Page created by James Reid

VOLUNTEER@MYBOWNESS.COM OR CALL US AT 403-288-8300.                                                                                     2020 Run Bowness Participants

   BOWNESS SPRING CLEAN UP                                          help unload items. Sign up at or                                             EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                        DIRECTOR OF COMMS
                                                                    contact Laddie at or                       2    BCA Happenings
                                                                                                                                                                         Michelle Dice,
   May 9, 9:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.                                                                                                                                                                                    Brit Hart
                                                                    403-288-8300 ex. 121.
   Bowness Spring Clean Up is BACK! Masks, hand sanitizer,                                                                             2    Community News               BOARD OF DIRECTORS                        DIRECTOR OF EVENTS
   social distancing required. The City of Calgary will take
                                                                    VIRTUAL RUN BOWNESS                                                6    Stampede Wrestling                Cindy Amthor
   away any large or small garbage and yard waste for free.
   Thanks to our partners at TechnoTrash, you can also drop         June 6                                                                                               PRESIDENT                                 DIRECTOR OF PLANNING
   off your used electronics to be safely recycled. Appliance       Registration for 2021’s Virtual Run Bowness, brought to you        7    Across the Prairies
                                                                                                                                                                         Jason New                                 Jeff Riedl
   and metal recycling will be provided by Bowest Appliances,       by the BCA and Servus Credit Union, is now open! Join us
   and household goods can be dropped off for the Bowness           for a day of running and awesome prizes on June 6, 2021.           8    Bowtanical Garden            VICE-PRESIDENT                            DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEV
                                                                    Whether you’re an experienced runner, or just starting out,                                          Christina Pilarski                        Teresa Davidson
   Legion garage sale. NEW this year, The Medicine Shoppe
                                                                    this race allows you to train and compete at your own pace,
                                                                                                                                       9    Music & Play
   will take any old or expired drugs and medications to be                                                                                                                                                        DIRECTORS AT LARGE
   safely recycled. Visit for a list of        on your own route, and on your own time. You can support           10   Historical Society           Beverley Sheridan                         Paul Sipos, Bill Christieson, Mieke
   items that can be dropped off.                                   the BCA and receive an awesome race kit full of great items                                                                                    Coppes, Andrew Burgess, Bentley Wilks
                                                                    from local businesses. Go to to               11   Pioneers                                                               and Kurt Kinnear.
   Volunteers needed at this event to help manage traffic and       register.
                                                                                                                                       12   Business Directory                                                     BOWNESS COMMUNITY CENTRE & ARENA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7904-43 Ave. NW, Calgary AB T3B 4P9
                                                                                                                                       14   The Land We Walk Upon
COMMUNITY NEWS                                                                              EDITOR NOTES                               14   Nessie                                                       

COMMUNITY SCAVENGER                                                                        In the 2020 Vital Signs Survey Results
                                                                                                                                       15   BCA Directory
HUNT                                           Questions? Please reach out to Sarah at     published in the March April 2021           15   Community Directory
                                               403-216-5348 or           Bowest’ner it was stated “Gender                                                                                                            @mybowness
You are invited to a Community                                                             question also contained transgender
Scavenger Hunt on June 11, 2021 from           BOWNESS LIONS UPDATE                        and prefer to self-describe option but                                        VOLUNTEERING IS THE BEST WAY TO SHOW YOUR LOVE OF BOWNESS.
3:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Please check             Despite the restrictions of COVID-19, the   was not selected.” However, there was                                         • Meet new people and make new friends • Develop professional networks
out the Facebook and websites of the           Bowness Lions continue to Zoom in on        one person who chose one of these
                                                                                                                                                                         • Experience new challenges            • Gain experience in a variety of roles
agencies mentioned below for further           making a difference in the community.       options. Less than 0.5% of respondents
                                                                                                                                                                         • Raise awareness and support          • Email today!
information and to download your               One of the pillars of Lions International   chose one of those options, so rounding                                          important community issues
“passport” and “map.”                          is targeting childhood cancer through       to a whole number, it came to zero.
                                               tangible service and support. Reflecting    Because this number is not “statistically
All families are invited to participate in     that spirit of service, the Bowness Lions   significant” the company that analyzed
this event! The hunt will lead you around      made a recent donation of $1,000.00 to      and provided the results of the survey                                                                MAY/JUNE 2021
the community, stopping at several             Kids Cancer Care.                           (and created the chart and note for the
organizations and quirky spots to collect                                                  gender question) did not include it in                                        The Bowest’ner is published bimonthly     Melba Seto, Bowness Historical Society,
stamps on your passport. This scavenger                                                    the graphs. Not including a number this                                       by the Bowness Community Association.     Marg Weber, Nancy Kimberley Phillips,
hunt is done at your own pace, and                                                         size in a graph is common practice, but                                       The views expressed by contributors are   Brad Hays
once completed please head over to the                                                     the note they attached to that graph        Run Bowness 2020 by James Doyle   not necessarily those of the Bowness      PROOFREADERS
green space (field to the left of Bowness                                                  was incorrect and misleading. The note                                        Community Association or its Board of     Linda MacRae, Janis Giroux, Katelyn
Community Association) to collect your                                                     should have indicated that there were                                         Directors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gillies, MJ Karelse, Anne Campbell
PRIZE!                                                                                     respondents who did choose options
                                                                                                                                                                         Copyright is retained by the respective
                                                                                           other than male and female.                                                   authors. Articles may be reprinted        CIRCULATION
In the age of COVID-19, connection                                                                                                                                       for non-commercial purposes with          The Bowest’ner is distributed by Canada
to our neighbors, family, friends, and                                                     We apologize for any concern this                                             appropriate credit to the author and      Post to nearly 6,000 residences and
communities has been diminished. This                                                      may have caused. If you have further                                          The Bowest’ner.                           businesses in Bowness, and is available
event aims to allow residents to safely                                                    questions or would like more information     NEWS & ADS DEADLINE FOR                                                    at the Bowness Community Centre and
interact with their community, while also                                                  please call us at 403-288-8300.                 JULY/AUGUST 2021              EDITOR/PRODUCER                           Bowness Library.
offering a way for families to get outside     Holding the cheque, from left to right,                                                                                   Jessica Clark,       Please direct any delivery concerns to
and do something fun.                                                                      Also to note, in the March April
                                               are: Bowness Lions members Dennis
                                                                                           2021Bowest’ner, the Bowness                               MAY 21              DESIGNER                        
                                               Makowichuk, Elaine Graham and Ed
Thank you to The Vibrant Kids Fund                                                         Responsible Flood Mitigation (BRFM)                                           Jocelyn Zoller                            ADVERTISING
                                               Tysow. The money will go towards
along with our community partners:                                                         group was credited with the article at                                                                                  403-288-8300,
                                               meeting the needs of families in Alberta                                             or     CONTRIBUTORS
Bowmont Families Together, Bowwest                                                         the bottom of page 12 and this article
                                               who are dealing with childhood cancer.                                                                                    2020 Run Bowness Participants, Brit
Resource Centre, Children’s Cottage                                                        was actually submitted by the City of                  403-288-8300
Society, and Trellis for hosting this event!                                               Calgary.                                                                      Hart, Alpha House, Beverley Sheridan,

