Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls

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Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
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Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
New Moon GirlsTM
                                                                       ™                                                       May/June 2018
                                                                                                                         Volume XXV, Issue 5
                                                                                                            Girls Are Beautiful as Themselves
                                                                           Thanks, Volunteers—We Can’t Do It Without You!

    New Moon Girls™ is the original girl-centered
    media. Girl editors, writers, filmmakers, and artists
                                                                             Thanks, Volunteers—We Can’t Do It Without You!
    from around the world direct our content, working
                                                                             Volunteer Moderators: Alden Gardiner, Cailyn Krygier, Laura
    with adults through our pioneering Share the Power                       Marks, Liz Vitale
    method. New Moon Girls provides innovative, safe,                        Moderator Coordinators: Mikel Gordon and Laura Marks
    respectful, and advertising-free spaces online and in                    Proofreading: Meg Brissenden
    the magazine where girls develop their full potential                    Professional Consulting: Jill Zimmerman Rutledge, MSW, LCSW
    through self-discovery, creativity, and community.                       We welcome your help! Tell us about your volunteer skills at
    NMG is for every girl who wants her voice heard and            
    her dreams taken seriously in the world.

                                                                               Thanks and acknowledgment is given to the following
                                                                               publishers and copyright owners for permission to reprint
   Luna’s Team                                                                 selections from their publications and work: Shutterstock,
   Adelaide, Amelia, Anwen, Chloe, Diane, Ellie, Emily, Gemma,                 WikiMedia, and Pixabay. All possible care is taken to trace
   Gracia, Iris, Jessie, Jonah, Josey, Julia, Lola, Lucy, Luka, Luna           ownership and secure permission for each selection.
   Lovegood, Mathilde, Maya, Moana, Neorah, Rena, Ruby, Sarah,
   Shira, Simone, Sophie, Stella, Tessa
                                                                               New Moon Girls (ISSN: 1943-488X print; 2161-914X digital) is
                                                                               published bimonthly by New Moon Girl Media, 85 Lakeshore
   Sister-to-Sister Mentors                                                    Ct., Richmond, CA 94804. Periodicals postage paid at Liberty,
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   Katharine Painter, Valentina Rider, Sarah Weiss                             Moon Girls is a trademark of New Moon Girl Media, Inc.

   Founder & CEO                     Intern                                    Tell us about change of address (include customer number) at
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   Seven-time winner of                                                        New Moon Girls never makes its member list available to other
   Parents’ Choice Gold Award                                                  companies.

      new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
contents                                       3           Rainforest or

     Girls Are Beautiful
      As Themselves                              2      Girl Talk
                                                        Meet a Moon Girl and Luna Tics

                                                 3 	   Inside the Moon

     8      Catapalooza!
                                                        Take fun polls!

                                                  4 	 Letters to Luna
                                                       You decided: Chocolate victor
            Party ideas plus CATword PURRzle
                                                 5 	   Voice Box
                                                        How Busy Are We?

                                                 6 	 Ask a Girl
                                                      Advice on stress, size, and fears

                                                10 	   Tell the Truth About You
                                                        It's not bad to "brag."

                                                25      Speak Sign Language
                                                        Plus, deaf shero girl Alice

                                                26      Fiction
                                                        Fright and Flight, by Magnolia

                                                28      Luna’s Art Gallery
                                                29 Poetry

                                                30      How Aggravating

10       Hello Beautiful Girls 2018!            31 
                                                        Girl-Caught: Male artist book

                                                        Howling at the Moon
                                                        Girl-Caught: Luciana, Doll of the Year
         Share YOUR inner beauty, too.
                                                32 	 Calendar

                                                        The Last Word

 22        Meet Artist Liza
                                                        Lisa Amati, paleontologist

           Get awesome art advice!
                                                     Friends Sharing
                                                     When you join our supportive online

24    Sounds Good
                                                     community at,
                                                     you can share your own opinions, art,
                                                     stories, advice, photos, and more, and
      Can you listen like an arctic fox?             meet lots of other friendly, creative girls.
                                                     Parents sign you up at NewMoonGirls.
                                     by girls
Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
            Talk                                        Meet a
                                                      Moon Girl!
                                Say hey to Savannah, 11, Maryland! Savannah is a great
                                presence in our online community. She shares yummy
                                recipes, and starts and joins in with online games and            On a trip to
                                role plays. She’s quick to offer support and compliments to other Harper's Ferry,
                                girls about their writing, art, and more. Thanks, Savannah!       West Virginia

                                About Me: I love the musical Hamilton and also browsing
                                Pinterest. I like animals, especially turtles. I like to write, doodle,
                                and read. I love babies. I want to be a babysitter when
                                  I'm older. I like to build things with Legos.
    Out to dinner (left) with
    her friend Samantha
                                  My Pets: None, but I'd like to have a dog.

      Favorite Books: All of them! I like books by Rick Riordan, James Patterson, and
      lots more.

      Favorite Music: Hamilton! I got to see Hamilton in March with my grandmother.

      Favorite Activities: I like doing stuff in NMG's online community. I also like to
      play in the creek near my house.

      Favorite Subject: Recess! Next year, I will be in a humanities magnet program
      and they have a film-making contest where you can win $3,000.
                                                                                                     Checking out the
      Favorite Movies/TV/Games: I love Lolirock and I also enjoyed Moana.                            supermoon with sis Emma

                                           Have fun, Savannah

         Find the 10 Luna Tics hidden in every issue!
                                                                                                             YOUR Luna Tics at

       This issue’s Luna Tics are created by: Skye, 11, Texas; Gracie Kitty, 10, Ontario; Sopha, 11, California; Lucy, 14, Minnesota;
       Frances, 12, Fiji; Turtle, 12, North Carolina; Caroline, 11, Virginia; Mara, 12, Washington; Emily 10, Australia; Corinna, 12,

2     new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls

                 25th Spring Specials!
                                                                                                  the moon

                                                                             How to Get

                                                                         We want to see what you make!
                                                                         You can write, draw, and send
                                                                         photos for all parts of the magazine
                                                                         and online community. It’s easy to
                                                                         send your work and ideas.

                                                                         1  Online members, post your
                                                                         stuff at
                                                                         Any girl, submit your work at
                                                                         Published. Online members can
Share in the magic of our classic print magazines, posters, pins,        send work here, too.
and magnets from the 1990's and early 2000's. The beautiful poster
above was drawn by artist Kelly Murphy.                                  2 Check your email—we email you
                                                                         or message you on NMGmembers.
                                   We've got some of the very last       com if we want to publish
                                   printed magazine issues from          something you made. We can’t
                                   our first 15 years of NMG, from       publish your work if you don’t reply
                                   1994 to 2008. Some of the print       to our emails.
                                   issues have already sold out, so
                                   we're also offering a complete
                                                                         3  Read the regular enews your
                                   digital collection. We have limited   parents get from Nancy for special
                                   stock, so order while they last at    times to send us your work.
                                         4 Answer the new polls at
                                                                A lot of poll
                                                                         answers are included in our articles
   Insta-Polls: U Tell Us!                                               and fun surveys.

