2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA

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2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA
2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA
Welcome to the 2018 Sports Awards
As with previous years, 2017/2018 has been     each other with a positive mindset. In a
one marked by a high degree of dedication      similar way, more individualised sports are
and commitment on the part of our athletes     a place where students exercise immense
and coaches. The Sports Awards are an          self-discipline and strive to engage a growth
opportunity to celebrate the efforts and       mindset. All students in our sporting
achievements of all athletes and the UWC       programme learn the art of balancing studies
ethos that underpins their resourcefulness     with exercise and fitness as they embrace the
and attitude. This year, such dedication and   commitment of regular training.
commitment on the part of our students and
                                               Please join me in congratulating all athletes
coaches led to five SEASAC titles overall.
                                               and in thanking our many coaches who go
While most teams are highly competitive,       above and beyond to challenge our students
all students are encouraged to participate     to be all that they can be.
in a wide range of sports that will set them
                                               Rebecca Butterworth
up for a lifelong health and well-being.
                                               High School Principal
Sporting teams are spaces where students
                                               UWCSEA Dover
learn to collaborate, negotiate and support

                                               fresh faces and new expectations. A new          and were SEASAC Champions in five events.
                                               Sports Council led by Vikram Manikantan
                                                                                                UWCSEA is not limited by SEASAC of
                                               set to work promoting and celebrating sport
                                                                                                course and our Hockey, Netball, Cricket and
                                               in a way we have not seen. Vik, his executive
                                                                                                Ultimate players as well as our sailors and
                                               Alessandra David, Nicolas Pizzo, Park Bo
                                                                                                climbers have been active and successful
                                               Hye, Krit Chatikavanij, Jang Jun Hyeok,
                                                                                                in local and Southeast Asian competition.
                                               Tyrel O’Sullivan and Tal Benami and their
                                                                                                Worthy of note are our climbers who
                                               respective sports committees have engaged
                                                                                                travelled to the FOBISIA (Federation of
                                               more sports fans than ever before with
                                                                                                British Schools in Asia) Championships for
                                               wider coverage, unique ideas and a spirit of
                                                                                                their first ever international competition.
                                               collaboration that is only found at UWCSEA.
                                                                                                They returned with great bunch of memories
                                               We thank them for the year and for their
                                                                                                and the silverware to match.
                                               organisation of tonight’s event.
                                                                                                None of the year’s memories and successes
Welcome to the 26th annual UWCSEA Dover        The Sports and Activity office welcomed
                                                                                                would be possible without a huge team of
Sports Awards Dinner. 2017/2018 has been       four new staff: Luke Diaz (HS Sports
                                                                                                committed people. I would like to extend
a champagne year for High School Sports.       Coordinator), Jazreel Tan (19A Touch coach),
                                                                                                my thanks to the dedicated PE teachers
Over 60 High School teams have represented     Amir Boucenna (19A boys Basketball coach)
                                                                                                and coaches; our well loved administrative,
the College in all competition and we have     and Ahmad Masran (19A girls Softball coach).
                                                                                                transport and catering teams; the ever
celebrated all their commitment, effort and    We thank you all for the rousing welcome
                                                                                                busy Sports Coordinators; our ever helpful
achievement in Season ending assemblies        you have given them and after a remarkably
                                                                                                grounds support staff; the Student Sports
led by the Student Sports Council. Tonight     successful first year we hope they make
                                                                                                Council and; all who support us in the
we will congratulate 30 High School A teams    themselves irreplaceable members of the
                                                                                                UWCSEA community.
and are proud to highlight the passion,        Phoenix community in years to come.
resolve and spirit which make them Phoenix                                                      Finally, Vikram, Luke and myself wish you a
                                               Successful sports results are always the
sports men and women.                                                                           very enjoyable evening and I hope you come
                                               icing on the cake. The cake itself of course
                                                                                                away with the same sense of wonder as I
                                               being more important and constructed
Students, coaches and the wider community                                                       do whenever I am lucky enough to watch
                                               out of solid work on a daily basis, built on
that know us well were all very much aware                                                      our Phoenix athletes perform­—we have
                                               a foundation of strong UWCSEA values.
that, while Rudy Beck had passed away last                                                      something very special here at United World
                                               Our players have embraced the mantra
year, he would have wanted UWCSEA sport to                                                      College South East Asia.
                                               that ‘strong habits today will help fulfil our
rebound with renewed energy. And he would
                                               dreams for tomorrow’ and SEASAC results          Mike Staples
have been disappointed in us if it didn’t!
                                               have reflected that across the board. Phoenix    Director of Activities and Sport
So the year in many ways was about             teams medalled in 20 of 24 events attended;      UWCSEA Dover
rejuvenation and we started August with        reached nine games finals from a possible 14
2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA
Local competition highlights
                 It has been an exciting and      One of the outstanding features of this           developed new, creative ideas and celebrated
                 eventful year, 2017/2018 was     sporting year was the work done by our            teams and events continuously throughout
                 a huge sporting success in       Student Sports Council Executive: Vikram          the year. Also a big thank you to our
                 our local competition. Some      Manikantan (Chairperson), Alessandra David,       Communications Department for supporting
                 amazing and mind blowing         Nicolas Pizzo, Park Bo Hye, Krit Chatikavanij,    our programmes and teams.
                 statistics—all of our Athletic   Jang Jun Hyeok, Tyrel O’Sullivan and Tal
                                                                                                    We look forward to even bigger and better
Conference of Singapore International             Benami. They took charge of their respective
                                                                                                    things from everyone in 2018/2019 as we
Schools (ACSIS) A teams competed in               roles to reach, engage and be a voice for
                                                                                                    continue to grow, improve and excel.
Division 1 and all of them finished in the top    more students than ever before. They
three. Out of all the A teams (19) in ACSIS
we had nine championship winning teams            Results 2017/2018 (ACSIS Division 1 unless stated)
and seven teams in second place, with the
remaining three finishing third.                  Sport                 Girls                                Boys
                                                  Badminton             Champions                            3rd
UWCSEA offers a wide variety of sports so
despite not being ACSIS sports our Hockey,        Basketball            2nd                                  2nd
Cricket, Climbing and Sailing teams had an        Cross Country         Champions                            Champions
amazing year and represented the College          Football              3rd                                  Champions
superbly with impressive results throughout       Hockey                4th – National Division 1            6th – National Division 2
the year competing in local leagues, national
                                                  Netball               2nd                                  –
and international competitions. Highlight
events and leagues in which Phoenix teams         Touch/Rugby           Champions                            2nd
excelled included the National Hockey League,     Softball              Champions                            2nd
Gravical National Climbing Championships,         Swimming              2nd                                  2nd
the National Sailing Championships, the
                                                  Tennis                Champions                            Champions
FOBISIA Climbing Championships and the
Cricket tour to Sri Lanka.                        Volleyball            Champions                            3rd

