STARHUB LTD - Morningstar

Page created by Guy Montgomery
StarHub Ltd
                                                                       Reg. No.: 199802208C
                                                                       51 Cuppage Road
                                                                       #07-00 StarHub Centre
                                                                       Singapore 229469
                                                                       Tel: (65) 6825 5000
                                                                       Fax: (65) 6721 5000

Announcement of Unaudited Results for the Second Quarter and Half Year
ended 30 June 2006

StarHub is pleased to announce our unaudited results for the second quarter and half year
ended 30 June 2006.

Results for the Second Quarter and Half Year ended 30 June 2006


                                                           Quarter ended 30 Jun              Half year ended 30 Jun
                                                            2006          2005 % Change       2006       2005 % Change
                                                            S$m           S$m        +/-      S$m        S$m        +/-

      Operating revenue                                   444.2         382.6        16.1   871.0      757.4       15.0
      Operating expenses                                 (351.8)        (316.2)     -11.3   (701.8)    (648.6)      -8.2

      Profit from operations                               92.4          66.4        39.3   169.2      108.8       55.5

      Interest income                                        1.5           0.9       66.6      3.0        1.5     103.2
      Interest on borrowings                                (2.0)         (2.8)      29.1     (4.1)      (5.7)     27.5

      Profit before taxation                               92.0          64.5        42.6   168.1      104.6       60.7

      Taxation                                             (16.3)        (11.9)     -37.8    (31.0)     (21.5)    -43.9

      Profit after taxation                                75.7          52.7        43.7   137.1       83.1       65.0

      Attributable to:
      Shareholders of the company                          75.7          52.7        43.7   137.1       83.1       65.0
      Minority interests                                      -             -           -       -          -           -

                                                           75.7          52.7        43.7   137.1       83.1       65.0

      EBITDA                                              145.2         115.3        26.0   272.7      214.6       27.1

      EBITDA as a % of service revenue                    34.4%         31.8%     2.6 pts   33.1%      30.1%     3.0 pts

      Free Cash Flow (1)                                  101.1          45.7       121.1   143.5       95.0       51.0

      Profit from operations is arrived after charging the following:

      Allowance for doub tful and b ad deb ts
      written off                                            2.2           8.6       74.0      5.8        9.5      38.3
      Depreciation and amortisation (net of asset
      grant)                                                52.8          48.9       -8.0   103.5      105.8        2.2

      nm - Not meaningful
      @ - More than -/+300%

      (1) Free Cash Flow refers to net cash flow from operating activities less purchase of fixed assets in the
          cash flow statement
      (2) Numbers in all tables may not exactly add due to rounding
      (3) Certain comparative figures have been changed to conform to current year presentation

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                                                             Group                   Company
                                                       30 Jun 06   31 Dec 05    30 Jun 06   31 Dec 05
                                                            S$m         S$m          S$m         S$m
     Non-current assets
       Property, plant and equipment                      934.6       957.4        275.7       278.8
       Intangible assets                                  333.6       327.6         23.2        13.5
       Investments in subsidiaries                           -            -      1,163.2     1,063.2
       Deferred tax assets                                136.2       145.0        110.9       119.7
       Amounts due from subsidiaries                         -            -          1.0       103.2
                                                        1,404.3      1,430.1     1,574.0     1,578.6

     Current assets
       Inventories                                         15.3        13.1          9.6         9.1
       Trade receivables                                  112.8        99.3         82.9        63.9
       Other receivables, deposits and prepayments         89.2       106.2         30.3        39.8
       Balances with related parties                       15.3        17.2        504.4       545.4
       Cash and bank balances                             201.9       174.5        182.8       156.7
                                                          434.5       410.3        809.9       814.9

     Current liabilities
       Trade payables and accruals                        300.0       325.2        170.5       201.3
       Other payables and provision                       153.8       178.7         45.7        88.7
       Balances with related parties                       65.7        63.5         94.6        84.4
       Interest-bearing borrowings                        110.5       110.5         17.0        17.0
                                                          630.0       677.8        327.8       391.4

     Net current assets/(liabilities)                    (195.6)      (267.4)      482.1       423.4

     Non-current liabilities
       Interest-bearing borrowings                        112.5       132.5           -           -
       Deferred income                                     19.9        21.8           -           -
       Deferred tax liabilities                            53.6        31.4           -           -

     Net assets                                         1,022.8       976.9      2,056.1     2,002.0

     Share capital                                        885.8       854.8        885.8       854.8
     Reserves                                             137.0       122.1      1,170.3     1,147.2
     Total equity                                       1,022.8       976.9      2,056.1     2,002.0

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                                                            Quarter ended         Half year ended
                                                               30 Jun                  30 Jun
                                                             2006       2005        2006       2005
                                                             S$m        S$m         S$m        S$m
     Operating Activities
     Profit before taxation                                  92.0      64.5        168.1     104.6
     Adjustments for :-
       Provision for charity fund/loyalty programme            2.5      3.4           5.1       4.4
       Depreciation and amortisation (net of asset grant)    52.8      48.9        103.5     105.8
       Loss on disposal/write-off of property, plant &
       equipment and intangible assets                         0.1      0.1           0.6       0.2
       Net interest expense                                    0.4      1.8           1.1       4.2
       Share-based expenses                                    1.3      1.2           2.9       2.3
     Operating cashflow before working capital changes      149.2     120.0        281.3     221.4
     Changes in working capital                               7.7      24.4         (9.0)     28.0
     Net cash inflow from operating activities              156.9     144.4        272.3     249.4

     Investing Activities
     Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and
     equipment and intangible assets                           0.3      0.1           0.6       0.1
     Purchase of property, plant and equipment and
     intangible assets                                       (55.7)    (98.7)      (128.8)   (154.3)
     Interest received                                         1.5       0.7          3.0       1.2
     Net cash outflow from investing activities              (53.8)    (97.9)      (125.2)   (153.0)

     Financing Activities
     Proceeds from issue of shares                             9.9      5.2         12.6        7.1
     Interest paid                                            (3.6)     (3.4)        (5.2)     (7.2)
     Grants received                                           0.2        -           0.2        -
     Proceeds from loans                                        -      17.0            -      17.0
     Repayment of loans                                         -      (20.0)       (20.0)    (20.0)
     Dividend paid on ordinary shares                       (107.1)       -        (107.1)       -
     Net cash outflow from financing activities             (100.7)     (1.2)      (119.6)     (3.1)

     Net change in cash and cash equivalents                  2.4      45.3         27.4      93.3
     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period   199.6     174.6        174.5     126.7
     Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period         201.9     220.0        201.9     220.0


                                                                                30 Jun 06 31 Dec 05
     Unsecured borrowings                                                            S$m       S$m
     Amount repayable in one year or less                                          110.5     110.5
     Amount repayable after one year                                               112.5     132.5
     Total                                                                         223.0     243.0

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                                                                            Group                   Company
                                                                         2006         2005          2006        2005
                                                                         S$m          S$m           S$m         S$m

