Services for schools 2021/22 Directory - - Cornwall Council

Page created by Kenneth Simpson
Services for schools 2021/22 Directory - - Cornwall Council
Services for
2021/22 Directory

Services for schools 2021/22 Directory - - Cornwall Council
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Welcome to the 2020/21 Services for
Schools offer
We are delighted to present our 2020/21 Services 4
Schools offer for schools and educational settings in
We have an extensive service offer that includes
services for Pupil Support, Curriculum Development
and Support, HR and Finance, Statistical Analysis, ICT
and Systems, Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Property
and Environment and Payroll.

All of our services are outlined in this directory, including how the
services can benefit your school or group of schools.

If you are Multi Academy Trust, then please contact individual
services for information about bespoke supports options that
could be available for block purchases across groups of schools.

There is a direct contact for each service within the Directory to
advise you on that specific service.

Alternatively if you have a more general enquiry you can reach the
S4S team by emailing:

We hope you find this Directory useful. Please continue to share
your views with us about what is working well, services that can be
improved and services you feel we should be offering.

We wish you a successful academic year and look forward to
continuing to work in partnership with you for the benefit of
Cornwall’s children and young people.

Meredith Teasdale
Strategic Director, Together for Families

Services for schools 2021/22 Directory - - Cornwall Council
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Why Choose Cornwall Council?
Cornwall Council’s Services for Schools offer is delivered by
staff with a wealth of relevant experience, knowledge and
skills. Services are well respected and valued by schools as
demonstrated in testimonials throughout this directory.

We are committed to:
   Delivering high quality services that your school can depend on;
   Providing excellent value for money;
   Supporting you to comply with national/legislative standards where
   Offering bespoke and standard packages to meet your school’s needs;
   Information governance;
   Clear corporate processes;
   Established multi professional and multi-agency working;
   Suitably qualified staff, covered by the necessary DBS checks as required.

We provide both core service level agreements which are purchased for the
full academic year and also flexible support services which can be bought on
a pay as you go basis when needed.

We appreciate the challenges that schools face during difficult financial times
and our services are designed and priced to help you manage your budgets.
Whereas some services are free, other services are chargeable, offering high-
quality, professional and cost-effective support, enabling your school to meet
regulatory requirements whilst improving outcomes. If the costs of the service
you are interested in are not included in this brochure, it means that they are
bespoke and can only be determined after discussing your requirements.
We encourage collaboration between Schools to ensure our services are
accessible and affordable for all.

Feedback, Compliments and Complaints
We want to hear from you to ensure that we are providing you with the best
experience, from visiting the webpage, the detail provided within this
brochure through to the service delivery.
If you wish to tell us how can we improve our offer, what services you would
like to see or share any good or bad experiences, please contact

Services for schools 2021/22 Directory - - Cornwall Council
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Commercial Terms
By purchasing our services, you are entering into a contractual agreement
with Cornwall Council. For further information, you can view our Terms and
Conditions on page 124 or download it via our online Services4Schools

How to purchase our services
We aim to make purchasing our services as easy as possible. There are two
ways to buy our services.

Option 1: Online via the SfS web portal
The Services for Schools web portal allows schools to purchase many of the
services within this directory. Services which can be bought through the web
portal are identified in this directory.
Logging in
Visit and enter your login details. Your username is
always your email address. If you have forgotten your password, this can be
reset by using the Forgotten your Password facility or by contacting the
Services for Schools Support Team at
Viewing Services
Once logged in, you can view the various providers on the left-hand side of
the screen – these can be viewed by Category (default) or by Name. Click on
the name of the provider to view what is being offered by that provider to
your school. Core packages (normally those which cover your school for the
full academic year) are highlighted in GREEN, whilst those services
highlighted in BLUE are Flexible Support items (instant ‘pay as you go’-type
purchases that can be made throughout the school year). Click on the service
to view an explanation of what is being offered.
All schools have three registered users:
Administrator – This would normally be the School Secretary or Business
Manager. Administrators can select services but do not have the permissions
to approve submissions. Please note that all users can purchase Flexible
Support items without requiring approval – these are instant ‘pay as you go’-
type purchases that can be made throughout the school year.
Headteacher – The Headteacher can select services, as well as approve
submissions. Approval can be given and then passed to the nominated
Governor for approval, or the Headteacher can approve the submission
themselves on behalf of the Governor.

Services for schools 2021/22 Directory - - Cornwall Council
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Governor - This would normally be the Chair of Governors, or another
Governor who has the authority to approve submissions on behalf of the
Governing Body.
Once you are logged-in, you can update the user details for your school by
selecting User Maintenance in the menu at the bottom-left corner of the

Option 2: Contacting Services Directly
For services that are not available via the SfS web portal and for those where
you want to negotiate a bespoke package, contact the service direct using the
contact information provided in this directory.

Services for schools 2021/22 Directory - - Cornwall Council
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Effective Leadership and Management
Administration of Transactional Payroll and HR for Academies                 10
Administration of Transactional Payroll and HR for Maintained Schools        11
Self-Administration for Academies                                            12
Audit Services - Internal Audit and Risk                                     13
Counter Fraud - Fraud Risk in Schools                                        14
Legal Services (Cornwall Legal)                                              15
HR Safeguarding Team - Safer Recruitment                                     16
HR Safeguarding Team - DBS Checks                                            17
HR Recruitment and Resourcing Team                                           18
Cornwall HR - Employment Advice, Guidance and Support                        19
Cornwall HR Learning and Development                                         20
LFS Team Standard / Standard Plus Service                                    21
LFS Team Help Desk and ‘Safety Net’                                          22
LFS Team Standard Financial Assurance                                        23
LFS Team Consultancy                                                         24
Teacher Trade Union Pooled Facilities Fund                                   25

Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Health and Safety Core Service                                               27
Health and Safety Coordinator Support                                        28
CLEAPSS Subscription (Including RPA for Secondary Schools)                   29
Fire Risk Assessment                                                         30
2nd Party Property Compliance Audit                                          31
Glazing Survey                                                               32
Health and Safety Assessment of Contractors                                  33
Health and Safety Project Work                                               34
Display Screen Equipment Specialist Assessment                               35
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Training                                      36
Risk Assessment Training                                                     37
Incident Investigation Training                                              38
Evac Chair Training                                                          39
Asbestos Awareness Training                                                  40
Occupational Health Core Contract                                            41
Occupational Health Pay As You Use                                           42
Wellbeing Core Service                                                       43
Be Mindful About Mental Health                                               44
Building Personal Resilience, Agility and Adaptability                       45
Tiredness and Fatigue Awareness (Tools and Tips)                             46

