SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.

Page created by Guy Gomez
SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.

                      WINTER 2018
“I want to work
and do something
more important
with my life,” says
Abed, a refugee
from Syria.
SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.
A lamp to their feet
A light to their path

 For long-time Bible Society            the Flying Bible Man, who became         chaplain to construction workers
 supporters Bill and Jocelyn Ross,      a great asset.                           on a dam, Trevor Booth went
 the Bible really has proved to be         “I’d go with Trevor in his plane      with him to visit the workers. “He
 “a lamp to their feet and a light to   and catch up with people on the          had a good film to show in the
 their path,” as they have navigated    stations. I was flying with Trevor       workmen’s mess service. On one
 the roads God has taken them.          when the Bible Society made a            occasion the sound system wasn’t
    After studying and marrying         film about his work in the East          working – but it didn’t matter,
 in Canberra, Bill and Jocelyn          Pilbara. What I remember the             because Trevor narrated the film!
 ministered for a few years in          most about the filming was the           He had shown the film so many
 Albury, NSW, before moving to          constant flies in our eyes! ... it was   times, he knew the dialogue by
 the far north of Western Australia     a wonderful experience”                  heart.”
 in 1970 and beginning a life-long         When the Rosses moved to                 Trevor also assisted with the
 ministry there.                        Dampier, a Pilbara port town, Bill
    They began in the town of           again engaged in patrols with
 Kununurra and the patrol district      Trevor at several stations in the
 of the East Kimberley, with the        West Pilbara, and Barrow Island.
 Bush Church Aid Society.                  “I always carried with me a
    Since then, the Rosses have         small range of Bible                                             Bill and
 served in Dampier, Bluff Point,        Society products.                                                Jocelyn Ross
 Wickham and Port Hedland over a        I guess you could
 period of 45 years.                    say I was a bit of
    In Kununurra, their association     a colporteur in
 with Bible Society became central      those days!” Bill
 to their own ministry, as their        recalls.
 paths crossed with Trevor Booth,          When Bill was

SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.
Dear friends,

                                                                      e are Bible believers,   We’ve lost connection with the
                                                                      yes, but how can a       very teachings that brought us
                                                                      book change lives? The   what we treasure: neighbourly
                                                         answer has many parts to it.          love, justice mixed with mercy,
                                                            One is the concept of equity: it   a sense of purpose, a moral

                                 Freely / Wilmer Edson
                                                         is simply just that everyone                 compass. But around the
                                                         should have equal access                        world – in countries such
                                                         to the word of God. It                            as those featured in this
                                                         can be economically                                Sower – people see the
                                                         challenging,                                       Bible for what it is. It
                                                         linguistically demanding                          liberates; it excites; it
children’s ministry in schools in                        and physically                                  enlightens the worried
places around the countryside,                           exhausting. But it is right                  and confused. They are
and supplying Bibles and                                 and just that we continue to          hungry for it.
Scripture resources.                                     pursue our goal of all peoples and       Bible Society is one of the
   “To always have a supply of                           languages having access to the        oldest mission agencies in
Bibles – 4000km from Perth – was                         Bible. When a new people group        the world, and we are always
amazing,” says Bill.                                     receives the Bible, they feel like    adjusting to the needs of our
   Bill says, “the Bible has always                      they matter: now God speaks           times. We are still finishing the job
been at the heart of my ministry,                        directly to them.                     of Bible translation and provision.
in preaching and teaching and                               Second, the very process of        But we are also playing the role of
what I have to say to people                             translating the Bible changes         championing the Bible, especially
when I visit them at home or in                          communities. We are often told        in Australian society where people
hospital or in the course of life.                       about the spiritual transformation    can get hold of it, but they don’t
There is nothing else really that I                      occurring in translating groups,      know why they should bother.
have to say – the only worthwhile                        families and villages as they            We know why it is worthwhile,
thing is what I have to say from                         pore over God’s word, their eyes      because we see with our own
God’s word.”                                             opening wide to the truth that        eyes and in our own hearts the
   Bill and Jocelyn count it a                           sets us free. Sometimes, this deep    way that God’s word turns lives
privilege to have supported the                          dive into the word is so good that    around. Thanks for believing in
Bible A Month regular giving                             no one wants the translating to       this with us!
programme since its inception.                           end.
Bill says it’s encouraging to know                          And third, the book does its
that, “as small as our offering is                       best work when people know just
able to be, a lot of Bibles have                         how valuable it is. In the West,      Dr Greg Clarke, CEO
gone into a lot of hands.”                               we seem to have forgotten this.       Bible Society Australia

SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.

  Help move
  life forward
  for young

  Hayyan Chahoud dreams of being an engineer and
  going back to Syria, but his life is on hold in Lebanon.

SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.
          n the fringes of a town    market gardens or in construction
          north of Tripoli in        in town to supplement their
          Lebanon, Syrian refugees   family’s income.
are huddled together in a refugee       These are the lost youth of
camp, trying to maintain hope and    Syria, a generation stripped of
dignity in the face of boredom       childhood and forced to abandon
and despair.                         education in the horrors of war.
   A chilly breeze blows from the       At an age when youth in other
distant snow-covered mountains       parts of the world are expanding
over the camp, which houses          their horizons through learning,
about 1100 refugees in about 350     life is frustratingly on hold for
densely packed tents.                these teenagers.
   It’s ramshackle and messy, but       Fifteen-year-old Abed el-llah
this has been home for up to         and 13-year-old Hayyan Chahoud
five years for these 250 families,   have lost their parents. Their
most of whom fled their city after   father died in Lebanon from
seeing their homes destroyed in      cancer; their mother died in Syria
the armed conflict.                  from a heart attack.                  Playing with a guitar brings
   Having fled the war, they are        Abed is haunted by memories        moments of joy that lift the spirits.
living in limbo – unable to work     of their uncle, captured, tortured
legally in Lebanon but unable to     and killed in Syria.
return home until the situation         “There was a lot of suffering in
is stable. There is a sense that     my heart,” he says with a bleak
everyone is waiting, waiting – but   stare. “I saw a lot of people dead
for what?                                       and suffering because of
   As women in                                  the war. It was so hard
headscarves sit at the                          for me to see all this.”
doorways of their sturdy                           Abed and Hayyan do
UNICEF tents, the narrow                        not attend school but
alleyways teem with children.        they dream of a better life in the
   The younger children are taken    future.
to nearby schools in minibuses          “I would like to be a builder,”
but the teenagers don’t attend       says Abed. “I want to work and
school so kill time by chasing a     do something more important
soccer ball or playing war games     with my life.”
on wasteland nearby.                    Hayyan was a small child when
   Many of the teenage boys are      a tank destroyed the family
forced to work in the nearby         home, but he shares his brother’s

SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.
$48      will teach a young
                                                                                             refugee to read in a
                                                                                    Bible-based literacy class.

                                                                                    $84       will equip 12
                                                                                              literacy students
                                                                                    with Scripture to help life
                                                                                    move forward again.

                                                                                    $126         provides
                                                                                                 Scripture and
                                                                                    practical aid to Iraqi and
                                                                                    Syrian refugees.
                                          Syrian refugee Akram*, 12, in his
                                          tent, dreams of being a doctor.

dream of going back to Syria and          from the Bible.                         through the word of God,” says
rebuilding their house.                        “This project will help the        Joe Eid, Programmes Coordinator,
     “I am not working now, but my        children study here in the camps.       Bible Society of Lebanon.
dream is to be an engineer one            It will prepare them for a better          Please, will you help young
day,” he says.                            future back in Syria. Education is      refugees to restart their lives
     Everyday life in the camp is         a light in life. It will increase the   by teaching them to read God’s
not easy. Medical care and even           creativity in their lives,” he says.    word? Your gift will also bring
powdered milk is in short supply.             Bible Society in Lebanon aims       Bible storytelling to camps in
Many mothers, says the camp               to teach 6000 young refugees            Lebanon, distribute Scripture
chief, cannot afford to treat their       to read and write over the next         booklets to children, and provide
children. “When their children cry,       three years.                            Bibles and practical help to Syrian
they cry,” he says.                           “Because this is a biblical         and Iraqi refugees.
     He wishes he could do more to        literacy programme, the other
help the refugees in his care. He         goal is to give them the truth          *Name changed for security.
is delighted that Bible Society in
Lebanon is ready to start literacy
classes in the camp to teach                GIVE NOW
illiterate teens to read and write.         Please call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537), use the
     As well as acquiring vital skills,     donation form on the back page or visit
they will meet Jesus because in   
every lesson they will learn to read

SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.

Suddenly, your
prayer will be

                                                                                                             Pixabay /TheVirtualDenise
I foretold the former things long    way God operates in our lives.        although it comes suddenly, it
ago, my mouth announced them         You might have experienced            is not unexpected because faith
and I made them known; then
suddenly I acted, and they came to   this yourself: God speaks to us       awakened by God’s word created
pass. Isaiah 48:3                    through his word, this creates        expectation. We see it in the Bible:

                                     faith and expectation, and then       the disciples in the upper room
            hen my grandfather       for the longest time it seems as if   were in one accord waiting for
            died recently at the     nothing happens! It’s like a seed     what Jesus had promised – and
            grand age of 94,         that is dormant in the soil. God      then, suddenly ... ! What happened
his death notice in the local        teaches us to value his blessings     for the disciples can also happen
newspaper informed readers that      by making us wait for them in         for us: suddenly the word will
he passed away “suddenly, but        persistent prayer and expectation     come to pass. Suddenly the
not unexpectedly.” This phrase       before he gives them. Then,           promise will be fulfilled. Suddenly
grabbed my attention. At first I     suddenly he acts and performs         provision will come. Suddenly
thought it to be an oxymoron.        his word. To doubters, it may be      the prayers will be answered.
Yet the more I pondered it, I        a coincidence. To bystanders it       Suddenly, but not unexpectedly.
realised that “suddenly, but         may well be unexpected; but              Lars Halvorsen, Senior Pastor of
not unexpectedly” is often the       to the one standing in faith,         C3 Church, Darwin.

SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.

     at the
     front line

                                                                                                                          CPL Julia Whitwell
                                                  CEO of the Bible Society Greg Clarke presents Chief of Army Angus
                                                  Campbell with the new-look camouflage Army Bible.

             oldiers in the Australian        message of the Bible by Roger          man or woman, in any of the
             Army can now “put on             Marsh, coordinating chaplain           services can have.”
             the full armour of God”          at the Kapooka Army Recruit               Bible Society also distributes
     by carrying the brand-new                Training Centre near Wagga             a special waterproof New
     waterproof New Testament in              Wagga in NSW.                          Testament for the RAAF as well
     their pocket or their webbing               “We find that they are readily      as supplying full Bibles to the
     (belt kits and slings that hold          taken and so pretty much a New         armed forces and other frontline
     ammunition and other vital kit).         Testament is placed into the           chaplains through its Scripture
        This means that when they put         hands of every soldier in the          grants programme.
     their lives on the line in service of    Australian Army,” says Martin             Rochelle Wainwright is a
     their country, they have the words       de Pyle, Senior Staff Chaplain at      hospital chaplain who loves
     of eternal life close to their hearts.   Army Headquarters in Canberra,         being able to give out the Bibles
        Every new soldier who                        who was involved in             she receives from Bible Society.
     joins the defence force is                      creating the new edition.          In her two days a week at the
     offered a copy of this new                         “The chaplains of the        Children’s Hospital, Westmead
     edition of the Army New                         defence force are incredibly    and three days at Allowah
     Testament, containing                           grateful to the Bible Society   Presbyterian Hospital in Sydney,
     pictures of soldiers in                         for the provision of these      she knows that God can be with
     action, a message from                          resources, which we believe     families even when she can’t.
     the Chief of the Army and                       to be the most important           “I can underline the passages
     an overview of the main                         resource that any soldier,      so that in the middle of the night

SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.
Rochelle Wainwright                   Hannah Johnson                        Edwina Soh

when they can’t sleep, they can       to have the word of God available     actually are in Christ.”
hold on to that psalm and they        to remind athletes that their value      Edwina Soh loves leading Bible
can find comfort in their anxiety     as an athlete has nothing to do       study at Presbyterian Ladies’
… I can’t be there in the middle of   with their purpose.                   College, Sydney, knowing she
the night, but God can.                  “The reason I do it is I see the   is working in a mission field of
   “I can’t have families putting     need for our athletes to be seen      eternal worth.
their hope in me and my visit         as people, not just performers,”         “There are a lot of kids who
because I’m human and I can’t         she says.                             don’t know Jesus. What an
be there every day. My role is           “So if I come alongside them       opportunity!”
to point them to God, who will        and journey with them – and              Will you help put Bibles into
always be there.                      hopefully do my best to reflect       the hands of chaplains in the
    “If a family can feel like God    Christ’s love to them – they will     armed forces as well as in other
is speaking to them, God who          come to know that they are more       frontline ministries right across
created the world is speaking         than a performer and that they        our land?
to them in their suffering, that      can go after their dreams but with       (Your donatons to ADF
is the best that we can bring to      an understanding of who they          chaplains are tax-deductible.)
families – God and his word, not
   Hannah Johnson of Sports
                                           WILL YOU HELP?
Chaplaincy Australia is another            Please call 1300 Bibles (1300 242 537) or visit
frontline chaplain who is grateful
SOWER - "I want to work and do something more important with my life," says Abed, a refugee from Syria.
Final miracle

      Naphtali “Tjilya” Scobie records the words of Jesus in the Gospels of Mark and Luke.

       he Pitjantjatjara New            from her from the Alice Springs        words they record are also helping
       Testament audio recording        airport – she’d come in on the         them and encouraging them in
       is finally a reality, allowing   Flying Doctor escorting her            their walk with Christ.”
the word to go out in audio             mother for an operation. So she            By March 16, it’s clear that
format among the Pitjantjatjara         was able to redo those missing         completion of the recording “rests
people of Central Australia. This       lines. We praise God for taking        on the shoulders of Pitjantjatjara
recording will now be mastered          care of so many details during         men exclusively as all of the
with sound effects and musical          the 18 weeks it took to do this        parts women could do have been
backgrounds and should be               huge task. It’s hard to believe it’s   completed.” The week of March 23
released later this year. The final     finished.”                             was discouraging, with readers of
recording session was the voice            After completing the first half     Peter’s words and Satan’s words
of Peter read by Pastor Phillip         of the audio recording in Adelaide delayed by funerals.
Wilyuka from Titjikala, at 9:45 on      last year, recording resumed in            “Dan and Kay will have to
the Thursday night before Easter.       Alice Springs in late January. The     extend their stay and adjust their
   Recording had been tight             recording involved more than           flights by six days.
during the last weeks with key          50 Pitjantjatjara people reading           “As we approach Easter, the
people called away to funerals          different biblical characters.         health of our dear co-translator
and a looming deadline for Dan             Ann Eckert, former Bible            of 28 years fails ... she has now
and Kay Finley (the team from           Society and Wycliffe Bible             entered into the next phase of
Faith Comes By Hearing) to return       Translator, joined her husband         eternal life. But oh, how we shall
to the US, but God had a miracle        Paul in Alice Springs coordinating     miss her ... She had finished her
waiting.                                the household for the team and         race and had remained faithful.”
    “During final proofing, we          readers and writing progress
found two lines had been                reports.
accidentally deleted from the              “One thing that saddens us is
narration of Acts, but Deborah,         how many excellent readers now
who read it, had returned to            struggle with fluency having been
her home nearly 500km away              compromised by ill health,” she
some weeks before,” reveals Paul        wrote in week three. “Yet they
Eckert, Bible Society’s long-           are the senior ones whose voices
serving Production Coordinator in       will be respected.”
Remote and Indigenous Ministry             In early March, she expressed
Support. “I rang her to see if she      her appreciation for the
could return but she was looking        “fine Aboriginal Christian
after her sick mother and unwell        people in this
herself.                                recording project.
   “However, on the last day of             “The readers
proofing, I received a phone call       report that the                 Makinti Minutjukur reads 2 Corinthians.


