GTA000187-012 Southern Linc Wireless Catalog

Page created by Cody Carpenter
GTA000187-012 Southern Linc Wireless Catalog
                       Southern Linc Wireless Catalog

                                 Table of Contents

CriticalLinc Phone Equipment                         Pg. 2
CriticalLinc Phone Accessories                       Pgs. 3-4
CriticalLinc Data Equipment & Accessories            Pg. 5
CriticalLinc Service                                 Pgs. 6-11
CriticalLinc Definitions                             Pg. 11
VTS Silent Passenger MRM                             Pg. 12-13

GTA000187-012 Southern Linc Wireless Catalog
CriticalLinc Phone Equipment
                                                          New Service:    $99.00
                   Part # SONI-
                   XP5S-00                                Replacement:    $265.00
                   • MIL-Spec 810G
                   • Extremely loud audio
                   • Multi-shift battery life
                   • 3-year warranty

                                                          New Service:    $99.00
                   Part # SONI-
                   XP8-00                                 Replacement:    $599.00

                   •   Intrinsically Safe Smartphone
                   •   Touchscreen
                   •   Fully water and dust proof
                   •   Resistant to drops from over 2M
                   •   3-year warranty
                                                          New Service: $129.00
                  Galaxy                                  Replacement: $240.00
                  PART #: SMSG-A215-00
                  SIM CARD PART #: GD-PCSL00003A-
                  (must order both phone and SIM
                    • 6.5" display
                    • Up 512GB expandable storage
                    • Powerful quad lens camera
                    • Long-lasting battery
                                                          New Service: $665.00
                  Galaxy                                  Replacement: $665.00
                  S20 FE
                  PART #: SMSG-G781NAV128-00
                  SIM CARD PART #: GD-PCSL00003A-
                  (must order both phone and SIM
                        •   Fast and Super Smooth
                            120Hz Screen
                        •   All-day Intelligent Battery
                        •   HyperFast Processor
                        •   Defense-grade security
                                                           New Service: $95.00
                  A02                                      Replacement: $95.00
                  PART #: SMSG-A025-00
                  SIM CARD PART #: GD-PCSL00003A-
                       •    6.5" HD+ Infinity-V display
                       •    5,000mAh(typical) battery
                       •    Dual Camera Experience