     Share capital
     Balance as at 1 Jan                                                854.8       847.2         854.8        847.2
     Issue of shares under StarHub Share Option Plans                     2.1          0.9           2.1         0.9
     Transfer from Share Premium to Share Capital                        19.1           -          19.1            -
     Balance as at 31 Mar                                               876.0       848.1         876.0        848.1

     Issue of shares under StarHub Share Option Plans                     9.9          2.4           9.9         2.4
     Balance as at 30 Jun                                               885.8       850.5         885.8        850.5

     Share premium
     Balance as at 1 Jan                                                 18.5         10.0         18.5         10.0
     Issue of shares under StarHub Share Option Plans                     0.6          1.0           0.6         1.0
     Transfer from Share Premium to Share Capital                       (19.1)          -          (19.1)          -
     Balance as at 31 Mar                                                   -         10.9            -         10.9

     Issue of shares under StarHub Share Option Plans                       -          2.8            -          2.8
     Balance as at 30 Jun                                                   -         13.7            -         13.7

     Goodwill written off
     Balance as at 1 Jan, 31 Mar & 30 Jun                              (276.3)      (276.3)           -            -

     Merger reserve
     Balance as at 1 Jan, 31 Mar & 30 Jun                               213.5       213.5             -            -

     Capital reserve
     Balance as at 1 Jan, 31 Mar & 30 Jun                               191.9       191.9         718.8        718.8

     Share-based payment reserve
     Balance as at 1 Jan                                                  8.5          3.0           8.5         3.0
     Share-based expenses                                                 1.5          1.1          1.5          1.1
     Balance as at 31 Mar                                                10.1          4.1         10.1          4.1

     Share-based expenses                                                 1.3          1.2           1.3         1.2
     Balance as at 30 Jun                                                11.4          5.3         11.4          5.3

     (1) Following the amendments to the Companies Act (“The Companies (Amendment) Act 2005”) on 30 January 2006, the
     concepts of par value and authorized share capital were abolished and any amounts outstanding to the credit of the
     Company’s share premium account shall become part of the Company’s share capital. Accordingly, the share premium
     has been combined into the share capital account.

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                                                                    Group                Company
                                                                  2006        2005       2006       2005
                                                                  S$m         S$m        S$m        S$m

     Hedging reserve
     Balance as at 1 Jan                                           1.9          -          -          -
     Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow
     hedge                                                         0.8          -          -          -
     Balance as at 31 Mar                                          2.6          -          -          -

     Effective portion of changes in fair value of cash flow
     hedge                                                        (0.2)         -          -          -
     Balance as at 30 Jun                                          2.4          -          -          -

     Retained profits/(losses)
     Balance as at 1 Jan                                         (35.9)     (130.9)    401.4      402.1
     Net profit/(loss) for the period                            61.4        30.4       16.2       (10.4)
     Balance as at 31 Mar                                        25.5       (100.5)    417.6      391.7

     Net profit for the period                                   75.7        52.7      129.5         5.0
     Dividend on ordinary shares                                (107.1)         -      (107.1)        -
     Balance as at 30 Jun                                         (6.0)      (47.8)    440.0      396.7

     Total Equity                                              1,022.8      950.8     2,056.1    1,985.1

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     Share Capital and Employees’ Share Plans

     Issue of new shares
     For the period between 1 April 2006 and 30 June 2006, the Company issued
     11,896,349 ordinary shares upon the exercise of options by participants pursuant to the
     Company’s share option plans at exercise prices ranging from S$0.48 to S$1.52 per
     ordinary share.

     Outstanding Shares

     Employees’ Share Option Plans
     As at 30 June 2006, outstanding unexercised options granted pursuant to the
     Company’s share option plans totaled 33,154,173 (30 June 2005: 61,520,461). This
     represents 1.5% of total issued shares in the capital of the Company.

     Performance Share Plan
     As at 30 June 2006, there were conditional awards in respect of 3,435,000 (30 June
     2005: Nil) ordinary shares under the StarHub Performance Share Plan.

     Capital Reduction

     On 5 June 2006, the Company announced a proposed capital reduction exercise, which
     will involve the cancellation of one share out of every seven issued shares of the
     Company, in exchange for S$2.13 for each share cancelled. Based on the number of
     issued shares of the Company as at 31 May 2006, an estimated 306 million shares will
     be cancelled and an estimated total of S$652.0 million will be returned to the
     shareholders. The exact quantum of shares to be cancelled will be based on the actual
     number of shares comprising the outstanding issued share capital of the Company as at
     the Book Closure Date.

     Our shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on the 24 July 2006 have
     approved the proposed capital reduction scheme. On 1 August, we have also obtained
     Court’s approval for the capital reduction scheme. We are currently in the process of
     filing and making the necessary arrangements to complete the Capital Reduction and
     return of cash by mid September 2006.

7.   AUDIT

     The figures have not been audited or reviewed.


     Not applicable.

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      The Group has applied the same accounting policies and method of computation as in
      the most recent audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005.


      Not applicable.


                                              Quarter ended 30 Jun       Half year ended 30 Jun
                                                  2006          2005           2006         2005
      Basic                                   3.53 cents    2.48 cents   6.40 cents   3.92 cents
      Diluted                                 3.49 cents    2.46 cents   6.33 cents   3.89 cents


                                                      Group                    Company
                                                   30 Jun      31 Dec       30 Jun       31 Dec
                                                     2006        2005         2006         2005
      Net asset value per share               47.5 cents    45.7 cents   95.5 cents   93.7 cents

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                                              Quarter ended 30 Jun                Half year ended 30 Jun
                                            2006        2005   Change (+/-)      2006    2005   Change (+/-)
                                            S$m         S$m     S$m     %        S$m     S$m     S$m     %

      Operating revenue                   444.2     382.6       61.7     16.1   871.0   757.4   113.6      15.0

      Profit from operations               92.4         66.4    26.1     39.3   169.2   108.8    60.4      55.5

      Profit before taxation               92.0         64.5    27.5     42.6   168.1   104.6    63.5      60.7

      Profit after taxation                75.7         52.7    23.0     43.7   137.1    83.1    54.0      65.0

      EBITDA                              145.2     115.3       30.0     26.0   272.7   214.6    58.1      27.1

      EBITDA as a % of service revenue    34.4%     31.8%      2.6 pts      -   33.1%   30.1%   3.0 pts       -

      Free cash flow                      101.1         45.7    55.4 121.1      143.5    95.0    48.4      51.0

      Results for the period ended 30 June 2006

      Operating revenue grew 16% year-on-year (YoY) to S$444.2 million for the quarter and
      15% YoY to S$871.0 million in 1H06. All lines of business recorded double-digit YoY
      growth in revenue. For the quarter, Cable TV registered the highest revenue growth at
      29% YoY due mainly to higher subscription rates as a result of the exclusive broadcast
      of the FIFA 2006 World Cup on our Pay TV channels.