                 A sound foundation

  Melissa Lipsett with children using Bible-based booklets that promote literacy at a school in South Africa

     n a country of stark                 not have the privilege of attending      in the country, I was terribly
     dichotomies, Bible Society is        the Reception Class (Grade R)            confronted by the level of poverty
     evening up the odds in early         before formal school, and so             experienced in the coloured
  childhood literacy by donating          they are already behind when             and black townships. I was
  attractive and engaging Bible-          beginning school. This contributes       desperately disturbed
  based literacy resources to those       to the more than 80 per cent of          by the inequalities I
  in dire need.                           South African children who do not        saw – wealthy suburbs
     Children in South Africa’s many      reach the highest levels of school.      immediately adjacent to
  extremely poor communities                 Melissa Lipsett, Bible Society        squatter communities,
  face significant challenges in          Australia’s chief operating              where people
  education. Most attend daycare          officer, supported the work in           were shockingly
  centres where they are not              South Africa last year, and was          impoverished.
  exposed to any reading or writing       overwhelmed by the needs of              And in those
  skills. Many of these children do       the people. “In my first time            impoverished

communities, teachers were             an isolated, barren wasteland.
desperate for resources.”              An Afrikaans woman in the
    At schools in these                community started a daycare
communities, Melissa observed          centre on site, so that children
that each classroom had very           under school age had somewhere
large numbers of children. It was      to go during the day. Every child
not unusual to see one teacher         attending this centre has received
with 40 children in a class. The       a Bible-based literacy booklet
teachers were dedicated and            from Bible Society, and is being
passionate but restricted by the       taught literacy.
lack of resources.                        “The resources themselves
    It is into this environment that   are beautiful!” says Melissa.
Bible Society is supplying Bible-      “Very user-friendly and currently
based literacy resources, free of      available in 12 languages,
charge, to schools and daycare         including English. This means
centres. The goal is to promote        that the children can become
basic literacy as well as Bible        entirely fluent in their own tongue,
literacy among underprivileged         and that the teachers can use a
preschool children, helping            resource with a couple of different
them to reach a sounder level          languages simultaneously.”
of education when they start              The potential and impact of
                                                                              Every child at Bluewater Bay Daycare
schooling. The resources include       this project is many faceted. As       is given a Bible reader.
posters, flash cards, children’s       Melissa acknowledges, “education
booklets and teachers’ manuals.        is the best thing we can do for
    Commenting on the teachers’        impoverished communities, to
reactions, Melissa says, “The fact     help them break out of the cycle       GIVE NOW
that Bible Society is providing        of poverty.” This project is also
first and second Bible readers         introducing the Bible to young         Please call 1300 BIBLES
to every child in every class was      children.                              (1300 242 537), use
remarkable to them. Despite the           Melissa points out that South       the donation form on
large numbers in each classroom,       Africa is still much more openly       the back page or visit
every child was able to receive        Christian than Australia, and there
their own booklet.”                    is very good acceptance of this        sowyoung
    Melissa recalls one daycare        resource in government, as well
centre in Cape Town. Originally        as in the schools. It has received
developed on a rubbish tip, the        high accolades among education
impoverished community was             specialists, while also providing
relocated by the government into       schools with the Scriptures.

2017 was a successful year in which God’s
     Word was translated and distributed
     worldwide. As we celebrated 200 years of Bible
     Society work in Australia, people engaged with
     the Bible, and awareness of the Bible and its
     life-changing message was elevated.

“A wonderland of all things Christian”: there are books for every
                                               taste at Koorong’s flagship store in West Ryde, Sydney

 A slice of bookworm heaven
 As Koorong turns 40 this month,        Christian novels, theological        a zip that went all the way around
 Kylie Beach recalls growing up         resources and Christian living       so that I didn’t keep losing my pen
 with a place that seemed to be a       titles. What more could a            between the car and church?
                                                                                At Koorong, there seemed to

 little slice of heaven on earth.       bookworm church kid want?
         or a church kid who loved          I could spend hours standing     be a book on every topic, with
         to read more than anything,    in front of Koorong’s immense        the wisdom of the Christian
         a visit to Koorong felt like   wall of Bibles. Could I find the     community through the ages
 the Christian equivalent of being      translation I wanted, with the       collected in one room.
 asked to fetch something from          annotation I needed and a cover         I left the store with books on
 the teacher’s craft storeroom –        that I loved? Was it better to get   prayer, sharing my faith, and
 each seemed a wonderland of            a conservative-styled Bible that     friendship. Sometimes I took
 abundance.                             had parallel translations and a      home the writings of church
     But at Koorong, instead of         comprehensive index? Or should       fathers and medieval mystics.
 coloured paper, paint bottles and      I get the cool new one tailored      Other times, it was fiction or a
 pipe-cleaners, I encountered an        for tweens? Could I convince my      biography that chronicled the
 abundance of Bibles, devotionals,      mum to buy me a Bible case with      extraordinary lives of people such

as Joni Eareckson Tada, Corrie       Christian faith could be expressed
Ten Boom or my faith hero, Adrian    in different, equally genuine ways,
Plass, of Sacred Diary fame.         and that I could always learn
   My mum also viewed Koorong        something from a Christian, even
as a wonderland of all things        if I didn’t agree with them on
Christian, stocking up on cards,     everything.
resources for new Christians,            In later years, when I worked as
and kids’ books for non-Christian    a college trainer at Hillsong, we
friends’ kids (in her suburban       continually ordered books from
version of Bible smuggling).         Koorong to be delivered to our
   Yet it was the devotional         office. Then, in late November,
section that was my favourite.       when most of our student
   I had always seen my parents      body had headed home for
working through devotionals,         the holidays, we would indulge
whether in their own quiet times     ourselves with a trip to Koorong in
or in Bible study groups. They       person and during work hours.
were classic Australian Baptist          I’d find that Koorong had

                                                                            Pixabay / Samueles
types who read the Bible with a      lost none of its magic. Again,
pencil in hand. And what better      I’d lose hours in front of the
way to reflect on the Bible than     wall of Bibles and get lost in
with a devotional from Koorong?      the immense range of Christian
   As a teenager, I learned to       living titles. I’d stock up on gifts
pay attention to the Holy Spirit’s   for my kids, scour the shelves for
nudge in my spirit, and then         academic resources, swing past
to head to Koorong to find a         the devotionals, before meeting
devotional that would guide me.      my colleagues at the café to
   My mum told me that she           compare purchases.
regarded Koorong to be her               When I recently heard that
“first line of defence” when she     Koorong was turning 40, and that
found herself lacking biblical       we are the same age, I realised
understanding. As a young            that, even though it was just a
married woman, I followed her        bookstore, Koorong featured in
lead by finding books on how to      my memory as if it were a wise,
be a good Christian wife, most of    faithful character in a story.
which curiously seemed to have           And that’s exactly what
pink and mauve covers. Now           Koorong has been to me. A
these purchases were a bit hit and   faithful, wise, small slice of
miss but they taught me that the     bookworm heaven on earth.


