Page created by Kevin Acosta
Spa Treatments
Tonic Health & day Spa
Tonic Health & Day Spa at Castleknock Hotel & Country Club is a luxury Day Spa in Dublin.
It offers an extensive range of refreshing and soothing therapies in private luxurious
treatment rooms with the option of single or twin rooms available for you to relax alone or
with your friend, family member or partner.

Here at Tonic Health & Day Spa, we take you on a journey through the senses. Smell the
luxurious Payot products and incense as you make your way through the Day Spa. Feel the
product and therapist’s hands against your skin, relaxing you into a land unknown and taste
the luxury in our Relaxation Room where you can help yourself to Herbal Teas, Fruits and

Our Spa is designed with you in mind, our aim is for your relaxing journey to begin from the
moment you arrive and last long after you have left………..
Facial Treatments
Payot                                                            Philosophy                                                          Absolute Lift Ritual €95 (1 hour 25 minutes)                            Quenching Hydration Ritual €75 (55 minutes)
In 1913, Nadia Gregorovna was one of the first female doctors    Since those early times, Payot has created product lines to meet    Re-model and re-sculpt the skin with omega3 and fig extract.            Bathe your skin with thirst quenching Orange Sap Water, Honey
to graduate from the Lausanne School of Medicine. She            specific and individual skincare needs, including blemishes,        Micro-abrasion refines and smooths the facial contours.                 and Chestnut Extract. The skin is comforted, the dehydration
married Edmond Payot and in 1917, during a trip to New York      irritations, dehydration, devitalised skin and dull complexions.    Your skin is lifted, firmed and toned.                                  melts away leaving you with a radiant complexion.
she discovered an early beauty institute where she made the      Based on this approach, Payot makes use of “Beauty Prescriptions”
life-changing acquaintance of the famous Russian ballerina       to indicate the recommended steps to be followed.                   Wrinkle Correction Ritual €80 (1 hour 10 minutes)                       Discovery Mini Facial €40 (25 minutes)
Anna Pavlova. This meeting proved to be a real revelation.                                                                           For any skin type this helps with the first signs of aging. Black Tea   Cleanses and brightens the skin, leaving it hydrated, relaxed and
                                                                 Today our Payot products continue to meet specific skin care        and Zinc extract improve the skin elasticity whilst smoothing           glowing. The perfect skin pick-me-up.
Struck by the difference between the youthful appearance of      needs and our Beauty Therapists’ diagnostics always play a key      the fine lines.
the dancer’s body and the signs of aging on her face, Dr Payot   role in assessing the condition of your skin, enabling them to                                                                              New Life Facial €45 (30 minutes)
developed a beauty philosophy based on movement, facial          provide the most effective product recommendations.                 Soothing Ritual €75 (55 minutes)                                        This is a specialised facial incorporating our New Life Machine™.
“physical culture” exercise and essential skin care products.                                                                        This facial is suitable for even the most sensitive skins.              This facial lifts and firms the skin diminishing fine lines and
                                                                                                                                     De-sensitise your skin with Boswellia Extract and Rose Oil.             wrinkles leaving your skin with a more youthful complexion.
                                                                                                                                     Your skin is left feeling cool and comfortable reducing redness
                                                                                                                                     and inflammation.

                                                                                                                                     Purifying Ritual €75 (55 minutes)
                                                                                                                                     Purify your skin with Green Coffee and Birch Extract. Eliminate
                                                                                                                                     any imperfections with a detoxifying mask. Your skin is left
                                                                                                                                     matte and velvety soft.
Massage Treatments                                                                                                                     Massage Treatments
Full Body Swedish Massage €75 (55 minutes)                         Hot Stone Full Body Massage €95 (1 hour 10 minutes)               Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage €40 (25 minutes)                     Hot Stone Back Massage €45 (30 minutes)
The basic method of massage, which improves circulation,           The ultimate massage therapy that goes beyond the physical        Focusing on the specific areas of the head, neck & shoulders, this   Using Basalt Stones, our therapist focuses in on the areas
relaxes muscles and relieves tension.                              experience of a typical massage. Water heated basalt stones are   treatment is designed to aid those suffering with tension and        that ache. The heat combined with the therapist’s hands help to
                                                                   used to treat the body and mind. (Includes Chakra and Energy      stress in these areas.                                               relieve muscle tension.
