SPRING 2021 Personal Enrichment Fitness & Wellness - Northwest Florida State College

Page created by Ryan Schmidt
SPRING 2021 Personal Enrichment Fitness & Wellness - Northwest Florida State College
Personal Enrichment Courses
                                               ARTISTIC CORNER
  Continuing Education

                                                                               SPRING 2021
                                                                                   SCHEDULE OF CLASSES

                                                                                Personal Enrichment
                                                                                  Fitness & Wellness

This semester there will be both in-person classes and virtually using Zoom. Be sure to check your classes to see what
method is used. We are committed to continuing our program of Personal Enrichment and Fitness & Wellness classes.
Especially now, it is so important to maintain activities and relationships with our family and friends. We hope you will
look at and try out some of our new offerings. Student Zoom Guides will be sent to all students attending virtual classes.
For more information, please visit the NWFSC COVID-19/Coronavirus Response plan at https://nwfsc.edu/coronavirus.
Table of Contents
Enrollment Information................. 3                                     Science
Contact Information...................... 3                                      Seminars and Workshop Series.............................10

Personal Enrichment Courses
Artistic Corner                                                               Finance
   Introduction to Watercolors....................................4              Principles of Personal Finance..............................10
   Continuing with Watercolors...................................4            Computers & Beyond
   Watercolor Art Journaling.......................................4            Excel 1 & 2............................................................10
   Mosaics Magic: Stained Glass Mosaics...................5
   Have Fun Drawing...................................................5       Chautauqua Center (DeFuniak Springs)
   Explore Drawing......................................................5       Introduction to Computers...................................11
   Beginning Painting with Acrylics.............................5               Digital Photography..............................................11
   Intermediate Painting with Acrylics.........................5                Writing 101 - Caring and Sharing.........................11
                                                                                Alcohol Ink Painting..............................................11
Hobbies                                                                         Acrylic Painting.....................................................11
  Home Repair A-B-C’s...Easy as 1-2-3......................6
  Beginning Genealogy.............................................6
  Moving On With Family Genealogy.......................6
  MIG Welding (Wire)................................................6         Fitness & Wellness
  Welding for Novices...............................................6
                                                                              Niceville Campus
Food & Entertainment                                                            Yoga......................................................................12
  Lunch - One 20 A Bistro..........................................6            Gentle Yoga..........................................................12
Lunch & Learn                                                                   Adaptive and Accessible Yoga..............................12
  The Art of Hydroponic Gardening..........................7                    Zumba...................................................................12
Language & Writing                                                              Int/Adv Ballroom Dancing.....................................13
  Beginning Conversational Spanish.........................7                  South Walton Center (Zoom)
  Beginning Japanese...............................................7            Zumba Gold..........................................................13
  Writing Your Life Story............................................7          Gentle Yoga..........................................................13
  Creative Writing Workshop.....................................7               Senior Pilates.........................................................13
  An Author is a Writer With a Bar Code...................7
  Mystery Writing.......................................................8
  Art of Discovering Me.............................................8
                                                                              Enrollment Form........................................................14
History & Politics
   African American Culture .......................................8
   Diversity Today........................................................9
   Aviation History and Weapons Development.........9
   The U.S. Ideological Civil War.................................9
   International Smuggling Trends.............................9
   Anne Frank - Diary of a Lifetime.............................9