  A labour
  of love

           n an isolated island in the   of these nations, such as Fiji,   translation project. John agreed
           Pacific nation of Vanuatu,    Tonga and Samoa, have the full    and soon the Hano project began
           sisters Colinette and         Bible. But archipelagos such
  Annie Gaviga are completing the        as Vanuatu and the Solomon
                                                                                        Launching the
  final draft of the New Testament       Islands have hundreds of island                books of James and
  in Hano, the language of the Raga      languages. While most people                   Mark in the Maumi
  people of Pentecost Island. Over       are multilingual, they have a                  language in Fiji.
  20 years in the making, the Hano       deep desire for the word of God
  translation project has spanned        in their heart language, their
  generations.                           everyday speech.
     Bible Society is working in the        The Hano translation
  South Pacific to encourage the         project began in 1997,
  spiritual life of the people, by       when a Hano speaker,
  providing Scripture translations       Mark Gaviga,
  and revisions as well as Scripture     approached John
  products throughout the South          Harris, then Bible
  Pacific. The Bible Society of          Society Australia’s
  the South Pacific is the world’s       Director of
  most complex Bible Society.            Translation, about
  Based in Fiji, it encompasses          the possibility
  16 Pacific Island nations. Some        of a Hano Bible

John Harris helps Annie and
                                                                          Colinette Gaviga check the last
                                                                          words of Revelation in Hano at
                                                                          the Bible Society office in Port
                                                                          Vila, Vanuatu. Daughters of Hano
                                                                          translator Mark Gaviga, they are
                                                                          continuing their father’s work.

through the Bible Society of the     lonely task fitted in between        clerk for the Bible Society in
South Pacific with John as the       tending their gardens and other      Vanuatu. There, in Port Vila,
translation consultant.              village responsibilities.            Annie was able to keyboard the
   That year, in the mountain           Mark persisted as long as         whole text. John came out of
village of Lavusi, Mark Gaviga,      he could, and then help came         retirement to go to Vanuatu to
with John’s help, began the Hano     from an unexpected source.           carry out the final check before
translation – eating, sleeping       His eldest daughter, Colinette,      printing. Three people who were
and translating in Mark’s one-       took over the task. As the New       there at the beginning in the little
room house. Everything was           Testament neared completion, it      house in Lavusi came together to
handwritten in exercise books.       needed to be keyboarded before       complete the work at the end.
Mark’s little daughters, Colinette   a final consultant check. God’s         Will you help us continue to
and Annie, were curious              hand was evident here when           translate the Bible into other
onlookers.                           Colinette’s younger sister, Annie,   small island languages in the
   Many other small languages        began to work as a translation       South Pacific?
still lack Scriptures. Bible
Societies struggle to support
these remote projects.                 GIVE NOW
Translators are voluntary and          Please call 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537),
helped with only occasional visits     use the donation form on the back page
by busy translation consultants.       or visit
Theirs is often a difficult and

BSA updates

     Bibles for Bubs                                        Paul Eckert bids goodbye
 Hillmen Li and Zac Liang were delighted to receive        Paul Eckert has spent almost 40 years overseeing
 a Bible storybook from Bible Society CEO Greg             the Pitjantjatjara Bible Project, translating the Bible
 Clarke for their baby daughter, Evie. The Bibles          into the Aboriginal language of Central Australia.
 for Bubs project is a five-year introduction to the       In May, he hands over the reins of the project, as he
 Bible for nearly 2500 babies born in Bible Society’s      retires. In his time with Bible Society, Paul and his
 Bicentenary year (from January 1, 2017 to March 7,        wife, Ann, have seen the publication of the full New
 2018). After receiving a Bible storybook, each child      Testament in Pitjantjatjara, and recently completed
 will receive a birthday card every year for five years,   an audio recording of the New Testament with
 while the parent receives a guide with suggestions        Pitjantjatjara voices. The Old Testament translation
 for fun activities and other ways to introduce their      is also well on its way. Paul spent many years living
 little ones to the Bible and nurture their faith. When    in Pukatja in the APY Lands of remote northwest
 the children turn five, they will receive a CEV Big       South Australia with his family, working with local
 Rescue Bible, which is a full Bible and designed to       Christians on the translation. Translator Yanyi
 see them through their primary school years. Please       Bandicha said: “Wiṟu mulapa paluṟu palyanu. Ngayulu
 pray for the families and all of the children receiving   puḻkaṟa pukularinyi waaṟka wiṟu paluṟu palyaṉu.” (“It
 these Bibles, that this special gift kick-starts a        really is wonderful what Paul has done for us. I’m
 lifelong passion for God’s word.                          overjoyed by this great work he has done.”)

