Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams

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Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams
& Golf Memorabilia
Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am

                                     Sporting & Golf Memorabilia | 1
Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams
Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams
Sporting & Golf Memorabilia
Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am

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Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams
General Sports
Lots 1 - 40
Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams

                                                                                                     A photograph of the 1st England Eleven
                                                                                                     cricket team 1862
                                                                                                     Featuring the England cricket team prior to
                                                                                                     their departure from Liverpool to Australia on
                                                                                                     I.K. Brunels steam ship the S.S. Great Britain,
                                                                                                     departing on 20th October 1861 and arriving
                                                                                                     in Australia on December 24th. Imprinted
                                                                                                     to mount with ‘The 1st all England eleven
                                                                                                     cricketers photographed previous to their
                                                                                                     departure for the Australian Colonies. Engaged
                                                                                                     by Spiers & Pond 1861 & 1862’. Players names
                                                                                                     Bennett, Mudie, Stephenson(H.H.), Caffyn,
                                                                                                     Griffiths, Hearne, Iddison, Stephenson (F),
                                                                                                     Lawrence, Matlock and Sewell imprinted to
4                                                                                                    mount around photograph and ‘Mr Mallam
                                                                                                     (Agent) Australian Representative for Spiers &
Abbreviations throughout catalogue vg -           2                                                  Pond’ underneath. Framed and glazed.
very good g - good p - poor hf - horizontal       Hanse Cronje/Jonty Rhodes cricket shirts           28.5 x 24cm
fold vf - vertical fold rs - rusty staples tc -   A match worn Hanse Cronje South African            £1,000 - 1,500
team changes hp - hole punched lp - loose         cricket shirt - a green and yellow short sleeved
pages lc - loose cover cd - cover detached        shirt, to front with South African cricket badge
sr - staples removed rm - rust marks pa -         and Wills World Cup logo, to reverse with          Spiers & Pond decided to attract a team of
pen additions pca - pencil additions eb - ex      yellow name ‘CRONJE’. The lot includes a letter    leading cricketers to Australia having noted the
binder Cricket                                    of authenticity stating the shirt was presented    success of the 1859 tour to North America,
                                                  after the Holland v South African match on the     their representative in England Mr Mallam
                                                  5th of March 1996 at Rawalpindi, hand signed       journeyed to Birmingham in September 1861
1                                                                                                    to watch the North v South game at Villa Park.
A cricket bat hand signed by England and          by Dutch player Roland Lefebvre, together
                                                  with a green/yellow Standard Bank South            During the game, Mr Mallam met the cricketers
New Zealand cricket circa 1928/29                                                                    at the nearby Hen and Chicken Hotel to make
A Sykes full size ‘world Record’ bat, hand        African shirt, to the front with South African
                                                  badge and ‘SOUTH AFRICA’, hand signed by           a business proposal of £150 per man plus
signed to the reverse by approximately 28                                                            expenses to tour Australia, 12 players accepted
including Don Bradman, Tom Webster with           Jonty Rhodes, the reverse with yellow name
                                                  ‘RHODES’ and number 8. (2)                         including captain H.H.Stephenson (Surrey).
sketch, Arthur Gillighan, H.D.Swan, Matheson,                                                        They played 12 matches that were not first
Weir, Vivian, James, Kerr and Hunt.               £200 - 300
                                                                                                     class winning 6 and losing 2, with 4 drawn.
£200 - 300                                                                                           The team arrived back in England on 12th May
                                                  3•                                                 1862.
                                                  1907 and 1908 cricket fixture list and
                                                  scorecard                                          The vendor’s grandfather Harold Piper was
                                                  A scorecard from the fixture held at Lords         managing director of Pond and Spiers.
                                                  on May 20th 1907 Middlesex v Somerset
                                                  (A.E.TROTTS benefit), together with a Bank of
                                                  England Sports Club fixture list for the 1908
                                                  season. (2)
                                                  £200 - 300

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Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams


5                                                   8•W
1938 England v Australia hand signed                A collection of Wisdens cricket almanacks       duplicates include;
miniature bat                                       1864 to 2009
A Gradidge ‘Super’ cased bat, hand signed to        Includes 1864 to 1878 softback facsimiles,      1879 hardback Willows reprint
the front by the Australian team Don Bradman,       1879, 1880 and 1881 softbacks, 1882 and         1888 hardback Willows reprint
McCabe, McCormick, Barnes, Badcock,                 1883 hardback Willows reprints, 1884 rebound    1892 to 1906 hardback Willows reprints
Barnett, Brown, Chipperfield, Fingleton,            hardback, 1885 to 1887 hardback Willows         1916 hardback Willows reprint
Fleetwood-Smith, Hassett, O’Reilly, Waite,          reprints, 1888 softback, 1889 hardback, 1890    1917 hardback Willows reprint
White and manager Jeanes, the reverse of            hardback, 1891 hardback, 1988 Willows           1918 hardback Willows reprint
the bat hand signed by the England team             reprint, 1892 softback, 1893 softback, 1894     1919 hardback Willows reprint
Hammond, Hutton, Farnes, Edrich, Paynter,           softback, 1895 hardback rebound with covers,
Compton, Verity, Leyland, Barnett, Leyland,         1896 rebound hardback, 1897 softback,           1950 softback covers soiled
Wright.                                             1898 softback, 1899 softback, 1900 softback,    1951 softback covers soiled
Case height approx. 51.5cm                          1901 - 1909 rebound hardbacks, 1910 - 1915      1952 softback covers soiled
£500 - 700                                          softbacks, 1916 hardback, 1917 - 1920
                                                    softbacks, 1921 softback, 1922 hardback,        1988, 1989 hardbacks
6                                                   1923 softback, 1924 hardback, 1925 hardback,    1976 softback
A Portfolio of Cricket prints                       1926 softback, 1927 - 1929 softbacks, 1930 to   1978 - 80 softbacks
Irving Rosenwater                                   1939 hardbacks, 1940 to 1946 softbacks, 1947
London: Neville Spearman & the Holland              hardback, 1948 hardback, 1949 hardback,         Australian Wisdens;
Press 1962. 31 pages. illustrated wrappers.         1950 - 1952 softbacks, 1953 hardback
Illustrated with 8 full colour, full page plates    1954 - 66 softbacks, 1967 - 71 softbacks        1998 hardback Australian Wisdens
from reproductions by 19th century artists          , 1972 hardback, 1973 - 80 softbacks ,          1999 hardback Australian Wisdens
Thomas Rowlandson, Charles Trodel and               1981 hardback, 1982 softback, 1983, 1984        2000/01 hardback Australian Wisdens
C.W. Radclyffe, each print accompanied with         hardbacks, 1985 softback, 1986 hardback,        2001/02 hardback Australian Wisdens
extensive notes.                                    1987 - 91 softbacks , 1992, 1993 hardback,      2002/03 hardback Australian Wisdens
£80 - 100                                           1994 softback, 1995, 1996 hardback, 1997        2004/05 hardback Australian Wisdens
                                                    softback, 1998 - 2009 hardbacks.                £18,000 - 20,000
‘Alter Ego’ Fred Flintoff/Flintstone
A cartoon style painting entitled ‘Alter Ego’
of a delirious Freddie Flintoff celebrating after
bowling out Freddie Flintstone with his legs
apart using his huge bone as a bat, with Wilma
looking on in disgust in the background. Hand
signed by Freddie Flintoff underneath. Framed
and glazed. The lot includes a C.O.A. from
Beckett Studios.
£500 - 600

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Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams



