St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4

St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4
A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4

St. Patrick’s Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center!
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4
Al Kader OASIS
               Published Monthly
                                                 From the Potentate
        Al Kader, Shriners International         by 2022 Potentate, I.S. Carl Robinson
           25100 SW Parkway Ave.
         Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600                                                I am glad to see that so many Al Kader
           Phone: (503) 682-4420                                                   Nobles and their Ladies have been
             Fax: (503) 685-5080                                                   coming to so many Shrine events lately.
                                                                                   We have all weathered Covid health
         Subscription Price $8.00 / yr                                             issues for over two years. Now with the
                                                                                   lifting of these restrictions, it is great to
                 Elected Divan                                                     see your smiling faces again!
            Carl Robinson, Potentate
           Martin Klos, Chief Rabban                                                The Potentate’s Saint Patrick’s Day Party
        Martin Bush, Assistant Rabban                                               on March 12 was well attended and a
      Forrest Hatch,High Priest & Prophet
           Bruce Fish, Oriental Guide
                                                                                    lot of fun. First Lady Darlene made sure
            Gillan Bradley, Treasurer                                               everyone got green beads, so all could be
          IS Todd Weedman, Recorder                                                 Irish for the evening. Green shamrocks,
                                                                                    leprechauns, and a myriad of Irish party
               Appointed Divan
                                                                                    and table decorations sent an “Erin go
     Dennis Harris, 1st Ceremonial Master
       Jay Carey, 2nd Ceremonial Master                                             Bragh” (Ireland Forever!) message. The
             Lou Westwick, Director                                                 Potentate did the cooking, and his Lady
            Curtis Hanson, Marshal               did the baking. All were treated to a corned beef and cabbage, salad, and
      Rod Hevland, Captain of the Guard          potatoes dinner with green cake and apple crisps for dessert. Irish music
        Larry Evey, Temple Outer Guard
            Carson Bailey, Chaplain
                                                 played all during the party. Nobles and their Ladies were so full, that no
        Kenton Wolfe, Assistant Chaplain         one danced an Irish jig, even with encouragement!
    Potentate’s Emissaries; Mike Richardson,
     Rod Thompson, Larry Evey, Bill Quier,       The evening following the party, the Oriental Band once again hosted
                  Rodger Hood                    its “Live at the Shrine” event. Couples danced to the music of a live band
                                                 accented by a very talented singer, Marilyn Keller. Whether dancing or
          Support Services Staff                 just enjoying the music, everyone had a great time. We were excited to
Executive Aid / Ladies Aid: Warren & Donna
 Gray; Assistant Executive Aid / Ladies Aid:
                                                 learn that this musical event will once again occur every second Sunday of
  Mel & Velna De Hut; Chief Aids: Frank &        each month. So bring your dancing shoes and strut your stuff. I plan to be
   Phyllis Brewington, John & Barb Wilde         there, and I hope you will too!
    Support Services Staff; Rod & Sheri
Havland, Rich and Janet Ling, John and Judy      The Potentate’s Fireside Chats resumed March 17th (the actual St.
Smith, Al and Sue Harrison, JB & Linda Dick,     Patrick’s Day) and will continue on every third Thursday for each of the
          Dannie & Aggie Adamson
                                                 coming months. This provides an opportunity for Nobles and their Ladies,
             Temple Unit Staff                   who are often far from the Shrine Center, to share their thoughts and ideas
          Blair Hill, Director of Units          with the Potentate, and greet folks they haven’t seen in a while. It’s always
    Kristopher Torrey, Assistant Dir. of Units   fun, and this month we encourage you to wear green, even if no one can
                                                 pinch you if you don’t. Come join the conversation. Lady Darlene and I
       Potentate’s Appointments
            Attorney: Matt Wand
                                                 look forward to seeing and hearing from you.
     Ambassador at Large: IS John Nerski
     Ambassador at Large: Skip Stanaway
                                                 April is going to be a busy month at Al Kader. Our Spring Ceremonial
          Ambassador: Gary Scott                 will be on April 9th. This will be an opportunity for us to welcome all
                                                 new Nobles into Al Kader, those being initiated that day, as well as those
                  Emeritus                       Nobles that have received Cold Sands over the past couple of years. We
             Robert Keller, Treasurer
                                                 will provide a meal and refreshments for everyone. Please come and
            IS Dave Johnson, Editor
                                                 welcome these new Nobles and their Ladies.
    Potentate IS Terry Griffith, Publisher       On April 16th, Al Kader will share the Easter Egg Hunt with the City of
          Patrick Sheehan, Editor                Wilsonville, just as we did before Covid closed the event. Come to the Al
       Art Thompson, Photographer                Kader booth and enjoy watching children eagerly picking up plastic Easter
 Items must be received by the 24th of the       Eggs in the park. Some of the eggs will have a special message for a child
  month to for
            next month’s issue.
                                                 to visit the Al Kader booth with their parents. They will receive a special
     Advertising Rates on Request                prize, and their parents will have the opportunity to find out about our
                                                 Shrine and the hospital. Come and share your enthusiasm. This one is
                                                 going to be fun!

