Special Notes Population Update - SAARF

Page created by Gene Salinas
Special Notes
Population       Population figures for SAARF AMPS 2008B have been updated using 2008 population estimates
                 supplied by the Bureau of Market Research of UNISA (BMR). These estimates are part of a new set of
Update           population projections for South Africa for the period 2001 to 2021, which are based on the 2001 census
                 structures, as well as a large number of data sources. These changes in the population figures must be
                 taken into consideration when comparing thousands with previous SAARF AMPS surveys. (See
                 Section 4 “Universe and sample” for more detail).

SAARF AMPS®      As mentioned in the introduction of this report, the 12-month SAARF AMPS 2008B (Rolling Average)
                                                                 ®                                 ®
                 data release is a combination of SAARF AMPS 2008A and 2008B. SAARF AMPS 2008A (fieldwork Jan-
2008B (Rolling   Jun 2008) covered a full national sample with both urban and rural components whereas the 2008B
Average)         (fieldwork Jul-Dec 2008) only included large urban areas (Metropolitan, City and Large town areas). In the
                 absence of a small urban and rural sample in the second SAARF AMPS wave of 2008, users must
Sample           realise that in combining the two waves, no new data for small town/village and rural areas has been
                 added into this 12-month SAARF AMPS 2008B (Rolling Average) data release. The small urban/rural
                 6-month data in this 12-month release is identical to the SAARF AMPS 2008A (Jan-Jun 2008) database.

Readership       From 2008A, the definition of readership has been expanded to emphasise that the reading/paging
                 through of any of the separate parts, sections or supplements which may come with a copy, must be

                 The criterion for reporting of publications is that the said publication must have a minimum of 40
                 respondents that qualify as average issue readers.

Changes to        Refer to Section 6 – “The Interview” – for details for all publication changes for SAARF AMPS 2008B.

KAAPSE Son        In 2007B and 2008A KAAPSE Son was measured as a 4-day daily (Mon-Thurs) newspaper and
                  NAWEEK Son as a weekly (Fri) newspaper in the Western Cape. However, during the confirmation of
NAWEEK Son        the 2008B survey, we were informed that KAAPSE Son has been a 5-day daily (Mon-Fri) newspaper
                  since October 2006 and NAWEEK Son ceased publication at the same time. In theory a 12-month
                  KAAPSE Son daily AIR should be released, combining the 4-day KAAPSE Son and the Friday NAWEEK
                  Son measures. In practice, the questions for weeklies and dailies are not comparable and assumptions
                  had to be made for the calculation of AIR.
                  For the 12-month SAARF AMPS 2008A (Rolling Average) data release, the “when last” question was
                  used to reduce the AIR for NAWEEK Son by treating it as a daily publication and then combine the 4-day
                  KAAPSE Son measure with the Friday NAWEEK Son to release KAAPSE Son 5-day daily data. The
                  resulting AIR could be slightly inflated but should be close to reality. No data for “Number of issues” and
                  the questions on “First time reading” (B4 & B5) were released. As NAWEEK Son ceased to exist, no
                  separate data was released for this newspaper.

                  In 2008B, KAAPSE Son was correctly measured as a daily newspaper. For the 12-month SAARF
                  AMPS 2008B (Rolling Average) data release, the same exercise that was carried out for SAARF
                  AMPS 2008A (Rolling Average) had to be repeated on the 6-months 2008A (Jan-Jun 2008) data in
                  order to combine it with the correctly measured 6-months 2008B (Jul-Dec 2008) KAAPSE Son data.
                  Again, no data could be released for “Number of issues” and “First time reading” (B4 & B5).

Oos-Son           Son, the weekly newspaper, was measured in all provinces excluding Western Cape on the 2008A
                  survey. For 2008B, we were informed that the publication was only distributed in the Eastern Cape for
                  the 2008A fieldwork period. At the same time, the newspaper’s name was confirmed as Oos-Son.
                  Twelve-month data has, therefore, been released for Oos-Son by filtering the 2008A data for the Eastern
                  Cape and combining it with the 2008B data that was only obtained for the Eastern Cape.

Computer          Please note that Computer Active halted production in South Africa during 2008 and that only the UK
                  version will be available.

tvplus            Tvplus was confirmed as a weekly publication for the 2008A survey, but changed to fortnightly for the
                  entire fieldwork period. All readership figures have been released with the exception of the “First reading”
                  (B4 & B5) question and AIR, which cannot be correctly calculated.

