Page created by Carlos Moody
South Coast

                                     Holiday Guide

   walpole porongurup stiRling range bremer bay
Come closer to the

       A m a z i n g S o u t h C o a s t
        Adventure seekers, gourmet food and wine lovers,
          intrepid 4WD explorers, history buffs, backpackers,
                  nature enthusiasts and everyone in between
                        will find something to love on the
                              Amazing South Coast.   @theamazingsouthcoast   @amazingsthcoast   @theamazingsouthcoast
Explore the south coast and Share
your journey on social media
Don’t forget to hashtag #amazingsouthcoast


                                                                                                            Overview of the region
       @amazingsthcoast                                                                                     Events                                       4
                                                                                                            Getting here                                 5
                                                                                                            Planning your trip                           6
                                                                                                            Coastlines                                   8
                                                                                                            Nature                                      10
                                                                                                            Heritage                                    12
                                                                                                            Arts                                        14
                                                                                                            Food                                        15
                                                                                                            Wine                                        16

                                                                                                            Mount Barker                                18
                                                                                                            Walpole                                     20
                                                                                                            Denmark                                     22
                                                                                                            Albany                                      35
                                                                                                            Stirling Range                              49
                                                                                                            Porongurup                                  50
                                                                                                            Bremer Bay                                  52
                                                                                                            Cheynes Beach                               53

                                                                                                                       Maps                             27

                                                                                                                          Mount Barker                  54
                                                                                                                           Denmark                      55
                                                                                                                            Albany                      56
                                                                                                                              Bremer Bay                58

                                                                                                                                     Index              59

                               Find out more online or in-store at Albany, Bunbury, Busselton, Eaton or Kalgoorlie

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                                                                                                contents                                          YESR1046
                                                                                                                                                  YESR1046 ADZU

Little Beach, Two Peoples Bay. Elements Photography   Produced by the Great Southern Weekender. All information in this brochure is correct at the time of publication.
Signature Events
Grapes & Gallops                     Live Lighter Welcome to
2021 | Mount Barker
                                     the Whales Festival
                                     June long weekend, 2021 | Albany
Racewars - Albany
Feb 27-March 1, 2021 | Albany
Facebook: racewarsau
                                     Albany Classic
                                     May 30-31, 2021 | Albany
Porongurup Festival
Mar 28, 2021 | Porongurup
                                     Denmark Car Show
                                     Sep 27, 2020 | Denmark
Graze Mount Barker
Feb 27 - March 1, 2021
Mount Barker
                                     Great Southern Bloom
Facebook: graze-mt-barker            Festival
                                     Sept-Oct, 2020 | Great Southern
Days of Summer             
Feb 28, 2021 | Denmark                Albany Agricultural Show
                                     Nov 13-14, 2020 | Albany
Taste Great Southern       
March 18-28, 2021
Albany, Denmark, Plantagenet         Mountains & Mural
International Shanty Festival        Nov 26-30, 2020
                                     Mount Barker
Easter long weekend 2021 | Albany                       Facebook: mount-barker-western-
Denmark Festival of Voice
May, 2021 | Denmark