SEASAC highlights
                2017/2018 has been an             weekends of highly competitive sports, filled     Council, Facilities and Transport departments
                exceptionally successful year     with excitement and an amazing atmosphere.        for ensuring such terrific sporting events for
                in the SEASAC conference.         We would like to say a special thank you to       our athletes.
                All of our SEASAC teams           our student helpers, parents, sports support
                                                                                                    “The challenge is to improve, to always get
                competed in Division 1 and all    staff members and teachers who helped to
                                                                                                    better, even when you are the best….especially
                of our teams, bar one, finished   marshall our Cross Country event. Additional
                                                                                                    when you are the best.”
                in a top four position. Out of    thanks to our outstanding PE Department,
                                                                                                    James Kerr
22 sports competitions our teams finished in      Sports Coordinators, support staff, parents,
the top two positions a total of 16 times.        Communications Department, Student Sports
We congratulate our Division 1 winning
teams this year: boys Tennis, girls Basketball,   SEASAC results 2017/2018 (all in Division 1)
girls Touch, girls Volleyball, Level 7 boys
Gymnastics.                                       Sport                            Girls                             Boys
Special mention should go to our girls            Badminton                        2nd                               4th
Volleyball team who won SEASAC for the            Basketball                       Champions                         3rd
first time in UWCD history—a phenomenal           Cross Country                    2nd                               2nd
achievement; the girls Basketball team who
                                                  Football                         4th                               2nd
secured their fifth SEASAC title in a row; and
the girls Touch who have won 11 of the last       Golf                             4th                               2nd
13 SEASAC championships—a monumental              Gymnastics                       Level 7 – 2nd                     Level 7 – Champions
accomplishment; and our Level 7 boys                                               Level 5 – 2nd                     Level 4 – 3rd
Gymnastics who are competing ahead of                                                                                Level 3 – 3rd
fellow schools.                                   Touch/Rugby                      Champions                         2nd
We hosted SEASAC Cross Country and once           Softball                         2nd                               4th
again hosted SEASAC Tennis with several           Swimming                         2nd                               2nd
hundred supporters and spectators at the
                                                  Tennis                           2nd                               Champions
Tennis courts and Medway Park field next
to our school. These were two memorable           Volleyball                       Champions                         6th

2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA

Back row (L to R): Taarini Sinha**, Lauren Goh, Anjolie Arora**, Adeline Lee**
Front row (L to R): Avika Jindel*, Disha Mohta*, Samiksha Kattera**, Ananya Garg**, Tanvi Agarwal**
Absent: Kelly Ng
Coach: Michael Tan

This season was definitely filled with          against the local schools in Singapore to    of seeds for two of the doubles pairing. This
positive and negative encounters for the        beating all of the schools in the ACSIS      SEASAC experience wouldn’t be the same
UWCD girls Badminton team. Bearing in           competition, it was evident that a strong    without the coaches (Michael, Destyan, and
mind last year’s unfortunate loss in the        bond has formed within the team as           Elvin) because they shaped us to not only be
semi-finals, the team came back with            support was provided regardless of the       star players inside of the court but leaders
a stronger mentality and dedication,            outcome of the matches. The team was         outside of the court.
which was demonstrated through the              mentally and physically prepared for the
                                                                                             By Anjolie Arora and Adeline Lee
perseverance during footwork sessions and       toughest and biggest competition of the
beep tests. From playing challenging games      year, SEASAC, and we ended up scoring best

3                                                                                              * denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction
2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA

Back row (L to R): Rohan Chukkaiahgari*, Ariq Rusli Bintang**, Ved Rajesh
Front row (L to R): Aditya Mehta*, David Lu**, Abhijay Agarwal**, Robert Seah*, Yang Chang-Jui (Ray)**
Absent: Mark Hunter
Coach: Destyan Nanda Nobela

19&U A Badminton has always been one                      eager and talented players ready to replace    not expected as we defeated them in the
of the most competitive experiences we’ve                 the Grade 12s in the coming years. This        Dragons Tournament with the exact same
had, ever since we first made it into the                 was the first tournament we participated in    opponents, which meant that nobody met
team. For some of us it’s been four years                 the year and we could almost feel reward       or even came close to their potential on
of a grueling schedule, training most days                of all the exhausting drills, beep tests and   that day.
of the week which came with numerous                      other physicals which we were extremely
                                                                                                         We flew to Myanmar for SEASAC and
sacrifices, without which a victorious day                reluctant on doing. After this tournament,
                                                                                                         were hosted by the school that emerged
would never come. Unfortunately, last year                we thought we had a good shot at the next
                                                                                                         from Division 2, ISY. It was a rewarding
the boys played a relegation game and                     two tournaments and we were optimistic,
                                                                                                         experience, the boys team came fourth
managed to come fifth out of six schools                  but never conceited.
                                                                                                         place (out of seven schools) after having
because many of our seniors left us and
                                                          Our first game of ACSIS was against UWCE,      lost the finals for third and fourth place
there were many newcomers. Fortunately,
                                                          our notoriously strong opponents, and we       against UWCE (3-2). It was a very close
the influx of new younger players meant
                                                          each knew the same people we had been          game, with the deciding game playing three
that they were much more reliable as they
                                                          planning for a year to beat. The first two     long sets and lost the battle by three points.
are more enthusiastic and have less work to
                                                          singles started off, and both played a good    It was exhilarating to watch as we stomped
manage. After a year we saw a tremendous
                                                          match, the first singles lost and our second   our feet, cheered and clapped, whilst we
growth in their skills and this year we
                                                          won after a strenuous three long sets. Then    watched this nerve-wrecking game which
certainly were able to set our eyes on a
                                                          our third and first doubles came on the        decided whether or not we would go
medal for SEASAC.
                                                          courts, and they choked knowing that they      back home with a medal. Overall, it was
As part of our preparation for SEASAC, we                 were playing the deciding games. The day       a memorable weekend, certainly not just
participated in the Dragons Tournament                    ended with a loss 3-2 to the UWCE boys.        from the games we played but the whole
hosted by UWCE. We played three other                     Immediately after the game we stopped for      experience, the friends we talked with, the
schools, two of which are our rivals in the               a moment and reflected on our mistakes         food we ate, the things we learned and
upcoming, more important tournaments,                     and also saw the bright side which was,        more. As we sat there in the gala dinner,
ACSIS and SEASAC. The result was stunning,                that only last year we were undeniably         seeing the people who stood up from their
we came first and most of us had won all                  trashed 5-0 and that this time we were         chairs who are graduating this year, it gave
our games, save a few, including the B team               extremely close. Despite the loss, we held     us hope seeing as our young team can only
guys that came with us. The Tournament                    our heads high and we overcame the next        grow stronger and that perhaps we will soon
not only allowed us to gauge our                          two schools with 5-0 wins to us against SJII   get the flag, just not this year, my final year.
performance in SEASAC and ACSIS, but it                   and TTS. Unfortunately, after that we faced
                                                                                                         By Akmal Rusli Bintang
also showed the formidable lineup of young,               another loss against SAS 4-1, which was

* denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction                                                                                                4
2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA

Back row (L to R): Sophia Gonzalez*, Caitlin Pawley**
Middle row (L to R): Kimaya Sarin*, Nur Khan*, Tyrel O’Sullivan**, Maria Ibarreche**, Riya Narayan**
Front row (L to R): Zoe Stamatelos*, Meghna Chaudhury*, Jocelyn Laxton**
Absent: Maayashree Goel*, Catherine Moerler**
Coach: Nestor Jr David

Yet again, for the fifth year running, the       to the last crunch in the ACSIS finals, we        for our potential, and never succumb to
UWCD 19&U A Basketball girls took the title      sadly lost by a crushing few points, thus         defeat. His positive attitude, exquisite dance
of SEASAC Champions, after what had been         placing second in the league. We viewed this      moves, contagious laughter and experienced
both a rewarding and intense season. It took     devastating loss as a learning curve, the team    coaching truly lifted the both the spirits
many months of tough trainings, consisting       regained focus and was ever so hungry to          and level of the team. Sadly, this year the
of both a plethora of ‘happy runs’ (Coach        prove our sheer dominance at our upcoming         team will be losing four vital players who
Nestor’s ironic name for suicide runs) and       SEASAC tournament.                                are graduating. Emotions ran high towards
sacrifices to ensure we were up to par. During                                                     the end of the season approaching our last
                                                 Throughout the year, our team’s bond has
our season we also secured the title for our                                                       trainings and games with these beloved
                                                 grown stronger than ever, this was very
annual international tour which ISB hosted in                                                      teammates, particularly peaking after our
                                                 evident both on court; where our play was
Bangkok. Along the way, we encountered a                                                           SEASAC final. The team will forever cherish
                                                 so fluid, and off court; singing to God’s Plan.
lot of frustrating and disappointing moments                                                       the memories that have been made whilst
                                                 Through the highs and lows of the season,
                                                                                                   playing Basketball this year.
which only served to drive us to work even       our team is eternally grateful for Coach
harder. Despite winning three hard-fought        Nestor Jr David. Being the backbone of the        By Tyrel O’Sullivan and Caitlin Pawley
games against SAS, when it came down             team, he never failed to inspire us to strive

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2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA

Back row (L to R): Kabir Pamnani**, Pyla Mansion**, Adam Djerf**, George Barkham*
Middle row (L to R): Moon Hyo Bin**, Ethan Harvey*, Nicolas Petersik**, Maximilian Clausius**, Yanni Stamatelos**
Front row (L to R): Alexander Watt**, Kenta Kido**, Kim Joon Sung**, Arya Madan Mohan**
Absent: Sebastiano Cannizzo**
Coach: Amir Boucenna

From the first day of training, it became                 our early tournaments and games especially       Leading into the back end of the season
apparent to the whole team that this year                 in Homecoming where all our hard work            with confidence and teamwork at a high,
would be a different beast from the year                  seemed to dissipate in a game that we were       we secured a win over SAS (for the first
before. As hopeful players in tryouts lined               all motivated to win. Another tournament         time in 40 years) a success in itself. Leading
up on the baseline to complete the dreaded                of disappointment was in ISB where the           into SEASAC there was hope in the team
beep test, the moment of realisation came                 team got a fourth place finish, leaving with a   for something better this year, however a
through that this team would be structured                feeling of emptiness and failure, as everyone    unfortunate combination of missed shots
around its fitness, defense (Mistor Djerf)                knew that we could have won. This all led        and injuries (Inspector Injured) led to us
and its discipline. This was due to a new                 to heightened tension on the team with           bringing home the bronze again. However
coach, Amir Boucenna, whose methods                       multiple altercations between everyone           in contrast to the start of the year we left
of tough love meant that throughout the                   involved, players against players, players       with a feeling of success, that we had left
season we were always pushed to our limits                against coach and Sasha squaring up with         everything on the floor, battling to the last.
both physically and mentally. Coming in                   everyone in a five metre radius.                 Despite the highs and lows of our season,
third place from last year’s SEASAC, our                                                                   our team would like to thank Coach Amir
                                                          However through all this struggle there was
team was hungry to win the Championship                                                                    for the effort and the sacrifice that he put
                                                          light at the end of the tunnel as this extra
that had slipped through our grasp the                                                                     in this season, which was inspirational for
                                                          sense of accountability and hunger to win,
year before.                                                                                               everyone of us throughout the season.
                                                          shaped a team that came together as one.
This therefore meant a ramp up in our                     Passes that were once turnovers into the         As a team we would also like to say thank
overall commitment and more trainings                     stands (TO madan), became crisp assists          you to the seniors for their contribution
at higher intensity, at times of the day                  leading to baskets on the other end, ISO         and constant effort, being role models and
where most sane people would be in bed.                   plays ending up in airballs became planned       support throughout the year. The team will
Implementing a new system of Basketball                   drives to the basket. However the team also      cherish all the memories we made this year.
that demanded fitness (Mr 86kg point                      developed off the court as teammates were
                                                                                                           By Kim Joon Sung
guard) and discipline meant that there were               more than people that you play with on the
always struggles, hardships, and adversities              court, but friends that you would hang out
that had to be overcome. This showed in                   with and look up to.

* denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction                                                                                                 6
2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA

Back row (L to R): Tamsin Hunt*, Charlotte Firmenich**, Ayesha Pointer (Vice Captain)**, Caelinn Ó Maoileoin*, Caroline McKenzie**,
Juliana Wallner**, Karin Edwards*
Middle row (L to R): Matthew Chan*, Zakee Hamawi*, Eric Wallner (Captain)**, Oliver Staples**, Tomas Hunt*, Dylan Lau**
Front row (L to R): Aaliya Vij**, Amelia Chong**, Mayumi Lumb**, Nathalie Lam**, Beatrice Sturm**
Coaches: Nicholas Lee and Akmal Aziz