YOU are a world adventurer, and you
are given the opportunity to EITHER
go investigate a lush rainforest and its
animals OR explore a beautiful beach
and its marine animals. Which would
you pick? Vote for your top choice                                       Magazine Themes
                                                                         Meet the Makers
                                    Book lovers, tell us                 Deadline: June 15, 2018
                                    your very favorite book these        Share creativity and inventiveness
                                    days. It can be a newer fave         of any kind, whether it's done by
                                    (always great to share new reading   you or someone you admire.
                                    options with other NMG girls) or a
                                    fave from times past. Jot it down    Change: Survive and Thrive
                                    at We'll          Deadline: August 1, 2018
                                    share girl faves in an upcoming      What's your dream? How do you
                                    issue of the magazine!               deal with changes and challenges?

Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
letters to

                                                              I’m Luna, the spirit of New

                 letters to                                    Moon. I love to hear from
                                                                you! Write me at New-


    Dear Luna,                                Dear Barrow Bellatrix,
    I LOVE NMG magazine! I find               Thanks for your mistake catch
                                                                                   Luna's Team Spotlight
    it so cool how many people                and suggestion. Look for Jade in
                                                                                   Gracia, 9, Alberta, sent us her
    like Hamilton, Star Wars, In              a future issue, readers!
                                                                                   awesome ideas:
    The Heights, and Harry Potter
    (Slytherin here—woot woot!) just                 ove                           Theme: Be Yourself . . .
    like me! Being a Hamilton mega-                                                Inspiring Woman or Girl:
    fan, I noticed that in the March/
                                                     luna                          Dame Jane Morris Goodall
    April 2018 issue Lin-Manuel                                                    . . . Feature idea: What's Your
    Miranda was spelled incorrectly.          Dear Luna,                           Talent? . . . Global Village:
                                                                                   Nigeria . . . Online poll: Would
    I’d also like to suggest an article       It makes me so happy to get
                                                                                   You Rather? . . . Herstory:
    about teen Arctic explorer Jade           NMG in the mail, especially to
                                                                                   Helen Keller
    Hameister. Maybe I could write            see that I’m published [March/
    it. Thanks so much!                       April 2018]. Thanks!                 Thanks, Gracia!
        Barrow Bellatrix, 13                  Celia, 9
           New York                           Pennsylvania

                      Poll: Milk Chocolate Rules!                                Pssst . . .
                                                                                 Want to help create the magazine
             The victor has been declared: milk chocolate. Just under            and online community?
           60% of you said in our poll that milk chocolate was clearly           It’s supereasy to join Luna’s Team
        superior to dark chocolate. BUT one bite over 40% of you voted           by sending us an idea or two or
    for dark chocolate! Some of you simply voted, but many gave your             more. Go to—
    reasons. Listen to chocolate fans on both sides:                             remember, anyone can browse
                                                                                 there and see what our community
    Milk chocolate is so creamy and sweet—Penny, 9, Virginia . . . Dark          is all about, whether you’re an
    chocolate is so much more healthy—Marshmallow MaeMae, 10,                    online member or not.
    Ohio . . . I know milk chocolate has a lot of sugar in it, but it tastes
    great—Stingray, 9, Pennsylvania . . . Dark chocolate has more                Click on “Share It!” and see all the
    flavor—Ruth, 11, New York . . . Milk chocolate isn't so bitter—              ways you can be on Luna’s Team.
    Rebecca, 10, Alberta . . . Dark chocolate is so rich and strong              You can submit an idea for themes
    —Lillian, 11, California . . . Milk chocolate is so smooth and light—        or articles or art or any part of the
    Manon, 10, South Dakota . . . Dark chocolate is healthier, especially        magazine. You can suggest creative
    if it has nuts for protein—Emily, 10, British Columbia . . . Sweet milk      content to feature in our online
    chocolate just melts in your mouth—Lena, 13, Michigan . . . Dark             community, or share a way you
    has a richer flavor and isn't so sweet—Naomi, 11, California                 helped spread the NMG word.
                                                                                 Thanks so much, and we’ll thank
    Thanks, poll-takers! See p. 3 to join in the new polls.                      you in the magazine masthead.

4   new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
voice box

                          How Busy Are
                                                        Welcome to Voice Box, where you speak out about
                                                        hot topics. This time we’re talking about whether
                                                         you are too overscheduled or not, and what kids
                                                         should do with non-school time. Share YOUR
                                                          opinions for the “Sound Off” topic below.

I have swim team for five hours      I love what I’m doing, and            I have piano and guitar and go to
a week, and my homework takes        the amount is about right for         church youth group four hours
four to five hours a week. For me,   me. More kids should explore          a week, which is fine with me.
that’s too much. I think kids get    activities in their community and     Kids are WAY too busy. Some
too much homework.                   see what they like to do. It can be   of my friends have so many
                                     a big stress reliever.                activities that they can’t get their
Nora, 11                                                                   homework done and rush to do it
Utah                                 Sophia, 13                            at school. They rarely have time
                                     Wisconsin                             to relax with their family and
I have weekly voice and ice-
skating lessons after getting out    I have drama club and jazz band       friends or eat proper meals.
of school at 4 pm. It’s too much     along with homework. That’s           Acasia, 13
for me. I like my free time! Most    enough for me, but kids’ lives are    British Columbia
people in my grade are busier        crammed with stuff because their
than me, and they always seem        parents want them to try lots of      I’m fine with the time I’m in my
stressed about finding time to do    new things. One of my friends         theater class, piano, and aerial
homework. There should be more       has basketball practice nearly        dance. But I hardly get to see my
study hall time.                     every day!                            friends because they’re so busy.
                                                                           There shouldn’t be homework,
Orelia, 12                           Luna, 12                              since it takes up so much time.
California                           Maine
                                                                           Grace, 14
I volunteer at church twice          Besides school, I have weekly         California
a week; do student council,          riding lessons. That’s not enough
Destination Imagination, and         activity. Kids should use their
theater; and take piano lessons.     time to read more.

                                     Sophie, 11
                                                                           Sound Off!
Kids Need More . . .
                                     British Columbia                      Immigrants are in
We asked you what activity kids      I do swim three times a week          the news a lot lately.
should get more of, and the          and dance weekly, and that’s OK       How would you decide
winner is in: being in nature.       with me. Some of my friends are       which people can come and
And almost as many girls             jam-packed with activities, but       stay? What brought your
         thought kids need           others barely do anything apart       ancestors to your country?
              more time to create.   from school. Two activities seem
               After that, girls     a good amount for kids; then          Share your thoughts in the
                favored relaxing,    they’re not exhausted.                "What About Immigrants?"
                daydreaming,                                               poll at
                sleeping, and        Natalia, 10                           Your answer could be in the
                doing nothing!       Maine                                 magazine. Thanks!

Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
ask a girl

                                                       ask a                   girl
                                                           Ask a Girl is an advice column for girls, by
                                                           girls. Thanks to our online members who ask
                                                           questions and give great advice!

