (IPA), Materials
                                                                                             Research Society of India (MRSI), Indian Carbon Society (ICS)-India and
                                                                                             Springer Nature.
                                                                                                The event was aimed at providing a platform for researchers and scientists
                                                                                             to assess recent trends and developments in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
                                                                                             for promising applications. Scientific sessions includes Low-dimensional
                                                                                             and 2D materials, Surfaces, interfaces and thin films, Nanocomposites and

An Interactive and                                                                           catalysts, Multifunctional nanomaterials, to mention a few.
                                                                                               There was be over 70 sessions with eminent speakers from renowned

Informative International
                                                                                             international institutions such as University of California, Berkeley-CA,
                                                                                             Tokyo Institute of Technology-Japan, The Australian National University,
                                                                                             Canberra-Australia, University of Cambridge-UK, University of Maryland-

                                                                                             USA, Institut für Experimental physik, Berlin-Germany and also from
                                                                                             premier Institutes of India such as IISc Bangalore, Bhabha Atomic Research
                                                                                             Centre (BARC) Mumbai, Anna University-Chennai, Indira Gandhi Centre
                                                                                             for Atomic Research (IGCAR)-Kalpakkam.

REVATHI AISHWARYA                            talent through innovative research work           About 2400 participants are were a part of this mega event. The welcome
                                             and at the same time encourages them            address was delivered by Dr. D. John Thiruvadigal, Convener, ICONN
PRAKHAR ALOK CHAUDHARY                                                                       2021, SRMIST, followed by the presidential address delivered by Vice
                                             to indulge more in this field. This year’s
                                             topic of discussion was low-Dimensional         Chancellor of SRMIST, Dr. Sandeep Sancheti. His address was focused
  The Department of Physics and                                                              on emerging research and development (R&D) in the field of Nanoscience
Nanotechnology of SRMIST conducted           and 2D materials, surfaces and thin
                                             films, nanocomposites and catalysts,            and Nanotechnology. Pro Vice Chancellor (Engineering and Technology)
the 6th International Conference on                                                          of SRMIST Dr. C Muthamizhchelvan released the proceedings of the
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN)       and multifunctional nanomaterials.
                                                                                             ICONN 2021 conference.
from the 1st to 3rd February 2021.              The inaugural program began with
Considering the present circumstances        the opening statement of Pro V-C C.               The inaugural address was delivered by Prof. Ashutosh Sharma,
related to the COVID-19 virus, the           Muthamizhchelvan followed by scientific         Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DST) Govt. of India,
Committee of ICONN and the associate         sessions on various upcoming topics by          CV Seshadri Chair Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT
institutions conducted the conference        all the keynote speakers. The highlight of      Kanpur. In his address, he spoke on the initiatives and schemes framed
via virtual mode.                            the event was Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh          by DST, to develop R&D infrastructure in various institutions across the
                                                                                             country through funding research projects.
  Institutions from all over the world       of the University of California receiving
including Shizuoka University (Japan),       the SRM-ICONN Award of excellence                 Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh, University of California, Berkeley,
GNS Science (New Zealand) University         in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. “I           CA, announced SRM-ICONN Award of excellence in Nanoscience and
of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), and             had been looking forward to the ICONN           Nanotechnology to Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, Department of
NCTU(Taiwan) participated in the event.      2021. It brings us the unique opportunity       Science and Technology (DST) Govt. of India, CV Seshadri Chair Professor,
                                             to interact with the delegates from             Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Vote of thanks was
  Dr. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary of the      different countries and to know about           proposed by Dr. S. Ponnusamy, Controller of Examinations, SRMIST.
Department of Science and Technology
                                             their work and contribution in the field.         SRMIST also honored eminent scientists with SRM-ICONN Innovation
(Govt. of India), was the chief guest of
                                             Despite the event being online, I found         Award, SRM-ICONN Outstanding Woman Researcher Award, with SRM-
the event.
                                             it to be interactive and informative,”          ICONN Young Researcher Award. Around 300 students across India have
  ICONN provides a great platform for        expressed Simon John when asked                 registered for this program.
budding researchers to showcase their        about the experience of ICONN 2021.