                                                                                                        continued on next page

2          Al Kader Oasis - April 2022
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4
Our Stated Meeting on April 25 is open to
all Nobles and their Ladies. As always, there
                                                  Chaplain’s Message
                                                  by Kenton Wolf, Assistant Chaplain
were be $10.00 fee to defray the cost of the
dinner. Nobles will have a meeting following      In my 49 years as a Shriner, due to job and family
the dinner. Those ladies that wish to stay are    commitments, I have been through some periods
welcome, but there will be a short time when      where I have been more active than others. Being
they would be expected to vacate the room.        active is more fun and rewarding than being
Otherwise, Lady Darlene will have an activity     inactive. Many years ago I was in a motorcycle unit
planned for all ladies wishing to participate.    and participated in parades around the Midwest
                                                  from Tulsa to Toronto and many small towns in
                                                  between. I am now active in the Oriental Band and
  Shriners Fun Facts:                             the Magic Carpet float. This is not only fun but
                                                  promotes the Shrine. It is also rewarding to have
  Shriners International is a fraternity          people emerge from the parade crowd to thank
  based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic        Shriners for helping them or their kids.
  principles of brotherly love, relief and
  truth.                                          We are all busy and have many commitments. I have
                                                  always wondered why those who are most busy
  Shriners International is open to men of        take time to contribute the most. We have members
  integrity from all walks of life.               who are active in Lodge. Not a single Lodge, but
                                                  several lodges, holding offices and helping with
   Today, there are approximately 310,000
                                                  degree work. They might also participate in several
  Shriners belonging to 194 temples
                                                  appendant bodies and also active in several Shrine
  (chapters) in the United States, Canada,
                                                  clubs and units.
  Mexico, the Philippines, Germany, Puerto
  Rico and the Republic of Panama.                Now that we are starting to open up again Al
                                                  Kader has a lot of opportunities for everyone to be
  Shriners International is the fraternity that
                                                  active. We have a good website, calendar and Oasis
  founded and continues to support Shriners
                                                  magazine. Some groups stayed active with weekly
  Hospitals for Children.
                                                  Zoom calls. But now there are more opportunities
  The hospitals provide pediatric specialty       for more personal interactions. Over the years we
  care to children with orthopedic                have also done a better job of including our ladies
  conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and    and families in our activities, so they don’t have to
  cleft lip and palate. All care and services     stay home and can enjoy our activities also. If you
  are provided regardless of the patients’        have interests that we don’t have covered - start a
  ability to pay.                                 new unit or club.
  Mecca Shriners was the fraternity’s first       Someone once told me that you won’t meet anyone
  temple (chapter) founded in New York City       with your hands in your pockets. You also won’t
  in 1872.                                        meet anyone if you never leave home. In my
                                                  experience we have many interesting Shrine/
  The fraternity’s unique theme comes from        Masons of many interests and backgrounds. I
  founders Billy Florence, an actor, and          also enjoy meeting people I would not have met
  Walter Fleming, a physician. They wanted        otherwise. I also cherish the fellowship and
  the fraternity to have a vibrant backdrop.      friendships.
  Florence conceived the near Eastern
  theme after an Arabian party he attended        Our fraternity has so much to offer. But I find I
  in France.                                      get much more out of our organizations than I
                                                  contribute. What could be better than supporting
  The red fez is one of the fraternity’s          the greatest philanthropy of the Shriners Hospital
  most distinctive symbols. It derives its        and having fun? But just as you took some forward
  name from the place where it was first          steps in your early Masonic journey you have to
  manufactured, Fez, Morocco. The fez             show up and put your hand out.
  was chosen as part of the Shriners’ near
  Eastern theme, which is the basis for the       I am glad that we can again shake hands again and
  color and pageantry of the organization’s       meet in person.

