LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS

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LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development

A Workbook to Help Communities
Stimulate Broadband Development
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
Part 1:
                                                            IS YOUR COMMUNITY LEVERAGING BROADBAND?
                                                            What Is Broadband?..................................................5     TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—BUSINESSES ........................ 17
                                                            How is Technology Impacting My Community?                                    • Learn How Nebraska Businesses
                                                               • 10 Technology Trends........................................5              are Using Broadband..................................... 18
                                                            How Can Broadband Help My Community?........5                             TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—AGRICULTURE ...................... 19
                                                            How Can My Community Address                                                 • Learn How Nebraska Ag Producers and
                                                            Broadband Development?........................................6                 Agribusinesses are Using Broadband......... 21
                                                            Quiz: Is Your Community
                                                                                                                                      TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—EDUCATION .......................... 21
                                                             Leveraging Broadband?............................................6
                                                                                                                                         • L earn How Nebraska Schools
                                                             Six Simple Ways to Address
                                                                                                                                            are Using Broadband..................................... 22
                                                             Broadband Development.........................................7
                                                                                                                                      TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—HEALTH CARE ....................... 22
                                                            COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP, SUPPORT AND ADVOCACY ......8
                                                                                                                                         • 10 Benefits of Health IT................................. 22
2014 NEBRASKA BROADBAND INITIATIVE                              •H
                                                                  ear How Communities are Learning
                                                                 About Broadband and Building Support.......8                            • L earn How Broadband Is
NEBRASKA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION                                                                                                          Being Used In Health Care........................... 24
                                                            BROADBAND AVAILABILITY AND AFFORDABILITY .............9
UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN                                                                                                        TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—LOCAL GOVERNMENT ........... 24
NITC COMMUNITY COUNCIL                                          • What about Gigabit Internet?..........................9
                                                                                                                                         • Local Government Best Practices................. 25
NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                     • Why Is Upload Speed Important?...................9
AIM                                                             • What about Satellite Service?..........................9            TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—LIBRARIES ........................... 27
                                                                • Learn How Nebraska Communities                                        • L earn How Nebraska Libraries
ANNE BYERS , Nebraska Information Technology Commission            and Businesses are Working with                                          are Using Broadband..................................... 27
CONNIE HANCOCK , University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension          Telecommunications Companies....................8                  QUALITY OF LIFE, RETAINING YOUTH, AND
CHARLOTTE NARJES , University of Nebraska-Lincoln               • Steps You Can Take If You Want                                     ATTRACTING NEW RESIDENTS ...................................... XX
REBECCA VOGT , University of Nebraska-Lincoln                      Better Broadband Service.............................. 10             • Factors People Consider
                                                                • Learn More About Broadband                                               When Choosing a Community..................... 28
                                                                   and the Broadband Map............................... 11               • Retention Strategies are Important............. 28
                                                            SKILLED IT WORKFORCE ............................................... 11      • Using Images to
The Nebraska Broadband Initiative promotes the                  •1  st Job Lincoln Connects High School                                    Market Your Community................................ 29
adoption and utilization of broadband in Nebraska.                Students with Businesses............................... 12             • L earn More about Broadband,
Project partners include the Nebraska Public Service
                                                                • Resources for Learning                                                   Recruitment and Retention............................ 29
Commission, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska
Information Technology Commission, Nebraska                        or Teaching Coding......................................... 13     Part 2:
Department of Economic Development, and AIM.
                                                            INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ......................... 15              ADDRESSING BROADBAND
Activities include the development of a state broadband
map, state broadband conferences, videos highlighting         • Listen to David Graff Discuss Hudl’s
                                                                                                                                      DEVELOPMENT IN YOUR COMMUNITY
how broadband is being used in Nebraska communities,             Growth and the Supportive Environment                                Developing a Broadband Plan.............................. 31
surveys of households and businesses, regional
broadband plans, community planning materials, and
                                                                 for Entrepreneurs in Nebraska..................... 15                Establish a Broadband Committee..................... 31
these recommendations.                                       •W  hat Is a Maker Space?................................ 15           Suggested Planning Process.................................. 31
This Broadband Mapping and Planning Initiative aims to
                                                            TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—                                                      Sample Outline for a
increase broadband adoption and utilization. The project                                                                              Community Broadband Plan................................ 33
is funded through a grant to the Nebraska Public Service    DIGITAL LITERACY AND PUBLIC ACCESS ....................... 16
Commission by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s                                                                                       10 Technology Trends............................................. 34
National Telecommunications and Information                                                                                           Glossary.................................................................... 38
Administration through the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act.                                                                                                                     Quiz............................................................................ 38

                                                                                                                                       A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development                       3
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
Part 1                                                                                                                                                                WHAT IS BROADBAND?

                                               Communities—large and small—are leveraging
                                                                                                      The term broadband commonly refers to high-speed Internet access. There is no single
                                               broadband to create jobs, improve access to
                                                                                                      universally-agreed up on definition regarding how fast a connection should be to be
                                               education and health care, and improve quality
                                                                                                      considered “broadband.” To most users, anything faster than dial-up is considered

                                               of life.
                                                                                                      “broadband.” Video downloads or video streaming can demand broadband speeds of
                                               This workbook can help your Communities—               5 Mbps or greater depending upon the size of the file or quality of the video being
                                               large and small—are leveraging broadband to            streamed. Standard definition video can be streamed at speeds from 1 Mbps to 2 Mbps.

    LEVERAGING                                 create jobs, improve access to education and
                                               health care, and improve quality of life. This
                                               workbook can help your community assess how
                                                                                                      High quality video demands faster speeds, with full HD (1080p) demanding 5 Mbps or
                                                                                                      more for a single stream. Having multiple members of a household simultaneously

                                                                                                      streaming video on separate devices will require even greater connection speeds.
                                               broadband is currently being utilized and to
                                               identify ways in which broadband can enhance             Connection Speed           Single song (5 MB)       Album (100 MB)              TV Show (450 MB)
                                               develop opportunities.                                 4 Mbps                     10 seconds              3 minutes 20 seconds         15 minutes
                                                                                                      8 Mbps                     5 seconds               1 minute 40 seconds          7 minutes 30 seconds
                                                                                                      16 Mbps                    2.5 seconds             50 seconds                   3 minutes 45 seconds
                                                                                                      32 Mbps                    1.25 seconds            25 seconds                   1 minute 52 seconds
                                                                                                      50 Mbps                    .8 seconds              16 seconds                   1 minute 12 seconds
                                                                                                      100 Mbps                   .4 seconds              18 seconds                   36 seconds

                                                                                                HOW IS TECHNOLOGY                                         HOW CAN BROADBAND
                                                                                                IMPACTING MY COMMUNITY?                                   HELP MY COMMUNITY?
                                                                                                Here is a list of ten technology trends                   Broadband has become as essential as
                                                                                                impacting communities:                                    electricity for many businesses. Here are ten
                                                                                                                                                          ways broadband helps rural communities:
                                                                                                       Social media is changing how we
                                                                                                       communicate                                          1      Links local businesses to global markets
                                                                                                  2    Broadband has gone mobile                                  Allows consumers to tap into e-commerce
                                                                                                  3    Online video is huge                                       savings