Good Book Talks                                          The source made visible
Why is it that the book that has shaped the world is     A grand prize of a $32,000 “Land of the Bible
so often left on the shelf? Bible Society Australia is   tour” for four, provided by Christian Fellowship
presenting The Good Book Talks on topics that get        Tours, goes to the winner of the Invisible Book
to the heart of why the Bible is still relevant today.   competition, which encourages today’s storytellers
Far from being outdated, the Bible remains deeply        to show the biblical ideas behind the great texts
embedded in Australian culture, ethics and the way       studied at school, especially Shakespeare. The
we live our everyday lives. Highly engaging speakers     one whose video tells it best will win a 17-day tour
including Greg Clarke and Justine Toh, above,            of Israel and Jordan, walking where Jesus walked
will give talks in four locations to challenge our       and seeing significant places in the gospel stories.
assumptions and deepen our understanding of the          Christian Fellowship Tours is an Australian-owned
Bible. These talks are suitable for both doubters and    family company that provides faith-based holidays
those who are already persuaded that the Bible is as     for Christians. It has partnered with Bible Society to
relevant today as it always was. Why not come along      help make what has become an invisible book – the
and bring that sceptical neighbour, friend or family     Bible – visible again to today’s young people. There’s
member? Newcastle: August 8, Geelong: August             still time for young filmmakers to get their short, fun
27, Sydney: August 30, Hobart: September 4. Visit        video in before the competition closes on June 30.                     Find out more at

Prayer points                                     face intense oppression and persecution. Pray for
                                                          protection and opportunities to share the Bible.
                                                          Pray also for church leaders to stand strong amid
 June – September 2018                                    pressure that extremists place on their churches.
                                                          Syria: Please pray for a peaceful solution to the
                                                          Syrian civil war. Pray that innocent civilians suffer no
 June 3-9                                                 more and those affected find healing in God’s word.
 Nicaragua: Please pray for peace and spiritual
 renewal in Nicaragua, following an outbreak of           July 1-7
 violence and lawlessness during protests against         Australia – Mission: Bible Society Australia has
 government changes to social insurance.                  partnered with the United Evangelistic Council
 Australia – Koorong: Thank the Lord for four             to create Ignition, a resource to fund and equip
 decades of Koorong! Australia’s largest retailer of      evangelistic youth events across Australia. Please
 Christian books and media is turning 40 this week.       pray for wisdom for those involved.
                                                          India: Pray that every Bible reaches its destination
 June 10-16                                               and those who need it. Pray also for the
 Australia – Centre for Public Christianity: As           government of India and for laws to be changed to
 screenings continue of CPX’s documentary For the         allow Bibles to be delivered in all states.
 Love of God: how the church is better and worse
 than you ever imagined, pray that it reaches those       July 8-14
 who need to hear the truth of the gospel.                Algeria: Please pray for persecuted Christians in
 China: Please pray that the huge demand for Bibles       Algeria where even casual conversations about faith
 in China can be met, despite reports that Bibles are     can be grounds for blasphemy charges.
 being removed from online stores and bookshops.          Egypt: Praise God that despite persecution,
 Pray for Bible Society Australia’s special appeal to     Christians in Egypt remain unwavering in their faith,
 maintain printing and distribution of Bibles in China.   compelling a “multitude” to come to Christ.

 June 17-23                                               July 15-21
 Refugees: More than 80 per cent of the world’s           Iran: Pray for the growing Christian community in
 refugee population is found in developing countries.     Iran, that they would be allowed to share their faith
 Please pray for these countries including Pakistan,      and the Bible openly. Many Christians have been
 Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Kenya and Ethiopia.       prosecuted and sentenced to lengthy jail terms in
 Cuba: Please pray for Cuba’s newly elected               Iran, with others awaiting trial.
 president, Miguel Diaz-Canel, and for positive change    Australia – Content and Publishing: Please pray for
 in one of the world’s most oppressive regimes.           Catherine Fuertes, who has recently begun the task
                                                          of coordinating Bible production for BSA. Pray that
 June 24-30                                               the Scriptures she arranges to publish and print will
 Sudan: Please pray for Christians in Sudan who           be effective in spreading the message of Jesus.

July 22-28                                               Australia – Events: Please pray that the many
Vietnam: Please pray for Christians in Vietnam who       Thank You events staged by Bible Society Australia
have limited access to the Bible. Since there is no      will be well supported.
Bible printing in Vietnam, many Christians have little
knowledge of the truths of the gospel.                   August 19-25
Kyrgyzstan: Give thanks that the Bible Society           Netherlands: Praise God that the Bible has recently
of Kyrgyzstan received its licence as a religious        been voted the most important book for the
organization in March, allow them to continue            people of the Netherlands. Pray for the readers of a
ministry in Kyrgyzstan and open new opportunities.       Christian magazine for children called Alef and for
                                                         BibleBasics, a new Dutch Sunday school programme.
July 29-August 4                                         Ghana: Please pray for the Bible translation project
Australia – Church Relations: Following a meeting        in Abron, also known as Bono. Pray for preparations
with Bishop Daniel of Sydney’s Coptic Church,            towards a World Assembly to be hosted by Bible
pray for a closer friendship between Bible Society       Society of Ghana in 2022.
Australia and the Australian Coptic Movement.
Namibia: Praise God for a newly translated               August 26-September 1
version of the Khoekhoegowab Bible, 14 years in          Australia – Content & Publishing: Please pray for
the making. The new version, replacing the 1966          Character Reborn by James Pietsch, published
edition, is more consistent with the language being      by Acorn Press this month. It challenges Christian
used in Namibian schools.                                educators to consider how they might share the
                                                         good news of Jesus with the wider community.
August 5-11                                              Puerto Rico: Please pray for a fiscal plan to cut
Australia – Church Relations: Please pray that           debt, prevent austerity and reduce child poverty in
the day-to-day efforts of our teams will bear            Puerto Rico. San Juan’s Catholic Archbishop and
fruit. Pray that many more churches will welcome         the Puerto Rico Evangelical Bible Society leader are
Bible Society Australia as we seek to serve all          lobbying for a kingdom-focused plan.
denominations in the furtherance of his kingdom.
Romania: Please pray for the Inter-confessional          September 2-8
Bible Society of Romania as it works with parents of     Australia – Mission: Please pray for our Literacy for
Down syndrome children. Pray that God’s word will        Women in Africa project. Bible Society Australia is
provide encouragement, direction and comfort.            part of a collaborative project to bring Bible-based
                                                         literacy to women from ethnic minorities in Malawi,
August 12-18                                             Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania.
Congo: Please pray for Bible-based trauma healing        North Korea: Please pray for the Christian church to
programmes for abused women in the Democratic            persevere and multiply amid persecution from the
Republic of Congo. Pray for those being trained to       North Korean regime. Pray also for the spreading
lead the programmes, which incorporate biblical          of God’s truth through Bibles, radio and returning
wisdom with best practices in mental health.             refugees.

