STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy

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STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
The Kibworth                                  Summer 2020

               Talent comes in many forms at our school
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
Headteacher’s                                                            UKMT Intermediate
                                                                             Maths Challenge
   LETTER                                                                          2020
                                                                      On 6th February 2020, thirty five of our most able mathematicians from Years 9, 10 and 11 chose to take part
                                                                      in the Intermediate Maths Challenge run by UKMT based at Leeds University. As ever the Challenge, which
                                                                      is a mixture of difficult problem solving multiple choice questions, really had our students thinking.
Dear Parent/Carer                                                     To recognise the highest performers in the Challenge, UMKT award the top-scoring 40% of participants
Let me start by saying how much we miss all of our students,          Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates in the ratio 3:2:1.
parents and school! Who would have thought, back at the               Kibworth’s results were as follows:
beginning of March, that we would be preparing our school with        • 8 students were awarded the bronze certificate
arrows, plastic screening and antibacterial pumps? However,           • 8 students were awarded the silver certificate
despite all of the challenges we have all faced over the past few     • 5 students were awarded the gold certificate
weeks, there have been so many positive outcomes, creative ideas
                                                                      The students have been sent their certificates in the post.
and a really genuine feeling of care and collaboration.
                                                                      Even more impressive, six of our students; Evie, Hannah, Hugh, Dan, Sam and Laurence qualified for the next
Sometimes, it takes a situation like this to truly appreciate each
                                                                      round in their age group. They took part in this on Thursday 19th March. The questions, as expected, were
other and our school. This is not to say we didn’t before, but just
                                                                      very difficult, but they were all extremely focused and gave it their best attempt. Unfortunately, the national
to recognise that we sometimes get lost in the everyday whirlwind,
                                                                      lockdown has prevented us from finding out how successful they were. Their answers are currently sat very
and can lose sight of some things.
                                                                      securely in the school safe, and will remain there until UKMT directs us to post them to be marked. We are
This is why we have decided to send out the school magazine –         extremely proud of these students and are keeping our fingers crossed for them.
to revisit, and once again capture and celebrate, what wonderful
                                                                      Want to challenge yourself?
students, staff and school we have. I appreciate that some of the
content of the magazine could have happened some time ago;            The UKMT have a Twitter account and are currently tweeting out mathematical problems daily. They vary
however, as we move forward together and create our new future,       in difficulty to cover junior (Y7 & Y8), intermediate (Y9, Y10, & Y11) and senior (Y12 & Y13) students. @UKMathsTrust
we must not lose sight of the inspiring things that happen in our     They have also made Maths Challenge papers available for free on their website.
school.                                                               There are further ways to challenge yourself listed in Maths Home Learning Guidance on the school website.
Yours faithfully                                                      Parents have been emailed a copy of this document,t and students have a copy on their student folder
MRS EMMA MERRY                                                        accounts.
                                                                      MRS STOCKWELL

The Head’s letter
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
LIVING HISTORY                                                                                             CAREERS
   Lockdown Diary                                                                                             UPDATES
We are living in unprecedented times, at a time of real social history – history that you        YEAR 11 STUDENTS - An email has
will tell your own children about in years to come, and which future generations will            been sent to all Year 11s regarding Post
learn about from textbooks, based on eye-witness testimony from people who lived                 16. Providers should be contacting you
during the times – people like YOU!                                                              directly, so keep checking your emails,
                                                                                                 especially your junk or spam folders in
This is where you come in. The History department would like you to keep a diary about
                                                                                                 case they have gone in there by mistake,
your experiences of the Coronavirus pandemic – your experience of daily life, your
                                                                                                 and PS16 forms.
thoughts and feelings about the current situation and how it is impacting upon the way
you live, your family, friends and relatives. How you keep the diary is up to you. You might     YEAR 10 STUDENTS – An email has
write a short entry each day, or a weekly entry, or an entry when you think something            been sent to all Year 10s with a ‘Post 16,
important, unusual or interesting happens.                                                       Universities and Beyond’ booklet as well
                                                                                                 as a PowerPoint to explain your Post 16
The format of the diary is also up to you. You might have a small notebook, or pieces
                                                                                                 process. In this booklet, it explains the
of paper assembled together or a WORD document. What you write is also entirely up
                                                                                                 differences between level 2 and 3 courses, as well as A-levels, BTECs and Apprenticeships.
to you. It could be facts, your opinion or the views of other people, either from your
                                                                                                 There is information, guidance and some activities to complete on everything Post 16,
direct experience or something that you have seen on TV, or the thoughts and feelings
                                                                                                 and beyond, including interview techniques and CV writing. Please note that you will be
of people you have been in touch with on social networking or blogging sites. However,
                                                                                                 starting to apply to colleges in October, so need to be thinking about it before then. Take
we would ask you to write sensibly and not to swear, use hate language or echo any sort
                                                                                                 time to work through the booklet and complete your personal statement.
of discriminatory, prejudicial or racial view of any kind. That would be unacceptable and
wrong. The diary of Anne Frank (if you are familiar with it) is a good example of the way a      YEARS 7, 8 & 9 – Continue to use Start
diary should be recorded.                                                                        If you have trouble logging in, or have forgotten your password, email Mrs Rees
The pandemic is serious and we do not make light of it, but as young historians this is a
genuine opportunity to take careful note of the world around us and to record what we            Message from Cheryl: Cheryl has been speaking to a lot of Year 9 and 10 students by
see, feel, hear and experience as a form of living testimony (memory) – eye-witnesses            phone. She has been giving advice about the next couple of years and beyond The
to history if you like. You will be producing primary source material in the writing of          Kibworth School.
your diaries. When you all return to school, the History department will collect up your
                                                                                                 If you have any questions for her, then please email on
diaries and read them with the idea that a booklet will be created from your range of
                                                                                        or .
observations. This project is voluntary, so if you choose not to take part in it that is fine.
The History Department