      EBITDA for the quarter grew 26% YoY to S$145.2 million and 27% YoY to S$272.7
      million in 1H06. Compared to the same periods a year ago, EBITDA margin, as a
      percentage of service revenue, expanded to 34.4% for the quarter and 33.1% for 1H06.

      On the back of higher revenue and improved EBITDA margins, profit from operations for
      the quarter increased 39% YoY to S$92.4 million. Profit from operations in 1H06 was
      56% higher YoY at S$169.2 million when compared to S$108.8 million a year ago.

      Accordingly with higher operational profits, tax expense for the quarter increased 38%
      YoY to S$16.3 million. As a percentage of profit before tax, the Group’s effective tax rate
      for the half-year was at approximately 18%, after taking into account deferred tax
      benefits available for offset by the Group.

      Profit after taxation increased 44% YoY for the quarter to S$75.7 million. The half-year
      profit after taxation amounted to S$137.1 million, an increase of 65% when compared to
      S$83.1 million a year ago.

      Free cash flow for the quarter amounted to S$101.1 million as a result of higher
      operating cash flows generated and lower capital expenditure made in the quarter. For
      the half year, free cash flow generated of S$143.5 million was 51% higher when
      compared to S$95.0 million recorded a year ago.

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Operating Revenue

The breakdown of the Group’s operating revenue is as follows:

                                    Quarter ended 30 Jun             Half year ended 30 Jun
                                  2006      2005   Change (+/-)     2006     2005    Change (+/-)
Operating revenue                 S$m       S$m    S$m        %     S$m      S$m     S$m         %
Mobile revenue                   226.6     203.9   22.6     11.1   444.4    399.7    44.8      11.2
Cable TV revenue                  81.9      63.4   18.5     29.2   154.9    126.7    28.3      22.3
Broadband revenue                 53.7      42.3   11.4     26.9   106.2     82.5    23.7      28.7
Fixed network services revenue    59.9      52.4    7.5     14.4   118.8    104.8    13.9      13.3
Total service revenue            422.1     362.0   60.1     16.6   824.3    713.7   110.6      15.5
Sale of equipment                 22.1      20.5    1.6      7.9    46.7     43.7     3.0       7.0
Total                            444.2     382.6   61.7     16.1   871.0    757.4   113.6      15.0

                                     Quarter ended 30 Jun             Half year ended 30 Jun
                                          2006              2005            2006               2005
Operating revenue mix                    Mix %             Mix %           Mix %            Mix %
Mobile revenue                            51.0              53.3            51.0               52.8
Cable TV revenue                          18.4              16.6            17.8               16.7
Broadband revenue                         12.1              11.1            12.2               10.9
Fixed network services revenue            13.5              13.7            13.6               13.8
Sale of equipment                          5.0               5.4             5.4                5.8
Total                                    100.0             100.0           100.0            100.0

Against the same periods a year ago, the Group’s total service revenue was 17% higher
YoY at S$422.1 million for the quarter and 16% higher YoY at S$824.3 million for the
half year ended 30 June 2006.

Mobile service revenue for the quarter amounted to S$226.6 million, an increase of 11%
YoY. For the half year, Mobile service revenue also increased 11% to S$444.4 million.
For the quarter and half year, Mobile service revenue continues to account for the
largest revenue component at 51% of the overall revenue mix.

As earlier mentioned, 2Q06 saw Cable TV services registering revenue growth of 29%
YoY to S$81.9 million. This resulted in its revenue for the current half year increasing by
22% YoY to S$154.9 million, and its contribution to the overall revenue mix increasing
from 17% to 18% for the period ended 30 June 2006.

Broadband services revenue for the quarter increased 27% YoY to S$53.7 million and
for the half year, increased 29% YoY to S$106.2 million. Broadband services revenue
currently accounts for 12% of the overall revenue mix.

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Compared to 2Q05, Fixed network services revenue increased 14% YoY to S$59.9
million in 2Q06 and its half year revenue increased 13% YoY to S$118.8 million. Its
share of the overall revenue mix remained steady at 14% for the quarter and the half-

Revenue from sales of equipment increased 8% YoY to S$22.1 million for the quarter
and 7% YoY to S$46.7 million in 1H06. Increases in equipment revenue were due to a
higher volume of handsets sold as new customers were acquired and existing ones re-

                              Page 11 of 27

Mobile Service Revenue

                                            Quarter ended 30 Jun                   Half year ended 30 Jun
                                          2006      2005      Change (+/-)        2006      2005         Change (+/-)
Mobile revenue                            S$m       S$m          S$m        %     S$m       S$m           S$m      %
Post-paid                                173.5     165.3          8.2      5.0   345.6     325.4         20.2     6.2
Pre-paid                                  53.1      38.7         14.4     37.3    98.8      74.3         24.5    33.0
Total                                    226.6     203.9         22.6     11.1   444.4     399.7         44.8    11.2

                                                Quarter ended                    Half year ended             YoY
                                          30 Jun     31 Mar             30 Jun        30 Jun               % Change
Mobile Key Drivers                          2006        2006              2005      2006        2005             +/-

Number of mobile customers (in
  Post-paid                                  775           770            722        775        722               7.4
  Pre-paid                                   596           680            565        596        565               5.4
  Total                                    1,371         1,450          1,287      1,371      1,287               6.5

Monthly minutes of use per active
  Post-paid                                  541           535            569       538            570           -5.6
  Pre-paid                                   249           195            100       222            101          119.0

Average monthly SMS per user
(originating) (1)                            151           139            100       145            105           38.3

Total MMS traffic (in millions)              3.7           3.7            3.6        7.4           7.7           -4.0

Total GPRS traffic (in GBytes) (2)         964.5         784.5          689.7    1,749.0     1,372.4             27.4

ARPU with IDD included (S$ per
 Post-paid                                    70            70             71        70             71           -1.5
 Pre-paid                                     27            23             24        25             24            5.9
 Blended                                      50            48             51        49             51           -3.3

Non-voice service as a contribution to
blended ARPU                               17.6%         18.4%          16.7%      18.0%      16.6%                 -

Average acquisition cost per gross
connection (S$)                               95           104            111       100            112           11.5

Average monthly churn rate (post-
paid)                                       1.1%           1.2%          0.9%       1.2%           0.9%             -

Singapore mobile penetration (3)           96.9%         100.8%         93.7%      96.9%      93.7%                 -

Market Share                               32.5%         33.1%          31.6%      32.5%      31.6%                 -

  (1) For 2006, SMS per user include SMS usages of Post-paid subscribers who are given additional 100 free SMSs
       when they sign on to our GIRO payment scheme.
  (2) For 2006, GPRS traffic include traffic of new service packages, such as Blackberry Unlimited and i-mode.
  (3) Source : IDA

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Mobile service revenue for the quarter grew 11% YoY to S$226.6 million. Post-paid
mobile services revenue increased YoY by S$8.2 million or 5% to S$173.5 million; while
Pre-paid mobile services revenue increased 37% YoY to S$53.1 million in 2Q06. The
increase in Pre-paid revenue resulted in its share of mobile revenue mix increasing from
19% in 2Q05 to 23% in 2Q06.