                                                                                                       Services are moving online, making public           3      Expands access to educational opportunities
                                                                                                       access critical                                      4      Increases local job growth
                                                                                                  5    Location-based services know where you are                  Connects patients to world class
                                                                                                  6    Cloud computing is changing service models                  healthcare and reduces care costs

                                                                                                  7    IT workers are in high demand                               Enhances economic options for younger
                                                                                                  8    Health applications will be the next killer app
                                                                                                                                                                   Provides new tools to farmers and
                                                                                                       Tablets and e-readers are growing in                 7
                                                                                                  9                                                                ranchers to grow their businesses
                                                                                                                                                                   Enables entrepreneurs to locate
                                                                                                 10    Technology is facilitating collaboration             8
                                                                                                                                                                   their businesses locally

                                                                                                Learn more about these technology trends.                   9     Attracts customers to local businesses
                                                                                                                                                                   Offers families low cost options to
    Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge
                                                                                                                                                                   stay in touch using the latest technology
    Omaha, NE                                                                                                                                             Source: Internet Innovation Alliance

4     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                              A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   5
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
The following model shows the key elements of broadband-related development:

                                                                                                                                   BROADBAND-RELATED DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                                                                                        Broadband Availability/
                                                                                                                                                        Affordability skilled IT
                                                                                                                                                             - Workforce Development
                                                                                                                                                             - Recruitment/Community
                                                                                                                        Leadership &                    Innovation/
                                                                                                                                                        Entrepreneurship                                     Economic Growth
                                                                                                               HOPE     Support                TRUST                                            SYNERGY
                                                                                                                                                        Digital Literacy and Public                          Jobs
                                                                                                                             - Government
                                                                                                                             - Business
                                                                                                                                                        Broadband Adoption
                                                                                                                             - Education
                                                                                                                                                          - Business
                                                                                                                                                          - Agriculture
                                                                                                                                                        	- Education, Health Care,
                                                                                                                                                             Government, and
                                                                                                                                                        Quality of Life

                                                                                                                                                              TA K E T H IS

                                                                                                                                                           quiz                R
                                                                                                                                                           T O S EE H O W Y O U ES.
                                                                                                                                                           C O M M UNIT Y R A T
               Broadband development usually            builds trust and social capital. Community
               starts with government, businesses,      partners then work together on bigger projects   SIX SIMPLE WAYS TO ADDRESS BROADBAND DEVELOPMENT
               and educational entities coming          which address:                                    1   Organize monthly lunch and learn and/or evening sessions on new technologies
    together to address the challenges facing           • Broadband availability and affordability,       2   Work with the local library to offer additional classes on new technologies
    the community or region. Broadband-related
                                                        • Developing a skilled IT workforce,              3   Organize a technology week. Activities could include:
    development doesn’t require community leaders
    who know all of the answers.                        • Innovation and entrepreneurship,                     a. Demos of 3D printers, Google Glass or other technologies
                                                                                                               b. Lunch and learn sessions
    It does, however, require community leaders         • Digital literacy and public access,                  c. Tours to see how local businesses are using technology
    who have the passion and commitment to find         • Technology adoption,
                                                                                                          4   Work with health care providers to schedule sessions on health care apps.
    the answers.                                        • And quality of life.                                (This could be part of a lunch and learn series or a standalone session)
    A sense of hope for a better future helps sustain   This can lead to economic growth and job          5   Form local user groups for popular devices to share new apps and provide support to new users
    initial efforts. Collaborating on small projects    creation.                                         6   Explore ways to encourage youth to learn coding and pursue careers in IT

6     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                            A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   7
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
The following sections provide additional
    information on each of the elements of
                                                     development. Although all of these areas are
                                                     important, it may be overwhelming to address
                                                                                                            BROADBAND AVAILABILITY AND AFFORDABILITY
    technology-related development.                  all areas at once. Many communities focus on
                                                     three or four areas.                               IS BROADBAND SERVICE AVAILABLE TO ALL                    Transmitting this data or storing it in the cloud
    Part 2 provides resources to help communities
                                                                                                        BUSINESSES, ORGANIZATIONS, AND RESIDENTS?                may require a greater upload speed than what
    develop plans to address technology-related
                                                                                                        Does your community have affordable access to            is typically offered in a standard broadband
                                                                                                        broadband service?                                       package. Broadband services provided over fiber
                                                                                                                                                                 usually offer higher upload services.
    COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP, SUPPORT AND ADVOCACY                                                          Does your community have adequate mobile
                                                                                                        broadband coverage?                                      WHAT ABOUT SATELLITE SERVICE?
                                                                                                        Broadband service is available to nearly                 Satellite service may be the only option for
                   Are community leaders                                                                                                                         some households and businesses in very rural
                   aware of the importance of          HEAR HOW COMMUNITIES ARE                         all Nebraskans, with 99.5% of Nebraskans
                                                                                                        having access to service of at least 10 Mbps             areas. ViaSat/Exede launched a new satellite in
                   information technology and do       LEARNING ABOUT BROADBAND                         down. Nebraska ties for 12th on this measure             2011 and began providing improved satellite
                   they work together to address
                   the broadband and technology
                                                       AND BUILDING SUPPORT                             according to the federal broadband map
                                                                                                        (broadbandmap.gov) 1.
                                                                                                                                                                 service in parts of the eastern United States.
                                                                                                                                                                 Another satellite is expected be launched in
    needs of the community?                                                                                                                                      2016 and will provide service to Nebraska and
                                                                                                        WHAT ABOUT GIGABIT INTERNET?                             the western portion of the United States.
    Are government, businesses, and educational
                                                                                                        At 1 billion “bits per second,” a gigabit is             The improved satellite service provides a
    entities working together to address broadband
                                                                                                        200 times faster than today’s U.S. average of            12 Mbps downstream/3 Mbps upstream
                                                                                                        roughly 5 million bits per second (5 Mbps).              service. The new service also offers improved
    Broadband-related development starts with                                                           Several communities in Nebraska now have                 latency.
    community leadership. Forming a community                                                           Gigabit Internet, and the list is growing. Just
                                                          Nate Wyatt from Gothenburg State Bank                                                                  A recent test by the FCC documented the latency
    technology committee with representatives of                                                        over 10% of Nebraska households have Gigabit
                                                          discusses the importance of broadband to                                                               at 671 ms, significantly less than the latency
    key sectors and institutions in a community,                                                        Internet available.
                                                          communities.                                                                                           offered by older satellite technologies but still
    including local government, economic and
                                                                                                        Applications which will take advantage of the            far above the average latencies of fiber to the
    community development organizations,
                                                                Nate Wyatt shares how Gothenburg        capabilities of Gigabit Internet are still largely       premise (24 ms), cable (30 ms) or DSL (48 ms)
    business, the library, education, and health
                                                                began educating the community           in development. In the future, however, Gigabit          providers. Exede’s website says that the service
    care is often the first step to leveraging
                                                                and getting leaders on board.           Internet will be increasingly important to the           can be used for VOIP, but may not work well
    broadband-related development.
                                                                                                        economic vitality of communities.                        for VPN connections or logging in remotely to
                                                                                                        WHY IS UPLOAD SPEED IMPORTANT?                           remote servers.
                                                                                                        Upload speeds may be a bigger issue than                 Sources:
                                                                                                        download speeds for some businesses. Many                F CC. 2014 Measuring Broadband America Fixed Broadband
                                                                                                                                                                  Report. (June 2014)
                                                                                                        broadband plans provide higher download
                                                                                                                                                                 USwitch Download Calculator
                                                                                                        speeds and significantly lower upload speeds.
                                                                                                        Businesses which rely on information technology
                                                        View the panel conversation on broadband        often generate large amounts of data.
                                                        availability and affordability from the 2014
                                                        Connecting Broadband Nebraska conference

                                                                                                        National Broadband Map accessed August 1, 2014. Data from Dec. 31, 2013.