                                                                                                         Living History
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
communication and tactics. We have two more fixtures               finally Mateo. By the time the referee blew, it was 7-1
                                                             against Bishop Stopford and Robert Smythe to look                  and Kibworth had booked their place in the County
                                                             forward to. Key performances have come from Ollie S,               Cup Final 2020.
                                                             Ollie B and Will V.
U16 RUGBY – A very talented team throughout their time                                                                          Y8/9 FOOTBALL
at Kibworth, the boys began their County Cup campaign        Y7 BOYS RUGBY – Training has been extremely well                   The team have performed fantastically so far this year.
with formidable wins v John Fernley and Castle Rock. A       attended, and there is certainly lots of talent and heart in       Grace W had led her team to three secure wins against
tough draw in the semi-final pitched our boys against a      this Y7 team. During the first fixture against Welland Park,       Lutterworth High, Welland Park and Robert Smythe.
Hinckley team, who had not lost in four and half years.      tries from Harrison B, Jake L and Ben F were not enough in         This means they have won their pool and are now into
I was extremely proud of our boys’ performance and,          a tight defeat. A second fixture v Brockington resulted in a       the County Knockout Rounds. Continued hard work
despite losing, the students were a credit to the school     great victory with tries from Tait C, Harrison B, Oliver N, Jack   and team spirit will hopefully see the team into the
and played some fantastic rugby. A try from Adam M,          W, Woody R. Well done boys and we are looking forward to           next round.
enormous tackles and turnovers from Will H, and the skills   the fixtures v Bishop Stopford and Robert Smyth.
                                                                                                                                Y7 GIRLS FOOTBALL TEAM - Our girls at The Kibworth
of Dan V, and Morgan T capped a spirited display.                                                                               School first game was The National Cup against Rawlins
U15 RUGBY – Led by Captain Ieuan E, this team have                                                                              Academy where, unfortunately, we lost on penalties
really developed since Y9. County Cup fixtures against                                                                          after drawing 3-3. Our girls played a great game and
Lutterworth High and Castle Rock resulted in defeats,                                                                           were outstanding in their performance, but did not
the former a very close contest and so resulted in the       YEAR 7 BOYS’ FOOTBALL                                              come home with a win. Our next game was against
team’s exit. Archie P and Charlie T have headed a much-      Coaches: Mr Thomas & Seb S                                         Robert Smyth Academy, which started superbly, leading
improved team and hopefully next year will bring about                                                                          2-0 at half time, but after ten minutes into the second
                                                             Kibworth Year 7 were looking forward to contesting the
some deserved fixtures.                                                                                                         half, Robert Smyth upped their game and went home
                                                             County Cup Final 2020. At the start of the spring term, a
                                                                                                                                with the win of 3-2. Our final game was against Welland
U14 RUGBY - The U14 boys’ rugby team represented TKS         meeting took place between Coaches Mr Thomas and
                                                                                                                                Park Academy; our Kibworth girls were on great form
in the County Cup and unfortunately lost to a strong St      Seb; the conclusion of the meeting was to use the boys’
                                                                                                                                throughout the whole game and took an outstanding
Martin’s School. As a result, we moved into the plate        pace to play wide and make runs to stretch defences.
                                                                                                                                win of 10-0. Our Y7 girls are a great team and we look
competition and were drawn against a strong Castle           Weeks of training went into working on getting the ball
                                                                                                                                forward to working harder and learning more skills for
Rock High School, where we came up short 31-12. The          out wide and timing runs. The boys showed incredible
                                                                                                                                next year’s games.
boys showed excellent team spirit and work ethic,            progress and were pinging the ball around like a Catalan
and represented the school extremely well. Stand out         county and Kibworth schools 3G was the Nou camp.
performances from Jake B, Sam A and Will L.                  30th January and Uppingham Community College
Y8 BOYS RUGBY - The Year 8 boys’ rugby team have             arrived for the semi-final. Immediately from kick off the
already played friendlies against Bishop Stopford School     ball went wide to Joe and a cross into the box lead to a
                                                             goal from Bailey within 20 seconds. Kibworth doubled               U13 CRICKET - The U13 cricket team took part in an
and Welland Park Academy this year. The team have
                                                             their lead with a goal from Will. U.C.C pulled one back            indoor 6-a-side tournament at Leicester Grammar School
already improved their performances, developing on

                                                             before half time but Kibworth had had the better half.             in January. We won two and lost two matches throughout
                                                             Second half began and U.C.C were limited to only a                 the tournament, and finished fourth overall on net run
                                                             few half chances whilst Kibworth went on to score                  rate. It was a great experience for the team, especially for
                                                             five more, goals from Jack F, Logan, 2 from Jack W and             Year 7’s Jake L and Freddie F, who played up a year group.
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
BADMINTON – Always a strong sport for Kibworth                 nature, resulted in them being unbeaten after three
                                                            students, and this year has been no different. KS4 Boys        games!
                                                            began with a great victory against Countesthorpe. The
                                                            fixture v Leicester Grammar resulted in draws for KS3          SWIM GALA
LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - The Y10 Sport Leadership
                                                            boys and girls, a victory for KS4 girls and a defeat for       We were able to enter both a KS3 and KS4 tournament
Academy hosted a table tennis evening for primary
                                                            KS4 boys. The Welland Park fixture was a success, with         this year. The KS4 competition was before Christmas. Due
school pupils in January. The event was a huge success,
                                                            victories for KS4 Boys, KS3 Boys, KS3 girls, but defeat for    to uncontrollable circumstances, the team were down a
with glowing reviews from parents and teachers. The
                                                            KS4 girls. All teams won their respective fixtures against     swimmer, however they showed resilience and performed
Leadership Academy were a real credit to TKS Sport.
                                                            Robert Smyth. Overall, all teams finished at least second      with professionalism. The KS3 team also performed well
FUTSAL - Futsal has continued to develop and be a           in their leagues, with the KS3 girls going on to represent     eventually coming fifth. This was a couple of students’
popular sport, with successful tournaments hosted at        the Area at the County Finals.                                 first experience of a swimming gala. They worked well as a
TKS throughout December 2019. The Year 10 and Year 8                                                                       team and were also able to achieve personal goals.
boys both finished a respectable third out of five teams,   VOLLEYBALL – Y10 students have recently shown
                                                                                                                           Y7 GIRLS BASKETBALL
and just narrowly missed out on qualification to the        a great interest in volleyball, with after school clubs
                                                            heavily attended and lots of enthusiasm in lessons. A          This year is the first year we have entered a Year 7
County Finals. Both Year 8 and Year 10 boys Futsal teams
                                                            girls’ team and two boys’ teams went to Robert Smyth to        basketball team and they did extremely well! The team
had friendly fixtures against Leicester Grammar School,
                                                            compete in the Area Tournament. The boys showed great          were dedicated to their training and when it came to the
with the Year 8 boys losing narrowly by one goal in the
                                                            determination and played well against some talented            tournament, Ruby S led her team to an unbeaten title after
last minute and the Year 10 boys won 6-2! Stand out
                                                            opponents. The girls were fantastic throughout, winning        playing four other schools! After Catmose College sadly
performances from:
                                                            all their matches and have now qualified for the County        conceded the next game, the team got straight through
Year 8 - Dillion K, Tyler B and Logan M.
                                                            Finals as Area Champions.                                      to the County Play Offs. We drew Castle Rock High School
Year 10 - Liam M, Max T and Jon D
                                                                                                                           at home. After a shaky start, the girls improved immensely,
Y9 BOYS’ BASKETBALL – One of the most talented teams        TRAMPOLINE                                                     learning as they went. Castle Rock were a strong team to
in the school, and with some very skilful individuals led   This year we entered the KS4 Team Leicestershire               play against and even though we lost in the end, the team
by Oliver K and Aleks K. Victories v Lutterworth High,      trampoline competition. The girls competed against             learnt a lot from it and I am looking forward to next year to
Welland Park and Countesthorpe resulted in a play-off       some strong competitors, but they held their composure         developing their skills even further.
shootout v Lutterworth College. In a very tight game, the   and performed well under pressure to come third. Sofia
                                                                                                                           ALL YEARS CHRISTMAS DANCE - Our last Friday before
boys eventually lost. Plenty to be proud of and hopefully   R excelled in her performance, receiving the most points
                                                                                                                           finishing for the Christmas Break our girls and boys
they will go one better next year.                          individually over the whole competition!
                                                                                                                           from Y7 -Y11 performed a twenty minute Dance Show at
                                                            GIRLS’ RUGBY                                                   lunchtime, in the Sports Hall, for all our staff and pupils
YEAR 10 BOYS’ BASKETBALL - The basketball team
                                                            Our Year 9/10 female rugby players were given the              to watch and enjoy! We opened with a Christmas classic
had two competitive fixtures this year, against a strong
                                                            opportunity to enter a rugby festival at Loughborough          “Merry Christmas Everyone” – Shakin’ Stevens, fun partner-
Countesthorpe team and a well-organised Brockington
                                                            University earlier this academic year. Due to the team’s       work to get everyone in the spirit for the holidays. A solo
College. Unfortunately, we lost both games; however, team
                                                                                                                           by one of our Y10 girls Evie P, who performed a beautiful

