Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin

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Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
                                          FEB EDITION
Mobile Devices                     2016

Conquer   Companies
 How to break the habits that
   Kill Service Innovation
   Dr Nigel Martin

Blockchain and how it will change everything

itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
Alan Hollensen
                                                         CEO, itSMF Australia

                                                      Hello everyone,

 3     A Word from the Chairman                       We took another step on the path to a viable Regional Seminar
                                                      Program this month with the second of our Geelong seminars and the
 3     AXELOS Professional Development Program        first of four we have scheduled there for this year. I regard this as one of
                                                      our more exciting developments and the plan is to steadily build both
                                                      the numbers of these events and their profile in those states with large
 4     itSMF Feature:                                 enough Service Management communities in either regional areas or
       Mobile devices conquer companies               non-metro ones to support them.

 10    Geelong Regional Seminar Q1                    Kathryn Howard, our Vice Chair with a special interest in the State
                                                      Branches, and myself are already investigating options in NSW and
 11    itSMF Feature:                                 I have reached out to the NSW Committee on this issue as well.
       Blockchain and how it will change everything   Interestingly, there seems to be something of an untapped market out
                                                      there for these given I was approached at the Geelong session by
 15    2016 itSMF Q1 Seminar Snippets                 someone who wants a Seminar to be staged in another reginal centre
                                                      here in Victoria.
 16    SHAKE I.T. UP
                                                      One of the more pleasing results of our Conference last year was what
       Service Management Conference 2016             amounted to a strong sense of renewal and nowhere is this in greater
                                                      evidence than the response by sponsors and supporters for the event
 18    Service Management Conference 2016             planned this year in Brisbane.
       Keynote Speakers
                                                      Our good friends as AXIOS were first out of the blocks, having come on
                                                      board as a Gold Sponsor, signed, sealed and delivered, before we went
 20    itSMF Corporate Member Directory               on our Christmas break. Personally I’d like to extend a huge ‘Thank you’
                                                      to the team at AXIOS for this demonstration of their faith in us.

                                                      As it turns out, they are not alone with Alemba now signed up too. And
                                                      we are also excited to be able to inform you that two new sponsors
                                                      have come on board in Matrix42 and Kepner Tregoe with more in the

                                                      These are exciting times for our signature event which remains one of
                                                      the best Service Management conferences in the world.

                                                      In this edition of the magazine you will find links to the White Paper
                                                      library of the van Haren Publishing company, rightly regarded as being
                                                      at the absolute forefront of publishing in our industry. These papers are
                                                      accessible completely free of any charge or obligation – just follow the
                                                      link, or jump on to our website where it is now a permanent feature of
                                                      the Home Page.

                                                      You will also find here further information from our partners at AXELOS
                                                      about significant discounts to their Professional Development Program
                                                      and how to avail yourself of this offer. I’d recommend that you check
                                                      out both of these when you have the opportunity, but keep in mind the
                                                      AXELOS offer has a cut-off point, although a discount for itSMF
                                                      members of the Australian Chapter will always be available.

2 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
A Word from the Chairman
 Dear Members,                                                               Partner of our National Conference once more. We hope to extend the
                                                                             partnership to give our members a platform to contribute their thought
 We have started this year very well and I am excited to share a number      leadership on the international stage.
 of developments with you.
                                                                             Lastly, we have extended our fantastic seminar program and on the
 As we announced earlier this month, itSMF Australia have joined the         11th of February we held our 2nd regional event in the Victorian city of
 itSMF International Axelos partnership program offering you                 Geelong with another three planned there this year. With the support of
 substantially reduced charge to access the AXELOS Professional              Deakin University, who provided a spectacular venue, and in
 Development Program. I think this exciting partnership holds great          cooperation with a local ICT group the Geelong Seminar gives us a tem-
 promise for you as a Member, but it is also a testament to the good         plate for expanding this wonderful program into regions where we
 work being done by the International Board. Our own past Chair,             have never been active – essentially out of the CBD of the capital cities.
 Kathryn Heaton the ItSMF International Deputy Chairman and current          We would love to support your local events, so please contact Alan in
 itSMFA Board member has been a significant driver of this initiative        the national office if you would like to start a regional event in your
 and deserves our congratulations for her excellent work bringing more       state.
 value to our members globally.
                                                                             There will be more to report over the coming year about these
 Your local board has also negotiated a significant new member benefit       regional Seminars, but for the moment I would like to extend my appre-
 with access to the remarkable library of White Papers stored on the van     ciation for the good work done by our member volunteers in getting
 Haren Publishing website. Access to these documents is just a click         this off the ground – as I would to all of our volunteer crew who work so
 away on the itSMF Homepage.                                                 hard and selflessly to keep the organisation at the forefront of Service
 Ivo van Haren and his team have been very generous making these
 valuable papers available to us, but also in coming on board as a Media     Well Done one and all.