For the 1st half of the year, Post-paid revenue amounted to S$345.6 million, a 6% YoY
increase and Pre-paid revenue totaled S$98.8 million, for an increase of 33% YoY. In
terms of mobile revenue mix, Post-paid revenue accounted for 78% of the mix with Pre-
paid making up the balance of 22% for 1H06.

Overall Mobile customers increased 7% YoY to a total of 1.37 million customers as at 30
June 2006. However, for the quarter, while we continued to add customers, there was a
drop of 79K mobile customers, due to the deactivation of certain Pre-paid accounts who
had not registered their Pre-paid SIMs by the Government imposed registration expiry
date of 30 April 2006. Consequently, for the half year, the Mobile customer base
contracted by 21K customers: Post-paid customer base added net 20K customers while
Pre-paid customer base contracted by net 41K customers.

Based on the IDA statistics, as at end June 2006, our mobile market share is estimated
to be 32.5%.

Post-paid mobile services

For the quarter, our Post-paid mobile services revenue increased 5% YoY to S$173.5
million on the back of a larger customer base.

Competition intensified during the 2nd quarter. Our competitors offered discounts of up to
50% on certain of their mobile subscription plans, particularly those featuring free
incoming calls, in addition to subsidies for handsets and other promotions. This resulted
in a higher churn rate of 1.1% in the quarter, compared to the 0.9% a year ago.

For the quarter, we recorded a net addition of 5.2K Post-paid subscribers compared to a
net addition of 10.8K in 2Q05. As at 30 June 2006, we have a total of 775.3K Post-paid
subscribers, a 7% YoY increase compared to 721.8K a year ago. Based on the IDA
statistics as at end June 2006, the overall Post-paid market grew 4% YoY. Our
estimated Post-paid market share as at 30 June 2006 stood at 27.8%.

While Post-paid monthly voice minutes of use was lower YoY at 541 minutes per active
customer, ARPU remained steady at S$70 per month for the quarter.

For the quarter, non-voice services, as a percentage of Post-paid ARPU was 19.7%, up
from the 17.7% recorded in 2Q05. This was primarily due to higher GPRS traffic
generated in the network. GPRS traffic increased 38% YoY for the quarter and 29%
YoY for the half year.

                                Page 13 of 27

Pre-paid mobile services

Our Pre-paid mobile services revenue for the quarter was 37% higher YoY at S$53.1
million. The increase is attributable to a larger active customer base yielding a higher
YoY ARPU. For the half year, Pre-paid revenue amounted to S$98.8 million, an
increase of 33% YoY.

As mentioned earlier, the Pre-paid registration process ended on 30 April 2006,
requiring the deactivation of accounts that had not registered in the required six-month
period. As a consequence, during the quarter, we saw our Pre-paid customer base
contracted by net 83.8K customers. Nevertheless, our Pre-paid customer base as at 30
June 2006 of 595.8K customers was 5% higher than the 565.3K customer base a year

Based on IDA statistics as at end June 2006, our Pre-paid market share was estimated
to be 41.6%.

Even with the deactivation of unregistered Pre-paid accounts, the total Pre-paid traffic
throughput in the network remained strong, contributing to the higher Pre-paid revenue
this quarter. The higher Pre-paid traffic throughput in the network continues to be driven
by the payable-on-demand free incoming call feature introduced to our Pre-paid mobile
plans since September 2005. For the quarter and half year, the monthly Pre-paid
minutes of use of 249 minutes and 222 minutes per active customer was 150% and
119% higher compared to the respective corresponding periods last year. The monthly
Pre-paid ARPU in this quarter at S$27 was S$4 higher than 1Q06 and S$3 higher when
compared to the S$24 recorded in 2Q05. This increase in ARPU is driven mostly by the
one-off deactivation exercise of unregistered accounts, thereby yielding a higher mix of
truly active Pre-paid accounts as compared to previous periods.

Non-voice services revenue accounted for 11.1% of the Pre-paid ARPU in 2Q06. This
was lower than that in 2Q05 of 12.5%. The decrease (in percentage terms) was due to a
higher ARPU base, where the incremental revenue was predominantly driven by voice
services. For the quarter, however, we continue to see increased usage for the non-
voice services driven mainly from promotional activities in the quarter. Pre-paid GPRS
traffic increased 71% YoY for the quarter and for the half year, the increase was 9%

Acquisition Cost

Acquisition costs have not really changed much YoY and QoQ. However, average
(blended) acquisition costs per gross connection, at S$95 for the quarter, was S$16
lower than in 2Q05 as a result of a higher mix of Pre-paid service connections acquired
in the current quarter. The acquisition costs of Pre-paid service connections are
substantially lower than that of Post-paid service connections.

                                Page 14 of 27

Cable TV Revenue

                                    Quarter ended 30 Jun                    Half year ended 30 Jun
                                  2006        2005      Change (+/-)       2006         2005         Change (+/-)
                                  S$m         S$m          S$m       %     S$m          S$m          S$m           %
Cable TV revenue                  81.9        63.4      18.5       29.2   154.9        126.7         28.3     22.3

                                          Quarter ended                   Half year ended                   YoY
                                  30 Jun         31 Mar          30 Jun       30 Jun                   % Change
Cable TV Key Drivers                2006             2006         2005       2006              2005               +/-

Number of residential cable TV
customers (in thousands)             478             453           424       478               424            12.9

ARPU (S$ per month)                      49           47            45            48            44                9.2

Average monthly churn rate          0.9%             1.0%         0.9%       0.9%          0.9%                     -

Percentage of home-passed          99.9%         99.9%           99.9%      99.9%         99.9%                     -

StarHub's penetration              42.8%         40.5%           38.2%      42.8%         38.2%                     -

Against 2Q05, Cable TV revenue increased S$18.5 million or 29% YoY to S$81.9
million for the quarter. The revenue increase this quarter was primarily driven by a
higher number of subscriptions and advertising revenue related to the World Cup event.
Cable TV revenue for the half year increased 22% YoY to S$154.9 million, driven mainly
from a larger base of customers and higher ARPU.

Marketing and promotional activities for the FIFA 2006 World Cup event took centre
stage in the marketing program this quarter. Many existing customers, along with new
customers, subscribed to our Pay-Per-View World Cup package in 2Q06.

In May, we also launched Smart TV, where customers can record their cable programs
via an integrated digital video recorder/set-top box device. This integrated device also
provides the added advantage of a synchronized electronic programming guide, making
it easy to navigate through show listings and times while scheduling recording events.
Customers can also enjoy features such as event tracking and interactive applications
like TV SMS and e-mail access via the StarHub i-mail service.

In June, we also commenced the High Definition (HD) TV trial, with about 1,000
customers participating in the trial. These trialists were also able to view the World Cup
matches in HD. The trial will end in December 2006, at which time we will then be able
to understand the customers’ requirements, the types of HD content available, and any
other factors to be taken into consideration in deciding our commercial offering.

