EY Banking Barometer 2020 - In the Grip of Monetary Policy
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Table of contents Editorial 3 1. Study design 4 2. Key messages 6 3. Market environment 10 4. Operating business development 17 5. Negative interest rates 24 6. Financial market regulation 29 7. Lending business 34 8. Structural change and FinTech 40 9. Priorities for 2020 52 10. Outlook – Banking in 7 to 10 years 58 11. Sustainability 67 12. Customer survey 79 Appendix 84 2 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
Editorial Low interest rates, low volatility and high uncertainty: such is the environment cur- rently facing Swiss banks, in a nutshell. This brings with it a number of challenges, as margins in the lending business come under ever greater pressure and banks are having to grant ever more loans to stabilize their interest income. Banks are increas- ingly being confronted with disappearing margins in the commission business as well. Expansive monetary policy and negative interest rates have resulted in various asset classes being overvalued and risks being undervalued. In addition, uncertain- Patrick Schwaller ties stoked by trade tensions, geopolitical developments and emerging concerns Managing Partner about the economy are feeding doubts on the part of investors and bank customers Audit Financial Services – with corresponding adverse repercussions on banks’ earnings. Alongside this very challenging environment – which so far has seen banks prove themselves to be relatively resilient – banks are having to contend with a swelling tide of structural change in the financial industry. This is manifesting itself not only in new market players such as technology firms and platforms disrupting banks’ traditional value chains, but also in shifting patterns of customer behaviour. How are Swiss banks responding to these challenges? How do they assess their short-term and long-term outlook? Should private customers prepare themselves for banks to start applying negative interest rates to their account deposits? What will be banks’ strategic focus in the year ahead? These questions aside, this year we also surveyed banks about our focal topic “sustainable investing.” Do banks think this Olaf Toepfer is just hype? Do banks believe they can make a decisive contribution to combating Partner climate change? How firmly is the topic of sustainability already integrated into their Leader Banking & Capital Markets existing advisory processes? The EY Banking Barometer 2020 goes in search of answers to these and other questions. We hope you enjoy reading this publication and look forward to a lively discussion with you. Timo D’Ambrosio Senior Manager Audit Financial Services EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 3
Study design • Survey by EY in November 2019 • Survey of 100 banks in Switzerland1 • 10th edition since 2010 2019: 79 % 2018: 69 % 2019: 14 % 2018: 24 % 2019: 7 % 2018: 7 % Breakdown of survey sample Bank size by Type of bank 2019 2018 2019 2018 customer assets Private banks2 28 % 33 % Under 5 billion francs 69 % 46 % Banks under foreign control 17 % 28 % Between 5 and 1 billion francs 7% 14 % Regional banks 38 % 18 % Between 10 and 50 billion francs 17 % 26 % Cantonal banks 17 % 21 % Over 50 billion francs 7% 14 % 1 The questions were also put to the two big banks in Switzerland and included in the general evaluations but not the evaluations by type of bank 2 Including investment banks EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 5
1 Low interest rates, low volatility, high uncertainty Low interest rates, low volatility and are generating lower revenue than they high uncertainty: such is the environ- used to in the past. It is of particular ment currently facing Swiss banks, in cause for concern here that consistent, a nutshell. This brings with it a number disciplined risk management is currently of challenges, as margins in the lending not being satisfactorily rewarded, while business come under ever greater pres- inadequate risk management is not hav- sure and banks are having to issue more ing any major adverse consequences. and more loans in order to stabilize their interest income. In the commission Against this backdrop, there is the business as well, banks are increasingly danger that banks have forgotten how to having to contend with disappearing manage credit risks and handle potential margins, while geopolitical uncertainties credit defaults across the breadth of and emerging concerns about the econo- their financing business, and a degree of my are depressing activity on the part of comfort has set in. investors and bank customers. Expansive monetary policy and negative interest rates have resulted in various asset classes being overvalued, and risks being undervalued. Given the low inter- est rate environment coupled with low risk premiums and low volatility, banks 2 Gloomy business outlook – negative interest rates for small savers as well? In the all-important interest margin further out, with a total of 27% of banks just over one quarter (28%) expecting business, banks rely on a normal yield (previous year: 13%) forecasting declin- impairments to increase in the medium curve that exhibits significant differ- ing revenues in the long term. In the term. ences between short-term and long- case of the cantonal and regional banks, term interest rates. Contrary to the which are focused primarily on the lend- The pressure on margins in the inter- expectations of most banking institu- ing business, this crisis of confidence is est income business is forcing banks tions outlined in last year’s survey, any even more pronounced. increasingly to pass on negative interest normalization in monetary policy has rates to their customers. Whereas in faded into the distance. Banks will find This picture is supported by the fact 2015 70% of the banks surveyed cat- themselves confronted with negative that considerably more banks than the egorically ruled out passing on neg- interest rates and exceptionally flat previous year – 47% of cantonal banks ative interest rates, the figure is now yield curves for some time to come, and 70% of regional banks – anticipate only 21%. In addition, more than one which is placing an even tighter squeeze rising impairments in the SME lending half of banks (55%) – up significantly on interest margins and is clouding business in the medium to long run. on last year’s figure of 33% – say they the business outlook for the banking Only in the short term are banks still would like to lower the threshold from community. When looking to the short relaxed about the future. This trend is which they would like to apply negative and medium-term future, around one being driven primarily by the economic interest rates to customer deposits. The third of banks (previous year: 22% and concerns that have bubbled up in recent question begs itself for how long banks 16%, respectively) expect their operat- months. Banks remain relatively relaxed can spare small savers from the effects ing results to decline. This scepticism concerning the situation on the real es- of these negative interest rates. diminishes only negligibly when viewed tate lending markets, however, with only EY Bankenbarometer 2020 | Im Sog der Geldpolitik | 7
