2021/22 Quality Improvement Plan Work Plans - Performance Monitoring & Quality Committee

Page created by Angela Lewis
2021/22 Quality Improvement Plan Work Plans - Performance Monitoring & Quality Committee
2021/22 Quality Improvement Plan
                                               Work Plans
                       Performance Monitoring & Quality Committee

2 March 2021                         Create Health. Build Community.
2021/22 QIP Work Plans | Table of Contents

  The following pages contain a work plan for each of the improvement initiatives. Work Plans articulate the: 1)
  improvement objective; 2) measure to track improvement; 3) improvement target; and 4) change ideas that will drive
  the improvement.

                        Medication Reconciliation on Discharge ….                1
                        Transfer of Care ……………………………………....                      2
                        Patient Experience (PODS) .……………………..                    3
                        ETHP Collaborative…………………………………..                        4
                        Workplace Violence Prevention ...............            5
                        ED Length of Stay (Time to Bed) ………………                   6
2021/22 QIP Work Plans | Medication Reconciliation on Discharge
Increase the proportion of patients receiving medication reconciliation on discharge

                           Unit of measure/                                         Target for
     Indicator                                    Data Source/Period    Baseline                                  Target Justification
                          Patient population                                         2021/22

Percent of              Unit of Measure         Data Source                                      • Score will continue to include Complex Care and
discharged              Percent                 Hospital collected                                 Maternal Newborn Child in addition to Medicine,
patients for whom                               data                                               Surgery, & Mental Health
a Best Possible         Patient Population                               61.5%       > 64%
                                                                                                 • Baseline is based on FY 2019/2020 YTD average
Medication              All in-patients excl.   Reporting Period
Discharge Plan was      deceased, LOS <         Q1-Q4 2021/2022                                  • Target is based on 5% improvement on baseline
created.                24hrs, newborns                                                            score

#                Change Idea                                              Methods                                        Measure             Target

                                          1. Include Discharge Med Rec stats as part of the required Discharge
                                             Summary dashboard
                                                                                                                                         1. Q2
    Improve reporting and                                                                                             Completion
1                                         2. Introduce Discharge Med Rec for all COVID-19 vaccine recipients                             2. Q1
    visibility of Med Rec stats                                                                                         date
                                                                                                                                         3. Q2
                                          3. Review reporting post-Cerner upgrade to enhance automation

                                          1. Continue supporting CCC and MNC in sustaining their targets
    Sustain Med Rec in areas                                                                                                             1. Q1-Q4
2   where it has previously been
                                          2. Incorporate PODS Discharge Form completion as part of Med Rec              date             2. Q1-Q4
    rolled out
                                             monitoring for MNC

                                                                                                                                                    Page 1
2021/22 QIP Work Plans | Transfer of Care
Improve quality of information transfer at patient transition points

                       Unit of measure/                                                      Target for
    Indicator                                     Data Source/Period         Baseline                                       Target Justification
                      Patient population                                                      2021/22

                                                                                                               The target represents a 10% increase from
                    Unit of Measure           Data Source
                                                                                                               last year’s target. Given that COVID-19 will
                    Percentage                Hospital collected data
% correct                                                                                                      continue to be a top organizational priority
                                              (i.e. observational audits
completion of                                                                                                  for the remainder of the 21/22 FY, a 10%
                    Patient Population        of verbal handover)              77%            > 85%
IPASS at shift                                                                                                 increase is reasonable. Specific work on the
                    All inpatient areas
handover                                                                                                       final component of IPASS (i.e. Synthesis by
                    where IPASS has           Reporting Period
                                                                                                               Receiver) will need to be completed to reach
                    been implemented          April 2021 – Mar 2022
                                                                                                               this target.