     Dear Ask a Girl:                         relaxing activities every day, such   You’re going through this
                                              as going for a walk, coloring, or     because you’re growing up.
                                              listening to your favorite songs.
    Lately I've been feeling REALLY           When I’m in a really bad mood,        Mila, 11
    sad and angry and stressed, but           listening to music in my room         New Zealand
    I have no idea why. My mom                helps relax me.
    says it's just part of puberty,                                                 Dear Moody,
    but now I'm wondering if this             Royal Blue, 14
    is what being an adult is like! Is        Ohio                                  You’re definitely not the only
    this normal for a 10-year-old?                                                  one going through this kind of
    Sometimes I get so stressed               Dear Moody,                           thing! Mood swings are linked to
    and sad that I'm mean to my                                                     the hormonal changes that our
    parents and friends. Then I feel          This is definitely normal. I          bodies are going through during
    worse because of how mean I               recommend a book I just read on       puberty. Ordinary changes in
    was. Please help!                         mood swings, The Feelings Book:       mood and feelings are magnified,
                                              The Care & Keeping of Your            and sometimes feel out of
    Moody, 10                                 Emotions.                             control. I can definitely relate
    California                                                                      to feelings of stress, anger, or
                                              Anna, 11                              sadness that seem to come out of
                                              Minnesota                             nowhere.
    Dear Moody,
                                              Dear Moody,                              Giving yourself time to
    During puberty, you’ll sometimes                                        Sometimes cool down from a mood
    feel super-excited; other times           I’m going through                           swing can make a huge
    you might feel extremely angry
                                                                              I get so
                                              mood swings as well!                         difference. Journaling
    or upset. Mood swings are                 Don’t worry—my
                                                                           stressed and can help get your
    something we don’t have much              mum told me that                  sad.     feelings out (your journal
    control over, but my advice to            everyone will forgive you                 doesn’t care if you’re mean
    you would be to always get a              if you are mean to them.                 to it!) as well as tracking
    good night’s sleep and do some            This will pass; it’s not permanent. your moods. Often girls find that

6   new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
their most intense mood swings      People think         people think      Dear Airplane Afraid,
happen at certain times in their     I'm much            I’m much
menstruation cycle. You may not       younger.           younger. You’re   I was scared of airplanes, too!
have your period yet, but mood                          not alone in       If you start worrying that your
swings can happen as our bodies                        this!               plane will crash, just remind
get nearer to that time.                                                   yourself that plane crashes are
                                    Cat, Sister to Sister Mentor           much rarer than car crashes and
Talk with your parents and          Vermont                                that planes are super safe.
friends about your sadness                                                 And keep taking deep
when you hurt their feelings.       Dear Too Little,                       breaths!
Everybody has mood changes, so                                                                        I've always
they’ll understand that when you    You don’t sound unhealthy!             Indira, 10                been afraid
say something unkind during a       Average weights and heights            Vermont                   of airplanes.
mood swing, you don’t mean it.      are only the AVERAGE, and
                                    average doesn’t mean healthiest.       Dear Airplane Afraid,
Sarah, Sister to Sister Mentor      Healthy people vary a lot in
Michigan                            height and weight. For a while         I always bring stuff I like with
                                    I was also concerned that I was        me on plane trips. It distracts
                                    underweight, but I’m actually          me from other things like my
Dear Ask a Girl:                    very healthy. I just don’t have the    ear pain. When your ears hurt,
                                    “average” body type.                   chewing gum makes them pop.
I’m 10 years old, but most          Anika, 16                              Hannah, 13
people think I’m more like 7.       North Carolina                         Alberta
I’m underweight and short for
my age. I try eating more, but      Dear Too Little,                       Dear Airplane Afraid,
nothing happens. My little sister
is up to my waist and she’s only    I’m 11 and I’m just built small.       The majority of my family lives
3! Am I unhealthy?                  You could be small because you         far overseas, so I got accustomed
                                    have small parents or relatives.       to long-haul travel early on. Here
Too Little, 11                                                             are a few tips. For the fear, create
California                          Eve, 12                                a playlist of music that you find
                                    California                             calming and comforting. Try to
                                                                           daydream and keep your mind
Dear Too Little,                                                           distracted.
                                    Dear Ask a Girl:
I understand how you feel. You                                             You could also try to be okay
aren’t unhealthy; you’re just       This is a bit embarrassing to          with your fear, which I know
small. I’m about the height of      admit, but I'm going on an             can be difficult but helpful.
a second grader, but it doesn’t     airplane soon, and ever since I        Bring a pillow; it can make a big
mean I’m unhealthy.                 can remember, I’ve always been         difference. Gum helps with ear
                                    afraid of airplanes. This won’t        pain, as does sipping water.
Cloud, 10                           be my first time on a plane, but
New York                            I don't like them and I also don’t     Hope you have a good time on
                                    like how my ears always hurt           your travels!
Dear Too Little,                    when I fly.
                                                                           Grace, 15
Ask your parents to check with      Airplane Afraid, 10                    New Zealand
a doctor, and if the doctor says    California
you’re okay, you’re probably
just fine. You may just have a
smaller build, or maybe you’re a
                                                                Want to ask a girl?
late bloomer. I’m 16, and many                            Visit to
                                                          join our online community.
Beautiful Girls Are - Issue Themes for September/October 2012 - New Moon Girls
just for fun

       We love ALL animals, but we're really
       aMEWsed by cats! Throw a cat-crazy party,
       and try the PURRzle from our very first issue.

     Want to throw a PURRfect party? It’s easy! These           Meet Texas cat-lovers (left to right, standing) Ingrid,
     Texas girls had cat sammies, cat cupcakes, and             11, Louisa, 8, Eliana, 9, Chloe, 8; and (kneeling left
     created some cool cat toys for the cats they love.         to right) Isabelle, 8, Lily, 9, and Brynn, 8.
     Ask your guests to wear cat-themed shirts, and
     bring along cat stuffed animal friends if they’d like.     Now, to build up your energy to craft toys to make
                                                                kitties happy, consume some sugar. We recommend
     Here’s what you’ll need for sandwiches. Gather             chocolate (or any flavor) cupcakes, iced and ready
     flour tortillas, cream cheese, red peppers, black          for decoration with jelly beans and black sparkle
     olives, and green onions. And get whatever you’d                                   icing tube. Here’s one design
     like for sandwich fillings, such as sliced cheese,                                  for a kitty face (below),
     hummus, peanut butter, or meat, along with                                          but feel free to
     spreads such as mustard and mayonnaise.                                             make the cat
                                                                                         face of your
     Cut big circles from tortillas, using a round cookie                               imagination.
             cutter. Next, snip out a rectangle chunk                                   Chloe made
                with scissors to form the kitty ears                                    her design a cat
                  (left). Cut the red pepper into triangle                              with a top hat and
                  shapes for cat noses, and slice the                                   mustache!
                  olives into sections for cat eyes. Cut
                 the green onion into skinny whiskers.                                  To make our
                                                                                        “octo-kitty” cat
     Now you’re ready to conjure a cat. Cover the                                       toy, we used 5
     top side of the tortilla cat face with a thin layer of     X 20-inch rectangles cut from worn-
     cream cheese—that will                                     out teeshirts. You can use similar fabric
     make the face parts stick                                  scraps. Consider making several toys to
     on better. Resist—or not—                                  donate to a local animal shelter (check
     the temptation to go crazy                                 first with them). Fold the fabric strip in
     with the cream cheese                                      half so it's 5 X 10. Cut fringey tentacles
     like Isabelle (right) did.                                 up to one inch from the folded edge.