3 Traditional business models are being pushed to their limits – stronger customer focus is needed It is undoubtedly too early to usher in future banks will have to tap into new by setting up (networked) platforms the end of the traditional business mod- sources of income if they do not want to have created new ecosystems for their els. Swiss banks have proven themselves lose their earning power. customers. to be relatively resilient in recent years in the face of a challenging market envi- But how can they do this? The majority ronment. However, it cannot be denied of banks (60%) agree that the greatest that the ongoing expansive monetary lever for profitable income growth is policy adopted by the central banks and improved customer focus. However, the associated low or negative interest only one quarter of banks believe that environment pose a tremendous chal- the key to boosting profitable income lenge for banks and raise fundamental lies in product-centric measures such as questions concerning their business bundling different services (19%). This models – especially for cantonal and re- assessment suggests that in the future gional banks, which are focused heavily banks will align their activities more on the domestic market and the interest closely to customer needs or customer margin business. This insight now also demands and away from the product seems to have taken hold among most range they offer. This business model is banks, with a total of 83% of those sur- strongly reminiscent of the kind adopt- veyed expressing the opinion that in the ed by large technology firms, which 4 Before the focus switches to new business models, in the short term belts will be tightened another couple of notches But before banks can set about rethink- this fact. The structural change is also ing and realigning their business models, manifesting itself in the fact that banks in the short term it seems they will be have never perceived the threat from turning their attention to measures to competitors from outside the sector as improve cost efficiency. Indeed, 39% of highly as this year, with a total of 79% of banks (previous year: 32%) say the topic the banks surveyed perceiving their mar- of costs will be their top priority over ket position as under threat from these the next twelve months – the highest new providers. This notwithstanding, the figure in the last three years. This is majority of banks (61%) think that they also reflected in banks’ responses when will ultimately emerge victorious from asked about remuneration in the bank- the wave of digitalization. ing sector going forward, with almost three-quarters of the organizations surveyed (71%) expecting remuneration in the financial industry to trend down- wards in the future. Banks are increasingly cognisant that a fundamental structural change has begun in the Swiss financial services segment; 88% are now convinced of 8 | EY Bankenbarometer 2020 | Im Sog der Geldpolitik
5 The topic of sustainability at the banks has so far only played a bigger role in investment – not in lending The topic of sustainable investing has has no significance as of yet. Only a shifted increasingly into the focus of minority (19%) of the banks surveyed say investors and customers in recent years. that they take ESG factors into account There is fundamental consensus among in their lending, and only 25% say that banks that this topic is not just hype, they will take account of these criteria in and a definite trend toward sustainable the future. investing will manifest itself over the long term (81%). What is more, more The topic of sustainability will challenge than one half of banks (55%) are of the the financial service industry to its core opinion that they can make a decisive in the foreseeable future. All organiza- contribution to fighting climate change. tions at all levels will need to address the It comes as no surprise, therefore, that topic and quickly build up the expertise 70% of banks intend to expand their they need. During this phase of trans- offering of sustainable investments formation, those organizations that take going forward, not least in order to the lead will reap the benefits ahead of benefit from growing customer demand. the curve. While these survey findings suggest that banks have woken up to the topic of sus- tainable investing, it is evident that this insight has not been integrated across the board into their advisory and invest- ment processes or reporting setups. Accordingly, the topic of sustainability is a mandatory component of the advisory process at less than one third of banks (30%), and just 9% of banks say they update their customers on sustainability topics (ESG scores) as part of regular reporting. In the case of loan financing by banks, the topic of “sustainability” EY Bankenbarometer 2020 | Im Sog der Geldpolitik | 9
“ Low interest rates, low volatility and high uncertainty: such is the environment currently facing Swiss banks, in a nutshell. This constitutes a very challenging environment for banks overall. Patrick Schwaller Managing Partner Audit Financial Services 3 Market environment for banks 10 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
Monetary policy is keeping the markets on edge Interest rates Stock markets in % Indexed, 1.1.2000 = 100 6.9 300 6.4 5.9 5.4 250 4.9 4.4 200 3.9 3.4 2.9 150 2.4 1.9 1.4 100 0.9 0.4 -0.1 50 -0.6 -1.1 -1.6 0 00 04 06 08 00 04 06 08 02 02 12 12 20 8 20 8 16 10 14 16 10 14 19 19 1 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 LIBOR EUR 3M MSCI WORLD LIBOR USD 3M MSCI SWITZERLAND LIBOR JPY 3M MSCI USA LIBOR CHF 3M MSCI EUROPE CHF 10 y Swiss Bonds Source:SNB, MSCI More than ten years have passed since pansive monetary policy pursued by the charge for purchases of all kinds. The the outbreak of the last financial and central banks had its intended effect and important controlling and allocation economic crisis and the financial system brought the financial system back from function played by interest rates has was bailed out by the community of the brink of collapse. The unwanted, been rendered disabled for some time states and the central banks. Yet there long-term consequences of the policy of now, as evidenced among other things is still no normalization in sight. In cheap money can, however, no longer by the historically low volatility on the fact, quite the opposite: the unwanted be ignored: inflated asset prices, record financial markets. It is almost as if not consequences of the rescue measures levels of national and corporate debt, only capital, but also risks no longer are becoming clearer and clearer with growing threat to retirement provision, have a price. each passing year. Interest rates have increased risk exposure when investing been at absolute lows for several years due to a lack of investment alternatives, now, and in many countries they have misallocation of capital in unproduc- even been negative for some time. The tive economic sectors, to name but a real estate and securities markets, few. Capital has lost its price. Saving meanwhile, know only one direction: up. no longer reaps any rewards, and loan During the financial crisis, the ultra-ex- financing is available practically free of EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 11