#                Change Idea                                               Methods                                          Measure                 Target

                                           1. Transition TOA QIP oversight from the TOA project team to clinical
                                                                                                                                            1. Q1
    Sustain and improve upon the           2. Continue to support teams in completing the required 10 audits per          Completion
1                                                                                                                                           2. Q1-Q4
    changes made last QIP cycle               month.                                                                        Date
                                                                                                                                            3. Q2-Q4
                                           3. Provide support to teams who have found the synthesis portion of
                                              IPASS challenging.
                                           1. Create interdisciplinary committee whose goal is improving
                                              physician handover.
    Develop standardized practice                                                                                         Completion        1. Q2
2                                          2. Work with IT to explore potential solutions for a standardized
    for physician handover                                                                                                  Date            2. Q2-Q4
                                              physician handover tool in PowerChart.

                                                                                                                                                             Page 2
Patient Experience
2021/22 QIP Work Plans |                                 Patient Oriented Discharge Summary (PODS)
Improve patient experience
                                Unit of measure/                                          Target for
         Indicator                                   Data Source/Period     Baseline                                      Target Justification
                               Patient population                                          2021/22
Percent of top box             Unit of Measure      Data Source
responses (“Completely”)                                                                               For the purpose of aligning with OHT priority populations
                               Percent              Canadian Institute
to the question “Did you                                                                               (seniors with chronic illnesses and their caregivers) this
                                                    for Health
receive enough                                                                                         year we will continue implementing PODS for patients
                                                    Information (CIHI),
information from hospital      Patient Population                                                      with chronic respiratory conditions .
                                                    NRC Health
staff about what to do if                                                     61%          ≥ 61%
                               All survey                                                              Although the change ideas were not fully implemented
you were worried about                              Reporting Period
                               respondents                                                             due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the target was achieved.
your condition or
                               discharged from      January 2021-                                      Our target reflects a small increase from last year (58%)
treatment after you left
                               Respiratory Unit     December 2021                                      that should be sustained once our change ideas are fully
the hospital”? (with a focus
on Respiratory patients)

#           Change Idea                                      Methods                                                  Measure                           Target

                                                                                                   % of patients who have a warm follow up
    Post Discharge Phone          Fully implement the automated Post Discharge Phone Call
                                                                                                   phone call to address the flagged issues
1   calls (PDPCs) using the       (PDPC) process , using the PODS framework ,for patients                                                               100%
                                                                                                   identified during the automated PDPCs
    PODS framework                being discharged to home
                                                                                                   by end of March

                                                                                                   % of staff who complete d iLearn module
                                  1. Verify /complete staff training including NRT staff:          and attended didactic and simulation                 100%
                                      a) iLearn module on health literacy
    Build staff capacity in                                                                        sessions by end of May
                                      b) Didactic session on health literacy and teach back
2   the area of health                c) Simulation session using teach back and PODS frame work
    literacy and teach back       2. Observe staff during PODS conversations and documentation
                                      and provide in the moment coaching and feedback.             # of staff who have had in the moment                100%
                                                                                                   coaching by end of June
    Create the ideal              Work with staff, patients and families to refresh the ideal
    discharge conversation        discharge process including PODS (pamphlet, expected
3   using the PODS                date of discharge (EDD) on whiteboard, daily conversation,                    Completion Date                       Oct 2021
    framework                     preparing to go home conversation and day of discharge

                                                                                                                                                          Page 3
East Toronto
2021/22 QIP Progress Report | ETHP Collaborative                                                                                  Health Partners
Improve Patient Engagement in their Care                                Partners: Providence, WoodGreen, VHA, SRCHC, SETFHT and Bridgepoint FHT
                                    Unit of measure/                                             Target for
          Indicator                                          Data Source/Period      Baseline                             Target Justification
                                   Patient population                                             2021/22
                                      Unit of Measure
                                                                                                                Organizations will continue to use their
                                          Percent               Data Source
Percent of persons                                                                                              own organizational data in their QIP and
                                                              CIHI CPES Survey
satisfied with their                                                                                            can set an internal target if they feel
                                    Patient Population        question 35 & 36
                                                                                                                they are ready to do so.
involvement in their                   Seniors with                 (TBC)             60 %        > 60 %
planning of care and              complex/chronic needs
                                                                                                                Our baseline is based on last year’s
                                    and their caregivers      Reporting Period
treatment                                                                                                       actual performance (Jan to Dec), and our
                                (focus on integrated care,       2021/22
                                                                                                                target is a 5% improvement.
                                         eg: H2D)