                                                                      Put a small ball of stuffing inside
                                                                              the top fold to form the head, and use
                                                                              one tentacle to wind around below
                                                                             the head. Tie the tentacle in a knot,
                                                                             and add a kitty face with a marker.
                                  Arrange eyes, nose, and
                                 whiskers. Put the filling                     Find a feline to
                                 you like on the bottom                       test your dangle
                                 tortilla cat layer, top with                 toy. We found
                                 decorated layer, and devour    that kitty Cupcake (right) went
                                 as Eliana (left) did.          batty for her new octo-kitty!

8    new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
CATword PURRzle                                                           Thanks to Sarah, Nia, and Lindsay,
                                                                                   New Moon Girls girls of 25 years
                                                                                   ago who created this awesome
                                                                                   purrzle and cat drawings for the
                                                                                   September/October 1993 issue!

                                                                                   DOWN clues:
         1         2             3         4              6
                        14                                                         1. A striped or patterned cat
    15                                                                             2. A kind of tree cats can climb
                                                                                   3. A cat from Siam
                   16                                5                             4. Saving money for a _____ day
                                                                                   5. Baby cat
         17                      18                  19
                                                                                   6. __ and fro
                                                                                   7. A _____ cat is supposed to be
                                                                                   bad luck.
   7                             21   10
                                                                                   8. Squirrel ___kin
                                                                                   9. Yell
    22        8                  23             11                                 10. Abbreviation for Odyssey of
                                                                                   the Mind
                             9                                                     11. A frog sits on a ____ ___.
                                                                                   12. Chelsea Clinton's cat's name
    24                                                    12                       (when she was a girl)
                                                                                   13. Opposite of down

                                                                                   ACROSS clues

    13                                          26
                                                                                14. Style of artwork
                                                                                15. Grown-up kittens are ____.
    27                                                                          16. A green vegetable
                                                                                17. Hello, good___
                                                                                18. Abbreviation for Monday
                                                                                19. Opposite of out
                                                                                20. Rhymes with net
                                                                                21. Do, re, mi, fa, __, la, ti, do
                                                                                22. ____ is the spirit of NMG.
                                                                                23. ____ of New Moon, a book by
                                                                                Lucy Maud Montgomery
                                                                                24. Baby cats sleep in ____ _____.
   Meet Our Pets                                              ANSWERS           25. A candle in ice
                                                              below—don't peek! 26. For NMG advice, ____ a Girl!
We love to share photos of our                                                  27. What a cat wears to bed
pets! Here are just a few fave kitties:
Katniss (right), kitten of Marine, 13,
    Washington; Angel Rosie (below right) with                  27 Pajamas          17. Bye            9. Scream
        Sophia, 11, Rhode Island; and                           26. Ask             16. Pea            8. Nut
          Luna cat (upper left) with                            25. Ice lamp        15. Cats           7. Black
           PrettyKitty, 11, Virginia.                           24. Cat's cradle    14. Abstract       6. To
           PrettyKitty even made a                              23. Emily           ACROSS             5. Kitty
          beanbag (lower left) of                               22. Luna                               4. Rainy
         her Luna! See more cats                                21. So              13. Up             3. Siamese
           and other pets by searching                          20. Yet             12. Socks          2. Aspen
           terms such as "pet" or "cat" or "kitty"              19. In              11. Lily pad       1. Tabby
           or "dog" at                          18. Mon             10. OM             DOWN

We Are ALL
     Beautiful Girls!
    Every girl is full of inner beauty. That's
             why NMG features Beautiful
                 Girls in our May/June issues.
                  We started in 2000,
                   inviting girls, their friends, AWESOME May/June 2006 cover (and girl below) by Liza Ferneyhough
                   families, and others who
                  know and love them to tell                   from doing something we want to do
                        us about that girl's inner beauty.     because we don't feel confident and
Maya, 8, from 2000 We wanted to know about all the             happy to be out in the world being
                        ways that each girl shines with her ourselves.
    unique blend of thoughts and emotions
    and ways of being in the world and                         But when we simply look inside to see
    making it better.                                            and celebrate our own wonderfulness,
                                                                  we can live more fully AND appreciate Kendall, 10,
    Why have we kept featuring                                   the inner beauty of everyone we            from 2014
    Beautiful Girls? Because far too                            know. Each girl makes the world more
    often, we are defined by our physical                        beautiful just because she is who she is.
              appearance, and far too            Alejandra
                   often, we don't feel          and Claire,
                                                                 Visit to
                     beautiful. We may           13, from 2006
                                                                 see how easy it is to share the inner beauty of a
                     want to hold back                           girl (including yourself). Thanks!

 An-li, 12, from 2009
                                                                                  Tell the Truth
                                                                                  About You!
                                                     What might you say if someone asked you to share a few
                                                     of your unique qualities and things that make you proud?
                                                     Sadly, girls and women in particular get the message that we
                                                     "shouldn't brag." So we don't let others know the truth about
                                                     our fabulous qualities and skills and of contributions we make.

                                                     We can change that. As Sister to Sister mentor Sarah says,
                                                     telling about your traits and gifts "isn't rude or selfish." And
                                                     when we share out loud, it can inspire other girls to also share
                                                     cool and totally true things about themselves. Check out
                                                     Sarah's fab essay by searching "Bragging" at NMGmembers.
                                                     com. The next time you're asked to tell the truth about
                                                     yourself, let your lights shine and urge others to do the same!

10   new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
We Are All
  Juliet Salazar
12, Texas—nominated by her
mom, Lisa
                                                                  But every day she marches off to
What does she like to do for                                      school, where she will face academic
fun?                                                              challenges and all the normal noise and
Juliet loves art and animation.                                   stimulation of school life. Some told us
She spends her days drawing,                                     she'd struggle to get past third grade,
writing fun screenplays, and creating art using       but she has proved them wrong by continually
computer graphics. She also enjoys playing            bringing home good grades and becoming a
Minecraft and all things Super Mario. She is          teacher’s favorite year after year. Juliet’s life has
currently studying American Sign Language and         had setbacks and struggles, but she persists!
enjoys learning new signs and teaching her family.
                                                      What are a few of her favorites?
How is she a good friend and family member?           Games: Minecraft, Pokemon, Super Mario, Five
Juliet’s calm demeanor and happy attitude are         Nights At Freddy’s Shows: Gravity Falls Music:
an example to us all. As her mother, I strive to be   Taylor Swift, The
like her and she teaches us so much on how to         Chainsmokers
be a good human! She is patient, loving, kind,
                                 and FUNNY. She       How does she help her
                                 has a beautiful      community and the
                                 old soul. She        world?
                                 enjoys playing       She maintains a constant
                                with her younger      happy attitude, and lets
                                brother Jude (left)   the negative roll off her
                                and little sister     back. She shows us that
                                Gracyn, along         labels and diagnoses do
                                with her friends      not have to hold us back!
                                and family.
                                                      What are her dreams for
                               How is she             the future?
                               creative?              Juliet dreams of being
She draws her own comic strips, and creates           an animator. She's passionate about cartoon
her own dialogue for them, as well as her             animation and graphic design.
"screenplays." She likes drawing by hand as well
as on the computer. She enjoys making others
laugh with her shenanigans and stories.                     Draw Every Which Way
Tell about a time that she has been courageous or     If you find art burbling out of you, try finding new
took on a challenge.                                  ways to showcase that creativity. Juliet weaves her
Juliet’s entire life can be described as              art into many forms. She began doodling as soon
“challenging,” and she embraces it with courage       as she could hold a pencil, and soon drew favorite
and determination. She was diagnosed at 4 with a      cartoon characters.
chromosonal syndrome that affects her from head
to toe, including many physical limitations and       Then she started writing screenplays with art of her
symptoms as well as learning disabilities. She is     characters and creating mash-ups. Lately, Juliet has
legally blind in one eye, wears leg braces, and is    been drawing comic strips that reflect her favorite
on the autism spectrum.                               music!