Community Events                                                                 before you get here
                                                                                   The Amazing South Coast is a
                                                                                                                          The Amazing South Coast’s coastline
                                                                                                                          is beautiful but can also be treacher-
                                                                                   beautiful region and there are a is a good
Cars & Coffee                        Kwoorabup                                    few things to keep in mind to allow     place to start to learn more about
                                                                                  you and your family to witness every
First Sunday of the month | Albany
facebook The Marina Cars Coffee
                                     Community Markets                           single part of it safely and easily.
                                                                                                                          beach safety advice for specific
                                     Every Sunday 10am-2pm
Albany WA                            Denmark                                     Parks Pass                               When possible, swim between the
                                     facebook kwoorabupcom-                                                               flags at supervised beaches and read
Albany Farmers Markets               munitymarkets
                                                                                Jump online and purchase a Depart-
                                                                                                                          and obey safety signage.
Every Saturday morning | Albany                                                ment of Biodiversity, Conservation           Denmark Arts                              and Attractions Parks Pass.                Do not dive into the water as there
                                                                              You can buy a five-day, 14-day, one-        may be corals and rocks underneath
Albany Boatshed Markets              Markets                                  month or an annual pass for unlimited       you cannot see from the surface.
Every Sunday morning | Albany        Apr 11, 2020 | Denmark
                                              entry into DBCA national parks and          Road safety
                                                                             attractions such as The Gap, Porongu-        Keep an eye out for local wildlife as
Mount Barker Community               Albany Christmas                        rup and Stirling Ranges, Fitzgerald River,
                                                                            Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk and
                                                                                                                          you drive along the Amazing South
                                     Pageant                                                                              Coast’s regional roads.
Markets                              Dec 5, 2020
                                                                            Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve.
                                                                                                                          Dawn and dusk are a particularly
First Saturday of the month                                                 Tours
                                     York Street                                                                          favourite time for animals like kan-
Mount Barker
facebook mt-barker-community-                   Tours are a great option to consider if you    garoos to cross the road.
markets                                                                    aren’t sure where you might like to visit      Be aware of where service stations
                                     denmark                              in the region. The Amazing South Coast          are located in the region, as day trips
Kendenup Town Hall Markets           Christmas                           organisation offers a range of tours avail-      require a bit of fuel and there is noth-
Second Saturday each month                                               able at                 ing worse than running low just as
Kendenup                             Pageant                            Beach safety                                      your adventure is beginning.
facebook KendenupTownHallMarkets
                                                                       When working out where to go swimming,             Phone reception
                                                                       fishing or snorkeling, be sure to observe any      Note that not all locations around
4                                                                      warning signs onsite and check the forecast.       the Amazing South Coast have strong
Closer than you think
phone reception, so be sure to ring ahead to your          the Amazing South Coast from Perth.                      breathtaking sites including beaches, harbours,
venue to confirm your booking or check it is open          A coach drive from Per th to the South Coast             and native bushland.
before hitting the road.                                   takes about six hours, via Williams, Gnowangerup         Discover wildflower hotspots and spectacular
Bushfires                                                  or Bunbury.                                              mountain and coastal scenery via winding
                                                                                                                    paths and tracks.
Bushfires are a risk in the Amazing South Coast at         FLY
any time of year. Further information can be found
                                                           The fastest way to travel to the Amazing South Coast
online at
                                                           from Perth is to fly – it’s only a 50 minute flight!
                                                           Regional Express have flights 4 times daily to and
GETTING HERE                                               from the newly upgraded Albany Airport. Flight
DRIVE                                                      schedules are available at
The Amazing South Coast is just a four and a half          Private charter aircrafts are also available for hire.
hour, 400 kilometre drive south of Perth, straight         Albany Airport is located 11 kilometres north of
down Albany Highway.                                       Albany. Car hire is available at the terminal.
As you drive through some of the State’s beautiful
countryside, you’ll pass forests, working farms, vine-     Getting Around                                             transwa
yards, and, in late winter and early spring, spectacular
yellow fields of flowering canola.                         DRIVE
                                                                                                                      Kick back, relax and discover regional
What are you waiting for?                                  Driving in the region is easy, as there’s plenty of        WA on one of our luxury road coaches.
                                                           open road and little traffic.                              We operate five-star coach services to
Throw a few bags in the car, wind down the window,                                                                    destinations including Albany, Denmark, Mt
and turn up the music. The breeze will blow away           LOCAL TOURS
                                                                                                                      Barker and Bremer Bay. Book your next
the city cobwebs in no time.                               Enrich your experience with tours designed es-             holiday with Transwa.
4 ½ hour drive from Perth                                  pecially to show you the best of the region. Local
                                                           operators pride themselves on delivering insightful,       Public Transport Centre
3 ½ hour drive from Margaret River                         professional and quality experiences.                      West Parade, East Perth
5 hour drive from Esperance                                                                                           1300 662 205
                                                           BIKE, WALK OR HIKE                               
BUS                                                        There are plenty of designated paths and tracks to
Transwa operates daily coach passenger services to         take you to some of the Amazing South Coast’s most
Planning your trip
The 6 noongar seasons                     time of year to pack a suitcase and
                                          stay awhile.
                                                                                      Winter                                    implementation of risk management
                                                                                                                                plans and emergency procedures;
The indigenous culture of most of                                                     Rug up and seize the opportunity
                                          Summer                                      to see whales up close and personal       and have signed an industry code
the Amazing South Coast is that of                                                                                              of ethics.
the Menang people.Their traditional       Get wet and wild at Christmas time          during this season.
name for Albany is Kinjarling, meaning    and for the school summer holidays
                                          with the Amazing South Coast’s
                                                                                      Take advantage of the indoors and         Natural seasonal events
‘place of rain’. The Menang people                                                    tour some of the fabulous wineries in     Orcas          November - April
recognise six seasons in the year:        pristine beaches. Crowd favourites          Denmark, Porongurup, Mount Barker
                                          Middleton Beach and Emu Point in                                                      Whales         June - November
• Birak (approx. Dec-Jan)                                                             and Albany. Brave the elements and
                                          Albany and Denmark’s Greens Pool            witness the extraordinary wonder          Wildflowers    August - November
  First summer                            are just a couple of the many family-       that is The Gap and Natural Bridge        Salmon         March - April
• Bunuru (approx. Feb-Mar)                friendly spots.                             in action, with crashing waves and        Quokkas        Year round
  Second summer                           If you’re a keen surfer try Muttonbird      huge water sprays.                        Emus           Year round
• Djeran (approx. Apr-May)                or Cheynes Beach for an easy four-                                                    Seals          Year round
  Cool and pleasant                       wheel-drive.There are also plenty of        Spring
                                          craft markets at this time of year.You                                                Dolphins       Year round
• Makuru (approx. Jun-Jul)                                                            Wildflowers are in full bloom in
                                          can try your hand at windsurfing or         spring, particularly beautiful orchids.
  The first rains
                                          paragliding too… the warm months            It’s the perfect time for exploring the   produce seasons
• Djilba (approx. Aug-Sept)               along the Amazing South Coast of-           Amazing South Coast’s various bush        Apples         Mid-February - June
  The second rains/growing season         fer plenty.                                 tracks, bird watching and going crazy     Strawberries   Early September - June
• Kambarang (approx. Oct-Nov)             Autumn                                      with your camera.                         Asparagus      August - early December
  Wildflower season                       This is a wonderful time of year for        New season fresh produce is also          Pumpkins       February - September
                                          people who prefer a milder, cool            in abundance at various farmer’s          Capsicums      February - May
Which season is best                      climate and want to avoid the cold          markets and farms.                        Cherries       November - December
for you                                   of wintertime.
                                                                                      Quality Tourism                           Chillies       February - to May/June
                                          It’s also a particularly poignant time of                                             Avocados       Mid-October - June/July
By picking up this holiday planner, you
have already made the biggest holi-
                                          the year with Anzac Day; being part         accredited business                       Tomatoes       January - May
                                          of a dawn service in Albany where
day decision – choosing where to go.      the first dawn service was held is          Businesses with a Quality Tourism
But the next big decision to make is      pretty special.                             Accreditation have met specific cri-      IMPORTANT CONTACTS
choosing when you should visit the                                                    teria to ensure they are committed
                                          It’s a good time of year to try out         to exceeding customer expectations        EMERGENCY
Amazing South Coast.                      some of the hiking trails such as           with great service and the highest        Fire, Ambulance, Police
There is so much to do and see all        Castle Rock and Bald Head. Food             standards of business practice.           000
throughout the year, so here are a        and street festivals are aplenty during
few tips on how to choose which           Autumn too.                                 To achieve accreditation, businesses      Hospitals and healthcare
                                                                                      have ensured they have all of the         Albany Health Campus
                                                                                      required licences and permits; have       (08) 9892 2222
  Climate                                                                             detailed and proactive operating
                                                                                      systems; comply consumer laws; have       Plantagenet Hospital
  THE Amazing South Coast enjoys a mild climate relative to the rest of               all required insurance; have manage-      (08) 9892 1222
  Australia and is a popular location for people to visit to get away from            ment which complies with legisla-         Denmark Health Service
  extreme heat and cold.                                                              tion relating to employing staff and      (08) 9848 0600
                                                                                      comprehensive ongoing training and        Jerramungup Health Centre
  Average Seasonal Temperatures (ºC)                                                  development; have a documented            (Bremer Bay) 08 9835 1004
                           Dec-Feb        Mar-May       Jun-Aug        Sep-Nov        and practical commitment to sus-          police
  Mount Barker             19             15.9          10.8           13.8           tainable environmental practices;
                                                                                      have documented customer service          Albany
  Denmark                  18.8           16.1          11.8           14                                                       (08) 9892 9300
                                                                                      procedures, booking and cancellation
  Albany                   18.8           16.7          12.4           14.8           policies, and customer feedback pro-      Mount Barker
                                                                                      cesses; have documentation and the        (08) 9851 6324
The Gap, Albany. Elements Photography

                                                                      Albany Wind Farm Albany. Elements Photography

   local distances
                   Perth         Mount        Albany       Denmark         Walpole      Bremer Bay
    Perth            –           363km        413km          421km          418km        503km
                     –         4hrs 5mins    4hrs 30mins   4hrs 40mins       5hrs        5hrs 30mins
    Mount          363km           –           53km          57km           122km        248km
                 4hrs 5mins        –           40mins        40mins       1hr 30mins    2hrs 40mins

    Albany         413km         53km            –           53km           127km       181km
                 4hrs 30mins     40mins          –           45mins       1hr 35mins    1hr 55mins
    Denmark        421km         57km          53km            –            74km        229km
                 4hrs 40mins     40mins        45mins          –              1hr       3hrs 20mins
    Walpole        418km         122km        127km          74km              –        299km
                    5hrs       1hr 30mins    1hr 35mins       1hr              –        3hrs 20mins
    Bremer         503km         248km        181km          229km          299km        –
                 5hrs 30mins   2hrs 40mins   1hr 55mins    3hrs 20mins    3hrs 20mins    –