             The Process for itSMF Australia Members Subscribing to the Axelos Professional Development Program
AXELOS Ltd and The IT Service Management Forum International Ltd (itSMFi) signed a Partnering Framework Agreement in September 2015. The
Australian Chapter is able to participate in the Agreement having signed the Deed of Adherence to AXELOS.
itSMFA members are entitled to a discount of 20% on the annual subscription fee for the AXELOS Professional Development Programme (25% if the
application is made before end of Q1 2016). This discount will apply for the duration of continued AXELOS Professional Development Programme
membership provided the individuals maintain their itSMF membership.
In order to activate the discount itSMF members will need to obtain a voucher code via a secure area of the itSMFA chapter website. The voucher code will
provide the member with the appropriate discount to the subscription fee when it is redeemed on AXELOS.com. The registration fee will not         be
Operational Processes
The itSMFA member wishing to subscribe to the AXELOS Professional Development Programme using their individual membership gains permission
necessary to access the log-in and codes.
The itSMF member subscribes to the AXELOS Professional Development Programme at https://www.axelos.com/professionaldevelopment#subscriptions
entering the voucher code at the appropriate point in the process.
The discount is applied to the subscription when the voucher code is successfully redeemed. Note: The candidate will still need to pay the full
registration fee.
itSMF members experiencing problems either using the voucher codes or registering on the Programme should be directed to membership@axelos.com
For further assistance, please contact the itSMF Australia National Office.

3 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
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4 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
The Survey at a glance
 Executive Summary
  Small and medium-sized businesses in the DACH region are also seeing a growth in the number of employees who use mobile devices such as tablets
  and smartphones. This presents a number of problems for IT organizations as the number and diversity of mobile devices is increasing workloads and the
  level of complexity for the Service Desk. In the survey, 57 percent of IT professionals indicated that an adequate solution for managing mobile devices is
  not currently used in their organization. Only seven percent could confirm that the ITSM tool used in their company could also support mobile devices.
  The issue of licensing was clearly also a sore point: 30 percent of those polled had to admit that their company does not have a license management
  solution for mobile devices and apps.

  Mobile devices conquer companies:
  Nowadays, the use of mobile devices in companies is generally                 companies for IT Service Management (ITSM) mostly incapable of
  taken for granted. However, a survey conducted by Matrix42 of                 coping with the complexity that’s found its way into company net-
  1,500 attendees at a recent trade show reveals that many                      works as a result of mobile end devices and apps, many companies
  companies are not properly prepared for the rapid growth in                   are still in the very early stages when it comes to compliance and
  mobility that is currently sweeping across the IT departments of              license management for mobile devices and solutions.
  German companies. Not only are the solutions that are used by

   1         The reality: Smartphones
             and tablets but no adequate MDM solution

             Very low usage                 Low usage                   Normal usage                  High usage                 Very high usage
             (< 10% of employees)           (10% to 29% of              (30% to 69% of                (70% to 89% of             (90% to 100% of
                                            employees)                  employees)                    employees)                 employees

                         Apple iOS                                        Windows Phone                                      Others

                         Google Android                                   Blackberry OS

5 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
Although the modern development towards mobile workers who can
 access their work and data while ‘always on’ seems in many ways to have         3 Service desks in companies:
 happened already, the survey revealed huge deficits when it comes to
 topics such as the management and support of mobile devices as well as                Not properly prepared for
 compliance and license management. 57 percent of the companies that
 were surveyed said that they do not currently have an adequate solution for           mobility
 managing these devices.
                                                                                 The question that remains then is ‘Why does it seem so difficult
                                                                                 for many companies to manage and support mobile devices in
 Do you know how your Mobile Device                                              the way that IT professionals have been doing for years with PCs
 Management (MDM) is currently                                                   and mobile devices such as notebooks and laptops?’ The
                                                                                 answers to the question in the survey concerning the facilities
 operating?                                                                      and options available to IT support for supporting and maintain-
                                                                                 ing mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets show a
                                                                                 completely different picture.

                                                                                 Which facilities and options are availa-
                                                                                 ble to your IT Support Team for sup-
                                                                                 porting mobile devices?
   The Challenge: Workplace
   Management with mobile devic-
We cannot deny that traditional workplaces with ‘permanently installed’
PCs, which used to be allocated to a single user, are slowly but surely losing
their right to exist. These stationary workplaces are giving way to mobile
and flexible work environments that are presenting new challenges to IT
teams and Service Desks, in particular: Mobility generates a multi-device
work environment that must also be managed and supported by Service
Desk staff.