spirit remains high and performances have improved due      varied knowledge of the skills needed and rules of the
                                                            game, they had to work closely together, supporting each       contemporary piece, followed this.
to the hard work and dedication the team put into every
game. Key performances from Ollie V, Michael D and          other throughout. They all did this incredibly well, showing
Caleb T.                                                    excellent team spirit. This, as well as their competitive
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
Our girls and boys then performed an upbeat Commercial        THE FOLLOWING TEAMS WERE
Street Dance style number, followed by another solo by        THE WINNERS THIS YEAR
Florence P dancing to a Lyrical song by James Arthur; it
was a breath-taking performance. We then had a duet           YEAR 7:
performance from two Y10 girls Charlotte A and Anna           Girls’ Football – 7.4
B, who came together last minute and showed us a              Boys’ Rugby – 7.6
professional and entertaining duet piece.
                                                              YEAR 8:
Our last performance had all our students dancing             Girls’ Football – 8.3
together again to the musical “Hairspray” which got staff     Boys’ Rugby – 8.2
and students on their feet joining in to the fun exciting
song “You Can’t Stop The Beat”. We had one surprise for
our audience in the dance, which featured our very own
P.E Teacher Mr.Blampied, who dressed up in a dress and
wig as a character from the musical and joined in with our
                                                                                         M I DL AN D I N DOOR
                                                                                         C H AMP ION SH IP S
Everyone had a great day and still talk about how amazing
our dancers were!
                                                                                         Charnwood Athlete wins Three Medals
INTERFORM                                                                                at Midland Indoor Championships
Before Christmas 2019, we saw Years 7 and 8 compete in                                   Sunday, 9 February 2020, Alexander Stadium
our yearly interform competitions. This is where each form                               Oliver P Indoors 2020
creates a team and takes part in a weekly competition.
                                                                                         U15 sprinter hurdler Oliver P had a very successful
They are split into groups, and then the forms in each
                                                                                         Midland Indoor Championships winning two gold
group play each other for their respective final positions.
                                                                                         medals in the hurdles and long jump. He also narrowly
So far this year, the girls have taken part in football
                                                                                         missed out on a third gold with a silver in the 60m.
interform and the boys took part in rugby interform.
                                                                                         In doing so he achieved PBs in all three events. Pictured
Dedication, teamwork and organisation are key to these
                                                                                         here with long jump Gold, he recorded 5.65m adding
                                                                                         over 60cm to his previous best of 5.05m. He also lowered
                                                                                         his 60m hurdles time from to 9.86secs to 9.03secs to go
                                                                                         8th in the national rankings and recorded another PB in
                                                                                         the 7.53secs in the 60m.

                                                                                         Congratulations Oliver!
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
… my name is Ms Clarke and I am your new Librarian. I am very pleased
                                                                                             SO CIAL DISTANC ING
to be working with you and your children and look forward to meeting everyone and                 A N D TH E TKS TORTOI SES
to help in any way I can. I am from a school librarian background, and want to share
my experiences and develop our Library moving forward.                                     Ever wondered what the TKS tortoises        Mindfulness and colouring in…
There are going to be some EXCITING CHANGES in our Library, to help make it a              are doing during the pandemic?
more user-friendly working area. I have plans to change the layout and have more           Why, they’re practising their social
defined designated areas for our students for example:                                     distancing, of course! Like us, they keep
                                                                                           themselves occupied – their top tips for
* Games Area – for Chess and similar games
                                                                                           keeping busy during lockdown are:
* Careers Guidance Lounge – A clear visual area detailing all career options available
                                                                                           Watching Netflix…                                       Doing puzzles…
to our students; I will be working closely with Ms Rees on this. There will also be an
ever-changing display of one particular job role, to highlight more intricate details
on that role. This will give our students opportunities to explore further on their
career choices
* The computers available in the Library will be on a booking system.
I will be recruiting Librarian Assistants to help out. They will receive on-going
                                                                                                               Eating a bit            Doing the crossword…
training to further their knowledge, and also they will be given recognition for
                                                                                                               too much…
their work.
A limited amount of Kindles will be available for the students to use (I will notify you
of the finer details on loaning these). I will also be working closely with all subject
areas with regard to topics being studied, to further enhance the information
available to students in the library.
                                                                                           Checking out some new recipes…
I am very happy to receive any suggestions or ideas that the students would like/not
like to see in our library, as we want as many students as possible to utilise the area
as much as they can to their advantage.
On a final note, please could I ask if any students have any overdue books at home                                                         Skyping family
to return them to me as soon as possible when we return to school. Also, if you                                                             and friends…
have any books that you would like to donate to our library, they would be gratefully
received and appreciated.
                                                                                           A spot of gardening…
I have great hopes for our school and community working together.

Ms Clarke
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
Your learning journey at The Kibworth School

                                                            Get your final GCSE
                                                          results and secure your Start and complete your
                                                          next steps in your future GCSE examinations

                                                                                                                Consider NCS                                                                      Refine and
                                 Continue your lifelong                                                                                                                                                                                            Start to apply for post
                                                                                                                 placement                                                                       perfect your                                      16 courses,
                                  love of learning and                                                     Confirm and accept your       Revise for and                            Complete your
                                 personal development                                                          part/national-citizen-service    future pathways offer                              revision               personal                 apprenticeships and
                                                                                                                                                                           complete your Y11
                                                                                                                                                                                                 techniques                                        or employment
                                                                                                                                                                              mock exams                                 statement


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Start to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   plan your
                        Take a gap year, travel                          Consider summer internship                Revise for your GCSE                           Apply to be a Year                  Attend the Post 16                                           personal
                        the world and embrace                           and voluntary work to enhance                 examinations                                   11 mentor                       Careers’ Convention
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11                          statement
                        new cultures                                            your learning

                                                                                                                                                  Start to plan                                            Apply for          Visit a                               Secure a
                                               Complete a careers                       Have the opportunity          Become a                    your Revision     Participate in     Support transition
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Head Boy or        university and                        part time
                                               questionnaire                            for an independent            Cafod young                 for your Y10      the DFE Silver     and lead KS2 paired
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Head Girl &        become                                job or
                                                                                        and impartial careers         leader                      mock exams        programme          reading scheme      to become a        inspired and                          work
                                                                                        interview                                                                                                          Prefect            informed                              experience

                          Mission – Attend             YEAR
                        the Year 11 Leavers'                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Complete
                               Prom                                                                                                                                                                                                                              your Year 10
                                                                            Become a                                                                                                                                                                  Develop a
                        Revise for and
                                                    10                      Form Mentor
                                                                                                 Lead on lessons               Support the               Support the School’s Support Christmas    Help lead on the             Participate in        knowledge and skills
                        sit your actual                                                          from Auschwitz                school’s Open             Progress Evenings    Jumper Day and       French and                   National
                                                                            and a Subject                                                                                                                                                             mindset to help you
                        GCSEs to give                                                                                          Day                                            other charity events Spanish trips                Careers and           succeed
                        yourself a                                                                                                                                                                                              Apprenticeship
                        competitive                                                                                                                                                                                             week
                        edge in life