(08) 9848 0500                                       Bremer Bay Visitor Centre
Walpole                                              (08) 9837 4171
(08) 9840 1618                                       7 Mary Street Bremer Bay WA 6338
                                                                                                                   Albany Town Hall. Tourism WA
(08) 9835 0222                             
Transport                                            Denmark Visitor Centre
                                                     (08) 9848 2055
                                                                                                                      DID YOU KNOW?
TransWA 1300 662 205                                 73 South Coast Highway Denmark                              Albany is the oldest colonial settlement in Western Aus-
Taxis 9841 7000                                      WA 6333                                                     tralia, founded on December 26, 1826. It was initially called
                                                                                Frederick Town and renamed to Albany in 1831.
Airport 6820 3777                                                                    Mount Barker was named after the nearby hill by Thomas
                                                                                                                Braidwood Wilson in 1829 in honour of Captain Collet
talk to a lOCAL EXPERT                               Mount Barker Visitor Centre
                                                                                                                Barker, a British military officer who explored areas of South
                                                     (08) 9851 1163
The friendly locals at all of the Amazing                                                                       Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
                                                     622/6 Albany Highway Mount Barker
South Coast’s visitor centres and com-               WA 6333                                                    The indigenous name for Denmark is Kwoorabup, meaning
munity resource centres are always more                              ‘place of the black wallaby’.
than happy to help guide you through your                             The Denmark River was named in 1829 also by Thomas
next holiday. Drop in, call up or visit their
                                                     Wapole Visitor Centre                                     Braidwood Wilson, this time in honour of naval surgeon
websites to learn more.
                                                     (08) 9840 1111                                            Alexander Denmark.
Albany Visitor Centre                                Pioneer Park South Coast Highway
(08) 6820 3700                                       Walpole WA 6398
221 York Street Albany WA 6330                                                                                                                                                 7
Shelley Beach. Elements Photography

Adventure seekers, look no further than the
Amazing South Coast.This region is a paradise
for lovers of the outdoors and adventure.
Catch the wind
Windsurfers are in paradise in the Amazing South Coast. The
protected waters of Princess Royal Harbour and adjacent
coastline offer some of Western Australia’s best wind and
kite-surfing hotspots.
Paraglide over the pristine Shelley Beach in West Cape Howe
National Park and admire the panoramic views over the ocean
and coast. Fly like a bird in the safe hands of your paragliding
instructor. Learn to paraglide in 10 days or get a taste of the
adrenaline-pumping sport in just one weekend.

Surf’s up!
Swimming, surfing and body boarding conditions in and around
the coast vary. Beginners start at Middleton Beach in Albany or
Ocean Beach in Denmark, while Nanarup and Muttonbird beaches
are for those with some experience. Board hire is available, as are
surf coaching lessons for all levels.

Paddle your kayak, canoe or stand up paddle board through some
of the region’s beautiful waterways of the Kalgan River and the
Wilson Inlet.

Under the sea
The Amazing South Coast offers some spectacular dive sites. Exploring
the wreck of the HMAS Perth is a must-do for divers while in Albany.
Scuttled on November 24 2001, the visual impact of this 133m long
wreck is awe-inspiring. The diver-prepared wreck has extensive coral
and sponge growth and is rapidly maturing as an artificial reef.
Snorklers enjoy a swim at Whalers Cove near Frenchman Bay. There’s
also Greens Pool in William Bay National Park, near Denmark.This stun-
ningly beautiful bay is calm and sheltered, making it an ideal snorkelling
spot for the kids.

Beaches and rivers around the Amazing South Coast offer rich rewards.
Skippy, sand whiting, flathead, herring, sweep, squid, salmon and more can
all be caught. Visit a local tackle shop to hear about the best spots.

Western Australia has one of the longest whale-watching seasons in the
world! The annual migration of humpback, southern right whales and the
rare blue whale brings these marine creatures to the Amazing South Coastal
June to October, look for whales from Wilson Head, Lights Beach, Conspicu-
ous Cliffs, Anvil Beach and Boat Harbour. In Albany, whales can be spotted
along either coast of Torndirrup National Park., Marine Drive or walk along
the Ellen Cove Boardwalk. To the east from Point Ann, near Bremer Bay, look
for southern right whales and their calves. Take a boat cruise to the Bremer
Canyon and spot the Orcas anytime between January and April.


                            Muttonbird Beach. Elements Photography
Scenic                                       springtime wildflower fields and into granite domes
                                                                                                      open up sweeping views across the Wilson Inlet, Ben-
                                                            The Amazing South Coast is filled with    net Range, Mount Frankland, Walpole Wilderness and
                                                            national parks and nature reserves        Porongurup Range.
                                                           with both coastal and mountainous
                                                           topography.                                TIPS
                                                          Porongurup National Park: home to           Always stick to designated trails and heed warning signs
                                                          the Granite Skywalk. Suspended from         alerting you to cliff risk areas, king waves and strong
                                                          Castle Rock, the Skywalk offers pano-       ocean currents.
                                                         ramic views of the Porongurup land-
                                                         scape and can be reached by a moderate       Head off road
                                                        four kilometre return walk.                    Pack up the 4WD, let down your tyres and drive out to
                                                       Stirling Range National Park: here you’ll      West Cape Howe National Park. Peer over the dolerite
                                                       find Bluff Knoll, the tallest peak in South-   cliffs and view Torbay Head, the most southerly point of
                                                       ern Western Australia and one of the           WA. Self-drive the 4WD track or embark on a 4WD
                                                      few places in WA that experiences snow.         tour with a knowledgeable guide. Find a Code Off-Road
                                                      The six kilometre return trip requires a        guide at the Denmark or Albany Visitor Centre for a map
                                                     reasonable level of fitness but is well worth    of surrounding 4WD tracks.
                                                     the effort.
                                                    William Bay National Park: take in the            TIPS
                                                    stunning coastal views of Greens Pool and         There can be limited phone reception in some areas.
                                                   Elephant Rocks.                                    Always plan your route beforehand and pack a hard
                                                  Fitzgerald River National Park: drive then          copy of a map just in case.
                                                  walk to the spectacular lookout from Point          Drop into the nearest visitor centre for maps and local
                                                 Ann.                                                 travel advice.
                                                 West Cape Howe National Park: find stun-             Wildlife is most active at dawn and dusk, so try to avoid
                                                ning beaches like Shelley Beach and towering          driving at these times.
                                                cliffs around Torbay Head, the most southerly         Plan ahead, check weather conditions and always let
                                                point in WA.                                          somebody know your itinerary.
                                               Torndirrup National Park: along the eastern
                                               coast you’ll find white sand and placid, clear blue    Get on your Bike!
                                              water. Along the western coast of this peninsula        Bike paths take you to some of the Amazing South
                                              you’ll find powerful waves crashing against rug-        Coast’s most stunning sites including beaches, harbours,
                                             ged granite cliffs.                                      and native bushland. Embark on an off-road adventure
                                            Albany Wind Farm for beautiful views. The Wind            and hop on your mountain bike along the Munda Biddi
                                            Farm provides around 80% of Albany’s power                Trail, which stretches from Mundaring to Albany.
                                            needs – a testament to Albany’s aspiration to be          Mountain bike aficionados will also love the trails that
                                           a green city.                                              wind down Mount Clarence from the Albany Heritage
                                                                                                      Park. For those who enjoy challenging obstacles, take the
                                           Hike or Climb                                              dedicated Albany Downhill Track.
                                            Some Porongurup Range climbs can be explored
                                           by the inexperienced, while the spirited climber may       Bird Watching
                                           venture further to the Stirling Range National Park.       The birdlife of the Amazing South Coast is as diverse as
                                          A hike for everyone includes the Castle Rock Granite        the countryside. The vast swathes of national parks and
                                          Skywalk, which offers panoramic views of the sur-           myriad inlets and waterways are home to hundreds of
                                         rounding region. The six kilometre return Bluff Knoll        species, including several species of birds which can be
                                         climb in the Stirling Range is a must-do for epic views.     found nowhere else on earth. It’s a twitcher’s paradise!
                                        The advanced Bald Head walk in Torndirrup National
                                        Park is a 12.5 kilometre return hike. It offers stunning
                                       coastal views and begins just 20 minutes from Albany’s         Find awe-inspiring displays of vibrant wildflowers
                                       city centre.                                                   throughout the Amazing South Coast. Spot kangaroo
                                                                                                      paws, starbush, pea plants, sedges, and an impressive
                                      Mount Lindesay National Park offers a spectacular               range of orchids, including the beautiful Queen of Sheba
                                      nine kilometre return walking track. Climbing through           sun orchid.
                                                                                                                                        Denmark. Elements Photography
                     ism WA
                       alpole. Tour
            e Giants, W
Valley of th

Noongar History
 Albany is the traditional home of the Menang Noongar Aboriginal people who
 have lived in the area for several thousand years. When the settlement at King
 George Sound was established in 1826, the Menang people quickly established
 a cooperative relationship with the settlers, which led to a period of relatively
 harmonious co-existence.
 The Europeans recognised the people’s custodianship of the surrounding lands
 and waterways and took part in their ceremonies. The Menang people were at
 first suspicious but eventually welcomed the settlers as another tribe and allowed
 them to settle. They acted as guides, instructors and informants on all things to do
 with their territory.