                                 Page 15 of 27

During the quarter, there was a net addition of 25K customers, resulting in our Cable TV
customer base increasing to 478K subscribers as at 30 June 2006. This was 13%
higher than the 424K subscribers recorded one year ago. There was also continued
migration of analog accounts choosing to subscribe to the Digital tier. As at 30 June
2006, our digital cable subscribers increased to 273K, representing 57% of our Cable
TV subscriber base, which is more than twice the level a year ago.

The monthly Cable TV ARPU in 2Q06 increased S$4.70 to S$49, when compared to
2Q05. This was mainly due to the World Cup event and various other promotions in the
quarter. Pay-per-view subscriptions for the World Cup event contributed about S$2 to
the ARPU this quarter. For the half year, ARPU in 2006 stood at an average of S$48 per
month, which was 9% higher than the S$44 ARPU in 1H05.

As at 30 June 2006, our Cable TV market penetration at 42.8% of homes in Singapore
was up 4.6 percentage points from the 38.2% penetration rate a year ago.

                               Page 16 of 27

Broadband Revenue

                                        Quarter ended 30 Jun                    Half year ended 30 Jun
                                      2006        2005      Change (+/-)       2006        2005         Change (+/-)
                                      S$m         S$m          S$m       %     S$m         S$m          S$m           %
Broadband revenue                     53.7        42.3      11.4       26.9   106.2        82.5         23.7     28.7

                                              Quarter ended                   Half year ended                  YoY
                                      30 Jun         31 Mar          30 Jun       30 Jun                  % Change
Broadband Key Drivers                   2006             2006         2005       2006             2005               +/-

Number of residential broadband
customers - subscription-based (in
thousands)                               299             289           247       299              247            20.9

ARPU (S$ per month)                          59           59            57            59           57                3.5

Average monthly churn rate              1.0%             1.0%         1.0%       1.0%         1.0%                     -

Percentage of home-passed              99.9%         99.9%           99.9%      99.9%        99.9%                     -

For the quarter, Broadband revenue increased 27% YoY to S$53.7 million. For the half
year, Broadband revenue at S$106.2 million was 29% YoY higher than the S$82.5
million recorded a year ago. The increase in revenue was attributable to a larger base of
customers and higher ARPU.

During the quarter, we chose not to immediately react to the competitor’s reduction in
subscription plan prices and increases in customer acquisition subsidies. Instead, we
continued to focus our marketing promotions on enhancing the value proposition of our
cable broadband service offerings. In June, we announced that effective 1 July 2006,
we would double the speed of our MaxOnline 2000 service from 2000 kbps to 4000
kbps at no additional costs for customers. Customers simply needed to power “off” and
“on” their cable modems to enjoy the speed upgrade. We also offered a Free Digital
Voice promotion for customers to enjoy unlimited free local voice on their cable
broadband service and save on their residential fixed line telephony costs. Our
acquisition and re-contract promotional offers were enhanced with free voice enabled
cable modem, free number port promotions or other free value added services bundles.
With these marketing promotions, we continue to take our targeted incremental share of
the market this quarter.

For the quarter, we added 10K subscribers to our base and maintained our monthly
average churn at 1.0%. As at 30 June 2006, we have 299K subscribers in our
residential broadband customer base, registering an increase of 21% YoY.

The monthly blended ARPU remained strong at S$59 for both the quarter and half-year.
This was S$2 higher than the S$57 ARPU in the corresponding periods last year as a
result of a higher mix of customers subscribing to the higher tier plans.

                                     Page 17 of 27

Based on the IDA statistics (which includes prepaid and wholesale customers), our
broadband customer base accounted for 49.6% of the total residential broadband
market as at 30 June 2006.

Fixed Network Services Revenue

                                            Quarter ended 30 Jun                    Half year ended 30 Jun
                                          2006    2005    Change (+/-)            2006      2005   Change (+/-)
Fixed Network Services
Revenue                                   S$m        S$m          S$m       %     S$m       S$m          S$m      %
Data & internet                           41.6       35.1         6.4     18.3    81.8      69.3         12.5   18.1
Voice services                            18.3       17.3         1.1      6.3    37.0      35.6          1.4    3.8
Total                                     59.9       52.4         7.5     14.4   118.8     104.8         13.9   13.3

                                                 Quarter ended                   Half year ended             YoY
                                           30 Jun     31 Mar            30 Jun        30 Jun               % Change
IDD                                          2006        2006             2005      2006        2005             +/-

IDD minutes (in millions)                    213            201           178       414            343          20.7

Our share of IDD market                     17.5%        16.6%          14.7%      17.1%       14.5%               -

 (1) Total market as per published statistics from IDA website as at June 2006

In 2Q06, we continue to enjoy steady increase in our Data and Internet revenue
streams. For the quarter and the first half, our Data and Internet revenue increased 18%
YoY to S$41.6 million and S$81.8 million respectively.

On the Voice side, international voice minutes delivered through our network continue to
rise as a result of promotional activities carried out in the quarter. For the quarter, IDD
traffic increased 20% YoY to 213 million minutes. A total of 414 million minutes, a 21%
YoY increase, of IDD minutes was carried in 1H06. Overall, Voice services revenue was
6% higher YoY at S$18.3 million for the quarter, and for the half year was 4% higher
YoY at S$37.0 million.

Based on the IDA statistics as at end June 2006, StarHub’s IDD traffic accounted for
17.1% of the Singapore IDD market.

Overall, total Fixed network services revenue grew 14% YoY for the quarter to S$59.9
million, and for the half year, the increase was 13% YoY at S$118.8 million. Data and
Internet services revenue made up 69% of the total Fixed network services revenue mix.

                                         Page 18 of 27

Hubbing (Multi-Service Households)

                                                                        As at                 YoY
                                                             30 Jun      31 Mar    30 Jun   % Change
Hubbing Metrics                                                2006         2006    2005            +/-

Total Singapore    occupied homes      (in thousands,
estimated) (1)                                                1,079       1,079    1,059            1.9

Total households with at least one service of post-paid
mobile, cable TV and/or broadband services (in
thousands)                                                     733          719      690            6.2

Percentage of total households which subscribe to any
two services                                                 32.6%        32.4%    31.5%      1.1 pts
Percentage of total households which subscribe to any
three services                                               16.5%        15.7%    13.3%      3.2 pts
Total households which subscribe to two or more
services                                                     49.1%        48.1%    44.8%      4.3 pts

 (1) Source: AGB Nielsen Media Research for 2005 and 2004 information

As at 30 June 2006, a total of 733K households subscribed to at least one StarHub
service. The current quarter saw the highest number of net-adds, totaling 14K hubbing
households, to our base in a quarter.

During the quarter, we continued to emphasize the benefits and privileges of hubbing
through marketing and promotional offers of the hubbing services (Mobile, Cable TV and
Broadband), centered on the theme of the FIFA 2006 World Cup event. In addition,
customers now have the convenience of automatic Hub Club registration once they
subscribe to all three of our hubbing services. There were 32% more Hub Club
members (subscribing to all three services) from 2Q05, with a current membership of
121K households.