                                                                       Al Kader Oasis - April 2022        3
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4
Greeters                                                   While there is a long list of other accomplishments,
                                                           the November 2021 opening of Shriners Medford
by Noble Don Slezak
                                                           Clinic is already a tremendous success. We are truly
We had a very productive meeting with most of our          blessed to have the Medford Clinic as we are now
active members in attendance.                              serving more kids throughout Southern Oregon.
                                                           hospital team.
The next item on our to do list is the Spring
Ceremonial at the Shrine Center on April 9, 2022
starting at 1:00 pm. It should be a good time for
                                                           East/West Shrine All-Star Football
recruiting new members as there will be a lot of new       Game
Nobles there. We need new members and this is a            by Noble Gib Thonstad
great time to get them. The uniform for the day is
the orange shirt. Be prepared to sign up as many           The roster for both teams have been filled and
nobles as you can.                                         notification has been sent out to the players,
                                                           alternates and their parents. They have until May
The next stated meeting is April 25, 2022. Check the       5th to complete their paperwork. However, for those
Oasis for details.                                         who are interested, the rosters are available now.
With the mask requirement behind us it is time to          It is time to start selling ads for the game program.
get out and enjoy get-togethers again.                     Prices remain the same - a whole page is $300, half
                                                           a page is $200, a quarter page is $100, and business
No meetings are scheduled for the near future. I will
                                                           card ads are a bargain at $35. Color is available for
let everyone know when our next meeting is. In the
                                                           whole and half page ads for double the cost of black
meantime stay active and stay safe.
                                                           and white. Booklets for recording your ad sales are
                                                           available and is the preferred documentation for our
                                                           The Board of Directors will be holding the April
                                                           meeting in Sutherlin, OR and is open to any
                                                           interested Shriner. It will be on Saturday April 30th
                                                           starting at 9:30 am in the conference center of the
                                                           Best Western. We also have rooms blocked out for
                                                           those of you who would prefer to arrive on Friday.
by Dereesa Reid, Administrator of Shriners                 You need to make your own reservation by calling
Hospitals for Children - Portland                          (541) 459-1424. Be sure and ask for the Shriners
Early in the year, we prepare our annual hospital
report for the previous year. It is inspiring to see all   The agenda will include a vote on the bylaw revision
the accomplishments of our Portland Hospital Team          adding the eligibility of the Units to serve on the
in serving our patient care, education and research        Board of Directors. Of course the usual business will
mission in 2021.                                           be discussed and reports from the committees will
                                                           be reviewed. There will be time for a Q&A at the end
Portland continues to be an outstanding steward            of the meeting. If anyone has a subject that they feel
of our Shriners endowment serving more kids and            should be considered and you are unable to attend
at a lower cost. What is more fantastic is that our        the meeting, please contact me by phone or email
team continues to produce high reliable, top clinical      and we can talk about it. Phone – (503) 816-1919.
quality and patient satisfaction outcomes. Our recent
national Press Ganey award is proof of our multiple        email –
year track record of top patient satisfaction.
                                                           Continue to support our game and our kids by your
Our international focus continues to grow as we are        donation to: E/W Shrine all-star Football Game.
now caring for more children in need from Mexico           Money is always a way to show your support.
and other areas of Central and South America.
Our medical education continues to grow with our
long time affiliation with the Australian Orthopedic
Association. As the only accredited U.S. training
site, Shriners Children’s Portland will now host
three Australian Orthopedic Residents every six