What do you think are the greatest challenges facing
                                                                                 20 percent of those questioned had to admit that their own IT
Workplace Management with mobile devices?
                                                                                 support staff are simply unable to offer users support when it
(Multiple answers possible)                                                      comes to problems with mobile devices, even though 24
                                                                                 percent of the companies that were surveyed stated that their
                                                                                 IT support staff have received training in the iOS and
                                                                                 Android operating systems. For mobile devices too, the solu-
                                                                                 tion to this problem is to combine the right IT Service Manage-
                                                                                 ment (ITSM) with the right tools. However, a mere seven
                                                                                 percent of survey respondents could claim that their ITSM
                                                                                 solution also covers this increasingly important field of IT
                                                                                 infrastructure. Many IT managers and administrators currently
 The respondents were also aware of these difficulties: 30 percent of            face the situation that further efforts are needed to cope with
 respondents said that data protection was the greatest challenge for            the increasing day-to-day use of mobile devices in their com-
 the management and support of mobile devices and 21 percent of                  panies. They are quickly realizing that the Service Desk’s task
 those polled identified the separation of private and business data as          of managing and supporting mobile users is much more com-
 a decisive factor for workplace management that in many ways also               plex and extensive than many IT professionals perhaps initially
 affects safety. The answers to the question concerning the number               thought. They are powerless in the face of this dramatic rise in
 of tickets in the respondents’ company that previously involved mo-             complexity, which is the inevitable result of their users’ new-
 bile devices are also particularly interesting in this context:                 found mobility.
 59 percent of the organizations that were surveyed stated that this
 figure was between zero and a maximum of 29 percent.

6 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
4 Reasons: Why is mobility                                             These three central points clearly demonstrate how the growing mobili-
                                                                         ty of workers and the associated diversity of devices and applications in
        characterized by such a                                          company environments are definitely increasing the number of calls
                                                                         made to the Service Desk. In general, however, this is usually the one
        high degree of complexity?                                       area of an IT department that is understaffed and where all requests are
                                                                         handled by only one or two employees. It is not possible to give these IT
 Mobility is an extremely important topic for all companies. The         specialists more work to do as they simply cannot cope with any more
 IT managers and administrators involved in these issues, how-           and the option of taking on more staff is not usually up for discussion in
 ever, frequently find themselves confronted with the problem            most companies.
 of increasing complexity. Why is this topic so multifaceted and
 why does it present a greater degree of diversity than was the
 case with the IT devices and applications that have been sup-
 ported up to now? To solve this problem we must first look for
 the causes of this variance. A glance at the very heterogeneous
 and highly diversified landscape of mobile devices quickly
 reveals the factors that are primarily responsible for these diffi-

 A very wide variety of applications and devices.
 Service Desk staff and administrators need to deal with a
 huge conglomerate of different end devices and applica-
                                                                       5 Critical and unresolved:
 tions. This is exacerbated by the fact that very few companies
 and users have introduced some form of standardization for
                                                                          License Management in the
 mobile devices and applications. Most IT employees find                  mobile work environment
 themselves confronted with a mix of Android and iOS devices
 as well as some Windows Phone devices and highly diverse                It is not only the mobile devices themselves that are presenting IT teams and
 hardware.                                                               Service Desks with new tasks and associated new problems. Along with the
                                                                         mobile devices, a completely new approach to purchasing and using software
 The transformation of the workplace:                                    on these devices is also finding its way into the IT landscapes of companies.
 The traditional workplace with its permanently installed PC for         Apps are no longer installed on users’ PCs via carefully regulated software
 one user is increasingly giving way to a more topical paradigm.         distributions. Instead, users now install the apps that they need – or at least,
 It’s changing more and more to a work environment. Mobility             think they need – themselves (mostly from the app stores of operating sys-
 inevitably results in a multi device work environment that can          tem suppliers such as Apple or Google). This software chaos will inevitably
 quickly become a challenge for the Service Desk. For example,           remind long-serving IT professionals of the time when PCs were first intro-
 Service Desk staff need to know immediately which type of               duced in companies. This proliferation was already a major problem back
 device a user is using when they contact them with a problem            then. To restore order to the various networks and systems, the necessary
 (such as ‘my app isn’t working again!’). A modern ITSM system           service and management tools had to be developed and put into operation.
 must be able to meet this requirement.
                                                                         What do you use to manage the licenses on your
 Merging of business and                                                 mobile devices?
 private boundaries:
 End users are increasingly using their private
 smartphones and tablets in company networks.
 This means that they also contact the Service Desk if they
 have a problem with these private devices. What should IT
 professionals do in this situation? The first thing they must
 do is quickly and clearly identify whether the device in
 question is an end device that belongs to the company or
 whether it is a private device that belongs to the user. The            An important part of this problem, and one that is unfortunately all
 ITSM solution in use must have a good and comprehensive                 too often criminally neglected by users, is the issue of licensing.
 inventory aspect.                                                       Questions concerning licensing frequently remain unanswered, especial-
                                                                         ly where apps, which are purchased and installed directly by the users
                                                                         on their devices, are concerned. The participants in this ITSM survey
                                                                         there- fore also had to provide details of the technologies and solu-

7 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
tions that are used in their companies to ensure that licenses are also          expansion of user mobility and the use of many different end devices has
managed correctly on mobile devices. The result was sobering and                 already had and still has on these areas thanks to the many discussions
shows that greater mobility must also have an impact on license                  conducted with companies from various sectors and the extensive
management. Over 50 percent of those polled do not use a license                 customer projects they have been involved in. To summarize simply,
management system for mobile devices or were unable to say if and
how this problem is solved in their company.                                     These new working practices have an enormous influence on the entire
                                                                                 area of IT Service Management.

