Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway

Page created by Dana Washington
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
Volume XXXI, Number 2 • May - September 2022

Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
The Village is in the process
of updating its 2008 East Side
Neighborhood Growth Area Plan.
The East Side Plan is a
component, or subarea plan, of the
Village’s Comprehensive Land Use
Plan. It provides general and detailed
recommendations regarding the
character of future development on
the Village’s east side including the
location, type, density, and intensity
of a variety of land uses including
residential, commercial, industrial,
parks, trails, and open spaces.
The recommendations within the East
Side Plan are used to guide short
and long-term investments in future
growth and preservation areas of the
Village and is used to assist in the
review and approval of development
requests, subdivision reviews, and
zoning amendments within the
boundaries of the plan.
                        (continues on next page)

         IN THIS ISSUE
   Volunteer Projects................ 4

   Add Solar to your Property
   .................................................. 8

   Library Programs.................. 9

   Senior Outreach Events

   Public Works Open House
                                                          The image shows the existing Conceptual Development Plan from
   Required Meter                                         the 2008 East Side Neighborhood Plan. The boundaries of the
   Replacement Program                                    neighborhood plan and the type and location of future land uses will be
   ................................................15     updated as part of the 2022 planning process.
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
VILLAGE UPDATE continued –                                    topics as housing, retail goods and services, and desired
Staying Informed and Being Involved                           types of development and will be available through May
There will be multiple opportunities for residents,           29th. Please consider completing this online survey so we
stakeholders, and members of the public to provide input      can learn more about the challenges and opportunities
in the planning process including online surveys, public      in the Village of McFarland. While this plan is focused on
meetings, and hearings.                                       future growth to the east, this process is also evaluating
Please visit           the overall housing and economic stability of the entire
to sign up to receive email notification of future public     Village.
involvement meetings and community surveys regarding          The survey can be found at:
the East Side Plan Update. The project is anticipated to be   McFarlandWis. Residents are encouraged to complete
completed by March of 2023.                                   the survey online; however, paper copies are available
Complete our Community Survey                                 for pick-up and drop-off at the Community Development
Our first project survey is underway, and the Village would   Department, within the Municipal Center located at 5915
like to hear from you. This community survey covers such      Milwaukee Street.

Volunteer Spotlight: Rolfe Nervig
The McFarland Volunteer Program          the Corporate Learning Center at
proudly presents Rolfe Nervig for this   Edgewood College, which offered
issue of Volunteer Spotlight. Rolfe      leadership development seminars for
has served in numerous volunteer         students in business.
roles for McFarland Senior Outreach, Rolfe has consistently centered
including as a Meals on Wheels       himself in a steadfast commitment
delivery driver, a senior coffee hourto service throughout his life. Utilizing
host, and as a Medical Ride Driver   his skills, talents, and experience, he
Escort. He has established himself   has found opportunities to give back
as a versatile, generous, and reliable
                                     to the community in significant ways.
member of the Senior Outreach        Rolfe particularly enjoys “coordinating
volunteer team.                      and thinking outside the box.” He            Wheels and Medical Ride programs
Rolfe is no stranger to community    has used his leadership skills as            through McFarland Senior Outreach
service. Growing up in Minnesota,    a member of multiple boards and              because he has the ability to, “fill
he learned the value of service from committees, such as the Marquardt            that need for someone and have a
his mother, a devoted educator       Village Foundation Board, where he           positive impact on their life.” Rolfe
who modeled the importance of        helped develop the non-profit which          explains, “these volunteer roles have
involvement in community and church now offers continuum of care services         given me the opportunity to learn
volunteerism. After graduating from  for older adults. In 2009, he served         about a variety of people and get to
Luther College, Rolfe married his    as a volunteer loan executive for the        know some real characters!” Rolfe
college sweetheart Mary and they     United Way Public Appeal Campaign            radiates warmth and kindness, and his
settled down in the Milwaukee area   and was instrumental in sourcing             convivial personality invites a genuine
where he established his career      donations for their programs. He has         connection with our staff, volunteers,
with non-profit work. This included  served on the Advisory Board for Off         and consumers. McFarland Senior
his position as Director of Refugee  the Square, an organization located          Outreach and the McFarland
Resettlement for Lutheran Social     in downtown Madison that serves              Volunteer Program thank Rolfe for his
Services, where he linked refugees   homeless individuals with serious            dedication to service!
from South East Asia, displaced due  addition and mental illness. In recent
                                                                                 If you would like to volunteer for
to the Vietnam War conflict, with    years he helped to raise $70,000
                                                                                 McFarland Senior Outreach, they
sponsors, supports, and services in  for upgraded, secure showers at the
                                                                                 are currently recruiting drivers for
Wisconsin.                           facility for their consumers.
                                                                                 our Medical Ride Driver Escort and
As their family grew to include four     Rolfe explained, “I have intentionally  Meals on Wheels programs. For more
children, Rolfe eventually shifted       been transitioning from leadership      information, visit our website at
into work in the business sector, at     roles to more one-on-one      
Master Blueprints/Master Graphics.       volunteering in the past few years.” He senioroutreach-volunteer or call
He went on to collaboratively develop    enjoys volunteering for the Meals on    608-838-7117.