Households that subscribed to two or more of our hubbing services, increased 17% YoY
to 360K households for the period ended 30 June 2006.

                                        Page 19 of 27

Operating expenses

                                   Quarter ended 30 Jun              Half year ended 30 Jun
                                 2006      2005   Change (+/-)      2006    2005    Change (+/-)
Operating expenses               S$m       S$m    S$m         %     S$m     S$m     S$m          %
Cost of sales                   137.0     121.3   (15.7)   -12.9   282.7   249.9   (32.8)     -13.1
Other operating expenses        214.8     194.9   (19.9)   -10.2   419.1   398.7   (20.5)      -5.1
Total                           351.8     316.2   (35.6)   -11.3   701.8   648.6   (53.3)      -8.2

On the back of a S$61.7 million or 16% YoY increase in operating revenue for the
quarter, total operating expenses increased S$35.6 million or 11% YoY to S$351.8
million, driven by increases in cost of sales and other operating expenses. Cost of sales
increased 13% YoY to S$137.0 million for the quarter, and increased to S$282.7 million
for the half year. Other operating expenses were 10% higher YoY at S$214.8 million for
the quarter, and at S$419.1 million for the half year was 5% higher YoY. For the half
year ended 30 June 2006, overall total operating expenses increased 8% YoY to
S$701.8 million.

Cost of sales

                                   Quarter ended 30 Jun              Half year ended 30 Jun
                                 2006      2005   Change (+/-)      2006    2005    Change (+/-)
Cost of sales                    S$m       S$m    S$m         %     S$m     S$m     S$m          %
Cost of equipment sold           43.9      42.6    (1.3)    -3.1    95.5    89.6    (5.9)      -6.5
Cost of services                 44.0      34.7    (9.3)   -26.8    87.3    70.7   (16.6)     -23.5
Traffic expenses                 49.1      44.1    (5.1)   -11.5    99.9    89.6   (10.3)     -11.5
Total                           137.0     121.3   (15.7)   -12.9   282.7   249.9   (32.8)     -13.1

All categories of cost of sales increased in the quarter and half year as a result of
increased business volume. Total cost of sales as a percentage of operating revenue
was marginally lower than the same periods last year, at 30.8% and 32.5% for the
quarter and the 1H06 respectively.

For the quarter, cost of equipment sold continued to remain high as the volume of
handsets sold to new and re-contracted customers remained at a relatively steady level.
Cost of equipment this quarter also included costs associated with the Digital Video
Recorder (“DVR”) set-top boxes sold as part of our newly launched Smart TV service,
which contributed mainly to the increase of S$1.3 million YoY. Cost of equipment for the
quarter amounted to S$43.9 million, and for the half year totaled S$95.5 million. This is
a 7% increase YoY, in line with the increased quantities sold this half as compared to

Cost of services in 2Q06 increased 27% YoY to S$44.0 million. For the half year, cost of
services increased 24% YoY to S$87.3 million. The YoY increase in both periods is
mainly attributable to higher programming costs as a result of a higher Cable TV
subscriber base as well as the amortisation of the 2006 FIFA World Cup costs.

                                Page 20 of 27

Traffic expenses for the quarter were 12% higher YoY at S$49.1 million on the back of
increased voice and data traffic delivered over the various platforms in current quarter.
For the half-year, traffic expenses similarly increased 12% to S$99.9 million in 1H06.

Other operating expenses

                                        Quarter ended 30 Jun              Half year ended 30 Jun
                                      2006      2005   Change (+/-)      2006    2005    Change (+/-)
Other operating expenses              S$m       S$m    S$m         %     S$m     S$m     S$m          %
Staff costs                           56.3      54.9    (1.4)    -2.6   107.2   106.3    (0.9)      -0.9
Operating lease                       32.8      29.2    (3.6)   -12.5    62.1    59.1    (3.0)      -5.1
Marketing and promotion               38.8      32.4    (6.4)   -19.6    76.3    67.1    (9.2)     -13.7
Allowance for doubtful receivables     2.1       8.6    6.5     75.7      5.7     9.5     3.8      39.8
Repair and maintenance                16.3      14.2    (2.0)   -14.2    33.0    29.9    (3.2)     -10.7
Other expenses                        15.8       6.7    (9.1) -135.6     31.2    21.0   (10.2)     -48.5
Sub total                            162.0     146.0   (16.0)   -11.0   315.6   292.8   (22.8)      -7.8
Depreciation and amortisation         52.8      48.9    (3.9)    -8.0   103.5   105.8     2.3       2.2
Total                                214.8     194.9   (19.9)   -10.2   419.1   398.7   (20.5)      -5.1

Total other operating expenses for the quarter amounted to S$214.8 million, up 10%
YoY from S$194.9 million a year ago. However, as a percentage of operating revenue,
other operating expenses in 2Q06 at 48.4% compares favorably against the 50.9%
recorded in 2Q05.

For 1H06, total other operating expenses increased 5% YoY to S$419.1 million. As a
percentage of total operating revenue, it was trending at 48.1% compared to 52.6% a
year ago.

Staff Costs
Staff costs increased 3% YoY to S$56.3 million for the quarter compared to S$54.9
million in 2Q05. Apart from a higher level of staff costs to service an enlarged customer
base and increased business volume, this quarter also included higher temporary
manpower costs for the World Cup event and provisions made to start-up the Group’s
long-term incentive fund for certain level of staff, replacing the share option schemes. As
a percentage of operating revenue, staff costs at 12.7% in 2Q06 were lower than the
14.3% in 2Q05. For the 1H06, staff costs were maintained at less than 1% YoY increase
at S$107.2 million and represent 12.3% of operating revenue compared to 14.0% a year

Operating Lease Expenses
For the quarter, operating lease expenses were S$3.6 million, or 13% higher YoY at
S$32.8 million due to higher provisions for capacity and leased circuits costs. As a
percentage of operating revenue, operating lease expenses were maintained at 7.4% in
2Q06. For the 1H06, operating lease expenses amounted to S$62.1 million, an increase
of 5% YoY. As a percentage of operating revenue, operating lease expenses for half
year was 7.1% compared to 7.8% a year ago.

                                     Page 21 of 27

Marketing and Promotion Expenses
Marketing and promotion expenses for the quarter increased S$6.4 million, or 20% YoY
to S$38.8 million. The increase was driven by higher customer retention activities for all
services and promotional activities for the World Cup event. For the half year, marketing
and promotion expenses increased 14% YoY to S$76.3 million. As a percentage of
operating revenue, marketing and promotion expenses in 2Q06 and 1H06 were
maintained at similar levels of 8.7% as that of the corresponding periods last year.