Refugees:                The Body of Christ,               There is More!              Education in the
     God’s Concern                 God’s Team                       By John Kelly             Resurrection Age
     By Justin Whelan                By Tim Argall                                              By James Pietsch

     Week One                     Week Three                       Week Five                    Week Seven
     JUN 3 – JUN 9                JUN 17 – JUN 23                   JUL 1 – JUL 7                JUL 15 – JUL 21
     SUN 3    Ps 137:1            SUN 17 Matt 14:22-33              SUN 1   Eph 3:20-21        SUN 15 Matt 11:4-6
     MON 4 Exod 23:9             MON 18     Josh 6:1-20            MON 2 Gen 37:9-10           MON 16 John 11:21-27
     TUE 5    Heb 13:2            TUE 19    Heb 11:24-27           TUE 3    Job 11:7-9         TUE 17 Acts 23:6-8
     WED 6    Ps 146:9           WED 20     Neh 1:1-11            WED 4     Mark 10:29-31      WED 18 Rom 6:5-8
  THUR 7      Gen 21:9-10        THUR 21    Gen 45:1-7, 12-14     THUR 5 Mark 9:22-24         THUR 19 1 Cor 15:3-5
      FRI 8   Matt 2:13-15a        FRI 22 1 Tim 4:4-16              FRI 6   Prov 18:21          FRI 20 2 Cor 5:16-21
     SAT 9 Isa 56:3a, 6-7         SAT 23 Dan 6:16-28                SAT 7   Jer 1:9-10          SAT 21 Eph 2:4-6

     Week Two                      Week Four                        Week Six                     Week Eight
     JUN 10 – JUN 16              JUN 24 – JUN 30                  JUL 8 – JUL 14                JUL 22 – JUL 28
  SUN 10 Luke 10:29               SUN 24    1 Tim 1:12-17          SUN 8 Matt 18:3-4           SUN 22 Col 1:15-18
  MON 11 Ruth 2:10               MON 25     Luke 5:1-11            MON 9 Acts 16:1-3           MON 23 Col 3:1-3
     TUE 12   Luke 17:18          TUE 26    John 3:22-36          TUE 10    John 16:33         TUE 24 Col 3:12-14
  WED 13      Ezek 22:7          WED 27     Acts 15:30-41         WED 11    2 Cor 4:16-17      WED 25 1 Pet 2:9-10
 THUR 14      Matt 25:35,43      THUR 28    Luke 23:32-43        THUR 12 Isa 43:18-29         THUR 26 2 Pet 1:5-7
     FRI 15 Rom 5:8                FRI 29 Jer 51:15-17             FRI 13   Ps 78:5-7           FRI 27 Rev 21:3-5
     SAT 16 2 Cor 5:20            SAT 30 Mark 1:9-19               SAT 14   Eph 2:4-7           SAT 28 1 Cor 13:8-13

How we treat refugees and          As the drama of the            These Bible devotions        Many of us are engaged
   vulnerable foreigners is      FIFA World Cup unfolds          follow the theme of the        in teaching, nurturing
 never far from the centre      across Russia, Tim Argall         Hillsong conference in        and supporting those
 of God’s concern. It’s also     explores the notion that        Sydney from July 10-13.      around us. How do we go
    a perennial debate in        a winning team requires        God has more for us than       about this task? Is there
 Australia. In this series we      players with different        we could ever imagine,          something that goes
go beyond the classic texts      abilities, skills, attitudes   and these passages from         beyond just imparting
  to delve deeper into the      and approaches. Building         the Bible, together with     information to transform
 heart of God’s desire for        on Paul’s picture of the          reflections based on       the whole character? In
 how we treat those who           church in 1 Cor 12:21-31,       the new book by Brian      the New Testament we find
come to us seeking safety,       this series explores how       Houston, Hillsong’s Global    many descriptions of the
   and for how we define         God’s “team” is blessed           Senior Pastor, explore     character virtues that we
who is “in” and “out” of our    by the role of each player.      what God has for those      are to “put on,” as a means
           society.                                                   who follow him.        of becoming people of the
                                                                                                     new creation.

Justin Whelan is
                                                                                                   education manager,
                                                                                                   Asylum Seeker
                                                                                                   Resource centre.

Pilgrim Theology:                     “Grow Up”                        The Bible                   Tim Argall is a soccer
  The Psalms of                    By Ben McEachen                    and Literacy                 player and coach for
                                                                                                   30 years at community,
     Ascents                                                         By Roy Williams
                                                                                                   representative and elite
 By Melinda Cousins                                                                                levels.