The year has been nothing but insane so         outstanding achievement. I managed sixth         climbing competition; FOBISIA Climbing in
far for the Climbing team. After having         in the Open Men’s qualifiers, going through      Bangkok. The team was very excited for this,
four of the stronger members of the team        to my first Open Men’s Finals. Overall it        as it was a first for them; going overseas,
graduate last year, multiple individuals        was a great competition to be at since the       staying in a hotel, competing in a different
readily presented themselves to assume          team was so supportive, and came down to         environment, meeting new people, going
these places in the team, and impressed         support on as many days out of the three         to the night market, having lots of fun! It
us all. After a few months of training, the     that they could, something which we have         was more than just a great success, with the
team entered the first competition of the       yet to see another Climbing team do.             team bringing home 33 of a total possible
year; Rockmaster, and albeit a smaller                                                           54 medals; a huge turn-around from the last
competition, still very fun. This competition   After that the team trained relentlessly         few competitions. Just absolutely amazing!
sadly resulted in no individual podium          for weeks until the next big competition,
                                                Gravical. Gravical is one of the bigger          Overall I’m very proud of my team this year,
placements for any team members, but
                                                competitions in the year, so the team had        and could not have wished for a better one
one group managed first place for the team
                                                to prepare especially well. Sadly one of the     to lead. They are all strong climbers, and to
event (consisting of four climbers).
                                                team’s strongest male climbers, Dylan, still     see them improve and progress so much,
Even still, the team performed exceptionally    was out with an injury, but he is by far the     and be so committed, is an unparalleled
well for the first competition of the           best motivator any team could have, and          feeling. As much as taking up the role of
year, with a good number going through          we all wish him a swift recovery. The team       Captain is not one I have excelled at, I have
into finals. Caroline placed first in the       competed strong in the competition, which        given them what I can and am happy to see
Novice Women qualifiers in her first ever       was super cool to see. There were no finalists   such a result. Hats off to you all; you make
competition, with Caelinn following close       apart from our one and only Ayesha Pointer       the impossible very possible, both on the
behind her in eighth place, out of more         who placed 18th in the Open Women’s              wall and off. I hope they have an excellent
than 65 competitors. Both pushed really         qualifiers, out of 36 of the best climbers in    year ahead, climbing strong and supporting
hard in the finals, and should be immensely     the country, going through to the semi-          each other as amazingly as they have, and
proud of themselves. Juliana managed an                                                          wish Beatrice good luck with her IB exams
                                                finals, battling hard at such a level; truly
incredible sixth place in the Intermediate                                                       and life beyond UWCSEA (make sure to
                                                an inspiration to the team. I also managed
Women’s qualifiers, and pushed hard in                                                           keep climbing!), and wish all the Grade 10s
                                                seventh place in the Open Men’s qualifiers
the finals, while Aaliya placed 13th with                                                        good luck with their (I)GCSEs!
                                                out of 55 of the best climbers in Singapore,
a strong overall finish. Ayesha placed
                                                going through into the semi-finals.              By Eric Wallner
15th in her first ever Open Women’s
competition; competing in Open Women’s          With little haul from these events, the team
is a huge achievement in itself already, so     moved to train for their first international

7                                                                                                  * denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction
2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA

Back row (L to R): Vignesh Srivathsan*, Harshal Desai*, Jai Narang, Aamir Rowther*
Middle row (L to R): Karan Kohli*, Rahul Balasubramanian*, Neel Sen*
Front row (L to R): Aquib Mohamed*, Sidharth Punshi*, Yash Mohan, Zain Malik*
Absent: Charles Day*, Advik Jain*, Arnav Pabby*
Coach: Chaminda Ruwan

Through intense training and the                          developments and improvements to players      the players in the team to learn valuable
participation in our second tour of Sri Lanka,            like Sid Punshi, Dev Gopalan and Arnav        lessons which would stay with us for the
the Cricket team saw gradual improvements                 Pabhy and helped to speed up the growth       rest of our lives. Winning our final game
in performances and results as the season                 of new team members like Zain Malik,          on the tour and seeing the progression and
progressed. We were constantly told the                   Aamir Rowther, and Aquib Mohamed, who         development of so many players and the
purpose of the season was to play hard and                through their dedication and commitment       entire team showed how hard work can
good Cricket, and the results to match that               to training saw big improvements in their     translate in to success.
would soon follow.                                        consistency with bowling and sensibility
                                                                                                        Overall, the Sri Lanka tour eventually
                                                          with batting.
The more experienced Grade 11s and 12s,                                                                 managed to bring out the best Cricket in us,
including the Captain Vignesh Srivathsan,                 All of our training climaxed to our cricket   and it gave us all the confidence individually
Vice Captain Harshal Desai, and other                     tour of Sri Lanka, which involved hours of    and as a team that on our day, we can
experienced players like Rahul Bala and                   tireless effort and sacrifices made by our    compete against the best in our country.
Neel Sen, were tasked with filling the                    coach Chaminda, who managed to give
                                                                                                        We would all like to take this opportunity
massive shoes of the now graduated                        us relatively inexperienced cricketers the
                                                                                                        to thank our coach Chaminda again for
Grade 12s, who were integral parts of the                 chance to play at world class grounds, and
                                                                                                        making this tour possible, and without his
batting, keeping and bowling departments                  play against high quality opponents who
                                                                                                        dedication with coaching kids of all ages in
for the last four years. The Grade 9s and                 would provide us new challenges everyday.
                                                                                                        our school, Cricket at UWCD would never
10s were largely given freedom to play                    With seven games played in just under a
                                                                                                        be in the strong position it is in today.
their natural game, and to continue to                    week and a thin squad to choose from, our
work towards finding the style of play                    physical and mental strength were tested      By Harshal Desai
that suits them best. This led to massive                 to the limit. However this allowed for all

* denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction                                                                                                8
2017/2018 26TH ANNUAL SPORTS AWARDS - Perspectives | UWCSEA

Front row (L to R): Delphine Malik**, Maia Peacock*, Eve Singer**, Enola de Smet **
Absent: Isabella Ghersi**, Jee Hyae In (Jenny), Looi Siao Si
Coaches: Vicki Hill and Andrew McCarthy

Day 1 of SEASAC was our individual 5km           1.5k (3k in total) around the park, on grass    the lead. Bella was our last runner and
relay at MacRitchie Reservoir. The route         and path. The course was incredibly difficult   she absolutely nailed it, widening the gap
is extremely tough due to the numerous           due to the very steep climbs as well as         even further and securing a massive win
different terrains (jungle trail, concrete,      constant ups and downs.                         for us, despite rolling her ankle, we finished
across bridges, road) and it was such an         Girls went first, with Enola starting for us.   over 200m ahead of second place. It was
undulating course. Despite it being such         She raced so well, putting up a good fight      extremely exciting and very emotional.
a difficult and hilly course, it was still an    with UWCE’s best runner, it was incredibly      Overall it was second place for the girls at
extremely fast race. The jungle section of       exciting to watch them race it out, already     SEASAC after tying with UWCE on points
the race was very wet and slippery, the          gaining a huge lead from the rest of the        but due to them winning the individual race.
uneven and hilly terrain made that section       runners. Next was Delphine, despite being       It was sad and disappointing but we left
very difficult. It was a very successful race    100m behind first place, she absolutely         feeling very proud of how well everyone
Bella won the girls overall, with Enola in       destroyed her, chasing her down in the first    raced. Overall UWCD ran really well with
fourth, Delphine in eighth, Eve in 12th and      lap and building a huge lead in the second.
                                                                                                 great results for both girls and boys.
Maia in 13th. Day 2 was the team relay at        With Maia and Eve in third and fourth
Medway Park (the old golf course) next to        position respectively they had the difficult    By Eve Singer
school. Each runner had to run two laps of       pressure of maintaining and increasing

9                                                                                                  * denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction

Front row (L to R): Samir Varma**, Martin Zieler**, Tomas Hunt*, Edward Lee (Teddy)**
Absent: Benjamin Daniels, Diego Danselme, George Diggle, Adit Kshettry, Oliver Staples, Luca Wigley**, Averill Yang
Coaches: Vicki Hill and Andrew McCarthy