We Are All

             Keenan Lawrie

     11, British Columbia—nominated by                                                 How is she creative?
     herself                                                                           I like to paint on different
                                                                                       materials with different
     What does she like to do for fun?                                                 paintbrushes. I enjoy
     I love to snow ski and go tubing in                                              trying new things, and
     the winter. In the summer I like going                                           when I do, I think outside
     waterskiing and swimming in a nearby                                             the box. When I write,
     lake to cool down. I also enjoy playing                                          I show my feelings and
     the ukulele, and listening to music. I've got a          opinions in characters and problems.
     basketball net and love to play games with friends
     or just shoot hoops for practice. After a long day I     Tell about a time that she has been courageous or
     adore playing with my cat, Flax.                         took on a challenge.
                                                              When I was skiing with my dad recently, we went
     How is she a good friend and family member?              on to an extremely hard "black diamond" course.
     I'm very dependable—I can be trusted when                I remember being excited, but petrified with fear. I
                                           something          could have cut off to an easier slope, but I decided
                                             needs to         to push myself. When I did, I made it to the
                                             be done. I       bottom of the run.
                                             try to find a
                                             bright side      What are a few of her favorites?
                                            to everything     I like a lot of books, mostly realistic
                                            and make my       fiction novels such as The Skeleton
                                            friends and       Tree, The Breadwinner, and The
                                           family smile       Hunger Games series. I love The
                                           even during        Hunger Games movies and Soul
                                           rough times. I     Surfer. I enjoy pop over other genres
                                           like to do my      of music. My favorite color is green!
                                           part when I
                                          can, whether        How does she help her community and the world?
                                         it's just doing      I help the environment by riding my bike to school
     dishes, feeding the cat, or doing some laundry.          whenever I can, and I pick up litter. I also sign up
                                                              for things that help out my school such as lunch
                 Ukelele for You?                             monitoring, office monitoring, and other jobs.

     Looking for a fun, easy instrument to play?              What are her dreams for the future?
     Keenan's got one for you. She says:                      I'd like to be very successful and happy. I might be
                                                              a photographer,
     I started playing the ukulele in music class, and at     a lifeguard, or a
     first I wasn't that interested. But I got more and       lawyer. I hope to
     more intrigued as I learned it. Then I got my own        travel to places
     ukulele and started taking lessons.                      such as Kenya
                                                              to stand against
     I really enjoy it, and recommend it because it only      poverty. My
     has four strings and it’s small and easy to handle.      biggest goal: Go
     The ukelele is a good starter instrument, because        to the Olympics
     it will make it easier for you to learn other stringed   for Canada in ski
     instruments such as guitar.                              cross or slalom.

12   new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
Zuri Patterson
14, Washington, DC—nominated by her parents,
Qwanda and Karanja

What does she like to do for fun?
Zuri loves to read—realistic fiction is her favorite     favorite books. She loves watching National
literary genre. She loves travel, and has visited 20     Geographic’s Brain Games and NBC’s This Is Us.
U.S. states and 12 countries across five continents.     She enjoys performances at the Kennedy Center—
Among her favorite international cities are Phuket,      see her and her friend Zuri (yep, another Zuri!) at
Thailand; Paris, France; and Cape Town, South            the Center below. Her favorite song is "Just Fine"
Africa. That's her (right) at an animal sanctuary in     by Mary J. Blige.
Johannesburg, South Africa.
                                                         How does she help her community and the world?
How is she a good friend and family member?              Zuri has been a member of Girl Scouts since age 7,
Zuri loves and appreciates                                            and she is working on the Silver
her friends and family. She is                                         Award, Girl Scout's highest award.
a good listener, is mindful of                                        She and a fellow Cadette created the
people’s feelings, uses good                                          Brain Over Burger project and website
judgement, and gives sound                                            ( to help
advice. She's eager to stay with                                     people choose healthy eating options
her grandmas, Nana and MeMe,                                         and realize that a healthy body keeps
every summer, and they love                                          the mind sharp.
having her!
                                                                    What are her dreams for the future?
How is she creative?                                                Zuri aspires to become a neuroscientist
Zuri is a talented poet and visual                                 because she has always liked learning
artist. Over the years, her teachers have described      how the brain processes information. She wants to
her as principled, knowledgeable, an inquirer, a         help people with neurological disorders.
critical thinker, a risk taker, and a problem solver.
She's also quick to acquire language, speaking              Try Chinese
fluent Mandarin and beginner Spanish.
                                                         Zuri started learning
Tell about a time that she has been courageous or        Mandarin Chinese
took on a challenge.                                     early on when she
Zuri was not really interested in building a satellite   attended a school with
when she joined SilverSat, a multi-year project          an immersion program
that provides students with real-world engineering       in Chinese. She visited
challenges while they design, build, launch, and         China when she was
operate a real satellite. But she gave it a chance       11—here she is with her host family (above). Try
so she could learn something new, and now she            drawing a few Chinese characters.
enjoys meeting with others and learning Python (a
               code) to help program the satellite.      HELLO                     THANK YOU
                                                         Mandarin word: Ni Hao     Mandarin word: Xiè Xiè
              What are a few of her favorites?           You say: Nee Haow         You say: Sya Sya
              Out of My Mind by Sharon M.                Character:                Character:
              Draper and The Seeds of America
              Trilogy: Chains, Forge, Ashes by
              Laurie Halse Anderson are Zuri's

Annika Schmitz
     10, Australia—nominated by herself

     What does she like to do for fun?
     I love to climb trees. I also love to read books.
     When the weather is nice, you can find me in a
     tree reading a book! I also love playing ice hockey
     and riding my bike with my dad.

     How is she a good friend and family
     member?                                                        What are a few of her favorites?
     I try to stand up to people if I hear them                     Movies: A Little Princess, The Lego Movie
     saying something unkind about or to                            Book series: The Narnia books
     my friends or little sister. I say "Stop it;                   Song: "Brave by Sara Bareilles
                     you are not being kind."
                                      Practicing that                How does she help her community and the
                                      makes me                       world?
                                     more confident                  I noticed there were sometimes dying bees
                                     to help when my           by the bottlebrush tree in our back yard. I found
                                     friends are too shy or    out that bees love the blossoms (that's the red
                                     scared to speak up. I     bloom with me above), but they also need water
                                     hope it helps my sister   and nectar to keep going with all their work. So
                                     and friends to be more    we leave them water. Without bees and other
                                     confident standing up     pollinators, our world wouldn't have many fruits
                                    for themselves.            and vegetables.