Northwest Florida State College is committed to equal access/equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment.
For additional information, visit www.nwfsc.edu. Materiales de la Universidad son disponibles en Española llamando a la Oficina de
                                   Admisiones de Northwest Florida State College al 850-678-5111.
2                                                         www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd
General Information
    Continuing Education Non-Credit Enrollment is Open
Enrollment Information                                         In person: Payments are accepted by check only at these
                                                               NWFSC Campuses/Centers - Niceville, Fort Walton
There are 3 ways to enroll in Continuing                       Beach, Crestview, DeFuniak Springs and South Walton.
Education non-credit classes.                                  Parking
• Online registration will be available. Go to www.nwfsc.      All college students must display a parking permit in their
edu/conted. On the Continuing Education page, click on         vehicle when parking in designated parking areas during
the link for registration. Complete the form and submit.       the fall and spring semesters. There is no charge for
Continuing Education will finalize your registration and       parking permits.
send you a copy of the class schedule and payment
information.                                                   • Permits without expiration dates are valid indefinitely.
                                                                 Permits with expiration dates need to be replaced.
• In-Person: Enroll at these Northwest Florida State
College Campus/ Centers – Niceville, Fort Walton Beach,        • To order a permit go to www.nwfsc.edu/parking You
Crestview, DeFuniak Springs and South Walton. Payment            can use your personal email address in the request form.
can be made by cash or check at these locations.
• Mail in registration is also available. Complete the         Raider Cards
enrollment form on page 14. Mail the form and a check to:
                                                               Raider Cards are available at no charge. The benefits
Northwest Florida State College, Continuing Education,
                                                               include: 1 ticket to each NWFSC Symphony performance
100 College Blvd., Niceville FL 32578. After registration is
                                                               and student produced shows, 1 ticket to each basketball,
completed, you will receive a copy of the class schedule
                                                               baseball & softball game, use of the LRC (library). They can
and receipt for payment.
                                                               be obtained at the Niceville and Ft. Walton Beach campuses,
                                                               Crestview and DeFuniak Springs Centers. SUBJECT TO
                                                               CHANGE. Please bring a copy of your schedule & receipt to
Canceled Classes                                               show registration/payment.
We may cancel a course because we did not know you
planned to take it. Sometimes excellent courses with           Campus Maps
outstanding instructors are canceled when too many
people wait until the last minute to enroll. Classes need      Campus maps are available at
a minimum of students enrolled before a class will run.        www.nwfsc.edu/campus-maps.
We have to cancel courses with low enrollment ahead of
time, so sign up at least one week in advance to reserve       College Closure Dates
your seat.
                                                               January 18
A refund is given when the College cancels a course.           April 19-23
Students will be notified in advance. The Northwest Florida    May 31
State College Continuing Education Department reserves
the right to cancel classes based on low enrollment or other   Contact Information
causes. Northwest Florida State College reserves the right
                                                               100 College Blvd. East, Niceville, FL 32578
to add or delete without notice any courses offered, or to
alter the fees or costs, as well as change the location and
time classes meet.                                             Laura Schultze, Coordinator.......................... (850) 729-6085
                                                               Continuing Education
By mail: Checks only, NWFSC Continuing Education, 100
College Blvd., Niceville FL 32578.
Credit Card: Log on to RaiderNet to pay with credit card
(2.75% fee). You will need Student ID number and logon.
Please log on to RaiderNet at www.nwfsc.edu.

                                          LEARN • DEVELOP • ACHIEVE                                                              3
Personal Enrichment Courses
                    ARTISTIC CORNER
NEW - Introduction to Watercolors                              NEW - Watercolor Art Journaling:
Instructor: Hannah Flynn                                               Keeping a Nature Journal
Watercolor: it’s clean, quick, portable and above all, fun!    Instructor: Hannah Flynn
If you’ve always wanted to try watercolors, or have been       Discover the beautiful and fascinating world right outside
frustrated with your previous attempts, then this is the       your doorstep. Using watercolors and ink pens you can
course for you. You’ll learn to select brushes, paper and      create a record of your observations that will help you
colors, mix and apply colors, and achieve a variety of         see your everyday environment with new eyes. Our topics
watercolor effects using everyday objects. Each online         include sketching natural objects, basic watercolor skills,
class session will include an intro to the day’s topic, your   pen and ink drawing, selecting your subjects, composing
instructor’s live demo, and then class time for you to work    pages and adding natural materials to your journal pages.
on your project with the instructor’s support. No pre-         Each online class session will include an intro to the day’s
requisites. Supplies required: List available at www. nwfsc.   topic, your instructor’s live demo, and then class time for
edu/ ContEd.                                                   you to work on your project with the instructor’s support.
January 29 – March 4                                           No pre-requisites. Supplies required: List available at
Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.                                    www. nwfsc.edu/ ContEd.
This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.                January 25 - March 1
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40606                                        Mondays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
                                                               This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
                                                               Fee: $60.00 CRN#:40608
NEW - Continuing With Watercolors
Instructor: Hannah Flynn
Watercolor is an infinitely flexible painting medium.
We’ll try out realistic, abstract and whimsical styles of
painting, while learning to add shading and texture            NEW - Watercolor Art Journaling:
to images. Along the way, we’ll troubleshoot and fix                   Observing People and Pets
common watercolor frustrations. You can experience the         Instructor: Hannah Flynn
joy and endless possibilities of watercolor! Each online       You don’t have to be a skilled artist to paint memorable
class session will include an intro to the day’s topic, your   images of your loved ones. With just a few materials-
instructor’s live demo, and then class time for you to work    watercolors, pencils and ink pens-you can capture the
on your project with the instructor’s support. No pre-         moments and people that matter most to you. We’ll learn
requisites. Supplies required: List available at www.nwfsc.    basic skills for quickly drawing figures and portraits, then
edu/ContEd.                                                    apply watercolors to bring those drawings to life. We’ll
March 11 - April 15                                            apply those same observational skills to pets and domestic
Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:340 p.m.                                   animals. As you fill in the pages of your watercolor journal,
This class is offered virtually through Zoom                   you’ll be creating a unique record of your daily life, one
Fee: $60 CRN#: 40607                                           to treasure and review for years to come. Each online
                                                               class session will include an intro to the day’s topic, your
                                                               instructor’s live demo, and then class time for you to work
                                                               on your project with the instructor’s support.
                                                               No pre-requisites. Supplies required: List available at
                                                               www. nwfsc.edu/ ContEd.
                                                               March 8 - April 12
                                                               Mondays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
                                                               This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
                                                               Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40609

