SOAP 2018 Supporter & Exhibitor Opportunities
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C E L E B R A T I N G 1 9 6 8 - 2 0 1 8 SOAP 2018 Supporter & Exhibitor Opportunities SOAP SOL SHNIDER, M.D. OBSTETRIC ANESTHESIA MEETING March 8-11, 2018 Grand Hyatt Hotel San Francisco, California SOAP 50TH ANNUAL MEETING May 9-13, 2018 Loews Miami Beach Hotel Miami, Florida Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) 6737 W. Washington St., Suite 4210, Milwaukee, WI 53214 •
ABOUT SOAP The Society for Obstetric Anesthesia SOAP SOL SHNIDER, M.D. and Perinatology (SOAP) was OBSTETRIC ANESTHESIA MEETING founded in 1968 to provide a forum for discussion of problems unique The SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia to the peripartum period. With over Meeting, which attracts over 300 participants, is recognized 1,000 members, SOAP is comprised for its comprehensive program, and presenting information on of anesthesiologists, obstetricians, new techniques and ideas that attendees can take home and pediatricians, and basic scientists who immediately put to use in their practices. The CME and AANA share an interest in the care of the approved educational program will draw the type of valuable pregnant patient and the newborn. prospects you want to meet in your exhibit. The mission of this Society is to This year’s 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting improve the pregnancy-related program will offer many opportunities to interact with experts in the outcomes of women and neonates field as participants attend sessions on the following topics: Impact through the support of obstetric of FDA warnings on obstetric anesthesia practice; Customer service anesthesiology research, the provision and patient satisfaction; High risk screening; Opioids; Adjuvant of education to its members, other pain therapy; Preventing epidural catheter failure; Maternal safety providers and pregnant women, and bundles; Abnormal placentation; Alternatives to epidural blood patch; the promotion of excellence in clinical Placental invasion disorders; Optimal blood preparation; Managing anesthetic care. the anticoagulated patient; and Ultrasound. If your products and services relate to any of these or similar topics, or SOAP ANNUAL MEETING are targeted to anesthesiologists, obstetricians, neonatologists, CRNAs The SOAP Annual Meeting, which attracts over 700 participants, is or basic scientists involved in obstetric recognized for its dynamic program, quality research presentations anesthesiology and perinatology, you and information on the latest advances in the practice of obstetric should plan now to exhibit at the largest anesthesia. The information presented, and collaborative environment events devoted exclusively to this provided, enhances the attendees ability to care for patients and highly specialized audience! develop their practice. The CME approved educational program attracts the thought leaders in obstetric anesthesia. The exhibit area and schedule are designed to provide you time to have an impactful interaction with the annual meeting attendees. This year’s 2018 Annual Meeting program will offer many opportunities to interact with experts in the field as participants attend sessions on the following topics: Ultrasound; Enhanced Recovery (analgesics, fluids, warming); Obstetric Hemorrhage; National Guidelines; Anticoagulation; Opioids; Point of Care Testing; and Practice Management. 2
PREMIER CORPORATE SUPPORT PACKAGES If your company selects a SOAP Premier Corporate Support Package, the benefits are expanded and the opportunity to connect with SOAP attendees at all programs is enhanced. In order for SOAP to provide the maximum exposure for both programs, the first deadline for Corporate Support Packages is February 9, 2018. Sponsors will receive premium booth placement in high traffic areas, with first selection option. PLATINUM SUPPORTER BENEFITS GOLD SUPPORTER BENEFITS $ 25,000 $ 10,000 • Recognition from the podium at the • Two 6’ tabletop displays at the 2018 start of the programs. Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia • Recognition from the podium • Onsite signage in heavy traffic Meeting, March 8-11, 2018. at the start of the programs. areas acknowledging your • First choice of exhibit space at the 2018 company’s support. Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia • Two 10’x10’ premium booths at the SOAP • Recognition of thanks provided in Meeting and 2018 Annual Meeting. 