2 |   McFarland Outlook                                                                                        MAY 2022
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
 Warmer weather is nearly upon us. Lots of change         Department will be putting the finishing touches on
 happens at this time of the year and is especially       the new disc golf course at Orchard Hill Park. This
 true for the Village. Every April we consider the        course will feature nine holes of varying difficulty
 election of local leaders to the Village Board. It       for all users. A contract has been awarded also
 included three positions for Village Trustee that        for the construction of pickleball courts in William
 each will serve two-year terms. Congratulations          McFarland Park. This project will commence in
 to Ed Wreh, Mike Flaherty, and TJ Jerke on their         June for the construction of eight new courts with
 election to the Village Board for the 2022 to            lighting in between the existing park shelter at the
 2024 term. Ed was appointed to fill a vacant seat        Curling Club. It is anticipated that we will be able
 in 2021 and this will be his first full term. Mike is    to access the new courts for play this fall. Studies
 just finishing up his second term in local office        on future projects this year will also include a new
 making this the start of a third term. This is TJ’s      skate park at William McFarland Park, lake access
 first term in local office after having served on        at Lewis Park, new land management plans for our
 various committees previously. Thank you to              conservancies, and continued planning on the
 former Trustee Justin Rupert for his service to          inclusive park.
 the community over the last two years during             Thank you, and I hope everyone has an enjoyable
 his previous term. The first day of the new term         summer. Please feel free to contact me if you need
 for these individuals was April 19th. All Village        anything.
 Board meetings are open to the public and held
 on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month           Sincerely,
 beginning at 7 p.m.                                      Matt Schuenke, Village Administrator
 Please visit  
 for more information.                                    (608) 838-3153
 The Village Board has hired Short Elliot
 Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) to prepare a master plan
 for the future development and improvements to
 the Municipal Center. They will be working with
 Eppstein Uhen Architects (EUA) to help craft a
 vision and plan that moves the Village forward in
 the construction of a Community Center. The first
 part of this project is center around engagement to
 better define what a Community Center is and how
 it relates to the facility. The second phase of this
 work begins to study the specifics of implementing
 aspects of that definition and other space needs
 within the facility. Finally, the third portion of the
 project continues to connect with the public on the
 project while analyzing the adjoining open spaces,
 roads, and synergies with the adjacent Library.
 Opportunities to participate in this planning project
 will begin this spring as well as continue throughout
 the rest of 2022 into next year.
 Two significant improvements to the park system
 will be implemented in 2022. The Public Works

MAY 2022                                                                                McFarland Outlook |      3
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
Village of McFarland Launches New Adopt-A-Storm Drain Program
Storm drains play an important role in flood prevention           cleaning using the Adopt-A-Storm Drain App.
and protection of our lakes, rivers, and streams. They            • Report any spills/discharges washing down the storm
help move stormwater runoff from roofs, driveways,                drain.
streets and other hard surfaces to underground pipes              • Agree to share feedback that will be used to improve
or storm sewers that eventually make their way to our                the program and expand it to other Dane County
waterways. Unfortunately, that runoff also carries                         communities.
pollutants, trash, leaves and other debris                                    All volunteers will be provided storm
with it. Keeping storm drains and the area                                      drain cleaning kit that include: a safety
around them clean can help protect our                                            vest, storm drain decal to place on
waters!                                                                            their adopted storm drain, dustpan
The Village of McFarland is one of five                                            and broom, collection bucket and an
communities partnering with Dane                                                    Adopt-A-Storm Drain sticker to proudly
County for the Adopt-A-Storm Drain                                                  display. Volunteers will also be included
program and we’re looking for volunteers.                                           on the Dane Co. Adopt-A-Storm Drain
It’s easy! Here’s how it works:                                                    e-newsletter, which comes out three to
• Adopt a nearby storm drain using the Dane                                      four times per year. Adopting a local storm
County Adopt-A-Storm Drain App.                                              drain can have a ripple effect on area waters!
• Commit to safely cleaning the area on and around                    Questions? Contact the McFarland Volunteer Program
the adopted storm drain at least once a month, but                Coordinator Katie Gletty-Syoen at 608-838-2188. To
preferably before every large rain event.                         learn more and Adopt-A-Storm Drain near you, visit:
• Report the amount and type of debris after each       

                                                                   Natural Area Conservation
Adopt-A-Playground                                                 Volunteer Projects
Roll up your sleeves to help keep McFarland’s playgrounds          McFarland is host to a variety of natural areas
free from weeds and debris! McFarland Parks has                    including woodland, prairie, oak savanna, and marsh
adopted a management strategy to minimize the usage                ecosystems. The Village of McFarland utilizes
of chemicals in park areas where small children play.              conservation strategies to support and protect these
McFarland Volunteer Program is looking for volunteers              natural areas including:
to help with weeding in the playground areas over the
                                                                   • Identification and removal of invasive species
summer months. Volunteers can sign up to Adopt-A-
                                                                   (some notorious examples are buckthorn, red osier
Playground to maintain that area and keep it weed free.
                                                                   dogwood, and garlic mustard).
Individuals, families, youth groups or community service
                                                                   • Delineation and maintenance of pathways to allow
organizations can sign up for two-week windows of
                                                                   for public engagement while protecting vulnerable
time. During that time volunteers are asked to visit the
playground regularly to keep the weeds at bay and pick
                                                                   • Establishment of appropriate native species in the
up any trash or debris in the area. T-shirts, work gloves,
and trash bags will be provided for all volunteers. Sign up
                                                                   • Ongoing monitoring and support.
online at or
                                                                   • Implementation of signage to educate and inform
call 608-838-6717.
Playgrounds in need of adoption:
                                                                   The Village of McFarland continually recruits and
• Highland Oaks Park – corner of Prairie Stone Drive
                                                                   trains volunteers to assist and support this ongoing
    and Osborn Drive
                                                                   conservation work. Individuals, families, youth groups
• Cedar Ridge Park – 5303 Wild Cherry Lane
                                                                   and civic organizations are encouraged to join our
• Egner Park – 5703 Bird Song Court
                                                                   team of volunteers. Opportunities for volunteers are
• Ridgeview Tot Lot – 5323 Black Walnut Drive
                                                                   available in natural areas throughout all seasons. To
• William McFarland Park – McFarland’s North side
                                                                   request more information, contact the McFarland
    near the ice arena, curling club, and bocce ball facilities
                                                                   Volunteer Program at 608-838-2394 or email
• Lewis Park – Playground is most easily accessed
    from Lani Lane

