Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020

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Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Sproutly Canada Inc.
Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company

Corporate Presentation
October 2020

Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Notice to Reader
Certain information set forth in this presentation contains “forward-looking               Although forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are based upon
information”, including “future oriented financial information” and “financial outlook”,   what management of Sproutly believes are reasonable assumptions, there can be no
under applicable securities laws (collectively referred to herein as forward-looking       assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results
statements). Except for statements of historical fact, information contained herein        and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
constitutes forward-looking statements and includes, but is not limited to future M&A      Sproutly undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if
activity and completion of Sproutly Canada, Inc.’s (“Sproutly”) projects that are          circumstances or management’s estimates or opinions should change except as
currently underway, in development or otherwise under consideration. Forward-              required by applicable securities laws. The reader is cautioned not to place undue
looking statements are provided to allow potential investors the opportunity to            reliance on forward-looking statements. We seek safe harbor.
understand management’s beliefs and opinions in respect of the future so that they
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The material assumptions upon which forward-looking statements in this presentation        be reproduced or distributed to any other person or published, in whole or part, for
are based include, among others, assumptions with respect to: the Company's ability        any purpose whatsoever. This presentation does not constitute a general
to access financing on favorable terms to continue with its expansion plans and            advertisement or general solicitation or an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any
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conditions. The Company makes no representation that reasonable business people in         The information in this presentation is not intended in any way to qualify, modify or
possession of the same information would reach the same conclusions. Although we           supplement any prospectus, listing statement, information circular or other
believe that the assumptions underlying forward-looking statements are reasonable,         information disclosed under the corporate and securities legislation and stock
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should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements or the                 adequacy or accuracy of the information contained in this presentation.
information contained in such statements.
These statements are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should
not be placed on them. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known
and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual performance and
financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future
performance or result expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements,
including the Company's requirement for additional funding to continue its expansion
plans in Canada and the United States; the Company’s failure to obtain and/or maintain
the required regulatory licenses for its businesses; the Company's failure to retain key
personnel and hire additional personnel needed to develop its business; And the
Company's business practice reputation being negatively affected by client or user
complaints or negative publicity.                                                                                                               NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION; NO OFFERING

                                                                                                                                                                Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 2
Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Technology company focused on discovering and commercializing innovative,
                     science-based cannabis and hemp technologies.

Exclusive licensee of Infusion Biosciences patent pending APP Technology in Canada, Europe,
                                  Australia, Israel & Jamaica.

                   Developing a new paradigm in the cannabis industry

                                                                                              Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 3
Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Technology-Enabled Cannabis Products Company

   Truly Whole-Plant                Naturally Water-                 Fully-Licensed                    Cannabis 2.0
      2.0 Products                 Soluble Technology              Production Facility               Product Roll-Out
        _______                         _______                         _______                          _______

  Only technology able to             Exclusive licensee of        16,600 sq.ft. facility with      Asset-light, technology
 deliver truly strain-specific   Infusion’s patent-pending APP       cannabis cultivation,        focused business model for
  effects available without        Technology in key regions      processing, and flower and         increased scalability
           smoking                                                2.0 product sales licenses.
                                 Controllable onset of effects                                   Sales license for Cannabis 2.0
                                                                                                       enabling launch of
  Significant advantage in        within 5 mins and offset of    APP Technology installed and       differentiated products
delivering novel Cannabis 2.0        effects within 90 min        operating commercially at      providing greater margins and
           Products                                                         scale                        unit economics

                                                                                                                 Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 4
Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Developing a New Paradigm in the Cannabis Industry

                                                               Methodology                                            Proprietary APP

Ability to deliver whole plant/strain effects    Unable to deliver strain specific experience         Effectively deliver whole plant/strain effects

Full spectrum of phytochemicals?                Limited to selected cannabinoid & terpene oils     Not limited to selected cannabinoid & terpene oils

Strain-specific effects availability                 Only available by smoking dried bud                       Available without smoking

Ability for accurately controlled dosages                            None                                               Available

Solvent base                                           Artificial chemical formulations                           All-natural solvents

Delivery format                                 Multiple delivery formats in artificial products    Multiple delivery formats in all-natural products

          APP extraction technology provide enhanced end-product benefits as compared to traditional supercritical & other methodologies

                                                                                                                                        Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 5
Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Focused Product Strategy

                Cannabis 1.0                                          Cannabis 2.0                                         Cannabis 2.0

              Flower Product                                       Edible Products                                    Beverage Products
                  _______                                               _______                                              _______
 Leverage current output capacity of licensed         Completed R&D APP runs and derivative product        Formulation and product development complete
 facility, THR to produce high-quality cannabis                     manufacturing
                      flower                                                                                Completed analytical testing development for
                                                               Developing sales launch plan                                   Infuz2O
 Continue to develop sales channels and brand
equity for ultimate launch of derivative products     Sales license for Cannabis 2.0 Products Received          In discussions with co-packing options
                                                                          Oct 2020
                                                                                                           Sales license for Cannabis 2.0 Products Received