The 2017 Cross Country season was very                    The SEASAC race was hosted by us this            As to the relay, the course comprised
exciting and proved to be full of team                    year, the individual 5km race taking place       multiple off-track parts, that in addition to
building and individual growth. The two                   at MacRitchie Reservoir and the 3km              the steep terrain also made this race very
major competitions we faced his year, were                team relay taking place at Medway Park.          challenging. The boys team placed second
the ACSIS and SEASAC races.                               MacRitchie Reservoir was a challenging           in this race, allowing us to win second place
                                                          course, having numerous small hills that had     overall for the SEASAC competition.
In the annual ACSIS race the course was set
                                                          to be overcome, muddy dirt trails, and some
at Bedok, spanning 5km in length. Amongst                                                                  We would like to thank our coaches Ms. Hill
                                                          concrete paths. This created a constantly
us we also counted some U16 runners, who                                                                   and Mr. McCarthy, who supported us during
                                                          changing terrain that forced the runners
performed admirably. Although UWCD                                                                         our many practice sessions and races.
                                                          to consistently adapt their pace, making
boys didn’t win any places in the individual
                                                          the beginning and end of the race very           By Martin Zieler
ranking, we won the team ranking, walking
                                                          fast paced and the 3km in-between more
away as the winners of the competition.
                                                          moderate paced, but just as challenging due
This created a strong start to the new
                                                          to the difficult terrain. Although none of the
season and gave us the motivation and
                                                          boys placed in the top three, we all felt that
confidence to continue our training with
                                                          we had performed our best.
heightened intensity.

* denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction                                                                                               10

Back row (L to R): Katherine Lai*, Meghna Chaudhury*, Margherita Rampichini**, Cheryl Tugade, Hannah Runacres*, Lydia Small,
Isha Sipahimalani**
Front row (L to R): Alva Zinser (Captain)**, Eleanor-Fei Pinnegar**, Jocelyn Laxton*, Hani Sparks, Riya Narayan*, Alessandra David (Captain)**,
Alena Scherer*, Annika Sinha
Absent: Zoe Anderson, Juliet van Gyseghem, Maria Ibarreche*, Enola de Smet**, Iris Zieler
Coaches: Steve Webster and Sophie Morley

In the 2017/2018 season, we started off          combinations and set plays on the field.         UWCE unfortunately took the lead, which
with a very diverse team, having a range         Our team was extremely successful at             subsequently left us in fourth place. Despite
of ages, with students from Grade 7–12           this tournament, having been undefeated          the result not going our way, the team
joining our squad. Our season began with         and winning against TTS in the final. After      gave it their all and played some amazing
our 11-aside games in ACSIS, featuring some      this, the team was full of excitement for        Football throughout the season. SEASAC
very competitive and close games, such as        SEASAC, and we managed to hone in all            MVP was Alessandra David, Co-Captain of
a nail biting draw against TTS. Our team         the energy and focus on playing some great       the squad, for an outstanding performance
played together fantastically, demonstrated      Football during the group stages. We came        at the competition. On behalf of the entire
through our very confident wins against          out of the group stages without a single         team, we would love to say a huge thank
AIS, SAIS, and two draws against SAS             defeat and being placed a very comfortable       you to our coaches for the season that they
and UWCE to finish the ACSIS season              first in the table, we saw ourselves go head     have given us. Steve Webster and Sophie
unbeaten. In preparation for SEASAC,             to head against TTS, our strongest rivals, in    Morley have been with us through countless
our team participated in two invitational        the semi-finals. After having beaten them        training sessions in pre-season, season, and
tournaments, the UWCE Dragons and                6-0 earlier that day, we were focused on         lots of Friday mornings to help shape our
the SAS IASAS Exchange. The SAS IASAS            winning this game to find our way into the       team, improving our fitness and Football
Exchange saw our team win two games, as          finals. However, this game did not go our        ability, and giving us all an activity that we
well as draw one, unfortunately losing the       way, with the entire team slightly lacking       can look forward to, especially making this
final game against SAS. Following the SAS        in energy to match the playing of the TTS        last season so enjoyable for the nine seniors
tournament, 15 players were chosen to play       girls, leaving us with a loss against TTS in     that will be leaving this year.
at the UWCE Invitational. The tournament         the semis, bringing us into third/fourth
                                                                                                  By Alva Zinser
gave us great exposure to playing 7-a-side       play-offs. We lacked a bit of focus and some
matches, allowing us to explore different        mental strength the following day, when

11                                                                                                  * denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction

Back row (L to R): Alexander Barbier*, Ivor Teagle**, Vihan Chandiramani, Udayveer Singh*, Felipe Monassi Kedia*, Akimasa Ihara*,
Kyu Takeda*
Front row (L to R): Philip Nilsen**, Arinjay Singhai, Gauthier Jacqmin, Abel Herbst*, Aidan Gamble*, Rory Anderson**, Saatwik Kaul*,
Jang Jun Hyeok*
Absent: Paul Le Helloco**, Andrew Kipkoech**, Dhruv Marwa*, Tejas Sarna*
Coaches: Mike Little and Owen Monaghan

The 19&U Football boys season was full                    with the young players proving their worth     convincing 5-1 defeat of UWCE cementing
of excitement.                                            and the older players leading the team. The    the rematch in the semi-final. It was in this
                                                          league was won at UWCE.                        all-UWCSEA semi-final that Andrew shone,
The squad was mixed, with all four High
                                                                                                         scoring a golden goal extra-timer winner,
School grades represented. The boys started               Along the way to SEASAC were the SAIS
                                                                                                         taking us to the SEASAC final and knocking
the season strong, winning a few of friendly              and UWCE Invitational tournaments, where
                                                                                                         UWCE out. In a tough Sunday morning
victories in a row. Going into the ACSIS                  many of our players tasted 7-a-side Football
                                                                                                         final, however, NIST came out on top. It
tournament, they kept their momentum                      for the first time in UWCD colours, giving
                                                                                                         was an incredible experience and thrilling
going, scoring 14 goals and conceding none in             them valuable experience moving forward.
                                                                                                         tournament for all of us.
their first three league games. After a tough             At SEASAC, we were led by the fantastic
home draw against SAS, the biggest challenge              and exceptional coaches Owen and Mike,         Our season thus concluded, topping
of the season arrived—the league decider                  who supported us, motivated us and made        the ACSIS table and arriving second in
against UWCE. In what was always going to                 us feel like a team when we needed it. We      SEASAC. Both huge achievements that
be a heated match, Rory Anderson continued                started off slow but in winning fashion,       the entire team can be very proud of, and
his stunning goal scoring record and silenced             coming from behind to beat TTS 5-3 in          achievements that would not have been
the crowd, scoring a hat trick (including                 our first game. The group stage was a          possible without our coaches there to guide
an absolute screamer of a finish from the                 balanced affair, with the team coming in       us and drive us; Owen and Mike, thank you.
halfway line) to draw 3-3. The whole team                 second, losing only to NIST. This was until
                                                                                                         By Rory Anderson
played well during the entire league season,              the final game of the group stage, with the

* denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction                                                                                             12

Back row (L to R): Kazuki Muneyoshi, Htet Htet Aung (Christina), Rhen Lee
Front row (L to R): Payal Mahesh, Varun Taneja* (boys Captain) Devika Singh (girls Captain), Gaurika Sawhney, Shriya Agarwal*
Absent: George Delios, James Gould-Healy, Atiksh Gupta
Coaches: Neil McCulloch, Julie Martens and John Bush