4 |   McFarland Outlook                                                                                            MAY 2022
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
Welcome to the Waubesa Sailing Club
 By Laurie Boehlke                                    plaque at the pier’s entrance acknowledges the late
 You may have seen the majestic sailboats             John Gaffney for his vision and initiative.
 skim across Lake Waubesa on a sunny Sunday           Throughout its history, WSC has partnered with
 afternoon. Or witnessed pirates battling for their   the Village of McFarland to make the pier a reality.
 flag with squirt guns and water pistols while        The club installs the pier in spring, determines safe
 maneuvering the waters of the lake.                  placement of boats, and removes and assesses
 This is the Waubesa Sailing Club (WSC), a local      the pier in fall. The Village performs seasonal
 not-for-profit organization serving McFarland and    maintenance over the winter. The club highly values
 the surrounding area for over 35 years. The club     its strong partnership with the Village of McFarland.
 was founded by Lars Barber and John Gaffney, both    Ever wondered what it feels like to sail? The
 longtime residents of the Village of McFarland and   club hosts a “Friends and Family Sail Day” where
 Lake Waubesa. Lars is still active in the club and   community members are invited to meet the
 John’s son, Tim, continues the family tradition as   sailors, ask questions and sail. This is a great
 the current commodore. The club’s mission is to      introduction to the sport and WSC. Youth sailing
 promote safe and enjoyable sailing. Sailors of all   events are held throughout the summer. Another
 ages and experience skill levels are encouraged      community connection is the annual “John
 to participate in the sport and the social events    Gaffney Poker Run.” This fundraiser donates all
 that the club promotes. Unlike many sailing clubs,   proceeds to the McFarland food pantry. For the
 you don’t need experience or a boat to become a      WSC Calendar of Events, check out the website at
 member! This is a knowledgeable, helpful group of or follow us on
 people to sail with, learn from and talk to.         Facebook at
 The Waubesa Sailing                                                              The club accepts
 Club enhances the                                                                sponsorships from
 vibrancy and beauty of                                                           local restaurants
 the McFarland area in                                                            and businesses
 many ways. The most                                                              and contributes to
 visible is the pier at                                                           environmental and
 McDaniel Park. WSC                                                               conservation groups
 members designed and                                                             such as the Lake
 built the pier with the                                                          Waubesa Conservation
 community in mind. The                                                           Association, Yahara
 Village owns the pier,                                                           Lakes Association,
 but WSC continues to                                                             and the Clean Lakes
 help manage, maintain,                                                           Alliance. These
 and improve the pier.                                                            groups coordinate
 Fishermen and park                                                               with interested parties
 visitors love it. Hikers                                                         to enhance the
 and bikers are greeted                                                           environmental and
 by the sight of sailboats                                                        aesthetic qualities of
 resting peacefully at                                                            area lakes. If interested
 the pier as they cross                                                           in sailing or you just like
 the boardwalk bridge of                                                          to watch, remember
 the Lower Yahara River                                                           the WSC on your next
 Trail. Strollers enjoy a                                                         outing.
 gorgeous sunset from
 the end of the pier. A

MAY 2022                                                                            McFarland Outlook |         5
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
Putting up a Fence? You’ll need a Fence Permit for that!
You will need to provide:                                          bulk thereof consists of air space constructed of wood,
• a completed building permit application                          stone, brick, wrought iron, or similar materials or materials
• the fence location				                                           designed to mimic such materials constructed in a
• the fence design                                                 manner intended to be aesthetically pleasing. Chain-link,
• the fence construction materials                                 mesh, wood, snow fences, or other similar fences that are
Fences shall be constructed and maintained in a good               designed solely for functionality are not decorative fences
state of repair and appearance. The finished side, or              and will not be accepted as such. Chain-link fences are
decorative side of a fence, shall face the adjoining               acceptable materials for side and rear yard fences.
property. Cost for a fence permit: $75.00.                         • All fences shall be erected to locate visible supports and
                                                                   other structural components toward the subject property
According to Village Ordinance Residential Fences:                 and the smoother flat surfaces facing the property lines.
• Cannot exceed 3-feet in height in front yards, 4-feet in
street-side yards, and 6-feet in side or rear yards.               For questions and specific code details, you can pick up
• Fences must be setback two feet from front and                   a flyer at the McFarland Municipal Center or call Building
street-side property lines. Fences may be located on any           Inspector at 608-838-3154. Information and code
property line abutting a side or rear yard.                        details can also be found on the Village website at www.
• Front and street-side yard fences must be decorative   
only. A decorative fence is one in which 50 percent of the         *For McFarland Residents Only.

Yard and Property Maintenance Reminders
Spring is here and as you complete your yard and                   If you have a problem or concern in your neighborhood,
property clean up, please be mindful of a few tips to help         you can call the Property Maintenance Officer at 608-
you avoid any citations.                                           838-3154, or email her at
• Residents cannot store or accumulate unsightly                   For information on proper disposal of unwanted items,
    items such as unlicensed or inoperable vehicles,               contact McFarland Public Works at 608-838-7287.
    commercial trailers or trucks, junk, pallets, salvage,         *For McFarland Residents Only.
    rubbish, or the likes on their property.
•     Building materials, construction, or earth moving
      equipment which are not being used on a permitted
                                                                    How Tall is Your Lawn?
      building project on that site is not allowed.                 Residents in the Village are required to maintain their
                                                                    property and keep lawns mowed so grass and weed
•     Storage of recreational vehicles or boats is allowed          heights do not exceed 8-inches. The McFarland
      in an enclosed structure that conforms to the zoning          Municipal Ordinance states that if after five days from
      requirements of the district.                                 being notified that a property is in violation of the
•     If indoor parking is not possible, storage may be             Grass Heights Ordinance, the Village may mow the
      allowed on a hard surface or well-drained gravel              property and bill the owner for the mowing along with
      surface, which has been properly permitted, and               issuing citations to the property owner.
      conforms to the zoning requirements.                          Please remember property owners who violate this
•     Firewood storage cannot be in a front yard. Storage of        ordinance are also at risk of being fined, including a
      firewood is permitted in side yards and rear yards but        citation for each day the property was in violation.
      cannot exceed 15% of that area. Firewood needs to             •    If you are absent from the property for any period,
      be neatly stacked, not closer than 2 feet to any lot line,         you are still responsible for the upkeep.
      and not higher than 6 feet from grade.
                                                                    •    No additional notice is required for subsequent
Please refer to your local subdivision restrictions and                  violations within a six-month period.
covenants for other requirements specific to your
neighborhood. More information on Village property                  •    Fines can be easily avoided by abiding by the
maintenance ordinances can be found on the Village                       ordinances and maintaining your properties, or,
website at                               hiring someone to take care of yard maintenance
                                                                         for you.
                                                                    *For McFarland Residents Only.