4                                                 Personal Enrichment
Personal Enrichment Courses
                                                    ARTISTIC CORNER
                                                                    Beginning Painting with Acrylics
Mosaics Magic: Stained Glass Mosaics                                Instructor: Patti Overholt
Instructor: Dulcie Scalf                                            Beginning acrylics is designed for the absolute beginner
Learn the basics of stained glass art while creating your own       who wants an enjoyable stress free painting experience.
stained glass mosaic for your home or garden. No copper             You will learn to mix color and use basic design concepts
foiling or soldering required. The art of stained glass mosaics     to create your own original paintings. Supplies required:
is a truly unique way to color your world. You will learn about     List available at www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd.
working with stained glass and leave with a finished project.       January 26 – March 2
Materials for each project will be provided.                        Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
February 3 - March 10                                               Niceville, Bldg. 310 ≠ Room 117
Wednesdays, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.                                        Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40571
Niceville, Bldg. 330 – Room 209
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40568

Have Fun Drawing                                                    Intermediate Painting with Acrylics
Instructor: Patti Overholt                                          Instructor: Patti Overholt
Would you like to be able to look at something and draw it?         Intermediate Acrylics will build on basic painting skills
Would you like to develop your creative side? You can learn to      while introducing new techniques and materials. Explore
draw using activities that are easy to understand. No grades.       the versatility of acrylic paint and build your confidence
No pressure. Let’s explore your artistic side! Supplies required.   while learning to paint what you see. Prerequisite:
List available at www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd.                             Beginning Acrylics or equivalent. Previous experience
January 26 - March 2                                                mixing color required. Supply List available at www. nwfsc.
Tuesdays, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.                                          edu/ContEd.
Niceville, Bldg. 310 – Room 117                                     March 9 – April 13
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40569                                             Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
                                                                    Niceville, Bldg. 310 – Room117
                                                                    Fee: $60.00 CRN#:40572

Explore Drawing
Instructor: Patti Overholt
Explore the drawing style and subject matter that interests
you whether you want to draw landscapes, portraits or still
life. This class will offer one on one instruction. Prerequisite:
Previous Drawing Instruction or experience. Supplies required.
List available at www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd.
March 9 – April 13
Tuesdays, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Niceville, Bldg. 310–Room 117
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40570

                                                    www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd                                                        55
Personal Enrichment Courses
NEW - Home Repair A-B-C’s...Easy As 1-2-3 Removing             New - MIG Welding (Wire)
the Mysteries of Repairs In Your Home                          Instructor: Scottie Smith
Instructor - Rodger Tate                                       MIG welding uses an electric arc to melt a wire electrode
Knowing the basics of some of the most popular home            and fuse it with the base metal. This type of welding is
repairs will empower you and give you a great deal of          relatively easy to learn since there is not much smoke or
confidence to do the work yourself. This experience will       fumes. MIG welding is great for beginners and is perfect
guide you in choosing the correct tools for your projects,     for making projects at home such as bar-b-que grills,
how to fix that squeaky hinge and change the A/C filter.       metal art pieces and repairing metal yard furniture. Safety
And what about the doorbell that no longer works?              equipment is provided. Please wear closed toe, work
Learning how to fix a leaking commode flush valve will         boot style shoes.
not only save you money but you can say “I fixed it            March 20, 27
myself!” Eventually your Rottweiler will find an excuse to     April 3, 10
chew a hole in your wall. By taking this course you will be    Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
introduced to the skills needed to repair that drywall and     Niceville, Bldg. 560
give it a fresh coat of paint. Intrigued with what you may     Fee: $225.00 CRN#: 40567
learn? Join me and unlock your hidden repair potential.
February 16 - March 16
Tuesdays, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.                                     NEW - Welding for Novices
Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117                                 This class is a thorough introduction to welding. This
Fee: $50.00 CRN#: 40635                                        course will teach participants how to weld different
                                                               metal joints in multiple positions. Participants will learn
                                                               “Stick” welding, MIG welding, TIG welding, and metal
NEW - Beginning Genealogy                                      cutting operations. They will learn how to set up welding
Instructor: Beverly Gross                                      equipment and how to be safe in an industrial setting.
Did you know the number one hobby is no longer Stamp           The class will meet for two hours in the evening, once a
Collecting, but Genealogy? Beginning Genealogy will            week, for 15 weeks. All welding gear will be provided.
help you to get a good start. We begin with you and            Participants of this course are required to wear safety
work our way backwards in time to discover your Family         (steel toe) boots.
Genealogy. You will find it is exciting, rewarding and fun     January 12 –April 27
researching your family’s past as it relates to the actions    Tuesdays, 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
of your ancestors as they reacted to the happenings of         (30 minute dinner break at 6:00 p.m.)
their day. You will find it is the best gift you can give to   Fee: $389.00 CRN#: 40629
your present and future descendants!
January 27 – March 3
Wednesdays, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Niceville, Bldg. 330, Room 203
Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40647                                               FOOD &
                                                               NEW - Lunch at One 20 A Bistro
NEW - Moving On With Your Family Genealogy                     Instructor: Chef Dan Pettis
Instructor: Beverly Gross                                      Lunch is back! Come enjoy Modern American Cuisine
You are living in time of COVID-19; this course will be        with Chef Dan. Lunch is included in registration fee. Last
talking about your ancestors who may have lived during         day to register for the class is February 11th.
past epidemics. Besides being a farmer, we will discuss        February 16
some of their past ccupations. American Light Houses           Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
and their history. There will be time for discussion of        One 20 A Bistro
some of your brick walls.                                      120 Partin Drive, Niceville
March 10 - April 14                                            Fee: $30.00, CRN#: 40651
Wednesdays, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Niceville, Bldg. 330, Room 203
Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40648

