Spartan Survival Guide 2021-2022 - This guide was printed on August 2, 2021. For the most up to date information, please visit our website ...
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Spartan Survival Guide 2021-2022 This guide was printed on August 2, 2021. For the most up to date information, please visit our website
WHAT TO DO WHEN... Problem/Need Solution Absence Reporting If your student needs to be absent from their classes, please use the Absence Report Form. The form should also be used when students need to arrive late to school or leave early. Please note that this form will take the place of phone calls for student absences. The form can be found here: Missed the bus Get a ride from a parent or neighbor, walk, but COME TO SCHOOL! Parents must fill out the Absence Report Form. Sign in at the attendance office upon arrival. Lost & found Go to the Deans’ Office. Lost I.D. card Check with the Deans’ Office to see if it was turned in. If you need to purchase a new ID the cost is $5. The Bookstore collects the money and prints the new ID. Problem with other students and/or See the Dean of Students threats, harassment. How to get involved in activities or Stop by student activities or the athletic offices and ask how to get involved. athletics Activity Pass Activity passes provide entry to athletic events, plays (except Variety Show & musical), discounts to school dances, discounts in the student coffee shop, non-academic items in the bookstore, and the online student directory. An activity pass can be purchased in the bookstore or through the parent portal. Illness/injury at school Ask your classroom teacher for a pass to the nurse. Need tutoring/help See teacher, counselor, or go to the department resource room. For private tutoring (to be paid for by parents), see the instructional supervisor. Problem with teacher Discuss problems after school when you can meet privately with the teacher. If you feel you can’t approach the teacher by yourself, see your counselor for help/suggestions. Scheduling problem/class See your counselor during lunch, before school, or SRT. Drop or add a class Appointments with counselor Counselor offices are located in the Student Services Department. Schedule an appointment by searching “appointment” on the GBN webpage. Problems with parents, stress, See your counselor. Counselor offices are located in the Student Services anxiety, etc. Department. Schedule an appointment by searching “appointment” on the GBN webpage. School supplies Go to the school bookstore. Chromebook issues Go to the school bookstore if your Chromebook isn’t working or go to the library if you have general questions. Finding your way Getting lost the first couple of weeks is completely normal. Don’t hesitate to ask fellow Spartans for directions. Hungry Visit the cafeteria for a variety of items including breakfast, snacks, lunch, coffee. Check out the Vending Machines located in the hall by the Cafeteria. Food must remain in the cafeteria.
WHO IS MY COUNSELOR? As you enter high school, each of you is assigned a personal counselor. Most of you are placed with a counselor based on the first letter of your last name. You will see your counselor's name in Power School when you view your schedule. Your counselor is the one person at Glenbrook North who normally works with you during the entire time you are in high school. Teachers, coaches, and even club sponsors change from time to time, but as much as possible we try to keep you with the same counselor for all four years. What do you do with a counselor now that you have one? Each of you will see your counselor to accomplish tasks that are required by the school, such as receiving orientation information, registering for classes, planning your high school curriculum, getting college and career information, and taking special tests. Listed below are some other reasons that students often come in to see their counselors. Keep in mind that your counselor is here to help you be the best student that you can be. No one can think very clearly about a math equation or remember a World Language if there is a big problem bothering him/her. Counselors are trained to help students deal with many problems that can arise during high school. You may have a quick