                                                                                                                                                                         Develop an
                                                                                             Firm up your                            Write a CV and                      effective
                                                                                             GCSE option                             attend a mock                                             Develop your wellbeing and
                                                                                             choices and                             interview with a                                          relaxation techniques ready
                                                                                                                                                                         calendar and
                                                                                             pathway                                 local employer                                            for the examination period
                                                                                                                                                                         put it to use.                                                                          Apply to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 become a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          YEAR                   prefect and
                                   Finalise your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 develop your
                                   GCSE pathways
                                   and choices
                                                                                   Have an independent                              Sign up for                          Attend university            Apply to be a
                                                                                   and impartial careers                            becoming a                             and industry               Sportsleader
                                                                                   interview                                        Year 9 peer                               visits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Apply to a
                                                                                               Take part in                                                                                                                                                           Student
                                                                                               Inter-Form                                                                                                    Experience         Complete                              Council
                                                                                                                        Sign up to be part
                                                                                               Sports                                                                                Embed excellent         the world of       summer                                leader
                                                                       Sign up to                                       of our library team
                                               Lead charity                                    competitions                                                                          study habits and get    work and be        transition
                                                                    Enterprise teams                                                                                                 ahead with revision                        work
                                               fundraising                                                                                                                                                   inspired
                                                                                                                                                          YEAR                                                                                                     Attend the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Skills Show
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and start to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   think about
                        Mission –                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  your future
                        coordinate and
                        deliver food
                                                                                                                                                           8                                                                              Sign up for
                                                                                        Seek out opportunities                                                              Sign up to become a                                           the Duke of
                        hampers for                           Join the school Council
                                                                                        for acts of kindness                                                                transition leader for Year 6                                  Edinburgh
                        people in need                        or Equality Street Club
                                                                                                                                                                            & Year 5 Students                                             award
                       Reignite your
                       passion for
                                                                                                                                                                                      Mission - Deliver
                                                                                   Sit Yr6        Attend a Tutor       Take part in transition                                        Christmas cards                  Become a
                                                                                   SATS           interview with your events at TKS and start to                                      together with TKS to             TKS phoenix
                                                                                                  parents with SLT or   build your curriculum                                         the local community
                                                                                                  pastoral lead                portfolio                                              and spread hope                                                            Volunteer to
                                                          YEAR                                                                                                                                                                                                   help out at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Open Day as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             YEAR                a guide or
                       Start your 5-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 represent a
                       year learning                                                                                                                                                                                                                             department
                       journey and
                                                          7                                                                                                Meet some of our teachers            Attend and consider
                       head on                                           Make new            Attend the ‘Welcome               Attend Year 6 &
The Learning Journey                                          Attend
                                                                         friends and
                                                                         meet your new
                                                                         Tutor group
                                                                                                    event’                     Year 5 Sports
                                                                                                                               events at TKS
                                                                                                                                                           when they visit your school          the subjects in GCSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                options assemblies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Apply for a
                                                              day                                                                                                                                                  place at The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kibworth School
                                                                                                Meet your
                                                                                                form tutor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Forge and develop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            friendships that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            will last a lifetime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Develop a lifelong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           love of learning

                                                                                Talent                                            Knowledge                                                         Success
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
And finally…
            A M es sa g e fr o m the S t a f f
                          A message from the Staff

A Message
STANDARD Summer 2020 Talent comes in many forms at our school - Kibworth Mead Academy
Social Distancing Teacher Tips                                                                                                             Ever wondered what the TKS staff are doing in
                JOB ROLE                                    MOVIE RECOMMENDATION                                                                 BOOK RECOMMENDATION:
MR BYRNE        History Teacher                             Catch Me If You Can                                                                  Stalingrad - Anthony Beevor
MR HOLMES       Director of Inclusion/ Humanities Teacher   Run Lola Run                                                                         The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova
MRS WILFORD     Director of Learning/ Business Teacher      Forrest Gump                                                                         To Kill a Mocking Bird - Harper Lee
MR. MCCANN      Head of Geography                           Darkest Hour                                                                         The Man without Qualities - Robert Musil
MRS REES        Teacher of Business and Economics           The Entire Avengers collection                                                       Any John Grisham, Pride and Prejudice, Currently reading The Night Circus by
                                                                                                                                                 Erin Morgenstern
MISS BOLÍVAR-   MFL Teacher                                 Lion (the life of Saroo Brierley)                                                    The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood AND Eleonor Oliphant is Completely Fine
MEDINA                                                                                                                                           by Gail Honeyman (I cannot choose one!)
MRS O’CONNELL   Science Teacher                             The Goonies                                                                          Animal Farm - George Orwell
MR WRIGHT       Music and Drama Teacher                     La La Land                                                                           Jennie - Paul Gallico
MISS JONES      CS and IT teacher                           Ready Player One (12A)                                                               Any Terry Pratchett
MS CLOHESSY     PA to the Headteacher                       Saving Private Ryan                                                                  Any of the Shardlake series by C J Sansom
MR STANTON      Head of Physical Education                  Back to the Future                                                                   The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
MRS WRIGHT      ELSA Mentor/Wellbeing                       Simon Birch                                                                          Can You See Me
MR HARCOMBE     Computing teacher                           Bridge to Terebithia                                                                 Ready Player One - Ernest Cline

MR BLAMPIED     PE Teacher                                  Coach Carter / Dodgeball                                                             Legacy by James Kerr

MR CLARKE       Geography Teacher                           Lord of the Rings Trilogy                                                            Bill Bryson Travel Books - Particularly ‘A Walk in the Woods’

MRS TURVEY      Teacher of English                          Year 10 and 11 only: Sliding Doors (ooh, the structure!) or anything by Ken          Great Expectations if you want to stretch your vocabulary - and your sentence
                                                            Loach; Years 7-11: Jurassic Park, Titanic, or The Kite Runner.                       lengths! Read it, you’ll see what I mean. Emma (original hilarious chick lit -
                                                                                                                                                 actually, Pride and Prejudice too). Matilda.
MR PRICE        RE and History                              Casablanca. Goodfellas. Annie Hall.                                                  The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald. (And Pride and Prejudice - great call Mrs
                                                                                                                                                 T.) Catch 22 by Joseph Heller.
MRS HILL        SENDCo, English, Film and Drama Teacher     Goonies, Back to the Future, Star Wars Saga - in the correct order, Raiders of the   One of us is lying, The Hunger Games Series, Choose your own Adventure series
                                                            Lost Ark, Blues Brothers, The Marvel films - in the correct order
MRS SHEWRING    Science Teacher                             The Blind Side, Draft Day, Bird Box (scary)                                          Augie and Me
MRS FRANCIS     Science Teacher                             Moulin Rouge                                                                         Heidi (by Johanna Spyri)
MRS BOXALL      Director of Learning and Head of English    Agree with Mrs Hill and Mrs Francis: The Goonies and Moulin Rouge are                Year 9+ I am reading Circe by Madeline Miller which is excellent. Or, The Silent
                                                            classics! But also, Finding Nemo or Coco for feel good films!                        Companions by Laura Purcell is a fantastic, creepy, Gothic book if you like
                                                                                                                                                 something to keep you on the edge of your seat! Year 7 onwards: Read ‘His Dark
                                                                                                                                                 Materials’ by Philip Pullman and then watch the series on iPlayer.
MISS TUCKER     Assistant Head                              The Notebook, The Proposal - films starring handsome Ryans!                          Just read Circe by Madeline Miller – one for 14+ and parents – I thoroughly
                                                                                                                                                 recommend it.

their spare time, while the school is shut to the majority of students? Here’s what some of them are doing…
ALBUM RECOMMENDATION                                                                               RECOMMENDED ‘SOCIAL DISTANCING’ PASTIME
Only Revolutions - Biffy Clyro                                                                     Watching Rugby
Blue - Joni Mitchell                                                                               Podcasts - Stuff You Missed in History Class
Parts of the Process - Morcheeba                                                                   Gardening, anything arty & crafty
Saint Cloud - Waxahatchee                                                                          Reading
Graceland - Paul Simon                                                                             Reading, cross stitch, netflix

No need to argue - The Cranberries                                                                 Cooking family recipies, learning a new language, teaching your family/ friends Spanish/ French online.