2 I MAY/JUNE 2021I THE BOWEST’NER                                                                                                                                                                                      THE BOWEST’NER I MAY/JUNE 2021I 3

 Continuing the excellent tradition of providing sound Legal Services to the Bowness & Montgomery
 Communities for over 20 years.

 BMLAW OFFICE - Trusted for your legal needs in:

 • Residential & Commercial Real Estate Law           • Immigration Law
 • Wills & Estate Law, Enduring Power of              • Family Law
 Attorney, and Personal Directives                    • Notarizations
 • Corporate/Commercial Law/Assets & Share
 Sale transactions
                                 Suite #307, 7930 Bowness Road NW
                                      Calgary, AB Canada T3B 0H3
                                Tel: 403.571.7755 Fax: 403.571.7759
               Call to speak with *Anthony Merah *Amina Muhammad *Grace Fasehun.
                                     *Sheri Crowdis (Legal Assistant)
                                       Kerry McClelland (Retired)

                                                      The Bow Show ‘21
                                                     Live-stream concert and fundraiser in
                                                     support of the Bowness High School
                                                                                                      [Type a quote
                                                       Music Program featuring the BHS                   [Type
                                                                                                      from  thea quote
                                                      Concert Band, Jazz Band and Choir.                 from theor
                                                        With special guest performance by the         the summary
                                                       Redline Trio – Calgary’s premiere jazz trio.   of an
                                                                                                      point. You can
                                                                                                      position the
                                                                                                      text box
                                                    Bid for amazing                                   anywhere in
                                                      items in our                                    the document.
                                                                                                      Use the
                                                    online Auction!
                                                                                                      Drawing Tools
                                                                                                      tab to change
                                                   May 27, 2021                                       the formatting
                                                   6:30 – 9:00 pm • Cost: $20                         of the pull
                                                   Toz register, please e-mail your name
                                                                                                      quote text

