Standards,Tools& Best Practices

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Standards,Tools& Best Practices
Standards,Tools & Best Practices
                                                               Editor: Sumi Helal    ■       University of Florida   ■

                        WAP: Present and Future
                        Vijay Kumar, Srinivas Parimi, and Dharma P. Agrawal

I  n 1997, several wireless-phone man-
   ufacturers organized an industry
group called the Wireless Application
                                                 HTTP, WAP wireless protocols2–4
                                                 require transferring large amounts of
                                                 mainly text-based data. The WAP stan-
                                                                                                    based on XML.8 It makes optimal use
                                                                                                    of small screens, with a built-in scala-
                                                                                                    bility from two-line text displays to the
Protocol forum. This group defined the           dard consists of two essential elements:           full graphic screens on smart phones
WAP specification in the form of a long,         an end-to-end application protocol and             and communication devices. The Wire-
describes technical document series that         an application environment based on the            less Application Environment specifica-
defines standards for implementing wire-         browser. The application protocol is a             tion defines the syntax, variables, and
less-network applications. Hundreds of           communication stack embedded in each               elements used in a valid WML file.
industries strongly supported the WAP            WAP-enabled wireless device (also                  WML employs the concept of decks and
forum for standardization to help the            known as the user agent). The server side          cards. Each card is a frame displayed on
technology become widely adopted.                defined as a WAP gateway implements                the screen. We refer to a logical collec-
   Unfortunately, most of the enthusiasm         the other end of the protocol, which can           tion of interlinked cards as a deck, usu-
surrounding WAP has evaporated owing             communicate with any WAP client.                   ally stored in a single WML file.
to inherently low channel bandwidth,                The WAP network structure (see Fig-                The second is WMLScript, a client-
increased round-trip delays, and a lack          ure 15) sets up a session using these              side scripting language used with WML
of security. WAP technology is primitive         steps:6,7                                          that makes WML pages dynamic (simi-
and still evolving, and its future depends                                                          lar to what JavaScript9 allows with
on how quickly it can improve the trans-           1. A mobile telephone sends WAP                  HTML). WMLScript makes minimal
fer rate and effectively enhance its busi-            requests to a WAP gateway.                    demands on memory and CPU usage,
ness model.                                        2. The gateway, upon receiving a WAP             omitting a number of functions that are
                                                      request, sends an HTTP request to             not required and that are present in other
THE WAP ARCHITECTURE                                  a plain Web server, which provides            scripting languages for wireless applica-
   In the last few years, WAP has                     the content through a normal HTTP             tions. Regular scripting languages are
emerged as a standard Internet-enabling               response (the Web server perceives            resource intensive and can’t be used to
wireless protocol and a browser frame-                the gateway as a proxy server).               display interactive pages on a mobile
work for small, limited-display-capable            3. The gateway converts the HTTP                 phone. WMLScript is a scaled-down,
devices. WAP allows Internet access to                response into a WAP response for              simplified script, developed specifically
cell phones, PDAs, and other low-com-                 the mobile device.                            to fit the WAP architecture of decks and
putational-power devices. In addition,             4. The microbrowser in the mobile                cards. It lets the developer provide inter-
the lightweight WAP protocol has a lay-               terminal interprets the response              activity in WAP pages without taxing the
ered architecture and is designed to                  and displays it appropriately.                valuable wireless resources.
operate over a variety of wireless serv-                                                               The third supporting component is
ices, including Code Division Multiple                                                              Wireless Bitmaps. WBMP is the default
Access, Cellular Digital Packet Data,            WAP SUPPORTING                                     picture format for WAP. WBMPs are
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS),             COMPONENTS                                         uncompressed, monochrome black-
and so on.1 (For more information on               WAP technology has three major sup-              and-white bitmaps for use in devices
the layered architecture, see the “WAP           porting components. The first is the               with small screens and narrow band-
Layers” sidebar.)                                Wireless Markup Language. WML is                   width connections (see Figure 2). How-
   Based on Internet standards such as           the WAP equivalent to HTML and is                  ever, the screen size and bandwidth,

1536-1268/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE ■ Published by the IEEE CS and IEEE Communications Society                           PERVASIVE computing          79