8     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                      A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   9
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
Communities can address broadband                              providers to help ensure that current and future
     availability and affordability in two ways. First,             broadband needs are met. Forming a committee
     communities can host training sessions and                     to address broadband development is often
     educational opportunities to help businesses                   the first step. Next steps may include holding a
     and residents better understand broadband                      public forum and/or documenting the demand
     and how it can be used. These activities help                  for broadband services through a community
     build demand for broadband services. Secondly,                 survey.
     communities can work with telecommunications

                                                                                                                       Here is a list of activities committees may wish     • Help community members stay up to date on
         LEARN HOW NEBRASKA COMMUNITIES AND BUSINESSES ARE                                                             to undertake:                                           new technology by hosting classes, lunch and
         WORKING WITH TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES                                                                      • Invite representatives of local government,         learn sessions, etc. These kinds of activities
                                                                                                                           health care systems, and schools to                 help build demand for broadband service.
                                            Nate Wyatt from Gothenburg State Bank describes how the
                                                                                                                           meet periodically to discuss any planned           • Invite representatives of local government,
                                            community of Gothenburg learned to work with telecommunications
                                                                                                                           improvements in telecommunications                    health care systems, and schools to
                                                                                                                           infrastructure and ways in which costs could          meet periodically to discuss any planned
                                                                                                                           be shared.                                            improvements in telecommunications
                                            Troy Stickels from Glenwood Telecommunications talks about                                                                           infrastructure and ways in which costs could
                                                                                                                        • Hold a forum to discuss the broadband
                                            how a business owner decided to route a fiber line to benefit                                                                        be shared.
                                                                                                                           needs of the community and involve
                                            other businesses in the community.
                                                                                                                           interested stakeholders. Extend invitations        • Identify businesses, community anchor
                                                                                                                           to local telecommunications providers and             institutions (i.e., local government, schools,
                                                                                                                           officials.                                            health care facilities) and residences
                                                                                                                        • Develop a broadband plan to address issues            interested in better broadband service and
     STEPS YOU CAN TAKE IF YOU WANT BETTER BROADBAND SERVICE                                                               identified during the community forum and             the level of service needed through a survey
                                                                                                                                                                                 or other method. Use this information to
                                                                                                                           by the broadband committee.
      • Talk to your current provider to see if you                  • Find allies. Identify others in your area                                                               present a business case for investing in
         can upgrade your service.                                       who are also interested in obtaining better                                                             your community to telecommunications
      • Go to the Nebraska Broadband Map to see                         broadband service. Working as a group can                                                               providers.
         if there are other providers in your area who                   be more effective than working alone.
         may be better able to provide service.                       • Work with other interested community
      • If a telecommunications company is                              leaders, individuals and businesses
                                                                         in your area to form a community
                                                                                                                           LEARN MORE ABOUT BROADBAND AND THE BROADBAND MAP
         providing broadband service in an adjacent
                                                                         broadband committee. Ideally, the                                           Broadband Terms. Gene Hand from the Nebraska Public Service
         local exchange area, an individual may file
                                                                         committee should include representatives                                    Commission explains many commonly used broadband terms.
         an application with the Nebraska Public
         Service Commission, 402-471-3101 or toll                        from local government, economic
                                                                                                                                                     Definitions for many terms are included in the glossary.
         free 1-800-526-0017 to obtain broadband                         development, businesses (including
         service from the telecommunications                             agricultural producers), schools and
         company serving the adjacent exchange                           libraries, health care providers, and local                                 Broadband Map. Watch a demo of the Nebraska Broadband
         area. See Nebraska Revised Statutes 86-                         telecommunications providers.                                               Map given by Cullen Robbins with the Nebraska
         135 to 86-138 for more information on the

10     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   11
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
                                                                                                                   1ST JOB LINCOLN CONNECTS
                                                                                                                   HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH BUSINESSES
                                                                                                                   1st Job Lincoln will be starting its second year in Lincoln. The program is a
                                                                                                                   partnership of Lincoln Human Resource Management Association, the AIM
                                                                                                                   Institute, and Lincoln Public Schools’ IT focus program to provide IT-based
                                                                                                                   internships for high school students. Through the pilot program, 15 high school
                                                                                                                   students in the summer of 2013 experienced their first professional job.
                                                                                                                   The program included workforce readiness preparation.

                                                                                                                   Hear from Champion Employers                 Hear from 1st Job Lincoln student
                                                                                                                   participating in 1st Job Lincoln             interns

     Is there an adequate IT workforce to meet the       Businesses outside of Omaha and Lincoln may
     demands of local businesses?                        find it even harder to recruit IT employees.     RESOURCES FOR LEARNING
     Are there opportunities for advanced              Efforts to engage young people to go into IT       OR TEACHING CODING
     information technology training through local     should start in grade school. Young people
                                                                                                          Code Academy sponsors the annual Hour of
     high schools, colleges and universities, or other begin to form opinions of careers around third
                                                                                                          Code event to encourage young people to try
     institutions?                                     grade. However, many young people don’t have
                                                                                                          coding and provides free, interactive lessons on
      Are technology programs for youth offered in     a good idea of what IT workers do. However,                                                                          A mentor works with young people at the
     local schools or by other organizations?          there are several innovative programs, including                                                                         April 26, 2014 CoderDojo in Lincoln.
                                                       both in school and after school programs, which    CoderDojos are a global movement of open
     The availability and development of a skilled                                                        source coding sessions led by volunteer mentors
                                                       are introducing students to coding. There are
     IT workforce is a key need in Nebraska. As a                                                         from education and industry. Kids learn how        Scratch is a free, online resource developed by
                                                       also a number of resources available including
     response, institutions of higher education in                                                        to creatively code at their own pace in a fun,     the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT
                                                       materials from the Khan Academy and MIT’s
     Nebraska are making efforts to increase the                                                          relaxed environment. CoderDojos are free to        Media Lab which enables children to program
                                                       Scratch program which can be used to teach
     number of IT graduates. Code Schools in Omaha                                                        attend. AIM has hosted CoderDojos in Omaha,        interactive stories, games and animations.
                                                       coding to students.
     and Lincoln are also addressing the need for                                                         Lincoln, and Kearney.                              Code Crush is a four-day five-night immersion
     a skilled IT workforce by providing intensive     Finding employees with good basic technology
                                                                                                          Khan Academy (Requires registration) provides      experience for 8th and 9th grade girls to show
     training to participants over a 12-week period.   skills or helping existing employees learn
                                                                                                          a video introducing programming and tutorials      them the world of IT. The event was hosted by
     However, many employers still report a shortfall. new technologies can also be a challenge for                                                          the UNO College of Information Science and
                                                       businesses.                                        on drawing using JavaScript.
                                                                                                                                                             Technology in the spring of 2014 with support
                                                                                                                                                             from Google and Women Investing in Nebraska.