6 |    McFarland Outlook                                                                                              MAY 2022
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
Wisconsin Help for Homeowners Now Available
  Wisconsin Help for Homeowners (WHH) is a new statewide program that can help with overdue bills like mortgage
  payments, property taxes, and utilities. The program is available to Wisconsin homeowners with overdue housing-
  related bills, both with and without a mortgage, who meet income and other eligibility requirements, and have
  experienced a qualified economic hardship since January 21, 2020. This federally funded program provides a
  maximum of $40,000 in assistance for eligible households.
  • To apply, visit HomeownerHelp.WI.Gov
  • Contact the WHH call center at 1-855-2-HOME-WI for additional information about how to apply.
  Note: Applications cannot be submitted by phone.

Swimming Pools                                                   Per Owner Responsibilities
Building Permits are required for installation of in ground      McFarland Pet Owner Reminders:
and aboveground pools. Only children’s pools less than 15        •   No pet is allowed to run at large; a dog or cat must be
inches high and less than 15 feet in diameter are exempt.            on a leash not to exceed 10’ in length and under control
Pools shall be located in rear and side yards only and at            of a person physically able to control it.
least five feet from the rear or side property line. All pools
also have fencing requirements. The fence shall be of            •   Any animal running at large is at risk of being seized and
sufficient strength to prevent access to the pool and any            impounded.
gates shall be self-closing and latching.                        •   The owner or person in charge is required to
A licensed electrician with a proper permit is required to           immediately pick up and properly dispose of any pet
install all electrical work. For more information and specific       waste. This includes on any street, public or private
requirements, you can visit the Village website or contact           property, including parks, walkways, and neighbors’
the Community and Economic Development Department                    yards. Owners not in compliance can be cited.
at 608-838-3154. “Pool Safety” and “Fences, Decks and            All dogs and cats are required to be licensed in the Village of
Swimming Pools” pamphlets are available at the Municipal         McFarland. Applications can be picked up at the Municipal
Center and the E.D. Locke Public Library.                        Center, found online at under the
*For McFarland Residents Only.                                   Administration Department, Licenses and Permits, or call
                                                                 608-838-3153 for more information.

Noxious Weeds – NOT Welcome
    Figure 1                       Figure 2                      Figure 3                       Figure 4

  What are noxious weeds?
  Any weed designated as a noxious weed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources by rule, such as garlic
  mustard (Figure 1), Canada thistle (Figure 2), field bindweed (Figure 3), leafy spurge (Figure 4), and more. A complete
  list of plant species that are considered noxious weeds have further been defined in the McFarland Municipal
  Ordinance, Sec. 20-25 (

MAY 2022                                                                                           McFarland Outlook |        7
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
Landscaping, Vision Triangles, and Corner Lots
Help keep our streets and sidewalks safe for everyone in the community.
When landscaping your property:                                    from the point of intersection to the point along that street
•     It must be confined to the owner’s property.                 is 30 feet. For private streets, the distance away from the
                                                                   point of intersection to the point along that street is 25 feet.
•     It may not be maintained within any public right of way      For alleys, the distance away from the point of intersection
      except within one foot of a mailbox.                         to the point along that alley is 20 feet.
•     Plantings near mailboxes shall not exceed the height of      *For McFarland Residents Only.
      the bottom of the mailbox, nor extend further out than
      one foot from the mailbox.
                                                                         Adding Solar to your Property
•     Trim any vegetation on your property so that it does not
      obstruct pedestrians’ travel on sidewalks.
•     Per municipal code, clearance from sidewalk to lower
      branches cannot be lower than 10-feet above the level
      of the sidewalk.
No structure, screening, vegetation, or embankment of any
kind shall be erected, placed, maintained, or grown between
the heights of three feet and ten feet above the top of the
adjacent curb, or edge of asphalt if no curb is present, within      Are you a property owner interested in lowering
a vision triangle.                                                   your energy bill? Last year alone, 31 houses in
                                                                     McFarland invested in rooftop solar panels - join
A vision triangle is the triangular area located at the street
                                                                     the club! Residents can either work directly with
corner formed by connecting the point of intersection of the
                                                                     a contractor of their choice or have access to
curbs of the intersecting streets, or the point of intersection
                                                                     two group buy programs.
of the asphalt edges of the streets if no curb is present, with
two other points located a distance away from the point of           Through the Solar Group Buy programs,
intersection along the line of the intersecting curb, or the         acquiring solar energy has become easier than
asphalt edge of the street if no curb is present.                    ever. The program makes it so potential owners
                                                                     can be confident an experienced organization
On collector and arterial streets, the distance away from
                                                                     will help to simplify the process while finding the
the point of intersection to the point along that collector or
                                                                     best option for them. Luckily, residents in Dane
arterial street is 35 feet. For local streets, the distance away
                                                                     County and McFarland have two solar group buy
                                                                     •    Legacy Solar Coop has over 238 total
                                                                          members in 2021 and their members
                                                                          continue to grow! Included among their
                                                                          members are not exclusive to residential
                                                                          homeowners but manufacturers, churches,
                                                                          senior communities, school districts and
                                                                          more. Altogether, they have provided over
                                                                          3500 kW of sustainable energy to the
                                                                          community. Visit
                                                                          or call 608-571-4992 to learn more.
                                                                     •    MadiSUN, originally serving the City of
                                                                          Madison since 2016, they now provide
                                                                          services across Dane County. Since their
                                                                          initial start, through 2020, MadiSUN have
                                                                          worked with over 200 Madison-area homes
                                                                          to provide solar installation. This generates
                                                                          over 800 kW of renewable energy. Visit their
                                                                          website at or call
                                                                          608-255-4044 for more information.