4      Al Kader Oasis - April 2022
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4

  Dinner Cruise on the Columbia River Gorge

         June 19, 2022 - FATHER’S DAY SPECIAL

           Sternwheeler Boarding Begins at 5:30 pm.
               The Cruise is From 6:00 - 8:00 pm

  Dinner includes options of Chicken, Beef, Fish, or Vegetarian Dishes

                    The Cost Per Voyager is $78.33

     Please Contact the Shrine Center Early to Reserve Your Spot

                         Call (503) 682 - 4420

                                                     Al Kader Oasis - April 2022   5
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4
    April 9th, 2022
    1:00 PM
    Nobles and Candidates meet upstairs in the Sunroom
    (Open bar, Introductions, and questions)

    Ladies meet upstairs in the Louis Midgett Room
    (First Lady Darlene, and other Divan Ladies will discuss what ladies
    can expect. How to Fez, etc/ Ladies will be sharing wine and snacks during
    this time)

    2:00 PM
    Everyone downstairs in Harrington Hall

    2:45 PM
    Ladies excused during the “secret portion”

    3:00 PM
    Ladies return for the ceremony and Fezzing
    Remarks from the Potentate after Fezzing (includes videos)

    3:30 PM
    Ladies of the Oriental Shrine and Daughters of the Nille will share
    Al Kader Clubs and Units will also speak about their groups
    OASIS (cash bar)

    5:00 PM
    Prayer followed by Dinner
    New Nobles and their Ladies eat free
    Existing Members $10

6     Al Kader Oasis - April 2022
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4
St. Patrick’s Day

      Al Kader Oasis - April 2022   7
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4
F I R S T L A DY ’ S 2 0 2 2 A L K A D E R P R O J E C T

                                MEDI TEDDY
           HOW ONE                                                                         EVERY

       SMALL BEAR                                                                   SHRINE CHILD

          CAN MAKE                                                                     DESERVES

            A GREAT                                                                     THE VERY

        DIFFERENCE                                                                   BEST CHANCE

        IN HEALING.                                                                 FOR COMFORT.

        These small bears cover bags of fluids and blood that are used prior to
        surgery and in recovery. The bags can be scary to children, but these
        little bears cover everything. Calm and comfort are essential to healing,
        and Medi Teddys can provide that for our Shrine kids.

        Not only do they comfort children, but they make it easy for nurses to use.
        Since they are plastic, they can also be sterilized for repeated use. There
        is an old saying, “A merry heart doth good like a medicine.” These smiling
        bears help encourage that process.

         Please help us provide Medi Teddys to Shrine children to help promote healing.
         Donations can be made to:      First Lady’s Project
                                        Al Kader Shrine Center
                                        (503 ) 682 - 4420

8   Al Kader Oasis - April 2022
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4

                                          69th Annual
                                  EAST-WEST ALL-STAR SHRINE
                                     FOOTBALL GAME WEEK
                                      HOTEL RESERVATION
                                         August 3rd-7th, 2022
                                            BAKER CITY, OREGON

           Al Kader will be taking all room reservations for the Best Western Sunridge Inn
                                      - Reservation Cut-off is July 8 -

Date of Reservation: ____________

Name _____________________________________________________ Temple _________________________________

Title/Unit/Club ______________________________________________________________________________________

Additional Occupants Name(s) _________________________________________ Cell: ______________________

Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Type of Room:            Handicapped Accessible                   Double Queens             King
                                                                      $144.00              $149.00
                                                                       plus tax             plus tax

 Special Requests/Special Needs or Comments:


 Arrival Date: _______________Departure Date: ________________ Approx. Expected Time of Arrival: __________________

Return this form to:
Al Kader Shrine Center
Attn: East West Hotel Reservations                                                         OFFICE USE ONLY:
25100 SW Parkway Ave
                                                                                        ROOM # ________________
Wilsonville, OR 97070
                                                                                         BUILDING # ____________
Email:                                                       POSTCARD SENT