 Place of Interest
 The Amazing South Coast is home to many significant historic landmarks, both an-
 cient and post-European settlement. The stories behind them are fascinating. Here’s
 a list to get you started.
 Fish Traps, Albany                                  guided tours available. Located in
 Discover the ancient stone fish traps built         the city centre.
 7500 years ago by Menang people. They ex-           Albany Convict Gaol, albany
 tend along the north end of Albany’s Oyster         Fully restored displays include the
 Harbour and can be viewed from the board-           Great Hall, wardens’ quarters, and
 walk off Barameda Road, which is accessible         cells. Try a night tour that includes
 via Morilla Road.                                   the Hangman’s Yard, ghostly tales,
 St. Werburgh’s Chapel, Mount Barker                 Indigenous cell art, a death mask,
                                                     and the Black Hole. Located in the
 10 minutes from Mount Barker’s town centre.         city centre.
 Built in 1873 by George Edward Egerton-
 Warbur ton, this serene heritage site was           Patrick Taylor Cottage, Albany
 constructed from local materials and features       An 11-room wattle and daub home,
 a prominent bell tower. Located on St. Wer-         said to be the oldest surviving dwell-
 burghs Road.                                        ing in Western Australia. Located in
                                                     the city centre.
 The Old Police Station, Mount Barker
 The station was built by convict labour in 1868     Old Farm, Strawberry Hill,
 and is now a museum that consolidates much          Albany
 of Mount Barker’s heritage in one convenient        Visit the first farm established in West-
 location on Albany Highway.                         ern Australia. View the historic home-
                                                     stead and stroll the beautiful gardens.
 National Anzac Centre, albany                       Located on Middleton Road.
 The award winning National Anzac Centre
 is one of Australia’s most important cultural       Denmark Historical Museum,
 pilgrimages. Located within Albany’s heritage       Denmark
 listed Princess Royal Fortress, the centre over-    The museum houses an impressive col-
 looks the harbour from which over 41,000            lection of early photographs, artefacts and
 men and woman departed Australia for the            documents that allow visitors to explore
 Great War.                                          the stories of early European settlement.
                                                     Located on Mitchell Street.
 Museum of the Great Southern, Albany
 The museum provides exhibitions and pro-            Albany’s Historic Whaling Station,
 grams as well as information on the region’s        Albany
 natural and social history. Located in the city     Albany’s Historic Whaling Station, features
 centre.                                             an interactive museum on whales, the early
                                                     days of whaling in the region, a native animal
 Brig Amity, Albany                                  park, wildflower gardens and 12 kilometres
 Take a guided tour of the 1970s-built replica       of boardwalks and paths across protected
 of the sailing ship that brought the first Euro-    wetlands. Located on Whaling Station Road,
 pean settlers to Western Australia. Group and       just off the end of Frenchman Bay Road.

Arts & Culture
The Amazing South Coast region is the heart of WA’s south west arts and culture scene. Artists, musicians, dancers,
performance theatre, arts festivals and live music thrive at a relaxed pace of life with the backdrop of the stunning
natural environment. Where else can you enjoy a magical night of opera all delivered within the towering forests of
the Valley of the Giants or take in a local market or live show at one of our many venues.
                                                                                                     Artisans and craftspeople have been drawn to the
                                                                                                     region’s beautiful natural attractions for decades.
  Venues & events                                                                                    Denmark, Mount Barker and Albany are abound
                                                                                                     with exceptionally talented artists, artisans and
  Albany Entertainment Centre                        Denmark Arts Markets                            crafts people.They are deeply inspired by the stun-
                                                                                                     ning backdrop of the sky, sea and forests, making
  2 Toll Place, Albany                               Berridge Park, Denmark | Throughout the year    the Amazing South Coast region a significant focal
                                                     Butter Factory Studios                          point for creative spirits.
  Vancouver Art Centre                               10-12 Mount Shadforth Road, Denmark             Creative and artistic expression is fundamental to
  85 Vancouver Street, Albany                                                                        the vitality and wellbeing of our local communities     Petrichor Gallery                               and across the region there is a vast array of not
  arts-centre                                        8 Nockolds Street, Walpole                      only talent, but also the results of this talent.
                                                                Glass makers, sculptors, painters, potters, metal
  Art in the Porongurup                                                                              workers and chainsaw sculptors have all found
  Porongurup | April                                 Riverfront Gallery                              their own niche with the region.                              8A Hollings Road, Denmark
                                                       Indigenous galleries showcase the significance
  Denmark Festival of Voice                                                                         of local Menang Noongar art. Menang artwork,
  Denmark | May – June                               The Museum of the Great Southern                song and food feature through local festivals and
                                                                                                     events, sharing the stories and culture of our first                  Residency Road, Albany                          Australians.
  Southern Art and Craft Trail                       southern                                        Galleries, cellar doors, cafes, restaurants and work-
  Great Southern Region | September – October                                                        shops showcase the visual arts, performing arts,                                                           music, theatre, dance, movie production, wearable
                                                                                                     art, open gardens, music and more.
Elements Photography