        WAP LAYERS

        T       he WAP protocol stack has five layers:
                application, session, transaction, secu-
        rity, and transport (see Figure A1). Each layer
                                                             agent to the application server. The WTP con-
                                                             centrates on transaction services for online
                                                             activities such as Web browsing. It is designed
                                                                                                                   The Wireless Datagram Protocol transmits
                                                                                                                and receives data to and from the user agents.
        performs almost the same functions as the            to decrease the number of transaction phases       The WDP can exchange information with
        corresponding layers of the Internet model.          that typical wired-oriented protocols require.     many types of wireless data carrier technolo-
                                                                                                                gies or “bearers.” It effectively hides the dif-
        Application                                          Security                                           ferences in bearer technologies from the rest
           The application layer consists of the Wireless       The Wireless Transport Layer Security imple-    of the stack and provides a common interface
        Application Environment and user agents. The         ments many features to ensure secure data          to the upper-layer protocols. Layers can func-
        most common type of user agent in the WAP            transmissions and to protect the users, the        tion independently of the underlying network
        architecture is a browser meant to interpret         network and service operators, and the func-       and the wireless devices.
        Wireless Markup Language and WMLScript.              tionality of the upper layers of the WAP stack.
        User agents that endeavor to provide services        The WTLS provides safe data transmission that
                                                                                                                 1. D.P. Agrawal and Q.-A. Zeng, Introduction to
        beyond those of a browser generally take             could support services requiring a high level of       Wireless and Mobile Systems, Brooks/Cole Pub-
        advantage of the WAP specification’s Wireless        security such as mobile e-commerce.                    lishing, Pacific Grove, Calif., 2003.
        Telephony Application features.

        Session                                                      Internet         Wireless Application Protocol
           The Wireless Session Protocol presents the
        application layer with a way to uniformly                    HTML                     Wireless Application                    Other services and
                                                                   JavaScript                 Environment (WAE)                          applications
        receive both “reliable” connection-oriented
        and “unreliable” connectionless transmissions.
        The WSP facilitates transmission mechanisms                                           Wireless Session Layer
        such as                                                        HTTP

                                                                                              Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP)
        • Providing HTTP functionality
        • Enabling users to participate in long-lived
                                                               Transport layer and
          data transmission sessions                            security-secured              Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS)
        • Allowing a server application to determine              socket layer
          whether a client can support certain proto-
                                                                                              Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP)
          col facilities and configurations (this is                   TCP/IP
          known as “a capability negotiation”)                         UDP/IP          Bearers
                                                                                        SMS      USSD     CSD   IS-136 CDMA         CDPD PDC-P          Etc.
          The Wireless Transaction Protocol handles          SMS:      Short messaging service                       CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
        requests and responses to and from the user          USSD:     Unstructured Supplementary Service Data       CDPD: Cellular Digital Packet Data
                                                             CSD:      Circuit Switched Data                         PDC-P: Personal Digital Cellular Packet
         Figure A. The five Wireless Application             IS-136:   Interim Standard-136
         Protocol layers.1

      along with limited graphics capabilities,             offer major advantages. First, WAP saves               Second, there’s no hardware obso-
      are WBMP’s major constraints. Recent                  time and money. A WAP-based applica-                lescence. One of the greatest concerns
      developments in display technology                    tion’s ability to send and receive data in          for companies with mobile workers is
      provide color bitmaps for the latest                  real time lets companies make field                 the huge investment in handheld hard-
      WAP browsers.                                         changes and coordinate their staff more             ware. Companies would be interested
                                                            efficiently. Companies can also speed up            if the standard could work on legacy
      WAP ADVANTAGES                                        and automate their distribution cycle,              hardware. This would help them
        Many inherent WAP characteristics                   thus minimizing the required manpower.              increase the lifetime of their prior

80    PERVASIVE computing                                                                                              

investments in mobile devices.
   Finally, WAP allows multiplatform
functionality. Because WML is based
largely on XML,8 little program mod-
ification is required to run WAP-based
applications on traditional Web sites.