50th Annual Meeting, May 9-13, 2018. the SOAP Newsletter three times • Recognition on the SOAP website per year. with your company’s logo and link • Opportunity to insert one item into the • Onsite signage in heavy traffic areas to your company website. registration packets (content approval acknowledging your company’s support. • Recognition at the 2018 required) Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric • (4) complimentary 2018 • Recognition on the SOAP website with Anesthesia Meeting and SOAP Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric • Advertising space in SOAP Newsletter your company’s logo and link to your 50th Annual Meeting in advance Anesthesia Meeting registrations. (electronic, one time run, full page) company website. promotional activities. • (4) complimentary SOAP 50th • Recognition of thanks provided in the • (5) complimentary 2018 Sol Shnider, • Two 6’ tabletop displays at the Annual Meeting registrations. SOAP Newsletter three times per year. M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric registrations. • Placement and signage in exhibit • Recognition at the 2018 Sol Shnider, Anesthesia Meeting, March 8-11, area as Gold Supporter. M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting and • (5) complimentary SOAP 50th Annual 2018. SOAP 50th Annual Meeting in advance Meeting registrations. • Two 10’x10’ premium booths at promotional activities. • Placement and signage in exhibit area the SOAP 50th Annual Meeting, as Platinum Supporter. May 9-13, 2018. SILVER SUPPORTER BENEFITS BRONZE SUPPORTER BENEFITS $ 6,500 $ 4,000 • Recognition from the podium at • Onsite signage in heavy traffic • Recognition from the podium at • Onsite signage in heavy traffic areas the start of the programs. areas acknowledging your the start of the programs. acknowledging your company’s • Recognition of thanks provided in company’s support. • Recognition of thanks provided in support. the SOAP Newsletter three times • Recognition on the SOAP website the SOAP Newsletter three times • Recognition on the SOAP website per year. with your company’s logo and link per year. with your company’s logo and link to • Recognition at the 2018 Sol to your company website. • Recognition at the 2018 Sol Shnider, your company website. Shnider, M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia • (3) complimentary 2018 Sol M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting • (2) complimentary 2018 Sol Shnider, Meeting and SOAP 50th Annual Shnider, M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia and SOAP 50th Annual Meeting in M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting Meeting in advance promotional Meeting registrations advance promotional activities. registrations. activities. • (3) complimentary SOAP 50th • One 6’ tabletop display at the • (2) complimentary SOAP 50th • One 6’ tabletop display at the Annual Meeting registrations. 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric Annual Meeting registrations. 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric • Placement and signage in exhibit Anesthesia Meeting, March 8-11, • Placement and signage in exhibit Anesthesia Meeting, March 8-11, area as Silver Supporter. 2018. area as Bronze Supporter. 2018. • One 10’x10’ premium booth at the • One 10’x10’ premium booth at the SOAP 50th Annual Meeting, May SOAP 50th Annual Meeting, May 9-13, 2018. 9-13, 2018. 4
EXHIBITOR BENEFITS SOAP SOL • Complimentary pre-registration mailing list of all meeting attendees. • Complimentary final mailing list of all meeting attendees. SHNIDER, M.D. • Heavy traffic in the exhibit hall during break times. • Networking opportunities in the exhibit hall. OBSTETRIC • Your company’s product description and contact information will be distributed with final meeting materials to all attendees. ANESTHESIA • Exposure to a unique audience that is passionate about knowledge and education. • An intimate atmosphere that is conducive to business. MEETING • Ability for company representatives to interact with attendees at the Friday luncheon. March 8-11, 2018 PAST EXHIBITORS Grand Hyatt Hotel The following companies provided support and exhibits at past SOAP Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric Anesthesia Meetings: on Union Square • CN Systems Corporation • Rivanna Medical, LLC • Cook Medical • LMA North America, Inc. • Smiths Medical San Francisco, CA • Epimed International Inc. • Lippincott Williams & • Storz Medical • Gauss Surgical, Inc. Wilkins - Wolters Kluwer • Teleflex • Haemonetics • International Medical Health • Olympus Corporation of • Verathon Medical • TEM Systems, Inc. >> EXHIBIT DATES: Development, Inc. America MARCH 9-10, 2018 • Laerdal Medical • Porter Instrument CONTACT >> SET-UP Exhibitor assignments and exhibitor information are available by contacting Scott Mattson with SOAP at or 414-389-8611. Floor plans will be provided MARCH 8, 2018 approximately 30 days prior to the meeting. Corporate Supporters will receive priority in selecting their location. Other exhibitors will receive an opportunity to review the booth layout prior to the meeting. Every effort will be made to accommodate exhibitor location preferences. COST/DEADLINES Exhibit fee: Refunds: • On or before February 9, 2018 - $1,650 • On or before February 16, 2018 - • After February 9, 2018- $1,850 Full refund less $200 • February 17, 2018 - No refunds SPECIAL EVENT SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES Call to confirm support or discuss sponsorships at 414-389-8611. Hotel Room Door Drops..................................$1,500 Welcome Reception........................................$8,000 • Friday, March 9, 2018; 5:30 - 7:30 pm PROMOTION MATERIALS Program Guide recognition logo and company description: February 9, 2018 5
SOAP 50TH EXHIBITOR BENEFITS ANNUAL Exhibiting at the SOAP Annual Meeting will provide your company with the following: • The leaders of the Society and the ‘decision materials to all attendees. makers’ are all at the SOAP Annual Meeting - • Continuous networking opportunities in the exhibit and once they adopt something, the rest of the area. MEETING obstetric anesthesia community is not far behind. • An intimate atmosphere that is conducive to • Complimentary pre-registration mailing list of all business. meeting attendees. • Exposure to a unique audience that is passionate • Complimentary final mailing list of all meeting about knowledge and education. May 9-13, 2018 • attendees. Heavy traffic in the exhibit area during break times. • The participants include physician leaders from throughout the obstetric anesthesia community Loews Miami • Your company’s product description and contact and across the USA and world. information will be distributed with final meeting Beach Hotel 1601 Collins Avenue PAST EXHIBITORS Miami Beach, FL The following companies provided support and exhibits at past SOAP Annual Meetings: • AlertWatch, Inc. • Endo Pharmaceuticals • Limbs & Things, Inc. • Rapid Sequence Anesthesia • Ameridose • Epimed International, Inc. • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Solutions • APP Pharmaceuticals • Gauss Surgical, Inc. – Wolters Kluwer Health • Rivanna Medical, LLC • Arizant Healthcare, Inc. • GEDSA • Masimo Corporation • ROTEM >> EXHIBIT DATES: • • A 3M Company Aspect Medical Systems/ • • Grifols Haemonetics • Mindray North America • ML International • Sheridan Healthcare • Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. MAY 10-11, 2018 LiDCO • Hospira • NeuMeDx • SonoSite Inc. • B. Braun Medical Inc. • I-Flow Corporation • Obstetric Anaesthetists’ • Summit Medical Products • BD • Indigo-Orb, Inc. Association • Teleflex Medical • BK Medical • Integrated Medical • Olympus Corporation • U.S. Army Healthcare • Cadence Pharmaceuticals Management • Oridion Medical Recruiting Inc. • International Medical • Ortho-McNeil, Inc. • Vasocom >> SET-UP • • Cardiotronic Cerus Corporation • Development, Inc. Jawalekar CSE Model • PAJUNK • PDL BioPharma • Verathon Medical Inc. • Vitaid MAY 9, 2018 • • Cheetah Medical CSE Innovations • Karl Storz Endoscopy - America, Inc. • Perinatal Resources, Inc. • PharMEDium Services, LLC • Elsevier, Inc. • Laerdal Medical • Philips Healthcare CONTACT Exhibitor assignments and exhibitor information are available by contacting Scott Mattson with SOAP at or 414-389-8611. Floor plans will be provided approximately 30 days prior to the meeting. Corporate Supporters will receive priority in selecting their location. Other exhibitors will receive an opportunity to review the booth layout prior to the meeting. Every effort will be made to accommodate exhibitor location preferences. COST/DEADLINES Exhibit fee: Refunds: • On or before March 1, 2018 - $1,850 • On or before February 28, 2018 - Full refund less $200 • After March 1, 2018 - $2,150 • March 1, 2018 to March 30, 2018 - 50% of display cost • March 31, 2018 - No refunds SPECIAL EVENT SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES Call to confirm support or discuss sponsorships at 414-389-8611. Lanyards................................................. $1,500 Banquet................................................ $15,000 Hotel Room Door Drops........................ $1,500 • Saturday, May 12, 2018; 6:00 - 10:00 pm Tote Bags............................................... $2,000 Breakfast (TH, F, SA or SU)................. $10,000 Lunch (TH or F).................................... $30,000 PROMOTION MATERIALS Program Guide recognition logo and company description: March 30, 2018 6
EXHIBIT RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. SOAP: The acronym “SOAP” refers to 3. Exhibition Standards: The exhibit decides that any of these do not meet its the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and area is open 90 minutes before and 90 standards or are not suitable, the exhibitor Perinatology acting through its respective minutes after the stated exhibit times. must at once comply with SOAP demands officers, directors, members, committees, Exhibits and promotional materials should or can withdraw and, if appropriate, and agents in the management of the be dignified and truthful, and designed to receive a refund of the rental fee paid, exhibition. provide useful and reliable information. prorated for the unused time. The exhibition of a product or service 2. Exhibition Facilities, Dates and at a SOAP meeting does not constitute 5. Shipping Information: SOAP may Hours: a SOAP endorsement of the product or retain a company to assist with shipping SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. service, or of the claims made. Drugs or and provide services on site to exhibitors. Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting devices which require pre-market approval Please call the SOAP office at (414) Grand Hyatt on Union Square from the FDA or which must comply with 389-8611 or email for 345 Stockton Street established product standards will not be information. Your company may use your San Francisco, California, 94108 eligible to exhibit unless FDA approval has own preferred carrier for shipping. Please (415) 398-1234 been obtained or the appropriate product remember to verify procedures and costs standard is met. SOAP reserves the right with your carrier on customs, taxes and Thursday, March 8, 2018 not to sell space for the exhibition of any schedules of delivery to the meeting site. 5:00 - 7:00 pm: Set-up product or service that is at issue or in litigation with a government agency. 6. Carpet: The exhibit area is carpeted. It Friday, March 9, 2018 is also suggested that additional carpet be 7:00 - 8:00 am: Breakfast with Exhibitors 4. Permissible Exhibits/Product and compatible with the exhibit hall colors. 9:45 - 10:30 am: Break with Exhibitors Material Distribution: All business 3:15 - 4:00 pm: Break with Exhibitors activities of the exhibitor must be within 7. SOAP’s Purpose: SOAP’s purpose in (Exhibitors are also welcome to attend the the exhibitor’s allotted exhibit space. In conducting these meetings is to advance SOAP Welcome Reception from 5:30 - connection with the distribution of product knowledge within the areas of its goals 7:00 pm) samples in the exhibitor’s tabletop(s), through its educational programs, its these samples must be distributed at least communication and resource information. Saturday, March 10, 2018 two feet in front of the table. The serving SOAP encourages exhibitors to be 7:00 - 8:00 am: Breakfast with Exhibitors or consumption of alcohol is prohibited. educational, communicative and resource 9:45 - 10:30 am: Break with Exhibitors The use of propane, butane or other informative in their exhibit displays. All 3:15 - 4:00 pm: Break with Exhibitors combustible bottled gas is prohibited. exhibits and products/services displayed 4:00 - 5:00 pm: Tear Down Helium balloons are not permitted. must be pertinent to the practice of Participating firms will be limited to those anesthesiology and obstetrics, and in the SOAP 50th Annual Meeting which have obstetric anesthesia directed professional interests of the registrants. Loews Miami Beach Hotel products, equipment or services. At the 