Services for schools 2021/22 Directory - - Cornwall Council
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Well @ Work                                                                47
Managing Teams in a Digital World                                          48
Tree Risk Management and Advisory Service                                  49
Water Safety Services                                                      50
Pest Control Service                                                       51
Air Quality Consultancy                                                    52
School Meals Direct                                                        53
Building Control                                                           54

Pupil Safeguarding, Development and Support
Cornwall Outdoors – Outdoor Education Centres, Camps and                   56
Outreach Work
Cornwall Outdoors Safety on School Visits for Academies                    57
Education Business Partnership for Secondary Schools                       58
Education Business Partnership for Primary Schools –                       59
Business Enterprise Challenge
Education Business Partnership for Primary Schools –                       60
Have a Go At Work
Education Business Partnership for Primary Schools –                       61
Escape Room Skills Challenge

School Support and Specialist Services
School Admissions Application Ranking Service                              63
School Admissions Appeal Case Presentation Service                         64
Independent School Admission and Exclusions Appeal Panel Services          65
Data and Statistics Service for Academies                                  66
Fisher Family Trust - FFT Aspire                                           67
Education Welfare Service - Support Package                                68
Educational Psychology                                                     69
Educational Psychology - Flexible Support                                  70
Education Library Service - Gold Service                                   71
Education Library Service - Silver Service                                 72
Education Library Service - Bronze Service                                 73
Education Library Service - Deposit Service                                74
Free School Meals and Pupil Premium Administration for Academies           75
IMS ESS SIMS - Core Service                                                76
IMS ESS SIMS – Upgrade Service                                             77
IMS ESS SIMS – RBUSS Backup Service                                        78
IMS ESS SIMS – Flexible Support                                            79
School Effectiveness Cornwall Core SLA                                     80
School Effectiveness Cornwall Flexible and Bespoke Support                 81

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Terms and Conditions

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Effective Leadership
and Management

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Administration of Transactional
Payroll and HR for Academies
Cornwall Council currently processes 44 payrolls    Contact Details
each month to a wide range of customers across      Transactional Services
Cornwall and Devon.                                    01872 323500
We will provide a comprehensive Payroll, Pension
and HR administration service including the  
calculation and payment of salaries ensuring
compliance with all statutory requirements.         Service Type
                                                    This service is a CORE SLA for the duration of
With many years’ experience of working with         the 2021/2022 academic year.
schools we have become experts in our field. Our
qualified staff will be pleased to provide expert   Eligible Schools
advice on payroll issues.                           This service is available to Academies.
We have established links with HMRC, the Local
Government Pensions Scheme providers and with
                                                    Combined cost per Payslip
Teachers’ Pensions; therefore we can ensure that
                                                    2400 per Year £5.53
      statutory requirements are met.
    Provision of a monthly staffing report.        Emergency Payments
    Issuing statements of particulars of           BACS Transfer per Request £25
      employment and variation letters to staff     Same Day Transfer per Request £40
      regarding changes to their terms and
                                                    Please note that all costs exclude VAT.
      conditions of employment.
    Ensuring the Local Government Pension
                                                    How to Purchase
      Scheme is aware of any changes affecting      This service is available via the Services for
      employees.                                    Schools web portal under the Effective
    Unique Academy (employer) payroll.             Leadership and Management category. To
    The ability to check and make changes to       login direct click here.
      payroll before payment.                       Please note that there is no upfront cost when
    Producing standard reports detailing           you select this SLA within the web portal. You
      costings & third-party payments.              will be invoiced for the costs by Transactional
                                                    Services separately according to your payroll
    Production of payslips, with your school
    Optional offer for Cornwall Council to make
      payments to third parties on your behalf.

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Administration of Transactional Payroll
and HR for Maintained Schools
Cornwall Council currently processes 44 payrolls
each month to a wide range of customers across      Contact Details
                                                    Transactional Services
Cornwall and Devon.
                                                       01872 323500
We will provide a comprehensive Payroll, Pension
and HR administration service including the   
calculation and payment of salaries ensuring 
compliance with all statutory requirements.
                                                    Service Type
With many years’ experience of working with         This service is a CORE SLA for the duration of
schools we have become experts in our field. Our    the 2021/22 academic year.
qualified staff will be pleased to provide expert
advice on payroll issues.                           Eligible Schools
                                                    This service is available to Maintained, Trust
We have established links with HMRC, the Local
                                                    and Voluntary Aided Schools.
Government Pensions Scheme providers and with
Teachers’ Pensions; therefore we can ensure that    Cost
any work associated with these bodies is            Combined cost per Payslip
undertaken smoothly and efficiently.                2400 per Year £5.53
    Issuing statements of particulars of
                                                    Emergency Payments
      employment and variation letters to staff
      regarding changes to their terms and          BACS Transfer per Request £25
      conditions of employment.                     Same Day Transfer per Request £40
    Ensuring the Local Government Pension          Please note that all costs exclude VAT.
      Scheme is aware of any changes affecting
      employees.                                    How to Purchase
    Undertake TPS administrative work              This service is available via the Services for
      including monthly data collection &           Schools web portal under the Effective
      submitting the annual return.                 Leadership and Management category. To
                                                    login direct click here.

                                                    Please note that there is no upfront cost when
                                                    you select this SLA within the web portal. You
                                                    will be invoiced for the costs by Transactional
                                                    Services separately according to your payroll

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Self-Administration for Academies

Cornwall Council currently processes 44 payrolls    Contact Details
                                                    Transactional Services
each month to a wide range of customers across
Cornwall and Devon.                                    01872 323500

We will provide a comprehensive Payroll, Pension
and HR administration service including the  
calculation and payment of salaries ensuring
compliance with all statutory requirements.         Service Type
                                                    This service is a CORE SLA for the duration of
With many years’ experience of working with         the 2021/22 academic year.
schools we have become experts in our field. Our
qualified staff will be pleased to provide expert   Eligible Schools
advice on payroll issues.                           This service is available to Academies.