IMPORTANT WAP                                         Client                     WAP Gateway Proxy                   Origin server
   Given that a continuously growing                   WAP                           Encoders
                                                                  WSP request                        HTTP request        CGI
                                                       user         (URL)              and              (URL)
percentage of commerce is happening                   agents                         decoders                           Scripts
over the Internet and that the number                                                                                    etc.
                                                                    Wireless                         The Internet
of mobile phone subscribers is increas-                             network
ing, the potential for growth of mobile
                                                       WAP                           Protocol
commerce and hence WAP applications                  protocol     WSP response      conversion       HTTP response     WML
                                                                  (Binary WML)                          (WML)         WMLScript
is unparalleled.                                      stack
   WAP provides an open technology                                    WAP                               Internet
platform for offering new, innovative                               protocols                          protocols
services to the consumer market and a
wireless channel for existing services.
Examples of some such applications are      Figure 1. A Wireless Application Protocol network architecture.5
financial trading, buying tickets online,
ordering from restaurants, updating
financial portfolios, conducting bank-
ing transactions (such as transferring
funds between accounts), and compar-
ison shopping.
   WAP has also led to sales force and
field service automation. Mobile access
to corporate Intranets lets employees
and business partners access data in a
cost- and time-efficient manner. WAP
has let companies move one step closer       (a)                                            (b)
to real-time operations for faster, bet-
ter decision-making and enhanced busi-      Figure 2. Two images: (a) normal and (b) Wireless Bitmap.
ness performance.
   In addition, WAP’s invention has led
to the development of WAP telephony
applications that add a telephony ele-      WAP as a band-aid                             switched data, we can expect long con-
ment to the basic WAP infrastructure          WAP critics say that WAP is only a          nection calls for any application that uses
and make existing wireless network          temporary fix. We will need it only until     interactivity with the Internet or that lets
capabilities available to enhance WAP       greater bandwidth in the communication        the user select more information.
services. WTAs provide a framework for      channel and increased functionality in
integrating wireless data and voice capa-   the personal terminal are widely avail-       Weak link
bilities to create innovative services.     able. GPRS-enabled PDAs, which deliver          The WAP gateway must decrypt
                                            28.8 kbps, are already hitting the Euro-      secure data coming from a caller using
WAP CRITIQUES                               pean market. Carriers such as Verizon         Wireless Transport Layer Security, and
   Just as there is no dearth of WAP        and Sprint are building 3G networks           then it must re-encrypt the data before
supporters, the number of WAP bash-         capable of handling data and video.           forwarding it to the bank or credit card
ers is growing. WAP technology is not                                                     company (or anyone else receiving it).
flawless, and criticism from leading        Wrong bearer services                         The reverse must also be maintained.
technologists fall into the following         WAP is expensive when used with cur-        There is a window of vulnerability when
categories.                                 rent bearer technologies. With circuit-       the data is momentarily unencrypted.

JANUARY–MARCH 2003                                                                                           PERVASIVE computing         81