   Continued development of                                        Q4 2020                                              Q1 2021
     flower sales channels                                     Commercial Launch                                    Commercial Launch

           Sproutly is executing on a three-pronged approach to providing superior cannabis and derivative products to the Canadian market

                                                                                                                                        Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 6
Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
C$2.7 billion Cannabis 2.0 Market Opportunity in Canada
                    Cannabis 2.0 Expected to Surpass Flower Sales                             Cannabis 2.0 – Increasing Profitability through Value Chain

         Colorado – Historical                            Canada – Projected
            Market Share                                    Market Share

                               45%                                           45%
                                                          71%                        Profit Margin
                                                                                                            76%                   84%                   92%

                               55%                                                                                                                    $12.63
       35%                                                29%                                                                    $6.49
                                                                                       Revenue /
                                                                                    $ of Production        $4.19

       2014                   2018                        2019               2022         Cost

                                                    Concentrates, Edibles,
                     Flower                                                                            Dried Flower          Concentrates             Edibles
                                                    Beverages & Other                                                                               & Beverage

Cannabis derivatives products projected to surpass flower market share and grow to C$2.7bn annually as the Canadian legal market matures. This opens up the
                                              untapped market for higher-margin cannabis derivative products.

    Source: BDS Analytics, RBC, Grizzle, Deloitte                                                                                                  Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 7
Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Large and Growing Canadian Cannabis Market Opportunity

                                                                             Potential Canadian Cannabis Beverage Market:

                                                                                                $1.4 – $3.0 bn
                                                                           “With regard to the potential size of the cannabis market in Canada,
                                                                              if you take an average, then it suggests that this market may be
                                                                           somewhere between $7 billion and $10 billion in market value, with
                                                                                      beverages somewhere between 20% and 30%”

                                                                                       Mark Hunter, President and CEO

Potential Canadian cannabis beverage market estimated at up to $3.0 billion at maturity. This does not account for additional market growth created
                               by naturally water-soluble based cannabis beverages and the recent vaping illnesses.

    Source: Molson-Coors                                                                                                             Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 8
Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Cannabis Strains Deliver a Wide Array of Unique Effects

     Grandaddy Purple                                               Berry White                                                Blue Dream

        Calming                                                     Balanced                                                   Energizing

                        Each strain carries a unique profile that is otherwise lost during traditional extraction methods.
                  APP’s water-soluble and BioNatural Oils retain the characteristics of the mother plant in its natural form

                                                                                                                                       Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 9
Sproutly Canada Inc. Technology-Powered Cannabis Products Company - Corporate Presentation October 2020
Whole Plant Extraction - Only way to Capture Strain Experience
                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓
                                              Starting Biomass Profile         Extracted Infuz2O Content Profile     Extracted BNO Content Profile

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓


                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓
                Vitamin B1

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓
                Vitamin B2

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓
                Vitamin B3

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓
                Vitamin B6

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓

                                                        ✓                                    ✓                                    ✓
                                                                                     ~30% Recovery Rate of               ~60% Recovery Rate of
                                                                                   Water-Soluble Cannabinoids            Oil-Based Cannabinoids

               APP Technology retains the full spectrum of cannabinoids and phytochemicals found in the cannabis starting material
                                                                                                                                    Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 10
Cannabis 2.0 Products: Industry Challenges
                                                                            Prolonged Offset/
  1         Unpredictable and Lengthy Onset                2            Lack of Single Form Dosage           3      Flavour and Formulation Challenges

“We think onset time is going to be one of the critical   “Many in the industry believe that the key to    “Developing cannabis drinks has been a challenge in
factors in the next stage of cannabis-infused             mainstream acceptance of cannabis beverages is   part because when the active ingredients are
beverages “                                               creating a “session-able” beverage”              concentrated it forms an oil, which is tough to mix
                                                                                                           with water into a beverage.”
- New Frontier Data                                       - Bloomberg
                                                                                                           “When you put CBD or THC into a beverage, it has a
                                                                                                           tendency to degrade over time... And so we've
“The problem of onset time is one of the biggest
                                                                                                           figured it out, but we didn't figure it out for THC yet.”
challenges facing makers of cannabis beverages”
                                                                                                           - Jorn Socquet, CEO of Fluent Beverage Company
- Bloomberg
                                                                                                           (Tilray-AB InBev JV)

            Producers of hemp and cannabis beverages are constrained by incumbent approaches that do not meet consumer preferences today

      Source: Bloomberg, CIBC, New Frontier Data                                                                                                Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 11
Infuz2O – Solving the Onset and Offset Challenge
              Infuz2O Characteristics                                                                             Hemp and Cannabis Impact Over Time: Inhaled vs. Ingested

✓    Predictable – less than 5 mins to feel effects, less
     than 90 to wear off

✓    Experience – Superior effects comparable to
     smoking and vaping


                                                                       Desired Effects
     Safe Discrete Consumption – odorless and
     smokeless without adverse effects of

✓    Formulation Versatility – numerous end-user
     applications including ‘functional’ beverages