9                                                    12                                                 14
1954/55 M.C.C. cricket cap awarded to Len            1938 Lord Lonsdale Featherweight                   A pair of boxing trunks and a Paddy
Hutton                                               Championship Trophy presented to Spider            Monaghan limited edition print, both hand
A blue cloth 8 panel cap embroidered with            Kelly                                              signed by Muhammad Ali
badge to front. This cap was awarded to Len          A silver 2 handled trophy on ebonised plinth,      White Everlast boxing shorts with black trim,
Hutton for the tour to Australia in 1954/55.         engraved to the front ‘LORD LONSDALE               hand signed by Muhammad Ali in black
The cap was donated by Hutton to his boyhood         TROPHY PRESENTED BY BRITISH BOXING                 marker to the right leg, includes a colour
club Pudsey St Lawrence in 1976 and sold at          BOARD OF CONTROL’ above figures of two             photograph dated 12-4-98 NYC with hologram
an auction to raise funds for the club. The lot      boxers fighting in the ring, to the other side     identification to shorts and photograph,
includes a letter of authenticity hand signed by     with ‘FEATHERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF                together with a colour print by the boxer Paddy
Len Hutton.                                          THE BRITISH EMPIRE 15 rounds - 3 minutes           Monaghan, limited edition number 393 of 850,
£1,000 - 1,500                                       each round PENNY CAPLAN (LONDON) v                 hand signed by Muhammad Ali and Paddy
                                                     SPIDER KELLY (Londonderry) AT KINGS HALL           Monaghan, includes a picture of Muhammad
                                                     BELFAST 23rd November 1938. PROMOTER:              Ali signing the item and C.O.A. (5)
Len Hutton was recognised as one of the              JOHN SHOLDS (BELFAST) REFEREE: JACK
greatest batsmen to grace the game. The first                                                           £800 - 1,000
                                                     DARE (LIVERPOOL) Won by SPIDER KELLY (ON
professional to Captain England, he led the          POINTS). Hallmarked, silver.
side to the historic 1953 Ashes series win,          Height approx. 32.5 cm                             15
following that with victory in this tour of winter   £2,000 - 3,000                                     “An Evening at The National Sports Club”
1954/55.                                                                                                William Howard Robinson
                                                     Illustrated on page 3                              Depicting “Peerless Jim” Driscoll and Jim
10                                                                                                      Bowker in the ring before Round 1 for the
A collection of cricket signatures including         Jim Spider Kelly born in Derry 1912, fought in     British Featherweight Championship in 1907,
Jack Hobbs                                           168 boxing fights from 1928 to 1948, winning       framed and glazed (Size approx. 88 x 56cm)
9 dinner menu cards mainly York & District           120 (Knock outs 26), losing 35 (Knock outs 14)     £200 - 300
Cricket League from the 1970’s to 1990 hand          and drawing 12 of the contests. The contest
signed by various cricketers, together with          came about after Johnny McGrory forfeited          Driscoll won the fight with KO in the 17th
signature of Jack Hobbs on individual paper.         the titles for failing to make weight. Jim Kelly   round and went on to fight against World
£150 - 200                                           passed the trophy into private ownership in        Feather Weight Champion Abe Attwell USA
                                                     the early 1950’s after his retirement and it has   in New York. He held the British Feather
                                                     remained in their possesion for over 60 years      weight title from 1906 – 1913 and also
Boxing                                               up to the present day.                             won the European Crown. William Howard
                                                                                                        Robinson was a noted representative artist and
11                                                   13                                                 portrait painter of the early twentieth century
Heavyweight Champions of the World                   Muhammad Ali ‘Empty that Glove’ Warner             becoming well known for his sketches and
hand signed boxing glove including                   Bros print and Joe Frazier hand signed             portraits of figures in the sporting world. The
Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier                         fight picture                                      original painting took Robinson four years to
An Everlast red right hand boxing glove, hand        A comical colour celluloid print of Muhammad       complete and contained details of 329 sporting
signed neatly in black marker by Muhammad            Ali in the ring with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and    celebrities.
Ali, Joe Frazier, Larry Holmes, Ken Norton,          Yosemite Sam, hand signed by Muhammad Ali
Riddick Bowe, Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield,         (Size approx. 53.5 x 43.5cm), the lot includes
Lennox Lewis and George Foreman. Framed              3 C.O.A’s, one hand signed by Muhammad Ali,
and glazed. The lot includes a C.O.A.                together with a colour picture of Muhammad
Size approx. 59 x 45cm                               Ali being knocked down by Joe Frazier, hand
                                                     signed by Joe Frazier (size approx. 51 x 40.5cm)
£500 - 700
                                                     complete with C.O.A. (5)
                                                     £800 - 1,000

6 | Bonhams
Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams
A Ken Norton hand signed montage
A colour picture of Ken Norton hand signed
by him, together with a Johnny Owen statue
appeal ticket inset underneath. Framed and
Size approx. 40 x 32.5cm

A limited edition Muhammad Ali hand
signed print
A satirical print featuring a sleeping Harry
Carpenter with teddy bear dreaming of
knocking out Muhammad Ali in the ring, with
caption of Muhammad Ali thinking ‘In your
dreams Harry’, hand signed by Muhammad Ali                22                                                  22
and the artist Geoff Wood. The lot includes a
certificate of authenticity detailing the date of
signature as August 12th 2010 in the Wilshire
Regent Hotel in Beverley Hills, on behalf of
Parkinsons disease research.                        20                                                  22
Size approx. 42 x 29.5cm                            A limited edition Muhammad Ali hand                 1873 Marquis of Queensbury Heavy Weight
£100 - 200                                          signed print                                        Boxing Champions medal awarded to
                                                    A satirical print featuring a sleeping Harry        Frederick Brunning-Maddison
                                                    Carpenter with teddy bear dreaming of               A circular medal. to the obverse AMATEUR
18                                                  knocking out Muhammad Ali in the ring, with         ATHLETIC CLUB and central Greek design,
A pair of boxing gloves worn by Max Baer            caption of Muhammad Ali thinking ‘In your           the reverse engraved ‘April 3rd 1873
1937 v Tommy Farr                                   dreams Harry’. Hand signed by Muhammad Ali          CHAMPION BOXING HEAVY WEIGHTS
A pair of Donmall Spalding boxing gloves with       and the artist Geoff Wood. The lot includes a       WON BY F.B.MADDISON’, floral surround,
hand writing inside one glove (illegible...Max      certificate of authenticity detailing the date of   includes original presentation case imprinted
Baer....1937). These gloves are believed to have    signature as August 12th 2010 in the Wilshire       with gold gilt lettering of Hancocks & Co.
been worn by Max Baer in the fight held on          Regent Hotel in Beverley Hills, on behalf of        Jewellers of Bond Street. This medal was
the 15th of April 1937 at the Harringay Arena,      Parkinsons disease research.                        awarded to Frederick Maddison for winning
Baer losing the contest on points.                  Size approx. 42 x 29.5cm                            the heavyweight division of the marquis of
£100 - 200                                          £100 - 200                                          Queensburys Challenge cup in 1873.
                                                                                                        Approx. diam. 51mm
Please note these gloves were consigned along       21                                                  £600 - 800
with lot 234, the former property of boxing         Boxing News Achievement Belt awarded to
ring announcer Pat Regan.                           Ronnie Clayton                                      In 1866 John Graham Chambers of Eton
Max Baer (1909 - 1959) was a heavyweight            Comprising five graduated medallions linked         and Trinity College Cambridge, founded the
boxer from Livermore, California, and became        by silver chain in red, white and blue leather      Amateur Athletic Club at Walham Green. The
known as the Livermore Larupper.                    waistband, the centre silver medallion with a       Club held regular sporting fixtures, from 1867
                                                    pair of boxers in action and inscribed ‘Awarded     including boxing. Chambers wrote updated
19                                                  by Boxing News’ flanked by two silver               rules for boxing, that included regulations for
A limited edition Muhammad Ali hand                 medallions with laurel leaf borders, the right      competitors to wear protective gloves, fighting
signed print                                        hand medallion engraved ‘Ronnie Clayton,            over three timed rounds.
A satirical print featuring a sleeping Harry        Blackpool, British Empire and Featherweight
Carpenter with teddy bear dreaming of               Champion’ and the left hand medallion               Chambers enlisted John Sholto Douglas, the
knocking out Muhammad Ali in the ring, with         engraved ‘Presented to Ronnie Clayton voted         8th Marquis of Queensbury to provide cups
caption of Muhammad Ali thinking ‘In your           the boxer who has done the most for British         for winners of boxing matches, naming his
dreams Harry’. Hand signed by Muhammad              Boxing during 1949 in a nationwide poll by          rules with Queensbury’s prestigious title.
Ali and the artist Geoff Wood. The lot includes     Boxing News magazine’. Each piece hallmarked        Queensbury Cup competitions continued until
a C.O.A. detailing the date of signature as         and the belt complete with the original velvet      1885, eventually replaced with a championship
August 12th 2010 in the Wilshire Regent Hotel       lined leather case.                                 organised by the Amateur Boxing Association.
in Beverley Hills.                                  £500 - 600
Size approx. 42 x 29.5cm                                                                                Born in 1849, Maddison was a prolific
£100 - 200                                                                                              sportsman, rowing for Oxford University, he
                                                                                                        played at Wimbledon and also in the British
                                                                                                        Golf Open. He played for Scotland in the
                                                                                                        first unofficial international under the name
                                                                                                        F.Maclean and for England in the first official
                                                                                                        international on 30th November 1972. He
                                                                                                        won 2 F.A. Cup winners medals with Oxford
                                                                                                        University in 1874 and Wanderers in 1876. On
                                                                                                        retirement he became a solicitor.