#              Change Idea                                                 Methods                                         Measure               Target

                                         1. Continue to roll out PFCC eLearning module across ETHP
                                                                                                                                          1. Q1-Q3
    Introductory Training on Person      2. Leverage BPSO Steering Committee to ensure regular meetings for               Complete
1   and Family-Centred Care for Staff       knowledge sharing                                                                             2. Q1-Q4
    & Providers                                                                                                            Activity
                                         3. Support Champions to receive and provide on-going coaching and                                3. Q1-Q4
                                            support to support PFCC in their organization

                                         1. Phase 1: literature search and finalizing interview questions and
                                            consent forms                                                                                 1. Q1
    Completion of Advanced Clinical                                                                                       Complete
2                                        2. Phase 2: Through interviews and observation, study experiences of                             2. Q1
    Practice Fellowship                                                                                                    Activity
                                            PFCC across the ETHP integrated system of care
                                                                                                                                          3. Q2-Q3
                                         3. Phase 3 disseminate findings and develop action plan

                                         1. Jointly submit indicator through the Enquire database and leverage
                                            BPSO champions to share learnings and improvement opportunities
                                                                                                                                          1. Q1-Q4
                                         2. Jointly implement or expand data collection in two ETHP initiatives:          Complete
    Data collection & Quality
3                                             1. Home2Day initiative                                                                      2. Q2
    Improvement                                                                                                            Activity
                                              2. HUBS
                                                                                                                                          3. Q3
                                         3. Develop and implement one Quality Improvement initiative based on
                                            the data within the HUBS & H2D initiatives
                                                                                                                                                     Page 4
2021/22 QIP Progress Report | Workplace Violence Prevention
Reduction in workplace violence incidents
     Indicator 1               Unit of measure/                                                          Target for
                                                          Data Source/Period          Baseline                                              Target Justification
     (Mandated)               Patient population                                                          2021/22

Number of workplace
                            Unit of Measure             Data Source
violence incidents                                                                 25.8/month           >26/mthly         Target will remain the same, as we were
                            Count                       Hospital collected data
reported by hospital
workers (as by defined
                                                                                                                          unable to completely implement our change
                            Patient Population          Reporting Period                                                  ideas.
by OHSA) within a 12                                                                 232/year           >312/year
                            All patient care units      April 2021– March 2022
month period.

      Indicator 2              Unit of measure/                                                          Target for
                                                          Data Source/Period           Baseline                                             Target Justification
       (Custom)               Patient population                                                          2021/22

Number of workplace         Unit of Measure             Data Source
violence incidents          Count                       Hospital collected data                                          Target will remain the same, as we were
reported resulting in                                                                    13                 < 13         unable to completely implement our change
Lost Time within 12         Patient Population          Reporting Period                                                 ideas.
month period.               All patient care units      Jan 20201- Dec 2021

#             Change Idea                                             Methods                                                Measure                               Target

    Behavioural Care Plan Alert
                                          1. Full implementation of the care plan alert in PowerChart
    for Patient & Worker Safety                                                                                                                          1.   TBD *associated
                                          2. Full implementation of the tool, staff education in one         1.    Completion Date                            with Powerchart
    Continue implementation of               unit, prioritizing high risk to patient and staff.                                                               upgrades
1                                                                                                            2.    Completion Date
    the Behavioural Care Plan             3. Modelling the success of the one unit implementation,                                                       2.   May 2021
                                             increase spread of implementation through dedicated             3.    Completion Date
    Alert for Patient and                                                                                                                                3.   September 2021
                                             resources and/or unit level champions.
    Worker Safety