12     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   13
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
Girls Who Code aims to provide computer
     science education and exposure to 1 million
                                                            • Collaborations with organizations like
                                                               Girl Scouts of the USA and Girls, Inc. to
                                                                                                                        INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP
     young women by 2020. The organization                     introduce Made with Code to girls in their
                                                                                                                        Does your community/region support              Smaller communities are also leveraging
     partners with school networks, community-                 networks, encouraging them to complete
                                                                                                                        entrepreneurship and innovation through         innovation and entrepreneurship to create
     based organizations, libraries, technology                their first coding experience.
                                                                                                                        business incubation facilities, meet ups for    jobs and economic growth. Xpansion has
     companies to bring Girls Who Code Clubs to             • Sew Electric offers a collection of do it                entrepreneurs, coworking facilities, maker      pioneered a rural sourcing model, providing a
     communities all across the country.                       yourself projects that combine fabric,                   spaces/clubs, or other programs for start-ups?  complete range of software quality assurance
     Made with Code is an initiative led by Google             electronics, and programming.                                                                            services in rural locations including Kearney,
                                                                                                                        Over the past several years, Nebraska has
     to engage girls in coding. Partners include Girls   SMART Girls Club engages girls in science,                                                                     Nebraska; Loup City, Nebraska; Ames, Iowa;
                                                                                                                        made significant progress in supporting
     Inc., Girl Scouts of the USA, National Center for   technology, engineering and math. The YWCA                                                                     and Manhattan, Kansas. Brent Comstock, chief
                                                                                                                        technology-related development, innovation
     Women and Information Technology, MIT Media         in Lincoln sponsors several clubs at Lincoln                                                                   innovator and owner of Bcom Solutions, has
                                                                                                                        and entrepreneurship—especially in the
     Lab, TechCrunch, and Seventeen. Made with           elementary and middle schools.                                                                                 started a coworking facility in Auburn. Alliance
                                                                                                                        Omaha and Lincoln areas—through University
     Code includes:
                                                         Code Day Omaha is a 24-hour coding event for                   programs, code schools, accelerators, contests, was the pilot site for Bella Minds, a crowd-
            lockly-based coding projects like           students. The 2014 Code Day Omaha is hosted                    conferences, meet ups, maker spaces, coworking funded technology training program for digitally
           designing a bracelet 3D printed by            at the Omaha Code School. The world-wide                       facilities, and venture capital firms.          literate rural women who want to improve their
           Shapeways, learning to create animated        event is coordinated by StudentRND.                                                                            technology skills.
           GIFs or building beats for a music track.
                                                         4-H Science, Engineering, and Technology
     	• V
          ideo profiles of girls and women who          includes projects, college major information, and
         explain how they’re using code to do            career information on aerospace, computers,
         what they love -- in fashion, music, dance,                                                                                                         Listen to David Graff Discuss Hudl’s Growth and the
                                                         electricity, GEAR-TECH-21, geospatial,
         animation, cancer research and more.                                                                                                                Supportive Environment for Entrepreneurs in Nebraska.
                                                         physics, robotics, small engines, welding, and
            resource directory for parents and girls    woodworking.
           to find more information about new local
           events, camps, classes and clubs.
                                                                                Jason Patrick Ross / Shutterstock.com   WHAT IS A MAKER SPACE?
                                                                                                                        A maker space is a space with tools and             equipment which can be used to develop
                                                                                                                        equipment where individuals can come together       prototypes. The synergy created in maker spaces
                                                                                                                        to work on projects and interact with others. It    may be the biggest benefit, however.
                                                                                                                        can be associated with a university, community      For more information on the UNL Maker Space
                                                                                                                        college, high school, library, or just a group of   and Club, visit make.unl.edu. Other maker
                                                                                                                        individuals interested in making things. Maker      spaces in Nebraska include the Omaha Maker
                                                                                                                        spaces often charge a fee for access.               Group) and Metropolitan Community College
                                                                                                                        Maker spaces can lower the barriers to entry        Fab Lab.
                                                                                                                        for startups by offering low-cost access to

                                                                                                                                                LEARN MORE ABOUT MAKER SPACES
                                                                                                                                                             Shane Farritor from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
                                                                                                                                                             explains maker spaces and the importance of building a
                                                                                                                                                             culture of collaboration and creativity.
     The Great Platte River Road Archway
     Kearney, NE

14      LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                              A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   15
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
Public libraries and other organizations play a        a whole range of activities from applying for
     TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—DIGITAL LITERACY AND PUBLIC ACCESS                                                                                                                             vital role in providing public access to computers
                                                                                                                                                                                        and broadband. Access to broadband and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               jobs to downloading tax forms. Public libraries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               also often provide much-needed training to
                                                                                                                                                                                        a computer has now become necessary for                those new to computers and those who want to
     Do most households subscribe to                                                                                                                                                                                                           update their skills.
     broadband Service?                                                              BROADBAND SERVICE AT HOME                                          2014
     Does the local library offer access to computers                                Nebraska Households with
                                                                                     Broadband Service at Home
                                                                                                                                                        82%                             TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—BUSINESSES
     and the Internet and free or affordable training
                                                                                     By Region                                                                                          Are local businesses effectively utilizing             How are businesses in Nebraska using
     on basic computer and Internet skills?
                                                                                     Lincoln Area                                                       90%                             broadband?                                             broadband?
     Technology-related development requires                                         Omaha Area                                                         87%
     widespread adoption of broadband technologies.                                                                                                                                     From Comfy Feet in Hartington to Dinklage                   • Over 85 percent of businesses use the
                                                                                     Southeast                                                          77%
     Most households in Nebraska (82%) have                                                                                                                                             Feed Yards in Sidney, Nebraska businesses are                  Internet to purchase goods and services
                                                                                     South Central                                                      76%
     broadband service, according to a 2014 survey                                   West Central                                                       74%
                                                                                                                                                                                        utilizing broadband to expand their markets                    online. In contrast, 61.9 percent of
     of Nebraska households. However, there are                                      Panhandle                                                          73%                             and reduce costs. More importantly, these                      organizations sell goods and services
     significant rural-urban differences in broadband                                Central                                                            73%                             businesses are creating jobs and increasing                    online and 53.2 percent deliver services
     adoption. Ninety percent of households in                                       Northeast                                                          72%                             revenue through the use of broadband. A 2013                   and content online.
     the Lincoln area and 87% of households in the                                                                                                                                      survey of Nebraska businesses found that                    • Broadband can transform how
                                                                                    *For the survey, broadband was defined as                                                          broadband use is having a positive impact on
     Omaha have broadband service. In comparison,                                    anything faster than dial-up.                                                                                                                                     organizations conduct their operations.
     the percentage of households with broadband                                                                                                                                        jobs, with 364 respondents reporting a net                     Over 80 percent of organizations use
                                                                                    Older adults, those with lower incomes and
     service in other regions of the state ranges from                                                                                                                                  increase of 654 jobs due to using the Internet.                broadband for coordination with suppliers,
                                                                                    those with lower levels of income are also less
     72% to 77%.                                                                                                                                                                        Over 50% of net jobs reported by respondents                   while over 78 percent use broadband
                                                                                    likely to have broadband service at home.
                                                                                                                                                                                        were attributed to use of the Internet.                        for employee training and another 75.6
                                                                                                                                                                                        Broadband use is also having a positive impact                 percent for improving customer service.
                                                                                                                                                                                        on business revenue with typical respondents
                                                                                                                                                                                        reporting 25 to 45 percent of revenue from the
                   BROADBAND SERVICE BY DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS, 2014                                                                                                                       Internet.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    E-COMMERCE USES OF BROADBAND
                   95                                                                          96
                                                                                     91                                                                                91
                                                                                                                                                         82                                          Research by Staff                                     95
         80                                                               75
                                          64                                                                                      65                                                         Website for Organization                                      89                                     5 4
         60                                              53                                                                                                                              Purchasing Goods or Services                                      86                                 4 4      6
         40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                76                           8     9        7
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Customer Service
         20                                                                                                                                                                                 Advertising and Promotion                                      72                       10       11        6