CriticalLinc Accessories
  Carry Solutions XP5s
  Sonim Holster with Swivel Clip                                  SONI-096962273552-00        $        8.00
  Sonim Leather Pouch                                             SONI-096962273576-00    $           16.00
  Sonim Leather Fitted Case                                       SONI-096962273590-00    $           41.95
  Rugged Pouch with D-Ring. Belt Clip and Belt Loop included      LINC-RGDPCXP5S-00       $           10.95
  Power Solutions XP5s
  Sonim Wall Charger Adapter with Extended Length Cable           SONI-096962273453-00    $           20.95
  Sonim Battery Door and Screws                                   SONI-096962273385-00    $           23.95
  Sonim 3180mAh Li-ion Battery                                    SONI-096962273460-00    $           41.95
  Sonim USB-C Data & Charge Cable                                 SONI-096962273491-00    $           13.95
  Sonim Dual USB Car Charger Adapter with Extended Length Cable   SONI-096962273514-00        $        9.00
  Single Desktop Charger                                          ADVT-AT2095A-00         $         145.95
  Single XP5s charger pocket                                      ADVT-AT6053APL-00       $           38.95
  6-unit Drop-In Charger (Phone Only)                             ADVT-AT6053-00          $         498.95
  12-unit Multi Bay Charger (Battery Only)                        ADVT-AT6054A-00         $         498.95
  Dual battery-only XP5s charger pocket                           ADVT-AT6054APL-00                 $ 38.95
  Audio Solutions XP5s
  Klein 3.5mm Adapter                                             SONI-854807007331-00    $           20.00
  Klein CURL Wired PTT Headset                                    SONI-854807007355-00    $           59.95
  Klein Patriot Wired PTT Headset                                 SONI-854807007348-00    $           97.95
  Klein VALOR Remote Speaker Microphone                           SONI-854807007362-00    $          149.95
  Stone Mountain Phoenix Remote Speaker Microphone                SONI-096962273507-00    $         159.95
  Stone Mountain Phoenix Remote Speaker Mic w/ 10 Channel Selec   SONI-096962273620-00        $       92.50
  Klein COMFIT Wired PTT Headset w/Boom for XP5s and XP8          SONI-854807007454-00              $ 78.00
  AdvanceTec Desktop Mic                                          ADVT-AT8350A-00         $           97.95
  AdvanceTec Foot Switch                                          ADVT-AT8400-00          $          103.95
  AdvanceTec Y-Cable Adapter                                      ADVT-AT8405B-00         $           32.95
  Aina BTLE Smart Button                                          SONI-6430064230206-00   $           79.95
  Aina Bluetooth PTT Voice Responder, Remote Speaker Microphone   SONI-6430064230008-00   $          199.95
  Vehicle Solutions XP5s
  Complete Car Kit (Non-Locking Cradle)                           ADVT-AT6732A-00         $          298.95
  Complete Car Kit (Locking Cradle)                               ADVT-AT6733A-00         $          330.95
  Lockable XP5s Car Kit Cradle                                    ADVT-AT6397A-00                  $ 162.95
  Cradle Only                                                     ADVT-AT6396A-00         $          128.95
  Brain Box Only                                                  ADVT-AT8271A-00         $         128.95
  Mobile Charging ONLY Kit (Locking)                              ADVT-AT6748AA-00        $         169.95
  heavy duty palm microphone                                      ADVT-AT8428-00                    $ 82.50
  Mobile Charging ONLY Kit (Non-Locking)                          ADVT-AT6747A-00         $         149.95
  PanaVise In-vehicle Holder and Mount                            SONI-096962273743-00    $           27.50
  PanaVise In-vehicle Holder and Mount with Optional Locking      SONI-096962274351-00    $           90.95
  Panavise In Vehicle, Non-locking Holder for XP5s                SONI-096962273293-00    $           40.95
  Panavise In Vehicle, Locking Holder for XP5s                    SONI-096962274344-00    $           59.95
  AdvanceTec Foot Pedal PTT w/2 Pin Connector                     ADVT-AT8432A-00                   $ 84.95
  Miscellaneous XP5s
  Advance Communicator                                            ADVT-AT3091A-00         $          390.95
  Kenwood (TK) Interface Cable                                    GCT-4C013-00                     $ 233.95
  Unterminated Cable                                              GCT-4C001-00                     $ 133.95
  Remote Unit w/Power Supply                                      GCT-G202-00                     $ 2,580.95