6                                                 Personal Enrichment
Personal Enrichment Courses
LUNCH & LEARN                                                          LANGUAGE &
NEW - The Art of Hydroponic Gardening                            NEW - Write Your Life Story
Instructor: Chef Layne Eggers                                    Instructor - Carrie Starr
Come and learn about hydroponic gardening used in the            Don’t let the story of what you’ve done, felt, and
Kay Litke Culinary Greenhouse right here on our NWFSC            experienced get lost in the busy pace of life! This is your
Niceville campus. Learn the art of hydroponic gardening,         chance to tell it all or just some of it. Each week we’ll learn
take a tour of the greenhouse and then enjoy a lunch full        techniques for organizing memories and getting your story
of fresh ingredients from the greenhouse itself. Last day to
                                                                 on paper. We’ll share our work together as we explore
register for the class is March 19. Please wear closed toed
shoes for this class.                                            writing methods to find what works for you. Several basic
March 24                                                         writing styles will be addressed including how to write a
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.                                 full autobiography and also complete smaller works such
Niceville, Bldg. 400                                             as family stories, memoirs, and personal experiences.
Fee: $25.00 CRN #: 40655                                         Come away from the class prepared to share your story
                                                                 with family and friends.
                                                                 January 25 - March 1
                                                                 Mondays, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
                                                                 Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117
   LANGUAGE &                                                    Fee: $60, CRN#: 40623

                                                                 Creative Writing Workshop
Beginning Conversational Spanish                                 Instructor: Carrie Starr
Instructor: Olga Guy                                             This exciting workshop is designed to increase your
¡Hola, hablemos! Let’s chat in Spanish! In this course,          confidence and ability as a creative writer. You will engage
we will focus on pronunciation, conversational Spanish           in writing exercises, explore various readings, and learn
skills, useful phrases, and important aspects of Spanish-        how to thoughtfully critique each other’s work. Key
speaking culture. This is a practical, easy, and enjoyable       elements of the craft of creative writing will be discussed,
conversational method that will help you learn Spanish           as well as how to make constructive suggestions about
through continuous interaction. Learn how to carry a             aspects of writing that could be improved upon, all in a
conversation and speak with confidence when interacting          supportive environment. You will finish the course with a
with native speakers. Nos vemos pronto!                          more solid understanding of the entire creative process,
January 27 – March 3                                             from idea development to finished product.
Wednesdays, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.                                     March 8 - April 12
Niceville, Bldg. 310, Rm. 117                                    Mondays, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40573                                          Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117
                                                                 Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40622

Beginning Japanese
Instructor: Hiromi Zeid
KONNICHIWA! Want to learn the Japanese language?
This course introduces easy, basic Japanese, focusing on
conversation, using the English alphabet (Roman letters)
to express Japanese pronunciation. Each class consists
practical, useful expressions for essential occasions such
as greetings, shopping, sightseeing, dining out, or making
Japanese friends as well as introducing Japan’s culture and
traditions. If you plan to travel to Japan or want to interact
with Japanese native speakers, this course is a great first
March 11 - April 15
Thursdays, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Niceville, Bldg.330, Room 204
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40574