Provision for Doubtful Debts
For the quarter, allowance for doubtful receivables amounted to S$2.1 million as
compared to S$8.6 million allowance made in 2Q05. Year-to-date, allowance made for
doubtful debts provision amounted to S$5.7 million or 0.7% of the 1H06 service revenue
compared to the S$9.5 million or 1.3% of the 1H05 service revenue last year. The lower
provision was made possible through improved customer receivables aging as a result
of higher collections in the current period as well as write-backs, in the current quarter,
of S$3.2 million of provisions made in prior years, which were no longer required.

Repair and maintenance
Repair and maintenance expenses for the quarter at S$16.3 million were 14% higher
YoY, and for the half year, at S$33.0 million, were 11% higher YoY compared to the
same periods a year ago. The higher expenditure incurred was for the maintenance of a
larger base of network infrastructure, operational support and IT systems. As a
percentage of operating revenue, repair and maintenance expenses was maintained at
3.7% for the quarter and at 3.8% for the half year when compared to the same periods
last year.

Other expenses
Other expenses in 2Q06 increased S$9.1 million to S$15.8 million. For the half-year
ended 30 June 2006, other expenses increased S$10.2 million to S$31.2 million. In
2Q05, other expenses included the one-time reversals of miscellaneous costs over-
accrued in prior periods amounting to S$8 million. There were no such similar write-
backs in the current periods. Other expenses as a percentage of operating revenue this
quarter and half-year period were trending at around 3.6%.

Depreciation and amortisation
In 2Q06, depreciation and amortisation amounted to S$52.8 million, 8% higher YoY
when compared to 2Q05. This was due to higher capitalisation of fixed assets during the
quarter. For the half year period, depreciation and amortisation totaled S$103.5 million,
2% lower than that in 1H05 as a result of a net lower depreciable asset base as certain
assets became fully depreciated over time.

                                Page 22 of 27

Liquidity and Capital Resources

                                              Quarter ended 30 Jun                  Half year ended 30 Jun
                                           2006      2005     Change (+/-)         2006      2005     Change (+/-)
                                           S$m       S$m       S$m        %        S$m       S$m       S$m        %

Profit before tax                          92.0      64.5      27.5     42.6     168.1      104.6     63.5     60.7

Non-cash items & net interest
expense adjustments                        57.2      55.5       1.7      3.1     113.2      116.8      (3.6)    -3.1
Net change in working capital               7.7      24.4     (16.7)   -68.5       (9.0)     28.0     (37.0) -132.1

Net cash provided by operating
activities                               156.9      144.4      12.5      8.6     272.3      249.4     22.9      9.2
Net cash used in investing activities     (53.8)     (97.9)    44.1     45.0    (125.2)    (153.0)    27.8     18.2

Net cash used in financing activities    (100.7)      (1.2)   (99.5)      @     (119.6)       (3.1) (116.5)      @

Net change in cash and cash
equivalents                                 2.4      45.3     (43.0)   -94.8      27.4       93.3     (65.9)   -70.6
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of the period                  199.6      174.6      24.9     14.3     174.5      126.7     47.8     37.8
Cash and cash equivalents at end of
the period                               201.9      220.0     (18.0)    -8.2     201.9      220.0     (18.0)    -8.2

Free Cash Flow (1)                       101.1       45.7      55.4    121.1     143.5       95.0     48.4     51.0
Fixed Assets Additions                     43.4      36.7       6.7     18.2      89.9      130.7     (40.8)   -31.2

  (1) Free Cash Flow refers to net cash flow from operating activities less purchase of fixed assets in the cash flow

The Group generated 9% higher net cash flow from operations, which amounted to
S$156.9 million for the quarter and S$272.3 million for the half year. This is on the back
of higher EBITDA in the current periods and after allowing for working capital changes.

Payment for capital expenditures for current periods were comparatively lower than last
year, reflecting the lower capital commitments made over time as major capital
expenditure programs were completed. Cash used in these investing activities
amounted to S$53.8 million for the quarter and S$125.2 million for the half year.
Payments in the corresponding periods in 2005 included higher amounts made for the
first phase of the 3G mobile networks. As at 30 June 2006, the Group’s outstanding
capital expenditure commitments amounted to S$76.4 million, contracted mainly for
capacity expansion and upgrading of IT systems.

Consequently, free cash flow in 2Q06 amounted to S$101.1 million, and for the half year
totaled S$143.5 million.

                                         Page 23 of 27

      The strong cash flows generated in the current periods are sufficient to fund the
      payments of the 2005 final dividend and the 1st interim dividend for 2006 of 2.5 cents per
      share. Dividends paid in the current period totaled S$107.1 million. There were no
      similar dividend payments in the corresponding periods in 2005.

      As a result, the Group’s bank balance continued to be strong at S$201.9 million at the
      close of the period as at 30 June 2006.


      For the quarter and 1H06, the Group’s operating revenue had increased 16% and 15%
      YoY respectively. We have guided previously that we expect the 2006 full year
      operating revenue to show a high single-digit increase YoY.

      For EBITDA, we had guided that the Group would expect 2006 EBITDA to expand at
      around twice the growth rate of our service revenue increase YoY. As at 30 June 2006,
      EBITDA increased 26% YoY on the back of a 17% YoY increase in service revenue for
      the quarter and 27% YoY increase on the back of a 16% YoY increase in service
      revenue for the half year.

      Cash capital expenditure in 1H06 is 14.8% of operating revenue. We have guided that
      for the full year of 2006, we expect the cash capital expenditure to operating revenue
      ratio to be at the mid-teens.


      As at end of June 2006, mobile penetration in Singapore stood at 96.9%, lower than the
      100.8% recorded at the end of March 2006. The decrease in penetration was expected
      as the unregistered Pre-paid accounts were deactivated following the expiry of the 30
      April 2006 deadline. While our Pre-paid subscriber base is now lower, we have seen
      positive trends in the usage and revenue growth from this segment. The quarter also
      saw increased competition, with competitors discounting certain mobile price plans,
      although the general focus by all the market players in the postpaid sector is on
      customer retention. In the area of 3G, take-up of 3G services has continued to grow at a
      good pace and over time, the contribution to non-voice ARPU will be
      evident. 3G services are one element of our mobile data strategy, which is built
      around increasing the acceptance and usage of data services across our 2G and 3G
      portfolio. A key element of this is i-mode, where we continue to increase and enhance
      content available to our i-mode customers. We have to-date 120 active sites with our
      content partners. In addition, we have also expanded our i-mode enabled range of
      handsets to include Nokia branded handsets in July. Other handset brands, such as
      Motorola and Ericsson, will likely be available in the market in the 2nd half of the year.

                                      Page 24 of 27

On the Cable TV front, we recently announced collaboration with OpenTV Corp., one of
our technology partners, to fully deploy OpenTV Core 2.0 software for our Smart TV
service. The software enhances the access of the Smart TV beyond remote control to
mobile and Internet platforms. In addition, we also announced a teaming arrangement
with Nagravision S.A. to utilise its advanced Conditional Access capabilities, which will
allow StarHub to expand choices to customers, including a variety of video on-demand
services as well as possible a la carte cable TV packaging.