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Sporting & Golf Memorabilia - Wednesday 20 February 2013 at 11am Chester - Bonhams


23                                                  24                                                Olympics and Athletics
The silver-gilt Heavyweight Lonsdale Belt           The silver-gilt Heavyweight Lonsdale Belt
won by Henry Cooper, 1965, 1967 (twice)             won by Henry Cooper, 1962, 1963 and 1964
Mappin & Webb, Sheffield, 1964, the                 Mappin & Webb, 1961, the central oval
                                                                                                      A collection of Munich 1972 Olympic
central oval enamel portrait of Lord Lonsdale       enamel portrait of Lord Lonsdale surmounted
surmounted by lion passant engraved on              by lion passant engraved on the mount Lord
                                                                                                      A collection of 15 offset lithographic posters
the mount Lord Lonsdale Challenge Belt              Lonsdale Challenge Belt British Boxing Board
                                                                                                      produced for the 1972 Olympic Games by Hans
British Boxing Board of Control First President     of Control First President (1929) Heavyweight
                                                                                                      Hurting, Fritz Winter, Jan Lenica, Hiorst Antes,
(1929) Heavyweight Championship of Great            Championship of Great Britain and on the
                                                                                                      Peiro Dorazio, Pierre Soulages, Oskar Kokoshks,
Britain and on the reverse ‘This belt is the sole   reverse ‘This belt is the sole property of
                                                                                                      Eduardo Chillida, Marino Marini, Shusaka
property of Henry Cooper who has won the            Henry Cooper who has won the heavyweight
                                                                                                      Arakawa, Allen Jones, Serge Poliakoff, Vasarley.
heavyweight championship of Great Britain           championship of Great Britain three times’,
                                                                                                      The lot includes a poster depicting stadium
three times’, flanked by hinged strap work          flanked by hinged strap work and four oval
                                                                                                      and tower in blue, white and green, printed by
and four oval medallions cast with emblems          medallions cast with emblems of England,
                                                                                                      Mandruck Munchen.
of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and         Scotland, Wales and Ireland and two enamel
                                                                                                      £600 - 800
two enamel plaques of boxers in action, three       plaques of boxers in action, three plaques
plaques engraved with championship fight            engraved with championship fight details
details St. Andrews, Birmingham 17th June           Ice Rink, Nottingham, 2nd April 1962, Henry
1965, Henry Cooper v Johnny Prescott won by         Cooper v Joe Erskin won by Henry Cooper (in       26
Henry Cooper (in 10 rounds); Molineux Football      9 rounds); Empire Pool, Wembley 26th March        A GB team 2004 Olympics tracksuit top
Ground, Wolverhampton 13th June 1967,               1963, Henry Cooper v Dick Richardson won          hand signed by Matthew Pinsent
Henry Cooper v Jack Bodell won by Henry             by Henry Cooper (in 5 rounds); Belle Vue,         An Adidas long sleeved red, white and blue
Cooper (In 2 rounds); Empire Pool Wembley           Manchester 24th February 1964, Henry Cooper       official Great Britain team top embroidered
7th November 1967 Henry Cooper v Billy              v Brian London won by Henry Cooper 9in 15         with Olympic logo to front and ‘ATHENS
Walker won by Henry Cooper (in 6 rounds),           rounds), complete with red, white and blue        2004’, hand signed by Matthew Pinsent with
complete with red, white and blue ribbon            ribbon backing and in original velvet lined and   additional message ‘4 times World Champion
backing and in original velvet lined and leather    leather mounted Mappin & Webb case, the           1992, 1996, 2000 + 2004’.
mounted Mappin & Webb case, the belt 37in           belt 37in (94cm) long.                            £500 - 600
(94cm) long.                                        £10,000 - 15,000
£10,000 - 15,000                                                                                      27 •
                                                    Provenance                                        1932, 1936 Olympic Reports
Provenance                                                                                            1932 Los Angeles Summer Olympics, text in
                                                    Sir Henry Cooper                                  German, illustrated, Hamburg, Reetsma; 1936
Sir Henry Cooper                                    Sotheby’s London, lot 63, 12th July 1993          Berlin Summer and Winter Olympics reports,
Sotheby’s London, lot 64, 12th July 1993            Private British Collection                        2 vol., text in German, illustrations pasted
Private British Collection                                                                            to page 150, Cigaretten Bildersienst Altona-
                                                                                                      Bahrenfelt; all in dust jackets (3)

8 | Bonhams
Usain Bolt: A pair of framed autographed
running spikes
Inset to frame with picture of his World Record
100m time below, with biographical details
alongside, together with C.O.A., framed and
Size approx. 66 x 61cm,
£600 - 800

Usain Bolt, born 1986 is the first man to hold
both the 100 metres and 200 metres world
records. Along with his teammates, he also
set the world record in the 4x100 metres
relay. He is the reigning Olympic champion in
these three events, the first man ever to win
6 Olympic gold medals in sprinting, and a
five-time World champion. He was the first to
achieve a “double double” by winning 100m
and 200m titles at consecutive Olympics (2008
and 2012), and topped this through the first
“double triple” (including 4x100m relays). His
2009 personal best for the 100m of 9.58 is the
current world record.

The first 1948 Olympic torch carried on
British soil
Cast alloy crown, with pierced Olympic rings
and embossed “XlVth Olympiad 1948 Olympia
to London with thanks to the Bearer”, the
bearers name engraved to crown ‘S.H.DOBLE’,
set on a solid turned alloy shaft and complete
with burner retaining shaft, with additional
protective metal cover with a tissue flame to
the top. This torch was the first carried on
British soil at Dover by bearer S.Doble. The
lot includes a letter dated 7th July from the
1948 Olympic Organising Committee inviting
the bearer to take part and a collection of
newspaper clippings featuring the story.
Approx. 410mm high.
£4,000 - 6,000

Butcher Sid Doble carried the Olympic torch                                               29
on the first leg of its journey from Greece for   30*
the 1948 games in London - one of more than       1948 Olympic Games torch
1500 runners who relayed the flame on its         Cast alloy crown, with pierced Olympic rings
2100 mile passage. The Torch was brought to       and embossed “XlVth Olympiad 1948 Olympia
Dover by the Destroyer Bicester, then carried     to London with thanks to the Bearer”, set
ashore by Chief Petty Officer Herbert Barnes      on a solid turned alloy shaft and complete
and handed to Sid on the seafront before          with burner retaining shaft, with additional
starting its journey to London.                   protective metal cover with a tissue flame to
                                                  the top. This torch was presented to a Mexican
                                                  athlete competing at the games.
                                                  Approx. 410mm high.
                                                  £2,000 - 3,000

                                                  Mexico 1968 Olympic Games flag
                                                  A white cloth flag used at a venue during the
                                                  1968 Mexico Olympics, with logo imprinted in
                                                  purple to the obverse.
                                                  Size approx. 2205 x 1107cm.