CriticalLinc Accessories
Carry Solutions XP8
Sonim Holster with Swivel Clip, Inward Facing                   SONI-096962273569-00             $ 20.95
Sonim Leather Pouch                                             SONI-096962273583-00             $ 16.00
Sonim Leather Fitted Case                                       SONI-096962273606-00             $ 16.00
Sonim Holster with Swivel Clip, Outward Facing                  SONI-096962274825-00               $ 8.00
Power Solutions XP8
Sonim Battery Door and Screw                                     SONI-096962273392-00            $ 31.95
Sonim 4900mAh Li-ion Battery                                     SONI-096962273484-00            $ 54.95
Sonim Wall Charger Adapter with Extended Length Cable            SONI-096962273453-00            $ 20.95
Sonim USB-C Data & Charge Cable                                  SONI-096962273491-00            $ 13.95
Sonim Dual USB Car Charger Adapter with Extended Length Cable    SONI-096962273514-00             $ 9.00
Single XP8 charger pocket                                        ADVT-AT6056APL-00                $ 38.95
6-unit Multi Bay for XP8                                         ADVT-AT6056A-00             $ 498.95
12-unit Multi Bay for XP8 Battery Only                           ADVT-AT6055A-00             $ 498.95
dual battery-only XP8 charger pocket                             ADVT-AT6055APL-00                $ 38.95
Single Desktop Charger;XP8                                       ADVT-AT2096A-00                 $ 145.95
Audio Solutions XP8
Klein 3.5mm Adapter                                              SONI-854807007331-00            $ 20.00
Klein CURL Wired PTT Headset                                     SONI-854807007355-00            $ 59.95
Klein Patriot Wired PTT Headset                                  SONI-854807007348-00            $ 97.95
Klein VALOR Remote Speaker Microphone                            SONI-854807007362-00            $149.95
Klein COMFIT Wired PTT Headset w/Boom for XP5s and XP8           SONI-854807007454-00             $ 78.00
Stone Mountain Phoenix Remote Speaker Microphone                 SONI-096962273507-00            $159.95
Stone Mountain Phoenix Remote Speaker Mic w/ 10 Channel Selec    SONI-096962273620-00           $92.50
Aina BTLE Smart Button                                           SONI-6430064230206-00   $    79.95
Aina Bluetooth PTT Voice Responder, Remote Speaker Microphone    SONI-6430064230008-00   $      199.95
Vehicle Solutions XP8
PanaVise In-vehicle Holder and Mount                             SONI-096962273750-00        $   27.50
PanaVise In-vehicle Holder and Mount with Optional Locking       SONI-096962273101-00        $   90.95
Panavise In Vehicle, Non-locking Holder for XP8                  SONI-096962273309-00        $   40.95
Panavise In Vehicle, Locking Holder for XP8                      SONI-096962273873-00        $   59.95
Panavise In Vehicle Pedestal Mount                               SONI-340000054-00           $   38.95
heavy duty palm microphone                                       ADVT-AT8428-00                $ 82.50
Vehicle Kit (Standard) for XP8                                   ADVT-AT6734A-00             $ 298.95
Standard Cradle Only                                             ADVT-AT6398A-00             $ 130.95
Brain Box Only                                                   ADVT-AT8271A-00             $ 128.95
Sonim XP8 Mobile Charger Cradle Kit                              ADVT-AT6738A-00             $ 149.95
AdvanceTec Foot Pedal PTT w/2 Pin Connector                      ADVT-AT8432A-00             $ 84.95
Motorola portable radio vehicle door panel hanger                MOTO-TDN9373A-00              $ 17.95
Miscellaneous XP8
Sonim LTE Donor Radio Interface Cable, 3 ft.                     LINC-SO3FLST3-00                 $ 83.85
Sonim Screen Protector; XP8                                      SONI-096962274009-00              $ 5.00
Sonim LTE Donor Radio Interface Cable, 6 ft.                     LINC-SO3FLST6-00                 $ 89.95
Donor Radio Interface Cable, Telex 224 to XP8                    LINC-SONIM224-00                $ 259.95
Sonim Direct Mode Module-XP8                                     SONI-096962274832-00           $ 39.00
Kenwood (TK) Interface Cable                                     GCT-4C013-00                  $ 233.95
Unterminated Cable                                               GCT-4C001-00                  $ 133.95
Remote Unit w/Power Supply                                       GCT-G202-00                 $ 2,580.95

CriticalLinc Data Equipment & Accessories
 Franklin Wireless R717 Mobile Hotspot
 Franklin Wireless Hotspot (must order both hotspot and SIM                                                         $59.00
 card)                                                         KGA-R717-00
 Samsung Tab Active Pro
 Samsung Tab Active Pro                                        SMSG-T547-00                                       $599.00
 GNX6 MRM Modem Accessories
 Magnetic Mount Roof cellular GPS antenna for GNX6             CWS-AU4SLTEMAGMNT-00                                 $54.95

 Sierra Wireless Power Harness                                 SRW-6001039-00                                        $6.95

 Sierra Wireless Data Cable                                    SRW-6001054-00                                       $12.95

 LTE 3G Fakra Antenna; Adhesive                                CWS-6001135-00                                       $54.95

 Sierra Wireless OBDII Power Cable                             SRW-6001044-00                                       $15.95

 Sierra Wireless Deutsch 9-Pin Cable                           SRW-6001046-00                                       $35.95

 Deutsch 6-pin cable male/female 20-pin                        SRW-6001048-00                                       $35.95

 Deutsch 9-Pin cable, Male/Female 20pin (limited stock)        SRW-6001053-00                                       $35.95

 Sierra Wireless 9 Pin Y Cable Green                           CWS-6001053-00                                       $35.95

 OBDII Universal Y Cable                                       CWS-0802194-00                                       $28.95
 GE Fixed Data Equipment