Atomic - Blondie                                                                                   Watching the different Zoo webcams and live feeds. Chester Zoo and Edinburgh are particularly good.
So Long See You Tomorrow - Bombay Bicycle Club                                                     Write a Haiku, Karaoke on Youtube.
Burning Spider - Parov Stelar                                                                      Teach your pet a new trick
Any Biffy Clyro                                                                                    Reading, gardening if it’s not raining
Cosmo’s Factory - Creedance Clearwater Revival                                                     Trampoline, tennis against a wall, shoot some hoops, go for a run, go for a woodland walk
Showstoppers - Barry Manilow                                                                       Watching Disney Magical Weddings on Disney + ( think my daughter is getting too many ideas though)
                                                                                                   Modern board games like Carcassonne, Kingdomino, Azul, Qwirkle. Or computer games (but let’s face it, I was play-
                                                                                                   ing them before we were socially distancing).
Westlife: Coast to Coast                                                                           PE Physical Challenge booklet. Currently reading the Sports Gene and Tyson Fury: My Autobiography; FIFA Pro
                                                                                                   Clubs and Ult Team
Electric Ladyland - Jimi Hendrix                                                                   David Attenborough Box Sets on BBC iplayer Planet Earth 1&2, Blue Planet 1&2, Life, Africa, Frozen Planet, 7 Worlds
                                                                                                   1 Planet
Beyonce, Lemonade. Jack Johnson, Inbetween Dreams. Dave Brubeck, Take Five.                        Definitely gardening. Cooking and baking. Audible. Wii!

Nick Cave - all of it....                                                                          Plant something. Tend it. Love it. Then eat it.

Now 100 Hits to Singalong, Blues Brothers Soundtrack                                               Bake different cakes, garden, Joe Wicks exercise, read the books you’ve been stockpiling, puzzle books

Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman, The Beautiful South - Carry on up the Charts
Any musical theatre soundtrack (my particular favourites are Cats, Blood brothers & Kinky Boots)   Gardening & baking & exercising
Fall Out Boy - From Under the Cork Tree, Rihanna - Loud, anything by McFly or Arctic Monkeys       Relaxation! Make facemasks out of ingredients from your kitchen (lots of ideas online), read a book, do some colour-
                                                                                                   ing, have a nice bath and do some yoga or meditation on YouTube, an app like Headspace or using an Alexa.

The Stone Roses, OK Computer, Radiohead                                                            Go on Amazon and wishlist all the books you want to read. Do a jigsaw. Phone/text a friend or family member you
                                                                                                   haven’t spoken to in a long time just to say hello.
                                                                                                   On your daily exercise outside look out for local wildlife. On my walk yesterday I saw 5 bumble bees and a pheasant.
                                                                                                   You could take photos of what you see and identify the species when you get home online.

During my five years at                                                    The biggest part of my        we occasionally shared food, music and chat (our lunchtime
                                The Kibworth School, I have made                                           life at Kibworth was          party) in a classroom whilst it rained. I also have fond memories
                                many memories. From my first                                               being part of the Music       of the Pizza project in Year 8. This involved creating a unique
                                day in Year 7, with a backpack                                             department. The Year          pizza idea and sharing it with the group, I loved eating my
                                double my size along with a skirt                                          7 Showcase was the            Chinese inspired pizza and sharing the pizzas that the
                                to my ankles, to leaving Year 11                                           first chance for us to        others made.
                                with some of my best friends – it                                          perform something in          I have been fortunate to go on many trips, starting with
                                has been a memorable time! One                                             front of each other and       Northumberland in Year 7, where for the ‘talent show’ me
                                highlight of my time here would                                            our parents. We still         and my friends decided to enter as a group called the
                                have to be the Belgium trip in                                             remember that concert,        Marshmallows. Two of us sung ‘Reach for the Stars’, whilst
Year 8. I began the trip barely knowing anyone, but ended up        as it started many friendships, that have grown over the years.      another clapped and someone did ‘break dancing’. I can’t
making some great friends and having the best week. We saw          Five years later, someone still remembers me as ‘High School         believe we actually did it, many students still remember it -
incredible war memorials and war cemeteries that took your          Musical’ girl.                                                       I wonder why!
breath away, as well as having funnier moments like when
                                                                    Christmas was always an exciting time in ‘Music’, with the           A highlight of my time at school was my trip to Madrid. Six of us
AJ put his ice cream in a plastic bag to save it for later which
                                                                    service at the church always putting me in the festive spirit, the   sitting outside chatting and enjoying a drink on a warm summer
resulted in the coach being covered in ice cream!
                                                                    orchestra having practised festive medleys since the end of          evening, whilst listening to the others cheering England on in
Another highlight for me would be the trips to Cambridge and        September. This especially brings to mind the Year 11 Christmas      the World Cup quarter final.
the Oxford vs Cambridge rugby match. We got to learn much           Concert, when a power cut meant we resorted to stand lights
more about university; how to get there, where it could take                                                                             My final school trip was skiing; a experience I will never forget,
                                                                    giving a very candle lit atmosphere.                                 especially winning an award for resilience after Mr Holmes
us and what the experience is like in general. The bus journeys
                                                                    I am not the most sporty person, but have loved my dance             wiped me out on more than one occasion!
there and back also added to the day, with everyone singing
                                                                    lessons this year in PE. Having danced when younger, this            Hannah D
along to the most random songs. I really enjoyed these days
                                                                    revived my enjoyment for dance and I enjoyed working towards
and feel like they really prepared me for the future.
                                                                    the show in December. Sports Day is also a highlight of the
Another iconic moment must be the yearly Christmas                                                                                                                     I can’t remember much from
                                                                    year, with the opportunity for even the less sporty people to
assemblies - there was no one in the room that didn’t have a                                                                                                           my first day of Year 7, but I can
                                                                    enjoy running for their form in front of the school.
smile on their face. Mrs Merry wearing her reindeer onesie,                                                                                                            remember having my skirt
teachers dancing at the back of the hall, Daisy’s beautiful         My final ‘physical challenge’ was the Bronze D of E Expedition,
                                                                                                                                                                       basically down to my ankles and
singing (that was often drowned out by the teachers grabbing        it was an experience I will never forget - I discovered I
                                                                                                                                                                       having to use the map from my
the mic) and Miss Donlan’s dance group, they were something         am definitely not the person to rely on when lost in the
                                                                                                                                                                       planner to find my way around!
that will be remembered.                                            countryside.
                                                                                                                                                                    One of my favourite things about
Overall, my time at The Kibworth School may not have been           I enjoyed doing the cipher challenge each year, working
                                                                                                                                                                    the school was the trips. They
perfect but it was definitely memorable, and something that         together with my friends in order to try and break the codes.
                                                                                                                                                                    were always really fun. In Year 7
I would never change. I hope the best to all the Year 11s going     Great competition between the groups, and long evenings and
                                                                                                                                                                    I got to go to Northumberland,
their separate ways and say goodbye to my teachers, who I           some weekends getting together, or messaging late into the
                                                                                                                                                                    where we walked along Hadrian’s
thank for putting up with our year!                                 night, to solve the puzzle as quickly as possible.
                                                                                                                                                                    wall. In Year 9 I went to Wales,
Sophie A                                                            And then there is food! Year 9 saw our form picnics, unique I        which was even better because I got to go abseiling, canoeing
                                                                    believe to 9.3! Planned to take advantage of the summer sun,         and walk up Mount Snowdon. In Year 10 my form went to Alton