                                                                                                          Food & fresh
                                                                                                         The Amazing South Coast is celebrated
                                                                                                         for its fresh and locally-sourced food.
                                                                                                         Here, you’ll find produce so fresh you can count the
                                                                                                         minutes since it was harvested.
                                                                                Chorus. Nic Duncan
                                                                                                         Devotion to organic and sustainable agricultural methods,
                                                                                                         plus commitment to time-honoured cooking techniques
With an ever-changing list of exhibitions                                                                passed down through the generations, leads to a strictly
and events you will always find something                                                               seasonal approach to dining room menus.
to inspire your creative senses.                                                                        From restaurants with five-star views of rolling vineyards
Art and cultural festivals and events are                                                               and placid harbours, to neighbourhood cafes with al fresco
the feature of many weekends. Visitors to                                                               seating, the Amazing South Coast has every kind of dining
the region experience a taste of what the                                                               experience you could ask for.
Amazing South Coast has to offer.                                                                       Make a reservation for gourmet dining or explore the local
                                                                                                        markets and food events on foot.
Markets sell fresh farm produce and the
many stall holders sell everything from
homemade gourmet foods to clothing,                                                                     Local Markets:
pieces of art and jewellery, all of which                                                              Saturdays
are handmade and sold by the artists
themselves.                                                                                            Albany Farmers Market
Historic old buildings are home to a                                                                   Sundays
diverse program of artistic experiences.                                                              Albany Boatshed Markets
Events showcase the quality of our singers    The region is truly one of skilled artisans,
through a celebration of the power and        vibrant communities, unique cultural                    Kwoorabup Community Markets | Denmark
beauty of the human voice.                    events and world class performances                     The Good Food Shed | Bornholm
                                              tucked away in the picturesque towns
One of Australia’s premier regional per-      and villages of WA.                                     monthly
forming arts and entertainment centres                                                                Kendenup Town Hall Markets
host productions from nationally and                                                                  Second Saturday of every month
internationally acclaimed companies as
well as talented local productions.                                                                  Denmark Arts Market
                                                                                                     December, January, April
Art and craft trails and small artist run                                                            Torbay Hall Market
cooperatives provide creative hubs that                                                              May, November
offer workshops, drawing and writing ses-
sions and exhibitions. Museums provide an                                                            Walpole Markets
insight into the early days of the region,                                                           September – April
featuring the significance of the Anzac and                                                          Porongurup Markets
whaling stories.                                                                                     March, April, September                                             15
The Amazing South Coast makes up 4/5
of the Great Souther n wine region –
the largest wine region in Australia.
The region spans Albany, Den-        Several award-winning and
mark, Porongurup, Mount Bark-        family-owned wineries and
er and Frankland River.              cellar doors can also be found
This region produces 37%             near the Albany city centre –
of wine grapes in Western            your options are endless.
Australia and is known for its       Beer, Cider and Spirits
premium and sustainable cool
climate wines.                       Boutique breweries are pop-
                                     ping up around the region
Huddled among mountain               as well.
peaks and karri trees, lies the
Porongurup wine region –             Call into one of the cellar
which also happens to be the         doors and you’ll find distinct,
home of the James Halliday           seasonal beers, fresh apple
2019 Wine of the Year, a riesling    and pear ciders, unique gin-
produced by Duke’s Vineyard.         ger beers and mead – try
                                     Denmark’s famous honey
The Porongurup Village is just       wine.
15 minutes from Mount Barker,        If you’re a whisky or gin lov-
another renowned wine sub-           er, don’t forget to pop into
region in the Great Southern.        the multi-international
With a handful of award-             award winning Limeburn-
winning wineries, Mount Barker       ers Distillery in Albany.
is also a must-visit destination
for wine lovers.                     Taste Great
Along the coast, to the south-       Southern
west of these two wine sub-          Don’t miss the 10-day
regions, lies Denmark.               celebration in April of
Here, you’ll find the most           the region’s best tasting
densely populated wine sub-          offerings.
region in the Amazing South          F e a t u r i n g v i n e ya r d
Coast, not to mention the            events, culinary conver-
James Halliday 2019 Chardon-         sations and a long list
nay of the year winner, Singlefile   of seductive food and
Wines.                               wine-related events,
Many of Denmark’s winer-             there is something for
ies can be found within 20           wine connoisseur s,
minutes’ drive from the town         foodies, families and
centre and several have award-       everyone in between.
winning restaurants to accom-        www.greatsouther n-
pany their world-class wines.

                 Cellar door          |    Restaurant

           08 9845 7880
           45821 South Coast Hwy, Kalgan WA                   
Oranje tractor wine
                                                                                                            Certified organic - Dry grown - Small batch
                                                                                                            Hand-picked - Low sulphur
                                                                                                            Tasting room open for wine & food pairings
                                                                                                            on Sundays 11am - 5pm.
                                                                                                            Open for tours, tastings & events on other
                                                                                                            days by appointment.

                                                                                                            198 Link Road, Albany
                                                                                                            (08) 9842 5175

                                                                                                            ALBANY BOATSHED MARKETS
                                                                                                            Albany’s Artisan Markets undercover
                                                                                                            boatsheds by the Princess Royal Harbour
                                                                                                            Marina. Fresh fish, oysters, vegetables, fruit,
                                                                                                            Great Southern wines, barista coffee, food,
                                                                                                            hand-crafted arts and crafts. Sunday 9-1pm.

                                                                                                            Princess Royal Drive, Albany
                                                                                                            0458 433 248

                                                                                      Vintage. Nic Duncan

                                                                                                            the white star
                                                                                                            Restaurant, bar, beer garden and live music.
great southern distilling company                                                                           Overlooking King George Sound we bring
Located on the edge of Princess Royal Harbour, Great Southern Distilling Company is home to the             to you a modern twist within our historic
award-winning Limeburners Whisky, Tiger Snake Whiskey and Giniversity Gin.Visit the cellar door             building. Open Monday to Saturday for
for a tasting of its premium spirits, enjoy a tour of the distillery or enrol in blending classes.          lunch and dinner. Sundays, dinner service
Open daily 10am-5pm                                                                                         only.

                                                                                                            72 Stirling Terrace, Albany
252 Frenchman Bay Road, Albany                                                                              (08) 9841 1733
(08) 9842 5363                                                                                                                                                                 
Rich & fertile
Mount Barker
Mount Barker is situated just 40 minutes from Denmark and Albany as the gateway to the Amazing South
Coast. Here, you’ll experience mountains, murals, wine, wildflowers, and unspoilt landscapes.
Close to the spectacular Porongurup National           The annual Great Southern Treasures Bloom            Mount Barker is one of Australia’s most awarded
Park, Mount Barker is at the hear t of the             Festival showcases this distinct region and the      wine growing regions, and has impressed wine
Amazing South Coast region.                            natural beauty that springs to life during this      critics with its outstanding cool climate Riesling,
                                                       season.                                              Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Pinot Noir.
A visit to the Granite Skywalk at Castle Rock in
the Porongurup Range is a must for those able          Choose from two guided walks through the             Stay in any one of the area’s many farm stays,
to trek the four kilometres (return) through the       Stirling Ranges to see some of the 1500 +            bed and breakfasts, chalets, cabins or lodges and
woodland to the top of the peak.                       plant species that are found there, including rare   take your time to enjoy this beautiful region.
                                                       orchids, mountain bells, and banksias.
One of the town’s natural wonders is the                                                                    You simply cannot leave Mount Barker without
glorious range of wildflowers that set the             The abundant farmland and cooler climate             having tasted an award-winning pie from
mountains and farmlands ablaze from August             of Mount Barker lends itself to superb grape-        Mount Barker Baker y. These scrumptious
to November.                                           growing conditions.                                  bakery delights are some of the tastiest goods

                                                                                                                 Mt Barker Grape Escape
                                                                                                                 ‘Swirl, smell + sip Mt Barker’
    Mount barker valley views motel & chalets                                                                    Our Busy Blue Bus guide will take care of
    Country-style 3.5-star rated motel units & self-contained chalets in Mount Barker which is centrally         the skipper duties, whilst you take pleasure
    located to Porongurup, Stirling Ranges, Albany & Denmark. Provides daily room-service and home               in tastings from four cellar doors. Enjoy a
    comfort of air-conditioning, electric blankets, TV/DVD player, hairdryer, microwave, bar fridge, tea/        shared platter lunch.
    coffee facilities including milk, toiletries, wifi, outdoor barbecue area, beautiful garden etc.
                                                                                                                 (08) 9842 2133
    31751 Albany Highway, Mount Barker                                                                 
    (08) 9851 3899
Murals, Mount Barker. Shire of Plantagenet

                                                                                    Porongurups. Elements Photography

in the region. And of course, there is always     from the local community, America and Canada join
something sweet on offer to pair with your        forces to paint five large-scale murals on various
savoury treat.Think meringues, slices, cookies,   walls within the town centre.
cakes… yum!                                       The murals reflect the history of Mount Barker Co-
                                                  Op, the Plantagenet District Hall, the founding of
Mountains & murals                                Mount Barker, the first plane to ever land in Mount
Mount Barker hosted its first Mountains and       Barker and the efforts of local artist Bella Kelly.
Murals Festival in 2019 thanks to the efforts     A community mural was created at Wilson Park.
of local police sergeant David Johnson.           The Festival was paired with the inaugural Food
The idea stemmed from America’s The               and Wine Fair which saw the likes of Perth celebrity
Walldogs, a group of international sign           chef Scott Branigan visit and cook up a storm.
painters and mural artists who paint murals
in small towns to help boost their tourism.
The Mount Barker festival saw 50 artists

                                                                                                                                                      Scarlet banksia. Tourism WA

                                                                                                                         Must do:
                                                                                                                         Wander the streets of Mount Barker and
                                                                                                                         explore the Mountains and Murals Trail.