4 I MAY/JUNE 2021I THE BOWEST’NER                                                                                        THE BOWEST’NER I MAY/JUNE 2021I 5
BOWNESS ODDITIES AND INTRIGUE: STAMPEDE WRESTLING                                                                                          ACROSS THE PRAIRIES – FROM ASSINIBOINE TO CALGARY
Did you know that Bowness is currently the home of the             is somewhat of a holy grail within the wrestling world, having          INTERVIEW WITH LEONARD
wrestling ring used for every single Stampede Wrestling show       been the training grounds for many of the industry’s greatest
held at the Pavilion? Yep, Bruce Hart, a long time resident of     talents.
Bowness, lives on Bow Crescent and as one of the brilliant                                                                                 Leonard has been a resident of The Clayton on Bowness Road          House runs downtown and that he appreciated their harm
minds behind Stampede Wrestling, has the ring casually tucked       The ring itself weighs over a tonne, constructed from solid            for almost a year now. Originally from Saskatchewan, he             reduction approach.
away in his backyard. Up until 2018, he was actually still using   welded steel and dense, hardwood boards. The ropes are                  lived in a variety of towns and cities across the prairies before
the ring to train wrestlers, and if you were lucky, you could      now frayed after decades of wear and tear but still manage              a series of difficult circumstances led him to homelessness in      A year after he ended up on the streets, his brother passed
peek your head over the fence and catch a glimpse of the           to bounce wannabe wrestlers off with the same exuberance                Calgary, Alberta. He lived on the streets of Calgary for nine       away. Leonard speaks fondly of his brother but says, “his
training sessions yourself.                                        as they did in their heyday. Stepping into it is like stepping          years. Winters were spent in shelters and in the summer he          death hit me really hard. My dad passed away around then
                                                                   into a flashback to Calgary in the 80s. You can almost hear             would camp with his friends in Marlborough Park. Last year, a       too.” It was 2011 when he ended up on the streets, but his
Bruce moved to Bowness in 1985 and still lives in the same         Ed Whalen and his signature closing “In the meantime and in             bout of pneumonia left him hospitalized. However, in a positive     main point from the year is that the Boston Bruins won the
house along Bow Crescent. It wasn’t until 2004, after              between time…” You can almost smell the sweat rising through            turn of events, the hospital helped him get in touch with Alpha     Stanley Cup. His favourite hockey player is Patrice Bergeron,
Stampede Wrestling had its final hurrah that it took residence     the air and the warm metallic scent of the ring interacting with        House who worked with Leonard to find a home that suited him        their captain. He watches Boston play whenever he gets the
in our community.                                                  the athletes’ hot flesh. Stampede Wrestling was more than just          best. “When I saw the room (at the Clayton) I asked if I could      chance.
                                                                   a sporting event; it was a cultural tidal wave that helped serve        move in right away, and they said okay. So I moved in that
                                 Now, if you don’t know what       the city of Calgary for decades.                                        day.”                                                               When he talks about growing up on the colony, he mentions
                                 Stampede Wrestling is we                                                                    - Brit Hart                                                                       the stigma he felt when he’d travel into town. He speaks about
                                 can only assume you moved                                                                                 Hailing from a Hutterite colony near Assiniboia, Saskatchewan,      running into gangs of teenage boys when he’d visit the mall in
                                 to Calgary after 1990 when        Have your own tale of intrigue within Bowness to share? Email           Leonard left at 18 to find work outside the colony. He has          Moose Jaw. He was afraid to tell people he was a Hutterite for
                                 things started to die down        it to                                              thought about going back over the years, but he describes           a long time after that. But over the last 15 years he says “I’m
                                 for the promotion, but we’ll                                                                              colony life as being dictated by rules and he had a dream of        not afraid to tell people anymore. I’m just a human.” He has
                                 offer you all a quick refresh                                                                             seeing the world. When he first left the colony, CBC news did       eight brothers and four sisters, most of whom live on colonies.
                                                                                     I’m Brit - Brit grew up in Bowness and her
                                 nonetheless. Stampede                                                                                     a televised interview with him. He spoke then of his ambitions      He’s been back to visit, but because of religious custom he can
                                                                                     fondest childhood memories are of riding her
                                 Wrestling was founded                                                                                     to find work and of struggles with loneliness and learning what     never move back permanently.
                                                                                     bike around Bowness Park and fishing along            felt, at times, like a different culture. When he did find work
by Stu Hart in the 60s and it was a cultural phenomenon
across Western Canada. Every week people would tune into                             the Bow River. Brit and her husband bought            in construction his boss spoke highly of Leonard, saying he’s       He likes his room
Stampede Wrestling to see the likes of The British Bulldogs,                         their first home in Bowness and started their         keen and happy to work. This was in Swift Current. However,         at the Clayton, and
Bad Co. with Brian Pillman, Owen Hart and Bruce, Bad News                            family. Their active lifestyle (and two large         after asking his neighbour to turn down a stereo early in the       even has a pet fish
Allan, even The Rock trained with the Hart family in their           dogs) are perfectly suited to the neighbourhood and they              morning, he was confronted in his apartment by that same            named Leonard Jr.
infamous Dungeon and stepped foot in this wrestling ring.            take full advantage of the beautiful paths and dog parks in           neighbour armed with a bat and crowbar. He decided to leave         He’s been able to
And with the Dungeon no longer around, this wrestling ring           the area as well as the hospitality of the local businesses.          town after this and was forced to quit his job.                     access a pharmacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                               for smoking cessation
                                                                                                                                           He relocated to Saskatoon where his older brother, who had          aids, which he gets
                                                                                                                                           also left the colony, was living and got a job in a carpet store.   every month. He’s got
                                                                                                                                           He was a successful writer and publisher, releasing books on        a TV set as well where
                                                                                                                                           Hutterite food and culture including The Hutterite Treasury of      he can watch his favourite show Big Brother. “I applied for this
                                                                                                                                           Recipes. His brother would often test out the recipes and ask       season but didn’t get accepted” he relates. Leonard also loves
                                                                                                                                           Leonard to try them. He recounts one time when they were            watching Survivor and Britain’s Got Talent. His favourite song
                                                                                                                                           eating sauerkraut for six months because his brother had made       is “You are the Reason” by Britain’s Got Talent Star Calum
                                                                                                                                           so much!                                                            Scott.