                                                                                                                 Page 7
Club             Club (Lewis/Best Electric) changed its publishing frequency from monthly (2008A) to alternate monthly
                 (2008B). The AIR figure on the SAARF AMPS 2008B (Rolling Average) database is a combination of
(Lewis/          the previous and current 6-months AIR’s. The “Number of Issues” question is not comparable and
Best Electric)   therefore not released.

Y mag            Y mag was confirmed as an alternate monthly publication for 2008A, but changed to monthly for the
                 entire fieldwork period. All readership figures have been released with the exception of “Number of
                 issues”, the “First reading” (B4 & B5) question and AIR, which cannot be correctly calculated.

YOUR             YOUR PREGNANCY changed its publishing frequency from alternate monthly (2008A) to monthly
                 (2008B). The AIR figure on the SAARF AMPS 2008B (Rolling Average) database is a combination of
PREGNANCY        the previous and current 6-month’s AIR’s. Data for “Number of Issues” has not been released on this

WegSleep         WegSleep and VISI were confirmed as quarterly magazines for both the 2008A and 2008B surveys.
                 However, during the confirmation of the 2009A survey, we were informed that WegSleep and VISI
VISI             changed their publishing frequency from quarterly to alternate monthly from January 2008. As these
                 magazines were carried as quarterly magazines on both the 2008A and 2008B surveys, the figures for
                 “Number of Issues”, the “First reading” question (B4 & B5) and AIR have not been released.

TASTE            During the confirmation for the 2009A survey, we were informed that 10 issues of Woolworths TASTE
                 were published during 2008, yet the publication was confirmed as an alternate monthly magazine for
(Woolworths)     both the 2008A and 2008B surveys. From 2009A, it will be measured as a monthly magazine. For this
                 SAARF AMPS 2008B (Rolling Average) release, the AIR has been calculated as an alternate monthly

Echo             It was agreed by the Print Council to measure Echo as a weekly supplement of The Witness on SAARF
                 AMPS from 2007. It must however, be noted that Echo also has a big bulk free distribution on its own.
                 The readership of Echo obtained from SAARF AMPS will therefore, be underread.

                                                                                                          Page 8
®                           ®
Titles not        Publications that were not common to both SAARF AMPS 2008A and SAARF AMPS 2008B or did not
                  have sufficient average issue readers or ceased publication during the 2008 fieldwork, are not reported
reported in       in the Rolling database:
                              Bike & Leisure Trader
2008B (Rolling                blunt MAGAZINE
Average)                      Cape Son
                              CLUB A (BRADLOWS Club, ELECTRIC EXPRESS CLUB, Joshua Doore
                                   CLUB, Morkels CLUB and Russels CLUB)
                              CLUB B (Barnetts CLUB, PRICE ‘N PRIDE CLUB and Supreme Club)
                              die tuinier Tydskrif
                              Die Woord vir Vandag
                              Drive 2.0
                              INSPIRATiONS CLUB
                              InStyle SOUTH AFRICA
                              Isolezwe ngeSonto
                              MAX POWER
                              NAWEEK Son (Kaap)
                              people PUZZLES
                              Privé Sun International
                              sacm (SA Computer Magazine)
                              SUID – AFRIKAANSE Top Huis
                              The Word for Today
                              The Zimbabwean
                              TRUE LOVE babe
                              Your Child
                              ZOO WEEKLY / ZOO WEEKLIKS

Titles only       Titles that were introduced in the SAARF AMPS 2008B questionnaire have been included in the SAARF
                  AMPS 2008B (6 month) Report if they qualified on a minimum of 40 average issue respondents:
found in the
                                   Morkels CLUB and Russels CLUB)
2008B                         CLUB B (Barnetts CLUB, PRICE ‘N PRIDE CLUB and Supreme Club)
(6 month)                     DESTINY
Report                        Isolezwe ngeSonto
                              people PUZZLES
                              die tuinier Tydskrif

Radio            All questions pertaining to Radio listening patterns were deleted from the SAARF AMPS 2003A and
                                ®                                                                    ®
                 SAARF AMPS 2003B questionnaires and only measured through the SAARF RAMS Radio Diary.
Listenership                                                ®
                 However, due to the new SAARF RAMS data release structure, the past 4 week, past 7 day and
                 yesterday radio listening questions were re-incorporated into the SAARF AMPS 2004 questionnaire.
                 Users should take note of this when tracking SAARF AMPS Radio data.
                 Community service stations are reported as “Total Community Stations” in SAARF AMPS electronic
                 reports. This allows users to ascertain the part that community radio plays in the media mix. Community
                 Radio Stations with 40 or more mentions are released individually on the database. For further analysis of
                 community radio, users are referred to the SAARF RAMS release databases.
                 Refer to Section 6 - “The Interview” - for details of the radio station changes for SAARF AMPS 2008B.