                                                www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd                                                          7
Personal Enrichment Courses
                     & WRITING
NEW - An Author is a Writer with a Barcode                     The Art of Discovering Me
Instructor: Laura Duerrwaechter                                Instructor: Tolliny Rankins Th..D.
This course is designed for the writer in you. Laura will      This personal enrichment class goes beyond the pages
share her journey from writer to self-published author.        of a textbook taking you through real life pages in life
The class will introduce helpful steps towards that first      assisting you in discovering more of who you are. By
published work - regardless of genre. Each week will build     applying practical yet useful information along with a
upon the foundation of the previous lesson. The material       positive attitude, you’ll uncover new life in a simplified
will be presented in a fun, easy-going manner,
                                                               way. Whether it’s to awaken purpose, reignite passion,
designed to promote dialog between teacher and
students. Each class will begin with a meditative practice     or bouncing back from a setback, come learn how to
to heighten self-awareness of the writer in you. Please        appreciate the silver linings in your everyday life. Tolliny
bring a laptop, tablet or other writing tools. Laura Kester    Rankins is a Certified Life Coach, Consultant, Author and
Duerrwaechter is a self-published author of several genres.    Adjunct Professor.
Having successfully published books of poetry, collections     January 27 – March 3
of short stories and shorter works of speculative fiction,     Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
she has a fluid understanding of the journey from writer to    Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117
author.                                                        Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40633
February 1 - March 8
Mondays, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117                                       HISTORY
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40630
                                                                     & POLITICS
Mystery Writing                                                NEW - African American Culture
Instructor: Mark Zeid                                          Instructor: Tolliny Rankins, Th.D.
Join mystery-novelist Mark Zeid, a former military police      Examination of events, movements and theories of African
officer and criminal justice instructor, to learn more about   American that treat race, class, and gender as intersecting
writing novels and the publishing industry. Topics include     social constructs. This course will examine African
the types of mysteries and how to develop them, police         Americans lives past and present pertaining to race,
and criminal justice procedures, crime scene forensics.        class, gender inform identity, ideology, and how different
Ways to develop characters, plot lines, and leave clues will   political events have been used to improve social change.
also be covered. Furthermore, the class will discuss tips      Tolliny Rankins is a Certified Life Coach, Consultant, Author
on getting published, finding an agent, and developing         and Adjunct Professor.
a network to improve and market a novel. This is a great       January 27 – March 3
class for anyone wanting to become a professional              Wednesdays , 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
writer, regardless of the genre the person is interested in    Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117
developing.                                                    Fee: $60.00, CRN#: 40657
March 11 - April 15
Thursdays, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Niceville, Bldg. 330, Room 203
Fee: $60.00 CRN#:40575

8                                                Personal Enrichment
Personal Enrichment Courses
                                              HISTORY & POLITICS
Diversity Today                                                   International Smuggling Trends
Instructor: Tolliny Rankins Th..D                                 Instructor: James Dozier
Join us for an enlightening interactive class that will look      The purpose of this course is to educate the average
into race, ethnicity, and the generational differences            citizen on the various techniques used by criminal
affecting American society today. This class will engage          elements to smuggle illegal substances into countries.
in thought provoking discussions about race and                   Learn the diverse, innovative, and creative methods
reconciliation in America, along with the need for the            utilized by criminal elements to smuggle drugs, money,
American people to truly grasp the depth of the past and          and other contraband items into countries. Additional
understand how it affects our current culture. A different        illegal substances pertaining to endangered species, trade
guest speaker will also be part of these exciting weekly          fraud, export-controlled items, arms trafficking, people
classes. Come ready to explore & share. Tolliny Rankins           smuggling, bulk cash smugglings, intellectual property
is a Certified Life Coach, Consultant, Author and Adjunct         rights, anti-terrorism, and other topics. The smuggling
Professor.                                                        trends occur at the various ports of entry (airport, land
 January 28 – March 4                                             border, seaport and international postal facilities). James
Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.                                has 32 years in law enforcement including time with the
Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117                                    U.S. Customs Service (Department of Homeland Security)
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40634                                           in the United States and across the globe.
                                                                  February 2 - March 9
NEW - Aviation History and Weapons Development                    Tuesdays, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Instructor: Tom Johnson                                           Niceville, Bldg. 330, Room 203
Ever since the Wright Brothers successfully flew their            Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40579
Wright Flyer on Kitty Hawk’s sandy beaches in December
1903, the design and development of the airplane
for military use has skyrocketed. Eglin Air Force Base,
located here in the panhandle of Florida, has been the            NEW - Anne Frank - Diary of a Lifetime
U.S., Air Force’s center for non-nuclear aircraft weapon          Instructor: Pam Smith
development since the 1930’s. This course will look at U.S.       In our course, we will examine Anne Frank’s diary as well as
military aircraft development and weapons history.                the diaries of other teenagers who lived and died during
January 29 - March 5                                              the Holocaust. We will also look at the roles that others
Fridays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.                                  played in the lives of our diarists including perpetrators,
Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117                                    collaborators, bystanders, and resistors. Instructor Pam
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40624                                           Smith is a retired social studies and language arts teacher.
                                                                  During her career, Pam had fellowships at both the US
                                                                  Institute of Peace and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
                                                                  in Washington, D.C.
NEW - The Ideological Civil War in the United States
                                                                  February 1 – March1
Instructor: Tom Johnson                                           Mondays, 9:00 - 10:15 a.m.
The United States of America is in another civil war. Not         This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
a civil war with violent hostilities over the issue of slavery,   Fee: $40.00 CRN#: 40626
but an ideological civil war between the principles upon
which the Founding Fathers based our Constitution and
the Progressive Movement. The battle is being played out
in our national politics, in our schools, in the media,and in
our daily lives. So, what is going on? Why is there so much
contention, anger, hatred, and civil discord? Let’s get to
the bottom of it. We will look at the history and principles
upon which our Constitution is based, the history and
principles of the Progressive Movement, and how their
differences are playing out in this civil war of ideologies
March 12 – April 16
Fridays, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Niceville, Bldg. 310, Room 117
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40625
                                                 www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd                                                       9
Personal Enrichment Courses
                  SCIENCE                                     COMPUTERS
Astronomy                                                     & BEYOND
Instructor: Tom Haugh
Have you ever wondered what that ‘star’ is in the            NEW – Microsoft Excel I
evening sky? Join a NASA Solar System Ambassador             Instructor: David Chancellor
in exploring the solar system and beyond. Learn how          In this 6-hour workshop you will use Microsoft Excel to
to navigate the night sky and identify the objects that      be able to crunch numbers quickly and easily using
you see. Discussion will cover the solar system as well      basicNformulas and functions. Students will create
as celestial objects such as constellations, nebulae, star   a personal budget using Excel’s financial features.
clusters and galaxies. We will also cover the language       Students will be able to make their data visually
of Astronomy from appulse to syzygy to zenith. This          impacting, edit, and move and print data, as well as
class combines classroom lecture and, weather                create charts. The computer labs use Windows 7 and
permitting, outside observation.                             Office 10. Please bring a flash drive for use
March 22 - April 12                                          in this class.
Mondays, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.                                    March 3 - 17
Niceville, Observatory, Bldg. 750                            Wednesdays, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40627                                      Niceville, Bldg. 330, Room 209
                                                             Fee: $40.00 CRN #: 40644