           0                                                                                                                                                                                 Selling Goods or Services                                     62              7        16            15


                                          65 and older

                                                         Less than $20K




                                                                                                         Less than High School

                                                                                                                                 High School graduate

                                                                                                                                                        Some College

                                                                                                                                                                       College Grad +

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Rich Media                                      54         15             20            11

                                                                                                                                                                                          Deliver Services and Content                                     53        14            19             14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0                          % of respondents                                       100

                                                                                                                                                                                        N = 745                              Currently Use   Plan to Use          No Plan to Use             Not Applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                        Source: Nebraska Broadband eSolutions Benchmarking Report

16     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                                                   A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   17
LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY - A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development - UNL CMS
                                                                                                                                                                   Country Drawers in Cambridge, Nebraska—Eco-friendly
                 Document Transfer                                            92                                      4                                            operations are in place from every angle for Country Drawers.
           Access Government Info                                             87                              4 4 5                                                Natural and organic products are promoted, managed and sold
                                                                                                                                                                   internationally with online connections and capabilities.
             Supplier Coordination                                            87                              3 5 5

             Banking and Financial                                            79                        4    9            8                                        Roe Buick in Grand Island, Nebraska— The car shopping and
                                                                              78                        7         9        5
                                                                                                                                                                   maintenance experience is upgraded at Roe Buick. Car shoppers
                        Staff Training
                                                                                                                                                                   can view inventory, schedule appointments and ask questions
           Use Collaborative Tools                                            74                    8        11            7
         Government Transactions                                              72                6       10            11

                  Social Networking                                           71                10           12            6                                       Agilx in Lincoln, Nebraska—Custom software and solutions
                                                                                         7          21                10
                                                                                                                                                                   are available anywhere. Lincoln goes global for Agilix customers
                         Teleworking                                          62
                                                                                                                                                                   though broadband.
                                          0                           % of respondents                                         100

 N = 745                                      Currently Use     Plan to Use        No Plan to Use            Not Applicable
                                                                                                                                                                   C & C Processing near Diller, Nebraska— C & C Processing
 Source: Nebraska Broadband eSolutions Benchmarking Report                                                                                                         offers traditional high quality meat products online to shoppers
                                                                                                                                                                   anywhere in the country.

          LEARN HOW NEBRASKA BUSINESSES ARE USING BROADBAND                                                                                                        Assurity Life in Lincoln, Nebraska—In their new building or
                                                                                                                                                                   across the country, Assurity uses broadband to manage life
                                              MetalQuest in Hebron, Nebraska—Global markets find
                                                                                                                                                                   insurance data for their tremendous customer base.
                                              MetalQuest for precision manufacturing. Broadband makes this
                                              operation world-class, competitive – and successful.

                                              Comfy Feet in Hartington, Nebraska—This small town
                                              company meets customer requests worldwide. Broadband                                   TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—AGRICULTURE
                                              access makes promotions, jobs and sales possible for
                                                                                                                                     Are agricultural producers and agribusinesses      veterinary services are expected growth areas
                                              Comfy Feet.
                                                                                                                                     effectively utilizing broadband?                   with 29% of livestock producers planning to use
                                                                                                                                     Broadband applications are becoming                these applications in the future.
                                              Bassett Livestock in Bassett, Nebraska—Bassett Livestock
                                                                                                                                     increasingly important for agricultural            At least 60% of grain producers report using
                                              brings cattle auctions from rural Nebraska to bidders and
                                                                                                                                     producers. A 2013 survey of Nebraska               broadband for commodity prices/market
                                              buyers nationwide.
                                                                                                                                     agricultural producers found that over 60% of      information (77%), crop management (65%),
                                                                                                                                     livestock producers are using broadband for        and government or regulatory agency reporting
                                              Fred Lockwood and Company CPA in Chadron, Scottsbluff                                  commodity prices/market information (69%),         (60%). The two applications with the greatest
                                              and Mullen— Broadband access adds up to positive impacts                               government/regulatory agency reporting (63%),      expected growth are GPS information and
                                              for these accounting offices. They connect – and succeed – with                        and auctions (63%). Herd management and            government/regulatory agency reporting.
                                              customers and employees to save time and money.

18   LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                              A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   19
                                BY NEBRASKA AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS                                                                                 LEARN HOW NEBRASKA AG PRODUCERS
                                                                                                                                                AND AGRIBUSINESSES ARE USING BROADBAND
          Livestock Producers

         Commodity Prices/Market Info                       69                                                   6
                                                                                                                                                               Dinklage Feed Yards in Sidney, Nebraska--They bring high tech
                                   Auctions                 63                                          6                                                      tools to traditional livestock operations. Dinklage Feed Yards
                                                                                                                                                               use high speed Internet in all areas of monitoring, feeding and
     Govt/Regulatory Agency Reporting                       63                                          6
                                                                                                                                                               health care for their cattle.
                 Farm Business Planning                     56                                 6

                     Direct Product Sales                   50                            6
                                                                                                                                                               Miletta Vista Winery near St. Paul, Nebraska--The view is
                       Herd Management                      35                       29
                                                                                                                                                               awesome; the wine is wonderful. With a new broadband
            Veterinary Services and Info                    24              29                                                                                 connection, Miletta Vista Winery keeps high tech operations
             Grain Producers
                                                                                                                                                               moving and customers wanting another glass.