We have established links with HMRC, the Local      Cost
Government Pensions Scheme providers and with       Costs of Service to be agreed after discussion
Teachers’ Pensions; therefore we can ensure that    of service requirements.
any work associated with these bodies is            Please note that all costs exclude VAT.
undertaken smoothly and efficiently.
                                                    How to Purchase
Benefits of using this Service:                     This service is available via the Services for
    Unique Academy (employer) payroll.             Schools web portal under the Effective
    The ability to self-serve, check and make      Leadership and Management category. To
                                                    login direct click here.
      changes to payroll before payment, under a
      longer term personalised contract, issuing
      statements of particulars of employment       Please note that there is no upfront cost when
                                                    you select this SLA within the web portal. You
      and variation letters to staff, regarding
                                                    will be invoiced for the costs by Transactional
      changes to their terms and conditions of      Services separately once you have agreed the
      employment.                                   Costs of Service.
    Transmitting funds to employee bank
      accounts on your behalf.
    Producing standard reports detailing third
      party remittance payments.
    Producing standard costing reports.
    Monthly RTI submissions to HMRC.
    Production of payslips on or before day.
    Ensure employees are paid on time, and that
      statutory requirements are met.
    Undertake TPS administrative work
      including monthly data collection &
      submitting the annual return.

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Audit Services – Internal Audit and Risk
Cornwall Council’s Audit Service offers comprehensive and     Contact Details
flexible audit services for maintained schools and            Internal Audit and Risk
academies. We will play a critical role providing you with
independent assurance that you have the best management          01872 323986
controls to protect your school and public funds.
For academies, we can provide the internal audit service
required to fulfil the requirement of the Academies              01872 322344
Handbook 2020. We provide independent assurance on the
adequacy and effectiveness of governance processes and  
financial systems. We work with you to ensure that you have
in place a framework of internal control which includes       Eligible Schools
financial management and control, governance, value for
money, propriety of spend, risk management and counter        This service is available to all maintained
fraud arrangements.                                           schools, academies and MATs.

Benefits of using this service:                               Cost
     As a public body, we are a non-profit organisation,     £350 per day
      which is reflected in our daily rates.
     The internal audit team is made up of highly skilled    Please note that all costs include travel
      auditors, supported by a Data Analyst, all with         and other related costs and exclude VAT.
      significant experience of internal audit in the
      education sector.                                       Service Type
     All staff hold appropriate internal audit, risk and
      accountancy qualifications and the service has a mix    This service is a FLEXIBLE SUPPORT (Pay
      of public and private sector experience.                As You Use) service which can be
     We have extensive experience of undertaking school      purchased at any time.
      audits and have a portfolio of Academy schools that
      we currently provide our internal audit service to.     How to Purchase
     We provide assurance to Governing Bodies / Boards
      on the effectiveness of internal control and            This service is available via the Services
      governance arrangements.                                for Schools web portal under the
     We work with school / academy leaders to help           Effective Leadership and Management
      ensure processes work effectively and risks are         category. To login direct click here.
      properly managed.
     We provide a comprehensive support in developing
      and enhancing risk management processes,
      supporting the achievement of your planned

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Counter Fraud – Fraud Risks in
                                                            Contact Details
 Cornwall Council’s Counter Fraud Investigations Team
                                                            Counter Fraud Investigations Team
 provides advice and guidance on fraud prevention. Our
 professionally trained investigators will provide a full   Jason Pengilly
 review of your control measures in place and support       Fraud and Insurance Manager
 you to make improvements where needed and can
 investigate suspected internal or external fraud.             01209 614189

 We can also undertake investigations where a concern 
 about poor working practices, weak financial process or
 culture among your staff arises.                           Eligible Schools

 The Counter Fraud Team provide Fraud Bulletins to all      This service is available to all maintained
 schools based on alerts received from organisations such   schools and MATs.
 as the National Anti-Fraud Network (NAFN) highlighting
 areas of known fraud risks and exposures.
                                                            £350 per day
 Our service will provide you with piece of mind that you
 comply with relevant legislation, code of practices and    Please note that all costs exclude VAT.
 Ofsted requirements to mitigate risks faced by schools,
 their systems of internal control, information systems,    Service Type
 business processes, governance processes and counter
 fraud arrangements                                         This service is a FLEXIBLE SUPPORT (Pay As You
                                                            Use) service which can be purchased at any
 Benefits of using this service:                            time.

         Governors, Headteacher and school staff will      How to Purchase
          understand their roles and responsibilities for
          good governance and financial management          This service can be purchased by contacting
                                                            the provider directly.
         We can work with your current auditors to
          provide external quality assurance and
          challenge of existing practices in relation to
          fraud, bribery and corruption

         We can support you to identify weak spots
          and to complete an action plan to mitigate any
          fraud risks

         We will work with you to understand your
          school and provide guidance that fits your

         Where needed, can investigate suspected
          internal or external fraud

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Legal Services (Cornwall Legal)
We offer schools, academies and multi- academy                Contact Details
trusts a wide range of legal services tailored                Legal Services
specifically to their needs. Our annual fixed fee offer          01872 322950
gives you access to expert legal advice when you need
it most. We have a proven track record of providing
first class services, by combining our sector                 Service Type
knowledge with a commercially-focused approach.
                                                              This service is a CORE SLA which covers
We understand the financial pressures you face, and           the school or academy for the duration
we provide value for money legal services, which are          of the 2021/22 academic year.
a vital element of your risk management.
                                                              We also offer a FLEXIBLE SUPPORT (Pay As You
What’s included?                                              Use) service which can be purchased at any
We will assist you with the challenges you face by            time (£102 per hour plus VAT). We may agree
delivering excellent advice and support at affordable         fixed fees, depending on the matter. Please
rates. You will get access to:                                contact us for a free, no obligation, discussion.

    Up to 10 hours of legal advice and support on            Eligible Schools
     each matter you instruct us on (£102 + VAT per
     hour after 10 hours, and excluding all                   The services we offer are available to all
     disbursements)                                           schools and academies, including multi-
    Our Helpline – 09:00 to 17:00, 5 days a week             academy trusts.