TKS Memories
Towers because we had the highest attendance which was a              my favourite lessons so I was really excited to do this project.
great thing to do as a reward. I was really excited for this trip     As usual me and Izzy worked together and we decided to do
as I had never been to Alton Towers before. It was really good        our project on making the food in the school canteen better.
weather when we went, and I had a great day going on loads of         As part of this we sent out a survey and made a video. Making
different rides. However, my favourite and most recent trip was       the video was fun, as we got to interview students and teachers
the ski trip to Italy in December. I had the best time skiing and     about the food and on how it could be improved. Even though
it was a chance for me to get out of my comfort zone. It was          we won’t get to finish the project now, Mr Holmes still got to
also really funny watching Mr Holmes fall over about 20 times         watch it and it was still a lot of fun to do.
a day! A couple of days into the week my group got onto the           Heidi R
steeper slopes. Halfway down one of the steep slopes I fell
over and one of my skis came off and I couldn’t get it back on.       The Kibworth School has provided me with the best five years.
It was very foggy so I couldn’t see anything and everyone             Committed staff, talented pupils and a fantastic leadership
else had already gone to the bottom. I shouted down to                                                                                     A memorable moment for me would have to be in Year 10, when
                                                                      team is what keep the school at its best. My first day of Year
our instructor and he had to climb all the way back up the                                                                                 we properly started the preparation for GCSEs. I remember
                                                                      7 I was petrified; new people, new teachers and not knowing
mountain to get me!                                                                                                                        choosing my Options was so difficult, because I had no
                                                                      where anything was. It was a massive change. However, it
One of my favourite lessons throughout school was Science.                                                                                 idea what I wanted to do. However, as soon as my timetable
                                                                      definitely was a positive one. On my first day, I had retained
Mainly the practicals though! We got to do a heart dissection in                                                                           changed and I started learning my chosen subjects, that year
                                                                      my friendships with my primary school friends, met loads and
Year 9 and Year 10. At first I found it really gross, and when we                                                                          and Year 11 were two of the most helpful and amazing years of
                                                                      loads of new people and managed to successfully find my way
were in Year 9 most of my friends decided not to do it before                                                                              my life.
we even started. I’m also pretty sure one of them nearly fainted!     around the school. Although, it was all totally new, I remember
                                                                                                                                           Caitlin P
Once I got started it was actually really cool though, and            the teachers being so welcoming and even the older students
definitely one of the things everyone remembers from                  being very helpful, but the biggest reassurance was that
high school.                                                          everyone was in the same situation. Now as I leave the school,
Another good memory I have was decorating the Christmas               it isn’t quite real. This is the place where most of my year group
tree with Izzy and Mr Holmes. We’d never had a Christmas tree         properly grew up and matured and found out who they were,
at school before, so it was really good that we got one for my        and to not be with the incredible people I spend five days
last year. Me and Izzy struggled to untangle the lights at first      a week with is definitely going to be hard. High School, for
but we managed it in the end.                                         me, was not perfect, but definitely close enough. I went to
Another great memory from around that time was doing our              Northumberland in Year 7 and on the battlefields trip to
Christmas dance show. We’d never done anything like this at           Belgium in Year 9, which was incredible and one of the best
school before either. I really enjoyed practising the dances and
                                                                      experiences of the five years I had at TKS. I was given so many
doing the actual show. My favourite dance was the one we
                                                                      opportunities over the years, like being a Peer Mentor, a Charity
did to Hairspray. I loved it because we got to do lifts (I did drop
                                                                      Captain and a Prefect; they were all roles I really enjoyed doing,
Izzy a couple of times though!) My most recent memory was
                                                                      and would definitely recommend.
in Citizenship, when we started our active citizenship module
in the last few weeks of school. We had to try and change
something to make it better. Citizenship was another one of

                                                                                                                TKS Memories
     Claviere Dec 2019

On 15th December, 55 sleepy students and eight staff          I must say I felt a little apprehensive about the trip; it had    Apart from the great skiing, amazing staff and students,
waved goodbye to their loved ones at 2.30am (!) and           been 25 years since I last skied, could I still do it and could   one of my best memories was how some of the older
headed to Luton Airport for an early flight to Milan. Final   I keep up with the students? All my fears were put aside          students carried their own skis, plus a younger student’s
destination Claviere, a small village in the Italian Alps,    after the first day on the slopes, I could still ski!             skis, when walking to and from the hotel. The activities in
which was to be our base for the next week. And what a        My group of students quickly gained confidence and                the evening were awesome - the ice-skating and snowball
week it was! After a day of travel, there was just time to    moved up the mountain on day 2. We did have tricky                fight evening was one to treasure - a great deal of laughter
unpack before a walk down through the village to the ski      weather conditions during the week, but this did not              and hot chocolate!
hire shop to collect our kit ahead of the first ski lessons   dampen the spirts.                                                On the final day - after being stuck on the chair lift in a
next morning.                                                 My highlight of the week was on day four, when at the end         blizzard, making our way to a cafe for the awards ceremony,
Although at the very start of the season, we were lucky;      of the day all the students skied down from the top of the        then having the more competent skiers pave the way
the snow was great. The weather, however, presented           mountain. To see all the students skiing together was             ahead in deep snow so everyone else could follow down
a few challenges and the instructors noted how well           amazing, I felt like a proud parent!                              the mountain was so uplifting. Overall, the main theme
the students did to make great progress in their skiing,      It was an absolute pleasure to be part of this fantastic          is that everyone looked out for everyone else - a proper
despite the conditions – most days we had thick fog           school trip and spend a week with amazing young people            Kibworth family.
and the final day was a fierce blizzard! But despite the      and great staff.                                                  Mrs Hecks
elements, everyone showed fantastic resilience and team
                                                              Mrs Rawlings
spirit, fuelled by copious amounts of hot chocolate and
pasta for energy!
This was the first ski trip to run from The Kibworth School
for some years, and hopefully the first of many more.
The students did us credit and a few of them definitely
surprised themselves. All the staff were really proud; well
done, everyone.
If you’d like to see more of the trip, we tweeted regularly
whilst in Italy @TKSSKI2
Mrs Foster – Chair of Governors