 ECR – 1 ethernet, 1 serial, 1 USB with Wi-Fi                  GE-ECR1W51N-00                                     $672.00

 MCR2 – 1 Ethernet, 2 serial, 1 USB no Wi-Fi                   GE-MCR21S2F7-00                                    $616.00

 MCR2 – 1 Ethernet, 2 serial, 1 USB with Wi-Fi                 GE-MCR251N1S2F7-00                                 $706.00

 MCR2 – 2 Ethernet, 1 serial, 1 USB no Wi-Fi                   GE-MCR21S1F-00                                     $616.00

 MCR2 – 2 Ethernet, 1 serial, 1 USB with Wi-Fi                 GE-MCR251N1S3FD-00                                 $706.00

 MCR4 – 4 Ethernet, 2 serial, 1 USB no Wi-Fi                   GE-MCR4NNNN-00                                     $785.00

 MCR4 – 4 Ethernet, 2 serial, 1 USB with Wi-Fi                 GE-MCR4W51N-00                                     $875.00
 Fixed Data Accessories
 GE Power Supply                                               GE-013682A02-00                                    $94.95
 GE Wi-Fi Antenna                                              GE-97478A34-00                                      $7.95
 GE LTE & Wi-Fi Demo Kit                                       GE-0364868A01-00                                  $254.95
 PCTEL Yagi Antenna                                            PCT-BMYD806KDP-00                                 $162.95
 PCTEL MIMO Antenna, 2 x LTE, permanent mount                  PCT-PCTHPDLTESF-00                                 $93.95
 PCTEL MIMO Antenna, 2 x LTE, magnetic mount                   PCT-PCTHPDLTESFMM-00                               $93.95
 PCTEL MIMO Antenna, 2 x LTE, 1 x WIFI, permanent mount        PCT-PCTHPDLTEWIFISF-00                            $120.95
 PCTEL MIMO Antenna, 2 x LTE, 1 x WIFI, magnetic mount         PCT-PCTHPDLTEWIFISFMM-00                          $120.95
 PCTEL MIMO Antenna, 2 x LTE, 2 x WIFI, permanent mount        PCT-PCTHPDLTEMIMOSF-00                            $153.95
 PCTEL MIMO Antenna, 2 x LTE, 2 x WIFI, magnetic mount         PCT-PCTHPDLTEMIMOSFMM-00                          $153.95
 PCTEL Kit w/ LMR400 Cable (2 cables)                          PCT-PFP40035KIT2-00                               $351.95
 PCTEL Kit w/ LMR600 Cable (1 cables)                          PCT-PFP60030KIT2-00                               $310.95
 TESSCO Gas Tube Surge Protector                               TESS-GTNFFAL-00                                    $35.95
 TESSCO DC Blocked 50 ohm Bulkhead                             TESS-1SB50LNC2-00                                  $40.95
 Avior 440 TripleSIM (XP5s, XP8, Samsung Galaxy A21, Samsung                                                       $7.00
 Galaxy S20 FE, Samsung A02, Franklin Hotspot & Toughbook)                                  $0.00 for Samsung Galaxy A21,
                                                                                          Samsung Galaxy S20 FE, Samsung
                                                               GD-PCSL00003A-00                    A02 & Franklin Hotspot
 Cellular, SMA Indoor Paddle Antenna                           GE-972485A04-00                                    $16.95

CriticalLinc Service Plans for the XP5s
                                                                 CATALOG # GCLPG200      CATALOG # GCLPGU
                         PTT Plans                                                         Private &
              Service and Feature Descriptions                     Private & Group 200

                                      Monthly Access Fee:                $15.00                $20.00
       Private/Group PTT Minutes w/Priority (will pool
        with other users on same plan under                           200 Regional        Unlimited Regional
                            same master account)
                                  Additional PTT Minutes:             $0.10/minute               N/A
         Anytime Cell Minutes (will pool with other users
                        on same plan under same master                 60 Regional           60 Regional
                               Nationwide Long Distance:                Included              Included
       Incoming Text Messaging (Incoming Paging
                                   Service Access):                     Unlimited             Unlimited
                                Outgoing Text Messaging:            Optional Package*     Optional Package*
           Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, Call Hold, 3-Way
                                                    Calling:            Included              Included
                                                Voice Mail:             Included              Included
                                                  Caller ID:            Included              Included
                         5 Integrated Dispatch Positions:               Included              Included
                        Additional Anytime Cell Minutes:              $0.40/minute          $0.40/minute