Office: (503) 682-4420
Fax:    (503) 685-5080

                                                                                  Al Kader Oasis - April 2022         9
St. Patrick's Day Party at the Al Kader Shrine Center! - A Publication of Shrine Masons. April. 2022 - Vol. 122, Issue 4
April Birthdays!
     Donald M Simon          4/1       Christian J Garrett     4/9               Robert F Barrowcliff 4/19
     Elmer S Clinton         4/3       John O Hilderbrand      4/10              Melvin C Ray		           4/19
     Philip E Draper         4/3       Skip F Stanaway         4/10              Edward E Harrison        4/19
     Kenneth A Marlow        4/3       John D Annand II        4/11              David M Hill		           4/19
     Richard T Magers        4/3       Waldon G Kinney         4/12              Fred Wendt		             4/20
     Mark R Mayne		          4/3       Warren A Jackson        4/12              Steve M Dunn		           4/22
     Stephen F Birskovich III 4/3      George B Hueth          4/13              Kenneth P Spence         4/22
     Dale W Claypool         4/4       Kelly G Ross		          4/13              Craig R Thornburgh 4/22
     Dale D Johnson          4/4       Don L Broxson           4/13              Allen M Levy		           4/22
     Brian S McDowell        4/4       Marvin C Hardin         4/13              Ronnie L Smith           4/23
     William R Williams      4/5       Shaun E Weaver          4/13              Jon A Englund		          4/25
     Martin M Klos M.D. 4/5            Gilman B Smith          4/14              John O Coulter           4/25
     Michael W Young         4/5       Samuel G Hearing        4/14              Lane A Maclean           4/25
     Raymond V Breshears Jr. 4/5       Mark R Reed		           4/14              Frank R Brewington       4/26
     Michael S Newgard       4/6       Frederick M Gardner 4/15                  John G Dennis		          4/26
     John J Graf		           4/7       Peter A Padilla		       4/17              Jeff Crowder		           4/26
     Grant I Sharp		         4/7       Timothy M Iseri         4/17              Bryan L Braun		          4/26
     Brian T Black		         4/8       Ralph Smeed		           4/18              Robert J Tupper          4/27
     David R Grover          4/8       Jo G Turner		           4/18              Eugene E Hannan          4/27
     William F Bitar         4/9       Philip S Strother       4/18              Leigh R Bock		           4/28
     Paul A Blackburn        4/9       Richard C Crist         4/18              Thomas D Chappelle 4/28
     Douglas E Carson        4/9       Brett T Hamilton        4/18              Scott M Freeman          4/28

                                                      Nobles Visited by the Black Camel:
                                                      Williams F. Myers        01/16/22
                                                      We do not lose the ones we love, They only go before.
                                                      Where there is everlasting life, Where sorrow is no more.
                                                      And there the soul will always live, And peace is everywhere.
                                                      We do not lose the ones we love, God takes them in his care.

10       Al Kader Oasis - April 2022
Flower Baskets
                                Mothers Day May 8th

Fundraiser for transportation of patients to Shriners Hospitals for Children providing medical care for children
including orthopedic, burns, cleft lip and palate, and spinal injuries – regardless of the family’s ability to pay.

               Order your beautiful flower basket now and they will be ready for Mothers Day.
              Pickup at Al Kader Shrine Center in Wilsonville on May 4, 2022 from 12-4:00 p.m..

                                                       12” Mixed Basket $25
                                                       All baskets will be a mix of flowers in bloom.

                                                        Make checks payable to:
                                                        Al Kader Mayan Tribe

                                                              Baskets @ $25 Each Totals:

      Send orders c/o Ted Balestreri        Address:
      453 NE Holiday Ave.
      Dallas, OR 97338
      (503) 887-5695                        Phone:                   Email:

                                                                                    Al Kader Oasis - April 2022       11
       LONG, NOW IS
        THE TIME TO
        LET US HELP

 Phone: 541-382-8110
                                     You here

12     Al Kader Oasis - April 2022
Al Kader Shrine Center rentals are coming back, and we need a pool of Nobles who are
willing to represent the Shrine by being a rental host.

