SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...

Page created by Sally James
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...
                   July 22 & 23, 2022
                      Jacksonville, FL

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...
National Football Cheerleaders Alumni Organization
                         Our motto is “United and Forever Strong!”
                                                                 The National Football Cheerleaders Alumni
                                                                 Organization (NFCAO) was founded in 2009 by
                                                                 Terri Crane Lamb, President of the
                                                                 Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Alumni,
                                                                 and Mickey Crawford-Carnegie, Director of
                                                                 the Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders Alumni. Our
                                                                 mission is to enable former cheerleaders to
                                                                 connect, contribute to local and national
                                                                 charitable organizations, and support fellow
                                                                 alumni when in need.
Nashville, TN – Over 500 attendees at the 2018 NFCAO Reunion

                                                          PAST REUNIONS
                      2012 Washington, DC – hosted by the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Alumni
                     2014 Atlanta, GA – hosted by the Atlanta Falcons Cheerleaders Alumni Association
                              2016 Buffalo, NY – hosted by the Buffalo Jills Alumni Association
                            2018 Nashville, TN – hosted by the Tennessee Titans Cheer Alumni

 www.nationalfootballcheerleadersalumni.com                                                www.jacksonville.nflalumni.org
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...
Schedule of Events

                                                         FRIDAY                            HOST HOTEL
                                                Join us Friday night from 6pm –
                                               10pm for a spirited Tailgate Party!
                                                All Chapters are encouraged to
                                                   wear their Team Colors &
                                                paraphernalia as we browse the
                                                 Vendor Marketplace and then
          The 2022 NFCAO Reunion                  dance the night away at our
           will be another amazing                   local beach hotspots!              1000 PGA Tour Boulevard
        celebration of more than 600                                                   Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082
        former NFL Cheerleaders and                                                         www.SawgrassMarriott.com
           guests from all over the                 Choose from fun morning
         nation in Jacksonville, FL on         activities such as yoga or a dance
                 July 22 & 23.                 class and another chance to shop
                                               the Vendor Marketplace that day.      Experience sophisticated and memorable
                                                   Head down to the Marriott          accommodations at Sawgrass Marriott
                                                Sawgrass Champion Ballroom at        Golf Resort & Spa. A gem among resorts
                                               6pm for Cocktail hour with Dinner
                                                                                       in Ponte Vedra Beach, the Sawgrass
                                                 & Entertainment to follow from
                                                                                        Marriott offers 65 acres of natural
                                                   7pm until midnight. With a
                                               “Welcome to the Jungle” themed         beauty, an amazing selection of dining
         Proceeds from this extravaganza        gala, we will party and dance the      options, a large spa, and 99 holes of
           will benefit a choice charity.                  night away!                          championship golf.

www.nationalfootballcheerleadersalumni.com                                                                                 3
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...
Sponsorship Packages
 SUPER BOWL           TOUCHDOWN                FIELD GOAL          EXTRA POINT          FIRST DOWN           COMMEMORATIVE
                                                                                                                                SIDELINE VENDOR
  SPONSOR              SPONSOR                  SPONSOR             SPONSOR              SPONSOR              SPONSOR             SPONSOR

$6,500 $5,500 $4,000 $3,000 $1,500 $300 $300
Recognition at all   Recognition at all       Recognition &       Logo on websites        Logo on            Full Page Ad*      Exhibit Table for
    events               events               Logo displayed        & all printed         Websites          in Commemorative     Two Events in
                                                                                                                 Program            Vendor
                                                on media &           materials         Logo included in
 Logo displayed       Logo displayed                                                                                              Marketplace
                                              websites for all
  on media &           on media &                 events.         Quarter page ad in
                                                                                       Commemorative            $175            (Details & contact are
 websites for all                                                                         Program             Half Page Ad*      listed on next page.)
                      websites for all                             Commemorative
    events                                  Logo on Step-N-
                         events                                       Program             3 tickets
                                            Repeat and photo
                                                                                          to Gala
Logo on Step-N-      Logo on Step-N-         backdrop during      Reserved Table &                           Quarter Page Ad*
  Repeat and           Repeat and              Red Carpet          6 tickets to Gala    1-Year NFLA
photo backdrop       photo backdrop              arrivals                                Enterprise
  during Red                                                        1-Year NFLA
                       during Red                                                        Extra Point
 Carpet arrivals      Carpet arrivals        Half page ad in         Enterprise
                                             Commemorative           Extra Point
 Full page ad in      Full page ad in           Program             Membership**
Commemorative        Commemorative
    Program              Program            Reserved Table &
                                             6 tickets to Gala
Reserved Table       Reserved Table                                                                   FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO LOCK IN
 & 10 tickets to      & 10 tickets to          1-Year NFLA                                             YOUR SPONSORSHIP COMMITTMENT,
     Gala                 Gala                Enterprise Extra                                                  PLEASE CONTACT:
                                             Point Membership**
 1-Year NFLA           1-Year NFLA                                                                         Donna Windsor at
  Enterprise          Enterprise Extra                                                                Donna.Windsor@nflalumni.org
  Touchdown          Point Membership**
                     **See next page for benefits of the
                       NFLA Enterprise Memberships                                                                                      4
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...
NFL Alumni Annual
                          Enterprise Membership Packages
The Enterprise Membership benefits listed below are included with the sponsorship packages described on the previous page and only where noted.