question, a long story to tell, or simply need support problem-solving a difficult situation. Either way, your counselor is here to listen and to help you find answers to your questions. Additional Counseling Resources: Social Workers: Jennifer Cicciu Christina Seaborg Patrick Wagner Psychologists: Bridget Bucklin Christy Hemesath Monica Mills Jill Rodriguez Seth Roseman Lisa Steffey SOME POSSIBLE REASONS TO SEE YOUR COUNSELOR 1. Having difficulty with a class (too hard/too easy) 2. Need a schedule change 3. Having difficulty with teachers, parents, friends, or family 4. Want help communicating with parents 5. Want help/advice dealing with personal issues 6. Having problems attending school regularly 7. Want to share GOOD NEWS/MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT 8. Anything impacting school performance or overall life functioning
SOURCES OF HELP WHEN YOU’RE NOT IN SCHOOL TEXT-A-TIP This anonymous service allows students to text a local licensed/certified mental health professional who is on-call 24/7 and can provide help for them or perhaps a friend that they feel is in need. To use the services, students simply text "GBN Help" and their message to 1.844.823.5323, and then will receive an immediate response providing further guidance. This is completely anonymous; the counselor can't see names or phone numbers, so students can feel absolutely safe reaching out for the help they need. In addition, a new Text-A-Tip app is also available. SPARTAN CONCERN FORM Fill out the anonymous Spartan Concern Form to report concerns regarding the safety of students. Concerns reported via this online form on days when school is not in session, or after school hours, WILL NOT be seen until the following school day. If your concern requires immediate attention during the school day, contact Glenbrook North directly by calling 847.509.2462. If your concern is an emergency or requires immediate attention after the school day dial 911. SPARTAN EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING SUPPORT FORM Not sure where to start? No worries -- you've come to the right place! Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed, and guess what? THAT'S OKAY! Maybe you miss interacting with staff at school, and guess what? THAT'S OKAY! Do you have any questions or concerns? Need assistance creating a schedule for yourself, and guess what? Yup, you got it...THAT'S OKAY, TOO! Tell us a little bit about what's going on and we will be happy to help. Thank you for reaching out and we will get back to you soon! - The Executive Functioning Support Team and Student Services Department STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Anonymous Drop Box (wooden box located on the counter in the Student Services office). The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is invested in the prevention, intervention, and support in all areas of a student’s social-emotional development. **CALL 911 if a person is in immediate danger of harming self and/or harming others** ● Police Emergency ● Northbrook Police 847-564-2060 ● Northbrook Police Social Worker 847-564-2060 ● Glenview Police 847-729-5000 ● Glenview Police Social Worker 847-729-5000 Community Resources Youth Services of Northbrook and Glenview Josselyn Center 3080 West Lake Avenue 405 Central Avenue Glenview, IL 60026 Northfield, IL 60093 847.724.2620 847.441.5600 Family Service Center Jewish Child and Family Services 191 Waukegan Rd, Suite 206 255 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northfield, Illinois 60093 Northbrook, IL 60062 847.251.7350 855.ASK.JCFS
Substance Abuse Resources Peer Services Rosecrance 3633 W. Lake Avenue #305 1200 Shermer Road, Suite 104 Glenview IL 60026 Northbrook, IL 60062 847.657.7337 815.391.1000 e/ Suicide and Prevention Resources Elyssa’s Mission Erika’s Lighthouse 900 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 120 897 Green Bay Road Ridgebrook Building Winnetka, IL 60093 Northbrook, Il 60062 847.386.6481 847.697.9181 Sexual Assault and Abuse Resources Northwest Center Against Sexual Zacharias Sexual Abuse Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault Center Assault 415 West Golf Road, Suite 47 4232 Dempster Street Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Skokie, IL 