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index Volatility Indexed, 1.1.2000 = 100 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 00 04 00 06 08 04 06 08 02 02 8 12 12 20 8 18 16 20 6 10 14 10 14 19 19 20 7 1 1 1 9 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 VSMI ® EURO STOXX 50® Volatility (VSTOXX®) Cboe Volatility Index® (VIX®) Source: Davis, Steven J. (Policyuncertainty.com), SIX, STOXX, Cboe The consequences of the ultra-expan- At the end of 2018 the stage seemed to banks as reported in last year’s survey. sive monetary policy can also be seen in be set for the Fed to take advantage of The central banks have squandered the rising levels of national debt of the the favourable economic environment the opportunity to normalize monetary world’s major economies, with global and initiate a normalization of monetary policy and going forward there is barely debt up by more than USD 100 trillion policy. Since then the tide has turned any scope for further monetary policy or approximately 70% since the begin- once more. Both the Fed and the ECB re- initiatives to respond in any meaningful ning of 2007 to USD 250 trillion. The acted to initial signs of economic cooling way to the next economic slowdown, the emerging economies paint an even more in 2019 with renewed rate cuts. The ECB first signs of which are already emerging sobering picture (up 267%). Yet even in also felt compelled to launch a new pack- in some economic sectors. the industrialized nations debt has been age of measures to stimulate inflation. accelerating at a dizzying pace. In the With the growth dynamics of the global The market environment for banks is face of these developments, if and when economy having continually weakened being shaped not only by elevated trade interest levels eventually do normalize, in recent months and economic growth tensions, but also by geopolitical uncer- this could have serious ramifications forecasts – especially for Europe and the tainties. Even though the two sides in for some highly indebted regions and emerging economies – becoming more the USA-China trade dispute have moved countries, possibly leaving many of them and more pessimistic, any normalization closer of late, the situation remains unable to afford the higher interest pay- in monetary policy still seems a long way precarious and harbours unpredictable ments that become due. off, contrary to the expectations of most medium and long-term risks for the glob- 12 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
300 250 200 150 100 50 18 19 17 20 20 20 VSMI ® EURO STOXX 50® Volatility (VSTOXX®) Cboe Volatility Index® (VIX®) Source: SIX, STOXX, Cboe al economy. What is more, the reper- ments by 68%. This has caused Interest holdings of foreign private customers, cussions of the impending Brexit remain margins to contract considerably.1 It can which have decreased significantly since unclear, and tensions in the Gulf region be concluded overall that while banks 2000 by CHF 484 billion or 49% from have escalated demonstrably in the past are still making as much money in the CHF 997 billion to just CHF 513 billion. few months. interest margin business as they were back in 2000, they are having to grant 1 While in 2007 this was still 1.80%, it has since fallen While Swiss banks have managed to more and more loans in order to achieve to 1.17% (Source: SNB) post relatively stable business results the same result. in recent years and have proven them- selves to be resilient in a difficult market The performance of the commission environment, it cannot be denied that and service income business paints an the margins in the traditional banking even less rosy picture. While securities business continue to be squeezed and holdings have increased by just under are falling in multi-year comparison. 60% since 2000 to CHF 5,849 billion, This is affecting not only the lending and income from commission and service interest margin business, but also the fee activities has declined by CHF 6.9 second pillar of the Swiss banking indus- billion or 24% to CHF 22.0 billion. There try: the commission and service income are multiple reasons for the erosion of business. margins in the commission and service income business. On the one hand, Interest income has been kept largely more and more players are entering the stable since 2000 and amounted to CHF market (also from outside the industry) 23.5 billion in 2018. However, this has who are enticing customers with more only been possible by simultaneously favourable conditions. On the other, the expanding volumes for the balance sheet period under review saw the increased items of mortgage receivables, amounts tax regularization of assets held at Swiss due from customers and financial invest- banks. This has especially affected the previously very high-margin securities EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 13
Interest rates and Result from lending volume commission business in CHF billion in CHF billion Lending volume Result from interest operations Securities holdings Result from commission business in CHF billion in CHF billion in CHF billion in CHF billion 2'000 30 7'000 40 1'800 6'000 35 25 1'600 30 1'400 5'000 20 25 1'200 4'000 1'000 15 20 3'000 800 15 10 600 2'000 10 400 5 1'000 5 200 0 0 0 0 00 20 4 00 06 08 09 20 4 20 5 06 08 09 20 5 02 20 3 20 7 02 20 3 20 7 01 01 13 12 13 12 15 15 18 18 16 10 16 11 14 10 11 14 17 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Mortgages Securities holdings Amounts due from customers Result from commission business Financial assets Gross result from interest operations Source: SNB It can be said in summary that Swiss • It is an intrinsic part of a bank’s busi- • The uncertainties stoked by increased banks are having to operate in an in- ness model to assume and manage trade tensions, geopolitical develop- creasingly challenging environment: one risks, which is compensated in return ments and emerging concerns about of low interest rates, low volatility and through corresponding risk premiums, the economy are feeding doubts on the high uncertainty. to name just one example. The expan- part of investors and bank customers. sive monetary policy has, however, Security appears to be the top priori- • In the traditional banking business, resulted in a tendency to underesti- ty, and in such an environment Swiss what banks need is a normal yield mate risks, as evidenced by today’s banks generally benefit