                                                                                                                        Climb Bluff Knoll in the Stirling Range
   WEST CAPE HOWE WINES                              Gilberts Wines                                                     National Park.
   Visit our award-winning cellar door, open         Relax and explore our culinary garden,
   seven days with an extensive range of             wine cafe and cellar door. Indulge in                              Hike to the Granite Sky Walk at Castle
   wines, freshly roasted coffee, substantial        regional cuisine, fine wines & locally roasted                     Rock.
   platters and pizzas made to order. Family         coffee. Open Friday to Monday 10am to
   friendly with a beautiful lawn area. Groups       5pm or by appointment.
   by appointment.
                                                                                                                        Dine in or taste local wine at one of the
                                                                                                                        many cellar doors.
   14923 Muir Highway, Mount Barker                  30138 Albany Highway,
   just 10km west of Mount Barker                    Kendenup                                                           Explore the region’s beautiful wildflowers
   (08) 9892 1444                                    (08) 9851 4028                                                     by yourself or with an experienced guide.                                  
Walpole wilderness
Just 66km west of Denmark, the town of Walpole is built on the northern shores of the sheltered Walpole and
Nornalup Inlets. It is surrounded on all sides by the magnificent Walpole Wilderness, with forests of towering karri
trees stretching all the way down to the pristine coastal estuary and the rugged Southern Ocean coast beyond.

                                                      Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk
                                                      This spectacular lightweight suspension bridge soars 40 metres above the tingle
                                                      foliage descending to the Ancient Empire Walk at the base of the trees.
                                                      Meander through a grove of veteran trees at ground level and get another perspec-
                                                      tive of these magnificent trees.The interpretive centre features interactive displays.

                                                      Wildflowers and Wildlife
                                                      Walpole’s national parks are home to over 2000 flowering plants, famously contain-
                                                      ing the Red Flowering Gum and more than 50 different species of native orchid.
                                                      Many marsupials, including the enigmatic honey possum, still survive alongside WA’s
                                                      largest mainland population of quokkas.

                                                                                                                      Cowslip orchid. Tourism WA
Nornalup. City of Albany

                                                                                                                                     Must do:
                                                                                                                                     LOSE yourself among the gigan-
                                                                                                                                     tic, magical Karri and Tingle trees
                                                                                                                                     of Walpole during your next
                                                                                                                                     Amazing South Coast getaway.
                                                                                                                                     The Valley of the Giants Tree
                                                                                                                                     Top Walk is an incredible place
                                                                                                                                    the whole family can enjoy – its
                                                                                                                                    spectacular suspension bridge
                                                                                                                                    makes for an out-of-this-world
                                                                                                                                    experience, listening to the gen-
                                                                                     Conspicious Beach, Walpole. Shoot it WA
                                                                                                                                    tle rustle of leaves and the call
                                                                                                                                    of nature.
Bird lovers can spend endless hours locating many     the first in WA to be protected from professional                            Explore the summit views at
of Walpole’s coastal and forest feathered friends.    fishing.This ensured a sustainable recreational fish-                        Mount Frankland National Park
Marine animals often pop up out of the blue includ-   ing future.
                                                                                                                                   and take in the fresh, salty air at
ing dolphins and the much loved bull rays.            The marine park includes the Walpole and Norna-                              Mandalay Beach.
                                                      lup inlets and the tidal parts of the Frankland, Deep
National Parks near Walpole                           and Walpole rivers.
                                                                                                                                  Stop and smell the flourishing
Walpole-Nornalup National Park is huge. It stretch-   Black bream is the most common species caught,
es from Bow Bridge in the east to the southern        but other key species include King George and                               wildflowers in many of Walpole’s
forests and north to Mount Frankland National         yellowfin whiting, herring, blue-spot flathead and, at                      national parks and search for vari-
Park. Bring good shoes. D’entrecasteaux National      the right time of year, blue swimmer crabs.                                 ous birds and marsupials.
Park offers amazing views from Mandalay Beach or
4WD tracks.                                                                                                                       Wet a line at Walpole and Nor-
                                                                                                                                  nalup inlets or at the tidal regions
Fishing for the Future                                                                                                            of Frankland, Deep and Walpole
More than 100 years ago,Walpole’s waterways were                                                                                  rivers.

  PEACEFUL BAY CHALETS                                Peaceful bay caravan park                                          coalmine beach holiday park
  Our spacious, self-contained                        Peaceful Bay is a natural haven where                              Located within the Walpole Nornalup
  accommodation options are located                   everyone can enjoy the feeling of freedom.                         National Park, Coalmine Beach Holiday
  adjacent to the Walpole/Nornalup National           Beautifully grassed sites, just metres from a                      Park is the perfect location to get away
  Park, Bibbulmun Track and are a five minute         secluded swimming bay.                                             from it all. The perfect destination to
  walk to the pristine beaches of the south           Experience caravanning and camping the                             explore the southern forest region of WA.
  coast.                                              way it was always meant to be.

                                                                                                                        2515 Coalmine Beach Road/Knoll Drive,
  Peppermint Way, Peaceful Bay                        10 East Avenue, Peaceful Bay                                      Walpole
  (08) 9840 8169                                      (08) 9840 8060                                                    (08) 9840 1026                                                                                        
Tranquil Denmark
Denmark is a charming town located on the banks of the Denmark River. Situated just 54 kilometres south-west of
Mount Barker and 54 kilometres west of Albany, Denmark is rarely more than 45-minute drive from anywhere in
the Amazing South Coast.
                                                                      Here, you’ll find unforgettable beaches, beautiful rolling
                                                                      hills, towering forests, quality wineries, and a thriving art
                                                                      Visit William Bay National Park and find Greens Pool
                                                                      – perfect for a swim with its calm, sheltered, turquoise
                                                                      You will also see the huge rock formations known as
                                                                      ‘Elephant Rocks’ resting like a herd of elephants on the
                                                                      water’s edge.
                                                                      Another beach not to miss is Denmark’s Ocean Beach,
                                                                      which is just a short drive from the town centre. Grab
                                                                      a board and paddle out on some of the Amazing South
                                                                      Coast’s most consistent waves.
                                                                      If you’d rather ditch the wheels and take in the beauty

Elephant Rocks, Williams Bay. Tourism WA                                                              Denmark River. Elements Photography
Denmark Alpaca Stud. Elements Photography