 6 The Matrix42 approach: The                                                    Mobility is the major topic for all companies and one that is bringing a
                                                                                 new level of complexity to the Service Desk. IT managers who wish to
       solution is simplicity                                                    tackle this complexity need to seamlessly integrate these mobility
Matrix42 specialists are able to build on many years of experience in the        solutions into their existing ITSM tools. Matrix42 can help out here. Our
areas of IT Service Management, Compliance and Mobility. In recent               smart solutions are designed to manage the increasingly complex
years, they have managed to identify the impact that the rapid                   choice of mobile devices in companies.

 IT Service Management in the age of the cloud and mobility
 support for mobile working practices

                                                                                                                 WORKSPACE 4.0

                                                                                WORKSPACE 3.0

                                             WORKSPACE 2.0
         WORKSPACE 1.0

              Office/desk                         PC/Laptop                         work environment

    Conclusion: Using Mobile                                                   who clearly identify data protection and the separation of private and busi-
                                                                               ness data and applications as being the greatest challenges facing work-
  7 ITSM to counter the rapid                                                  space management in the age of all-embracing mobility, it is clear that only
                                                                               intelligent ITSM solutions can help. In light of these problems,
    growth in mobility                                                         IT managers must invest in solutions that actively support Service Desk
                                                                               staff and administrators and directly alleviate the vast majority of these
The survey carried out by Matrix42 at this year’s CeBIT exhibition has
                                                                               complex problems.
brought the following fact to light: The rapid growth in mobility, which has
                                                                               The complexity that mobility is bringing to the Service Desk cannot be
already revolutionized the IT world of private users, is also affecting the
                                                                               solved by introducing an even more complex IT Service Management
world of professional users in companies. The survey also clearly shows
                                                                               system. Simplicity is the best solution here!
that only a very few companies and IT organizations are already using ITSM
                                                                               If companies want to weather this mobility storm successfully, then they
solutions and software to manage their mobile end devices and success-
                                                                               must invest in automated tools for their Service Desks. This is the only way
fully weather this storm.
                                                                               to ensure that employees, who in practice have neither the resources nor
IT organizations and companies have a problem!
                                                                               the time to fully deal with all aspects of the new technology, are properly
The number of tickets will also inevitably increase along with the number
                                                                               supported in their work
of questions from users concerning how to solve problems specifically
related to mobile devices and applications. The survey also showed that
although the majority of IT professionals are well aware of the problem,
German companies are not sufficiently equipped at present to successful-
ly support the growing mobility trend at their Service Desks.
Particularly when it comes to the requirements of the survey respondents,

8 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
8 Appendix:                                                                                                   offers forward-thinking solutions for modern work environments
                                                                                                               under its ‘Smarter workspace’ motto. More than 3,000 customers
         Survey implementation and                                                                             around the world, including BMW, Infineon, and Carl Zeiss,
                                                                                                               currently manage approximately 3 million workstations using
         demography                                                                                            workspace management solutions from Matrix42.

The Matrix42 survey entitled ‘Mobile ITSM 2014’ was conducted at the                                           Matrix42 operates successfully in seven countries
CeBIT trade show in March 2014. A total of 1,509 people were interviewed.                                      Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Great Britain,
74 percent of those surveyed were recruited from small and medium sized                                        Sweden, and Australia. The company’s headquarters are in
companies with fewer than 1,000 employees. In the survey, the participants                                     Frankfurt am Main in Germany. Founded in 1992, the company
answered a total of eight multiple choice and weighted questions on mobile                                     has been part of the Asseco Group since 2008, one of Europe‘s
ITSM.                                                                                                          largest software providers.

                                                                                                               Matrix42’s products and solutions are designed to simply and
How many employees are employed in your company?
                                                                                                               efficiently manage modern work environments – whether
                                                                                                               physical, virtual, or at mobile workspaces.
Matrix42 AG                                                                                                    Matrix42 focuses on user orientation, automation, and process
Matrix42 is a top provider of workspace management software. The company                                       optimization. The company’s solutions meet not only the re-
                                                                                                               quirements of modern employees who want to work from any
                                                                                                               location and with a great variety of devices, but also those of IT
                                                                                                               departments and businesses themselves.

                                                                                                               Matrix42 offers its solutions to organizations across different
                                                                                                               sectors who value forward-looking and efficient workspace man-
                                                                                                               agement. The company also successfully collaborates with part-
                                                                                                               ners who provide on-site consultation to Matrix42 customers.
                                                                                                               Some of these leading partners include TAP.DE Solutions GmbH,
                                                                                                               Consulting4IT GmbH, and DSP IT Service GmbH.
                                                                                                               Further information available at



 This documentation is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved by Matrix42 AG. Any other use, in particular, distribution to third parties, storage in a
 data system, dissemination, processing, performance, and presentation is strictly prohibited. This applies to the entire document as well as to parts there-
 of. Subject to change without notice. Other company, trademark and product names, which are not expressly listed here, are trademarks or registered
 trademarks of their respective owners and are subject to trademark protection. Matrix42® is a registered trademark of Matrix42 AG.