                                                                                                                                           Eventually, Saskatoon didn’t work out either. He describes          The Clayton is run by Calgary Alpha House Society and was
                                                                                                                                           ending up in a bad way, mostly due to a dealer “who was             built by HomeSpace in 2019; a 30-unit permanent-supportive
                                                                                                                                           available all the time. You’d call him up anytime and he’d be       housing program with 24/7 wrap-around supports. The
                                                                                                                                           there in 30 minutes. He’d float you $200 worth of drugs. So I       building is one of a handful of affordable housing options in
                                                                                                                                           paid him off and left town to start over.”                          Calgary designed for people who have experienced chronic
                                                                                                                                           He travelled then to Winnipeg where he built on his experience
                                                                                                                                           working at a carpet store to become the manager of a carpet
                                                                                                                                           warehouse. In Winnipeg he had a daughter, who is 13 now.
                                                                                                                                           “She’s home schooled right now because of COVID.” They
                                                                                                                                           speak over Facebook when they can.

                                                                                                                                           After getting back in touch with his first girlfriend, he
                                                                                                                                           relocated from Winnipeg to Calgary. He found a basement
                                                                                                                                           suite in Calgary, but then ended up without a home after his
                                                                                                                                           relationship didn’t work out. He and some friends would camp
                                                                                                                                           out in and around Marlborough Park. “We’d lean boards
                                                                                                                                           against a wall and stick a tarp over.” In the winters when it
                                                                                                                                           got cold he’d go to various shelters. But he expressed some
                                                                                                                                           hesitancy about using them. “I’m not a big guy. The walk to the
                                                                                                                                           shelter can be scary.” He mentions staying at the shelter Alpha

6 I MAY/JUNE 2021I THE BOWEST’NER                                                                                                                                                                                                         THE BOWEST’NER I MAY/JUNE 2021I 7
                                                                                                                                                                         Instagram @musicandplayYYC
                                                                                                                                                                         Facebook Music and Play                                                     Bowness
            THE                                                                                                                                                                                                         Business
          GARDEN                                                                                                                           When I arrived at Music & Play (M&P), I walked up the stairs     This past year, M&P has been a place the community looks
                                                                                                                                           to find myself in some magical, musical wonderland.              to for finding focus for their mental health as well as physical
                                                                                                                                                                                                            health. A place that not only embraces the community mindset
                                                                                                                                           Music rooms encircle the common area and students of all         but encourages and supports Bowness and its people with their
                                                                                                                                           ages—infants to children to adults—are respectfully spread       programs and philosophy.
                                                                                                                                           about, reading their notes or waiting for loved ones to finish
                                                                                                                                           their classes. Since the rooms are soundproofed you can          Bowness has been in such a need of a place like this and it
“ALEX, I’LL TAKE GARDEN VEGETABLES FOR $1000 PLEASE”                                                                                       only hear a distant hum of students playing music in the         could not have come at a better time. Colleen sits on a bench
                                                                                                                                           background.                                                      and says “this is us.”
What are the 10 most popular home-grown vegetables in                Butter makers with less well-fed bovines coloured their butter by
Canada and the US? According to a recent survey, gardeners           adding carrot juice to the churn.                                     I was greeted by the owners Colleen and Darryl Lindenbach.
are planting in order of popularity – tomatoes, peppers,
cucumbers, onions, beans, lettuce, carrots, sweet corn, radishes     My perennial flower beds contain lilies, but I was unaware                                                Darryl showed me the
and cabbage. The tomato is the runaway leader of this group          until recently that so does my vegetable garden. The onion,                                               rooms and instruments. He
with over 85 per cent of home gardeners cultivating 500              botanically speaking, belongs to the lily family – so does                                                spoke of his fascinating