from increased curve with positive interest rates in historically low risk premiums and very inflows of new money. Nevertheless, order to generate an interest margin low market volatility. Given these low banks can only earn something from from the lending and deposit business. risk premiums and low volatility, banks this extra customer money that is com- When the yield curve is flatter and are earning less. What gives particular ing in if it is managed and invested. Ad- interest rates are negative, compound- cause for concern is that consistent, ditional savings deposits, by contrast, ed with a lack of acceptance to pass on disciplined risk management is current- are not generating any income for negative interest rates and apply these ly not being satisfactorily rewarded, banks given the current interest rate to customer deposits on a broad basis, while inadequate risk management is environment and are being actively it is impossible to make a profit from not having any major adverse conse- avoided by more and more institutions. the interest income business in the quences, since the prevailing ultra-ex- long run. pansive monetary policy seems to be eliminating many of the inherent risks – or is at least papering over the cracks. 14 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
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“ When asked about their outlook for the future, Swiss banks seems to be suffering from a notable crisis of confidence – especially retail banks. Olaf Toepfer Partner Leader Banking & Capital Markets 4 Operating business development EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 17
Banks are experiencing more and more headwind «How would you assess the current development of your operating business (over the past 6 to 12 months)?» 2019 4% 3% 100% 16% 7% 90% 1% 19% 80% 2018 17% 70% 25% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 56% 52% 0% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Positive (increase in operating income of over 10%) Somewhat positive (increase in operating income of up to 10%) Somewhat negative (decrease in operating income of up to 10%) Negative (decrease in operating income of 10% to 25%) Very negative (decrease in operating income of over 25%) Since this study began, Swiss banks have ber 2019, according to SNB data. This never been so dissatisfied with business value was even lower in August 2019, In the first ten months of 2019, banks were able to 2 increase their mortgage volume by 2.7%, compared performance than they were last year. at 1.19%. Since banks have been unable with the average annual growth rate during the In spite of this, overall satisfaction is to expand their mortgage volumes as period from 2000 to 2018 of 4.4%. still at a relatively high level. As many much as they have done in the past due For example, the interest rate for new ten-year fixed 3 as one third of banks (32%) rate current to saturation trends in the market and mortgages was 3.7% at the end of 2007, according business performance as negative (pre- prevailing regulatory provisions2, this to SNB data. vious year: 25%), while 3% of the banks development has left its mark on banks’ surveyed rate the course of business income statements. Added to this, many as very negative (decline in operating older fixed mortgages held with banks – income of more than 25%). which it had been possible to conclude at higher interest conditions – are currently This development can primarily be reaching their term.3 New mortgages, explained by interest rate trends, with by contrast, have lower interest rates, the average interest rate granted for which is squeezing the interest margin new ten-year fixed mortgages con- even further. tracting from an already low 1.63% at the end of 2018 to an even lower level of around 1.26% at the end of Novem- 18 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
Gloomy outlook for the future «What kind of development do you expect in your organization’s operating business?» 2% 3% 4% 1% 3% 13% 15% 19% 24% 31% 27% 62% 65% 63% 51% 51% 58% 22% 25% 18% 19% 9% 15% 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 Short term (6-12 months) Medium term (1-3 years) Long term (> 3 years) Positive (increase in operating income of over 10%) Negative (decrease in operating income of 10% to 25%) Somewhat positive (increase in operating income of up to 10%) Very negative (decrease in operating income of over 25%) Somewhat negative (decrease in operating income of up to 10%) Scepticism concerning future business negatively than they did a year ago. pered by low interest rates, low volatility performance at Swiss banks is grow- The reasons for this downturn in mood and high uncertainty – with no discernible ing. Whilst last year banks were largely are clear: concerns about the economy end in sight. optimistic for all planning horizons (short, increased worldwide last year. The bur- medium and long term), this year has seen geoning hope toward the end of last year Alongside these macroeconomic and a significant shift in mood. Accordingly, of a paradigm shift in the monetary policy geopolitical challenges, banks need to around one third of banks expect their op- pursued by the major central banks, and in respond with an ever-greater sense of erating income to decrease in the short to turn of a pivot in interest rates in the not- urgency to the structural change under medium term, up 11 percentage points to too-distant future, has vanished into thin way in the financial industry. 33% in the short term, and 15 percentage air. What is more, geopolitical risks have points to 31% in medium term (previous escalated appreciably. The simmering year (22% and 16%, respectively). This trade dispute between the USA and China scepticism diminishes only negligibly when harbours unforeseeable consequences, viewed further out, with a total of 27% of the repercussions of the impending Brexit banks (previous year: 13%) forecasting remain uncertain, and new fuel has been declining revenues in the long term. added to the tensions in the Gulf region in the past few months. All in all, it can The results of the survey show that banks be said that Swiss banks are having to assess their business outlook much more contend with a difficult environment ham- EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 19