                                                                                                                 Page 9
CKI FM            In April 2008, the SABC replaced CKI FM Stereo with a new youth radio station, tru fm. As this occurred
                  in the middle of the fieldwork period, any respondent claiming to have listened to tru fm (and not CKI FM
Stereo / tru fm   Stereo) during the fieldwork period after the launch, was coded back into CKI FM Stereo which was the
                  representative name on the survey. The 12-month SAARF AMPS 2008B (Rolling Average) data and
                  report will therefore, reflect the combined audience for CKI FM Stereo / tru fm.

TV Viewership     "Total DStv Viewing" is shown in the electronic reports and on the database. For further analyses of
                  satellite channel viewing, users are referred to the SAARF AMPS database.

                  From 2008B, two additional breakdowns are shown in the electronic reports and are released on the
                  database. They are: “Total Community TV” (i.e. Soweto TV and CTV (Cape Town TV)) and “Other
                  Satellite” (i.e. other non-DStv Satellite TV).

                  "SABC 1", "SABC 2", "SABC 3" and “e.tv” are also part of the Multichoice DStv bouquet and of the Vivid
                  satellite TV bouquet. Viewing of these stations on DStv and Vivid and M-Net through DStv is incorporated
                  into the terrestrial station totals.
                  Refer to Section 6 – “The Interview” – for details of all TV station changes for SAARF AMPS 2008B.

Cinema            Three questions were added to SAARF AMPS 2001B to obtain the number of visits in the last 3 calendar
                  months. This inclusion is to extend measurement of cinema visits to the Dec/Jan holiday period, which is
                  not covered during the SAARF AMPS fieldwork period. “Average 4-week cinema attendance” is included
                  in the electronic reports.
                  From SAARF AMPS 2006, the recency scale includes an option for “yesterday”.

Financial         In the SAARF AMPS 2001A questionnaire, those respondents who said their house/flat/dwelling was
                  owned, were asked whether or not there was a mortgage bond/home loan on the home. As from the
Services /                       ®
                  SAARF AMPS 2001B questionnaire, this filtered question is deleted, and instead, “Home Loan/Mortgage
Products          Bond” is included on the showcard for financial services. All respondents are asked to indicate which of
                  these services they personally have or make use of. This data is therefore not comparable with data prior
                  to SAARF AMPS 2001B.
                  From SAARF AMPS 2007A, the question asking which financial services have been opened in the past
                  12 months, has been adapted to be less specific and only ascertains whether or not any account was
                  opened in the past 12 months. The SAARF AMPS 2007A (Rolling Average) database and electronic
                  reports (and data released thereafter), therefore, only include the one figure for opening any financial
                  services account in the past 12 months. Question K1 of the SAARF AMPS questionnaire lists what is
                  included under financial service accounts (see Appendix of this report).
                  The same holds for policies, investment plans and insurance. The SAARF AMPS 2007A (Rolling
                  Average) database and electronic reports (and data released thereafter), only include a figure for any
                  financial product (long term policies/ investments/insurance) taken-out in the past 12 months and one
                  figure for short term insurance taken out in the past 12 months. Question K12 of the SAARF AMPS
                  questionnaire lists what is included under long term policies/investments/insurance (see Appendix of this

Activities        Most of the activities covered on the SAARF AMPS 2006 questionnaire moved to the 2007 Products and
                  Activities self-completion questionnaire. The database and electronic reports only include those activities
4 weeks /                                               ®                                                 ®
                  that remained on the SAARF AMPS questionnaire (see question J1 of SAARF AMPS questionnaire in
12 months         Appendix of this report).
                  From SAARF AMPS 2008B, the electronic reports show two new breakdowns: “spent money on
                  correspondence education” and “spent money on part-time education (not by correspondence)”.