We will support you with:
                                                              £4.70 per student
Safeguarding; exclusions and pupil welfare; admissions;
                                                              Minimum for schools with up to 75 students
SEN; governance; information management; data                 £560
protection; freedom of information; contracts and             Minimum for schools with over 75 students
procurement; trading and charging; property, planning         £622
and environmental; behaviour issues, including social
media; litigation (excluding debt recovery); dispute          MAT Offer
resolution; employment, equalities and pensions.              When two or more schools within a MAT
                                                              purchase the SLA:
Benefits of Purchasing this SLA                               £4.20 per student
The benefits of buying our services include:                  Minimum for schools with up to 75 students
    Up to 10 hours of legal advice and support on            Minimum for schools with over 75 students
     each matter, within the SLA fee                          £560
    A low hourly rate of £102 (plus VAT) (for work
     not within the CORE SLA fee)                             All costs are plus VAT and disbursements
    Use of our Helpline for urgent issues
    An approachable, local, multi-disciplinary team          How to Purchase
                                                              This service is available via the Services for
     with a broad range of experience gained in the
                                                              Schools web portal under the Effective
     public and private sectors
                                                              Leadership and Management category. To
                                                              login direct click here.
  All services are provided subject to the Cornwall Council   It can also be purchased by contacting the
  Legal Services Standard Terms of Business.                  provider directly, using the details above.

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

HR Safeguarding Team – Safer Recruitment
It is vital that we create a culture of keeping children safe and   This Service forms part of Cornwall Council’s HR
adopt recruitment procedures which aim to deter, reject or          Consultancy Service, ‘Cornwall HR’. We have spent
identify individuals who may pose a risk to children. The HR        many years supporting schools and other customers
Safeguarding Team provides DBS and Safer Recruitment                with their HR needs and have a wealth of
Advice and Guidance to help schools ensure that they are            experience and expertise which we believe means
meeting the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in                we can continue to provide a first-class service and
Education. The service that we provide is a unique service to       share our expertise with you. As you may already
support schools in their safer recruitment practices and in the     know, we offer a range of HR Services and you can
maintenance of their single central record (SCR). The               pick and choose from our SLAs or use us as an
specialist advice we give is not normally offered through           umbrella service for all of your HR needs. You can
standard HR packages.                                               see all the services that we offer via the ‘Services
                                                                    for Schools’ portal, here is the list of the services
Advice & Guidance                                                   that Cornwall HR offers: Health, Safety & Wellbeing,
                                                                    Safeguarding DBS Checks & Safer Recruitment
Schools can contact the team directly at any time for advice        Advice and Guidance, Employee Relations &
and support via our dedicated helpline and email account. We        Employment Advice, Employment & Policy
also have a website which includes templates and general            Development Support, Learning & Development
advice for schools.                                                 and Resourcing.
Benefits of Purchasing the SLA
                                                                    Contact Details
Our specialist team can advise on matters such as:
                                                                    HR Safeguarding Team
     Advice on Safer Recruitment                                       01872 324130
     Advice on Eligibility of roles for DBS checks
     Advice on validity of existing DBS checks               
     Advice on SCR queries, requirements and maintenance
     Advice on Right to Work and Brexit Implications               Service Type
     Advice on employing people with convictions                   This service is a CORE SLA for the 2021/22
      (Rehabilitation of Offenders Act) & DBS positive              academic year.
     Updates in legislation and guidance                           Eligible Schools
     Advice on overseas criminal record checks
                                                                    This service is available to all schools and
     Undertaking prohibition checks, DBS Update Service
      status checks, Children’s Barred List checks, Section
      128 checks (Schools are provided with documentary             Cost
      evidence once any of these checks are completed for
      their records)                                                Cost per school is £325 when you sign up before
                                                                    September 2021. After 1st September 2021:
Bespoke Training                                                         3 terms £365.00
                                                                         2 terms £255.00
In addition to the advice and guidance SLA that we offer to              1 term £145.00
schools, we also offer bespoke training. We provide training to
individual schools and also facilitate group training sessions on   If your school is part of a MAT please get in contact
the single central record requirements which are delivered by       with Jamie - HR Resourcing & Safegaurding Lead,
our specialist team members. In addition to training we also        who will be able to discuss your requirements.
offer schools an audit of their single central record and
personnel files.                                                           01872 323586

                                                                    How to Purchase
                                                                    This service is available via the Services for
                                                                    Schools web portal under the Effective
                                                                    Leadership and Management category. To
                                                                    login direct click here.              16
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

HR Safeguarding Team – DBS Checks
It is vital that we create a culture of keeping children safe and
adopt recruitment procedures which aim to deter, reject or               Contact Details
identify individuals who may pose a risk to children.
In conjunction with our Safer Recruitment Advice and Guidance            HR Safeguarding Team
offer, we have the facility to undertake your DBS checks through             01872 324130
our DBS system. As a Registered Body with the Disclosure and
Barring Service (DBS), we undertake DBS checks through a
secure on-line portal called eBulk.
                                                                         Service Type
The HR Safeguarding DBS Checks (eBulk) service includes:
     Provision of secure, confidential criminal record checks           This service is a CORE SLA for the 2021/22
      via eBulk, the secure online portal, on a 'pay-as-you-go'          academic year.
     Email and telephone help and advice for applicants using
      eBulk                                                              Eligible Schools
     Checking and monitoring of application progress and
      follow-up with eBulk and the DBS where required                    This service is available to all schools and
     Co-ordinated and consistent response to clear and                  academies.
      positive disclosures
     Provision of relevant eBulk compliance documentation
     Provision of eBulk updates and process changes                     Cost

Bespoke Training                                                         DBS Enhanced Disclosure
In addition to the advice and guidance SLA that we offer to              £40 + £14 Admin
schools, we also offer bespoke training. We provide training to
individual schools and also facilitate group training sessions on        DBS Enhanced Disclosure Volunteer
the single central record requirements which are delivered by our
                                                                         Free + £14 Admin
specialist team members. In addition to training we also offer
schools an audit of their single central record and personnel files.
                                                                         DBS Children’s Barred List Check
Benefits of us completing your DBS checks:                               Free + £8 Admin