                                                                                                        Sporting & Golf Memorabilia | 9

32                                                                                                     35

                                                    37                                                 33
Other Sports

32 Y                                               35 •                                                38
A complete set of Ivory snooker balls              1907 New Zealand rugby league tour                  Sir Chris Hoy Team Sky issued cycling suit,
A rare set of 22 snooker balls carved from Ivory   programme                                           hand signed
in the early 20th century, consisting of the       Official souvenir of the 1907--08 tour, colour      An Adidas white long sleeved cycle suit,
standard ball set of 15 reds, a yellow, a green,   front cover, includes portraits of each squad       emblazoned with sponsors logo’s and blue,
a brown, a blue, a pink and a black together       member with details and a fixture list of the       red, black, yellow, green stripes, hand signed
with a white cue ball.                             tour with complete results up to the game v         ‘Best Wishes Chris Hoy WC x 10’, inset to
£1,500 - 1,800                                     Wigan on November 9th. [rs otherwise g].            frame with colour picture of Sir Chris Hoy and
                                                   £200 - 300                                          plaque imprinted ‘SIR CHRIS HOY 10 TIMES
                                                                                                       WORLD TRACK CYCLING CHAMPION’. This
                                                   36                                                  suit was presented to Chris Hoy after his tenth
Ronnie and Reggie Krays pool cues
                                                   Bristol Rugby Club caps 1910-11 and 1911-           World title and was originally sold to raise
These cues were the Krays personal pool cues
                                                   12                                                  funds for the Braveheart charity. Framed and
used in the prisons they were incarcerated in -
                                                   2 blue velvet 6 panel caps with silver tassel and   glazed.
Ronnies cue a Riley ‘Paul Hunter’ cue in black
                                                   trim, letters ‘BFC’ and club crest to front, to     Size approx. 79 x 64cm
leather storage case, H.M Prison label with
                                                   peak with dates on one cap of 1910-11 and           £600 - 800
name ‘R.Kray’, no. 327416 and H.M.Prison
Wayland Griston Norfolk affixed to the case,       the other 1911-12.
                                                   £500 - 600                                          Hoy is an eleven-time world champion, six-time
and Reggie’s Cannon cue with label affixed
                                                                                                       Olympic champion and a winner of a total of
                                                                                                       seven Olympic Games medals, six gold and one
LONDON.                                            37 •                                                silver. Hoy is the most successful Olympic cyclist
£600 - 800                                         A collection of 1920’s to 1950’s various            of all time.
                                                   racecourse racecards
Reggie was eventually released in 2000 aged        Including approximately 162 Chester, 28             39 W
66 because of his deteriorating health, and        Haydock, 8 Manchester Races, 17 Aintree,            Four early 19th century granite curling
died shortly afterwards. Ronnie Kray died in       8 Bangor-on-Dee, 6 Wolverhampton, 5                 stones
prison in 1995 aged 61.                            Birmingham, 7 Doncaster, 5 Ludlow, 5                Each with chrome ebonised handles.
                                                   Tarporley, 12 Waterloo Cup coursing, 2 Wirral       £400 - 600
                                                   Hunt, 1 Shropshire Hunt, 1 Woore, 1 Uttoxeter,
34 W
                                                   and 1 York - approximately 277 in total             40
E J Riley & Co snooker scoreboard
                                                   [generally g]. The lot includes a 1909 ‘Horses in   A collection of various sporting
An oak scoreboard, with rollers, brass sliders
                                                   Training’ book.                                     memorabilia
and mirror centre panel.
                                                   £500 - 600                                          Including Badminton Magazine of Sports and
size approx. 96 x 70cm
£600 - 800                                                                                             Pastimes 2 editions Jan to June 1901 and
                                                                                                       1903, a cricket bat from the Torquay Cricket
                                                                                                       Festival in 1957 hand signed to the front by
                                                                                                       24, a montage of ice skater Cecilia Colledge,
                                                                                                       5 early tennis raquets, an Edward Hide hand
                                                                                                       signed picture. (9)
10 | Bonhams
Lots 41 - 71
Golf Clubs

41                                                 46 •                                              52
Two golf bags containing a selection of            Book: Mills golf clubs                            A small collection of golfing memorabilia
wooden shafted golf clubs various makes            A Standard Golf ‘Mills’ Golf Club catalogue       To include a good example of a Royal Bradwell
and conditions                                     circa 1914                                        golf mug, a framed golfing set of The Seven
A collection of 20+ wooden shafted golf clubs      Fifteenth edition, 30 pages within grey covers,   Ages of Man, a Ben Hogan print together with
To include three top strip style woods, 7 other    lacking staples, else good condition without      set of 50 framed and glazed reproduction
wooden clubs, all in poor condition, various       tears or graffiti.                                Copes Golfers cigarette cards.
makers and cleek marks, some restoration           7¼ x 5 inches
potential, contained in two golf bags.                                                               53
£100 - 200                                         47 •                                              After J Michael Brown: Match at
                                                   Book: Carnoustie Links                            Duddingston 26 March 1898
42                                                 Hackney, Stewart: Carnoustie Links: Courses       Featuring a match between F.G. Tait and
A collection of 30+ wooden shafted golf            and Players 1989, published by Ravensbay          L.M Balfour-Melville versus B. Sayers and W.
clubs                                              Publications Dundee, 120 pages, illustrated by    Auchterlonie. Clean image with a mount and
To include 10 wooden clubs, all in poor            black and white drawings and photographs,         old glazed frame.
condition, various makers and cleek marks,         soft covers.                                      9¼ x 15 inches
good restoration potential, contained in two
golf bags.                                         48 •                                              Medals/trophies and works of art
                                                   Walter Hagen: The Walter Hagen Story
43                                                 1956, Simon & Schuster, New York, dedicated
G. Brand (1849-1922): A long nose scared           in blue pen on front end paper, ‘To my good
                                                                                                     A Kirkcaldy Artisan Golf Club President’s
neck putter circa 1890s                            friend “Dick” Clarkson Golfingly Walter
                                                                                                     silver medal
Dark stain, crown stamped ‘G Brand’, lead          Hagen’.
                                                                                                     within an ornate white metal surround,
back weight, small areas of damage to ram’s        £200 - 300
                                                                                                     hallmarked Glasgow 1902, ‘Presented by A.
horn insert to leading edge, ‘G Brand stamped
                                                                                                     McPherson President 1906 Won by R. Levack’
shaft complete with worn wrap round leather        49                                                and on its obverse a list of winners between
grip over under-listing.                           Henderson & Stirk: Shortspoon Major F.            1907 and 1925.
37½ inches; 4¼ 5 x 2 x 1 inches                    P. Hopkins 1830-1913 Golfing Artist and           Diameter 2¼ inches
33 inches                                          Journalist                                        £200 - 300
£350 - 500                                         Crawley England, 1984, limited edition of 750,
                                                   71 pp, illustrated, pictorial cloth, slip case,
                                                                                                     Kirkcaldy Golf Course in Fife was designed by
Balls                                              signed by both authors. (6)
                                                                                                     Tom Morris in 1904
                                                   Provenance: The Ian Henderson Collection