This means be able to open the doors, turn on the lights, answer some basic questions,
and just keeping a general eye on things.
Hired security and bartenders will be onsite when deemed appropriate.
                                                    Al Kader Shrine                              NON PROFIT
CHANGE of ADDRESS                                 Shriners International                        ORGANIZATION
                      Each Event Pays $140.00 Or More!
Name _____________________________
Old Address ________________________
                                                                                                 U.S. POSTAGE
City ______________State ___ Zip ______                                                         PERMIT NO. 497
   You   only______________________
                need to bring a book,     laptop, or a something
                                                   25100             else to keep you
                                                         SW Parkway Ave                         PORTLAND, OR
NEW   Address
                                                  Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600                      Dated Material
City ______________State ___ Zip ______
                                                                                                   Please Rush
Please add Telephone #Contact
                        (           the Recorder, Todd Weedman
                             ) __________                               (503) 878-5519
       SEND THIS COUPON TO:      
    Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center
        25100 SW Parkway Ave.
      Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600

                                                                 (503) 230-0500
                                                   Your Home Window and Door Specialists
                                                         Locally Owned and operated
                                                               NO Subcontractors
                                    Need New Windows? Call US, your local window guys, estimates are FREE
                              We are locally owned and operated sales & installation specialists. We provide quality
                                vinyl, fiberglass, wood and aluminium products from a variety of manufacturers.
                                      We are now offering Roofing, Siding, Window and Door replacement
                                Take advantage of our FREE in-home consultations and no-obligation, zero-hassle
                               estimates. We accept all major credit cards, and offer financing to qualified buyers.
                                        We use our own staff of experienced installers - no subcontractors.
                                                   14710 SE Lee Avenue, Portland, OR 97267
                                                      (Corner of Oak Grove Blvd and Lee)

                   CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS                       Al Kader Oasis - April 2022                     13
    Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice

            DON’T SETTLE

                 Clackamas Branch | (503) 698-5800
                 Oregon City Branch | (503) 657-1122

     Clackamas Branch | 10365 SE Sunnyside Rd. Suite 330, Clackamas, OR 97015
     Oregon City Branch | 365 Warner Milne Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045
     ©2021 Sunrise Mortgage Group is a division of Finance of America Mortgage LLC | Equal Housing Opportunity | NMLS ID #1071 ( | 1 West Elm Street,
     First Floor, Conshohocken, PA 19428 | (800) 355-5626. For licensing information, go to:

14        Al Kader Oasis - April 2022
Mark Your
                                         August 11, 2022
                                          Al Kader Golf
                                         Tournament ...
                                         ... brought to you
                                         by the Cyclowns

 The Next Chapter Team specializes in life transitions with over 25 years
         Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 2
   experience in assisting clients with honesty, integrity, and market
    knowledge helping you transition with independence & dignity.

                                              consultations on home value
                                              antiques appraisal & cleaning
                                              home staging & repairs
                                              buyer & seller real estate services

                 Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 2
      John & Michelle Fitzgerald with Ralph Jubb
            2236 NE Broadway, Portland, OR 97232
Ralph: 503.475.6017 John: 503.841.2452 Michelle: 503.901.8932
                                                          Al Kader Oasis - April 2022   15
                                                      AL KADER SHRINE - 2022
                                                          Shriners International
                                                  25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, Or
                                                  Office 503-682-4420 Fax 503-685-5080
     To the Illustrious Potentate, Officers and Members of Al Kader Shrine, Oasis of Wilsonville: I am a Master Mason in good standing in _______________ Lodge No. A. F. & A. M. and
     have been since (Date) ______________ Address __________________________________________ City/State __________________________ which is recognized by or in amity with
     the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than six months, as required by the Bylaws of the Imperial Council. I
     respectfully pray that I may be made a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and become a member of Al Kader Shrine. If I be found worthy and my request granted, I promise to conform to the
     Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of The Imperial Council and the Bylaws and ceremonials of your Al Kader Shrine.
     Have you previously applied for admission to any Shrine Center of the order? _____ Name? _________________ When? __________________
     SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________ DATE ________________________