         Commodity prices/Market Info                            77                                                  10

                       Crop Management                           65                                         10                                                 21st Century Equipment in Bridgeport, Nebraska--Miles don’t
     Govt/Regulatory Agency Reporting                            60                                         17                                                 matter for this equipment dealer. Broadband lets dealerships
                                                                                                                                                               and customers in three states share information immediately.
                           ROI Calculators                       57                                7

                 Farm Business Planning                          57                                10

                          GPS Information                        55                                    19

                     Business Accounting                         50                           13

                                   Auctions                      47                   7

                     Water Management                            45                  10
                                                                                                                                TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—EDUCATION
                                                0                            % of respondents                             100
                                                                                                                                Do local schools use technology to enhance          of video distance learning classes and decreased
                                                    Currently Use      Plan to Use                                              educational opportunities and communication         the cost of commodity Internet for participating
                                                                                                                                with families?                                      K-12 entities. Nebraska K-20 education
 Source: Nebraska Broadband eSolutions Benchmarking Report and Technology Use in Agriculture Cornhusker Economics
                                                                                                                                Schools are among the heaviest users of             now enjoys one of the lowest unit costs for
                                                                                                                                broadband, using broadband for distance             commodity Internet in the entire country.
     Many smart farming technologies, including                       cellular connections. In some areas of the state,         education, content management systems to            Schools also play a role in providing
     those utilizing GPS, may require a cellular                      cellular coverage may be a barrier to utilizing           support classroom learning, web-based systems       opportunities for students to learn computer
     connection. For example, precision guidance                      RTK or other technologies. Precision agriculture          that let parents check grades or lunch balances,    applications and coding. IT focus programs and
     for row crop production requires GPS accuracy                    and remote sensing technologies produce large             online assessments, and/or using web-based          career academies can encourage students to
     of +/- 1 inch accuracy. GPS correction through                   amounts of data. Limited upload speeds in some            systems to schedule parent teacher conferences.     choose a career in IT and help students develop
     RTK (Real Time Kinematic) is often done through                  areas of the state may also present a barrier.            The state’s education network, Network              the necessary skills to enter the IT workforce.
                                                                                                                                Nebraska-Education, has enabled the exchange

20     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                        A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   21
                                                 Lincoln Public Schools Distance Learning in Lincoln, Nebraska—
                                                The Lincoln Public Schools IT Focus Program Teacher Steve Carr
                                                describes the benefits of distance education.

                                                Nancy Olsen uses Broadband in Education—Nancy Olsen, Banner
                                                County Public Schools, uses broadband in her classroom to teach
                                                virtually and to partner with other schools.

     TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—                                                            10 BENEFITS OF HEALTH IT
     HEALTH CARE                                                       1
                                                                            Enables more informed decision-making and
                                                                            enhanced quality of care
     Do local hospitals and health care providers use                       Saves lives through remote consultations,
     technology to improve patient care?                                    whether urgent or diagnostic
     Health IT is impacting the way health care                             Creates more efficient, convenient and potentially
     is delivered and managed. Electronic health                            more cost-effective delivery of care
     records and health information exchange                           4    Facilitates earlier—and more accurate—diagnoses
     are making it easier for physicians and other                          Provides greater, and faster, access to a patient’s
     health care providers to have more complete                            medical history, reducing the risk of negative
     patient information at the point of care.                              drug interactions or poor response to a course of
     Remote monitoring technologies are helping to                          treatment
     reduce hospital readmissions. Patient portals,                         Improves administrative efficiency and                The Nebraska Statewide Telehealth Network            view a patient’s medication history, avoiding an
     personal health records, and other applications                        coordination
                                                                                                                                  connects nearly all of the state’s hospitals and     adverse drug event. A patient’s primary care
     are making it easier for patients to better                            Allows rural residents to receive expert diagnosis    all of the state’s public health departments. The    physician and any specialists involved in his/her
     manage their health care. Telehealth is making                         and treatment from distant medical centers
                                                                                                                                  network is used for patient consultations via        care can both have access to a patient’s latest
     consultations with specialists more accessible to                      Increases timeliness of treatment and decreases       interactive video, teleradiology, administrative     lab results and medications.
     those living in rural Nebraska.                                   8    transfer rates, while reducing medical costs          meetings and continuing medical education.
                                                                            through video technology
                                                                                                                                                                                       Health IT is also making it easier for patients
     The bandwidth requirements for many health                                                                                   Nebraska is a leader in exchanging health            and care givers to be more informed and
     IT applications are similar to common business                         Supports real-time treatment by first responders
                                                                       9                                                          information so health care providers have more       active participants in health care. Several of
                                                                            through the use of wireless devices
     applications. However, transferring radiological                                                                             complete patient information at the point of         the emerging health applications will require
     images requires significant bandwidth (100                             Enhances senior wellness and preventative
                                                                                                                                  care. NeHII (the Nebraska Health Information         patients and/or their care givers to have
                                                                      10    care through telemedicine and remote-in home
     Mbps or more), making health systems one                                                                                     Initiative) is one of the largest statewide health   broadband access and the skills to use these
     of the biggest users of broadband in many                                                                                    information exchanges in the country. By using       applications.
                                                                     Source: Internet Innovation Alliance
     communities.                                                                                                                 NeHII, a doctor in an emergency room can

22     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                          A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   23
                                                Pioneer Memorial Rest Home in Mullen--The Pioneer Memorial
                                                Rest Home in Mullen, Nebraska, is using broadband for telehealth
                                                consultations with medical specialists using interactive video.

                                                Nebraska Health Information Initiative--All your medical records
                                                are available in one place – even if you are moving around.
                                                Nebraska Health Information Initiative coordinates consolidated
                                                patient medical history for doctors, providers and patients.

                                                Dale Gibbs from CHI Health Good Samaritan Health discusses
                                                how broadband is impacting health care and the importance of
                                                broadband to the home.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Douglas County Courthouse

     TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION—LOCAL GOVERNMENT                                                                                                                                                                                       Omaha, NE

     Are local governments using technology                          to implementing e-government services by
     to communicate with citizens, to provide                        Nebraska municipalities and counties, according
     information, and to provide services?                           to 2012 surveys of members of the Nebraska
                                                                     Association of County Officials and Nebraska
                                                                                                                            LOCAL E-GOVERNMENT BEST PRACTICES
     Does your community have a well-designed
                                                                     League of Municipalities.                              LOCAL GOVERNMENT WEBSITES SHOULD:                   • Allow individuals to download application
     website which provides information for both
                                                                                                                                                                                   forms for services or submit applications
     prospective and current residents?                                  • 46% of municipal officials and 25% of              • Provide contact information for elected
                                                                                                                                                                                   forms for services online
     From a driver’s license to marriage license                           county officials indicated that the ability to         officials
                                                                           accept payment by credit card was a large                                                            • Include links to other websites that provide
     or pet licenses to property taxes and parking                                                                             • Provide contact information for local
                                                                           challenge.                                                                                              useful information to individuals
     tickets, citizens and residents interact with                                                                                government departments
     local governments on a regular basis. Citizens                      • 39% of municipal officials and 41% of                                                               • Include one or more navigations tool
                                                                                                                               • Provide other information about local
     expect to be able to find information online                          county officials indicated that funding to             government operations and finances            • Have accessibility features
     and to be able to complete transactions online.                       implement e-government services was a                                                                • Group related information and services on
                                                                                                                               • Provide information about the services
     Local government websites also often serve as                         large challenge.                                                                                        their websites, including in multiple ways
                                                                                                                                  they provide
     a source of general community information for                       • Other barriers identified include having                                                               when possible
     residents, visitors, and prospective residences.                       staff available for e-government projects
     Funding and the ability to accept payment                              and keeping up with new technology.
     by credit card are two of the major barriers