SCIENCE                                                      Microsoft Excel II
Science Seminars & Workshop Series
                                                             Instructor: David Chancellor
Looking to learn more about science? Come join us for        In this 6-hour workshop you will use Microsoft Excel
the Science Seminar and Workshop series, hosted by           to learn how to streamline repetitive tasks and display
the NWF State College Mattie M. Kelly Environmental          spreadsheet data in more visually effective ways. It will
Institute. The lectures and workshops are both free          focus on advanced functions, working within multiple
and open to the public. Dates and times for the Spring       worksheets and using Excel’s database features to sort
semester are to be determined, as they are dependent         and filter a collection of information. To ensure your
on speaker availability. For more information, please        success, we recommend that you have experience with
email mkei@nwfsc.edu or call (850) 729-4915.                 creating, editing, formatting, applying simple formulas,
At this time seminars & workshops will be offered in         saving, and printing basic spreadsheets in Microsoft
person or virtually. Subject to change.                      Excel.
                                                             March 31 - April 14
                                                             Wednesdays, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
                                                             Niceville, Bldg. 330, Room 209
FINANCE                                                      Fee: $40.00 CRN #: 40645

Principles of Personal Finance
Instructor: Matt Ritter
This course provides fundamentals of personal finance.
Comprehensive review and instruction in the areas of
Personal Budgeting, Interest Rates & Time Value of Money,
Consumer Borrowing, Saving & Investing, Mortgage
Borrowing, Personal Taxes, Retirement Planning, Estate
Planning and more. Learn the essentials of financial
planning in order to make informed decisions regarding
personal finances long-term financial security.
February 2 -March 9
Tuesdays, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Niceville, Bldg.310, Rm. 117
Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40580

10                                               Personal Enrichment
Personal Enrichment Courses
                            CHAUTAUQUA CENTER (DEFUNIAK SPRINGS)

New - Introduction to Computers                                 NEW - Alcohol Ink Painting
Instructor: Carl Lofstrom                                       Instructor: Rosemary Pendery
This introductory course is for beginners with little or no     This course will be a vibrant painting experience for those
experience using the personal computer. You can expect          who think they cannot paint. No drawing or previous
to learn useful computer skills like the Microsoft Windows      experience is necessary. All materials will be supplied
10 Basics, browsing the internet, using email, shopping         to create a masterpiece without using pencils, pens or
online, editing photos, sharing photo albums, writing           paintbrushes. Instructor, Rosemary Pendery, a local author,
letters, buying and selling on eBay, watching movies,           watercolorist, and alcohol ink painter will show you how
listening to music, social media, popular tips and tricks and   to create a one-of-a- kind 5X7 landscape, a 5X5 abstract
computer security. Please bring a flash drive to class.         mosaic tile and a matchless painting you could enter in a
January 26 – March 2                                            fair or festival or hang over your fireplace to astound your
Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.                               friends and neighbors.
DeFuniak Center, Bldg 500, Room 138                             February 2 – March 9
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40628                                         Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
                                                                DeFuniak Center, Bldg. 500, Room 154
                                                                Fee: $60.00 CRN #: 40631
Digital Photo I: The Fundamentals and Creative
Elements of Digital Photography
Instructor: Jacqueline Ward                                     Acrylic Painting
                                                                Instructor: Marvin Tweedy
Learn the fundamental concepts for making beautiful
photographs. This course is designed for beginning              In this class, you will learn to mix and paint better than
photographers, who enjoy shooting and want more                 you ever thought you could! Local artist Marvin Tweedy
creative freedom with their DSLR camera and want to take        will guide you through the process of mixing paints to
better photographs by knowing your Apertures (f/stops),         achieve the colors and affects you desire. He will also teach
ISOs and Shutter Speeds, Exposure, basic do’s and don’ts        techniques you can use to create depth in two-dimensional
in picture taking, and simple rules of composition. This        surfaces. We will explore the three main brush types and
class is held at the South Walton Center.                       their uses, as well as a variety of painting techniques.
February 5 - March 12                                           These techniques include, but are not limited to, glazes,
Fridays, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.                                       scrubs, pointillism, stippling, and dry brush. Supplies are
DeFuniak Center, Bldg. 500, Room 154                            available locally for less than $30. Supplies required: List
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40610                                         available at www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd.