8 |    McFarland Outlook                                                                                                 MAY 2022
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
                                                   Children’s Library Programs
Summer Storytimes – June & July                                          • July 14th: Hula Hoop Program
Toddler Monday Storytimes                                                • July 21st: Drama Camp Grand Finale
• Mondays at 9:30 a.m. – Lewis Park                              Drama Camp
Drop by for storytime geared just for toddlers. It will be a     • Friday mornings, June 10th to July 15th – E.D. Locke
mix of toddler movement, music, and storytelling. Little             Public Library
minds will learn, play, and explore with stories, fingerplays,                            This summer, Friday mornings
songs, and more. Registration required.                                                   are full of theatrics as the library
Preschool Storytime                                                                       hosts its second drama camp.
• Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. – E.D. Locke Public Library                                       Children in grades K-12 will have
Preschool Storytime features stories, songs, dances,                                      the opportunity to take theatre
activities, and more. Each week will feature a new theme                                  classes, learn about different
to delight and entertain our early readers in a sensory                                   aspects of stagecraft, and
friendly program that offers extra support for children as       grow through creative dramatics. Participants will share
they work on building their communication, socialization,        their talents as they take the stage as our Grand Finale
motor, and early literacy skills. Registration required.         performers on July 21st. No Drama Camp July 1st.
                                                                 Registration Required.
Special Summer Programs
Summer Reading Program                                           Fall Storytimes
“Read Beyond the Beaten Path” is the theme for the               (Sept. 5th – Nov. 18th, at E.D. Locke Public Library)
2022 Summer Library Program. This program, which is              Toddler Monday Storytimes
sponsored by the E.D. Locke Public Library, encourages           • Mondays at 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
recreational reading and library usage by the McFarland          Drop by for storytime geared just for toddlers. It will be a
community during the summer. Families can register for           mix of toddler movement, music, and storytelling. Little
this program at                  minds will learn, play, and explore with stories, fingerplays,
                                                                 songs, and more.
                                                                 Baby Bounce
                                                                 • Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
                                                                 Baby Bounce is designed to engage our little ones in early
                                                                 literacy and learning activities. Each week we will share
                                                                 stories, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, and activities around
                                                                 a theme. After the program ends, we have a sensory play
                                                                 time for out little ones as well as socialization.
                                                                 Preschool Storytime
Zumbini Session 4: No Way, Jose!                                 • Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
• Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. – E.D. Locke              Preschool Storytime features stories, songs, dances,
    Public Library                                               activities, and more. Each week will feature a new theme
Join Ms. Heather as she leads Zumbini classes                    to delight and entertain our early readers as they learn
Wednesday mornings on Zoom. These classes are                    through early literacy activities. No registration required.
specially designed to encourage learning and foster
                                                                 Milwaukee Steve                      PJ Storytime
bonding through music and movement. Registration is
                                                                                                      Join us the third
required for this program.
                                                                                                      Thursday of the month
Family Fare Performers                                                                                for PJ Storytime at 6:30
• Thursdays at 2 p.m. – Lewis Park                                                                    p.m. Each month the
        • June 9th: Zoozort                                                                           storytime will feature
        • June 16th: Magic Isaiah                                                                     a special theme that
        • June 23rd: Dinosaur Discovery
                                                                                                            (continues on next page)
        • July 7th: Milwaukee Steve

MAY 2022                                                                                           McFarland Outlook |             9
Village Update to East Side Neighborhood Plan Underway
(continued) participants will be immersed in. We will share
songs, stories, rhymes, crafts, a snack, and more. All ages
welcome. Dates: 9/15/2022, 10/20/2022, 11/17/2022.
Special Fall Programming
Zumbini Session 1: Kalino Finds the Music
• Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. – September
     7th to November 16th
Join Ms. Heather as she leads Zumbini classes                    Book Explorers
Wednesday mornings.                                              This fall Book Explorers is back for students in 3rd
These classes are                             Zumbini            through 5th grade. We will be reading a variety of books
specially designed to                                            for all different interests. Each meeting we will discuss
encourage learning and                                           the book we read, do an activity based on that book, and
foster bonding through                                           introduce our next book to read. This group will meet the
music and movement.                                              4th Tuesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. Dates: 9/27/2022,
Registration is required                                         10/25/2022, 11/22/2022.
for this program.                                                For up-to-date information and any scheduling changes please
Magic Tree House                                          visit
Book Club
                                                           Dinosaur Discovery
This book club is open
to students in grades
K-2. We will share books from the Magic Tree House series
as well as do an activity introducing that month’s book.
Books will be available to check out at each meeting.
Meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at 3:30
p.m. Dates: 9/13/2022, 10/11/2022, 11/8/2022.

Teen Library Summer Programming
For teens going into grades 6-12
Snack & Chat
• Mondays from 3 to 4 p.m., June 6th to August 1st
What’s better than eating some food with friends? Head to
the library meeting room on Monday afternoons for some
snacking and some chatting.
Gamer Club
• Tuesdays from 2 to 3 p.m., June 7th to August 2nd
Calling all gamers! The Nintendo Switch and other games
will be available for teens to play at this weekly program.
Challenge your friends to some Mario Kart, Super Smash
Bros, and more!
Dungeons and Dragons Club
• Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m., June 8th to August 3rd
Whether a first-time player or total expert, all are welcome
at this collaborative role-playing game! Space is limited so
players must register and be willing to commit to the weekly
Teen Hangout
• Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., June 10th to August 4th
Hangout with your friends on Thursday afternoon! Each
Thursday is a different activity and includes a tie dye event,
a taste test challenge, learning animation, a hula hoop
performer, and so much more. The summer ends with a Late-
Night Library Lock-In! Check out the full activity schedule at

10 |   McFarland Outlook                                                                                           MAY 2022
Adult Library Services
                                                                     Join the McFarland Fire
We have a fun summer planned and we encourage you to
check our events calendar or stop by to browse our event
                                                                     & Rescue Family
flyers for the latest info on what’s happening for adults at the     Did you know most of McFarland Fire & Rescue are
library. Music, crafts, book clubs, Zumba, guest speakers, and       volunteer members, and we rely on those volunteers
more!                                                                to help protect McFarland citizens? If you have ever
                                                                     wondered what it would be like to be an EMT or firefighter
Did you know you do not have to visit the library to use your
                                                                     and willing to attend a couple of night classes a week for
card? Although we love to see you when you come in, your
                                                                     about a year, maybe it is time to apply to part of our family.
E.D. Locke Public Library card gets you access to online
                                                                     We need McFarland community members to fill in gaps
resources you can use at home.
                                                                     for our primary ambulance, fire apparatus, and our second
                                                                     ambulance staff. Our community is growing, and we see a
                                                                     larger need for our services.
                                                                     For more information, check out
                                                                     firerescue-jointhedepartment. Please feel free to call
Looking for something to watch? Kanopy is a video-                   the Fire House at 608-838-3278 and we will be happy to
streaming platform dedicated to thoughtful and thought-              answer questions.
provoking films. It’s available via an array of apps on the
TV, phone, tablet, and computer. Kanopy Kids features a
collection of films and TV series that inspire and inform and
offers a diverse selection of educational and entertaining
content that ranges across movies, TV series, animated
storybooks, live action, and animated favorites.