44                                                                                                   55
Golf balls and display items                       Autographs, ephemera, ceramics,                   A silver plate golfing trophy of a Lady
A fine Leyland Rhythm golf ball counter display    prints                                            golfer with golf club circa 1930s
circa 1930s, good strong colours and complete.                                                       Considered to have been modelled on Glenna
A small collection of empty golf ball boxes. To                                                      Collett-Vare, complete with a silver plaque
include a good North British Pin-Hi 6 box; St                                                        on its plinth dated 1938 for a Ladies Open
                                                   A magazine image of Cecil Leitch with
Regis 12 box A three box of Penfold Patented                                                         competition at Reading Golf Club.
                                                   Joyce Wethered
dimple golf balls circa 1950s, all wrapped and                                                       £100 - 200
                                                   Signed in fountain pen by Miss Leitch and
in fine condition.
                                                   dated 1920. 4¼ x 5½ inches.
Books                                              51                                                A fine pillow case decorated with an art-
                                                   An Imperial Amphora of Turn-Teplitz               deco miniature golf theme circa 1930’s
45 •                                               ceramic golfer in blazer                          Featuring Flapper Golf Girl
Houghton, George: A collection of his              Measuring 13½ inches high, still with its
books                                              original metal golf club, the head has been       57
To include Golf Addict Strikes Again; Addicts in   detached at one time together with a caddie       A Garrard bronze in the form of two hands
Bunkerland; Golf Addict invades Wales; Golfers     figure measuring 10½ inches, both clearly         forming a Vardon Grip
in Orbit and The Truth about Golf Addicts;         stamped and numbered on their bases. Circa        Presented on a marble plinth, made by Garrard
various conditions, 19 with dust jackets. (23)     1930s.                                            & Co, circa late 1970s and understood to have
                                                   £300 - 500                                        been featured in their catalogue. 15½ inches
                                                                                                     high including plinth
                                                                                                     £500 - 800

                                                                                                     Illustrated on page 11

12 | Bonhams
A Samson Morden golfing vesta case
A fine golfing vesta case with loop decorated
as a line cut gutta-percha golf ball. Made by
Samson Morden and hallmarked Chester 1905.
£80 - 120

Lady Golfers Club: The Challenge Trophy
silver salver
For the best gross score at the L.G.C. Annual
Meeting’, hall marked Wakely & Wheeler
London 1906, first played for in 1922 and
engraved with the majority of its winners
between 1922 and 1973 including the 1924
winner Miss Cecil Leitch with a gross 81 at
Beaconsfield Golf Club.
8 inches diameter; 9 oz
£300 - 400


Rownson, Drew & Clydeside: Gofky circa
1912                                                62                                                  63
Comprising an original box with 5 fine wooden       A collection of Golf games                          Chad Valley: Golfing The Great Indoor Golf
jacks, original score card, rules and advertising   The Amersham Mini Golf Table Edition circa          Game circa 1910
leaflet.                                            1910’s                                              An Edwardian board game with graphics based
Provenance: Christies sale 9663 8.7.03 lot 21       British made, comprising full set of 9 individual   on Felixstowe’s course and its famous Morrello
£100 - 200                                          hole wooden units each with hazards ranging         Tower complete with board, spinner, 4 painted
                                                    from a Lover’s Lane, a stile, tunnel, milk          lead figures and its original box.
An outdoor game for two or more players...          churn, hurdle fences, brick wall and bunkers,
with elements of croquet and billiards Gofky is     all boxed. Includes original clubs, balls and       64
played by putting a golf ball from a tee at one     scorecards. Un Jeau Nouveau:”Golf at Home”          US Games Corporation: ‘Golfer Ike
side of the lawn around the 5 wooden jacks in       Attractive and rare French “swinger” type           Twosome’ Model golf game circa early
a different order for each hole prior to holing     game, featuring novel golfer manikin and            1950s.
out in a cast iron hole on the other side of the    great 3D illustrative play board, complete with     Complete with two celluloid male golfing
lawn.                                               numbered holes, bushes and central flag.            manikins on metal sticks, near mint condition,
Harry Vardon extols the virtues of Gofky in the     Unusual original clay balls included in woven       complete with original box and instructional
advertising leaflet, ‘a 9 hole round of Gofky       bag. Table Midget Golf – A game of Midget           leaflet. Golfer Ike was marketed as being ‘The
lasts a good two hours and is played on a 40        Hazard Golf - made by Cameron Grosvenor             Indoor Sport of a lifetime for the entire family’
foot square lawn’.                                  Ltd, 69 Cheapside, EC4. A large boxed game          and named after General and later President
                                                    featuring 9 hole golf course with various           Ike Eisenhower, an enthusiastic golfer. The 50’s
Provenance: Christies sale 9663 8.7.03 lot 21       painted metal hazards, hoops, flags and posts,      evolution of the Schoenhut game.
                                                    laid out on raised baize covered play board.
61                                                  Nice illustration on top of box. Complete with
A Montil Portable Golf Set Game circa               original clubs, balls and flags. In addition to     Programmes, cards
1910s                                               playing a simulated golf game the player has
9 hole miniature golf course, with a selection      the option of alternative game entitled Cro-        65 •
of 9 tin and wooden obstacles to negotiate,         billi-golf, which is a combination of croquet,      1957 Open programme and Henry
includes 9 numbered holes; 9 numbered tees;         snooker, billiards and golf for 2 or 4 players.     Longhurst pamphlet
1 club and original scorecards. All contained       This options includes a pool, where if player       For Monday 1st July 1957, complete with 8
within substantial wooden chest, labelled           goes down one of the holes then they must           page Qualifying Rounds insert and a loose
Montil Golf Game. Measures: 36 x 10 x 7             pay into the pool according to the number of        ‘Guide to Golf in Central Scotland’ poster
inches                                              the flag for that hole. The winner takes the        showing on one side, ‘Big Shots who will
                                                    pool.                                               tee up at the [1957] Open, one small tear to
                                                    £100 - 200                                          front cover of programme above staple, small
                                                                                                        creases to covers, clean interior together with
                                                                                                        a fine condition 1961 era pamphlet titled ‘The
                                                                                                        Old Course at St Andrews’ by Henry Longhurst.
                                                                                                        £100 - 150

                                                                                                                          Sporting & Golf Memorabilia | 13
                                                                                                        Golf cigarette cards and coupons
                                                                                                        Cigarette Cards: B Morris ‘Golf Strokes’
                                                                                                        circa 1923, a collection of 25 black and
                                                                                                        white photographic images of Arthur G.
                                                                                                        Havers in instructional guise. Clean and no
                                                                                                        obvious defects. Cigarette Cards: John Player
                                                                                                        ‘Championship Golf Courses’ circa 1936, a
                                                                                                        complete series of 25 large coloured cards
                                                                                                        featuring courses such as St Andrews and
                                                                                                        Woodhall Spa (small mark to reverse); in clean
                                                                                                        condition, the majority with sharp corners. To
                                                                                                        include a framed set of 50 Copes Golfers; a set
                                                                                                        of 68 Gallery of Legends ‘The British Open Golf
                                                                                                        Collection’ both in two glazed frames together
                                                                                                        with 30 original WA & AC Churchman ‘Famous
                                                                                                        Golfers’ in 3 frames. Open Championship
                                                                                                        1937: British Golf Pools, a pair of 4 page
                                                                                                        coupons, un-used, for betting during the
                                                                                                        Open at Carnoustie, with the field of 258
                                                                                                        competitors listed on one page in alphabetical
71                                                                                                      order.
                                                                                                        £80 - 120