In July, we also announced the launch of a new package of interactive TV games,
Playin’TV, via Visiware, the world’s leading provider of interactive TV games channel
(iTV). We anticipate that Playin’TV will also be introduced on our Mobile and Online
platforms by leveraging on Visiware’s triple play technology.

We believe all these initiatives will bring about even more hubbing and convergence
opportunities across our multiple service platforms, plus increased choices for our
customers’ lifestyles.

In the Broadband market, we are on track to commercially launch Singapore’s fastest
cable broadband service, at 100Mbps, via the DOCSIS 3.0 platform in the 2nd half of the
year. Together with our partner, Motorola, we believe that the platform can be upgraded
to potentially provide access speeds of up to 1Gbps in the next two to three years, in
line with Singapore iN2015 master plan. As at end June 2006, household broadband
penetration in Singapore stood at 56.7%. Competition is also intense in the quarter, and
we expect this may continue into the 2nd half of the year.

Based on our first half-year’s performance, we are upgrading our guidance for 2006.
Barring any unforeseen circumstances and changes in economic and market conditions,
we have revised our full year operating revenue growth guidance from the high single-
digits, to growth in the low teens year-on-year. For EBITDA, we are revising our
guidance statement to state the EBITDA margin expected for the full year 2006. In
1H06, EBITDA margin on service revenue was 33.1%. We had previously guided
towards YoY EBITDA growth of twice the rate of the YoY revenue increase. However,
with the revenue growth exceeding our original guidance, it is more appropriate to guide
towards average EBITDA margin. As such, for the full year of 2006, we expect EBITDA
margin on our service revenue to trend towards 33%. We maintain our guidance of “mid-
teens” for the full year’s cash capital expenditure as a ratio of operating revenue for

 Some of the statements in this release constitute "forward-looking statements" that do not
 directly or exclusively relate to historical facts. These forward-looking statements reflect
 our current intentions, plans, expectations, assumptions and beliefs about future events
 and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside our
 control. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the
 expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements include known and
 unknown risks. Because actual results could differ materially from our intentions, plans,
 expectations, assumptions and beliefs about the future, you are urged to view all forward-
 looking statements contained in this release with caution.

                                 Page 25 of 27


      As announced in our full year 2005 results, barring any unforeseen circumstances, and
      in view of the Group’s current cash position and distributable reserves, coupled with
      profitability and free cash flow trend, the Group intends to pay a minimum recurring
      annual cash dividend of 10.0 cents per share in FY2006. The Group plans to pay its
      dividend quarterly.

      (a) Current financial period reported on

      Any dividend recommended for the current financial period reported on? Yes

       Name of Dividend                               Interim
       Dividend Type                                  Cash; Tax exempt (1-tier) dividend
       Dividend Amount                                S$0.025 per ordinary share
       Tax Rate                                       Exempt (1-tier)

      (b) Corresponding period of the immediately preceding financial year

      Any dividend declared for the corresponding period of the immediately preceding
      financial year? Yes

       Name of Dividend                               Interim
       Dividend Type                                  Cash; Tax exempt (1-tier) dividend
       Dividend Amount                                S$0.04 per ordinary share
       Tax Rate                                       Exempt (1-tier)

      (c) Date payable

      The interim dividend will be paid on 1 September 2006.

      (d) Book closure date

      Notice is hereby given that the Register of Members and the Transfer Books of the
      Company will be closed on 24 August 2006 (“Book Closure Date”) for the purpose of
      determining members’ entitlement to the interim dividend.

      Duly completed registrable transfers received by the Company’s Share Registrar, M&C
      Services Private Limited, 138 Robinson Road, #17-00 The Corporate Office, Singapore
      068906 up to the close of business at 5.00pm on 23 August 2006 (“Entitlement Date”)
      will be registered to determine members’ entitlement to the interim dividend. Subject as
      aforesaid, persons whose securities accounts with The Central Depository (Pte) Limited
      are credited with ordinary shares in the capital of the Company at 5.00pm on the
      Entitlement Date will be entitled to the interim dividend.


      Not applicable.

                                      Page 26 of 27


      The Group operates as a fully integrated organisation. The analysis below shows
      EBITDA by each network platform namely – Fixed, Mobile and Cable (TV and
      Broadband). The analysis assumes allocations based on the principle of emulating, as
      closely as possible, the fundamentals of each business segment as if each platform had
      operated as a standalone entity, after allocation of certain shared costs and eliminations
      of intra-group transactions. Sourcing of internal supply from Fixed Network Services by
      Mobile and Cable is on a “pass through” cost basis.

      Second quarter ended 30 June 2006

                                       Fixed           Mobile     Cable       Elimination    Total
      Network Platforms                 S$m            S$m        S$m            S$m         S$m

      Total revenue                         87.3          249.5     136.6           (29.1)     444.2

      Service revenue                       59.9          226.6     135.6                      422.1
      Sale of equipment                        -           22.1           -                      22.1

      EBITDA                                11.5           97.8      35.9              -       145.2
      EBITDA as % of service revenue       19.2%          43.2%     26.5%                      34.4%

      Half Year ended 30 June 2006

                                       Fixed           Mobile     Cable       Elimination    Total
                                        S$m            S$m        S$m            S$m         S$m

      Total revenue                        171.2          492.6     263.1           (55.9)     871.0

      Service revenue                      118.8          444.4     261.1                      824.3
      Sale of equipment                        -           46.7           -                      46.7

      EBITDA                                23.8          182.0      67.0              -       272.7
      EBITDA as % of service revenue       20.0%          40.9%     25.6%                      33.1%

                                       Page 27 of 27


                                                             Aggregate value of all transactions
                                                              conducted under a shareholders'
                                                             mandate pursuant to Rule 920 of the
                                                               SGX Listing Manual (excluding
                                                              transactions less than S$100,000)
                                                                   1 April to 30 June 2006

Transa ctions for the Sales of Goods & Services
Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd & its associates                   0.2
Pacific Internet Limited & its associates                                    0.5
PT Indosat Tbk & its associates                                              0.4
Singapore Telecommunciations Limited & its associates                        7.9
Temasek Holdings (Private) Lim ited & its associates                         0.2

Transactions for the Purchase of Goods & Services
Neptune Orient Lines Limited & its associates                                 0.2
PT Indosat Tbk & its associates                                               3. 4
Singapore Computer Systems Limited & its associates                           1.0
Singapore Power Limited & its associates                                      6.4
Singapore Telecommunciations Limited & its associates                        19.8
SNP Corporation Limited & its associates                                      1.3
STT Com munications Ltd and it s associates                                   0.5
Telechoic e International Lim ited & its associates                          39.0
Temasek Holdings (Private) Lim ited & its associates                          1.7

There are no interested person transactions (excluding transactions less than S$100,000 and
transactions conducted under a shareholders’ mandate pursuant to Rule 920 of the SGX-ST
Listing Manual) entered into by StarHub Ltd and its subsidiaries for the period 1 April to 30 June
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