     Secure online portal which holds info in one place.
                                                                         DBS Update Service Status Check
     Automatic notification of results eliminating the delay of
      waiting for a certificate.                                         Free + £8 Admin
     Simple, clear and easy to use system.
     Provision of expert advice and guidance regarding the              DfE Prohibition Check
      systems and applications.                                          Free + £8 Admin
     Training options which will help you to embed safer
      recruitment practices across your organisation.
                                                                         DfE Section 128 Check
This Service forms part of Cornwall Council’s HR Consultancy             Free + £8 Admin
Service, ‘Cornwall HR’. We have spent many years supporting
schools and other customers with their HR needs and have a wealth
of experience and expertise which we believe means we can                How to Purchase
continue to provide a first-class service and share our expertise        This service is available via the Services for
with you. As you may already know, we offer a range of HR Services       Schools web portal under the Effective
and you can pick and choose from our SLAs or use us as an umbrella       Leadership and Management category. To
service for all of your HR needs. You can see all the services that we   login direct click here.
offer via the ‘Services for Schools’ portal, here is the list of the
services that Cornwall HR offers: Health, Safety & Wellbeing,
Safeguarding DBS Checks & Safer Recruitment Advice and
Guidance, Employee Relations & Employment Advice, Employment                                            17
& Policy Development Support, Learning & Development and
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

HR Recruitment and Resourcing Team
The HR Recruitment and Resourcing Team can help you to
attract and secure high-quality candidates to meet your            Contact Details
workforce requirements. We can also help you with 'hard to
fill' vacancies and address skill shortages. The team has first    HR Recruitment and Resourcing
class knowledge and extensive experience of best practice
recruitment methods. We can provide practical support using        01872 323800
the latest e-recruitment technology to deliver bespoke, cost-
effective solutions tailored to your needs.              

Depending on your recruitment needs, we can offer a wide
range of recruitment and resourcing services:                      Service Type
       Development of an advertising strategy
       Advertising vacancies on Cornwall Council website          This service offers FLEXIBLE SUPPORT for the
       Online applications                                        duration of the 2021/22 academic year.
       Pre-sift of applications
       Direct sourcing of candidates
       Advice and guidance on short-listing, interviewing and     Eligible Schools
        offers of employment
       Development of employment branding                         This service is available to all schools and
       Specialist and targeted recruitment campaigns              academies.
       Psychometric testing and analysis
       Attending interviews
       Tailored and large-scale recruitment solutions             Cost
       Outplacement and talent management support
       Retention strategies                                       Basic Advertising Listing - Advert text on the
                                                                   Council’s Website with a link to the school’s
   Benefits of using this Service:                                 website where the forms and documents are
                                                                   hosted. £75
     Consistent best-practice advice and guidance on              Additional services - Hosting the recruitment
      advertising/recruitment                                      documents and forms to be accessed from the
     First class knowledge and experience of HR/Resourcing        advert instead of the school’s website. £25
     The Council's website attracts approx. 120,000               Additional Advertising package - Social media
      candidates each year                                         post on release of advert (Twitter) and posting
     Cost-effective resourcing solutions                          on the universal jobs match (Job Centre
                                                                   Website). £25

Cornwall Council’s HR Consultancy Service, ‘Cornwall HR’. have     Job of the week - take the job of the week
spent many years supporting schools and other customers in         spot on the website giving the advert higher
meeting their HR needs, providing access to a team that            visibility. £100
possess a wealth of professional experience and expertise.         Online applications - to use the online
We offer a bespoke service to our customers, to ensure that        application capability of the system,
you receive and pay for only the support that you need and         applications will be forwarded the day after
want. You can select from a range of services from our SLAs or     the closing date. £200
use us as an umbrella service for all of your HR needs. The
‘Services for Schools’ portal will provide you the detail of the
                                                                   How to Purchase
options available to you and includes: Health, Safety and
                                                                   This service is available via the Services for
Wellbeing, Safeguarding DBS Checks and Safer Recruitment
                                                                   Schools web portal under the Effective
Advice and Guidance, Employee Relations and Employment
                                                                   Leadership and Management category. To
Advice, Employment and Policy Development Support,
                                                                   login direct click here.
Learning and Development and Resourcing.
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Cornwall HR – Employment Advice, Guidance
and Support
                                                                                   HR professional level of support*
This Service forms part of Cornwall Council’s HR Consultancy Service,                 Any HR issue or employment query that requires
‘Cornwall HR’. We have spent many years supporting schools and other                      more than an initial phone conversation, such as
customers with their HR needs and have a wealth of experience and                         long-term support, an investigation or issue
expertise which we believe means we can continue to provide a first-class                 resolution, early intervention recommended
service and share our expertise with you. We offer a range of HR Services             Development of bespoke policies
and you can pick and choose from our SLAs or use us as an umbrella service            Provision of bespoke role profiles
for all of your HR needs. You can see all the services that we offer via the          Development of bespoke pay and reward
‘Services for Schools’ portal, here is the list of the services that Cornwall HR          arrangements
offers: Health & Safety, Occupational Health & Wellbeing, Safeguarding                Equal pay i.e. terms and conditions
DBS Checks & Safer Recruitment Advice and Guidance, Resourcing,
                                                                                      Provision of GLPC Job Evaluation
Employee Relations & Employment Advice, Employment & Policy
                                                                                      Provision of HAY Job Evaluation
Development Support, Learning & Development.
                                                                                      TUPE advice and guidance
                                                                                      Training or briefing sessions
Cornwall HR support schools with a group of Employment specialist Officers
who offer telephone, online and face-to-face advice and guidance to school         HR Strategic Manager level of support**
management teams covering all aspects of employment-related matters in                Complex, high-risk casework support including
schools. Our key aim is to provide a high quality, client-focussed HR service             appeals
to schools, Academies & Trusts, supporting timely and effective people
                                                                                      Managing, facilitating and providing advice on
management. Supporting you to improve your HR knowledge and
                                                                                          Organisational change initiatives
management of people in a pro-active way and using early intervention for
                                                                                      Trade union consultations and negotiations to
any issues mean we can help you avoid lengthy and costly processes in the
                                                                                          progress employment initiatives
long run. We have long-standing experience of the employment
                                                                                      Strategic advice on workforce matters such as
environment and are cognisant of the wide variety of issues facing schools.
                                                                                          workforce planning, career frameworks, equal
                                                                                          pay and succession planning
Please note the SLA model has changed this year and now includes:                     Executive recruitment
     Initial advice/ guidance/ signposting on the phone via a school’s               Governance and Executive Coaching
     HR Annual Health check – bespoke for each school
                                                                                   Contact Details
     HR Newsletter – termly
                                                                                   HR Helpdesk 01872 323500 - Option 5
     Employee Benefits scheme for Local Authority schools via our
         payroll (can be set up for non-LA schools)
                                                                                   Service Type
     More complex or bespoke HR activity can then be accessed at an               This service is a CORE SLA for the duration of the
         additional hourly rate                                                    2021/22 academic year.