Negative interest rates are killing the mood at retail banks «What kind of development do you expect in your organization’s operating business?» Cantonal banks The individual banking groups already 6% 6% exhibited a very disparate view last year 20% 25% 25% of their prospects for the future. Where- 44% 56% 44% as there was healthy optimism among foreign and private banks operating 80% 70% 65% primarily in the asset management busi- 56% 50% ness, when it came to the regional and 38% cantonal banks, the mood was a lot more 5% 10% sceptical. These two camps grew even 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 further apart this year, with the cantonal Short term (6-12 months) Medium term (1-3 years) Long term (> 3 years) and regional banks suffering a massive crisis of confidence. Their outlook has Regional banks clouded considerably for all planning 5% 6% 10% 6% 5% 11% horizons, but especially over the medium 22% 17% term. Fewer and fewer regional banks 45% are positive about the future: only 50% 60% 60% in the short term (previous year: 72%, 83% 66% 77% down 22 percentage points), 30% in the 50% medium term (previous year: 77%, down 25% 30% 47 percentage points) and 35% in the 6% 5% 5% 6% long term (previous year: 89%, down 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 54 percentage points). The picture is Short term (6-12 months) Medium term (1-3 years) Long term (> 3 years) similar among cantonal banks, where – depending on the planning horizon – only between 38% and 56% of the banks Positive (increase in operating surveyed are looking to the future with income of over 10%) optimism. The declines versus the previ- ous year range between 24 percentage Somewhat positive (increase in operating income of up to 10%) points (short term) and 37 percentage points (medium term). Somewhat negative (decrease in operating income of up to 10%) Negative (decrease in operating income of 10% to 25%) Very negative (decrease in operating income of over 25%) 20 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
Private banks and foreign banks, by Banks under foreign control contrast, are similarly optimistic as 3% 4% 3% 4% 7% 7% they were a year ago. In the medium to 17% 15% long term, only isolated banks expect 48% 68% 60% their operating results to fall (3% and 71% 63% 59% 4%, respectively, for foreign banks and 12% or 8%, respectively, for private 45% banks). Accordingly, the medium and 22% 29% 22% 36% 17% long-term outlook of this banking group has brightened further compared to last 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 year, while the short-term outlook has Short term (6-12 months) Medium term (1-3 years) Long term (> 3 years) deteriorated slightly. Private banks What is the reason for these wildly dif- 3% 12% 15% 8% 12% fering assessments concerning their fu- 28% 21% ture prospects? Among the cantonal and 56% regional banks, the overriding concern 60% 50% 59% 52% seems to be that there is no end in sight 60% to the prevailing low interest rate envi- ronment, which is pushing the business 24% 28% 35% 36% 29% 12% models of these banks to their limits. Foreign and private banks, meanwhile, 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 have already undergone a far-reaching Short term (6-12 months) Medium term (1-3 years) Long term (> 3 years) transformation in recent years as they have restructured their cross-border asset management in line with new tax Positive (increase in operating laws, and feel well equipped for the income of over 10%) future given their negligible dependence Somewhat positive (increase in on the interest margin business. operating income of up to 10%) Somewhat negative (decrease in operating income of up to 10%) Negative (decrease in operating income of 10% to 25%) Very negative (decrease in operating income of over 25%) EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 21
Investment business still top priority «In which business segment do you expect the biggest growth potential for your organization?» Credit business Investment business (investment Trading business Asset management Other advice, portfolio management) 2019 4% 56% 4% 24% 12% Private banks 2018 11% 55% 6% 17% 11% Banks under 2019 24% 53% 10% 10% 3% foreign control 2018 26% 56% 11% 7% 2019 40% 55% 5% Regional banks 2018 39% 55% 6% 2019 24% 52% 6% 6% 12% Cantonal banks 2018 30% 60% 5% 5% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2019 ous year: 7%, up 4 percentage points). commission and service fee activities 6% The lending business, by contrast, was up slightly by 1.2% to CHF 22.0 7% 22% seems to be declining in importance, billion, income from interest rates fell 11% 7% 24% with just 22% of banks (previous year: by 1.8% to CHF 23.5 billion. The interest 2018 24%) saying that the lending business income business is still the major source 6% is the greatest driver of growth. Among of income for Swiss banks; however, its 7% the cantonal banks in particular (24%), lead over the commission and service a shift can be observed away from the income business has contracted to now lending business as the primary growth just CHF 1.5 billion. driver (previous year: 30%, down 6 per- centage points). It is difficult to predict how successful this shifted focus on the investment This result hardly comes as a surprise: business will be. The growth potential 56% the lending business has lost a lot of its of the investment business in the Swiss 54% appeal in recent years, as low interest market is structurally limited and the rates continue to squeeze the interest combined growth ambitions of all banks As in the previous year, the majority of margin and the market is pushed to the likely outstrip the effective potential of banks – 54% – perceive their greatest point of saturation on the back of the the Swiss domestic market. A glance potential for growth to be in the invest- preceding massive increase in volumes. at the volumes of foreign assets un- ment business (investment advice and This is forcing many banks to ramp up der management at Swiss banks for portfolio management; previous year: their focus on the investment business private customers shows that these 56%). 11% of banks are turning to asset as can already be seen in banks’ 2018 have almost halved (49%) so far this management to generate growth (previ- operating results. While income from millennium, down from CHF 997 billion 22 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
in 2000 to CHF 513 billion at the end of 2018. Adjusted for (positive) exchange rate developments4, this decline would likely be even more dramatic. It is also assumed that new technologies and business models will further exacerbate the competitive situation. For example, the MSCI World stock market index 4 increased almost three-fold during the same period. EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 23
“ Negative interest rates are already a reality for wealthy private customers – how long can banks continue to protect small savers from negative interest rates? Patrick Schwaller Managing Partner Audit Financial Services 5 Negative interest rates 24 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