School Trip
World Book Day 2020                                                                                 CA R EERS
                                                                                                 I NFO R MAT ION
                                        WELLBEING CENTRE
                                        World Book Day took place on 5th March                       National
                                        2020, and once again we were tasked with                   Careers Week
                                        decorating the door to the Wellbeing Centre
                                        with an appropriate theme, that incorporated              2nd– 8th March
                                        both well being and books.
                                                                                              The Kibworth School takes pride in it’s
                                        This year we chose the theme ‘Believe in Your         career programme and as this week was
                                        Shelf’ where students were encouraged to be           National Careers week, everyone got to
                                        positive about how they think and feel about          take part in more of the activities.
                                        themselves.                                           Each year group had an assembly on skills
 A number of students decided that they would like to dress up as a character from            and qualities and different careers. During
a book, so together we came up with various ideas and the decision was made to                lessons, Year 7s were discussing what
represent three books.                                                                        skills and qualities they possess, and then
                                                                                              went home to ask parents/carers what
On the morning of World Book Day, they gathered in the Wellbeing Centre and
                                                                                              skills they needed for their careers/jobs.
excitedly spent time getting into their outfits, complete with makeup and wigs, ready
for the rest of the school to guess which books they were.                                    Year 8s were using the computers and our
                                                                                              online platform ‘Start’ to look at ideal jobs
Mrs Merry was very impressed with the effort the students had put into the                    and the skills/qualities needed for that
characters they were portraying, and awarded them all a Headteacher’s Award                   job, and then started their CVs.
for their participation.
                                                                                              Some Year 10s were given the opportunity
Well done everyone!                                                                           to go to the NEC to ‘What Careers Live’ to
Can you guess which books the students were portraying?                                       research what to do post-16 and beyond.
                                                                                              Staff got involved too, by completing
Mrs Wright                                                                                    a form about their past jobs and skills
Mrs Marriott                                                                                  gained from these jobs. During tutor time
                             (Answer - Cat in the Hat, 101 Dalmatians & Harry Potter Books)
                                                                                              there were videos shown of different jobs
                                                                                              and what pathways are available, plus a
                                                                                              quiz about careers.

World Book
      Book Day
What Careers Live                               Careers Day for Yr8                            THEME FOUR – Employability, Aspirations
                                                                                               & Perceptions – during this session
28 February 2020                                All Year 8 students were off timetable on      students were looking at how they are
                                                30 January 2020, and spent the day doing       perceived by themselves and by others,
Students from Year 10 were given the            different activities to get them thinking      and looked at wages and careers.
opportunity to experience a careers day at      about what they are like, how they learn
                                                                                               THEME FIVE – What’s my job? – to finish
the NEC, Birmingham. Preparation packs          and what they may like to do in the future,
                                                                                               the day we had eight volunteers who came
were handed out in advance, to help us          to help decide which Options they will
                                                                                               in and the students had to ask only yes/
familiarise ourselves with the layout of the    take next year.
                                                                                               no answer questions to find out what they
exhibition hall and prepare us for the day.     There were different sessions throughout       do for a living. When the students guessed
It helped us think about which providers        the day:                                       correctly, they then got to ask questions
we wanted to visit on the day and prepare       THEME ONE - Linking school subjects to         about the job.
questions in advance.                           the world of work (WOW) – this started         Here are some quotes and photos from
                                                with a quiz about the myths and truths         some of the Year 8s who took part:
During the day we were able to walk
                                                of certain jobs/courses, and the students
around and look at different stalls; each                                                      ‘Today was good and we learnt about a lot
                                                then discussed real jobs and what would
stall had representatives from universities                                                    of different jobs’.
                                                be needed if they wanted that career.
and apprenticeship providers, and this                                                         ‘Today taught me that your career pathway
                                                THEME TWO – Communication & Team
opened up our eyes to new opportunities                                                        can change completely, and that you can’t
                                                Effort and Solve It! – this showed students
and allowed us to ask the prepared                                                             always plan what happens in your future’.
                                                how difficult good communication can be,
questions. I learnt that in certain jobs e.g.                                                  ‘I found out that it’s okay to change and
                                                and used activities to see how good their
accountancy, there were other pathways                                                         move on’.
                                                communication skills are. The second
to get qualified other than university.         part was all about working together, with      ‘Today has taught me about the danger
It was bigger than we expected with 80          different activities that got groups talking   of perceptions, and has helped me to
stalls, so having the preparation packs         and thinking outside the box.                  understand more about many, many
was useful to help us focus and get the         THEME THREE – Employability and Me             different jobs’.
best out of the day. Getting all the free       – StartProfile on-line careers – in this       A great interactive, informative day, thank
pens and other freebies was just a bonus,       session students used the on-line careers      you to all that took part or helped in some
with three of us coming back wearing new        platform and built up their profile; they      way.
rainbow laces!!                                 added in their skills, qualities, work
                                                                                               Mrs Rees
                                                preferences and interests so that they got
                                                a suggested jobs list and could research
                                                these jobs, as well as others they had in

It feels like a million years ago, in February        study coastal processes at the black shore beach
2020, before the world turned upside down,            at Reynishverfi and to see the Sólheimajökull
that the Geography Department took 28                 glacier. Of course, there were lots more waterfalls
GCSE Geographers to Iceland for four days of          too!
volcanoes and waterfalls and, basically, all things
                                                      On our final full day, we went to the Reykjanes
geographical. This was a chance for pupils to
                                                      peninsula to see, amongst other things, Lake
study a very different environment to anything
                                                      Kleifarvatn the Seltún geothermal area, Stora
they had experienced before, and to study
                                                      Elborg, Gunnuhver and the Stampar volcanic
aspects of both human and physical Geography.
                                                      fissure. However, after two days of clear, sunny
On our first full day, we left our a hotel in         weather, the weather began to turn and the
Hafnarfjörður, 10 miles south of the capital          winds began to whip around us, so we headed
Reykjavík, for the golden circle. The day included    back to the hotel. In the afternoon, we then
visits to Thingvellir National Park, where the        went to a geothermal pool before travelling into
North American and Eurasian plates are moving         Reykjavik to visit the Perlan Observation Deck
away from each other, the Geysir Geothermal           and Museum.
Area, and Gullfoss waterfall. Finally, before
                                                      During the night, the winds picked up further
returning back to the hotel, we took a tour
                                                      and, in the morning, the government had closed
of Hellisheiði Power Station, learning about
                                                      the roads. Fortunately, they opened again just
the history of geothermal energy in Iceland, a
                                                      in time for us to get to the airport and for our
country that produces almost all of its electricity
                                                      plane to fly out. We were extremely lucky, but we
and heats almost all of its hot water using
                                                      arrived home right on time; tired, yes, but with
geothermal energy.
                                                      experiences that would last a long time.
The following day the group, along with our
                                                      Mr McCann
Icelandic guide, ventured to the south shore to

School Trip
WHAT IS PUPIL                                                                                                                                     • Facilitating student access
                                                                                                                                                    to enrichment activities to

