Smart Borders Kai Hartmann - Impulses for a successful and collaborative implementation - European Police Congress

Smart Borders Kai Hartmann - Impulses for a successful and collaborative implementation - European Police Congress
Smart Borders
Impulses for a successful and
collaborative implementation

               Kai Hartmann
               Senior Consultant & Teamlead Police
Smart Borders Kai Hartmann - Impulses for a successful and collaborative implementation - European Police Congress

  "The Schengen area without border
  control will cease to exist in the long run
  if the management of the external
  borders does not function properly."
                                                              Thomas de Maizière

EPC 2019 | Kai Hartmann | Border Management | February 2019                        Capgemini 2019. All rights reserved |   2
Smart Borders Kai Hartmann - Impulses for a successful and collaborative implementation - European Police Congress
The EU and especially Germany face
    outstanding border management conditions
    Some important figures regarding the challenges we are facing

     Cap Airways                                              Cap Airways                             Cap Airways                                    Cap Airways

    +7%                                                       2,8Mio                                     40K                                        36%
                          FRA                                               FRA                                       FRA                                                 FRA

         air                                                      air                                                                                Increase in
                                                                                                      border police
     passengers                                               passengers                                                                              additional
                                 Cap Airways                                      Cap Airways          officers in          Cap Airways
     within the                                               within the                                                                              EU traffic
       EU p.a.                                                  EU p.d.                                                                                 p. a.

                                  +12                                                14                                       25K
                                                    FRA                                         FRA                                        FRA

                                 affected IT                                      digitalized                                potential
                                 systems in                                       airports in                               offenders in
                                  Germany                                          Germany                                   Germany


EPC 2019 | Kai Hartmann | Border Management | February 2019                                                                                Capgemini 2019. All rights reserved |   3
Smart Borders Kai Hartmann - Impulses for a successful and collaborative implementation - European Police Congress
Only together we can succeed

    We need an effective collaboration of all relevant parties

        Coordinated and structured use of every
                                                                             Impulses for a Multi-Agency-Approach
           authority's strengths and abilities

              National core-team                                        Development and implementation of a shared vision of
                                                                        tomorrows border control

                                                                        Coordinated and methodologically well-based project
                                                                        planning by using pre-studies
               BPOL                    BVA

                                                              eu-LISA   Effective, lean communication tools and decision-making

       ITZBund                              BKA
                                                               LPOL     Jointly defined and workable processes from the request
                                                                        to the release

                                                                        Joint monitoring of changes for all relevant actors

EPC 2019 | Kai Hartmann | Border Management | February 2019                                                      Capgemini 2019. All rights reserved |   4
Smart Borders Kai Hartmann - Impulses for a successful and collaborative implementation - European Police Congress
We need a comprehensive expertise

    Challenging new subjects have to be mastered

                                                      Architecture                Change                      Technological                      Innovation
             of large-scale
                                                      management                  management                  capabilities                       skills

   ▪   Establishing a multi-                ▪   Evaluation of the         ▪   Generating an overall   ▪   Extensive software        ▪     Instruments for
       agency-organization                      actual architecture           sensibility for the         development skills              enabling the analysis
       capable of taking                        facilitating decision-        discipline                  for relevant                    and adaption of
       action                                   making                    ▪   Targeted analysis and       technologies                    innovations such as AI
                                                                                                                                          and IoT
   ▪   Clear and resilient                  ▪   Efficient and practice-       conception of the       ▪   Use of agile and
       management of the                        oriented conception           need for change and         hybrid methods of         ▪     Analysis and
       project scope                            of a desired                  of suitable measures        delivery                        evaluation of
                                                architecture and                                                                          appropriate
   ▪   Drawing up and                                                     ▪   Comprehensive           ▪   Effective and seamless
                                                agreement on its                                                                          optimization
       coordination of a                                                      information and             processing from the
                                                implementation                                                                            measures
       realistic and joint                                                    communication with          request to the roll-out
       plan                                 ▪   Definition of and             all stakeholders,                                     ▪     Securing of a future-
                                                agreement on                  including the                                               oriented and
   ▪   Establishing an
                                                guidelines for the            passengers                                                  sustainable solution
       effective risk
       anticipation                             joint transition

EPC 2019 | Kai Hartmann | Border Management | February 2019                                                                             Capgemini 2019. All rights reserved |   5
Smart Borders Kai Hartmann - Impulses for a successful and collaborative implementation - European Police Congress
Core elements of border management are
    undergoing fundamental changes
    Awareness, commitment and qualification have to be generated

            5+                       80Mio                    1,5Bn            220Mio                   40k                    7+                        16
         european                   Citizens GER              passengers         passengers           federal police       participating          involved polices
        institutions                                            EU p.a.           GER p.a.               officers          agencies GER                 GER

          Confidence                                 Network                  Prototyping                  Collaboration                   Target image
      Have confidence in the                      Make use of the              Develop quickly              Include the target         Create and spread an
        potential of others,                   collective knowledge,         comprehensible and               groups in the               inspiring vision
      strengthen and enable                   the ideas and energy of      applicable solutions and      development process of       providing orientation to
          employees and                       the community in order            optimize them              solutions in order to        employees from all
     executives by increasing                  to promote change in        continuously by making        collaboratively gain the           levels of the
      resources and creating                  the whole organization.       data-based decisions.        greatest benefit for the     organization during the
          more room for                                                                                        organization.                 transition.