                                                                 CATALOG # GCL1000T      CATALOG # GCLCTU

                   XP5s CriticalLinc Plans                          Cell 1000 & Text      Unlimited Voice
                (service plan pricing per unit)                                                Basic
                                     Monthly Access Fee:                 $27.00                $30.00
                                             Basic MCPTT:              Unlimited             Unlimited
                               High Performance MCPTT:                   $10.00                $10.00
                                           Cellular Calling:         1000 Regional       Unlimited Regional
                       Nationwide Long-Distance Calling:               Unlimited              Included
                                Text & Picture Messaging:              Unlimited             Unlimited
                                                  Voice Mail:           Included              Included
                                                    Caller ID:          Included              Included
          Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, Call Hold, 3-Way               Included              Included
                       Additional Anytime Cell Minutes:              $0.40/minute               N/A

Master Level Phone Packages:
            Master Level Regional Shared Cellular Phone Packages for MCPTT and MCPTT Plus Plans
   Description                Catalog #             Included Regional Cellular Monthly Fee
   Shared Cellular 1000       GP1000                1,000                      $65.00
   Shared Cellular 3000       GP3000                3,000                      $190.00
   Shared Cellular 10000      GP10000               10,000                     $620.00
   Shared Cellular 15000      GP15000               15,000                     $915.00
   Shared Cellular 20000      GP20000               20,000                     $1,200.00

      •   Additional regional cellular minutes are $0.40 per minute
      •   Rates are applied to all users on the master account, providing a pooling of phone service
          minutes. The minutes are used on a first come first served basis.
      •   Any minutes used in excess of included minutes from subordinate account rate plans, phone
          packages on subordinate accounts, or Master Level Regional Shared Cellular Phone Packages will be
          billed according to the rate per additional minute on the subordinate account.
      •   Minutes included apply to airtime only (not long distance or roaming).
      •   Unused minutes do not carry over to the next month.
      •   Master Level Nationwide Shared Cellular packages cannot be combined with any other cell
          minute package.

CriticalLinc Service Plans for the XP8, Samsung Galaxy A21, Samsung
Galaxy S20 FE & Samsung A02

        CriticalLinc Plans with Data                      2GB Plan                    5GB Plan                  10GB Plan
         (service plan pricing per
                Monthly Access Fee:                           $40.00                   $55.00                     $65.00
                                 Basic MCPTT:             Unlimited                   Unlimited                  Unlimited
                  High Performance MCPTT:                     $10.00                   $10.00                     $10.00
                              Cellular Calling:           Unlimited                   Unlimited                 Unlimited
                                                          Regional                    Regional                  Regional
          Nationwide Long-Distance Calling:               Included                    Included                  Included
                             Text Messaging:              Unlimited                   Unlimited                  Unlimited
                          Picture messaging:                  Included                Included                   Included
                                Data Overage:                  $15/GB                  $15/GB                     $15/GB
                                   Voice Mail:                Included                Included                   Included
                                      Caller ID:              Included                Included                   Included
  Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, Call Hold, 3-                Included                Included              Included
                               Rate schemes:              GCLS2GB                     GCLS5GB              GCLS10GB

  Note: Picture messaging is included and usage is deducted from included data plans

High Performance MCPTT Add On
                                                                                        CATALOG # HPPTT
  High Performance MCPTT Add-on Plan for XP5s or XP8,               High Performance Mission Critical Push To Talk Add-on Plan
  Samsung Galaxy A21, Samsung Galaxy S20 FE & Samsung
  A02 (pricing per unit)
                                    Monthly Access Fee:
         (requires subscription to a MCPTT, MCPTT Plus,
                           Integrated or CriticalLinc plan)
                                              Messaging:           Enables the exchange of text messages and/or
                                                                   attachments (pictures) via MCPTT between individual
                                                                   enterprise subscribers or across talk groups.