PREMIUM?                                                                                                                                            support learning
                                                                                                                                                  • The allocation of an annual
Pupil Premium was introduced in 2011, to provide                                                                                                    £100 Pupil Premium Pledge
additional funding for schools to narrow the attainment
gap that exists between disadvantaged students, and                                                                                               All Pupil Premium students at The
those of a more affluent background. Pupils eligible                                                                                              Kibworth School have a personal
for funding are those that are eligible for free school                                                                                           budget at the start of each academic
meals (FSM), or children who have been looked after                                                                                               year. This Pupil Premium Pledge
continuously for at least 6 months. In 2012 the funding                                                                                           allows all students an allocation of
was extended to pupils who have been eligible for FSM                                                                                             £100.
at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever6 Free                                                                                       Examples of the way in which
School Meals measure). We also receive a smaller amount                                                                                           this budget is spent include:
for children of service personnel.
                                                                                                                                                  - Revision guides
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see
                                                                                                                                                  - Offsetting the cost of trips
fit, but are accountable for how they use the additional       Whilst Mr Holmes leads on Pupil Premium policy
funding to support pupils from low-income families and         in the school, all members of staff, governors and           - Uniform
other target groups.                                           Teaching Assistants accept responsibility for ‘socially      - School materials i.e. art supplies
                                                               disadvantaged’ students and are committed to meeting
“Equity is not the same as equality. It means schools                                                                       - Extra-curricular activities i.e. music lessons
                                                               their pastoral, social and academic needs within the
doing more for some children than others in order to
                                                               school environment. We continuingly work towards             For more information, or if you think you may be eligible
create a more level playing field. Recognising that some
                                                               removing any barriers to learning that students face, such   for Pupil Premium funding and would like to apply, please
children have a very narrow experience outside school
                                                               as poor attendance, weak literacy and numeracy and           visit:
and providing them with additional opportunities is an
                                                               emotional and behavioural difficulties.                      Pupil-Premium-Year-7-Catchup/
important step in ensuring that they can make the most
of their educational opportunities.                            The Kibworth School is committed to ‘Closing the Gap’ for    Alternatively, please contact Miss Kowalski
                                                               vulnerable students, and Pupil Premium will form a vital     either through the school phone number or at
Disadvantaged 11-year-olds will have done many fewer of
                                                               part of that process. Provision will be made through:
the activities than their better-off peers – and that is the
way it will remain for these young people unless schools       • Facilitating students’ access to education
make additional opportunities available to them, either
                                                               • Facilitating students’ access to the curriculum
through extra-curricular activities or through focused
financially-supported visits.”                                 • Alternative support and intervention within the
                                                                 school environment
Sir John Dunford

At some point in your time at The Kibworth School,           Mrs K Kowalski is the                                           Mrs V Johnston is the
you will be directed to the Finance Team. Have you ever      HR and Finance Manager at The Kibworth School                   Business Administrative Officer
wondered who the team are, and what they do?
                                                             “I support a broad range of functions such as recruiting,       “I have been working in the Finance Department alongside
The department is headed up by Kelli         Hackett         screening and interviewing candidates and monitoring            the Finance team since March 2019.
Strategic Business and Curriculum Director                   the day to day financial operations of the school, such as
                                                                                                                             My role is varied and no two days are ever the same. Part
                                                             payroll and VAT. I am passionate about my work and enjoy
“I have worked at the Academy for three years and I am a                                                                     of my job is to ensure all payments are accounted for
                                                             working with a great team of people. This September will
member of the Senior Leadership Team.                                                                                        accurately. I purchase items on behalf of the school and
                                                             be my 25th year of working at the school, during which
                                                                                                                             process any invoices that require payment.
Overall, I am in charge of the organisation and management   time I have undertaken a variety of different roles. I can be
of the academy’s finances, including personnel,              contacted via                     I work alongside the HR Manager to ensure we follow the
administration and timetabling.                                                                                              correct recruitment procedures, and arrange interviews
It is my responsibility to ensure that all finances are
                                                             Miss E Kowalski is the                                          and request interviews for prospective new employees.
                                                             Finance and Pupil Premium Administrative Officer                I ensure any staff overtime is recorded correctly and
in line with the ESFA guidelines. I am accountable to
                                                             “If you have any finance queries regarding refunds for school   submitted for payment.
the Headteacher and Governors and I have to report
(on a regular basis) all financial matters to the Board of   trips or items purchased on ParentPay then please contact       A large part of my job is to administer the Lettings on behalf
Governors. In addition, I ensure that the Academy has a      myself or Mrs Hunter on finance@thekibworthschool.              of the school. I take calls and arrange visits to the site from
cost effective curriculum, ensuring that the curriculum is   org where we will do our best to help. If you are looking       customers looking to book time on our 3G pitch or Sports
delivered to the students via planning the timetabling for   to access your Pupil Premium pledge for any educational         Hall. I work closely with the Premises team to ensure we
the whole school.”                                           supplies, please email myself on pupilpremium@                  comply with all Health and Safety matters in regards to
                                                    where I will be happy to assist you       lettings.”
                                                             and order any needed items. If you have any dinner money
                                                             queries, or are requesting a refund, please contact our
                                                             very helpful Kitchen Manager on kibworthhigh.Leicester@

Meet the Team
                             Hunter                School Twitter                                          HORSE THERAPY
                                                   Accounts:                                 Some of our students enjoy going to Horse Therapy at a stables in nearby Lutterworth.
                                                                                             We asked them to let us know a bit more about it …
                                                   If you have not already done so, you
                             “My duties                                                      “At the Yard we meet a lady called Hayley. She helps us to ride,
                                                   or your family members could set up
                             include:                                                        groom and learn about road safety and ponies.”
                                                   a twitter account and follow any/ all
                          • Placing orders         of the school’s Twitter accounts. It is   “I find grooming calming and it makes me feel really happy …”
                          for      specialist      another great way of us all keeping in
  equipment, after determining requirements        touch.                                    “I go to Horse Therapy because it makes me very happy.”
  and agreement from HR/Finance Manager                                                      “Going to Horse Therapy helps my social skills,
                                                   HEADTEACHER @TKSHeadteacher
  and may identify most appropriate supplier                                                 as I have now made new friends.”
                                                   MATHS @TKS_Maths
• Assisting with budget preparation and                                                      “We ride and groom the horses, and I learn
                                                   ART     @tks_artdept
  monitoring of income and expenditure                                                       about the parts of a horse too.”
  involving collection, inputting, sorting         MODERN LANGUAGES
                                                                                             “It’s fun riding the horses – Rollo is my favourite.”
  and extracting information on financial          @MFLKibworth
  databases                                        BUSINESS STUDIES                          “This gives me the chance to build my confidence
                                                   @TKS_Business                             and to make new friends.”
• In conjunction with the relevant staff,
  recording and banking money collected            MUSIC @TKS_Music_Dept                     “I am able to forget all my worries.”
  for various school activities including trips.   ECONOMICS @kib_bus_ec                     “This is a chance for me to get out of school …
• Invoicing debtors on a monthly basis and                                                   and I go to a happy and relaxing place for two hours.”
                                                   PHYSICAL EDUCATION
  chase all outstanding debts from lettings        @KibworthPE
  and parents
                                                   FOOD TECHNOLOGY
• Dealing with all finance enquiries from          @FPN_GCSE
  creditors and debtors
                                                   SCIENCE @TKSScience
• Dealing with any issues regarding the bank
  promptly                                         @TKSGeography
• Assisting with all audits and implementing       HUMANITIES
  changes required                                 @TKSHumanities
• Assisting in the administration of the           THE TORTOISES
  updates of Finance policies                      @TKSTortoises
• I also support the HR/Finance Manager            ENGLISH @TKSEnglish
  with HR/finance administration.”
                                                   CAREERS @TKS_careers

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