It is becoming the norm to pass on negative interest rates... «Does your organization intend to introduce negative interest rates in the private customer business?» 2019 100% 21% 90% 21% 31% 2018 80% 34% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 32% 26% 20% 13% 10% 22% 0% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 No, under no circumstances Yes, but only for balances in excess of CHF 100,000 Yes, but only for balances in excess of CHF 1 million Yes, but only if the SNB increases the negative interest rate further (e.g., to -1.5%) The share of Swiss banks that can rates for affluents has risen markedly envision passing on negative interest from 24% last year to 56% today. 24% rates to private customers increases of private banks, slightly more than the with each year that the low interest rate previous year, categorically rule out environment persists. Whereas in 2015 passing on negative interest rates to 70% of the banks surveyed categorically private customers (previous year: 18%). ruled out passing on negative interest rates, the figure is now only 21%. This This year’s survey shows that the constitutes a further year-on-year de- persistent unsatisfactory interest rate cline of 13 percentage points (previous situation is now also forcing regional year: 34%). banks to rethink their stance on this matter, with just 67% of regional banks The customer segment of so-called categorically ruling out passing on neg- affluents – that is, customers with net ative interest rates last year, compared assets totalling over CHF 100,000 – has with just 20% now. The picture is similar been especially hard hit by this devel- at the cantonal banks, where as recently opment, as a glance at the responses as last year one quarter categorically of the private banks reveals. Indeed, excluded taking such a step; this year, the share of private banks that could this figure declined by a further 7 per- envision passing on negative interest centage points to just 18%. EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 25
...but how long will small savers be spared? «Does your organization intend to reduce the minimum balance for passing on negative interest rates to your customers?» Effective November 1, 2019, the SNB Until now, only corporate customers and No increased the allowances in excess of very wealthy private customers have Probably not which banks have to pay negative inter- been asked to dip into their pockets to Probably est on the monies deposited in their cof- offset this shortfall. However if, with Yes 2019 fers, mitigating somewhat the pressure each year that passes, banks want to on banks caused by the negative interest reduce the threshold more and more, it 15% rate environment. In spite of this positive would seem only a matter of time until 11% 19% measure for banks, this year more than the first (less wealthy) private customers 2018 one half of banks (55%) – a considerable have to pay negative interest, especially 30% increase of 22 percentage points on last if aside from their cash savings they do year’s figure of 33% – say they would have any other products that are profit- 22% like to lower the threshold from which able for the bank. they would like to apply negative interest rates to customer deposits. Calculated on a simplified basis as “SNB income 5 26% from negative interest rates” divided by the For a long time, the idea of charging cumulative income of Swiss banks for 2018. 40% negative interest on customer deposits 37% was taboo. But with each year that low interest rates persist, the pressure on banks to pass on negative interest rates to customers increases. A look at the SNB’s operating figures confirms this picture: in each of the past two years, banks had to pay around CHF 2.0 billion to the SNB in negative interest rates – equivalent to almost one fifth of bank’s cumulative annual profits.5 2019 11% 33% 28% 28% Private banks 2018 44% 33% 19% 4% Banks under 2019 30% 25% 30% 15% foreign control 2018 25% 35% 15% 25% 2019 14% 29% 43% 14% Regional banks 2018 17% 58% 8% 17% 2019 19% 19% 62% Cantonal banks 2018 21% 29% 50% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 26 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
Pure savings customers no longer welcome «Do you agree with the following statement? Given the current interest rate environment, having relationships with pure savings customers is less interesting / attractive for our bank.» The negative interest rate environment management, issuing payment cards or investment markets, implementing this that has prevailed for several years now executing foreign currency transactions. seemingly straightforward strategy will means that customer relationships with According to this study, however, this be no easy task, however. What is more, pure savings customers can no longer will likely just be a temporary band- this strategy harbours suitability risks be maintained at a profit. It is hardly aid (see p. xy for more information ). if banks fail to carry out a detailed and surprising, therefore, that as many Another strategy to boost revenue is to extensive suitability and adequacy test as two thirds of the banks surveyed persuade customers to invest more of for their customers in advance. (68%) are not very well disposed toward the assets “parked” in savings accounts savings customers at the present time. in funds or securities. Against the back- This is especially true at private banks drop of increasing uncertainties on the (84%). But at the majority of cantonal banks (59%) and regional banks (55%) as well, savings customers – in particular, opportunistic savings customers – are no longer being welcomed with open arms. The adverse effects of negative interest 11% rates are making their presence felt here: banks are starting to ask them- selves how they can avoid attracting 31% additional, purely opportunistic deposit business and what kind of incentives I entirely disagree 21% they can offer to encourage existing sav- I partly disagree ings customers to expand and develop I partly agree their business relationship. I agree Swiss banks are looking for ways out of the difficulties caused by the currently low interest rates. The primary initiatives are to introduce new fees for account 37% Private banks 8% 8% 28% 56% Banks under 15% 19% 33% 33% foreign control Regional banks 20% 25% 40% 15% Cantonal banks 41% 47% 12% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 27
28 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
“ It is somewhat ironic that the regulatory measures introduced by the central banks to manage the last financial crisis have been identified as the likely cause for a possible next crisis. Patrick Schwaller Managing Partner Audit Financial Services 6 Financial market regulation EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 29