                                                                January 28 – March 4
                                                                Thursdays, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
NEW – Writing 101: Caring and Sharing                           DeFuniak Center, Bldg. 500, Room 154
Instructor: Rosemary Pendery                                    Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40581
Enjoy a unique experience in writing with Rosemary
Pendery. She will take you on her own writing journey as        March 11 – April 15
she helps you discover your own path and writing. She           Thursdays, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
began writing as a young child and had written her first        DeFuniak Center, Bldg. 500, Room 154
book when she was 23. In 1971, that book became a New           Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40582
York Times “most notable children’s book”, published by
William Morrow, Inc. She has written over 200 published
poems and 150 short stores, included in her 20+ published
books. Today she also writes for newspapers, educational
periodicals, and religious magazines.
February 2 – March 9
Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
DeFuniak Center, Bldg. 500, Room 154
Fee: $60.00 CRN #: 40632

                                               www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd                                                      11
Personal Enrichment Courses
                FITNESS & WELLNESS
Yoga                                                              Meditation
Instructor: Holly Solaas                                          Instructor: Cecil Scalf
Traditional hatha yoga practiced in a relaxed atmosphere.         Meditation is our sanctuary for centering ourselves.
The practice sessions begin with a warming up period,             Meditation is the center among our daily chaos and
then the practice of the asanas, followed by a few minutes        struggles, tuning body, mind, and spirit to that center. With
of relaxation.                                                    as little as 20 minutes a day we can expand our states of
                                                                  consciousness, improve our focus, improve our health,
January 19 – March 9                                              allowing us to be happier, to improve our relationships,
Tuesdays, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.                                        and to create more space in our lives. Our better self
This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.                   comes through meditation.
Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40596                                           January 20 – February 24
                                                                  Wednesdays, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
January 21 – March 11                                             Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
Thursdays, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.                                       Fee: $35.00 CRN#: 40576
This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40597                                           March 3 – April 7
                                                                  Wednesdays, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
                                                                  Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
March 16 – May 11                                                 Fee: $35.00 CRN#: 40577
Tuesdays, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.                   April 14 – May 26
Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40598                                           Wednesdays, 5:00 –6:00 p.m.
                                                                  Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
                                                                  Fee: $35.00 CRN#: 40578
March 18 – May 13
Thursdays, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.                   Adaptive & Accessible Yoga
Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40599                                           Instructor: Jacquie Barbee
                                                                  Yoga is for ALL BODIES! This yoga class is modified for
                                                                  those with physical challenges, chronic illness, seniors,
                                                                  disabilities, or anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable in a
                                                                  regular yoga class. With props including a chair, we will
                                                                  explore how to find the pose that fits your body rather
NEW - Gentle Yoga                                                 than forcing the body into a pose. Students can bring their
Instructor: Jacquie Barbee                                        own mats if desired.
This yoga program is recommended for beginning
exercisers and/or active older adults. The essence of             January 25 – March 1
this yoga class is breathing, feeling, and listening to our       Mondays, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
bodies. We will focus on improving flexibility, joint mobility,   Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
posture, respiratory health, while improving our mind/            Fee: $35.00 CRN#: 40600
body. Emphasis will be on stretching, toning postures and
letting go of judgment or competition towards others and          March 8 – April 12
                                                                  Mondays, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
ourselves. This program is safe, effective and exercise           Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
science-supported. Modifications can be implemented as            Fee: $35.00 CRN#: 40601
needed. Please bring your own yoga mat.

January 27 – March 3
Wednesdays, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.                                     NEW – Zumba
Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314                                    Instructor: Rheann Dove
                                                                  Perfect For Everybody and every body! Each Zumba® class
Fee: $35.00 CRN #: 40602                                          is designed to bring people together to sweat it on.
                                                                  How It Works - We take the “work” out of workout, by
March 10 – April 14                                               mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an
Wednesdays, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.                                     interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the
Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314                                    Latin and World rhythms take over, you’ll see why Zumba®
Fee: $35.00 CRN #: 40603                                          Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. We
                                                                  ditch the workout and we join the Party.