60076 National Hotline: 1.800.799.7233 847.806.6526 847.244.1187 12 Step Support Groups ● Alcoholics Anonymous: ● Alanon: ● Families Anonymous: ● Narcotics Anonymous: Crisis Hotlines ● Al-Anon/Alateen- NW Chicago: 847.358.0338 ● ANAD (Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Eating Disorders): 630.577.1330 ● Families Anonymous: 800.736.9805 ● Friends of Battered Women and Their Children (24-hr phone): 800.603.HELP(4357) ● The Harbour, Inc. (Press “1” for emergency shelter): 847.297.8541 ● Illinois Department of Children and Family Services: 800.252.2873 ● Narcotics Anonymous: 708.848.4884 ● National Child Abuse Hotline: 800.422.4453 ● National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence: 202.429.6695 ● National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.7233 ● National Runaway Switchboard: 800.621.3230 ● Northwest Center Against Sexual Assault: 888.802.8890 ● Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800.273.8255 ● Zacharias Center Sexual Abuse Center 24-hour Support Line: 847.872.7799
Additional Crisis Resources **CALL 911 if a person is in immediate danger of harming self and/or harming others** If no immediate danger of harming self and/or harming others: Northbrook Police Counseling Department 1401 Landwehr Road Northbrook, IL 60062 847.664.4430 Northfield Township Food Pantry 1928 Lehigh Glenview IL, 60026 847.724.7055 The Harbour 1440 Renaissance Drive, Suite 240 Park Ridge, IL 60068 847.297.8540 The Night Ministry 4711 North Ravenswood Avenue Chicago, IL 60640 773.784.9000 Haven for Youth 825 Green Bay Road, Suite 200 Wilmette, IL 60091 847.251.6630
2021-2022 Grade Reporting Deadlines E-mail Notification to Report Card Grades Due Check First Day Last Day Posted to (9:00 PM) PowerSchool PowerSchool Sent to Parents Progress Check 1 8/18/2021 9/24/2021 9/24/2021 9/27/2021 Progress Check 2 8/18/2021 10/22/2021 10/22/2021 10/25/2021 Sem 1 Progress Check 3 8/18/2021 11/23/2021 11/23/2021 11/30/2021 Semester 1 Report Card 8/18/2021 1/14/2022 1/20/2021 1/22/2022 1/22/2022 Progress Check 1 1/18/2022 2/22/2022 2/22/2022 2/28/2022 Progress Check 2 1/18/2022 4/1/2022 4/1/2022 4/4/2022 Sem 2 Progress Check 3 1/18/2022 5/4/2022 5/4/2022 5/9/2022 Semester 2 Report Card 1/18/2022 6/2/2022 6/5/2022 6/7/2022 6/7/2022 HOW DO GRADES WORK? The numerical equivalent of the letter grade system at Glenbrook North High School is as follows: A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=0-59 All grades, including final grades, are calculated by teachers through the averaging of percentages rather than through the numerical averaging of letter grades. Once the percentage is determined, it is translated into a letter grade according to the above table. Letter grades are given a numerical weighting for grade point averaging as follows: A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0 Each number except an “F” grade is increased by one point for honor courses for academic grade point. Important Note: Only the final semester grade is recorded on a student’s permanent record.
WHO QUALIFIES FOR HONOR ROLL? After each semester, students will be selected for the honor roll if they earn a 3.3 all-subject grade point average (GPA): Grade Honors, Advanced Placement & Academy All other classes A 5 points 4 points B 4 points 3 points C 3 points 2 points D 2 points 1 point F 0 points 0 points
WHO’S WHO AT GBN Principal’s Office: Mr. Jason Markey, Principal Ms. Lauren Bonner, Associate Principal, Administrative Services Dr. Edward Solis, Associate Principal, Curriculum & Instruction Student Activities Office: Dr. Michael Tarjan, Assistant Principal, Student Activities Dean’s Office: Mr. Bill Eike Mrs. Jenny Jordan Mr. Paul Vignocchi Police Liaison Officer: Kyle Pilmer (located in the Dean’s Office) Student Services Office: Mr. Eric Etherton, Assistant Principal, Student Services Dr. David Boyle, Coordinator of College Counseling School Counselors: Mrs. Joyce Bozacki-Rae Ms. Susan Chong Ms. Ann Gebhardt Mrs. Heather Higgins Mr. Craig Niemiec Ms. Kerri Newburger Mr. Mark O’Rourke Mrs. Rebecca Rogers Mr. Mike Standerski GBN Psychologists/Social Workers: Ms. Bridget Bucklin: Student Services/Special Ed Department Mrs. Jennifer Cicciu: Special Education Department Mrs. Christy Hemesath: Student Services Department Ms. Monica Mills: Student Services Department Ms. Jill Rodriguez: Student Services Department Dr. Seth Roseman: Student Services Department Mrs. Christina Seaborg: Special Education Department Mrs. Lisa Steffey: Special Education Department Mr. Patrick Wagner: Student Services Department School Nurses: Ms. Amy Domke Mrs. Mary Kay Lutz Mrs. Jean Yang Athletics: Mr. John Catalano, Athletic Director Mr. Paul Vignocchi, Assistant Athletic Director Mr. Matt Purdy, Assistant Athletic Director Registrar: Mrs. Debbie Maskin Head Librarian: Ms. Sherri Koeppen Instructional Supervisors: Mr. Chad Davidson, Fine Arts Mrs. Mary Kosirog, Career & Tech Ed. Mrs. Kathy French, Special Education Mr. Josh Morrel, World Language Mr. Robert Pieper, Physical Ed/Health/Driver Ed Mrs. Mary Rockrohr, Science Dr. Anna Schultes, English Dr. Maria Vasilopoulos, Mathematics Mr. Scott Williams, Social Studies
2021-2022 Important Dates August 18, 2021 – School Starts for Students September 3, 2021 – School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) September 6, 2021 – Labor Day – No Classes September 7, 2021 – Rosh Hashanah – No Classes September 16, 2021 - Yom Kippur - No Classes September 17, 2021 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) September 22, 2021 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) October 11, 2021 – Indigenous Peoples' Day– No classes October 13, 2021 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) October 20, 2021 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) October 23, 2021 – Homecoming Dance – 8:30pm – 11:00pm November 11, 2021 - Veterans’ Day - No Classes November 19, 2021 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) November 24-26, 2021 – Thanksgiving Break December 1, 2021 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) December 9, 2021 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) December 17, 2021 – Holiday Break Begins at Close of School January 3, 2022 – School Opens after Holiday Break January 10-13, 2022 – First Semester Final Examinations January 14, 2022 – Institute Day – No Classes January 17, 2022 - Martin Luther King Day – No Classes January 18, 2022 – Second Semester Begins February 2, 2022 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) February 11, 2022 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) February 21, 2022 – President’s Day – No Classes March 7, 2022 – Institute Day – No Classes March 16, 2022 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) March 18, 2022 – Spring Break Begins at Close of School March 28, 2022 – School Resumes after Spring Break April 15, 2022 - Good Friday - No Classes April 6, 2022 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) April 14, 2022 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) April 29, 2022 - School Improvement Day (Late Arrival – 10:00) May 30, 2022 – Memorial Day – No Classes May 31-June 2, 2022 - Second Semester Final Examinations June 2, 2022 – Last Day of School (tentative) June 5, 2022 – Graduation Ceremony (tentative) For the most current information please visit
Glenbrook North Daily Bell Schedule BLOCK 1 8:00 - 9:33 93 minutes 9 minutes BLOCK 2 9:42 - 11:12 90 minutes 9 minutes LUNCH A BLOCK 3A 11:21 - 12:06 11:21 - 12:06 BLOCK 45 minutes 45 minutes 3A/3B 11:21 - 12:51 90 minutes LUNCH B BLOCK 12:06 - 12:51 3B/3C 45 minutes 12:06 - 1:36 90 minutes BLOCK 3C LUNCH C 12:51 - 1:36 12:51 - 1:36 45 minutes 45 minutes 9 minutes BLOCK 4 1:45 - 3:15 90 minutes *Early bird classes meet Monday through Friday from 7:05 - 7:50 a.m.
Glenbrook North Student Late Arrival Bell Schedule BLOCK 1 10:00-11:05 65 minutes 5 minutes BLOCK 2 11:10-12:10 60 minutes 5 minutes LUNCH A BLOCK 3A 12:15-12:55 12:15-12:50 BLOCK 40 minutes 35 minutes 3A/3B 12:15-1:30 75 minutes LUNCH B BLOCK 12:50-1:30 3B/3C 40 minutes 12:55-2:10 75 minutes BLOCK 3C LUNCH C 1:30-2:10 1:30-2:10 40 minutes 40 minutes 5 minutes BLOCK 4 2:15-3:15 60 minutes
GLENBROOK NORTH ALMA MATER To Glenbrook High we sing our praise, And to the Green and Gold, We pledge to thee our loyalty As Spartans true and bold. Our Alma Mater glorious, We give our best to you. Today and in the years to come, You’ll find us always true.
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