                                                                     Outdoor Burning
Have you tried hoopla? hoopla allows you to borrow movies,           As we enjoy the warmer nights outdoors, we hope
music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and TV shows to enjoy             everyone thinks of their neighbors before burning. If you
on your computer, tablet, or phone – even your TV! hoopla is         decide to enjoy a campfire or do yard clean-up with brush
available via web, mobile app, and more.                             burning, please think about where your smoke is going.
                                                                     Within our Village, we have several individuals with health
                                                                     concerns related to breathing. Many of which get worse
                                                                     with small amounts of smoke. Although many enjoy a nice
                                                                     campfire, it may be unenjoyable to your neighbor with
                                                                     asthma. While burning can effectively manage yard waste
Interested in what’s happening throughout the world?                 and preserve our natural prairie areas, please consider
PressReader offers more than 7,000 newspapers and                    where your smoke will go before burning. Please also
magazines, with the current issues available as soon as they         consider utilizing the Village’s yard waste drop-off to
hit the shelves. And if that is not enough for you, we offer The     avoid burning. If you decide to burn, please follow these
New York Times digital, and Flipster for even more magazines.        steps to make sure it is safe and legal:
Browse with your computer, or download the apps to your
smartphone or tablet.                                                •   Obtain a burning permit from the Village
                                                                         Administration office or visit
These are just a few of the digital resources we offer, and all
you need to use them is an E.D. Locke Public Library card.           •   Don’t burn leaves or grass clippings. They create the
Check out more of what we offer at www.mcfarlandlibrary.                 most smoke and are not permitted to be burned.
org/research-find and click on “Online Resources.” Don’t             •   Talk to your neighbors and let them know when you
forget to download the LINKcat mobile app to have your                   are burning. They can shut windows in their home to
library account at your fingertips!                                      keep the smoke out.
If you do not have a library card, getting one is a snap, and it’s   •   Have a way to put the fire out in case conditions
free! Just fill out the brief application and show us a photo ID         change. A garden hose is usually a good idea.
with your current address, or a photo ID and a utility bill with     •   Watch your fire and have your cell phone available to
your current address on it. In just a few moments, you will              call 911 if you need our help.
have your own library card with access to any of our online          Read our web page at
resources (not to mention all of our books, DVDs, and more!).
Questions? Reach out to us at 608-838-9030 or email us at            for more guidelines.

MAY 2022                                                                                              McFarland Outlook |         11
Coffee and Conversation
Join McFarland Senior Outreach staff and older adults in
the community for our lively Coffee & Conversation Group!
Scheduled on select Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Hot
coffee and fresh pastries are provided. Participants receive
a free McFarland Senior Outreach insulated travel cup (while
supplies last). Door prize drawings. Representatives from local
organizations are invited to mingle and answer questions.
$2.00 suggested donation.
Upcoming dates at Lewis Park Shelter (5012 Highland Drive):
June 8th, July 13th, and August 10th.
Check the Senior Outreach Events Calendar to view occasional
guest speakers and more events at
                                                                   4-H Scoops Ice Cream Social
                                                                   Fundraiser for McFarland Senior Outreach Services
                                                                   McFarland Sparks 4-H Club will be hosting the annual ice
                                                                   cream fundraiser to kick of Summer 2022! Club members
                                                                   will be serving up ice cream with toppings at Arnold Larson
                                                                   Park Gazebo. All proceeds from the event go towards
                                                                   McFarland Senior Outreach Services. In past years, the
                                                                   funds raised have been used to purchase items such as
                                                                   cab vouchers for seniors needing transportation and new
                                                                   wheelchairs for our Loan Closet.
                                                                   •   Friday, June 3rd, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
                                                                   •   Arnold Larson Park, 6002 Exchange Street
                                                                   •   $2.00 for a scoop of ice cream with toppings

Save the Date!
Annual Senior Picnic & Pig Roast
Featuring music by Bahama Bob!
                              This end of the summer bash will
                              include delicious food, Caribbean
                              beats, and fun games. Pig roast
                              will be provided by J.L. Richards
                              with all the picnic trimmings.
                              Musical entertainment by             Root Beer Float Social
                              Bahama Bob and his steel drums.
                                                                                              Join McFarland Senior Outreach
                              We will have lawn games and
                                                                                              staff for a relaxing afternoon
                              door prizes galore. Don’t miss out
                                                                                              cooling off with frosty, root beer
                              on this island-inspired end of the
                                                                                              floats! Drop in, no reservation
                              summer extravaganza!
•   Friday, September 9th, Noon
                                                                                              •   Wednesday, July 27th,
•   William McFarland Soccer Park Shelter, 4820 Marsh Road
                                                                                                  1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
•   Reservations Required - RSVP at 608-838-7117
                                                                                              •   Lewis Park Shelter,
•   Suggested donation: $5.00 per person
                                                                                                  5012 Highland Drive