Balanced regulation – more scepticism concerning equity capital regulations «In which of the following areas have Swiss regulations potentially gone too far and therefore resulted in negative impacts?» Yes Probably Probably not No 2019 17% 29% 39% 15% Data Protection 2018 15% 39% 37% 9% 2019 7% 31% 45% 17% Market conduct 2018 11% 30% 47% 11% rules 2017 2% 31% 53% 14% 2019 10% 31% 46% 13% Derivative trading 2018 11% 25% 54% 10% 2017 18% 31% 42% 9% 2019 2% 8% 55% 35% Cybercrime 2018 2% 18% 63% 17% 2017 2% 20% 51% 27% 2019 19% 36% 34% 11% Funds regulation 2018 16% 44% 37% 3% 2017 20% 42% 32% 6% 2019 12% 30% 46% 12% KYC 2018 10% 31% 39% 20% 2017 14% 27% 46% 13% 2019 6% 30% 47% 17% Tax transparency 2018 10% 26% 46% 18% 2017 15% 32% 40% 13% 2019 35% 30% 22% 13% Investor 2018 31% 36% 27% 6% protection 2017 34% 37% 26% 3% 2019 27% 32% 28% 13% Liquidity 2018 22% 33% 30% 15% 2017 18% 44% 26% 12% 2019 16% 31% 27% 26% Capital 2018 8% 29% 38% 25% 2017 8% 35% 38% 19% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% More than ten years ago, the outbreak Implementing these new regulations “Liquidity” (up 4 percentage points) and of the financial and economic crisis sent generated substantial costs for banks. “Derivatives trading” (up 5 percentage devastating shockwaves throughout the In spite of these financially undesirable points). global economy and world of finance. In spillover effects, banks fundamentally response to the financial crisis, reg- acknowledged the sense and purpose of The Swiss authorities stepped up the ulators worldwide and in Switzerland the new regulations. Nevertheless, the capital regulations for systemically tightened the regulatory reins. There survey reveals rising scepticism on the relevant banks another notch in Novem- were three main objectives: more part of banks versus the previous year ber 2019 when they adopted the final capital, more liquidity and contingency concerning key areas of regulation such capital rules. Switzerland now has one of plans for systemically relevant banks. as “Capital” (up 10 percentage points), the most stringent capital regimes in the 30 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
world, something the country’s major in question is correspondingly strong. international banks in particular think Once this initial phase is complete, costs puts them at a decisive disadvantage to gradually start to fall again, which usu- their foreign competitors, since procur- ally results in broader acceptance of the ing additional risk capital such as bail-in regulation at the companies affected. bonds generates high additional costs. Swiss big banks have to hold more cap- ital and have higher capital costs than their global peers. On the other hand, a contrary trend can be observed on the topic of “Data protection”: whereas last year more than one half of banks (54%) said they thought there was a tendency toward over-regulation in this area, this year this figure was just 46%. This is a pattern frequently seen when new regulations are introduced. In the initial analysis and implementation phase (including also investments in new IT systems), compliance costs are comparatively high and criticism of the regulatory project EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 31
Banks appear unfazed in spite of the Federal Supreme Court ruling in respect of administrative assistance with France «Are you concerned that the Federal Supreme Court’s decision of July 2019 could have negative effects on your bank and its business model?» 3% intended and thus could undermine the 12% “principle of speciality.” In view of these circumstances, the Swiss Bankers Asso- ciation acknowledged the ruling “with great scepticism.” Yes Probably It may come as a surprise, therefore, Probably not that only 15% of the banks surveyed fear that the Federal Supreme Court 30% No ruling on providing customer data to 55% the French tax authorities will have negative repercussions for their bank. What comes as no surprise, however, is that private banks, which are more firmly anchored in cross-border banking, are more concerned than cantonal and regional banks, which are focused on the The Federal Supreme Court ruled in trative assistance an illegitimate fishing domestic market. Accordingly, 21% of July 2019 that the Swiss Federal Tax expedition. The decision by the Federal private banks perceive negative reper- Administration must provide, through Supreme Court was perceived by many cussions for their bank, while as far as administrative assistance channels, the people as a judgment against the Swiss the regional banks are concerned, not names and further information concern- financial centre that could pave the way one single bank thinks it will be affected ing over 40,000 French banking custom- for more and more unsubstantiated by this Federal Supreme Court ruling. ers to the French tax authorities. This requests for information. In addition, overturned the lower-court ruling by the multiple observers perceived the danger Federal Administrative Court, which had that the data surrendered could be used deemed the French request for adminis- for ends other than the tax purposes Private banks 21% 38% 41% Banks under 3% 17% 21% 59% foreign control Regional banks 32% 68% Cantonal banks 12% 6% 35% 47% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 32 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
Monetary policy proving the major cause for concern «What do you see as the greatest danger that may cause a next financial crisis?» 2019 1% 1% 11% 6% 1% 4% Massive price decline in the real estate market 4% 11% 4% 2018 4% Liquidity crisis 7% Stock market crash 7% Economic downturn 10% Geopolitical crisis 8% Long-term consequences from the expansionary monetary policy 33% Cyber attacks Collapse of major financial market infrastructures 49% None 12% 27% Other 2019 4% 4% 13% 8% 21% 42% 4% 4% Private banks 2018 14% 11% 26% 34% 3% 9% 3% Banks under 2019 3% 10% 3% 21% 46% 14% 3% foreign control 2018 4% 4% 15% 36% 33% 4% 4% 2019 35% 5% 60% Regional banks 2018 32% 6% 28% 28% 6% 2019 12% 6% 24% 52% 6% Cantonal banks 2018 20% 5% 5% 15% 35% 10% 10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% For some time now, an increasing num- ultra-expansive monetary policy. This is a Gulf region bubbling up again, this figure ber of not only economists and market significant increase in comparison to the is lower than might have been expected. players, but also leaders of industry, previous year, up 16 percentage points. Banks’ assessment of the dangers posed have been warning about the potentially It is somewhat ironic that the regulatory by the real estate market has remained disastrous consequences of the sustained measures introduced to manage the last virtually unchanged versus last year. ultra-expansive monetary policy being financial crisis have been identified as the Slightly more than one tenth (11%) of the pursued by the central banks. The infla- likely cause for a possible next crisis. banks surveyed perceive the greatest risk tion in asset prices, skyrocketing levels in a collapse in prices on the real estate of debt, a lack of structural pressure Concerns about the consequences of the markets, while 8% put the ramifications of in some areas of the economy and the current monetary policy seem to be over- an economic downturn at the top of the widening wealth gap are some of the riding the other risk areas, with just 12% list of potential dangers. most frequently cited warning signals. of banks naming geopolitical uncertain- Given these circumstances, it is hardly ties as the greatest risk. With the trade surprising that almost one half of Swiss dispute between the USA and China, on banks (49%) believe the greatest risk for a the one hand, and Europe, on the other, possible ensuing financial crisis lies in the still far from resolved, and tensions in the EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 33