The UWCSEA SEASAC Golf Championship            on the first) and downs (such as a missed      also improved by five shots to shoot an
was held on 24–25 November 2017. This          2 footer on the last). It was a challenging    impressive 85, while Gaurika maintained
year’s SEASAC championship was held            day for the team, but as Devika said it was    consistency with an 88. Again, the girls
at the Summit Windmill Golf Club in            also an “important learning experience”.       Captain Devika Singh struggled on course
Bangkok, Thailand by RIS. The Golf team        The boys had a mixed first day. The school     in a round that featured one birdie, but
was an interesting mix of relatively new       champion Varun Taneja opened with a 77         also a nine on the 13th. But like her usual
faces being led by Devika Singh and Varun      that was respectable but also far below his    positive self, she said she would “move onto
Taneja as the respective girls and boys        capabilities. The only Grade 12 on the team,   better 13s [holes]”. All in all they came in
Captains. Following a positive practice        George Delios opened with a 85 that was        a respectable fourth place, only being four
round where all players got to know the        also a significant disappointment. However,    shots off placing a medal. The boys second
course, the team was confident that they       there were bright rounds from many of the      day was significantly better, which was
could give first place a run – a title that    younger players on the team. For instance,     partly inspired by an inspirational speech
had eluded previously more experienced         the youngest player on the team Aktish         from Captain Varun Taneja the previous day.
teams. Unfortunately on the girls side, the    Gupta opened with an impressive 83 with        George Delios improved most markedly
first round was a trying effort. The clear     pinpoint accuracy from tee to green – this     with a great 69 that was the best individual
sky offered no protection from Thailand’s      score tied fellow newcomer Rhen Lee.           score of the tournament by four shots,
notoriously brutal heat, and especially long   James Healy was slightly behind with a         and an improvement of 16 shots from the
rounds (over five hours) made it difficult     85. It was not the best day for the team,      previous day. Varun Taneja shot another 77
to score. Gaurika Sawnhey led the way          but a combined score from the top four         on a hard-grinding day that kept the boys
with an impressive 84 that put her in ninth    of 328 put them in contention only seven       in contention. Rhen, Aktish and Jay also
place. Shriya Agarwal was close behind         shots back of TTS. The second day for girls    all improved to shoot respective score of
with a 87, although admittingly, this was      marked improvement from many players,          80, 81 and 83. All together, the boys team
a disappointing round for her 5-handicap       that were keen to move on from Friday’s        improved by 23 shots on the second day to
caliber. Htet Aung shot a solid 90. Lastly,    first round. This was most pronounced in       snatch second place from host-school RIS
the local favourite (and experienced) Devika   Shriya’s impressive 75 which was the third     by two shots.
Singh shot a 94 in a topsy-turvy round that    best score of the second day, in a thrilling
                                                                                              By Devika Singh and Varun Taneja
featured ups (such as a straight 160m drive    round that featured three birdies. Htet Aung

13                                                                                              * denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction

Back row (L to R): Alisha Malhotra, Hattie Nelligan**, Kayla Bryant
Middle row (L to R): Maya Raivadera (Vice Captain)**, Emma Motteram**, Caitlin Pawley (Captain)**, Elena Chesser
Front row (L to R): Nailah Ranjan*, Hannah Subbaraman*, Lee Su Yen
Absent: Nur Khan
Coach: Mandy Neil

The 2018 19&U Netball season was one                      goal at half time, TTS ultimately won the       rescheduled match was crucial as it would
filled with many highs and lows. The team                 match, putting us in contention for third and   determine who won the bronze medal.
was faced with many injuries throughout                   fourth place. The team played an extremely      Having lost out on a medal at SEANET, the
the season, with just four out of the 11                  close game against CDNIS, and although          team was hungry for a victory. The game
players finishing the season completely                   we fought hard, the bronze ultimately went      was played at UWCE, with strong support
injury free. However, despite these setbacks,             to CDNIS. It was a heartbreaking moment         from the spectators for the home team.
the girls put a positive spin on the situation            to just lose out on a medal at SEANET for       The game was the tightest one in the entire
and stepped up to the plate. The team                     the second year in a row, but the team took     season, with the UWCE and UWCD rivalry
had changed drastically compared to the                   it as a learning experience that could be       running strong throughout the entire match.
previous year, as many Grade 12 players had               used at the upcoming MCM Straits Netball        The score was almost always tied, with both
graduated and younger players had filled                  Tournament and ACSIS.                           teams sometimes managing to get ahead by
the gaps. Learning to work together as a                                                                  a goal or two. However, in the last quarter, we
new team was challenging, but by the end                  The 19&U A team was split into a U16 and        managed to get a four goal lead to secure a
of the season, the team had bonded and                    a U18 team for the tournament at MCM.           well deserved win and claim the ACSIS bronze
become a strong unit.                                     It was hard to readjust to playing with a       medal. The pressure was intense but the team
                                                          different team, and there was very strong       stayed composed, and it was evident that the
The season started off with our major                     competition from the local Malaysian            team had improved tremendously.
annual competition, the South East Asia                   schools. The U16 team ended up placing
Netball Tournament (SEANET) hosted by                     fourth while the U18 team placed fifth.         It has been a great season and the team
TTS. The day before the tournament, our                   It was not the finish the team had been         would like to thank Ms Neil for being an
Captain, Caitlin, injured her ankle. This was             hoping for, but it was a great experience and   incredible coach, as well as Caitlin and
an unfortunate last minute setback and                    learning opportunity.                           Maya, our Captains, for their excellent
forced the team to reshuffle combinations.                                                                leadership. We will miss our Grade 12
However, the team pulled together at the                  The ACSIS season saw a mixture of wins and      players and we wish them the best of luck!
tournament to make it to the semi-finals,                 losses. The team lost to TTS and the AIS, and
                                                                                                          By Maya Raivadera
where we had to play the home team, TTS,                  were therefore in contention for the bronze
to get a chance to compete for first and                  medal. With an initial match against UWCE
second. Although we were winning by one                   being called off due to bad weather, the

* denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction                                                                                                14

Back row (L to R): Yulia Sen*, Erynn Lau*, Nia Kaul*, Madeleine Hoang**
Middle row (L to R): Madeline Kardachi*, Jazmin Zastera*, Jacinta Ghirardello*, Pia Malakul Na Ayudhya*, Zoe Gaa**
Front row (L to R): Lara Choo*, Tara Gibson*, Alina Sen**, Mireya Ellwood*, Tasmyn Dahan*
Absent: Emily Illingworth*
Coaches: Dzimitry Savitski, Faé Gesmundo and Anna Cruz