      HEADQUARTER                                 SWITZERLAND                                  UK OFFICE                          AUSTRALIA
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     All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

9 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Bulletin Mobile Devices - Blockchain and how it will change everything - How to break the habits that Kill Service Innovation Dr Nigel Martin
It was smiles all round in Geelong for the
                  2016 Regional Q1 Seminar

        Janet Holling, itSMF Vic Deputy                               Siobhan Miltenoff, Bupa and
        State Chair and Dave Chambers, ICT                            Darragh Kennedy, Lonely
        Geelong                                                       Planet

       itSMF co-hosted it’s second Regional Seminar on February 11th at Geelong, Victoria’s 2nd largest
       city. The topic ostensibly dealt with cloud migrations, but it was in fact a long way from the
       typical ‘war stories’ of things that went wrong and how they were fixed. Instead, the central
       speaker for the evening, Darragh Kennedy of Lonely Planet had a much more positive take on
       things and a load of excellent advice about how an enterprise might manage their own
       migration to ‘the cloud’ that was entertaining as well as informative.

       The event, run jointly with a local ICT group generated considerable local interest and our
       friends at Deakin University provided the venue, which was sensational.

       Our plan is to run another three of these Seminars in Geelong, to hold at least another two in
       other regional centres in Victoria, to run at least one, preferably two in a non-CBD centre in NSW
       and to look hard at other possibilities in other state capitals.

       This will see the level of engagement outside the usual realm of our Seminars dramatically
       increase, while broadening our scope to attract new members and enhance our profile. But
       mainly the benefits will be to those people who reside and are employed in these non-metro
       areas who have not been able to access our Seminar program because of distance – they will be
       the real winners in all this.

10 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Article by James Eyre

In May, British billionaire Richard Branson invited a select posse of      One of the attendees at Branson's island was Brian Forde. A technology
entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and technology advisers to his          entrepreneur, Forde was, until recently, President Barack Obama's senior
Caribbean residence for an exclusive pow wow on an issue occupying         adviser for mobile and data innovation in the White House.
some of the top markets minds in the world.
                                                                           During a visit to Sydney in early February 2016, Forde predicted many
The topic for discussion on the picturesque Necker Island was the          businesses from a variety of sectors and governments will be forced this
"blockchain".                                                              year to think about how blockchain technology might affect them through
                                                                           streamlined processes, reduced costs and enhanced service delivery.

Every now and then, something comes                                        "Banks and other financial institutions are thinking about this, and you can
along that might just change                                               see that reflected in how quickly they are moving. Now what we will start
                                                                           to see in 2016 and 2017 are responses from the other industries that will
everything. And this is one of those                                       be impacted by blockchain."

In case you're one of the many yet to wrap your head around the
promising technology, blockchain, on a simple level, uses computer code
to engender trust in digital-economy transactions.

                                                                           ASX chief executive Elmer Funke Kupper says blockchain could change
                                                                           "everything". Photo: Jessica Hromas

                                                                           There is massive hype around blockchain in certain circles even though
                                                                           there are yet few working networks. However, extensive testing of the
Richard Branson's Necker Island was the site for an exclusive meeting to
                                                                           technology is now beginning.
discuss blockchain.

11 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Australian banks are
exploring the chain
It has certainly caught attention at the highest levels of Australian finance.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia has joined a consortium of global banks
that have already tested a blockchain to transfer value between each other.
"It is clearly, in very clear terms, faster, cheaper and more transparent than
some of the existing practices we have today," says CBA's chief information
officer David Whiteing.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia chief information officer David Whiteing
predicts blockchain will disrupt systems. Photo: Michele Mossop

The Australian Securities Exchange is building a blockchain to test whether      Reserve Bank of Australia governor Glenn Stevens says development of
the technology will replace its existing settlement systems, moving them         blockchain is important. Photo: Peter Braig
close to real time.

"Every now and then, something comes along that might just change every-
thing. And this is one of those moments," says ASX chief executive Elmer
Funke Kupper.
                                                                                 What is Blockchain?
                                                                                 When Satoshi Nakamoto (a nom de plume) published the first paper
The potential cost savings from blockchain have been noted at the very           describing bitcoin in 2008, he set out a process allowing the
highest levels of Australian finance.                                            crypto-currency to be transferred between owners without the need for
                                                                                 an intermediary to ensure that a particular dollar is not traded twice.
Reserve Bank of Australia governor Glenn Stevens recently noted that if
                                                                                 This was a revolutionary innovation. It overcame one of the biggest
banks could demonstrate that using blockchain were more efficient and
                                                                                 headaches when shifting digital assets around – the potential for
cheaper, it would rapidly drive wider adoption.
He described the banks' work testing the systems as "fascinating, and ...        This won't be a concern if you are copying a photo from a hard drive to
important".                                                                      send to friends or post on social media. However, when the digital asset
                                                                                 is money, duplicating it is not an option.
Overseas, governments are also rolling out tests, to determine whether
blockchain can help them better service their citizens. For example, the US      And so banks have worked as intermediaries, or "trusted third parties",
state of Vermont is testing a blockchain to store government records, while      to ensure that digital ledgers are counterbalanced and reconciled so that
the central American nation of Honduras is doing likewise for property           money moving through the system is spent only once. But bitcoin can
transactions.                                                                    be transferred – over the blockchain – without that central party.