Aromatherapy Full Body Massage €85 (1 hour 10 minutes)             work)
A relaxing massage using pre-blended aromatherapy oils.                                                                              Aromatherapy Back Massage €45 (30 minutes)                           Reflexology €65 (55 minutes)
Choose from relaxing, energising or detoxifying oil. The perfect   Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage €40 (25 minutes)                  Using pre-blended oil, we focus in on the specific areas of the       Using the feet as a map of the body, our therapist uses a method
massage for stress relief that gives a feeling of well-being.      Focusing on the specific areas of the back, neck & shoulder to     back, neck & shoulders to relieve muscle tension and general         of thumb-walking along the foot to identify any blockages or
                                                                   relieve muscle tension and general aches and pains.               aches and pains.                                                     ailments that are present in the body and helps to treat each
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of these ailments individually. Best results follow a course of
Pre Natal Treatments                                                                                    Body treatments
* Client must be over 16 weeks pregnant                      Gommage Éclat: (Mineral Exfoliation) €50 (40 minutes)                to the back to enrich the skin and leave it feeling silky smooth.
                                                             Feel invigorated and polished to perfection, with a full body        To finish this treatment we complete a relaxing back massage to
Back & Lower Leg Massage €60 (45 minutes)                    exfoliation to revitalise the senses. Your skin will begin with a    leave you feeling refreshed and revitalised.
Relax and unwind while your specially qualified therapist    deep cleansing, followed by an intense hydration leaving your
zones in on your key tired areas. This treatment is the      skin feeling soft, glowing and replenished.                          Elixir Experience €120 (1 hour 40 minutes)
perfect pick me up to help you along the way.                                                                                     Take a step out of everyday life into our Elixir Experience. We
                                                             Toute En Finnesse: (Slimming Treatment) €95 (1 hour 30 minutes)      begin with a light all over body scrub to remove the dead skin
Full Body & Head €75 (60 minutes)                            A body treatment that combats localised fatty deposits and           cells. Following this, we apply a thermal mask to increase the
Are you feeling tired, worn out and in need of a pick-       that ‘orange peel’ skin. Using the active ingredients of caffeine,   blood and lymph flow in the body. When this is showered off,
me-up? Our Full Body treatment will leave you and your       papaya, mango and matcha tea your body will get the ultimate         we apply our Elixir Oil, which contains Myrrh and Amyris extracts
bump feeling relaxed and rejuvenated in no time.             detox. These ingredients combined improve the circulation            designed to hydrate and relax the body beyond belief with soft
                                                             of these fatty deposits. The treatment combines a full body          effleurage movements. This is a treatment not to be missed.
Full Body with Hot Stone Specifics €85 (1 hour 15 minutes)   exfoliation to remove the dead skin cells, a warm massage to aid
The ultimate pre-natal experience, relax and unwind with     with the flow of blood through the body and finishes with an         Enhancements:
this holistic treatment. With a combination of your          invigorating massage on those target cellulite areas.                Head Massage €10
therapists hands and the heated basalt stones, we will                                                                            Hand & Arm Massage €10
have you floating on air from the moment you begin; a        Delice Du Dos: (Perfect Back Treatment) €70 (1 hour 15 minutes)      Foot Massage €10
feeling that lasts long after you finish.                    This treatment exfoliates the skin on the back area to remove        Lower Leg Massage €10
                                                             dead skin cells. Following this, we apply a hydrating masque         Callus Peel €15
Spa Packages                                                                                                                Manicure/Pedicure
The following spa days include lunch and use of our leisure   These following packages include use of the facilities but not     Express Manicure €25 (25 minutes)                                      Express Pedicure €25 (25 minutes)
facilities;                                                   lunch;                                                             A file, buff and polish, perfect for those finger nails in need of a   A file, buff and polish, perfect for those toenails in need of a
                                                                                                                                 quick touch up. Choose from either a French Polish or Colour.          quick touch up. Choose from either a French Polish or Colour.
Ultimate Pamper Day Mon-Thurs €209 Fri-Sun €229 (4 hours)     Golfer’s Tonic €80 (1 hour 15 minutes)
Intense Hydration Facial, A Full Body Massage, A Luxury       Hot Stone Back Massage, Relaxing Head Massage and Mini             Luxury Manicure €45 (55 minutes)                                       Luxury Pedicure €55 (55 minutes)
Manicure and Pedicure.                                        Facial.                                                            Our Luxury Manicure is designed to exfoliate your hands, some          Sit in our Pedi Chair and Relax. Our Luxury Pedicure is designed
                                                                                                                                 filing and cuticle work on the nail, a nourishing mask followed by     to exfoliate your feet, some filing and cuticle work on the nail,
Girls Day Out Package Mon-Thurs €105 Fri-Sun €125 (2 hours)   Couples Escape Mon-Thurs €185 Fri - Sun €199 (1 hour 25 minutes)   a massage and to finish an application of polish of your choice         a nourishing mask followed by a massage and to finish, an
Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage, Discovery Facial, Express      Full Body Massage for two people in our Couples Suite and the      leaving your hands looking healthy and hydrated.                       application of polish of your choice, leaving your feet looking
Manicure and Express Pedicure.                                choice of a Discovery Facial or Indian Head Massage.                                                                                      healthy and hydrated.
