STAGE PLAN STAGE 4B REEF RELEASE - TAG Property & Building Brokers

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STAGE PLAN STAGE 4B REEF RELEASE - TAG Property & Building Brokers
                                                                                                            STAGE 4B REEF RELEASE








                                                                      TAMBREY AVENUE

                                                                                                         Whilst every care has been taken with the preparation of these particulars, which
                    Current Release    Display Village   6.10   Lot Height                               are believed to be correct, they are in no way warranted by the selling agent or
                                                                                                         its clients in whole or in part and should not be construed as forming part of any
                    Previous Release   Group Housing            Retaining Wall                           contract. Any intending purchasers are advised to make necessary enquiries to
                                                                Retained by the                          satisfy themselves on all matters in this respect. All areas and dimensions are
                    Sold               Duplex                                                            subject to survey. February 2016. In particular, the location of the services (sewer,
                                                                Housing Authority                        electricity, water, drainage, retaining wall and stairs) as depicted on this plan may
                                                                                                         be varied to satisfy the conditions imposed by the Western Australian Planning
                                                                                                         Commission and other relevant authorities for the approval of the subdivision to
                                                                                                         create the lots shown on this plan.
STAGE PLAN STAGE 4B REEF RELEASE - TAG Property & Building Brokers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Comet Bay College

                                                                                               SECRET HARBOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Future Extension
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of Comet Bay College
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Future Playing Field

  Proposed Coastal
    Walking Paths

                                                                              Future Landscaped Parkland

                                                                                                                                      Landscaped Parkland

                                                                                                                                                                                          Proposed Commercial /
                                                                                                                                                                                           Mixed Use Residential
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       GH         Future Landscaped Parkland
                                                                                                                                                                     Proposed Neighbourhood Activity
                                                                                                                                                                     Centre Shopping and Commercial
                                          Future Landscaped Parkland                                       GH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GH                   GH
                       to beach approx.                                                                                                                                 Proposed Commercial /
                                                                                                                                    GH GH                                Mixed Use Residential

                                                                                                       Land Sales Centre                                                                         GH
                                                                                                        & Display Village
   Future Foreshore Park

                                                                                                                  Rhonda Scarrott
                                                                                                                                                                                           GH                                                             Future Landscaped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GH                                    Parkland
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Landscaped Parkland         GH
                                                                                                                                                            Future Primary School

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               TO MANDURAH ROAD
              Golden Bay Beach

                                                                                                     GOLDEN BAY


                                                                                                      TO MANDURAH

              ‘Walk Precinct’                               GH         Proposed Group Housing Site
              ‘Seaside Precinct’                                       Proposed Coastal Walking Paths
              ‘Reserve Precinct’                                       Land Sales Centre
              Display Village

                                                                                                                                                            OV E R A L L D E V E LO P M E N T P L A N

The information shown on this plan has been prepared with care; however it is subject to change and cannot form part of any offer or contract other than to identify the lot number and location of the block being purchased. Whilst
every reasonable care has been taken in preparing this information, the seller or its representative or agent cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Interested parties must be sure to undertake their own independent
enquiries. Lot information is subject to survey and Titles Office approval. Western Power domes are yet to be designed and are subject to approval.
STAGE PLAN STAGE 4B REEF RELEASE - TAG Property & Building Brokers

Just south of Secret Harbour,                        Top Reasons to Invest
Golden Bay is a master planned
                                                     1. Walking distance to the beach
community offering a sought-after                    2. Numerous schools within a 4km radius of the
coastal location with an enviable                    estate including the new Golden Bay Primary
lifestyle.                                           School in the estate
                                                     3. Established shopping villages are in Golden Bay
With Mandurah to the south, Secret Harbour to        and Secret Harbour
the north and stunning Indian Ocean frontage, the
region’s popular recreational offerings are within
easy reach, while the Perth CBD is less than an      Suburb Statistics
hour away.
                                                     Median House Price:            $397,000
The Department of Housing has appointed Peet         5 Year Capital Growth:         2.6%
Limited as Project Manager to deliver its vision     Median Rent:                   $317
for Golden Bay. With over 115 years’ experience      Vacancy Rate:                  5.2%
bringing vibrant and popular master planned
communities to life, Peet is committed to creating
a high-quality coastal community at a price within   Estate Details
reach of first homebuyers and families alike.
                                                     Total Lots:                    1,760
                                                     Remaining Lots:                1,200
                                                     Start Date:                    2010
                                                     Completion Date:               2023
STAGE PLAN STAGE 4B REEF RELEASE - TAG Property & Building Brokers
Secret Harbour Shopping Centre
                                                     undergoing $54m redevelopment