66 •                                                68                                                  70
The Centenary of the Open Championship              A collection of golf postcards                      Cigarette Cards: Ardath Tobacco Co Cricket,
1960 programme and Henry Longhust                   A collection of 13 internationally themed           Tennis & Golf Celebrities
pamphlet                                            golfing postcards of Clubs and courses, from        A set of 50 ‘grey’ cards circa 1935 to include
Played at The Old Course St Andrews,                countries to include Rhodesia, Mexico, Belgian      the following golfers, A. Padgham, T.H.
complete with two unused Draw Sheet tickets,        Congo, South Africa and Rhodesia. A collection      Cotton, P. Allis, A. Mitchell, C. Whitcombe,
no tears, graffiti or creases, together with a      of 17 North American themed golfing                 J. Wethered, E. Wilson, all cards in perfect
fine condition 1961 era pamphlet titled ‘The        postcards of Clubs and courses, to include Hot      condition.
Old Course at St Andrews’ by Henry Longhurst.       Springs VA, Colwood BC, Banff Springs, Green
£100 - 150                                          Gables Prince Edward Island, Dorval Quebec,         71
                                                    South course Westchester Country Club and           Ryder Cup: a scarce near mint 1987 Ryder
67                                                  Rye New York. A collection of 34 English and        Cup programme
Tolley, Major Cyril James Hastings:                 Welsh themed golfing postcards of Clubs and         For the event played at the Muirfield Village
associated ephemera                                 courses, to include Great Orme Llandudno,           Golf club, Dublin, Ohio between 25 and 27
To include a Lytham & St. Annes Dinner card         Harlech, Welshpool, Kendal, Woodsome,               September 1987, neatly signed inside on
given to the Oxford & Cambridge Golfing             Aberdovey, Oakdale Harrogate and Grange             their profile images by both teams and both
Society April 12 1920 signed in pencil by           over Sands. A collection of 12 Scottish and Irish   Captains, Jack Nicklaus and Tony Jacklin; a
Tolley, P. Clough, Fred Hilton, Arthur Croome,      themed golfing postcards of Clubs and courses       television viewer’s guide, a 1987 Patron’s red
Roger Wethered together with 10 others;             to include Portrush, Ballater, Banchory, Brora,     and white ticket (#5751) to the 1987 Ryder
a Menu of Dinner 15 June 1920 in Honour             Otway (Macamish) Co. Donegal, and Cruden            Cup Matches together with an official 1987
of the American Golfers visiting to meet the        Bay.                                                Ryder Cup order form and envelope.
Rules of Golf Committee and taking part in                                                              £800 - 1,200
the Amateur Championship (includes George
Walker Chairman President USGA); a menu
card dated 14 June 1920 for ‘A Dinner to Cyril
J.H. Tolley (Rye) signed by Tolley to front and
with 12 signatures (first names) inside; a Buck’s
Club letter and form dated 1926 regarding the
Le Touquet Tournament; a Royal Eastbourne
Golf Club 1887-1962 Handbook; A 1925 Royal
North Devon programme of meetings together
with other cards and prospectus forms.
£200 - 300

Cyril J.H. Toley (1896-1978) won the Amateur
Championships in 1920 and 1929; represented
GB versus USA seven times and was Chairman
Walker Cup selectors 1938 and 1947.

14 | Bonhams
Lots 72 - 262

                Sporting & Golf Memorabilia | 15


2012 Lauge Jensen ‘Wayne Rooney’ Custom
Motorcycle - Kids Aid Charity                     Wayne, together with Uffe Lauge Jensen,             All the money from the sale of this motorcycle
Designed by Manchester United’s world-            designed a special shift rod with 21 black AA       will go to the Danish charitable foundation
famous striker, Wayne Rooney, and custom-         diamonds and one white TW/VS diamond.               ‘KidsAid’, which since 2000 has raised money
made by Danish motorcycle manufacturer,           ‘When first approached about the possibility        through various charity events; all with the
Lauge Jensen, this beautiful cruiser-style        of being involved in the design of a unique         purpose of making everyday lives of children
motorcycle is truly unique.                       “Wayne Rooney” Lauge Jensen custom bike,            affected by illness a little more enjoyable. ‘The
Founded only a few years ago by established       I was really excited to have the opportunity        fact that the funds raised will go to kids in
custom-bike builder, Uffe Lauge Jensen,           to be involved,’ said Wayne. ‘The bike we           Denmark is a great way for me on behalf of
Lauge Jensen Ltd is Denmark’s first motorcycle    have designed takes its inspiration from the        all the players at Manchester United to say
manufacturer since Nimbus ceased                  celebration of my overhead kick against             “thank you” for the support we receive from
production in 1959. The company specialises       Manchester City last season. The goal has been      the Danish people,’ said Wayne. KidsAid is
in manufacturing bespoke v-twin-engined           described by others as being of the highest         probably best known for GolfAid, which is an
motorcycles for Danish and international          quality, technical excellence, powerful and         annual event, where Danish celebrities fight to
buyers, with prices starting at around £56,000.   beautiful. I hope you will agree that the bike is   become the unofficial Danish Golf Champion.
Most of the parts are designed by Uffe himself    all of this and more.’
and produced specially for his company, while     Artwork depicting Wayne’s celebration               Bonhams wish to express their thanks to
the rest are carefully selected high-quality      following his spectacular strike against            Inhouse Fotografi for allowing us to use these
products sourced from the international           Manchester City - voted ‘Best Goal’ in the          images
custom-bike industry. Lauge Jensen motorcycles    Premier League 2011 season - is reproduced
are ‘Euro 3’ certified and type approved.         on the rear mudguard. Wayne’s wonderful
For this special project Wayne Rooney donated     goal helped Manchester United claim the 2011
one of his autographed ‘No.10’ jerseys, which     Premiership title with a 2-1 win at Old Trafford
has been mounted on the petrol tank and           in February.
lacquer sealed to preserve it. In addition,       £40,000 - 60,000

16 | Bonhams
Sporting & Golf Memorabilia | 17

               73 •                                                77
               1958 Manchester United memorial                     1933 Sunday Chronicle 50 years of F.A. Cup
               handbooks                                           photogravure
 75            3 souvenir handbooks ‘The Manchester United         A complete collection of F.A. cup winners for
               Football club Supporters Club memorial              the past 50 years (1884 to 1933), featuring
               handbook 1958’, containing tributes and             each team with individual portraits with the
               articles on the Busby Babes. (3)                    F.A. cup trophy in the middle.
               £200 - 300                                          Size approx. 75 x 48cm.
                                                                   £200 - 300
               1908 Wolverhampton Wanderers ‘How                   78
               Wolves Won the Cup’ napkin                          Nobby Stiles hand signed 1968 European
               Featuring the F.A. Cup to the centre, images of     Cup final replica shirt
               the players in action around by artist Mont and     A Score Draw blue long sleeved replica shirt
               the match details underneath, ‘Played at the        with 1968 Manchester United badge to the
               Crystal Palace London April 25th 1908 RESULT        front, hand signed by Nobby Stiles. The lot
               WOLVERHAMPTON 3 NEWCASTLE 1, leaf and               includes a letter of authenticity. Framed and
               acorn coloured design to the border, printed by     glazed.
75             W.Homer & Co. c.1908.                               Size approx. 91 x 83cm
               Approx. 39.5cm square                               £100 - 200
               £80 - 100
               75                                                  1920’s football teams autograph book
               Manchester United Icons Edition Opus                Including Manchester City and Charlton
               The Official United Opus Icons Edition, limited     English F.A. Cup 13th Jan. 1923, Arsenal,
               edition number 152 of 500 produced, includes        Aston Villa, Burnley, Tottenham Hotspurs,
               a second signature page with the autographs         Liverpool, Sunderland, Chelsea, Nottingham
               of three of United’s greatest-ever players –        Forest, Newcastle United, Bolton Wanderers,
               Denis Law, Bryan Robson and Eric Cantona.           Cardiff City, Blackburn Rovers, West Brom,
               The Official United Opus tells the United story     the rear pages hand signed by miscellaneous
               in 400,000 words and 2,000 images displayed         entertainment stars of the time.
               in the large Opus format, 850 pages, each           £500 - 700
               half a metre square, includes contributions by
               Britain’s finest sportswriters and photographers.   80
               The Opus is still contained within its original,    1908/09 autograph book of cricket and
               unopened presentation wrappers.                     football signatures including Manchester
               Weight 37 kilos                                     United
               £4,000 - 5,000                                      A green leather autograph book, containing
                                                                   within cricket signatures including W.G.Grace,
               76                                                  Jack Hobbs x 2, P.F.Warner, Sussex v Notts
               World Cup winners anniversary                       August 26th 1908 15 signatures, football
               goalkeepers shirt hand signed by Banks/             signatures including West Ham early 1900’s,
               Bonetti                                             Queens Park Rangers v Southend 19 signatures,
               A Score Draw yellow long sleeved shirt              Clapton Orient v Queens Park Rangers 16
               with 40th anniversary badge to the front,           signatures, Exeter v Queens Park Rangers 15
               hand signed by England World Cup 1966               signatures, Manchester United v Chelsea 15
               goalkeepers Peter Bonnetti and Gordon               signatures including Billy Meredith and Charlie
               Banks. The lot includes a C.O.A. from ‘JJG          Roberts, Crystal Palace v Queens Park Rangers
               Autographs’.                                        April 3rd 1909 9 signatures including Joseph
77             £100 - 200                                          Johnson, E.Collins, Notts County v Chelsea
                                                                   April 10th 1909 13 signatures, plus others.
                                                                   £600 - 800