72nd Republic Day Celebration
PRAKHAR BHARADWAJ                   and the Institute towards the       the faculty members. “It is our
                                    nation. Hence the Republic Day      humble and collective duty to
                                    Celebration-2021was conducted       follow the path of selflessness
SWAMINATHAN                         following all the safety measures   for nation-building. We should
                                    and precautions. The event          do everything in our power to
  Saluting the ‘Tiranga’,                                               make our country a better and
                                    took place opposite to Tech
everyone stood tall with                                                safer place, making our nation
                                    Park and was attended by the
pride as SRMIST celebrated                                              and our elders proud must be
                                    teachers, local students, NCC
India’s 72nd Republic Day, by                                           one’s motto” said Dr. Sandeep
                                    cadets, and NSS volunteers.
organizing its annual Republic                                          Sancehti while addressing the
Day Celebration thus, imparting       It began with the flag hoisting   students and concluding the
values of patriotism and nobility   by The Vice-Chancellor of           event by zealously promoting
among the students. Despite the     SRMIST, Dr. Sandeep Sancheti,       the national and cultural unity
Covid-19 Pandemic, it was not       an energizing march past by         and at the same time instilling
enough to bring down the zeal       the NCC cadets which was            the sense of pride and patriotism
and devotedness of the students     followed by a speech from           in the heart of every attendee.        Flag Hoisting by The Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Sandeep Sancheti
Research Day @ SRMIST - SRM University
10   2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5

How Blockchain Technology
has evolutionised the World
ASMITA SOOD                             Along with revolutionizing the
                                     monetary world, this technology
   Blockchain Technology is a        holds the answer to one of the
typical database which stores        biggest challenges faced by
data in blocks and then chains       humanity, i.e., vaccinating
them together, in that respective    the world population against
order. A decentralized blockchain    Covid-19. Blockchain has the
is immutable, meaning that the       potential to revolutionize the
data entered is irreversible. The    way in which vaccines reach
transactions are permanently         people all around the globe.
recorded and visible to everyone.    This distribution will be done
                                     via the smallest channels of
  One of the major ways in
                                     the supply chain and thus, a
which Blockchain Technology
                                     single integrated window is
has revolutionized the monetary
                                     required to keep a track of
world is through the concept of
                                     distribution. It will also help
Cryptocurrency, for example,
                                     the stakeholders manage the
                                     inventory and optimize the orders.                 Eyes on the stars, feet on the ground! Dr. Sridhar Vembu in front of his office
   The world market is               This will ensure that inventory                                      in Mathalamparai. (Source: Forbes India)
continuously getting bigger          visibility is maintained, and the
and more complex by the day.         process is secure and free from
In this scenario, industries
are constantly looking for
                                     fraudulent activities. It helps
                                     keep a tab on the movement of        A Technocrat with Real Roots!
a solution that makes these          vaccines through a distribution
transactions faster, easier, more    system, thus making the process
                                                                          B. KAVYA SHRUTHI                      come from even the remotest         with Zoho due to the positive
transparent as well as secure.       of vaccine distribution more
                                                                                                                talents. Through this, he aspires   impacts it’s had on their lives.
Blockchain does exactly that         efficient. Therefore, Blockchain
                                                                             What would you do in a village     to encourage youth to work          With strong preferences for
along with eliminating the need      Technology has revolutionized
                                                                          with misty hills, paddy-adorned       from and for their hometowns,       skills and knowledge over
for intermediaries, reducing         the modern world and has the
                                                                          fields, and peacock-cry imbued        which shall reduce migration        grades, Sridhar’s Zoho Schools
costs, delays and increasing         potential to improve each sector
                                                                          breeze? Programming is the            to cities and promote diverse       of Learning offers courses in
accuracy.                            and industry effectively.
                                                                          last thing that’ll come to your       economic growth. Sridhar is         technology, design and business,
                                                                          mind, but Dr. Sridhar Vembu, the      a lateral thinker. He believes      and has produced 884 graduates
                                                                          CEO of Zoho Corporations, an          that nationalism is the desire to   so far.
                                                                          Indian-American firm providing        build a nation that is a producer
                                                                          Software as a Service (SaaS)          predominantly. He reflects this       “We are a state-of-the-art
                                                                          platform to more than 60+million      in his work by building SaaS        tech company with a very
                                                                          users worldwide, is a man of          platforms based truly out of        old-fashioned approach to
                                                                          unconventional actions. He            India. Sridhar emphasizes on        company building.”, says
                                                                          currently works from his ‘rural       the importance of challenging       Sridhar. Today’s youth look
                                                                          office’ in the Mathalamparai          the status quo and building         up to his visionary, yet grounded
                                                                          village, Tenkasi. It was here         resilience at work. He nurtures     leadership. Acknowledging his
                                                                          that Zoho Desk (a customer            a fluid work environment in         contributions in the trade and
                                                                          service software) was built           Zoho where titles don’t limit       industry sector, Dr. Sridhar
                                                                          from scratch demonstrating            expression. Every employee          Vembu has been awarded the
                        A blockchain network                              that world class software can         shares a sense of belonging         revered Padma Shri this year.