varieties of this fruit. Yes, it’s a fruit. But the “King of Fresh   asparagus and for that matter, distantly, bananas. During the                                             history in the Alberta
Produce”, and many of his edible cousins, was not always held        Civil War, Union army doctors routinely used onion juice to                                               arts. Darryl was quite the
in such high esteem.                                                 clean gunshot wounds. There is no record of how many soldiers                                             prominent figure in the
                                                                     survived this treatment. The onion’s close relative, chives, has                                          Alberta art scene the past
In the early 1800s, Americans did not eat tomatoes as they           been cultivated for over 5,000 years, but has never been                                                  25 years. From being
were considered poisonous. The Pilgrims, in fact, considered         valued for its medicinal qualities like onions and garlic. Instead,                                       the Executive Director of
the growing of tomatoes an abomination equivalent to                 chives brought a whole new meaning to home decoration.                                                    the Alberta Ballet and the
dancing, card playing and theatre-going. Those caught with           American Colonists hung bunches of chives throughout their            Edmonton Fringe Festival, these only touch upon Darryl’s long
the fruit in their possession were displayed in the public square.   homes to drive away disease and evil influences as the herb           list of experience with the Western Canada art community.
Remember that when you are putting up your tomato cages.             was thought to have magical powers.
Fortunately for us, tomatoes have won over the taste buds of                                                                               Colleen started as a public school educator and grew her
the North American consumer who now eats, on average, 13             Most people I know like small, bite-sized radishes. In Greek          music company from teaching at home to hundreds of students       You’ll be sure to see M&P around our neighbourhood in
pounds of tomatoes a year plus an additional 20 pounds a             and Roman times, the radish was viewed very differently. It           in just a few years.                                             a variety of upcoming events this summer, including online
year in the form of ketchup, salsa and BBQ sauce. The biggest        was grown as a winter storage crop and often weighed 50 to                                                                             theatres shows and summer camps!
tomato on record was grown by Oklahoma farmer Gordon                 100 lbs. The chefs of the day served these monsters cooked            About 10 years ago, Colleen took the steps to fully open Music
Graham and weighed in at 7 pounds 12 ounces. I am guessing           or raw and often seasoned with honey and vinegar. By the              & Play and committed her passion to teaching ever since.         Though their group programs only just started up again in
that Oklahoma does not get frost during the first week of            17th century the radish had climbed from culinary staple to           It wasn’t long before Darryl joined forces to help grow the      early spring, classes are filling up fast online and offline.
August!                                                              pharmaceutical wonder. Radishes were used as an antidote              company and work towards a dream of building community
                                                                     for poisoning, a cure for snake bites and to remove freckles.         through passion, music and arts. They moved from Aspen           M&P is located at 6919 32 Ave. N.W. You can meet their
Ever referred to someone as being “cool as a cucumber”?              When mashed and mixed with honey and dried sheep’s blood,             Landing into their new in their new Bowness location last year   wonderful team on their website, and follow them on their
Then they are very cool indeed. The inside of a cucumber on          the resulting paste was reported to cure baldness. Look out           and when they found it they said, “Bowness feels like home.”     social media accounts for the latest updates!
the vine can be as much as 20 degrees cooler that the outside        Rogaine™!
air on a warm day. This knowledge may have led the ancient                                                                                 I learned that M&P combines the traditional way of teaching      Bowness Community Association Members get 10% discount *
Egyptians to invent what they referred to as “cucumber water”.       Finally, something we may wish to take up with City Council.          music, with new and revolutionary styles of group programs       *Music And Play - No Registration Fee on all Per-Term Music and
A hole was cut in the end of a ripe cucumber, a stick inserted,      In the late 19th century, some towns in England had laws              that make learning music more relatable to everyone.             Theatre Arts Classes (ages 0-18), or No Registration Fee & 10% Off
and the pulp stirred and broken up. The hole was then plugged        that reduced a person’s taxes if flowers and shrubbery were                                                                            Private Music Lessons (ages 6+, minimum four-month enrollment).”
and the cucumber buried in the ground for a few days. When           planted in the yard to beautify it. If the person next door did       They have programs for all ages and abilities. Colleen and
the fruit was unearthed the inside pulp was transformed into a       not do the same, his taxes were raised!                               Darryl truly believe in “growing through music”. They spoke of                 Melba is a local Bownesian with a penchant for
fermented drink. Gives the phrase “a tall cool one” a whole                                                         - Beverley Sheridan    how, through the pandemic, their online, live programs were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          writing and creating connections in the community.
new meaning.                                                                                                                               said by many to be the highlight of their weeks.
                                                                                   I’m Beverley - I am a member of the Bowness                                                                                            She is also the local soap maker behind Bowness
Planting several rows of carrots this year? You obviously have                     Garden Club. We are a group of new                      To be able to interact with other humans and work on music                     Soapworks. You can be sure to find her with her
a good sense of fashion. When carrots first arrived in England,                    to experienced gardeners who just love                  and create music has been therapeutic for their students. I                    two little ones always nearby on her foraging and
women used the tops to decorate their hair and later their                         growing plants. If you are interested in                was impressed to learn that their students are encouraged to      outdoor adventures. Next time you see her around make sure
hats. The roots were discarded. It was not until the 1600s that       becoming a member of our garden club, or would just                  write and create their own music versus just learning by rote     you say “hi,” and introduce yourself!
carrots were eaten as food. It was claimed that cows fed Dutch        like more information, please contact Anne Campbell at               memory.
carrots yielded the richest milk and the most yellow butter. or 403-288-3295.                                                                                                 Follow @Melba_Seto & @BownessSoapworks to stay in the loop!