                                                                         CANDIDATE INFORMATION
     PRINT FULL NAME _____________________________________________SPOUSE NAME ______________________
     RESIDENCE __________________________________________________ CITY ___________________ STATE ______
     ZIP _______ HOME PHONE (___) _______________ CELL (___) ______________ BUSINESS (___) ________________
     EMAIL: ______________________________________________
     HAT SIZE _______ PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION _______________________________________
     BIRTHPLACE CITY _______________________ STATE _____ DOB: MONTH _________ DAY ________ YEAR ________
     SPOUSE EMAIL: ________________________________________

                                          Are you Sr DeMolay? ______ Member of Scottish Rite? _____ York Rite ____

               This petition must be signed by two (2) Nobles in good standing in Al Kader Shrine
     Top line signer
     Noble _____________________________ Print Name _________________________ Member # ________________
     Second line signer
     Noble _____________________________ Print Name _________________________ Member # ________________

         Involve yourself! Get active. Join a Shrine Club or Committee. If you are interested in any of the following, please
                                make a mark next to the group you would like to learn more about.

        Al Kader Brew Club ____ Calliope Corps ____ Caravaners (RV Club) ____ Classic Cars ____ Concert Band ____
               Cyclowns ____ Desert Patrol ____ Emerald Patrol ____ Greeters ____ Golf Tournament ____
         Hospital Guide ____ Hospital Support Club ____ Legion of Honor ____ Motor Escort ____ Oriental Band ____
                      Patrol ____ Ritualists _____ Shrine Club in my area _____ Shurtah (police club) ____

        Initiation fees, in full, must accompany Petition. The first year’s dues may be prorated, based on date of initiation.
                                                       Cost of Fez not included

     New Velour Fez $175.00, Fez Case and Accessories $50.00. Some used fezzes available in select sizes for $20
                                       Call the Shrine Office for details 503-682-4420

     2022 Ceremonials will be held                                  Total Fee for Initiation $100.00 – Total Fees for Shrine Year 2022 $140.00
     April 9th and October 1st
     Anyone desiring to schedule additional                         Enclosed is payment in the amount of $ ______________ Check No. _________
     Cold Sands initiations, please contact
     The Recorder or Potentate                                      Please charge my Credit Card No.______________________________________ Exp ________
     For Office Use:
     Recorders Record: Elected _________ Check $ __________ Created _____________ Member No. ________________

16          Al Kader Oasis - April 2022
Calendar of Events
         Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice.

          April                                      May                                       June
       Saturday, April 9                        Saturday, May 7                            Saturday, June 3
   1:00 pm Spring Ceremonial                 Newport Parade - All Units                 OB in the Starlight Parade
      Saturday, April 16                        Saturday, May 14                          Wednesday, June 15
   Wilsonville Easter Egg Hunt            Potentate’s Ball - Military Theme              6:00 pm Executive Board
      Saturday, April 23                       Wednesday, May 18                           Thursday, June 16
         Dalles Parade                           Executive Board                        6:00 pm Unit Head Meeting
       Monday, April 25                         Saturday, May 21                    6:00 pm Potentate’s Zoom Campfire
          5:00 Oasis                         Florence and Scio Parades                      Monday, June 20
         6:00 Dinner                                 Voluntary                         6:00 pm Divan Zoom Meeting
      7:00 Stated Meeting                                                                  Saturday, June 25
                                                                                            Tillamook Parade
                                                                                           Monday, June 27
                                                                                         5:00 pm Stated Meeting

    With you phone in camera mode, hover over the QR code above to go directly to the Al Kader Website!

 Please check with your Unit / Club leadership for meeting updates. All
     events are subject to closure or cancellation by the Potentate.

                                      Notice of Stated Meeting

                                       Monday, April 25, 2022
                                                    5:00 Oasis
                                                   6:00 Dinner
                                 (Pre-Paid Reservations Required- 503-682-4420)
                                             7:00 pm Stated Meeting
                                          Al Kader Shrine Center Wilsonville
                                                Dues Card Required.

                                        by Order of: Potentate IS Carl Robinson
                                          Attest: IS Todd Weedman, Recorder

   For all club/unit meeting dates and times, visit
                                                                                  Al Kader Oasis - April 2022        17
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