                                                                                                                                             Denmark Chocolate Factory. Elements Photography

                                                                                                                                            Must do:
                                                                                                                                             Explore by foot or car and discover
                                                                                                                                             Denmark’s wildflowers, hidden
                                                                                                                                             amongst the forest floor.
                                                                                                                                              Indulge your tastebuds on a journey
                                                                                                                                              of discovery through the Denmark
                                                                                       Scotsdale Drive, Denmark. Elements Photography
                                                                                                                                              food and wine appellation; there is
                                                                                                                                               nothing else like it.
by foot, then you can choose from the many         Monkey Rock for eastern osprey, square-tailed kite,
trails throughout Denmark.                         painted button-quail and grey currawong.                                                     Experience the enchantment of
                                                                                                                                                winter in Denmark. Think pinot,
Explore a section of WA’s world class long-
distance walk trail, the Bibbulmun Track, which    Wildflowers                                                                                  gourmet pies, and crackling log
stretches 1000 kilometres from the Perth           William Bay National Park in Denmark provides                                                 fires.
hills to Albany.                                   views of stunning coastline and forest. On this rocky
                                                   and rugged coastline you’ll find the white blossoms                                           Share a holiday with the family
The Denmark to Albany section is 85 kilome-
tres and takes around five to six days to walk.    of the sticky tailflower as well as dryandra, banksia,                                        picking fruit or feeding and pat-
A shorter walk is the Lights Beach Lookout         peppermints, and orchids.                                                                     ting animals at one of the many
trail, which is just an easy three kilometre                                                                                                      local farms.
return walk along the coast.
After a long day of exploring, treat yourself
to local wine and gourmet food made with
the freshest local ingredients.
Denmark is gaining an international repu-
tation for the quality and distinct regional
characteristics of its premium and sustainable
cool climate wines. If wine isn’t for you, then
enjoy Denmark’s boutique breweries which
produce apple and pear ciders, beer and
mead. Try Denmark’s famous honey wine.
                                                                                                                                    denmark country club
                                                                                                                                    The Denmark Country Club features a
More than 160 species of birds have been                                                                                            challenging 18-hole golf course, reticulated
recorded in the Denmark area:                                                                                                       fairways and elevated grass greens, an
Ocean Beach for red-capped and hooded                                                                                               undercover driving range, eight synthetic
plover and rock parrot and Prawn Rock                                                                                               tennis courts and a spacious modern
Channel for waders and waterbirds.                                                                                                  clubhouse.
Morley Beach for red-necked stint, sharp-
tailed sandpiper, common greenshank, and
avocets and stilts.                                                                                                                 925 South Coast Highway, Denmark
                                                                                                                                    (08) 9848 1413
Harewood State Forest for fan-tailed cuckoo,                                                                              
white-breasted robin, red-eared firetail, rufous                                                                          
                                                    Harewood Forest Walk, Denmark. Elements Photography
treecreeper and white-browed babbler.                                                                                                                                                          23


Scotsdale tourist drive
Take in the magical landscape of Denmark with a leisurely drive along the Scotsdale Tourist Drive. The road will
take you past karri trees, through lush forests, charming vineyards, and abundant farmlands. Return to South Coast
Highway via McLeod Road and a short distance to the west you’ll find the picturesque beaches of Greens Pool
and Elephant Rocks in William Bay National Park.

                                                                                                            Jassi Leather Works
                                                                                                            Proudly handcrafted in our workshop
  hook gallery                                                                                              located near William Bay, Denmark.
  Jonathan Hook has moved into a new, larger, architecturally designed studio/gallery with sweeping         In our on-site showroom you’ll find
  views over the Scotsdale and Denmark valleys to Mt Lindesay. The gallery showcases three distinct         ugg boots, slippers and so much more,
  disciplines in the ceramic traditions of tableware, vases and one-off art series works. The designs for   handmade using sustainable and renewable
  this work are inspired by the majesty and grandeur of the Great Southern landscapes.                      Australian sheepskins and leather.
  Opening hours: Mon - Fri:10am-5pm. Weekends: 12-4pm.                                                      Unique and luxurious.

  109 Lantzke Road, Denmark                                                                                 9 Pates Road, Denmark
  Follow signs off Scotsdale Tourist Drive, 4km from Denmark                                                (08) 9840 9336
  0481 099 125                                                                                                                                                             
Family fun

                                                 Denmark Alpaca Stud. Elements Photography

                                                 There are a lot of fun things for
                                                 families to do in Denmark, apart
                                                  from the amazing beaches and
                                                  bush, that is!
                                                  Just a 10 minute drive from the Tree Top Walk
                                                  is the Denmark Dinosaur World, which has a
                                                   fascinating and fun array of exhibits as well as                       the lake house denmark
                                                   live birds and reptiles.
                                                                                                                          Lunch by the lake and much more ...
                                                    Visit the hands-on animal farm and wildlife park                      A must-see destination just five minutes
                                                    at the Pentland Alpaca Stud, where you can pat,                       from town. Stop by to taste our wines,
                                                    cuddle and feed a range of friendly animals                           enjoy a delicious vineyard lunch platter
                                                                                                                          or sample our Vinofood condiments and
                                                    including koalas, alpacas, rabbits, chickens and                      Winespa body care products.
                                                     joeys.                                                               Open daily 10am - 5pm
                                                     Drop into the Eden Gate Blueberry Farm on
                                                     your way through to Albany for farm-fresh                            106 Turner Road, Denmark
                                                     blueberries and a great variety of locally made                      (08) 9848 2444
                                                     blueberry treats.                                          

Pat and feed alpacas, kangaroos, rabbits,
                                                             Castelli estate
goats, lambs, donkeys, camel, pigs, foxes,                   Taste award-winning wines at the cellar door or enjoy the freshly made in house pasta and grilled
ferrets, emus and more! Bottle feeding 3pm.                  meats at ‘In Cucina’, our authentic italian restaurant. Castelli Estate also offers a peaceful and stylish
Gallery with Alpaca garments and “Stunned                    retreat with five recently renovated king rooms, with opulent beds and breathtaking views of the
Emu Designs” art by Wendy Binks.                             lush Denmark countryside.
Open 10am - 4pm

2019 Scotsdale Road, Denmark (cnr McLeod Road)               390 Mt Shadforth Road, Denmark
(08) 9840 9262                                               (08) 9848 3344                                                 
     Denmark                                                   karri aura                                              karma chalets

                                                                                                                                                                       Elephant Rocks, Denmark. Tourism WA
                                                               Perfectly situated in the heart of the wine             Immerse and surround yourself in a
                                                               region, 4.4km from Denmark town. Self-                  unique Western Australian location. 10
                                                               contained studio suites, cabins and ensuite             self-contained chalets with stunning views.
                                                               sites. Pets welcome in caravan park. 10% discount       romantic, family, friends and group getaways.
                                                               offer. (offer not available Dec-Jan, long weekends      Escape, explore and experience.
                                                               or Easter).

                                                               443 Mount Shadforth Road, Denmark                       1572 South Coast Highway, Denmark
                                                               (08) 9848 2200                                          (08) 9848 1568

      the rise                                                 The cove                                                big4 denmark ocean beach holiday park
      The Rise is a 3x2 fully equipped house                   Five handcrafted, self-contained chalets in             Tranquil location, lavish mixture of self-
      close to town and Scotsdale and Mt                       native forest on Wilson Inlet - only minutes            contained chalet and cabin accommodation.
      Shadforth drives and their many tourist                  from Denmark town and on the Bibbulmun                  Large powered and unpowered sites
      attractions. Phone us, 9am to 5pm.                       Track. Suits couples, families and larger               catering for everyone. Modern facilities,
                                                               groups. Features: log fires, bushwalking,               including camp kitchens, jumping pillow,
                                                               disability access.                                      minutes from iconic Ocean Beach.