✓    Precise Dosing – ability to deliver a measurable
     amount of cannabis

✓    Strain Specific – APP Extractions retains the full
     suite of cannabinoids and terpenes in the biomass,                             Highly Desired Quick Onset,

                                                                                                                                                                                    Time in Hours
                                                                                        Quick Offset Profile

    Technology delivers a truly natural water-soluble liquid with fast onset and offset, without the need for formulation techniques such as emulsification or
                                                  encapsulation, that mimic those of inhaled hemp or cannabis
    Source: Aphria Inc, Management Estimates based on 100+ user feedback                                                                                                     Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 12
Infuz2O vs. Status Quo Formulations
     Sproutly                                                       Select Cannabis Beverages in the Canadian Market


Infuz2O’s true water-solubility allows the solution to fully-dissolve in water, creating a clear finished product. ‘Water-compatible’ cannabis beverages
                                          currently in the market show obvious signs of clouding and residue.

                                                                                                                                       Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 13
Premium Cannabis Brand: Caliber
           CALIBER: High Quality Cannabis Products for Connoisseurs                                 Product and Brand Prototype

Caliber is Sproutly’s flagship brand for its premium, high-quality cannabis products.

                                                                                                                                                       1st place
                                                                                                                              4.4 Stars
                                                                                                                                                        – 2018
            Brand leveraged across flower and Cannabis 2.0 Products                                                                                       Cup

 Premium Flower                Edibles             Beverage              Topicals

                   Caliber is positioned as premium, high-quality brand amongst experienced cannabis users known as “connoisseurs”.

                                                                                                                                          Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 14
Diverse Set of Revenue Streams
                                                         Sproutly Brands   Sales Revenue               Flower

     Internal Cannabis                                                                               Beverages

                                                                                  Sales Revenue
                                                                                                  Innovative THC
                                                         Sproutly Brands                             Products
                                                         Partner Brands                             Beverages

                                                                                                  Medicinal Tonics

  Proprietary APP                                                                                      Edibles

                                                                                  Sales Revenue
                                                         Sproutly Brands                          Health/Wellness
                         BioNatural Oil (BNO)

                                                         Partner Brands                                Sprays

    Purchased Cannabis               Wholesale Revenue   Wholesale BNO                            Softgels/Tinctures

                                                                                                  Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 15
Sproutly Capitalization
                                           Cap Table & Balance Sheet Highlights

Cap Table(1)                                                                      Sproutly     % F.D.

Basic Shares Outstanding                                                           267.7        62%

Options(2)                                                                         20.8          5%
Warrants(3)                                                                        15.6          4%
Convertible Debenture Warrants                                                     87.3         20%
Broker Convertible Debenture Units                                                  1.2          0%
Broker Equity Warrant Units                                                         1.6          0%
Infusion Biosciences Loan                                                          31.1          7%
Infusion Biosciences Debenture                                                      8.1          2%
Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding                                                   433.4       100%

 Balance Sheet(2)                                                                            C$ Millions
 Cash                                                                                            0.2

 Other Current Assets                                                                            1.1

 Current Liabilities                                                                             8.5

 Non-current Liabilities                                                                         3.1

        (1)   As at September 28th, 2020
        (2)   As at May 31st, 2020
                                                                                                   Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 16

           Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 17
Why ‘Whole-Plant’ Extraction Matters For Cannabis Oil
                                                    CO2                                   Ethanol                              APP Technology

              Examples                        Distillate/Crude                        Distillate/Crude                              BNO

        Minimally Processed

          No High Pressure

 Uses GRAS Food Grade Ingredients

        No Chemical Solvent

         All Natural Process

   Retains Natural Terpene Profile

      Retains Natural Vitamins

 Retains Natural Cannabinoid Profile

    Retains Beneficial Plant Oils

     Maintains Strain Specificity

            Minimal Heat


        Complete Spectrum

    No Alcohol & Chemicals Used

  Whole Plant/All Natural Products

   Similar Experience to Smoking

    APP is a safer, all-natural process that extracts everything from the plant in its natural form. Nothing is removed, nothing is re-engineered.

                                                                                                                                          Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 18
Proprietary APP Technology
                                                   “Naturally Water Soluble “ - Infusion Biosciences’ Proprietary APP Technology

                 2 Step “Soak and Strain” Method: Patent pending process that uses custom GRAS certified reagents
                formulated for different plant materials (no artificial chemicals, no harsh physical treatments)

                                                           Step 1                                               Step 2
                                                 Soak in proprietary water                    Soak plant material strained from step 1 in
                                              reagents; strain/filter to recover             proprietary natural oil reagents; strain/filter
                                             naturally water-soluble entourage                       to recover free oil entourage

                                                                         “Water Compatible” – In the Market Today

APP yields two truly unique cannabis extract products, including the world’s only naturally water-soluble cannabis liquid without the use of artificial
                                                    chemicals and harsh physical treatments.

                                                                                                                                               Sproutly (CSE:SPR) | 19
For Additional Information
Please Contact
Dr. Arup Sen
Chief Executive Officer


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