                        Principles of an effective and practice-oriented change management

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Smart Borders Kai Hartmann - Impulses for a successful and collaborative implementation - European Police Congress
Dynamic-resilient mechanisms create
    security in decision-making and taking action
    Major projects can be successful despite complex operating conditions
           Organization           ▪ Radically reducing the decision-making and
                                    coordination levels to a minimum
                                  ▪ Agreement on clear rules of cooperation
                                  ▪ Mobilisation of cross-cutting issues and distribution
                                    of specialist responsibilty
                                  ▪ Focussed separation from delegatable tasks

            Processes             ▪ Brief description of EVERY active process
                                  ▪ Assignment of ONE person responsible per process
                                  ▪ Frequent audits and cancellation of non-necessary
                                  ▪ Operability and lightweight are decisive,
                                    incompleteness is acceptable
                                  ▪ Consistent application of digitalisation on a daily basis

              Results             ▪ Continuous expectation management with producers
                                    and users
                                  ▪ Short supply periods and maximum functionality
                                  ▪ Low hurdles for the adjustment of delivery items
                                  ▪ Intelligent combination of services and trades for
                                    risk distribution

EPC 2019 | Kai Hartmann | Border Management | February 2019                                     Capgemini 2019. All rights reserved |   7
There is no “one fits all” solution, but a
    recommendation for a resilient roadmap
    Adjustments and instruments for a successful implementation

         Productive use of dualisms                                                                  Linking planning with educational components

     Management                                  Control                    20xx                                     20xx                                    20xx                                 20xx                                20xx

     Manage projects                   Direct corporate                                                       Steering committee and escalation mechanisms
                                                                                                   Management of large-scale projects| joint PMO | joint change management

     Strategy                                         Plan                    Technical extensions                    Scope of requirements finalised

                                                                                           Affiliation of further airlines                      Technical implementation finalised          Ongoing implementation
     Live by principles              Comply with rules
                                                                        Strategy              Approach defined

     Centre                                   Periphery                                            Specification                        Requirements defined

                                                                                                                       Implementation & Testing                                      Go-Live complete
     Demand stability                  Enable flexibility

                                                                                    Approach defined

                                                                                                                                Specification                                         Requirements defined
     Core                                    Marginal                                                                                               Implementation & Testing                                               Go-Live complete
     competencies                        competencies
     Staff and expand                        Buy-in and                     Legislation                 Legal bases finalised

     internally                      delegate externally                                                                         Specification                                       Update requests made

                                                                                                                                                     Implementation & Testing                                         Go-Live Upgrade complete

     Dynamic                                     Routine                   Schengen              European             Common Identity           European Search      European Criminal      Biometric Matching    Multiple Identity

                                                                      Information System        Dactyloscopy            Repository                   Portal               Records                Service             Detector
     Guide values and             Administer methods
                                                                        Lessons Learned                            Testing Reorganization                   External quality control                 Stakeholder re-assessment
     ideas                                  and rules

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We will be glad to help you with the
    successful implementation of your projects
    Get into contact with our team of experts

     Dr. Markus Hellenthal                   Georgios Pakos              Jan Christian Selke           Cornelius Kopke
     Managing Director                       Division Manager            Technical Account Manager –   Senior Cyber Security
     Public Sector                           Defense & Security          Defense & Security            Consultant
                                                                         Office Hamburg                Public Security
     Office Köln                             Office Berlin
                                                                         +49 151 40 25 1720            Office Hamburg
     +49 172 82 83 522                       +49 151 4025 1116                                         +49 151 11 37 4636

     Martin Karkour                          Kai Hartmann                Anna Moreno                   Julia Goldberg
     Senior Manager                          Digital Account Manager –   Expert Smart Borders          Expert Change Management
     Capgemini Invent                        Public Security             Office Düsseldorf             Office Berlin
     Office München                          Office Frankfurt            +49 151 1137 4265             +49 151 1137 4516
     +49 151 4025 0786                       +49 151 4025 2876

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                                                                                    revenues of EUR 12.8 billion.

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People matter, results count.                                             

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