"We say sunlight in government is the best disinfectant, and blockchain          The technology uses a network of databases held on various computers
makes things more open and transparent," says Forde.                             that records transactions in "blocks". These blocks provide proof of who
                                                                                 owns what at any given point in time.
Yet in order to understand why blockchain is getting so much attention and       Each computer on the network must approve a transaction before it is
to appreciate how broadly it might be applied, it is worth taking a few          recorded in a new block and added to all the previous blocks, forming a
minutes to think about what a blockchain is and how it works.                    "chain" of computer code.

12 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
The ledger is distributed rather than central. It is also public, allowing every
participant to check whether a transfer comes from the rightful owner, and
is secured by sophisticated cryptography.

Since the creation of bitcoin and its public blockchain, banks are adapting
Nakamoto's vision by developing closed systems that can be shared among
themselves and regulators. These are known as "permissioned" blockchains.

Distributed ledgers have two obvious advantages. One is security: because
the ledger is shared by many parties, it becomes almost impossible to
tamper with. It also provides extremely reliable records on the history of
asset ownership.

Another advantage is efficiency: because the middle man is cut out, assets
can be transferred at faster speed and with lower costs.

There is a great irony in how fast the blockchain circle has turned. When it
was created nearly eight years ago, Nakamoto's bitcoin sought to bypass            savings, global banks have begun busily testing blockchains.
the intermediaries in the financial system.
                                                                                   CBA completed a successful test with 10 other global banks last month
It was radical because it sought to overthrow the monetary system by               using a private, peer-to-peer distributed ledger for trading with each
removing the need for banks. Anonymity has allowed it to fund drugs and            other.
terrorism. Not surprisingly, bitcoin has always been popular with
libertarians.                                                                      Separately, CBA has built a blockchain in an innovation lab in Sydney
                                                                                   that will be used to show regulators, who must sign off on the
However, now the technology that gave birth to bitcoin is going                    technology, before real money is sent across the system.
mainstream. There are many challenges still to be worked out, including the
blockchain's scalability and its energy consumption.                               CBA, Westpac and ANZ are also working with another blockchain
                                                                                   start-up, Ripple, which is developing a system for international
But it seems increasingly likely that after years of stress-testing by bitcoin     payments backed by venture capital funding from Andreessen Horowitz
aficionados, blockchain has proved an efficient and effective way of               and Google Ventures.
exchanging value. It looks ready to functionally overhaul the way value is
moved in the digital age.
                                                                                   Equities settlement
What is the 'killer' application?                                                  Just like it takes the world's biggest banks days to synchronise their
                                                                                   ledgers, when investors want to settle a stock trade, it usually takes three
In order to illustrate the way in which blockchain might be used in the            business days from the time the order executes to do the payment and
economy, BusinessDay has chosen five potential applications of the                 transfer legal ownership of the security.
technology going broader than bitcoin.
                                                                                   Blockchain promises settlement that could be very close to real time.
The first two, interbank payments and equities settlement, relate to finance.      That has attracted the attention of the ASX, which has to assume risk
But blockchain may also disrupt the legal industry through the                     during the T+3 settlement period.
development of "smart contracts" and promises to remove corruption from
developing-country governments and by protecting property rights,                  "We think if we can get this right, we can get very close to real-time
enhancing economic growth and financial inclusion.                                 settlement," Funke Kupper said last month after ASX said it had taken an
                                                                                   equity stake in a New York-based fintech start-up, Digital Asset Holdings,
                                                                                   to build a blockchain that could ultimately replace the clearing and
Interbank payments                                                                 settlement systems provided by the CHESS platform.
While money has been digitised for many years and customers have                   "You should be able to sell shares at your desk right now and walk to the
broadly adopted mobile and internet banking, banks themselves have been            nearest ATM to get your money … The moment we are able to do that,
slow to modernise their own internal systems and interactions with each            we remove a lot of risk from the system."
other. Blockchain provides a solution to these cumbersome processes.
                                                                                   Other exchanges are also innovating. Nasdaq launched a blockchain
Payment systems are mostly still centralised. Banks have to maintain a             management tool for shares in private companies, Linq, in October.
costly and complex web of "corresponding bank" relationships to move               Investment banks are also exploring how the technology can be used to
money across borders.                                                              settling and trade bonds without a clearing house.
Transfers are cleared through central banks. Synchronising internal bank           Goldman Sachs, Citi and JP Morgan have also invested in Digital Asset,
ledgers can take several days. Money can still get lost. Reporting is complex      which is also exploring applications for syndicated loans, while UBS has
and arduous. All this increases costs, time and risk.                              embedded a team of engineers in the Level39 fintech hub in Canary
A report last year by Spanish bank Santander said banks could reduce               Wharf in London and have executed bond trades using a blockchain
infrastructure costs for cross-border payments, the trading of securities and      system.
regulatory compliance by $US15 billion to $US20 billion a year from 2022
by employing blockchains. Not surprisingly, given the quantum of potential