12 |   McFarland Outlook                                                                                               MAY 2022
Threads of Resiliance
                                                                     Blanket Display
                                                                     To celebrate Older American’s Month, McFarland Senior
                                                                     Outreach and the E.D. Locke Library proudly present the
                                                                     Threads of Resilience Blanket Display throughout the month
                                                                     of May. This community craft project was devised in 2020 to
                                                                     engage older adults in the creation of collective, functional
                                                                     art during a time of fear and isolation during the COVID-19
                                                                     pandemic. Volunteers contributed crochet or knit blanket
                                                                     squares that were woven together to represent vibrant
May is Older American’s Month                                        symbols of our community’s strength and resilience. After the
                                                                     exhibition closes at the end of May, some blankets will remain
Older adults play vital, positive roles in our communities – as      on permanent display as community art in the McFarland
family members, friends, mentors, volunteers, civic leaders,         Municipal Center for all to enjoy for years to come. The
members of the workforce, and more. Just as every person             remaining blankets will be donated to local organizations to
is unique, so too is how they age and how they choose to do          provide warmth and comfort to older adults in need.
it – and there is no “right” way. That’s why the theme for Older
                                                                     Blanket squares lovingly created by community volunteers including Ann
Americans Month (OAM) 2022 is Age My Way.
                                                                     Brink, Mary Curtin, Jean Duchrow, Sheri Gehrke, Sandra Gerick, Pam
Every May, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) leads       Gerstl, Carolyn Grede, Sharon Joswiak, Georgia Kinder, Linda Lund, Beth
the celebration of OAM. This year’s theme focuses on how             Mack, Mary Miller, Susan Olsen, Sheryl Rowe, Mary Rux, Karen Snowberg,
older adults can age in their communities, living independently      Nancy Vidlak, and more who wish to remain anonymous.
for as long as possible and participating in ways they choose.
While Age My Way will look different for each person, here are
common things everyone can consider:
•   Planning: Think about what you will need and want in the
    future, from home and community-based services to
    community activities that interest you.
•   Engagement: Remain involved and contribute to
    your community through work, volunteer, and/or civic
    participation opportunities.
•   Access: Make home improvements and modifications, use
    assistive technologies, and customize supports to help
    you better age in place.
•   Connection: Maintain social activities and relationships
    to combat social isolation and stay connected to your
This year, McFarland Senior Outreach is excited to celebrate
OAM. Diverse communities are strong communities.
Ensuring that older adults remain involved and included in our
communities for as long as possible benefits everyone. Visit
the McFarland Senior Outreach website at www.mcfarland. to learn more about our services,
programs, and events. Or call us at 608-838-7117 to learn how
you can get involved.

Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Sewing Group
1st Friday of the month, 1 to 3 p.m.                                 McFarland group partners with RSVP of Dane County to
Homestead Apartments Community Room,                                 determine projects and distribute completed items. If you
5910 Anthony Street in McFarland                                     prefer to work independently, volunteers are welcome to
If you would like to touch lives in your community using your        create items at home and then bring the completed projects
creative sewing, knitting, or crocheting skills, consider joining    to the meetings. Supplies such as yarn, thread, and fabric
the McFarland RSVP Sewing Group. Volunteers create items             are available. Donations of supplies for the projects are
including quilts, blankets, shawls, fidget/activity mats, mittens,   also welcomed. For questions about group participation or
face masks and more to donate to nonprofit organizations             donations, contact McFarland Senior Outreach at 608-838-
to help people of all ages throughout Dane County. The               7117.

MAY 2022                                                                                                  McFarland Outlook |            13
Mother’s Day & Father’s Day Celebrations
 Mother’s Day Tea Party                                                        Father’s Day Afternoon
 Wednesday, May 11th, 1 to 2:30 p.m.                                           Wednesday, June 22nd, 1 to 2:30 p.m.
 Lewis Park Shelter, 5012 Highland Dr.                                         Lewis Park Shelter, 5012 Highland Dr.
 In honor of mothers, we invite area older                                     In honor of fathers, we invite area older adults
 adults to join us for our Mother’s Day                                        to join us for our Father’s Day Afternoon. The
 Tea Party. The afternoon tea will include                                     event will include beverages, snacks, door
 beverages and light finger foods, followed by                                 prizes and an interactive presentation about
 an interactive presentation about self-care by                                body conditioning for a better golf game with
 Amy Krull of Spero Holistic. Space is limited                                 Brian Doolen, DPT of Back in Motion. Space
 to 25 attendees. Reservations are required.                                   is limited to 12 attendees. Reservations are
 RSVP at 608-838-7117.                                                         required. RSVP at 608-838-7117.

 World Elder Abuse Awareness
 Day (WEAAD): June 15th
 The purpose of WEAAD is to provide an opportunity
 for communities around the world to promote a better
 understanding of abuse and neglect of older people
 by raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic,
 and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and
 neglect. WEAAD is a call-to-action for society’s individuals,
 organizations, and communities to educate each other on
 how to identify, address and prevent abuse so we can all do
                                                                 McFarland’s Public Works Open
 our part to support everyone as we age. (NCEA. (n.d.) World     House & Food Drive
 Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15th. Retrieved April 5,
                                                                 Saturday May 21, 2022, 8 a.m. to Noon
 2022, from
                                                                 Ever wondered what the Public Works Department all does
                                                                 for the Village of McFarland? Have you ever wondered what
                                                                 it’s like to look out of a dump truck, climb on a big mower, sit in
                                                                 the street sweeper, or look inside of a manhole? Well, you’re in
                                                                 luck! In observance of National Public Works Week (May 15-
                                                                 21), the Village of McFarland’s 6th Annual Public Works Open
                                                                 House will be held on Saturday, May 21 from 8 a.m. to noon.
                                                                 The open house will be held at the Public Work Department’s
                                                                 headquarters, 5115 Terminal Drive.
                                                                 Attendees will be offered a look at what the public works
                                                                 department does, see the tools and equipment that is
                                                                 required to maintain the Village’s infrastructure, and meet
                                                                 some of the essential staff members who keep operations

 Lunch and Learn:                                                running day and night.
                                                                 The event will include:
 Dane County Senior Advocacy                                     •   Equipment displays
                                                                 •   Free giveaways for all ages including snacks
 Friday, June 10, 2022, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.                  •   Informational handouts to increase your awareness of
 McFarland Municipal Center, 5915 Milwaukee Street                   the many aspects encompassed within the Public Works
 Please join us for a complimentary lunch and presentation           Department
 about “Dane County Senior Advocacy” with guest speaker          This event will be held rain or shine so please plan to join us for
 Amy Scarr of Dane County Adult Protective Services. In          this exciting event!
 alignment with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, learn
 how to identify, prevent, and respond to elder abuse in         If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the
 your community, including financial scams, identity theft,      McFarland Public Works Department at 608-838-7287.
 and caregiver abuse and neglect. Space is limited to 25         As part of this event, the department will be collecting
 attendees. Reservations are required. RSVP at 608-838-          nonperishable food items for the McFarland Food Pantry -
 7117.                                                           Please help us “Fill the Truck” and help those in need.