    Week Nine                      Week Eleven                   Week Thirteen                     John Kelly is a graduate
   JUL 29 – AUG 4                   AUG 12 – AUG 18                  AUG 26 – SEP 1                of Hillsong College
 SUN 29     Ps 120:5-7            SUN 12 Eph 4:11-16               SUN 26 John 1:1-2
                                                                                                   and prepares small
                                                                                                   group study materials
 MON 30 Ps 121:5-7                MON 13 Matt 8:23-27              MON 27 Deut 31:24-26
                                                                                                   for discipleship and
  TUE 31    Ps 122:1-3            TUE 14 Prov 27:17                TUE 28 Ezra 7:10
                                                                                                   fellowship programmes
  WED 1     Ps 123:1-3           WED 15 1 Cor 3:1-3               WED 29 Isa 53:3                  for Hillsong Australia.
 THUR 2     Ps 124:6-8           THUR 16 Heb 5:11-14             THUR 30 Dan 5:12
    FRI 3   Ps 125:4-5             FRI 17 Heb 6:1-6                  FRI 31 Luke 1:1-4             James Pietsch is the
   SAT 4    Ps 126:4-6             SAT 18 Rom 15:1-5                 SAT 1 Luke 4:16-17            Principal at Inaburra
                                                                                                   School in Sydney, and
    Week Ten                       Week Twelve                   Week Fourteen                     author of Educating for
   AUG 5 – AUG 11                   AUG 19 – AUG 25                  SEP 2 – SEPT 8                the Kingdom.
  SUN 5     Ps 127:1-2             SUN 19 Luke 8:11-15              SUN 2 John 8:8
                                                                                                   Melinda Cousins is
  MON 6     Ps 128:4-6            MON 20 Phil 2:12-16              MON 3 John 19:19-22             a Baptist pastor and
   TUE 7    Ps 129:2-4             TUE 21 Acts 6:4-5                TUE 4 Acts 8:27-28             Senior Lecturer in
  WED 8     Ps 130:2-4            WED 22 1 Cor 14:20               WED 5 Col 4:16                  Biblical Studies at Tabor
 THUR 9     Ps 131:1-3           THUR 23 2 Pet 3:14-18            THUR 6 Rom 2:14-15               Bible College.
  FRI 10    Ps 132:13-15           FRI 24 Col 1:9-14                 FRI 7 Rev 20:15
  SAT 11    Ps 133:1, 134:1-2      SAT 25 Heb 10:19-25              SAT 8 2 Tim 3:16               Ben McEachen is a
                                                                                                   graduate of Moore
    Psalms 120-134 seek to       A lot of emphasis is placed             The reading and           Theological College
   redefine our identity as        on making the leap from           contemplation of God’s        and deputy editor of
   members of the pilgrim           childhood to being an            word is a vital aspect of     Eternity News.
   community, anticipating         adult. The Christian faith       worship for all Christians.
where God is taking us and       also shares this element of        Today, the Bible has been      Roy Williams is a
 experiencing the full range      maturing and developing.          translated into thousands      lawyer and author.
    of life experiences and        A steady yet sometimes            of everyday languages.        He has written two
relationships along the way.        overlooked part of our           This has been a key step      bestsellers: God,
   And they invite us again       Christian faith is “growing      in taking Christianity to all   Actually (2008) and Mr
  into relationship with the        up” – and it’s not just a     nations of the world, just as    Eternity: The Story of
God who is present in every       solo pursuit. Christians are      Jesus commanded (Matt          Arthur Stace (2017).
 part of the journey and yet     called to help each other in        28:19). Through reading
drawing us ever onwards in        maturity – a lovely feature      God’s word in their “heart
              Christ.            of the family of Jesus Christ   language,” many have come
                                that should encourage us all.              to know God.

Bible Societies around the world

 His word speaks!                     Joy at Nigerian Bibles                  Cuba conclave
George of the Syrian Bible           Two people groups in Rivers            Havana, Cuba, is the venue
Society in Aleppo thanks you for     State in southern Nigeria recently     for the annual Roundtable
your generous gifts to continue      received their first Bibles.           Exchange of United Bible
Children’s Scripture Distribution    Kalabari speakers danced and           Societies, in July. A riot of
despite the war. Rita rejoiced       sang as the first Bible in their       colour, Havana is a great
when her children came home          language was launched. “Today          contrast to Sydney, which
from church with Bibles. “We         I am the happiest Kalabari             hosted the event last year. But
might have lost our homes and        person!” said the African Church       the priorities will be the same
hometowns, but we haven’t lost       Archbishop of Rivers Province, D.      – how to harness technology
our faith and the Bible Society      B. Kaladokubo, above. Meanwhile,       and collaboration to ensure that
team continue to surprise us with    the Okrika community rejoiced          one day all people can have the
the most beautiful Scriptures that   at the dedication of their long-       opportunity to meaningfully
continue speaking to our hearts.”    awaited Okrika Bible.                  access Scripture.

                   GPO BOX 9874 in your capital city P: 1300 BIBLES (1300 242 537) ISSN 1839-7425
                   W: E: ACN 148 058 306
                   Bible Society Australia is a not-for-profit interdenominational organisation. It’s a member
                   of the United Bible Societies, a fellowship of 154 organisations working in more than 200
                   countries. Our mission is to achieve the widest possible effective and meaningful distribution
                   of the Bible; also to help people interact with it and to have their hearts lightened by the
                   Bible’s message of unconditional love in Jesus Christ.

YES! I want the Bible to be available
For those who do not like to cut up their Sower we have provided a copy of this form with your address slip for mailed copies.

                                Lebanon – Literacy for Young Refugees                                   Iraq and Lebanon – Scripture & Aid
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                                (tax-deductible*) 18SWW2TD                                              (non-tax-deductible) 18SWW2NTD

                                South African Kids Literacy                                             South Pacific Translation
                                (tax-deductible*) 18SWW3TD                                              (non-tax-deductible) 18SWW3NTD

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You can also donate online at or by phone on 1300 BIBLES or (1300 242 537).
If these appeals are oversubscribed or a project changes due to unforeseen reasons, we will reallocate remaining funds to similar projects.
*Receipts for tax-deductible donations of $2 or more will be issued by the trustee for Bible Society Foundation. ABN 41 725 839 724
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