    Zero Tolerance Campaign &                                                                                1.    Completion date of campaign
    Strategy                              1. Implement campaign for patients, hospital visitors and                                                      1. September 2021
                                             staff                                                           2.    % of staff feel action is taken       2. TBD (Pulse survey
    Design and implement                                                                                           when attacked, bullied,                  or 2021 Employee
                                          2. Develop communication and education materials to
    communication , education                                                                                      harassed by                              Engagement
2                                            support workplace violence prevention (i.e. Close loop
    and proactive solutions to                                                                                     patients/public/staff                    survey)
                                             communication on reported incidents)
    support our vision of a zero
    tolerance work environment            3. Regular risk assessments (JHSC audits & identified high risk    3.    # of safety audits completed          3. 80% by Q3.
                                             areas prioritized using recently adapted tool)                                                              4. 80% by Q4
                                                                                                             4.    # assessments completed
                                                                                                                                                                            Page 5
2021/22 QIP Work Plans | ED LOS (Time for Inpatient Bed)
Reduce the time interval between the Disposition to Patient Left ED for admission to an inpatient bed or operating room
                         Unit of measure /                                                              Target for
                         Patient population
                                                      Data Source / Period           Baseline
                                                                                                                                          Target Justification

                                                   Data Source
                      Unit of Measure              P4RHospital data;                                                     To recognize the impact of COVID-19 we have
                      Hours from Disposition       National Ambulatory                                                   increased the target to ≤ 16 hr – however we aim
90th Percentile                                    Care Reporting System
                      to Left ED for all                                                                                 to achieve ≤ 14 hr in the following year (F2022/23).
Emergency                                          (NACRS); Data provided
                      admitted patients
Department Wait                                    to HQO by Cancer Care             16.8 hr            ≤ 16 hr          COVID-19 has further highlighted the importance
Times for In-                                      Ontario                                                               of moving patients quickly from the ED once
Patient Bed
                      Patient Population           Reporting Period                                                      admitted, to ensure there is adequate space to
                                                                                                                         safely care for those patients arriving to the ED.
                      All admitted patients        Dec 2020 to Nov 2021
                                                   (P4R cycle)

#          Change Idea                                           Methods                                                    Measure                             Target
                                  1.    Interdisciplinary facilitated workshop in June to map patient         1.     Interdisciplinary
                                        journey and identify pain points                                             Participation in Workshops
    Identify opportunities to                                                                                                                        1.   100%
1   streamline the patient        2.    Prioritize top 3 patient flow pain points, and develop and            2.     Inter-Timestamp
    flow journey                        implement interventions                                                                                      2.   TBD
                                                                                                                     improvements on priority
                                                                                                                     patient flow steps

                                  1.    Identify & automate at least 3 key metrics from Teletracking
                                        for performance monitoring to inform changes                          1.     Completion date                 1.   September
2   Maximize Teletracking         2.    Train users on new system                                             2.     % of users trained              2.   TBD
                                  3.    Increase visibility of key information for key users (e.g. ED         3.     Time to access key info         3.   Decrease by 50%
                                        Charge Nurse, Portering, IP Clerks)

                                  1.    Leverage available funding to support offsite bed operations
                                        to offset significant increase in ALC patients in acute care
                                                                                                              1.     ALC rate in acute care (%)
    Focus on ALC                                                                                                                                     1.   TBD
3                                                                                                             2.     LOS for patients discharges
    Management                    2.    Reduce LOS for acute medical patients through the
                                                                                                                     to community with home          2.   TBD
                                        implantation of creative discharge models, including short
                                                                                                                     care services
                                        term comprehensive discharge support (e.g. HISH – High                                                                           Page 6
                                        Intensity Supports at Home program)
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