1601 Collins Avenue request of SOAP, made at any time or 8. Exhibit Space Fees: The price of an Miami Beach, FL 33139 times before or during the display, exhibitor exhibit includes, in addition to the space Phone: (305) 604-1601 must promptly furnish SOAP with sample itself: products, packages, labels, advertising • 6’ table with two chairs for a tabletop Wednesday, May 9, 2018 and promotional literature that would be (SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric 3:00 - 6:00 pm: Setup or is being distributed before exhibitor Anesthesia Meeting). will be eligible to participate or continue • 6’ table with two chairs in a 10’ by Thursday, May 10, 2018 in the exhibition. SOAP reserves the sole 10’ exhibit booth (SOAP 50th Annual 6:30 - 7:30 am: Breakfast with Exhibitors and absolute right to determine which Meeting). 9:30 - 10:15 am: Break with Exhibitors firms and products are appropriate in its • A company identification sign. 3:15 - 4:00 pm: Break with Exhibitors judgment for inclusion in the exhibition and • 2 complimentary exhibitor registrations to refuse, cancel or restrict any applicant per tabletop or booth. A $100 per person Friday, May 11, 2018 or exhibit that SOAP considers undesirable fee will be charged for all additional 7:00 - 8:00 am: Breakfast with Exhibitors for any reason. This provision applies to exhibitor representatives, who will each 10:30 - 11:15 am: Break with Exhibitors exhibitor’s conduct, articles, printed matter, receive an exhibitor badge only. 3:15 - 3:45 pm: Break with Exhibitors samples, questionnaires or anything that 3:45 - 5:00 pm: Teardown SOAP deems objectionable. If SOAP 7
EXHIBIT RULES AND REGULATIONS SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. 10. Cancellation or Reduction of Space: 12. Badge Distribution: All badges for Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting All cancellations or reductions in space representatives who are registered in (per 6’ skirted banquet table tabletop must be sent in writing on company advance will be distributed on-site at the display) letterhead to SOAP at the address listed meeting registration desk. A preregistered On or before February 9, 2018 - $1,650 above or sent via e-mail to or info@ representative of the company may sign After February 9, 2018 - $1,850 If written cancellation or booth for any or all badges for that company. reduction is received by: Exhibit guest badges are designed to allow SOAP 50th Annual Meeting access to the exhibit floor to individuals (per 10’x10’ booth display) SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. whom an exhibitor has a legitimate On or before February 28, 2018 - $1,850 Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting need to have present. These individuals After February 28, 2018 - $2,150 Cancellation and Refunds: may be: VIPs from parent company, December 15, 2017 to February 16, 2018 advertising agency representatives, exhibit 9. Deposits and Payments: A 50 percent Full refund less $200 designers or builders, exhibitor appointed deposit must accompany the application. February 17, 2018 contractors, consultants, industry analysts All payments must be made by check, No refunds and an exhibitor’s original equipment payable to SOAP, or by credit card. manufacturer. Guest badges must not Completed applications with deposits SOAP 50th Annual Meeting be issued to physicians or allied health should be sent to: Cancellation and Refunds: individuals who should be registered On or before February 28, 2018 through the Society’s registration process Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Full refund less $200 for educational sessions and exhibit Perinatology March 1, 2018 to March 30, 2018 viewing. 6737 West Washington Street, Suite 4210 50% of display cost Milwaukee, WI 53214 March 31, 2018 14. Contests, Drawings, and Booth 414-389-8611 • FAX: 414-276-7704 No refunds Giveaways: Contests and prize contests, Email: drawings, raffles, or lotteries of any 11. Exhibitor Personnel: A company description, held at any time or place SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. Obstetric may register two individuals for exhibit during the meetings, must be approved by Anesthesia Meeting: The balance of the registration per booth or tabletop display SOAP. All exhibitor space giveaways must booth fee is due on or before February 16, at no charge during advance registration also be approved by SOAP in advance. 