      WAP designer’s nightmare                      with content providers and have essen-        which could worsen user experiences. Fat
         One of the biggest problems WAP            tially made it difficult for content          clients face the storage constraints and
      developers face is that their applications    providers to get any sort of valid return     limited processing power of mobile
      will likely be rendered in many differ-       for their efforts. No true, measurable        devices. Applications such as the Virtual
      ent ways on different mobile phones.          incentives exist to develop WAP con-          Private Network ( and
      Old WAP browsers support HDML                 tent in the absence of wireless advertis-     Virtual Network Connectivity (
      (Handheld Device Markup Language);            ing and other revenue agreements.    have allowed vir-
      later browsers support WML. Different            Many carriers offer an expensive flat-     tual access to desktops from any com-
      browsers treat certain tags and com-          rate pricing fee to consumers, in addition    puter. These technologies rely on the large
      mands in different ways, and myriad           to subtracting voice minutes for time         bandwidth of the wired medium. Much
      devices with the same browser also            spent on data. This impacts WAP services      research has shown that thin-client tech-
      function unpredictably. Generally, this       in two ways. First, carriers have no effi-    nology for desktops might not be a good
      lack of coordination among handset            cient mechanism to establish fair revenue     practice for PC management.10
      providers, browsers, emulators, and the       sharing with content providers. Second,          The latest developments in memory
      WAP standard creates a frustrating envi-      consumers are historically price-sensitive    and storage technologies for handheld
      ronment for even the best developers.         in the services industry and view WAP as      devices are enabling fat-client architec-
                                                    too expensive. An example of how a cor-       ture by reducing the burden on the
      User experience                               rect business model can help WAP is           bandwidth, because local processing
         So far, WAP has not lived up to its        Telesim, Turkey’s second-largest GSM          would eliminate some of the data trans-
      promise of being an exciting way to           operator. It eliminated its monthly fee for   fer done at the remote server. Because
      access the Internet. Tradeoffs between        WAP usage and experienced a tenfold           mobile devices go wherever we go, WAP
      functionality, performance, and design        growth in its subscribers.                    technology makes them suitable for the
      have dampened user experiences. WAP                                                         current storage, memory, and process-
      applications with broken links seem to        THIN VERSUS FAT CLIENTS                       ing capabilities of mobile devices. Unless
      be the norm, not the exception. Some             WAP, also implemented as a thin client,    there are astronomical advances in the
      people have difficulty just figuring out      uses a centralized server to store, fetch,    wireless medium to allow larger band-
      how to access the microbrowser on their       and send data. The meager storage and         widths, fat clients seem to be the way to
      mobile handset. Furthermore, after wait-      low-memory capacity would be suffi-           go for future handheld devices.
      ing for 30 to 45 seconds to connect, users    cient to run varied applications using a
      find what looks like a walled garden that     thin client. Remote-server-handling capa-
      allows access only to certain sites. Access
      to options such as “go to other sites” is
      cumbersome and frustrating. Inputting a
                                                    bility depends on the bandwidth of
                                                    the communication media between the
                                                    server and the client. On the other hand,
                                                                                                  W      AP optimists have been quick to
                                                                                                         rebut WAP shortcomings. WAP
                                                                                                  security has been enhanced in the new
      valid WAP URL through the existing            fat clients implemented by Java 2 Micro       version 2.0, and most shortcomings
      numeric keyboard is tedious.                  Edition and the .NET Compact Frame-           have more to do with an inadequate
                                                    work make storage and processing more         business model than the WAP technol-
      Killer applications                           local than done remotely (for more            ogy itself. Also, analysts suggest that if
         The hype involving WAP has cen-            information on J2ME, see the Jan.–Mar.        WAP is incompatible with current tech-
      tered on the killer applications, which       and Apr.–June 2002 installments of this       nologies, GPRS might make it more
      were touted to herald a new era of            department; for information on .NET-          practical.
      mobile commerce. However, even after          CF, see the July–Sept. 2002 installment).        WAP is an application protocol suite
      almost five years of WAP development,         Fat clients require large memory and          designed to function over any bearer ser-
      a stable killer application has yet to see    storage capacities.                           vice. This is where GPRS comes into
      the light of day. Many have not yet been         Each client type has its advantages        practice as an ideal bearer for WAP
      developed or, if developed, have not          and disadvantages. However, it is diffi-      resource requirements; its higher trans-
      been marketed well enough to catch            cult to say which is better, because both     fer rates are needed to accommodate
      consumers’ attention.                         are application oriented and the tech-        WAP’s unusually complex and frequent
                                                    nology is constrained by technological        network resource requirements. Fur-
      Pricing                                       limitations. Whether wireless messag-         thermore, the increased bandwidth will
        The pricing of WAP services has been        ing should employ a thin or fat client is     allow better and more varied applications
      problematic for both developers and           still debatable.                              with pictures, video, and sound. Japan
      consumers. On the developer side,                The obvious disadvantage of a thin         and South Korea are already carrying
      operators have not shared the wealth          client might be its limited feature set,      packet data on their networks, and