                                  How is she creative?         What are her dreams for the future?
                                  I love to read books,        I hope to play ice hockey for Australia. I want to be
                                  but I also love to write     in the first Australian Women's Ice Hockey team to
                                  stories. I like to write     represent my country at the Olympics.
                                 about girls having
     adventures. I like it at school when we do art.
     This year we did paintings in the styles of famous              Pursue YOUR Passion
     artists. It was so much fun.
                                                               Do you sometimes feel that others don't share
     Tell about a time that she has been courageous            your love of a favorite activity? Maybe it's because
     or took on a challenge.                                   they haven't yet experienced how much fun it
     I go to an international school and I study a daily       can be. Try giving them that chance. For Annika
     subject in German. A new boy started at school            (below, right), it's her love of ice hockey. She says:
     this year. He didn't know any German and was
     finding the lessons very hard. The teacher asked          I can skate faster than I can
     me to help. I was very nervous at first, but I just       run. When I glide around
     tried my best.                                            the ice, it makes me feel
                                                               free.The problem is that ice
     Now at each lesson I finish my work quickly and           hockey isn't a popular sport
     then help the new boy. I spend my time helping            in Australia. I'd like more
     him to complete his work and enjoy the class and          girls to realize what a great
     the language. I try to find ways to make learning         sport this is and start to
     the language fun. I have been helping him for             play. I try to welcome new
     nearly a year now, and I have realized that I would       girls and boys to our ice
     like to be a teacher one day.                             hockey club.

14   new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
We Are All

              Marcy Fiorentino
9, New Jersey—nominated by her mom, Amy
                                                        How does
What does she like to do for fun?                       she help her
Marcy loves to swim, draw, make movies, and write       community
stories. She loves to make new friends and is very      and the
outgoing. She introduces herself and compliments        world?
kids everywhere we go!                                  Marcy shares
How is she a good friend                                   facts and ways to protect sea animals on her
and family member?                                         Facebook page called "Mermaid Goggles." She
Marcy is very thoughtful.                                  took a class so she can rescue horseshoe crabs
She writes handwritten                                     when they make their dangerous journey on land
thank-you notes to friends                                every spring to spawn (left). On her 8th birthday,
and family throughout the                                 she chose to take a huge bag of new books she
year. She picks flowers on                                picked out to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
May Day and brings them                                   instead of having a party with friends.
to our neighbors. She
loves giving!                                            What are her dreams for the future?
                                                         Marcy says she wants to change the world. She
How is she creative?                                    wants to protect the earth and animals. One of
Marcy has written, directed, and acted in her own       Marcy's nicknames is "Marsea Mermaid" because
movies. One movie, "Goblin Girl," was selected          of her love of mermaids and everything about
for film festivals, and she is the youngest filmmaker   oceans. She is very upset about coral bleaching
to show her movie at the country's oldest movie         and marine litter. She also wants to make movies,
theater! She loves to create her own music, too.        be an architect, and become a game designer.

Tell about a time that she has been courageous or
took on a challenge.                                         Craft for Charity!
I admire Marcy's confidence and persistence
                                                        Love to craft? Love to help others? Marcy does,
in telling others her ideas. She will accept any
                                                        too. She has a Halloween party every year for
challenge, whether it be walking over the "Shark
                                                        UNICEF and sponsors a gift to children in need
Bridge" by herself at our local aquarium or
                                                        around the world like a clean water package,
memorizing dozens of digits of pi and reciting
                                                        anti-malaria mosquito nets, and schools in a box.
them in a contest before a large audience.
                                                        Last Halloween, she also crafted and sold cool
                                                        Halloween costume accessories to raise money
I see her courage every day as well. Her father
                                                        for UNICEF. Here she is in a few of her creations:
died when she was 3. They had a strong bond and
                                                        a mermaid crown (above) and (below) a Queen of
she carries on courageously without his presence.
                                                        Hearts crown and wand; a spider-web hat; and a
                                                        Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) mask.
            What are a few of her favorites?
            Marcy enjoys The Baby-Sitters
            Club series as well as classics like
            A Wrinkle in Time. Her favorite
            movie is Inside Out. She plays
            Disney Infinite and Minecraft.

Fiona LeGrand
     12, Colorado—nominated by her mom,                                           Tell about a time that she has
     Stephanie                                                                    been courageous or took on a
     What does she like to do for fun?                                            When Fiona had just moved
     When she's not writing a book or screenplay,                                 to a new state, she wanted to
     she is drawing comics, cracking jokes, or                                    run for mayor of Ameritowne,
     making new worlds on Minecraft or Super                                      a mock town made up of all
     Mario Maker. She is also working toward her                                  the fifth graders. In addition
     black belt in karate, and can break boards                                   to being the "new kid," Fiona
     with kicks and palm strikes.                                                 has a speech impairment that
                                                                                  makes her talk differently from
     How is she a good friend and family member?              her peers. She had to give a public speech to her
     Fiona is loyal and always an advocate for the            class explaining
     underdog. If she thinks someone is being treated         why she would be a
     unfairly, then she is quick to stand up for them.        good mayor. While
     She genuinely takes pleasure in the success of           Fiona didn't win
     others, cheering them on to overcome obstacles           the race for mayor,
     and celebrating their triumphs.                          she was really
                                                              glad she tried.
                  How is she creative?                        And she was made
                  Fiona makes graphic novels with             editor of the town
                  laugh-out-loud dialogue and                 newspaper!
                 drawings with just-right facial
                 expressions. She invented her own            What are a few of
                 character, Super Nellie (left) who's         her favorites?
                 part girl, part dog, and all supershero.     Fiona loves the
     Her recent writing focus has been on young adult         book Wonder by
     books and video-game adventures.                         R. J. Palacio, and
                                                              is a super fan of all
                      Party for Needy Kids                    books by Raina Telgemeier. She is fascinated by
                                                              the musical and story of Hamilton. She likes to play
                   Consider having a donor birthday           Minecraft, Super Mario Maker, and create musicals
                   party! That'll mean that kids who          on the app
                  have a harder life will have a really fun
                  birthday party. Just ask your guests        How does she help her community and the world?
                  to bring a donation instead of a gift.      Fiona believes everyone should get to feel special
                  Most places have a birthday charity,        and loved on their birthday. To celebrate her
                  such as The Birthday Party Project.         eighth birthday, she invited party guests to give
                                                              donations instead of gifts to sponsor birthday
                  Fiona (left)                                parties for children in orphanages.
                  created a
     Birthday Fund with the group                             What are her dreams for the future?
     SOAR (Society for Orphaned                               Fiona wants to be an author, but she has been
     Armenian Relief; soar-us.                                inspired by some special teachers. So she may
     org). She chose it because                               choose a career in education—as long as it leaves
     her family has connections to                            her with enough time to write! She'd also like to
     Armenia. Here's just one (right)                         visit all 50 states before she's an adult. That's her
     of the Armenian orphans who                              (above) at a national park in Utah.
     had a very happy birthday!