8 I MAY/JUNE 2021I THE BOWEST’NER                                                                                                                                                                                                       THE BOWEST’NER I MAY/JUNE 2021I 9
News Past
           Co�r�e�y o� t�e Bo�n�s� Hi�t�r�c�l So�i�t�
                                                             from the
                                                                                                                                                           News Past                                   from the

  Pioneer Aviation in Bowness                                   In 1920 the McCall Aerodrome hangar was enlarged and                                              mountain passes. With her              papers on the day they were printed! The flight departed
                                                                a door built on the front so that it could house three more                                       load, the Jenny has a ceiling of       for Vancouver on October 13 at 11:55 A.M. flown by Flt. Lt.
  As noted in our last article, Webber Aero Service ceased      airplanes. These were Canadian built JN-4 Can models, two                                         7,000 feet (2130m) and so was          Thompson.
  operations in Bowness following a plane crash in May of       of which were assembled and the other kept for a spare. As                                        forced to steer through mountain
  1919.                                                         of July 1920, McCall Aero Corporation Ltd. was advertising                                        passes. He reached Lethbridge at
                                                                flying services with its “fleet of modern aeroplanes at our                                       6:22 pm and found almost the
                                                                                                                                    Hoy flying, 1919.
  The Bowness Flying Field did not remain idle for long as      well located aerodrome located at Bowness”. Rates were                                            entire population waiting for him.
  in mid-August 1919, Captain Fred McCall established the       advertised as $30.00 for the “Sundown air trail” and                                              Hoy then flew on to Calgary and
  McCall Aero Corporation Ltd. and took over the Bowness        $10.00 for the “Observation flights”. The Sundown air trail         landed at the Bowness Flying Field at 8:53 pm guided in by
  Flying Field and the hangar erected by George Webber.         was described as a “thirty mile trip over foothills and prairie     rockets and flares set off by members of the Calgary Aero
                         He purchased a Curtiss JN-4 airplane   affording a never-to-be forgotten view of the Rockies”.             Club and the headlights of hundreds of cars belonging to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Stinson Detroiter.
                         which had been used by Captain                                                                             some of the 5,000 spectators gathered to greet him. This
                         W.R. (Wop) May on the fair circuit.    By the end of the season the American JN-4 was the only             flight was a promotion by the Aerial League of Canada with           In April of 1928 Capt. McCall brought in a Stinson Detroiter
                         This plane was brought to Bowness,     plane that had not crashed. No one was hurt in any of               the stipulation that the flight be completed in 18 hours. The        Biplane which operated under Purple Label Airline Limited
                         assembled here and test flown on       the crashes but the financial loss of two planes almost put         total elapsed time for the trip was 16 hours and 24 minutes          and was available for regular commercial air service and
                         August 26, 1919. With Captain May,     McCall out of business. As well, the number of passengers           with an actual flying time of 12 hours and 24 minutes. The           pleasure flights. In June Great Western Airways Ltd. took
                         another wartime flying ace, and        wanting to fly was diminishing.                                     plane also carried probably the first commercial package             over Purple Label Airline for the charter business. Purple
                         Lieutenant Donnelly as additional                                                                          delivered by air to Calgary – a shipment of men’s sweaters           Label was the last commercial flying company to use the
                         pilots, McCall’s machines (Curtiss     In 1921 McCall either sold or leased the remaining JN-4D            destined for the Diamond Clothing Company.                           Bowness field.
                         JN-4 airplanes) were flown that        GC-AAH to P.J.A. Fleming and the buyer crashed it in the
                         season to dozens of southern and       first week with fatal results to his passenger, Mr. Alf Mabee.      The first Trans-Canada flight, in a De Haviland 9-A                  Ultimately, the Bowness Flying Field was not the ideal
                         central Alberta towns and villages.    Mr. Mabee sometimes did wing-walking stunts with Capt.              originating in Halifax on October 7, 1920, flew into the             location for an airfield due to ruts in the field and the
  Fred McCall
                                                                McCall’s company.                                                   McCall Aerodrome at 5:15 A.M. on October 11 piloted                  sometimes erratic winds. By August 1928 the Bowness Flying
                                                                                                                                    by Flt. Lt. Cudemore. The flight delivered Winnipeg                  Field had been abandoned.
                                                                Capt. McCall subsequently established the McCall-Hanrahan           newspapers, the first time Calgarians could read these
                                                                Aero Service in 1921 and later Great West Airways, which
                                                                also flew out of Bowness. McCall later transferred his
                                                                operations to the Stanley Jones Field in Calgary.

                                                                There were three other notable events with the Bowness
                                                                Flying Field as the setting.                                                                                    house which was moved to the parking           Shirley joined the Bowness Seniors
                                                                                                                                                                                lot. Soon they moved to a house on             Centre and volunteered at bazaars,
                                                                                                                                                                                36 Ave. north west and raised their            luncheons and the Casino. She enjoyed
                                                                                                                                                                                four children there – Vivian, Leonard,         the shuffle board, and the tours that
                                                                                                                                                                                Brian and Vincent and several foster           were offered. Shirley and Leo celebrated
                                                                                                                                                                                children. After a time they moved to           their 40th wedding anniversary at the
  Captain Fred McCall Starting Test Flight Take-off at                                                                                                                          a home on Bowcliffe Crescent. The              Bowness Seniors Centre.
  Bowness Flying Field, August 26, 1919.                                                                                                                                        family belonged to the Our Lady of the
                                                                                                                                                                                Assumption Catholic Church and took            Sadly, Leo passed away in 2008 and
  During the next four years, from 1919 to 1923, McCall                                                                                                                         part in activities there. The children         daughter, Vivian, also passed away.
  shifted operations from exhibition to commercial flying.                                                                                                                      attended the Catholic school, Our Lady         Shirley now lives in a care residence
  Some notable flights originated from Bowness. On                                                                                                                              of the Assumption both of which are in         but keeps in touch with her Bowness
  September 4, 1919, McCall flew the 70 or so miles to                                                                                                                          Bowness.                                       friends. February 14, 2021 was her 84th
  Nanton to fly passengers on their Field Day. He dropped
  a bundle of newspapers at High River, “the first aerial                                                                            Shirley and Leo                            The boys played hockey in Bowness