                                                   Mapping:        A resource tracking solution that obtains the geographic
                                                                   coordinates (via subscriber’s handset GPS) to enable
                                                                   location tracking of enterprise subscriber devices.

                                              Emergency:           End-user initiated emergency action feature within MCPTT
                                                                   to trigger the Emergency Call/Alert function.

                                               Encryption:         MCPTT is FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliant where voice calls
                                                                   (including signaling and payload) are encrypted using AES
                                                                   256-bit encryption.

CriticalLinc LTE Fixed Data Service Plans

  Rate Schemes            Mobile Hotspot Pricing
                          1 GB             3 GB         5 GB         8 GB         15 GB
                          $28.00           $33.00       $40.00       $60.00       $90.00
                          MH1GBG           MH3GBG       MH5GBG       MH8GBG       MH15GBG
        Note: Southern Linc SIM is included in the pricing of the device. Plans do not Pool. All Mobile Hotspot service
plans will be restricted after the initial subscribed data package has been exhausted. Example: 1GB plan purchased and
exhausted, data speeds will be restricted. There are no overage charges for these plans, as data will slow down
dramatically when threshold of purchased data is met.

  Rate Schemes        Fixed Data Service Plan for Stand Alone Plans
                                           2 MB                   500 MB          1 GB
                      Monthly access fee $4.00                    $17.00          $26.00
                      Data overage         $0.026/MB              $0.018/MB       $0.018/MB
                      Rate scheme code LTE2MB                     LTE500MB        LTE1GB

       NOTE: These are standalone service plans. Voice cannot be added to these subscribers. The above data
       plans DO NOT pool. Minimum contract term is 5 years. Activation fee $35.

 Southern Linc M2M
 Low Usage Account Pooled $1 overage/MB                  High Usage Account Pooled $0.015 overage/MB
 1MB      5MB       25MB      50MB      150MB            250MB      1GB      3GB       5GB      8GB          15GB
 $6.00    $8.00     $11.00    $16.00    $19.00           $22.00     $28.00 $33.00 $40.00 $60.00              $90.00
 M2M1     M2M5      M2M25 M2M50 M2M150                   M2M250 M2M1 M2M3 M2M5 M2M8                          M2M15
 MBG      MBG       MBG       MBG       MBG              MBG        GBG      GBG       GBG      GBG          GBG

        NOTE: These are standalone service plans. Voice cannot be added to these subscribers. The above
        data plans DO pool.

Emergency Use Plan for XP5s and XP8 Phones
                                                                           CATALOG # SBPLAN
                       Emergency Use                                      MCPTT Emergency Use Only
                                     Monthly Access Fee:                              $5.00
                  Private/Group PTT Minutes w/Priority:                                 50
                              Additional MCPTT Minutes:                           $1.00/minute
                                    Anytime Cell Minutes:                               0
                                  Additional Cell Minutes:                        $1.00/minute
                               Nationwide Long Distance:                          $0.20/minute
                                                Rate scheme:                          GSBR

    NOTE: This plan is intended for emergency or disaster situation use only and not day-to-day use. Southern
    Linc reserves the right to change, without prior notice, any subscriber account to a limited minute plan if a
    subscriber’s usage is determined to be used for day-to-day use and not as intended only for emergency or
    disaster situation purposes.

Linc PTT
                                                                           CATALOG # PTT APP
                PTT Smartphone App                                               PTT App
              (service plan pricing per unit)
                                         Monthly Access Fee:                          $10.00

                 Private/Group PTT Minutes:                        Unlimited Private and Group

                         Rate scheme                                         LTELPTTG

    NOTE: Linc PTT is a downloaded smartphone app that enables Southern Linc customers to make PTT calls
    using another carrier’s smartphone and data to communicate with other CriticalLinc LTE customers.

           •PTT APP Account
           • iPhone 4s/Android OS 2.3 or higher, 10MB of internal storage available
           • 3G/4G data connection or Wi-Fi access

Mobile Data Plan for Feature Phone:
               Mobile Data Plan                                              Non-Smartphone Unlimited
             (service plan pricing per unit)                                 Data for
                                                                             GPS/VLS Services
                                     Monthly Access Fee:                           $5.00
       Non-Smart Phone Data Usage for GPS/VLS                          Unlimited

    CriticalLinc Definitions

    Included Voice                    Included Voice Mail allows a user to have up to 35 messages in their
    Mail:                             mailbox and will purge deposited and saved messages after 14 days.
                                      The maximum length of a message is three minutes. The maximum
                                      number of allowed greetings is five.