                                                                                                               Page 10
®                                                                                  ®
FMCG         From SAARF AMPS 1992 to 2000, FMCG categories were included in the main SAARF AMPS
             questionnaire with respondents classifying themselves into usage/purchase categories - Heavy, Medium,
(Product)    Light, Never from 1994 onwards.
             A self-completion questionnaire measuring FMCG categories on unit-bases was introduced from SAARF
             AMPS 2001A. The number of units used/purchased is obtained and for each product category, an “ever”
             measure has been calculated as well as the component “light, medium and heavy” responses. The
             responses are divided into best thirds to form the “light, medium, heavy” categories. In addition, some
             categories had branded questions on a user-pay basis.
             From SAARF AMPS 2005, the self-completion questionnaire has been expanded to cover over 100
             FMCG product categories and includes three branded questions for each category.

             Refer to Section 6 – “The Interview” – for details of all changes made to the FMCG (Product) categories
             for SAARF AMPS 2008B.
             On the 12-month SAARF AMPS (Rolling Average) database, only comparable (across the two 6-month
             surveys) product categories (and brands) are released.

Language     Since SAARF AMPS 94, respondents have been able to claim more than one home language. From
             1994 to 2000 the language categories for reporting purposes were grouped into English/Other,
             Afrikaans/Both, Nguni/Other and Sotho/Both with no duplication between categories. The decision was
             made from SAARF AMPS 2001A to use all 11 official languages, with an additional category in which all
             other languages are grouped as a breakdown in the report.
             For reporting purposes, the language categories are as follows:
                       English             South Sotho          Tswana
                       Afrikaans           North Sotho          Venda
                       Xhosa               Ndebele              Swazi
                       Zulu                Tsonga               Other

             Each language code comprises only those respondents claiming that specific language as a home

             In order to remove duplication in home language, two census language questions replace the “home
             language” question in SAARF AMPS 2002B. Firstly, the language personally spoken most often is
             obtained followed by any other languages personally spoken at home. For SAARF AMPS 2002B
             12-months database and reports, these two questions were combined and matched with the 2002A
             language data. Due to the methodological change in the home language questions, SAARF AMPS
             2002B was not comparable to previous surveys.
             From the SAARF AMPS 2003A 12-month database, users have been able to analyse home language

Age          There are two age questions in the SAARF AMPS questionnaire – one on exact age and the other a
             grouping into 8 categories. However, the weighting cells are 16-24, 25-34, 35-49 and 50+ (not the
             individual groups) and analysis by any other age groupings will not necessarily reflect the correct
             population statistics. In addition, there is a proportion of respondents who refuse to give their exact age
             and therefore adding the individual exact ages will not necessarily equate to the groups in the grouped
             age question.

Community    With the annual update to the population estimates, a number of places changed their community size
             definitions from SAARF AMPS 2006.

                                   ®                                                                        ®
SAARF        From SAARF AMPS 2005, SAARF Lifestyles have been derived separately for LSMs 1-5 and
                   ®                             ®
             LSMs 6-10. From SAARF AMPS 2007B onwards, a further entirely separate analysis has been done for
Lifestyles                                           ®
             the total adult population covering LSMs 1-10. For further details, see Section 10 “SAARF Lifestyles”.

                                                                                                         Page 11
Children’s   Two codes for Primary Purchase Decision Makers for babies up to 23 months and for children 2-15 years
             old have been created and released for the first time on the SAARF AMPS 2007B (Rolling Average)
Primary      database. See Section 3 “Definition of Terms” for a further explanation.

Mothers’     The description of the breakdowns: “Women with babies up to 23 months” and “Women with children
             2-15 years” have changed to “Mothers with babies up to 23 months” and “Mothers with children 2-15
Status                                    ®
             years” in the SAARF AMPS electronic reports from 2007B. Note that it is only the description that has
             changed and not its definition. See Section 3 “Definition of Terms”.

SAARF        In order to extend the opportunities for a greater understanding of the South African consumer, an attitude
             section was added to the self-completion questionnaire from SAARF AMPS 2007A.
             Attitude Topics were identified, defined and measured using 4 different four point scales.

             Respondents were subsequently classified into those who were above or below the mean on each
             Attitude Topic. They were further grouped into 5 attitude types who hold similar views: “Now Generation”,
             “Nation Builders”, “Distants”, “Rooted” and “Global Citizens”.

             The individual SAARF Attitude statements are also available for analysis.

             A detailed write-up of SAARF Attitudes appears in Section 12 of this Technical Report.

                                                                                                          Page 12
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