During this academic year, the UWCD              hard, adding in new skills and polishing the    not eligible to claim a team award, did
gymnasts have partaken in five different         old. The UWCE Invitational took place in        exceptionally well. Alina Sen, came in
meets. The first meet of the year, held          February 2018, and the girls treated this as    fourth place all around, and took a gold
right after the October break, was Prime         a practice for SEASAC Gymnastics, which         for the Floor Exercise followed by Lara
Invitational, an annual event featuring high     would be taking place in the same gym           Choo, who came in sixth place for the
level Gymnastics, performed by gymnasts          only a month later. Again, we only had two      floor exercise. Alongside the silver team
from all over Southeast Asia. Results were       full levels competing which were Levels         placing, the Level 7s managed to claim a
close, the Level 5 team finished in seventh      5 and 7, Level 5 came in fourth whilst the      few individual awards. Representing UWCD
place, and the Level 7 and 8 teams finished      Level 7 team came in second. Some amazing       for her last time, Madeleine Hoang took
in fifth.                                        performances from our Level 8 gymnasts,         home the gold for beam, closely followed by
                                                 Zoe Gaa and Jazmin Zastera who placed           Madeline Kardachi who took bronze. Lastly,
Following the Annual Prime Invitational was
                                                 first and second. The girls trained hard over   competing in the highest level of SEASAC
the UWCD Invite and our girls did very well.
                                                 the next month leading up to SEASAC,            Gymnastics was Zoe Gaa, competing in
Almost all teams made it onto the podium,
                                                 despite injuries, they worked hard to polish    Level 8. On the first day she placed third
with all Levels 6, 7 and 8 placing second, our
                                                 and perfect their routines.                     in the all around and on the second day
Level 5 team, coming in close, came fifth.
                                                                                                 she placed second for both Unparallel
There were some incredible performances          Finally, the biggest Gymnastics event of the
                                                                                                 Bars and Balance Beam and third for the
by our team, and many received all around        year, SEASAC Gymnastics, hosted by UWCE.
                                                                                                 Vault Table and Floor Exercise. The end of
awards and individual apparatus awards.          The weekend was packed with adrenaline,
                                                                                                 SEASAC Gymnastics marks the end of the
Soon after the Christmas break, the team         friendship and true sportsmanship. All the
                                                                                                 year’s Gymnastics competitive season;
flew over to Thailand where the HIS              hard work paid off over the course of the
                                                                                                 congratulations to everyone who competed
hosted FOBISIA, an exciting competition          two days, and the UWCD girls excelled.
                                                                                                 this year. A big thank you to all the coaches
in which schools from all over Southeast         Both our Level 5 and 7 teams took home
                                                                                                 for all you help and support this year, and a
Asia took part in. We only had two full          silver. Our Level 5, Yulia Sen, finished
                                                                                                 final goodbye and thanks to our coach Anna
levels taking part in this competition,          second in the all around competition, and
                                                                                                 Cruz, who has helped us come so far.
Level 5 and 7, and they placed third and         the rest of the Level 5s, who performed
second, respectively. Over the short break       outstandingly took at least one award           By Pia Malakul Na Ayudhya
between competitions, the team trained           home. As for our two Level 6s, although

15                                                                                                 * denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction

Back row (L to R): Hugh Stanley*, Christopher Halkas*, Callum Vujanovic**, Fynn Kardachi*
Middle row (L to R): Myles Chesser*, Yash Mahajan*, Aidan Cheung*
Front row (L to R): James Chesser**
Coach: Maksim Sytsko

The boys in Level 4 and Level 6 competed                  their routines. James Chesser had been forced     named the SEASAC Level 4 Vault and High
in five competitions this year (in quick                  to move up to Level 4 for this competition        Bar Champion. Even though James was
succession), training for about 17 hours a                by the Gymnastics committee but still             the youngest competitor from our team,
week to ensure a great outcome for UWCD.                  performed with flying colours coming eighth       he still finished with a silver medal in the
                                                          overall. Yash and Fynn won the gold and silver    Parallel Bars. Myles Chesser and Aidan
The Annual Prime Competition was a great
                                                          respectively in Level 6 with Yash also grabbing   Cheung performed well and were both major
experience for all the boys. It was the first
                                                          five out of the seven possible golds. The boys    contributors in securing the team silver. The
competition of the season and nerves ran
high but every level competed well and                    had a competition almost every month and          Level 6s were seen as fierce competitors, Fynn
scored high, with the Level 6 boys beating                were knackered, with several rips on their        took home the all-around gold and despite a
out multiple clubs and schools. The boys                  hands and were plagued with all kind of           fall on the Pommel Horse, Yash got a silver.
trained hard after Prime Invitational, showing            injuries but despite the setbacks, worked hard    Hugh took home the fifth place all around
their skills in the UWCD Invite, amazing                  every day in the gym to polish their routines     position. On the second day, Yash and Fynn
routines were displayed, and every boy                    for the biggest event coming up – SEASAC.         still dominated in their competition – getting
made it onto the podium. The Level 4 boys                                                                   gold and silver respectively. Yash was named
                                                          SEASAC Gymnastics was truly a great
took home a silver, and Yash Mahajan and                                                                    the SEASAC Level 6 High Bar and Still Rings
                                                          competition, many schools from all over
Fynn Kardachi dominated in the Level 6                                                                      Champion and Fynn was named the Floor
                                                          came to take part in the competition and
competition and tied for first place. In late                                                               and Parallel Bars Champion. Hugh Stanley
                                                          the weekend was packed with outstanding
January the team travelled to Bangkok to                                                                    beat managed to beat the strong competition
                                                          routines and great friendships. The boys
participate in the FOBISIA games. Schools                                                                   and took home the Vault silver. SEASAC
                                                          excelled on both days; scoring their personal
came from all over Southeast Asia to                                                                        marked the end of the competition season,
                                                          bests. Our Level 4s took home the silver, the
compete and the UWCD boys, once again,                                                                      all the boys did fantastically this year and
                                                          Level 6s came back as the SEASAC reigning
came out on top, every medal claimed was                                                                    we applaud our coach, Maksim, for his hard
                                                          champions. The Level 4s performed very
rightfully earned. A special mention to Hugh                                                                efforts in the gym every day to help the boys,
                                                          well in the individual competitions as well
Stanley, FOBISIA was his first competition                                                                  supported ably by Dzimitry and Fae. Although
                                                          – despite an unfortunate fall on Pommel
since his injury and he performed very well                                                                 Coach Anna didn’t coach the boys specifically,
                                                          Horse, Callum still secured the ninth place
which helped earn the Level 6 boys a gold                                                                   we will miss her positive attitude in the
                                                          all around finish with the rest of the team in
medal finish in the team competition.                                                                       gym and her sense of humour. Thank you
                                                          close pursuit. Callum was able to get a gold
                                                                                                            to everyone for this incredible Gymnastics
The UWCE Invitational Competition was                     medal on the Parallel Bars and two silvers
                                                                                                            season, a big hurrah to Team Phoenix!
seen as a practice round for SEASAC. The                  on the Floor and the Vault. Christopher
UWCD boys competed well and nailed all                    Halkas performed his best ever and was            By Yash Mahajan

* denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction                                                                                                16
HOCKEY | Girls