13 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Contracts                                                                          Without proper records, and in places were corruption is rife, a lack of
                                                                                   secure property rights is an endemic source of injustice.
When Sir Richard Branson gathered his group of blockchain experts on his
Caribbean island in May, another participant was Paul Brody, who used to
                                                                                   Forde, who left the White House last year to join the MIT Media Labs as
run IBM's ''internet of things" division in Silicon Valley and is now technology   director of digital currency, describes this as the "corruption of the
strategy leader for the Americas at global consulting firm EY.                     stamp": officials in corrupt regimes can abuse their discretion with old
                                                                                   technology like a stamp to deny fundamental rights
In an interview late last year, Brody described the blockchain as "the glue
that is going to drive a productivity revolution across the globe on par with      However, with the blockchain, this middle man can be erased. A
what Henry Ford did with the automobile".                                          government could deliver instantaneous property ownership by holding
                                                                                   its land titles records on a blockchain.
He pointed to toilets being manufactured with cheap computer chips
attached, allowing them to be tracked through customs, delivery trucks and         Boosting financial inclusion can be a big boost to economies due to the
onto building sites, thereby enabling builders to co-ordinate installation         velocity of money: more funds can be spent if they are cleared and made
times and efficiently sequence work flow.                                          available in faster time.

At IBM, Brody worked on its Autonomous Decentralised Peer-to-Peer                  The use of digital currencies over the blockchain also promises to open
Telemetry (ADEPT) project, in partnership with Samsung, employing a                up online retail shopping markets to those under 18 who don't have
protocol built by the start-up Ethereum that uses a blockchain to connect          access to a credit card. For example, Microsoft accepts bitcoin to pay for
household devices and allows them to transact over the "internet of things".       content on the Xbox.

Ethereum has developed a programming framework that allows a
blockchain to host "smart contracts", legal agreements or sets of business         Record keeping
rules, that execute automatically when the rules set out in the code are satis-
                                                                                   Property conveyancing is also cumbersome in the First World. Think of
fied. An example might be a share certificate that automatically sends their
                                                                                   certificates of title being stored in land title offices, amended on paper
owners dividends if corporate profits reach a certain level.
                                                                                   by multiple law firms and real estate agents, and copied and stamped
A drinks vending machine could use the blockchain to order new drinks              and moved by couriers.
when it is running low and to pay for them upon delivery. A driverless car
                                                                                   But a decentralised ledger could keep track of the multiple transactions
could use the money earned from taxi fares to pay for repairs, petrol or
                                                                                   that take place and all the amendments that are made to contracts and
parking, effectively operating autonomously.
                                                                                   other documents, reducing costs and headaches associated with
Banks could use smart contracts to allow for digital repossessions;                managing the process.
blockchain could be used to shut down a car electronically if payments are
                                                                                   If governments were to put property titles – or other pieces of
not made.
                                                                                   information such as business licences or birth certificates – on the
                                                                                   blockchain, citizens would be enabled to digitally conduct transactions
Financial inclusion                                                                without lawyers, notaries or queuing at government offices.

Another guest at Necker Island for the Branson shindig was Hernando De             Forde says governments will start to see the blockchain as an application
Soto, the economist and president of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy       that can be used to achieve policy goals, whether that be increasing trust
who Time Magazine described as one of the five leading Latin American              and transparency through property title, or "eliminating bureaucracy by
innovators of the century.                                                         creating "responsive open data", which interacts with government
                                                                                   ledgers "without having to interface with people using the rubber

                                                                                   While financial regulators are already closely scrutinising blockchain
                                                                                   technology to determine whether they will approve its use by financial
                                                                                   services players, Forde says governments will need to think about
                                                                                   blockchain outside the financial regulatory framework. Inter-disciplinary
                                                                                   policy groups will be important, he suggests.

                                                                                   As the federal government of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull seeks to
                                                                                   lift economic growth by encouraging more innovation, it seems likely
                                                                                   that blockchain applications will be on the agenda of the Digital
                                                                                   Transformation Office.

                                                                                   James Eyre
De Soto is author of the book Mystery of Capital, which argues that no             Senior Reporter
developing nation can build a vibrant market economy without an                    THE AGE
information framework that allows citizens to record the ownership of
property and other economic information.