Initial advice/ guidance/ signposting on the phone via a helpdesk                  Eligible Schools
The ‘Schools Helpdesk’ will provide advice, guidance and signposting to            This service is available to all schools and academies.
useful and relevant information via a group of named HR employment
professionals. This will include access to documents such as model policies        Cost
and templates that make up the HR handbook.
                                                                                   The cost of the core service varies in relation to the staff
HR Annual Health check                                                             numbers that are employed by the school.
The HR Health check will be facilitated by a named HR professional who will             £750 1- 17 staff
work with the school assessing key HR themes and areas, to check the school             £1000 18-50 staff
is up to date and aware of their responsibilities, for example contracts of             £1250 51- 100 staff
employment, policies and absence recording.                                             £1500 101-200 staff

Termly HR Newsletter                                                               These costs represent an SLA agreed by 1/9/21. Anything
A bespoke schools HR Cornwall update that provides useful information,             requested after this date will be at increased costs due
relevant local or national employment policy updates, bulletins and                to workload planning (1-17 staff £940 / 18-50 staff
reminders.                                                                         £1250/ 51-100 staff £1560/ 101-200 staff £1875.)

Bespoke HR activity                                                                Extra hours are available as part of the SLA at a Pay as
Bespoke activities that require support beyond the ‘schools helpdesk’ will be      You Use rate putting you in control of the amount of
charged at an hourly rate giving schools control over the amount of paid           support you use and the price you want to pay:
support they need to address acute issues.                                         *£65 per hour standard HR professional rate
                                                                                   **£84.50 per hour standard HR Strategic Manager rate
Examples of advice and support that can be purchased by our schools with
an SLA in addition at an hourly rate:                                              How to Purchase
                                                                                   This service is available via the Services for Schools web
                                                                                   portal under the Effective Leadership and Management
                                                                                   category. To login direct click here.
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Cornwall HR Learning and Development
The Council's Organisational & Workforce Development team
                                                                     Cornwall Council’s HR Consultancy Service, ‘Cornwa
source, design and deliver high quality learning programmes. We      HR’. have spent many years supporting schools and
use virtual classrooms via both Microsoft Teams and Zoom,            other customers in meeting their HR needs, providin
combined with our e-learning platform to ensure a varied,            access to a team that possess a wealth of profession
personal and easily accessible provision. Investing in employees     experience and expertise. We offer a bespoke
ensures they have the relevant skills, knowledge and                 service to our customers, to ensure that you receive
competencies to do their jobs effectively and our training           and pay for only the support that you need and wan
packages cover all aspects of mandatory training to bespoke          You can select from a range of services from our SLA
requirements to support your staff in their roles.                   or use us as an umbrella service for all of your HR
                                                                     needs. The ‘Services for Schools’ portal will provide
E-learning Solutions                                                 you the detail of the options available to you and
We are able to offer the use of a dynamic learning environment,      includes: Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Safeguarding
hosted via our Learning Hub, which delivers professional cost-       DBS Checks and Safer Recruitment Advice and
effective access to e-learning 24/7, 365 days a year. Our suite of   Guidance, Employee Relations and Employment
e-learning includes over 180 courses and we offer the option of      Advice, Employment and Policy Development
                                                                     Support, Learning and Development and Resourcing
unlimited access to all courses for the academic year for £35 per
person. Mandatory training includes:
                                                                     Contact Details
       Equality and Diversity                                       Learning and Development
       Equality and Diversity awareness for managers                 01872 324540
       Introduction to the Human Rights Act                
       Cyber Security                                      
       Information Governance
       Introduction to workplace Health and Safety                  Service Type
                                                                     This service offers FLEXIBLE SUPPORT for the
       Managing Workplace Health and Safety
                                                                     duration of the 2021/22 academic year.
       Safeguarding
       Understanding Perspectives (previously Unconscious           Eligible Schools
        Bias)                                                        This service is available to all schools and
Learning Programmes
Our learning catalogue offers a wide range of subject areas,
                                                                     Learning Programmes:
                                                                       E-learning Solutions - User Licences £35 per
       Leadership and Management                                         person per academic year (or part thereof) for
       Leadership Effectiveness (Insights Discovery)                     access to all e-Learning. A one-off set-up charg
       Creating environments for high performance                        £400 per organisation is also payable (first yea
       Courageous Conversations                                          only).
       Employee Relations                                             Half-day virtual classroom-based courses - £75
       Well at work                                                      person.
       Customer Minded                                                Insights Discovery Behaviour Profile - from £14
       Introduction to coaching and mentoring                            per person (group rates available for teams).
                                                                       Leadership 360 Feedback and Coaching – pleas
       Lone working and personal safety
                                                                          contact us for a quotation.
       We also offer leadership 360 feedback reports with 1:1
                                                                       Bespoke Learning Solutions - Please contact us
        coaching: please contact us for more information.
                                                                          a quotation. If you are looking for a service mo
                                                                          tailored to your organisation needs or
   Benefits of using this service:                                        development objectives, we can help. Please d
     Wide range and levels of programmes to encourage                    not hesitate to contact us for a personal
       employee engagement                                                discussion about your specific learning
     Easily accessible for a variety of learning situations.             requirements.
     Wide range of eLearning modules that are ideal for
       current climate of change and remote, flexible skills         How to Purchase
                                                                     This service is available via the Services for Schools
                                                                     web portal under the Effective Leadership and
     All learning programmes and eLearning are updated
                                                                     Management category. To login direct click here.
       regularly based on the latest research and any relevant
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

LFS Team Standard / Standard Plus Service
The LFS (Local Financial Services) team provide financial          Contact Details
support and advice to schools (both maintained and
academy) and Multi Academy Trusts.                                 LFS Team

The Standard Service covers a range of work further detailed          01872 323480
below and ensures reasonable access to the service for help
and support on all financial issues. The Standard option
guarantees 10 visits a year (which may be site or remote visits)
by a dedicated LFS Management Accountant (generally                Eligible Schools
monthly excluding April and August due to school holidays).
The Standard Plus option guarantees two monthly visits (site or    This service is available for all schools and
remote) over 10 months.                                            academies.