  newspaper delivery in southern Alberta” making this part of
  the “first commercial flight in southern Alberta”. While at                                                                           Paquette                                and Leo coached hockey. He was a well
                                                                                                                                                                                respected hockey coach and the boys
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I’m Marg - I moved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to Bowness as a
  Nanton, McCall carried 35 passengers who were initiated                                                                                                                       enjoyed their time with him. Both Leo and                     youngster in the mid
  “to the wonders of flight and needless to say all enjoyed
  being flown by Canada’s fifth Ace of World War I.” Also, in
                                                                Fred McCall in a plane.                                               PIONEERS                                  Shirley belonged to the Bowness Lions
                                                                                                                                                                                and Lionettes and took part in working
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1950s and have
  1919, Capt. McCall was given the honour of flying Brigadier   Captain Ernest C. Hoy, D.F.C. became the first person to
                                                                                                                                         of Bowness                             with this group. They also belonged to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              never left! I attended
  General H.F McDonald from the Bowness Flying Field to the                                                                                                                                                                                   Parkway School (as it
                                                                fly a Curtiss Jenny JN-4 over the Rockies on a flight from                                                      the Montgomery Moose Lodge and in
  Calgary Exhibition grounds where he officially opened the                                                                       Shirley and her parents, William and          2010 Shirley received her 20 year pin.          was known then) and Bowness High
                                                                Vancouver to Calgary. Capt. Hoy left Vancouver at 4:13
  1919 Fair. McCall and W.R. May put on a superb display of     A.M. on August 7, 1919 and stopped to refuel at Vernon,           Mary Knowler, moved to Bowness                She took part in horseshoes, bowling,           School. My daughters also attended
  flying at the Calgary Exhibition.                             Grand Forks and Cranbrook, often barely clearing the              in 1952 to a house on the property            curling, including competitive games            Belvedere-Parkway and Bowness High
                                                                                                                                  where the Bowness Hotel is now. Shirley       and has won medals – golds, silvers and         School and four of my grandchildren
                                                                                                                                  married Leo Paquette and lived in this        bronze.                                         attended Bowness High.

10 I MAY/JUNE 2021I THE BOWEST’NER                                                                                                                                                                                                  THE BOWEST’NER I MAY/JUNE 2021I 11
BUSINESS DIRECTORY                                         This is a paid advertisement by Calgary’s Future


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12 I MAY/JUNE 2021I THE BOWEST’NER                                                                            THE BOWEST’NER I MAY/JUNE 2021I 13
THE LANDS WE WALK UPON                                                                                                                 BCA DIRECTORY

Oki, Amba’wastitch, Danit’ada, Tân’si, Hello!                     ranging from buffalo jumps to camp sites. There is also a Big        Bowness Community Association      Our office is closed until further notice but           
                                                                  Rock (glacial erratics) located on Medicine Hill; there is an        7904 43 Avenue NW                  available by phone 403-288-8300                                   General Inquiries:
The Bow Valley, and the community of Bowness, is located          entire trail of glacial erratic’s scattered across Alberta. These    Calgary, AB T3B 4P9                (leave a message and someone will                       
in Treaty 7 territory. Treaty 7, a document that was signed       erratics are connected to a larger Blackfoot story about the                                            return your call).
in 1877, covers the traditional homelands of the Nitsitapii/      trickster figure, Náapi and the Big Rock located in Okotoks
Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksiká, Káinai, Piikáni), Îyârhe          (óohkotok). Bowmont Park, on the north side of the Bow
Nakoda (Chiniki, Bearspaw, Wesley), Tsuut’ina and the Métis       River from Bowness, is also home to 13 known archaeological
Nation, Region 3.                                                 sites that have uncovered artifacts like projectile points and
                                                                                                                                       STAFF CONTACT                                 NAME                                                EMAIL
                                                                  seasonal-use camp locations.
The City of Calgary initially began at the place where the                                                                             Executive Director                            Michelle Dice                             
Bow and Elbow rivers meet. In the Blackfoot language, the         Becoming familiar with the land and its histories is a crucial
                                                                                                                                       Office Manager & Rentals                      Molly MacRae                              
confluence is called Mohkínsstsis (or ‘Elbow’); Wîchîspa in the   aspect of learning how to be good stewards and caretakers of
Siouan Îyârhe Nakoda language; Guts’ists’i in the Athabaskan      the places that we call home. Bowness is a unique community,         Community Engagement Coordinator              Laddie Miller                             
language of the Tsuut’ina people; and the nêhiyawêwin (Cree)      located in a river valley that has given homes to humans, plants     Bowest’ner Newsletter &                       Jessica Clark                             
term is otôskwanihk. This is a sacred place where people have     and animals for thousands of years. I encourage you, the next
                                                                                                                                       Communications Coordinator
gathered since time immemorial; a place where the beavers         time that you are out walking in beautiful Bowness, to spend
swim; a place where both the waters and stories collide with      some time thinking about the lands that you are on and the           Planning and Development                      Sydney Empson                             
each other.                                                       deep, storied histories that exist here.                             Coordinator
                                                                                                          - Nancy Kimberley Phillips   Accounting                                    Deb Hall                                  
In proximity to Bowness, there are a number of well-known
                                                                                                                                       Arena Office
locations that hold connection to the Indigenous histories of     References
these lands. The knowledge of these places is held in multiple    City of Calgary. N.d. Uncovering Human History: Archaeology          Facility Manager                              Kale Daniels                              
ways; through story, archaeology, community knowledge, and        and Calgary Parks.
land-use surveys to name a few. The Bow Valley has a long                                                                                                                                                                                            CITY OF CALGARY
history of occupation and use; providing an abundance of          I’m Nancy (she/her)- she is an adventurous homebody with                                                                           COMMUNITY DIRECTORY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Municipal services            3-1-1
plant and animal life, shelter, water, and all other provisions
needed to sustain community. While walking along the
                                                                  a prairie-coastal loving heart. She is a Queer Settler Woman
                                                                  from Treaty 7 (the homelands of the Niitsitapi, Îyârhe Nakoda,                            JOIN US!                                 BOWNESS CLUBS & SERVICES                        Non-emergency social services 2-1-1