82    PERVASIVE computing                                                                            

Europe is adhering to the GSM standard                  9. D. Flanagan, JavaScript: The Definitive
                                                           Guide, 3rd ed., O’Reilly & Associates,
                                                                                                              How to Reach Us
with many confirmed GPRS contracts.                        Sebastopol, Calif., 2001.
   WAP technology could bring about
the convergence of mobile communica-                   10. P. Lowber, “Thin Client vs. Fat Client             Writers
                                                           TCO,” research note, Gartner, 2001,                For detailed information on submitting
tions and the Internet. With any new             
technology come risks, bugs, and                           thinclient.pdf.
                                                                                                              articles, write for our Editorial Guidelines
opportunities. With WAP, the opportu-                                                                         ( or access
nity and adventure definitely outweigh                                                              
the risks. However, WAP has not lived
up to its lofty expectations, and its                                                                         Letters to the Editor
growth has taken a beating. In respond-                                                                       Send letters to
ing to the recent backlash against WAP,
advocates quickly point out that WAP                   Vijay Kumar is a graduate
                                                                                                                 Shani Murray, Associate Lead Editor
                                                                                                                 IEEE Pervasive Computing
exists today in a very primitive form.                 student in computer engi-
                                                                                                                 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Still, with the introduction of much                   neering at the University of
                                                                                                                 Los Alamitos, CA 90720
faster bearer services such as GPRS or                 Cincinnati. He has joined the
UMTS and a proper consumer-oriented                    wireless research and devel-
business model, the struggling WAP                     opment center of Texas
                                                                                                              Please provide an email address or
might just get a much-needed lifeline.                 Instruments in Berlin, Germany. His research inter-
                                                                                                              daytime phone number with your letter.
                                                       ests include second- and third-generation proto-
                                                       cols and mobile and wireless ad hoc networks. He
                                                                                                              On the Web
                                                       received his BE in electronics and communication
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                                                               Access or
                                                       from the Regional Engineering College, Allahabad,
We thank Yamini K. Patri of West Virginia University                                                 for informa-
                                                       India. Contact him at
for providing useful information.                                                                             tion about IEEE Pervasive Computing.

                                                       Srinivas Parimi is pursuing
                                                                                                              Subscription Change of Address
                                                       his doctoral degree in elec-
REFERENCES                                                                                                    Send change-of-address requests
                                                       trical engineering, specializ-
                                                                                                              for magazine subscriptions to
 1. D.P. Agrawal and Q.-A. Zeng, Introduc-             ing in MEMS, at the Univer-
                                                                                                     Be sure to
    tion to Wireless and Mobile Systems,               sity of Cincinnati. He is also
    Brooks/Cole Publishing, Pacific Grove,                                                                    specify IEEE Pervasive Computing.
    Calif., 2003.                                      interested in computer net-
                                                       works and automation. He received his master’s
 2. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Int’l                                                                Membership Change of Address
                                                       in electrical engineering from the University of
    Eng. Consortium,                                                                   Send change-of-address requests
    acrobat/wap.pdf.                                   Cincinnati. Contact him at
                                                                                                              for the membership directory to
 3. WAP: An Introduction to the Wireless               Dharma P. Agrawal is the
    Application Protocol, Mobile Lifestreams,
    1999,           Ohio Board of Regents Dis-
                                                                                                              Missing or Damaged Copies
    Moblifstrms_WAP.pdf.                               tinguished Professor of Com-
                                                                                                              If you are missing an issue or you
                                                       puter Science and Computer
 4. Wireless Application Protocol: The Cor-                                                                   received a damaged copy, contact
    porate Perspective, white paper, Nokia,            Engineering at the University
    1999,                 of Cincinnati. He is the found-
    files/whitepaper.pdf.                              ing director of the Research Center for Distributed
                                                                                                              Reprints of Articles
 5. Success 4 WAP, white paper, Cisco Sys-             and Mobile Computing. His research interests
                                                                                                              For price information or to order reprints,
    tems, 2001,             include energy-efficient routing and information
                                                                                                              send email to or
    pdf/wap.pdf.                                       retrieval in ad hoc and sensor networks, effective
                                                                                                              fax +1 714 821 4010.
 6. Yi-Bing Lin and Imrich Chlamtac, Wireless          handoff and multicasting in integrated wireless net-
    and Mobile Network Architectures, John             works, interference analysis in piconets and routing
    Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001.                                                                             Reprint Permission
                                                       in a scatternet, use of directional antennas for
                                                                                                              To obtain permission to reprint an article,
 7. WAP White Paper,, www.              enhanced quality of service, and scheduling of peri-
                                                                                                              contact William Hagen, IEEE Copyrights and                      odic real-time applications. He received his DSc
                                                                                                              Trademarks Manager, at
                                                       from the Federal Institute of Technology, Lau-
 8. D. Hougland and K. Zafar, Essential WAP
    for Web Professionals, Prentice Hall, Upper        sanne, Switzerland. Contact him at dpa@ececs.
    Saddle River, N.J., 2001.                

JANUARY–MARCH 2003                                                                                                      MOBILE AND UBIQUITOUS SYSTEMS
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