Please note that the detail provided below is not exhaustive
but provides a flavour of the likely tasks undertaken. Should      Cost
you require additional support not covered by the examples
below, please consult with your LFS Management Accountant          Maintained Schools, Academies and MATs
in the first instance or contact the team via the telephone        Standard Level 1 (up to 4hrs) - £2,290
number provided.                                                   Standard Level 2 (4-6hrs) - £3,175
                                                                   Standard Level 3 (6-8hrs) - £4,175
   General advice and support                                     Standard Plus Level 1 (8-12hrs) - £6,020
   Payroll reconciliations                                        Standard Plus Level 2 (12-16hrs) - £7,910
   Closing of the accounts
   Integrity checks on Financial systems
   Monitoring of budget and cash                                  Service Type
   Additional ad-hoc work
                                                                   This service is a CORE SLA for the duration of the
Any time that exceeds the purchased SLA will be charged at         2021-22 academic year.
the standard SLA PAYU rate of £55 per hour, calculated over
each term. PAYU outside of an SLA is £80 per hour.
                                                                   How to Purchase
Benefits of Purchasing this SLA
                                                                   This service is available via the Services for
 Financial Assurance in an ever-changing climate                  Schools web portal under the Effective
 Up to date funding advice                                        Leadership and Management category. To
 A professional service from a team with over 20 years            login direct click here.
  education finance experience
 VAT advice and guidance
 Peace of mind

Code of Conduct

We expect our team to operate and communicate in a
professional manner at all times. As such, we also operate a
zero-tolerance policy with our schools and reserve the right to
withdraw our service if required.

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

LFS Team Help Desk and ‘Safety Net’
The LFS (Local Financial Services) team provide financial           Contact Details
support and advice to schools (both maintained and
academy). The LFS Team Helpdesk offers a lifeline via a team        LFS Team
of dedicated school-focussed Management Accountants to
offer advice, guidance and technical support.                          01872 323480
The LFS Help Desk provides telephone/answerphone/email
support to schools and academies (available from 9:30am to
3:30pm during term time) for a fixed fee. This covers the           Eligible Schools
                                                                    This service is available for all schools and
 Advice on financial technical matters, e.g. VAT and               academies.
  reporting queries
 Advice on the use of the school or academy accounting
  system                                                            Cost
 Advice on the monthly reconciliation files
 Process salary and other coding corrections on the council        £350
  accounting system as instructed by the school
 Detailed guidance and support on Consistent Financial
  Reporting                                                         Service Type
 General advice and support on private funds
 General advice regarding the LA’s LMS formula to schools          This service is a CORE SLA for the duration of the
  and other funding queries                                         2021-22 academic year.

Please note that this service provides telephone/email advice
only and is not appropriate for talking through lengthy             How to Purchase
procedures that would be more appropriately handled with a
site visit and training. If a site visit is required, this may be   This service is available via the Services for
purchased under the PAYU arrangements at a helpdesk hourly          Schools web portal under the Effective
rate to include travel time (£55 per hour).                         Leadership and Management category. To
                                                                    login direct click here.
Safety Net

This service includes priority access to our ‘Safety net’. We
understand there are times when Schools/Academies need
emergency finance support. By purchasing this SLA, you will be
given priority access to the support that we can provide, at our
SLA PAYU rate of £55 per hour (£80 outside of an SLA).

Benefits of using this Service:

 Financial Assurance in an ever-changing climate
 Up to date funding advice
 A professional service from a team with over 20 years
  education finance experience
 VAT advice and guidance
 Peace of mind

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

LFS Team Standard Financial Assurance
The LFS (Local Financial Services) team provide financial          Contact Details
support and advice to schools (both maintained and
academy). This SLA can be purchased individually or as an          LFS Team
addition to the main SLA. This SLA is specifically for
Academies and MATs to comply with the Academies Financial             01872 323480
Handbook’s internal scrutiny requirements. If you are an LA
Maintained School that would like a financial health check,  
please get in touch and we can arrange a bespoke package.
                                                                   Eligible Schools
The standard Responsible Officer / Financial Assurance service
includes 3 site visits (usually half a day, termly) where the      This service is available for all schools and
checks that are carried out include: Policies, Procedures,         academies.
Income/Funding, Payroll, Purchase Orders, Invoice Processing
and general checks to the accounting system to ensure that         Cost
your Academy/MAT is operating within its own Scheme of
Delegation and Financial Procedures and the Academies              Academies: £975
Financial Handbook.
                                                                   MATs and LA Maintained Schools: please
Following each visit the school will receive a written report,     contact us for a bespoke package.
providing financial assurance to your Governing Body, Trustees
and Directors and highlighting any concerns or points of note.     Service Type

The SLA now includes attendance at a Trustee meeting at the        This service is a CORE SLA for the duration of the
end of the SLA year to present the Annual Report, in line with     2021-22 academic year.
requirement of the Academies Financial Handbook.
                                                                   How to Purchase
We are also able to offer bespoke Financial Assurance
packages to suit your settings. Please contact us for more info.   This service is available via the Services for
                                                                   Schools web portal under the Effective
Benefits of using this service:                                    Leadership and Management category. To
                                                                   login direct click here.
 Financial Assurance in an ever-changing climate
 A professional service from a team with over 20 years
  education finance experience
 Peace of mind