24     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                               A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   25
        • E nable websites to be easily viewed by          • Implementing effective information             Libraries are a key partner in efforts to provide    Lincoln to provide additional training for library
           individuals using mobile devices                    technology security policies and               public access to computers and broadband and         staff on common computer applications so that
                                                               procedures                                     to provide access to training. Most Nebraska         they can better answer technology questions
          ffer mobile applications designed for
                                                                                                              households (77%) have access to a local place,       from library customers. Libraries in Nebraska
         multiple operating systems commonly                • Training staff on information technology
                                                                                                              such as a library or school, in their neighborhood   also have the opportunity to participate in the
         used by mobile devices                                security policies and procedures
                                                                                                              or community where they can use an Internet-         Edge Initiative. The program helps libraries and
          ccept online payment for services.               • Accessing free or low-cost resources for       accessible computer for free, according to a         local government work together to assess how
                                                               improving information technology security      2014 survey of Nebraska households. Thirty-          they are using technology and the technology
                                                            • Establishing privacy policies that specify     two percent of the households without Internet       needs of the community.
                                                               how they will collect and use personal         access use the computer resources at the public      Libraries may be challenged by several factors,
          sing website traffic statistics to analyze          information provided by individuals            use facility.                                        including:
         how their websites are used and could be
                                                            • Posting established privacy policies on        Libraries are growing in their capacity to serve         • Insufficient technical support,
                                                               their websites                                 as essential digital connectors and vibrant
        • S oliciting comments and feedback about                                                                                                                     • Need for staff training on technology
                                                                                                              community hubs for people to meet, learn,
           their websites and then acting on the        Local governments should consider using                                                                           applications,
                                                                                                              grow and exchange ideas together. Through a
           information received                         social media to communicate information to                                                                     • Funding to replace aging computers,
                                                                                                              three-year Library Broadband Builds Nebraska
                                                        the public. If social media is being used, local
                                                                                                              Communities grant awarded to the Nebraska                • Growing demand for greater broadband
                                                        governments should develop policies and
                                                                                                              Library Commission in 2010, libraries in                    speeds,
                                                        procedures that specify staff responsibilities for
                                                                                                              Nebraska significantly improved their capacity           • Distance from a community’s last-mile
                                                        maintaining social media accounts.
                                                                                                              to provide public access to computers and the               broadband infrastructure.
                                                        Source: State of Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau
                                                                                                              Internet. The Nebraska Library Commission
                                                                                                              has partnered with the University of Nebraska-

                                                                                                                       LEARN HOW NEBRASKA LIBRARIES ARE USING BROADBAND
                                                                                                                                              Oakland Public Library in Oakland, Nebraska--It’s not just about
                                                                                                                                              books anymore. The Oakland Public Library connects the area with
                                                                                                                                              information and free onsite access for their guests.

26    LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                       A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   27
QUALITY OF LIFE, RETAINING YOUTH, AND ATTRACTING NEW RESIDENTS                                                      USING IMAGES TO
                                                                                                                    MARKET YOUR COMMUNITY
     Does your community pay careful attention
     to quality of life issues? A high quality of life is
                                                            FACTORS PEOPLE CONSIDER                                 People relate to community images.

     essential to attract and retain new residents,         WHEN CHOOSING A COMMUNITY                               They can be very important in developing the
                                                                                                                    viewer’s first impression of a community.
     workers and businesses.
                                                            Community marketing research has found that             Images should show:
     Broadband availability may impact quality of           factors people consider when they are choosing a           • People participating in activities and
     life. Is your broadband adequate for future            new community include:                                        using community amenities
     generations and businesses?                                • Safety
                                                                • Proximity to Relatives
                                                                                                                       • A diversity of employment opportunities
     Does your community have marketing
                                                                • Open Spaces                                             (agriculture, blue collar, professional,
     strategies to attract new community members?
                                                                • Slower Pace of Life                                     health care, etc.)
     Does your community have strategies to retain              • Lower Cost of Living                                 • Available services, health care, schools
     community members by helping them feel like                • Quality of Education
                                                                                                                       • A range of available housing options
     they belong?                                               • Recreation
                                                                • Health Care                                          • Examples of multigenerational and
     Is your community addressing sustainability
                                                                • Opportunity to Make Living                              intergenerational interaction
     through renewable energy or other projects?
     With an increasingly mobile population,                RETENTION STRATEGIES                                       • The local flavor, landscape and
                                                                                                                          surrounding area
     communities need to offer a high quality of
     life in order to attract and retain population.
                                                            ARE IMPORTANT                                                 of the community
                                                            Research shows that residents can be successfully          • Everyday activities like grocery shopping,
     For many individuals--especially young adults
                                                            recruited. However, new residents may be difficult to
     and professionals--broadband is an important                                                                         children walking to parks,
                                                            retain. Meeting new community members, learning
     requirement in choosing a community.                   about their individual skills and interests, and
                                                                                                                          dads mowing the yard
                                                            introducing them to those who share those interests        • A mix of age, gender, and ethnic diversity
                                                            or require those skills can help newcomers “fit in”.
                                                                                                                       • A realistic view of what it is like to live in
                                                                                                                          the community

                                                                                                                       LEARN MORE ABOUT BROADBAND, RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION
                                                                                                                                                         Ryan Mead, CEO/Founder, Vitru Inc., explains importance of
                                                                                                                                                         broadband and quality of life.
                                                                                                                                                         (Video – broadband session – 16:56 – 17:30)

                                                                                                                    The Marketing Hometown America study guide             and develop & implement marketing plans and
                                                                                                                    can help your community learn what new                 community improvement projects.
                                                                                                                    residents are looking for as they relocate to a        This video provides an overview of the guide.
                                                                                                                    rural community, discover often overlooked local       Learn about strategies to attract and retain
                                                                                                                    assets that can attract potential new residents        workers in a changing economy at the
                                                                                                                                                                           Community Marketing site.

28     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                              A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   29
Part 2                                                                                         DEVELOPING A BROADBAND PLAN

                                                With an increasingly mobile population,             A broadband plan can be integrated into a                • Ask committee members to share how
                                                communities need to offer a high quality of         broader economic development plan or can                    their organizations are currently using
                                                life in order to attract and retain population.     be a standalone plan. It can be a simple                    broadband and what they are planning

                                                For many individuals--especially young adults       plan, focusing on adoption of broadband                     in the near future.
                                                and professionals--broadband is an important        technologies. Or it can be a more detailed plan,      	• Discuss where broadband is available.
                                                requirement in choosing a community.                addressing technology adoption, digital literacy           Go to the Nebraska Broadband Map to

 DEVELOPMENT                                    Technology continues to change, challenging         and public access, workforce development,                  see where broadband is available.
                                                all sectors of a community to learn new skills      innovation and entrepreneurship, broadband
                                                                                                                                                             • Discuss broadband adoption and
                                                and adapt. Developing a broadband plan can          availability or affordability, and quality of life.
                                                                                                                                                                utilization in the community. Is broadband