                                                                  January 25 – March 1
                                                                  Mondays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                                  Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
                                                                  Fee: $35.00 CRN#: 40604

12                                               www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd
Personal Enrichment Courses
                                                   & WELLNESS
Zumba (continued)                                              Zumba Gold (continued)

March 8 – April 12                                             March 17 – May 12
Mondays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.                                      Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314                                 This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
Fee: $35.00 CRN#: 40605
                                                               Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40585
April 26 - May 24
Mondays, 5:30 - 6:40 p.m.                                      Gentle Yoga
Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
                                                               Instructor: Barbara Reynolds
Fee: $35.00 CRN#: 40611                                        This yoga program is recommended for beginning
                                                               exercisers and/or active older adults. The essence of
                                                               this yoga class is breathing, feeling, and listening to our
                                                               bodies. We will focus on improving flexibility, joint mobility,
NEW – Intermediate - Advanced Ballroom Dancing                 posture, respiratory health, while improving our mind/
Instructor: Pat Scharmen                                       body. Emphasis will be on stretching, toning postures and
This class is focused on the dancer at the intermediate        letting go of judgment or competition towards others
(Bronze) level, Instruction will address dance figures and     and ourselves. This program is safe, effective and exercise
techniques for the “East Coast Swing”, “Hustle”, “Night        science-supported. Modifications can be implemented as
Club Two Step”, and “Rumba”. Towards the end of the            needed. Please bring your own yoga mat.
course, participants will be invited for a night out to Dine
and Dance at a local restaurant.                               January 20 – March 10
                                                               Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
January 26 – March 4                                           This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
Tuesday/Thursday, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.                             Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40592
Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40583                                        March 17 – May 12
                                                               Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
March 9 – April 15                                             This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
Tuesday/Thursday, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.                             Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40593
Niceville, Bldg. 200, Room 314
Fee: $60.00 CRN#: 40584
                                                               Senior Pilates
                                                               Instructor: Barbara Reynolds
SOUTH WALTON CENTER                                            This class is safe and appropriate for the active older adult
                                                               who wants to improve their strength and flexibility. We will
(Classes via Zoom)                                             focus on mindful breathing to achieve concentration in
                                                               addition, control of our body as an integrated unit. Some
Zumba Gold                                                     of the benefits include preventing bone deterioration,
Instructor: Barbara Reynolds                                   improving posture, and boosting the immune system. In
The Zumba program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and             addition, it reduces stress, fatigue discomfort, restores
easy- to- follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness       natural balance, and improves sleeping and core
program. Our goal is simple: we want you to want to            stabilization.
work out, to love working out, and to want to continue to
work out! The routines feature interval-training sessions,     January 25 – March 15
where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are        Mondays, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat.       This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
Zumba Gold is designed for active older adults or true         Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40594
beginners. It addresses the anatomical, physiological and
psychological needs specific to these populations.             March 22 – May 17
                                                               Mondays, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
                                                               This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
Zumba Gold                                                     Fee: $45.00 CRN#:40595
January 20 – March 10
Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
This class will be offered virtually with Zoom.
Fee: $45.00 CRN#: 40586
Northwest Florida State College
Continuing Education Enrollment Form
Enrollment Information
There are 3 ways to enroll in Continuing Education, non-credit classes.
Online:          Visit www.nwfsc.edu/raidernet (Returning students only!)
In-Person: Enroll in the Students Services area at these NWF State College Campus/Centers –
           Niceville, Fort Walton Beach, Crestview, DeFuniak Springs and South Walton. Fill in the
           form below. Payment can be made by cash or check at these locations.
Mail:            Fill in the form below with required information. Mail the form and a check to: NWF
                 State College, Continuing Education, 100 College Blvd. East, Niceville, FL 32578.
                 SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
*Last Name:___________________ *First Name:____________________ Middle/Maiden:_______________
*Mailing Address:_______________________________________ *Phone Number:_____________________
*City:__________________________________________________ *State:__________ *Zip Code:__________
*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):____________________________________Gender:                                             Male Female
Student I.D. #:______________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                             *Required Fields

         CRN#                          Title                       Date(s)                        Time                          Fee

                 ENROLL IN-PERSON for Continuing Education classes at the following NWF State College campus or centers.
     Northwest Florida State College, Niceville Campus, Raider Central, Student Services Center, 100 College Blvd. East, Niceville, FL 32578
             Fort Walton Beach Campus, Business Office, Bldg. 1, 1170 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
                                 Chautauqua Center, 908 U.S. Highway 90 West, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433
                     Robert L. F. Sikes Education Center, 805 E. James Lee Boulevard (Highway 90), Crestview, FL 32539
                          South Walton Center, 109 Greenway Trail (off Hwy. 331 South), Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
Payment - To pay for a class, payment can be made by cash or check at these NWF State College Campus or Center Business Office locations.
           Payments can be made online with an echeck or credit card. Credit card payments will incur a 2.75% convenience fee.
                      For payment questions, please contact the NWF State College Business Office at 850-729-5385.

                                                                                                                                 State College
Northwest Florida State College Continuing Education
100 College Blvd. E., Niceville, FL 32578 www.nwfsc.edu/ContEd • 850.729.6085
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