Back row (L to R): Sarah Hanegraaf*, Anna Kennedy*, Arushi Sivasankar*, Elena Chesser*, Cassandra Wong*, Tanvi Agarwal*
Middle row (L to R): Lara Weyns*, Lonneke Oostveen*, Demi van Deursen**, Nienke Mik*, Delphine Malik*
Front row (L to R): Tessa van den Nieuwendijk*, Lauren Traas**, Maria Pia Rossi Medero*, Nadia Greutert
Absent: Htet Htet Aung (Christina), Sonika Bagchi, Lara Kaur Chal, Yuval Chen, Michelle Greutert, Loraine Huinck, Stella Joergensen,
Claire Kim, Anisha Misra, Babette Oostveen, Ayesha Pointer, Mahek Prasad, Ragini Suri, Karina Walker
Coaches: Jennifer Law, Stew Bamrah and Jagjit Singh

In Grade 11, I was the new girl on the          took place during exams, never have I seen        we played against trained together every
Hockey team. I couldn’t get around the          more commitment from the players. This            week throughout the year and included girls
disastrous stories of the games the team        commitment was not only present on                that were on average two to three years
had played in Division 1 the year before.       the pitch. We also showed commitment              older. In the game against SCC, we proved
Every once in a while, some of the girls were   while organising the kits, but ended up at        ourselves with only a 1-0 loss. The words of
laughing when Division 1 was mentioned.         McDonald’s when the shop was closed. But          the coach in the last minute of that game,
As Captain in Grade 12, I have to admit that    it did not matter whether we were wearing         obviously suggested that we did not make it
I therefore wasn’t very confident when we       PE kits, boy’s T-shirts, light or dark blue       easy for them. We had a mix of experienced
had to compete in Division 1. This team         socks, or green socks with palm trees, we         players on the pitch combined with players
however, from the first game onwards,           were ready. It also did not matter that it        that have only played for a year, and this
proved me wrong. Even though we were            was 34 degrees and sunny, we were there           makes being Captain of a team like this an
quite frustrated about the fact that we         fighting for that ball. Surprisingly, after the   experience that I will never forget.
heard of fixtures late and that we had two      first game, Division 1 did not seem to be
                                                                                                  By Lauren Traas
games each weekend and that the games           impossible. It was our level. Most teams

17                                                                                                  * denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction

Back row (L to R): Shin Seung Min (Sam), Jan Blaauwendraad*, Gavin Heggie, Benjamin Daniels**
Front row (L to R): Harrison Barkham, Ethan Harvey, Cosmo Wezenbeek**
Absent: Myles Chesser, Dimitri van den Heede, Grégory Ionine, Yash Mahajan, Truong Hoàng Minh, Robbert Nieuwenhuijzen*,
Julian Reitmaier*, Rufus Rice, Jobanjit Singh, Terrence Tan, Rory Wilton
Coaches: Jagjit Singh and Stew Bamrah

The 19&U boys 2017/2018 Hockey season                     the majority of our senior players had left,   from time to time, but I saw genuine sparks
can be seen in two ways. Either a ‘season                 leaving only a team of four seniors behind.    of magic, which showed me these boys
of failure’, with an average of one Grade                                                                have potential.
                                                          Back then I thought, “There was no
12 player showing up for every game, or
                                                          hope!”, and my judgement proved correct.       They might be young kids in my eyes who
as an ‘incubation year’. Many would see it                However, every middle schooler and             have a terrible sense of humour, but they
as a failure, however I’d like to see it as the           Grade 9 playing on that field exceeded my      could challenge the determination and
latter. Usually you’d measure the success                 expectation of courage and will power as       resilience of any 19&U UWCSEA athlete.
of a team with the amount of wins in a                    they continued to give 100% on the field,      They aren’t kids to me anymore, they have
season. Well by that logic, this season was a             and then come back to every training to        become the new generation of the 19&U
complete catastrophe, since we lost all our               improve for the next game. Not letting the     Hockey team. A team with a long journey
NJL games. Well then, how is this season                  results of each game define them.              ahead, but I already know that with enough
not a ‘failure’?                                                                                         time and development they will all be great
                                                          This gave me hope that as their skills will
                                                                                                         Hockey players that I am proud to be the
For starters, having a team with the average              progress, they will become a great team
                                                                                                         Captain of.
age of 14 in a 19&U league makes us insane,               in the future. They might have frustrated
and it is true. In the beginning of the year,             me on the lack of experience they have         By Cosmo Wezenbeek

* denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction                                                                                           18

Back row (L to R): Alexandra Tonby-Strandborg*, Jemima Lee, Sophia Jelfs*, Isabella Lambrou, Jessica Verhoeven (Vice Captain)**,
Lou-Ann Bénéton*, Eleonore Morin**
Front row (L to R): Emma Abou-Haidar Ventura**, Kailey Ross, Rosie Clark, Sophia Barkham (Captain)**, Lee Su Lin*, Tian Devine*,
Sonia Jones**, Crystal le Roux**, Kathleen Jelfs*
Absent: Caitlin Gill**
Coach: Jazreel Tan

The 19&U A Touch team felt the pressure         was evident playing back in Singapore         A special mention has to go to our new
this year as we strived to meet the             and the rest of the season. The first major   coach, Jazreel Tan, who had the pressure
expectations of continuing last year’s          tournament in season was the Pan Pacific      of living up to Shane Morris’s many years
success. The pressure was on with 10 out of     All Schools. After the first day of strong    of success at UWCD combined with having
14 of our previous players graduated, our       Touch and coming top of our pool, we just     a young and new team. Jaz is the reason
previous coach retired and combined with        missed making semi-finals by two close        why the team culture of the Prems lives on
numerous serious injuries that plagued pre-     losses in the knockout rounds. Although       as well as our high level of play. Jaz gave
season as well as season.                       this was a hard pill to swallow, the team     the team lots of game time against local
                                                bounced back and managed to secure the        women’s teams and really expanded our
We started the year off travelling to           championship in our extremely competitive     skill sets as we were able to play stronger
Brisbane for the Queensland All Schools         ACSIS season over the following weeks,        teams but without the pressure of playing
with the emphasis not only on our play, but     putting us in an ideal position for SEASAC    rival schools. This allowed the team to grow
also on our team cohesiveness and attitude.     in KL. The team performed well the first      and become confident in our own ability as
The team performed well, but seemed a           two days in KL, coming top of the pool        well as have fun playing really nice Touch.
little lost on the field as the high level of   and securing a spot in the finals the next    Jaz managed to turn a young inexperienced
Australian Touch was something few on the       morning. Nerves were high as we knew we       team into ACSIS and SEASAC Champions
team had experienced before. Throughout         had the ability to win, we just needed to     and we as a team, are extremely grateful
the tournament we improved as players           play our own game. The game proved to
                                                                                              for not only the knowledge she passed onto
started stepping up on the field to provide     be a hard one mentally and although we
                                                                                              us, but for our team culture and the fun we
our game with more structure and fluidity.      didn’t play our best Touch, we continued to
                                                                                              have together.
Trust and support were a major factor of        work together and eventually the tries came
the trip and translated onto the field, which   giving us a 3-2 win and the gold.             By Sophia Barkham

19                                                                                              * denotes Colours | ** denotes Colours with Distinction
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