14 |   McFarland Outlook                                                                                                 MAY 2022
                                             2022 Spring Hydrant Flushing
                                             Weekdays, April 25th through May 6th        iron that collects in the watermain pipes
                                             between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.                throughout the year. The sediment and
                                             The Village of McFarland will soon be       iron are disturbed and removed by the
                                             flushing fire hydrants to maintain the      flushing process. The water will be safe
                                             quality of the water and to ensure that the to use and drink.
                                             fire hydrants servicing the community are Hot tip: Check your washing machine
                                             in good working condition.                  before doing any laundry to avoid
                                             Fire hydrant flushing can temporarily       accidental discoloration of your clothing.
                                             result in discolored water. If discolored   Simply run the water to check for any
                                             water occurs in your home, run the cold     water discoloration before adding any
                                             water in a utility sink or your bathtub for clothing or linens.
                                             approximately 20 minutes or until the       Please call the Public Works department
                                             water runs clear. This discoloration is     at 608-838-7282 for any questions.
                                             not harmful and is due to sediment and

Required Meter Replacement Program
Beginning in May of this year, the village’s water utility will    •   Provide space around the water meter – Think of a
start replacing all water meters in the village as it moves            three-foot-wide by three-foot-tall box to allow access
toward enhancing water conservation efforts and providing              to change it out. Any water meters behind drywalls
customers with tools to better monitor their water use.                or in a confined space will need to be exposed, at the
Replacement of meters in the village will take place over the          customer’s expense, to provide an adequate work area
next two to three years. All residential, commercial, multi-           for installation of the new meter.
family, and public authority customers of the water utility will   •   Customers will need to have working valves – Valves
need to have their meters replaced during this time.                   are located on either side of the water meter and must
A major advancement for customers is that they will be able            be working in order. Valves shut off water coming into
to monitor their water usage in real time through use of a             the house and need to be working for the meter to be
phone application, or app, when the village has completed              replaced. Customers at their own expense will need to
its meter replacement program. The new meters will feature             replace their valves if they are not working properly prior
cellular-based data transmissions, allowing customers                  to the new meter installation.
to closely watch their water use and receive alerts about          The village has hired HydroCorp to coordinate the meter
troublesome water leaks or unusual water usage. Customers          replacement program and install new meters. HydroCorp
will also be able to closely monitor their water usage during      recently completed a similar water meter replacement
summer months, when usage typically goes up due to lawn            in Monona. Customers should expect to begin receiving
sprinkling and gardening.                                          correspondence from HydroCorp in May of 2022 to
Customers will not be charged for their new meters. However,       arrange appointments for the meter replacements. Meter
customers will need to do some modest preparation for the          replacements will typically take 30 to 60 minutes to complete.
replacement program. They include:                                 In addition to the meter replacement program, customers’
•   Finding your water meter – For residential customers,          homes will undergo a state-mandated cross-connection
    your water meter is typically found inside your home in        inspection conducted at the time of the meter exchange.
    the basement or lowest level of your house, near other         The cross-connection inspection, mandated by the state
    devices such as a water softener, hot water heater, or         Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for residential
    furnace (look for a brass object with a plastic top and        customers every ten years, looks to make sure contaminated
    transmitter attached; see accompanying picture). For           water cannot flow from your house into the drinking water
    customers without a basement, the meter might be in            supply.
    a utility closet or laundry room. Commercial customers         If you have any questions about the meter replacement
    might have multiple meters that need replacing, and            program, please contact the McFarland Public Works water
    those are usually found in a utility maintenance area.         utility at 608-838-7287.        *For McFarland Residents Only.

MAY 2022                                                                                             McFarland Outlook |         15
Village Board                                                                                                 The Village of McFarland
Carolyn Clow............................................................................ President            McFarland Municipal Center
Stephanie Brassington............................................................ Trustee                     5915 Milwaukee Street
                                                                                                              PO Box 110
Michael Flaherty.......................................................................... Trustee            McFarland, WI 53558
TJ Jerke........................................................................................... Trustee   Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                              Phone: 608-838-3153
Carrie Nelson................................................................................ Trustee
Christopher St. Clair.................................................................. Trustee
                                                                                                              McFarland Public Works
Edward Wreh.........................................................................Trustee                   5115 Terminal Drive
*All of the above officials and staff can be reached via email us-                                            PO Box 110
ing the format: (example:                                                  McFarland, WI 53558 Additionally, library staff can                                               Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
be emailed using the format:                                                                                  Phone: 608-838-7287                                                                      Website:
(ex:                                                                              E.D. Locke Public Library
                                                                                                              5920 Milwaukee Street | McFarland, WI 53558
Village Departments & Staff                                                                                   Hours: 	Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. (Building
Administrator                                                                                                          Hours); 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. (Curbside Pickup)
Matt Schuenke............................................................608-838-3153                         	Friday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Building
                                                                                                                       Hours); 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. (Curbside Pickup)
Administration                                                                                                         Sunday, 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. (Building Hours Only)
Cassandra Suettinger, Clerk/Treasurer.........608-838-3153                                                    Phone: 608-838-9030
Communications & Technology                                                                                   Website:
Stephanie R. Miller, Director.................................608-838-6717
Community & Economic Development
Andrew Bremer, Director.......................................608-838-3154
Fire & Rescue
Chris Dennis, Chief...................................................608-838-3152
Heidi Cox, Director....................................................608-838-9030
Municipal Court
Rändi Othrow, Judge...............................................608-838-3764
Aaron Chapin, Chief.................................................608-838-3151
Public Works
Jim Hessling, Director.............................................608-838-7287
Senior Outreach Services
Lori Andersen, Director..........................................608-838-7117

16 |       McFarland Outlook                                                                                                                                     MAY 2022
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