                                                                                           Comet Bay Primary School

                                                                   Comet Bay College (Y7-12)

                                                          Proposed Shopping Centre

                                                        Golden Bay Primary School

                                                                                      Distance to
       A mix of nature and modern convenience
                                                                                      CBD: 61kms | 43mins
                                                                                      Airport: 50kms | 45mins
Schools                             Shops                                             Beach: 1km | 2mins

• Golden Bay Primary School         • Future retail village in estate
opened within the estate in 2015    • Secret Harbour Shopping
• Comet Bay College lies adjacent   Centre undergoing a $54m
to the estate                       redevelopment
                                                                                      16mins | 11,000 jobs

Recreation                          Transport                                         Rockingham and Kwinana:
                                                                                      18mins | 20,000 jobs
• Walk to the beach                 • Bus services link with Mandurah
• The $1m Golden Bay Park is        and Warnbro Train Stations
                                                                                      Future Nambeelup:
now open
• Eight landscaped parks are                                                          1,048ha site for heavy and light
planned within the estate                                                             industry

                                                                                      Future Baldivis North:
                                                                                      1,026ha site for light industry
STAGE PLAN STAGE 4B REEF RELEASE - TAG Property & Building Brokers
Landscaped parks

                                   Established parks with                 Future redeveloped Secret Harbour Square
                                        sporting facilities

                                                              Key Statistics1
    Unspoilt beachside location                                             Golden     Rockingham       Perth
                                                                             Bay          LGA           Metro

Nestled between established                                   income:
                                                                           $1,604       $1,410        $1,459

communities, Golden Bay estate                                Separate
                                                                            99%            89%          79%
has a well developed sense of
community that, like the lifestyle, is                        Employed:     95%            94%          96%
friendly and relaxed.                                         Owner
                                                                            72%            72%          72%
Clever design features like interactive parks with
play equipment and proposed BBQ facilities,
walking trails and direct access to the beach                 Population Growth2
and foreshore reserve, offer plenty of opportunity                          Golden     Rockingham       Perth
                                                                             Bay          LGA           Metro
to meet with neighbours and friends in the
community.                                                    2016-2021
                                                                            44%            15%          12%
Community events include tree planting days, surf             2011-2016
                                                                            50%            17%          14%
life saving activities, and through the partnerships          growth:
forged by the developer Peet, ongoing initiatives
run by the local football club, playgroup and
surfing club.

                                                                           1. ABS Census         2. Forecast ID
Median House               Capital Growth           Capital Growth
                                          Price1                     (5 Year)                (10 Year)
Golden Bay                              $397,000                       2.6%                    -5.7%
Perth                                   $475,000                       9.6%                    45.0%

                                   Median Weekly                      Vacancy               Properties for
                                       Rent2                           Rate2                    Rent3
Golden Bay                             $317                            5.2%                      23
Perth                                  $432                            4.8%                    10,009

                                                                                 Key Statistics:
                 A combination of new vs old                                     APRIL 2017

House Price                                Rental Market
The suburb of Golden Bay offers a
unique blend of older, double storey
                                           Future infrastructure will increase
                                           the demand for Golden Bay
homes mixed in with contemporary           living as new schools, shops and         MEDIAN HOUSE PRICE
single storey residences.                  community facilities develop in
                                           both the Golden Bay estate and

In 2010, RP Data reports that the          the surrounding suburbs.
median land size of sold homes
was 870sqm. In 2015, the land              A large proportion of the homes
size had reduced 450sqm.                   available for rent in the suburb
                                           are old former holdiay homes.           MEDIAN WEEKLY RENT
In additional to smaller land sizes,       The estate side of Golden Bay
there are more easy to maintain            contains the new homes that will

cottages being sold with less              be tenanted first.
bedrooms and living space.

                                                                                        VACANCY RATE

                                                                                 1. RP Data        3.
                                                                                 2. SQM Research
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