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bow Ridge Little League Baseball..........................
river in Bowness, one can easily locate saskatoon berries,        Tsuut’ina, and the Métis Nation, Region 3). She is nearing
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bow River Bruins........................................................
chokecherry, cottonwood, willow, wild rose, bearberry, and        the completion of her master’s degree in anthropology                                                                              Bowmont Serniors Assistance Association.......................... 403-286-1811
many other culturally (and medicinally) significant plants.       at the University of British Columbia, located on unceded                                                                          Bowmont Youth Justice Committee..................................... 403-288-6922
Animals like deer, beavers, eagles, and moose also thrive                                                           Lands. She is                                                                    Bowness Community Association/...................................
along the river valley and can be spotted in Bowness.             a passionate environmental and museum educator, scholar,                                                                               Bowness Community Centre & Arena............................ 403-288-8300
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bowness Historical Society................................................ 403-288-1737
                                                                  writer, crafter, and student. In her free time, she enjoys
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bowness Lions Club.......................................................... 403-286-1648
Medicine Hill (Aisskapooma, formally known as the Paskapoo        tending to her plants, reading, going for walks along the river,                                                                   Bowness Responsible Flood Mitigation Society ..................
Slopes) is one of the most well-known archaeological sites in     and spending time with loved ones.                                                                                                 Bowness Seniorsʼ Centre................................................... 403-286-4488
Calgary. There are over 30 known usage sites along the hill,                                                                                                                                         Bowness Soccer Club................................................
                                                                                                                                                                                                     BowWest Community Resource Centre............................... 403-216-5348
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Boys and Girls Club of Calgary, Bowness:

                                                                                                                                         Become a BCA MEMBER!                                            Club Programs............................................................ 403-571-0517
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ready, Set, Go! Preschool........................................... 403-999-5827
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Home-Start................................................................. 403-571-0516
                                                                                                                                         Not a member yet or need to renew? It’s easy.                   YEAR (Youth-centred Engagement, Action & Respect).... 403-669-5533
    BOW NESSIE                                                    A LITTLE NESSIE HISTORY...                                             Go online at                              CARYA (formerly Calgary Family Services)....................... 403-269-9888
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Northwest & Central Outreach for Older Adults............ 403-286-1811
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Calgary Northwest Basketball....................................................
    Beneath the surface of the Bow                                The BowNessie project uncovers the overlooked history of a             Memberships are $5 for seniors, $10 for                     Calgary Police Services, District 2 Zone 4, Cst. D. Down ........ 403-428-6241
    One’s imagination starts to flow                              legend in the Bowness lagoon. On July 30, 1942 the Calgary
                                                                                                                                         individuals, $20 for a family, $30 for an                                                            

    Wandering creatures come alive                                Herald published a descriptive article telling the story about                                                                     Calgary Public Library, Bowness Branch............................ 403-221-2022
                                                                  the capture of a mythical Okanagan creature (identified as a           associate or a business.                                    City of Calgary, Calgary Neighbourhoods........................ 403-476-7221
    New to the river a set of eyes                                lingcod). The article gained popularity throughout the province                                                                    Distress Centre/24-hour Crisis Line.................................... 403-266-1605
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Family Pride Parent Link Centre......................................... 403-288-1446
    Everyone jumps, the ling thing hides                          and details of the capture were written in surprising and gory         Renew or purchase your BCA membership to be                 Girl Guides District Commissioner...................................... 403-710-5775
    Splashing the water in July                                   detail from the perspective of the parks superintendent, John                                                                      Miskanaw ah................................................................... 403-247-5003
                                                                  McDonald. At the time, Bowness was still known as the Village
                                                                                                                                         entered to win a $20 gift card from a local                 Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 238 Bowness.................... 403-247-1234
    Sparks of interest fill the sky                               of Bowness as it did not amalgamate into Calgary until 1964.           Bowness business.                                           Scouts, 169 Bowmont....................................................... 403-829-9956
    People, reporters with recorders                              While it is hard to see now, Bowness Park is actually an island                                                                    United Way of Calgary & Area:
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bowness Montgomery Neighbourhood Collaborative.... 403-875-1278
    All pack the park to chat and dine                            in the river and the creature was thought to have gained               Or, get in touch at (403) 288-8300 or                       West Valley Softball.............................................
                                                                  access to the lagoon through the inflow pipe streaming in.
    River’s quiet once again                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES
    Kids crash the silence and legends begin
                                                - Brad Hays       Mention of this story resurfaced at a Bowness Neighbour                                                 Calgary Board of Education Trustee Joy Bowen-Eyre......... 403-294-8487
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Calgary Catholic School District Trustee Serafino Scarpino.. 403-500-2550
                                                                  Day gathering and soon afterwards, the mural project was                                           Councillor Ward Sutherland, Ward 1................................ 403-268-2430
                                                                  underway.                                                                  @mybowness                                              MLA Demetrios Nicolaides, Calgary-Bow.......................... 403-216-5400
                                                                                                                                                                                                     MP Ron Lipert, Calgary Signal Hill................................... 403-292-6666

14 I MAY/JUNE 2021I THE BOWEST’NER                                                                                                                                                                                                         THE BOWEST’NER I MAY/JUNE 2021I 15
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