Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville

Page created by Justin Marshall
Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville
Sponsor Brochure

       Contact us at 202-991-6289 or exhibitsales@necanet.org
Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville
  NECA is Opening the Doors and Inviting the Entire Electrical Safety Industry
                        to this Premiere Virtual Event

This virtual conference eliminates all geographic borders, bringing the 2021 NECA Safety
Professionals Conference a bigger audience than ever before. Whether a NECA member or
not, this conference will equip all attendees with the latest information and advances in
electrical safety.
Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville
Our job is to help electrical contractors maintain safe worksites, develop their
    own corporate safety programs and comply with OSHA and other federal
            regulations. We Need Your Solutions to make that Happen.
Safety and Health needs are constantly evolving. That’s the purpose of the NECA Safety
Professionals Conference. We are here to bring the latest safety updates, regulations and
most importantly, the newest products and services that will help electrical contractors keep
the job site safe, plus the workers, and their customers.
Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville
Book Signing: The HERO Effect by
                                                    Opening General Session Speaker
                                                    Kevin Brown
                                                    "Heros are Extraordinary People Who
                                                    Choose Not to be Ordinary!"

                                                    This is a great booth traffic builder. The
There are Many Reasons to Become a                  first 200 attendees to visit your booth will
                                                    receive a signed copy of Kevin Brown's
       Sponsor. What's Yours?
                                                    book following the conference.
                                                    EXCLUSIVE PRICE: $4,000
Shape consumer attitudes
Build brand awareness                               Lunch with GrillMaster: Scott Valdiviez
Drive sales                                         Learn how to smoke brisket with a true
Increase reach                                      Pittmaster Heavyweight. Sponsor Benefits
Generate media exposure                             include:
Differentiate yourself from competitors                 Welcome attendees & introduce Scott
Generate New Leads                                      The first 200 attendees to visit your
Enhance business, consumer, and VIP relationships       booth after the presentation will have a
Support NECA                                            chance to win:
                                                           Bluetooth BBQ Meat Thermometer
         Questions? Contact Deb Hanson at                  Grilling Tool Set
      exhibitsales@necanet.org or 202-991-6289             Traeger Pro Series Pellet Grill
                                                    EXCLUSIVE PRICE: $8,500
Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville
Exhibitor Sponsored
                        Educate Your Customer

20-minute pre-recorded Trade Show Education sessions
$650 each (Maximum of one per day per company)

                                                                30-second Commercials $350
We are offering twenty-minute (20) education sessions for
NSPC 2021. The sessions will run across all education           Talk about your company or your products & services. Drive
channels. This is your opportunity be a thought leader in       attendees to your company website. These 30-second
front of electrical contractors from across the country. This   commercials will run across both virtual education
session is not a product demonstration or commercial.           channels and will also be a part of the post on-demand
Each company will provide a pre-recorded video.                 content, providing additional exposure.

5-Minute Product Demonstrations $500
Based on the success during NECA 2020 LIVE, we are
offering the 5-minute product demonstrations again. The
product demos will run across both channels. Each
company will provide a pre-recorded video. Your company
may purchase a maximum of 2 (two) timeslots. You will                    Contact us today at 202-991-6289
receive a list of who viewed your demonstration following                  or exhibitsales@necanet.org
the conference.
Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville Sponsor Brochure NECA SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE: A Virtual Event - Contact us at 202-991-6289 or - NECA 2021 Nashville
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