2018 or at the time the space is reserved, only. A $100 per person fee will be charged if after February 16, 2018. for all additional exhibitor representatives, 15. Educational/CME Related who will each receive an exhibitor Commercial Support: SOAP is a SOAP 50th Annual Meeting: The badge. The exhibitor registration allows Charitable 501(c)(3) Organization. balance of the booth fee is due on or admittance to the exhibit hall and meals before March 30, 2018 or at the time the included in the exhibit area for both space is reserved, if after March 30, 2018. meetings. An exhibitor’s badge allows access to the exhibits area only. If the balance is not received by the due date, the space may be cancelled and reassigned without notification or refund of deposit. No company may exhibit unless full payment for display space has been received at least one week prior to the first day of the meeting. 8
SUPPORTER & EXHIBITOR REQUEST FORM CRITICAL DEADLINES Please Print or Type SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider, M.D. ______________________________________________________________________________ Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting Company/Organization Name (Full Legal Name) Early Exhibit Deadline: ______________________________________________________________________________ February 9, 2018 Contact Name (To whom all correspondence is sent) SAVE $200 on booth ______________________________________________________________________________ Cancellation and Refunds: Display Name (Company Name displayed on signage/ printed materials, if different from December 15, 2017 to legal name; product names cannot be used) February 16, 2018 ______________________________________________________________________________ • Full refund less $200 E-mail February 17, 2018 • No refunds ______________________________________________________________________________ Company/Organization Address SOAP 50th Annual Meeting ______________________________________________________________________________ Early Exhibit Deadline: City State Zip Code Mrach 1, 2018 SAVE $200 on booth ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax Cancellation and Refunds: On or before February 28, 2018 ______________________________________________________________________________ • Full refund less $200 Authorized Representative March 1, 2018 through March 30, ______________________________________________________________________________ 2018 Title • 50% of display cost March 31, 2018 The above named Company hereby applies to support at the meeting designated below, and agrees to the terms and • No refunds conditions set forth herein. A letter of agreement will be required to be completed for ACCME compliance. SOAP Commercial Support ______________________________________________________________________________ Packages Authorized Signature (Not valid unless signed) Date Deadline for reservation: February 9, 2018 Educational Support Opportunities Contact: Please check the sponsorship opportunity you wish to support. Society for Obstetric Anesthesia Premier Corporate Package Exhibit Booth only and Perinatology o Platinum Supporter - $25,000 oo SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider M.D. Obstetric Attn: Scott Mattson o Gold Supporter - $9,000 Anesthesia Meeting 6737 West Washington Street o Silver Supporter - $6,500 • On or before February 9, 2018 - $1,650 Suite 4210 o Bronze Supporter - $4,000 • After February 9, 2018- $1,850 Milwaukee, WI 53214 414-389-8611 oo SOAP 50th Annual Meeting Both Meetings Best VALUE • On or before March 1, 2018 - $1,850 Email: oo SOAP 2018 Sol Shnider M.D. Obstetric • After March 1, 2018 - $2,150 Anesthesia Meeting and SOAP 50th Annual Society for Obstetric Anesthesia Meeting and Perinatology (SOAP) • On or before February 9, 2018 - $3,000 6737 W. Washington St. • After February 9, 2018 - $3,500 Suite 4210 Milwaukee, WI 53214 Method of Payment: (Payment must be in U.S. dollars) Phone: (414) 389-8611 o Check o VISA o MasterCard o American Express Amount Due $_________ Fax: (414) 276-7704 ______________________________________________________________________________ Name on Card _____________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number Exp. Date _____________________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature 9
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