“ The scenarios for economic performance continue to deteriorate. Yet banks remain cautiously optimistic. If banks want to come out on top of the next economic downturn, they need to initiate the right steps in risk management sooner rather than later. Olaf Topefer Partner Leader Banking & Capital Markets 7 Lending business 34 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
Is housing financing showing signs of saturation? «How do you expect the lending policy of Swiss banks in the residential property segment to develop in the next 6 to 12 months?» 2019 3% 2% 7% 100% 1% 6% 90% 2018 80% 70% 60% 38% 50% 41% 55% 40% 47% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Become more restrictive Become somewhat more restrictive Remain unchanged Become somewhat more expansionary Become more expansionary Swiss banks have massively expand- restrictive lending policy for residential ed their mortgage lending business in property financing going forward (pre- recent years, and over the course of vious year: 44%). The reasons for this 2018 broke the symbolic barrier of CHF more cautious approach are the gradual 1,000 billion in mortgages lent for the saturation that is setting in on the real first time. This trend was driven pri- estate market coupled with stricter regu- marily by the Raiffeisen banks and the latory conditions governing the financ- cantonal banks, which have expanded ing of investment properties. their mortgage lending volumes by a staggering 203% and 105%, respectively, The share of banks that want to adopt since 2000. a more expansionary lending policy in the future is still very low at 5%, albeit In the last two years, however, the up slightly on the previous year’s figure appetite for new residential property of 1%. financing has waned slightly. While 47% of banks (previous year: 55%) intend to continue the lending policy they have adopted in recent years, 48% of banks currently anticipate pursuing a more EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 35
No credit defaults expected in the medium term «What level of risk provisioning (impairment losses and provisions) do you expect you will need to cover your housing financing business in the short / medium / long term?» The vast majority of Swiss banks are Where is this added confidence coming office properties – coupled with increas- completely unconcerned about the from? The greatest risk to the upwards ing unemployment could develop into level of risk provisions needed to cover trend of real estate prices is a marked a serious problem for banks. Yet even housing financing. In the short term, just rise in interest rates, which in all likeli- though economic momentum in Switzer- 7% of the banks surveyed anticipate a hood would lead to lower prices. Howev- land lost some of its steam last year, the rising need for impairment allowances, er, such an interest rate hike has been majority of economists assess the risk of another 6 percentage points less than in pushed to the back burner in recent a broad-based and far-reaching reces- the previous year. This brighter out- months in the wake of the Fed’s about- sion as small for the time being. These look on the part of banks is even more face on monetary policy. Toward the end trends have obviously led Swiss banks to pronounced in the medium term, with of last year, the successive interest rate believe that they are once again increas- only 28% (previous year: 39%, down 11 increases by the US Fed were interpret- ingly on the safe side. percentage points) expecting a great- ed as a sign that the ultra-expansive er risk provisioning requirement. This monetary policy would soon be coming extremely positive assessment is also to an end. As 2019 progressed, howev- gradually starting to trickle through into er, these hopes went up in smoke, and banks’ long-term outlook: only slightly instead the Fed made three preventive more than one half of banks (59%) think rate cuts of 25 basis points each. Anoth- that impairment losses will increase in er variable that could pose a substantial the long term, once again a sizeable risk for the real estate market would decrease on last year’s result (previous be a severe economic downturn. Rising year: 69%, down 10 percentage points). vacancies – especially on the market for 100% 5% 1% 1% 1% 6% 90% 31% 80% 40% 70% 60% 71% 60% 82% 87% 50% 40% 64% 55% 30% 20% 38% 27% 10% 13% 7% 1% 1% 4% 5% 0% 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 Short term (6-12 months) Medium term (1-3 years) Long term (> 3 years) Less Unchanged Greater Much greater 36 | EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy
Mortgages with negative interest rates remain taboo «Looking from today’s perspective, it seems realistic that our organization will offer mortgage loans with negative interest rates in the future.» 1% 16% Private banks 5% 5% 90% Banks under 9% 91% foreign control Regional banks 41% 59% Cantonal banks 12% 88% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 83% Yes Yes, but only in individual cases for Private Banking or for institutional customers No It sounds like a dream come true for bor- caused a stir when two cantonal banks rowers: take out debt and be given extra revealed that under certain circumstanc- money on top. This scenario, which until es or in isolated cases they were issuing just a few years ago would have seemed negative-rate mortgages to (institution- completely absurd, is already reality al/commercial) large customers. in at least a few European countries. For example, Jyske Bank, Denmark’s Faced with this development, the ques- third-largest bank, this year granted the tion begs itself as to whether going for- first mortgage worldwide with a negative ward Switzerland will see negative-rate interest rate. In addition, in November mortgages on a broader nationwide 2019, the state-owned development front. Swiss banks currently have a very bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau clear stance on this matter: 83% of the (KfW), based in Germany, announced at organizations surveyed say it is unreal- an event that the following year it would istic that they will issue mortgages with like to start issuing promotional loans negative interest. Nonetheless, 16% with negative interest rates. In an initial state they would consider it in individual phase, this credit offering will be geared cases for private banking customers or exclusively to banks and companies, but institutional customers. Only one bank later will be extended to private custom- expects to offer negative-rate mortgag- ers as well. Here in Switzerland, a survey es in the future. of cantonal banks published by Tamedia EY Banking Barometer 2020 | In the Grip of Monetary Policy | 37
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