14 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
itSMF                                        THE SMILE
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                                             SA Q1 Seminar
                        NT Q1 Seminar
                                              Thurs 10 Mar
                        Thurs 10 March            SA Q1 State Sponsor

                                          NSW Q1 Seminar
                    ACT Q1 Seminar        Thurs 17 March
                     Thurs 27 April       NSW Q1 State Spon-

15 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Service Management 2016
                        SHAKE I.T. UP
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17 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
itSMF Corporate Member Directory
  A                                              City of Melbourne
  ABC                                            City of Sydney
  Accenture Australia Pty Ltd                    ClearCost Consulting Pty Limited
  Acso                                           Cochlear
  ActewAGL                                       Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  Ajilon                                         Corrs Support Services Trust
  ALC Education & Consulting Pty Ltd             Courts Administration Authority
  Alemba Pty Ltd                                 CPT Global
  Alphawest Pty Ltd - (Optus)                    CrimTrac
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  ANZ Banking Group                              Curtin University of Technology
  AON Services Pty Ltd                           D
  Arrow Energy Pty. Limited                      Datacom Systems Victoria
  Atlassian                                      DBP
  Attorney-General's Department                  DCSI
  Australia Post                                 Deakin University
  Australian Federal Police                      Defence CIOG ACT
  Australian Nuclear Science & Technology        Department for Education & Child Development
                                                 Department of Agriculture; Fisheries & Forestry
  Australian Taxation Office                     (DAFF)
  Axios Systems Pty Ltd                          Department of Attorney General & Justice
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  Bankwest                                       Department of Education & Training (Qld)
  BMC Software                                   Department of Finance & Deregulation
  BOQ                                            Department of Fire & Emergency Services
  Boral Shared Business Services                 Department of Health and Human Services
  Bravuro Pty Ltd                                Department of Immigration & Border Protection
  Brisbane City Council (Information Services)   Department of Justice & Attorney-General (Qld)
  BVN Architecture                               Department of Science, Information Technology and
                                                 Innovation (DSITIA)
                                                 Department of State Development
                                                 Department of the Premier and Cabinet
                                                 Department of Transport & Main Roads
                                                 Department of Education & Training NSW
  CitiPower & Powercor
18 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
Department of Industry                                Macquarie Group Services Australia Pty Ltd
 Department of Justice & Attorney-General - ICJ Ser-   Main Roads WA
 vice Management
                                                       Marval Australia / ASG Group
 Dimension Data Australia
                                                       MMG Australia Ltd
 Dunn and Bradstreet
                                                       Monash University
                                                       Motorola Australia Pty Ltd
 Edith Cowan University
                                                       MyState Bank Limited
 ElectraNet Pty Limited
                                                       National Australia Bank
 ESTA - Emergency Services Telecommunications Au-
                                                       NEC Australia Pty Ltd
                                                       NSW Police Force
 Federal Group - Technology Services Group (TSG)
                                                       Origin Energy
 Flinders University
 Fortescue Metals Group Ltd
                                                       Penguin Random House
 Fujitsu Australia Ltd
                                                       Power and Water Corporation
 Fusion 5
                                                       Public Safety Business Agency
                                                       Public Transport Authority of WA
 Glenorchy City Council
 GR8 Service Management
                                                       QBE Insurance
 Griffith University
                                                       Queensland Health
 Harbour IT Pty Ltd
                                                       Queensland Motorways
 HBF Health Funds Inc.
                                                       Queensland University of Technology
 HEAT Software Asia Pacific Pty Ltd
 Hewlett Packard
 Information Services, Department of Communities
                                                       Redcore Pty Ltd
                                                       RMIT University
 Kinetic IT
                                                       SA Health
 KPMG Australia
                                                       SA Power Networks
                                                       Safety Return to Work and Support
19 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
ServiceNow Australia Pty Ltd          University of Tasmania
Shared Services ICT                   University of the Sunshine Coast
SMS Management & Technology           UXC Consulting
Solisma Pty Ltd
St John of God Healthcare
State Library of Queensland
                                      Vic Track
StateNet Services
                                      Vix Technology (Aust) Pty Ltd
Summit Software Inc
Symphony Summit
                                      WA Police Service
                                      Water Corporation
TAL Life Ltd                          Western Power

TASNetworks                           William Hill Australia

Telstra Corporation Ltd               Woolworths Limited

Terra Firma                           WorkCover SA
TfNSW                                 X
Thales Australia                      Xtraction Solutions
The BPAY Group                        YZ
The Treasury                          Zurich Financial Services
The University of Queensland
The University of Western Australia   *Current at time of publication
Toll IT Group
                                              itSMF Strategic Partners
Transport for NSW
U                                             2016 Conference Sponsors
Unisys Australia Pty Ltd                     itSMF State Seminar Sponsors
Uniting Care Queensland
University of Melbourne
University of South Australia
University of Southern Queensland
University of Sydney

20 itSMF Bulletin—February 2016
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