Should Euthanasia Be Legalised?
AASTHA AGGARWAL                      support is withdrawn (passive        aren’t able to pay bills or fulfill
                                     euthanasia). The debate on the       other grudges.
   Euthanasia or mercy killing       legalisation of euthanasia is
                                                                             Euthanasia is legal in many
is the act of painlessly and         a tough one, with both sides
                                                                          countries across the world.
intentionally ending a life to end   firmly strong in their views.
                                                                          Passive euthanasia earned legal
pain and suffering. Euthanasia
                                       Euthanasia gives an individual     status in India back in 2011, in
may sound cruel and against the
                                     the right to introspect their        response to a plea for euthanasia
natural law, but it can also be
                                     essence of life and live and         for Aruna Shanbaug, a nurse
considered kindness as it eases
                                     end it in a dignified manner         at King Edward’s Memorial
the person of their helpless state
                                     without pressure. It may be an       Hospital, Mumbai, who had been                          Euthanasia: an end to suffering
despite coming with a hefty
                                     act of kindness, but one cannot      brutally raped and strangled in
emotional cost.
                                     neglect the infinite problems the    1973. The attack paralysed her
  The process is most favorable      practice will lead to. Legalising    and left her in a vegetative state
when the patient has an              euthanasia will give extra power     till her death in 2015. Though          Legalising euthanasia
incurable disease, or they are       to the medical community.            the plea for disconnecting life
in an irreversible coma. In          There will be unknown and            support was rejected, several           will give extra power to
this practice, the patient is        uncontrollable consequences.         guidelines were issued that
either given a lethal injection
(active euthanasia), or their life
                                     Misuse will happen. People
                                     will pull the plug on those who
                                                                          legalized passive euthanasia in
                                                                          India in the landmark judgement.
                                                                                                                  the medical community
2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5 11