      73 South Coast Highway, Denmark                          45 Payne Road, Denmark                                  770 Ocean Beach Road, Denmark
      (08) 9848 2055                                           (08) 9848 1770                                          (08) 9848 1105                                                                      

      Cedar Cottage is a fully furnished two
      bedroom holiday house for those who
                                                               karri mia chalets & studios
      enjoy peaceful water views. Direct access                Luxury Denmark accommodation featuring pet friendly, self-contained chalets and studios with
      to the Bibbulman track at the bottom of                  spas. Only 4.5km from Denmark town centre, relax and unwind, enjoying world-class unbeatable
      the garden. a bird lover’s paradise. Located             views of the Wilson Inlet, Southern Ocean and surrounding farm/forest areas. Amidst attractions,
      midway between Ocean Beach and town.                     wineries and beaches, Karri Mia is the perfect destination for your holiday.

                                                               427 Mt Shadforth Road, Denmark
      17 Minsterly Road, Denmark                               (08) 9848 2233
      (08) 9848 2055                                 
      (Denmark Visitor Centre)                       

Iconic Albany
Ellen Cove, Albany. City of Albany

Albany is a city immersed in history and surrounded by natural beauty.
                                                                                                                             did you know?
Being the first European settlement in Western Australia,         southern right whales and the rare blue whale on           Albany residents have long
Albany’s historic precinct gives an insight into the early life   board one of Albany’s several whale-watching tours.        debated their official moniker
of these settlers.                                                                                                           as residents of the town – are
                                                                  In and around Albany, natural wonders are abound.
                                                                                                                             they Albanians, Albanyites, or
The precinct includes: the original Convict Gaol, a replica       From the backdrop of Mount Clarence and Mount
                                                                                                                              simply Albany residents?
of the tall ship (the Brig Amity) which brought the original      Melville to the dramatic coastline and the rolling green
settlers from New South Wales to Albany in 1826, the              paddocks beyond, there are always scenic views to           Local historian Malcolm Traill
Museum of the Great Southern, and Patrick Taylor Cottage.         be enjoyed.                                                 traced the earliest mention
Albany’s central role in the first World War can be               Albany is surrounded by national parks and nature           of the phrase ‘Albanian’ in
experienced at the Albany Heritage Park. As the final             reserves from Little Beach in Two People’s Bay Nature        this particular context back
departure point for the first Anzac troops on their way to        Reserve to the east, through to West Cape Howe               to September 1852.
the battlefields of the Great War on November 1, 1914,            National Park in the west.                                   A Perth news story detailed
Albany offers visitors a deeply personal connection to the        The landscape and the climate in Albany make for a           ship communications of “all
Anzac story at the National Anzac Centre.                         vibrant, fresh food scene. Indulge your inner foodie at      first-class passengers and Al-
From a whaling town to a whale-watching town, Albany’s            one of Albany’s many gourmet restaurants, local delis,        banians” aboard the steamer
story has evolved to honour its history, yet secure the future    weekly markets, wineries, breweries, and distillery.          The Australian.
for these gentle giants.                                          From annual food, art, and extreme sporting events,            Mr Traill believes the nick-
Immerse yourself in the history of Albany’s Historic Whaling      to kid-friendly activities year-round, Albany truly has        name first emerged when
Station or witness the annual migration of humpback whales,       something for the whole family.                                Albany became a mail port.




                                                             • More than 21,000 copies printed weekly

                                                             • Readership over 60,000 people                                               Tenterden

                                                             • Delivered free to Albany, Denmark,                                   MT BARKER         Porongurup

                                                               Mount Barker, Kojonup, Katanning,                                                                   Manypeaks

                                                               Bremer Bay and everywhere in between                                    Redmond

                                                                                                                              DENMARK          ALBANY
                                                             9842 2788 |                                      Elleker


Coastal adventure & nature
MUST SEES                                      Whale Watching
                                               Witness the annual migration of whales in Amazing
                                                                                                                swimming area. Cafés are a stone’s throw away.
                                                                                                                Emu Point Beach – sheltered beach, perfect for kayaking
Whales from Marine Drive: join                 Albany from June to October. As the whales frolic in our         and paddling with a café close by.
the excitement with dozens of                  sheltered bays to calve and mate, sometimes binoculars           Little Beach – regularly voted one of Western Australia’s
people crowding together to                    aren’t necessary – they can be seen from prime viewing           best beaches. Features pristine sand and calm waters set
witness these spectacular crea-                spots around Albany’s coastline! Dolphins and seals              within Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve.
tures breaching not far from the               are also regularly spotted in Albany’s sheltered waters.         Gull Rock – a perennial favourite boasting beautiful
shore of Middelton Beach.                                                                                       white stretches of sand coupled with turquoise waters.
                                               The Gap and Natural Bridge                                       Nanarup Lagoon – a sheltered pond with crystal clear
The Gap: you will easily un-                    Visit The Gap and Natural Bridge attractions at
derstand how this attraction is                                                                                 water perfect for swimming.
                                                Torndirrup National Park.Witness the fearsome waves
considered a natural wonder with                atop the spectacular lookout platform.                          Cosy Corner – white sandy beaches meet granite
its rugged cliff faces, treacherous                                                                             headlands with limestone islands offshore.
waves and dramatic oceanic view.                Stop off at the Albany Wind Farm which is open to

Little Beach: tucked in the Two
                                                 the public daily and free to visit.                            Surfing
                                                 Walk the paved and boarded pathways for breathtaking           There’s a surf spot for everyone in Albany, with conditions
Peoples Bay National Park this                   views of the rugged coastline and really feel the wind
stunning beach can be viewed                                                                                    to suit all experience levels.
                                                  in your hair. You might even spot some whales, so
from the lookout or make the                      bring your binoculars!                                        Mutton Bird & Nanarup – beach break, left and right.
short trip down the stairs and feel                                                                             Easy access. Best winds: North or North-West. Suitable
the squeaky white sand between                   Beaches                                                        for all surfers.
your toes.                                       Laze your day away and stake out a patch of sand at            Salmon Holes – sand and reef break, left and right. Best
                                                 one of Albany’s pristine beaches.                              winds: West or North-West. For experienced surfers.
Albany Wind Farm: breathtaking
panoramic views are everywhere                   Middleton Beach – popular with families with gentle            Sand Patch – beach break, left and right. Needs northern
you look from this iconic Albany                 waves, a jetty for fishing, surf club and a protected          winds. Good smaller swell. For experienced surfers.

  Whale watch western australia                                 The Gap + Natural Wonders                                     Albany whale tours
  Join the pod with Western Australia’s                         Simply breath-taking granite formations                       Sail-A-Way, with Albany Whale Tours.
  premier family owned tour. Whale watch                        Journey through the Torndirrup National                       Winter: Whale watching – June to early October.
  all year in WA sighting orca, blue whales,                    Park. Feel the exhilaration of the powerful                   Summer: Champagne sunset cruises – December
  humpbacks and southern rights onboard                         ocean as it heaves itself against the granite                 to April.
  our luxury vessel.                                            walls.                                                        Available for group bookings and parties.
                                                                                                                              Trip Advisor 5-star Certificate of Excellence:
                                                                                                                              also featured in the Lonely Planet travel
                                                                (08) 9842 2133                                                guide. Bookings essential.
                                                                                              5d Toll Place, Albany Marina
  1300 388 893                                                                                                                0422 441 484                                                                                                                                                            
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