18 | Bonhams
81                                                86
1950 Liverpool v Everton re-union dinner          1954-55 Chelsea Champions Book and
menu, hand signed                                 football photograph album
A menu for the Everton and Liverpool players      Limited edition Chelsea book hand signed by
dinner held on 25th January 1950 at Reece’s       Jim Lewis, Roy Bentley, Charlie Thompson,
Restaurant in Liverpool, hand signed inside       Frank Blunstone, Peter Brabook, Derek
by Dixie Dean and dignitaries, and to the         Saunders, Bobby Smith and Les Stubbs, with
reverse by 12 including Tom Bradshaw, Ted         insert hand signed by the same 8 players,
Fagan, Kenny Campbell, Ted Savage and Eph         together with a neatly presented scrapbook
Longworth.                                        containing images of Chelsea players over the
£200 - 300                                        decades. (2)
                                                  £300 - 400
Busby Babes ‘Last Line up’ Manchester             87
United limited edition print                      A collection of 1966 World Cup First Day
A colour print dated 1993, number 204 of          Covers
1958 produced of the famous image of the          29 first day covers each with dated postmark
Busby Babes lining up before the European         from a fixture of the 1966 World Cup, games
fixture away to Red Star Belgrade on the 5th      include Italy v North Korea July 19th, Russia
of February 1958, just one day before the air     v North Korea July 12th, Bulgaria v Brazil July
disaster that claimed 8 of the players lives,     12th, W.Germany v Switzerland July 12th,
the print hand signed by survivors Jackie         Hungary v Portugal July 13th, Chile v Italy July
Blanchflower, Ray Wood, Albert Scanlon,           13th, Uruguay v France July 15th, Argentina v
Harry Greg, Ken Morgans and the artist David      W.Germany July 16th, Argentina v Switzerland
Cottam.                                           July 19th, Chile v Russia July 20th, Hungary
Size approx. 75.5 x 61cm.                         v Bulgaria July 20th, England v Uruguay July
£200 - 300                                        11th, France v Mexico July 13th, Spain v
                                                  Argentina July 13th, Brazil v Hungary July 15th,
83                                                Switzerland v Spain July 15th, N.Korea v Chile
1949/50 Tottenham Hotspurs autographs             July 15th, Argentina v Germany July 16th,
An autograph book containing autographs           Portugal v Bulgaria July 16th, Italy v Russia July
of the 1949/50 Spurs squad including Bill         16th, Mexico v England July 16th, Argentina
Nicholson, Ted Ditchburn, Ron Burgess and Alf     v Switzerland July 19th, Italy v North Korea
Ramsey.                                           July 19th, Portugal v Brazil July 19th, Spain
£150 - 250                                        v W.Germany July 20th, Chile v Russia July
                                                  20th, Hungary v Bulgaria July 20th, England v
                                                  W.Germany July 30th, one dated 1st June.
84                                                £300 - 400
Busby Babes ‘The Red Devils’ full team
hand signed souvenir booklet and players                                                               84
rules                                             88
A Red Devils souvenir booklet hand signed to      A large collection of Manchester City
                                                  memorabilia                                          89
the centre page team picture by the full team                                                          An original peg row from Manchester City’s
and officials, plus to individual pages by Alex   Including over 35 books, some hand signed
                                                  including Denis Law, Bert Trautman, Francis          Maine Road Stadium
Stepney, Duncan Edwards, Mark Jones, Jackie                                                            A wooden peg rail removed from the changing
Blanchflower, Liam Whelan, Wilf McGuiness,        Lee, Malcolm Allison, Mike Doyle; hand signed
                                                  wedding card by 17 including Malcolm Allison.        rooms at Maine Road, containing 3 sections of
Bobby Charlton, David Pegg, Johnny Berry, Ray                                                          4 pegs, painted in light blue Manchester City
Woods, Tommy Taylor, Colin Webster, Arthur        tony Book, Joe Mercer, Mike Summerbee,
                                                  Colin Bell, Mike Doyle, Francis Lee; supporters      colours.
Powell (trainer), Bert Whalley (Coach). The lot                                                        £80 - 100
includes a 1956/57 training rules and players     club notes; fixture posters; autograph book;
instructions hand book.                           scrapbook; newspaper cuttings; pennants;
£800 - 1,000                                      other miscellaneous ephemera, a lot.                 90
                                                  £300 - 400                                           A pair of Phil Neville’s hand signed football
85                                                                                                     A pair of black Adidas Diadora boots, each
‘Legends’ leather jacket worn by George                                                                imprinted with players name P.NEVILLE, each
Best                                                                                                   hand signed to the luminous decal to the
A ‘Legends’ 1923 brown leather jacket with                                                             outside of the boot. The lot includes a letter of
logos to sleeves and reverse.                                                                          authenticity on Manchester United letter paper
£500 - 600                                                                                             hand signed by Phil Neville.
                                                                                                       £200 - 300
Provenance: consigned with George Best items
as part of his estate

                                                                                                                         Sporting & Golf Memorabilia | 19
                                                                                                        1893,1894 Lancashire and Yorkshire
                                                                                                        Railway notes hand signed by Fred Attock -
                                                                                                        Newton Heath
                                                                                                        Two hand written notes on official Lancashire
                                                                                                        and Yorkshire Railway note paper, one dated
                                                                                                        March 4th 1893 ‘Your wagon 26 has been
                                                                                                        labelled “home for repairs” from Hill house....’
                                                                                                        and July 24th 1894 ‘Your Wagon 4 has been
                                                                                                        labelled ‘home for repairs’ from Horbury Jet’,
                                                                                                        each note is neatly hand signed and dated to
                                                                                                        the reverse by Fred Attock, superintendent who
                                                                                                        was the first President of Newton Heath F.C. (2)
                                                                                                        £300 - 400