    Cellular Usage Tax:               6 % Cellular usage tax

    Directory Assistance:             $1.29 per call (Catalog #DA)

    Nationwide Long Distance:         Nationwide long distance applies to calls which terminate inside the
                                      continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, and
                                      the US Virgin Islands.

                                          •    No Nationwide Long-Distance Charges (Included at no charge

VTS Silent Passenger MRM
                    Silent Passenger Go                               Silent Passenger Pro w/ Diagnostics

         SP GO Monthly Fee:               $17.99                  SP Pro w/ Diagnostics       $26.99
                                                                          Monthly Fee:
          Rate scheme Code:          VTSGOVSPRO                     Rate scheme Code:       VTSGVSPPRO

         VTS Optional Extras                       SP Logbook                      $10.00
                                                     SP DVIR                        $5.00
                                                    SP Speed                        $2.00
                                                     SP Fuel                        $3.25
                                           SP Accessory Monitoring                  $2.00
                                              SP Temperature                       $12.00
                                                    SP Routing                      $5.00
                                                   SP Quickview                     $3.00
                                                    SP Diver ID                     $2.50
                                               SP Diagnostics                       $5.00
                                                    SP Safety                       $4.00
*requires two-year contract commitment

     •    Silent Passenger from Vehicle Tracking Solutions (VTS) is an enterprise software application using GPS
          and wireless technology to manage vehicles, assets and drivers. It is integrated with the Sierra Wireless
          GNX-6, and Sonim handsets for the LTE system.

VTS Silent Passenger MRM
VTS Silent Passenger MRM Feature Comparison:
                                                 Feature:     SP GO              SP GO Pro
                                   GPS Location Tracking     Included             Included
                                           Detailed Maps     Included             Included
                                              Landmarks      Included             Included
                                               Closest To    Included             Included
                                                  Reports    Included             Included
                                                    Alerts   Included             Included
                                           Satellite Maps    Included             Included
                                    Hardmount Tracking       Included             Included
                                              Geofencing     Included             Included
                          Polygon/Free Form Geofencing       Included             Included
                                            Panic Button     -optional-          -optional-
                                    Drag-n-drop dispatch                         -optional-
                                  OBDII/JBus Diagnostics                          Included
                                          I/O Monitoring     -optional-          -optional-
          IFTA State Mileage Fleet Compliance Reporting      Included             Included
                                Real Time Traffic w/ ETAs    Included             Included
             90 Days of Asset Activity Location Reporting    Included             Included
          13 Months of Asset Activity Location Reporting                          Included
                       Connect Integration Module (IAP)                           Included
                                            24/7 Support                          Included
                          Fleet Performance Dashboards                            Included
                           Vehicle Maintenance Module                             Included
                    Advance Mobile Apps (Android, IOS)                            Included
            Split Screen Functionality (up to 6 on screen)                        Included
                        Track Sonim Handsets, XP5s, XP8      Included             Included
                                      Vehicle Diagnostics                 Included (SP Diagnostics)
                     Fleet Configurable Driver Scorecard                    Included (SP Safety)
           Fuel Usage Reporting via Fuel Card Integration    Optional        Included (SP Fuel)
                      API/Web Service Data Integrations      Optional      Included (SP Connect)
                                         Optional Extras:
                   SP Logbook- ELDS for HOS Compliance       Optional             Optional
                       SPDVIR- Driver Vehicle Inspection     Optional             Optional
          SP Speed- Posted Speed Limit Alerts & Reports      Optional             Optional
        SP Accessory Monitoring- IO, PTO & Panic Button      Optional             Optional
        SP Temperature- Cargo Temperature Monitoring         Optional             Optional
            SP Routing- Scheduling & Route Optimization      Optional             Optional
         SP Quickview- Mobile Friendly Customer Portals      Optional             Optional
                SP Driver ID- Driver ID Alerts & Reporting   Optional             Optional

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