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

LFS Team Consultancy
The LFS (Local Financial Services) team provide financial         Contact Details
support and advice to schools (both maintained and
academy).                                                         LFS Team

We are able to offer a consultancy service for a wide range of       01872 323480
tasks including:
   Chart of Accounts – setup or review
   Government Returns                                            Eligible Schools
   Improve Financial Reporting
   Budget setting / Budget analysis                              This service is available for all schools and
   FMS Training – on site – 1:1 or in a group                    academies.
   Close of Accounts
   Benchmarking
Benefits of using this Service:
                                                                  £55 per hour if purchased alongside any of the
 A professional service from a team with over 20 years           following CORE SLAs:
  education finance experience
 Financial Assurance in an ever-changing climate                  LFS Standard and Standard Plus
 Regularly updated training within the team, currently rolling    LFS Financial Assurance
  out CIPFA Certificate in Academies Financial Reporting           LFS Helpdesk
 Close links with other LA service providers
 Peace of mind                                                   However, if purchased alone the cost is £80
                                                                  per hour.

                                                                  Service Type

                                                                  This offer is a FLEXIBLE SUPPORT (Pay As You
                                                                  Use) service which can be purchased at any

                                                                  How to Purchase

                                                                  This service is available via the Services for
                                                                  Schools web portal under the Effective
                                                                  Leadership and Management category. To
                                                                  login direct click here.

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Teacher Trade Union Pooled Facilities Fund
This scheme is designed to minimise risks to school budgets         Eligible Schools
by offering a cost-effective and fixed cost for access to
effective statutory and collective consultation, bargaining and     All maintained primary schools have already
individual representation from trained and accredited local         de-delegated this funding.
teaching union officials. The scheme provides school leaders
and managers access to a valuable resource in the resolution        This service is therefore provided to:
of workplace issues and disputes. It covers all recognised
teaching unions including the headteacher associations.                Primary academies
What is included:                                                      Maintained secondary schools
                                                                       Secondary academies
This scheme allows schools and academies to meet all                   Maintained special schools
                                                                       Special academies
statutory and procedural entitlements to teacher trade union
                                                                       Children’s centres
representation, which include:                                         Alternative Provision Academies
 Capability
 Grievance
 Disciplinaries
                                                                    This scheme is offered over a 12-month
 Long-term absence
                                                                    period, 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2022,
 Pay and grading appeals
                                                                    at a cost of £1.50 per pupil per annum.
 Redundancy and restructuring consultations (all relevant
                                                                    This is equivalent to 12.5p per pupil per
 Equality and discrimination issues (age, sex, race, disability,
  pregnancy, marriage and civil partnership, religion or belief,
  sexual orientation, gender reassignment)
                                                                    Service Type
 Introduction of new or revised policies and procedures
 Health and safety issues
                                                                    This service is a CORE SLA which covers the
                                                                    school for the duration of the 2021/22 academic
It also covers the large proportion of queries for informal
advice from members, via phone and email, which result in
issues being dealt with, without having to involve the school or    How to Purchase
without escalation to any formal procedure.
                                                                    This service is available via the Services for
To enable a certified union representative to be available it       Schools web portal under the Effective
also covers:                                                        Leadership and Management category. To
                                                                    login direct click here.
   Time off for relevant training
   Time to prepare for the meeting
   Travel time
   “Follow up” time

What are the implications of not buying this service?

Without this service schools will be responsible for meeting all
statutory obligations (e.g. individual right to representation
and legal obligation to consult on redundancies and staff
changes) from their own budget. Schools will be taking on
responsibility for agreeing, co-ordinating and paying for release
time and paid time off for duties and training of their own
school-based reps.
Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Health, Safety and

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Health and Safety Core Service
As an employer, you must have access to competent health            Contact Details
and safety advice. Our Health and Safety Core Service
provides access to that competent advice and other essential        Health, Safety and Wellbeing Services
health and safety services.
                                                                       01872 323138
Our team of registered health and safety consultants and
support officers will provide:

     Access to a contract manager                                  Eligible Schools
     Advice and guidance – via a Duty Safety Officer
      (Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm)                              This service is available for all schools and
     Health and Safety Audit/Review*                               academies.
     Accident Reporting*
     Unlimited use of an online risk management system
     Access to health and safety guidance and other                Cost
      materials via School Messenger
                                                                    Very Small Primary Maintained Schools (less than
     Access to model policies and procedures
                                                                    100 pupils)
     Hazardous substance assessment (CoSHH)
     Risk Assessment guidance
                                                                    Primary Maintained Schools (more than 100
     Access to eye-test vouchers from Specsavers (@£20
     Display Screen Equipment Guidance
                                                                    Secondary Maintained Schools
     Health and Safety Helpline
*Provided free of charge to maintained schools, independent
                                                                    Very small Primary Academies (less than 100
of any SLA agreement.
Benefits of Purchasing this SLA:
                                                                    Primary Academies (more than 100 pupils)
     Legal compliance
                                                                    Secondary Academies
     Trained and competent health and safety advisors
     Tried and tested systems that work in the educational
                                                                    Multi Academy Trusts (MATs)
     Over 200 years combined experience in providing
      health and safety support to schools and local
                                                                    Multiple year Service Agreements for academies
                                                                    are available, offering savings on annual cost
This Service forms part of Cornwall Council’s HR Consultancy
Service, ‘Cornwall HR’. We have spent many years supporting
schools and other customers with their HR needs and have a
wealth of experience and expertise which we believe means
                                                                    Service Type
we can continue to provide a first-class service and share our
expertise with you. As you may already know, we offer a range       This service is a CORE SLA for the duration
of HR Services and you can pick and choose from our SLAs or         of the 2021/22 academic year.
use us as an umbrella service for all of your HR needs. You can
see all the services that we offer via the ‘Services for Schools’
portal, here is the list of the services that Cornwall HR offers:   How to Purchase
Health, Safety & Wellbeing, Safeguarding DBS Checks & Safer         This service is available via the Services for
Recruitment Advice and Guidance, Employee Relations &               Schools web portal under the Health,
Employment Advice, Employment & Policy Development                  Safety and Wellbeing category. To login
Support, Learning & Development and Resourcing.                     direct click here.
You can also read