16   new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
We Are All
                Zoey Allen
12, Pennsylvania—nominated by her mom, Tiffany

What does she like to do for fun?                         What are a few of
Zoey plays the viola and sings in her school's            her favorites?
chorus. She helps with the younger children's                       She loves
programs at church, and she is the only girl in                     the Harry
her baseball league.                                                 Potter books and also the book Wonder.
                                                                     She loved the movie Hidden Figures
How is she a good friend and family member?                          and also loves any Marvel or Star Wars
Zoey consistently makes friends with children                        movie. Her favorite song is "Don't
who seem to be left out, or who are shy and                          Forget Where You Belong" by One
maybe feel too timid to join. A mother at her                        Direction.
school told me that her daughter had the
confidence to try volleyball because Zoey had                        How does she help her community and
encouraged her to do so. As a family member, she          the world?
is always looking out for her younger brother, and        Zoey is very active in her church community and
she is very thoughtful and caring.                        was also very active when our neighbor ran for
                                                          Township Commissioner. Zoey is very passionate
How is she creative?                                      about her beliefs and this includes loving one
Zoey loves a creative challenge such as choosing          another. She always speaks up if she sees
to make a diorama for her book report instead of          someone going against those things.
just writing it. She is a member of several musical
groups at school and also is a part of a county-          What are her dreams for the future?
wide Shakespeare monologue contest.                       Zoey would love a world where everyone got
                                                          along and people were free to be who they are
Tell about a time that she has been courageous or         without fear of harm. She hopes for a world where
took on a challenge.                                      there is less sickness and more people working
Last year, right before the election, a boy at her        together to make the world a better place.
school told her to "take her ugly face back to her
school in Africa." She held her head high and
walked away. Other children told a teacher, and           Make Local Change!
they were impressed with how she handled it with
such dignity and grace at such a young age.               You don’t have to be old
                                                          enough to vote to make
Just a few months later she took that incident and        political changes you want.
used it as courage to hold the banner and lead            Zoey volunteered for Joe
25,000 people for the The Women's March of                (right), a candidate and
                                          Pittsburgh.     neighbor who has goals for
                                          They            their area that she supports.
                                         invited her      Here’s how she did it.
                                         back again
                                         to do it this    I went door to door with Joe, talking to voters
                                         year (that's     about him and his qualifications. I also stood with
                                        her on the        him on election day at a polling place, greeting
                                        left), and        voters and asking them to vote for Joe. It was
                                        the crowd         awesome to help him with his campaign knowing
                                       was even           that I could help the township, where I live,
                                       larger!            become a better place if he won. And he did!

We Are All

          Annabella Baumgartner

     8, Missouri—nominated by her mom, Jessica

     What does she like to do for fun?                                Annabella (left) and sis Lexi raise
     Annabella is a ballerina who not only loves to                   money for the pet shelter.
     dance, but to help teach others to dance. She
     always takes younger kids under her wing and                     What are a few of her favorites?
     makes them feel welcome.                                         Anna loves the Fablehaven series, the
                                                                      Anne of Green Gable series, and books
     How is she a good friend and family member?                      about strong women in history like
     No matter how bad Anna is feeling, she is                        Cleopatra and Harriet Tubman.
     constantly concerned with the well-being of
     others. If a friend or family member is sick or         How does she help her community and the world?
                                     having a rough time,    Volunteering her time, raising money to donate to
                                      she automatically      good causes, and sharing her love of books and
                                      looks for ways that    the art of dance are Anna's ways of trying to make
                                      she can help them      the world a better place.
                                      get better. It isn't
                                     often that you find     What are her dreams for the future?
                                     a child with a clear    Anna is finally old enough to audition for the
                                     ability to put others   Saint Louis Ballet company's production of The
                                     before herself, but     Nutcracker, and hopes to make it in this year. She
                                     this seems to come      hopes to someday become a veterinarian, once
                                     naturally to Anna.      she hangs up her slippers.

                                   How is she creative?             Want to Pet Volunteer?
                                   Anna is a dancer
                                   at heart, but she         Here's how Anna did it! She says: I wanted to help
                                   also enjoys writing       the animals in our community, so I volunteer at
                                   stories. She has a        Open Door Rescue with my mom. I have so much
                                   special love                                           fun with the cats.
                                   of writing                                             At first I was only
                                   about young                                            allowed to play with
                                  female                                                  the cats, but after a
     characters who love their family.                                                    bit I was able to help
                                                                                          Mom give them food
     Tell about a time that she has been                                                 and water.
     courageous or took on a challenge.
     In addition to her lemonade stand efforts,                                           Another wonderful
     Anna is a volunteer at the Open Door                                                 part of this is that I
     animal shelter branch located at her local                                           get to be with cats
     PetSmart. She wishes she had enough                                                  and play with them
     space and time to give a home to every                                               even though we don't
     stray that comes her way.                                                            have one at home.

18   new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
bell Wisdom

          Adya Radcliffe

11, New Mexico—nominated by her mom, Erin

What does she like to do for fun?
Adya makes her own characters and graphic              What are a few of her favorites?
novels, and she loves to draw and read. She loves      Adya's favorite books and comics are Lumberjanes,
birding and spending time outdoors, especially in      Nimona, Romeo and/or Juliet, Ms. Marvel, The
                    the sandbars and cottonwood        Thing About Jellyfish, and Because of Winn-Dixie.
                                forests along the      Her favorite movies are Song of the Sea, The
                                Rio Grande. That's     Nightmare Before Christmas, all the Star Wars
                                her with a bird that   movies, Mood Indigo, and Moonrise Kingdom. She
                                she tagged and         likes Pass the Pig, Apples to Apples, and Jenga.
                               released. Adya also     Her favorite songs are "Margaret and Pauline" by
                               likes "to try to wear   Neko Case and "Werewolf" by Coco Rosie.
                               outfits that don't
                               match."                 What are her dreams for the future?
                                                       Adya dreams of inventing a 4-D pencil, in which
                                 How is she a good     everything you draw becomes real, or the Fork-
                                friend and family      o-Fan that cools your food instantly. She wants
                                member?                to travel the world in a VW bus and create a time
                                It's sometimes hard    machine.
                                to be the sibling
                                of a four-year-old,
                                but Adya handles               Share Nature Love
the role of big sister and cousin with a great deal
of kindness and patience. Adya is a good and           If you want more people to love nature, look for
constant friend who always remembers her friends'      a local nature organization. Many of them have a
best gifts.                                            youth group, or would love it if you'd start one.

How is she creative?                                   Adya has led birding tours (that's her doing one
Along with making graphic novels, Adya loves           below) at Albuquerque's national wildlife refuge,
customizing cards for friends and family members       Valle de Oro. She has always loved birds, and
with her own drawings and jokes. She journals          wanted to inspire her classmates and other kids
and paints beautiful watercolors. She also recently    to learn more about the birds and animals around
started dancing flamenco.                              them. Here's a bit of Adya's advice.

Tell about a time that she has been courageous or      Attract and observe
took on a challenge.                                   birds with a feeder
It was very difficult when her best friend at school   and bird bath. Join
began to bully her for her religious beliefs. Adya     with a local bird-
reacted with tolerance and kindness, despite her       watching group—
experiences of feeling excluded by others and          they’ll help you
pressured to fit in . Although it would have been      learn birds. And you
easier for Adya to not speak up or to deny what        might even be able
she believes, she showed integrity and grace           to help at a bird
throughout a very challenging experience.              rehabilitation clinic!