 IN YOUR                                        help communities meet these challenges.
                                                A broadband plan can help your community:
                                                                                                    ESTABLISH A BROADBAND COMMITTEE
                                                                                                    The first step in developing a broadband
                                                                                                                                                                subscribership below, at or above the
                                                                                                                                                                state average (link to broadband survey

                                                1. Increase awareness of new technologies;          plan is to establish a broadband committee.                 information below)? Are residents satisfied
                                                2. Stimulate demand for broadband;                  The committee should consist of representatives             with broadband service?
                                                3.	Support technology-related development,         of the following sectors:                                • Discuss business utilization of broadband
                                                    entrepreneurship, and innovation;                  • Local government                                       technologies. Are local businesses using
                                                                                                       • Business                                               broadband below, at or above the state
                                                4.	Work with telecommunications providers to
                                                                                                                                                                level of utilization (link to business use of
                                                    make sure that the broadband needs of the          • Economic development organizations
                                                                                                                                                                broadband information)? Are businesses
                                                    community are met;
                                                                                                       • Education                                              satisfied with broadband service?
                                                5.	Stimulate job creation and business revenue;
                                                                                                       • Health care                                         • Visit local businesses, schools, and/
                                                6.	Improve health care quality and help patients                                                               or hospitals to see how they are using
                                                                                                       • Libraries
                                                    better manage their care;                                                                                   technology.
                                                                                                       • Agriculture
                                                                                                       • Broadband providers                                 • Identify the largest telecommunication
                                                                                                                                                                users in the community and meet
                                                                                                       • Non-profits, arts, culture, and history
                                                                                                                                                                with them to learn how they are using
                                                                                                          groups (if possible)
                                                                                                                                                                technology, how much they are spending
                                                                                                       • And other significant groups or sectors               on telecommunications and information
                                                                                                          within the region                                     technology, what their current and future
                                                                                                    Extra effort should be made to recruit                      technology needs are, and what the
                                                                                                    representatives of the region’s largest users of            region/community can do to help them
                                                                                                    telecommunications and information technology.              meet their technology needs.

                                                                                                    SUGGESTED PLANNING PROCESS                            2.	Develop a shared vision of how the
                                                                                                    1.	Develop a common understanding of how                  community will be using broadband in the
                                                                                                        the community is using broadband and the               near future
                                                                                                        community’s broadband-related needs. Here            • How will businesses be utilizing
                                                                                                        are some suggested activities to help your              broadband?
                                                                                                        committee develop a shared understanding             • How will broadband be used in
                                                                                                        of how broadband is currently being used                education, health care, libraries, and local
     Rural Nebraska                                                                                     and the needs of each sector:                           government?
                                                                                                                                                             • How will residents be utilizing broadband?
30     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                             A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   31
3.	Identify priority areas and conduct an initial     comprehensive approach and may have a
         assessment of each area. A broadband plan          much more extensive plan. Either way, be sure      SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR A COMMUNITY BROADBAND PLAN
         may address all of the following areas or just     to include a few relatively easy action items to                                                       government, and/or libraries; digital literacy/
         a few areas that have been prioritize by the       help build momentum                                                                                    public access; workforce development;
         committee:                                                                                            Address one or two of the following in your
                                                          Here are some additional activities to consider:                                                         recruitment/community marketing; innovation,
                                                                                                               vision for broadband in your community:
       Broadband Availability/Affordability                 • Hold a community forum to discuss                                                                   entrepreneurship, broadband availability/
                                                                                                                 • Describe how businesses will be using          affordability).
       Skilled IT Workforce                                    broadband issues.
       • Workforce Development                              • Encourage local businesses to work with                                                             For Each Priority Area:
                                                                                                                 • Describe how agricultural producers will be
       • Recruitment/Community Marketing                      area schools, community colleges, colleges,                                                            • Describe the current state (optional)
                                                                                                                    using broadband.
                                                               and/or universities on internship programs.                                                            • Describe your goal/objective for each
       Innovation/Entrepreneurship                                                                               • Describe how residents will be using
                                                            • Encourage a culture of innovation and                                                                     priority area.
       Digital Literacy and Public Access                                                                           broadband.
                                                               entrepreneurship by organizing meeting                                                              Here is a sample from the Western Region
       Broadband/Technology Adoption                           ups of entrepreneurs/start-ups.                   • Describe how broadband will be used in
                                                                                                                                                                   Broadband Plan.
       • Businesses                                                                                                education, health care, libraries, and local
                                                            • Form a makers club or host meet ups.                                                                 Priority 1: Education, Digital Literacy and
       • Agriculture                                       • Explore connectivity models for libraries                                                           Advanced Technology Training — Coordinate and
                                                                                                                 • Describe how broadband will make your
       • Education (Link), Health Care (Link),                such as partnering with schools or joining                                                          increase educational offerings around digital
                                                                                                                    community a better place.
          Government (Link), and Libraries                     the State’s education network, Network                                                              literacy skills and advanced technology training.
                                                               Nebraska.                                       Here is a sample vision statement from the
       • Digital Literacy and Public Access                                                                                                                       Priority 2: Economic Development — Expand
                                                                                                               North Central Region Broadband Plan:
       Quality of Life                                      • Assess the demand for a coworking space                                                             awareness and growth of technology
                                                               or meeting room available for home-             Residents and businesses in the North Central       educational offerings to strengthen economic
     	The Nebraska Broadband Initiative has                                                                   region of Nebraska, a predominantly rural area,
       developed an assessment tool which can be               based businesses/start-ups. Discuss                                                                 development, agritourism and entrepreneurship.
                                                               the community’s broadband needs with            will have access to digital information and
       downloaded and printed.                                                                                                                                        • List planned activities to address this
                                                               broadband providers.                            communication tools and the training to use
     4.	Identify areas in which more information                                                                                                                        priority area. It is often helpful to include
                                                                                                               them as skillfully as urban Nebraskans.
         needs be gathered or a more thorough               • Partner with a local university, college,                                                                 the entity or individual taking the lead,
                                                               community college or high school or library     Here is a sample vision statement from the                an approximate time frame, and how the
         assessment needs to be made.                                                                          Western Region Broadband Plan.
                                                               to develop a maker space.                                                                                 project will be funded.
     5.	Develop a plan to achieve this vision.                                                                A long-term vision to increase youth retention
         A simple plan may consist of just a few action     • Work with public safety organizations/first                                                         Note: A simple, brief plan that is implemented is
                                                               responders to develop a plan to use social      and facilitate business transitioning, increase     better than a professionally produced plan that
         items. Some communities may take a more                                                               economic development, and decrease the digital
                                                               media to provide emergency information.                                                             sits on the shelf. It is OK to start with one or two
                                                                                                               divide and “digital deserts” was developed at       priority areas and just a couple of action items.
                                                                                                               the one-day regional summit.
                                                                                                               PRIORITY AREAS                                      Additional resources are available at
                                                                                                               Identify priority areas (i.e., adoption of          broadband.nebraska.gov.
                                                                                                               technology by businesses; adoption of
                                                                                                               technology by agricultural producers; adoption
                                                                                                               of technology by education, health care,

32     LEVERAGING BROADBAND IN YOUR COMMUNITY                                                                                                                      A Workbook to Help Communities Stimulate Broadband Development   33
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