                                                                                                                                 Deluxe Manicure €55 (1 hour 10 minutes)
Mum-to-Be Day Package Mon-Thurs €135 Fri-Sun €155             Bridal Package €99 (1 hour 45 minutes)                             Our Deluxe Manicure goes that extra mile; it includes all the          Deluxe Pedicure €65 (1 hour 10 minutes)
(2 hours 25 minutes)                                          Full Body St Tropez Tan, Shellac Manicure, Mini Pedicure           magic of the Luxury Manicure and more. We paint the hands              Relax into our Pedicure Chair and enjoy our Deluxe Pedicure.
Pre-natal massage, Discovery Facial, Bikini Wax, Express      Eyebrow Trim & Eyelash Tint.                                       with a scented paraffin wax, which is great for those suffering        It includes all the detail of the Luxury Pedicure and more. We
Manicure and Express Pedicure.                                                                                                   with poor circulation or arthritis. When the paraffin has been         paint your feet with a scented paraffin wax, which is great for
                                                                                                                                 removed, the manicure is sure to leave your hands feeling silky        those suffering with poor circulation or arthritis. When removed
The Holistic Day Package €159 (2 hours 15 minutes)                                                                               smooth.                                                                this pedicure is sure to leave your feet feeling silky smooth.
Reflexology, Holistic Face Massage and Full Body Massage.
Shellac                                                                                           Wax, Tan & Eye Care
Shellac is a nail product that lasts for at least 14 days without chipping, scratching or smudging. Lasting 14   Waxing                                             Tan - St. Tropez
days is an accomplishment all by itself but Shellac does even more, it is has shown to help the nails become     1/2 Leg (Knee Down) €30                            Full Body Spray Tan €35
stronger and healthier after using it.                                                                           Full Leg including Bikini €50                      Half Body €25
                                                                                                                 Full Leg including Extended Bikini €60
Shellac File and Polish on hands €30                               Shellac Pedicure €65                          Top Leg including Bikini €35                       Eye Care
Shellac File and Polish on toes €35                                Shellac Removals €10                          Underarm €18                                       Eyebrow Shape €15
Shellac Manicure €50                                               Callus Peel €20                               Forearm €25                                        Eyebrow Wax €15
                                                                                                                 Full Arm €35                                       Eyelash Tint €15
                                                                                                                 Standard Bikini €25                                Eyebrow Tint €12
                                                                                                                 Extended Bikini from €35*                          Eye Trio €33
                                                                                                                 Navel €10
                                                                                                                 Back €35                                           Please Note: All wax clients must complete a patch test 24 hours
                                                                                                                 Lower Back €15                                     before the treatment time.
                                                                                                                 Chest €35
                                                                                                                 Facial €25                                         *Specialised waxing available please ask your therapist for
                                                                                                                 Lip or Chin €15                                    details.
                                                                                                                 Lip & Chin €20
                                                                                                                 Eyebrow €15
Bookings                                                                                             Bookings
Bookings                                                         Cancellations /Late Arrivals                                         Spa Etiquette
We recommend you book an appointment for treatments in           As a courtesy to all Spa guests, we require a minimum of 24          The Spa is designed to be calm, quiet and relaxing and for this
advance to avoid disappointment. To secure a Spa booking,        hours notice of cancellation and a minimum of 48 hours for           reason the use of mobile phones is prohibited. We also ask
we do require Credit Card or Debit Card details. If you have a   groups. Cancellations made within 24 hours will incur a 50%          that you respect other Spa users by speaking quietly whilst
voucher for the Hotel or Spa directly then this number can be    charge. Those cancelled within 12 hours will incur 100% charge.      in our relaxation area. Any loud behaviour in any area of the
provided as confirmation also.                                   We regret to inform you that no-show bookings will also be           Spa may result in you being asked to vacate the premises.
                                                                 charged 100% of the booking value.
Your Appointment                                                                                                                      Please advise us of any pre-existing medical conditions at
To maximise your Spa experience, we ask you to arrive 15         Arriving late may interfere with your treatment and in some          the time of booking.
minutes prior to your appointment time. This will be used        cases we may be forced to reschedule your appointment. All
for your personal consultation and for you to relax into our     appointments will end at their scheduled time to insure the next
surroundings.                                                    guest will not be delayed.

Age Requirements                                                 What to Wear
The Spa is designed for clients 16 years and over.               Towels and robes are provided for treatments. Please bring
Please refrain from bringing in anyone below this age.           swimwear and flip flops for use of the pool facilities. Disposable
No children can accompany a parent into the Spa area for any     briefs will be provided if required.
treatments or to the Relaxation Room facilities.
Castleknock Hotel, Porterstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15
Telephone : +353 (0)1 640 6333 | Email: | Web:
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