                                                                                                        Frederick Attock (born 1846) was the first
                                                                                                        president of Newton Heath Lancashire
                                                                                                        &Yorkshire Railways F.C. (later to become
                                                                                                        Manchester United F.C.). He was born in
                                                                                                        Liverpool, but eventually moved to Manchester,
                                                                                                        becoming the superintendent engineer of the
                                                                                                        carriage and wagon works of the Lancashire
                                                                                                        and Yorkshire Railway’s Newton Heath depot.
                                                                                                        Newton Heath L&YR Football Club was
   96                                                                                                   established in 1878 by members of the dining
                                                                                                        room committee at the carriage and wagon
91                                                   93                                                 works with Attock appointed as the club’s
Salvers awarded to Ian Porterfield plus              A collection of Manchester United annual           president.
Sunderland 1973 F.A. cup team signatures             reports and Royal Doulton crockery
3 salvers, 2 (diam. approx. 25cm) presented by       Annual reports from 1979 up to 2004, 13            97
Bells Whisky -Manager of the season 1980-81          interim reports, cash offer to Red Football Ltd    Busby Babes signed team picture
Rotherham United, Manager of the Season              and 2 annual reports from Bury F.C., 4 plates,     A black and white team picture removed from
1981-82 Sheffield United F.C., together with         together with 4 bowls and 4 oval platters          a programme/magazine hand signed by Eddie
a larger salver (diam. approx. 30cm) engraved’       imprinted with Manchester United badge circa       Coleman, Liam Whelan, Mark Jones, Ray
The Football League Division three champions         1960.                                              Wood, Duncan Edwards, Roger Byrne, Dennis
1980-81 Rotherham United F.C. Manager                £200 - 300                                         Viollet, Tommy Taylor and David Pegg. [selotape
I.Porterfield’. The lot includes a limited edition                                                      repairs and tears].
number 10 of 100 produced first day cover            94 •                                               £200 - 300
dated 5th May 1973, hand signed neatly to            Order of services for the funerals of George
the reverse by the Sunderland team, coaches          Best, Lousi Charles Edwards, Sir Alexander
Arthur Cox and Billy Elliot, referee Ken Burns                                                          98
                                                     Matthew Busby                                      European mementoes presented to Everton
and chairman Keith Collings.                         Matt Busby 27th January 1964 at the Our
£100 - 200                                                                                              players/officials
                                                     Lady and Saint John in Chorlton-cum-Hardy,         A circular ceramic plate imprinted ‘Kwart Finale
                                                     Louis Charles Edwards 24th March 1980 at           Europa Cup Bekerwinnaars 20 maart 1985
Ian Porterfield (1946 – 2007) worked at both         the Church of the Holy Name, Oxford Road,          Fortuna Sittard Everton F.C.’, together with
club and international level for almost 30           Manchester, George Best 3rd December 2005          a circular wooden plaque with metal plaque
years. He has the distinction of being the very      at Stormont, Belfast. (3)                          imprinted with Feyenoord stadium design. (2)
first manager to be sacked in the F.A. Premier       £200 - 300
League, when he was fired by Chelsea.
                                                                                                        99 •
                                                     95                                                 A collection of Everton Books
92                                                   A Manchester United Old Trafford ‘dug              24 publications including 1878/79 to 1928/29
A Manchester United Old Trafford ‘dug                out’ chair                                         History of Everton Football Club compiled
out’ chair                                           A red Recaro vinyl chair imprinted to obverse      by Thomas Keates, Howard Kendalls Everton
A red Recaro vinyl chair imprinted to obverse        with Audi sponsors logo, Manchester United         Scrapbook, The Great Derby matches, Everton
with Audi sponsors logo, Manchester United           badge and Recaro logo, to the reverse with         Greats, The Everton Story, Everton Head to
badge and Recaro logo, to the reverse with           Audi logo, this seat was one of the seats the      Head, An Everton Dairy, Dixie Dean and the
Audi logo, this seat was one of the seats the        substitutes and coaching staff sat on at Old       Virgin Blues.
substitutes and coaching staff sat on at Old         Trafford from their initial installation for the   £100 - 200
Trafford from their initial installation for the     2006/07 season prior to their replacement in
2006/07 season prior to their replacement in         January 2010.
January 2010.                                        £500 - 600
£500 - 600

20 | Bonhams
100 •
Rothmans/Sky Sports football season
A run from edition number 1 in 1970/71
through to edition 42 in 2011/12 missing only
2008/09, mainly hard back with dust jackets,
editions 3,5,6,7,10 and 24 softback.
£80 - 120

A collection of football trade cards
A full set of 50 Churchmans 1938 Association
Footballers, framed and glazed (50 x 45cm)
together with 2 folders containing a large
collection of various cards including Topps
Chewing gum, Pro Set and 1992 Hasbro
Subboteo Squads. (3)

1970 World Cup - English F.A. official
itinerary hand signed by England players
and Pele
An itinerary issued to the English squad and
officials by the English Football Association,
neatly hand signed to the centre page players
pictures by Nobby Stiles, Martin Peters,
Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst, Jack Charlton,          105
Gordon Banks, Keith Newton, Francis Lee, Phil
Thompson, Norman Hunter, Colin Bell, Alan
Ball, Bob McNab and to the rear page by Pele.
£200 - 300

103                                               105                                                107 •
A collection of Manchester City                   1920’s autograph book containing football          Caxton: Association Football books, 4
publications and first day covers                 teams                                              Volumes
including 1946/47 souvenir of the League          Individual and team autographs mainly              ‘Association Football’ printed by the Caxton
Championship, Manchester City Football            1922/23 including Liverpool, Aston Villa,          publishing Company in 1960 - volumes 1 to 4.
Club Souvenir history by Fred Johnson Holt        Burnley, Falkirk, Preston, Sunderland,
Publishing 1930, ‘Lets Talk About Manchester      Manchester City, Spurs, Blackburn,                 108
City Football Club’ series 2 no 35, ‘Manchester   Huddersfield, Newcastle, Manchester United,        1968 World Club Championship lithograph
City Football Club Over the Years’, ‘Official     Middlesbrough, Bolton, Rangers, Celtic,            hand signed by Manchester United players
history of Manchester City’ by David Williams,    Cardiff, Stoke, Birmingham, Oldham, Arsenal,       Featuring a reproduction of the original match
over 25 handbooks including official handbook     Fulham, Nottingham Forest, West Bromwich           poster for the game v Estudiantes held on the
1954/55, 1955/56, 1958/59, 1959/60,               Albion and Chelsea. Some loose pages to the        25th of September 1968, hand signed to the
1960/61, 1966/67, 1967/68, 1968/69,               book but in the main the signatures are neatly     side by Alex Stepney, Dave Sadler, Pat Crerand,
1970/71, 1971/72, 1972/73, 1973/74,               presented and laid down on a clear white           Jimmy Ryan, John Fitzpatrick, David Herd, John
1974/75, 1975/76, 1976/77, 1977/78,               background.                                        Aston, Brian Kidd, Frank Kopel, Nobby Stiles,
1978/79, 1979/80, 1980/81, 1981/82. The lot       £800 - 1,000                                       Francis Burns, Tony Dunne, Denis Law, Bill
includes 12 first day covers from the 1970’s.                                                        Foulkes and Bobby Charlton. Additional images
£350 - 500                                        106                                                of the players signing the posters inset to the
                                                  The Original Fuseball Game                         side of the frame. Framed and glazed. The lot
104                                               Vividly illustrated 1920’s football game,          includes a C.O.A. from Beckett Studios.
1946/47 Birmingham City and Aston Villa           featuring full set of two teams of wooden          Size Approx. 84 x 82.5cm
squad autographs                                  painted players suspended on wooden rods           £500 - 600
An autograph book containing the autographs       which fit into box wood frame surrounding the
of 13 Birmingham City players including Cyril     pitch. The frame includes slot in metal goals at
Trigg, Arthur Turner, George Edwards and Ray      either end.
Devey, together with 20 Aston Villa to separate
page including F. Osborne, G.Edwards, J.Allen
and A.Kerr. The autographs are very neatly
handwritten and presented.
£200 - 300

                                                                                                                      Sporting & Golf Memorabilia | 21
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