We Are All

                 Calliope Williams
     9, South Carolina—nominated by herself

     What does she like to do for fun?
     I like to write, ride my bike, read, and play at
     school. I enjoy traveling during the summer to visit
     family and friends around the country. I like to go
     to the beach to swim and build sandcastles and         What are a few of her favorites?
     moats. (That's me and my brother Jack below.) It's     My favorite color is lime green, and
     fun to ride my bike around the neighborhood and        my favorite movie is Adventures in
     in parks near our home.                                Babysitting (the original one). The games
                                                            I like the most are The Sims and Love
                                                            Nikki. My favorite food is pizza—duh!

                                                            How does she help her community and
                                                            the world?
                                                            I'm always nice to letter carriers, trash truck
                                                            people, and other workers in the comunity.

                                                            What are her dreams for the future?
                                                            I want to be an orthodontist to help kids with bad

                                                                            EZ Goal Gains
                                                            Want to get better at something? Great! Start with
                                                            a bite-sized goal, and then when you reach that,
     How is she a good friend and family member?
                                                            set another small goal. Before you know it, you'll
     I respect my parents and I'm
                                                                           be doing whatever it is you set out
     nice to my siblings.
                                                                           to do. Calliope wanted to reach her
                                                                           goal of being able to run a long
     How is she creative?
                                                                           time while playing soccer. Here's
     I can think of crazy things really
                                                                           how she did it.
                                                                           I attended all the practices, and
     Tell about a time that she has
                                                                           I also went to the optional group
     been courageous or took on a
                                                                           practices. This increased my
                                                                           stamina and skill, and made running
     I gave myself a challenge of
                                                                           in the game much easier. This was
     learning to run more for soccer
                                                                           a hard choice to make sometimes
     and I fought through it until I
                                                                           because the second weekly practice
     got better. I also love me for
                                                                           wasn't required and I didn't always
     being me! Sometimes that's not
                                                                           want to go. But I did go, and I love
     always easy for us to do.
                                                                           how it makes soccer more fun!

20   new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
Lila Jacobson

10, California—nominated by her mom, Jennifer

What does she like to do for fun?
She loves playing school where she is the teacher.
She conducts class in both English and Spanish.
She loves baking, dancing, creating original
stories, and soccer. She also loves guitar and
making up her own songs.                               What are a few of her favorites?
                                                       Movies: Zootopia and Sing
How is she a good friend and family member?            Songs: Anything by Coldplay and
Any time someone is down or blue, Lila will ask        everything in Hamilton
if she can listen. She is always keeping the family    Books: The Diary of Anne Frank and
organized. She loves to plan and schedule.             Nancy Drew books

How is she creative?                                   How does she help her community and the world?
Lila makes up elaborate stories                                       Lila helps with both her
with heroines for our time—little                                     community and school garden.
girls who want big things. She                                        She often looks out for the little
also dresses in a unique way.                                         ones in our neighborhood.
She puts things together in a                                         She and her mother and her
particular Lila style.                                                grandmother marched in the Los
                                                                     Angeles Women's March (left)
Tell about a time that she has                                       wearing matching "This is what a
been courageous or took on a                                         feminist looks like" shirts. Lila says
challenge.                                                           it was the highlight of her life!
Lila had difficulty with groups
of girls at school; some seemed                                        What are her dreams for the
not to like Lila's sense of self.                                      future?
She has had to navigate some                                           Lila wants to help make the world
teasing and bullying. It is over                                       a better place by being a teacher,
now. But she held her head up                                         lawyer, actor, or singer.
high, never went mean herself, and managed to
find a group of friends who truly love her. She also             Amazing Baked Gifts!
started the first 4th grade book club at her school:
(from left) Audrey, Jaden, Violetta, and Lila.         Love to bake? Home-baked gifts are a great way
                                                       to welcome new friends or celebrate a special
                                                       occasion. Lila loves to give her goodies away in
                                                       elaborate packages. Here's Lila on baking fun.

                                                       I love to bake because it is a great way to use both
                                                       my mind and my hands. I like to bake cookies,
                                                       especially chocolate-chip ones, and muffins, such
                                                       as lemon ginger. When someone new moves into
                                                       my neighborhood, I always welcome them with
                                                       some of my baked goods. I also sometimes give
                                                       my baked goods to the local firefighters.

women ' s work

            Meet Artist
                            Ever dream of being an
                            artist? Liza Ferneyhough (left)
                            started dreaming of the artist
                            life when she was little, and
                            she did it! Starting as an art
                            student and continuing through      my family, strawberries, fairies, and dancers, since
         her adult life, she has illustrated for magazines,     I had wanted to be ballerina for a while. Later on, I
         newspapers, books, and an iPhone game. She's           liked to draw my favorite cartoon characters. I still
         now writing and illustrating two childrens' books.     like to draw groups of things. I drew cross-sections
                                                                of animal houses so you could see how they lived.
         NMG is extremely lucky to be part of her journey.
         Liza did her first NMG cover illustration for the      My dad took photos and had a lot of film canisters.
         July/August 2003 issue (right above). Over the         I’d cut out a long strip of paper
         years, she has done more NMG covers and dozens         and draw cartoons on it. If we
         of inside illustrations—all of them awesome            went camping, I’d draw the
         and full of wonderful girls doing all sorts of cool    animals we saw and roll it up
         stuff. Her "Howling at the Moon" and "How              and put it in the film canister.
         Aggravating" girls (see pp. 30-31) help make that      Then someone could pull it for
         section one that's a favorite for lots of readers.     a "movie."

         Check out Liza's amazing Beautiful Girls cover (her    I loved drawing on a giant
         fave NMG art) from May/June 2006 and her "toot         cardboard box; maybe make
                                   your own horn" girl on       it a spaceship. Then I'd make
                                   page 10.                     my sister bring me a drink with
                                                                a straw, and I'd drink it through a      Fairy art from
                                      NMG recently visited      window of my spaceship.                  age 10 or so
                                     Liza in the sunny San
                                     Francisco apartment        NMG: When did your art first get published?
                                     (left) she shares with
                                    husband Steve and loads     Liza: Actually, it was in high school! My friends and
                                    of musical instruments      I did a lot of work on the school literary magazine,
                                    (four guitars, trumpet,     gliding around school in our grunge-y long dresses
                                    banjo, glockenspiel,        and getting submissions from students. We'd edit
                                    ukelele, Mayasian           them, and I'd do illustrations. I also did illustrations
         kompang drum, and more!) and books.                                   for the school newspaper.
         Enjoy her stories and tips for girls who'd
         like to make art part of their future life.                           I took an awesome commercial art
                                                                               course at my high school. We would
         NMG: What were your art loves as a girl?                              get assignments just like real life.The
                                                                              teacher was really dedicated. That
         Liza: My parents say I was always drawing!                           class taught me a lot that was useful
         Here (right) is me drawing at two. I                                 for the future, including working on
         remember that I especially liked to draw                             deadlines.

22       new moon girls   • newmoongirls. com • May/June 2018
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