                             EXTRA POINT                                            TOUCHDOWN
                      ✓   NFL Alumni Plaque                            ✓   All benefits listed in the Field Goal Membership
                      ✓   Signature Football                           ✓   Entry into our annual Super Bowl Raffle
                      ✓   Stay Informed with NFLA Weekly               ✓   Option to host NFLA Charity Event
                          Newsletter                                   ✓   Use of Pro Football Legends Logo
                      ✓   Exclusive Access to NFLA                     ✓   Engage with NFLA Chapter in your area by
                          Shop Member’s Only Merchandise                   attending meetings and networking events.
                          at shopnflalumni.org. (not open to           ✓   Includes a long list of Member Benefits from
                          the public.)                                     NFLA partners such as: LegalShield,
                                                                           LabCorp, TopDoc Connect, LA Fitness, Fitbit,
                                                                           numerous rental car and hotel partners
                                                                                                           … and many more!

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...
Additional Opportunities
                                                        Swag bag opportunities are available to advertise your business,

                                                        boost your brand & provide a gift to hundreds of reunion attendees!
                                                        ✓ Swag bag sponsor must provide a minimum of 600 items for

                                                          inclusion in bags.
                                                        ✓ Items are to be pre-approved by sponsorship committee.
                                                        ✓ Sponsor’s logo will be included in the program book and posted on
                                                          the NFCAO website sponsorship page for one year post-event.
                                                        ✓ If selected, all items are due no later than July 1st.

   Sideline Vendor
Vendor sales & exhibit tables are available for the Friday night’s
Tailgate Party and Saturday’ Vendor Marketplace. Times and room
location(s) will be provided at a later date.
✓ Includes (1) 6’ x 30” covered table and (2) chairs.
                                                                            We are looking for one incredible sponsor to help us
✓ Extra cost for power outlet; upon request.                                 provide a fabulous gift to our alumni attendees!
                                                                             FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON ANY OF THE
✓ Vendors are to be pre-approved by sponsorship committee.
                                                                            SPONSORSHIPS LISTED IN THIS PACKET, PLEASE
✓ Vendor applications and non-refundable payments are due                                   CONTACT:
  by March 30th, 2022.                                                                DONNA WINDSOR at
     All vendor inquiries, please contact Donna Windsor at:

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...
Advertisement Specifications
The program book will be printed in “full bleed” meaning that the content of the page will go to the edge of the book and will not
have a white border around the page. In order to make sure your ad will comply, please use the following dimensions listed below.

              Full Page Ad Dimensions = 9” w x 11.50”h
                        VERTICAL layout only

                Half Page Ad Dimensions = 9” w x 6” h
                       HORIZONTAL layout only
                                                                                            (Half Page Ad Size Example)
             Quarter Page Ad Dimensions = 4.75” w x 6” h
                        VERTICAL layout only                                 (1/4 Page Ad Size Example)

•    There is .25” on each of the 4 sides that will be cut off by the
     printer. All text should be at least an additional half inch from the
     safe area to ensure it remains in the print area.
•    Photos, logos, and final ads should be 300dpi for best resolution.
•    Preferred file format is PDF. Other acceptable formats are PSD,
     JPEG, GIF & DOC. Miscellaneous formats not listed may not be
     able to be converted properly.
•    If you would like to provide text and images, our program
     designer is available to create your final ad for an additional fee.
•    Payment is non-refundable and is to be submitted on-line at by
     March 30th. (Link to follow)
•    Ad design requests are due by June 1st. Final, print-ready ads are
     due by June 15th.
       Ad questions, design requests and final ad submissions, email program designer: Angela Raimondo at NFCAODesigns@gmail.com
Rev 8-7-21
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ... SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ... SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - 2022 REUNION July 22 & 23, 2022 Jacksonville, FL - National Football ...
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