Nuclear Energy: Catalyst for Development                                                                      Can a Mutant Super-enzyme
or Preparation for Ragnarök?                                                                                  Solve Our Plastic Menace?
RAMAY RAJ SINGH                     science in general, and now         energy. It is also the safest to      KRITIKA MALHOTRA
                                    nuclear energy seems to be the      work with when compared to
  “Nuclear energy is one hell       appropriate solution to all our     other energy production means           There are now more
of a way to boil water” – Albert    demands. But do we really need      to date. Ronal Reagan once            microplastic particles in the
Einstein                            to take the next leap forward, or   said, “All the waste in a year        ocean than there are stars in
                                    are we accelerating the second’s    from a nuclear power plant            our galaxy, and about 8 metric
  Throughout history, we humans
                                    hand of the doomsday clock?         can be stored under a desk”.          tons of plastic finds its way into
have always tried to ameliorate                                                                                                                          PETase and MHETase
                                    Nuclear energy does have some       Fossil fuel-based energy is           the ocean annually; this is the
our lives with evolving knowledge                                                                                                                          ‘holding hands’
                                                                        responsible for dumping hundreds      world we live in today.
of our surroundings and nature.     wins under its belt, as a study
                                                                        of giga-tonnes of waste in our
The prospect of unlimited           conducted by NASA in 2013                                                    A team of researchers led by       the need for producing more
                                                                        atmosphere, which nuclear
free energy for all has always      found out that between 1976                                               Kohei Oda and Kenji Miyamoto          plastic from petroleum!
                                                                        energy can help tackle efficiently.
fascinated the greatest minds       and 2009, 1.8 million lives                                               in Japan, 2016 first identified the
                                                                        Unfortunately, nuclear energy’s                                                When researchers used their
in the field of physics and         were saved because of nuclear                                             bacterium Ideonella sakaiensis,
                                                                        lethality is beyond everything                                              mutant PETase and MHETase
                                                                        else. If handled inappropriately,     capable of breaking down
                                                                                                                                                    together, they found it broke
                                                                        it could wreak havoc on the           and consuming the plastic
                                                                                                                                                    down plastic twice as fast as
                                                                        regional biodiversity.                polyethylene terephthalate
                                                                                                                                                    PETase alone. But the real gains
                                                                                                              (PET) as a sole carbon and
                                                                           Even if stored/ handled                                                  came when they synthesized a
                                                                                                              energy source. They can eat
                                                                        correctly, it takes thousands                                               link between the two enzymes,
                                                                                                              through low-quality plastic
                                                                        of years to decay enough to be                                              in a way that almost looks like
                                                                                                              in about 6 weeks, while PET
                                                                        declared safe, and we simply do                                             they’re holding hands. With
                                                                                                              takes longer to break down. The
                                                                        not have the ability to capsule                                             their powers literally combined,
                                                                                                              bacterium’s cells adhere to the
                                                                        out the waste for thousands                                                 they sliced through PET six
                                                                                                              PET surface and secrete PETase
                                                                        of years, away from human                                                   times faster than PETase alone.
                                                                                                              which degrades the PET into a
                                                                        intervention. Various nuclear                                               The bacteria don’t pull off this
                                                                                                              heterodimer. To further break
                                                                        based disasters have shown us                                               same trick themselves as the
                                                                                                              down PET, a second enzyme
                                                                        that working with nuclear energy                                            combined super enzyme is just
                                                                                                              called MHETase is secreted.
                                                                        is like a balancing game; the                                               too large for their little molecular
                                                                                                              MHETase takes the heterodimer
                                                                        moment the weight distribution                                              machinery to produce.
                                                                                                              PETase creates and further
                                                                        is disturbed, the whole system        cuts it up into its constituents,       Scientists have been working
                                                                        tumbles down.                         terephthalic acid (TPA) and           to eradicate the plastic menace
                                                                          The question remains whether        ethylene glycol. These are the        for decades now; from infinitely
                                                                        nuclear energy is worth the time,     building blocks of PET, and           recyclable plastic to turning
                                                                        money and human resources,            returning it to this state could      plastic bags into fuel – solutions
            Presence of human population near nuclear                   or is it time to pull the plug on     mean the same plastic can be          are on the way. But will it be too
                 reactors of a nuclear power plant                      the project before it is too late?    recycled endlessly, eliminating       late by the time they’re here?

   Mysteries of Cambodian Temples
   ADITHYA R                        great scientific knowledge and
                                    technological advancement
     Cambodia is home to            which had baffled mainstream
   numerous ancient temples         historians and archaeologists.
   that symbolise the pride         More mysteries loom in Baksei
   of the country’s glorious        Chamkrong Pyramid which is
   past. However, the lack          almost identical to the Tikal
   of archaeological research       Temple in Guatemala located
   has reduced them to mere         10,000 miles away and hence
   tourist attractions. Angkor      raises the doubt of whether
   Wat is the world’s largest       both temples were built by the
   religious monument which         same builder or that the two
   was estimated to be built        civilizations were in contact
   in 37 years and at least 10      with each other during ancient
   million tonnes of rocks were     times. Apart from this, The          The similarities between the Tikal Temple of Guatemala (Left) and Baksei Chamkrong of Cambodia
   used to construct the entire     Khmer Empire’s transition from                    (Right) are evidence of possible contact between two distant civilizations.
   temple complex almost            Hinduism to Buddhism also
   impossible to construct          remains in a shroud of mystery.     of the 4 headed Brahma on the
   within the given time period     The quality of work done by         towers of the Bayon Temple
   while maintaining it’s perfect   the immediate successors was        have survived the destruction            Angkor Wat is the world’s
   alignment in the 4 cardinal      shoddy which proves that the        caused by both man and nature.           largest religious monument
   directions. The Brahma           new alterations were not made       The temples highlight the
   Temple named ‘Ta Prohm’          by the same craftsmen who           superiority of the science behind        which was estimated to be
   depicts carvings of human        designed the carvings of Angkor     ancient architecture combined            built in 37 years and at least 10
   interaction with prehistoric     Wat and other magnificent           with the dedication of ancient
   animals and is proof that        ancient temples of Cambodia.        builders and craftsmen to achieve        million tonnes of rocks
   ancient Cambodians possessed     Surprisingly, the macro carvings    engineering marvels.
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